HomeMy WebLinkAbout*May 16, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting PacketCOUNCILMEMBERS Melissa Hernandez, Mayor Michael McCorriston, Vice Mayor Jean Josey, Councilmember Dr. Sherry Hu, Councilmember Kashef Qaadri, Councilmember Tuesday, May 16, 2023 sit DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Regular Meeting of the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL City Council Chamber Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 www.dublin.ca.gov Location: City Council Chamber 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 CLOSED SESSION 6:30 PM REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM Additional Meeting Procedures This City Council meeting will be broadcast live on Comcast T.V. channel 28 beginning at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will also be livestreamed at www.tv30.org and on the City's website at: https://dublin.ca.gov/ccmeetings Members of the public who wish to participate in the meeting electronically have the option of giving public comment via Zoom, subject to the following procedures: ❑ Fill out an online speaker slip available at www.dublin.ca.gov. The speaker slip will be made available at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Upon submission, you will receive Zoom link information from the City Clerk. Speakers slips will be accepted until the public comment period ends, or until the public comment period on non - agenda items is closed. ❑ Once connected to the Zoom platform using the Zoom link information from the City Clerk, the public speaker will be added to the Zoom webinar as an attendee and muted. The speaker will be able to observe the meeting from the Zoom platform. ❑ When the agenda item upon which the individual would like to comment is addressed, the City Clerk will announce the speaker in the meeting when it is their time to give public comment. The speaker will then be unmuted to give public comment via Zoom. CLOSED SESSION I. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency Designated Representatives: Mayor Hernandez and Councilmember Hu Unrepresented Employee: City Manager May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 1 REGULAR MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Presentation from the Mayor's Council The City Council will receive a presentation from the Mayor's Council on their activities during the 2022-23 year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the presentation. Staff Report 3.2 Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month Proclamation The City Council will present the Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month proclamation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present the proclamation. Staff Report Attachment 1 - Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month 3.3 Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration Proclamation The City Council will present the Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration proclamation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present the proclamation. Staff Report Attachment 1- Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration Proclamation 3.4 Youth Advisory Committee Annual Report The Youth Advisory Committee will present an annual report highlighting accomplishments for the 2022-23 term. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. Staff Report Item 3.4 PowerPoint Presentation 3.5 Public Comment At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendized items. Please step to the podium and clearly state your name for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance with State Law, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the matter. Any member of the public may contact the City Clerk's Office related to the proper procedure to place an item on a future City Council agenda. The exceptions under which the City Council MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 2 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically non -controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 Approval of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting. Staff Report Attachment 1- May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 4.2 Awarding a Contract to Chrisp Company for On -Call Striping and Marking The City Council will consider awarding a contract to Chrisp Company for the replacement and installation of pavement striping and markings throughout the City on an as -needed basis. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Awarding a Contract for On -Call Striping and Marking to Chrisp Company. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Awarding a Contract for On -Call Striping and Marking to Chrisp Company Attachment 2 - Bid Results 4.3 Agreement with the City of San Ramon Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CaIPERS The City Council will consider approving an agreement with the City of San Ramon related to the methodology of allocating future pension payments to reflect any additional discretionary payments made by Dublin or San Ramon to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Safety pension plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Approving an Agreement with the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to Ca1PERS Attachment 2 - Exhibit A to the Resolution - Agreement with the City of San Ramon Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS Attachment 3 - Dougherty Regional Fire Authority UAAL Payment Analysis 4.4 Payment Issuance Report and Electronic Funds Transfers The City Council will receive a listing of payments issued from April 1, 2023 - April 30, 2023, totaling $4, 014, 851.18. May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. Staff Report Attachment 1 - Payment Issuance Report for April 2023 4.5 Adoption of an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 The City Council will consider adoption of the annual Appropriations Limit in accordance with State law. The City of Dublin's Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is $468,263,521, which exceeds the City's related appropriations by $375,464,050. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Attachment 2 - Exhibit A to the Resolution - Calculation of Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit Attachment 3 - Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit 4.6 City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2023 The City Council will receive an informational report of the City's investments through the quarter ending March 31, 2023 including a monthly transaction ledger. The City's investment portfolio for this period totaled $388,037,166 (market value) with an average market yield of 4.39%. As required by the Policy, the City Treasurer (Administrative Services Director) affirms that the City is able to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2023. Staff Report Attachment 1- City of Dublin Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 2023 Attachment 2 - Transaction Ledger - January through March 2023 4.7 Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program at Don Biddle Community Park The City Council will consider approving an agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. to allow for the construction, installation, and operation of electric vehicle charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving an Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for the General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Approving An Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for the General Motors Community Charging Program Attachment 2 - Exhibit A to the Resolution - Site Hosting Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group Inc Attachment 3 - General Motors Dealer Community Charging Guidelines Attachment 4 - FLO Driver Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Attachment 5 - City Council Report dated February 21, 2023 (without attachments) May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 4 4 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 5. I Invitation to Visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display from the Wicklow County Council The City Council will consider an invitation from the Wicklow County Council for the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City Officials to visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display in July 2023. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council chooses to send representatives to participate in the International Bray Air Display in Ireland, direct Staff to proceed with travel accommodations as necessary. Staff Report Attachment 1- Invitation visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display from the Wicklow County Council 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget The City Council will consider adopting the City's budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Attachment 2 - Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary Attachment 3 - Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Reserves Attachment 4 - Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Item 6.1 PowerPoint Presentation 6.2 Adopting the Proposed 2022-2027 Five -Year Capital Improvement Program Update The City Council will conduct a public hearing and consider adopting the proposed Five - Year Capital Improvement Program Update, which includes capital project funding from Fiscal Year 2022-23 through Fiscal Year 2026-27. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update. Staff Report Attachment 1- Resolution Adopting the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Attachment 2 - Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Item 6.2 PowerPoint Presentation 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None. 8. NEW BUSINESS — None. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Brief information only reports from City Council and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by City Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 5 5 I0. ADIOURNMENT This AGENDA is posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2(a) If requested, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953.2, this agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132) (ADA), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. To make a request for disability -related modification or accommodation, please contact the City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Upon receiving a request, the City will swiftly resolve requests for reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the federal ADA, and resolve any doubt in favor of accessibility. Agenda materials that become available within 72 hours in advance of the meeting, and after publishing of the agenda, will be available at Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, and will be posted on the City's website at www.dublin.ca.gov/ccmeetings. Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities, provides equity across all programs, and champions a culture of diversity and inclusion. May 16, 2023 Dublin City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 6 6 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.JECT: Presentation from the Mayor's Council Prepared by: Marsha Moore, MMC, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Agenda Item 3.1 The City Council will receive a presentation from the Mayor's Council on their activities during the 2022-23 year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the presentation. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Under Item 9 at the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council meeting, Mayor Hernandez requested time for her Mayor's Council to present a report on their 2022-23 school -year projects. The Mayor's Council is a group of high school students selected by the Mayor. With consultation of the Mayor, the group organizes and leads civic engagement projects in the City. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. Page 1 of 2 7 ATTACHMENTS: None. Page 2 of 2 8 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.ECT: Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month Proclamation Prepared by: Cierra Fabrigas, Executive Aide Agenda Item 3.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will present the Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month Proclamation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present the proclamation. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: The annual Gun Violence Awareness Day is being observed on June 2, 2023, and the month of June is dedicated to Gun Violence Awareness as well. During this commemoration, many people demonstrate their support of gun violence awareness by wearing orange in remembrance of Hadiya Pendleton, who was shot and killed on a playground in Chicago when she was a young teen. With this proclamation, the City renews its commitment to reduce gun violence and encourage responsible gun ownership in our community and country. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. Page 1 of 2 9 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month Proclamation Page 2 of 2 10 Attachment I A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA "Gun Violence Awareness Day and Month" WHEREAS, every day, 120 Americans are killed by gun violence and more than 200 are shot and wounded, with an average of more than 17,000 gun homicides every year; and WHEREAS, Americans are 26 times more likely to die by gun homicide than people in other high -income countries; and WHEREAS, in an average year, 3,253 people die by guns in California, with a rate of eight deaths per 100,00o people, a crisis that costs the state $41.9 billion each year, of which $1.1 billion is paid by taxpayers; and WHEREAS, gun homicides and assaults are concentrated in cities, with more than half of all firearm -related gun deaths in the nation occurring in 127 cities; and WHEREAS, cities across the nation, including Dublin, are working to end the gun violence with evidence -based solutions; and WHEREAS, protecting public safety in the communities they serve is an integral part of public safety in our communities; and WHEREAS, gun violence prevention is more important than ever as we see an increase in firearm homicides, and nonfatal shootings across the county; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin renews its commitment to reduce gun violence and continue to encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our families and community safe. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby proclaim June 2, 2023 as "Gun Violence Awareness Day" and June 2023 as "Gun Violence Awareness Month" and encourages citizens in the City of Dublin to support local efforts to prevent the tragic effects of gun violence and honor human lives. DATED: May 16,023 • Mayor Melissa Hernande c LA-2, ouncilmember g4rry Hu ouncilmemb an Jo Vice Mayor Michael McCorriston Councilmeyhber Kashef Qaadri 11 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 3.3 SU B.ECT: Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration Proclamation Prepared by: Cierra Fabrigas, Executive Aide EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will present the Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration Proclamation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Present the proclamation. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Job's Daughters International Day is observed on May 27. This year, Job's Daughters International is holding a Centennial Celebration. Job's Daughters is an organization for young women between the ages of 10 and 20 that provides a safe space for girls to learn leadership skills and be an active part of their community. Job's Daughters Bethel No. 1 has participated in numerous volunteer events in Dublin, including but not limited to St. Patrick's Day Events, Splatter, Creek Clean Ups, and Farmers Markets. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. Page 1 of 2 12 ATTACHMENTS: 1) Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration Proclamation Page 2 of 2 13 Attachment I A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA "Job's Daughters International Day Centennial Celebration" WHEREAS, the City of Dublin wishes to acknowledge that Job's Daughters Bethel No 1 Dublin has been instrumental in the community by their generous charitable work including but not limited to: volunteering during city sponsored ribbon weeks, serving during St Patrick's Day fun run and Easter Egg Hunts, and assisting with School Clean Up projects. The group has been a presence in the community for 4o years, holding their business meetings at several city locations including Shannon Community Center, Murray Elementary School gymnasium, Camp Parks Meeting Room, and various church reception halls; and WHEREAS, Job's Daughters International was founded by Ethel T. Wead Mick in Nebraska and expanded to California by Elsie Bonneville Daskam with the 1st Bethel receiving their charter signed on June 9tn 1923 in Oakland CA. Bethel No 1 moved from Oakland to Dublin in 1983 and is one of 7o Bethels in the State of California; and WHEREAS, Job's Daughters is an organization for young women between the ages of 10 and 20, with over 1 million members and alumni worldwide over the course of the last 10o years. Job's Daughters provides a safe place for girls to have fun, learn leadership skills, and be an active part of their community. Job's Daughters provides its members with a life-long community of support to help them succeed in society. Through local gatherings, Job's Daughters provides a place for girls to become confident women; and WHEREAS, Job's Daughters of California, in partnership with the California Masonic Families, offers tens of thousands of dollars annually in scholarships and grants to its members, and in support of local, regional, and international charities; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin encourages youth to get involved in organizations such as Job's Daughters International who, through business meetings, leadership camps, and events and fundraisers, help young women develop the skills needed to be outstanding leaders. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby proclaim May 27, 2023 as `Job's Daughters International Day', and encourages the support of the Job's Daughters International program and its participants, and the work they do to enable students to realize their full potential. DATED: May 16, 2o23 Mayor Melissa Hernande, Z'`t ouncilmember 34rry Hu Otit/� ouncilmem an Jo Vice Mayor Michael McCorriston Councilme nber Kashef Qaadri 14 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item 3.4 DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.ECT: Youth Advisory Committee Annual Report Prepared by: Liz Elliott, Recreation Supervisor EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Youth Advisory Committee will present an annual report highlighting accomplishments for the 2022-23 term. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Each year, the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Members present a report highlighting accomplishments during the term. Accomplishments include awarding Youth Mini -Grants, volunteering at City events, participating in a roundtable event with neighboring agencies, engaging in fundraising efforts for the Youth Fee Assistance Program, and planning, implementing, and hosting events. The YAC's 2022-23 accomplishments include the following: • Awarded four youth organizations in Dublin with Youth Mini -Grants totaling $2,500 (DubMed, Gardeners of the Galaxy, SHAPE - Student Health Advocates for a Positive Environment, Teens Unite for Education). • Planned, implemented, and hosted the second Youth Mental Health Forum at the Shannon Community Center on Thursday, November 17, 2022. • Volunteered at the City's Splatter, Harvest Fair, St. Patrick's Day Festival, Spring Page 1 of 2 15 Eggstravaganza, and Holiday Tree Lighting events. • Volunteered at the Teen Job Fair on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at the Pleasanton Senior Center. • Collaborated with the Senior Center Advisory Committee to host the Dublin Benefit Concert on April 6, 2023, at the first Farmers Market of the season at the Emerald Glen Park Amphitheater. • Participated in the Spring Tri-Valley Youth Committees event on Saturday, April 22, 2023, in San Ramon. The Committee Chair and Vice Chair presented the annual report at the April 17, 2023 Parks and Community Services Commission meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The Commission Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: None. Page 2 of 2 16 2022-23 Youth Advisory Committee Annual Report City Council May I 6, 2023 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 17 2022-23 Accom ishments • Developed CommitteeWorkplan • Awarded $2500 forYouth Mini -Grant Program • Hosted Youth Mental Health Forum • Volunteered at City Special Events • Hosted Dublin Benefit Concert • Participated in Tri-Valley Roundtable CALIFORNIA 18 Youth Mental Health Forum • Approximately 100 were in attendance • Six (6) panelists • Addition of organization resource tables Representatives from: A Brighter Day Foundation, Dublin Police Services Behavioral Health Unit, Fallon Middle School Peer Education and Counseling (PEAC), LGBTQ+ community, National Alliance on Mental Health (NAM) Tri-Valley, and Z-Cares. CALIFORNIA 19 Youti Mini -Grants • Followed established Youth Mini -Grant application & rating process • Presentations November 2022 and April 2023 • Impacted 1,748 Dublin youth • Awarded $2,500 to four organizations — DubMed - $200 — Gardeners of the Galaxy - $1,500 SHAPE - $450 — Teens Unite for Education - $350 20 CALIFORNIA City Special Events • Splatter • Harvest Fair • St. Patrick's Day Festival • Teen Job Fair • Holiday Tree Lighting • Spring Eggstravaganza sm DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 21 Dublin Benefit Concert • Thursday, April 6, 2023, at Emerald Glen Park • Collaborated with the Dublin Senior Center Advisory Committee • Second year at the first Farmers' Market • Included singing and dancing for a total of I I performances • Proceeds benefit the Dublin Fee Assistance Program CALIFORNIA w W Dublin nior te- ,Nra r.w..,-'-.ry+'_iY.00 ti • i ,. ',��1. ultipi 1 Tri-Valley Roundtable Event • Spring Round Table — Saturday,April 22, 2023 — Hosted by City of San Ramon • 29 participants from local agencies including Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon • Host City rotates each year Questions? CALIFORNIA Agenda Item 4.1 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.ECT: Approval of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Prepared by: Marsha Moore, MMC, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: The City Council will consider approval of the minutes of the May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 1 25 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN Regular Meeting: May 2, 2023 Attachment I The following are minutes of the actions taken by the City of Dublin City Council. A full video recording of the meeting with the agenda items indexed and time stamped is available on the City's website at: httns://dublin.ca.Eov/ccmeetings REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM A Regular Meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, in the City Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, by Mayor Hernandez. 1) CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Melissa Hernandez, Mayor Present Michael McCorriston, Vice Mayor Absent Jean Josey, Councilmember Present Dr. Sherry Hu, Councilmember Present Kashef Qaadri, Councilmember Present Status 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1) Lupus Awareness Month Proclamation The City Council presented the Lupus Awareness Month Proclamation. 3.2) Employee Introductions New City of Dublin Staff members, Crystal De Castro, Senior Planner with the Community Development Department, and Gloria Tai, Senior Finance Technician with the Administrative Services Department, were introduced. 3.3) Public Comment Charlene Sigman provided public comment. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2023 26 Shawn Costello provided public comment. 4) CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1) Approved the April 18, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. 4.2) Adopted Resolution No. 34-23 titled, "Approving an Amendment to the Agreement with MNS Engineers, Inc. for the Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Boulevard Project, CIP No. ST0118." On a motion by Councilmember Hu, seconded by Councilmember Josey, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted the Consent Calendar items 4.1 and 4.2. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Dr. Sherry Hu, Councilmember SECOND: Jean Josey, Councilmember AYES: Hernandez, Josey, Hu, Qaadri ABSENT: McCorriston 4.3) Two -Year Strategic Plan Quarterly Update This item was pulled from the consent calendar by Councilmember Qaadri for clarifying questions. On a motion by Councilmember Qaadri and seconded by Councilmember Josey, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted Consent Calendar item 4.3 "Two -Year Strategic Plan Quarterly Update." RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Kashef Qaadri, Councilmember SECOND: Jean Josey, Councilmember AYES: Hernandez, Josey, Hu, Qaadri ABSENT: McCorriston 5) WRITTEN COMMUNICATION —None. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2023 27 6) PU BLIC H EARIN G 6.1) Street Lighting Maintenance District 1983-1; Landscape and Lighting District 1983-2; Landscape and Lighting District 1986-1; Landscape and Lighting District 1997-1; Street Lighting District 1999-1 The City Council received a presentation regarding the Engineer's Reports and the levy of special assessments in each of the five assessment districts for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Mayor Hernandez opened the Public Hearing. Upon receiving no public comment, Mayor Hernandez closed the public hearing. On a motion by Councilmember Josey, seconded by Councilmember Qaadri, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 35-23 titled, "Approving the Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessment for City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintenance District 1983-1, Landscape and Lighting District 1983-2, Landscape and Lighting District 1986-1, Landscape and Lighting District 1997-1, and Street Lighting District 1999-1." RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Jean Josey, Councilmember SECOND: Kashef Qaadri, Councilmember AYES: Hernandez, Josey, Hu, Qaadri ABSENT: McCorriston 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS — N one. 8) NEW BUSINESS 8.1) City of Dublin Fiscal Year 2023-24 Human Services Grant Program Funding Recommendations The City Council received a presentation regarding the funding recommendation from the Human Services Commission for the Human Services Grant Program. Mayor Hernandez opened the public comment period. Upon receiving no public comment, Mayor Hernandez closed the public comment period. On a motion by Mayor Hernandez, seconded by Councilmember Josey, and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 36-23 titled, "Approving Funding Recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Human Services Grant Program," as amended DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2023 28 to remove Wishing Well and CALICO from the funding allocation and distribute the remaining funding equitably across the other organizations. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Melissa Hernandez, Mayor SECOND: Jean Josey, Councilmember AYES: Hernandez, Josey, Hu, Qaadri ABSENT: McCorriston 8.2) Community Development Block Grant Program Review The City Council received a presentation on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and becoming an Entitlement City to receive funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) starting in 2024 or to remain in the Alameda County Urban County program. Mayor Hernandez opened the public comment period. Upon receiving no public comment, Mayor Hernandez closed the public comment period. On a motion by Councilmember Qaadri, seconded by Councilmember Josey, and by unanimous vote, the City Council directed Staff to remain with Alameda County Urban County Program and notify HUD and Alameda County HCD of the decision. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Kashef Qaadri, Councilmember SECOND: Jean Josey, Councilmember AYES: Hernandez, Josey, Hu, Qaadri ABSENT: McCorriston 8.3) Report on the Public Facilities Fee Program The City Council received a report on an overview of the City's Public Facilities Fee Program and on the Program update currently underway. Mayor Hernandez opened the public comment period. Upon receiving no public comment, Mayor Hernandez closed the public comment period. By consensus, the City Council provided direction to proceed with Staff's recommended change to the Program to decrease the community parkland requirement from 3 acres to 2.3 acres and shift the difference in acreage to nature parkland and directed Staff to make the necessary adjustments to the ordinance. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2023 29 9) OTHER BUSINESS The City Council and Staff provided brief information -only reports, including committee reports and reports by City Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). By consensus, the City Council agreed with Mayor Hernandez's request to have the Mayor's Council give their annual report at the next meeting on May 16, 2023. 10) ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hernandez adjourned the meeting at 8:46 PM. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2023 30 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 4.2 SU B.ECT : Awarding a Contract to Chrisp Company for On -Call Striping and Marking Prepared by: Oliver Castillo, Assistant Civil Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider awarding a contract to Chrisp Company for the replacement and installation of pavement striping and markings throughout the City on an as -needed basis. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Awarding a Contract for On -Call Striping and Marking to Chrisp Company. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The lowest responsive bid for the project was $85,037.50, which represents the unit costs for pavement striping and markings based on estimated quantities over the duration of the two-year contract. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 operating budget for pavement striping and marking is $63,600. Staff will request a similar amount in the next annual budget cycle. A construction contingency of $42,160 is requested for the duration of the contract, for a total potential cost of $127,197.50. The bid and contingency amount is consistent with the budgeted funding for such work over a two-year period. This work is funded through the State Gas Tax Fund and there will be no impact to the General Fund. DESCRIPTION: Annual operations and maintenance of City streets includes installation or replacement of pavement striping and markings. Although the budget for pavement striping and markings is appropriated annually, Staff is proposing a two-year contract for these services to provide a continuity of service from one contractor and to reduce Staff time spent annually soliciting bids. Page 1 of 2 31 The scope of work for the contract includes the installation and replacement of pavement striping and markings on an as -needed basis throughout the City. The City of Dublin issued the bid package for these services on February 10, 2023. One bid was received on March 9, 2023, from Chrisp Company for $85,037.50 A summary of the bid is provided as Attachment 2. Chrisp Company is a leading contractor in the Bay Area with expertise in the installation of pavement striping and markings, is often a sub -contractor on street construction and pavement maintenance contracts and has performed satisfactorily on several City projects. This contract establishes unit prices for various striping and marking bid items. Staff has reviewed the bid results and recommends that the City Council award the contract to Chrisp Company as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Individual task orders will be issued by Staff and will be priced based on the unit prices provided in the bid documents. To minimize construction delays and to address any unforeseen work, Staff recommends that the City Manager or designee be authorized to approve change orders up to the contingency amount of $42,160 for the duration of the contract. California Environmental Oualitv Act (CEOA) This project is exempt under Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. A copy of this Staff Report was sent to Chrisp Company. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Awarding a Contract for On -Call Striping and Marking to Chrisp Company 2) Bid Results Page 2 of 2 32 Attachment I RESOLUTION NO. XX — 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR ON -CALL STRIPING AND MARKING TO CHRISP COMPANY WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on March 9, 2023, publicly open, examine, and declare the sealed bid for doing the work described in the bid documents for the On -Call Striping and Marking Contract, which bid documents are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to City Staff and Chrisp Company was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for doing said work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby award the On -Call Striping and Marking Contract to the lowest responsive bidder, Chrisp Company at a base bid of $85,037.50, the particulars of which bids are on file in the Office of the Public Works Director. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby authorize the City Manager or designee to approve the contract change orders based on the appropriated funds designated for the Contract up to the contingency amount of $42,160 for the duration of the Contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager or designee is authorized to execute the Contract Agreement with Chrisp Company which expires on June 30, 2025. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 1 of 1 33 Attachment 2 CITY OF DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION BID SUMMARY Project Name: On Call Striping and Marking Project No. : Bid Date: n/a March 9, 2023 BASED BID Chrisp Company ITEM DESCRIPTION Qty. UNIT Unit Cost Extension 1 Mobilization 10 EA $2,500.00 $25,000.00 2 Traffic Stripe (Detail 1 - Thermoplastic - 6" Wide) 750 LF $0.75 $562.50 3 Traffic Stripe (Detail 8 - Thermoplastic) 750 LF $0.75 $562.50 4 Traffic Stripe (Detail 9 - Thermoplastic) 750 LF $0.90 $675.00 5 Traffic Stripe (Detail 21 - Thermoplastic) 750 LF $3.50 $2,625.00 6 Traffic Stripe (Detail 22 - Thermoplastic) 750 LF $4.00 $3,000.00 7 Traffic Stripe (Detail 24 - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $2.00 $1,000.00 8 Traffic Stripe (Detail 27B - Thermoplastic - 6") 750 LF $2.00 $1,500.00 9 Traffic Stripe (Detail 27C - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $1.25 $625.00 10 Traffic Stripe (Detail 28 - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $8.00 $4,000.00 11 Traffic Stripe (Detail 31 - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $5.50 $2,750.00 12 Traffic Stripe (Detail 37B - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $1.75 $875.00 13 Traffic Stripe (Detail 38 - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $2.25 $1,125.00 14 Traffic Stripe (Detail 39 - Thermoplastic) 750 LF $2.00 $1,500.00 15 Traffic Stripe (Detail 39A - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $1.50 $750.00 16 Traffic Stripe (Detail 40 - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $0.75 $375.00 17 Traffic Stripe (Detail 41 - Thermosplastic) 500 LF $0.75 $375.00 18 Pavement Markings (Arrows, Symbols, Numerals, Words - Thermopalstic) 750 SF $8.00 $6,000.00 19 Traffic Stripe (4" White Stripe - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $1.80 $900.00 20 Traffic Stripe (6" White Stripe - Thermoplastic) 500 LF $2.00 $1,000.00 21 Pavement Marking (Yield Line - Thermoplastic) 450 LF $5.00 $2,250.00 22 Traffic Stripe (12" White Stripe - Thermoplastic) 450 LF $8.00 $3,600.00 23 Traffic Stripe (24" Yellow Stripe - Thermoplastic) 450 LF $16.00 $7,200.00 24 Traffic Stripe (12" Yellow Stripe - Thermoplastic) 450 LF $8.00 $3,600.00 25 Pavement Markers (Non-retroreflective) 250 EA $1.25 $312.50 26 Pavement Markers (Retroreflective) 250 EA $3.00 $750.00 27 Green Pavement Treatment (Resin) 450 SF $10.00 $4,500.00 28 Remove Traffic Stripe (Thermoplastic or Paint) 2,500 LF $1.75 $4,375.00 29 Remove Pavement Marking (Thermoplastic or Paint) 750 SF $3.00 $2,250.00 30 Remove Pavement Marker 500 EA $2.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL $85,037.50 List of Sub -Contractors Description APPARENT LOW BIDDER Chrisp Company 34 IP DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 4.3 SU B.FCT : Agreement with the City of San Ramon Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS Prepared by: Lisa Hisatomi, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approving an agreement with the City of San Ramon related to the methodology of allocating future pension payments to reflect any additional discretionary payments made by Dublin or San Ramon to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Safety pension plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total Ca1PERS expected Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) for the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority is $11,436,707. The City of Dublin's share is $6,577,250. The City Council has approved an Additional Discretionary Payment (ADP) of $3.46 million in Fiscal Year 2022-23 to address the City's allocated unfunded pension liability. The ADP will reduce the City's unfunded liability payment by approximately $2.2 million, based on a 20-year amortization schedule. The source of this funding is from General Fund Committed Reserve for Fire Services OPEB/Pension. DESCRIPTION: Background Dublin and San Ramon are the sole members of a joint powers authority, formed under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, known as the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). It was formed to provide fire services within the two cities and is a participant in CalPERS. In 1997, San Ramon and Dublin began steps to transfer the responsibility for fire services from Page 1 of 4 35 DRFA to the two cities and wind up the affairs of DRFA. Since then, both cities have continued to contribute funds to manage DRFA's contractual obligations. The DRFA pension plan is a closed plan, meaning there are no active employees earning benefits. There are, however, annual costs as a result of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) for the retirees. This is essentially the difference between the value of the CalPERS trust fund and the value of accrued benefits owed to current retirees. The cost allocation is based on the two cities' relative assessed values at the time of the formation of DRFA, with Dublin's share at 57.51% and San Ramon's share at 42.49%. Future plan costs, plan liabilities, and plan assets are allocated in the same proportions. Dublin's currently allocated UAAL for DRFA is $6,577,250, with an annual required contribution of roughly $470,000 in Fiscal Year 2023-24. The City has also set aside a General Fund Committed Reserve for Fire Services retirement costs, which has a current balance of $5,671,094. With the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget adoption, the City Council approved the use of $3.46 million from this reserve to make a one-time contribution (called an Additional Discretionary Payment) to the CalPERS trust to bring down the unfunded liability, thus achieving savings over the life of the plan. That payment will be made in June 2023. Because Dublin shares the plan with San Ramon, making an ADP involves adjusting the arrangement between the two parties to apply a new methodology that will accurately reflect the ADP as an increase to Dublin's share of the plan and adjust future payments accordingly. The two cities worked with an actuarial consultant to work out the details of the new methodology. The actuarial analysis is included as Attachment 3 and is summarized below. New Methodology After any ADP made by either party, the allocation of each city's plan liability remains the same (57.51% Dublin / 42.49% San Ramon). However, ADPs will be allocated 100% to the contributing city, effectively changing the split of plan assets. This change in allocated assets also changes each city's proportional share of the plan's annual payment. After Dublin makes the $3.46 million ADP, the proportionate split of future plan costs becomes 39.08% to Dublin and 60.92% to San Ramon. The result is a net savings to Dublin of $2.2 million over the life of the plan, as shown below. Page 2 of 4 36 FY FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 29-30 FY 30-31 FY 31-32 FY 32-33 FY 33-34 FY 34-35 FY 35-36 FY 36-37 FY 37-38 FY 38-39 FY 39-40 FY 40-41 FY 41-42 FY 42-43 FY 43-44 Total Payment Before ADP 57.51% Dublin S 468,166 530,148 592,129 654,111 716,092 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 10,728,170 Additional Discretionary payment Cost Savings After ADP 39.08% Dublin 221,885 251,260 280,636 310,012 339,388 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 5,084,555 Difference $ (246,281) (278,888) (311,493) (344,099) (376,704) (409,310) (409,310) (409,310) (409,310) (409,310) (409,310) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (163,029) (5,643,615) 3,460,000 $ (2,183,615) Both cities agree the actuary analysis will be performed annually and the respective allocated shares be adjusted a) based upon the CalPERS Annual Valuation Report, (b) whenever either Party makes an ADP, and (c) when either city requests, and the other city agrees, to make an adjustment based on Ca1PERS's interim investment results using Ca1PERS's spreadsheet or another tool provided by CalPERS. The adjustment will be made using the methodology used in the Actuarial Page 3 of 4 37 Report or such methodology agreed upon by both cities. With City Council's approval of the agreement reflecting the new methodology, Staff will make the budgeted ADP to the DRFA Ca1PERS trust. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 4: Organizational Health Objective A: Use existing reserves to address the unfunded Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) pension liability. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Approving an Agreement with the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS 2) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Agreement Between the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin Regarding Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Additional Discretionary Employer Contribution to CalPERS 3) Dougherty Regional Fire Authority UAAL Payment Analysis Page 4 of 4 38 Attachment I RESOLUTION NO. XX — 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAMON AND THE CITY OF DUBLIN REGARDING DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY ADDITIONAL DISCRETIONARY EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS TO CALPERS WHEREAS, Dublin and San Ramon are the sole members of a joint powers authority, formed under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Government Code §§6500-6599.3), known as the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority ("DRFA" or the "Authority"). It was formed to provide fire services within the two cities and is a participant in the California Public Employee Retirement System ("CalPERS"); and WHEREAS, effective June 30, 1997, San Ramon and Dublin began steps to transfer the responsibility for fire service from the Authority to the two cities and wind up the affairs of DRFA. In furtherance of that effort, they entered into that certain Second Amendment to Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, dated June 24, 1997; and WHEREAS, since that time, the Parties have continued to contribute funds to manage the Authority's contractual obligations, including, but not limited to, its contract with CalPERS for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (CalPERS ID: 1047451387) (the "Plan"); and WHEREAS, annually, CalPERS delivers to the Authority a determination of the Plan's "minimum required employer contribution" (the "Annual Minimum") for the subsequent fiscal year, which is accompanied by the actuarial valuation report for the previous fiscal year; and WHEREAS, in prior years, the Parties have by agreement allocated the Annual Minimum as follows: Dublin, 57.51 % and San Ramon, 42.49%; and WHEREAS, DRFA's Annual Minimum is determined by the CalPERS actuary based on, among other things, the Plan's Unfunded Accrued Liability ("UAL"), and CalPERS allows agencies to make "additional discretionary payments" or "ADPs" as a means of reducing the UAL (by funding that which was previously unfunded); and WHEREAS, Dublin desires to make an ADP as a means of reducing its future required contributions, and Dublin's contribution would reduce the Authority's UAL and thereby its future Annual Minimum. The Parties agree that the contributing party should exclusively benefit from making any ADP; and WHEREAS, Dublin retained an actuarial consultant that prepared a report (the "Actuarial Report") to determine how the allocation of the Annual Minimum for the 2023-2024 fiscal year should be altered if Dublin makes an ADP of $3,460,000 prior to July 1, 2023 and to determine how the Annual Minimum allocation should be calculated in future years; and Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 1 of 2 39 WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to specify how Annual Minimums will be adjusted based on Dublin's currently proposed ADP and future ADPs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the Agreement between the City of San Ramon and the City of Dublin regarding the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute the agreement and make any non -substantive changes to carry out the intent of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 2 of 2 40 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8814B1 CE-C85D-4A35-B10E-4578048957AA Attachment 2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN RAMON AND THE CITY OF DUBLIN REGARDING DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY ADDITIONAL DISCRETIONARY EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS TO CALPERS This Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of May 16, 2023, by and between the City of Dublin ("Dublin") and the City of San Ramon ("San Ramon"). Dublin and San Ramon are referred to collectively as the Parties. RECITALS WHEREAS, Dublin and San Ramon are the sole members of a joint powers authority, formed under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Government Code §§6500-6599.3), known as the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority ("DRFA" or the "Authority"). It was formed to provide fire services within the two cities and is a participant in the California Public Employee Retirement System ("CalPERS"). WHEREAS, effective June 30, 1997, San Ramon and Dublin began steps to transfer the responsibility for fire service from the Authority to the two cities and wind up the affairs of DRFA. In furtherance of that effort, they entered into that certain Second Amendment to Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, dated June 24, 1997. WHEREAS, since that time, the Parties have continued to contribute funds to manage the Authority's contractual obligations, including, but not limited to, its contract with CalPERS for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (CalPERS ID: 1047451387) (the "Plan"). WHEREAS, annually, CalPERS delivers to the Authority a determination of the Plan's "minimum required employer contribution" (the "Annual Minimum") for the subsequent fiscal year, which is accompanied by the actuarial valuation report for the previous fiscal year. WHEREAS, in prior years, the Parties have by agreement allocated the Annual Minimum as follows: Dublin, 57.51% and San Ramon, 42.49%. WHEREAS, DRFA's Annual Minimum is determined by the CalPERS actuary based on, among other things, the Plan's Unfunded Accrued Liability ("UAL"), and CalPERS allows agencies to make "additional discretionary payments" or "ADPs" as a means of reducing the UAL (by funding that which was previously unfunded). WHEREAS, Dublin desires to make an ADP as a means of reducing its future required contributions, and Dublin's contribution would reduce the Authority's UAL and thereby its future Annual Minimum. The Parties agree that the contributing party should exclusively benefit from making any ADP. WHEREAS, Dublin retained an actuarial consultant that prepared a report (the "Actuarial Report") to determine how the allocation of the Annual Minimum for the 2023-2024 fiscal year should be altered if Dublin makes an ADP of $3,460,000 prior to July 1, 2023 and to determine how the Annual Minimum allocation should be calculated in future years. 41 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8814B1 CE-C85D-4A35-B10E-4578048957AA WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to specify how Annual Minimums will be adjusted based on Dublin's currently proposed ADP and future ADPs. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Dublin 2022-2023 Additional Discretionary Payment; 2023-2024 Annual Minimum. Dublin intends to make a $3,460,000 ADP prior to June 30, 2023, and it will notify CalPERS two weeks in advance, in accordance with CalPERS requirements. Provided that it does so, the Parties' respective shares of the 2023-2024 Annual Minimum shall be Dublin, 39.08%, and San Ramon, 60.92%. 2. Determination of Future Annual Minimums. The Parties' respective shares shall be adjusted (a) annually based upon the CalPERS Annual Valuation Report, (b) whenever either Party makes an ADP, and (c) when a Party requests, and the other Party agrees, to make an adjustment based on CalPERS's interim investment results using CalPERS's spreadsheet or other tool provided by CalPERS. The adjustment shall be made using the methodology used in the Actuarial Report or such methodology agreed upon by the parties. 3. Potential Future Additional Discretionary Payments Either Party may elect in the future to make ADPs, and, if they do so, the Parties' respective shares of the next scheduled Annual Minimum shall be adjusted using the methodology used in the Actuarial Report or such methodology agreed upon by the parties. 4. Effective Date And Term This Agreement shall become effective as of [date] and shall remain in effect until terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party. 5. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral. 6. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. 42 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8814B1 CE-C85D-4A35-B10E-4578048957AA CITY OF SAN RAMON CITY OF DUBLIN OocuSigned by: By. 33AF5F69CF5F472 Name: Steven Spedowfski Its: Interim City Manager 5341148.2 By: Name: Linda Smith Its: City Manager 43 Attachment 3 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Impact of Additional Discretionary Payment Planned by the City of Dublin Submitted March 2023 MacLeod Watts 44 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Table of Contents Background 1 Reflecting Additional Discretionary Payments 2 Final Remarks 3 Appendix 1- Estimated Payments Before ADP 4 Appendix 2- Estimated Payments After ADP 5 0 45 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Background The City of Dublin and the City of San Ramon (the Cities) have entered into an agreement to share the cost of funding the Safety and Miscellaneous plans of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. The City of Dublin agreed to pay 57.51% of future costs and the City of San Ramon agreed to pay 42.49%. This report discusses the adjustments to future payments necessary to reflect a $3,460,000 Additional Discretionary Payment (ADP) to the Safety Plan planned by the City of Dublin. The payment is expected to be paid in June 2023. The Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority is a cost -sharing pension plan participating in the California Public Employees' Retirement System Safety Risk Pool. As determined from the most recently issued valuation report as of June 30, 2021, the plan had 71 retirees receiving an average annual pension of $43,723. There are no active participants earning benefits under the plan. Plan costs, therefore, result from unfunded plan liabilities that are funded by future amortization payments by the Cities. CalPERS performs annual valuations that are generally available one year after the valuation date (e.g., the June 30, 2021, valuation was available in July 2022). These actuarial valuations remeasure plan liabilities and reflect asset performance which provides an updated estimate of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL). A new payment schedule is then developed using the new valuation information. As of the June 30, 2021, valuation, the UAAL was $8,395,313. CalPERS also offers the ability to reflect more recent plan experience not yet reflected in their valuation reports. Upon request, CalPERS will provide a spreadsheet that enables the user to reflect how Additional Discretionary Payments (ADPs) to the plan will impact scheduled future amortization payments. This analysis relied on the CalPERS tool to estimate how each City's future plan payments should be adjusted based on the City of Dublin's planned $3,460,000 ADP. Based on the CalPERS tool, the expected payment schedule before any Additional Discretionary Payments is shown in Appendix 1. The UAAL payments shown are based on the June 30, 2021, valuation and are adjusted for the estimated -7.5% asset return in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Without any ADPs, and assuming no future changes to the schedule based on future plan experience, the City of Dublin and the City of San Ramon would be responsible for 57.51% and 42.49% of these payments respectively. The payments shown in Appendix 1 reflect CalPERS' best estimate that the UAAL will have grown from $8,395,313 to $11,436,708 between June 2021 and June 2023. 46 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Reflecting Additional Discretionary Payments As already discussed, the Cities have agreed to a 57.51%/42.49% split of future Plan costs. This payment split implicitly allocates Plan liabilities and assets between the Cities in the same proportions. The City of Dublin's planned $3,460,000 ADP will change the relative proportion of assets implicitly owned by each city. As discussed in the preceding section, before any ADPs the expected Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability on June 30, 2023, is $11,436,707. This unfunded liability represents the difference between the Actuarial Accrued Liability of $41,444,888 and plan assets of $30,008,181. Following an ADP by the City of Dublin, the responsibility of each City is expected to change as follows: Dougherty Safety Plan Allocated to City of Dublin Allocated to City of San Ramon Actuarial Accrued Liability Plan Assets Unfunded Accrued Liability Actuarial Accrued Liability Plan Assets Unfunded Accrued Liability Actuarial Accrued Liability Plan Assets Unfunded Accrued Liability Prior to ADP on $41,'1'14,888 $30,008,181 $11,436,707 $23,834,955 $17,257,705 $ 6,577,250 $17,609,933 $12,750,476 $ 4,859,457 June 30, 2023 City of Dublin ADP on June 30, 2023 3,460,000 (3,460,000) 3,460,000 (3,460,000) After ADP on June 30, 2023 41,444,888 33,468,181 7,976,707 23,834,955 20,717,705 3,117,250 17,609,933 12,750,476 4,859,457 Proportional Ownership After Prepayment 57.51% 61.90% 39.08% 42.49% 38.10% 60.92% Note that after any ADP, the allocated responsibility of each City for the plan liability remains constant at the agreed split of 57.51%/42.49%. However, ADPs are allocated 100% to the contributing entity effectively changing the split of plan assets between the Cities. This change in allocated assets also changes each entity's proportional share of the plan's Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability. The red numbers shown in the exhibit become the new scheduled payment split — 39.08% to the City of Dublin and 60.92% to the City of San Ramon. Appendix 2 shows the estimated unfunded liability payments after the City of Dublin's planned Additional Discretionary Payment. 47 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Final Remarks Additional Discretionary Payments to the Safety Plan of Dougherty Regional Fire Authority cause plan asset splits to diverge from the 57.51%/42.49% future cost splits. Tracking the impact of ADPs requires adjustment whenever CaIPERS provides a new plan valuation and between plan valuations when ADPs are made. All these adjustments are estimates of future payment responsibility and are subject to change as new information becomes available. For example, the estimated 39.08%/60.92% future payment split will likely change to some degree when CaIPERS releases their next plan valuation (expected in July 2023). The possibility exists that some payments already made using estimates may need to be adjusted in retrospect requiring a credit to one City to be paid by the other. These additional administrative tasks are required to ensure that the ultimate cost borne by each City complies with their originally agreed 57.51%/42.49% split of future plan costs. 48 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Appendix 1 Estimated Payments Before ADP The chart below shows the estimated Unfunded Liability Payments for the Safety Plan before any Additional Discretionary Payment by the City of Dublin. These payments are based on CalPERS' spreadsheet tool and reflect CalPERS' estimated asset loss in the 2021-2022 plan year of -7.5%. Note that the balances and payments in each future year are split 57.51% to the City of Dublin and 42.49% to the City of San Ramon. Year TOTAL Beginning Balance Payment by July 31st of Year 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34 2034-35 2035-36 2036-37 2037-38 2038-39 2039-40 2040-41 2041-42 2042-43 2043-44 0 11, 436, 708 10, 977, 878 10, 771, 711 10, 440,146 9,974,655 9,366,131 8,604,848 7,791,798 6,923,460 5,996,076 5,005,629 3,947,832 3,659,387 3,351,328 3,022,321 2,670,942 2,295,669 1,894,877 1,466,831 1,009,679 521,439 814,060 921,835 1,029,610 1,137, 386 1,245,161 1,352,937 1,352,937 1,352,937 1,352,937 1,352,937 1,352,937 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 538,877 Dublin Beginning Balance Payment by July 31st of Year 6,577,251 6,313,378 6,194, 811 6,004,128 5,736,424 5,386,462 4,948,648 4,481,063 3,981,682 3,448, 343 2,878,737 2,270,398 2,104, 514 1,927,349 1,738,137 1,536,059 1,320,239 1,089,744 843,575 580,666 299,880 468,166 530,148 592,129 654,111 716,092 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 778,074 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 309,908 San Ramon Beginning Balance Payment by July 31st of Year 4,859,457 4,664,500 4,576,900 4,436,018 4,238,231 3,979,669 3,656,200 3,310,735 2,941,778 2,547,733 2,126, 892 1,677,434 1,554,874 1,423, 979 1,284,184 1,134, 883 975,430 805,133 623,257 429,012 221,560 345,894 391,688 437,481 483,275 529,069 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 49 Split Funding Analysis for the Safety Plan of the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority Appendix 2 Estimated Payments After ADP The chart below shows the estimated Unfunded Liability Payments for the Safety Plan after the City of Dublin's planned Additional Discretionary Payment of $3,460,000 in June 2023. These payments are based on CalPERS' spreadsheet tool, reflect CalPERS' estimated asset loss in the 2021-2022 plan year of -7.5%, and assume that any ADP is applied proportionally to each unfunded liability payment base. Note that the balances and payments in each future year are split 39.08% to the City of Dublin and 60.92% to the City of San Ramon. Year 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34 2034-35 2035-36 2036-37 2037-38 2038-39 2039-40 2040-41 2041-42 2042-43 2043-44 TOTAL Beginning Balance 7,976,708 7,912,737 7,764,134 7,525,146 7,189, 625 6,751,007 6,202,283 5,616,245 4,990,357 4,321,908 3,608,004 2,845,556 2,637,648 2,415,602 2,178, 458 1,925,187 1,654,694 1,365,808 1,057,277 727,766 375,849 Payment by July 31st of Year 567,779 642,948 718,118 793,287 868,457 943,626 943,626 943,626 943,626 943,626 943,626 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 375,848 Dublin Beginning Balance 3,117, 250 3,092,251 3,034,178 2,940,782 2,809,663 2,638,254 2,423, 815 2,194, 795 1,950,202 1,688,976 1,409, 987 1,112, 026 1,030,777 944,003 851,328 752,351 646,644 533,749 413,177 284,406 146,879 Payment by July 31st of Year 221,885 251,260 280,636 310,012 339,388 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 368,764 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 146,879 San Ramon Beginning Balance 4,859,458 4,820,486 4,729,957 4,584,363 4,379,962 4,112, 754 3,778,467 3,421,450 3,040,155 2,632,932 2,198, 018 1,733,530 1,606,871 1,471,599 1,327,130 1,172, 836 1,008,050 832,059 644,100 443,360 228,970 Payment by July 31st of Year 345,894 391,688 437,481 483,275 529,069 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 574,863 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 228,969 50 Agenda Item 4.4 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA DATE: TO: FROM: SU B.ECT: STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL May 16, 2023 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Linda Smith, City Manager Payment Issuance Report and Electronic Funds Transfers Prepared by: Darlynn Haas, Management Analyst II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a listing of payments issued from April 1, 2023 - April 30, 2023, totaling $4,014,851.18. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the reports. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Summary of Payments Issued Report Period Total Number of Payments: Total Amount of Payments: DESCRIPTION: April 1, 2023 - April 30, 2028 1 309 1 $4,014,851.18 The Payment Issuance Report (Attachment 1) provides a listing of all payments for the period beginning April 1, 2023, through April 30, 2023. This report is provided in accordance with the policy adopted November 15, 2011, in Resolution No.189-11. The listing of payments has been reviewed in accordance with the policies for processing payments and expenditures. The City's practice of reporting payments to the City Council after the payments have been made is in compliance with California Government Code Sections 37208 (b) and (c), which allow for an agency to make payments without first being audited by the legislative body, as long as such Page 1 of 2 51 payments are: 1) conforming to a budget approved by ordinance or resolution of the legislative body; and 2) presented to the legislative body for ratification and approval in the form of an audited comprehensive annual financial report. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Payment Issuance Report for April 2023 Page 2 of 2 52 Attachment I City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 1 of 9 Date Issued Payee 4/3/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/3/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/3/2023 ADVANCED MOBILITY GROUP 4/3/2023 ADVANCED MOBILITY GROUP 4/3/2023 ADVANCED MOBILITY GROUP 4/3/2023 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 4/3/2023 ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SVCS INC 4/3/2023 ARCHON ENERGY SOLUTIONS 4/3/2023 AT&T - CALNET 3 4/3/2023 BAY AREA NEWS GROUP EAST BAY 4/3/2023 BIKE EAST BAY 4/3/2023 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC. 4/3/2023 BPXPRESS 4/3/2023 CASCADIA CONSULTING GROUP, INC 4/3/2023 CHRISP COMPANY 4/3/2023 CHRISP COMPANY 4/3/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/3/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/3/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/3/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/3/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/3/2023 COMCAST 4/3/2023 CUBIC ITS, INC. 4/3/2023 D HARRIS TOURS, INC 4/3/2023 D HARRIS TOURS, INC 4/3/2023 DAVID L. GATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/3/2023 DAVID L. GATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/3/2023 DUBLIN CHEVROLET 4/3/2023 DUBLIN LIONS CLUB 4/3/2023 DUTCHOVER & ASSOCIATES 4/3/2023 EDEN HOUSING INC. 4/3/2023 EOA, INC. 4/3/2023 EUROPEAN MOBILE WERKS 4/3/2023 EUROPEAN MOBILE WERKS 4/3/2023 FAIRWAY FAMILY 4/3/2023 FANTASY SOUND EVENT SERVICES 4/3/2023 FANTASY SOUND EVENT SERVICES 4/3/2023 GROUP 4 ARCHITECTURE, RESEARCH + 4/3/2023 HARRELL HARRIS PHOTOGRAPHY 4/3/2023 INTEGRA PLANNING & LANDSCAPE 4/3/2023 JAM SERVICES INC 4/3/2023 JOY LIU 4/3/2023 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. 4/3/2023 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. 4/3/2023 KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/3/2023 KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/3/2023 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES EAST BAY 4/3/2023 LEHR AUTO 4/3/2023 LIVERMORE AUTO GROUP 4/3/2023 LOGOBOSS 4/3/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/3/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/3/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/3/2023 MACLEOD WATTS INC. 4/3/2023 METRO SECURITY SERVICES Description SIGNAGE FOR ST PATS BUSINESS CARDS TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT SVCS - NOV 2022 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT SVCS - JAN 2023 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SERVICES - JAN 2023 CEQA PREP FOR HEXCEL REDEV SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SVCS PERMIT REFUND #BLDG-2023-00471 ASE CIRCUITS TO 2/28/23 LEGAL NOTICES FEBRUARY 2023 BIKE EAST BAY - BIKE TO WORKDAY SILVER SPONS. 