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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-2003 SCAC MinutesCITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF: NOVEMBER 13, 2003 Chairperson McHugh called the November 13, 2003 meeting of the Senior Center Advisory Committee to order at 9:03 A.M. at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California. Pledge of Allegiance Chairperson McHugh led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Gifford, Silvas, McHugh, Payton, Cain (Commission Representative) Committee Members Absent: Bielke Oral Communications – None Approval of Minutes – September 4, 2003 ON A MOTION BY CM. SILVAS SECONDED BY CM. PAYTON AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMITTEE VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2003. Written Communications - None Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business - None New Business 7.1 SUMMER QUARTERLY REPORT Parks & Community Services Manager McCreary reported that on a quarterly basis Staff prepares a summary of the programs and activities offered at the Dublin Senior Center. In general there has been an increase in attendance with approximately 400 more participants than the previous summer. Each year the Senior Center is experiencing a notable increase in attendance. In June the annual Garage Sale was held. Over 250 people attended the sale and raised over $700. The Bingo Dinner was held in June and was attended by 32 players. In October the City began offering transportation to the Bingo Dinner so that seniors who are not comfortable driving in the evening are able to still attend the event. The Trail Trekkers continue to be popular. Although the program is not offered on a weekly basis, many of the participants still meet on off weeks to walk as a group. The program averages 15 to 20 walkers per week. They are visiting many beautiful places throughout Northern California. The Trips and Tours Program has expanded to 3 to 4 trips per month. Almost all of the trips are filling with waiting lists. Staff is going to begin exploring offering overnight trips in the future. McCreary explained that a detailed attendance report should have been attached to the agenda packet, but was mistakenly left out. A copy will be distributed to the Committee Members at the next meeting. McCreary asked if the Committee Members had any questions or comments. Cm. McHugh thought it was significant that services offered during the summer actually increased over last year because typically people go away during that time on vacation. He thought it was probably because more activities are being offered at the Senior Center, but it was still significant. McCreary responded that what is also interesting is that about 2/3 of the people participating in the Trail Trekker Program are new to the Dublin Senior Center. Staff is discovering is that 100% of those new customers begin participating in other Senior Center activities and programs. Cm. McHugh noted that the Water Color Class on Tuesday has several new people enrolled who are also new to the Dublin Senior Center. He commented that participating in one activity exposes them to other programs like the Trail Trekkers. For example, on Tuesdays the Trekkers are having lunch while the Water Color Class is setting up. MINUTES – OCTOBER 20, 2003 Page 2 of 4 There is a lot of connecting that happens then which is going to help continue to expand attendance at programs and activities. Cm. McHugh explained that he wanted to get a copy of the detailed attendance report because he has been developing a spreadsheet charting the long-term attendance at programs to use as a reference for future program planning. McCreary stated that the attendance report would be distributed to the Committee at the next meeting. Cm. McHugh asked the Committee Members for comments. Cm. Silvas commented that Cm. McHugh’s idea to chart attendance is a terrific idea. Cm. Silvas asked if the information could be relayed to Cm. McHugh on a regular basis so he can continue to chart the attendance. McCreary explained that Anna Hudson, the Senior Center Coordinator, compiles the information on a quarterly basis and will continue to provide it to Cm. McHugh if he desires. Cm. McHugh suggested putting in on disk for Anna so he does not have to do the input anymore. Burr Cain explained he had met with Anna and discussed the potential problem going forward enlisting new volunteers for the new Senior Center. With the aging population there is some concern that unless we have new recruits ultimately we may come up short on volunteers when the new Center opens because they are going to be a lot more things going on. Cm. Payton asked if there is a list that shows the activities that the Center needs volunteers for and what kind of skills are needed. McCreary explained that one of the items on Anna’s work plan this year is to develop a volunteer packet that will highlight the opportunities that are available. Currently there are a number of short shifts that need to be filled on an infrequent basis. Coverage in the office is a high priority and more volunteers are needed for that function now. Cm. Payton explained she would be willing to assist with office projects, but not necessarily in the office. If there is anything Anna needs computerized she could do that in the evening at home. 7.2 Resource and Reference Computers Cm. McHugh asked if the Committee Members had a chance to review the Staff report yet. Cm. Payton explained having the computers on the stage makes them difficult to access for people who cannot walk up stairs. Cm. Gifford explained that there is an elevator at the front of the stage to provide access for those with disabilities. Cm. Silvas explained that having the computers in the main room would make them more visible and accessible to participants. They are hidden on the stage and people have no idea what is back there. Cm. Silvas asked where the Foundation would be moved. McCreary explained they would still be able to use the area because the computers will be located on one table in the corner. Currently the Foundation area is primarily used for storage. If there are hours they want to set aside for office hours Anna will accommodate them. The location was selected because electrical and computer network connections are already installed in that spot. Cm. McHugh said he has been teaching computer classes at the Dublin Senior Center for the past few years. The first year there were usually 5 or 6 people in each class. Now very few classes have enough