HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.08 FinancialReportMarch CITY CLERK File # Df61[3][Q]-0J[QL AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 3,2005 SUBJECT: Financial Reports for thc Month of March 2005 Report Prepared by: Carole A. Perry, Administrative Services Director and Fred W Marsh, Finance Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. YTD Revenues and Budgct Comparison 2. YTD Expenscs and Budget Comparison 3. Financial Statements for March 2005 RECOMMENDATIO~ ~ Receive the rep0l1s. FINANCIAL STA TEMRNT: See rcports for dctail of monthly financial activity. DESCRIPTION: This item provides the repoT! on the preliminary financial statements for the month of March 2005. Consistent with prior reports, thc focus will be on General Fund Revenues and Expcnditurcs, which represcnt thc most significant portion of the City's operations. Note that the City's revised budget has now accounted for all items affecting the City as part ofthe State's adoptcd budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Analvsis of March 2005 Revenue and Expenditure Reports Thc March reports represent the reporting of revenues and expenditurcs for the ninc months of the Fiscal Year, thwugh March 31, 2005. It should also be notcd that there is not an even distribution of revenucs and expenditures on a monthly basis. There is also a lag with the reporting of cxpcnditures due to the significant anlOunt of services provided to the City by independent contractors, including Police and Fire Services. General Fund Revenues Total Gcncral Fund Revcnucs collected through March are comparable to what occurred in the ninth month of the previous Fiscal Year. Through March 2005, the City had collected approximately 71 % of the total budgeted General Fund Revenues, which was 4% more than the percentage collectcd in thc prior Fiscal Year. A brief description is provided below to explain any material rcvenue variations. Real property transfer taxes are higher than in the same period of the prior year due to timing differences in the collection of these taxes and two large transfers of properties by rcsidential and commercial developers that occurred in previous months. Transient Occupancy Taxes are higher than in the same period of the prior year dne to highcr occupancy rates and room rates at some of the City's hotcls. Licenses and Pemlits are higher than in the same period of the prior year due to an increase in the valuation of building permits on new residential and commercial projects. Interest and Rentals received to date (in dollars) are higher than the prior year due to an increase in the rate of return on the City's investments. Tnitially al1 interest revenuc is recorded in the General Fund and is then allocated quarterly to other funds on a pro rata basis. ________~~____~_.W~__~_M~__~______ø~.~._______________-_____________________._~______..______________________ COPIES TO: .oocument in FSCOLOR OJ-2005.XI..S \5bL.. ITEM NO. 4.8 tI Tntergovernmental revcnuc, as a Dercent of the budget, is higher than in the prior year. However, the actual revenue dollars are lower than in the samc period of the prior year due to the cuts to the VLF allocati\m that were implemcnted by the State, as part ofthe approved Statc Budget for Fiscal Year 2004- 2005. Since these changes were anticipated by Staff, thcy were included as part of the City's adopted budget plan. Charges for Serviccs arc higher than in the same period of the previous year due to additiona1 zoning and subdivision fees and plan check and inspection fees received due to new developmcnt. Fines and Forfeitures are highcr than in the same period of the previous year due to higher collections of parking and court fines. Other revenues are higher than in the same period of the prior year due to developcr reimbursements received for the costs of