HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.08 GeospatialCostSharing CITY CLERK File # D~rn[Q]-~[Q AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 15,2005 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Approval of Consulting Agreement with HJW Gcospatial, Inc. ("HJW") and Approval of Mcmorandrun of Agreement Regarding Cost Sharing for Services Provided by HJW Report Prepared by: Tim Eisler, Geographic In/Órmation Systems Coordinator I) Resolution Approving MOA, including Exhibit "A" - Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) 2) Resolution Approving Agreement For Consulting Services, including Exhibit "A" -Agreement For Consulting Services Exhibit "8" - Cost-sharing Total "B2" - Scope of Work "83" - Project Specifications Exhibit "C" - Project Area Map I) Waive the competitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code §2.36.050(a)(6) and adopt resolution approving the Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Livermore, City of Pleasanton, and Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7 regarding sharing the costs for services provided by HJW in the amount of$53,199.44. 2) Adopt resolution approving Consulting Agreement between the City of Dublin, City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, Alameda County Flood Control & Watcr Conservation District Zone 7, and HJW Geospatial, Inc. for aerial orthophotography services. The total project cost submitted by the selected aerial contractor, HJW, is $324,700.00 if the aerial orthophotography for the participating agencies are taken in a single flight. Dublin's estimated share is $53,199.44. The project will be charged to CIP Geographic Information System 93192. Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 CTP budget to complete the project. DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin has been actively engaged in the developmcnt of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that will serve the City's Staff and community. Digital imagery provides critical backdrop imagery to the City's on-line GIS and to most cartographic products. This digital imagery is more than an enhancement; it is a system requirement. The City of Dublin has a unique opportunity to acquire up-to-date digital orthoimagery at significant cost savings. - __ __............ _.. - - - - _.. __ - - - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - ___ _.... - - III _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... COPIES TO: ITEM NO. Y.~ \ fI{) ?-.. C/ The City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, and Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7 (Zone 7) require new imagery that would overlap with the City of Dublin's boundary. The City of Dublin was invited to join a group purchase of aerial imagery for the Dublin-Livermore-Pleasanton area. By using a data sharing agreement and dividing costs proportionally between the City of Livermore, City of Pleasanton, and Zone 7, the City of Dublin can acquire imagery for the entire Dublin area at a significantly reduced cost of $53, 199.44. Tfthe City were to engage HJW separately to conduct aerial photography ofthe Dublin area the cost would be $102,401.68. Because each agency will rcccive data from the entire flight area (which includes Zone 7, Pleasanton, and Livermore), all projcct costs, estimated at $324,700.00 will be shared equally, with each participant paying a portion based on its geographic size. As a result, Dublin is realizing a savings of $49,202.24 (48%). It is advantageous for the City to enter into the MOA with thc City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, and Zone 7 to share the proposed costs and resulting data and realize the significant cost savings achieved when all parties cqually participate in an expensive data collection project. In most cases, the City's Purchasing Ordinance requires that major purchases be subject to the competitive bid process. However, the Dublin Municipal Code §2.36.050 (a)(6), provides the following exception from the competitive bid process: "When a purchase involves goods of a technical nature, where it would be difficult for a vendor to bid on a standard set of specifications, the Purchasing Agent shall undertake a thorough review of known products and a comparison of features which would most closely mcct the city's needs at the least cost;" HJW has established the digital terrain model (DTM), a largc data set for the area, and control registration points from previous projects conducted for the participating agencies in 2001 and 2003. This work could be re-established by other providers, but at significant additional expense. In 2001, the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasant on, and Zone 7 issued a request for bids to obtain aerial imagery as ajoint purchase. In rcsponse to this request, three bids were received. Based on those agencies' reviews of the bids, it was determined that HJW was the most qualified, and it was recommended to utilize HJW as the firm to conduct the work. HJW was approached by the City of Livermore in February 2003 to develop a new scope of work for the 2001 aerial photography area. Other than the flight area, the services and parameters required for the proposed 2003 aerial orthophotography project matched those ofthe 2001 project. HJW was stin highly qualified to do the work and their pricing structure was stin competitive. HJW again conducted the work in 2003 and this time the City of Dublin participated with the other agencies. At this time the City of Livermore has again determined that HJW is the most qualified to again do the work and offers the most cost-effective solution for the participating agencies. An aerial photography update for the City of Dublin win show changes due to development over the past two years. The HJW product of 2005 wilJ also be of a much higher resolution than the previous 2003 imagery. