HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 Horizon Family CITY CLERK File # DIB[CO]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20. 2005 SUBJECT: Horizon's Family Counseling Services Report Prepared by: Gary L. Thuman, Police Chief ATTACHMENTS: I. Funding request from Livermore Police Department 2. Horizon's Customer Satisfaction Surveys for FY 2003/2004 and YTD FY 2004/2005 3. Resolution approving agreement for services by Horizon's Family Counseling Services RECOMMENDATION~ Kpt the attached resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Horizon's Family Counseling Services is requesting a funding contribution of $42,000, which has been included in the proposed FY 2005/2006 budget, representing Dublin's share of families served by the program. DESCRIPTION: Horizon's Family Counseling program, part of the Livermore Police Department, has provided services to the families of at risk youth in Eastern Alameda County, including Dublin, under contract with the Alameda County Probation Department, since 1978. These services are extended to families of youth at risk of delinquency, truancy or beyond control behavior. In addition, Horizon's provides outreach and family counseling services, as well as assessment and crisis intervention. These services are coordinated with the police agencies and school districts in the Tri -Valley. Horizon's was originally established in 1972 as "Ravenswood Youth Outreach" under the City of Livermore's, City Manager's Office. Establishment was made possible through Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) funds to divert youth in the Tri- Valley from the juvenile justice system and to reduce recidivism. Horizon's Family Counseling Services was transferred to the Livermore Police Department in 1973 on the recommendation ofOCJP. With both the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton participating financially, OCJP funds made it possible to add an additional office in Dublin, and the Tri-Valley was served from three locations. With thc passage of Proposition 13, the City of Pleasant on withdrew financial support and that office was closed. The Dublin office subsequently closed when Alameda County closed the OCJP office. _.M~~·____________________________________~~P_~.~~___._~~__~~__~.____________________________________________ COPIES TO: H/cc-f(Þrm~/agdastmt.doc IC'it;r:: ITEM NO. 3. ') -~ The City ofLivemlOre continued to fund a 602 Welfare & Institutions Code Section (Minors violating laws) and delinquency prevention family counseling program, through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OCJJDP) to divert youth from the juvenile justice system and to reduce juvenile law violations in Livermore. As the final stage of the OC]JDP Project, Horizon's contracted with Alameda County to provide status offender services for the Tri-Valley area. This included the communities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, Sunol, and the unincorporated areas of eastern Alameda County. Today, Horizon's continues to offer a multitude of services for the benefit of individual families, the local police departments, public schools, and the communities served as a whole. The following are some of thc more significant services that are offered by Horizon's staff: · Case management services · Service for one-time emergencies and other services for indigent families · No family cost for the first 5 sessions · Complete mental health assessment · Services provided by licensed therapists · Crisis sessions providcd on Saturdays and holidays · Direct delivery availability for police agencies · Bi-lingual family therapist · Counseling services available Monday through Friday till 8 :00 p.m. The following is a general description of the type of service provided by Horizon's, which corresponds to the "Dublin Statistics" table which follows: In-Custody An example of an in-custody situation would be a juvenile that is an