maintaining new storm drains and reimburscments received from the City of Pleasant on for the design of improvements to the Fallon Road Interchange. General Fund Rxpenditures Overall, through the month of Mareh, cxpenditures in the General Fund totaled about $24.5 million and represented approximately 54% of the total budgeted expenditures in the Gcneral Fund. Of this amount, a total of approximately $2.8 million was related to Capital Tmprovcment Projects and the remainder was related to Operating Costs reported in the Gencral Fund. Capital Project expenditures typically do not follow an even distribution due to differences in project timing. In looking only at General Fund Operating Expenditures, the activity through March 2005 was similar to the amounts expended for the same period in the prior Fiscal Year. Through the end of March 2005, the City had expended 56% of the Gcueral Fund Operating Budget, which was 2% more than the amount expended in the prior Fiscal Year. Police is lower (as a percentage) than in the same period of the prior year due to lower than expectcd vehicle operating costs. Fire is higher than in the samc pcriod of the prior year due to timing differences in payment for contract fire services (two quarters paid thus far this fiscal year, as opposed to only one quarterly payment at this same time last year) and higher than anticipated overtime costs incurred for contract fire personnel (primarily due to the training of new personnel and costs incurred to maintain daily staffing requirements, as a result of recent retirements). Other Public Safety is lower than in the samc period of the prior year due to timing differences in thc paymcnt for Animal Control expenditurcs. Health and Welfare is higher than in the same period ofthe prior year duc to expenditures incurred for the evaluation of contractor proposals submitted for waste management services. Capital Improvement Project expenditures are highcr than in the same period of the previous ycar due to expenditures incurred on the construction of the new senior center. An expenditures arc within the authorized budget. It is recommended that the City Council reccivc these reports as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code. 20f2 ... ·-..-----..-...-.....--....-.-..-...". ..---------..-....-..-.....- 1001'-\ City of Dublin 2004-2005 YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending March 31,2005 Total Gcneral Fund Revenues Property Taxes Sales Taxes Real Property Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Taxes Franchise Taxes Licenses and Permits Interest and Rentals Intergovernmental from State Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Other Revenues 0% 30% 60% 90% 105 0 . FY 2004/051..... II FY 2003/g_~J 75% of Year Complete 10 % 127% 7% 120% 150%, FY 2004/05 FY 2004/05 %of FY 2003/04 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2003/04 Property Taxes 13,661,980 9,230,818 68% 7,722,089 68% Sales Taxes 13,613,216 9,628,730 71% 9,588,981 69% Real Property Transfer Tax 520,000 544,797 105% 366,842 64% Transient Occupancy Taxes 610,000 421,292 69% 424,821 64% Franchise Taxes 1,536,000 677,657 44% 641,987 43% Licenses and Permits 2,723,912 2,942,546 108% 2,334,848 76% Interest and Rentals 1,538,090 817,021 53% 789,952 127% Intergovernmental 449,100 386,572 82% 1,113,699 61% Charges for Services 5,177,916 3,602,303 70% 3,038,510 63% Fines and Forfeitures 112,900 98,731 87% 78,079 67% Other Revenues 952,837 579,479 61% 137,268 16% Total General Fund Revenues 40,895,951 28,909,946 71% 26,237,076 67% 5/~/os 4,C¿ D"!II Prir,wd. 4r.!SnOOS4.( ' PM ATTACHMENT 1 ---------.---.