2023 POLICE SAFETY PPE 2022-2025 ON -CALL STRIPING - MARCH 2023 SB 1383 IMPLEMENTATION ASSISTANCE NOV 22-JAN 23 ON -CALL STRIPING & MARKING SVCS - JAN 2023 CITY STRIPING & MARKING MAINT SERVICES - DEC 2022 REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR CIVIC CENTER COMCAST 500M INTERNET TRAFFIC CAMERA - TRAFFIC CAMERA - JAN 2023 SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR ST PATS EVENT SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR ST PATS EVENT ALAMO CREEK FENCE DESIGN SERVICES - AUG 2022 ALAMO CREEK FENCE DESIGN SERVICES - SEP 2022 POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS BAND FEE FOR 2023 PARADE LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS RESIDENTIAL RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - BATCH 8 STORMWATER NPDES IMPLEMENTATION ASSISTANCE POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - BATCH 7 LIGHTING FOR ST PATS EMCEE SERVICE FOR ST PATS WORKSPACE PLANNING STUDY PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS MATERIALS FOR VARIOUS CIP PROJECTS - MARCH 2023 ST. PATRICK'S DAY PHOTOGRAPHY DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION REVIEW - FEB 2023 DUBLIN BLVD NORTH CANYONS PRKWY EXT PROJ -FEB 2023 ENGINEERING SVCS-LOCAL RD SAFETY PLAN - JAN 2023 DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION REVIEW JAN 2023 2023 LOCAL STREET & ROAD ASSESSMENT - FEB 2023 22D17 POLICE VEHICLE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS PLAQUES FOR VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION EVENT CEQA DOC PREP-RIGHETTI PROPERTY STAGE 2 CEQA DOC PREP-BRANAUGH PROP STAGE 2 DEV CEQA DOC PREP FOR QUARRY LN SCHOOL PAC DRFA PENSION SPLIT METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OVERNIGHT SECURITY SERVICES FOR ST PATS Amount 2,324.00 120.68 10,495.00 3,340.00 2,240.00 17,436.00 15,237.46 63.20 2,515.62 335.24 5,000.00 1,020.79 205.60 34,147.81 607.05 40,346.98 96.00 96.00 91.20 72.00 134.40 1,725.00 562.82 1,500.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 2,654.00 90.01 2,000.00 546.25 6,000.00 4,910.25 286.73 1,350.00 6,000.00 2,860.00 300.00 2,228.00 2,100.00 810.00 882.00 840.00 938.00 6,865.00 21,116.00 720.00 500.00 23,168.96 950.23 252.53 5,098.75 1,772.50 8,688.61 1,700.00 2,864.00 53 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 2 of 9 4/3/2023 MINUTEMAN PRESS 4/3/2023 MMANC 4/3/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/3/2023 MTC METROPOLITAN TRANSP COMMISSION 4/3/2023 ORIGINAL WATERMEN, INC. 4/3/2023 ORIGINAL WATERMEN, INC. 4/3/2023 OUTFRONT MEDIA LLC 4/3/2023 PAGE & TURNBULL INC 4/3/2023 PHOENIX GROUP INFO SYS. 4/3/2023 PINNACLE PROMOTIONS 4/3/2023 PINNACLE PROMOTIONS 4/3/2023 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB. INC. 4/3/2023 RES ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING CO 4/3/2023 ROBERT BENNETT 4/3/2023 S & J ADVERTISING INC 4/3/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/3/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/3/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/3/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/3/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/3/2023 SHIR MARTIAL ARTS EMPOWER MARTIAL 4/3/2023 SIERRA DISPLAY, INC. 4/3/2023 SIERRA DISPLAY, INC. 4/3/2023 THE LAW OFFICE OF REBECCA 4/3/2023 TRB AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/3/2023 TREASURER ALAMEDA COUNTY 4/3/2023 TREASURER ALAMEDA COUNTY 4/3/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/3/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/3/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/3/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/3/2023 WILLDAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS 4/3/2023 W ILLDAN HOMELAND SOLUTIONS 4/3/2023 WILLDAN HOMELAND SOLUTIONS 4/3/2023 W-TRANS 4/3/2023 W-TRANS 4/3/2023 W-TRANS 4/5/2023 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 4/6/2023 DSRSD 4/10/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/10/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/10/2023 ADAM JONATHAN LUMIA 4/10/2023 ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTS 4/10/2023 ADVAITH KRISHNA ANOOP KRISHNA 4/10/2023 ALAMEDA HEALTH SYSTEM 4/10/2023 ALAMEDA HEALTH SYSTEM 4/10/2023 ALLISON KELLY PASCHAL -HUNTER 4/10/2023 AMADOR VALLEY INDUSTRIES LLC 4/10/2023 AMP PRINTING, INC. 4/10/2023 ANNE HERSCH 4/10/2023 AT&T INVITATIONS & STAFF CARDS W/EVENT INFO MMANC 2023 W LS TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT PROJECT - FEB 2023 LOCAL MATCH - MTC FOR P-TAP 24 GRANT MARCH 2023 UNIFORM SUPPLIES -LIFEGUARD STRAW BEACH HATS UNIFORM SUPPLIES - SWIMSUITS -SUMMER 2023 ADS FOR BART STATIONS CAMP PARK SIGNS RELOCATION SERVICES PARKING CITATIONS COLLECTED SWAG BAG SHIRTS FOR COUNCIL AT ST. PATS SWAG BAG SHIRTS FOR COUNCIL AT ST. PATS TOXICOLOGY SERVICES ENVIRO INDIRECT MITIGATION-DUBLIN BLVD EXTSEPT2022 ARTWORK FOR LITTLE LIBRARIES - TEMP ART PROGRAM TWO 1/4 PAGE ADS IN YOUR TOWN MONTHLY KEYS TO THE CITY ST PATS DAY SMALL FLAGS EMBROIDERY ON CC DUFFEL BAGS NAME PLATES FOR FACILITY CC PHOTOS NAME BADGE REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR CITY BANNER PROGRAM CITY BANNER PROGRAM RETURN ASSET SEIZURE FUND D21-03165 PLAN REVIEW & INSPECTION SERVICES FEB 2023 RETURN ASSET SEIZURE FUND D21-04126 RETURN ASSET SEIZURE FUND D21-01509 JANITORIAL SERVICES - SERVICE - FEB 2023 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES & SVCS - CAMP PARKS - FEB 2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES - EXTRA SERVICES - MARCH 2023 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - FEB 2023 BLDG ELECTRIFICATION & CODE ASSISTANCE ENERGY EFFICIENCY/INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ENERGY EFFICIENCY/INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS BASIS SCHOOL TRAFFIC STUDY - DEC 2022 BASIS SCHOOL TRAFFIC STUDY - JAN 2023 BASIS SCHOOL TRAFFIC STUDY - FEB 2023 Payments Issued 4/3/2023 Total: CA STATE WITHHOLDING: PE 2/24/2023 SERVICE TO 3/14/2023 Payments Issued 4/5/2023 Total: Payments Issued 4/6/2023 Total: BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION POLICE UNIFORM SUPPLIES PCS COMMISSION POLICE INVESTIGATIVE MEDICAL EXAM POLICE INVESTIGATIVE MEDICAL EXAM HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION SOLID WASTE SVCS-CAMP PARKS - MARCH 2023 BUSINESS CARDS LIVE SCAN REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE TO 800 03/12/2023 157.59 135.00 7,310.43 12,000.00 1,278.41 2,698.99 1,500.00 9,312.60 225.00 546.96 164.43 1,364.44 43,167.00 500.00 485.00 3,848.81 893.03 73.65 429.51 23.76 208.60 2,730.00 2,730.00 4,349.35 41,040.00 4,673.33 1,118.71 22,217.83 31,135.24 5,022.52 4,316.80 810.74 682, 548.40 413,454.25 8,015.00 3,143.75 10,493.75 1,575,127.55 20,860.27 20,860.27 11,051.19 11,051.19 62.32 194.85 50.00 326.33 150.00 1,274.00 1,274.00 100.00 28,173.97 75.00 35.00 0.04 54 Print Date: 5/1/2023 Page 3 of 9 4/10/2023 AT&T 4/10/2023 AT&T 4/10/2023 AT&T 4/10/2023 AT&T 4/10/2023 AT&T - CALNET 3 4/10/2023 BALJEET SINGH SANGHA 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/10/2023 BAY ISLAND OFFICIAL ASSOC 4/10/2023 BAY ISLAND OFFICIAL ASSOC 4/10/2023 BAY ISLAND OFFICIAL ASSOC 4/10/2023 BIG O'TIRES #7 4/10/2023 BKF ENGINEERS 4/10/2023 BKF ENGINEERS 4/10/2023 BLUETOAD, INC. 4/10/2023 BYOG 4/10/2023 BYOG 4/10/2023 CARBONIC SERVICE 4/10/2023 CARBONIC SERVICE 4/10/2023 CATHERYN M GRIER 4/10/2023 CENTRO LEGAL 4/10/2023 CHARGE POINT, INC. 4/10/2023 CLIFFORD S COSTELLO 4/10/2023 CODE PUBLISHING, LLC 4/10/2023 CODE PUBLISHING, LLC 4/10/2023 COLLEEN TRIBBY 4/10/2023 CONSOR NORTH AMERICA, INC. 4/10/2023 CORWOOD CAR WASH, INC. 4/10/2023 CPS HR CONSULTING 4/10/2023 CSW/STUBER-STROEH ENGINEERING 4/10/2023 DANIEL S COLLEY 4/10/2023 DARREN PHILLIPS 4/10/2023 DELIA AND ASSOCIATES 4/10/2023 DIPIETRO & ASSOC. INC 4/10/2023 DUBLIN CHEVROLET 4/10/2023 DUBLIN TROPHY HOUSE 4/10/2023 DUTCHOVER & ASSOCIATES 4/10/2023 EAST BAY POOL SERVICE, INC. 4/10/2023 EAST BAY POOL SERVICE, INC. 4/10/2023 EDEN HOUSING INC. City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 SERVICE TO SR ALARM 03/12/2023 SERVICE TO PSC FIRE ALARM 03/14/2023 SERVICE TO FSP FAX 03/14/2023 SERVICE TO FS18 03/14/2023 SHANNON CENTER ALARM 9391063350 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION ALARM SERVICES - SENIOR - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - WAVE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - WAVE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - FS 16 - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - CIVIC - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - SHANNON - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - CIVIC - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - SENIOR - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - FS 17 - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - HERITAGE - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - SHANNON APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - SHANNON APRIL 2023 SPORTS OFFICIATING SERVICES SPORTS OFFICIATING SERVICES SPORTS OFFICIATING SERVICES POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & TIRE INSTALLATION ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT - JAN 2023 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT - DEC2022 2023 SUMMER ACTIVITY GUIDE SHAMROCK FUN RUN PARTICIPANT SHIRTS FLEECE JACKETS - UNIFORMS THE WAVE POOL CHEMICALS & MAINTENANCE THE WAVE POOL CHEMICALS & MAINTENANCE PLANNING COMMISSION HUMAN SERVICE GRANT FY2022-23 CHARGE POINT ANNUAL SERVICE AND MAINT. - FEB 2023 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MUNI CODE UPDATES MUNI CODE UPDATES LOCC CONFERENCE EXPENSES BRIDGE & STRUCTURE ASSET INSP CAR WASHES ORGANIZING AND PRIORITIZING FOR SUCCESS GREEN STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE ENG SVCS PCS COMMISSION HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION COACHING SKILLS FOR MANAGERS ANNUAL AED PROGRAM MANAGEMENT POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS MEDALS, PARTICIPANT RIBBONS LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS MONTHLY POOL SERVICE - MARCH 2023 POOL SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - BATCH 9 165.69 47.30 47.30 70.11 24.49 100.00 207.00 148.50 198.00 123.20 189.00 500.13 90.00 198.00 138.00 84.00 541.86 180.00 369.30 237.75 330.00 237.60 409.20 375.06 352.35 5,135.50 6,644.00 1,575.00 157.64 2,632.00 64,725.00 603.00 17,971.52 1,334.91 501.56 514.36 50.00 1,637.88 19,874.00 100.00 658.00 47.00 609.73 2,042.25 1,710.00 3,000.00 28,709.74 150.00 100.00 350.00 2,079.00 377.12 727.61 596.25 7,800.00 906.25 6,000.00 55 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 4 of 9 4/10/2023 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR EAN SERVICES, 4/10/2023 FORD TIMING 4/10/2023 GINA MARIE GARCIA-GABRIELL 4/10/2023 INTERNATIONAL E-Z UP INC 4/10/2023 JACK LIANG 4/10/2023 JACK LIANG 4/10/2023 JANINE THALBLUM 4/10/2023 JIEXING MARGARET LIANG 4/10/2023 JOSEPH THOMAS WASHINGTON II 4/10/2023 JULIA H. TOMTANIA 4/10/2023 KIMBERLY HUDSON 4/10/2023 LAURA GAN 4/10/2023 LEHR AUTO 4/10/2023 LEWIS SOFTWARE ASSOC. LLC 4/10/2023 LINDA SMITH 4/10/2023 LINDA SMITH 4/10/2023 LOGOBOSS 4/10/2023 LOGOBOSS 4/10/2023 MARC SISTO 4/10/2023 MARIAM NOORZAD 4/10/2023 MARISSA CLEVENGER 4/10/2023 MATTHEW AINI 4/10/2023 MATTHEW T GILLER 4/10/2023 METRO MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS 4/10/2023 METRO SECURITY SERVICES 4/10/2023 MEYERS NAVE 4/10/2023 MICHAEL MCCORRISTON 4/10/2023 MMANC 4/10/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/10/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/10/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/10/2023 NICHOLAS OCHOA 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/10/2023 QUADIENT, INC. DEPT 3689 4/10/2023 QUENCH USA, INC. 4/10/2023 QUENCH USA, INC. 4/10/2023 RAJBIIR SINGH RR PIZZA INC 4/10/2023 REGIS HARVEY 4/10/2023 RENATA FLECCHIA TYLER 4/10/2023 RICHARD THORNBURY 4/10/2023 ROSE HUNT 4/10/2023 RRM DESIGN GROUP, A CA CORP 4/10/2023 S & S WORLDWIDE INC 4/10/2023 SCA OF CA LLC 4/10/2023 SHWETA AGRAWAL VEHICLE RENTAL FOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS SHAMROCK 5K FUN RUN TIMING COMPANY HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION EZ UPS FOR SWIM MEETS JANUARY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FEBRUARY MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PCS COMMISSION HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PCS COMMISSION POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS 941 QUARTERLY RETURNS FILING SERVICE LOCC CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT BRAY - CITY OF DUBLIN LUNCH CITY COUNCIL DUBLIN GEAR LOGOBOSS VRE APPAREL/AWARDS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MAR 2023 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR CLERKS (TTC) PLANNING COMMISSION PCS COMMISSION COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND INSTALL (2) MOTORCYCLE THE WAVE SECURITY SERVICES - MARCH 2023 SCHAEFER RANCH GHAD PROFESSIONAL SVCS NLC CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP SUMMIT CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ENGINEERING SERVICES - INSPECTIONS - DEC 2022 ENGINEERING SERVICES - INSPECTIONS - JAN 2023 ENGINEERING SERVICES - INSPECTIONS FEB 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION MAT SERVICES - PSC - MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - CIVIC MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES WAVE MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - SHANNON - MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - SENIOR - MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - CORP YARD - MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - SHANNON - MARCH 2023 MAT SERVICES - SHANNON - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - PSC - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - CIVIC - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - WAVE - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - SENIOR - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - CORP - APRIL 2023 NEOPOST MAIL MACHINE LEASE APRIL 2023 WATER FILTER SYSTEM FOR ALL FACILITIES -APRIL 2023 WATER FILTER SYSTEM FOR ALL FACILITIES APRIL 2023 OFF SEASON BIRTHDAY PARTY PIZZAS (JAN-FEB 2023) HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PCS COMMISSION HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK/INSPECTIONS SUMMER CAMP CRAFT SUPPLIES STREET SWEEPING SERVICES - JAN 2023 HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION 962.58 4,001.45 100.00 545.74 253.03 463.41 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 398.57 54.00 551.79 436.56 153.83 975.71 92.36 100.00 114.70 50.00 150.00 11,458.27 9,920.00 369.00 105.48 135.00 17,042.71 16,444.01 14,168.97 50.00 50.59 94.93 58.63 85.98 91.75 49.97 70.40 85.98 50.59 94.93 58.63 91.75 49.97 99.06 835.44 603.93 1,138.93 100.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 2,081.25 3,385.30 22,180.21 100.00 56 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 5 of 9 4/10/2023 SIERRA DISPLAY, INC. 4/10/2023 SIMPLER SYSTEMS, INC 4/10/2023 SIYU HENNINGSEN 4/10/2023 SPEEDO CHECK 4/10/2023 STEPHEN WRIGHT 4/10/2023 STONERIDGE CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE 4/10/2023 SYED SAMEER SHABIR HAKIM 4/10/2023 THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE, LLC 4/10/2023 TIMEA IHAROSI 4/10/2023 TREASURER ALAMEDA COUNTY 4/10/2023 TREASURER ALAMEDA COUNTY 4/10/2023 TREASURER ALAMEDA COUNTY GENERAL 4/10/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/10/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/10/2023 ULINE, INC. 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLY 4/10/2023 URBAN FIELD STUDIO OAKLAND 4/10/2023 URBAN FIELD STUDIO OAKLAND 4/10/2023 WAHIDA I. RASHID 4/10/2023 YAMAHA GOLF CARTS OF CALIF INC 4/11/2023 DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA 4/11/2023 VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA) 4/14/2023 CAL PERS 4/14/2023 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 4/17/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/17/2023 ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTS 4/17/2023 AKSHAY ARORA ARORA TENNIS & FITNESS 4/17/2023 ALPHA MEDIA LLC KKIQ/KUIC/KKKDV 4/17/2023 AMERICAN ASPHALT REPAIR & 4/17/2023 AMY L. JONES 4/17/2023 AMY'S ENGRAVED SIGNS & AWARDS 4/17/2023 AMY'S ENGRAVED SIGNS & AWARDS 4/17/2023 AMY'S ENGRAVED SIGNS & AWARDS 4/17/2023 ANGEL HOUZE CLAY ART C/O JULIE P. 4/17/2023 ANGEL HOUZE CLAY ART C/O JULIE P. 4/17/2023 ANTHONY CALVO 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T CITY BANNER PROGRAM SIMPLER SOFTWARE LICENSING SUPPORT MAR 2023 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR PLANNING COMMISSION POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR PCS COMMISSION RETIREE STREET SIGNATE HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PARKING CITATIONS COLLECTED PARKING CITATIONS COLLECTED FUEL PW & PD - FEB 2023 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES & SVCS - CAMP PARKS MARCH 2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES - SERVICE MARCH 2023 THE WAVE TRASH CAN LINERS CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV. CIVIC - MAR 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV. LIBRARY - MAR 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV. SENIOR MARC 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV SHANNON MAR 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV WAVE MAR 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV CIVIC MAR 2023 CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING SERV WAVE MAR 2023 DOWNTOWN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES DOWNTOWN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES PLANNING COMMISSION CITY EVENT ST PATS GOLF CART RENTAL Payments Issued 4/10/2023 Total: DELTA DENTAL PREMIUM - MARCH 2023 VISION INSURANCE PREMIUM - MARCH 2023 Payments Issued 4/11/2023 Total: PERS RETIREMENT PLAN: PE 4/7/23 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING: PE 4/7/23 Payments Issued 4/14/2023 Total: BUSINESS CARDS BOEGALS OUTER CARRIER REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC FACILITY/EVENT(ST PATS) RADIO ADVERTISEMENT ST0117 2021 SLURRY SEAL RETENTION RELEASE PAYMENT REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR NAME PLATE NAME PLATE FOR HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION NAME PLATE FOR PCS COMMISSION REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE TO CIVIC FIRE ALARM 04/01/2023 SERVICE TO PSC 04/01/2023 SERVICE TO SHANNON 03/12/2023 SERVICE TO CIVIC 03/12/2023 SERVICE TO LIBRARY 911 03/14/2023 SERVICE TO PSC POLICE 03/14/2023 SERVICE TO FS2-3 03/26/2023 SERVICE TO SHANNON FAX 03/27/2023 SERVICE TO FS16 03/27/2023 2,730.00 1,500.00 100.00 935.00 50.00 145.44 150.00 49.61 100.00 1,705.00 1,026.00 15,835.17 31,135.24 22,217.83 993.55 600.47 254.62 700.19 1,211.55 591.98 212.18 954.81 2,447.50 7,241.74 50.00 4,628.30 425,420.24 14,149.39 2,015.09 16,164.48 86,698.36 72,853.67 159,552.03 281.60 331.72 25,292.85 2,850.00 61,916.19 160.80 115.07 53.01 46.95 108.00 144.00 123.01 47.30 92.92 206.99 100.43 24.49 24.49 319.78 24.49 47.30 57 Print Date: 5/1/2023 Page 6 of 9 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T 4/17/2023 AT&T - CALNET 3 4/17/2023 AVANTPAGE INC 4/17/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/17/2023 BAY AREA NEWS GROUP EAST BAY 4/17/2023 BIG O'TIRES #7 4/17/2023 BRINKS, INC. 4/17/2023 BYOG 4/17/2023 CARBONIC SERVICE 4/17/2023 CHANDLER ASSET MANAGEMENT 4/17/2023 CHANDLER ASSET MANAGEMENT 4/17/2023 CHANDLER ASSET MANAGEMENT 4/17/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/17/2023 CINTAS CORPORATION NO.2 4/17/2023 CITY OF PLEASANTON 4/17/2023 CIVICA LAW GROUP APC 4/17/2023 CPS HR CONSULTING 4/17/2023 CPS HR CONSULTING 4/17/2023 CPS HR CONSULTING 4/17/2023 CPS HR CONSULTING 4/17/2023 DANIELLE STONE 4/17/2023 DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 4/17/2023 DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 4/17/2023 DUBLIN CHEVROLET 4/17/2023 DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL 4/17/2023 DYLAN OLINGHOUSE-CHIANG 4/17/2023 EAST BAY POOL SERVICE, INC. 4/17/2023 ELIZABETH ELLIOTT 4/17/2023 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 4/17/2023 ENGEO INC 4/17/2023 ENGEO INC 4/17/2023 EUROPEAN MOBILE WERKS 4/17/2023 EUROPEAN MOBILE WERKS 4/17/2023 EVERYTHING GROWS INTERIOR 4/17/2023 HEALTHEQUITY, INC. 4/17/2023 ICMA 401 PLAN 4/17/2023 ICMA 457 PLAN 4/17/2023 JASON EARL 4/17/2023 JEAN JOSEY 4/17/2023 JENNIFER JOHNSON 4/17/2023 KIM BONATO 4/17/2023 LEHR AUTO 4/17/2023 LEHR AUTO 4/17/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/17/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/17/2023 LSA ASSOCIATES INC. 4/17/2023 MACLEOD WATTS INC. 4/17/2023 MARK THOMAS & COMPANY, INC. 4/17/2023 MGT OF AMERICA CONSULTING, LLC 4/17/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/17/2023 MNS ENGINEERS, INC. 4/17/2023 NICHOLAS OCHOA 4/17/2023 NICHOLS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4/17/2023 NICOLE WANZENRIED 4/17/2023 NORMAN VALES 4/17/2023 NORMAN VALES City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 SERVICE TO CIVIC 03/27/2023 CLARK AVE 03/27/2023 HERITAGE 9391018979 TRANSLATION, EDITING & PROOFREADING SERVICES ALARM SERVICES WAVE SNACK BAR MAY 2023 LEGAL NOTICES MARCH 2023 POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & TIRE INSTALLATION ARMORED CAR SERVICE REC STAFF UNIFORMS & PROGRAM SHIRTS THE WAVE POOL CHEMICALS & MAINTENANCE INVESTMENT CONSULTING SERVICES FEBRUARY 2023 INVESTMENT CONSULTING SERVICES MAR 2023 INVESTMENT CONSULTING SERVICES - JAN 2023 REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR FIRST AID RESTOCK SECTION 108 CDBG INTEREST PAYMENT FEB 2022 SPECIAL COUNSEL LEGAL SERVICES ONLINE EXAM TESTING FOR HR ADMIN TECH RECRUITMENT ONLINE EXAM TESTING FOR SOA-PCS ONLINE EXAM TESTING FOR ADMIN AIDE-DPS RECRUITMENT MANAGEMENT ANALYST II RECRUITMENT TEST CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE E 1954244 OA - ELEVATOR INSPECTION - MARCH 2023 CA DEPT INDUST RELATIONS ELEVATOR INSPECT. MAR 2023 POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS ELECTRIC SCOOTER PSA MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MONTHLY POOL SERVICE - INDOOR POOL VALVES MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT CA STATE WITHHOLDING: PE 4/7/23 FALLON VILLAGE GHAD PROF SERVICES 3/1-3/31/23 SCHAEFER RANCH GHAD PROF SERVICES 3/1-3/31/23 POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 49439 INTERIOR PLANT CARE & MAINT. - APRIL 2023 HEALTHEQUITY: PE 4/7/23 DEFERRED COMP 401A: PE 4/7/23 DEFERRED COMP 457: PE 4/7/23 TRAVEL EXPENSES -HOUSING CONFERENCE 2023 NLC CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT & INSTALL FOR 23D44 2023 CHEVY POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIRS CEQA DOC PREP-BRANAUGH PROP STAGE 2 DEV CEQA DOC PREP-RIGHETTI PROPERTY STAGE 2 CEQA DOC PREP-BRANAUGH PROP STAGE 2 DEV PENSION CONTRIBUTION SPLITS REPORT FOR DOUGHERTY IRON HORSE TRAIL CROSSING DESIGN SVCS-FEB2023 50% OF SB 90 CLAIMING: CLAIM PREPARATION AND SUB. INSP/CONSTR MGMT21' SLURY SEALDUBLINBLVD PAVEFEB23 FALLON SPORTS PARK PH3 PW INSPECTIONS JAN2023 TRAVEL EXPENSES PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ACADEMY DESIGN SVCS-IRON HORSE NATURE PARK MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT JAN 2023 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FEBRUARY 2023 24.49 24.49 24.49 285.12 11.00 487.78 139.01 277.28 3,268.48 422.20 13,459.60 13,499.39 13,461.07 888.00 153.05 1,989.51 3,654.00 1,070.00 1,385.00 1,220.00 501.25 621.94 225.00 225.00 139.35 1,000.00 20.64 1,782.04 23.32 22,667.34 8,131.29 9,822.24 278.61 1,050.00 212.69 3,292.12 1,328.03 29,431.31 97.25 449.62 13.36 31.90 7,844.38 127.97 787.50 3,247.50 1,442.11 3,300.00 1,358.73 1,350.00 2,004.81 638.60 197.21 72,019.04 65.24 52.20 9.04 58 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 7 of 9 4/17/2023 NORMAN VALES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MARCH 2023 4/17/2023 NORM'S TOWING SERVICE, LLC SEARCH WARRANT 4/17/2023 ONE WORKPLACE L. FERRARI LLC OFFICE FURNITURE 4/17/2023 ONE WORKPLACE L. FERRARI LLC OFFICE FURNITURE 4/17/2023 PAKPOUR CONSULTING GROUP, INC. CONSTRUCTION MGMT-FALLON SPORTS PARK PH3 JAN2023 4/17/2023 PAKPOUR CONSULTING GROUP, INC. CONSTRUCTION MGMT-FALLON SPORTS PARK PH3 FEB2023 4/17/2023 PAKPOUR CONSULTING GROUP, INC. FIBER NETWORK RESEARCH PROJECT 4/17/2023 PAUSE FOR CHANGE, LLC DISASTER PREPAREDNESS SUPPLIES 4/17/2023 PG&E LS2-A EAST DUBLIN 03/16/23 4/17/2023 PG&E GNR1 SERVICE TO SHANNON CENTER 03/30/23 4/17/2023 PG&E B6 SERVICE TO FSP 03/07/23 4/17/2023 PG&E IRRIGATION VARIOUS 03/08/23 4/17/2023 PG&E B10S SERVICE TO EGP 03/13/23 4/17/2023 PG&E B1 SERVICE TO PASSATEMPO 03/26/2023 4/17/2023 PG&E B1 SERVICE TO SEAN DIAMOND 03/28/23 4/17/2023 PG&E B6 SERVICE TO BRAY CMMN 03/13/23 4/17/2023 PG&E B1 SERVICE TO ART LIGHTING AVB 03/26/23 4/17/2023 PG&E SERVICE TO PSC 03/15/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO FALLON 03/27/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO FALLON 03/27/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO 6795 DOUGHERTY 04/03/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO TASSAJARA 03/10/2023 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO VARIOUS 01/07/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO VARIOUS 02/06/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO FALLON 03/14/23 4/17/2023 PG&E TC1 SERVICE TO DB 03/14/23 4/17/2023 PG&E LS2-A SERVICE TO 03/16/23 4/17/2023 PG&E LS2-A SERVICE TO CENTRAL 03/16/23 4/17/2023 PG&E LS2-A SERVICE TO EAST DUBLIN 03/16/23 4/17/2023 PG&E A! GNR1 SERVICE TO SR CTR 03/13/23 4/17/2023 PG&E LS2-A SERVICE TO AVELLINA 03/14/23 4/17/2023 PG&E SERVICE TO PSC 03/15/23 4/17/2023 PG&E A6 GNR1 SERVICE TO FS18 03/13/2023 4/17/2023 PGADESIGN INC. HERITAGE PARK IMPRV DESIGN SERVICES SEPT 2022 4/17/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY MAT SERVICES - SHANNON - APRIL 2023 4/17/2023 RAYDIANT INC. CONCESSIONS MENU APP 4/17/2023 RAYNE OF SAN JOSE WATER SOFTENER SERVICES - FS 18 - APRIL 2023 4/17/2023 RAYNE OF SAN JOSE WATER SOFTENER SERVICES - FS 17 - APRIL 2023 4/17/2023 RAYNE OF SAN JOSE WATER SOFTENER SERVICES - FS 16 - MARCH 2023 4/17/2023 S & J ADVERTISING INC WAVE ADVERTISING MAY & JUNE 2023 4/17/2023 SANDRA CAIRES REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES 4/17/2023 SLIDE GUYS RESTORATION, INC. SPRING 2023 SLIDE MAINTENANCE SERVICE 3/30-4/3 4/17/2023 SNG & ASSOCIATES INC. CIP BUILDING DEPT. PLAN REVIEWS - DEC 2022 4/17/2023 SQUAD ESTATES SKYHAWKS TRI VALLEY REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR 4/17/2023 STANFORD HEALTH -VALLEYCARE PPD SKIN TESTS FOR SEASONAL SUMMER HIRING 4/17/2023 SWA GROUP JORDAN RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD SQ DESIGN JAN 2023 4/17/2023 T-MOBILE USA, INC. PIO & PW CELL PHONE SERVICES THRU 3/20/23 4/17/2023 UNUM LIFE INS CO OF AMERICA LIFE AND AD&D PREMIUM - MARCH 2023 4/17/2023 US BANK - PARS PARS: PE 4/7/23 4/17/2023 VALERIE DEAM MC GRATH IRISH DANCERS REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR 4/17/2023 VIDYA GIRISH REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR 4/17/2023 WC3-WEST COAST CODE CONSULTANT EPROCESS360 SUBSCRIPTION FEE - MAR 2023 4/17/2023 WEE HOOP, INC. REC CLASS INSTRUCTOR 4/17/2023 ZARIAN PETITHOMME MARCH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Payments Issued 4/17/2023 Total: 4/18/2023 CALPERS REPLACEMENT BENEFIT PLAN - APRIL INVOICE 30.26 300.00 1,139.82 1,314.22 12,958.50 9,421.00 6,946.75 85.00 16,639.00 779.83 3,059.85 2,737.83 2,236.50 77.70 162.17 58.95 321.26 9,033.47 72.27 80.99 175.50 101.21 10,908.61 8,954.96 120.35 107.14 75.17 10.70 15,799.07 2,768.95 305.77 4,627.39 2,290.12 3,329.37 70.40 597.00 194.35 247.00 225.40 2,850.00 25.19 75,175.00 204.00 2,682.00 1,236.00 20,654.04 141.77 10,840.30 2,237.26 3,024.00 294.00 11,890.00 592.80 14.87 574,069.04 11,776.23 59 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 8 of 9 4/24/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/24/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/24/2023 A4 PROMOTIONS & INCENTIVES 4/24/2023 ABOVE AND BEYOND LEADERSHIP AND 4/24/2023 AKSHAY ARORA ARORA TENNIS & FITNESS 4/24/2023 ALAMEDA COUNTY LIBRARY 4/24/2023 ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SVCS INC 4/24/2023 AT&T - CALNET 3 4/24/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/24/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/24/2023 BAY ALARM COMPANY 4/24/2023 BAY ISLAND OFFICIAL ASSOC 4/24/2023 BAY ISLAND OFFICIAL ASSOC 4/24/2023 BIG O'TIRES #7 4/24/2023 BIG O'TIRES #7 4/24/2023 BIG O'TIRES #7 4/24/2023 BYOG 4/24/2023 CALEHS 4/24/2023 CALICO CENTER 4/24/2023 CALICO CENTER 4/24/2023 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS 4/24/2023 CARBONIC SERVICE 4/24/2023 CASTRO VALLEY PERFORMING ARTS 4/24/2023 CHRISTINE PETIT 4/24/2023 CIVICA LAW GROUP APC 4/24/2023 CIVICWELL 4/24/2023 CLIFF DRYER 4/24/2023 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR 4/24/2023 CORODATA SHREDDING, INC. 4/24/2023 CROSSROADS SOFTWARE, INC. 4/24/2023 DEPT OF CONSERVATION DIV OF ADMIN 4/24/2023 DIV OF THE STATE ARCHITECT 4/24/2023 DUBLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4/24/2023 EAST BAY POOL SERVICE, INC. 4/24/2023 EKATERINA BAZLAKOVA 4/24/2023 ELITE AUTO GLASS INC 4/24/2023 EUROPEAN MOBILE WERKS 4/24/2023 FAIRWAY FAMILY 4/24/2023 GAL -STAGE 4/24/2023 GHILOTTI BROS, INC. 4/24/2023 GLOBAL MUSIC RIGHTS, LLC 4/24/2023 GOODFELLOW SEQUOIA AJV 4/24/2023 ICMA 4/24/2023 ICMA 4/24/2023 INTEGRA PLANNING & LANDSCAPE 4/24/2023 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC 4/24/2023 IRON MOUNTAIN 4/24/2023 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. 4/24/2023 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES EAST BAY 4/24/2023 MICHAEL BAKER INT'L, INC. 4/24/2023 MIDPOINT INTERNATIONAL 4/24/2023 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAINS, INC. 4/24/2023 NEW DIRECTIONS SIGN SERVICE 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E Payments Issued 4/18/2023 Total: 11,776.23 BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARDEE - ORG OF THE YEAR TENNIS & FITNESS SERVICES DUBLIN LIBRARY SERVICES QTR4: JAN 2023-MAR 2023 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SVCS HERITAGE CENTER BACKUP ALARM SERVICES - CIVIC - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - CORP YARD - APRIL 2023 ALARM SERVICES - WAVE - APRIL 2023 SPORTS OFFICIATING SERVICES SPORTS OFFICIATING SERVICES POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & TIRE INSTALLATION POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & TIRE INSTALLATION POLICE VEHICLE MAINT & TIRE INSTALLATION REC STAFF UNIFORMS & PROGRAM SHIRTS DESIGNATED UST OPERATOR INSP. SVCS - APRIL 2023 HUMAN SERVICE GRANT FY2022-23 JAN1-MAR30 HUMAN SERVICE GRANT FY2022-23 OCT1-DEC31 GREEN BUILDING FEES JAN-MAR 2023 THE WAVE POOL CHEMICALS & MAINTENANCE DANCE LESSONS INSTRUCTION AQUA AEROBICS FITNESS INSTRUCT SPECIAL COUNSEL LEGAL SERVICES CLIMATE ACTION PLAN SUPPORT HERITAGE PARK PUBLIC ART PROJECT - TREE MILLING HUMAN SERVICE GRANT FY2022-23 SHRED BIN PICKUP MARCH, 2023 CROSSROADS ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION SEISMIC HAZARD MAPPING FEE JAN-MAR 2023 DIV OF THE STATE ARCHITECT GASP FEES STATE OF THE CITY TABLE 2023 MONTHLY POOL SERVICE - OUTDOOR POOL VALVES LITTLE LIBRARIES ARTWORK WINDSHIELD REPAIR POLICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OUTDOOR OPERATIONS GRANT PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT DUBLIN BLVD PAVEMENT REHAB PROJECT MUSIC LICENSING IRON HORSE TRAIL BRIDGE AT DUBLIN BLVD PROJ ICMA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - TRIBBY ICMA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL -SMITH ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW SERVICES MAR 2023 PLAN REVIEW SERVICES - MAR 2023 POLICE RECORDS STORAGE ENGINEERING SERVICES - FEB 2023 MAYOR HERNANDEZ EAST BAY DIVISION MEETING CONSULTING SVCS-AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING THREE STREAM PUBLIC LITTER RECEPTACLES WATER BOTTLE FILLERS CASH COMPLETION BONDS REFUND B10S SERVICE TO CIVIC CENTER 3/15/23 B1 SERVICE TO CORP YARD 3/30/23 62.01 62.01 101.20 500.00 7,453.20 159,600.00 17,232.36 56.87 390.00 297.00 1,852.47 504.00 2,621.00 358.41 63.23 142.81 804.81 825.00 2,410.47 4,927.03 1,930.50 455.48 1,332.00 393.60 9,337.10 7,250.00 1,675.00 4,114.29 81.00 4,400.00 6,205.27 150.00 800.00 2,576.07 500.00 456.02 172.89 5,015.00 9,871.25 15,652.50 850.00 531,216.25 1,200.00 1,200.00 362.50 500.00 372.67 2,644.00 50.00 12,067.00 43,745.00 18,860.94 2,000.00 9,012.60 1,765.48 60 City of Dublin Payment Issuance Report Print Date: 5/1/2023 Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023 Page 9 of 9 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PG&E 4/24/2023 PIERRE GALANG 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 4/24/2023 QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC. 4/24/2023 RACE TO ZERO WASTE 4/24/2023 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB. INC. 4/24/2023 RRM DESIGN GROUP, A CA CORP 4/24/2023 RRM DESIGN GROUP, A CA CORP 4/24/2023 SALESFORCE.COM, INC. 4/24/2023 SCA OF CA LLC 4/24/2023 SCA OF CA LLC 4/24/2023 SCA OF CA LLC 4/24/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/24/2023 SELECT IMAGING 4/24/2023 SHAMROCK OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC FILE 4/24/2023 SHUMS CODA ASSOCIATES INC 4/24/2023 STORM WATER INSPECTION & 4/24/2023 STORM WATER INSPECTION & 4/24/2023 SW INERTON MANAGEMENT AND 4/24/2023 TRB AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4/24/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/24/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/24/2023 TRI-VALLEY JANITORIAL INC. 4/24/2023 ULINE, INC. 4/24/2023 WESTEK SYSTEMS INC. 4/24/2023 YB ANALYTICS TECHNOLOGIES 4/27/2023 DSRSD 4/27/2023 ROSEMARY ALEX 4/27/2023 ROSEMARY BALDANZI 4/28/2023 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 4/28/2023 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE B6 SERVICE TO SCH RNCH PARK 3/29/23 B1 SERVICE TO POSITANO IRRIG 3/30/23 TC1 SERVICE TO AVB 3/29/23 TC1 SERVICE TO POSITANO 3/31/23 LS2-A SERVICE TO AVB 3/31/23 B1 SERVICE TO HCP 3/29/23 A6 SERVICE TO FS16 03/13/23 B1 SERVICE TO HPM 3/29/23 DJ/MC SERVICES AT DUBLIN PRIDE EVENT MAT SERVICES - SHANNON - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - WAVE - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - PSC - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - SENIOR - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - CIVIC - APRIL 2023 MAT SERVICES - CORP YARD - APRIL 2023 POSTAGE WASTE SORTING SVCS FOR ST. PAT'S FESTIVAL TOXICOLOGY SERVICES ENGINEERING SVCS-PLAN REVIEW NOV 2022 ENGINEERING SVCS-PLAN REVIEW FEB 2023 SALESFORCE CLOUD BASED PLATFORM FOR HOMEKEEPER STREET SWEEPING SERVICES - FEB 2023 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES - MARCH 2023 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES ST PATS MARCH 2023 DOOR HANG - BUILDING PERMIT STATUS DOOR HANG - CODE ENFORCEMENT COURTESY NOTICE PRINTER CARTRIDGES PLAN REVIEW SERVICES - MAR 2023 FULL TRASH CAPTURE MAINTENANCE FULL TRASH CAPTURE MAINTENANCE PLAN/CONSTR REVIEW CULTURAL ARTS CENTER MAR 2023 PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES MAR 2023 JANITOR SERV. -ST. PATS CIVIC LIBRARY - MARCH 2023 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - ST. PATS CIVIC - MARCH 2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES - EXTRA SERVICES - MARCH 2023 32" TRASH PICKER AMAG SOFTWARE MAINT & SUPPORT VER ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR RUNNER UP Payments Issued 4/24/2023 Total: SERVICE TO 3/31/2023 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT - MARCH 2023 FLYER DISTRIBUTION FOR ST. PATS Payments Issued 4/27/2023 Total: FEDERAL WITHHOLDING: APRIL COUNCILMEMBERS FEDERAL WITHHOLDING: PE 4/21/23 Payments Issued 4/28/2023 Total: 180.96 76.87 67.14 302.25 1,389.82 3,011.89 1,082.48 679.20 650.00 85.98 58.63 50.59 91.75 94.93 49.97 192.74 8,021.25 639.54 462.50 185.00 5,058.00 22,180.21 22,180.21 885.85 324.37 700.96 15.00 810.00 14,995.00 365.00 60,210.00 47,690.00 3,024.00 1,091.10 5,587.34 3,087.82 1,200.00 200.00 1,105,456.64 46,497.67 296.07 31.83 46,825.57 325.94 68,222.00 68,547.94 Grand Total for Payments Dated 4/1/2023 through 4/30/2023: 4,014,851.18 Total Number of Payments Issued: 309 61 II DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item 4.5 DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.FCT: Adoption of an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Prepared by: Lisa Hisatomi, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider adoption of the annual Appropriations Limit in accordance with State law. The City of Dublin's Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is $468,263,521, which exceeds the City's related appropriations by $375,464,050. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City Council is required by State law to adopt an Appropriations Limit, also known as the Gann Limit or Proposition 4 Limit, in conjunction with the annual budget process. The Limit is calculated by multiplying the adopted Limit for the prior year by factors reflecting economic changes over the prior year. The laws regulating the application of the Limit forbid an agency from appropriating specific funds that would exceed the Limit. The restriction applies to appropriating monies categorized as "Proceeds of Taxes." The Limit carries forward each year and is subject to an adjustment in accordance with a specified formula that includes the following factors (the City has the discretion to choose one factor from each category below): 1. Change in the City population or change in Alameda County population. 2. Change in State per capita personal income or change in the "Non-residential New Construction." Page 1 of 2 62 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Proposed Appropriations Limit Staff has prepared the calculations necessary to adopt the Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 in accordance with State law and with the Uniform Guidelines of the League of California Cities. The discretionary factors selected in calculating the 2023-24 Limit are: (1) Change in the City population; and (2) Change in State per capita income. The new Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit as calculated and attached to the Resolution is $468,263,521, based upon an increased adjustment factor of 1.0404 applied to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit. The Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget includes appropriations subject to the Limit totaling $92,799,471 that would be categorized as "Proceeds of Taxes". Therefore, the appropriations subject to the Appropriations Limit are below the allowed amount by $375,464,050. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A Public Notice was posted on May 1, 2023 stating that the factors used in calculating the Appropriations Limit were available for public review. The notice was also displayed on the City website and the information is contained in the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 2) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Calculation of Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit 3) Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit Page 2 of 2 63 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. xx-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 WHEREAS, State law requires that an Appropriations Limit be adopted by the City Council in conjunction with the Annual Budget process; and WHEREAS, Article XIII B of the California Constitution places certain restrictions on appropriations made by cities; and WHEREAS, the restrictions are applicable to appropriations, which meet the definition of a "Proceeds of Taxes"; and WHEREAS, the law allows the option to select the factors to be used in the calculation of the Appropriations Limit; and WHEREAS, for one of the adjustment factors the City must select between: (A) the change in City population, or (B) Countywide population, and the City has selected the change in City population; and WHEREAS, for the second adjustment factor the City must select between: (1) the change in the State per capita income, or, (2) the change in the assessed valuation of local non-residential construction, and the City has selected the change in the State per capita income; and WHEREAS, the calculation of the Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24 is described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the Fiscal Year 2023-24 City of Dublin Appropriations Limit as $468,263,521. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the limit has been calculated in accordance with State Law and is shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 1 of 1 64 Attachment 2 EXHIBIT A CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit) A. Selection of Optional Factors 1. Change in population — City vs. County. 1 Factors 1 /1 /2023 1 /1 /2022 % Increase a. City of Dublin 70,879 71,148 -0.38% b. County of Alameda 1,633,886 1,641,554 -0.47% The City selected Factor la. City of Dublin population change -0.38% 2. Change in State per capita personal income vs. City non-residential building construction. Factors % Change a. Change in State per capita personal income 4.44% b. Change in non-residential assessed valuation 0.98% The City selected Factor 2a. Change in State per capita personal income 4.44%. B. Fiscal Year 2023-24 Growth Adiustment Factor Calculation of factor for Fiscal Year 2023-24 = X*Y = 0.9962*1.0444 = 1.0404 X = Selected Factor #1 + 100 =-0.38+100 = 0.9962 100 100 Y = Selected Factor #2 + 100 = 4.44 +100 = 1.0444 100 100 C. Calculation of Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2022-23 Appropriations Limit $450,080,278 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adjustment Factor x 1.0404 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit $468,263,521 65 Attachment 3 Fisnal Year 2023-24 Anprnnriatinns Limit (Based on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 57-22) The Gann Limit, or Proposition 4 Limit, was a 1979 amendment to the California constitution sponsored by political activist Paul Gann in 1979 on the heels of his property tax -reducing Proposition 13 initiative passed the prior year. The Gann Limit was designed to regulate state and local spending by linking the rate of appropriation growth to a statewide index. In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. The City of Dublin has calculated a Fiscal Year 2023-24 limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and the recognized methodology for calculating adjustments. The details of this calculation are shown on the following page. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the City Council. State law limits only the appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of taxes," which are narrowly defined. The law also establishes a formula to be used to calculate annual adjustments to the limit using a combination of two factors selected by the agency. The first factor is based on changes in population. Agencies may either select the change in the city population or the change in county population. For Fiscal Year 2023-24 the City of Dublin population change is a decrease of 0.38% which is smaller than the Alameda County population decrease of 0.47% (based on the Price and Population Information provided by the California Department of Finance). Therefore, the adjustment calculation uses the City of Dublin population change. The second factor allows the City to use either 1) the increase in the State per capita personal Income, or 2) the change in local assessed valuation based on changes in the "Non-residential New Construction." The change in the per capita personal income as provided by the Department of Finance is 4.44%. The change in the assessed valuation compares the total change in assessed valuation to the amount related strictly to non-residential improvements, in April 2023, the Alameda County Assessor provided data related to Fiscal Year 2022-23 changes in assessed valuation attributable to Non-residential New Construction, The amount of the increase was $11,925,000, or 0.98%. Therefore, the City of Dublin elected to use the change in the State per capita personal Income. The two factors discussed above are combined to arrive at a growth rate for appropriations, which is then applied to the prior year to arrive at a limit for the new budget year. The City of Dublin's Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit is $468,263,521, as shown on the following page, while the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget contains appropriations of $92,799,471 that would be categorized as funded by proceeds of taxes. Therefore, the City's appropriations subject to the Gann Limit are $375,464,050 below the allowed amount calculated for Fiscal Year 2023-24. 66 CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit) A. Selection of Optional Factors 1. Change in population — City vs. County. Factors 1/1/2023 1/1/2022 % Increase a. City of Dublin 70,879 71,148 -0.38% b. County of Alameda 1,633,886 1,641,554 -0.47% The City selected Factor la. City of Dublin population change -0.38% 2. Change in State per capita personal income vs. City non-residential building construction. Factors % Change a. Change in State per capita personal income 4.44% b. Change in non-residential assessed valuation 0.98% The City selected Factor 2a. Change in State per capita personal income 4.44%. B. Fiscal Year 2023-24 Growth Adiustment Factor Calculation of factor for Fiscal Year 2023-24 = X*Y = 0.9962*1.0444 = 1.0404 X = Selected Factor #1 + 100 =-0.38+100 = 0.9962 100 100 Y = Selected Factor #2 + 100 = 4.44+100 = 1.0444 100 100 C. Calculation of Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2022-23 Appropriations Limit $450,080,278 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adjustment Factor x 1.0404 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit $468,263,521 67 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 4.6 SU B.ECT : City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2023 Prepared by: Chris Rhoades, Financial Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive an informational report of the City's investments through the quarter ending March 31, 2023 including a monthly transaction ledger. The City's investment portfolio for this period totaled $388,037,166 (market value) with an average market yield of 4.39%. As required by the Policy, the City Treasurer (Administrative Services Director) affirms that the City is able to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the City Treasurer's Informational Report of Investments for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2023. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact resulting from this report. Investments are made in accordance with the City Investment Policy and State Law. Interest earned is apportioned between funds (i.e., General Fund, Gas Tax Fund, etc.) based upon their proportionate share of the total cash balance. Based on the financial needs of the City including the timing of revenues and expenditures, the quarterly cash balance can vary from quarter to quarter. DESCRIPTION: The total investment portfolio (market value) consists of $281,327,249 managed by Chandler Asset Management (Chandler), and $106,709,917 invested by the City in local government pools, the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) and the California Asset Management Program (CAMP). The average market yield of the Chandler portfolio and the local pools was 4.37% and 4.42% respectively. Page 1 of 4 68 The total investment portfolio balance fluctuates throughout the year due to normal cash flow needs and includes both discretionary and restricted funds. Economic Update Highlights The following are some highlights from the Economic Update included in the Investment Report prepared by Chandler (Attachment 1). Economic trends have been decelerating along with tighter financial conditions and restrictive monetary policy. Recent data suggests positive but below -trend growth this year. Although the pace of job growth is slowing, labor markets remain solid, and the U.S. consumer has demonstrated resiliency. Market participants and the Federal Reserve are maintaining very divergent views regarding the future trajectory of monetary policy. Given the cumulative effects of tighter monetary policy and stress in the banking sector, Chandler believes the Federal Reserve is likely near a pause in their rate hiking campaign. If moderate growth continues, Chandler believes the Fed will likely maintain the Federal Funds rate in restrictive territory until inflationary pressures subside. City of Dublin Portfolio The City's aggregate portfolio has maintained a healthy balance of investment types with minimal change from the prior quarter as shown below in Chart 1, except for CAMP due to additional funds have been deposited with the receipt of property taxes. Supranational 4.4% Money Market Fund 0.2% Local Gov Investment Pool 20.8% Chart 1: Investments by Type March 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 March 31, 2023 LAIF 6.7% ABS 7.8% December 31, 2022 Commercial Paper 1.4% LAIF 7.2% ABS 8.7% Agency 16.4% Corporate 18.4% CMO The market value of the City's portfolio increased by $29,227,114 from the December 31, 2022 quarter. The quarterly change results from the normal fluctuations in the timing of incoming revenue, predominantly the receipt of property tax allocations and sales tax revenue, and expenditures on Capital Projects and payments to Alameda County for Police and Fire Services. The City's portfolio increased by $17.1 million from the same quarter the prior year (see Table 1 below). Overall market yield -to -maturity has remained consistent at 4.39%, (shown in Table 2) Page 2 of 4 69 due to the factors discussed in the Economic Update Highlights. For detailed monthly transactions, see Attachment 2. Holdings Managed by City LAI F CAMP SUBTOTAL' Accrued Interest Managed by Chandler ABS Agency CM0 Commercial paper Money Market Negotiable CD Supranational Corporate US Treasury SUBTOTAL Accrued Interest TOTAL PORTFOLIO Table 1: Portfolio Values and Yield to Maturity March 31, 2022 Market Value 50,424,445 79,661,872 130,086,317 I 36,519 130,122,836 22,814,841 57,293,846 4,052,552 632,736 4,978,673 19,609,525 66,644,264 63,976,891 240,003,327 779,938 240,783,265 370,906,101 December 31, 2022 Market Value 25,730,693 56,195, 257 81,925,950 I 169,795 82,095,744 31,285,896 58,714,486 3,843,615 4,982,197 4,923,898 16,569,068 65,378,464 89,783,810 275,481,435 1,232,872 276,714,308 358,810,052 March 31, 2023 Par Value Book Value Market Value 25,917,596 80,625,562 106,543,157 30,889,890 62,450,000 4,000,000 25,917,596 80,625,562 106,543,157 30,887,455 62,672,955 4,135,139 25,917,596 80,625,562 106,543,157 166,760 106,709,917 30,171,153 60,517,635 3,874,342 760,481 760,481 760,481 18,240,000 74,375,000 100,250,000 290,965,371 18,218,617 74,472,985 99,932,489 291,080,120 16,860,396 71,092,672 96,639,811 279,916,489 1,410,760 281,327,249 397,508,528 397,623,277 Change from Prior Year Change from Prior Quarter 388,037,166 17,131,065 29,227,114 of Subtotal % of Total Book Market Portfolio Yield Yield 24.3% 6.5% 2.88% 2.88% 75.7% 20.3% 4.92% 4.92% 100.00% 26.80% 4.42% 4.42% 10.8% 7.8% 2.21% 21.6% 15.7% 2.08% 1.4% 1.0% 1.35% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00% 0.3% 0.2% 4.32% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00% 6.0% 4.6% 0.67% 25.4% 18.7% 2.38% 34.5% 25.2% 2.47% 100.00% 73.20% 2.21% 5.23% 4.38% 4.57% 0.00% 4.32% 0.00% 4.05% 4.75% 3.87% 4.37% 100.00% 4.39% Table 2: Quarterly Holdings (Market Value) by Type, and YTM, 5 Quarters Holdings (Market Value) LAI F/CAMP ABS Agency CMO Commercial Paper Money Market Negotiable CD Supranational Corporate US Treasury Accrued Interest TOTAL YIELD TO MATURITY 3/31/22 6/30/22 9/30/22 12/31/22 3/31/23 130,086,317 139,704,489 129,243,283 81,925,950 106,543,157 22,814,841 26,693,153 27,760,436 31,285,896 30,171,153 57, 293, 846 56, 641, 842 53, 062, 995 58, 714,486 60, 517, 635 4,052,552 3,966,300 3,839,610 3,843,615 3,874,342 4,982,197 - 632,736 3,039,481 286,323 4,923,898 760,481 4,978,673 2,486,275 2,497,243 - - 19, 609, 525 19, 403, 787 16, 428, 894 16, 569, 068 16, 860, 396 66, 644, 264 62, 892, 216 63, 373,439 65, 378, 464 71, 092, 672 63,976,891 62,468,441 65,877,816 89,783,810 96,639,811 816,458 1,012,868 1,069,574 1,402,667 1,577,520 370,906,101 378,308,853 363,439,614 358,810,052 I 388,037,166 1.62% 2.48% 3.66% 4.39% 4.39% Funds Managed by the City The City participates in two local agency investment pools managed by government finance professionals and treasurers: the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) and the California Asset Management Program (CAMP). Below is the recent yield of the local pools compared to that of Chandler. Page 3 of 4 70 Table 3: Quarterly Portfolio Yields, Recent 8 Quarters Market Yield LAIF CAMP Chandler 6/30/21 0.25% 0.05% 0.49% 9/30/21 0.21% 0.05% 0.56% 12/31/21 0.22% 0.05% 0.91% 3/31/22 0.42 % 0.07 % 2.38% 6/30/22 0.94% 1.40% 3.20% 9/30/22 1.60% 2.61% 4.47% 12/31/22 2.23% 4.50% 4.57% 3/31/23 2.88% 4.92% 4.37% STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) City of Dublin Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 2023 2) Transaction Ledger - January through March 2023 Page 4 of 4 71 Attachment I INVESTMENT REPORT City of Dublin Period Ending March 31, 2023 CiitER CHANDLASSET MANAGEMENT CHANDLER ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 1800.317.4747 I www.chandlerasset.com ITable of Contents SECTION 1 Economic Update SECTION 2 Account Profile SECTION 3 Consolidated Information SECTION 4 Portfolio Holdings SECTION 5 Transactions As of March 31, 2023 1 CA% 73 Section 1 I Economic Update Economic Update • Economic trends have been decelerating along with tighter financial conditions and restrictive monetary policy. Recent data suggests positive but below trend growth this year. Although the pace of job growth is moderating, labor markets remain solid, and the U.S. consumer has demonstrated resiliency. Market participants and the Federal Reserve are maintaining very divergent views regarding the future trajectory of monetary policy. Given the cumulative effects of tighter monetary policy and stress in the banking sector, we believe the Federal Reserve is likely near a pause in their rate hiking campaign. If moderate growth continues, we believe the Fed will likely maintain the Federal Funds rate in restrictive territory until inflationary pressures subside. • At the March meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee voted unanimously to raise the target federal funds rate by 0.25% to a range of 4.75 — 5.00%. Fed Chair Powell reiterated the committee's focus on bringing down inflation to their 2% target; however, the committee softened language about "ongoing increases" in rates in the prior statement to "some additional policy firming may be appropriate". The statement also emphasized that the U.S. banking system is "sound and resilient" and acknowledged the tightening of financial conditions. The Chandler team believes the FOMC is likely near a pause in their rate hiking cycle. • In March, the yield curve inversion narrowed. The 2-year Treasury yield plummeted 79 basis points to 4.03%, the 5-year Treasury yield plunged 61 basis points to 3.58%, and the 10-year Treasury yield fell 45 basis points to 3.47%. The inversion between the 2-year Treasury yield and 10-year Treasury yield declined to -56 basis points at March month -end versus -90 basis points at February month -end. There was no spread between the 2-year Treasury and 10-year Treasury yield one year ago — the yields were approximately equal. The inversion between 3-month and 10-year Treasuries widened to -128 in March from -89 basis points in February. The shape of the yield curve indicates that the probability of recession is increasing. MOM Change In (000's) Employment 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Nonfarm Payroll (000's) Non -farm Payroll (000's) 3 month average (000's) ✓ S O ✓ S O dr.,)7 4hc1 Ppc) ccc1 drc)� �'�c) Pac) Pcc� drsc)S Source: US Department of Labor 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 0 ' ▪ 6.0% co re 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Unemployment Rate Underemployment Rate (U6) Unemployment Rate (U3) ✓4� S% Ooc� 47 ✓4/ So:� Ooc� dr. 1 1 7 S Source: US Department of Labor The U.S. economy added 236,000jobs in March, and the prior two months were revised downward by 17,000. Although the pace of job growth is moderating, employment remains strong, with the three-month moving average payrolls at 345,000 and the six-month moving average at 315,000. The private sector reported broad gains, led by leisure and hospitality. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5% due to a sharp rise in the number of people employed, and the participation rate increased to 62.6% from 62.5% in February. The U-6 underemployment rate, which includes those who are marginally attached to the labor force and employed part time for economic reasons, declined to 6.7% from the prior month at 6.8%. Average hourly earnings rose 4.2% year -over -year in March, down from a 4.6% increase in February. Job Openings dipped to 9.9 million, the first drop below 10 million since May of 2021. While the overall pace of hiring is slowing, levels remain consistent with a solid labor market. 4 CM 76 YOY( %) Change Inflation 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 14) 1 Consumer Price Index (CPI) CPI YOY % Change Core CPI YOY % Change J 0,0 Ooc �ar ✓4, Sok Ooc "-7 ot �1 c1 c)c) ,,) ,),) ,) c)0) Source: US Department of Labor YOY( %) Change Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Source: US Department of Commerce PCE Price Deflator YOY % Change PCE Core Deflator YOY % Change The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased in March 0.1% month -over -month and 5.0% year -over -year, down from 6.0% in February. The Core CPI, which excludes volatile food and energy components, rose 0.4% month -over -month and 5.6% year -over -year, accelerating from 5.5% in February. Housing remained the largest factor in headline CPI representing 60% of the increase. The Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index rose 5.0% year -over -year in February, improving from a 5.3% year -over -year gain in January. Core PCE, the Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge, increased 4.6% year -over -year in February, the smallest increase since October 2021. Inflationary trends are declining but remain above the Fed's 2% target. 5 CM 77 YOY (%) Change Consumer 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Retail Sales YOY % Change Ihiliildillgilludo. Source: US Department of Commerce 140 130 120 90 80 1 Source: The Conference Board Consumer Confidence SPa` OPc, /�dr, ✓e,� sib 0�'C • /�°'r, ? '1 �� c� ,)� � ,),) Advance Retail Sales fell more than expected month -over -month at -1.0% in March, which translated to a year -over -year deceleration to 2.9% from 5.9% in February. The report indicated a broad -based cooling in discretionary spending as consumers are becoming more cautious about the outlook for the US economy. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index unexpectedly increased to 104.2 in March from 103.4 in February. While high inflation and recession concerns remain top of mind for many consumers, the strong labor market and low unemployment continue to support the strength in Consumer Confidence. 6 CA% 78 IEconomic Activity MOM (%) Change 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% - 0.5% - 1.0% - 1.5% 44 1 Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) ✓0/2 i, 6Pc �dr 'le,jPo 6Pc dr `1 c)1 c1 �,) `� c)� �c) �,)) Source: The Conference Board 3 Month Average 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 - 0.25 - 0.50 / Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) I Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago The Conference Board's Leading Economic Index (LEI) remained in negative territory for the twelfth consecutive month at —1.2% in March, falling considerably from a downwardly revised -0.5% in February. The LEI was down 7.8% year -over -year in March versus down 6.5% year -over - year in February. The consistent decline month -over -month continues to signal future contraction in the economy. The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) declined to -0.19 in February from +0.23 in January. On a 3-month moving average basis, the CFNAI increased to -0.13 in February from -0.27 in January, indicating a rate of growth below the historical average trend. 7 CA% 79 MOM Change (In Thousands of Units) Housing 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Housing Starts S&P/Case-Shiller 20 City Composite Home Price Index 24.0% 21.0% Mu.ti Family Housing Starts • Single Family Housing Starts ✓ S 0 ✓ S 0 dr�1 �7 �1 ��1 �°c,1 dr,)� v7 cp�� c��� dr�,3) YOY( %) Change 18.0% 15.0% 12.0% 9.0% 6.0% 3.0% 0.0% Source: US Department of Commerce Source: S&P 1 1sc)t 1 •0' Total housing starts fell 0.8% month -over -month in March to 1,420,000 units and were down 17.2% compared to March 2022. The decline was primarily driven by a drop in multifamily construction while single-family construction increased. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged approximately 6.52% in March according to Freddie Mac, down from a peak of 7.08% in October, but up from 4.67% a year ago. According to the Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index, the year -over -year increase continued its declining rate of gain to +2.55% in January from +4.62% in December, clearly displaying the impact of higher mortgage rates year -over -year, which have reduced demand for homebuying as affordability has declined. This is the lowest rate of annual appreciation since December 2019. 8 CA% 80 Manufacturing Institute of Supply Management Purchasing Manager Index 66 64 62 60 \,................‘ 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 EXPANDING CONTRACTING So OPc 1 Source: Institute for Supply Management 410, o 410 20.0% 15.0% a 10.0% c zg 7 5.0% 0 } 0.0% -5.0% -10.0% Industrial Production ✓ S d/: ,2 1 Pa�1 1 Source: Federal Reserve ✓ J PC di. ��• 0p O PC dr �1 �� ,� ,)� „� ,,,o) The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) manufacturing index fell to 46.3 in March from 47.7 in February. This is the fifth consecutive month of readings below 50.0, which is indicative of contraction in the manufacturing sector. All components weakened, including the headline, new orders, employment, and prices. Industrial production rose 0.4% in March due to an 8.4% increase in utilities production, as demand increased for heating. This equates to a +0.5% increase in industrial production from the prior year. Capacity utilization increased to 79.8% in March from an upwardly revised 79.6% in February, inching above its 1972-2021 average of 79.6%. 9 CM 81 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Components of GDP 3/22 6/22 9/22 12/22 Personal Consumption Expenditures 0.9% 1.4% 1.5% 0.7% Gross Private Domestic Investment 1.0% -2.8% -1.8% 0.8% Net Exports and Imports -3.1% 1.2% 2.9% 0.4% Federal Government Expenditures -0.4% -0.2% 0.2% 0.4% State and Local (Consumption and Gross Investment) 0.0% -0.1% 0.4% 0.3% Total 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% -5.0% - 10.0% - 15.0% - 20.0% - 25.0% - 30.0% - 35.0% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - M • IThw.....Ahrt:%%:--F-a GDP Q0Q % Change -GDP YOY % Change -1.6% -0.6% 3.3% 2.6% hoc, ✓�'/2. hoc, ✓�'/2. hoc, ✓<'/i. hoc, ✓�'.). does ✓�/i. hoc 1) 4 1� 19 19 c)O �o cl .1 c� c� Source: US Department of Commerce Source: US Department of Commerce According to the third estimate, fourth quarter 2022 GDP growth was revised downward to 2.6% from 2.7%. The revision lower was primarily due to weaker growth in personal consumption expenditures and a wider trade gap in net exports. The consensus estimate calls for 1.8% growth in the first quarter and 1.1% growth for the full year 2023. 10 C►" 82 Federal Reserve 10, 000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Assets 2,000,000 Oe 0 0 Oe O� 0 0 Oe 0 0 O� Oe 0 1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c1 c� c� c\ O 1 � �' St S 6 � 8 9 O 1 ) Source: Federal Reserve 5.00% 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% w 2.50% } 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% Effective Federal Funds Rate 00O� 0 0 0 Oo Oo Oo Oo OP O0 Oo O� c1 c1 C. C. c1 c1 C. c1 c1 c1 C. C. c. O 1 � �' st •S 6 � 8 9 O 1 � Source: Bloomberg At the March meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee voted unanimously to raise the target federal funds rate by 0.25% to a range of 4.75 — 5.00%. Fed Chair Powell reiterated the committee's focus on bringing down inflation to their 2% target; however, the committee softened language about "ongoing increases" in rates in the prior statement to "some additional policy firming may be appropriate". The statement also emphasized that the U.S. banking system is "sound and resilient" and acknowledged the tightening in financial conditions. Powell indicated that the extent of these effects is uncertain but speculated that tighter credit conditions could be equivalent to a rate hike or more. The Summary of Economic Projections was little changed, with the consensus target federal funds rate rising to 5.1% by the end of 2023 (implying one more quarter point hike), falling to 4.3% in 2024 (up from 4.1% previously), and declining to 3.1% by the end of 2025. No rate cuts were in the Fed's base case for this year, contrary to the market consensus. Although projections imply policymakers are winding down interest rate hikes, the statement clearly reflected optionality for the Fed to remain data dependent. The Chandler team believes the Fed is likely near a pause in their rate hiking cycle. 11 CM 83 Bond Yields 5.0% 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% • 3.0% -0 2.5% v } 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% • US Treasury Note Yields US Treasury Yield Curve 6.0% 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 5.0% 2.0 % Mar-23 Dec-22 • • Mar-22 0.0 % ✓ S 0 ✓ S 0 ) 6 c) S .l '9 dr,1 4) <1 Pb,z Pcc1 dr,), �� <,Pb�� Pcc� dr\0) li o // c, 1, yr yr pyr pyr Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg 1.0% At the end of March, the 2-year Treasury yield was 169 basis points higher, and the 10-Year Treasury yield was about 113 basis points higher, year -over -year. The inversion between the 2-year Treasury yield and 10-year Treasury yield narrowed to -56 basis points at March month -end versus -90 basis points at February month -end. The average historical spread (since 2003) is about +130 basis points. The inversion between 3- month and 10-year Treasuries widened to -128 in March from -89 basis points in February. The shape of the yield curve indicates that the probability of recession is increasing. 