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council waive the competitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code §2.36.050(a)(6) and adopt resolution approving the Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, and Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7 regarding sharing the costs for services provided by HJW in the amount of$53,199.44, and adopt resolution approving an Agreement For Consulting Services between the City of Dublin, City of Livermore, City of Pleasanton, Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7, and HJW Geospatial, Inc. for aerial orthophotography services. -2- ðb~ RESOLUTION NO. - 05 I~ 1.2.- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVAL OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, CITY OF LIVERMORE, CITY OF PLEASANTON AND ALAMEDA COUNTY }1,OOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERV A nON DISTRICT ZONE 7 ("ZONE 7") REGARDING SHARING THE COSTS FOR ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain digital aerial orthophotography for use in the City's Geographical Infollnation System (GIS); and WHEREAS, an MOA with the City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, and Zone 7 regarding the sharing of costs for services provided by the firm HJW Geospatial, Inc. would save the City of Dublin approximately $49,202; and WHEREAS, HJW performcd similar projects for the participating agencies in 200 I and 2003, and established reusable technical components during thc those projects that would be difficult and costly for another provider to establish; and WHEREAS, §2.36.050(a)(6) ofthe Dublin Municipal Code provides that the competitive bid process shaH not apply when the City Council specifically waivcs the competition bid process when a purchase involves goods ofa technical nature, where it would be difficuJt for a vendor to bid on a standard set of specifications, thc Purchasing Agent shall undertake a thorough review of known products and a comparison of features which would most closcly meet the city's needs at the least cost; and WHEREAS, the cost of the consulting services shall be funded through the City's 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program Geographic Information Systems budget (Project #93192); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin does specjficaHy waive the competitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code §2.36.050(a)(6); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Dublin does hercby authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of DubJin, City of Livermore, City of Pleasanton, and Zone 7 for the purposes of sharing the costs for orthophotography service. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this IStl' day of February, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor '2,- IS-OS 1.j-.3' A~ W\tll"l.t I ATTEST: ;). '1} "j.. City Clerk ATTACHMENT I ~~¿"l- MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR ORTHOIMAGERY ACQUISITION THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasant on, the City of Dublin, and the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 7 ("Partners") for the purpose of jointly and equal1y acquiring aerial orthoimagery for their region. RECITALS WHEREAS, each of the Partners is concerned with planning or management of its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, each of the Partners use GIS or other information technology to accomplish those goals; and WHEREAS, a fundamental component of a successful GIS is an accurate ground or survey control and this need is most eflíeiently met by the use of orthoimagery; and WHEREAS, an additional benetìt of orthoimagery is the visual image of the region; and WHEREAS, the data and imagery that must be developed or acquired for these purposes is expensive and sharing of costs will allow Partners to accomplish these goals at lower cost; and WHEREAS, Partners have jointly developed a Scope of Work to provide the orthoimagery required and have sent it to a qual ified vendor; NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to the cooperative process for the acquisition of orthoimagery as itemized below: I. Common Development of a Scope of Work for Orthoimagery The parties to this agreement agree that a Scope of Work will be jointly developed to represent the individual needs of all Partners. The purpose ofthis joint endeavor is to realize the benefits of commissioning a single flight to serve the needs of all Partners rather than individual flights for each Party. III. Individual Contracts for Services. Partners have entered into a common process for development of the Scope of Work. Each ofthe participants, the City of Livennore, the City of DubJin, and Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 7, will develop a contract with the vendor for the provision of orthoimagery services. This contract will itemize each participant's portion of the overal1 cost. Participants shall make payment to the vendor for an equal portion of each project component as outlined in Exhibit B - Cost.sharing Totals at the time payment is due. Each Partner's equal share is not to exceed the cost listed on Exhibit B. A. Parties recognize that their costs may include their equal share for areas of photographic overlap. S. No party to this agreement will front the costs for orthoimagery for another party. IV. Hold Harmless. f J(..v.., ",',fA I Lfav' .'