-.... ......u".....u____n. 3q,J.ct City of Dublin 2004-2005 YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending March 31, 2005 Total General Fund Expenses General Government Pollee Otber Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Community Services Community Development l Capitallmprov. Projects Fire 52% , , . FY 20Ö4/051 .. FY 2003/0iJ 92° 0% 100% 120% 20% 40% 60% 80% 75% of Year Complete 2004/05 2004/05 %of FY 2003/04 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2003/04 General Government 4,964,972 3,140,345 63% 3,095,300 67% Pollee 9,883,259 4,547,488 46% 4,435,249 52% Fire 8,156,645 4,260,278 52% 2,259,585 30% other Public Safety 421,298 132,274 31% 134,190 39% Transportation 1,690,651 1,024,339 61% 955,753 62% Health and Welfare 88,125 . 81,395 92% 36,393 44% Culture and Community Services 5,871,806 3,510,777 60% 3,217,245 63% Community Development 7,807,374 4,974,806 64% 4,172,802 66% Capital Improvement Projects 6,709,036 2,803,943 42% 1,864,434 40% Total General Fund Expenses 45,593,166 .. 24,475,645 54% 20,170,951 52% General Fund Operating Expenses 38,884,130 21,671,702 56% 18,306,517 54% . $10.000 bl.ldgol (¡h;:lr'lg(!lappro\led, but not posted as of Mardi 31, 200!;i, n Total aUdgetss of Mardi 31,2005 (in ACS) i$ $45.583,166. DOI>jp Pr~od: 0fl('.I~ ~:~2 PM ATTACHMENT 2 Sð:b\4 CITY OF DUBLIN'S PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2005 Prepared by The Finance Department April 11, 2005 ATTACHMENT 3 L.\ ~ \Û¡, C!TV OF DUBL! N BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31Mar2005 GENERAL SPECIAL SPECIAL CAPITAL TRUST/ TOT A L S REVENUE REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY ---MEMORANDUM ONLY--- FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNOS FUNO CURRENT PR lOR ASSETS CASH (50.856.901) 5.351. 956 573.203 37,897,547 98.239 (6.935.957) (19.911.928) CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 172.779 172 .779 172.779 AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW INVESTMENrS AT COsr 102.707.874 102.707.874 95.976.511 RECEIVA8LES, TAXES ACCOUNTS 127.768 52.884 180.651 176.761 INTERESr ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS 1. 989.267 1. 989.267 308.720 INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 8.128 8.128 8.040 FIXED ASSETS 4.500.000 4,500,000 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 1. 334,500 1.334.500 1.447.500 TOTAL ASSETS 53.976.136 5.404.839 573,203 42.397,547 1.605.517 103.957.242 78.178,383 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE OEVEL (1.204.774) (1.204.774) (825.046) DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES 066.259) (221.695) (387.954) (21.341) DEPOSITS OTHERS (2.587,113) (2,587,113) 0.450.074) PAYABLES; ACCOUNrS (218.333) (22.102) (23,447) (263.882) (1.104.227) 1 NrEREST PAYROLL (544.374) (544.374) (499.633) DUE rO OTHERS (93.748) 060.054 ) 0,829,213) (2.083.015) (328,124) DEFERRED REVENUE (127.768) 027,768 ) (127.768) DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE (1,452.000) 0.452 . 000) (1.565,000) TOTAL LIABILITIES (4,942,367) 082,156 ) (2.074.355) 0.452.000) (8,650,878) (5,921. 213) FUND 8ALANCES (49,033.769) (5.222.683) (573.203) (40.323.193) (153,517) (95,306,364) (72.257.170) TOTAL FUND E (49.033.769) (5.222.683) (573.203) (40,323,193) (153.517) (95.306.364) (72.257.170) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (53.976,136) (5.404.839) (573.203) (42.397.547) (1.605,517)(103,957,242) (78.178.383) 500 IL\ CITY OF OUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENOING 31Mar2005 INTERNAL ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG r 0 r A L S SERVICE FUND GROUP OF TERM DEBr .. ·MEMORANDUM- -- FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP CURRENT PRIDR ASSETS CASH 8,444,155 8.444.155 7.965.603 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW INVESrMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES; TAXES ACCOUNTS INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS FIXED ASSETS 46.511.915 39.208.244 85.720.159 66.732.089 AMOUNT rO BE PROVIDED 66.753.945 66.753.945 68,676,545 TOTAL