HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Dublin Historic Park · AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 1,2005 CITY CLERK File # œ[O][Q]-[3]~ .,. HO"~ SUBJECT: Dublin Historic Park Report by Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: I) Options for Dublin Historic Park Expansion 2) Proposed Request for Proposals RECOMMENDAT/rW ~ . \ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1) Authorize Staff to circulate Request for Proposals 2) Approve composition of Selection Panel Sufficient funds are available in the FY 2004-2005 Budget to initiate the proj ect DESCRIPTION: One of the City Council Strategic Goals for 2004-2005 is to "Expand and enhance Dublin Historic Park". In order to accomplish this goal, a number of objectives were identified by Staff and adopted by the City Council including: IT! B-2 III B-3 · IllB-7 III B-9 Commission a land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center. Undertake a site mater plan and programming study to. determine the ultimate boundaries and uses of the Dublin Historic Park Undertake a financial feasibility study to determine development and operational costs of the Dublin Historic Park. Explore with DHP A land/cemetery extension feasibility study. The land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center is complete and Staff recommends proceeding with the preparation of a site master plan. The purpose of the master plan is to develop long-term options for the development of the Dublin Historic Park which may include acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center and expansion of the cemetery on to the land owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. The master plan will take. into consideration the adjacencies of these two properties to the existing Dublin Heritage Center and look at the site as a cohesive whole. In addition to design options, the master plan wi11 also include costs related to property acquisition, design and construction, and operation. Staff is reCommending that three options be studied for development, as shown in Attachment I. Option 1 contemplates acquisition and development of the entire 4.22 acres for public use; Option 2 contemplates public uses on approximately one-half of the site or 1.8 acres; and Option 3 contemplates public uses for approximately 1.2 acres of the site. The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission has reviewed and recommends approval of the three design options. · ~_____________________________________________________________________________________~~~__~_____w_~_._______ COPIES TO: Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission G:\COUNCILlAgenda Statements\200,\3· Dublin Historic Park.doc \ oc, "2.... ITEM NO. B,3 fu order to secure the services of a design consultant, Staff has prepared a Request for Proposals (Attachment 2). The RFP outlines the services that the City requires as well as the qualifications for the design team. It is recommefided that upon receipt of the proposals, a Selection Committee be convened to interview the design consultants. The recommended composition of the Selection Committee is as follows: City Staff: Parks & Community Services Director Parks & Facility Development Manager Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Heritage Center Director . City Commissions: Heritage and Culrnral Arts Commissioner (1) Parks and Community Services Commission (I) Other: Dublin Historical Preservation Association (1) The proposed timeline for the project is as follows: 3-1-05 3-2-05 4-8-05 4c25-05 (week of) 5-17-05 12-05 City Council approval of Request for Proposal Staff Circulation of Request for Proposal Deadline for submittal of Proposals Consultant futerviews City Council approval of Consultant Services Agreement Master Plan Complete RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize Staff to circulate the RFP, and approve the composition of the Selection Committee. . .' -2. ~ '- I1N3:WH;)V 11 V ß,"j ATTACHMENT 1 311 05' e e e 1-\ VI) I":;: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CITY OF DUBLIN DUBLIN HISTORIC PARK MASTER PLAN .... Summary Description: Key Dates: Proposals Due: Interviews: The City of Dublin is requesting proposals from qualified, interested firms for design services in the development of a master plan for the proposed Dublin Historic Park. April 8, 2005, by 4:00 p.m. (faxes not accepted) Diane Lowart Parks & Community Services Director City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Week of April 25, 2005 Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California Award of Contract: March 15.2005 Screening Committee: Contact: Members of Commission, Commission, Association City Staff, Heritage and Cultural Arts Parks and Community Services and Dublin Historical Preservation Diane Lowart Parks & Community Services Director (925) 833-6645 d ¡ane.lowa rt@ci.dubl¡n.ca.us Prior to April 1, 2005 ~-\-()'5 '(,.:;1 ATTACHMENT 2 ~ ð '-", ..¡-,I. --' CITY OF DUBLIN PAGE 2 '.,' REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TABLE OF CONTENTS e TOPIC PAGE NO. I. BACKGROUND 3 II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3 III. SCOPE OF SERVICES 4 IV. ORGANZATION OF THE PROPOSAL 5 V. SUBMITTAL OF THE PROPOSAL 7 VI. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE 8 VII. CITY REQUIREMENTS 8 VIII. CITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING A CONSULTANT 9 IX. SELECTION PROCESS 9 X. LIMITATIONS 10 . XI. ATTACHMENTS 10 1) Options for Dublin Historic Park Expansion 2) City of Dublin's Standard Consultant Services Agreement e · · · CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS lÞ ù¡-.. \ ":, -' PAGE 3 I. BACKGROUND: In 1993 the City of Dublin acquired several historical structures and properties in the original Dublin Village settlement area including the Old St. Raymond's Church (1859), the Original Murray Schoolhouse (1856), and the Pioneer Dublin Cemetery (1859) and thus established the Dublin Heritage Center at 6600 Donlon Way. After undergoing renovation, the Heritage Center opened to the public and is now a historical and cultural focal point to enrich the community. The Murray Schoolhouse serves as a historical museum; Old St. Raymond's Church serves as a venue for peliorming arts and is available for weddings, memorials, baptisms and intimate gatherings; and the Pioneer Dublin Cemetery is the final resting site for some of the original pioneer families of Dublin and the Valley. The Cemetery is still an active cemetery with an average of six to eight burials per year; however there are no bUrial plots available for purchase. For the past several years. the Dublin City Council has been considering how to take a more proactive approach to building the historic Dublin Village settlement area around Donlon Way and the Dublin Heritage Center into a cohesive district to better highlight Dublin's historic resources. As such, in January 2005 the City Council adopted Design Guidelines to ensure that future development in the area recaptures elements of the historic character and image that once defined Dublin Village and in February 2005 created a Historic Overlay Zoning District for the area to ensure compliance with the Guidelines. The City, Council has expressed an interest in expanding the Dublin Heritage Center and in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 adopted the following Strategic Goal "Expand and enhance Dublin Historic Park". To accomplish the goal. the following objectives were also adopted. · Commission a land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center. · Undertake a site mater plan and programming study to determine the ultimate boundaries and uses of the Dublin Historic Park. · Undertake a financial feasibility study to determine development and operational costs of the Dublin Historic Park. · Explore with Dublin Historical Preservation Association land/cemetery extension feasibility study. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin is interested in exploring the feasibility of expanding the boundaries of the Dublin Heritage Center to create the Dublin Historic Park. At present, the Dublin Heritage Center encompasses 3.58 acres and includes the Old St. Raymond's Church, the Original Murray CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1 C',_ \ ..:;,. r,¡ , ~_' PAGE 4' Schoolhouse and the Pioneer Dublin Cemetery. The City has identified two parcels to the north and south of the existing Heritage Center for possible expansion. The first parcel is the site of the Dublin Square Shopping Center and is owned by the Berkeley Land Company. The parcel is approximately 4.22 acres. The potential uses for this site have not yet been identified. The second parcel is owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association (DHPA) and is currently undeveloped. The parcel is approximately .84 acres. The City and DHPA would like to explore expansion of the existing cemetery to this site. . In order to determine the ultimate boundaries and uses of the Dublin Historic Park, the City desires to undertake a master planning study. Four options for study have been identified: · Expand the current cemetery to land owned by Dublin Historical Preservation Association across the creek and to the south of the existing Dublin Heritage Center; · Expand the boundaries of the existing Heritage Center by acquiring the existing Dublin Square Shopping Center (4.22 acres) and developing it for public use; · Expand the boundaries of the existing Heritage Center by acquiring . approximately one-half of the existing Dublin Square Shopping Center (1.8 acres) and developing it for public use; . Expand the boundaries of the existing Heritage Center by acquiring approximately 1.2 acres of the existing Dublin Square Shopping Center and developing it for public use. The City believes that the foliowing professionals may be required: · Landscape Architect · Civil Engineer . Cost Estimator . Cemetery Consultant III. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Consultant team will be expected to fully outline their proposed scope of work in response to this Request for Proposals. However, for guidance, the City's expectations are outlined below. A. Proiect Initiation and Site Evaluation: The Consultant shall meet with City staff to review the proposed scope of work, identify staff's expectations for the project, determine the project schedule and obtain background reports and data on City and community needs. . · · · CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1.1"- -, ~'. ~ """(\ _,1 PAGE 5 B. Collection and Analvsis of Existina Data: The Consultant shall review existing reports and studies related to the Dublin Heritage Center and the Dublin Village Historic District. Through this process, it is anticipated that the Consultant will prepare an existing conditions and