12 CM 84 Section 2 I Account Profile Objectives As of March 31, 2023 Investment Objectives The investment objectives of the City of Dublin are first, to provide safety of principal; second, to provide adequate liquidity to meet all requirements which might be reasonably anticipated; third, to attain a market average rate of return on its investments throughout economic cycles; and fourth, to be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institutions. Chandler Asset Management Performance Objective The performance objective of the City of Dublin is to earn a return that equals or exceeds the return on of the ICE BofA 1-5 Year Treasury and Agency Index. Strategy In order to achieve this objective, the portfolio invests in high quality fixed income instruments consistent with the City's investment policy and California Government Code. 14 C,, 86 Compliance City of Dublin Assets managed by Chandler Asset Management are in full compliance with state law and with the City's investment policy. As of March 31, 2023 Category Standard Comment U.S. Treasury Issues Federal Agencies Municipal Securities Supranational Securities Asset -Backed Securities/Mortgage- Ba c ked Securities/ Col l a tera l i zed Mortgage Obligations Corporate Medium Term Notes Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Time Deposits/ Certificates of Deposit Commercial Paper Banker's Acceptances Money Market Mutual Funds and Mutual Funds Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) California Asset Management Program (CAMP) Prohibited Securities Max Per Issuer Maximum Maturity No limitations; Full faith and credit of the U.S. are pledged for payment of principal and interest. Complies 35% max per agency issuer; 25% max callables for agency securities; Federal Agencies or U.S. Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE), participations, or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by federal agencies or U.S. Complies GSEs. "A" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 5% max per issuer; Obligations of the State of California, any of the other 49 states, or any local agency within the state of California; "AA" rating category or better by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization ("NRSRO"); 30% maximum; 10% max per issuer; U.S. dollar denominated senior unsecured unsubordinated obligations issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD"), the International Finance Corporation ("IFC") or the Inter -American Development Bank ("IADB") "AA" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 20% maximum (combined); 5% max per issuer Complies Complies Complies "A" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 30% maximum; 5% max per issuer; Issued by corporations organized and operati ng within the U.S. or by Complies depository institutions licensed by the U.S. or any state and operating within the U.S. "A" long-term debt rated and/or "A-1" short-term rated or higher by a NRSRO; 30% maximum; 5% max per issuer; 20% max amount invested in NCDs with any one financial institution in combination with any other debt from that financial institution; Issued by a nationally or state -chartered bank, a savings association or a federal association, a state or federal credit union, or by a state -licensed branch of a foreign bank. 10% maximum; Collateralized/FDIC Insured; 1 year max maturity Complies "A-1" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 25% maximum; 5% max per issuer; 10% max of the outstanding commercial paper of an issuing corporation; 20% max amount invested in CP of any one issuer in combination with any other debt from that issuer; 270 days max maturity; Issuer of the commercial paper shall meet all conditions in either A) (1) Organized and operating in the U.S. as a general corp, Complies (2) Has AUM > $500 million, (3) "A" rated issuer debt (if any) or higher by a NRSRO; or B) (1) Organized in the U.S. as a special purpose corp, trust, LLC, (2) Has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over col Iateralization, LOC, or surety bond, (3) "A- 1" rated or higher by a NRSRO "A-1" short-term rated or higher by a NRSRO; 40% maximum; 5% max per issuer; 20% max amount invested in BA with any one fi na nci a l institution in combination with any other debt from that financial institution; 180 days max maturity Highest rating or "AAA" rated by two NRSROs; SEC registered adviser with AUM >$500 million and experience > 5 years; 20% maximum in Complies Complies Mutual Funds and Money Market Mutual Funds; 20% max in Money Market Mutual Fund; 10% max per one Mutual Fund Complies Maximum permitted by LAIF; Not used by investment adviser Issued by joint powers authority organized pursuant to California Government Code; Not used by investment adviser Inverse floaters; Ranges notes, Mortgage -derived, Interest -only strips; Any investment in a security not specifically listed as an Authorized and Suitable Investment in the policy. 5% max per issuer, except US Government, its Agencies and instrumentalities (including agency backed -mortgage pools), Supranational securities, or Money Market Mutual Funds 5 years, unless otherwise stated in the policy Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies 15 C 87 Portfolio Characteristics City of Dublin As of March 31, 2023 03/31/23 12/31/22 Benchmark* Portfolio Portfolio Average Maturity (yrs) Average Modified Duration Average Purchase Yield Average Market Yield Average Quality** Total Market Value *ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index **Benchmark is a blended rating of S&P, Moody's, and Fitch. Portfolio is S&P and Moody's respectively. 2.62 2.50 n/a 4.02% AAA 2.67 2.29 2.21% 4.37% AA/Aa1 281,327,249 2.54 2.17 2.11% 4.57% AA+/Aa1 276,714,308 16 CM 88 I Sector Distribution US Treasury 34.6% Supranational 6.0% Money Market Fund 0.3 % March 31, 2023 Corporate 25.4% ABS 10.7 % Agency 21.6% CMO 1.4% City of Dublin December 31, 2022 Commercial Paper 1.8% US Treasury 32.6% Supranational 6.0 % As of March 31, 2023 ABS 11.3% I'M Money Market Fund Corporate 1.8% 23.8% CMO 1.4% Agency 21.3% 17 CM 89 Issuers City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 Issue Name Investment Type % Portfolio Government of United States Federal Home Loan Bank Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Farm Credit Bank Inter -American Dev Bank Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Intl Bank Recon and Development John Deere ABS Amazon.com Inc Bank of America Corp Deere & Company Hyundai Auto Receivables JP Morgan Chase & Co Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Toyota Motor Corp Honda Motor Corporation United Health Group Inc Royal Bank of Canada Toronto Dominion Holdings Toyota Lease Owner Trust Apple Inc Qualcomm Inc Morgan Stanley Mercedes-Benz Metlife Inc GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust Caterpillar Inc Northwestern Mutual Glbl US Bancorp Chubb Corporation Honda ABS Honeywell Corp Bank of Montreal Chicago Berkshire Hathaway American Express ABS Wal-Mart Stores Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization GM Financial Securitized Term Auto Trust US Treasury Agency Agency Agency Supranational Agency Supranational ABS Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate CMO Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate ABS Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate ABS ABS 34.55% 8.14% 6.39% 4.25% 3.30% 2.86% 2.71% 1.76% 1.61% 1.44% 1.43% 1.43% 1.39% 1.38% 1.34% 1.21% 1.21% 1.19% 1.12% 1.07% 1.06% 1.06% 1.03% 1.00% 1.00% 0.94% 0.89% 0.88% 0.88% 0.87% 0.85% 0.84% 0.79% 0.77% 0.77% 0.72% 0.66% 0.64% 18 CM 90 Issuers City of Dublin — Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 Issue Name Investment Type % Portfolio Charles Schwab Corp/The BMW Vehicle Lease Trust Target Corp PNC Financial Services Group Bank of New York Mercedes-Benz Auto Lease Trust Dominion Resources Inc Verizon Master Trust BMW ABS First American Govt Oblig Fund Guardian Life Global Funding Salesforce.com Inc Toyota ABS Nissan ABS TOTAL Corporate ABS Corporate Corporate Corporate ABS Corporate ABS ABS Money Market Fund Corporate Corporate ABS ABS 0.62% 0.54% 0.44% 0.43% 0.43% 0.36% 0.35% 0.32% 0.30% 0.27% 0.26% 0.16% 0.09% 0.01% 100.00% 19 CM 91 Quality Distribution 70.0% 60.0 % 50.0 % 40.0 % 30.0% 20.0 % 10.0% 0.0% 1 AAA City of Dublin March 31, 2023 vs. December 31, 2022 AA ■ 03/31/23 A <A ■ 12/31/22 NR As of March 31, 2023 AAA AA A <A NR 03/31/23 12/31/22 Source: S&P Ratings 15.2% 18.2% 63.4% 61.5% 17.9% 16.6% 0.3% 0.3% 3.1% 3.3% 20 CA% 92 I Duration Distribution 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0 - 0.25 City of Dublin Portfolio Compared to the Benchmark 0.25 - 0.50 0.50 - 1 ■ City of Dublin 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5+ ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index As of March 31, 2023 0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5+ Portfolio Benchmark* 1.2% 0.0% *ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index 5.5% 0.0% 7.4% 1.7% 29.6% 35.8% 27.5% 27.9% 18.1% 20.2% 10.5% 14.4% 0.0% 0.0% 21 CM 93 Investment Performance 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% - 0.50% - 1.00% - 1.50% -2.00% -2.50% City of Dublin Total Rate of Return Annualized Since Inception October 31, 2013 12 months 2 years 3 years 5 years As of March 31, 2023 10 years Since Inception • City of Dublin ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index* Annualized TOTAL RATE OF RETURN 3 months 12 months 2 years 3 years 5 years 10 years Since Inception City of Dublin 1.67% -0.16% -1.78% -0.80% 1.30% N/A 1.08% ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index* 1.82% -0.38% -2.06% -1.40% 1.09% N/A 0.89% *ICE BofA 1-3 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index to 12/31/14 Total rate of return: A measure of a portfolio's performance over time. It is the internal rate of return, which equates the beginning value of the portfolio with the ending value; it includes interest earnings, realized and unrealized gains and losses in the portfolio. 22 CM 94 Portfolio Characteristics City of Dublin Reporting Account As of March 31, 2023 03/31/23 Portfolio 12/31/22 Portfolio Average Maturity (yrs) Modified Duration Average Purchase Yield Average Market Yield Average Quality* Total Market Value *Portfolio is S&P and Moody's, respectively. 0.00 0.00 4.42% 4.42% AAA/NR 106,709,917 0.00 0.00 3.79% 3.78% AAA/NR 82,095,744 23 CM 95 I Sector Distribution City of Dublin Reporting Account March 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 LAIF 24.4% Local Gov Investment Pool 75.6% Local Gov Investment Pool 68.5% As of March 31, 2023 LAI F 31.6% 24 CM 96 Issuers City of Dublin Reporting Account — Account #10219 As of March 31, 2023 Issue Name Investment Type % Portfolio CAM P Local Agency Investment Fund TOTAL Local Gov Investment Pool LAI F 75.56% 24.44% 100.00% 25 CM 97 Section 3 I Consolidated Information 26 a 98 Portfolio Characteristics City of Dublin Consolidated As of March 31, 2023 03/31/23 Portfolio 12/31/22 Portfolio Average Maturity (yrs) Modified Duration Average Purchase Yield Average Market Yield Average Quality* Total Market Value * Portfolio is S&P and Moody's respectively. 1.94 1.66 2.80% 4.39% AA+/Aa 1 388,037,166 1.96 1.67 2.48% 4.39% AA+/Aa 1 358,810,052 I Sector Distribution US Treasury 25.1% Supranational 4.4% Money Market Fund 0.2 Local Gov Investment Pool 20.8% March 31, 2023 LAIF 6.7% ABS 7.8% City of Dublin Consolidated Agency 15.7% CMO 1.0 Corporate 18.4% December 31, 2022 Commercial Paper 1.4% US Treasury 25.2% Supranational 4.6% Money Market Fund 1.4% ABS 8.7% As of March 31, 2023 Agency 16.4% Local Gov Corporate Investment Pool 18.4% 15.7% LAIF 7.2% CMO 28 CM 100 Section 4 I Portfolio Holdings Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Cost Value Mkt Price Market Value % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Book Yield Book Value Mkt YTM Accrued Int. Gain/Loss Fitch Duration ABS 44891VAC5 Hyundai Auto Lease Trust 2021-BA3 0.330% Due 06/17/2024 65479JAD5 Nissan Auto Receivables Owner 2019-CA3 1.930% Due 07/15/2024 89237VAB5 Toyota Auto Receivables Trust 2020-C A3 0.440% Due 10/15/2024 43813KAC6 Honda Auto Receivables Trust 2020-3A3 0.370% Due 10/18/2024 89239CAC3 Toyota Lease Owner Trust 2021-B A3 0.420% Due 10/21/2024 47787NAC3 John Deere Owner Trust 2020-B A3 0.510% Due 11/15/2024 58769KAD6 Mercedes-Benz Auto Lease Trust 2021-BA3 0.400% Due 11/15/2024 09690AAC7 BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2021-2 A3 0.330% Due 12/26/2024 44891WAC3 Hyundai Auto Lease Trust 2022-AA3 1.160% Due 01/15/2025 89238LAC4 Toyota Lease Owner Trust 2022-AA3 1.960% Due 02/20/2025 36265MAC9 GM Financial Auto Lease Trust 2022-1 A3 1.900% Due 03/20/2025 05601XAC3 BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2022-1 A3 1.100% Due 03/25/2025 36266FAC3 GM Financial Auto Lease Trust 2022-2 A3 3.420% Due 06/20/2025 47788UAC6 John Deere Owner Trust 2021-AA3 0.360% Due 09/15/2025 44933LAC7 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2021-AA3 0.380% Due 09/15/2025 05593AAC3 BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2023-1 A3 5.160% Due 11/25/2025 44934KAC8 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2021-B A3 0.380% Due 01/15/2026 972,648.83 06/08/2021 972,502.94 0.34% 972,619.15 38,785.52 10/16/2019 38,783.48 1.94% 38,784.96 246,671.21 07/21/2020 246,652.21 0.44% 246,664.27 401,487.43 09/22/2020 401,428.44 0.38% 401,475.53 1,056,014.38 07/27/2021 1,056,000.12 0.39% 1,056,009.73 117,562.96 07/14/2020 117,545.04 0.52% 117,558.89 1,035,805.56 06/22/2021 1,035,727.36 0.40% 1,035,781.26 507,504.04 09/08/2021 507,451.67 0.34% 507,487.15 910,000.00 01/11/2022 909,979.89 1.16% 909,990.65 2,045,000.00 02/23/2022 2,044,678.12 1.98% 2,044,829.71 1,680,000.00 02/15/2022 1,679,985.55 1.91% 1,679,992.93 755,000.00 01/11/2022 754,887.13 1.05% 754,949.10 1,020,000.00 05/03/2022 1,019,893.61 3.45% 1,019,936.78 565, 545.51 03/02/2021 565,436.82 0.37% 565,498.98 552,243.47 04/20/2021 552,185.36 0.20% 552,222.06 295,000.00 02/07/2023 294,992.98 5.22% 294,993.39 1,995, 620.91 07/20/2021 1,995,180.47 0.16% 1,995,415.88 98.80 5.96% 99.86 6.61% 98.86 5.36% 98.22 5.37% 98.17 5.51% 99.01 4.91% 97.75 5.76% 98.01 5.83% 97.25 5.60% 97.04 5.54% 97.34 5.41% 97.50 5.66% 98.23 5.24% 96.78 5.63% 97.24 5.26% 100.29 5.02% 96.57 5.48% 960,978.02 142.66 38,731.30 33.27 243,869.82 48.24 394,339.34 53.64 1,036,661.86 135.52 116,393.33 26.65 1,012,493.72 184.14 497,392.03 27.91 884,959.53 469.16 1,984,394.38 1,224.73 1,635,325.44 975.33 736,149.92 138.42 1,001,943.96 1,065.90 547,333.82 90.49 537,003.76 93.27 295,859.93 253.70 1,927,262.91 337.04 0.34% Aaa / AAA (11,641.13) NR 0.01% Aaa / AAA (53.66) NR 0.09% Aaa / AAA (2,794.45) NR 0.14% NR/AAA (7,136.19) AAA 0.37% Aaa / NR (19,347.87) AAA 0.04% Aaa / NR (1,165.56) AAA 0.36% NR/AAA (23,287.54) AAA 0.18% Aaa / NR (10,095.12) AAA 0.31% Aaa / AAA (25,031.12) NR 0.71% NR/AAA (60,435.33) AAA 0.58% Aaa / NR (44,667.49) AAA 0.26% NR/AAA (18,799.18) AAA 0.36% NR / AAA (17,992.82) AAA 0.19% Aaa / NR (18,165.16) AAA 0.19% NR/AAA (15,218.30) AAA 0.11% Aaa / AAA 866.54 NR 0.69% NR/AAA (68,152.97) AAA 1.22 0.21 1.29 0.03 1.55 0.23 1.55 0.35 1.56 0.36 1.63 0.22 1.63 0.42 1.74 0.36 1.80 0.62 1.90 0.83 1.97 0.76 1.99 0.55 2.22 0.99 2.46 0.61 2.46 0.56 2.66 1.51 2.80 0.67 30 CM 102 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Book Yield Cost Value Book Value Mkt Price Mkt YTM Market Value Accrued Int. % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 43815GAC3 47789QAC4 44935FAD6 43815BAC4 05602RAD3 362554AC1 47787JAC2 448977AD0 380146AC4 362585AC5 47800AAC4 02582JJT8 47800BAC2 92348KAV5 58768PAC8 TOTAL ABS Honda Auto Receivables Trust 2021-4A3 0.880% Due 01/21/2026 John Deere Owner Trust 2021-B A3 0.520% Due 03/16/2026 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2021-CA3 0.740% Due 05/15/2026 Honda Auto Receivables Trust 2022-1 A3 1.880% Due 05/15/2026 BMW Vehicle Owner Trust 2022-A A3 3.210% Due 08/25/2026 GM Financial Securitized Term 2021-4A3 0.680% Due 09/16/2026 John Deere Owner Trust 2022-AA3 2.320% Due 09/16/2026 Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-AA3 2.220% Due 10/15/2026 GM Financial Auto Receivables 2022-1 A3 1.260% Due 11/16/2026 GM Financial Securitized ART 2022-2 A3 3.100% Due 02/16/2027 John Deere Owner Trust 2022-B A3 3.740% Due 02/16/2027 American Express Credit Trust 2022-2 A 3.390% Due 05/17/2027 John Deere Owner Trust 2022-C A3 5.090% Due 06/15/2027 Verizon Master Trust 2022-5 A1A 3.720% Due 07/20/2027 Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables 2022-1 A3 5.210% Due 08/16/2027 765,000.00 965,000.00 545,000.00 1,315,000.00 850,000.00 585,000.00 1,005,000.00 1,080,000.00 500,000.00 780, 000.00 1,045,000.00 2,205,000.00 1,350,000.00 915, 000.00 2,790,000.00 30,889,889.82 11/16/2021 0.89% 07/13/2021 0.52% 11/09/2021 0.75% 02/15/2022 1.89% 05/10/2022 3.23% 10/13/2021 0.66% 03/10/2022 2.34% 03/09/2022 2.23% 01/11/2022 1.23% 04/05/2022 3.13% 07/12/2022 3.77% 05/17/2022 3.42% 10/12/2022 5.15% 08/02/2022 3.75% 11/15/2022 5.28% 2.21% 764,838.74 764,905.83 964,913.92 964,953.89 544,878.36 544,931.02 1,314,802.22 1,314,869.77 849,955.80 849,968.19 584,985.08 584,991.41 1,004,777.69 1,004,843.91 1,079,958.42 1,079,971.77 499,956.55 499,972.20 779,836.98 779,882.94 1,044,900.20 1,044,919.69 2,204,512.25 2,204,652.25 1,349,895.24 1,349,908.11 914,959.74 914,969.00 2,789,448.14 2,789,504.63 30,885,930.52 30,887,455.03 95.51 5.26% 95.67 5.59% 95.40 5.49% 95.88 4.95% 97.71 4.90% 94.86 5.77% 96.65 5.05% 96.14 5.00% 95.01 5.68% 96.84 5.16% 98.07 4.89% 97.66 4.60% 100.81 4.74% 98.64 5.10% 101.01 4.73% 5.23% 730,649.97 187.00 923,181.73 223.02 519,940.36 179.24 1,260,772.03 1,098.76 830,571.55 454.75 554,955.57 165.75 971,363.66 1,036.27 1,038,268.80 1,065.60 475,065.00 262.50 755,324.70 1,007.50 1,024,860.76 1,737.02 2,153, 336.85 3,322.20 1,360,957.95 3,054.00 902,512.08 1,040.05 2,818,298.97 6,460.40 30,171,153.05 26,594.13 0.26% (34,255.86) 0.33% (41,772.16) 0.18% (24,990.66) 0.45% (54,097.74) 0.30% (19,396.64) 0.20% (30,035.84) 0.35% (33,480.25) 0.37% (41,702.97) 0.17% (24,907.20) 0.27% (24,558.24) 0.36% (20,058.93) 0.77% (51,315.40) 0.48% 11,049.84 0.32% (12,456.92) 1.00% 28,794.34 10.73% (716,301.98) Aaa / NR AAA Aaa / NR AAA NR / AAA AM Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / NR AAA NR/AAA AAA NR/AAA AAA Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / NR AAA NR/AAA AAA Aaa / NR AAA NR / AAA AM Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA AAA 2.81 1.03 2.96 0.86 3.13 0.97 3.13 1.36 3.41 1.38 3.47 1.02 3.47 1.24 3.55 1.41 3.63 1.14 3.88 1.56 3.88 1.72 4.13 1.99 4.21 1.98 4.31 1.32 4.38 1.86 2.96 1.12 Agency 3133EKZK5 FFCB Note 1.600% Due 08/14/2023 4,000,000.00 08/26/2019 4,009,000.00 1.54% 4,000,839.09 98.83 3,953,208.00 1.41% Aaa / AA+ 0.37 4.81% 8,355.56 (47,631.09) AAA 0.36 31 CM 103 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Cost Value Mkt Price Market Value % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Book Yield Book Value Mkt YTM Accrued Int. Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 313383YJ4 3130A0F70 3135G0V34 3130A1XJ2 3133EKWV4 3130A2 U W 4 3135G0W66 3133ENZ94 3135G0X24 3137EAEPO 3135G03U5 3135G04Z3 3137EAEU9 3135G05X7 3137EAEX3 3135G06G3 3130ATUC9 FHLB Note 3.375% Due 09/08/2023 FHLB Note 3.375% Due 12/08/2023 FNMA Note 2.500% Due 02/05/2024 FHLB Note 2.875% Due 06/14/2024 FFCB Note 1.850% Due 07/26/2024 FHLB Note 2.875% Due 09/13/2024 FNMA Note 1.625% Due 10/15/2024 FFCB Note 4.500% Due 11/18/2024 FNMA Note 1.625% Due 01/07/2025 FHLMC Note 1.500% Due 02/12/2025 FNMA Note 0.625% Due 04/22/2025 FNMA Note 0.500% Due 06/17/2025 FHLMC Note 0.375% Due 07/21/2025 FNMA Note 0.375% Due 08/25/2025 FHLMC Note 0.375% Due 09/23/2025 FNMA Note 0.500% Due 11/07/2025 FHLB Note 4.500% Due 12/12/2025 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 3, 795, 000.00 2, 500, 000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 5,480,000.00 4,200,000.00 4,200,000.00 1,825,000.00 3,435,000.00 1,745,000.00 2,755,000.00 2,655,000.00 2,860,000.00 4,000,000.00 Various 2.90% Various 2.73% 02/27/2019 2.58% Various 1.96% 08/13/2019 1.65% 10/10/2019 1.58% 11/08/2019 1.80% 11/15/2022 4.56% Various 1.18% Various 1.23% 04/22/2020 0.67% 06/17/2020 0.54% 07/21/2020 0.48 % 08/25/2020 0.47% 09/23/2020 0.44% 11/09/2020 0.57% 02/09/2023 4.22% 5,102,615.00 5,009,568.35 5,147,870.00 5,020,662.70 1,992,340.00 1,998,682.97 3,958,639.85 3,834,496.22 2,524,140.00 2,506,435.55 2,122,020.00 2,036,015.91 1,983,400.00 1,994,805.00 5,474,191.20 5,475,256.01 4,287,898.80 4,232,203.29 4,254,786.30 4,220,738.17 1,821,240.50 1,823,450.03 3,427,889.55 3,431,850.20 1,736,309.90 1,740,988.45 2,742,106.60 2,748,800.71 2,647,008.45 2,651,030.51 2,849,761.20 2,854,652.88 4,029,238.40 4,027,827.28 99.37 4.83% 99.01 4.85% 98.10 4.82% 98.11 4.50% 96.28 4.79% 98.07 4.26% 96.09 4.28% 100.20 4.37% 95.59 4.24% 95.19 4.21% 92.98 4.22% 92.41 4.13% 92.00 4.04% 91.55 4.11% 91.36 4.08% 91.49 3.98% 100.75 4.20% 4,968,690.00 10,781.25 4,950,545.00 52,968.75 1,961,968.00 7,777.78 3,723,301.07 32,428.80 2,407,077.50 8,350.69 1,961,428.00 2,875.00 1,921,794.00 14,986.11 5,490,724.36 91,105.00 4,014,922.80 15,925.00 3,997,967.41 8,575.00 1,696,808.35 5,037.76 3,174, 321.29 4,961.67 1,605,452.35 1,272.40 2,522,298.93 1,033.13 2,425,621.28 221.25 2,616,639.74 5,720.00 4,029,944.00 74,000.00 1.77% (40,878.35) 1.78% (70,117.70) 0.70% (36,714.97) 1.34% (111,195.15) 0.86% (99,358.05) 0.70% (74,587.91) 0.69% (73,011.00) 1.98% 15,468.35 1.43% (217,280.49) 1.42% (222,770.76) 0.60% (126,641.68) 1.13% (257,528.91) 0.57% (135,536.10) 0.90% (226,501.78) 0.86% (225,409.23) 0.93% (238,013.14) 1.46% 2,116.72 Aaa / AA+ NR Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ NR Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ NR 0.44 0.43 0.69 0.66 0.85 0.82 1.21 1.16 1.32 1.27 1.46 1.40 1.55 1.48 1.64 1.53 1.78 1.71 1.87 1.80 2.06 2.00 2.22 2.15 2.31 2.25 2.41 2.34 2.48 2.42 2.61 2.53 2.70 2.47 32 CM 104 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Book Yield Cost Value Book Value Mkt Price Mkt YTM Market Value Accrued Int. % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 3130ATS57 TOTAL Agency FHLB Note 4.500% Due 03/10/2028 CMO 3137BFE98 FHLMC K041 A2 3.171% Due 10/25/2024 3137BSRE5 FHLMC K059 A2 3.120% Due 09/25/2026 TOTAL CMO 3,000,000.00 62,450,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 03/21/2023 4.01% 2.08% 07/01/2021 0.72% 02/18/2022 1.98% 1.35% 3,065,010.00 3,064,651.82 63,175,465.75 62,672,955.14 2,151,406.25 2,070,323.21 2,085,625.00 2,064,815.53 4,237,031.25 4,135,138.74 103.16 3,094,923.00 1.10% 3.79% 7,875.00 30,271.18 60,517,635.08 21.64% 4.38% 354,250.15 (2,155,320.06) 97.50 4.85% 96.22 4.30% 4.57% 1,949,936.00 5,285.00 1,924,406.00 5,200.00 3,874,342.00 10,485.00 0.69% (120,387.21) 0.69% (140,409.53) 1.38% (260,796.74) Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AAA AAA NR/AAA AAA Aaa / AAA AAA 4.95 4.40 1.74 1.65 1.57 1.40 3.49 3.14 2.53 2.26 Corporate 69353RFL7 06406RAJ6 89114QCB2 037833CU2 023135BW5 24422ETT6 02665 W CZ2 79466LAG9 78013XZU5 PNC Bank Callable Note Cont 5/9/2023 3.500% Due 06/08/2023 Bank of NY Mellon Corp Note 3.450% Due 08/11/2023 Toronto Dominion Bank Note 3.250% Due 03/11/2024 Apple Inc Callable Note Cont 3/11/2024 2.850% Due 05/11/2024 Amazon.com Inc Note 0.450% Due 05/12/2024 John Deere Capital Corp Note 2.650% Due 06/24/2024 American Honda Finance Note 2.400% Due 06/27/2024 Salesforce.com Inc Callable Note Cont 7/15/2022 0.625% Due 07/15/2024 Royal Bank of Canada Note 2.550% Due 07/16/2024 1,210,000.00 1,200,000.00 2,300,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,865,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 465,000.00 2,500,000.00 Various 3.53% 08/24/2018 3.42% 03/26/2019 2.95% Various 2.56% 05/10/2021 0.50% Various 1.32% 07/10/2019 2.49% 06/29/2021 0.64% 09/10/2019 2.28% 1,208,333.27 1,209,937.82 1,201,836.00 1,200,133.97 2,331,234.00 2,305,953.44 3,038,334.00 3,007,814.66 1,862,277.10 1,863,988.85 2,093,680.00 2,031,863.33 1,493,742.00 1,498,435.50 464,762.85 464,898.36 2,531,325.00 2,508,358.06 99.53 6.01% 99.32 5.35% 97.92 5.54% 98.31 4.43% 95.84 4.31% 97.48 4.78% 97.03 4.90% 94.98 4.68% 96.74 5.18% 1,204,256.13 13,293.20 1,191, 801.60 5,750.00 2,252,208.30 4,152.78 2,949,162.00 33,250.00 1,787,449.57 3,240.44 1,949,620.00 14,280.56 1,455,471.00 9,400.00 441,651.42 613.54 2,418,620.00 13,281.25 0.43% (5,681.69) 0.43% (8,332.37) 0.80% (53,745.14) 1.06% (58,652.66) 0.64% (76,539.28) 0.70% (82,243.33) 0.52% (42,964.50) 0.16% (23,246.94) 0.86% (89,738.06) A2 / A A+ Al/A AA- A1/A AA- Aaa / AA+ NR Al/AA AA- A2 / A A+ A3/A- A A2/A+ NR Al/A AA- 0.19 0.18 0.36 0.35 0.95 0.91 1.12 1.07 1.12 1.09 1.24 1.18 1.24 1.19 1.29 1.25 1.30 1.24 33 CM 105 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Cost Value Mkt Price Market Value % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Book Yield Book Value Mkt YTM Accrued Int. Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 46647PAU0 02665 W EA5 90331HPL1 00440EAS6 14913R2V8 747525AF0 61747YEA9 438516CB0 78015K7H1 66815L2J7 02665 W D L2 89114QCK2 06051GHY8 46647PBH8 808513BR5 JP Morgan Chase & Co Callable Note 1X 7/23/2023 3.797% Due 07/23/2024 American Honda Finance Note 1.500% Due 01/13/2025 US Bank NA Callable Note Cont 12/21/2024 2.050% Due 01/21/2025 Chubb INA Holdings Inc Note 3.150% Due 03/15/2025 Caterpillar Financial Service Note 3.400% Due 05/13/2025 Qualcomm Inc Callable Note Cont 2/20/2025 3.450% Due 05/20/2025 Morgan Stanley Callable Note Cont 5/30/2024 0.790% Due 05/30/2025 Honeywell Intl Callable Note Cont 5/1/2025 1.350% Due 06/01/2025 Royal Bank of Canada Note 1.150% Due 06/10/2025 Northwestern Mutual Gib! Note 4.000% Due 07/01/2025 American Honda Finance Note 1.200% Due 07/08/2025 Toronto Dominion Bank Note 0.750% Due 09/11/2025 Bank of America Corp Callable Note Cont 2/13/2025 2.015% Due 02/13/2026 JP Morgan Chase & Co Callable Note Mthly 3/13/2025 2.005% Due 03/13/2026 Charles Schwab Corp Callable Note Cont 4/13/2026 1.150% Due 05/13/2026 2,500,000.00 1,075,000.00 2,610,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,165,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,040,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,370,000.00 09/12/2019 2.35% 01/11/2022 1.53% 01/16/2020 2.10% Various 0.76% 05/10/2022 3.44% Various 1.78% 05/26/2021 0.77% 06/23/2020 0.85% 02/22/2021 0.86% 06/27/2022 4.01% 08/10/2021 1.00% 02/16/2021 0.81% 03/04/2021 1.14% 04/29/2021 1.20% 05/11/2021 1.20% 2,632,175.00 2,510,622.88 1,074,150.75 1,074,494.01 2,604,440.70 2,607,988.67 2,753,600.00 2,614,728.57 1,163, 520.45 1,163,956.49 3,159,848.58 3,103, 218.14 3, 041, 611.70 3,040,626.12 2,559,500.00 2,525,567.19 1, 012, 240.00 1,006,256.69 2,499,150.00 2,499,362.50 1, 007, 640.00 1,004,441.49 997,230.00 998,513.58 1,291,725.00 1,269,846.94 1,030,270.00 1,015,252.82 1,366,821.60 1,368,019.16 99.48 5.43% 94.60 4.69% 94.19 5.47% 97.55 4.47% 97.96 4.42% 98.15 4.36% 94.66 5.40% 93.83 4.37% 92.01 5.04% 98.53 4.69% 92.66 4.64% 90.15 5.09% 93.69 5.61% 94.24 5.14% 87.79 5.46% 2,487,032.50 17,930.28 1,016,953.23 3,493.75 2,458,411.20 10,403.75 2,438,827.50 3,500.00 1,141, 224.68 15,183.83 2,944,641.00 37,662.50 2,877,572.80 8,072.05 2,345,677.50 11,250.00 920,140.00 3,545.83 2,463,367.50 25,000.00 926,648.00 2,766.67 901,517.00 416.67 1,171,126.25 3,358.33 942,449.00 1,002.50 1,202,705.19 6,039.42 0.89% (23,590.38) 0.36% (57,540.78) 0.88% (149,577.47) 0.87% (175,901.07) 0.41% (22,731.81) 1.06% (158,577.14) 1.03% (163,053.32) 0.84% (179,889.69) 0.33% (86,116.69) 0.88% (35,995.00) 0.33% (77,793.49) 0.32% (96,996.58) 0.42% (98,720.69) 0.34% (72,803.82) 0.43% (165,313.97) Al/A- AA- A3/A- A Al / AA- AA- A3 / A A A2 / A A A2 / A NR Al/A- A+ A2 / A A Al/A AA- Aaa / AA+ AAA A3/A- A Al/A AA- A2/A- AA- A1/A- AA- A2 / A A 1.32 0.31 1.79 1.72 1.81 1.73 1.96 1.87 2.12 1.99 2.14 2.01 2.17 2.07 2.17 2.09 2.20 2.11 2.25 2.10 2.27 2.19 2.45 2.36 2.88 1.79 2.95 1.87 3.12 2.97 34 CM 106 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Cost Value Mkt Price Market Value % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Book Yield Book Value Mkt YTM Accrued Int. Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 91324PEC2 89236TJK2 58989V2D5 06368FAC3 931142ER0 59217GER6 87612EBM7 808513BY0 084664CZ2 40139LBF9 023135CF1 46647PCB0 927804GH1 United Health Group Inc Callable Note Cont 4/15/2026 1.150% Due 05/15/2026 Toyota Motor Credit Corp Note 1.125% Due 06/18/2026 Met Tower Global Funding Note 1.250% Due 09/14/2026 Bank of Montreal Note 1.250% Due 09/15/2026 Wal-Mart Stores Callable Note Cont 08/17/2026 1.050% Due 09/17/2026 Metlife Note 1.875% Due 01/11/2027 Target Corp Callable Note Cont 12/15/2026 1.950% Due 01/15/2027 Charles Schwab Corp Callable Note Cont 2/3/2027 2.450% Due 03/03/2027 Berkshire Hathaway Callable Note Cont 2/15/2027 2.300% Due 03/15/2027 Guardian Life Glob Fun Note 3.246% Due 03/29/2027 Amazon.com Inc Callable Note Cont 3/13/2027 3.300% Due 04/13/2027 JP Morgan Chase & Co Callable Note Cont 4/22/2026 1.578% Due 04/22/2027 Virginia Electric Power Corp Callable Note Cont. 4/15/2027 3.750% Due 05/15/2027 14913R3A3 Caterpillar Financial Service Note 3.600% Due 08/12/2027 931142EX7 Wal-Mart Stores Callable Note Cont 09/09/2027 3.950% Due 09/09/2027 2,000,000.00 2,485,000.00 1,285,000.00 2,500,000.00 585,000.00 1,860,000.00 1,340,000.00 585,000.00 2,295,000.00 765,000.00 1,750,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,375,000.00 1,500,000.00 Various 1.90% 06/15/2021 1.13% 09/07/2021 1.27% Various 1.29% 09/08/2021 1.09% 01/03/2022 1.90% 01/19/2022 1.99% 03/01/2022 2.47% 03/07/2022 2.30% 03/24/2022 3.25% 04/25/2022 3.34% 08/23/2022 4.85% Various 3.75% 1,939,210.15 1,954,872.98 2,483,906.60 2,484,297.01 1,283,817.80 1,284,182.95 2,495,539.50 2,496,914.78 583,894.35 584,234.04 1,857,879.60 1,858,396.35 1,337,722.00 1,338,263.60 584,368.20 584,504.52 2,294,563.95 2,294,655.17 765,000.00 765,000.00 1,746,972.50 1,747,538.90 449, 845.00 456,302.35 999,773.40 999,806.38 90.93 4.29% 90.18 4.44% 88.74 4.83% 88.38 4.95% 90.15 4.13% 89.36 5.00% 92.44 4.13% 89.57 5.44% 94.68 3.76% 94.52 4.77% 96.76 4.18% 89.85 5.21% 97.00 4.56% 1,818,500.00 8,688.89 2,240,871.12 7,998.59 1,140, 293.58 758.51 2,209,412.50 1,388.89 527,356.44 238.88 1,662,049.50 7,750.00 1,238,683.94 5,516.33 523,988.60 1,114.75 2,172, 855.51 2,346.00 723,088.71 137.96 1,693,237.00 26,950.00 449,237.00 3,484.75 969,987.00 14,166.67 0.65% (136,372.98) 0.80% (243,425.89) 0.41% (143,889.37) 0.79% (287,502.28) 0.19% (56,877.60) 0.59% (196,346.85) 0.44% (99,579.66) 0.19% (60,515.92) 0.77% (121,799.66) 0.26% (41,911.29) 0.61% (54,301.90) 0.16% (7,065.35) 0.35% (29,819.38) A3/A+ A Al/A+ A+ Aa3 / AA- AA- A2/A- AA- Aa2 / AA AA Aa3 / AA- AA- A2 / A A A2 / A A Aa2 / AA A+ Aa1 / AA+ NR Al/AA AA- A1/A- AA- A2 / BBB+ A 3.13 2.99 3.22 3.08 3.46 3.30 3.46 3.30 3.47 3.33 3.79 3.55 3.80 3.58 3.93 3.65 3.96 3.72 4.00 3.68 4.04 3.67 4.06 2.90 4.13 3.71 Various 1,357,243.75 97.84 1,345,353.63 0.48% A2 / A 4.37 3.89% 1,359,249.37 4.14% 6,737.50 (13,895.74) A 3.97 Various 1,498,302.30 99.88 1,498,164.00 0.53% Aa2 / AA 4.45 3.98% 1,498,491.97 3.98% 3,620.83 (327.97) AA 3.96 35 CM 107 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Book Yield Cost Value Book Value Mkt Price Mkt YTM Market Value Accrued Int. % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 89236TKJ3 023135CP9 24422 E W R6 06051GGFO 91324PEP3 Toyota Motor Credit Corp Note 4.550% Due 09/20/2027 Amazon.com Inc Callable Note Cont 11/1/2027 4.550% Due 12/01/2027 John Deere Capital Corp Note 4.750% Due 01/20/2028 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1/20/2027 3.824% Due 01/20/2028 United Health Group Inc Callable Note Cont 1/15/2028 5.250% Due 02/15/2028 TOTAL Corporate Money Market Fund I 31846V203 First American Govt Obligation Fund Class Y TOTAL Money Market Fund Supranational 4581XODZ8 Inter -American Dev Bank Note 0.500% Due 09/23/2024 459058JB0 Intl. Bank Recon & Development Note 0.625% Due 04/22/2025 4581X0DN5 Inter -American Dev Bank Note 0.625% Due 07/15/2025 459058JL8 Intl. Bank Recon & Development Note 0.500% Due 10/28/2025 4581X0DV7 Inter -American Dev Bank Note 0.875% Due 04/20/2026 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 74,375,000.00 760,480.95 760,480.95 3,680,000.00 2,260,000.00 1,685,000.00 6,000,000.00 4,615,000.00 TOTAL Supranational 18,240,000.00 11/22/2022 4.88% 01/17/2023 4.21% 01/23/2023 4.40% Various 5.80% 02/21/2023 4.90% 2.38% Various 4.32% 4.32% 09/15/2021 0.52% 04/15/2020 0.70% 01/13/2021 0.53% Various 0.55% 04/13/2021 0.97% 0.67% 1,479,060.00 1,480,571.01 1,014,400.00 1,013,806.53 2,030,780.00 2,029,664.42 2,824,349.55 2,825,537.13 1,522,890.00 1,522,416.06 74,968,966.65 74,472,984.76 760,480.95 760,480.95 760,480.95 760,480.95 3,677,276.80 3,678,655.79 2,251,253.80 2,256,398.06 1,692,329.75 1,688,731.83 5,986,632.00 5,992,738.20 4,593,863.30 4,602,093.42 18,201,355.65 18,218,617.30 100.53 4.42% 101.51 4.18% 102.10 4.26% 95.54 5.12% 103.98 4.32% 4.75% 1.00 4.32% 4.32% 1,508,004.00 2,085.42 1,015,102.00 15,166.67 2,042,000.00 21,638.89 2,866,212.00 22,625.34 1,559,742.00 10,062.50 71,092,671.90 409,364.72 760,480.95 0.00 760,480.95 0.00 94.54 3,479,016.80 4.36% 408.89 93.20 2,106,277.06 4.10% 6,238.54 92.65 1,561,194.63 4.02% 2,223.26 91.64 5,498,160.00 3.95% 12,750.00 91.35 4,215,747.12 3.91% 18,059.39 16,860,395.61 4.05% 39,680.08 0.54% 27,432.99 0.37% 1,295.47 0.73% 12,335.58 1.03% 40,674.87 0.56% 37,325.94 25.42% (3,380,312.86) 0.27% 0.00 0.27% 0.00 1.24% (199,638.99) 0.75 % (150,121.00) 0.56% (127,537.20) 1.96% (494,578.20) 1.50% (386,346.30) 6.01% (1,358,221.69) Al/A+ A+ Al/AA AA- A2 / A A+ A2 / A- AA- A3 / A Al / A+ A+ Aaa / AAA AAA Aaa / AAA AAA Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA NR Aaa / AAA AAA Aaa / AAA AAA Aaa / AAA AAA 4.48 4.00 4.67 4.05 4.81 4.22 4.81 3.46 4.88 4.19 2.69 2.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.48 1.44 2.06 2.00 2.29 2.23 2.58 2.51 3.06 2.95 2.38 2.31 36 a 108 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Cost Value Mkt Price Market Value % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Book Yield Book Value Mkt YTM Accrued Int. Gain/Loss Fitch Duration US Treasury 912828V80 US Treasury Note 2.250% Due 01/31/2024 912828WJ5 US Treasury Note 2.500% Due 05/15/2024 9128282N9 US Treasury Note 2.125% Due 07/31/2024 912828YH7 US Treasury Note 1.500% Due 09/30/2024 9128283J7 US Treasury Note 2.125% Due 11/30/2024 91282CDZ1 US Treasury Note 1.500% Due 02/15/2025 912828ZC7 US Treasury Note 1.125% Due 02/28/2025 91282CED9 US Treasury Note 1.750% Due 03/15/2025 912828ZL7 US Treasury Note 0.375% Due 04/30/2025 91282CFE6 US Treasury Note 3.125% Due 08/15/2025 91282CAM3 US Treasury Note 0.250% Due 09/30/2025 91282CFP1 US Treasury Note 4.250% Due 10/15/2025 91282CBC4 US Treasury Note 0.375% Due 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 US Treasury Note 0.375% Due 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 US Treasury Note 0.500% Due 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 US Treasury Note 0.750% Due 03/31/2026 91282CCF6 US Treasury Note 0.750% Due 05/31/2026 1,000,000.00 Various 996,738.29 2.32% 999,434.28 1,750,000.00 06/10/2019 1,798,261.72 1.91% 1,760,992.95 2,000,000.00 08/30/2019 2,064,531.25 1.44% 2,017,488.44 3,500,000.00 Various 3,474,941.41 1.65% 3,492,244.51 3,000,000.00 Various 3,051,650.40 1.76% 3,017,366.58 2,000,000.00 05/06/2022 1,925,156.25 2.92% 1,949,316.08 3,500,000.00 03/24/2020 3,603,222.66 0.52% 3,540,062.54 2,000,000.00 03/15/2022 1,985,312.50 2.00% 1,990,422.95 4,000,000.00 Various 3,998,593.75 0.38% 3,999,399.57 3,000,000.00 Various 2,905,703.13 4.34% 2,919,160.45 2,500,000.00 10/16/2020 2,491,406.25 0.32% 2,495,657.94 10,000,000.00 Various 10,002,724.61 4.24% 10,002,797.04 1,000,000.00 12/29/2020 999,921.88 0.38% 999,957.00 4,000,000.00 02/23/2021 3,960,625.00 0.58% 3,977,362.65 2,500,000.00 03/26/2021 2,459,960.94 0.83% 2,476,292.96 5,000,000.00 Various 4,974,804.69 0.85% 4,984,840.38 2,000,000.00 06/18/2021 1,985,000.00 0.91% 1,990,393.35 97.96 979,570.00 0.35% Aaa /AA+ 4.77% 3,729.28 (19,864.28) AAA 97.80 1,711,445.75 0.61% Aaa / AA+ 4.53% 16,557.32 (49,547.20) AAA 97.06 1,941,250.00 0.69% Aaa / AA+ 4.41% 7,044.20 (76,238.44) AAA 95.95 3,358,222.00 1.19% Aaa / AA+ 4.32% 143.45 (134,022.51) AAA 96.64 2,899,335.00 1.04% Aaa / AA+ 4.23% 21,366.76 (118,031.58) AAA 95.27 1,905,312.00 0.68% Aaa / AA+ 4.14% 3,729.28 (44,004.08) AAA 94.55 3,309,414.50 1.18% Aaa / AA+ 4.11% 3,423.91 (230,648.04) AAA 95.65 1,912,968.00 0.68% Aaa / AA+ 4.09% 1,616.85 (77,454.95) AAA 92.75 3,710,000.00 1.32% Aaa / AA+ 4.04% 6,298.34 (289,399.57) AAA 98.12 2,943,633.00 1.05% Aaa / AA+ 3.96% 11,654.01 24,472.55 AAA 91.51 2, 287, 792.50 0.81% Aaa / AA+ 3.84% 17.08 (207,865.44) AAA 100.77 10, 077, 340.00 3.65% Aaa / AA+ 3.93% 196,153.84 74,542.96 AAA 91.15 911,484.00 0.32% Aaa/AA+ 3.79% 942.68 (88,473.00) AAA 90.78 3, 631, 092.00 1.29% Aaa / AA+ 3.84% 2,486.19 (346,270.65) AAA 90.89 2,272,167.50 0.81% Aaa /AA+ 3.83% 1,086.96 (204,125.46) AAA 91.49 4,574,415.00 1.63% Aaa / AA+ 3.78% 102.46 (410,425.38) AAA 90.96 1,819,218.00 0.65% Aaa / AA+ 3.81% 5,027.47 (171,175.35) AAA 0.84 0.81 1.13 1.08 1.34 1.29 1.50 1.46 1.67 1.60 1.88 1.82 1.92 1.86 1.96 1.89 2.08 2.03 2.38 2.26 2.50 2.45 2.55 2.34 2.76 2.69 2.84 2.77 2.92 2.84 3.00 2.92 3.17 3.07 37 CM 109 Holdings Report City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Book Yield Cost Value Book Value Mkt Price Mkt YTM Market Value Accrued Int. % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Gain/Loss Fitch Duration 91282CCW9 91282CDG3 912828Z78 91282CEN7 91282CEW7 91282CFM8 91282CGC9 US Treasury Note 0.750% Due 08/31/2026 US Treasury Note 1.125% Due 10/31/2026 US Treasury Note 1.500% Due 01/31/2027 US Treasury Note 2.750% Due 04/30/2027 US Treasury Note 3.250% Due 06/30/2027 US Treasury Note 4.125% Due 09/30/2027 US Treasury Note 3.875% Due 12/31/2027 TOTAL US Treasury TOTAL PORTFOLIO TOTAL MARKET VALUE PLUS ACCRUALS 2,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,500,000.00 7,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 100,250,000.00 290,965,370.77 08/30/2021 0.77% Various 1.25% Various 2.15% Various 3.55% Various 3.21% Various 3.95% Various 3.70% 2.47% 1,998,515.63 1,998,985.49 4,970,498.06 4,978,404.58 4,367,285.16 4,393,721.22 6,761,484.38 6,790,627.16 9,018,066.41 9,011,919.19 10,074,062.50 10,069,656.59 10,078,828.13 10,075,984.60 99,947,295.00 99,932,488.50 292,176,525.77 2.21% 291,080,120.42 90.38 3.78% 91.21 3.77% 92.06 3.74% 96.38 3.71% 98.27 3.69% 101.88 3.67% 101.05 3.63% 3.87% 4.37% 1,807,500.00 1,304.35 4,560,350.00 23,618.78 4,142, 812.50 11,187.85 6,746,523.00 80,828.72 8,844,606.00 73,529.00 10,188, 280.00 1,127.04 10,105, 080.00 97,410.22 96,639,810.75 570,386.04 279,916,489.34 1,410,760.12 281,327,249.46 0.64% (191,485.49) 1.63% (418,054.58) 1.48% (250,908.72) 2.43% (44,104.16) 3.17% (167, 313.19 ) 3.62% 118,623.41 3.63% 29,095.40 34.55% (3,292,677.75) Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA Aaa / AA+ AAA 100.00% Aa1 / AA (11,163,631.08 AAA 3.42 3.31 3.59 3.44 3.84 3.66 4.08 3.77 4.25 3.90 4.50 4.08 4.76 4.27 3.22 3.01 2.67 2.29 38 CM 110 Holdings Report City of Dublin Reporting Account - Account #10219 As of March 31, 2023 CUSIP Security Description Par Value/Units Purchase Date Book Yield Cost Value Book Value Mkt Price Mkt YTM Market Value Accrued Int. % of Port. Moody/S&P Maturity Gain/Loss Fitch Duration LAIF 90LAIF$00 Local Agency Investment Fund State Pool TOTAL LAIF Local Gov Investment Pool 90CAMP$00 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP TOTAL Local Gov Investment Pool TOTAL PORTFOLIO TOTAL MARKET VALUE PLUS ACCRUALS 25,917,595.50 25,917,595.50 80,625,561.52 80,625,561.52 106,543,157.02 Various 25,917,595.50 2.88% 25,917,595.50 25,917,595.50 2.88% 25,917,595.50 1.00 2.88% 2.88% 25,917,595.50 166,759.99 25,917,595.50 166,759.99 24.44% NR / NR 0.00 NR 24.44% NR / NR 0.00 NR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Various 80,625,561.52 4.92% 80,625,561.52 80,625,561.52 4.92% 80,625,561.52 106,543,157.02 4.42% 106,543,157.02 1.00 4.92% 4.92% 80,625,561.52 0.00 80,625,561.52 0.00 106,543,157.02 4.42% 166,759.99 106,709,917.01 75.56% NR/AAA 0.00 NR 75.56% NR / AAA 0.00 NR 100.00% NR / AAA 0.00 NR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 CM 111 Section 5 I Transactions 40 a 112 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin - Account #10198 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Price Acq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Total Amount Gain/Loss Pur/Sold ACQUISITIONS Purchase 01/19/2023 023135CP9 1,000,000.00 Amazon.com Inc Callable Note Cont 11/1/2027 101.440 4.21% 1,014,400.00 6,066.67 1,020,466.67 0.00 4.55% Due: 12/01/2027 Purchase 01/25/2023 24422EWR6 2,000,000.00 John Deere Capital Corp Note 101.539 4.40% 2,030,780.00 4,222.22 2,035,002.22 0.00 4.75% Due: 01/20/2028 Purchase 01/27/2023 91282CGC9 5,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 101.148 3.62% 5,057,421.88 14,450.97 5,071,872.85 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 01/31/2023 91282CGC9 4,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 100.766 3.70% 4,030,625.00 13,273.48 4,043,898.48 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 02/10/2023 3130ATUC9 2,240,000.00 FHLB Note 100.738 4.22% 2,256,531.20 27,160.00 2,283,691.20 0.00 4.5% Due: 12/12/2025 Purchase 02/10/2023 3130ATUC9 1,760,000.00 FHLB Note 100.722 4.22% 1,772,707.20 21,340.00 1,794,047.20 0.00 4.5% Due: 12/12/2025 Purchase 02/15/2023 05593AAC3 295,000.00 BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2023-1 A3 99.998 5.22% 294,992.98 0.00 294,992.98 0.00 5.16% Due: 11/25/2025 Purchase 02/17/2023 91282CEW7 1,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 96.410 4.16% 964,101.56 4,309.39 968,410.95 0.00 3.25% Due: 06/30/2027 Purchase 02/17/2023 91282CGC9 1,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 99.078 4.08% 990,781.25 5,138.12 995,919.37 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 02/23/2023 91324PEP3 1,500,000.00 United Health Group Inc Callable Note Cont 101.526 4.90% 1,522,890.00 1,750.00 1,524,640.00 0.00 1/15/2028 5.25% Due: 02/15/2028 Purchase 03/13/2023 06051GGFO 1,595,000.00 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1/20/2027 93.531 5.94% 1,491,819.45 8,979.50 1,500,798.95 0.00 3.824% Due: 01/20/2028 Purchase 03/22/2023 3130ATS57 3,000,000.00 FHLB Note 102.167 4.01% 3,065,010.00 4,500.00 3,069,510.00 0.00 4.5% Due: 03/10/2028 41 113 Transaction Ledger December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Type Settlement Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Acq/Disp Price Yield Amount Interest Pur/Sold Total Amount Gain/Loss Purchase Subtotal 03/30/2023 TOTAL ACQUISITIONS 06051GGF0 1,405,000.00 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1/20/2027 3.824% Due: 01/20/2028 25,795,000.00 25,795,000.00 94.842 5.64% 1,332,530.10 10,446.96 1,342,977.06 25,824,590.62 121, 637.31 25,946, 227.93 25,824, 590.62 121, 637.31 25,946, 227.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 DISPOSITIONS Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Subtotal Call Subtotal 01/25/2023 313383QR5 01/27/2023 912828V80 01/31/2023 912796Z85 02/10/2023 3137EAEN5 03/22/2023 3135G05G4 1, 500, 000.00 2,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,350,000.00 11,350,000.00 03/05/2023 06051GHF9 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 FHLB Note 3.25% Due: 06/09/2023 US Treasury Note 2.25% Due: 01/31/2024 US Treasury Bill 4.381% Due: 03/28/2023 FHLMC Note 2.75% Due: 06/19/2023 FNMA Note 0.25% Due: 07/10/2023 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1X 3/5/2023 Due: 03/05/2024 99.396 2.87% 97.574 2.32% 99.299 4.51% 99.258 2.88% 98.600 0.32% 100.000 3.17% 1,490,940.00 2,439,355.47 2,978,962.67 1,985,160.00 2,317,100.00 6,229.17 1,497,169.17 -10,994.48 27,513.59 2,466,869.06 -58,933.47 0.00 2,978,962.67 -594.53 7,791.67 1,992,951.67 -14,004.87 1,175.00 2,318,275.00 -32,392.44 11,211,518.14 42,709.43 11,254,227.57 -116,919.79 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 42 CM 114 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin - Account #10198 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Price Acq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Total Amount Gain/Loss Pur/Sold Maturity Subtotal 01/30/2023 TOTAL DISPOSITIONS 62479 M N W 9 5,000,000.00 MUFG Bank Ltd/NY Discount CP 4.42% Due: 01/30/2023 5,000,000.00 18,750,000.00 99.227 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 18,611,518.14 42,709.43 18,654,227.57 -116,919.79 43 CM 115 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin Reporting Account - Account #10219 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description c Price Aq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Pur/Sold Total Amount Gain/Loss ACQUISITIONS Purchase 01/15/2023 90LAIF$00 186,902.43 Local Agency Investment Fund State Pool Purchase 01/31/2023 90CAMP$00 312,588.18 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Purchase 02/28/2023 90CAMP$00 290,529.41 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Purchase 03/31/2023 90CAMP$00 327,187.30 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Subtotal 1,117,207.32 Security 01/03/2023 90CAMP$00 33,000,000.00 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Contribution Subtotal 33,000,000.00 TOTAL ACQUISITIONS 34,117,207.32 1.000 2.23% 1.000 4.56% 1.000 4.75% 1.000 4.92% 1.000 186,902.43 312,588.18 290,529.41 327,187.30 1,117,207.32 33,000,000.00 33,000,000.00 34,117,207.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 186,902.43 312,588.18 290,529.41 327,187.30 1,117,207.32 33,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 34,117,207.32 0.00 DISPOSITIONS Security 01/13/2023 90CAMP$00 9,500,000.00 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Withdrawal Subtotal 9,500,000.00 TOTAL DISPOSITIONS 9,500,000.00 1.000 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 44 CM 116 Important Disclosures 2023 Chandler Asset Management, Inc, An Independent Registered Investment Adviser. As of March 31, 2023 Information contained herein is confidential. Prices are provided by ICE Data Services Inc ("IDS"), an independent pricing source. In the event IDS does not provide a price or if the price provided is not reflective of fair market value, Chandler will obtain pricing from an alternative approved third party pricing source in accordance with our written valuation policy and procedures. Our valuation procedures are also disclosed in Item 5 of our Form ADV Part 2A. Performance results are presented gross -of -advisory fees and represent the client's Total Return. The deduction of advisory fees lowers performance results. These results include the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, clients should not assume that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable or equal to past performance levels. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. Economic factors, market conditions or changes in investment strategies, contributions or withdrawals may materially alter the performance and results of your portfolio. Index returns assume reinvestment of all distributions. Historical performance results for investment indexes generally do not reflect the deduction of transaction and/or custodial charges or the deduction of an investment management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing historical performance results. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Source ICE Data Indices, LLC ("ICE"), used with permission. ICE permits use of the ICE indices and related data on an "as is" basis; ICE, its affiliates and their respective third party suppliers disclaim any and all warranties and representations, express and/or implied, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, including the indices, index data and any data included in, related to, or derived therefrom. Neither ICE data, its affiliates or their respective third party providers guarantee the quality, adequacy, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the indices or the index data or any component thereof, and the indices and index data and all components thereof are provided on an "as is" basis and licensee's use it at licensee's own risk. ICE data, its affiliates and their respective third party do not sponsor, endorse, or recommend chandler asset management, or any of its products or services. This report is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a specific investment or legal advice. The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable as of the date of publication, but may become outdated or superseded at any time without notice. Any opinions or views expressed are based on current market conditions and are subject to change. This report may contain forecasts and forward -looking statements which are inherently limited and should not be relied upon as indicator of future results. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This report is not intended to constitute an offer, solicitation, recommendation or advice regarding any securities or investment strategy and should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. Fixed income investments are subject to interest, credit and market risk. Interest rate risk: the value of fixed income investments will decline as interest rates rise. Credit risk: the possibility that the borrower may not be able to repay interest and principal. Low rated bonds generally have to pay higher interest rates to attract investors willing to take on greater risk. Market risk: the bond market in general could decline due to economic conditions, especially during periods of rising interest rates. Ratings information have been provided by Moody's, S&P and Fitch through data feeds we believe to be reliable as of the date of this statement, however we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Security level ratings for U.S. Agency issued mortgage -backed securities ("MBS") reflect the issuer rating because the securities themselves are not rated. The issuing U.S. Agency guarantees the full and timely payment of both principal and interest and carries a AA+/Aaa/AAA by S&P, Moody's and Fitch respectively. Your qualified custodian bank maintains control of all assets reflected in this statement and we urge you to compare this statement to the one you receive from your qualified custodian. Chandler does not have any authority to withdraw or deposit funds from/to the custodian account. 45 CM 117 Benchmark Disclosures As of March 31, 2023 ICE BofA 1-5 Yr US Treasury & Agency Index* The ICE BofA 1-5 Year US Treasury & Agency Index tracks the performance of US dollar denominated US Treasury and nonsubordinated US agency debt issued in the US domestic market. Qualifying securities must have an investment grade rating (based on an average of Moody's, S&P and Fitch). Qualifying securities must have at least one year remaining term to final maturity and less than five years remaining term to final maturity, at least 18 months to maturity at time of issuance, a fixed coupon schedule, and a minimum amount outstanding of $1 billion for sovereigns and $250 million for agencies. The ICE BofA 1-3 Year US Treasury & Agency Index tracks the performance of US dollar denominated US Treasury and nonsubordinated US agency debt issued in the US domestic market. Qualifying securities must have an investment grade rating (based on an average of Moody's, S&P and Fitch). Qualifying securities must have at least one year remaining term to final maturity and less than three years remaining term to final maturity, at least 18 months to maturity at time of issuance, a fixed coupon schedule, and a minimum amount outstanding of $1 billion for sovereigns and $250 million for agencies. 46 CA 118 Attachment 2 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin - Account #10198 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Price Acq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Total Amount Gain/Loss Pur/Sold ACQUISITIONS Purchase 01/19/2023 023135CP9 1,000,000.00 Amazon.com Inc Callable Note Cont 11/1/2027 101.440 4.21% 1,014,400.00 6,066.67 1,020,466.67 0.00 4.55% Due: 12/01/2027 Purchase 01/25/2023 24422EWR6 2,000,000.00 John Deere Capital Corp Note 101.539 4.40% 2,030,780.00 4,222.22 2,035,002.22 0.00 4.75% Due: 01/20/2028 Purchase 01/27/2023 91282CGC9 5,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 101.148 3.62% 5,057,421.88 14,450.97 5,071,872.85 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 01/31/2023 91282CGC9 4,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 100.766 3.70% 4,030,625.00 13,273.48 4,043,898.48 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 02/10/2023 3130ATUC9 2,240,000.00 FHLB Note 100.738 4.22% 2,256,531.20 27,160.00 2,283,691.20 0.00 4.5% Due: 12/12/2025 Purchase 02/10/2023 3130ATUC9 1,760,000.00 FHLB Note 100.722 4.22% 1,772,707.20 21,340.00 1,794,047.20 0.00 4.5% Due: 12/12/2025 Purchase 02/15/2023 05593AAC3 295,000.00 BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2023-1 A3 99.998 5.22% 294,992.98 0.00 294,992.98 0.00 5.16% Due: 11/25/2025 Purchase 02/17/2023 91282CEW7 1,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 96.410 4.16% 964,101.56 4,309.39 968,410.95 0.00 3.25% Due: 06/30/2027 Purchase 02/17/2023 91282CGC9 1,000,000.00 US Treasury Note 99.078 4.08% 990,781.25 5,138.12 995,919.37 0.00 3.875% Due: 12/31/2027 Purchase 02/23/2023 91324PEP3 1,500,000.00 United Health Group Inc Callable Note Cont 101.526 4.90% 1,522,890.00 1,750.00 1,524,640.00 0.00 1/15/2028 5.25% Due: 02/15/2028 Purchase 03/13/2023 06051GGFO 1,595,000.00 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1/20/2027 93.531 5.94% 1,491,819.45 8,979.50 1,500,798.95 0.00 3.824% Due: 01/20/2028 Purchase 03/22/2023 3130ATS57 3,000,000.00 FHLB Note 102.167 4.01% 3,065,010.00 4,500.00 3,069,510.00 0.00 4.5% Due: 03/10/2028 41 119 Transaction Ledger December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 City of Dublin - Account #10198 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Type Settlement Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Acq/Disp Price Yield Amount Interest Pur/Sold Total Amount Gain/Loss Purchase Subtotal 03/30/2023 TOTAL ACQUISITIONS 06051GGFO 1,405,000.00 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1/20/2027 3.824% Due: 01/20/2028 25,795,000.00 25,795,000.00 94.842 5.64% 1,332,530.10 10,446.96 1,342,977.06 25,824,590.62 121, 637.31 25,946, 227.93 25,824, 590.62 121, 637.31 25,946, 227.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 DISPOSITIONS Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Subtotal Call Subtotal 01/25/2023 313383QR5 01/27/2023 912828V80 01/31/2023 912796Z85 02/10/2023 3137EAEN5 03/22/2023 3135G05G4 1, 500, 000.00 2,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,350,000.00 11,350,000.00 03/05/2023 06051GHF9 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 FHLB Note 3.25% Due: 06/09/2023 US Treasury Note 2.25% Due: 01/31/2024 US Treasury Bill 4.381% Due: 03/28/2023 FHLMC Note 2.75% Due: 06/19/2023 FNMA Note 0.25% Due: 07/10/2023 Bank of America Corp Callable Note 1X 3/5/2023 Due: 03/05/2024 99.396 2.87% 97.574 2.32% 99.299 4.51% 99.258 2.88% 98.600 0.32% 100.000 3.17% 1,490,940.00 2,439,355.47 2,978,962.67 1,985,160.00 2,317,100.00 6,229.17 1,497,169.17 -10,994.48 27,513.59 2,466,869.06 -58,933.47 0.00 2,978,962.67 -594.53 7,791.67 1,992,951.67 -14,004.87 1,175.00 2,318,275.00 -32,392.44 11,211,518.14 42,709.43 11,254,227.57 -116,919.79 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 2,400,000.00 0.00 42 CM 120 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin - Account #10198 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description Price Acq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Total Amount Gain/Loss Pur/Sold Maturity Subtotal 01/30/2023 TOTAL DISPOSITIONS 62479 M N W 9 5,000,000.00 MUFG Bank Ltd/NY Discount CP 4.42% Due: 01/30/2023 5,000,000.00 18,750,000.00 99.227 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 18,611,518.14 42,709.43 18,654,227.57 -116,919.79 43 CM 121 Transaction Ledger City of Dublin Reporting Account - Account #10219 December 31, 2022 through March 31, 2023 As of March 31, 2023 Transaction Settlement Type Date CUSIP Quantity Security Description c Price Aq/Disp Yield Amount Interest Pur/Sold Total Amount Gain/Loss ACQUISITIONS Purchase 01/15/2023 90LAIF$00 186,902.43 Local Agency Investment Fund State Pool Purchase 01/31/2023 90CAMP$00 312,588.18 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Purchase 02/28/2023 90CAMP$00 290,529.41 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Purchase 03/31/2023 90CAMP$00 327,187.30 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Subtotal 1,117,207.32 Security 01/03/2023 90CAMP$00 33,000,000.00 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Contribution Subtotal 33,000,000.00 TOTAL ACQUISITIONS 34,117,207.32 1.000 2.23% 1.000 4.56% 1.000 4.75% 1.000 4.92% 1.000 186,902.43 312,588.18 290,529.41 327,187.30 1,117,207.32 33,000,000.00 33,000,000.00 34,117,207.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 186,902.43 312,588.18 290,529.41 327,187.30 1,117,207.32 33,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 34,117,207.32 0.00 DISPOSITIONS Security 01/13/2023 90CAMP$00 9,500,000.00 California Asset Mgmt Program CAMP Withdrawal Subtotal 9,500,000.00 TOTAL DISPOSITIONS 9,500,000.00 1.000 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 9,500,000.00 0.00 44 CM 122 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 4.7 SU B.ECT : Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program at Don Biddle Community Park Prepared by: Andrew Russell, Public Works Director, and Jordan Foss, Management Analyst II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approving an agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. to allow for the construction, installation, and operation of electric vehicle charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving an Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for the General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no impact to the General Fund associated with the construction and installation of the electric vehicle (EV) chargers for the first five years of the agreement term. California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc., will bear the construction and installation costs, as well as the operations and maintenance costs for five years after installation. At the end of the five years, the City would assume maintenance and operation of the chargers. Certain ongoing City costs are offset by revenues received from fees charged to users of the EV chargers. DESCRIPTION: On February 21, 2023, the City Council authorized Staff to proceed negotiating with the California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. (Dealer) to provide electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at a City of Dublin facility, in accordance with and subject to the conditions of the General Motors Community Charging Program (Program). The Program seeks to install 40,000 Level 2 EV charger stations in GM dealers' communities across the United States and Canada. These EV charger stations are publicly available to all EV customers, not just those that purchase a GM EV. The Page 1 of 4 123 Program chargers are manufactured by FLO and EV customers will need a FLO account or app to receive service at the chargers. The Program requires participating GM dealers to enter into a Site Hosting Agreement (Agreement) with the owner of the property where the EV chargers will be installed and operated. The Dealer and Staff drafted an Agreement (Attachment 2) that allows the Dealer to install five dual -port EV charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park in the parking lot along Horizon Drive. The Agreement requires the Dealer to obtain and pay for all necessary permits and approvals for the EV charging station installation. The minimum term of the Agreement is ten years. The Dealer is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the EV chargers for the first five years, after which the City assumes these responsibilities. The Dealer has proceeded at risk with assembling a design and construction team which has prepared construction drawings and applied for a building permit. The Dealer has also ordered the five dual -port charging stations from GM, with the goal of entering into the Agreement with the City and completing installation of the EV chargers by July 1, 2023. Charger Branding The Program stipulates that the EV chargers include only GM, Dealer, and FLO. GM will not allow other branding, such as a City of Dublin logo. The branding design for the EV chargers proposed for Don Biddle Community Park has not been completed. A GM representative provided an example EV charger panel and indicated similar branding design for this project. Data Collection. Use. and Privacy The Agreement, Section 13. Data Collection, provides that GM, the Dealer, and FLO, may collect usage data supplied from the EV chargers during the term of the agreement. The City will have access to EV charger data as supplied by FLO through the Site Host account on the FLO web portal. According to the terms and conditions of FLO, the City will have access to the following information through the web portal: • Display showing status of each Park (a subgroup of EV charging stations connected to the same communications gateway). Page 2 of 4 124 • Display showing status of each Charging Station. • Access to Park and Charging Station usage data, including energy consumption, charging duration and monetary transactions, with the ability to set date ranges for reporting and export data as a .CSV file. • Ability to set Charging Fees, subject at all times to applicable law. • Ability to authorize private access by Owner's designates to the Charging Station through the Owner's Web Portal by adding Access Cards or mobile application credentials in the memory of the Charging Station. • Remote configuration of Charging Station, including remote troubleshooting and remote restart. EV owners that want to use the FLO chargers must create a FLO User Account, which requires the provision of first name, last name, email address, and user -chosen password. The user must also agree to FLO's Drivers Terms of Use. To use a FLO charger that requires a charging fee, FLO users must deposit a minimum of $10 into their FLO User Account, using a Visa, Mastercard, or American Express credit card. FLO Users can initiate a charging session using the FLO Mobile App, which is subject to FLO's terms and the terms of Apple's App Store or Google's Play Store, an optional FLO Access Card (RFID card) linked to their account, or by calling a toll -free number on the charging station and providing their FLO member number. Receipts for the charging sessions are only provided to the email address specified in the FLO User Account. No physical receipt option is available, which is consistent with the City's other EV chargers and is the industry standard. According to the FLO Privacy Policy, FLO may collect the following personal information from FLO Users: • your name; • your address; • your date of birth; • your email address; • your phone number; • your use of the FLO Network, such as your power consumption, the date of use, your geolocation and other similar information; • your electric vehicle model; • identifiers such as cookies, IP addresses, and mobile device IDs that recognize individuals over time and across different websites or online services, where those identifiers can be reasonably linked to an identifiable individual; and • details about problems using the FLO Network you may have experienced. • Use subheadings to separate information for complicated items. Sub -headings should be underlined, not bolded or all caps. The FLO Privacy Policy also indicates that FLO can collect data or record communications when users contact FLO via telephone, websites, email, and through the FLO App. The current FLO Drivers Terms of Use and FLO Privacy Policy is included as Attachment 4. Page 3 of 4 125 STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 3: Infrastructure Maintenance and Reinvestment Objective 3E: Continue to implement measures identified in the Climate Action Plan. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Approving An Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. for the General Motors Community Charging Program 2) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Site Hosting Agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. 3) General Motors Dealer Community Charging Guidelines 4) FLO Driver Terms of Use and Privacy Policy 5) City Council Staff Report dated February 21, 2023 (without attachments) Page 4 of 4 126 Attachment I RESOLUTION NO. XX — 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CALIFORNIA AUTOMOTIVE RETAILING GROUP, INC. FOR THE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER COMMUNITY CHARGING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted the City of Dublin Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond (CAP 2030) on September 15, 2020, and CAP 2030, Measure SM-2, Develop an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan, includes a goal to add 184 new publicly accessible EV chargers in Dublin by 2030; and WHEREAS, General Motors (GM) Dealer Community Charging Program was announced in late 2021 and seeks to install up to 40,000 Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the United States and Canada at key locations in GM dealers' respective communities, including workplaces, multi -unit dwellings, sports and entertainment venues and college and universities, among others; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the GM Dealer Community Charging Program, California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. (Dealer) desires to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park; and WHEREAS, the GM Dealer Community Charing Program requires a Site Hosting Agreement between the City and the Dealer for the Dealer to install five dual -port EV charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park; and WHEREAS, the City and Dealer desire to enter into the Site Hosting Agreement to allow the Dealer to install the five dual -port EV charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the agreement with California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit A to this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager, or designee, is authorized to execute Exhibit A and make any necessary, non -substantive changes to Exhibit A to carry out the intent of this Resolution. {Signatures on the following page} Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 1 of 2 127 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 2 of 2 128 Attachment 2 SITE HOSTING AGREEMENT BETWEEN City of Dublin AND California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. PARTIES: This Site Host Agreement ("Agreement"), dated this 17th day of May 2023 ("Effective Date") is made by and between the City of Dublin hereinafter referred to as "Site Host" or "City", and California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "Dealer." Site Host and Dealer may be collectively referred to herein as "Parties." RECITALS: WHEREAS, General Motors (GM) Dealer Community Charging Program was announced in late 2021 and seeks to install up to 40,000 Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the United States and Canada at key locations in GM dealers' respective communities, including workplaces, multi -unit dwellings, sports and entertainment venues, and college and universities. Under the Program, EV charging stations are available to all EV customers, not just those who purchase a GM EV; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the GM Dealer Community Charging Program, Dealer desires to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at a City facility; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2023, the City Council of the City of Dublin approved this Agreement to authorize the Dealer to install EV charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park located in the City; and In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants in this Agreement, the Parties agree to the terms as follows: TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for ten (10) years or until the EV charging stations have reached the end of their useful life and are removed from the Project Site, whichever is longer, unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 9 below. 