ASSETS 54.956.070 39.208.244 66 .753 , 945 160.918.258 143.374.237 LIABILITIES/FUND EOUIry DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEP05ITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAY ABLES , ACCOUNTS (17 .215) INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENrS PAYABLE (66.753.945) (66.753.945) (68.676.545) TOTAL LIA8ILITIES (66.753,945) (66.753.945) (68,693,760) FUND BALANCES (54,956,070) (39.208.244) (94,164,313) (74.680.477) rOrAL FUND E (54,956,070) (39.208.244) (94.164.313) (74.680.477) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (54.956.070) (39,208.244) (66,753,945) (160.918.258)(143,374,237) lei 0tY'\ THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENr SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR rHE PERIOD 0710112004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 G ENE R A L REVENUE FUN 0 CURRENr CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y. LD, VARIANCE *******REVENUES******* PRO PERry TAXES 13.661. 980. DO 9.230.817,52 4,431.162.48 11,316,703.32 7.722.088.64 3.594,614.68 SALES TAX 13,613,216,00 9.628.729,89 3.984,486.11 13.940,263.36 9,588,980,75 4,351.282.61 REAL PRDPERry TRANSFER rAX 520.000.00 544.79658 (24.796.58) 571,360.79 366,841.60 204,519.19 HOTEL TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 610.000.00 421.291. 86 188.708.14 664,308.51 424.821- 01 239.487.50 FRANCHISE TAXES 1.536.000.00 677,656,92 858,343.08 1.605,434.53 641. 986.72 863.447.81 LICENSES & PERMITS 2.723,912.00 2,942,545,78 (218,633.78) 3.090,992.17 2.334.84756 756,144.61 FINES & FORFEITURES 112.900.00 98.73143 14,168.57 117.36948 78,078,79 39,290.69 USE/MONEY & PROP-INTERESr 1.369.725.00 729,544,00 640,181. 00 492,971.23 695.356.10 (202.384.87) USEIMDNEY & PROP-RENTALS 168.365.00 87.477 08 80.887.92 130.741.40 94,595,57 36,145.83 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 449.100.00 366.572 36 82,527.64 1.828,992.93 1.113.698.94 715.293.99 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5,177,916.00 3.602.303,36 1.575.612.64 4.802,946.24 3,038,509.66 1.764,436.58 OrHER SOURCES Of REVENUE 952.837.00 579.479.32 373.357.68 860,434.13 137.267,57 723.166.56 TOTAL REVENUE 40,895,951. 00 28,909,946,10 11,986,004.90 39.322,518.09 13,085,445.18 ·*****·EXPENOITURES····*** GENERAL GOVERNMENr ACTIVITIES, CITY COUNCI L 262,910.00 169.137.58 93.77242 209,858.23 157,435,94 52.422 . 29 CITY MANAGER 928.273.00 647.147.67 281. 125.33 817,034.42 578.941-71 238.092.71 CENTRAL SERVICES 350,911.00 270,078.56 80 . 832 .44 341. 914.49 245.783,14 96,131. 35 CITY ATTORNEY 689.493.00 412.228.03 277.264.97 700.797.95 448,863.12 251. 934.83 ADMIN SERVICES 1.557,095.00 994,644,00 562,451. 00 1.244,537.07 895.654.14 348,882.93 BUILDING MANAGEMENT 641.134.00 415.164.57 225.96943 757,522.96 484.597.56 272.925.40 INSURANCE COST CENTER 358,986.00 220,185,98 138,800.02 420,061. 97 281. 129. 65 138,932.32 ELECrIONS COST CENTER 15,670,00 11.758.61 3.911.39 3,048.13 2,895.03 153,10 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 160.500.00 160.500.00 125,656.16 125.656.16 ACTIVITY TOTAL 4,964.972.00 3.140,345.00 1.824,627.00 4,620,431-38 3,095.300.29 1,525.13L09 PUBLI C SAFETY POLI CE 9,883.259.00 4,547.488.11 5,335,770.89 8.570,937.09 4,435.249.06 4.135.688.03 CROSSING GUARDS 72,283,00 40.700.37 31. 582.63 65.794.14 33,513.12 32.28L02 ANIMAL CONTROL 266.362.00 50.077.00 216,285.00 198,953.52 57.513.37 141.440.15 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTIN 17,240.00 4.704,57 12,535.43 6,543.33 2.690.34 3,852.99 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 65.413.00 36.791-62 28.621-38 70.993.74 40,472.80 30.520.94 FIRE SERVICES 8.156.645.00 4,260.278.01 3.896.366.99 7,440,483.12 2,259.584.70 5.180.898.42 ACT! V ITY TOTAL 18.461.202.00 8,940.039.68 9,521.162.32 16,353,704.94 6,829.023.39 9.524.681.55 TRANSPORT A T! ON PUBLI C WORKS 738,575.00 493.913.09 244.661- 91 686. 