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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 AuthSgnROWCertFundProj CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: July 26, 1993 SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing Director of Public Works to Sign Right-af-Way Certifications in Connection with State and Federally Funded Road Projects Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Resolution RECOMMENDATION: ~ Approve attached Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin received approval of funding in the amount of $183,291 from the new Federal Highway Act (ISTEA) program for the Dougherty Road/Sierra Lane Traffic Signal and Intersection Modification. In order to obtain Federal and State aid assistance in connection with state and federally funded road projects, and for the State Department of Transportation to approve the projects for advertisingt it is necessary for the City of Dublin to certify that the right-of-way necessary for the proper completion of the project will be or has been acquired. The State of California Department of Transportation will accept right-of-way certification signed by the Director of Public Works if the City Council has by resolution authorized him to sign said certifications. This is a similar procedure that the City went through for the previous Federal Aid to Urban (FAU) program. Approving this resolution will eliminate the need for the City Council to certify the right-of-way for each individual ISTEA project. Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to sign the right-at-way certification. a:agenda\rowcert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM NO. g.Z CITY CLERK FILE /loI6IoH/lol COPIES TO: RESOLUTION NO. -93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO SIGN RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH STATE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED ROAD PROJECTS WHEREAS, in order to obtain Federal and State aid assistance in connection with State and Federally funded road projects and for the State Department of Transportation to approve the project for advertising, it is necessary for the City of Dublin certify that the right-of-way necessary for the proper completion of the project will be or has been acquired; and WHEREAS, the State of California Department of Transportation will accept right-of-way certification signed by the Director of Public Works if the council has by resolution authorized him to sign said certifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin resolves as follows: SECTION 1. right-of-way projects. The City Council hereby authorizes the Director of Public Works to sign certification in connection with State and Federally funded road SECTION 2. adoption. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a:\reso\rowcert