HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.3 ProcNatl ParksCoalitio A PROCLAMATION OF THE, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF DUBLIN CALIFORNIA WHEtlEA$, the 388 units of Ametica's National Park ~stem contain 83 million acres of cultural~, hislo~ical[y, and naturally significant lands that am home to 168 threatened and endangered ~eaes, an 80 million item museum wllection, and 20,000 building ( histoffc value; and WHE~A$, National Parks generate substantial economic ben~t ~r sumounding communities through kcal emplqmeng zax remnms, visitor ~ending on meah and kdgin3 businesses e~enditures to semice visitors, and NPS e~enditure&3r park empl~ee salaffes, supplies, se~ces, wnstmction prqects, etc; and WHE~A$, a seffes ( businessplan ana~ses wnducted b~ business and poliy e~em m co,unWon with the National Pat~ S emice indicate 3at the Park Se~ceS' annual qerations budget falls at kast $600 million, appmximate~ 30percent short (what is needed; and wHE~A$, the National Park Semice has ident~ed a $4.~ billion backlog (overdue maintenance, infrastructure repair and knowledge- related prqem that is the direa result (decades (annual 3or(alls in the parks' qerating budget; and WHE~A$, plant and wildl~ ~edes an disappeaffng, impo~anZ archaeological sites are not being pmtected, education programs ~re being ~duced, and i~placeabk histoffc structures are ~mbling due to funding sho~alls; and WHE~A$, Ameffcans~r National Parks is a walition (nonpr~t o~ani~ations, businesses, trade assodations, gom~ment agendes, and other nonpartisan suppo~ers (the national parks wmmitted to protecting Ame~ca ~' most in~iffng and histoffc pla6~s; and WHE~A$, ~meffcans ~r National Parks is working to encourage Congress and 3e administration to address the funding needs (the National Park S~stem, thi~ year and eye, year bff educat(~g and mobili~ng k~ derision maker~ and buiMing public demander protecting park rewurCes through media relations, adve~i~n3 and grassroots education. NO~ THE~FO~, BE IT ~SOL ~D, that I Janet ~ckha~, Mqor ( Dublin, on beha~ ~ the entire Ciff Coundl, do hereby suppo~ the ~meffcans ~r National Parks Coalition, and support legislative ~b~s to maintain and prese~e ~meffca~ 388 national park units. DATED: June ~5, 2004~/ M~orJanet~ckha~