881- 45 488,266.73 198,614.72 STREET MAINTENANCE 14.802.00 10.504.57 4,297.43 3,703.99 3.703.99 STREET SWEEPING 149.207.00 83,990,42 66,216.58 130,351.29 77 .438.64 52,912.65 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 97,352.00 20.449.84 76.902.16 117.583.47 52,819.81 64.763.66 STREET LANDSCAPING MAINTENAN 690,715.00 415.481-24 275.233.76 593,488.01 333 ,523.45 259.964.56 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1.690,651- 00 1.024.339.16 666,311.84 1.532,008.21 955 .752 . 62 576.255.59 HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 63,125.00 66,218.17 (3,093.17) 46,419.04 46,419.04 CHILO CARE 15,000.00 15,000.00 18,500.00 18.500.00 SOCIAL SERVICES 1. 000.00 1.000.00 HOUSING PROGRAMS 176.89 (176.89) 15,893.18 16.893.18 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STArEMENT SHOWING Î ~\ '-\ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 G ENE R A L REV E N U E FUN 0 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL VEAR V.T.O. VARIANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL 78,125.00 81,395.06 (3,270.06) 82,812.22 36.393.18 46.419.04 CULrURE & LEISURE SERVICES LI8RARY SERVICES 582,730.00 297,691. 44 285,038.56 522,604.10 258,126.33 264.477.77 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 163,918.00 78,779.07 85.138.93 110,249.30 93.342.94 16.906.36 HERITAGE CENrER 141.775.00 86.579.11 55.195.89 99.628.11 72.623.77 27.004.34 DUBLI N CEMErERY 53.602.00 22.96653 30.635.47 53,533.84 32,693.86 20,839.98 PARK MAINTENANCE 1,532,409.00 864,912.74 667.496.26 1,403,774.51 777,445.77 626.328.74 COMMUNlry TV 62.999.00 57.709.00 5.290.00 62.02072 58.81622 3.204.50 RECREATION ADMIN 638.564.00 416.986.99 221. 577 . 01 518.312.54 371,000.47 147.312.07 PLAYGROUNDS 277 ,082.00 176,344.18 100.737.82 237,599.33 163,486.26 74,113.07 SHANNON CENTER 389.176.00 246.803.86 142.372.14 294.742.36 199.789.20 94.953.16 PRESCHOOL 90,699.00 58,804.32 31, 894 .68 77,388.27 55,897.77 21,490.50 rEENS PRCBRAM 118.941.00 58.407.38 60.533.62 86.212.99 56.126.57 30.086 .42 ADULT SPORTS 110.559.00 61,605.91 48.953.09 101.640.17 67,118.01 34,522.16 YOUTH SPORTS 13B,824.00 84.782.61 54.041.39 122.764.81 85.707.89 37.05692 COMMUN ITY GYM 46.504.00 26.339.32 20.164.68 37.309.40 23.268.13 14.041. 27 EMERALD GLEN ACTIVITY CENTER SPECIAL EVENTS 339.220.00 253.159.76 86.060.24 348.052.22 233.864.16 114.188 06 SEN lOR CENTER 297.455.00 169.304.77 128.150.23 223.784.61 152.188.17 71. 596.44 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 195.220.00 126,776.51 68,443.49 185,369.65 129 ,789 . 03 55,580.62 AQUATICS 407.136.00 238.058.14 169.077.86 366 . 568 .40 207.367.49 159.200.91 PARKS/FACILIrIES MANAGEMENT 284,993.00 184.765.64 100,227.36 246,546.42 178.593.14 67.953.2B ACTIVITY TOTAL 5.871. 806 00 3.510.777.28 2.361. 028 72 1.880.856.57 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 2.731.301. 00 1.706.549.59 1.024.751.41 2.271.403.13 1. 490.220.52 781.182.61 BUILDING SAFETY 2.580.214.00 1.517.098.18 1. 063.115. 82 1.907.211.35 1.183.315.80 723,895.55 ENGINEERING 2,209,633.00 1.524,209.23 685,423.77 1.861, 971.85 622.828.93 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENr 286.226.00 226.948.98 59.277.02 302.134.33 260.122.67 42.011.66 ACTI V ITY TOr AL 7.807.374.00 4.974.805.98 2.832.568.02 6.342.720.66 4,172.801.91 2,169.918.75 CAPIrAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECrS 1.079.341.00 388.968.50 690.372.50 1.163.181. 54 163.503.61 999.677.93 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENrS 877,070.00 27.844.20 849,225.80 718,087.36 621, 887 . 00 96.200.36 PARKS 3,333.232.00 2.029.592.40 1,303.639.60 1.831.348.20 822.081.14 SrREET CONSTRC/IMPROVEMENTS 1.419.393.00 357.537.86 1. 061. 