active run-away, out of control, or demonstrating other non-criminal "at risk" behavior that warranted a police response and the juvenile has been taken to Malabar Receiving Facility. Non-Custody An example of a non-custody situation would be ajuvenile that is demonstrating "at risk" behavior due to mental issues (such as depression) or negative issues within the home that the juvcnile is having difficulty in dealing with. These juveniles can be referred to Horizon's through the school, as a recommendation from law enforcement to a parent, or by the parent making initial contact with Horizon's without ever contacting law enforcement. Delinquency Prevention A juvenile who does not display normal incorrigible behavior such as being a run-away, or failing to comply with home or school rules, but is showing signs of stress or being "at risk" through othcr verbal or demonstrative behavior where it appears they may bc a danger to themselves or others. Custody Diversion An example of custody diversion would be a juvenile demonstrating "at risk" behavior that warrants a law enforcement response, that if left unattended, the incident would continue and most likely escalate - possibly to violence. Law enforcement makes immediate contact with Horizon's and takes the juvenile directly to Malabar Receiving Facility where counscling begins immediately. -- 2c.~':::> 1/1 - 4/30 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 In-Custody 10 4 12 13 6 Dublin Police Non-Custody 1 I I Probation Non-Custody 2 1 3 4 2 Dublin Poljc.e Non-Custody 1 2 4 4 I Parent In-Custody I 1 I 1 Alamcda Co. Sberiff Delinquency I 3 3 Prevention Dublin Police . Non-Custody . I 1 Pleasanton Police Non-Custody I Other Non-Custody I I Livermore Police Non-Custody 2 I School Attendance Review Board 602 W &1 I I In-Custody 1 Livermore Police Custody 2 Divcrsion Dublin Police Non-Custody 4 School TOTAL 16 17 26 31 10 Dublin Statisties Table 1 Horizon's is currently staffed by 5.75 personnel and is in the process of hiring one additional .50 counselor with supplemental grant funding. This position is a temporary part-time intern (trainee position) which is "at-will" and paid hourly. Horizon's continues to serve clients ti-om the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore, through a combination of funding from Alameda County and thc City of Livermore General Fund. The approximate cost distribution, based upon thc numbcr offamilies served in each city, is a follows: 3~~ --.....--.....- Status Offender Pr02ram (Calendar Year 2004) Table 2 PrQgram Summary Total Grant Funds Livermore General Total Program Cost Fund $169,496.50 $358,097.90 $527 ,594.40 Cost Distribution by Number of Families Percentage of Total Percentage of City Served Livermore General Fund Livermore 154 68.14% $244,008.00 Pleasanton 47 20.80% $74,484.00 Dublin 25 11.06% $39,606.00 Total Served 226 Case Mana2ement Prol!ram (Calendar Year 2004) Table 3 Program Summary Total Graot Fuods Livermore General Total Program Cost Fund $54,298.45 $31,802.00 $86,100.45 Cost Distribution by Number of Families Percentage of Total Percentage of City Served Livermore General Fund Livermore 46 68.66% $21,833.00 Pleasanton 15 22.39% $7,120.00 Dublin 6 8.96% $2,849.00 Total Served 67 Historically, the City of Livermore' s General Fund has been utilized to subsidize the Horizon's operating costs not covered by the Alameda County Probation contract. However, due to escalating costs and budgetary constraints, the City of Livcrmore can no longer fund the entire amount of supplemental costs to provide services to families in other Tri·Valley Communities. The City of Livermore is requesting remuneration for its costs incurred to provide services to both Dublin and Pleasanton. Based on referrals for FY 2003/04, from Dublin Police Services and Dublin resident self- initiated contact with Horizon's, Livermore is requesting approximately $42,000, which would provide for assessment and