2. PERMITS AND APPROVALS. Dealer is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals required for the installation of the EV charging stations. Dealer is also responsible for paying any applicable fees associated with said permits and approvals. 1 129 Attachment 2 3. INSTALLATION. Dealer shall install five (5) dual port EV charging stations at Don Biddle Community Park ("Project Site") in the locations described and depicted on Exhibit A. Chargers shall be installed in the dual (side -by -side) format substantially similar to either Figure 1 or Figure 2 shown on Exhibit A. Site Host may mark (e.g. paint) and enforce the parking spaces as "EV Parking Only." 4. MAINTENANCE. Dealer, at Dealer's sole cost, shall be responsible for maintenance, repair, and replacement of all EV charging for five (5) years from the date the City issues a notice of completion for the installation work ("Dealer Maintenance Period"). City, at City's sole cost, shall be responsible for maintenance, repair, and replacement of the EV charging stations for five (5) years from the date of expiration of the Dealer Maintenance Period ("City Maintenance Period"). Dealer, at Dealer's sole cost, is responsible for any removal of the EV charging stations during the Dealer Maintenance Period and upon termination or expiration of this Agreement. City, at City's sole cost, is responsible for the removal of the EV charging stations during the City Maintenance Period. 5. LICENSE. During the Dealer Maintenance Period, Site Host hereby grants a revocable, non- exclusive license to General Motors LLC ("GM"), Dealer, Charge Station Operator ("CSO"), and installer (CSO and installer may be the same entity) (collectively, "Licensees") permitting the Licensees, during hours when the Project Site is open to the public, the right to enter upon the Site Host's property for any purpose related to the installation, inspection, repair, removal, and/or maintenance of any charger installed pursuant to this Agreement. After the expiration of the Dealer Maintenance Period, Licensees shall obtain Site Host permission or right -of -entry prior to entering upon Site Host's property for any purpose related to the installation, inspection, repair, removal, and/or maintenance of any charger installed pursuant to this Agreement. 6. Relocation. Site Host shall have the right to relocate the EV charging stations within the Project Site if projects or infrastructure improvements are made that require relocation at the Site Host's sole discretion. 7. INSURANCE. a. CITY INSURANCE. For the period of time during which any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program is installed on the property of the Site Host, the Site Host shall maintain commercial general liability insurance against personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. b. DEALER INSURANCE. During the Term of this Agreement, Dealer shall maintain the following insurance policies and coverage amounts to cover Dealer's installation, data collection, maintenance, and removal activities on the Project Site: i. Dealer, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit coverage for risks associated with the work/activities contemplated by this Agreement. 2 130 Attachment 2 ii. Dealer shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by Dealer at the Project Site. The Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per accident. iii. Policy Requirements. Dealer shall provide the City with certificates of insurance evidencing the above coverage prior to commencing installation of the EV charging stations. Dealer shall name City as an additional insured on all policies. Dealer's coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City and any City insurance shall not be required to contribute. Dealer waives any claim of subrogation against City. Dealer shall ensure (or shall have modified by endorsement to ensure) that any policy with a self -insured retention does not include a prohibition on an additional insured paying said retention. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Dealer shall defend, indemnify and hold the Site Host harmless from all claims, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees), damages, judgments, liabilities or causes of action arising out of any injury to person, or persons, or damage to real or personal property arising out of Dealer, its employees, contractors, or agents' performance of any work/activities contemplated by this Agreement, including collection of usage data and Personally Identifiable Information, and/or any failure or malfunction of the EV chargers or EV charging stations. Dealer's obligation under this section does not extend to that portion of a claim caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its agents, officers or employees. 9. TERMINATION. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other Party. 10. COSTS FOR USE. The Site Host may elect to charge EV charging station users an EV Charging Fee as part of the City's fee schedule. Such Fee will cover the cost of electrical power to the charging station and will be commensurate with such costs to the City. Such Fee may be adjusted annually. City shall comply with applicable state and local laws, regulations, and taxes governing the providing of charging to the public, whether given as a free service or charging the consumer. 11. COST OF INSTALLATION/REMOVAL OF EV CHARGING STATIONS. Prior to and during the Dealer Maintenance Period, Dealer shall be responsible for the cost of installation of any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program as well as the removal of any such charger. Removal of the charger may be required if it is broken, damaged or upon the terms set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement. Dealer shall remove all chargers in a safe and professional manner, and in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 3 131 Attachment 2 12. BRANDING. Site Host (or any other party) may not rebrand the chargers for any reason. If the branding signage or markings on EV charging stations becomes inaccurate, outdated, or worn during the Term of this Agreement, Site Host may request and Dealer shall replace, refurbish, or rebrand such branding signage or markings for the EV charging stations. CONTINUED USE AFTER USEFUL LIFE. After the Term of this Agreement, Site Host may work directly with the manufacturer of the charging stations to continue with new charging stations after the useful life (estimated at 10 years) of the original charging stations, at its discretion. 13. DATA COLLECTION. In accordance with applicable California and federal consumer privacy laws and regulations, Dealer, FLO, and GM may collect usage data supplied from the EV chargers during the Term of the Agreement, as needed and required. For example, the Dealer will be able to collect data from the chargers that are supplied to the Site Host only, while GM will be able to collect data from all chargers provided in the Dealer Community Charging program. Site Host shall have access to customer data supplied by the EV chargers as needed and Dealer shall be obligated to assist Site Host with obtaining necessary data or facilitating assistance in addressing issues with functionality including contacting the EV charger manufacturer. 14. CONTACT AND NOTICES. Any notice or request required or authorized to be given by the terms of this Agreement or under any applicable law by either party shall be in writing, hand delivered or sent by certified or registered mail postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Such written notice shall be addressed as follows: As to the Site Host: City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: City Manager With Site Host Copy to: City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: Public Works Director 4 132 Attachment 2 As to the Dealer: California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. 4200 John Monego Court Dublin, CA 94568 Attn: Inder Dosanjh Either party may, by subsequent written notice, designate a different address or party for receiving notice. The Parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. The persons whose signatures appear below certify that they are authorized to sign on behalf of the respective Party. SIGNATURES: DEALER: California Automotive Retailing Group, Inc. SITE HOST: CITY OF DUBLIN By: By: Inder Dosanjh, President Linda Smith, City Manager By: Marsha Moore, City Clerk 5 133 Attachment 2 h -e' ,t • .10 E•p— ?NI — — I — HDE• EXHIBIT A Dia ram of EV Char in Station Locations _ _ • 1. •••'•-• • e'11e . ..;#011140a• . ato..AoraiTicel ..-. .., 'e .;,• . . . ., . ' '''•'-7 7 E _ _ _0._ RH3A 5.'0'6—, PAINT CURB RED CURB RED l'AISTALL OETAI'L 22 6 PAW CURB RED 5 " Nil zpo• 134 Attachment 3 Dealer Community Charging Guidelines Table of Contents 2022 Dealer Community Charging Program Introduction 3 Program Goal 3 Program Overview 3 Program Eligibility 4 Program Enrollment 4 Dealer Community Charging Online Enrollment Process 4 Site Submission and Approval 4 Program Cost Responsibilities 5 Dealer Participation Cost 6 Charger Distribution 6 Eligible Locations and Location Guidelines 7 Minimum Site Host Requirements 8 Indemnification for Claims related to Site Host Property 11 Cost for Install and Potential Electricity Upgrades 11 Dealer Community Charging Roles & Responsibilities 11 Installer Qualifications 11 Marketing and Advertising 12 135 Charger Specifications 13 Charge Point Operator 14 End of Program Life Details 14 Cancellation 14 Reviews and Audit 15 Tax Liability 15 Amendments/Terminations 15 Dealer Suspension or Termination 16 2 136 2022 Dealer Community Charging Program Introduction Program Goal By collectively combining investments from GM, our Dealers, and community stakeholders, the GM Dealer Community Charging Program is designed to deploy up to 40,000 AC Level 2 destination chargers at popular locations and workplaces in local communities over the next few years. The GM Dealer Community Charging Program ("DCC", "GM DCC" or this "Program") provides the following benefits for the areas surrounding Dealers that choose to participate: Accelerate charging infrastructure in publicly accessible areas within communities that lend to high dwell time (i.e. vehicles parked for a few hours or more) scenarios (e.g. sports/entertainment venues, campuses, hospitals, hotels, multi -unit dwellings, golf courses, country clubs, etc), with a focus on underserved areas, aka "charging deserts." Build on the relationships that GM Dealers have developed in their communities to grow charging infrastructure now to help accelerate EV adoption Participation in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program is VOLUNTARY for those Dealers with an active and executed Chevrolet or GMC Electric Vehicle Models Participation Agreement. Likewise, all Cadillac Dealers in compliance with Cadillac's EV readiness requirements are eligible to participate. Eligibility is determined in the sole discretion of GM. Program Overview Participating GM Dealers may be eligible to receive up to 10 AC Level 2 chargers. Each GM Dealer, as defined by BAC, may be eligible to receive up to 10 chargers depending on GM's remaining community charger inventory at the time a Dealer enrolls in the program. The chargers will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis, and every Dealer may not receive 10 chargers depending on charger availability. Eligible location (site host) guidance may be provided upon request to help Dealer target ideal locations for chargers within their assigned geography. This guidance will give general areas of higher dwell time within a Dealer's assigned geography, but Dealer will still need to receive express written approval from GM for the suggested location(s). The guidelines mentioned below in "Guidelines for ideal locations" will still need to be followed, despite the recommended locations. For example, there may be places within the suggested location that are not well lit, may not be visible from a road or parking lot, etc. The suggested locations simply imply that the desired dwell time for vehicles has been met, but could still be lacking in other requirements. 3 137 Approved third parties may take reasonable measures to ensure compliance with the Dealer Community Charging Program guidelines. GM reserves the right to amend, modify, suspend, or cancel this program in its sole discretion at any time. Program Eligibility Dealers with an active and executed Chevrolet or GMC Electric Vehicle Models Participation Agreement are eligible to participate in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program. Likewise, all Cadillac Dealers in compliance with Cadillac's EV readiness requirements are eligible to participate. The chargers will be allocated based on BAC, and each BAC will be eligible for up to 10 chargers, depending on availability at the time of enrollment. Dealers must be in compliance with all requirements to be eligible. Eligibility is determined in the sole discretion of GM. This program is VOLUNTARY, and each Dealer must determine whether it wishes to participate in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program itself. ri uyl cum Lill uiiillell_ The open enrollment period for the 2022 GM Dealer Community Charging program for Participating Chevrolet Dealers is September 12th - October 12th, 2022 (subject to change at sole discretion of GM). GM Dealers will receive a GM Global Connect message at the start of open enrollment. Dealers that wish to participate in the Program must complete the enrollment process. If you do nothing, you will not be enrolled in the DCC Program. NOTE: There is no enrollment fee to participate in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program at this time. Eligible Dealers that do not enroll during the 2022 GM Dealer Community Charging open enrollment period will still have an opportunity to enroll in the program during open enrollment periods in subsequent years. Please contact your Zone Manager, Electric Vehicle Operations Manager (EVOM), or Electric Vehicle Retail Manager (EVRM) for details on how to enroll after the open enrollment period concludes. Dealer Community Charging Online Enrollment Process To enroll in the 2022 Program during the open enrollment period, follow these steps: 1. Go to GM GlobalConnect 2. Login (using current GC login/password) 3. Click on the Dealer Community Charging app within Global Connect 4. Review the 2022 Dealer Community Charging Guidelines and check the box to accept terms Site Submission and Approval Pre -approval, by GM in writing, is required before Dealer can start the installation process with its site host. Dealer will need to have a written agreement with the site host to allow installation 138 of chargers to take place, and will upload its site host address(es) and business name(s) along with proposed charger location(s). Steps: 1. Go to GM GlobalConnect (link below) https://dealer.autopartners.net/portal/us/Pages/default.aspx 2. Login (using current GC login/password) 3. Click on the Dealer Community Charging app within Global Connect 4. Type in all required information, including site host address, business name, and contact information 5. Upload official Dealer logo for purpose of branding on the charger pedestal 6. Upload proposed location of chargers, including photos and number of chargers to be installed at that location 7. Submit for approval (Will be reviewed by the EV Operations Manager for Chevrolet, Buick/GMC and by the Dealer Performance Manager Team for Cadillac standalone stores. The Dealer Community Charging team will be the final reviewer before the site is officially approved.) Once site host and charger location have been approved, Dealer must enter into separate agreement with Flo, who is the charging station operator (CSO). The CSO agreement shall consist of payment for the pedestal(s), cable management, operations & maintenance and networking for the chargers (for 5 years), warranty for 3 years (Dealer may request to up the warranty period to a maximum of 5 years at additional cost, if desired), and Dealer branding as described in the "Dealer participation cost" section below. The payment shall be made to Flo. Other terms and conditions may be agreed upon between Dealer and Flo as necessary. Flo will not ship the chargers to the Dealer until Dealer has paid Flo for its portion of the cost. Dealer will be required to store the equipment until installation occurs. Dealer expressly consents and authorizes GM to use and share with third parties any data or other information submitted by Dealer to GM in connection with this Program for purposes reasonably necessary to the administration and operation of the Program as set forth in these guidelines. Program Cost Responsibilities See below for how program costs will be delegated: GM: GM will pay for the cost of the AC Level 2 charger and shipping to the Dealer location. Dealer: Dealer shall pay all costs associated with charger maintenance and connectivity to Flo for a period of five (5) years from the date of installation of the pedestal mount, 3 years of warranty (can extend warranty to 5 years at additional cost, if desired), cable management, and branding. See "Dealer participation cost" section for more details. Upon expiration of this five-year period, Dealer agrees that it will either execute a cost sharing agreement with the site host ensuring continuity of the charger for the remainder of its useful 5 139 life, or if Dealer does not have such an agreement in place, Dealer agrees that it is Dealer's sole responsibility to ensure the charger is maintained and in good working order for the remainder of its useful life (not to exceed 10 years). Dealer agrees to ensure removal of the charger should it no longer be maintained, or if it becomes inoperable for any reason. Dealer Participation Cost Each Dealer will be provided up to 10 chargers during the program, based on BAC code. Note: Please see Figure 3 for a picture of how the chargers will be configured at the site host location, shown in the dual side by side configuration (i.e., two chargers to one pedestal). Therefore, if a Dealer elects to get 10 total chargers, this will result in 5 dual side by side charging configurations. Each Dealer that elects to participate in the program will be solely responsible for the cost of each dual side by side pedestal. The estimated price for a single pedestal is shown below. If, for example, the Dealer elects to receive 10 total chargers, then the Dealer agrees that it will purchase 5 pedestals at 5 times the cost shown below. In addition to the cost of the pedestal(s), each Dealer that elects to participate in the program shall also be responsible for 5 years of global management services plus 3 years of warranty plus services for each dual side by side charging system, the cost of which is shown below. ✓ Core+ pedestal mount for chargers - $480 ✓ Core+ pedestal anchor kit - $96 ✓ Core+ bracket, side by side configuration (1 bracket per side - 2 total) - $250 ✓ Cable management system for wall and pedestal mount - $766 ✓ Dealer Branding (2 signs, front and back of pedestal) (Dealer will have ability to advertise on the pedestal per program guidelines.) - $330 ✓ Global management service for 5 years (i.e. charger networking & maintenance) (for 2 chargers on one pedestal, $300 per year) - $1,500 ✓ Warranty Plus for 3 years (for 2 chargers on one pedestal, $360 per year) - $1,080 Total Dealer participation cost = $4,502 per dual side by side pedestal. Therefore, for 10 chargers (i.e., 5 dual side by side pedestal charging stations), the total Dealer investment would be approximately $22,510. Payment for these costs will be made directly by each participating Dealer to Flo. Charger Distribution Each Dealer may be provided up to 10 chargers total for the duration of the program, based on BAC code and depending on community charger inventory. Dealers need to select an even number of chargers up to the 10 total (e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10). If demand exceeds supply for chargers, and if the Dealer receives less than the requested number of chargers, the Dealer may 6 140 enroll in the following year's open enrollment period to request the remaining balance of chargers, not to exceed ten (10) total chargers for the duration of the program. For example, if the Dealer requested a total of 10 chargers in an enrollment period, and the maximum number of chargers received is six (6) (e.g. due to increased charger demand, supply chain constraints, or any other factors), the Dealer will be able to request the remaining four (4) chargers during the next enrollment period the following year. The program is slated to run through 2025, but may be extended, modified and/or enhanced per GM discretion. Chargers shall be mounted in the dual pedestal format (Le. two chargers to one pedestal). The minimum number of chargers for a selected location is two. Having at least two charging stations in any one location better promotes to customers that charging is available verses only having one standalone charger. Eligible Locations and Location Guidelines Dealers must select locations to install chargers only within their Area of Primary Responsibility (APR) for Single Dealer Area Dealers or in the Dealer's Area of Geographic Sales and Service Advantage (AGSSA) for Multiple Dealer Area Dealers. If the Dealer has more than one GM brand, then it will default to its smallest divisional AGSSA for Multiple Dealer Area Dealers. For example, if a Dealer has executed a Dealer Sales and Service Agreement for Chevrolet and another Dealer Sales and Service Agreement for Cadillac, and the Chevrolet AGSSA is smaller than its Cadillac AGSSA, the Chevrolet AGSSA will be the determining territory in which to choose an appropriate site host(s). A Dealer may not install the chargers it receives through the DCC program on Dealer premises, Dealer owned or affiliated businesses (without express permission of GM), or any location used exclusively for residential purposes. Note that this does not exclude locations designated for mixed use development (e.g., a building with ground floor retail and residential units on the higher floor). An exception may be granted for prominent multi -unit dwellings without ground floor retail, provided the building has high visibility and may be key locations in more urban settings. Recommended locations include, but are not limited to: Schools/Universities/Colleges Hotels Mixed use multi -unit dwellings Sports and entertainment venues Parks Grocery stores Shopping Malls Workplaces Golf Courses Country Clubs 7 141 Guidelines for Ideal Locations: Chargers must be in a well -lit area and easily accessible Must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provide appropriate accessibility. Must be visible from a road or parking lot (if chargers are placed in the back of a grocery store, stadium, &/or shopping mall, the chargers need to be visible. If the back of the location only has a small strip of asphalt, and no other throughput, or is backed by a visual barrier (e.g. fence), then that location wouldn't be eligible. If, however, the back of the building has wide visibility and accessibility, then the location may be acceptable.) Location should not have any non-DCC program chargers installed on the premises (e.g. Testa Superchargers, other existing chargers). Note: If there are already chargers present at a site host location, an exception may be made on a limited basis in the sole discretion of GM. Chargers should ideally be placed in areas that don't currently have access to charging stations (aka "Charging Deserts"). Customer will ideally park his/her vehicle at these locations for a few hours or more. Dealer must ensure that such activity is permissible. Chargers will be set up in the dual pedestal format (e.g. two chargers to one pedestal) Ideal setup for the dual pedestal format includes having parking spaces that back up to a curb &/or grass area. See Figure 1 below for more details. Note: GM reserves the right to either approve or reject a site host submission at its discretion. The Dealer is solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to sites, or advertising at locations. This includes any notice requirements required under state law. It is the responsibility of the Installer and the Site Host to obtain any necessary permit(s) or license(s) and assume liability for Dealers' participation. Note: Cooperation and collaboration with states, municipalities, and local utilities is encouraged to target best locations, provided they meet the criteria described above. Minimum Site Host Requirements Each participating Dealer shall work directly with the site host to negotiate and execute a written and mutually agreeable contract governing the placement of chargers on the site host's property ("Site Host Agreement"). The Site Host Agreement must include language substantially similar to the following terms: 1. For the period of time during which any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program is installed on the property of the Site Host, Site Host hereby grants an irrevocable license to General Motors LLC ("GM"), the GM Dealer, Charge Station Operator ("CSO"), and installer (CSO and installer may be the same entity) (collectively, "Licensees") permitting the Licensees, during reasonable hours, the right to enter, without notice, upon the 8 142 Site Host's property for any purpose related to the installation, inspection, repair, removal, and/or maintenance of any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program. 2. For the period of time during which any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program is installed on the property of the Site Host, the Site Host shall maintain commercial general liability insurance against personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. 3. Chargers shall be installed in the dual (side -by -side) format substantially similar to either Figure 1 or Figure 2 below. It is recommended, but not required that Site Host mark (e.g. paint) and enforce the parking spaces as "EV Parking Only." Chargers must be in a well -lit area and easily accessible, as well as compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provide appropriate accessibility. 4. For the first 5 years following installation of a charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program ("Charger"), the Dealer shall be responsible for the cost of operation, repair, and maintenance of the Charger. For the following 5 years, the Site Host shall be responsible for these costs, up to the useful life of the chargers (estimated to be 10 years). 5. For the duration of the life of the charger(s), the site host shall provide reasonably safe and adequate facilities for EV electrical charging services, as site conditions require. For example, site conditions may require that the charger(s) be installed in suitable enclosures and shall be protected from accidental contact by unauthorized personnel, or by vehicular traffic, or by accidental spillage or leakage from piping systems. As further example, this may also require the use of bollards in front of the chargers and/or wheel guards as necessary. 6. The Site Host may be able to monetize the chargers. Dealer and Site Host are responsible for complying with any applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and taxes governing the providing of charging to the public, whether given as a free service or charging the consumer. Dealer and Site Host should consult with their respective tax advisors and/or attorneys, as necessary. 7. Site Host shall be responsible for the cost of installation of any charger provided in connection with the Dealer Community Charging Program as well as the removal of any such charger. The removal of the charger may be required in GM's sole discretion if it is broken or after the useful life of the charger (estimated at 10 years), whichever occurs first. Site Host further agrees that removal of a charger shall be conducted in a safe and professional manner, and in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The charger must then be properly disposed of (preferably recycled. 9 143 8. Site Host (or any other party) may not rebrand the chargers for any reason unless GM, in its sole discretion, agrees to the change in writing. 9. Site Host and Dealer provide their express, written consent that Dealer, Flo, any other third -party vendor chosen by GM and reasonably necessary for this program, and GM may collect and share all data supplied from the DCC chargers, as needed and required. 10. Site Host and Dealer cannot obligate or bind GM to any additional obligation or responsibility not specifically identified by this program guide or otherwise agreed to in writing. 11. Site Host and Dealer may not resell any equipment provided by GM as part of this program. All equipment must either be returned to GM, recycled, or disposed of properly. 12. Site Host and Dealer may only use trademarks, trade dress, and branding approved by GM. Site Host and Dealer may not authorize any other party to use any GM trademarks, trade dress, or branding. Figure 1 Image. for Illustration only Figure 2 10 144 Indemnification for Claims related to Site Host Property By enrolling in this program, Dealer expressly and unconditionally agrees to indemnify and hold General Motors LLC ("GM"), its parent companies, subsidiaries, officers, agents and employees harmless from any liability, loss or damage they may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgments against them arising out of any claim or lawsuit involving personal injury, bodily injury, property damage, failure to comply with federal, state, or local laws or regulations, tax, or any other type of claim related to any charger installed in connection with the site host agreement. Cost for Install and Potential Electricity Upgrades Dealers must ensure site hosts understand that installation costs and potential electrical upgrade costs, can vary widely. An electrical upgrade may occur if the ampacity of the existing site host facility is not enough to cover the charging stations installed. Dealer Community Charging Roles & Responsibilities Installer Qualifications Dealer and site host must procure a qualified installer, provided the parameters below have been met, and Flo has vetted and approved. While a Dealer may use any qualified installer of its choosing, GM may make available a list of potential installers. Flo may also act as a qualified installer, if desired by the Dealer. Dealer is responsible for ensuring all laws, regulations, and permitting requirements are met for installation. For any person, including third -party installers, who provide any part of the Installation Services, the following are minimum requirements that must be met. Flo will ensure the third -party installer meets the requirements specified below: Verification that the installer possesses proper licenses as an electrical contractor in the jurisdiction in which installer will provide Installation services. Completion of a criminal background check by a reputable organization (as determined by GM), demonstrating that the Dealer satisfies the background check criteria generally used by GM in Bulletin 15-03. Personalized certificates of insurance issued by the Installer's insurance carriers, in the following coverage amounts: o $1 million General Liability; o $1 million Automotive; and o $1 million Workers Comp (as required) Agreement to provide in the contracts with Customers a warranty on parts and labor (exclusive of the charging station itself) for all Installations for one year from the date of the Installation. Installers agree to insure their work in their contracts with Customers. Installers must comply with all laws, regulations, and permitting requirements necessary for installation. 11 145 Marketing and Advertising Dealers are required to follow GM's individual brand guidelines and naming bulletin for advertising on the chargers. For example, if the Dealer is Chevrolet, then it will follow Chevrolet's brand guidelines. Dealer reference and retail signature is limited to GM divisions. GM is responsible for coordination and approval of Dealer names on the submitted logo for advertising purposes. Advertising on the charging stations, pedestal, or any other part of the charging infrastructure itself will be reserved for the Dealer, GM's Ultium brand, and Flo. Site host will not be able to advertise on the charging station, pedestal, or any piece of the charging infrastructure. The Dealer must submit its logo via the Dealer Community Charging enrollment process, subject to GM's individual brand advertising guidelines, and its logo will be placed on the pedestal right above the charging stations, as shown below in Figure 3. The Dealer must use its officially approved Dealer name (e.g. ABC Chevrolet rather than ABC Auto Group) that complies with GM 21-10 "GM Dealership Naming Convention Policy". The branding will be placed on a sign, and the sign will say "Charging provided by [DEALER NAME/LOGO]". The plaque will be shipped to the Dealer along with the charging equipment. Note: The charging equipment includes the charging stations, pedestal, cable management, and Dealer advertising sign. Advertising sign requirements: Signage must say "Charging provided by [DEALER NAME/LOGO]. The sign will be provided through Flo, and it will be placed in the area depicted by the arrow in Figure 3 below. If the Dealer terminates its dealership, the sign will need to be removed by the Dealer from the charging pedestal. Dealer can work with the site host and have the site host remove it, as needed. If the Dealer changes its official name, a new sign will need to be ordered. If the Dealer sells its dealership, signage must be removed by the selling Dealer. The new Dealer may have the option to add a sign on the charger, provided it meets the exact requirements listed above. The Dealer may go through Flo for the advertising sign, or may procure a sign from another vendor, provided it meets the program requirements. Please see Figure 3 below for how the Dealer advertising will look. If buying dealer does not provide compliant signage, selling dealer and buying dealer both remain jointly and severally liable to remove the chargers, signaqe, and pedestals. 12 146 Figure 3 Cnsrypnb prayrtd by . -[HFUI []LFI Source: GM Design Simulated images shown. Actual production model may vary. Charger Jpecifications The charger recommended for this program will be hardwired, with a maximum power output of up to 19.2kW (80 amps). The charging connector will be SAE J1772 Type 1. Please contact Flo for additional information. This optional program requires the Flo chargers pictured above in Figure 3 and needs to be on the Ultium Charge 360 network. It also needs to use Flo's pedestal, cable management, and networking and maintenance package, as described in the guidelines. Dealer will not be able to shop around for a different pedestal, cable management, and operations and maintenance 147 package, as that may add significant risk to the viability of the charging station setup as a whole. Flo will not entertain other pedestal and cable management products, as it adds significant risk to the overall charging station setup. Chargers will be a part of the Ultium Charge 360 network and will have appropriate signage. Ultium Charge 360 is GM's holistic charging approach, and may integrate charging networks, brand mobile apps, and other products and services. Charge Station Operator Dealer must require that all site hosts utilize Flo as a dedicated charge station operator (CSO). As Flo's charger is utilized for a site installation, then Flo must manage the backend system and maintenance. This will create an ecosystem of chargers allowing customers to see real time charger data. Flo will ensure these stations are connected and accessible in the myBrand app for GM electric vehicle owners, and the Ultium version of the app for non -GM electric vehicle owners. The Dealer needs to ensure in its written agreement with the site host that it requires the use of GM's preferred CSO Flo, for maintenance and connectivity. The Dealer will be paying for the first five (5) years of maintenance and connectivity (service and networking) before the chargers are shipped to the site host, so the site host will be required to utilize Flo's services. The site host needs to understand that it will be responsible for the maintenance and connectivity AFTER the initial five (5) years, to continue to keep the chargers in operable condition to reflect positively on its brand, the Dealer, GM, and Flo. It is strongly encouraged that the site host continue to utilize the services of Flo, to ensure continuity with the program. End of Charger Life Details The useful life of the chargers is estimated at 10 years, and site hosts may continue to work with Flo and purchase new chargers after the useful life of the original chargers. If the site host desires to discontinue the program after the initial useful life of the chargers (estimated at 10 years), it shall be responsible for the cost of removing the chargers, as necessary. Dealer must remove any charger if it is broken or after the useful life of the charger. Site host must agree that removal of a charger shall be conducted in a safe and professional manner, and in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. GM may utilize a third -party vendor(s) to periodically audit the charging stations to make sure they are in good working condition. If the charging stations are found to not be in good working condition, GM reserves the right to require removal of the charger(s) at the site host's expense if the program guidelines are not followed. Cancellation Dealers may enroll and subsequently decide to cancel participation in the Program during the open enrollment period. However, Dealers that enroll during the open enrollment period and then 14 148 elect to withdraw from the Program after the enrollment period concludes will not be allowed to participate for the duration of that particular Program year (e.g. 2022) from that point forward. For example, if a Dealer cancels its participation in the Dealer Community Charging Program in September 2022, it will not be eligible to re -enroll until the subsequent program year (2023). Reviews and Audit It is the Dealer's responsibility to correctly report all documents for the Dealer Community Charging program, to ensure compliance with these rules, and to retain records sufficient to verify the work being performed. Any errors or discrepancies must be resolved by the Dealer within 30 days after the document is approved. Examples of errors or discrepancies include, but are not limited to: ■ Incorrect site host ■ Wrong images uploaded ■ Site host changed ■ Errors in the agreement The Dealer will be responsible for the first five (5) years of the program, as it will pay for the items mentioned in the "Dealer Participation Cost" section. After that, the burden of responsibility will be on the site host per the "End of Program Life Details" section above. Also mentioned above, a third -party audit company (e.g. ACV Auctions Inc) may help administer the audit process to make sure the charging stations are in good working condition. Tax Liability Dealers are responsible for any federal, state or other tax consequences associated with the participation in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program or any federal, state, or local incentives received for the program. Dealers are urged to consult with their own accountant or tax advisor regarding tax issues under applicable laws. Amendments/Terminations GM has the right to amend, terminate, or cancel the GM Dealer Community Charging Program upon 30 days' prior written notice to all affected participating Dealers. Amendments are not effective unless they are in writing in formal DCC Program Guidelines published by GM. Upon receipt of notice from GM of a material change in the DCC Program, affected participating Dealers may withdraw by written notice to GM within 15 days of their Dealers' receipt of the change. Termination will be effective thirty (30) days after receipt of written notification unless additional time is needed to meet existing obligations. 15 149 Dealer Suspension or Termination GM reserves the right to suspend a Dealer from participating in the GM Dealer Community Charging Program or to terminate any Dealer's participation in DCC, under the following guidelines: The Dealer or any of its Site Hosts violates any rule(s) of DCC; or A Dealer or any of its Site Hosts engages in conduct that is deceptive or fraudulent, or not in compliance with any federal or state law or regulation. GM's decision will be final in all matters related to the interpretation of program rules and guidelines. In the event a Dealer is suspended from participating in the DCC, Dealer must reimburse GM in the amount of the value of each charger provided to Dealer in connection with the DCC as of the date of suspension. The value of a charger will be calculated using a straight-line depreciation method over a period of 10 years, with a starting value of $2,000 in year one, and a salvage value of $0 in year 10. In other words, the value of a charger in any year during its useful life is $2,000 per charger less $200 per year post installation. 150 Attachment 4 FLO® Driver Terms of Use In -Effect Date: May 25, 2021 PLEASE REVIEW THESE DRIVER TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY. FLO and its affiliates operate and manage a network of Charging Stations across North America. By agreeing to these Driver Terms of Use, you may create a FLO User Account and access Charging Stations on the FLO Network and on Roaming Networks. ALL OF THE SERVICES OFFERED BY FLO ON THE NETWORKS ARE CONDITIONAL ON YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE DRIVER TERMS OF USE. If you already have a FLO User Account, your continued access to that account and any services offered by FLO on the Networks depends on your acceptance of these Driver Terms of Use. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS YOU CAN CANCEL YOUR FLO USER ACCOUNT BY EMAILING SERVICE@FLO.COM AND CEASE USING THE NETWORKS. THESE DRIVER TERMS OF USE APPLY TO YOUR USE OF YOUR FLO USER ACCOUNT, THE FLO NETWORK AND THE ROAMING NETWORKS FROM WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE ACCESSING OR USING YOUR FLO USER ACCOUNT, THE FLO NETWORK OR THE ROAMING NETWORKS FROM WITHIN CANADA, YOU ARE SUBJECT TO OUR CANADIAN DRIVER TERMS OF USE WHICH ARE AVAILABLE AT: Canadian Driver Terms of Use — English and Canadian Driver Terms of Use — French. 1. Acceptance of Driver Terms of Use By using the Networks, you agree to be bound by these Driver Terms of Use (the "Driver Terms of Use"), the terms of use of our websites available at https://www.flo.com/terms-and-conditions/ and https://addenergie.com/en/terms-and-conditions/ (the "Website Terms of Use"), our privacy policy available at https://www.flo.com/privacy-policy/ (the "Privacy Policy") and any terms and conditions of sale or warranties provided during your purchase or use of any of our products or services, all of which form integral parts of these Driver Terms of Use. By accessing the FLO Network or Roaming Networks in Canada, you agree to our Canadian Driver Terms of Use without any further action. The Driver Terms of Use constitute a contract between you and FLO regarding access to and use of the Networks. FLO invites you to read the Driver Terms of Use carefully before using the Networks, our websites https://www.flo.com and https://addenergietechnologies.com/en/, any associated sites, or our FLO Mobile App (collectively, the "Sites") and to contact FLO's webmaster if you have any questions at webmaster@flo.com. Any inconsistencies between these Driver Terms of Use, the Website Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and any terms of conditions of sale or warranties shall be resolved by FLO in its sole discretion. 2. Changes to Driver Terms of Use In the spirit of continuously improving its processes and operations, FLO reserves the right to modify, at its sole discretion, the Driver Terms of Use or to add new terms and conditions. By accessing and using the Networks or the Sites after amended Driver Terms of Use have been posted to https://www.flo.com and sent to you via either our FLO Mobile App or the e-mail address you have on file with FLO, you agree to respect and be bound by such amended Driver Terms of Use. You will be deemed to have received such notice (10) ten days after it has been sent. It is your responsibility to provide us with your updated 151 e-mail address, in the event that it changes. FLO invites you to consult the Driver Terms of Use from time to time to review the most recent version. Defined Terms Access Card: a radio frequency identification (RFID) card allowing FLO Users access to Charging Services on the FLO Network and some Roaming Networks, bearing a unique identification number and enabling a Charging Station to identify a FLO User and the corresponding FLO User Account. Charging Fees: payments made by FLO Users for Charging Services. Charging Services: services enabling a FLO User to charge the battery of their EV at a Charging Station through the Networks. Charging Session: a continuous session during which a FLO User uses a Charging Station to charge an EV battery. Charging Station: EV supply equipment or a direct current fast charger that provides Charging Services. EV: an electric vehicle. FLO: FLO Services USA Inc. doing business in California as FLO Charging Solutions USA Inc., with a mailing address at 75 South Clinton Ave., Suite 510 Rochester, NY 14604 USA. FLO Mobile App: FLO's mobile application that is available for download on mobile equipment, giving FLO Users access to their FLO User Account, Charging Services on the Networks, and information regarding the Networks, including mapping of the Charging Stations available for use on the Networks. FLO Network: a network of Charging Stations across North America operated and managed by FLO and its affiliates. FLO User: you, an EV driver who has agreed to these Driver Terms of Use and created a FLO User Account. FLO User Account: an account created by a FLO User on the FLO Website or FLO Mobile App that gives FLO Users access to the Charging Services and allows them to deposit funds to pay for the Charging Services. FLO Website: FLO's website, located at https://www.flo.com, giving FLO Users access to their FLO User Account information and to information regarding the Networks, including mapping of the Charging Stations available for use on the Networks. Networks: the FLO Network and the Roaming Networks. Roaming Networks: EV charging networks on which FLO Users are permitted to obtain Charging Services using their FLO User Accounts. Taxes: tax applicable, if any, required by the relevant authority. All references to currency are American dollars. 3. FLO's Commitment to FLO Users 152 FLO's obligation under this Driver Terms of Use is to provide FLO Users with the Charging Services, using reasonable commercial efforts, subject to the terms set forth in this Driver Terms of Use. 4. Becoming a FLO User To become a FLO User, you need to create a FLO User Account. You can set up a FLO User Account from the FLO Website https://www.flo.com or by downloading the FLO Mobile App. To download the FLO Mobile App on an Apple device use: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id808395252?1=en. To download the FLO Mobile App on an Android device use: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.addenergie.reseauver&hl=en. You will need to provide the following information to create a FLO User Account: Name (first and last); E-mail address; and Chosen password. To become a FLO User, you must also accept these Driver Terms of Use. FLO's use of your personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy. Following your account setup, you will receive an e-mail confirming creation of your FLO User Account at the e-mail address you provided, including a copy of these Driver Terms of Use. It is your responsibility to keep your FLO User Account information including your e-mail address up to date. You can notify FLO's Customer Experience Team of any changes by writing to: service@flo.com. 5. Deposits for Charging Services Before you can access the Charging Services, you must deposit a minimum of $10.00 to your FLO User Account. You can make the deposit using the FLO Website or the FLO Mobile App. For additional deposits to your FLO User Account, the minimum amount is $10.00. No deposits to your FLO User Account are required to access Charging Stations that are free -of -charge (i.e. where there are no Charging Fees in effect). You must use an accepted credit card to deposit funds to your FLO User Account. Currently Visa®, MasterCard® and AMEX° credit cards are accepted. Prior to charging your credit card, an authorization process will occur for the amount of your transaction. FLO uses a third -party payment processor (currently Stripe®) to securely process credit card transactions, including deposits to your FLO User Account. All FLO User Account deposits received by FLO are placed in a separate bank account and FLO administers this account on behalf of FLO Users. The deposits to your FLO User Account do not earn, and FLO will not pay, interest. 6. Payment for Charging Services 153 You can pay for Charging Services on the FLO Network using your Access Card, the FLO Mobile App or, by calling the toll -free number on the Charging Station and providing your member number (an additional fee is applied when using the toll -free number). Payment for Charging Services on the Roaming Networks may vary. Some Charging Stations on the Roaming Networks will only allow you to pay through the FLO Mobile App while others may also accept payment using your Access Card. Please review the signage at the individual Charging Station for details or call FLO Customer Experience for assistance. After each Charging Session, your FLO User Account will be debited the cost of the Charging Fees plus applicable Taxes. If for some reason Charging Fees cannot be processed at the time of charging, charging information will be saved and your FLO User Account will be debited the cost at a later time. The balance of your FLO User Account may become negative after a Charging Session and you will need to replenish your FLO User Account to cover any such negative balance. You will not be able to use the Charging Services while you have a negative balance in your FLO User Account. Charging Fees may vary by Charging Station and are set by the Charging Station owner, which may be FLO, the Charging Station's site -host, or, in the case of a Roaming Network, the person authorized to set the fees on that Roaming Network. If you have questions regarding your transaction history or any correction thereto, or if you wish to dispute any transaction or correction that has been applied to your FLO User Account, please contact FLO Customer Experience at service@flo.com within thirty (30) calendar days of the transaction in question. Assuming you provide sufficient details, FLO will review your claim and respond with its findings. If FLO finds a billing error, FLO will correct the error promptly after completing its review. Any reimbursements by FLO for billing errors will be made in the form of a deposit to your FLO User Account. FLO will not make reimbursements to credit cards or issue cheques. FLO will not be responsible for any expenses incurred or direct or indirect damages resulting from billing errors. If FLO does not find a billing error, FLO will explain its findings. FLO will not review or correct any billing error submitted by a FLO User more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the transaction. Should you fail to replenish a negative balance in your FLO User Account, in addition to any other remedies available at law, FLO may close your FLO User Account and terminate this Driver Terms of Use, including your access and right to use the Networks. FLO may also decline to open a new FLO User Account for you in the future. 7. Reimbursement of Deposits You may request reimbursement of the balance in your FLO User Account by contacting FLO Customer Experience at service@flo.com. Reimbursements may only be requested by the actual credit card holder and will only be made to the credit card used to make the deposits. In exceptional circumstances, and at FLO's sole discretion only, reimbursement may be made by cheque. Deposits made to a FLO User's Account that are associated with a promotion have no cash value and are not eligible for reimbursement. 8. Access Card 154 You can purchase an Access Card on the FLO Website or through the FLO Mobile App. To pay for the Access Card via your FLO User Account, your FLO User Account balance must be sufficient to cover the purchase price of the Access Card. You can also purchase an Access Card at the time you set up your FLO User Account, but your FLO User Account balance must be sufficient to cover the purchase price of the Access Card. The current price of an Access Card is the price indicated on the FLO Website at the time of purchase plus applicable Tax. FLO will use reasonable commercial efforts to mail your Access Card within ten (10) business days from the date of purchase. If you have not received your Access Card within twenty (20) business days from the date of purchase, please contact FLO Customer Experience at service@flo.com for assistance. Use of the Access Card is strictly personal. If you allow a third party, including an employee or contractor, to use your Access Card to access the Networks, it is your obligation to ensure that they agree to and abide by these Driver Terms of Use. 9. Lost, Stolen or Damaged Access Card You should treat your Access Card like cash and not disclose your FLO User Account information to anyone. If your Access Card is lost or stolen, anyone who obtains possession of it may use your Access Card. You are responsible and FLO will not be liable for any and all transactions on your Access Card, including unauthorized transactions. If your Access Card becomes lost, stolen or damaged, immediately notify FLO Customer Experience by e- mail to service@flo.com or by calling the toll -free number on the FLO Website. Your FLO User Account balance is protected from the time FLO confirms receipt of your written or telephone notice of loss, theft or damage. Upon receiving this notice, FLO will delete the lost, stolen or damaged Access Card from your FLO User Account and it will no longer be useable. To replace an Access Card for any reason, contact FLO Customer Experience by e-mail to service@flo.com or by calling the toll -free number on the FLO Website and a new Access Card will be mailed to you. If a replacement is required because of a defect in the Access Card that is not caused by improper use or abuse, FLO will cover the cost of replacing the Access Card, including shipping fees within the United States. For a replacement required because of Access Card loss, theft or damage, including from improper use or abuse, you will be charged a fee equal to the purchase price of a new Access Card plus applicable Tax. In case of any dispute concerning the reason for Access Card replacement, you agree, if requested, to provide a photo of the Access Card or return the physical Access Card for inspection by FLO. Any funds remaining in your FLO User Account will be transferred to your new Access Card prior to its sending by FLO. 10. Charging Station Location and Availability For the convenience of all FLO Users, FLO provides a map of available Charging Stations on the Networks via the FLO Mobile App and FLO Website. This information is provided for informational purposes only, and, while FLO uses reasonable commercial efforts to keep the mapping information accurate, complete and up-to-date, FLO cannot and does not warrant that it is error -free. FLO assumes no direct or indirect liability in the event that actual Charging Station availability and/or terms of use differ from the information provided on the map in the FLO Mobile App or on the FLO Website. Factors that can impact 155 the accuracy of the map include: (1) failure by a Charging Station owner to provide sufficient maintenance or monitoring; (2) failure of a Charging Station owner to advise FLO of a change to access rules related to the Charging Station or power outages; (3) failure of a Roaming Network operator to advise FLO of changes or power outages related to a Charging Station; (4) force majeure situations beyond the reasonable control of the Charging Station owner, Roaming Network operator and/or FLO. 11. Charging Fees Charging Fees are set by Charging Station owners, at their sole discretion and in accordance with applicable law. Some Charging Stations are free -of -charge. Charging Stations may display applicable Charging Fees in different ways. For Charging Stations with screens that are manufactured by AddEnergie Technologies Inc., the Charging Fee will appear on a scrolling display. For Charging Stations without screens, including those on Roaming Networks, please verify posted signage or call FLO Customer Experience at the number on the FLO Website for applicable Charging Fees. Charging Fees are also posted on the Charging Station map available on the FLO Mobile App and FLO Website. For Charging Stations on the FLO Network, when the Charging Fee is based on an hourly rate, the Charging Session is billed in proportion to the time you use the Charging Services, to the second. Time is calculated based on the total period your EV is connected to the Charging Station, even if your Charging Session has terminated. To avoid unnecessary charges on time -based Charging Stations, please ensure you remove your EV promptly from the Charging Station after completion of the Charging Session. For Charging Stations on Roaming Networks, Charging Fees will be based on the rules of the Roaming Network. It is your responsibility to confirm any Charging Fees in advance of starting a Charging Session on a Roaming Network. Any questions regarding payment for Charging Sessions on Roaming Networks can be directed to FLO Customer Experience at service@flo.com and are governed by Section 6 above. Any additional fees associated with accessing the Networks (e.g. cellular data fees incurred for use of a smart phone or parking fees/tickets where applicable) are the FLO User's sole responsibility. 12. Charging Sessions Before commencing a Charging Session, please always review and follow any safety instructions posted on or around the Charging Station. Please also visually inspect the Charging Station to ensure that you do not see any visible damage. If you see any damage, please call FLO's 24/7 on -the -road support team to confirm whether the Charging Station is safe to use prior to commencing a Charging Session. Note that we have important limitations in these Driver Terms of Use on FLO's liability for any damage caused while using a Charging Station on the Networks. Charging Sessions on the FLO Network A FLO User with a valid FLO User Account containing a positive balance of any amount may use the Charging Services at any available Charging Station on the FLO Network. To activate a Charging Station that is on the FLO Network, you must either: Tap your Access Card on the designated area on the Charging Station; 156 Use your smart phone to find the Charging Station through the FLO Mobile App and follow the directives to start the activation process; or Call FLO's 24/7 on -the -road support team at the number posted on the Charging Station and provide your FLO User Account number (an additional fee will be applied). Charging Sessions on Roaming Networks Accessing and activating a Charging Station on a Roaming Network may be different. For instance, some Charging Stations may only allow you to activate them using the FLO Mobile App while others may accept your Access Card. Please review the signage at the individual Charging Station for details or call FLO's 24/7 on -the -road support team for assistance. For Charging Sessions on all Networks, the data generated by the Charging Station will indicate and be proof of the period of use of a Charging Station by a FLO User. 13. Transaction Receipt After each Charging Session, you will receive a receipt of the transaction at the e-mail address specified in your FLO User Account. The receipt will specify that your FLO User Account has been debited for the Charging Fees associated with the Charging Session. If the Charging Session occurred at a Charging Station on the FLO Network the Transaction Receipt will specify the following information: Access Card identification; Name of Network; Name of Park (group of Charging Stations in which Charging Station is located); Name of Charging Station; Date and time of the start of the Charging Session; Date and time of the end of the Charging Session; Energy consumed; Duration of Charging Session; Cost of Charging Session; Applicable Taxes; Total cost of the Charging Session; and Balance of FLO User Account. Please note that FLO Charging Stations do not provide physical receipts. 157 If the Charging Session occurred at a Charging Station on a Roaming Network, the Transaction Receipt may specify different information. 14. Charging Station Availability To determine whether a Charging Station is available for use, please consult the FLO Mobile App or the FLO Website. FLO assumes no direct or indirect liability in the event that the actual Charging Station availability or status differs from the information provided on the FLO Mobile App or on the FLO Website. 15. FLO User Obligations You agree to pay all Charging Fees for the Charging Services initiated by you or through the use of your Access Card, the FLO Mobile App, or telephone request connected to your User Account. You agree to use the Charging Services as would a reasonable person for the purposes for which the Charging Services were designed and in compliance with these Driver Terms of Use. To use the Charging Services, you must ensure that your electric vehicle is in proper functioning condition and that its battery and connecting apparatus are compatible with the Charging Station. You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the Charging Stations and/or the property on which the Charging Stations are located. You are solely responsible for any damage that you cause to the Charging Station or the area in which it is located and you must immediately inform FLO Customer Experience in writing of any such damage at service@flo.com, providing the location, Charging Station number, type of damage caused and a photo of the damage, if applicable. You represent that all information in your FLO User Account is accurate and up-to-date and agree to take all steps necessary to update your FLO User Account information within a reasonable time if the information changes. You agree not to perpetuate any fraud or engage in any unlawful action against FLO or its affiliates in relation to the Charging Stations or the Networks. Should FLO discover that you have engaged in any such action in breach of these Driver Terms of Use, in addition to any other remedies available in these Driver Terms of Use or at law, FLO reserves the right to calculate and deduct any amount owing from your FLO User Account. 16. Use of the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App You may access and use the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App to obtain information regarding Charging Station locations on the Networks, trip mapping and other content and features that FLO may make available from time to time. Use of the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App are subject to FLO's Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You acknowledge and agree that FLO may modify the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App in any way and at any time, with or without notice. You further acknowledge and agree that, while FLO has attempted to provide accurate information on the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App, such information may change frequently. In no event will FLO be responsible for the accuracy, usefulness or completeness of any information, materials or other content on the FLO Website or FLO Mobile App, nor does FLO warrant that any such information, materials, or other content is up -to date. 158 17. Personal Information Your use of the Charging Services generates data and personal information that is subject to the terms of the FLO Privacy Policy. 18. Term and Termination The Driver Terms of Use will continue for an indefinite term, until terminated. You may terminate your agreement with FLO under these Driver Terms of Use for any reason or no reason by cancelling your FLO User Account at any time, without any fees or penalty other than as provided herein, including replenishing any negative balance in the User Account, by notifying FLO Customer Experience in writing at the mailing address provided below or by e-mail at service@flo.com. FLO may terminate your FLO User Account and these Driver Terms of Use for any reason or no reason at any time. Upon termination, the FLO User Account you have created will, thereafter, be closed and the amounts deposited in the separate bank account and attributed to your FLO User Account will be reimbursed, net of any amounts owing by you to FLO, as described in the paragraph titled "Reimbursement of Deposits". 