855 .14 938.789.96 256.962.27 681.827.69 ACTIVITY TOrAL 6.709.036.00 2,803.942.96 3,905,093.04 4,651,407.06 1,864,434.02 2,786,973.04 TOrAL EXPENDITURES 45,583,166.00 24,475,645.12 21.1 07,520.88 38.681.186.22 20.170.950.59 18.510.235.63 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (4.687.215.00) 4.434.300.98 (9.121.515.98) 641. 331.87 6.066.12232 (5.424.790.45) TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 21. 885 .10 6.600.00 15,285.10 TRANSFERS OUT FROM OrHER FUNDS (20.00) (20.00) REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (4,687,215.00) 4,434,300.98 (9,121.515.98) 663,196.97 6.072.722.32 (5.409.525.35) THE CITY OF DUBLIN SrATEMENr SHOWING ~ 001-+ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR )IIE PERIOD 01/01/2004 TIIROUGH 03/3]12005 S P F C I A L REV E N U E FUN 0 S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PR lOR OUDGLT ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y,T,D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** PROPERTY TAXES IT1.049.00 7I .443 78 39,605.22 105.605,41 67,410.93 38.19448 SALLS TAX/OTHER TAXFS 336.500.00 182.79979 153,700,21 357.44152 212,942.44 144,499,08 FINES & FORFElrURES 164,000,00 77 ,702,99 86,297.01 154.784.Q3 98,606,11 56.177,92 USES/MONEY & PROPERTY 89.248.00 30.77845 58,469.55 29.822,10 41.8/8.93 112.05683) INTERGOVERNMENrAl. FROM STATE 2,365.110.00 1.851.42605 513,683,95 2,590.88516 2.137,215.85 453,669,31 INTERGOVERNMENrAL FROM COUNry 306,890.00 182.650,00 124,240.00 269.149.00 113,161. 00 155.9s8,00 INTERGOVERNMENrAL FROM FEDERAL 109.71/.00 20.56080 89.156.20 253,139,22 52,371.14 200.768 08 CI~RGES FOR SERVICES 1.056.723.00 706.025.91 350,697,09 988.833.16 648.209.71 340,623,45 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 160,500.00 6,00165 154.498.35 291.518,00 291.518 00 TOTAL RLVENUE 4.699.737.00 3.129.389.42 1.570,347,58 5,041.177.60 3.371.796.11 1. 669.381. 49 *******EXPENDITURES******* PUOLl C SAFETY; POll CE 133.559.00 105,639,67 27,91933 161. 487.38 149.332,85 12.154,53 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LTG 217 ,596,00 112.758 87 104.837.13 143.451.04 91.712.48 51.678.56 OISASTER PRLPAREDNESS 8,179,22 6,409.97 1.769 25 FIRE SERVICES 287.626.00 85.228,83 202,397,17 211.138.48 27.318.67 183.819,81 ACT! V ITY TOTAL 638,781.00 303,62737 335,153.63 524.256.12 274,833,97 249.4?215 rRANSPORTATlON, STREET MAINTENANCE 301.750.00 127.66730 174,082.10 216.334.44 118.498.55 97,835,89 STREET SWEEPING ACT!VITY TOTAL 301. 750 ,00 127.667.30 174,082.70 216.334.44 118,~98,55 97.835.89 HEALTH & WELFARE; WASTE MANAGEMENr 1.402.134,00 36,194,23 1.365,939.77 609,434,26 638.58550 SOCIAL SERVICES 44,927.00 31.321.02 13,605.98 44,935,00 30,137.37 14.79763 HOUSING PRCX;RAMS ACT! V ITY TOTAL 1.447,061.00 6/.515.25 1.379,545.75 1. 292,954,76 639,57).63 653.38313 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING 6,000,00 6.00000 6.000,00 6,000.00 AC rJV llY Tor AL 6,000.00 6.00000 6.000 00 6.000.00 CAPITAl. IMPROV¡MENr PROJ¡CTS, GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 100.000.00 100.00000 COMMUNITY PROJECrS 44,9?8.00 44,928.00 63,670.75 63.67075 PARKS 321.717.00 289,655,24 32,061-76 27.928 00 6,000,00 21. 928 00 STREET CONSTRUCrlONIIMPROVEMENT 729.071.00 13.366,88 655,704.12 2.293.708,38 1.715,088.56 578.61982 ACT! V!TY Tor AL 1.095.716.00 36.1.02212 732,693.88 2.485.307,13 1. 721. 088.56 764.218,57 rOT A L EXPENDITURES 3,~89.308.00 867.83?04 2.621,475.96 4.524,852,45 2 . 759, 99? . 