evaluation, family counseling, and crisis intervention. Funding for FY 2004/2005 was requested in the amount of $42,000 for Status Offcndcr and Case Management services; however, it is rccommended that remuneration commence with the FY 2005/2006 budget. Actual usage rates will be calculated at the end of FY 2004/2005 and submitted to the City of Dublin. Based on past calculations, the $42,000 is an estimate for budgeting purposes only; the actual amount for calendar year 2004 was $42,455, which has been rounded down by Staff. Aftcr the current fiscal year, the number of Dublin refcrrals would be analyzed to project the actual costs for FY 2005/06. The City of Livermore has indicated they can invoice on a calendar year basis as opposed to a fiscal year basis, if Dublin so requests. The City of Livermore has stated that should County of Alameda funding cease, the Horizon's Family Counseling Serviccs would be eliminated. Y 0f)S Horizon's will provide Dublin with a quarterly report, with continual updates from the Client Satisfaction Surveys that are sent out. Presently, the surveys are returned at a rate of approximately 20%, with 80% of respondents rating Horizon's as excellent. A summary report of Customer Satisfaction Surveys for FY 2003/2004 and YTD FY 2004/2005 are attached (Attachment 3). Additionally, the City of Livermore will provide a quarterly budget summary as well as a quarterly report documenting all relevant statistical information of program usage. Funding of this request will allow for crisis intervention services for Dublin families that lack the financial ability to pay for private treatment. Typically, cities do not provide or support social prOh'Tams; however, the services provided by Horizon's Family Counseling are, nonetheless, very beneficial to a segment of Dublin's population. Dublin Police SerVices has no immediately available statistical data that identifies the impact of Horizon's Family Counseling on the community; however, it is Police Services objective view that this type of counscling intervention has a positive effect on reducing repeat calls for service to the same family. If the City of Dublin were to decide not to contribute, services to Dublin families would cease when the percentage of County contract monies, equal to the percent of Dublin's usage, was reached. For example, during FY 2003/2004 Dublin received 11.06% ofall Status Offendcr Program service and 8.96% of all Case managenlent services. Therefore, when 11.06% and 8.96% of the respective County contract funds were expended, services to the City of Dublin would stop. Explaincd differently, County contract funds would have provided services to 13 of the 31 cases handled by Horizon's Family Counseling Services for FY 2003/2004. This rcport is presented for the City Council's information and review. Staffrecommends Council approve the attached resolution. - - I:J Dt~¡':::> ICV'3 LIVERMORE POLICE DEPARTMENT 1110 SOUTH LIVERMORE AVENUE LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550-9534 EM'''''IMC\'' ,It 1'0..,"0,1'...& Mfll:nCAI. A.....c CcHl'l(~. (923) 37 ·4U8 BOM'W 0...... R"""RrlNQ!JI1I'" PR._ (923) ,, ·4901) eu...·. n,,,,.. (925) 371 ·471 0 CIIIMIt 1'Wv1llfl1011 (92~) 371-4797 l1.uil£lOlDll" P,,,oL"REooImd (923) 371-4930 AIIMIIIIØ'I'II.<1IOH " _'II<H (923) 371-4107 H_F.MII:r eo.-r.1NO (923) 371.414' IIMma.\7ItM (!I23> 2114100 P........ ()pr;u.TUJHtI (923) 311·411~ P"'lXOI.. WA.'R'Ø CnMM4N1llœ (923) 371-4B20 P..,I"'''~ Jtgru"" (923) 311-4940 TDD (.2 ) m-4.B2 9 d February 2. 