¡.. The parties to this agreement shall accept the jointly-developed Scope of Work and the selected vendor. In addition, each party to this agreement shall hold hannless every other party. v . Terms of Agreement A. Any ofthe parties to this agreement shall have the right to withdraw from this agreement prior to the signing of the vendor contract by action of the policy board of the party. B. New parties not identified under <A) may be admitted to this agreement in the following manner: The party seeking admission shall make a written request for admission to the Partners, which will then vote on the request. C. This agreement may be amended on recommendation ofthe Partners. Accepted CITY OF LIVERMORE A Municipal Corporation "CITY" DA TED: -- BY: TITLE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: DEPUTY City Attorney CITY OF PLEASANTON A Municipal Corporation "CITY" DATED: BY: TITLE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 2 DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant City Attorney DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Council 5Ð1)2.j, CITY OF DUBLIN A Municipal Corporation "DUBLIN" BY: TITLE: ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ZONE 7 A County Corporation "ZONE T' BY: TITLE: 3 {,¿,1 zz.. RESOLUTION NO. - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVAL OF A AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, CITY OF LIVERMORE, CITY OF PLEASANTON, ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ZONE 7 ("ZONE 7''), AND HJW GEOSPATIAL, INC. ("HJW") FOR AERIAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain digital aerial orthophotography for use in the City's Geographical Information System (GIS); and WHEREAS, §2.36.050(a)(6) ofthe Dub1in Municipal Code provides that the competitive bid process shall not apply whcn the City Council spccifically waives the compctition bid process whcn a purchase involves goods of a technical nature, where it would be difficult for a vendor to bid on a standard set of specifications, the Purchasing Agent shall undertake a thorough review of known products and a comparison of featurcs which would most closely meet the city's needs at the least cost; and WHEREAS, the cost of the consulting services shall be funded through the City's 2004-2005 Capitallmprovement Program Geographic Information Systems budget (Project #93192); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin does specifically waive the competitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code §2.36.050(a)(6); NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11" RESOLVED that thc City Council ofthc City of Dublin does hereby authorizes the City Manager to executc an agreement for consulting services between the City of Dublin, City of Livermore, City of Pleasant on, Zone 7, and HJW for aerial orthophotography services for a not-to-exceed budget of$53,199.44. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15"' day of February, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ATTACHMENT 2 -¡ ~ 'j.~ AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is between the City of Livermore, a municipal corporation of the State of Cali fornia (City),), City of PIe asant on, a municipal corporation of the State of California (Pleasanton), City of Dublin, a municipal corporation of the State of California (Dublin), Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7 (Zone 7), hereafter referred to as "Partners," and HJW Geospatial, Inc., a California Corporation (Consultant). RECITALS 1. The Partners require the services of a Consultant to provide aerial orthophotography services as described in the attached Scopc of Work "Exhibit A" 11. Consultant possesses distinct professional skills necessary to perfornl the services described in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, Partncrs and Consultant agree as follows: 1. Independent Contractor Status: Consultant is an independent contractor and has control over the means and methods of performing the services contemplated by this Agreemcnt. Consultant understands that its services are being offered as an independent contractor. Nothing in the agreement shaH in any way be construed to mean that Consultant or any of its agents or employees are agents, cmployees or representatives of Partners. 