registration to be conducted. Most people that would be coming to the Center that have computers have new computers. Those people have newer operating systems like Windows XP. The Senior Center computers have Windows 95. They are able to do more on their own computers. In teaching the classes he found he was teaching things they didn’t have to learn because they had a new computer. The curriculum is based on Windows 95 and needs to be updated. What they really want to do is be able to e-mail, use the Internet, and learn how to produce things, maybe related to a hobby like genealogy or searching for old MINUTES – OCTOBER 20, 2003 Page 3 of 4 friends. People want to learn how to use a scanner to put things into the computer and make something out of it on the computer. Burr Cain said that with the opening of the new Dublin Public Library that many seniors are going to the Library to use the computers there. When the new Senior Center opens there will be dedicated area for the computer lab and resource computers. McCreary explained that the City would be upgrading the operating systems on the Senior Center computers to a newer version so they will function like newer computers. He also explained that the City has established an Internal Service Fund for the computers so when new technology outpaces the computers and they no longer have a useful purpose funds will be available to purchase new equipment and software. McCreary stated that in addition to moving two computers to the main room, Staff would be reviewing the computer classes and curriculum to increase use of the computer lab. One of the considerations is to offer one-day workshops to focus on a single project such as an art project. Cm. McHugh explained that one of the challenges faced by seniors is the ability to use the mouse and suggested using a trackball. Cm. Silvas explained that he has been asking for a Macintosh computer to be installed in the computer lab but was told that it was not feasible since the City’s computer staff are not trained to repair Macintosh computers. He stated that if the expertise could not be found internally that a contractor could be brought in for Macintosh service on an as needed basis. He asked if the wiring planned for the new Senior Center would allow for Macintosh computers to be installed. McCreary responded that he was not able to answer the question because he is not sure what it takes to connect a Macintosh computer to a Windows based network. He explained that there would be network jacks throughout the entire building that will allow for flexibility in the future if conditions change. McCreary said he would keep the request for a Macintosh in mind as computer equipment is specified for the new facility. Cm. Payton explained that it is expensive and time consuming for someone to become fully knowledgeable and certified in different kinds of networks and computer hardware. Cm. McHugh said that many people who are aware there are computers on the stage are not aware of how extensive the lab is. They are not aware that they can scan and print in color. Cm. Payton suggested developing a brochure or flyer to market the features of the computer lab. Cm. Silvas suggested moving some of the backdrop panels on the stage and opening the curtains so that the computers are more exposed. Cm. Payton suggested posting a sign for the computer lab outside of the stage door. McCreary stated that a sign could be posted. He also suggested posting the computer class schedules by the new reference computers in the main room. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks & Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Burr Cain asked how much money the Foundation has raised in the past. McCreary explained it was his understanding it was around $70,000-$80,000 which has been primarily raised through fireworks sales and private memorial donations. They have been extremely generous to the Senior Center providing funds for events, equipment and supplies. Burr explained he does not want to look at them entirely as a financial institution but as an involved partner with the Senior Center. He wanted to encourage them to become more involved with the Committee. Cm. McHugh said he would like to see a Dublin Senior Foundation Board Member present at Advisory Committee Meetings. MINUTES – OCTOBER 20, 2003 Page 4 of 4 Cm. Silvas suggested putting a plaque at the new Senior Center to honor Bob Cocilova and the original members of the Dublin Senior Foundation. Cm. McHugh agreed and thought it may be a good idea to name a room after Bob to memorialize his hard work and dedication. The plaque could be located in that room. Burr Cain agreed saying that the conference room would be an appropriate place because the Foundation will probably hold their meetings in that room. The Committee asked Staff to place the item on a future agenda. Cm. McHugh announced that he had tendered his resignation from the Committee as of the end of December to spend more time with his family. McCreary explained that applications are currently being accepted through December 4 and the Mayor will make an appointment at the December 16 City Council meeting. McCreary explained that the Senior Center construction project would be out to bid in November. If all goes well, the construction should begin in January. Cm. Payton asked if the Committee would have another opportunity to provide input on the furniture. McCreary explained that would be a separate contract from the construction project and the Committee would have another chance for input in early 2004. Burr Cain asked if the intent was to open the Senior Center and Senior Housing at the same time. McCreary said that although the projects will be constructed simultaneously it is anticipated the housing project will take a few more months to complete. Burr asked if the addition of Anderson’s Electronics and the expansion of Target will have an impact on the number of overflow parking spaces available for the Senior Center. McCreary responded that expansion of the shopping center was taken into consideration when the project was designed. Cm. McHugh asked when the existing building on the new Senior Center site would be demolished. McCreary stated the demolition is part of the construction contract and will be one of the first tasks completed once construction begins. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:14 A.M. Respectfully submitted, __________________________________ Paul M. McCreary Parks and Community Services Manager APPROVED: ___________________________________ Chairperson