2005 Chief Gary T1uuwtn Dublin Police Services Dublin, CA Dear ChicfThuman: This letter will serve CIII the City of Livermore's official ",quest for reimbursement of~ Fund dollns, c:xpcnded through Horlml's Family Counseling, to support servicl!s that are provided tD Dublin residents. In IIddition to the diacussiOllll that have occmred at our levelllld among staff. we pœvioualy supplied information tç1atin¡ tht history of Horizon 'Ii, services supplied, fisœl dIItllllIlll custom« s,tisfa¢tjO!3.. Horizon's is presently funded by both grant monies fi:om the County lIS well CIII Livermore General Fund dollars. The City of LiVl!l1nO.re bas belm lUbsidizins tha cost of this program that provides service to Dublin IIld Pleasanton residents all MlI all Li.vmmoro fat many years. Qiven the fisœ.1 sconarÎOi we ¡¡re preseuted with. and thoso of the futurO, the City of Li~ is no lOIlier in II position to do so. Dublin utilizes both the Status Offender P~gram and Case Management services. In the last fisœ.1 yw'. Dublin œsidents account for 11.06% ofthc ovCtel1 Status 0ffen4er services and 8.96% of the ovenûl Case ~ iIOlVices. These perocntagcs appear to be œlativo1y stable in the preceding yelll's. In the fiscal information provided, we used those figures apinst the general funds expended to IIIrlve at thð lUllount of dollar RUpport pœscntly provided. Thls would acçOIW ror $39,606 of Status 0fIbnder services III1d $2,849 for Case Mana¡ement OJ: , an annual basis of Livermore General Fund Doll.m. We would propose that the reimburmnrmt bl!gin with services provided durin¡ and COD.tinue Into the next fiscal yelll'. ThI5 detai1s of accounting and payment frequency could be determined by staff. I wou1d emphasize that the amount owed would be direc1Jy nslatcd to the number of Dublin residents served, and limitlld to only those dollars subsidized by the Livermoœ Genom!. Fund. "I."dm I" J..¡¡w~", Tkrø",A Commuftlly Pø,mmhlpI" /0-20-05 3,;1, LEt 'ON lN3~1!~d3a 30I10d 3~O~!3^ll Attachment I ... . . ~ 2- ()b <ß Thank y01.l. Should you nood fwther mfonnation plellSe do not hesitate to ooDtiwt me at 925·371-4710. BinOCrCly. t''¡.._. \) ,., () ~,~ ~ Steve Ktull Chief of Police ['d LEE 'ON IN3~1~Vd30 3~llOd 3~O~~3^ll ~m:ol SOOl 'Ol 'W · . '--' II 'd 3C:bS RESULTS OF CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEYS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 FAMIL Y COUNSIlUNG SURVEYS RETURN RATE - 20% surveys rsturned baok to Horizons (See attached surveys for last two quarters, Surveys for first and seoond quarters wers submitted In ths Ilrst accountability report) OUTCOME 88"10 reported severity 01 thl) matter deoreesed or acme 80 1 W, & I. behaviors Improl/ad 12% reported the severity of the matter stayed the same or no change In eo, w. & I, behavior CUSTOMER SeRVICE OVERView 80% reported very s8~¡¡fI&d with customer service 13% reported satisfied with OUMOmer service 70/0 reported neutral with oustomer eelVlee CONSIDER USING HORIZONS AGAIN 87% reported that they would UM Horizons again 13% reported that they would not use Horl2l0ns again SCHOOL. COUNSSLING SURVEYS RETURN RATE - 100% (See attached sUl'Vflye for last two quarters.) 78% reported the matter daereased after reoelvlng eervlces 22% reported the mattsr did not decrease or stayed the same CUSTOMER SERVICE 66% reported a "10" in the quality of servioe on a '·10 scale 27% reported a "9" in ths Quality of service on a , -, 0 ecale 4% reported an "8" In the quality 01 8ervloa on a 1"'0 scale 4% reported II '7" In the quality 01 service on a 1-1 0 scale 100% felt th", eervlaü were beneficial CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RETURN RATE - 27% surveys retumed to Horizone (See attached.) OUTCOME 83% reported II "10" on a scale Irom ,., 0 thlll needs were mel 9% reported II "9" on a 8cale1rom , -, 0 that needs were met 8% reported a "5" on 11 scale from '-10 thai needs were met Attachment 2 m 'ON lN3~1~~d30 3J]lOd 3~O~~3^ll " L-\ Db ß RESULTS OF CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEYS FOR THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2004-2006 EAIJ1JJr '( COUNSeUNG SURVEYS RETURN RATE -22% surveys returned baokto Horizons· OUTCOME 86% reported severity of the matter decreased or 601 behaviors improved or somewhat better 7% reported the severity of the matter stayed the .ame 7% reported the severity of the matter was worse after