HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 G&O 2005-2006 CITY CLERK File # D[i][Q[Q]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2005 SUBJECT: Adoption of Final 2005"2006 Goals & Objectives Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose. City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Report on the proposed Carry-Over 2004-2005 Goals & Objectives. Preliminarily Adopted Fiscal Ycar 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives (included in thc Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan, which is provided under separate cover). Preliminarily Adopted lO-Year Stratcgic Plan (indudcd in the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan, which is provided under separate cover). 2. 3. RECOMMENDATION~ Approve those Goals and Objectives that are to be carried over from Fiscal Year 2004-2005 to Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives; and adopt the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives and to-Year Strategic Plan, as amended_ )<'INANCIAL ST A TEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On April 4, 2005, the City Council preliminarily adopted the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives and the 1 0- Year Strategic Plan. The Goals & Objectives and 10- Year Strategic Plan have been ineluded in the Preliminary Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Budget for final adoption by the City Council. Those objectives listed as high priority are recommended for funding in the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Budget. Also included in the Budget is the final report as of May 31, 2005 for the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Goals & Objectives. As of that date, a total of 40 of 114 objectives (35%) have been completed or are nearly complete. With respect to high priority objectives, a total of 34 out of 87 (39%) have been completed or are nearly complete_ There have been II major additional assignments since July I, 2004, of which 6 (55%) have been completed or are nearly complete. -------------------------------_.-----------------------------~~------------------~-----------------~-------- COPIES TO: HIcc~forms/i:tgdastrn t.doe \Dò"2... ITEM NO. 3. ( The 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives include those Fiscal Year 2004-2005 objectives that Staff anticipated would not be completed by June 30, 2005. Those objectives that were expected to be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005 were not includcd in the 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives program. Attachment I identifies those objectives that Staff originally estimated would be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005, but are now expected to be completed after June 30, 2005. Funding for thesc objectives has been included in thc Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan. In order to properly track thc progress of these objectives, it is appropriate for the City Council to eonsidcr adding these objectives to the 2005-2006 Goals & Objeetivcs program. The 2004-2005 Council priorities for thcse objcctives will bc earricd over to the 2005-2006 Goals and Objectives program unless directed otherwise by the City Council. These carry-over objectives will also bc added to pertinent section(s) of the Strategic Plan. Recommended placement of carry-overs in the Strategic Plan is shown on Attaehmcnt I. RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends that the City Council approve those Goals & Objcctives that are to be earned over tèom Fiscal Year 2004-2005 to the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives and to- Year Strategic Plan, and Adopt the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives and 10- Y ear Strategic Plan. as amended. H:\BudgelV\genda Slaleme:mt!i\a~-fínal adupt G&O.doc 2..ðtJ'- · . , I cÆ- 2- The following list represents those objectives that Staff originally anticipated would be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005, and consequently were not included in the 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives Progran1. These objeetivcs arc now expected to be completed after June 30, 2005. Report on the Proposed Carry-Over 2004-2005 Goals & Objectives I. GENERAl, GOVERNMENT B. FINANCE: To effectively manage the City's financial resources, maximize revenue., controlexpeuditures and develop an adequate information re ortine svstem. STRAT COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED START/ STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS Dept. High 2002 Update study for fees and Aug 2004/ UNDERWAY: Study in Goal inùirect charges for Aug 2005 progress; draft report will be development services (ex: completed by consultant in evaluate city's overhead rate 612005; preliminary update to charged on development Council in 7/2005; fmal projects) and on impact fees. adoption anticipated for 0812005. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT B. HOUSING: To work toward STRAT COUNCIL YEAR GOAL PRIORITY hou.in 0 ortunitie. for all income level. ofthe communi . PROPOSED OßJECTIVE ESTIMATED START/ STATUS FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS Develop a 5-Ycar AHordable Housing Program. Apr 2004/TBD UNDERWAY; Draft in revision; Delayed d<le to BMR work on To11 project and other riorities. 5C High 2002 F.. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: To a.certain & fulfill the economic needs of the City by attracting desired commercial, industrial & residential development while offerin" Citv sunoort to existin.. businesses. STRAT COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED START/ STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS 2A High 2002 Develop economic incentive July 2003/ UNDERWAY; City Council 2B strategy for Central Business July 2005 provided Staff direction at District. Nov 2004 meeting to investigatc commercial rehabilitation loan programs- program to be considered on July 2005. TŒM 3,\ LD-W-OS' ATTACHMENT 1 2~"'Z.. IT CUL TtJRE & LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES: To enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing recreational and other special interest programs; improve the utilization of existing recreation facilities; and plan and develop new recreation facilities and opportunities. STRAT COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED START/ STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS 6ß High 2004 Conduct a programming Sept 2004/ UNDERWAY; Anticipated study to explore trends/local July 2005 completion July 2005. market opportunities and dctcrmine the community's preferred components [or a new recreation/aquatic complex. 6B High 2004 Based on the results of the Sept 2004/ UNDERWAY; To be doncin programming study, conduct July 2005 conj unction with a financial ana1ysis to programming study. detennine the estimated construction and operational costs of a new rccrcation/aQliatic complex. 8. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS: To preserve the cultural heritage of the community; euhance the quality of life for all residents by providing cn!tnraland historical nro"rams' enrich the commnnilv thron"h the nlacement of nublic art. STRAT COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVR ESTIMATED START/ STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS Dept High 2001 Develop a Public Art Master Jilll 2003/ UNDERWAY; Draft report Goal Plan. Aug 2005 under review by Staff Dcpt 2004 Work with {J1ferts on the Oct 2004/ tJNDER WAY; Mecting held Goal installation of public art as a Aug 2005 to discuss possible locations condition of project and artists; Artist submittal approval. May 2005; Artwork to Council Aug 2005. IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE STRAT COUNCIL GOAL PRIORITY YEAR PROPOSED OB.JECTlVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS Develop a teen driver safety/education program. ESTIMATED START! COMPLETION STATUS Dept High Goal 2004 July 2005/ Apr 2006 NO PROGRESS; Funding will be available for FY 2005/06 through the Community Collcgc District to subsidize ro am. 0:\0&0\2005.06 G&O\Dudget Mtg\040S GO~canyovcr.doc