71 1.764.85974 EXCESS REVENU¡ (EXPENDITURES) 1.210.429.00 2.261.55738 ( 616.325.15 611,803.40 (95,478,25) TRANSFER IN FROM OrH¡R FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OrHER FUNOS 21.88510 6,600.00 15.?8510 CURRE NT BUDGET THE CITY OF DUBLIN SrAI'EMENf SIIOWING RFVFNUFS VFRSUS EXPENDITURES FDR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 S P E C I A L REV E N U E FUN D S CURRENT ACTUAL VARIANCE PRIOR FISCAL YEAR REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENOIrURES 1.210.429.00 2.261.557.38 (1,051.128.38) 494.440.05 PR lOR Y.T .D. C\Ob\4 VARIANCE 605.203.40 (110.763.35) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 \°001'-1- S P E C I A L ASS E SSM E N T FUN 0 S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUlI;ET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 639,589.00 499,869.00 139.720.00 593.202.41 357.259.41 235.943.00 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 12.909.00 3.767.17 9.141.83 4.093.98 5,569.63 (1,475.65) OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 5.000.00 5.000.00 144.29 144.29 TOTAL REVENUE 657.498.00 503,636.17 153,861. 83 597 ,440.68 362.973 33 234,467.35 *******EXPENDITURES******* PUBLI C SAFETY, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIG 306,088.00 136,202.06 169,885.94 217.534.35 144.70474 72.B29.61 ACTIVITY TOTAL 306.088.00 136.202.06 169.885.94 217.534.35 144,70474 72.829.61 TRANSPORrATION PUBLl C WORKS 1.436.00 1.026.70 409.30 I. 352 .46 I. 108 60 243.86 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 27.099.00 7.49076 19.608.24 26752.22 7,602.69 19.149.53 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 344.474.00 184783.24 159.690.76 296,360.83 158.662.00 137.698.83 ACTIVITY rOTAL 373,009.00 193,300.70 179708.30 324.465.51 167.373.29 157.092.22 COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENr ENGINEERING 12,750.00 6,669.94 6.080.06 15.007.20 9.255.50 5.751.70 ACTIVITY TOTAL 12.750.00 6.669.94 6.080.06 15,007.20 9,255.50 5.751.70 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNIry IMPRDVEMENrS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPRVMNr 53,982.26 52.103.68 1.878.58 ACT! V ITY rOT AL 53.982.26 52.103.68 1.878.58 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 691.847.00 336.17270 355,674.30 610,989.32 373.437.21 237.552.11 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (34.349.00) 167.463.47 (201. 812.47) (13.548.64 ) (10,463.88) (3,084.76) REVENUE5 OVER (UNDER) EXPENDlrURE5 (34,349.00) 167,463.47 (201. 812.47) Cl3.548.64) (10.463.88) (3,084.76) THE Clry OF DUBLIN STATEMENr SHOWING REVf.NUfS VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 \ \ Db \1...\ CAPITAl IMPROVEMENT FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGLT ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y. LO. VARIANCE ********REVENUE******** USES/MONEY & PROP·INTERES! 810.154 00 382.033.41 428.120 59 330.842.99 480,573.82 049.730 83) OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 18.631. 900 00 10.806.604.37 7.825.295.63 13.455.275.26 9.385.143.52 4.070.13174 TOTAL REVENUE: 19.442,054.00 11,188,637.78 8,253.416.22 13./86.118.25 9.865.71734 3.920.400.91 *******[XPENDlrURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY ATTORNEY 55,300.00 2.992.83 52.30711 92.493.49 11.848 44 80.645.05 ACTIVITY TOTAl 55.30000 2.992.83 52.30717 92.493.49 11.848.44 80.645.05 PU8LIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATI ON, HEALrH & WELFARE: HOUS I NG PROGRAMS 819,412.00 129.332.95 690.079.05 2.252.493.88 1. 822 . 838 93 429.654.95 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES, RECREATION ADMINISTRArlON ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTIVITY TOTAL CAPlrAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 142.115.00 144.059.02 0.944.02) 1.007.72890 1.362.182.21 (354,453.31) COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 36.771 00 36.771. 00 PARKS 13.756,957.00 346,992.49 13.409.964.51 3.543.135 97 2.762.618.82 780.517 .15 STREET CONSTRUCTlONI IMPROVEMENT 20.606.949.00 2.465.853 69 5.377 .07050 2,627.251.97 2.749.818.53 ACTIVITY TOTAL 34.542.792.00 2.956.905.20 31.585,886.80 9.927.935.37 6.752.053.00 3.175.882.37 r 0 r A L EXPENDITURES 35.417.504.00 32 . 328 . 273. 02 12.272.922.74 8.586.740.3/ 3.686.182.37 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) 05.975,450.00) 8.099.406.80 (24,074.856.80) 1.513.195.5J 1.278.976.97 234.218.54 rRANSFER IN FROM OTHER fUNI)S rRANSFERS OUT TO OrHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES05. 