19. Violation of Driver Terms of Use FLO will only disclose any personal information it has about you (including your identity) in accordance with its Privacy Policy. You agree that FLO may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, terminate your access to the Networks and/or block your future access to these Networks if FLO determines that you have violated these Driver Terms of Use or other agreements or guidelines which may be associated with your use of the Networks. You also agree that any violation by you of these Driver Terms of Use may cause irreparable harm to FLO, for which monetary damages would be inadequate, and you consent to FLO obtaining any injunctive or equitable relief that FLO deems necessary or appropriate in such circumstances. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies FLO may have at law or in equity. You agree that FLO will not be liable to you or to any third party for termination of your access to the Networks or Sites for any reason. 20. Disclaimer of Warranties YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE USE OF THE NETWORKS, THE CHARGING STATIONS AND THE ACCESS CARDS IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE NETWORKS, THE CHARGING STATIONS AND THE ACCESS CARDS ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS FOR YOUR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON -INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FLO PROVIDES THE FLO NETWORK AND ACCESS CARD AND FLO OR THE CHARGING STATION HOST PROVIDES THE CHARGING STATION ON A COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE BASIS AND FLO DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS OR USE THE CHARGING STATIONS OR ACCESS CARDS AT ANY GIVEN TIME OR LOCATION, OR THAT THERE WILL BE CHARGING STATIONS LOCATED IN A SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA. YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF THE NETWORKS, THE CHARGING STATIONS AND ACCESS CARDS ARE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR 159 ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR EV, MOBILE DEVICE, OTHER PROPERTY OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OR BODILY INJURIES THAT RESULT FROM SUCH ACCESS OR USE. FLO MAKES NO WARRANTY REGARDING THE NETWORKS, THE CHARGING STATIONS, THE ACCESS CARDS AND/OR THEIR CONTENT AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS THAT: THEY WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS; THEY WILL BE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, RELIABLE OR RELEVANT; THEIR OPERATION WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, OR ERROR -FREE; THE METHOD OF BILLING SELECTED BY THE SITE HOST (PROVIDED THE SITE HOST IS NOT FLO OR AN AFFILIATE) COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE LAW; DEFECTS OR ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED; OR CHARGING STATIONS WILL PROVIDE A SPECIFIC QUANTITY OF ELECTRICITY. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of express or implied warranties so the above exclusions may not apply to you. 21. Limitation of Liability YOU AGREE THAT IN NO EVENT WILL FLO, ITS AFFILIATES (INCLUDING ITS PARENT COMPANY ADDENERGIE TECHNOLOGIES INC.), ANY CHARGING STATION OWNER OR HOST, ANY ROAMING NETWORK AND ANY CHARGING STATION SPONSOR OR ADVERTISER AND EACH OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS OR REPRESENTATIVES, OR ANY AFFILIATES THEREOF ("FLO REPRESENTATIVES") HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING, BODILY INJURIES, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, HARM TO BUSINESS OR REPUTATION, LOSS OF INFORMATION, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUE OR INCOME, LOSS OF SALARY OR OTHER COMPENSATION FROM EMPLOYMENT), ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE NETWORKS, THE CHARGING STATIONS, THE ACCESS CARDS OR THEIR CONTENT EVEN IF FLO OR ANY FLO REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS OR IF SUCH DAMAGE OR LOSS WAS FORESEEABLE. FLO AND FLO REPRESENTATIVES DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY FOR THE ACTS, OMISSIONS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD -PARTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO USERS OF THE NETWORKS OR ANY CHARGING STATION OR ANY ACCESS CARD, OR OWNERS OR LESSORS OF CHARGING STATIONS OR ANY OWNER, LESSOR, LICENSEE, OCCUPANT OR OTHER PERSON ON OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROPERTY ON WHICH A CHARGING STATION IS LOCATED ("THIRD-PARTYS") AND MAY IN NO CASE BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES) OR COSTS ARISING IN ANY MANNER FROM: THE ACTS, OMISSIONS OR CONDUCT OF A THIRD -PARTY; AND THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE NETWORKS, ANY CHARGING STATION OR ANY ACCESS CARD. 160 IF, NOTWITHSTANDING THE OTHER PROVISIONS OF THESE DRIVER TERMS OF USE, FLO IS FOUND TO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS WHICH ARISES OUT OF OR IS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR USE OF THE NETWORKS, A CHARGING STATION OR AN ACCESS CARD, FLO'S LIABILITY SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE GREATER OF (1) THE TOTAL OF ANY CHARGING FEES INCURRED ON THE NETWORKS AND PAID TO FLO ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF THE NETWORKS IN THE SIX (6) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE INITIAL CLAIM MADE AGAINST FLO (FOR GREATER CERTAINTY NOT INCLUDING THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR ANY FLO HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS OR ANY FLO EXTENDED WARRANTIES OR SIMILAR SUPPORT PROGRAM), OR (2) $100.00. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE OR JURSIDICTION TO JURISDICTION. THESE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY MAY NOT PREJUDICE YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS. 22. Indemnification You will indemnify, defend and hold FLO and FLO Representatives (the "Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any claims brought by third parties against the Indemnified Parties resulting from: any breach by you of the Driver Terms of Use; any damage you cause to a Charging Station, the Networks, the property of a third party while you are in the process of using a Charging Station or the Networks (including driving to or from same); and your violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation. You agree that the Indemnified Parties will have no liability in connection with any such claim and agree to hold them harmless against any and all resulting losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, as well as judicial and extrajudicial fees and costs. 23. FLO Contact Information You can send FLO an e-mail at service@flo.com. You can access the FLO Website at https://www.flo.com. You can send mail to FLO at the following address: FLO Services USA Inc. d/b in California as FLO Charging Solutions USA Inc. 75 South Clinton Ave., Suite 510 Rochester, NY 14604 USA For support using Charging Stations, you can contact FLO's 24/7 on -the -road support team at 1-888-356- 8911. For other inquiries, you can contact FLO's Customer Experience team at 1-855-543-8356. For questions relating to the FLO Website, you can e-mail webmaster@flo.com. For questions relating to privacy, you can e-mail privacy@flo.com. 161 24. E-mail E-mail is neither protected nor confidential. Messages may be lost or intercepted as are communications by other means (for example postal mail). No electronic system can be perfectly protected or error -free. FLO will not be responsible for damages you may suffer through the exchange of electronic mail or messages, should they be generated by you or by FLO. 25. Copyright All texts, images, photographs, information, audio clips, video clips, software and codes available on the FLO Website, the FLO Mobile App and the Charging Stations on the FLO Network (collectively the "Content"), including the presentation of the Content (defined above) are protected by United States and foreign laws, including copyright laws, and belong to FLO, its affiliates or its licensors. For so long as you agree to and comply with these Driver Terms of Use, FLO grants you a personal, non- exclusive, non -transferable license to use and display the Sites and their Content on your computer, mobile phone or any other electronic device, solely for personal and non-commercial use, and to make one copy, for backup or hard copy purposes, on condition that you not alter the Content and that you retain the copyright notices. The modification, reproduction, distribution, transmission, dissemination, representation, networking, marketing, publication, licensing, public performance, downloading, creation of derivative works, internet posting, sale or any exploitation of the Sites and their Content are prohibited. 26. Software All the software integrated into or included on the FLO Network, the FLO Website and FLO Mobile App, including all files and/or images contained in or generated by such software, is protected by copyright and may be protected by other rights as well. Such software belongs to FLO, its affiliates or its licensors. You may not: (i) use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, download or transmit the software, in whole or in part; (ii) sell, lease, rent, license or transfer the software or otherwise allow access thereto; (iii) alter, remove or cover any trademark or notice of ownership included in the software; and/or (iv) decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract or reverse -engineer the Sites and its components, including, without limitation, the software, or assist anyone to do so. You acknowledge that you do not hold any right, title, interest or license to or in the software integrated into the Sites or that may be downloaded from the Sites. 27. Trademarks Certain names, words, titles, phrases, graphics, logos, icons or designs used in relation to the FLO Network, the Sites or the FLO Mobile App may be trademarks belonging to FLO or other service providers, used with the consent of third -party owners (the "Trademarks"). You agree not to remove, edit copy or otherwise alter or use the Trademarks, service marks, logos and other proprietary information. 28. Void Where Prohibited 162 The Networks are not intended to be used, and may not be used, outside of Canada and the United States. FLO makes no representation or warranty that the Networks or the information provided thereon is lawful in every jurisdiction from which it may be accessed, or that it is available for use in other jurisdictions. If you access or use the Networks from a jurisdiction outside of Canada or the United States, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. 29. Arbitration and Class Action Waiver BY AGREEING TO THESE DRIVER TERMS OF USE, YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO RESOLVE ANY CLAIM THAT YOU MAY HAVE AGAINST FLO ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS IN ARBITRATION, AS SET FORTH IN THE ARBITRATION AGREEMENT BELOW. THIS WILL PRECLUDE YOU FROM BRINGING ANY CLASS, COLLECTIVE, OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION AGAINST FLO, AND ALSO PRECLUDE YOU FROM PARTICIPATING IN OR RECOVERING RELIEF UNDER ANY CURRENT OR FUTURE CLASS, COLLECTIVE, CONSOLIDATED, OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION BROUGHT AGAINST FLO BY SOMEONE ELSE. Agreement to Binding Arbitration Between You & FLO (the "Arbitration Agreement") You and FLO agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to (a) these Driver Terms of Use including the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, or (b) your access to or use of the FLO Network or the Roaming Networks at any time, whether before or after the date you agreed to the Driver Terms of Use, will be settled by binding arbitration between you and FLO, and not in a court of law. You acknowledge and agree that you and FLO are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action or representative proceeding. Unless both you and FLO otherwise agree in writing, any arbitration will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, collective, consolidated, or representative proceeding. However, you and FLO each retain the right to bring an individual action in small claims court and the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of a party's copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents or other intellectual property rights. Arbitration Rules & Governing Law The arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") in accordance with the AAA's Consumer Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (the "AAA Rules") then in effect, except as modified by this Arbitration Agreement. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org/arb_med or by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879. The parties agree that the arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this Arbitration Agreement, including any claim that all or any part of this Arbitration Agreement is void or voidable. The arbitrator shall also be responsible for determining all threshold arbitrability issues, including issues relating to whether this Arbitration Agreement is unconscionable or illusory and any defense to arbitration, including waiver, delay, laches, or estoppel. Notwithstanding any choice of law or other provision in the Driver Terms of Use, the parties agree and acknowledge that this Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce 163 and that the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq. ("FAA"), will govern its interpretation and enforcement and proceedings pursuant thereto. It is the intent of the parties that the FAA and AAA Rules shall preempt all state laws to the fullest extent permitted by law. If the FAA and AAA Rules are found to not apply to any issue that arises under this Arbitration Agreement or the enforcement thereof, then that issue shall be resolved under the laws of the state of New York. Process A party who desires to initiate arbitration must provide the other party with a written Demand for Arbitration as specified in the AAA Rules. (The AAA provides a form Demand for Arbitration — Consumer Arbitration Rules at www.adr.org or by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879). The Arbitrator will be either (1) a retired judge or (2) an attorney specifically licensed to practice law in the state of New York or such other applicable jurisdiction and will be selected by the parties from the AAA's roster of consumer dispute arbitrators. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within seven (7) days of delivery of the Demand for Arbitration, then the AAA will appoint the arbitrator in accordance with the AAA Rules. Location & Procedure Unless you and FLO otherwise agree, the arbitration will be conducted in the county where you reside. If your claim does not exceed $10,000, then the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents you and FLO submit to the arbitrator, unless you request a hearing or the arbitrator determines that a hearing is necessary. If your claim exceeds $10,000, your right to a hearing will be determined by the AAA Rules. Subject to the AAA Rules, the arbitrator will have the discretion to direct a reasonable exchange of information by the parties, consistent with the expedited nature of the arbitration. Arbitrator's Decision The arbitrator will render an award within the time frame specified in the AAA Rules. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction to do so. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the claimant and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant's individual claim. An arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on all parties. An arbitrator's decision and judgment thereon shall have no precedential or collateral estoppel effect. If you prevail in arbitration you will be entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and expenses, to the extent provided under applicable law. FLO will not seek, and hereby waives all rights FLO may have under applicable law to recover, attorneys' fees and expenses if FLO prevails in arbitration unless the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)). Fees Your responsibility to pay any AAA filing, administrative and arbitrator fees will be solely as set forth in the AAA Rules. However, if your claim for damages is less than $75,000, FLO will pay all such fees, unless the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)). 164 Changes Notwithstanding any contrary provision herein, if FLO changes this Arbitration Agreement after the date you first agreed to the Driver Terms of Use, you may reject any such change by providing FLO written notice of such rejection within 30 days of the date such change became effective. This written notice must be provided either (a) by mail addressed to FLO at 75 South Clinton Ave. Suite 510, Rochester, New York, 14604 or (b) by email from the email address associated with your Account to FLO Customer Experience at service@flo.com. In order to be effective, the notice must include your full name and clearly indicate your intent to reject changes to this Arbitration Agreement. By rejecting changes, you are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between you and FLO in accordance with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement as of the date you first agreed to the Driver Terms of Use (or to any subsequent changes to the Terms). Severability & Survival If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is found to be unenforceable or unlawful for any reason, (1) the unenforceable or unlawful provision shall be severed from these Driver Terms of Use; (2) severance of the unenforceable or unlawful provision shall have no impact whatsoever on the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement or the parties' ability to compel arbitration of any remaining claims on an individual basis pursuant to the Arbitration Agreement; and (3) to the extent that any claims must therefore proceed on a class, collective, consolidated, or representative basis, such claims must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction and not in arbitration, and the parties agree that litigation of those claims shall be stayed pending the outcome of any individual claims in arbitration. 30. General Provisions By using the Networks from within the United States, to the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that these Driver Terms of Use are governed by and construed under the laws of the state of New York, without reference to its conflict of laws provisions If any provision of these Driver Terms of Use, including any documents incorporated therein by reference, is held to be invalid or unenforceable, (i) that provision will be deemed severable to these Driver Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions which will remain in full force and effect and (ii) a new provision will be deemed substituted in lieu of the provision so severed which new provision will, to the extent possible, accomplish the intent of the parties hereto as evidenced by the provision so severed. The Driver Terms of Use and any documents incorporated therein by reference constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. Each party acknowledges that, in entering into these Driver Terms of Use it has not relied on, and (in the absence of fraud) will have no right or remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) other than as expressly set out in these Driver Terms of Use. Nothing in the foregoing sentence shall exclude or restrict your liability arising out of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Any waiver of any provision of the Driver Terms of Use will be effective only if in writing and signed by FLO. The failure of a party to assert any right under these Driver Terms of Use shall not be considered a waiver of that party's right and those rights will remain in full force and effect. You are not allowed to 165 assign these Driver Terms of Use or any rights hereunder. FLO is allowed at its sole discretion to assign these Driver Terms of Use or any rights hereunder to any third party, without giving prior notice to you. 31. Third Party Cellular Transmission Service Where FLO subscribes to a telecommunication service to assist in providing the Charging Services, the FLO User understands and agrees that the FLO User: (1) has no contractual relationship with the underlying wireless service carrier; (2) is not a third party beneficiary of any agreement between FLO and the underlying carrier; (3) the underlying carrier has no liability of any kind to the FLO User whether for breach of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise; (4) message or data transmissions may be delayed, deleted or not delivered, and 911 calls may not be completed; and (5) the underlying carrier cannot guarantee the security of wireless transmissions and will not be liable for any lack of security relating to the use of the services. © 2021. FLO Services USA Inc. d/b in California as FLO Charging Solutions USA Inc. All rights reserved. TERMS OF USE In -Effect Date: June 26, 2018 Thank you for using our websites www.flo.com any associated sites, our mobile application or our transactional pages (collectively, the "Sites"), owned and operated by FLO Services USA Inc. d/b in California as FLO Charging Solutions USA Inc. ("FLO"), a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware with a mailing address at 75 South Clinton Ave. Suite 510 Rochester, NY 14604, USA. Acceptance of Terms of Use By using any of the Sites, you agree to be bound by the following terms of use of the Sites, our privacy policy (our "Privacy Policy") and any terms and conditions of sale provided during your purchase or use of any of our products or services, all of which form integral parts of these Terms of Use (collectively, the "Terms of Use"). If you do not wish to accept the Terms of Use, you are required to stop using the Sites. The Terms of Use constitute a contract between you and FLO regarding access to and use of the Sites. FLO invites you to read the Terms of Use carefully before using the Sites and to not hesitate to contact FLO's webmaster if you have any questions at webmaster@flo.com. Any inconsistencies between these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and any terms of conditions of sale shall be resolved by FLO in its sole and absolute discretion. Modification to Terms of Use 166 In the spirit of continuously improving its processes and operations, FLO reserves the right to modify, at its sole discretion, the Terms of Use or to add new terms and conditions. By accessing and using the Sites after amended Terms of Use have been posted, you accept to respect and be bound by such amended Terms of Use. FLO invites you to consult the Terms of Use from time to time to be up-to-date. Suspension or termination of access to Sites FLO may, at its sole discretion, decide to stop providing (permanently or temporarily), to you or to all, access to the Sites (or a functionality of the Sites) without prior notice and without any liability or cost to FLO. If FLO experiences technical difficulties with the Sites, you may be unable to access the Sites and your account details or to complete a transaction during such a period. FLO shall use reasonable commercial efforts to advise you of when the problem will be resolved but makes no express warranties regarding when service will be restored. You may not rely on any timing guidance provided during technical difficulties —such guidance is to be treated as an informed estimate only. Use of Sites The Sites allow you to access information on the various electric vehicle charging products and services offered by FLO, to make purchases and to use the FLO charging network and in some cases, to learn about and use other networks with which FLO has a roaming arrangement, subject to your agreement to the terms of those networks. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITES IS OFFERED BY FLO FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON BY YOU OR ANY PERSON. Prohibited Uses of the Sites You may not use any "deep -link", "page -scrape", "robot", "spider" or other automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Sites or any Content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Sites or any Content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Sites. FLO reserves the right to bar any such activity. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Sites, or any other systems or networks connected to the Sites or to any FLO server, or to any of the services offered on or through the Sites, by hacking, password "mining" or any other illegitimate means. You may not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Sites or any network connected to the Sites, nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Sites or any network connected to the Sites. You may not reverse look -up, trace or seek to trace any information on any other user of or visitor to the Sites, or any other customer of FLO, including any FLO account not owned by you, to its source, or exploit the Sites or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Sites, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including but not limited to personal information, other than your own information, as provided for by the Sites. You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the Sites or FLO's systems or networks, or any systems or networks connected to the Sites or to FLO. 167 You agree not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Sites or any transaction being conducted on the Sites, or with any other person's use of the Sites. You may not forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you send to FLO on or through the Sites or any service offered on or through the Sites. You may not pretend that you are, or that you represent, someone else, or impersonate any other individual or entity. You may not use the Sites or any Content for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, or to solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of FLO or others. You are prohibited from and agree not to submit to the Sites any information that is inappropriate, obscene, or fraudulent. You are prohibited from and agree not to engage in any activity related to the use of the Sites that constitutes a criminal offence or unlawful action. You must not deploy any kind of destructive software on the Sites, such as a virus, computer worm, Trojan horse, time bomb, cancelbot or any other harmful file, program or code designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Sites. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Sites or other computer systems or networks related to the Sites, by hacking passwords or other means; obstruct or disrupt networks or servers related to the Sites or breach the rules, policies or procedures of such networks; or use, download or otherwise copy or provide to another person or entity the directory of users or other information on users, or information on the use or part of same for purposes other than those related to use of the Sites. Mobile Application By installing the FLO application, you consent to the activation by FLO of the FLO mobile application and to all future updates and upgrades. You may refuse consent at any time by uninstalling the application from your device. For help, contact FLO at service@flo.com. Be advised that the activation of the FLO mobile application (including updates and upgrades) may have these consequences: your device will communicate with our servers to provide the functionalities and services (as described on the platform used to download the mobile application, such as iTunes or Google Play); we will prompt you to accept to share your geolocation in order to help us tailor our services to your needs, such as directing you towards the closest available charging station; and your preferences relating to mobile applications or data stored on your device may be affected; personal information may be collected, as more fully explained in our Privacy Policy. Your telecommunications providers and credit card processing companies may charge you fees in relation to your use of the FLO mobile application or of our services, as well as when updating the application. These fees are at your expense. 168 Registration with the Sites Certain pages of the Sites require registration. If you choose to register, you agree to provide accurate information regarding yourself, and to keep this information up-to-date. You are responsible for: maintaining the confidentiality of the passwords you choose or that are assigned to you following your registration; any activity carried on under your user name; and exiting your account at the end of each session. You undertake to notify FLO in writing of any unauthorized use of your user name or your password as soon as you are aware of such activity, by email or otherwise. You are responsible for any losses or damages incurred until the time of the written notice. Personal Information All personal information that you may provide to the Sites is subject to our Privacy Policy. This policy is an integral part of these Terms of Use and FLO invites you to read this policy carefully before giving any personal information. Electronic Mail Electronic mail is neither protected nor confidential. Messages may be lost or intercepted as are communications by other means (for example postal mail). No electronic system can be perfectly protected or error -free. FLO will not be responsible for damages you may suffer through the exchange of electronic mail or messages, should they be generated by you or by FLO. Customer Content The Sites may offer you functions that allow you to submit to FLO messages, comments, data, texts, software, music, sounds, photographs, images, videos and other materials to be posted on the Sites ("Customer Content"). When you submit your Customer Content to FLO for posting on the Sites, please be advised that you are granting FLO an unrestricted, irrevocable, non-exclusive, perpetual and royalty -free worldwide: license to use, reproduce, store, adapt, translate, modify, create derivative works from, transmit, distribute, publicly perform or display your Customer Content for any purpose whatsoever; and sublicense to third parties who have access to the Sites to use on a computer, mobile telephone or other electronic device for personal and non-commercial use. In addition to the granting of the above license, please be advised that: You agree to waive all moral rights to the Customer Content in favor of FLO; FLO cannot be held liable for any loss, corruption or damage to your Customer Content; and 169 the Customer Content will be considered non -confidential. By submitting your Customer Content to FLO, you represent and warrant to FLO that the Customer Content: is original; does not infringe any intellectual property right; belongs to you exclusively, or as the case may be, you have obtained the holder's written permission to submit the Customer Content; does not contain any defamatory comment or any obscenity and does not violate a third party's privacy or publicity rights. Copyright All texts, images, photographs, information, audio clips, video clips, software and codes available on the Sites (collectively the "Content"), including the presentation of the Content and the Customer Content (defined above) are protected by United States and foreign laws, including copyright laws, and belong to FLO, its affiliates or its licensors. For so long as you agree to and comply with these Terms of Use, FLO grants you a personal, non- exclusive, non -transferable license to use and display the Sites and their Content on your computer, mobile phone or any other electronic device, solely for personal and non-commercial use, and to make one copy, for backup or hard copy purposes, on condition that you do not alter their Contents and that you retain the copyright notices. The modification, reproduction, distribution, transmission, dissemination, representation, networking, marketing, publication, licensing, public performance, downloading, creation of derivative works, Internet posting, sale or any exploitation of the Sites and their Content are prohibited. Software All the software integrated into or included on the Sites, including all files and/or images contained in or generated by such software, is protected by copyright and may be protected by other rights as well. Such software belongs to FLO, its affiliates or its licensors. You may not: (i) use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, download or transmit the software, in whole or in part; (ii) sell, lease, rent, license or transfer the software or otherwise allow access thereto; (iii) alter, remove or cover any trademark or notice of ownership included in the software; and/or (iv) decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract or reverse -engineer the Sites and its components, including, without limitation, the software, or assist anyone to do so. You acknowledge that you do not hold any right, title, interest or license to or in the software integrated into the Sites or that may be downloaded from the Sites Trademarks Certain names, words, titles, phrases, graphics, logos, icons or designs used on the Sites may be trademarks belonging to FLO or other service providers, used with the consent of third -party owners 170 (the "Trademarks"). You agree not to remove, edit or otherwise alter Trademarks, service marks, logos and other proprietary information contained on the Sites. Trademarks and the information contained on the Sites, including comments from users, may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or used in any way without obtaining our prior written consent. Social media websites Certain pages of the Sites may be accessible through various social media platforms, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedln and others. Before consulting or using the Sites through these social media platforms, you must read and comply with their respective terms of use and privacy policy. Hyperlinks The fact that the Sites offer links to other websites does not mean that FLO endorses or approves the content of these websites or the products, services or publications that may appear thereon. The content available through these hyperlinks is not subject to FLO policies. Therefore, FLO shall not be held responsible for any damages that you may incur when you are redirected to another website by way of a hyperlink. Disclaimer of Warranties YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE USE OF THE SITES AND THE INTERNET IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE SITES ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS FOR YOUR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON -INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FLO PROVIDES THE SITES ON A COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE BASIS AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS OR USE THE SITES AT TIMES OR LOCATIONS OF YOUR CHOOSING, OR THAT FLO WILL HAVE ADEQUATE CAPACITY FOR THE SITE AS A WHOLE OR IN ANY SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC AREA. YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF THE SITES ARE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER OR MOBILE DEVICE, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES THAT RESULTS FROM SUCH ACCESS OR USE. FLO MAKES NO WARRANTY REGARDING THE SITES AND/OR THEIR CONTENT AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS THAT: THEY WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS; THEY WILL BE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, RELIABLE OR RELEVANT; THEIR OPERATION WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE, OR ERROR -FREE; THAT DEFECTS OR ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED; OR THAT THEY WILL BE FREE OF VIRUSES OR HARMFUL ELEMENTS. Limitation of Liability YOU AGREE THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL FLO, ITS AFFILIATES (INCLUDING ITS PARENT COMPANY ADDENERGIE TECHNOLOGIES INC.) AND THEIR EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR REPRESENTATIVES ("FLO REPRESENTATIVES") HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE 171 WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, HARM TO BUSINESS OR REPUTATION, LOSS OF INFORMATION, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUE OR INCOME, LOSS OF SALARY OR OTHER COMPENSATION FROM EMPLOYMENT), ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SITES OR ITS CONTENT EVEN IF FLO OR ANY FLO REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS OR IF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS WAS FORESEEABLE. FLO AND FLO REPRESENTATIVES DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY FOR THE ACTS, OMISSIONS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD -PARTY USER OF THE SITES OR OF ANY ADVERTISER OR SPONSOR OF THE SITES ("THIRD - PARTY USERS") AND MAY IN NO CASE BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES) OR COSTS ARISING IN ANY MANNER FROM: THE ACTS, OMISSIONS OR CONDUCT OF A THIRD -PARTY USER; AND THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE ANY SOFTWARE, CONTENT OR SERVICES OF THE SITES OR OFFERED THROUGH ANOTHER SITE LINKED TO THE SITES. IF, NOTWITHSTANDING THE OTHER PROVISIONS OF THESE TERMS OF USE, FLO IS FOUND TO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS WHICH ARISES OUT OF OR IS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR USE OF THE SITES OR ANY CONTENT, FLO'S LIABILITY SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE GREATER OF (1) THE TOTAL OF ANY FEES WITH RESPECT TO ANY SERVICE ON THE FLO NETWORK PAID IN THE SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE INITIAL CLAIM MADE AGAINST FLO (FOR GREATER CERTAINTY NOT INCLUDING THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR ANY FLO HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS OR ANY FLO EXTENDED WARRANTIES OR SIMILAR SUPPORT PROGRAM), OR (2) $100.00. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Indemnification You will indemnify and hold FLO and FLO Representatives (the "Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any claims brought by third parties resulting from: any breach by you of the Terms of Use; your browsing or use of the Sites or any site to which the Sites are or may be linked from time to time, or your inability to do so; your use of or reliance upon publications, communications, distributions or downloads of any nature through the Sites; and/or your violation of any applicable law, rule or regulation. You agree that the Indemnified Parties will have no liability in connection with any such claim and agree to hold them harmless against any and all resulting losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, as well as judicial and extrajudicial fees and costs. Violation of These Terms of Use 172 FLO may disclose any information we have about you (including your identity) if we determine that such disclosure is necessary in connection with any investigation or complaint regarding your use of the Sites, or to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) FLO's rights or property, or the rights or property of visitors to or users of the Sites, including our other customers. FLO reserves the right at all times to disclose any information that FLO deems necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request. FLO also may disclose your information when FLO determines that applicable law requires or permits such disclosure, including exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection purposes. You acknowledge and agree that FLO may preserve any transmittal or communication by you with FLO through the Sites or any service offered on or through the Sites, and may also disclose such data if required to do so by law or FLO determines that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) comply with legal process, (2) enforce these Terms of Use, (3) respond to claims that any such data violates the rights of others or (4) protect the rights, property or personal safety of FLO, its employees, users of or visitors to the Sites, and the public. You agree that FLO may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, terminate your access to the Sites and/or block your future access to the Sites if we determine that you have violated these Terms of Use or other agreements or guidelines which may be associated with your use of the Sites. You also agree that any violation by you of these Terms of Use may constitute an unlawful and unfair business practice, and may cause irreparable harm to FLO, for which monetary damages would be inadequate, and you consent to FLO obtaining any injunctive or equitable relief that FLO deems necessary or appropriate in such circumstances. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies FLO may have at law or in equity. If FLO does take any successful legal action against you as a result of your violation of these Terms of Use, FLO will be entitled to recover from you, and you agree to pay, all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of such action, in addition to any other relief granted to FLO. You agree that FLO will not be liable to you or to any third party for termination of your access to the Sites for any reason. Void Where Prohibited The information provided on the Sites are not intended for distribution to or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject FLO to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. FLO makes no representation or warranty that any material on the Sites are lawful in every jurisdiction from which such Content can be accessed, or is available for use in all jurisdictions. If you access or use the Sites from a jurisdiction outside the State of Delaware you are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. Governing Laws The Sites are made accessible, operated and controlled from FLO in the State of Delaware USA. It can be accessed from various countries of the world. The laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to conflicts of law provisions, will apply to all matters arising out of or in connection with the Sites and your access and use of the Sites. By accessing or using the Sites, you submit and consent to the exclusive 173 jurisdiction of state and federal courts in the State of Delaware with respect to any dispute or cause of action (whether contractual or non -contractual) arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, any terms and conditions of sale and/or your access and use of the Sites. Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver You and FLO agree to arbitrate all disputes between you and FLO or its affiliates relating to your use of the Site or otherwise arising from these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the limited warranty and terms and conditions of sale applicable to FLO's products, except disputes relating to the enforcement of FLO or its affiliates' intellectual property rights. You and FLO empower the arbitrator with the exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability or enforceability of these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the limited warranty and terms and conditions of sale applicable to FLO's products, including the arbitrability of any dispute and any claim that all or any part of these terms are void or voidable. All disputes shall be settled by binding arbitration before a neutral arbitrator whose decision will be final except for a limited right of appeal under the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act. YOU ARE GIVING UP THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE A DISPUTE IN COURT BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY. Arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA") under its Commercial Arbitration Rules and its Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. For more information, visit www.adr.org. To start an arbitration proceeding, use the form on AAA's website (www.adr.org) Arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone or online. The arbitrator may award damages to you individually as a court could, including declaratory or injunctive relief, but only to the extent required to satisfy your individual claim. Arbitration will take place in Delaware, USA, and you and FLO agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the federal or state courts located there, in order to compel arbitration, stay proceedings pending arbitration, or confirm, modify, vacate or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator. PROCEEDINGS TO RESOLVE OR LITIGATE A DISPUTE IN ANY FORUM WILL BE CONDUCTED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. Neither you nor FLO will seek to have a dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action, or in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or proceeding can be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to the arbitration or proceeding. If the class action waiver is found to be illegal or unenforceable as to all or some parts of a dispute, those parts will be severed and proceed in a court of law, with the remaining parts proceeding in arbitration. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to the Site, these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and limited warranty and terms and conditions of sale applicable to FLO's products that is not subject to arbitration shall be filed, and that venue properly lies, only in the state or federal courts located in Delaware, USA. and you consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating such action. Complaints, Notices and Contact Information FLO takes claims of infringement of intellectual property rights, defamation and violation of rights of privacy or publicity very seriously. If you believe that any of the material that is or was on the Sites 174 infringes or has infringed any rights, including copyrights or trademarks, owned by you, or by an owner for which you are authorized to act, please contact us at webmaster@flo.com. General Provisions If any provision of these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and/or terms and conditions of sale (if applicable) is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable to these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and/or terms and conditions of sale and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions which will remain in full force and effect. The Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and/or terms and conditions of sale (if applicable) constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. Each party acknowledges that, in entering into these Terms of Use it has not relied on, and (in the absence of fraud) shall have no right or remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) other than as expressly set out in these Terms of Use. Nothing in the foregoing sentence shall exclude or restrict the liability of you arising out of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Any waiver of any provision of the Terms of Use will be effective only if in writing and signed by FLO. The failure of party to assert any right under these Terms of Use shall not be considered a waiver of that party's right will remain in full force and effect. You are not allowed to assign these Terms of Use or any rights hereunder. FLO is allowed at its sole discretion to assign these Terms of Use or any rights hereunder to any third party, without giving prior notice to you. © 2018. FLO Services USA Inc. All rights reserved. FLO.TERMS.OF.USE.US.06.2018.v1 FLO PRIVACY POLICY In -Effect Date: June 26, 2018 Welcome and thank you for using our website, mobile application or transactional pages (collectively, the "Sites"), as well as our network of charging stations, owned and operated by FLO Services USA Inc. (collectively, "FLO"), FLO's key office for privacy -related issues is located at 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware 19801. FLO collects information about you when you visit our Sites or use our network of charging stations (the "FLO Network"). The purpose of this privacy policy, as it may be amended from time -to -time (the "Privacy Policy") is to provide you with information about how and why FLO collects, uses and discloses information about you, the options you have in this respect and how you can access and rectify it, if necessary. Note that we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time and your use of the Sites and the FLO Network following an update constitutes your agreement to any modifications, subject to applicable law. 175 We reserve the right to update and change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to update and materially change the terms of our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in our Sites, and in the updated Privacy Policy. We may also notify you at the e-mail you provided us with. You should periodically check this Privacy Policy for updates. By continuing to access or use the Sites or the FLO Network after we have posted an updated Privacy Policy or have provided you with written notice to you of any material modification to same via email or other method of notification you specify, you are agreeing to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy. Consent By using our Sites or the FLO Network, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of that personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. We, therefore, invite you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. You may withdraw your consent to any further collection of personal information, in whole or in part, at any time by writing to our Privacy Officer at privacy@flo.com. We, wish to advise you, however, that by doing so you may cease to enjoy certain privileges offered by the use of our Sites and the FLO Network. Location The Sites are intended for the use of our customers and users in the United States of America only. You may not use the Sites from another country. If you use the Sites from another country, you agree that only the laws of the United States of America will apply to your use and that we will under no circumstances be liable for, and you will hold us harmless against the application of the laws of any other country. Types of Information Collected Personal Information For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to any information concerning an individual that allows for the individual to be identified (directly or indirectly). You are not required to supply personal information to view the content of the Sites. However, we will require your personal information in certain instances, such as when you buy a charging station, when you create a user account to use the FLO Network, when you use the FLO Network to charge your electric vehicle or when you contact customer service. Depending on the circumstances, we may collect different types of personal information about you, including the following: your name; your address; your date of birth; your email address; your phone number; 176 your use of the FLO Network, such as your power consumption, the date of use, your geolocation and other similar information; your electric vehicle model; identifiers such as cookies, IP addresses, and mobile device IDs that recognize individuals over time and across different websites or online services, where those identifiers can be reasonably linked to an identifiable individual; and details about problems using the FLO Network you may have experienced. Client Experience We may solicit your input on your experience using the FLO Network or navigating the Sites. Telephone Communications If you communicate with one of our representatives by phone, the conversation may be recorded in order to assess the quality of the service, to train our employees or to protect both parties in case of disagreement. You will be notified of such recording in advance and may refuse it. Cookies We use cookies and other similar surveillance technologies (including scripts, pixel tags, etags, web beacons) to help customize the Sites for visitors. Cookies are small text files that your browser installs on your computer or other device that enable the Sites to recognize you upon your visit. These cookies remain on your computer and are automatically retrieved when you visit the Sites. Some cookies are necessary for the Sites to function efficiently when you visit, and they allow us to know the pages you have visited. These cookies do not contain any personal information. You may disable cookies on your computer. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies; however, the "help" feature of the menu bar on most browsers will tell you how to manage cookies and/or how to disable them completely. Please be advised that disabling cookies may affect user functionality. For instance, visitors who have disabled cookie processing will no longer be able to enjoy all functionalities related to the management of their user account. Web Logs We keep standard web logs that record data about all visitors to the Sites. These logs do not contain personally -identifiable information and may consist of: the Internet domain from which you access the Sites; the location from which you access the Sites the type of browser and operating system you use; the date and time you visited the Sites; the pages you viewed on the Sites; and 177 the address of the websites from which you linked to the Sites. We also may have to record your IP address when you visit the Sites. When you surf the Internet, your computer is automatically assigned an IP address via an Internet protocol. Your IP address is either static or dynamic; a static IP address may allow for you to be identified; while a dynamic IP address does not usually allow for it. Information Through Mobile Devices. When you access the Sites or the FLO Network through your mobile telephone or other mobile devices ("Mobile Device"), we may collect: (i) Mobile Device type and manufacturer; (ii) mobile carrier; (iii) Mobile Device identifiers ("Device ID"); (iv) telephone number; (v) Internet Protocol address; (vi) geographic location/country/zip code; (vii) platform version; (viii) installation, navigation, access, interaction, impression and engagement information; (ix) network connection type; (x) browser type; (xi) Mac address; (xii) iOS advertiser ID; and (xiii) such other information you voluntarily provide to us. In addition, we may collect information you provide when you sign up to have Short Message Service notifications sent directly to your Mobile Device. Children The Sites are not intended for children under the age required to drive an automobile in your jurisdiction or 13 years, whichever is higher. If you are under this age, please do not provide personal information to us of any kind whatsoever. If a child under this age provides us with personal information, a parent or guardian of that child may contact us to have this information deleted from our records. If you believe that we may hold information from a child under the age of 13, please notify us though our Privacy Officer by e-mail at privacy@flo.com. Use of Information We use the information we collect about you mainly for the following purposes: Administering the Sites and making them available to you; Allowing you to buy our products and services online; Allowing you to access the FLO Network and networks with which we have roaming agreements and to use the charging services they offer; Billing you for your charging activities on the FLO Network and networks with which we have roaming agreements; Detecting and preventing threats to computer or FLO Network security; Developing and marketing our brand image, products and charging services, promotions and advertising. Communicating with you about technical notices, product and service upgrades, security alerts and support— because this information is important to your interaction with FLO, you may not opt out of receiving these communications while you still have an account with us; Verifying your identity and the veracity of any requests if you contact us; 178 Responding to your requests, complaints, comments and questions, including helping you find alternative charging locations near you, if necessary; If you enter into a sweepstake, contest, or similar promotion, we may use the information you provide to administer those programs; and From time to time, any other purpose authorized or required by applicable law. We also use the information we collect about you to generate statistics, gather information, and measure activity on the Sites and on the FLO Network. When we compile information for these statistical purposes, your personal information is not individually identifiable. Rather, it forms part of a whole made up of data from all the users of charging stations. We may use your personal information to communicate with you about our services, upcoming events, promotions and special offers, and other news about us. We will ask you for your consent before doing so, subject to the applicable laws. Moreover, you will have the right to request information regarding our disclosure of your personal information to our affiliates or third parties for marketing purposes. You may do so and/or withdraw your consent to this type of use by writing to our customer service at privacy@flo.com. More particularly, if you are on our mailing list and wish to unsubscribe, you may do so by clicking the link provided on every email. We use cookies to help us analyze the Sites' performance, remember your preferences, monitor your usage and tailor advertisements to you (see the section on Interest -Based Advertising below). Sharing of Information Your personal information will not be shared with third parties other than as described in this Privacy Policy, except as required or authorized by law, or as ordered by a competent court. Partners and Suppliers FLO may share information related to your use of the Sites and the FLO Network (i) with the owners and the hosts of our charging stations, and with our service providers and entities with which we run joint programs or offers, such as electricity suppliers, in order to improve or to continue to offer the charging services and to provide services related to programs you have chosen to participate in involving our service providers and entities with which we run joint programs or offers. When you use your FLO user account to "roam" on another EV charging network with which we have a roaming arrangement, or if you are a member of another EV charging network "roaming" on the FLO Network, we are required to disclose various personal information with the operator of the other network to support your charging including, but not limited to, name, FLO Network user number, charging information, contact information, to provide any support necessary and conduct billing and reporting as required by agreement with our roaming partners. When you are a member of another EV charging network, by using our FLO Network and Sites you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Within FLO, we limit access to your personal information to authorized personnel in compliance with applicable law. 179 Third parties We may also share information with third parties, specifically financial and legal advisors, as part of a sale or assignment of our business, for audit purposes or for other financial transactions, including, but not limited to, credit transactions. Affiliates We may disclose personal information to our subsidiaries, parent companies, joint ventures and other corporate entities under common ownership located in the United States, Canada or anywhere else in the world for the purpose of transferring and processing such personal information based on our instructions and such purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. Ownership Change In the event we combine with another company in the future through a corporate merger, sale, acquisition, liquidation or other similar process, your personal information may be transferred with the business or a part of it, or may be sold as an asset of the business, to the successor organization in such transaction. If material changes to our privacy practices will occur as a result of such transaction, you will be notified via prominent notice in our Sites of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as choices you may have regarding your personal information. Aggregated Information We may share with third parties some non -personally identifiable information and aggregated non - personally identifiable information, for example, the number of customers located in a certain geographic area or the number of hours in a day customers with an electric vehicle use electric vehicle chargers. Safekeeping of Information No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is ever completely secure. There is always a risk that the information you are sending us may be lost, intercepted, hacked or misused. Therefore, we encourage you to take special care in deciding what personal information you provide to us as we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Storage of Information All personal information will be safeguarded in a confidential manner in compliance with the privacy laws of the jurisdictions where we do business. We employ reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect your personal information from loss, theft and unauthorized access, use, modification and destruction. We process personal information on our servers in the United States, Canada and in other countries. In some cases, we may process your personal information outside of your country. By using our Sites or the FLO Network, you consent to your personal information being transferred to, stored in, and processed outside of the United States. Access to your personal Information You have a right, under the law, to obtain access to your personal information and to request that it be corrected if the personal information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or ambiguous, or if the 180 collection, release or keeping of the information is not authorized by law. If you notice any errors or inaccuracies, please let us know and we will make the necessary corrections. Subject to our retention rights described below, you may also request to have your personal information deleted. Any request for access to, or correction or deletion of your personal information and any notice shall be directed by e-mail to FLO's Privacy Officer: privacy@flo.com. Retention Period Your personal information is kept as long as required for the purposes for which it was collected or for the purposes of compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations. When the information is no longer necessary, it is destroyed. When destroying documents and data, we follow strict procedures and ensure that only authorized personnel have access to them. In addition, we will provide notice to you of any breach of security, confidentiality or unauthorized release of personal or private data in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Interest -Based Advertising This section tells you about FLO's online advertising practices. As mentioned above, we use cookies and other similar surveillance technologies (including scripts, pixel tags, etags, web beacons) on the Sites to understand your habits when you browse the Sites or the websites that display our advertisements. These tools help us and our marketing partners tailor advertisements that we think are most helpful and relevant to you. We may also use the information we gather about you to customize our advertisements according to your interests. Customized Social Media Ads FLO partners with third -party social media platforms, such as Facebook, to show you customized advertisements. To offer such ads, we may convert your email address, telephone number or other contact information you have provided to us into a unique value which can be matched to your social media profile by our partners, such as Facebook or other social media platforms. While FLO does not provide any personal information to these platforms, these platforms may gain insights about individuals and help us in providing interest -based advertising. Please visit Facebook for information on Facebook's advertising and privacy policies https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/), and visit any other social media platform you use for information on their policies. Your Choices with Respect to Interest -Based Advertising You have a choice whether or not to accept the use of certain cookies by using the "help" feature of your Internet browser. You can opt -out of network advertising programs here: NAI opt -out page: http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp and Ad Choices opt -out page: http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ You can opt -out of customized social media ads by adjusting your social media settings (for instance, you can manage your settings via your Facebook profile). You can also unsubscribe from mailing lists by using the links included in the advertisements. 181 Do Not Track We do not respond to DNT (Do Not Track) signals. Please note that if you opt -out you may still receive online advertising from FLO or from other websites or applications. However, these advertisements will not be displayed to you based on your interests. Final Provisions This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use of the Sites and the FLO Network and all of their terms and conditions apply herein, including without limitation, the provisions regarding applicable laws and possible modifications. © 2018. FLO Services USA Inc. All rights reserved. Visit FLO.com > Get support > Francais > 182 Attachment 5 11, DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: February 21, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 8.1 SU B.ECT: Community Charging Program Request from Dublin Chevrolet Prepared by: Jordan Foss, Management Analyst II, and Andrew Russell, Public Works Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider a request from Dublin Chevrolet to provide electric vehicle charging stations to the City through the General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and take the following actions: 1) Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Dublin Chevrolet to provide electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at a City of Dublin facility, subject to conditions, through the General Motors Dealer Community Charging Program; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a service agreement with FLO for EV charging services. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Based on conversations with the vendor, Staff expects that approval of the agreement and allowing the installation by Dublin Chevrolet of EV chargers will result in minimal financial impact to the City. Any additional unforeseen costs would be addressed through the City's Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Project (No. GI0219) in the adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP). At the end of the five years, the City would assume maintenance and operation of the chargers. Certain ongoing costs would be offset by revenues received from fees charged to users of the charging stations. Page 1 of 5 183 DESCRIPTION: Background On September 15, 2020, the City Council adopted the City of Dublin Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond (CAP 2030). CAP 2030 includes five strategies and 22 associated measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and to put the City on the path to reach carbon neutrality by 2045. Reducing GHG-emissions from transportation is essential since transportation accounts for 60% of total GHG emissions in Dublin. CAP 2030, Measure SM-2, Develop an EV Infrastructure Plan, includes a goal to add 184 new publicly accessible EV chargers in Dublin by 2030 to meet the CAP 2030 goal of 33% EV ownership in Dublin by the same date. Staff is in the initial phase of developing the EV Infrastructure Plan to determine the optimal locations for and types of charging stations, the preferred ownership and maintenance model, and other factors to consider as EV infrastructure is built. Electric Vehicle Chargers EV chargers, also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), are currently categorized as Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3. Level 3 chargers are also referred to as Direct Current (DC) Fast Chargers. The levels are defined by the operating voltage, which, along with the available electric current, determines how much power the charger can provide. The differences are illustrated below. KNOW YOUR EV CHARGING STATIONS AC Level One AC Level Two DC Fast Charge VOLTAGE 120V 1-Phase AC AMPS 12-16 Amps CHARGING LOAD 1.4-1.9 kW CHARGING TLME 3-5 Miles per Hour VOLTAGE 208V or 240V 1-Phase AC AMPS 12-80 Amps (Typ. 32 Amps) CHARGING LOAD 2.5-19.2 kW (Typ. 6.6 kW) CHARGING TIME 12-60 Miles per Hour VOLTAGE 208V or 480V 3-Phase AC AMPS >100 Amps CHARGING LOAD 50-350 kW CHARGING TIME 60-80 Miles in 20 Minutes The City currently has 17 publicly accessible EV chargers and has plans for an additional 15 to be installed this year at The Wave and Dublin Sports Grounds in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program (Project No. GI0219). Additionally, certain City facilities have been constructed with infrastructure (conduits, pull boxes, and electrical panel capacity) that facilitates future EV charger installation. All existing and currently planned City EV charging stations are ChargePoint chargers and require users to use a ChargePoint account or app for service. The City's Page 2 of 5 184 inventory of current, planned, and potential future publicly accessible EV chargers is summarized in the table below: City of Dublin Publicly Accessible EV Chargers Number of Level 2/Level 3 EV Chargers Location Existing Planned Future Capacity Civic Center Parking Lot* 0/0 8/0 0/0 Cultural Arts Center 0/0 0/0 1/0 Don Biddle Community Park 0/0 0/0 18/0 Dublin Sports Grounds 0/0 5/2 20/11 Fallon Sports Park 3/0 0/0 0/0 Heritage Park 4/0 0/0 0/0 Library 3/0 0/0 0/0 Public Safety Complex 5/0 0/0 0/0 (Shannon Center 2/0 0/0 0/0 Wallis Ranch Community Park 0/0 2/0 0/0 Emerald Glen Park - The Wave 0/0 8/0 2/0 Total Existing & Planned 17/0 23/2 41/11 * - Civic Center Parking Lot improvements are currently in design and the number of planned and future EV chargers is subject to change depending upon available electrical capacity. Dublin Chevrolet Request In mid -December 2022, Staff was contacted by Dublin Chevrolet regarding their interest in installing EV charging stations in the community, particularly at a City of Dublin facility. In mid - January, Dublin Chevrolet provided additional information about their interest, which stems from the General Motors (GM) Dealer Community Charging Program. The GM Program was announced in late 2021 and seeks to install up to 40,000 Level 2 EV charging stations across the United States and Canada. According to an October 26, 2021 GM press release: "Through the Dealer Community Charging Program, GM will work with its dealers to deploy Level 2 charging stations (EVSE) at key locations in the dealer's respective communities, including workplaces, multi -unit dwellings, sports and entertainment venues and college and universities, among others. These stations will be available to all EV customers, not just those who purchase a GM EV." Dublin Chevrolet has requested the City of Dublin allow installation of Level 2 chargers, made by FLO, at a City facility as part of the GM Program and in accordance with the GM Dealer Community Charging Guidelines (Attachment 1). Significant elements about Dublin Chevrolet's request are as follows: • Quantity of Chargers - Up to 10 Level 2 FLO chargers (five dual -charger pedestals) • Deadline for Installation - June 30, 2023 • Branding - Chargers include GM and Dealership Branding and must be approved by GM Page 3 of 5 185 • Charger Location - GM Approval and Dealer/Site Host Agreement Required • Maintenance & Operation - Dealer provides first five years, Site Host responsible thereafter • Electricity - Provided by Site Host • Charging Fees - Determined by Dealer, Site Host with FLO service agreement • Insurance - Site Host maintains general commercial liability at $1,000,000 per occurrence • Data Collection - GM may collect and share data supplied from the chargers Sample FLO Level 2 Charging Station & Branding Panel -7ft Approx. total height w —5 ft Installation Deadline In accordance with California State Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standards, Level 2 chargers installed on or after July 1, 2023 shall have a credit card reader device on or near the charger that accepts credit card payment, and the charging service provider shall not require a subscription or membership to initiate a charging session. The FLO chargers provided in the GM Program do not have credit card readers. Therefore, the FLO chargers provided through an agreement with Dublin Chevrolet must be installed prior by June 30, 2023. GM has indicated that they have FLO chargers in stock and ready to ship. They estimated that it will require at least 10 business days to process an order, including printing dealer branding panels, and another 10 business days to ship the charger to the dealer. Before processing an order, the City and Dublin Chevrolet would need to enter into an agreement to allow the FLO chargers to be installed on City property. Charger Location Given the deadline of installation by June 30, 2023, the only City location that can accommodate the GM Program is Don Biddle Community Park, which has electrical panel capacity and conduit runs to accommodate up to 18 Level 2 chargers. Fourteen chargers can be accommodated in the parking lot along Horizon Parkway, in the northwest corner of the park. Four chargers can be accommodated in the parking lot along Columbus Street, near the El Dorado Lane driveway. Page 4 of 5 186 Electricity and Fees As Site Host, the City would be responsible for the electrical service to the chargers and the additional electricity used will be paid as part of the park's overall energy bill. Fees collected from charger users can offset the cost of electricity and other charger ownership and maintenance costs. The City of Dublin Master Fee Schedule sets the EV charging station fee at $0.32 per kilowatt hour (kWh), which is approximately the current rate the City is paying for electricity. The GM Program allows the Site Host to collect fees for charging services, in accordance with a service agreement with FLO. The agreement terms currently include a 15% transaction fee that FLO collects from the customer. The remaining fee collected would then be distributed to the City quarterly as revenue. Charger Installation and Construction The GM Dealer Community Charging Guidelines (Attachment 1) indicates the Dealer is responsible for the cost of the chargers, which GM says is $4,502 per dual -charger pedestal. This equates to a Dealer cost of $22,510 for five dual -charger pedestals, the maximum the GM Program will deliver to the Dealer. The GM Program requires the Dealer to work directly with the Site Host to negotiate and execute an agreement for placement of chargers on the Site Host's property. The GM Program Guidelines are flexible regarding the party responsible for the installation of the charger. The Dealer or the Site Host can be responsible for the permitting, inspection, and installation of the chargers. Based on preliminary conversations with Dublin Chevrolet, Staff expects that City costs would be limited to staff and City Attorney time negotiating and finalizing the agreement. The costs of plan preparation, design, permitting review, bidding, construction management, inspection permitting, and construction would be borne by the dealer. Should any additional, unforeseen costs arise from the project, Staff would utilize the budget provided in the Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Project, which is funded by the General Fund Reserve for Innovations/New Opportunities. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 3: Infrastructure Maintenance and Reinvestment Objective 3E: Continue to implement measures identified in the Climate Action Plan. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) General Motors Dealer Community Charging Guidelines Page 5 of 5 187 r DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 5.1 SU B.ECT : Invitation to Visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display from the Wicklow County Council Prepared by: Cierra Fabrigas, Executive Aide EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider an invitation from the Wicklow County Council for the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City Officials to visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display in July 2023. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council chooses to send representatives to participate in the International Bray Air Display in Ireland, direct Staff to proceed with travel accommodations as necessary. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost to attend the International Bray Air Display is estimated at $3,500 per person. Should the City Council choose to send representatives to attend the event in Ireland, the City Council could act this evening and add funding to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget. DESCRIPTION: The City Council received an invitation from the Wicklow County Council for the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City Officials to visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display and take part in the festivities. The City Council will consider the invitation and provide direction to Staff accordingly. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. Page 1 of 2 188 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Invitation to Visit Bray, Ireland for the International Bray Air Display from the Wicklow County Council Page 2 of 2 189 Attachment I Comb, RLE ConCA€ CbIU. OrhAne WicK1Low. Councj Council. Ceantair Bardasach Bhre - Municipal District of Bray 20th April 2023 Melissa Hernandez Mayor of Dublin City Email: melissa.hernandez@dublin.ca.gov Dear Mayor Melissa Oifigi Cathartha / Civic Offices 0) An Prfomhshraid / Main Street B re / Bray Contae Chill Mhantain / County Wicklow Guthan / Tel: (01) 2744900 Faics / Fax: (01) 2860930 Rphost / Email: braymd@wicklowcoco.ie Suiomh / Website: www.wicklow.ie I wish on behalf of the Cathaorleach's representative Clir. Melanie Corrigan Leas Cathaoirleach and the District Manager Lorraine Gallagher to express our thanks to you and your colleagues in Dublin City for the courtesy and warm welcome bestowed on our delegation during our recent visit. We had a fantastic experience visiting your city, meeting wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed participating in the St Patrick's Day Parade. The meetings held were very beneficial and positive in exploring ideas on possible future collaborations around tourism, enterprise, culture, education and community. There are many commonalities between our two communities and we are fully committed to continuing this partnership with Dublin. On behalf of the Cathaoirleach and the Elected Members of Bray Municipal District I would like to extend an invitation to you, the Council Members and Officials of Dublin City to visit Bray this summer. The spectacular international Bray Air Display is scheduled to take place on the 29th and 30th of July and it would be a honour to have representatives from Dublin City take part in the festivities over that weekend. I look forward to hearing from you on the above and perhaps have a discussion over Zoom on a potential visit of a delegation from Dublin to Bray this summer. Kind regards oze-yaee_ Linda Healy District Administrator Bray Municipal District CC Linda Smith City Manager linda.smith@dublin.ca.gov for a better night out Fa an doicimead seo ar fail i bhformeidi eile ar iarratas. This document is available in alternative formats on request. 0 —at the heart of It Y r Slt DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager Agenda Item 6.1 SU B.ECT: Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Prepared by: Lisa Hisatomi, Director of Administrative Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider adopting the City's budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2023-24. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget totals $146,203,913 in all funds. This is made up of operating appropriations of $121,261,576, which consist of $115,725,470 in Governmental Funds accounting for City operations, and $5,536,106 in Internal Service Funds for equipment purchases, deferred maintenance set -asides, information technology costs, and retiree health payments. Capital Improvement Program appropriations total $24,942,337 for General Improvements, Public Art, Parks, and Streets projects. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund operating budget includes $115,891,861 in revenues and $56,600 in transfers in; and $99,573,224 in operating expenditures and $20,929,893 in transfers out to capital projects, Internal Services Funds, and the City's unfunded pension liability. Total reserves by June 30, 2024 are projected to decrease $4,554,655 from Fiscal Year 2022-23. All budgeted funds are balanced, with revenues covering expenditures. Negative fund balances in grants and impact fees funds are a normal condition related to the timing gap between project expenditures and revenue collection. Page 1 of 12 191 DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin utilizes a biennial budget process, in which a comprehensive budget document is prepared that establishes high-level priorities and specific departmental goals for a two-year period. The second year of the cycle is the update year, in which prior projections are revised and significant changes highlighted. The budget update is a pared -down document containing fund financial schedules, while the original budget document continues to serve as the guiding financial plan, with departmental narratives, fund descriptions, a glossary, an explanation of accounting principles, and related defining information. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget covers the second year of the two-year budget cycle. FY 2023-24 Budget - Document Overview The Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget (Attachment 4) includes the following sections: 1. Funds Summary - These schedules reflect revenue and expenditures for each fund and include a brief description of variances and fund balance projections. 2. General Fund Summary. 3. Fiduciary Funds - This section presents revenues and expenditures associated with non - City funds, such as the Community Facilities District 2015-1 (Dublin Crossing) Fund, and the four Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts (GHADs). The City Council will consider approval of the GHAD budgets under a separate item at this meeting, but the fund summaries are included in the City budget document. 4. Adopted Strategic Plan. 5. Appendix - This section contains departmental historical expenditures, the Position Allocation Plan, information on Human Services grants, and the City's Appropriations Limit. General Fund Overview The preliminary General Fund budget was presented to the City Council on April 18, 2023. There have been no changes made to the General Fund revenues and operating expenditures since then. The only changes are to Transfers Out, to account for $1 million added to a reserve for the Library Tenant Improvements project, and $50,000 to ensure that shade structures are added to Stagecoach Park as part of work being planned for the Iron Horse Trail Nature Park Improvements. The City Council requested those items at the April meeting. Total General Fund revenues are budgeted at $115,891,861, and operating expenditures are budgeted at $99,573,224. After transfers, total reserves are projected at $193,160,244, a decrease of $4,554,655 from the prior year. This is due primarily to the planned spending down of Committed and Assigned Reserves on capital projects. While the Budget Update is in a surplus position, it is important to recognize that there are several potential areas for future one-time expenditures, such as the Village Parkway Reconstruction and the Dublin Sports Ground Phase 5 renovation, which is beyond the five-year CIP. There are also funding needs for infrastructure maintenance and reinvestment as the City transitions to a built - out community. In addition, due to cash flow needs in the Public Facility Fee and Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee programs, General Fund advances have been made for the construction of Wallis Ranch Community Park, Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square, Library Tenant Page 2 of 12 192 Improvement projects, and Dublin Boulevard Extension projects. The advances will be reimbursed by the respective impact fee programs as development occurs and fees are collected. As shown in Table 1, revenues in Fiscal Year 2023-24 are increasing a net $3,679,531 (3.3%) over the prior year, due primarily to higher property tax revenue. Expenditures are increasing $2,351,368 (2.4%) over the prior year. Changes by categories are explained in the section below. Table 1: Operating Budget Impact & Reserve FY 2022-23 Amended FY 2023-24 Projected $ Change % Change Revenues Expenditures Net Operating Budget Impact Transfers In Transfers Out/Contribution to Other $112,212,330 97,221,855 $14,990,475 $121,600 41,254,681 Total Reserves, End of Year $197,714,899 $115,891,861 99,573,224 $16,318,637 $56,600 20,929,893 $193,160,244 $3,679,531 3.3% 2,351,368 2.4% $1,328,162 8.9% ($65,000) -53.5% (20,324,789) -49.3% ($34,554,655) -2.3% Page 3 of 12 193 Revenues Figure 1 illustrates the City's General Fund revenue source allocation for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Figure 1. Revenues by Categories Charges for Svcs _ 6% Interest 2% Other Taxes 7% Development 6% Sales Tax- 23% Rentals & Leases Other* 2% —2% Property Tax 52% *Other includes Licenses & Permits, Fines & Penalties, Intergovernmental, and Misc. revenues The following is a summary of the net changes reflected in the Proposed Budget as compared to the Fiscal Year Amended Budget (+/-$200,000). Property Tax Revenue - increase of$3,433, 000 (+6.1%) The following factors contributed to the net impact: • An increase of $2.2 million or 4.6% to secured and unsecured property taxes, reflecting an adjustment of 2.0% to the assessed property value (the maximum allowable by Prop 13) and an increase in valuation due to home sales and new construction. • An increase of $0.9 million in Motor Vehicle In -lieu Fees (the state's replacement funding for Vehicle License Fees that were reduced in 2004), as this is tied to the change from the prior year in the City's gross assessed valuation of taxable property. • A budgeted delinquency rate of 1%. Sales Tax Revenue - decrease of$400, 000 (-1.5%) It is projected that the City's Sales Tax will decrease slightly, primarily in Auto & Transportation and Business to Business categories. The contributing factors include inflation and interest rate increases, which trickle over into weaker consumer confidence and lower household discretionary Page 4of12 194 spending. Fuel prices are also declining from historic highs experienced in the 2022 calendar year. Development Revenue — decrease of$277,526 (-3.8%) Development revenue includes permitting fees and payments for planning and engineering services provided by the City. Revenue projections are based on the timing of development projects, and the receipt of revenues and corresponding services (i.e., City cost) do not happen simultaneously. Plan check costs are typically incurred approximately 12 months after revenue has been received, meaning that as development decreases, the associated decrease in costs will lag. In anticipation of this, the City has maintained the Service Continuity reserve (currently at $3.2 million) to cover costs during that lag. Other Taxes — increase of$220,500 (+3.4%) Other Taxes include Property Transfer Taxes, and multiple Franchise Taxes (electric, gas, garbage, cable). The increase is primarily due to the incorporation of the annual rate adjustment as part of the garbage franchise agreement. Charges for Services — net increase of$439,488 (+6.3%) Charges for Services include revenue primarily from Parks and Community Services programs, which are returning to pre -pandemic participation levels in most programs, except for the closure of two after -school program sites due to low enrollment. This category also includes administrative fees collected from the City's contracted garbage collector (Amador Valley Industries), and Santa Rita reimbursement revenue, whereby the County pays the City for costs incurred when responding to emergency calls at the Santa Rita Jail. Interest — increase of$200, 000 (+8.7%) The City is experiencing higher returns on its investments, and Staff has transferred additional funds to Chandler Asset Management's investment portfolio to take advantage of better performance than the local pools. Page 5 of 12 195 Expenditures The following figure illustrates the allocation of General Fund expenditures by major categories. Figure 2. Expenditures by Categories Contrac Services 63% Salaries & Benefits 20% Svcs& Supplies 6% ISF Charges 5% Other' 2% Utilities 4% *Other includes Capital Outlay and Debt Service Payment for the Energy Revenue Lease Bond Salaries - increase of$618,782 (+4.6%) The increase in the Proposed Budget is attributed to the net impact of the following: • Addition of two new positions in the General Fund: o Public Works Inspector in the Public Works Department - this position will work on capital improvement projects; the salary is included in the General Fund but will be allocated to CIP funds accordingly. o Recreation Coordinator in the Parks and Community Services Department. • Transfer of the Special Projects Manager from the City Manager's Office (General Fund) to Information Services (Information Technology Fund), resulting in a decrease in General Fund personnel costs offset by an increase in Internal Service Charges (the IT Fund charges the General Fund back). • Inclusion of full -year salaries for positions new in the current year - GIS Coordinator and Senior Office Assistant in the Public Works Department. Benefits - decrease of$176,205 (-3.2%) The decrease in benefit costs is primarily attributed to a decrease in retirement costs, partly due to shifting of employees from Classic to PEPRA with new hires, a less costly retirement plan, and a decrease in the City's allocated share of pension payments to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA). The City Council has approved a one-time, additional lump sum payment of $3.46 million from The Committed Reserve for Fire Services Pension/OPEB to the City's allocated share of the DRFA closed pension plan. Page 6 of 12 196 Services & Supplies - increase of$794,578 (+14.6%) During the budget process, Staff were asked to hold the line on operating supplies and services expenditures. The net increase in this category is tied to higher insurance premiums through PLANJPA, the City's insurance pool. Premiums are impacted by several factors: 1) claims experience of the pool in general, which is seeing an increase in settlement costs of claims related to dangerous conditions (e.g., roads and intersections); 2) property insurance increases which are higher as a direct result of across-the-board inflation, real estate pricing escalation, supply chain disruptions, and natural disasters; 3) impacts of ransomware attacks and data breaches on cyber insurance; and 4) a three-year past look at claims experience. Internal Service Fund Charges - increase of$511,176 (+10.4%) Internal Service Charges include the allocation to the General Fund of replacement costs of facilities, vehicles, and equipment, based on a specified formula. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 proposed budget increase is in IT service charges, primarily due to the addition of three new positions: the Special Projects Manager; the Audio -Video Specialist (both added in the current year); and a Senior Office Assistant (added in Fiscal Year 2023-24). These new positions, respectively, will address and reduce the City's vulnerability to cybersecurity threats, provide a dedicated resource to support citywide AV facilities, and assist with the administrative function of Information Services. Contract Services Expenditures - increase of$866,568 (+1.4%) The Fiscal Year 2022-23 Amended Budget includes a contract services budget carryover of $1,507,299 from Fiscal Year 2021-22. Excluding the carryover, the Proposed Budget projects a net increase of $2,373,867, as illustrated in Table 2: Table 2: Contract Services Changes Type FY22-23 Amended Carryover from FY 21-22 FY22-23 Net of Carryover FY 23-24 Update $ Change % Change Police Services Fire Services Maint. Services (MCE) Development Services Other $24,085,730 15,471,310 7,220,710 4,630,128 10,503,978 $100,000 336,156 1,071,142 $23,985,730 15,471,310 7,220,710 4,293,972 9,432,835 $24,835,923 16,313,430 7,925,056 3,606,108 10,097,906 $850,193 842,120 704,346 (687,864) 665,071 3.5% 5.4% 9.8% -16.0% 7.1% Total $61,911,855 $1,507,299 $60,404,556 $62,778,423 $2,373,867 3.9% Police and Fire Services budget increases are due primarily to annual COLA and benefit cost increases. Maintenance services increases are due to the opening of Fallon Sports Park Phase 3, additional street landscaping, and an adjustment in labor rates. Development contract services, like development revenues, are based on the timing of development projects. The increase in other contract services is attributed to contracts for ongoing street sweeping, a Page 7 of 12 197 community survey, an update of the Economic Development Strategy and Economic Development Element to the General Plan, drainage maintenance services for the stormwater program, staff augmentation for disaster preparedness, and estimated expenditures for the 2024 March election. Additional contract services in the "other" category include library services, crossing guards, the City Attorney, animal control, parks and recreation instructor and program contracts, non-MCE street maintenance contracts, and finance and administration consulting services. Capital Outlay - decrease of$506,362 (-80.8%) Capital Outlay items are typically one-time expenditures. The Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget includes the purchase of vehicles for Police Services and the Public Works maintenance division, equipment and capital assets for Parks and Recreation special events and The Wave, and furniture for City facilities. There are no major capital asset purchases planned in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Transfers Out/Contributions The Proposed Budget includes transfers of $2.0 million to the Internal Services Fund - Facilities for preventive maintenance, $1.0 million to the pension unfunded liability reserve, and $17,929,893 to capital improvement projects. Transfers out to capital projects include $7,195,281 from Committed/Assigned reserves and $10,734,612 from Unassigned reserves. CIP projects funded by the General Fund in Fiscal Year 2023-24 are shown in Table 3 below. Table 3: Transfers Out to the Capital Improvement Program Reserves / Projects Amount Committed/Assigned Civic Center Rehabilitation Dublin Boulevard Extension Village Parkway Reconstruction Unassigned Audio Visual System Upgrade Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Citywide Storm Drain Improvements Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network Downtown Dublin Town Square Park Dublin Boulevard Extension Kolb Park Renovation Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space Library Tenant Improvements Marquee Signs Parks Playground Replacement $7,195,281 687,840 6,257,441 250,000 $10,734,612 314,000 105,000 30,000 8,990 4,680 7,167,382 450,000 50,000 1,000,000 495,000 1,109,560 Total I $17,929,893 Page 8of12 198 In addition, $9.5 million will be utilized from the Committed reserve as an advance to the Public Facility Fee program for the construction of Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square, Wallis Ranch Community Park, and the Library Tenant Improvements. The advance is for cash flow purpose, due to the timing of the receipt of revenues and project construction. The General Fund will be reimbursed by the fee program. At the City Council's direction, Staff has also included additional funding for the Dublin Library improvements (GI0521) and for a shade structure to Stagecoach Park as part of the Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space project (PK0422). General Fund Reserves Total reserves are projected to be $193.2 million at the end of Fiscal Year 2023-24, a decrease of $4.6 million from Fiscal Year 2022-23. The unassigned reserve is projected at $74.1 million, representing about nine months of the projected Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund operating expenditures. While this is well above the cash flow target of two to four months of the budget, this figure has not been adjusted for any reserve designations in the current year, and it is before Staff completes the necessary accounting adjustments to reserves. The City Council will make reserve designations at the meeting of June 6, 2023. Table 4 provides a summary of the General Fund Reserves. Table 4. General Fund Reserve Summary Reserve FY 2022-23 Amended FY 2023-24 Projected $ Change % Change Non -Spendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total Reserves $10,541 4,261,640 $50,576,582 70,890,586 71,975,551 $197,714,899 $10,541 4,261,640 $50,576,582 64,255,305 74,056,176 $193,160,244 (6,635,281) 2,080,626 ($4,554,655) -9.4% 2.9% -2.3% 10-Year Forecast and Next Steps As part of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 and Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget (June 7, 2022), the City Council received an update to the 10-Year General Fund Forecast, which showed a projected operating deficit of $0.5 million in Fiscal Year 2029-30. Staff has adjusted and refined the assumptions about the City's major revenue and expenditure categories. In general, Staff is anticipating a mild recession during which revenue will grow slowly (an annual average of 2.9%) based on conservative assumptions, comparing to an average growth rate of 6.1% in the prior 10 years. It should be noted that projected revenue growth will not be sufficient to offset the projected 5.4% annual increase in operating expenditures. Page 9of12 199 Forecast assumptions are discussed below. Revenues Property Tax • Years 2-5: average 5% annual growth; includes new construction. • Years 6-10: average 2.5% annual growth (average $1.9 million). • CPI adjustment: 2% increase (out of a maximum of 2%). Sales Tax • Years 2-4 growth: 2.3%, 3.0%, 3.0%. • Year 5: a "recessionary blip" of 1.0% growth. • Years 6-10 growth: 2.5% (Average $750,000) annually. • No new, large sales tax generators in 10-year period. Development Revenue • Based on development project projections. • Steady decline as the community nears build -out. Charge for Services • 2% increase per year as an inflationary factor, as Parks and Recreation program revenue has returned to pre -pandemic level. Other Revenue • Franchise Taxes: annual growth of 5.0%. • Interest Income: Moderate increase based on current interest rate environment. Expenditures Personnel Costs • No new positions. • COLA: up to 3.5% annually; Merit Pay: up to 3.0% annually • Benefit increases according to actuarial estimates (increased Ca1PERS rates incorporated, along with decreased retiree health costs) • $1 million annual funding for the Ca1PERS unfunded liability and rate hike protection. Services and Supplies • 10% annual increase, the great majority of which (8%) is for potential insurance premium increases. Contracted Services • Annual increase to Police Services Costs: 6.0% - addition of a deputy in each year beginning Fiscal Year 2024-25. • Annual increase to Fire Services: 5.0% • Annual increase to Maintenance Services: 5.0% Page 10 of 12 200 • Annual increase to all other: 3.0% Internal Service Charges • 4% annual increase. Transfers Out: • $2.0 million annually in transfers out to the Internal Service Fund - Facilities for preventative maintenance. Results Based on the conservative assumptions, the 10-Year Forecast is now balanced at Fiscal Year 2029- 30, as shown in Figure 3 below. It is important to note that the Forecast does not incorporate any major structural shifts over the 10-year period (e.g., new major businesses coming into Dublin, increased Police Services beyond what is included in the projection, or any other significant investment in capital projects using the General Fund). While the City is set to absorb the recent annual increases resulting from Ca1PERS' lower investment earnings and has built that cushion into the Forecast, Staff will continue to look for opportunities to increase reserves to weather such dramatic increases in the future. 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Figure 3. 10-Year Forecast Property Taxes Sales Tax Development Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines Interest Rentals & Leases Intergovernmental Charges for Svcs Other —Total Expenditures 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 Page 11 of 12 201 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 Page 11 of 12 201 Other Funds Special Revenue Funds The Proposed Budget includes an appropriation of $1.9 million from the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA), which provides funding for the Dublin Police Mental Health and Behavioral unit, community grants, and the City's business recovery efforts through various programs and initiatives. ARPA fund is only available to cover costs incurred by the City by December 31, 2024. In addition, the Proposed Budget also includes three-year grant funding from the State Tobacco Grant Program for one School Resource Officer. Fiscal Year 2023-24 is the final year for this funding source. There are no other significant budgetary changes in other funds. Other Item Out -of -State Travel The Budget Update includes appropriations for Staff's out-of-state travel for conferences and trainings. All out-of-state travel requests require the City Manager's approval. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: The Proposed Budget reflects priorities established in the City's Two -Year Strategic Plan. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Budget Meeting notices were posted on May 13, 2023 on the City's website and at the City's public notice posting location. The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2023-24 2) Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 3) Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Reserves 4) Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Page 12 of 12 202 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. XX -23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin desires to establish a Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the Budget documents and has received input from the public; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a balanced budget which provides for organizational adjustments and allocation of resources in a manner which aligns with available resources and the Strategic Plan elements; and WHEREAS, the General Fund Operating Budget is balanced without the need to draw from the Reserve for Economic Stability in order to balance funding with planned expenditures; and WHEREAS, the City Council is required to adopt a budget and financial plan before the Fiscal Year begins on July 1, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Summary of Appropriations (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made part of this Resolution, reflects the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget for Governmental and Proprietary Funds for the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to confirm adjustments made administratively to the Capital Improvement Project balances during the preparation of the Proposed Budget and accommodate the carryover of unspent Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Project appropriations, for those projects where work and expenditures will continue in Fiscal Year 2023-24; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to carry over unspent Fiscal Year 2022-23 operating expenditures, both encumbered and unencumbered, excluding personnel costs, for activities where work and expenditures will continue in Fiscal Year 2023-24; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to delegate the authority to appropriate Internal Service fund balances that have been set aside for facilities, vehicle, and equipment replacement purposes to the City Manager in Fiscal Year 2023-24; and WHEREAS, The City Council also desires to delegate the authority to appropriate Public Educational & Government Television (PEG) funds to the City Manager according to the Tri-Valley Community Television adopted budget allocation to the City for Fiscal Year 2023-24. WHEREAS, the City Council also desires to delegate the authority to appropriate Committed and Assigned fund balances that have been approved by the City Council for specific purposes to the City Manager in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 1 of 4 203 Attachment 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby: 1. Adopt the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Appropriation for the City of Dublin, as outlined in Exhibit A; 2. Authorize the City Manager to make expenditures appropriations in accordance with the Budget as adopted, with the exception of those expenditures which require prior City Council approval, in accordance with the adopted City ordinances, rules and regulations; 3. Authorize the City Manager to transfer budgeted amounts between line items, provided that the transfer is within the same fund, regardless of the specific department activity. This includes the authority to transfer from the General Fund budgeted contingency amounts that are approved by the City Council during the budget adoption. A full accounting of any such transfers will be provided to the City Council during the quarterly financial reviews; 4. Recognize that the Budget as presented also includes a Contingency for Fiscally Responsible Adjustments, the utilization of which will be determined by fiscal outcomes of June 30, 2023; 5. Authorize the City Manager to increase revenue and expenditure budget for various departmental functions, when corresponding revenues comes in over budget: this would apply to developmental activity, inspection activity, recreation program activity, and any other departmental activity which generates correlating revenues, as verified by the Administrative Services Director. Increased appropriations shall continue to be documented in the financial records and conveyed to the City Council as part of the quarterly financial reviews; 6. Authorize the City Manager to increase revenues and expenditures related to the award of grants, where there is no net impact to the City, as verified by the Administrative Services Director. Increased appropriations shall continue to be documented in the financial records and conveyed to the City Council as part of the quarterly financial reviews; 7. Authorize the City Manager to make transfers among the various funds, consistent with the "Fund Balances FY 2023-24" as presented in the Proposed Budget. Fund transfers are reported as part of the regular financial reports provided to the City Council; 8. Authorize the City Manager to increase the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2023-24 expenditures in an amount not to exceed the amount of funds encumbered or designated by the City Manager as needed for expenses that did not occur prior to the year-end, but are expected to be expended in Fiscal Year 2023-24 consistent with the original purpose. This ability to carry-over funding shall not apply to savings from personnel costs and shall only occur if the Department Activity total for non -personnel expenditures was less than the amount budgeted for the same. This must also be evaluated on a fund -by -fund basis. The actual amount of the increased appropriation shall be reported to the City Council, and the City Manager may assign the fund balance in an amount sufficient to account for the increase; 9. Authorize the City Manager to adjust the Fiscal Year 2023-24 appropriations to account for the carryover of unspent Capital Improvement Project appropriations from Fiscal Year 2022-23. All such adjustments shall be clearly recorded in the City financial records and shall only be for projects that remain incomplete as of June 30, 2023; Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 2 of 4 204 Attachment 1 10.Authorize the City Manager to transfer funds between capital projects, within the same funding source. Any revisions, which alter the project's budget by adding a new funding source, except new grants, are to be approved by the City Council; 11.Authorize the City Manager to appropriate funds from Committed and Assigned fund balances that have been approved by the City Council for specific purposes; 12.Authorize the City Manager to appropriate funds from Internal Service Funds that have been set aside for facilities, vehicle, and equipment replacement purposes; and 13.Authorize the City Manager to appropriate PEG fund based on the Tri-Valley Community Television adopted budget allocation to the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 3 of 4 205 Attachment 1 EXHIBIT A FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS (Governmental and Proprietary Funds) OPERATING PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIO City Attorney City Council City Manager's Office Community Development Finance Fire Non -Departmental Parks & Community Services Police $985,000 599,803 13,837,058 6,275,880 2,527,616 17,432,170 6,949,131 9,078,128 29,680,541 Public Works Total Operating Programs 33,896,248 $121,261,576 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 111 General Public Art Parks Streets $2,696,840 500,000 3,894,115 17,851,382 Total Capital Improvement Programs (1) $24,942,337 (1) Includes City funded project costs only Reso. No. XX-23, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/2023 Page 4 of 4 206 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Attachment 2 Revenues Property Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Reimbursements Development Revenue Transient Occupancy Tax Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines & Penalties Interest Earnings Rentals and Leases Intergovernmental Charges for Services Community Benefit Payments Other Revenue Actual Adopted 2021-22 2022-23 $55,186,388 26,456,903 (346,696) 9,803,444 1,255,575 7,025,567 354,643 70,714 2,269,289 1,647,882 324,519 8,022,099 50,000 2,452,034 $55,163,000 26,400,000 (405,555) 7,702,334 1,400,000 6,560,000 351,373 85,000 1,510,000 1,477,330 290,000 6,496,124 1,680,156 Amended 2022-23 $56,463,000 27,400,000 (405,555) 7,387,355 1,400,000 6,560,000 351,373 65,000 2,310,000 1,653,427 290,000 6,950,194 1,787,536 Update 2023-24 59,896,000 27,000,000 (375,000) 7,109,829 1,500,000 6,780,500 286,417 50,000 2,510,000 1,648,021 290,000 7,389,682 1,806,412 $ Change from Amended 3,433,000 (400,000) 30,555 (277,526) 100,000 220,500 (64,956) (15,000) 200,000 (5,406) 439,488 18,876 % Change from Amended 6.1% - 1.5% - 7.5% - 3.8% 7.1% 3.4% -18.5% - 23.1% 8.7% - 0.3% 6.3% Subtotal Revenues Operating $114,572,363 $108,709,762 $112,212,330 $115,891,861 $3,679,531 Transfers In Unrealized Gains/Losses $312,874 (15,525,055) $77,900 $121,600 56,600 ($65,000) Total Revenues 1= $99,360,182 $108,787,662 Expenditures Salaries & Wages $11,670,597 $13,249,383 Benefits 4,728,716 5,488,704 Services & Supplies 3,894,567 5,178,309 Internal Service Fund Charges 3,907,323 4,932,571 Utilities 2,511,166 3,485,435 Contracted Services 52,920,629 59,695,219 Capital Outlay 339,943 432,737 Debt Service Payment - 1,333,050 Contingency & Miscellaneous 958,117 223,440 $112,333,930 $115,948,461 $3,614,531 $13,531,615 5,562,488 5,444,414 4,932,571 3,720,435 61,911,855 626,987 1,333,050 158,440 14,150,396 5,386,283 6,238,992 5,443,747 3,898,997 62,778,423 120,625 1,331,850 223,910 $618,782 (176,205) 794,578 511,176 178,562 866,568 (506,362) (1,200) 65,470 3.2° 4.6% - 3.2% 14.6% 10.4% 4.8% 1.4% - 80.8% - 0.1 % 41.3% Subtotal Expenditures - Operating $80,931,058 $94,018,847 $97,221,855 $99,573,224 $2,351,368 2.4% Operating Impact (REV-EXP) $33,641,305 $14,690,915 $14,990,475 $16,318,637 $1,328,162 Transfer Outs & Contributions to Other Funds Transfers Out (CIPs) - Com./Assig. Reserve Transfers Out (CIPs) - Undesignated Contribution to OPEB/PERS Contribution to ISF & Other Subtotal - Transfers Out & Contribution; 2,803,478 2,291,645 532,636 2,316,170 4,460,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 $4,336,114 $11,067,815 27,217,469 7,553,834 4,460,000 2,023,378 $41,254,681 $138,476,536 7,195,281 10,734,612 1,000,000 2,000,000 $20,929,893 $120,503,116 (20,022,188) $3,180,778 (3,460,000) (23,378) ($20,324,789) ($17,973,420) Total Expenditures $85,267,172 $105,086,662 GF Impact (Include CIP & Transfers) $14,093,010 $3,701,000 ($26,142,606) ($4,554,655) - 73.6% 42.1% - 77.6% -1.2% -49.3% TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE $223,857,505 $227,558,505 $197,714,899 $193,160,244 ($4,554,655) -2.3% Contracted Services Detail Police Services Fire Services Maintenance Services (MCE) Development (CDD and PW) Other Contracted Services Total Contracted Services Actual 2021-22 $21,437,403 14,699,226 5,875,493 3,858,842 7,049,665 Adopted 2022-23 $23,985,730 15,311,310 7,220,710 4,312,851 8,864,618 Amended 2022-23 $24,085,730 15,471,310 7,220,710 4,630,128 10,503,978 Update 2023-24 24,835,923 16,313,430 7,925,056 3,606,108 10,097,906 $ Change from Amended $750,193 842,120 704,346 (1,024,020) (406,072) Change from Amended 3.1% 5.4% 9.8% - 22.1% - 3.9% $52,920,629 ` $59,695,219 $61,911,855 $ 62,778,423 $866,568 1.40% (1) Amended budget for operating expenditures includes $1,856,112 carryover from FY (2) Amended Budget for Transfers Out to CIP reflects the $12,510,109 carryover from (3) Police and Fire liability insurance amounts are not included above, they are included 21-22 FY 21-22 in Services & Supplies. 207 GENERAL FUND RESERVES Attachment 3 RESERVE DESCRIPTION Actual 2021-22 Net Change Projected 2022-23 Net Change Projected 2023-24 on -Spendable Prepaid Expenses ' estricted $10,541 10,541 $4,261,640 $10,541 $10,541 10,541 $4,261,640 10,541 $4,261,640 Cemetery Endowment Developer Contribution - Downtown Developer Contr - Heritage Park Developer Contr - Nature Park Section 115 Trust - Pension Heritage Park Maintenance 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 Committed $73,346,367 ($22,769,786) $50,576,582 $50,576,582 Advance to Public Facility Fee Downtown Public Improvement Economic Stability Emergency Communications Fire Svcs Pension/OPEB Innovations & New Opportunity One -Time Initiative - Capital One -Time Initiative - Operating Public Safety Reserve Specific Committed Reserves Cemetery Expansion (CIP) Contribution to Public Facility Fee Cultural Arts Center (CIP) Don Biddle Park (CIP) Fallon Sports Park III Contingency Lease Revenue Bond Payoff Maintenance Facility (CIP) Utility Undergrounding (CIP) Assigned 9,523,096 15,176,230 8,000,000 532,113 5,671,094 1,026,591 6,419,657 503,860 2,600,000 (9,523,096) (426,221) (3,460,000) (132,093) (1,420,149) (13,748) (6,964,197) (675,193) (100,000) (55,089) $93,266,322 ($22,375,736) (4,088,843) (2,182,419) (4,277) (1,600,546) 13,748 6,000,000 7,139,197 675,193 510,500 6,000,000 55,089 3,500,000 14,750,009 8,000,000 532,113 2,211,094 894,498 4,999,508 503,860 2,600,000 6,000,000 175,000 410,500 6,000,000 3,500,000 $70,890,586 ($6,635,281) 14,750,009 8,000,000 532,113 2,211,094 894,498 4,999,508 503,860 2,600,000 6,000,000 175,000 410,500 6,000,000 3,500,000 $64,255,305 Accrued Leave Catastrophic Loss CIP Carryovers Fiscally Responsible Adjustment Municipal Regional Permit Non -Streets CIP Commitments Operating Carryovers Parks and Streets Contingency Pension & OPEB Relocate Parks Dept Service Continuity Dublin Blvd Extension Specific Assigned Reserves ARPA Revenue Replacement Climate Action Plan Contribution to ISF Facade Improvement Grants HVAC Replace. & Civic Ctr Improv. (CIP) Pavement Management Public Safety Complex (CIP) Village Pkwy Pavement Reconstruction 1,308,044 17,710,320 4,088,843 325,000 2,209,778 3,276,777 1,600,546 201,270 17,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 20,000,000 665,878 3,000,000 1,500,000 364,256 3,278,409 2,000,000 87,200 11,000,000 1,000,000 (13,742,559) (62,000) (1,307,892) (87,200) (300,000) 1,308,044 17,710,320 325,000 27,359 3,272,500 201,270 18,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 6,257,441 665,878 2,938,000 1,500,000 364,256 1,970,517 2,000,000 10,700,000 1,000,000 (6,257,441) (440,000) (687,840) (250,000) 1,308,044 17,710,320 325,000 27,359 3,272,500 201,270 19,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 665,878 2,498,000 1,500,000 364,256 1,282,677 2,000,000 10,450,000 Unassigned $52,972,635 $19,002,916 $71,975,551 $2,080,626 $74,056,176 Unassigned -Unrealized Gains Unassigned (Available) TOTAL RESERVES (11,008,294) 63,980,929 $223,857,505 (11,008,294) 82,983,845 ($26,142,606) $197,714,899 (11,008,294) 85,064,471 ($4,554,655) $193,160,244 208 Attachment 4 City of Dublin CALIFORNIA PROPOSED BUDGET Fiscal Years 2023-24 209 i1 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Update May 2023 210 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Table of Contents 211 Table of Contents Contents 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Table of Contents 4 2. FUNDS SUMMARY 6 Overview of Revenue 7 Revenue Overview by Fund 8 Overview of Expenditures 13 Operating Budget Overview 15 Overview of Fund Balances 17 3. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 22 General Fund Operating Summary 23 General Fund Reserves 26 4. FIDUCIARY FUNDS 28 Dublin Crossing Bond Series 2015-1 (Fund 5102) 29 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5301) 30 Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5302) 31 Fallon Crossing (North Tassajara) Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5321) 32 CERBT (OPEB) Trust Fund (Fund 5171) 33 5. STRATEGIC PLAN 34 Adopted Strategic Plan 35 6. APPENDIX 38 Historical Comparison of Expenditures 39 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Human Services Grant 42 4 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Table of Contents 212 Position Allocation Plan Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit 5 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Table of Contents 43 48 213 2.FUNDS SUMMARY 6 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 214 Overview of Revenue REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE Category Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended Governmental Funds Property Taxes Sales Taxes Other Taxes Special Assessments Licenses & Permits Fines & Penalties Use Of Money & Property Intergovernmental Charges For Services Other Revenue Other Financing Sources $55,190,700 27,935,894 8,281,142 1,522,725 5,908,828 193,019 (10,021,701) 7,753,473 20,191,228 22,741,442 21,191,327 $55,163,000 $56,463,000 27,508,445 28,508,445 7,960,000 7,960,000 1,644,797 1,644,797 4,024,891 3,849,891 185,000 165,000 4,002,780 4,978,877 11,357,652 20,341,967 18,350,795 18,664,886 2,514,440 2,691,578 $59,896,000 28,392,708 8,280,500 1,691,788 3,728,989 150,000 5,190,591 7,275,879 19,082,794 2,721,168 $3,433,000 (115,737) 320,500 46,991 (120,902) (15,000) 211,714 (13,066,088) 417,908 29,590 6.1% - 0.4% 4.0% 2.9% - 3.1% - 9.1% 4.3% -64.2% 2.2% 1.1% Total $160,888,077 $132,711,800 $145,268,441 $136,410,417 $8,858,024 -6.1% Pro • rietar Funds Use Of Money & Property Internal Service Charges Other Revenue Total $220,908 4,041,760 932,847 $5,195,515 $195,000 5,026,703 1,048,320 $195,00011 $195,000 5,026,703 5,559,660 1,048,320 1,087,640 532,957 39,320 $6,270,023 $6,270,023 $6,842,300 $572,277 0.0% 10.6% 3.8% 9.1% Grand Total (1) $166,083,592 $138,981,823 $151,538,464 $143,252,717 ($8,285,747) -5.5% 7 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 215 Revenue Overview by Fund Fund Fund Title 1001 General Fund 1005 Community Benefits Payment 1009 Developer Deposit 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund 2102 Vehicle Abatement 2103 SLES/COPS Fund - CA 2104 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant - Fed 2106 Traffic Safety 2109 EMS Special Revenue 2111 Enforcement Grants 2201 State Gas Tax 2202 SAFETEA-LU 2203 Transportation Development Act 2204 Measure B-Local Streets 2205 Measure B-Bike & Ped 2206 State Transportation Improvement 2207 TFAC/Transportation for Clean Air 2212 ACTC - Vehicle Registration Fee 2214 Measure BB -Local Streets 2215 Measure BB -Bike & Ped 2216 Measure B Grants 2217 Measure BB Grants 2218 Measure RR - Safe Routes to BART 2220 Road Maint & Rehab Account (RMRA) 2302 Measure D 8 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Actual 2021-22 $94,849,970 67,726 4,129,613 81,476 85,979 164,371 50,000 122,304 209,902 314,362 1,571,684 17,416 551,459 199,562 29,651 274,580 289,701 821,644 272,094 2,109 444,014 121,242 1,378,477 214,796 Adopted Budget 2022-23 $104,772,583 10,000 3,927,179 200 35,500 102,000 100,100 216,000 321,584 1,898,231 17,317 270,367 1,142,000 377,000 741,717 1,277,424 238,000 Amended Budget 2022-23 $108,415,130 10,000 3,787,200 69,957 35,500 102,000 100,100 216,000 321,584 1,898,231 661,000 17,317 42,349 753,839 996,367 1,142,000 377,000 5,183,703 1,378,758 1,277,424 238,000 Update 2023-24 $112,332,191 10,000 3,549,670 420 37,150 1 104,200 1 100,200 222,200 F 331,681 2,120,096 270,367 1,318,556 454,152 J♦ 1,851,014 J 239,000 $ Change from Amended $3,917,061 (237,530) (69,537) 1,650 2,200 100 6,200 10,097 221,865 (661,000) (17,317) (42,349) (753,839) (726,000) 176,556 77,152 (5,183,703) (1,378,758) 573,590 1,000 Change from Amended Funds Summary 3.6% -6.3% - 99.4% 4.6% 2.2% 0.1 2.9% 3.1% 11.7% - 100.0% - 100.0% -100.0% - 100.0% - 72.9% 15.5% 20.5% - 100.0% - 100.0% 44.9% 0.4% 216 REVENUE OVERVIEW BY FUND CONTINUED Fund Fund Title 2303 Garbage Service Fund 2304 Local Recycling Programs 2321 Storm Water Management 2322 Box Culvert 2323 Dublin / Dougherty 2324 Village Parkway 2403 State Grant Park 2601 Small Business Assistance 2701 Street Light District 1983-1 2702 Landscape District Stagecoach 1983-2 2703 Landscape District Dougherty 1986-1 2704 Landscape District Santa Rita 1997-1 2705 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 2710 Dublin Crossing CFD Series 2017-1 2801 Public Art Fund 2811 Cable TV Facilities 2901 Affordable Housing Fund 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund 2903 Community Development Block Grant 2906 Federal COVID-19 Financial Assistance 2907 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2911 Building Homes and -fobs Act 2912 State Housing Grant 2920 Federal Grant - General 9 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 7,700,745 7,627,500 7,627,500 112,375 55,256 55,256 676 1,000 1,000 4,422 5,000 5,000 789 500 500 520 500 500 2,022,400 2,022,400 101,215 100,000 100,000 321,671 320,395 320,395 103,533 104,694 104,694 166,266 198,091 198,091 373,624 390,680 390,680 323,693 336,937 336,937 77,143 117,000 117,000 90,865 45,000 45,000 130,981 127,000 127,000 5,708,962 218,827 218,827 1,921 762 762 405,780 305,600 525,984 10,081 2,027,867 3,544,256 3,544,256 310,000 300,000 300,000 450,000 Update 2023-24 7,828,250 147,202 1,100 5,500 550 550 271,600 100,000 319,916 127,261 206,138 391,680 352,293 117,200 45,000 127,000 205,855 435 105,600 1,579,419 $ Change from Amended 200,750 91,946 100 500 50 50 (1,750,800) (479) 22,567 8,047 1,000 15,356 200 (12,972) (327) (420,384) (1,964,837) (310,000) (300,000) (450,000) % Change from Amended Funds Summary 2.6% 166.4% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% - 86.6% - 0.1 21.6% 4.1 0.3% 4.6% 0.2% - 5.9% - 42.9% - 79.9% - 55.4% - 100.0% -100.0% - 100.0% 217 REVENUE OVERVIEW BY FUND CONTINUED Fund Fund Title Adopted Amended $ Change Actual Budget Budget Update from 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended Change from Amended 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4110 4111 4201 4310 4304 4305 4306 4309 4311 4401 6105 6205 6305 6605 6901 7102 otal (1) Community Park Land Neighborhood Park Land Community Park Improvements Neighborhood Park Improvements Community Buildings Library Civic Center Aquatic Center Community Nature Park Land Community Nature Park Improvements Fire Impact Fees Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee West Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Dougherty Valley TIF Tri-valley Transportation Fee Mitigation Contributions Dublin Crossing TIF - Cat1 Dublin Crossing Fund Vehicles Replacement Facilities Replacement Equipment Replacement IT Fund Retiree Health Energy Improv Lease - Bond (1) Excludes Transfers In and Fiduciary Funds 10 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 2,898,453 1,329,568 1,582,338 955,662 2,037,664 164,183 591,633 182,268 71 117,684 172,221 393,062 716,817 63,279 659,507 2,970 386,604 3,515,502 564,586 448,772 1,069,709 2,179,601 932,849 21,191,327 $166,083,592 100,000 100,000 105,618 5,618 5.6% 100,000 100,000 100,000 63,580 63,580 100.0% 50,000 50,000 50,000 460,460 460,460 300,769 (159,691) -34.7% 45,806 45,806 37,660 (8,146) -17.8% 60,000 60,000 121,064 61,064 101.8% 41,314 41,314 26,759 (14,555) -35.2% 50 50 50 20,000 20,000 23,943 3,943 19.7% 39,674 39,674 28,712 (10,962) -27.6% 153,000 153,000 333,281 180,281 117.8% 20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 212,896 212,896 185,535 (27,361) -12.9% 80,000 80,000 766,088 766,088 514,278 514,278 1,024,559 1,024,559 2,916,778 2,916,778 1,048,320 1,048,320 $138,981,823 $151,538,464 80,000 658,058 (108,030) 490,531 (23,747) 876,865 (147,694) 3,729,206 812,428 1,087,640 39,320 $143,252,717 $8,285,747 -14.1% -4.6% -14.4% 27.9% 3.8% -5.5% Funds Summary 218 REVENUE BY FUND HIGHLIGHTS: Fund Fund Title Variance Analysis 1000 General Fund 2201 State Gas Tax 2202 Federal Transportation Grant 2207 Transportation for Clean Air 2212 Alameda County Transportation Vehicle Registration Fee 2214-5 Measure BB -Local Streets/Bike & Ped 2217 Measure BB Grants 2218 Measure RR - Safe Routes to BART 2220 Road Maint & Rehab Account (RMRA) 2403 State Park Grants 11 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Increase. Due to increase in projected Property Taxes. Increase. Based on State projections with rate increase. Decrease. FY 2022-23 included onetime grant funding for the Dublin Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation Project. Decrease. FY 2022-23 included County grant funds for the Citywide Signal Communication Upgrade and Iron Horse Trail Bridge. Commission - Decrease. FY 2022-23 included a onetime grant for the Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements project. Increase. Due to sunset of Measure B sales tax revenues and combine with Measure BB. Decrease. FY 2022-23 included grant funds for the Iron Horse Bridge Project. Decrease. FY 2022-23 included grant funds for the Iron Horse Bridge Project. Increase. Based on State projections. Department of Finance estimates FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 RMRA revenues with double digit increase. Decrease. City received onetime State Park grant fund the Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space project. Funds Summary 219 REVENUE BY FUND HIGHLIGHTS: 2903 Community Development Block Grant 2907 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2911 Building Homes and Jobs Act 2912 State Housing Grant 2920 Federal Grant - General 4000 Impact Fees 6605 IT Fund 12 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Decrease. City received two one-time passthrough grants in FY 2022-23, one for Axis Community Health new service site and the other for School of Imagination parking lot improvements. Decrease. Budgeted amount represents the recognized ARPA revenue, ARPA revenue is only recognized when expenditures incurred. Decrease. One-time State Grant for Multi -Family Residence Design Standards and Housing Element Site Analysis Decrease. One-time grant funding for the Housing Element Update Decrease. One-time passthrough grant funding for Mental Health Urgent Care services Based on development project timelines. Increase. The revenue is an internal service charge of IT operating costs to City departments. The increase is primarily due to the addition of positions to reduce the City's vulnerability to cybersecurity threats and provide a dedicated resource to support citywide AV facilities. Funds Summary 220 Overview of Expenditures EXPENDITURES OVERVIEW BY CATEGORY eratin . Pro . rams overnmenta un. s Salaries & Wages Benefits Services & Supplies Internal Service Fund Charges Utilities Contracted Services Professional Consulting Loans Capital Outlay Other Total Governmental Funds Proprietary Funds Salaries & Wages Benefits Services & Supplies Internal Service Fund Charges Utilities Contracted Services Professional Consulting Capital Outlay Other Total Proprietary Funds Actual 2021-22 $11,869,948 4,780,043 4,093,506 3,968,591 3,088,642 62,560,132 2,524,545 713,283 474,853 1,314,117 $95,387,661 $632,683 1,096,026 797,345 73,169 121,083 132,849 91,945 1,039,821 419,521 $4,404,442 Adopted Budget 2022-23 $13,651,710 10,120,578 5,472,481 4,979,168 4,007,497 70,109,412 2,869,476 160,000 467,737 1,856,490 $113,694,548 $660,693 1,217,669 1,389,894 47,535 212,493 121,318 315,496 919,400 $4,884,498 Amended Budget 2022-23 $14,065,087 10,194,362 5,914,612 4,979,168 4,265,497 71,899,855 4,253,410 160,000 863,947 2,819,940 $119,415,877 $743,242 1,228,767 1,314,247 47,535 212,493 121,318 374,626 1,435,878 $5,478,106 Update 2023-24 $14,623,142 6,503,163 6,639,715 5,525,375 4,552,062 73,247,957 2,608,123 160,000 150,172 1,715,760 $115,725,470 $1,117,120 1,426,402 1,641,468 34,284 229,275 128,467 221,590 737,500 $5,536,106 $ Change from Amended $558,055 (3,691,199) 725,104 546,207 286,565 1,348,102 (1,645,287) (713,775) (1,104,180) $3,690,407 $373,878 197,635 327,221 (13,251) 16,782 7,149 (153,036) (698,378) $58,000 % Change from Amended 4.0% - 36.2% 12.3% 11.0% 6.7% 1.9% - 38.7% 0.0% -82.6% - 39.2% -3.1% 50.3% 16.1% 24.9% - 27.9% 7.9% 5.9% - 40.9% - 48.6% Total 0 . eratin • Pro • rams $99 792 102 $118 579 046 $124 893 983 $121 261 576 $3 632 407 -2.9% 13 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 221 EXPENDITURES OVERVIEW BY CATEGORY Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended Ca . ital Im . rovement Pro • rams General Public Art Parks Streets $12,978,975 99,457 13,301,230 4,030,044 $5,660,495 150,000 7,193,465 9,999,924 $32,504,973 1,445,860 24,734,796 63,566,325 $2,696,840 500,000 3,894,115 17,851,382 ($29,808,133) (945,860) (20,840,681) 45,714,943 - 91.7% - 65.4% -84.3% - 71.9% Total Ca 'ital Im . rovement Pro • rams (1) $30 409 707 $23 003 884 $122 251 954 $24 942 337 $97 309 617 -79.6% GRAND TOTAL (2) $130,201,809 $141,582,930 $247,145,937 $146,203,913 ($100,942,024) -40.8% (1) Excludes Developer Built and outside funding sources (2) Excludes Fiduciary Funds, Transfers Out, and Depreciation Expenditures 14 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 222 Operating Budget Overview Department Actual FTE 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended City Attorney City Council City Manager's Office Community Development Finance Fire Non -Departmental Parks & Community Services Police Public Works $602,473 421,111 27 9,782,529 19 5,795,290 8 2,164,756 1 15,562,867 7,203,711 24 8,781,098 4 25,682,401 22 23,795,866 $985,000 543,506 12,240,213 7,105,179 2,408,430 16,154,987 11,236,310 8,534,085 28,951,654 30,419,682 $985,000 543,506 12,994,903 8,287,348 2,418,430 16,314,987 12,933,559 8,764,364 29,442,393 32,209,493 $985,000 599,803 13,837,058 6,275,880 2,527,616 17,432,170 6,949,131 9,078,128 29,680,541 33,896,248 $56,297 842,155 (2,011,468) 109,186 1,117,183 (5,984,428) 313,764 238,149 1,686,755 10.4% 6.5% -24.3% 4.5% 6.8% -46.3% 3.6% 0.8% 5.2% TOTAL OPERATING PROGRAMS 105 $99,792,102 $118,579,046 $124,893,983 $121,261,576 ($3,632,407) -2.9% 15 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 223 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS: Department Variance Analysis City Manager's Office Community Development Finance Fire Department Non -Departmental Parks & Community Services Police Public Works Increase due to personnel cost of three additional staff in Information Services, increase in costs for insurance premiums, increase in animal control contract costs, and budget for disaster preparedness consulting services and 2024 March election. Decrease in professional services due to development activities and completion of projects that utilize grant funding. Increase in professional services for investment services and user fee study. Fire contract cost increase due to COLA and benefit costs increase. Decrease due to one-time additional payment to fund DRFA pension unfunded liability in FY 2022-23, as well as CDBG passthrough grants for Axis Community Health new service site and the other for School of Imagination parking lot improvements. Increase due to addition of one Recreation Coordinator and increase in cost for contract classes and programs, which are offset by revenues. Police contract cost increase due to COLA and benefit costs increase. FY 2022-23 Amended budget includes carryover funds for the Behavioral Unit and Dispatch from prior year, which makes year -over -year increase appear smaller. Increase primarily in Maintenance Services division, increase in MCE contract services costs due to the addition of Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 and adjustment in labor rates, projected rate increase to utilities; and increases in professional service contracts, includes Transportation Demand Management Plan. 16 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 224 Overview of Fund Balances SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE Governmental Proprietary Total Fiscal Year 2022-23 Beginning Balance Revenues Transfers In Expenditures Transfers Out $345,920,867 145,268,440 122,396,932 241,667,831 120,938,981 $63,716,084 6,270,023 2,000,000 5,478,106 3,457,951 1 $409,636,952 151,538,463 124,396,932 247,145,937 124,396,932 Endin ' Balance $250,979,428 $63,050,050 $314,029,478 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Beginning Balance Revenues Transfers In Expenditure s Transfers Out $250,979,428 136,410,417 24,998,937 140,667,807 26,828,937 $63,050,050 6,842,300 2,000,000 5,536,106 170,000 $314,029,478 143,252,717 26,998,937 146,203,913 ' 26,998,937 Ending Balance $244,892,037 $66,186,244 $311,078,282 Note: Fund Balance is equal to the difference between assets and liabilities in a fund. It should not be confused with spendable cash. As an example, the Affordable Housing Fund has a projected Fund Balance of $28.8 million in FY 23-24; of that amount, $14.3 million is in the form of loans to affordable housing projects. 