2. Services to be Provided: Consultant shall provide the foHowing services: A. Consultant provide Partners with services related to aerial orthophotography within the region. Consultant's responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to the scope of work and specifications as described in the attached Scope of Work (Exhibit A). B. Consultant shall make a reasonable effort to complete the tasks described above in a timely manner. C. In addition, Consultant shall be responsible and shall be rcadily available to é>th, b~+ 'AI 1$ 'b j.;¡'" the Partners (or designee) for the handling and answering of any and an questions, inquiries, and correspondence from interested persons referred to Consultant by the Partners (or designee) regarding the services Consultant has performed under this Agreement. D. Consultant shall be ready and able to begin to perform services required by this Agreement immediately upon its execution and shall perform such services diligently until this Agreement terminates. E. Upon written request of Partners, Consultant shall submit to Partners a report listing work in progress, charges incurred to datc, and anticipated estimated completion costs. F. Consultant shan maintain adequate records and docrunentation to substantiate all charges for services provided in thc performance of this Agreement, including, but not limitcd to, hours worked, materials used, and expenses incurred. Consultant shall provide copies of these records and documentation if they are requested by the Partners. G. Consultant shall maintain records and documents related to the perfornlance of this Agreement, and shan alJow Partners access to such records, upon request, for a period of three (3) years from the date of this Agreement=s termination. Consultant shall provide copies of these records and documents if they are requested by the Partners. 3. AssÎJrnment: Consultant shall not assign this contract or any portion of it without the express written approval of the Partners. 4. Term: The tem1 ofthis Agrcement shall commence February 14, 2005 and shalJ terminate upon completion of the scope of services as described in Exhibit "A". 5. Termination: Partners and Consultant agrce that Partners may terminate this Agreement at any time before the normal expiration of the term by giving thirty (30) days written notice. Upon termination of the agreement before completion of the project, Consultant shalJ surrender all documents, drawings, and other pertinent information on the project to Partners and q ~ t. -¡... Partners shall compensate Consultant for all services provided before termination. 6. Confidentialitv: Consultant shaH not disclose or make use of confidential or proprietary information or knowledge which may be disclosed to him, directly or indirectly, in the course of any performance under this Agreement. This Section survives termination of this Agreement. 7. Payment and Expenses: A. Partners shaH pay Consultant for services performed under this Agreement in accordance with the attached Exhibit "A." B. Payments prescribed in this Agreement shall constitute all compensation to Consultant for all costs of its services, including, but not limited to, direct costs of labor of cmployees engaged by Consultant, including Consultant, travel expenses, telephone charges, typing, duplication, computer time, and any and aH other costs, expenses, and charges incurred hy Consultant, his agents and cmployees in carrying out its duties under this Agreement. Consultant shaH be solely responsible for payment of its taxes, social security, and all expenses incurred in connection with the project. C. Consultant shall invoice Partners monthly for services rendered in the previous month. Partners shall pay Consultant in an expedient manner in accordance with Partncrs' normal payment procedures. 8. Economic Disclosure/Conflict of Interest. Upon determination by Partners that the services provided under this Agreement are ofthe type that make Consultant subject to the Economic Disclosurc/Conflict ofTnterest reporting requirements ofthe Political Reform Act, Consultant shaH complete Economic Disclosure Statements as dirccted by Partners. 9. Hold Harmless: Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the Partners, 10 üQ¡'¡'" elected officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from and against any and all loss, liability, damage, including reasonable attorneys= fees and/or court costs, arising out of the performance of this contract, except for the gross negligence and willful misconduct of Partners, their elected officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers. 10. Consultant's Responsibility: It is understood and agreed that Consultant has the professional skills necessary to perform the work agreed to be performed and that Partners rcly upon the professional skills of Consultant to do and perform its work in a skillful and professional manner and Consultant agrees to so perform its work. Acceptance by Partners of thc work performed under this Agreement does not operate as a release of Consultant from such professional responsibility. It is further w1derstood and agreed that the Consultant has reviewed in detail thc scope of work to be performed and that Consultant agrees in its pro fessional judgement said work can and shan be completed at the rate set forth in this Agrcement. II. Insurance Requirements For Consultants: Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, or employees. Minimum Scope ofTnsurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: I. Insurance Services Office Commereial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001). 2. Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, code I ( any auto). I ¡ov2.~ 3. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. 4. Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance appropriate to the consultant's profession. Architects' and enginecrs' coverage is to be endorsed to include contractual liability. Minimum Limits of Insurance Consultant shalJ maintain limits no less than: 1. Gcneral Liability, including operations, products and completed operations, as applicable: $1,000,000 per occurrence lor bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liahility Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this projcct/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrencc limit. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. 4. Errors and Omissions Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retention Any deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by Partners. At the option of Partners, either: the insurer shall rcduce or eliminatc such deductibles or self-insured retention as respects Partners, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to Partners guaranteeing payment oflosses and related 120() :t ¡... investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. Other Insurance Provisions The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. Partners, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as rcspects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalfofthc Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowcd by the CODsultant. The coverage shall cODtain no special limitations on the scope ofprotcction afforded to Partners, their officers, officials, employees or voluntccrs. 2. For any claims rclated to this project, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall bc primary insurance as respects the Partners, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Partners, their officers, officials, employccs or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policy including breaches of warranties shall Dot affect coverage provided to Partners, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4. The ConsultaDt's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respcct to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to statc that coverage shall not be canceled by either party, except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to Partners. Acceptabilitv of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A: Vll, unless 13~¡ÿ otherwise acceptable to Partners. Verification of Coverage Consultant shaH furnish Partners certificates of insurance and endorsement(s) effecting coverage to Partners for approval. The endorsements shall be on forms acceptable to Partners. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by Partners before work commences. Partners reservc the right to require complete, certified copies of all insurance policics required by this section. 12. Notices: Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement shaH be effective upon receipt in writing either by personal service upon the authorized agent of Partners or upon Consultant, respectively, or by mailing the notice via U.S. Mail to City at: City Administration Building 1052 S. Livermore Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 and to Consultant at: HJW Gcospatial, Inc. 8407 Edgewater Drive Oakland, CA 94621-1403 or to another address designated by either party by notice given in the manncr set forth in this Agreement. HJW Geospatial, Inc. A California Corporation "CONSULT ANT" DATED: BY: TITLE: FederalI.D. # or Social Security No. DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dcputy City Attorney DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney HDb'2.~ CITY OF LIVERMORE A Municipal Corporation "CITY" BY: TITLE: CITY OF PLEASANTON A Municipal Corporation "PLEASANTON" BY: TITLE: CITY OF DUBLIN A Municipal Corporation "DUBLIN" BY: TITLE: DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: -.- County Council 5Ø(:) 1.".. ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ZONE 7 A County Corporation "ZONE 7" BY: TITLE: 1(¿;¡0Zì~"'" Exhibit B 2005 Aerial Orthophotography Project Cost-sharing Totals HiRes Delivery Area in square (Less 15% miles"" Percent Cost Discount! WtO Cost Sharing" Dublin 319 16.4% $62,587,57 $53,199.44 $102,401,68 Livermore 48.1 24.7% $94,371.85 $80,216.08 $154,405.04 Pleasanton 41.5 21.3% $81,422.70 $69,209.30 $133,218.49 Zone 7 73.2 37.6% $143,617.87 $122,075.19 $234,978.15 Total 194.7 $382,000.00 $324,700.00 . The sum of the Delivery Areas exceeds the total project area of 119 square miles because of overlapping deliveries. .. W/o Cost Sharing figure is equal to the "HiRes Delivery Area" x "$382,000/119 sq,mi," l...owReS Area in square {Less 15%\ miles Percent Cost Dublin Livermore 146.9 100.0% $20,000.00 $17,000.00 Pleasanton Zone 7 Total 146.9 $20,000.00 $17,00000 Eo )/.~\\Q'I+ ... 8' n~¡-¡... 2005 Livermore Valley Mapping and Orthophotography Project Scope HJW will extend the relationship that has developed over the last 4 years by undertaking a project to update the mapping and orthophotographic coverage we have provided to the Livermore Valley Partners. The project will have two components: an area of high resolution orthophotos meeting 100-scale accuracy specifications with contours generated on a two-foot interval and an area of lower resolution orthophotos meeting 200-scale accuracy specifications with contours generated on a 10-foot interval. The two project components are referred to as the HighRes and LowRes areas in the attached Specifications and their extents are shown in Exhibit C following. Photography and Control Methods The new photographic materials that will be used in this update project will be consistent with the materials used in the previous projects. The HighRes area will be photographed at 1 :7200 in color and controlled by a combination of Airborne GPS data collected at the time of flight, ground control points from our previous work, and newly set and surveyed ground points. The project pians call