975 .450.00) 8.099.406.80 (24.074.856.80) 1.513.195.51 1.278.976.9/ 234.218.54 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING \ L.. Dbl '-t REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOO 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 T R U S T 1 AGE N C Y FUN 0 CURRENT CURRENr PRIOR PR lOR BUOGEr ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.O. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 130,041.03 030,041. 03) 233.713.12 133.291.58 100.421.54 USESIMONEY & PROP-INTEREST 386.19 (386.19) 1.467.95 1.574.51 (l06,56) rOrAL REVENUE 130,427.22 (130,427.22) 235,181. 07 134.866.09 100.314.98 *******EXPENOIrURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES; NON-DEPARTMENTAL 228.196.00 230,796.18 (2.600.18) 230.993.50 229,B93.50 LIOO.OO ACT! V ITY TOTAL 228.196.00 230.796.18 (2,600.18) 230,993.50 229.893.50 LIOO.OO PU8LIC SAFETY, TRANSPORTATION; HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES; COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TOT A L EXPENDITURES 228,196.00 230.796.18 (2,600.18) 230.993.50 229.893.50 1.100.00 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDIrURES) (228,196.00) (100,368.96) (127.827.04) 4.187.57 (95.027.41) 99,214.98 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (228.196.00) (100.368.96) (127,827.04) 4,187.57 (95.027,41) 99.214.98 THE CITY OF DUBLIN SrATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/200S \ ~ Dtrt I N T ERN A L S E R V ICE FUN D S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUIX>ET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.r.O, VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 226.186.00 79.081.16 147.104.84 72.481. 36 102.560,75 (30,079.39) CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1.733.474.00 1.133.768.39 S99 .70S. 61 1.690.762.96 1.247.386.90 443,376.06 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 21.122.00 S.862,19 IS.259.81 991. 817 .10 5.580.00 986,237.10 TOTAL REVENUE 1.980.782.00 1.218.711.74 762.070.26 2.755.061.42 1.355.527.65 1.399 , 533.77 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACrlVlrlES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2.329.746.00 976.S07,24 1.353.238.76 2.231.661.78 377 .60S.68 1.854.056.10 ACTIVITY TOrAL 2.329.746.00 976,507,24 1.353.238.76 2.231. 661.78 377.60S.68 1.854.056.10 PUBLIC SAFETY; FIRE 66,010.00 15.172,15 50.B37.85 57.068.73 26.587.31 30.481.42 ACTIVITY TOTAL 66,010.00 15.172.15 50.837.85 57.068.73 26.587,31 30,481.42 rRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE; CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS; TOT A L EXPENDITURES 2,395.756.00 991. 679.39 1.404.076.61 2.2BB.730.51 404.192,99 1.884. 537 . 52 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (414.974.00) 227.032.35 (642.006.35) 466.330.91 951.33466 (485.003.7S) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDlrURES (414.974.00) 227.032.35 (642.006.35) 466.330.91 951.33466 (485.003.75) ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE ********EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACrIVITIES; NON-DEPARTMENTAL FI NANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH & WELFARE; CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, TOT A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) rRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS rRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENOIrURES CURRENT BUDGET THE CITY OF DUBLIN SrArEMENr SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 03/31/2005 E N T E R P R I S E FUN 0 CURRENr ACTUAL VARIANCE ¡L.).."b\Y PRIOR FISCAL YEAR PRIOR Y.T.D. VARIANCE 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20,00 20.00 (20.00) (20.00) (20.00) (20.00) (20.00) 20.00