HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 MurraySchlhouseExhibiCITY CLERK File # 1:1161010maFol AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 3, 2005 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Design Consultant Services Change Order. Report by John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor 1) Proposal Cost Information 2) Proposed Change Order Approve Change Order #1 for Additional Services Original Contract for Design/Project Management Services $239900 Proposed Change Order #1 $3,200 Total Revised Contract Amount $27,100 Sufficient funds are available within the project budget DESCRIPTION: On March 1st, 2005 the City Council approved an Agreement with John Vieira of Vieira Designs to complete graphic design and project management services for the Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Restoration project. The scope of work included schematic design, design development, final design, production and detail drawings, and installation phase. The scope of work also called for project management services throughout the entire project. Staff is seeking additional services for content development through the design phase of the project. Content development requires a consultant to create a mission and theme for a project, as well as research historical information and create text panels that tell a cohesive story of the exhibit. In March 2005, Staff sent out a Request for Proposal for content development services to six potential consultants. Two consultants responded but neither met the City's needs. All other consultants were contacted, but due to schedules or other commitments, were not available for the project. John Vieira has indicated that he could provide the additional service of content developer. Given the importance of staying within the time frame to complete the restoration project and Mr. Vieira's involvement as design and project manager, it would be to the City's advantage to add this additional service to his scope of work. Mr. Vieira's extensive experience in content development includes projects for; Academy Studios - 1999, Academy of Sciences — 2000, Leslie Stones Associates — 2001, Redmond Jones & Associates — 2002, and Pleasanton Historical Society — 2004/05. The services that Vieira Designs will provide include research of Dublin's history, content outlines, text panels and caption labels, evaluation of text, responding to solicited suggestions and ideas. Further detail is provided on Attachment 1. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council approve the Change Order #1 for Vieira Designs in the amount of $3,200. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Vieira Designs ��/ # 43ITEM NO. G:\COUNCIL\Agenda Statements\2005\5-3-05 Vierra Contract hange Order.doc V Vieira Designs ltb~ Proposal for Content Developer I. Services: Under this Contract John D. Vieira of Vieira Designs will provide content development services for the City of Dublin's exhibition: The Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit Restoration. The scope of work includes: · Research the subject of Dublin's history and immigration. · Generatc contcnt outlines. · Generate bubble diagrams. · Generate data sheet of text panels and caption labels. · Gcncrate draft text for staff to review. · Generate final text for staff to rcvicw. · Generate caption labels for artifacts for staff to review. · Generate narratives for promotional materials pertaining to the project. 2. Project Schedule: John D. Vieira will deliver the exhibit text drafts and final versions as noted on existing schedules for the project. 3. Compensation: For the services outlined above, the City of Dublin agrees to pay John D. Vieira a fee of ($3,200.00). Scrvices other than those listed above will require prior written authorization from John D. Vieira of Vieira Designs. 4. Ownership of Proiect: It is hereby acknowledged that this project constitutes a work made for hire purposes for the Copyright Act, and that all writings and other tangible items provided under this agrcement shall be the property ofthe City of Dublin. To the extent that a court might find this not to be a work made for hirc, John D. Vieira hereby assigns all copyrights in the project to the City of Dublin. ",-;>- / " 4-11-05 John D. Vieira Vieira Designs Date 5 ~ '3-05 '-/-,3 ATTACHMENT #1 CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. I :,}:(b~ PROJECT: Murray Schoolhousc Exhibit Restoration TO: Vieira DesIgns, Consultant PAGE10F1 AGREEMENT DATED March 1,2005 between Vieira Designs and the City of Dnblin Y Oll arc hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the scope of services or do the following described work not included in the scope of services on this contract. NOTE~ This chanli!'e order is not effective until annrovcd bv the Cltv Manager Description of work to be done. estimate of quantítìes, and prices to be paid. Segregate between additional work at contract price, agreed price and force account. Unless otherwise statcd~ rates for rental of equÎpment cover only such time as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for idle time. Cbanl!e reQuested bY: Cltv of Dublin The last m.."I'centa~e show" Îs the net accumulated increase or decrease from the orÜr:inal fee in the AlZreement. 1. Vieira designs for a tota! not to exceed $3,200 based on the scope of work dated April! t, 2005 for additional content development services. (attached hereto). ~ COST INCREASE $3,200 SUBMITIED BY: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY APPROVED BV John Hartnett Date; 051 105 Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor Date: 051 105 Diane Lowart Datc: 051 105 Parks and Community Services Director Rich Arnbrose City Manager WC the unders.igned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved that we will provide all equipment, furnish all IIli.itcrials, ex.cept as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date Contractor; Vieira Designs By Title: John Vie;m If the Contractor docs not sign acceptance of this order, hjslher attention is directed to the requirements of the specifications as to proceeding with the ordered work and filìng a written protest within the time therein specified. ATTACHMENT #2 OAT~: PROJECT NAME: CIP#: CHANG~ ORO~R NO. PERCENT COMPLETE: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT AMOUNT: CHANG~ ORO~RS AS % OF CONTRACT: CITY OF DUBLIN EXHIBIT "A" CHANG~ ORD~R FORM 3/1/2005 Murray Schoolhoul;te Exhibit RBstcraUOh 95566 1 12% Vieir.a Designs $23,900 13% CONTRACT CHANG~ ORO~RS: CHANGE ORDER #01 Provide content development ~ervice~ TOTAL OF ALL CURR~NT AND PRIOR CHANG~ ORO~RS: AOJUST~O CONTRACT AMOUNT: REMAINING CONTING~NCY PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT #01 PAYMENT #02 PAYMENT #03 TOTAL ACTUAL PA YM~NTS: AOJUST~D TOTAL CONTRACT: R~MAINING BALANCE ON CONTRACT: RECOMMENDATION: SIGNATURE: APPROVEO DENIED SUþl!llir'lslng Dept. H8ad AMOUNT 3,200.00 3.200,00 735,00 1,225.00 1,015.00 2,975.00 APPROVED DENIED City Manager $3,200,00 $27,100.00 $ 2,975.00 $27,100.00 $24,125.00 APPROVED DENIED 0.00 3Þb~ Mayor