for approximately 500 exposures in 35 flight lines supported by 40 ground points. The LowRes area will be photographed at 1 :24000 in color and controlled by a combination of Airborne GPS data collected at the time of flight, ground control points from our previous work, and newly set and surveyed ground points. The project plans call for approximately 40 exposures in 4 flight lines supported by 8 ground points and ties to older photography. Contour Mapping The controlled photography will be used to update and extend the terrain model that was developed in 2001 and revised partially in 2003. The terrain data generated for the City of Dublin in1995 will also be incorporated and revised. The method relies on using our softcopy compilation instruments. In the softcopy environment old data is viewed as it overlays new stereo imagery enabling the compiler to easily identify areas of change. The old data is clipped out and new data is compiled to accurately represent the changed conditions. Contours are then generated as normally and introduced into the stereo view to check for fidelity to the ground configuration. The contouring and spot elevations are converted to AutoCAD .DWG format and cut into the tiling scheme of each partner. Digital Orthophotography The new photography will be scanned at a resolution of 2000 dpi and subjected to radiometric color balancing before ortho-rectification. The camera locations and orientations from the aerotriangulation adjustment and the revised terrain model will be z: \(.~\b~1 "e.~' I <t iIQ 2.. z.- used to generate an ortho-rectified image for each exposure. These orthophotos will be mosaicked using seamline techniques designed to eliminate building lean conflicts from the final orthophoto tiles. Special nadir exposures will be made of major elevated road structures to eliminate the patches of missing ground imagery that would othelWise result when elevated overpasses are shifted into their corrected location. The delivery tiling scheme of the orthophotos will be as specified by each partner. Uncompressed .tif/tfw and MrSID compressed .sid/sdw format images in both color and black/white will be provided on DVD. I'1GQ1.Ÿ SPECIFICATIONS For Orthophotographic Services For the City of Livermore, the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 7, the City of Pleasant on, and the City of Dublin January 2005 Community Development Department Engineering Division Livermore, California Prepared by: Land Systems Group 395 Del Monte Center, #150 Monterey, California 93940 \ " e~,b.-\ r~~ Orthoimagery servi~P 't> z. z.... City of Livermore January, 2005 Products to be Delivered In this section, the flight and photographic requirements of each participating agency are listed. City of Livermore, Zone 7, City of Pleasanton, and City of Dublin Orthophotography Specifications Factor Tvoe Image Color and BIW tif and sid, including tf'w's and sdw's Pixel size 6" - high-res01ution areas I' - low-resolution areas .- Area Refer to flight area map - Exhibit "C". Special effort will be made to provide full ground coverage around elevated roadway structures such as the 580/680 interchange. . Line Work . City grid/County grid coverage showing the ground area covered by each photographic tile. Delivered digital photo tiles along flight boundary lines should be extended to the nearest inclusive tile border. Contours as described below . Jurisdictional composites bascd on each agency's flight plan to bc included in deIiverables. Contour format: AutoCAD Delivery Media CD or DVD: color and blw Compressed filcs: color and blw Compressed color mosaics of their project tiles will bc provided for each partner Compression Mr. Sid or othcr compression to bc approved by the agencies Contours 2' for high-resolution areas within the flight boundary, extended to the nearest inclusi ve tile border along boundary lines; 10' for low-resolution areas Triangulation Report Required in digital and hard copy formats. Survey Report A control report is required in digital and hard copy formats. Provide metadata, datum, spheroid, units, projection used and who performed the work. Digital Elevation Required to be at a densitv which wiJJ support ortho 2 Model/TIN production and generate the appropriate contours. Control Ground control Airborne GPS Livermore has vertical control for use in triangulation Plcasanton has 25 pt. Nct for use in triangulation Horizontal Accuracy HighRcs: 1" = lOO' (1 :1200) LowRes: 1" = 200' (I :2400) Vertical Accuracy HighRes: 2' Contours LowRes: 10' Contours ... Map Scale: HighRes: I" ~ 100' (1:1200) ~--.... LowRes: I" ~ 200' (1 :2400) ._~ Horizontal Datum NAD '83 Vertical Datum NAVD '88 Coordinate System State PJane, Zone 3, US Survey Feet Match Grid City Grid - City of Livermore City Grid - City of Pleasant on County Grid u Zone 7 and City of Dublin AU delivery tilcs shall be fuU Flight Date FebruarylMarch 2005 Metadata Indcx report including datum, spheroid, units, actual flight date or dates, who prefollned the work. Data Distribution The Livermore partners have rights of distribution consistent with their responsibilities under the Public Records Act. HJW GcoSpatial retains the right to make data sales to interested third parties. Orthoimagery servjC~ I ø:o 2.:2.... City of Livermore January, 2005 3 2. 7.dò 1.- "Y" I ~ J If3 . .. 1 s J If3 <l'¡ '-1 .'"¡'~ .. 1 ~ " J ~ & ~ ~ a \) II> ,g¡ 'E II> ~ ~ €I/.~\b,+ +- \~I II> ïð ::> g .s::: u .E ....'f., :;o'''j'-1h''', ,,?,.;,,".: ". ~