receiving counseling CUSTOMER SERVICE OVERVIEW 93% reported very ,atlsfled with customer lervlce 7% reported satisfied with cuatomer service CONSIDER USING HORIZONS AGAIN 100% reported that they WDuld use Horizons again SCHOOL COUNSEUNG SURVE~ RETURN RATE -100% OUTCOME 85% reported a deorease In the severity of the Issues 15% reported the severity of the leeue was the same CUSTOMER SERVICE 46% reported a "10" In the quality of service on a 1·10 acale 35% reported a "9" In the qU1l11ty of seNlce on a 1-10 scale 15% reported a "8" In the quality of tervlce on a 1-10 scale 2% reported a "7" In the quality of service on a 1-10 scale 2% reported a "5" In the quality of service on a 1-10 Icale 90% felt the aervlces were beneficial M RETURN RATE· 28% OUTCOME 50% reported a "8" on a 1-10 lIoale thstthelr needs were met 50% reported a "7' on a 1-10 lcale thst their needs were met CUSTOMER SERVICE 100% reported satisfied with overall cu.tamer Bèrvice Ol'd LWON lN3~1!~d3G 33I10d 3~O~!3^Il ~~so:o~ mZ'OL'~d~ - '" ::;¡ ry.f.:. . ~ \\()~~Ø ~~ ,.~ 'I;.~~~ ~ v..tC Recently you utilized Horizons Family Counseling. Please help lie with eome feedback on our urvices that you received and return thl. tonn in the envelope provided. Your response Will be hald In striatest oonfldlloc:a. PINse call l;Iorizons 11 (925) 371-4747,11 you halla aoy concerha ot qiI8&\ions. Thank you In advance tor your etlentlon In this mllttar. CLIENT sATISFACTION SURVEY HORIZONS FAMIL Y OOUNSl:L,ING PROBLBM SOLVINQ OVI!RVtl!W Þlease circle the number that best describes the ohenge you noticed 118 II rnult at the servlo"e you have røoelv9d. Oheck only what applies. Somewhat NO Wo",. Chanoe 2 S 2 3 2 3 2 3 o Runaway OCUrf&W (J Truanoy o School Behavior (J Beyond pontro/ ra'other: 1 2 3 t . ,f: Ii .... fF \rV' ."....11 J6.<~..J, f)( (I~ çç ~ "--' .' . , , ". 00 a lloals 011 to 10; How would you measure the '.verity Of your matter before vlslUng . Horizorœ? Mild 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 SomewMt am1iI: 4 4 4 4 .IàIIit 5 15 5 15 1 2 s 4 5 Q 6 2 £>9 1 0 Severe 3 4 5 6 7 00 II scale 011 to 10: How would you measure the lIeverlty 01 your matter alter visiting Horfzona Family Counseling? Mild 1 2 6' (!J 7 10 Ssv¡re 3 4 8 9 seRVICE OVERVIEW Ra~ng syottm: Vt"l0.tloflod .., S.j ¡j ¡d .. 4 N._ . II OIHOllllltd . eVery dlntlllf ed .1 .1 received prompt and oourteous attention at Horfmne: How many Horizons'slIsslons did you receive? I would cooslder using HOrizons again (5) 4 ,3 Jf:)+ €)-----rni" 2 1 ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: .:':; ." NAME; (OPTiONAL) ,.".,. -~.' ---. ,. ".... II k; 8 'd m'ON , lN3~1~~d3a 3JI10d 3~O~~3^Il ~~50:0 l SOO~ ·O~ '~d~ . , ". lc Db~' . " CLIENT S/J.nSFACTlON SURVEY , ' ! ~ &i 'HORIZONS FAMIL Y COUNSËLlNG § tIS,; g:c;IJ RsosnUy YOU utilized Horizons Family Couneellng. PleBfe help us with some feedbaok on!£ ; our services that you received and return this form In t~e envelope provided. Your response ~ will be held In strlct.t confidence. Pleaee 0611 Horizons at (925)37104747, If you have any . concerns or questions. Thank you In advanoe lor your attention In this matter. PROBLEM SOLVING OVERVfBW I ¡ RunawllY Curfew . Truanoy )!g School , Behavior 1SJ S.yond 1 2 3 4 0 Control ::5/ ~ 1 2fu~ 8 4 .9 ' S~ re " 5he..~Ø'r (.,A.rd-ev-- o~ :¡; ce;u"td \.:IOi ~ he..r" o. S \~ fW [ On a 80a18 of 1 to 10: How WOUld you meaaul'l the 8everity of your maÌtßbefore v ling lU- 1ft¡ , Horizons?" . Mild 1 23,45676 9@vere On a scals of 1 to 10: How would you mHau re the uverlty of your mailer after visiting Horizons Family Counullng? Please oiroie the number that belt daaoribee the change you notioed aa a /'Hult 01 the 8erv10811 you have rsoe1ved. Chack only what appllee. SomllWhat NO ~ Chance 2 3 2 :3 2 :3 2 3 W2rIi. 1 1 1 1 SOmewhat B.tter 4 4 4 4 §dm Mild 1 2. 3 4 5 6 o 8 e 1 0 Severe SERVICE OVElRVIEW , RaUna 8yatom; VOl'{ .all&tlad . ð eat1lfltd . 4 Neutral. 