opportunities constraints analysis and an assessment of possible uses for the site. C. Public Input Process: The City anticipates a high level of interest in this project. The consultant should prepare a proposed public input process that incorporates meetings with interested stakeholders, property owners, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission and City Council. D. Conceptual Desian Alternatives: The City wishes to evaluate alternative concepts for expansion and uses of the site as described in the Project Description (Section II). Each alternative should examine the adjacencies between the parcels including opportunities to create a cohesive, integrated site. Each design alternative should include cost estimates related to acquisition, development and operation. For the proposed cemetery expansion, the City desires an analysis of the physical and fiscal viability related to new cemetery development. E. Final Master Plan: The Final Master Plan shall be prepared based on the preferred design alternative. The report should include a summation of the process undertaken in the development of the preferred alternative, a discussion of the uses proposed for the preferred alternative. and a detailed cost analysis related to site acquisition (if required). design and construction, and operational costs including revenue generation potential. IV. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROPOSAL: The organization of the proposed scope of work is described in this section of the Proposal guidelines. The proposal shall be limited to 10 pages, exclusive pre-printed resumes, and similar material that the consultant believes will aid in determining its qualifications for the project. The format must be followed by all potential consultants. A. Introduction: A general introduction and description of the proposed approach and methodology shall be provided. The introduction should include a CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 1\ Oh. 'l -~_.: \,\ (.I .~, PAGE 6 -~ · statement on the team's approach to design problem solving as applicable to the Dublin Historic Park. The format of the introduction and description of the approach is at the discretion of the consultant. B. Scope of Work: Describe the work program to accomplish the approach described above. The work program should address issues. identified in the Project Description and shall provide a detailed description of the work to be accomplished. The organization of the specific work activities in the scope of work should be broken down into tasks, subtask, and the anticipated result or output as follows: TASK: An overview of a related group of subtasks or activities. Normally one or two sentences. SUBTASK: A detailed description of the work, including the methodology to be performed. Generally one to ten paragraphs depending upon the complexity of the activities described in the subtask. OUTPUT: A description of what the result of this particular activity or subtask is. Generally one sentence. · C. Project Schedule: Describe the time schedule for each proposed task and subtask described above. Proposed work periods and completion dates, as well as the anticipated meeting dates should also be identified. It is the City's desire to complete the project within six months of award of co ntra ct. D. Subconsultants List all subconsultants proposed for this project. Include their resumes, qualifications and specific responsibilities. E. Relevant Experience Provide the name and background information of each member of the firm who will do the actual design work and who will work with the City on a regular basis. Additionally, provide the names and background of all other professional staff that will be working as part of the design team. An organizational chart should be included as well as resumes for each participating staff person. · · · · CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS \00,,\--:' PAGE 7-' Provide the relevant previous experience of the lead person for the project. Do not include work done by the firm that the lead person did not have a primary role in managing. List at least three projects of a similar scope and nature to this proposal that the lead person from each firm had primary design responsibilities including: 1) Project address 2) Reference (with telephone number) 3) Year of completion 4) Brief written description of the project The City reserves the right to contact the Proposer's previous clients at any time. F. Cost Provide one sealed envelope with the total cost to complete the services described in Section III. The proposal itself should not contain the proposed cost for services. Following the tentative selection of the consultant team, the sealed envelope will be opened. The City will begin negotiations for the final fee for the work, utilizing fees submitted by subconsultants as a basis for determining a reasonable cost for the work. The City reserves the right to terminate negotiations with the selected consultant if consensus cannot be reached on the appropriate fee, and begin discussion with the next ranked consultant. v. SUBMITTAL OF THE PROPOSAL: A. One original (reproducible and submitted in loose-leaf, 81/2 X 11" format, with numbered pages) and six copies of the completed proposal must be received by the Parks & Community Services Department. City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, by 4:00 p.m. on April 8, 2005. Faxes will not be accepted. B. All proposals, as well as any modifications. received at the City after the hour and date specified above, will not be accepted. All proposals will become the property of the City of Dublin and will not be returned. C. The proposal shall be signed by an officer or officers authorized to execute legal documents on behalf of the Proposer and shall contain a statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for a 50-day period. CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS \ \ \J't'¡ '. ':;J.:., PAGE 8 .