HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.13 Personnel System Rev AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 21, 2005 CITY CLERK File # D~[gJ[(2]-r¥1[Q] 72..0-&0 SUBJECT: Revisions to the Personnel System Report Prepared by: Julie Carter, Assistant to the City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Amending the Personnel System Rules 2. Resolution Amending the Benefit Plan 3. Resolution Fixing Employer's Contribution Rate Under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act. 4. Resolution Fixing Employer's Contribution Rate Vesting Requirement For Future Retirees Under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act. RECOMMENDATION: ~1. Adopt Resolutions. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient flmds have been included in tbe City's Fiscal Year 2005- 2006 budget to cover the cost associated with funding City provided health and welfare benefits. DESCRIPTION: The Fiscal Year 2005-2006 discussions with employees' regarding wage and benefits, resulted in the City agreeing to take the necessary steps to amend its CalPERS retirement contraet to include 2.7% at 55 formula effective August 20, 2005 (see Staff Report wIder Public Hearing) and several other health and welfare benefits that are discussed in detail within this report. In consideration for the collective health and welfare enhancements, City employees agreed to pay I % of the 5% increase in CalPERS rates associated with implementing 2.7% at 55 and 1% from future salary increases as described below in this report. The agreement between the City and City employees amounts to the employees picking up 40% of the cost of the 2.7% at 55 retirement enhancement. The eost sharing agreement with City employees will be permanent. This Staff report identifies those proposed changes to the City's Benet1t Plan for City paid health benefit as presented by the City's Labor Negotiator (the City Manager) and agreed to by Dublin City employees. The proposed changes to the City's Benefit Plan are scheduled to be effective July I, 2005 unless otherwise noted. The Personnel System Rules The City Cowlcil has adopted rules for the administration of the City's Personnel System. Based on the market survey and on discussions with City employees, the following amendments to the Personnel System Rules are proposed (Attachment 1): COPIES TO: l~1f ITEM NO.A.1j A. RULE XIV. COMPENSA nON A NO BENEFITS Section 6. "Method of Compensation" Regular and probationary non-exempt employees, working in excess ofnorrnal 40-hour work period, shall be paid at an hourly rate of one and one-half times the regular hourly rate. Regular non-exempt and probationary non-exempt employees may choose to be compensated for overtime work through compensatory time off (comp time) at the rate of one and one-half hours eomp time per overtime hour worked instead of receiving cash payment. Comp time may be accrued up to a maximum of 80 hours for regular and probationary non-exempt employees. The City has agreed to increase the comp time bank from 24 to 80 hours. B. RULE XV. SALARY ADJUSMENTS Section 1. "Market Rate Adjustments" On July 1,2002, the City Manager adjusts all employees' salaries based upon on armual salary survey as approyed by the City Council. The increasc in an employees' individual salary range as approyed by the City Council is subjeet to a cap of 4%, which represents a 1% reduction from prior years 5% cap. Employee haye agreed to a permanent I % future salary range reduction in consideration of the City's Fiscal Year 2005-2006 health and weltàrc benefit packagc. The proposed amendments to the Personnel System Rules are shown in Attachment I; all-remaining sections of this document would remain in tact. The Benefit Plan Thc City's Personnel System Rules requires the City Council to adopt a Benefit Plan. The Benefit Plan proyides a summary ofthe City's benefit program including medical, dental, life and disability insurance, retirement, holidays, car allowance and travel expenses, and participation in deferred compensation and credit union programs. Based on the market survey and on discussions with City employees, the following amendments to the Bencfit Plan arc proposed (Attachment 2): Section 1. Eligible Employees: the amendment to Section I further defines City employees pursuant to language rccommcndcd by the City Attorney's Office. Section 2. Medical Insurance: the amendment to Section 2 increases thc City's health care premium from the current $873.50 per month to $922.19 per month. This new amount represents the currcnt Kaiser Family rate under the City's contract with CalPERS Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). The City agreed to increase the contribution to this amount effective July 1, 2005. City employees agreed that beginning with the January 2006 PEMHCA rates, a 50/50 split on future medical premiums would apply through Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Section 7. Retirement: the amendment to Section 7 changes the City's retirement formula from 2% at 55 to 2.7% at 55 on August 20, 2005. The City agreed to implement 2.7% at 55 including paying and reporting employee contribution by the contracting agency and Intcrnal Revenue Code (IRe) 414 (h) (2). The actual implementation of the CalPERS retirement enhancement requires a Public Hearing. The Staff Report located under the Public Hearing scction of the City Council's Agenda this evening provides further details of how the City will implcment the 2.7% at 55 retirement formula. City employees have agreed to cost share in the implementation of2.7% at 55 and will make a 1% direct payment to CalPERS Q.~t..