3 DIIa.1i&fl.d .2 V8f' dl.dtlollod ~ 1 , I received prompt and courteous attention at Horizons: Q 4 3 2 1 How many Horizons seulgns did YOU reGelve? C\ :.J[J. I wøUld oonslder Using Horizons again ~ '. no ANY ADDmONAL COMMENTS; ., . ,I, ~ J.' .. . I, " . I .. NAME: (OP1'10NAL)..J:,. doiJ'"í" 1h~(\\(.. -\'h6'"en~.~ rY\l.Lci-¡ lI'?Dnrl, I ,. '''. ~'20y)' Cou.1.&.. do. m'{ ~h.. -er Cl'u-¡ ho.,c:t her rn~ n.d. rYlMie ¥.. -óhe. h1.+eQ , C!øLq.1t5elr r , ,',' , " , ',' ,I" :. >.l.,:. ."' , , ~W~O:Ol ~OO¡ 'O¡ '~d~ "~.'I.", 'k:~.~.. '.":""·'1 ¡~'t~ .". '../..,....., :'ti!", _ .'1', . ...~\¡" 6'd m 'ON ït::oi RESOLUTION NO. - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN iI.*iI...... APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND CITY OF UVERMORE FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY HORIZONS FAMILY COUNSELING WHEREAS, Horizon's Family Counseling has provided services to the families of at risk youth in Eastern Alameda County, including Dublin, since 1978; and WHEREAS, services are extended to families of youth at risk of delinquency, truancy or beyond control behavior; and WHEREAS, those services include outreach and family counseling services, assessment, and CriSIS intervention; and WHEREAS, due to escalating costs and budgetary constraints, the City of Livermore has requested that the City of Dublin provide financial support, in the amount of $42,000 for Fiscal Year 2005-2006, an amount representative of the percentage offamilies receiving services through Horizons Family Counseling; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin recognizes that these services provide a positive benctít for the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin wishes to continue to provide crisis intervention services to those Dublin families that lack the financial ability to pay for private treatment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the agreement by and between the City of Dublin and the City of Livermore for services provided by Horizon Family Counseling as described in Exhibit I attached hcrcto and by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Dublin. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20,h day of .June, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT, ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~_.~_"w.'~"~_~.~~~, Attachment 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND ß0Òß CITY OF LIVERMORE THIS AGREEMENT, dated for identification this 20th day of June 2005, is entered into between the City of Dublin ("City") and the City of Livermore. RECITALS A. The City of Livcrmore has asked City to contribute $42,000 to provide scrviccs by Horizon's Family Counseling Program for residents of City. The serviccs rcndcrcd pursuant to this agrccmcnt will be for the period July 1,2005 through June 30, 2006. B. City has determined that it is in the interest ofthc rcsidents of the City of Dublin to make payment of $42,000 tor such purpose, ofproviding scrviccs as stated in Master Contract numbcr C-95-81, Comprehensive Youth Services Act (CYSA), bctwccn thc City of Livermore and thc Alamcda County Probation Department. AGREEMENT City and the City of Livermore agree as follows: I. Recitals The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are part of this agrcement. 2. City Remuneration City shall remuncratc $42,000 to thc City of Livermore to be used for services providcd by the Horizon's Family Counseling Program to City. Payment shall be made upon invoice to the City by June 30, 2006 3. Records City of Livermore shall maintain records for program review, evaluation, audit and/or other purposes and make them available to City upon requcst. 4. Periodic RCDorts Upon rcquest by City, City of Livermore shall provide a quartcrly budget summary; quarterly statistical information of program usage; and, Clicnt Satisfaction Surveys. CITY OF DUBLIN Datcd: By: _ Richard C. Ambrose, City Managcr Dated: By: Title: F:\Community Gronp Contract Form.doc Exhibit I