- · VI. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE: Primary consideration will be given to the general appropriateness of the proposal of the project, the technical competence and creative ability of the consultants (as described in the proposal) and the firm's willingness to work closely with City Staff. The City reserves the right to reject all proposals that are inappropriate or inadequate. VII. CITY REQUIREMENTS: The contract will be awarded only to a responsible Consultant. In order to qualify as responsible, a prospective Consultant must meet the following standards, as they pertain to this Request for Proposal. A. The Consultant must have adequate technical and financial resources for performance, as well as adequate equipment, or have the ability to obtain and to manage such resources and equipment as required during the performance period of the proposed contract. B. The Consultant must have the necessary experience, organization, technical qualifications, skills, and facilities or have the ability to obtain and to manage them (including any subconsultant requirements). C. The Consultant must be able to comply with the proposed or required performance schedule for this project. D, The Consultant must have a satisfactory record of contractual performance. E. The Consultant must maintain auditable records, documents and papers for inspection by authorized City representatives. F. The Consultant must enter into an Agreement for Consultant Services (attached) with the City of Dublin. G. Each Consultant firm must be able to provide insurance coverage as follows in conformance with the City of Dublin's requirements: 1) General Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 2) Automobile Insurance $1,000,000 3) Workers Compensation Insurance $1,000,000 4) Professional Errors and Omissions Insur. $1,000,000 H. The Consultant must be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under all applicable laws and regulations. · · · · · CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS \L....(). \-) PAGE 9 b VIII, CITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING A CONSULTANT The City's criteria in selecting a consultant will include but is not limited to: · The team's background and capabilities, including each firm's history and areas of specialization, or particular expertise. · The background of the individuals who will do the actual design work and who will work with the City on a regular basis. · The background of all consultants on the team who are proposed to assist in the development of this project. · The relevant previous experience of the lead person for each firm in the team. · The team's experience with master planning of historic sites. · The team's expertise in the public input process. · The team's expertise in performing financial feasibility studies for both development and operations. · The team's ability to meet the City's schedule. IX. SELECTION PROCESS: All Proposals are due on April 8, 2005 by 4:00 P.M. (see Section V, above). A Committee of City Staff. including, but not limited to, the Director of Parks & Community Services, the Parks & Facilities Development Manager, the Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor. the Heritage Center Director and representatives from the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission and Dublin Historical Preservation Association will review the Proposals and select firms to be interviewed. It is anticipated that the same Committee will be present at the interview. Interviews are scheduled to take place the week of April 25, 2005. The City Council will review and approve the Contract for Services at its meeting of May 17, 2005. The consultant would begin work following the Contract being signed and appropriate papers filed with the City Clerk. CITY OF DUBLIN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS \3ï:;Jr'\~ ~) PAGE 10 X. LIMITATIONS: A. All reports and pertinent data or materials shall be the sole property of the City of Dublin, and may not be used or reproduced in any form without the explicit written permission of the City. B. The City reserves the right to extend the time allotted for the proposal, to examine verbally the bidder in person, and to request and best and final offer, should the City deem that it is in its best interests to do so. C. This request for a proposal does not commit the City to award a contract, or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request for proposal, to negotiate with any qualified consultant, or to cancel this request in part or in its entirety. The City may require the selected consultant to participate in negotiations and to submit such technical, price, or other revisions or their proposal as may result from negotiations. XI. ATTACHMENTS 1) Options for Dublin Historic Park Expansion 2) City of Dublin's Standard Consultant Services Agreement e e e