\ beginning with the pay period of August 20, 2005 in addition to the future salary reduction described above. Section 9. Deferred Compensation Plan: the amendmept to Section 9 provides for the addition of other deferred compensation programs provided by the International City Management Association (ICMA). The Citv makes no contribution to these voluntarv programs. Section 11. Education Reimbursement: the amendment to Section 11 increases the amount the City will make available to qualified employees for eligible courses takcn that are job related, or are part of a job related course of study and/or degree program. City employees obtain prior authorization from the City Manager and received reimbursement only after proof of satisfactory completion of the cOUfSe(s) is undertaken with a passing grade. Currently, the City will reimburse an amount equal to 75% of the employee's tuition and/or fees that shall not exceed $1,000 per Fiscal Year; the City agreed to increase the Fiscal Year reimburscment amount to $1,400. The adjustment to this amount was supported by data collected through the City's health and welfare benefit survey process. The proposed amendments to the City's Benefit Plan are shown in Attachment 2; all-remaining sections of this document would remain in tact. Fixing EmDlover's Contribution Rate Under the Public Emplovecs' Medical and Hospital Care Act. As described abovc, the City currently contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) for the provision of health benefits as do a number of other public agencies. CalPERS allows each participating agency to designate thc amount to be contributed by the employer. The City is required by Ca1PERS to contribute the same premium amount for current (active) employees as it does for retircd employees. Presently, the City contributes $873.50 per month per employee/retire for medical insurance. Premium amounts that exceed thc City's maximum contribution are paid directly by the emp10yee/retiree. During the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 health and welfarc benefit discussions City employees agrecd to the City Council's proposal to increase the City's current health contribution of $873.50 to the Kaiser Family prcmium beginning July I, 2005 (or $922.l9/mo.) and further agreed that future premium increases beyond $922.19 per month would be split 50/50 between City employees and the City starting with the 2006 calendar year CalPERS healtll premiums; continuing this arrangement for three fiscal years (through Fiscal Year 2007-2008). It is necessary for the City to amend the City's Benefit Plan establishing the maximum medical insurance contribution at $922.19 effectivc July 1, 2005. Premium adjustments in future years will require the adoption of rcsolutions based on the 50/50 City/Employee split formula and yet to be determined monthly premIUms. Attachment 1 amends the City's Benefit Plan effective July I, 2005, to a fixed ratc of $922.19 exclusive of administrative charges, toward medical insurance. In addition to amending the City's Benefit Plan to limit the City's contribution to $922.19, it is also necessary to adopt two separate CalPERS Resolutions fixing thc employer's contribution under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). The attached resolutions (Attachment 3 and 4) increase the City's contribution from $873.50 per month to $922.19 for current (active) employees and current/future retirees. -3004 The proposed increase is effective with the July I, 2005 premium statements rrom CaIPERS. Sufficient funds will be established by the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Budget to cover City paid hcalth and welfare benefits. In summary, the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 discussions with employees' regarding wage and benefits, resulted in the City agreeing to take the necessary steps to amend its CalPERS retirement contract to include 2.7% at 55 formula effective August 20, 2005 and several other health and welfare benefits. Inconsideration for the collective health and welfare enhancements, City employees agreed to pay I % of the 5% increase in CalPERS rates associated with implementing 2.7% at 55 and 1% rrom future salary increases as described below in this report. The agreement between the City and City employees amounts to the employees picking up 40% of the cost ofthc 2.7% at 55 retirement enhancement. The cost sharing agreement with City employees will be permanent. Staff recommends that the City Council review the modifications to the City's Personnel System Rules and Benefit Plan and adopt the necessary resolutions as attached to this report. 4ðQ~ RESOLUTION NO. - 2005 I ifb (P A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AMENDING THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM RULES WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to adopt rules for the administration of the City's personncl system; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 141-90 and subsequent amendments establishing the Personnel System rules; and WHEREAS, the objective of these rules is to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and provide for an equitable system of personnel management in municipal government. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby amend the Personnel System Rules as follows: RULE XIV. COMPENSAnON ANO BENEFITS Section 6. "Method of Compensation": Regular and probationary non-exempt employees, working in excess of normal 40 hour work period, shall be paid at an hourly rate of one and one-halftimes the regular hourly rate. Regular non-exempt and probationary non-exempt employees may choose to be compensated for overtime work through compensatory time off (comp time) at the rate of one and one-half hours comp time per overtime hour worked instead of receiving cash payment. The decision to receive overtime pay or comp time credit shall be made at the end of the pay period in which the overtime is worked. Employees may not convert comp time to overtime pay except at termination of employment. Comp time may be accrued up to a maximum of 80 hours for regular and probationary non~exempt employees. If an employee has accrued any unused comp time at termination, the employee shall be paid for such unused comp time at his/her regular rate of compensation at termination. RULE XV. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Section 1. "Market Rate Adiustments ": All Market Rate Adjustments shall be based on an armual salary survcy as determined by thc City Manager and approved by the City Council. b. The Markct Rate Adjustments amount shall be established on an annual basis based on the changc in the employcc's salary range from one Fiscal Year to the next and shall not exceed 4% unless an employee's actual salary falls more than 4% below the bottom ofthe new salary range. