HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-1987 Adopted CC MinREGULAR MEETING - October 12, 1987 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, October 12, 1987 in the meeting room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor Linda Jeffery. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Jeffery. Councilmembers Hegarty, Moffatt, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of alle- giance to the flag. Abandoned Car on Larkdale Avenue Mabel Raglin, 7458 Larkdale'Avenue, addressed the Council and indicated that she has been a Dublin resident since 1962. She loves her home and she loves Dublin. She indicated that she reported a dilapidated car which was dropped off on Larkdale Avenue a few weeks ago. It was taken care of, but she and her neighbors were uphappy with the way it was handled. Two people got the license number of the car that dropped it off and they still don't know what happened. She expressed concern in that 3-year old triplets were observed playing in the car, which was loaded with garbage. Mayor Jeffery requested that Police Chief John Severini address this issue. Lt. Severini indicated that when this was reported, the Officer should have taken action immediately. The City's ~procedures have been revised, and this 'type of a situation should not happen again in the future. The City is currently towing approximately 10 vehicles per month. Cm. Snyder questioned the process with regard to the individual who dropped off the vehicle. Lt. Severini indicated that the first concern was to get the vehicle off the street. The.next step would be to send out a letter to the registered owner. Because of vehicles being sold, there is usually not a lot that can be done. Ms. Raglin indicated that she has some ideas on how the City could deal with the large numbers of inoperable vehicles parked in driveways and on the City streets. There are a lot of these cars in her area, even on her street. Cm. Hegarty questioned Lt. Severini if some type of a policy could be developed whereby his department could get back to a person to let them know what is happening with regard to a complaint. We need some type of a follow- up procedure. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-312 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 Ms. Raglin reported that one of her neighbors was advised of the status. presented a written copy of the speech she had intended to make to the Council, along with a petition signed by everyone on Larkdale who was at home. She INTRODUCTION OF FIRE CHIEF RITTER City Manager Ambrose introduced Harold Ritter to the City Council. Mr. Ritter was recently appointed to the position of Dublin San Ramon Services District Fire Chief to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Chief Phil Phillips. He was previously the Assistant Fire Chief with the City of Gilroy. Mayor Jeffery questioned if Chief Ritter had any experience working the Garlic Festival while in Gilroy. If so, we would look forward to his involvement and help with future Shamrock Festivals. Chief Ritter indicated that he was the Treasurer this year. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 28, 1987; Approved the City Treasurer's Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 1987; Denied a claim submitted by George Filstead and directed Staff to notify the claimant and the City's Insurance Provider; Authorized the Mayor to execute an agreement for towing services with Gordon & Son's Towing; Approved Warrant Register in the amount of $363,813.61; Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 87 AUTHORIZING CITY OF DUBLIN PARTICIPATION IN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Accepted improvements under Contract 87-1, Dublin Boulevard Signal Interconnect Project as complete and authorized payment to Steiny & Co., Inc., in the amount of $13,781.81; %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-313 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 MEASURE C - PROPOSITION 4 LIMITATION Staff advised the Council that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors has approved the placement of a ballot measure (Measure C) on the November 3, 1987 ballot. This measure would permit the County to increase its Proposi- tion ~ limitation. Supervisor Perata has requested that the City Council endorse Measure C, which would enable the County to retain existing and anticipated tax revenues to meet demands for services and future court and state mandates in providing County services. Mayor Jeffery advised that one of the resolutions passed at the recent League of CA Cities Conference was to support and assist counties in any way we can. She recently met with Sheriff Plummer and part of the problem causing the early release of prisoners is due to the lack of funding. It would be to our benefit~to support this. Cm. Hegarty questioned if anyone had attempted to contact the State Senators to revise the formulas by which this limit is figured. Mayor Jeffery advised that this has been discussed at the Revenue & Taxation Committee meetings and the State is having even bigger problems. An initiative is being proposed which would change the formulas. City Manager Ambrose indicated that the U. S. CPI is one factor that is being looked at for modification. Inputing a regional CPI into the formula is being discussed. Mayor Jeffery indicated that this would allow Alameda County to come back to the voters and request to be able to spend