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes contained herein shall be cffcctivc July 1,2005. G,-21-oS 4-,13 Attachment I PASSED, APPROVED ANO ADOPTED this 21" day of June, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk rJ'C(fÞ Mayor Attachment 1 81J& RESOLUTION NO. - 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AMENDING THE BENEFIT PLAN WHEREAS, the Persollilel System Rules requires the City Council to adopt a Bcncfit Plan; and WHEREAS, the Bcncfit Plan prescribes the current benefits provided to employees by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby amends Resolution 109-91 and subscqucnt amendments to include the following: Section 1. Eligible Emplovees: All benefits shall apply to full-time employees of the City of Dublin, unless otherwise stated. The benefits outlined in this plan shall not be provided to temporary, provisional or contract employees, or to individuals who provide services to the City pursuant to contract unless the contract explicitly provides for such benefits. Section 2. Medical Insurance: All City employees who are members of the Public Employees Retirement Systcm (PERS) shall be eligible to sclcct from plans administered by the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act. Beginning with the July 1,2005 premium, the City of Dublin will contribute a maximum of up to $922.19 per month premium, exclusive of administrative charges, towards medical insurance. If the cost of coverage exceeds the amount of the City contribution, the additional cost will be paid by the employee through payroll deductions or at the employee's option to the extent allowed by Section 4 of the Benefit Plan. Scction 7. Rctircmcnt: The City will provide the California Public Employees Retirement System 2.7% at age 55 (Section 21354.5 of the California Public Employees' Retirement System Plan), effective August 20, 2005 and One Year Final Compensation (Section 20042 of the California Public Employees' Retirement System plan) to all eligible employees.. The City Council shall have the authority to amend the plan to include benefit options offered by the Public Employees Retirement System. The City shall contribute to the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) on behalf of all covered emp1oyees, seven percent (7%) of the enlployees' statutory contribution required by PERS. Contributions made pursuant to this section shall be reported as "paying and reporting employee contributions by the contracting agency." Said contributions shall not bc provided to temporary, provisional, or contract employees or to individuals providing services to the City pursuant to contract unless the contract explicitly states that the City is to pay the employee's contribution rate required by PERS. City employees shall pay 1% of the employees' contribution rate effective August 20, 2005. The City shall apply the provisions of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 414 (h) (2) to the cligible payroll deductions for employee PERS contributions so long as such provision remains available to the City. Attachment 2 t.j "b (p Section 9. Deferred Compensation Plan: Participation in a variety of deferrcd compensation plans is offered. These shall be a voluntary programs and the City will not contributc any funds on behalf of an employee. Participation is currently offered in programs administered by the International City Management Association. Section 11. Education Reimbursement: Full-time and regular part-time employccs shall be eligible to participate in an education reimbursement program. The City shall only reimburse the employee for courses Wldertaken which are job related, or are part of a job related course of study and/or degree program. The employee must obtain prior authorization from the City Manager and reimbursement will only be provided upon submittal of proof of satisfactory completion of the courses Wldertaken with a passing grade when applicable. The City will reimbursc an amount equal to 75% of the employee's tuition and/or fees, (including books). For full-time employees, the amount reimbursed shall not exceed $1,400 per Fiscal Year; for employees scheduled to work between 20-39 hours per week, the amount shall be pro- rated based on regularly scheduled hours. The paymcnt of any reimbursements shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of reporting requirements established by the City Manager PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" dayofJune, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: ... City Clerk Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. - 2005 5ð'ó~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * .* FIXING THE EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT WHEREAS, Goyemment Code Section 22892(a) provides that a local agency contracting under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act shall fix the amoWlt of the employer's contribution at an amount not less than the amount required under Seetion22893(l) of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is a local agency contracting under the Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the employer's contribution for each employee or annuitant shaH be the amOlmt necessary to pay the cost of his /her enrollment, including the ellfolhnent of his/her family members, in a health benefit p1an, up to a maximum of$922.19 dollars per month plus administrative fees and Contingency Rescrvc Fund assessments. PASSED, APPROVED ANO ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Attachment 3 ~ff{)(P RESOLUTION NO. - 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * FIXING THE EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION VESTING REQUIREMENT FOR FUTURE RETIREES UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT WHEREAS, Government Code Section 22892(a) provides that a local agency contracting under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act shall fix the amount of the employer's contribution at an amount not less than the amount required under Section 2289 (1) of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is a local agency contracting under the Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the employer's contribution for each active aod retired employce first hired on or after April I, 2004 shall be the amount necessary to pay thc cost of his/her enrollment, including the enrollment of his/her family members, in a hcalth benefit plan, up to a maximum of $922_19 dol1ars per month plus administrative fees and Contingency Reserve Fund assessments. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21" dayofJune, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Attachment 4