excess funds. On mOtion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimOus vote, the Council agreed to support Measure C on the November 3, 1987 ballot. PUBLIC HEARING SCARLETT COURT - LOADING & NO PARKING ZONE @ CURTISS DODGE Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. This item, which would establish a loading zone, a no parking zone and a one-hour parking zone on Scarlett Court was heard by the Council at meetings on August 24th, September 14th and September 28th. Business owners from Curtiss Dodge and the Valley Boat House have agreed that the following would be acceptable 1) establish 10' of red curb southeasterly of the Valley Boat House driveway for sight distance; 2) establish a one-hour parking~zone in the remaining space between the driveways; 3) establish 10' of red curb southeasterly of the Curtiss Dodge driveway for sight distance; 4) paint the curb red 15' on either side of the hydrant; 5) establish the loading zone southeasterly of the red curb for the hydrant, extending to Curtiss Dodge's property line. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% · CM-6-314 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 TJKM haS reviewed the request and concurs that the sOlution is satisfactory from safety and legal standpoints. Staff advised that it would be necessary for the Police Department to enforce the limited parking zones. Mayor Jeffery requested that Staff notify the businesses on Sierra Court. Cm. Moffatt questioned if the one-hour limit also applied to the opposite side of the street. City Engineer Thompson responded that it did not. Ms. Corallo of the Valley Boat House indicated that the existing two-hour parking sign is in the planter and cannot be seen. The fire hydrant also is not visible from the street. Cm. Vonheeder questioned if there was a blue dot in the street. Staff responded that there was not. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Hegarty, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and on an urgency basis, adopted ORDINANCE NO. 48 - 87 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Scarlett Court (Limited Parking, Loading & No Parking Zones) PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERMITS FOR THE USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that this ordinance was redrafted as a result of Council direction at the September 28th meeting. The ordinance would require a permit for the operation of any mobile public address sound system equipment on any street within the .City. The ordinance addresses the permit process, as well as an appeal procedure, should an application for permit be denied. Cm. Snyder stated he was not in favor of the original ordinance. He questioned if it was reasonable to assume that the City can fall back on the Noise Abatement Ordinance if necessary. City Attorney Nave responded yes. Mabel Raglin, 7458 Larkdale Avenue, indicated that she often hears loud car radiOs and questioned if this ordinance would cover this. Cm. Snyder responded that this would be covered under the Noise Ordinance already, in effect. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. ~ %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-315 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 On motion of Cm. Vonheeder, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance requiring permits for the use of sound amplification equipment. PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1959 SURVIVOR'S BENEFIT Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. Staff advised that this ordinance, which was introduced at the City Council meeting of September 14th, would amend the City's contract with PERS to include the Third Level 1959 Survivor's Benefit. This benefit is similar to benefits provided to individuals covered by the Federal Social Security System. No comments were made by members of the public. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Snyder, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO. 49 - 87 AMENDING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) TO INCLUDE THE 1959 SURVIVOR'S BENEFIT PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE REGULATING GAMING Mayor Jeffery opened the public hearing. As part of the comprehensive municipaI code revision process, the City Attorney's Office has prepared an ordinance which would specifically prohibit any game, gambling, or gaming not mentioned or included in Section 330 or 330a of the Penal Code. Staff advised that the intent of this ordinance is to regulate against the'establishment of "card rooms" within the City. Most forms of gambling are prohibited by state law, with the exception that regulation of draw poker is reserved to the cities. Staff advised that this ordinance is not intended to dissuade friends or neighbOrs from playing draw poker, providing it is not played as a banking or percentage game. The ordinance has been reviewed by the Assistant District Attorney in Livermore. City Manager Ambrose advised that a corrected draft ordinance was distributed just prior to the meeting. Some key Verbage was left out of SectiOn 1 and Section 3. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%~%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-316 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 Cm. Moffatt questioned if this also applies to Boy Scout raffles and church raffles. Mr. Ambrose advised that those things are already regulated by state law. Mabel Raglin, 7458 Larkdale Avenue questioned the reason for this ordinance. Chief Severini explained that the City has had several inquiries from individuals about starting a card room in Dublin. From a law enforcement standpoint, this would not be a desirable type of establishment. Further, he stated he did not feel the moral fiber of Dublin would permit this. This ordinance would regulate against such establishments being able to ~locate in Dublin. Mayor Jeffery closed the public hearing. On motiOn of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Vonheeder, and by unanimous Vote, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED an ordinance regulating gaming in the City of Dublin. SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE staff advised that the renovation of the Fallon SchoOl Multi-Use Room is scheduled to be completed in March of 1988. Recruitment is currently underwaY for a Recreation Coordinator to serve as the Senior Center Director. On AUguSt llth and September 8th, the City's Park & Recreation commission considered the formation of an advisory body of senior citizens to advise the City On'the operation of the Senior Center. The Park & Recreation Commission and Staff felt it to be extremely important that the seniors have a voice in the programs and services that will be available to them. · A list of proposed cOmmittee guidelines was presented to the Council for consideration. The committee's first responsibility would be to draft by- laWS for Council approval. Recreation Director Lowart advised that the seniors wanted to form:a commission rather than a committee. Cm. Snyder questioned who the alternate was. Ms. Lowart stated it WOuld be an appointed member at large. A review of the Staff Report indicated a math error. !The correct number would be 4 members at large. If the full voting committee was present, the alternate would not have voting rights. Cm. Hegarty felt that the bigger the committee, the less that would get done. He~i questioned the possibility of simply having each member of the City Council appoint one person. Ms'.'Lowart gave a brief report related to the discussion at the Park & Recreation Commission meeting and how they arrived at the recommendation. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-317 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 Mayor Jeffery questioned how we would go about getting representatives from the 3 groups, 1) Area Agency on Aging; 2) Dublin-San Ramon Seniors; 3) Senior Californians of Dublin-San Ramon. Ms. Lowart advised that the discussion did not get this far. However, we are fortunate in that the Area Agency on Aging appointment happens to be a Dublin resident. Cm. Hegarty again stated he recommended that 5 people be appointed directly by the Council. Each would have a vote. Mayor Jeffery stated we could ask the groups to set forth nominations and the CoUncil~could draw names. Discussion was held relative to ex-officio status for members with non-voting rightS. Cm. V°nheeder expressed concern regarding stacking the committee in favor of one group or another. Mayor Jeffery agreed with Cm. Hegarty that it is difficult for a group to work when there are too many peOple. On motion of Cm. Hegarty, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council~approved the formation of a Senior Center Advisory Committee, consisting of 5 members with one member appointed by each Councilmember. A repreSentative of the Area Agency on Aging would also be a member, but without voting rights. The Council directed Staff to go to the various groups and advise that the Council is looking to appoint members to this committee. MayOr Jeffery requested that this be brought back before the Council in one month. .She also felt it to be very important that the meetings be scheduled on a regular basis. The question was raised related to whether this committee would be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest. Staff advised that this committee woUld not be required to file a statement. The Park & Recreation Commission are also not required to file. Mabel Raglin, 7458 Larkdale Avenue, questioned if there was an age limit on this committee. · MS. Lowart advised that the recommendation is a minimum age of 55. OTHER'BUSX ESS ~ Planning Commission Appointment Cmi' Hegarty announced that he has appointed H. Patton C. Tempel to fill the Vacancy on the Planning Commission. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-318 Regular Meeting October 12, 1987 Park Grants City Manager Ambrose reported that the City will be receiving 2 grants of $50,000 each. One will be for Shannon Park and the other for the East Dougherty Hills Park. Bill Baker was instrumental in getting these funds for the City. Staff will send a thank you letter to Assemblyman Baker. BART , , Mayor Jeffery reported that LAVTA had passed a resolution in opposition to BART's extension to Colma, prior to our area. She questioned if the Council would like to take a position. We need to let the BART Board of Directors know how we feel about this, in very strong terms. By consensus of Council, Staff was directed to place this item on a future agenda. CLOSED SESSION At 8:37 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed executive session t° discuss potential litigation and pending litigation, City vs. Pet Prevent-A-Care, Inc. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST-. %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+% CM-6-319 Regular~Meeting October 12, 1987