17 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funds Summary 225 FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS Fund Title 1000 General Fund 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund 2102 Vehicle Abatement 2103 SLES/COPS Fund - CA 2106 Traffic Safety 2109 EMS Special Revenue 2111 Enforcement Grants 2201 State Gas Tax 2202 Federal Transportation Grant 2203 Transportation Development Act 2204 Measure B Sales Tax -Local Streets 2205 Measure B Sales Tax -Bike & Ped 2206 State Transportation Improvement 2207 TFAC/Transportation for Clean Air 2212 ACTC - Vehicle Registration Fee 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pede; 2216 Measure B Grants 2217 Measure BB Grants 2218 Measure RR - Safe Routes to BART 2220 Road Maint & Rehab Account (RMR 2302 Measure D 2303 Garbage Service Fund 2304 Local Recycling Programs 2321, Storm Water Management 2322 Box Culvert 2403 State Grant - Park 2601 Small Business Assistance 2701, Street Light District Funds 18 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 FY 2022-23 ;, .. - ... . Beg. Fund Balance $223,857,506 $92,329 $326,823 $280,383 ($55,791) $245,562 $1,523 $3,726,665 $17,416 $916,200 $340,043 ($13,650) ($465,134) $242,434 $748,337 $405,775 $187,917 $23,313 $2,863,115 $629,947 $215,129 $196,027 $235,074 $398,344 $275,152 $1,585,155 Revenue 112,212,330 69,957 35,500 102,000 100,100 216,000 321,584 1,898,231 661,000 17,317 42,349 753,839 996,367 1,142,000 377,000 5,183,703 1,378,758 1,277,424 238,000 7,627,500 55,256 2,000 5,000 2,022,400 100,000 657,332 Transfer In 121,600 23,378 Expenditures 101,681,855 125,883 35,677 100,000 58,179 177,937 321,584 1,158,775 215,473 19,080 523,702 7,620,000 96,256 16,800 100,000 624,736 Transfer Out 36,794,681 50,000 3,903,172 661,000 17,317 955,705 345,406 28,699 288,705 996,115 1,425,980 493,814 5,146,840 1,378,758 3,705,950 65,000 4,360 2,294,000 546,909 End. Fund Balance $197,714,900 $36,403 $276,646 $282,383 ($13,870) $283,625 $1,523 $562,949 $17,416 ($39,505) ($5,364) $27,212 $464,357 $269,881 $187,917 $60,176 $434,589 $302,623 $222,629 $150,667 $220,274 $403,344 ($271,600) $275,152 $1,070,842 Funds Summary 226 FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS Fund Title 2702- Landscape District Funds 2710 CFD 2017-1 2801 Public Art Fund 2811 Cable TV Facilities 2901 Affordable Housing Fund Ll) 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund 2903 Community Development Block Grai 2906 Federal COVID-19 Financial Assistai 2907 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2911 Building Homes and jobs Act 2912 State Housing Grant 2920 Federal Grant - General 3000 Capital Improvement Project Funds 4100 Public Facility Fees 4201 Fire Impact Fees 4300 Traffic Impact Fees 4400 Dublin Crossing Fund 6105 ISF - Vehicles 6205 ISF - Facilities " 6305 ISF - Equipment 6605 ISF - IT Fund 6901 ISF - Retiree Health 7102 Energy Improv Lease - Bond GRAND TOTAL (3) FY 2022-23 Amended Beg. Fund Balance $2,100,792 $329,252 $3,927,675 $459,006 $29,913,316 $24,413 $6,600 $59,851 ($278,013) ($76,913) $21,315,680 $257,707 $29,181,770 $12,384,221 $6,176,965 $45,902,276 $9,258,095 $2,330,369 $48,380 $9,039,916 $409,636,952 Revenue 693,465 117,000 45,000 127,000 218,827 762 525,984 3,544,256 310,000 300,000 450,000 877,630 39,674 445,896 80,000 766,088 514,278 1,024,559 2,916,778 1,048,320 $151,538,464 Transfer In Expenditures 517,450 30,498 80,250 70,000 868,279 519,384 3,257,857 1,835 223,087 450,000 122,251,954 122,251,954 21,300 200,000 300,000 514,496 2,000,000 132,000 769,657 3,013,633 1,048,320 $124,396,932 (1) Beginning Fund Balance includes $14,394,159 in outstanding loans. (2) Beginning Fund Balance includes 42,368,681 as Net Investment in Capital Assets. 19 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 $247,145,937 Transfer Out 585,301 1,445,860 6,600 25,823,825 24,284,259 800,000 2,903,638 85,426 468,888 8,890,725 $124,396,932 End. Fund Balance $1,691,506 $415,754 $2,446,566 $516,006 $29,263,864 $25,175 $6,600 $59,851 $286,399 $30,152 ($3,651,814) $97,381 $5,043,407 $11,664,221 $6,428,557 $45,380,916 $9,427,571 $1,764,626 $48,380 $149,191 I $314,029,478 Funds Summary 227 FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS Fund Title 1000 General Fund 2101 State Seizure/Special Activity Fund 2102 Vehicle Abatement 2103 SLES/COPS Fund - CA 2106 Traffic Safety 2109 EMS Special Revenue 2111 Enforcement Grants 2201 State Gas Tax 2203 Transportation Development Act 2204 Measure B Sales Tax -Local Streets 2205 Measure B Sales Tax -Bike & Ped 2212 ACTC - Vehicle Registration Fee 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pede; 2216 Measure B Grants 2217 Measure BB Grants 2220 Road Maint & Rehab Account 2302 Measure D 2303 Garbage Service Fund 2304 Local Recycling Programs 2321, Storm Water Management 2322 Box Culvert 2403 State Grant - Park 2601 Small Business Assistance 2701, 2705 Street Light District Funds 2702- 2704 Landscape District Funds 20 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 FY 2023-24 Update Beg. Fund Balance $197,714,900 $36,403 $276,646 $282,383 ($13,870) $283,625 $1,523 $562,949 $17,416 ($39,505) ($5,364) $27,212 $464,357 $269,881 $187,917 $60,176 (RMR $434,589 $302,623 $222,629 $150,667 $220,274 $403,344 ($271,600) $275,152 $1,070,842 $1,691,506 Revenue 115,891,861 420 37,150 104,200 100,200 222,200 331,681 2,120,096 270,367 1,318,556 454,152 1,851,014 239,000 7,828,250 147,202 2,200 5,500 271,600 100,000 672,209 725,079 Transfer In 56,600 447,638 7,820,000 72,647 23,600 100,000 657,167 755,995 End. Fund Expenditures Transfer Out Balance 100,573,224 29,547 100,000 84,000 265,610 331,681 1,372,119 19,929,893 $193,160,244 $7,276 50,000 $263,796 $286,583 $2,330 $240,215 $1,523 659,460 $651,466 $17,416 ($39,505) ($5,364) 100,000 165,040 $32,539 1,110,000 $672,913 20,225 348,228 $355,580 $187,917 $60,176 1,123,961 $1,161,642 $93,985 $230,879 $225,222 $198,874 $408,844 $275,152 42,000 $1,043,884 $1,660,590 Funds Summary 228 FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 FUND BALANCE PROJECTIONS Fund Title 2710 CFD 2017-1 2801 Public Art Fund 2811 Cable TV Facilities 2901 Affordable Housing Fund c`) 2902 Noise Mitigation Fund 2903 Community Development Block Grai 2906 Federal COVID-19 Financial Assistai 2907 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2911 Building Homes and Jobs Act 3000 Capital Improvement Project Funds 4100 Public Facility Fees 4201 Fire Impact Fees 4300 Traffic Impact Fees 4400 Dublin Crossing Fund 6105 ISF - Vehicles 6205 ISF - Facilities 6305 ISF - Equipment 6605 ISF - IT Fund 6901 ISF - Retiree Health 7102 Energy Improv Lease - Bond FY 2023-24 Update Beg. Fund Balance $415,754 $2,446,566 $516,006 $29,263,864 $25,175 $6,600 $59,851 $286,399 $30,152 ($3,651,814) $97,381 $5,043,407 $11,664,221 $6,428,557 $45,380,916 $9,427,571 $1,764,626 $48,380 $149,191 Revenue 117,200 45,000 127,000 205,855 435 105,600 1,579,419 829,443 28,712 598,816 80,000 658,058 490,531 876,865 3,729,206 1,087,640 Transfer In 24,942,337 2,000,000 Expenditures 31,030 80,250 35,000 700,920 GRAND TOTAL I $314,029,478 I $143,252,717 I $26,998,937 Beginning Fund Balance includes $14,394,159 in outstanding loans. Beginning Fund Balance includes 42,368,681 as Net Investment in Capital Assets. 21 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 99,000 1,865,819 24,942,337 100,000 60,000 207,000 530,500 3,729,206 1,069,400 $146,203,913 End. Fund Transfer Out Balance $501,925 500,000 $1,911,316 $608,006 $28,768,799 $25,610 6,600 $6,600 $59,851 2,279,875 613,880 170,000 $26,998,937 $30,152 ($5,102,246) $26,093 $4,968,343 $11,744,221 $6,879,615 $47,701,447 $9,773,936 $1,764,626 $66,620 $149,191 $311,078,282 Funds Summary 229 3. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 22 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 230 General Fund Operating Summary OVERVIEW $ Change % Change Actual Adopted Amended Update from from 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended Amended • Property Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Reimbursements Development Revenue Transient Occupancy Tax Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines & Penalties Interest Earnings Rentals and Leases Intergovernmental Charges for Services Community Benefit Payments Other Revenue $55,186,388 26,456,903 (346,696) 9,803,444 1,255,575 7,025,567 354,643 70,714 2,269,289 1,647,882 324,519 8,022,099 50,000 2,452,034 $55,163,000 26,400,000 (405,555) 7,702,334 1,400,000 6,560,000 351,373 85,000 1,510,000 1,477,330 290,000 6,496,124 1,680,156 $56,463,000 27,400,000 (405,555) 7,387,355 1,400,000 6,560,000 351,373 65,000 2,310,000 1,653,427 290,000 6,950,194 59,896,000 27,000,000 (375,000) 7,109,829 1,500,000 6,780,500 286,417 50,000 2,510,000 1,648,021 290,000 7,389,682 1,787,536 1,806,412 3,433,000 (400,000) 30,555 (277,526) 100,000 220,500 (64,956) (15,000) 200,000 (5,406) 6.1% -1.5% -7.5% -3.8% 7.1% 3.4% -18.5% -23.1 8.7% -0.3% 439,488 6.3% 18,876 1.1% Subtotal Revenues - Operating $114,572,363 $108,709,762 $112,212,330 $115,891,861 $3,679,531 3.3% Transfers In Unrealized Gains/Losses $312,874 (15,525,055) $77,900 $121,600 56,600 ($65,000) Total Revenues $99,360,182 108,787,662 $112,333,930 $115,948,461 $3,614,531 3.2% 23 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 231 GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY CONTINUED Actual 2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Amended 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended 1�►:� �1�1it111111;i*`i:i'&.V:VY ((11) i' Salaries & Wages Benefits Services & Supplies Internal Service Fund Charges Utilities Contracted Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Payment Contingency & Miscellaneous $11,670,597 4,728,716 3,894,567 3,907,323 2,511,166 52,920,629 339,943 958,117 $13,249,383 5,488,704 5,178,309 4,932,571 3,485,435 59,695,219 432,737 1,333,050 223,440 $13,531,615 5,562,488 5,444,414 4,932,571 3,720,435 61,911,855 626,987 1,333,050 158,440 14,150,396 5,386,283 6,238,992 5,443,747 3,898,997 62,778,423 120,625 1,331,850 223,910 $618,782 (176,205) 794,578 511,176 178,562 866,568 (506,362) (1,200) 65,470 4.6% - 3.2% 14.6% 10.4% 4.8% 1.4% - 80.8% - 0.1% 41.3% Subtotal Expenditures - Operating Operating Impact (REV-EXP) $80,931,058 $33,641,305 $94,018,847 $14,690,915 $97,221,855 $14,990,475 $99,573,224 $16,318,637 $2,351,368 $1,328,162 2.4% 8.9% Transfer Outs & Contributions to Other Funds Transfers Out (CIPs) - Com./Assig. Reserve Transfers Out (CIPs) - Undesignated Contribution to OPEB/PERS Contribution to ISF & Other Subtotal - Transfers Out & Contributions 2,803,478 532,636 1,000,000 $4,336,114 2,291,645 2,316,170 4,460,000 2,000,000 $11,067,815 27,217,469 7,553,834 4,460,000 2,023,378 $41,254,681 7,195,281 10,734,612 1,000,000 2,000,000 $20,929,893 (20,022,188) $3,180,778 (3,460,000) (23,378) ($20,324,789) - 73.6% 42.1% - 77.6% - 1.2% - 49.3% Total Expenditure $85,2 105,086,662 $138,476,536 120,503, $17,973,420) GF Im.act (Include CIP & Transfers) $14,093,010 $3,701,000 ($26,142,606) ($4,554,655) TOTAL GENERAL FUND BALANCE $223,857,505 $227,558,505 $197,714,899 $193,160,244 ($4,554,655) -2.3% 24 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 232 GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY CONTINUED Contracted Services Detail Actual 2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Amended 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended Police Services Fire Services Maintenance Services (MCE) Development (CDD and PW) Other Contracted Services $21,437,403 14,699,226 5,875,493 3,858,842 7,049,665 $23,985,730 15,311,310 7,220,710 4,312,851 8,864,618 $24,085,730 15,471,310 7,220,710 4,630,128 10,503,978 $24,835,923 16,313,430 7,925,056 3,606,108 10,097,906 $750,193 842,120 704,346 (1,024,020) (406,072) 3.1% 5.4% 9.8% -22.1 % -3.9% Total Contracted Services $52,920,629 $59,695,219 $61,911,855 $62,778,423 $866,568 1.40% (1) Amended budget for operating expenditures includes $1,856,112 carryover from FY 21-22 (2) Amended Budget for Transfers Out to CIP reflects the $12,510,109 carryover from FY 21-22 (3) Police and Fire liability insurance amounts are not included above, they are included in Services & Supplies. 25 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 233 General Fund Reserves GENERAL FUND FY2023-24 RESERVES RESERVE DESCRIPTION Actual 2021-22 Net Change Projected 2022-23 Net Change Projected 2023-24 on -Spendable $10,541 $10,541 $10,541 Prepaid Expenses I estricted 1 10,541 I $4,261,640 I 10,541 $4,261,640 10,541 $4,261,640 Cemetery Endowment Developer Contribution - Downtown Developer Contr - Heritage Park Developer Contr - Nature Park Section 115 Trust - Pension Heritage Park Maintenance Committed Advance to Public Facility Fee Downtown Public Improvement Economic Stability Emergency Communications Fire Svcs Pension/OPEB Innovations & New Opportunity One -Time Initiative - Capital One -Time Initiative - Operating Public Safety Reserve Specific Committed Reserves Cemetery Expansion (CIP) Contribution to Public Facility Fee Cultural Arts Center (CIP) Don Biddle Park (CIP) Fallon Sports Park III Contingency Lease Revenue Bond Payoff Maintenance Facility (CIP) Utility Undergrounding (CIP) 26 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 $73,346,367 ($22,769,786) $50,576,582 9,523,096 15,176,230 8,000,000 532,113 5,671,094 1,026,591 6,419,657 503,860 2,600,000 13,748 6,000,000 7,139,197 675,193 510,500 6,000,000 55,089 3,500,000 (9,523,096) (426,221) (3,460,000) (132,093) (1,420,149) (13,748) (6,964,197) (675,193) (100,000) (55,089) 14,750,009 8,000,000 532,113 2,211,094 894,498 4,999,508 503,860 2,600,000 6,000,000 175,000 410,500 6,000,000 3,500,000 60,000 1,490,000 19,000 60,000 1,882,640 750,000 $50,576,58 14,750,009 8,000,000 532,113 2,211,094 894,498 4,999,508 503,860 2,600,000 6,000,000 175,000 410,500 6,000,000 3,500,000 General Fund Summary 234 GENERAL FUND FY2023-24 RESERVES CONTINUED RESERVE DESCRIPTION Actual 2021-22 Net Change Projected 2022-23 Net Change Projected 2023-24 Assigned $93,266,322 ($22,375,736) $70,890,586 ($6,635,281) $64,255,305 Accrued Leave Catastrophic Loss CIP Carryovers Fiscally Responsible Adjustment Municipal Regional Permit Non -Streets CIP Commitments Operating Carryovers Parks and Streets Contingency Pension & OPEB Relocate Parks Dept Service Continuity Dublin Blvd Extension Specific Assigned Reserves ARPA Revenue Replacement Climate Action Plan Contribution to ISF Facade Improvement Grants HVAC Replace. & Civic Ctr Improv. (CIP) Pavement Management Public Safety Complex (CIP) Village Pkwy Pavement Reconstruction 1,308,044 17,710,320 4,088,843 325,000 2,209,778 3,276,777 1,600,546 201,270 17,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 20,000,000 665,878 3,000,000 1,500,000 364,256 3,278,409 2,000,000 87,200 11,000,000 (4,088,843) (2,182,419) (4,277) (1,600,546) 1,000,000 (13,742,559) (62,000) (1,307,892) (87,200) (300,000) 1,308,044 17,710,320 325,000 27,359 3,272,500 201,270 18,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 6,257,441 665,878 2,938,000 1,500,000 364,256 1,970,517 2,000,000 10,700,000 1,000,000 (6,257,441) (440,000) (687,840) (250,000) 1,308,044 17,710,320 325,000 27,359 3,272,500 201,270 19,000,000 500,000 3,150,000 665,878 2,498,000 1,500,000 364,256 1,282,677 2,000,000 10,450,000 Unassigned $52,972,635 $19,002,916 $71,975,551 $2,080,626 $74,056,176 Unassigned -Unrealized Gains Unassigned (Available) (11,008,294) 63,980,929 (11,008,294) I 82,983,845 I (11,008,294) 85,064,471 TOTAL RESERVES $223,857,505 ($26,142,606) $197,714,899 ($4,554,655) $193,160,244 27 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Summary 235 4. FIDUCIARY FUNDS 28 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 236 Dublin Crossing Bond Series 2015-1 (Fund 5102) Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ($65,819,640) ($78,495,933), ($78,495,933) ($78,629,078) ($133,145) REVENUES Special Assessments Use of Money & Property Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Services & Supplies Contracted Services Professional Consulting Reimbursement to Others Debt Service Payment Transfers Out $4,835,53 1,410 75,000 5,441,838 $4,911,947 $5,441,838 $888,700 51,755 12,595,910 3,973,804 78,071 319,400 80,000 5,122,438 $5,441,838 $5,441,838 372,545 80,000 5,122,438 $5,561,238 $119,400 $5,561,2.38 $119,400 336,200 84,000 (36,345) 4,000 5,225,038 102,600 2.2% 2.2% -9.8% 5.0% 2.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $17,588,240 $5,521,838 $5,574,983 $5,645,238 $70,255 1.3% ENDING FUND BALANCE 078,495,933)1 078,575,933)1 ($78,629,078) ($78,713,078) ($84,000) 29 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 237 Fallon Village Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5301) Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $6,977,791 $8,049,194 $8,049,194 $8,850,609, $801,415 Special Assessments Use of Mone & Pro.ert OTAL REVENUES $1,147,202 83,030 $1,180,881 75,000 $1,230,232 $1,255,881 $1,180,881 75,000 $1,216,307 75,000 $35,426 $1,255,881 $1,291,307 $35,426 3.0% 0.0% 2.8°/a 1 1 'i : Y CATEGORY Salaries & Wages Benefits 'Contract Services Professional Consultin. • URES $18,078 5,843 80,193 $21,561 7,405 265,500 54,715 160,000 $158,829 $454,466 $21,561 7,405 265,500 160,000 $22,308 8,451 323,465 184,800 $747 1,046 57,965 24,800 3.5% 14.1% 21.8% 15.5% $454,466 $539,024 $84,558 18.6% ENDING FUND BALANCE $8,049,194 $8,850,609 $8,850,609 $9,602,893 $752,2831 30 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 238 Schaefer Ranch Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5302) Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE I $5,371,8951 $5,839,243 $5,839,243 $6,026,475 $187,232 Special Assessments Use of Mone & Pro.ert OTAL REVENUES $551,728 62,281 $614,009 $519,498 60,000 $579,498 $519,498 60,000 $579,498 $535,083 60,000 $595,083 $15,585 $15,585 3.0% 0.0% 2.7% EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Salaries & Wages Benefits Contract Services Professional Consultin $18,078 5,843 48,512 74,228 $21,561 7,405 215,700 147,600 $21,561 7,405 215,700 147,600 $22,308 8,451 372,171 172,028 $747 1,046 156,471 24,428 3.5% 14.1% 72.5% 16.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $146,660 $392,266 $392,266 $574,958 $182,692 46.6% (ENDING FUND BALANCE $5,839,243 $6,026,475 $6,026,475 $6,046,600 $20,125 31 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 239 Fallon Crossing (North Tassajara) Geologic Hazard Abatement District (5321) Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $1,719,808 $2,397,7081 $2,397,708 $2,778,604 $380,896 Special Assessments Use of Mone & Pro.ert OTAL REVENUES $686,263 22,346 $693,376 15,000 $708,608 $708,376 $693,376 15,000 $708,376 $714,177 15,000 $729,177 $20,801 $20,801 3.0% 0.0% 2.9% CATEGORY Salaries & Wages Benefits Contract Services Professional Consultin TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9,039 2,920 18,749 $10,781 3,699 190,000 123,000 $30,708 $327,480 $10,781 3,699 190,000 123,000 $11,154 4,220 195,700 126,690 $327,480 $337,764 $373 521 5,700 3,690 $10,284 3.5% 14.1% 3.0% 3.0% 3.1% ENDING FUND BALANCE $2,397,7081 $2,778,604 $2,778,6041 $3,170,0171 $391,413 32 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 240 CERBT (OPEB) Trust Fund (Fund 5171) Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended Change from Amended BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $25,489,329 $22,956,683 $22,956,683 $21,883,363 ($1,073,320) ' VENUES Use of Money & Property Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUES ($1,571,293) EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Benefits Contract Services $932,849 28,505 $1,048,320 25,000 $1,048,320 25,000 $1,069,400 50,000 $21,080 25,000 2.0% 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $961,354 $1,073,320 $1,073,320 $1,119,400 $46,080 4.3% ENDING FUND BALANCE $22,956,683 $21,883,363 $21,883,363 $20,763,963 ($1,119,400) 33 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fiduciary Funds 241 5. STRATEGIC PLAN 34 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Strategic Plan 242 Adopted Strategic Plan City of Dublin Strategic Plan Adopted on Apri119, 2022 MISSION The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life, ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities, provides equity across all programs, and champions a culture of diversity and inclusion. VISION Dublin is a great community to live, work, and a raise a family. Dublin values: • Safety— We are dedicated to excellent public safety resources, including police and fire. • Finances — We will strive to be fiscally transparent and balance our budgets annually. • Inclusivity— We will advocate for programs and policies that support inclusive access to housing, and cultural opportunities. • Diversity— We will support a wide range of programs and events that reflect and cater to the diversity of our residents. • Equity— We will deliver our services in a way that ensures equitable access to all. • Innovation— We will continue to innovate in every aspect of government and promote innovation within the business community. • Customer Service — We will provide welcoming, excellent customer services to our residents and businesses at all times. • Living an Active Lifestyle — We will continuously promote an active lifestyle through our parks and facilities and encourage participation in local sports. • History— We will honor our history through places and programs that remind people of our beginnings. • Business — We will provide a full spectrum of opportunity by supporting current and prospective businesses through ongoing economic development efforts and helping them grow and thrive locally. • Environmental Sustainability— We will continue to lead in building a well -planned sustainable community and protecting our natural resources. 35 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Strategic Plan 243 STRATEGIES . Downtown Dublin and Economic Department. Strategic Objectives: 1 A. Continue support of the Downtown Preferred Vision and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan including improving visual and environmental quality and evaluating specific business uses. 1B. Pursue mixed -use projects to create economic vitality. 1 C. Grant conditional tax and/or development fee relief for new developments in the Downtown. 1D. Support local businesses and new business attraction (ensure revenue -generating industries). 1E. Continue the Fallon -East economic develo.ment strate3 2. HousinAffordability. Strategic Objectives: • 1 2A. Develop a Certified Housing Element that balances the location of housing options for all income types. 2B. Ensure the City's inclusionary zoning regulations incentivize targeted housing production. 2C. Prepare a nexus study to evaluate the affordable housing commercial linkage fee and affordable housing in -lieu fee for for -sale and rental housing. 2D. Facilitate the production of affordable housing for lower income seniors, workforce, and special needs households. 2E. Review the housing market analysis and establish a strategy to meet the "middle market" demand, if needed, to ensure right mix 2F. Review ownership programs for first-time buyers and explore alternative options. 3. Infrastructure Maintenance and Reinvestmen Strategic Objectives: 3A. Use surplus and lump sum funding to increase the City's internal service funds. 3B. Provide on -going condition assessments of aging city facilities and assets. 3C. Explore finance options for long-term pavement management needs. 3D. Explore use of funding mechanisms like community facilities districts for capital and on -going maintenance needs. 3E. Continue to implement measures identified in the Climate Action Plan. 36 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Strategic Plan 244 4. Or anizational Health. Strategic Objectives: 4A. Use existing reserves to address the unfunded Dougherty Regional Fire Authority pension liability. 4B. Complete an update to the Public Facility Fee Program. 4C. Make annual contributions to reserves for the early payoff of the energy efficiency bonds. 4D. Conduct a feasibility study into the fiber connectivity between City facilities. 4E. Complete an update to the User Fee Stud 5. Safe and Accessible Communi _ 5A. Evaluate the feasibility and strategies for a community -wide fiber network. 5B. Continue to engage with the community using all appropriate methods to share and exchange information. 5C. Provide more opportunities for residents to complete transactions with the City online, with appropriate security measures. 5D. Ensure programs remain affordable and accessible to all members of the community, especially lower income families and seniors. 5E. Support existing and innovative public safety efforts, like the DPS Behavioral Health Unit. 5F. Support community awareness of protected and preserved open space in and around Dublin. 37 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Strategic Plan 245 6.APPENDIX 38 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appendix 246 Historical Comparison of Expenditures EXPENDITURE COMPARISON BY DEPARTMENT De City Attorney City Attorney Total Ci Attorne City Council • artment City Council Total Ci Council City Manager's Office City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Information Systems Economic Development Communications Other Programs Total Ci Mana . er's Office Community Development Housing Planning Building & Safety Total Communi Develo Finance Finance Total Finance • ment 39 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Actual 2021-22 $602,473 $602,473 $421,111 $421,111 $1,505,079 578,478 1,995,159 2,154,927 2,114,575 500,425 933,885 $9,782,529 $334,750 2,709,607 2,750,932 $5,795,290 $2,164,756 $2,164,756 Adopted Budget 2022-23 $985,000 $985,000 $543,506 $543,506 $1,908,678 981,009 2,823,046 2,916,778 1,883,486 582,769 1,144,448 $12,240,213 $808,279 2,976,658 3,320,242 $7,105,179 $2,408,430 $2,408,430 Amended Budget 2022-23 $985,000 $985,000 $543,506 $543,506 $1,942,823 981,009 3,206,035 3,089,033 1,898,979 790,342 1,086,683 $12,994,903 $1,186,729 3,777,377 3,323,242 $8,287,348 $2,418,430 $2,418,430 Update 2023-24 $985,000 $985,000 $599,803 $599,803 $1,951,858 1,016,879 3,688,356 3,729,206 1,615,532 619,140 1,216,088 $13,837,058 $632,920 2,629,651 3,013,309 $6,275,880 $2,527,616 $2,527,616 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended 0.0% 0.0% $56,297 $56,297 10.4% 10.4% $9,035 35,870 482,321 640,173 (283,447) (171,202) 129,405 $842,155 ($553,809) (1,147,726) (309,933) $2,011,468 109,186 109,186 0.5% 3.7% 15.0% 20.7% - 14.9% - 21.7% 11.9% 6.5% - 46.7% -30.4% -9.3% - 24.3% 4.5% 4.5% Expenditures Comparison 247 EXPENDITURE COMPARISON BY DEPARTMENT CONTINUED Deuartment Actual 2021-22 Adopted Budget 2022-23 Amended Budget 2022-23 Update 2023-24 $ Change from Amended % Change from Amended Fire Services Contract Fire Prevention Total Fire • Non -Departmental Other Contracts Non -Departmental - ISF Replacements Total Non -De . artmental Parks & Community Services Parks & Community Services Administration Cultural & Special Events Heritage Center Senior Center Shannon Center Sports, Stager & Other The Wave Total Parks & Community Services 40 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 $15,124,612 438,255 $15,562,867 $3,332,107 2,114,519 1,757,086 $7,203,711 $1,725,280 1,020,753 333,423 729,747 1,034,812 1,244,548 2,692,535 $8,781,098 $15,598,957 556,030 $16,154,987 $3,676,650 5,591,940 1,967,720 $11,236,310 $1,962,823 1,144,359 325,917 682,675 1,088,740 1,134,880 2,194,691 $8,534,085 $15,758,957 556,030 $16,314,987 $4,848,608 5,620,478 2,464,473 $12,933,559 $1,962,823 1,194,359 295,917 682,675 1,088,740 1,174,880 2,364,970 $8,764,364 $16,886,057 546,113 $17,432,170 $3,615,450 1,696,781 1,636,900 $6,949,131 $1,982,344 1,119,103 350,745 720,974 1,193,758 1,424,796 2,286,408 $9,078,128 1,127,100 (9,917) 1,117,183 (1,233,158) (3,923,697) (827,573) 5,984,428 19,521 (75,256) 54,828 38,300 105,018 249,916 (78,562) $313,764 7.2% -1.8% 6.8% - 25.4% - 69.8% - 33.6% - 46.3% 1.0% -6.3% 18.5% 5.6% 9.6% 21.3% -3.3% 3.6% Expenditures Comparison 248 EXPENDITURE COMPARISON BY DEPARTMENT CONTINUED Police Services Contract Police Operations Support Other Contracts Total Police De . artment Actual 2021-22 $23,205,879 2,173,636 302,886 $25,682,401 Adopted Budget 2022-23 $25,722,450 2,921,472 307,732 $28,951,654 Amended Budget 2022-23 $26,045,046 3,089,614 307,732 $29,442,393 Update 2023-24 $26,599,445 2,773,364 307,732 $29,680,541 $ Change from Amended 554,399 (316,250) 238,149 % Change from Amended 2.1% -10.2% 0.8% Public Works Public Works Administration Engineering Environmental & Sustainability Maintenance Special Districts Total Public Works TOTAL OPERATING PROGRAMS 41 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 $1,576,610 3,217,057 8,652,965 10,296,702 52,532 $23,795,866 $1,461,591 3,489,161 8,806,764 16,286,495 375,671 $30,419,682 $2,021,965 3,592,728 9,403,586 16,815,544 375,671 $32,209,493 $1,855,024 3,891,056 9,659,090 17,928,023 563,056 $33,896,248 (166,941) 298,328 255,504 1,112,480 187,385 1,686,755 $99,792,102 $118,579,046 $124,893,983 $121,261,576 ($3,632,407) -8.3% 8.3% 2.7% 6.6% 49.9% 5.2% -2.9% Expenditures Comparison 249 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Human Services Grant Oraniz ation Axis Community Health Axis Community Health Centro Legal Chabot -Las Positas CC District Chabot -Las Positas CC District City Serve of the Tri-Valley City Serve of the Tri-Valley Community Resources for Independent Living Easterseals Northern CA Goodness Village Hively Hope Hospice Inc. Legal Assistance for Seniors Lions Center for Visually Impaired Love Never Fails Open Heart Kitchen Partners for Change Tri-Valley Spectrum Community Services Sunflower Hill Tri-Valley Haven Tri-Valley Haven Program Axis Section 108 Loan Obligation Triage Nurse Fair & Secure Housing Project Pathways to Employment VITA Services Homeless Prevention/Family Stabilization Senior 60+ Stabilization Program Housing & Independent Living Skills Kaleidoscope Community Adult Program Goodness Village Family Resource Center Grief & Volunteer Support Services Legal Services & Medicare Counseling Seniors Vision Health Economic Freedom ITbiz Tech Academy Senior Meal Program Education & Mentorship for Poverty Alleviation Meals on Wheels More Than a Meal Support for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Domestic Violence Services Homeless Services CDBG General Fund Fund $15,000 $18,795 $16,045 $12,295 Affordable Housing ARPA Fund Fund $4,295 $8,000 $12,595 $6,106 $3,545 $20,067 $4,733 $24,795 $4,796 $15,795 $12,296 $15,795 $15,795 $24,795 $8,945 $24,795 $3,689 $7,295 $24,800 $24,795 Total $59,862 $99,000 $8,000 $163,000 42 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Human Services Grant 250 Position Allocation Plan FY 2023-24 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN CITY POSITIONS Department / Classification Actual Adopted Amended Update Update vs 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended Cit Mana ' er's Office 1.00 City Manager Assistant City Manager 1.00 Administrative Technician 2.00 Assistant to the City Manager 1.00 Audio -Visual Specialist Chief Information Security Officer 1.00 City Clerk 1.00 Communications Manager 1.00 Economic Development Director 1.00 Executive Aide 1.00 Resources Director 1.00 _Human Human Resources Manager 1.00 Information Systems Manager 1.00 Information Systems Specialist 1.00 Information Systems Technician I/II 1.00 Management Analyst II 2.00 Management Analyst II (Limited Term) 1.00 Network Systems Coordinator 1.00 Office Assistant II 2.00 Senior Office Assistant 2.00 Special Projects Manager 1.00 S.ecial Projects Mana'er Limited Term) 1.00 Total - Cit Mana s er's Office 25.00 43 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 24.00 26.00 27.00 1.00 Position Allocation Plan 251 FY 2023-24 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN CITY POSITIONS CONTINUED De . artment / Classification .I a1 I • % Development Actual Adopted Amended Update Update vs 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended Community Development Director Administrative Aide Administrative Technician Assistant Planner Associate Planner Asst. Director of Community Dev. Chief Building Official Code Enforcement Officer Office Assistant II Permit Technician Plan Check Engineer Plans Examiner Principal Planner Senior Code Enforcement Officer Senior Management Analyst Senior Office Assistant Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00_ _ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Total - Co IN u I ' Develo. ment 19.00 19.00 19.00 El 19.00 Fire Office Assistant II Administrative Aide Administrative Technician Office Assistant II 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Total - Police 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Position Allocation Plan 252 FY 2023-24 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN CITY POSITIONS CONTINUED Actual Adopted Amended Update Update vs Department / Classification 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended Finance Director Accountant Administrative Aide Asst. Finance Director Finance Technician I/II Financial Analyst Management Analyst I Management Analyst II Senior Accountant Senior Office Assistant Senior Finance Technician Total - Finance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks & Co.'.. . ' Services Parks & Community Svcs Director Asst. Parks & Comm Services Dir. Heritage & Cultural Arts Manager Graphic Design & Comm Coordinator Management Analyst I Management Analyst II Office Assistant II Recreation Coordinator Recreation Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Technician Senior Office Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 Total - Parks & Co.... .' Services 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 1.00 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Position Allocation Plan 253 FY 2023-24 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN CITY POSITIONS CONTINUED Department / Classification Actual 2021-22 Public Works Public Works Director 1.00 Administrative Aide 1.00 Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 Assistant Public Works Dir/City Engineer 1.00 Associate Civil Engineer 3.00 Capital Improvement Program Manager 1.00 Environmental & Sustain. Manager 1.00 Environmental Technician 1.00 GIS Coordinator Maintenance Coordinator Management Analyst I Management Analyst If 1.00 Office Assistant II 1.00 Parks & Facilities Dev. Coordinator 1.00 Permit Technician 1.00 Principal Engineer Public Works Inspector Public Works Manager Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 1.00 Public Works Trans/Ops Manager 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 1.00 Senior Office Assistant Senior Public Works Inspector Total - Public Works 1.00 18.00 Adopted Amended Update Update vs 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Amended 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 19.00 , 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 21.00 o 1.00 1.00 1.0-1 22.00 1.00 1.00 (1.00) o 1.00 GRAND TOTAL - CITY POSITIONS 99.00 99.00 102.00 105.00 3.00 46 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Position Allocation Plan 254 FY 2023-24 POSITION ALLOCATION PLAN CITY POSITIONS CONTINUED NOTE: The Position Allocation Plan only accounts for City permanent positions. The Position Allocation Plan does not account for temporary/seasonal Staff in the Parks & Community Services Department. It also does not include all personnel who perform work under contract to the City of Dublin, police and fire services with the Alameda County, maintenance services with MCE Corporation; or legal services provided by Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson. 47 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Position Allocation Plan 255 Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit (Based on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit Adopted by City Council Resolution No. 57-22) The Gann Limit, or Proposition 4 Limit, was a 1979 amendment to the California constitution sponsored by political activist Paul Gann in 1979 on the heels of his property tax -reducing Proposition 13 initiative passed the prior year. The Gann Limit was designed to regulate state and local spending by linking the rate of appropriation growth to a statewide index. In accordance with Chapter 1025 of the statutes of 1987, as amended, each government entity is required to include the Appropriations Limit in the annual budget. The City of Dublin has calculated a Fiscal Year 2023-24 limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and the recognized methodology for calculating adjustments. The details of this calculation are shown on the following page. The Appropriations Limit does not apply to all funds appropriated by the City Council. State law limits only the appropriations that are funded by "proceeds of taxes," which are narrowly defined. The law also establishes a formula to be used to calculate annual adjustments to the limit using a combination of two factors selected by the agency. The first factor is based on changes in population. Agencies may either select the change in the city population or the change in county population. For Fiscal Year 2023-24 the City of Dublin population change is a decrease of 0.38% which is smaller than the Alameda County population decrease of 0.47% (based on the Price and Population Information provided by the California Department of Finance). Therefore, the adjustment calculation uses the City of Dublin population change. The second factor allows the City to use either 1) the increase in the State per capita personal Income, or 2) the change in local assessed valuation based on changes in the "Non-residential New Construction." The change in the per capita personal income as provided by the Department of Finance is 4.44%. The change in the assessed valuation compares the total change in assessed valuation to the amount related strictly to non- residential improvements, in April 2023, the Alameda County Assessor provided data related to Fiscal Year 2022-23 changes in assessed valuation attributable to Non-residential New Construction, The amount of the increase was $11,925,000, or 0.98%. Therefore, the City of Dublin elected to use the change in the State per capita personal Income. The two factors discussed above are combined to arrive at a growth rate for appropriations, which is then applied to the prior year to arrive at a limit for the new budget year. The City of Dublin's Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit is $468,263,521, as shown on the following page, while the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget contains appropriations of $92,799,471 that would be categorized as funded by proceeds of taxes. Therefore, the City's appropriations subject to the Gann Limit are $375,464,050 below the allowed amount calculated for Fiscal Year 2023-24. 48 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit 256 CALCULATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (Based on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Limit) A. Selection of Optional Factors 1. Change in Population — City vs. County. Factors 1 /1 /2023 1 /1 /2022 % Increase a. City of Dublin 70,879 71,148 -0.38% b. County of Alameda 1,633,886 1,641,554 -0.47% The City selected Factor la. City of Dublin population change -0.38% 2. Change in State per Capita Personal Income vs. City Non -Residential Building Construction. Factors % Change a. Change in State per Capita Personal Income 4.44% b. Change in Non -Residential Assessed Valuation 0.98% The City selected Factor 2b. Change in State per Capita Personal Income 4.44% B. FY2023-24 Growth Adjustment Factor Calculation of factor for FY2023-24 = X*Y = 0.9962*1.0444 =1.0404 X = Selected Factor #1 + 100 =-0.38+100 = 0.9962 100 100 Y = Selected Factor #2 + 100 = 4.44+100 = 1.0444 100 100 C. Calculation of Appropriations Limit Fiscal Year 2022-23 Appropriations Limit $450,080,278 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Adjustment Factor x 1.0404 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Appropriations Limit $468,263,521 49 I Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit 257 FY 2023-24 Budget May I 6, 2023 II DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Overview • Background • Citywide Funds • General Fund • I O-Year Forecast • Recommendation 259 Background • Biennial budget process • FY 23-24 is an Update Year • No major changes in other funds • Focus on General Fund • GF Preliminary Budget presented on April 18 — No changes in revenues and operating expenditures — Additional funding for CIPs Citywide Summary Governmental Proprietary Total Beginning Balance Revenues Transfers In Expenditures Transfers Out $250,979,428 136,410,417 24,998,937 140,667,807 26,828,937 $63,050,050 6,842,300 2,000,000 5,536,106 70,000 $3 I4,029,478 143,252,717 26,998,937 146,203,913 26,998,937 Ending Balance $244,892,038 $66,186,244 $311,078,283 GF Revenues ■ Net Increase $3.7M (+3.3%) • Property Tax +$3.4M (+6.I%) • Sales Tax -$400K (-1 .5%) • Development Revenue -$278K (-3.8%) • Charges for Services +$439K (+6.3%) • OtherTaxes +$221 K (+3.4%) • Interest +$200K (+8.7%) GF Expenditures ■ Net Increase $2.4M (+2.4%) • Personnel Costs +$443K (+2.3%) • Services & Supplies +$795K (+1 4.6%) • ISF Charges +$5 I I K (+10.4%) • Contract Services +$867K (+1.4%) Transfers Out • ISF Facilities $2.OM • Pension unfunded liability $1.0M • CIP$I7.9M — Library Tenant Improve. ($1.0M) — Shade structure to Stagecoach Park ($50K) GF Reserves FY 2022-23 Amended FY 2023-24 Projected $ Change % Change Revenues Expenditures $112,212,330 97,221,855 $115,891,861 $3,679,531 99,573,224 2,351,368 3.3% 2.4% Net Operating Impact $14,990,475 $16,318,637 $1,328,162 8.9% Transfers In $121,600 Transfers Out/Contribution 41,254,681 $56,600 (65,000) 20,929,893 (20,324,789) - 53.5% - 49.3% End of Year Balance $197,714,899 $193,160,244 ($4,554,655) -2.3% Operating Sur.Ius $16.3M ecrease in GF Reserve $4.6M sm DUBLIN CALIFORNIA M 265 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 IO-Year Forecast Property Taxes Sales Tax Development Other Taxes tit Licenses & Permits >• Fines Interest Rentals & Leases =Intergovernmental Charges for Svcs s Other —Total Expenditures 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 T 30-31 a 31-32 I 32-33 Operating Deficit FY 30-31 sM DUBLIN 266 CALIFORNIA Recommendation Conduct the Public Hearing, deliberate, and adopt: • Resolution Adopting a Budget for the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Agenda Item 6.2 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SU B.ECT : Adopting the Proposed 2022-2027 Five -Year Capital Improvement Program Update Prepared by: Michael Boitnott, Capital Improvement Program Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will conduct a public hearing and consider adopting the proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program Update, which includes capital project funding from Fiscal Year 2022-23 through Fiscal Year 2026-27. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the Resolution Adopting the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposed 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update includes appropriations totaling $142,286,658 in Fiscal Year 2022-23 and $37,305,535 in Fiscal Year 2023-24. These appropriations are included in the CIP section of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Proposed Budget. DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City Council updates and adopts the City's Five -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The proposed 2022-2027 CIP Update represents the City's capital investment program and addresses the City's public infrastructure needs through Fiscal Year 2026-27. Projects in the CIP are identified in the following major categories: General Improvements, Public Art, Parks, Streets, and Future Projects. The Future Projects category identifies projects that are beyond the current CIP timeframe, for which a funding source may or may not be identified. Page 1 of 7 268 The table and graph below summarize 2022-2027 CIP expenditures by category: Category General Public Art Parks Streets Total Streets 58% 2022-23 $32,504,973 $1,445,860 $37,591,938 $70,743,887 $142,286,658 Table 1. Total CIP Costs by Category 2023-24 $2,696,840 $500,000 $3,894,115 $30,214,580 $37,305,535 2024-25 $1,705,000 $300,000 $9,462,780 $5,225,459 $16,693,239 2025-26 $0 $300,000 $860,000 $13,888,961 $15,048,961 Figure 1. CIP Cost % by Category General 17% 2026-27 $0 $250,000 $0 $8,331,461 $8,581,461 Five -Year $36,906,813 $2,795,860 $51,808,833 $128,404,348 $219,915,854 Public Art 1% Parks 24% General Improvements The General Improvements category includes 20 projects, 11 of which have remaining budget in Fiscal Year 2022-23, but do not have any additional funding proposed for years two through five of the CIP. The most significant General Improvements projects being completed in the five-year timeframe are the Citywide Energy Improvements ($23.0 million), Civic Center Rehabilitation ($2.2 million), Cultural Arts Center ($14.4 million), Financial System Replacement ($2.5 million), and Library Tenant Improvements ($2.8 million). Of note in the General Improvements category for the 2022-2027 CIP Update is the Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements project ($1.1 million), which was approved in the current year and will provide for the planning, design, potential environmental permitting, and Page 2 of 7 269 construction to make repairs at various sites impacted by the winter storms. The 2022-2027 CIP Update also includes increasing funding in Fiscal Year 2023-24 for the following General Improvements category projects: Audio Visual System Upgrade ($264,000), Citywide Energy Improvements ($30,000), Exterior Painting at Various City Facilities ($120,000), Library Tenant Improvements ($1.0 million), and Roof Replacement at Various City Facilities ($50,000). Public Art The Public Art category includes three projects, two of which have remaining budget in Fiscal Year 2022-23, but do not have any additional funding proposed for years two through five of the CIP. The Public Art projects being completed in the five-year timeframe are the Heritage Park Public Art ($594,700), the Camp Parks Sign ($500,450), and the Downtown Dublin Public Art ($1.5 million). There are no new Public Art projects or major changes to existing projects proposed in the 2022- 2027 CIP Update. Parks The Parks category includes 16 projects, nine of which have remaining budget in Fiscal Year 2022- 23, but do not have any additional funding proposed for years two through five of the CIP. The most significant Parks projects being completed in the five-year timeframe are the Don Biddle Community Park ($24.8 million), Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 ($10.6 million), Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space ($11.6 million), and Wallis Ranch Community Park ($9.2 million). There are no new Parks projects proposed in the 2022-2027 CIP Update. The 2022-2027 CIP Update includes increasing funding in Fiscal Year 2023-24 to the Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space project ($50,000) to add a shade structure at Stagecoach Park. Streets The Streets category includes 23 projects, 10 of which have remaining budget in Fiscal Year 2022- 23, but do not have any additional funding proposed for years two through five of the CIP. The most significant Streets projects being completed in the five-year timeframe are the Annual Street Resurfacing ($23 million), Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements ($5.4 million), Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade ($4.7 million), Green Stormwater Infrastructure ($3.3 million), Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Boulevard ($14.0 million), St. Patrick Way Extension ($3.7 million), Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School ($13.5 million) and Tassajara Road Realignment and Widening - Fallon Road to North City Limit ($12.8 million). There are no new Streets projects proposed in the 2022-2027 CIP Update. The 2022-2027 CIP Update includes increasing funding in Fiscal Year 2023-24 for the following Streets category projects: Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway ($8.4 million), Green Stormwater Infrastructure ($1.1 million), and Village Parkway Reconstruction ($250,000). Funding Sources The funding for the 2022-2027 CIP come from a variety of sources, summarized in Table 2 and Figure 2 below. Page 3 of 7 270 Category General Fund Special Revenues Special Rev - Assmt. Dist. Public Art Fund Transportation Impact Fees Public Facilities Fees Internal Service Funds Energy Imp. Lease Bond Dublin Crossing Fund Other Developer Built Unidentified Total Table 2. CIP Funding Sources 2022-23 2023-24 $34,771,304 $17,929,893 $21,645,824 $3,406,689 $1,132,210 $42,000 $1,445,860 $500,000 $24,284,258 $25,823,826 $3,457,952 $8,890,725 $800,000 $3,435,000 $16,599,699 $142,286,658 Other/Developer, _ 15% ISF Funds, 3%_ Public Facility Fees, 15% $613,880 $2,279,875 $170,000 $12,363,198 $37,305,535 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year $3,898,670 $8,740,000 $157,500 $65,497,367 $3,253,149 $3,208,961 $2,873,961 $34,388,584 $42,000 - - $1,216,210 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $2,795,860 $816,320 - $4,514,600 - $1,650,000 $600,000 $2,218,500 $16,693,239 $2,200,000 $15,048,961 Figure 2. CIP Funding Source % Traffic Impact, 12% Unidentified, 4% Energy Improve. Lease Bond, 4% $5,300,000 $8,581,461 General Fund, 30% _Special Revenues, 17% $25,714,458 $32,618,301 $5,877,952 $8,890,725 $800,000 $15,798,198 $16,599,699 $9,718,500 $219,915,854 Approximately 27% or $58.3 million of the CIP costs are funded by Transportation Impact Fees and Public Facilities Fees. Completion of projects funded by impact fees is contingent upon development proceeding as estimated and fees being collected as projected. The timing of projects funded by this source may need to be reevaluated if there is a slowdown of projected development activities. Approximately 17% or $38.4 million of CIP costs are funded by Special Revenues. Of this amount, Page 4 of 7 271 $22.1 million is from State Gas Taxes (Highway Users Tax Account or HUTA), SB1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), and Measure B/BB Sales Tax. General Fund Contributions The General Fund contributions to the CIP account for approximately 30% or $65.5 million of the five-year costs. The following is a list of CIPs funded or partially funded by the General Fund: • Alamo Creek Park and Assessment District - Fence Replacement • Audio Visual System Upgrade • City Entrance Monument Signs • Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements • Citywide Energy Improvements • Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade • Citywide Storm Drain Improvements • Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement • Civic Center Rehabilitation • Cultural Arts Center • Don Biddle Community Park • Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network • Downtown Dublin Town Square Park • Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway • Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements • Dublin Standard Plans & Details Update • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations • Fallon Sports Park - Phase 3 • Financial System Replacement • Green Stormwater Infrastructure • IT Infrastructure Improvement • Imagine Playground at Dublin Sports Grounds • Kolb Park Renovation • Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements • Marquee Signs • Municipal Fiber • Parks Playground Replacement • Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building • Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements • Restrooms Replacement • San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation • San Ramon Road Trail Lighting • Situational Awareness Camera Program • Sunday School Barn Improvements • Village Parkway Reconstruction Page 5 of 7 272 Future Projects The Future Projects category identifies projects that are beyond the current CIP timeframe, for which a funding source may or may not yet be identified. The total cost of all projects beyond the CIP timeframe is estimated at $227.6 million. Future projects are listed below. • General Improvements ($292,410) - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Future phase) • Parks ($32,885,000) - Downtown Dublin Town Square Park (Future phase) - Dublin Sports Grounds - Phase 5 Renovation - Croak Neighborhood Park East - Croak Neighborhood Park West - Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex - Phase 2 • Streets ($194,407,652) - Dublin Boulevard Extension (Unfunded portions of current project, future phases) - Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network (Future phase) - City Entrance Signs - Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (Fee program projects) - Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (Fee program projects) Annual Budget Impact Some CIP projects will have an impact on the operating budget due to ongoing maintenance costs. Table 3 provides a summary of additional annual funding from the General Fund. These expenses are not reflective of other infrastructure improvements, such as additional streets, street landscape, and streetlight maintenance that is necessary because of new development. Project Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Don Biddle Community Park Fallon Sports Park - Phase 3 Financial System Replacement Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Boulevard Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square Library Tenant Improvements Wallis Ranch Community Park TOTAL Table 3. Annual Operating Costs 2022-23 2023-24 $1,500 2024-25 2025-26 $1,500 $1,500 $660,000 $660,000 $500,000 $500,000 $238,326 $245,476 $100,000 $100,000 $660,000 $500,000 $252,840 $100,000 - $57,000 - $8,000 - $215,000 - $1,499,826 $1,729,976 $8,000 $215,000 $1,794,340 2026-27 $1,500 $660,000 $500,000 $265,482 $100,000 $57,000 $8,000 $215,000 $1,794,340 Page 6 of 7 273 Environmental Review The 2022-2027 CIP Update has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act and has been determined to be exempt under Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 1: Downtown Dublin and Economic Development Objective A: Continue support of the Downtown Preferred Vision and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan including improving visual and environmental quality and evaluating specific business uses. Strategy 3: Infrastructure Maintenance and Reinvestment Objective B: Provide on -going condition assessments of aging city facilities and assets. Objective E: Continue to implement measures identified in the Climate Action Plan. Strategy 4: Organizational Health Objective D: Conduct a feasibility study into the fiber connectivity between City facilities. Strategy 5: Safe and Accessible Community Objective A: Evaluate the feasibility and strategies for a community -wide fiber network. Objective F: Support community awareness of protected and preserved open space in and around Dublin. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted, and a notice was published in East Bay Times legal section on May 5, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Adopting the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update 2) Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 7 of 7 274 Attachment I RESOLUTION NO. XX - 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING THE PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2022 — 2027 UPDATE WHEREAS, each year, the City Council updates and adopts the City's Five -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which addresses the City's public infrastructure and facility needs in the following areas: General Improvements, Public Art, Parks, Streets, and Future Projects; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has presented the proposed Five -Year CIP 2022-2027 Update; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2022, the Planning Commission reviewed the Five -Year CIP 2022- 2027 and has determined the public works projects to be constructed are in conformance with the City of Dublin General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby take the following actions: 1. Adopt the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update; and 2. Confirm that the items scheduled for implementation in Fiscal Year 2023-24 shall be included in the Capital Budget of the City's updated Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Reso. No. XX-23, Item 6.X, Adopted 5/16/23 Page 1 of 1 275 City of Dublin CALIFORNIA FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2022-2027 UPDATE City of Dublin CALIFORNIA Dublin All-Amedcaetty 2011 Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update May 2023 Melissa Hernandez, Mayor Michael McCorriston, Vice Mayor Jean Josey, Council Member Sherry Hu, Council Member Kashef Qaadri, Council Member Submitted by: Linda Smith, City Manager Colleen Tribby, Assistant City Manager CONTENTS CONTENTS SUMMARY SCHEDULES HIGHLIGHTS SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 3 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — PUBLIC ART 4 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — PARKS 5 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — STREETS 6 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 8 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 8 LOCATION MAP 9 AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEM UPGRADE 10 CITYWIDE ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS 11 CIVIC CENTER ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION 12 CIVIC CENTER EXTERIOR SEALING & PAINTING 13 CULTURAL ARTS CENTER 15 DUBLIN STANDARD PLANS & DETAILS UPDATE 16 ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING STATIONS 17 EXTERIOR PAINTING AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES 18 FINANCIAL SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 19 IT INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT 20 LIBRARY TENANT IMPROVEMENTS 21 MARQUEE SIGNS 22 MUNICIPAL FIBER 23 Contents City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update RESILIENCY AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IMPROVEMENTS 24 ROOF REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES 25 SITUATIONAL AWARENESS CAMERA PROGRAM 26 PUBLIC ART 27 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 27 LOCATION MAP 28 CAMP PARKS SIGN 29 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN 30 HERITAGE PARK 31 PARKS 32 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 32 LOCATION MAP 33 ALAMO CREEK PARK AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT — FENCE REPLACEMENT 34 DON BIDDLE COMMUNITY PARK 35 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN TOWN SQUARE PARK 36 DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS REHABILITATION 37 FALLON SPORTS PARK — PHASE 3 38 IRON HORSE NATURE PARK AND OPEN SPACE 39 JORDAN RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD SQUARE 41 KOLB PARK RENOVATION 42 PARKS PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT 43 PERSIMMON DRIVE PEDESTRIAN PATH REHABILITATION 44 RESTROOMS REPLACEMENT 45 SUNDAY SCHOOL BARN IMPROVEMENTS 46 WALLIS RANCH COMMUNITY PARK 47 STREETS 48 Contents City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 48 LOCATION MAP 49 AMADOR PLAZA ROAD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 50 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING 51 CITY ENTRANCE MONUMENT SIGNS 53 CITYWIDE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 54 CITYWIDE SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADE 56 CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 58 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN STREET GRID NETWORK 59 DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION — FALLON ROAD TO NORTH CANYONS PARKWAY 60 DUBLIN BOULEVARD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION 62 DUBLIN RANCH STREETLIGHT IMPROVEMENTS 63 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - DUBLIN BLVD AND ST. PATRICK WAY 64 GREEN STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE 65 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM UPGRADE - CONNECTED/AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS 67 IRON HORSE TRAIL BRIDGE AT DUBLIN BOULEVARD 69 SAN RAMON ROAD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION 71 SAN RAMON ROAD TRAIL LIGHTING 72 ST. PATRICK WAY EXTENSION 73 TASSAJARA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - NORTH DUBLIN RANCH DRIVE TO QUARRY LANE SCHOOL 74 TASSAJARA ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING - FALLON ROAD TO NORTH CITY LIMIT 76 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND ROADWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS 78 TRAFFIC SIGNAL RE-LAMPING 79 VILLAGE PARKWAY RECONSTRUCTION 80 FUTURE PROJECTS 8I LOCATION MAP 82 Contents City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update ii CROAK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK EAST 83 CROAK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK WEST 83 DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS — PHASE 5 RENOVATION 84 EMERALD GLEN RECREATION AND AQUATIC COMPLEX - PHASE 2 84 CITY ENTRANCE SIGNS 85 EASTERN DUBLIN TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE 85 WESTERN DUBLIN TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE 86 Contents City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update N GO SUMMARY SCHEDULES HIGHLIGHTS The following schedules provide an overview of the financial information contained in the Proposed Five -Year Capital Improvement Program 2022- 2027 Update. The first summary schedule highlights expenditures by program area for all projects and identifies the financing category used for the projects. The following financial schedules provide information by major program area (General Improvements, Public Art, Parks, and Streets) as well as separate schedules listing unfunded or Future Projects. Additional details about each project are in the corresponding program area. SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — ALL FUNDS 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CATEGORY PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 FUTURE 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL General Improvements Public Art Parks Streets $54,666,069 $908,126 $66,369,178 $18,623,452 $32,504,973 $1,445,860 $37,591,938 $70,743,887 $2,696,840 $500,000 $3,894,115 $30,214,580 $1,705,000 $300,000 $9,462,780 $5,225,459 $300,000 $860,000 $13,888,961 $292,410 $250,000 $8,331,461 $105,422,306 $91,865,292 $3,703,986 $4,500,000 $122,678,011 $252,450,106 TOTAL COSTS $140,566,825 $142,286,658 $37,305,535 $16,693,239 $15,048,961 $8,581,461 $110,214,716 $470,697,395 Summary Schedules City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 1 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — FINANCING SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — ALL FUNDS 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FINANCING PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL General Fund Special Revenue Special Revenue Funds- Assmt. Dist. Public Art Fund Traffic Impact Fees Public Facility Fees Internal Service Funds Energy Improve. Lease Bond Dublin Crossing Fund Other Developer Built Unidentified $26,767,824 $16,536,632 $348,307 $908,126 $2,100,687 $53,370,408 $7,602,952 $11,731,890 $18,199,999 $34,771,304 $21,645,824 $1,132,210 $1,445,860 $24,284,258 $25,823,826 $3,457,952 $8,890,725 $800,000 $3,435,000 $16,599,699 $17,929,893 $3,406,689 $42,000 $500,000 $613,880 $2,279,875 $170,000 $12,363,198 $3,898,670 $8,740,000 $157,500 $3,253,149 $3,208,961 $2,873,961 $42,000 $300,000 $816,320 $4,514,600 $1,650,000 $2,218,500 $300,000 $250,000 $600,000 $292,410 $4,500,000 $2,200,000 $5,300,000 $105,422,306 $92,557,601 $50,925,216 $1,564,517 $3,703,986 $27,815,145 $93,488,709 $13,480,904 $20,622,615 $18,999,999 $15,798,198 $16,599,699 $115,140,806 TOTAL FINANCING $140,566,825 $142,286,658 $37,305,535 $16,693,239 $15,048,961 $8,581,461 $110,214,716 $470,697,395 Summary Schedules City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 2 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NUMBER & DESCRIPTION PRIOR 2023-2024 FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 BUDGET 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL GI0421 Audio Visual System Upgrade GI0121 Citywide Energy Improvements GI0119 Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement GI0001 Civic Center Elevator Modernization GI0002 Civic Center Exterior Sealing & Painting GI0122 Civic Center Rehabilitation $35,998 $1,307,892 GI0120 Cultural Arts Center $1,129,707 $13,267,328 GI0123 Dublin Standard Plans & Details Update $142,500 GI0219 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations $17,907 $212,093 GI0223 Exterior Painting at Various City Facilities $665,000 GI0319 Financial System Replacement $1,323,202 $1,176,799 GI0117 IT Infrastructure Improvement $989,323 $254,277 GI0521 Library Tenant Improvements $1,835,665 GI0509 Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements $9,925,644 $55,089 GI0124 Marquee Signs GI0116 Public Safety Complex - Police Services Build. $24,052,798 $87,201 GI0323 Municipal Fiber $140,000 GI0221 Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Imp. $2,189 $1,100,000 GI0423 Roof Replacement at Various City Facilities $605,000 GI0523 Situational Awareness Camera Pro• am $585,000 OTAL COSTS $1,117 $157,923 $12,124,804 $10,801,586 $5,063,380 $111,620 $314,000 $30,000 1 • $687,840 $120,000 $1,000,000 $495,000 $50,000 $900,000 $600,000 $205,000 $54,666,069 $32,504,973 $2,696,840 $1,705,000 $473,040 $22,956,390 $5,175,000 $900,000 $600,000 $2,236,730 $14,397,035 $142,500 $292,410 $522,410 $785,000 $2,500,001 $1,243,600 $2,835,665 $9,980,733 $495,000 $24,139,999 $140,000 $1,102,189 $655,000 $585,000 $292,410 $91,865,292 FINANCING 1001 General Fund 1101 General Fund Designation 2207 Transportation for Clean Air 2705 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 4100 Public Facility Fees 4401 Dublin Crossing Development Fee 6205 Internal Service Fund - Facilities Replacement 6305 Internal Service Fund - Equipment 6605 IT Fund 7102 Eners Im.rove. Lease Bond $732,369 $4,738,781 $15,269,305 $8,612,749 $18,000 $332,053 $474,302 $1,129,707 $6,505,158 $17,999,999 $5,587,366 $2,903,638 $655,000 $1,228,380 $361,620 $11,731,890 $8,890,725 $1,809,000 $687,840 $30,000 $170,000 $205,000 $1,500,000 $292,410 $7,572,560 $24,774,894 $18,000 $836,355 $7,634,865 $17,999,999 $10,161,004 $655,000 $1,590,000 $20,622,615 TOTAL FINANCING $54,666,069 $32,504,973 $2,696,840 $1,705,000 $292,410 $91,865,292 Summary Schedules Go City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 3 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - PUBLIC ART 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO ECT `UMBER & DESCRIPTION PRIOR 2023-2024 FUTURE YEAR 2022-2023 BUDGET 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL PA0121 PA0217 PA0123 PA0222 PA0218 PA0419 PA0418 Camp Parks Sign Don Biddle Community Park Downtown Dublin Heritage Park Public Art - Butterfly Knoll Park Public Art - Dublin Sports Grounds Public Art - Sean Diamond Park $17,134 $414,635 $68,150 $13,456 $350,264 $44,487 $483,316 $266,114 $150,000 $526,550 $4,104 $6,263 $9,513 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $500,450 $680,749 $1,500,000 $594,700 $17,560 $356,527 $54,000 •�� S $908,126 $1,445,860 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $3,703,986 INAN CIN G 2801 Public Art Fund $908,126 $1,445,860 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $3,703,986 TOTAL FINANCING $908,126 $1,445,860 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $3,703,986 Summary Schedules City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 4 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - PARKS PRO ECT 'NUMBER & DESCRIPTION PK0122 Alamo Creek Park and Assessment District - Fence R PK0115 Don Biddle Community Park PK0221 Downtown Dublin Town Square Park PK0215 Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements PK0002 Dublin Sports Grounds Rehabilitation PK0105 Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex - Phase PK0119 Fallon Sports Park - Phase 3 PK0518 Imagine Playground at Dublin Sports Grounds PK0422 Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space PK0322 Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square PK0224 Kolb Park Renovation PK0124 Parks Playground Replacement PK0123 Persimmon Drive Pedestrian Path Rehabilitation PK0321 Restrooms Replacement PK0001 Sunday School Barn Improvements PK0421 Wallis Ranch Communit Park • • TS 1001 General Fund 1101 General Fund Designation 2207 Transportation for Clean Air 2212 Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) 2302 Measure D 2403 State Park Grant 2703 Landscape District Dougherty 1986-1 2704 Landscape District Santa Rita 1997-1 4100 Public Facility Fees 6205 Internal Service Fund - Facilities Replacement 6605 IT Fund 9998 Unidentified 9999 Develo er Built TOTAL FINANCING 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRIOR 2023-2024 FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 BUDGET 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL $12,932 $837,068 $6,222,890 $18,601,115 $102,205 $1,582,252 $21,748 $44,912,827 $7,928,102 $5,050,580 $182,411 $17,928 $218,123 $2,669,898 $48,820 $3,426,889 $1,752,244 $195,000 $280 $999,720 $458,976 $8,719,108 $4,680 $1,301,100 $1,028,775 $450,000 $1,109,560 $66,369,178 $37,591,938 $3,894,115 $9,462,780 $3,513 $1,597,512 $9,648,459 $788,941 $8,000 $14,894 $35,106 $51,180 $1,358,000 $2,294,000 $9,699 $390,301 $195,000 $55,240,701 $19,318,668 $42,732 $107,268 $12,857,142 $1,614,240 $2,279,875 $4,680 $150,000 $600,000 $6,733,100 $2,450,000 $125,000 $260,000 $860,000 $2,579,680 $260,000 $4,514,600 $150,000 $600,000 $2,218,500 $66,369,178 $37,591,938 $3,894,115 $9,462,780 $860,000 $850,000 $24,824,005 $4,500,000 $4,611,565 $1,604,000 $750,000 $45,130,950 $10,598,000 $5,099,400 $11,643,500 $2,798,947 $2,900,000 $1,109,560 $195,000 $1,000,000 $385,000 $9,178,084 $4,500,000 $122,678,011 $6,054,945 $10,437,400 $8,000 $50,000 $51,180 $3,652,000 $400,000 $195,000 $4,500,000 $85,853,844 $750,000 $150,000 $2,218,500 $12,857,142 $4,500,000 $122,678,011 Summary Schedules N 00 0) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 5 SUMMARY 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - STREETS 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRO ECT NUMBER & DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2023-2024 FUTURE 2022-2023 BUDGET 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL ST0815 Amador Plaza Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Imp. ST0117 Annual Street Resurfacing ST0319 City Entrance Monument Signs ST0517 Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements ST0713 Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade ST0124 Citywide Storm Drain Improvements ST0221 Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network $13,147 $196,893 Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North ST0216 Canyons Parkway $1,215,309 $16,101,578 ST0120 Dublin Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation $737,000 ST0417 Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements $6,555 $72,607 Golden Gate Drive Intersection Improvements at ST0423 Dublin Boulevard and St. Patrick Way $21,440 ST0121 Green Stormwater Infrastructure $301 $2,153,074 Intelligent Transportation System Upgrade - ST0519 Connected/Autonomous Vehicle and Safety $85,757 $714,125 ST0118 Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Boulevard $2,496,956 $11,507,483 ST0122 Local Roadway Safety Plan $43,301 $94,679 ST0218 San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation $405 $238,660 ST0514 San Ramon Road Trail Lighting $165,465 $7,996 ST0222 St. Patrick Way Extension $3,742,556 Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch ST0119 Drive to Quarry Lane School $491,643 $12,508,357 Tassajara Road Realignment and Widening - Fallon ST0116 Road to North City Limit $369,651 $12,407,765 ST0123 Traffic Signal and Roadway Safety Improvements $60,000 ST0223 Traffic Signal Re-Lamping $298,540 ST0323 Villa•e Parkwa Reconstruction $300,000 $553,151 $860,498 $9,432,823 $3,797,834 $485,000 $2,363,921 $1,638,223 $1,385,067 $2,799,579 $2,299,881 $653,228 $235,040 $30,000 $8,990 $24,652,333 $12,000 $113,880 $1,135,688 $500,000 $110,000 $213,540 $250,000 $2,299,881 $2,573,961 $2,573,961 $733,228 $275,040 $30,000 $157,500 $8,990 $42,000 $816,320 $135,000 $1,050,000 $11,150,000 $5,600,000 $1,413,649 $22,978,341 $485,000 $5,388,600 $4,694,726 $217,500 $21,200,000 $21,428,020 $84,222,306 $126,191,526 $737,000 $133,162 $951,640 $3,289,063 $799,882 $14,004,439 $137,980 $239,065 $173,461 $3,742,556 $13,500,000 $12,777,416 $170,000 $647,080 $18,350,000 TOTAL COSTS $18,623,452 $70,743,887 $30,214,580 $5,225,459 $13,888,961 $8,331,461 $105,422,306 $252,450,106 Summary Schedules N 03 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 6 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FINANCING PRIOR 2023-2024 YEARS 2022-2023 BUDGET FUTURE 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTAL 1001 General Fund 1101 General Fund Designation 2201 State Gas Tax 2202 Federal Transportation Grant 2203 Transportation Development Act 2204 Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Measure B Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund 2205 (ACTC) 2206 State Transportation Improvement 2207 Transportation for Clean Air 2212 Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund 2215 (ACTC) 2216 Measure B Grants 2217 Measure BB Grants 2218 Measure RR 2220 Road Maint. & Rehab Account (RMRA) 2304 Local Recycling Programs 2705 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 4300 Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4303 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 3 4304 Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4305 Traffic Impact Fee - Dougherty Valley 4306 Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee 4309 Mitigation Contributions 4401 Dublin Crossing Development Fee 6305 Internal Service Fund - Equipment 9997 Other 9998 Unidentified 9999 Developer Built $1,034,023 $1,217,542 $80,154 $17,815,780 $3,480,408 $3,903,173 $661,000 $192,683 $17,317 $2,251,913 $955,706 $497,494 $43,301 $739,714 $763,976 $2,717,620 $345,406 $28,699 $262,705 $961,010 $1,425,980 $524,330 $493,814 $82,500 $1,551,666 $5,146,840 $121,242 $1,378,758 $1,990,072 $3,705,949 $155,640 $4,360 $6,555 $72,607 $1,001,516 $11,826,742 $27,211 $382,052 $580,429 $1,053,660 $5,464,338 $491,531 $5,511,486 $45,980 $200,000 $800,000 $89,474 $85,426 $3,435,000 $3,742,556 $7,311,372 $6,507,441 $659,460 $165,040 $1,110,000 $348,228 $1,123,961 $12,000 $500,000 $113,880 $12,363,198 $1,163,961 $1,123,961 $1,123,961 $42,000 $816,320 $113,990 $30,000 $157,500 $1,000,000 $8,450,000 $775,920 $1,110,000 $900,000 $35,040 $930,000 $950,000 $850,000 $9,864,427 $33,853,375 $10,828,961 $661,000 $210,000 $3,207,619 $842,900 $72,000 $1,002,419 $1,925,066 $7,983,600 $348,228 $25,000 $1,739,600 $82,500 $6,698,506 $1,500,000 $10,231,865 $160,000 $133,162 $13,328,258 $409,263 $2,564,289 $5,464,338 $6,003,017 $45,980 $1,000,000 $174,900 $15,798,198 $2,200,000 $5,300,000 $105,422,306 $112,922,306 $3,742,556 TOTAL FINANCING $18,623,452 $70,743,887 $30,214,580 $5,225,459 $13,888,961 $8,331,461 $105,422,306 $252,450,106 Summary Schedules CO 00 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 7 N oo GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 Project Number Project Description Estimated Total Project Cost General Improvements GI0119 Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement GI0509 Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements GI0116 Public Safety Complex — Police Services Building $5,175,000 $9,980,733 $24,139,999 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 8 CO LOCATION MAP GENFRAL IMPROVEMENTS LIP Number CIP Name GI0421 GI0121 GI0001 GI0002 GIOI10 GI0122 Audio Visual System Upgrade Citywide Energy Improvements (Nano.. Locations) Civic Center Eievaror Flo lernization Cult Center Exterior Sealing & Painting Clinic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement Cvlc Center Rehabilitation ilea General Improvements N (O GIP Number LIP Name GI0120 GI0123 GI0219 GI0223 CI03]9 CI0117 Cultural Arts Center Dubin Standard Plans & Derails Update Electric Vehicle {EV) Charging Stations Exterior Painting at Varous Dry Fanli[ies Rnanotal System Replacement IT Infrastrumtre Irnorovement (Varous Locations) CIP Number GIP Name GI0521 Library Tenant Impmvemenk GI0124 Marquee S.gns GI0323 Municipal Fiber 13I0221 Rsiliency and Disaster Preparedness ]mprovemenis [Various • —s) [Z I123 Roof Replacement at Vanous City Pao!lltles G1RS22 Slruatrnal Awareness Camera Proordm PlatIons Locj City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 9 O Number — GI042 I AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEM UPGRADE iProgram — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the audio visual -system upgrades in the Ambrose Hall and adjoining conference room at the Shannon Community Center, the Alamilla Springs Ballroom at the Senior Center, and the Program Room at the Dublin Library. The upgrades will include replacement of equipment to improve the service quality for rentals, meetings, and corporate events. The upgrade will also bring the audio-visual systems up to current industry standards. A request for proposals was completed in summer 2022 for the design and construction is anticipated for summer 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined. MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9600 — E TOTAL mule ment $1,117 $12,019 $10,088 $14,904 $49,912 $131,000 $254,000 $1,117 $157,923 $314,000 $23,224 $64,816 $385,000 $473,040 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund TOTAL $1,117 $1,117 $157,923 $157,923 $314,000 $314,000 $473,040 $473,040 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 10 (O Number— GI0121 CITYWIDE ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning (Investment Grade Audit), design, and construction of various energy upgrades, efficiency improvements, lighting upgrades, energy generation, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and energy storage projects at facilities, parks, street rights -of -way, and other City -owned property. The project includes lighting and controls upgrades at Mape Memorial Park, Alamo Creek Park, Ted Fairfield Park, Bray Commons Park, Dolan Park, Emerald Glen Park, Fallon Sports Park, Heritage Park, and Shannon Park, as well as interior and exterior building lighting and controls upgrades at the Library, Corp Yard, Heritage Park and Museums facilities, Shannon Community Center, Fire Stations 16, 17, and 18, and at The Wave. The conversion of approximately 1,626 streetlights in the East Ranch Street Light Assessment District (1999-1) to LED is also included. There will be various mechanical, HVAC and controls upgrades at the following facilities: Library, Senior Center, Heritage Park and Museums, The Wave, Fire Stations 16, 17, and 18. Renewable, resiliency, and disaster preparedness improvements to prepare for future PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff events and other emergency events will be provided with back-up generators at the Library, Shannon Community Center, Fire Stations 16, 17, and 18, while battery back-up or hydrogen fuel cell resiliency will be provided at 22 major street intersections throughout the city. Solar PV and EV charging will be provided at Dublin Sports Grounds and Public Safety Complex. Solar PV with battery energy storage systems will be provided at the Civic Center, The Wave, Corp Yard, and Senior Center. Solar PV will be provided at the Library, Fallon Sports Park, Fire Stations 17 and 18. The new solar PV and replacement HVAC systems on the Library roof require a portion of the roof to be replaced, and to support the additional solar PV canopies at the Civic Center, a portion of the parking lot will be reconfigured. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: Savings in energy costs MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works r 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $11,129 $49,586 $12,063,943 $146 $88,871 $97,334 $10,615,027 $30,000 $354 $100,000 $146,920 $22,708,970 $500 TOTAL $12,124,804 $10,801,586 $30,000 $22,956,390 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 2705 — Street Light Dist East Dublin 1999-1 $60,861 $1,436,559 $332,053 $474,302 $30,000 $1,497,420 $836,355 7102 — Eners Im.rov. Lease Bond TOTAL $11,731,890 $8,890,725 $12,124,804 $10,801,586 $30,000 $20,622,615 $22,956,390 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O IV City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 11 Number — GI000 I CIVIC CENTER ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for the design and construction to upgrade the three existing elevators located within Civic Center. Most elevators are built to provide about 30 to 40 years of service. The modernization process will include upgrading the critical parts of the elevators in order for them to accommodate new technology, have better performance, less energy consumption, and improved safety. This upgrade will also include the replacement of the interior panels and controls within the elevator cars. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $24,960 $100,040 $750,000 $24,960 $100,040 $750,000 9600 — E.ui.ment TOTAL $25,000 $900,000 $25,000 $900,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 6205 — Internal Service Funds - Facilities $900,000 $900,000 TOTAL $900,000 $900,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O W City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 12 Number — GI0002 CIVIC CENTER EXTERIOR SEALING & PAINTING Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for design and construction for the sealing of the exterior natural stone veneer, concrete masonry block, and replacement of the caulked joints in the architectural metal panels and stonework at Civic Center. The project will also paint the accent trim colors inside City Hall and the exterior surfaces of the building that are not stone or architectural panels. Buildings should be sealed approximately every 10 years and caulking replaced every 30 years to maintain the exterior's appearance and to prevent damage caused by moisture infiltration. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $24,960 $75,040 $500,000 $24,960 $75,040 $500,000 TOTAL $600 000 $600 000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 6205 — Internal Service Funds - Facilities $600,000 $600,000 TOTAL $600,000 $600,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (0 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 13 Number — GI0122 CIVIC CENTER REHABILITATION Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of various rehabilitation and renovation projects at the Civic Center. Projects may include: renovation of all restrooms, showers, kitchenettes, and the employee break room; modifications to conference rooms; lighting and ceiling replacement; site improvements to the parking lot area and surrounding walkways of the Civic Center; plaza and landscaping improvements; building security evaluation and upgrades; repainting; and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Code upgrades. Interior repainting in select areas were completed during construction of the Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement project, and minor parking lot and walkway improvements are anticipated to be designed and constructed in conjunction with the Cultural Arts Center project. This project also includes the partitioning of three spaces into six on the second floor of Civic Center. Planning for other projects is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. This project is funded by General Fund Reserves. Other potential funding sources for the building security upgrades may include Federal and State public safety grants. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $5,594 $49,586 $30,404 $373,306 $875,000 $10,000 $24,960 $107,880 $550,000 $5,000 $100,000 $100,000 $5,000 $80,140 $611,590 $1,525,000 $20,000 TOTAL $35,998 $1,307,892 $687,840 $205,000 $2,236,730 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $35,998 $1,307,892 $35,998 $1,307,892 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 14 GJ1 Number — GI0120 CULTURAL ARTS CENTER Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and improvements of an approximately 13,000-square--foot Cultural Arts Center on the first floor of the Civic Center, which was formerly occupied by Dublin Police Services. The Parks & Recreation Master Plan identifies a Cultural Arts Center that would serve as a multi -use facility that affords cultural, educational, and social opportunities for the community. The Cultural Arts Center will include: an Art gallery, Black Box theater space; multi -purpose art and music classrooms; a dance studio; and restrooms. The project also provides for the replacement of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, HVAC controls, roof replacement, major upgrades to the main telecommunication room, and the relocation of the Parks and Community Services Department offices to the second floor of the Cultural Arts Center. Construction began in November 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in mid-2024. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $63,418 $1,060,875 $13 $5,402 $136,527 $1,774,125 $10,543,987 $12,688 $199,945 $2,835,000 $10,544,000 $18,090 9600 — E.ui.ment TOTAL $ 800,000 $1,129,707 $13,267,328 $800,000 $14,397,035 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 4100 — Public Facility Fees 6205 — Internal Service Fund — Facilities $6,964,197 $1,129,707 $4,759,493 $1,543,638 $6,964,197 $5,889,200 $1,543,638 TOTAL $1,129,707 $13,267,328 $14,397,035 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O a) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 15 Number — GI0123 DUBLIN STANDARD PLANS & DETAILS UPDATE Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will update the City's Standard Plans, Details and Specifications (Standards) utilized by the Public Works Department for design and construction of public improvements within the City's right-of-way and properties. These Standards are necessary for consistency to provide guidance to designers, and to specify the current requirements for public infrastructure to be constructed and maintained by the City. The Standards require periodic update and revision to be aligned with current industry practice, changes in materials and construction methods, as well as to be compliant with local, State, and federal goals and requirements, such as the Storm Water Municipal Regional Permit and accessibility requirements of the ADA. Planning began in early 2023 and the update is anticipated to take 12 to 18 months to complete. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $15,392 $124,608 $2,500 $142,500 $15,392 124,608 $2,500 $142,500 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund TOTAL $142,500 $142,500 $142,500 $142,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 16 Number- GI0219 ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING STATIONS Program - GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of at least two electric vehicle (EV) charging spaces at The Wave at Emerald Glen Park and the underground infrastructure for future expansion. In future years, the project could provide for design and construction of EV charging spaces at other City facilities. Staff will apply for grant funding for the charging units; agencies typically fund conduits, wiring, and electrical panel upgrades as local/match contribution to grant funding. This project is funded with General Fund reserve designation for Innovation/New Opportunities. Installation of EV charging units at The Wave will be completed by summer 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $1,500 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 - Salaries & Benefits 9200 - Contract Services 9400 - Improvements 9200 - Miscellaneous 9600 - E TOTAL e ru . ment $10,000 $2,620 $7,481 $20,906 $14,135 $426 $174,005 $426 $17,907 $212,093 $15,000 $75,000 $202,410 $292,410 $27,620 $103,386 $216,545 $853 $174,005 $522,410 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1101 - General Fund Designation 1001 - General Fund 1001 - Trans s ortation for Clean Air TOTAL $17,907 $194,093 $18,000 $17,907 $212,093 $292,410 $292,410 $212,000 $292,410 $18,000 $522,410 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 General Improvements N (O co City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 17 Number — GI0223 EXTERIOR PAINTING AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction to paint the exterior and make minor repairs at various City facilities. Buildings should be painted approximately every 10 years to maintain the structures' appearance and to prevent damage caused by moisture infiltration. This project will include work at the following locations: Heritage Museum, Saint Raymond's Church, Kolb House, Senior Center, Fire Stations 16, 17, and 18, The Wave, and the Library. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services $29,952 $85,048 $65,000 $29,952 $150,048 9400 — Im.rovements TOTAL $550,000 $55,000 $665,000 $120,000 $605,000 $785,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 6205 — Internal Service Funds - Facilities $665,000 $120,000 $785,000 TOTAL $665,000 $120,000 $785,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements N (O City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 18 CO Number— GI0319 FINANCIAL SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the replacement of the City's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and other related technological projects that support the City Council's initiative to "Become a 24/7 City Hall to Enhance Resident and Business Engagement." These include the OpenGov budget and financial transparency software and upgrades to the City's Laserfiche document management software. The City's ERP system serves as the primary software platform for Finance, Human Resources, Public Works, Community Development, and all other core transactions. The current system was implemented in Fiscal Year 2008-09 and has reached the end of its 10-year lifespan. This multi -year ERP replacement project began with the engagement of consultant services to assist with the issuance of Request For Proposals and evaluation of software selections. The selection of software vendor was approved in December 2020, the implementation started in Spring 2021, Finance Module went live on July 1, 2022, and the complete transition is expected for Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $238,326 at complete transition. MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9200 — Contract Services 9500 — Miscellaneous 9600 — Equi.ment $343,966 $14 $979,222 $655,534 $486 $520,779 TOTAL $1,323,202 $1,176,799 $999,500 $500 $1,500,001 $2,500,001 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 6305 — Internal Service Fund - Equipment $668,202 $1,176,799 $655,000 $1,845,001 $655,000 TOTAL $1,323,202 $1,176.799 $2,500,001 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $238,326 $245,476 $252,840 $265,482 General Improvements w 0 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 19 Number— GIO 117 IT INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project allows for the replacement and upgrade of aging network hardware as well as the implementation of centralized Information Technology management tools that will increase efficiencies in City operations. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Information Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 FUTURE 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous 9600 — E.ui.ment $198,610 $104,276 $123,644 $150,000 $678 $666,391 $989,323 $254,277 $302,886 $273,644 $678 $666,391 $1,243,600 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1101 — General Fund Designation 6605 — IT Fund $89,323 $900,000 $4,227 $250,000 $93,600 $1,150,000 TOTAL $989,323 $254,277 $1,243,600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 20 Number — G10521 LIBRARY TENANT IMPROVEMENTS Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of tenant improvements to the Dublin Library, including completion of 5,150 square feet of currently unoccupied space within the library building. The 37,000 square -foot library building was completed in Fiscal Year 2002-03, however only 30,000 square feet was occupied. In Fiscal Year 2016-17, a tenant improvement project was completed which opened an additional 1,850 square feet of space adjacent to the children's area. This project will open the remaining 5,150 square feet of building area for library and community use. Improvements may include removal of interior walls and the installation and modification of shelving and fixtures; carpet replacement; and repainting. Planning and preliminary design is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $8,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $62,510 $292,885 $200,000 $1,460,270 $800,000 $20,000 $62,510 $492,885 $2,260,270 $20,000 TOTAL $1,835,665 $1,000,000 $2,835,665 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4100 — Public Facility Fees 6205 — Internal Service Fund -Facilities 1001 — General Fund $1,745,665 $90,000 $1,000,000 $1,745,665 $90,000 $1,000,000 TOTAL $1,835,665 $1,000,000 $2,835,665 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 General Improvements w IV City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 21 Number — GI0124 i MARQUEE SIGNS Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for the design and construction to replace the digital signage display components at the Shannon Community Center and the Senior Center, as well as the addition of a double -sided LED marquee sign at Civic Center. Digital signage typically has a service life of approximately 10 years. The project will also standardize the digital signage operating system to allow the signage to be controlled from multiple facilities. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Information Services & Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $20,072 $74,928 $375,000 $20,072 $74,928 $375,000 9500 — E.ui.ment TOTAL $25,000 495,000 $25,000 $495,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $495,000 $495,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 22 0 w Number — GI0323 MUNICIPAL FIBER IM Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction to improve and extend the existing City Information Technology fiber optic network cabling and infrastructure by laying the foundation for future high speed networking capability and improve existing City facilities' networking speed and reliability by interconnecting City facilities from Civic Center to Heritage Park and Museums, Shannon Community Center, Senior Center, and the Corp Yard. An approximate 13- mile loop is anticipated to connect these facilities. This project will also assist in improving Traffic Operations with faster fiber optic networks that support smart and adaptive traffic software. Additionally, Dublin Police Services' ability and effectiveness in crime prevention will be enhanced with faster connections to the situational awareness cameras, license plate readers, and major intersection video streaming. Lastly, this project will improve Citywide Wi-Fi access, performance, and security. The first phase will be to solicit consultant services to develop a five-year fiber optic master plan and feasibility study, which will include an assessment of the existing City network infrastructure and the required build out. The preliminary planning began in 2022 with identifying the locations citywide of existing infrastructure. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Information Services & Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services TOTAL $20,800 $119,200 $140,000 $20,800 $119,200 $140,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $140,000 $140,000 TOTAL $140,000 $140,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements w City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 23 Number — GI0221 RESILIENCY AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IMPROVEMENTS Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION Beginning in the end of December 2022 through the first few weeks of 2023, Dublin and most of California experienced damage due to a series of rain fall events that were declared a major disaster in Alameda County by the President on January 17, 2023. The City experienced damage at various sites, including street rights -of -way, parks and open space, and facilities and buildings. This project will be utilized to provide for the planning, design, environmental permitting, if necessary, and construction to make the repairs at various sites impacted. The following locations and types of repairs have been identified: Dougherty Hills Open Space, Crossridge Road Trailhead — slide repair Dublin Boulevard, west of Silvergate Road — slide repair Mape Memorial Park — Pathway Realignment Shannon Community Center/San Ramon Road — ditch and culvert improvements Various citywide storm drainage facilities repairs, such as trash racks, culverts, ditches, bank stabilization, etc. The City will apply for grant funding through FEMA and CalOES. The clean-up effort has been on -going since the storm events and the planning for the permanent repair is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Im.rovements $2,189 $52,000 $223,000 $825,000 $2,189 $1,100,000 $54,189 $223,000 $825,000 $1,102,189 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $2,189 $1,100,000 $2,189 $1,100,000 $1,102,189 $1,102,189 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 24 Number — GI0423 ROOF REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of the roof replacement or partial roof replacement at various City facilities. Typically, a roof has a 20-30 year service life depending on the roof type. This project will include work at the following locations: Heritage Museum, Saint Raymond's Church, Senior Center, and Fire Station 16. The project will begin design in 2023 with construction anticipated to begin in spring/summer of 2024. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services $29,952 $75,048 $29,952 $75,048 9400 — Im.rovements TOTAL $500,000 $50,000 $605,000 $50,000 $550,000 $655,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 6205 — Internal Service Funds - Facilities $605,000 $50,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 25 w 0 a) Number — GI0523 SITUATIONAL AWARENESS CAMERA PROGRAM Program — GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS ■ PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for 40 situational awareness cameras at 10 locations to cover known gaps within the City. These cameras will strategically be located along major corridors and arteries to maximize observation of Dublin's many entrances and exit points into and out of town. These cameras will be valuable technological resources that assists in criminal investigations and the apprehension of law violators within the City. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Police Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Im.rovements TOTAL $7,072 $44,928 $533,000 $585,000 $7,072 $44,928 $533,000 $585,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $585,000 $585,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT General Improvements City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 26 w 0 PUBLIC ART SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 Project Number Project Description Estimated Total Project Cost PA0217 PA0218 PA0419 PA0418 Public Art Don Biddle Community Public Art — Butterfly Knoll Park Public Art - Dublin Sports Grounds Public Art - Sean Diamond Park City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update $680,749 $17,560 $356,527 $54,000 Page 27 LOCATION MAP PUBLIC ART CIP Number CIP Name CIP Number CIP Name PA0121 Public Art - Camp Parks Sign PA0222 Public Art - Heritage Park PA0123 Public Art - Downtown Dublin Igo Public Art 0 cc City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 28 Number — PA0 12 I i CAMP PARKS SIGN Program — PUBLIC ART PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project includes the restoration and relocation of the historic Camp Parks entrance sign from its current location at approximately 201 Dougherty Road to the new entrance at Camp Parks Boulevard and Dougherty Road. The original sign was constructed by artist/architect Bruce Goff in the 1940s and is eligible for the National Register. Rehabilitation will be in accordance with standards and guidelines per the U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service. The design process began in winter 2022 and the rehabilitation work is anticipated to be complete in Summer 2024. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Parks & Community Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $1,502 $23,948 $15,632 $149,368 $300,000 $10,000 $25,450 $165,000 $300,000 $10,000 TOTAL $17,134 $483,316 $500,450 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 FUTURE 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2801 — Public Art Fund $17,134 $483,316 $500,450 TOTAL $17,134 $483,316 $500,450 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Public Art City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 29 Number — PA0123 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN Program — PUBLIC ART PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for public art commissions in Downtown Dublin. The planning phase is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2022-23 with a comprehensive review of existing Downtown Dublin planning documents and the Public Art Master Plan. The planning phase will include the development of a guide for public art in the Downtown. Additionally, known locations for public art, including a monumental sculpture at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Village Parkway will be initiated. This project will be funded by the Public Art Fund. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Parks & Community Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRIOR ESTIMATED COSTS YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $24,960 $75,040 $300,000 $50,000 $200,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $24,960 $75,040 $1,150,000 $250,000 TOTAL $150,000 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $1,500,000 PRIOR I 1 '1 FUNDING SOURCE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2801 — Public Art Fund $150,000 $500,00 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $1,500,000 TOTAL $150,000 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $1,500,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Public Art City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 30 Number — PA0222 HERITAGE PARK J • Program — PUBLIC ART PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will be located at Dublin Heritage Park and Museums. The project budget is based on the Public Art in -lieu contribution required by the Schaefer Ranch Development Agreement. This project includes a monument piece at the comer of Donlon Way and Dublin Blvd as well as a series of six mini -sculptures located throughout the park. These artworks, approved by City Council in February 2022, will represent Dublin's rich heritage, culture, and diversity. Project planning began in Fiscal Year 2021-22 with project completion anticipated in Summer 2024. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Parks & Community Services 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $9,700 $100,000 $62,500 $387,500 $29,350 $5,650 $9,700 $100,000 $450,000 $35,000 TOTAL $68,150 $526,550 $594,700 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 2801 — Public Art Fund $68,150 $526,550 TOTAL $68,150 $526,550 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Public Art City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 31 PARKS SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 Project Number Project Description Estimated Total Project Cost PK0215 PK0105 PK0518 Parks w Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex - Phase 1 Imagine Playground at Dublin Sports Grounds $1,604,000 $45,130,950 $5,099,400 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 32 LOCATION MAP PARKS CIP Humber CIP Hama PKO122 Alamo Creek Park and Assessment District - Fence Replacement PK0115 Don Biddle Community Park PK0221 Downtown Dublin Tn4ri Square Park. PK0002 Dublin Spots Grnunrls Rehabilitation PK0119 Palio n Sports Park - Phase CIP Number PIOa}22 PK0322 PIf0224 PK0121 PK4123 CIP Number PKIL'i21 PKccD1 PK0121 CEP Hams Restrooms Replacement Sunday School Barn Lnprovanerits Wallis Rands Cammunty Park CIP Name Lan Horse Nature Park and Open Space Jordan Ranch Nelghbohood Square Kolb Park Renovation Parks Playground Replacement Persimmon Pr. Asphalt path Rehabiliteben PYSO122 F K0321 Parks «t City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 33 Number — PK0122 ALAMO CREEK PARK AND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT — FENCE REPLACEMENT Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of replacement fencing at Alamo Creek Park and for replacement and repair of fencing within the Dougherty Road Landscape and Lighting District No. 1986-1. Most of the existing tubular steel fencing has reached the end of its service life and needs to be replaced or repaired. The project will include replacement of the tubular steel fencing within Alamo Creek Park. In addition to the park fencing, the existing decorative concrete masonry walls within the park, which include integrated tubular steel fence elements, will be evaluated, repaired as needed, and repainted. The project will also include evaluation and select replacement or repair of the tubular steel fencing that is maintained by the Dougherty Road Landscape and Lighting District No. 1986-1. The subject fencing is located along Fall Creek Road, Wildwood Road, and Willow Creek Drive. Funding for this portion of the project is provided from funding reserves that were collected from District No. 1986-1. Design is complete and construction is anticipated summer 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $2,911 $38,689 $10,021 $43,730 $747,500 $7,149 $41,600 $53,751 $747,500 $7,149 TOTAL $12,932 $837,068 $850,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 2703 — Landscape District — Dougherty 1986-1 $3,233 $446,767 $9,699 TOTAL $12,932 $390,301 $450,000 $400,000 $837,068 $850,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 34 cri Number — PKO 115 DON BIDDLE COMMUNITY PARK Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of a 30-acre community park in the Boulevard Development within the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan. The park is located between Dublin Boulevard, Scarlett Drive, Horizon Parkway, and Columbus Street and will be built by the Boulevard Developer. The conceptual plan was approved by the City Council on January 9, 2018. The plan includes tennis courts, basketball courts, a picnic and barbeque area, a great lawn (multi -use lawn area), playgrounds, parent paddock, community garden, and other amenities. On October 2, 2018, City Council provided direction to use $600,000 of Community Benefit Funds for the inclusion of a specimen tree and upgraded playground equipment in the park design. Construction was substantially completed in late summer 2022 and a park opening ceremony was held on September 24, 2022. The project is anticipated to be completed in late spring of 2023. In accordance with the Dublin Crossing Development Agreement, the Developer is responsible for project costs up to $12,857,142. The City is responsible for reimbursing the Developer for project costs that exceed that amount. City funding will come from Public Facility Fee Funds. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $660,000 (at completion) MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $137,172 $382,731 $613,661 $2,318,500 $3,766,591 $15,562,129 $1,705,466 $337,755 $6,222,890 $18,601,115 $519,903 $2,932,161 $19,328,720 $2,043,221 $24,824,005 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 4100 — Public Facilities Fees $1,424,807 $675,193 $4,798,083 $5,068,780 $2,100,000 $9,866,863 9999 — Develo.er Built TOTAL $6,222,890 $12,857,142 $18,601,115 $12,857,142 $24,824,005 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $660,000 $660,000 $660,000 $660,000 Parks w City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 35 Number — PK0221 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN TOWN SQUARE PARK Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning of a new Town Square, in accordance with the main principles of the Downtown Dublin Preferred Vision, which was approved by the City Council on November 5, 2019. The Town Square is a one -acre park and plaza that will serve as Downtown Dublin's gathering place, which may include a market promenade, outdoor dining, and event space, and will be located one block north of Dublin Boulevard in the Dublin Place shopping center along the proposed extension of Golden Gate Drive. The planning phase is anticipated to begin in 2023. Possible funding sources are development impact fees, community facilities district or other assessment district. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9300 — Land/Right of Way 9400 — Im.rovements TOTAL $27,205 $4,680 $4,680 $75,000 $102,205 $4,680 $4,680 $110,000 $550,000 $2,400,000 $1,440,000 $146,565 $625,000 $2,400,000 $1,440,000 $4,500,000 $4,611,565 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 4100 — Public Facili Fees $102,205 $4,680 $4,680 $4,500,000 $111,565 $4,500,000 TOTAL $102,205 $4,680 $4,680 $4,500,000 $4,611,565 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks 3 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 36 Number — PK0002 LDUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS REHABILITATION i Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for the design and construction to renovate Baseball Fields 2 and 3 at the Dublin Sports Grounds. The improvements will include dugout covers/shelter, fence repairs, reconfiguration of Field 3 dugouts and bullpen openings out onto the field, and the replacement of the score booth at Field 2. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services $24,960 $24,960 $125,040 $150,000 $575,040 $600,000 $49,920 $125,040 $575,040 $750,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 6205 — Internal Service Fund — Facilities TOTAL $150,000 $600,000 $150,000 $600,000 $750,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 37 CO Number — PKO 119 IFALLON SPORTS PARK — PHASE 3 1 Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fallon Sports Park is a 60-acre community park bordered by Fallon Road, Central Parkway, Lockhart Street and Gleason Drive. Phases 1 and 2 of the park have been completed and Phase 3 represents the final phase of park development. The Phase 3 project provides for the design and construction of the remaining 14 acres of Fallon Sports Park, referred to as the Upper Terrace. On December 17, 2019, City Council approved the concept design that includes a cricket field, two ballfields, sand volleyball courts and multi -sport batting cages. On September 2022 the City Council authorized the use of construction contingency to install perimeter fencing/netting at the cricket field. Construction was substantially completed in late summer 2022 and a park opening ceremony was on October 22, 2022. The project is anticipated to be completed in spring/summer 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $500,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $148,685 $901,000 $6,853,679 $21,333 $1,093,112 $1,380,091 $170,018 $1,994,112 $8,233,770 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $24,738 $175,362 $7,928,102 $2,669,898 $200,100 $10,598,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1101 — General Fund Designation 4100 — Public Facility Fees $100,000 $7,928,102 $2,569,898 $100,000 $10,498,000 $7,928,102 $2,669,898 $10,598,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Parks cp..) — City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 38 Number — PK0422 IRON HORSE NATURE PARK AND OPEN SPACE Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of 12.13 acres of a nature park and open space adjacent to the Iron Horse Trail, from the Dublin/San Ramon city limit to the confluence of Alamo and South San Ramon Creeks, that may be developed in partnership with Zone 7 Water Agency. The park size could increase to over 20 acres of usable parkland when combined with adjacent Zone 7 Water Agency property. The park will be designed in accordance with the Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space Master Plan, which was approved by City Council on October 1, 2013. The City has already acquired the 12.13 acres and the balance of the parkland would be accessible through an easement and operational agreement with Zone 7 Water Agency. The City will continue to pursue the acquisition of the Alameda County portion of the Iron Horse Trail corridor to add to the City's portion of the parkland. Planning and design for Phase 1 began in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and construction of the first phase is anticipated to begin in summer 2023. The phase I improvements will provide a trail connection to Stagecoach Park and the installation of a shade structure over a picnic area. In addition to the Public Facility Fee, possible funding sources are additional statewide grants or federal grants for projects that provide non -motorized infrastructure and enhancements that promote new or alternate access to parks, waterways, outdoor recreational pursuits, and forested or other natural environments to encourage health -related active transportation and opportunities for residents and trail users to reconnect with nature, such as Active Transportation Program grants or Proposition 68. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $1,096 $173,704 $181,315 $848,685 $2,294,000 $110,500 $52,000 $610,000 $384,100 $255,000 $52,000 $196,505 $6,229,595 $255,000 $278,800 $1,836,505 $8,907,695 $620,500 TOTAL $182,411 $3,426,889 $1,301,100 $6,733,100 $11,643,500 Parks w N O City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 39 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4100 — Public Facilities Fee 2403 — State Park Grant 9998 — Unidentified 1001 — General Fund $182,411 $1,132,889 $1,251,100 $4,514,600 $2,294,000 $50,000 TOTAL $182,411 $3,426,889 $1,301,100 $2,218,500 $6,733,100 $7,081,000 $2,294,000 $2,218,500 $50,000 $11,643,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 40 w Number — PK0322 JORDAN RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD SQUARE Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of a 2.0-acre neighborhood square in the Jordan Ranch Development. The neighborhood square will be designed in accordance with the Neighborhood Square Standards contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The planning phase begin in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and the conceptual plan was approved by City Council on December 6, 2022. The detailed design of the park will continue through Fiscal Year 2022- 23 with construction anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $57,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $6,244 $100,934 $11,684 $447,756 $920,874 $10,400 $27,50 $990,875 $117,578 $486,940 $1,911,749 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $282,680 $17,928 $1,752,244 $1,028,775 $282,680 $2,798,947 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4100 — Public Facility Fees $17,928 $1,752,244 $1,028,775 $2,798,974 TOTAL $17,928 $1,752,244 $1,028,775 $2,798,947 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $57,000 $57,000 Parks City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 41 Number — PK0224 KOLB PARK RENOVATION 1 IProgram — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for the planning, design, and construction to renovate the 4.86-acre Kolb Park. The improvements will be consistent with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and may include the replacement of the restroom building, play equipment, site furnishings, picnic areas, drinking fountains, tot lot fencing, parcourse equipment stations, signage, refresh the shade structure, relevel the existing paver and DG pathways, and refresh the landscaping. Staff will look for opportunities to incorporate Green Stormwater Infrastructure within the park as a part of the renovation. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $24,960 $425,040 $24,960 $75,040 $2,300,000 $50,000 $49,920 $500,080 $2,300,000 $50,000 TOTAL $450,000 $2,450,000 $2,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $450,000 $2,450,000 $2,900,000 TOTAL $450,000 $2,450,000 $2,900,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks w N City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 42 Number — PK0124 i PARKS PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT 1 Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the replacement of playground equipment at various parks. Based on the results of annual inspections and regular maintenance records, all City parks will be evaluated for the need to replace play equipment at the end of their useful life. The first phase will be at Emerald Glen Park (Near Splash Pad Ages 5-12) and Ted Fairfield Park (Ages 2-5 and 5-12). ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS $118,560 $118,560 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $120,000 $850,000 $21,000 $120,000 $850,000 $21,000 TOTAL $1,109,560 $1,109,560 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $1,109,560 $1,109,560 TOTAL $1,109,560 $1,109,560 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks 41, N City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 43 Number— PK0123 PERSIMMON DRIVE PEDESTRIAN PATH REHABILITATION Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for removal and replacement of approximately 1,250 linear feet of asphalt pathway along Persimmon Drive between Gleason Drive and Central Parkway. The asphalt concrete surface has experienced distress due to soil expansion, the encroachment of tree roots, and some slope creep along the adjacent Tassajara Creek bank Design began in spring 2023 in conjunction with the Annual Street Resurfacing Project. Construction is anticipated summer/fall 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Im.rovements TOTAL $15,080 $29,920 $150,000 $195,000 $15,080 $29,920 $150,000 $195,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 FUTURE 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2704 — Landscape District Santa Rita 1997-1 $195,000 $195,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks cri N City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 44 Number — PK0321 RESTROOMS REPLACEMENT i Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction to replace the existing restrooms at Alamo Creek Park, Mape Memorial Park, and Kolb Park. To bring the restrooms up to current accessibility standards and codes, the existing restroom buildings will be demolished and replaced with pre-engineered restroom buildings. The planning and design phases are anticipated to begin in 2023. The restroom replacement at Kolb Park will be completed with the Kolb Park Renovation Project, PK0224. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: No increase MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 FUTURE 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $280 $33,100 $59,000 $900,000 $7,620 $33,380 $59,000 $900,000 $7,620 TOTAL $280 $999,720 $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $280 $999,720 $1,000,000 TOTAL $280 $999,720 $1,000,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks w N 0) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 45 Number — PK000I SUNDAY SCHOOL BARN IMPROVEMENTS 1 sr Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction to renovate the existing wood floor inside the Sunday School Barn at Heritage Park. The original wood floors are not adequate for the types and frequency of use that the building is experiencing. The project is intended to preserve the look and historic fabric of the original wood that is believed to be from the late 1800's while ensuring the structural integrity and finish of the floor are adequate for the current and planned uses of the barn. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $24,960 $100,040 $24,960 25,040 $200,000 $10,000 $49,920 $125,080 $200,000 $10,000 TOTAL $125 000 $260 000 $385 000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $125,000 $260,000 $385,000 TOTAL $125,000 $260,000 $385,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Parks City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 46 Number — PK042 1 • WALLIS RANCH COMMUNITY PARK L Program — PARKS PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Wallis Ranch Community Park consists of three separate parcels totaling 8.85 acres in the Wallis Ranch Development. The project will provide for the design and construction of a community park and will be designed to the Community Park Standards contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Park amenities include: play area, picnic facilities, turf area, lighted tennis, pickle ball, and basketball facilities, natural area, restrooms, pathways, lighting, dog park, and irrigation and landscaping. Design began in spring 2021. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $215,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 FUTURE 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $38,308 $170,362 $415,906 $707,664 $6,858,639 $982,443 $4,762 $208,670 $1,123,570 $6,858,639 $987,205 TOTAL $458,976 $8,719,108 $9,178,084 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4100 — Public Facilities Fee $458,976 $8,719,108 $9,178,084 TOTAL $458,976 $8,719,108 $9,178,084 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $215,000 $215,000 $215,000 Parks w N 00 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 47 STREETS SUMMARY OF PROJECTS PROJECTED TO BE COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 Project Number Project Description Estimated Total Project Cost ST0122 Local Roadway Safety Plan $137,980 Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 48 w N tG LOCATION MAP STREETS LIP CIF Naata STOR155 o.-.do-Pyre Rued ocrtk and Peklostriv. Mpwn.e.Rx ST01r7 +woei5beel Rnmforng(Vedvs kee6ons) 5TR]ri [sty tnnre Wsnument Sirs STa6d, (1.rTda end%date.. Imprnsmaas Chkraus kratcns) STR713 CRrywda SsenelCanr.anicebons llpgade (Wrws kcal ins) STR1h dtmc Slamdan loproyemes iuerwsslpasw..) dT622r 6psmown 6udin 9seee Gad kenrc k STOQr6 LW ,n Bpukwm 4rer.,an - RIIyn Wood To 11crt Ceram. Prkrr,y STM16 uuo,n BoulemN Reement rorhebinetcn STda37 Ppp,n Rend. Skeet!. yht Impmremsxs perms locanom) STR.ri rM do ...kite Or Intersecca lmwo.e. el Palk. Wed. end St. Paleirk 4kr c.m., frees r mmac2. ssrr,� •• Streets L IP 14ma Inteligerk Tmnspptabon 5ptem IJpar.*- CoenaleclArtorkwnvlNehde ed Solely Imprn+emenb Norms kcal.nsj Ron nax'Toni Bridge +.t W b n Boukmix! Luce, R.adwap SehC Plan Son Raman Rwd Landaome lssaetire S an Ramon Road Toni Lelrti.q 91. Worr*ricer E.tenam Teen -pre Pc ad din k n.*. d.e To 4.91•v Lene khod Ti mp , Ruled Ralkmnamt And NSderirgFelon Reef To North Ct. Lima !relic end ad Raednmr Saiety immeeen.e-h (Venous Iocebum S Traffic +gnel RrLa.Pmi (Veamus kcetiaa:) W ine Ranxef Remneaurban City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 49 Number — ST0815 AMADOR PLAZA ROAD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular improvements along Amador Plaza Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. The project is also consistent with the Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee program. The project has two phases. On December 6, 2016, the City Council accepted the first phase of improvements, which included the installation of two mid -block crosswalks with pedestrian warning lights and construction of a raised concrete median at the southern Safeway/Dublin Place driveway. The second phase will include construction of an exclusive southbound right turn lane on Amador Plaza Road at Dublin Boulevard. Phase 2 design began in mid-2018 and construction will occur following acquisition of the right-of-way for these improvements, which are dependent upon the timing of an adjacent development project at the former Coco's site. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9300 — Land/Right of Way 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $11,344 $190,849 $350,242 $716 $8,072 $37,522 $126,000 $685,620 $3,284 $553,151 $860,498 $19,416 $228,371 $126,000 $1,035,862 $4,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4304 — Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee $553,151 $860,498 $1,413,649 TOTAL $553,151 $860,498 $1,413,649 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 50 Number — STO 117 ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING 1 Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of a variety of pavement resurfacing treatments, from slurry seal to major rehabilitation and reconstruction of streets and resurfacing of bridge decks. The project also includes installation of new or upgrades of existing ADA curb ramps on roads that are reconstructed or receive an asphalt concrete overlay. Streets are selected for improvements based on the City's Pavement Management System to optimize the pavement condition in relation to available budget. The City owns and maintains approximately 148 centerline miles of streets. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission groups Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ratings into the following categories: 80-100 Very Good -Excellent; 70-79 Good, 60-69 Fair, 50-59 At Risk, 25-49 Poor, and 0-24 Failed. The City of Dublin is rated very good with a three-year moving average PCI of 82. This annual Resurfacing Program is primarily funded by Alameda County Transportation Commission Measure B/BB funds, SB-1, and Gas Tax. This program protects the substantial investment the City has in the public street system. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 FUTURE 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL Streets $142,884 $48,991 $35,360 $35,360 $35,360 $35,360 $1,484,397 $684,947 $340,000 $340,000 $360,000 $360,000 $7,796,520 $3,023,727 $1,917,401 $1,917,401 $2,170,601 $2,170,601 $9,022 $40,169 $7,120 $7,120 $8,000 $8,000 $9,432,823 $3,797,834 $333,315 $3,569,344 $18,996,251 $79,431 $2,299,881 $2,299,881 $2,573,961 $2,573,961 $22,978,341 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 51 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 2201 — State Gas Tax 2204 — Measure B Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2205 — Measure B Sales Tax — Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) 2214 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2215 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) 2216 — Measure B Grants 2220 — Road Maint. & Rehab. Account (RMRA) 2304 — Local Recycling Programs 4309 — Miti.ation Contributions $467,999 $3,456,188 $1,232,833 $600,920 $1,484,999 $300,000 $300,000 $1,806,020 $450,000 $575,000 $450,000 $650,000 $650,000 $304,500 $82,500 $1,374,977 $155,640 $9,432,823 $1,764,661 $4,360 $45,980 $3,797,834 $1,123,961 $2,299,881 $725,920 $800,000 $1,123,961 $2,299,881 $1,123,961 $800,000 $1,123,961 $2,573,961 $2,573,961 $467,999 $7,615,861 $1,784,999 $300,000 $4,581,020 $304,500 $82,500 $7,635,482 $160,000 $45,980 $22,978,341 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 52 w w w Number — ST0319 CITY ENTRANCE MONUMENT SIGNS Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction to install City entrance monument signs and a Downtown gateway sign at the following locations: Village Parkway median at Kimball Avenue (monument), San Ramon Road median at Alcosta Boulevard (monument), Schaefer Ranch Road at Dublin Boulevard (monument), and Tassajara Road north of Fallon Road (monument); and the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road (Downtown gateway). The new signs will conform to the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan and the monument signs will match the existing granite monument signs currently installed within the City. Installation of the Downtown gateway signage was completed in spring 2022 and the monument signage is anticipated to start in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Funding for the Downtown gateway sign comes from the General Fund Downtown Public Improvements Reserve. The Streetscape Master Plan also calls for entrance monument signs at Fallon Road at Dublin Boulevard and at Dublin Boulevard at the eastern city limits. Currently there are no medians at these locations on which to install the signs. These two entrance monument signs may be installed on the Dublin Boulevard Extension — Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway project (ST0216) or when adjacent property develops and installs associated street improvements. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $45,175 $80,000 $350,000 $9,825 $45,175 $80,000 $350,000 $9,825 TOTAL $485 000 $485 000 FUNDING SOURCE 1001 — General Fund 1101 — General Fund Desi. ation PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 $285,000 $200,000 $485,000 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE 1 YEARS TOTALS $285,000 200,000 $485,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 53 Number — ST0517 CITYWIDE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project includes planning, design, and construction of improvements to various pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the City, including pedestrian/bicycle bridges and annual sidewalk repair. This project includes design and construction of improvements recommended in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, as well as the Safe Routes to School improvements and the Downtown pedestrian crossing improvements on Regional Street. The project includes an update to the ADA Transition Plan. The plan update will include a review of City buildings, parks, and rights -of -way. The ADA Transition Plan update will be funded by General Fund. It is anticipated that the ADA Transition Plan update will be completed in 2023. An update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was adopted by City Council on January 10, 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $66,995 $64,185 $659,402 $398,948 $1,636,757 $1,145,899 $768 $29,190 $30,160 $222,350 $390,988 $9,730 $30,160 $302,350 $390,988 $9,730 $191,500 $1,583,050 $3,564,632 $49,418 TOTAL $2,363,921 $1,638,223 $653,228 $733,228 $5,388,600 Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 54 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $387,008 $365,992 $105,000 $105,000 2203 — Transportation Development Act $192,683 $17,317 2204 — Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) $509,900 $100 2205 — Measure B Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) $142,900 2214 — Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) $911,600 $280,000 $280,000 $280,000 2215 — Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) $219,830 $113,814 $268,228 $348,228 $726,000 2212 — Vehicle Registration Fee 2217 - Measure BB Grants $135,000 $963,000 $210,000 $510,000 $142,900 $1,751,600 $950,100 $726,000 $135,000 TOTAL $2,363,921 $1,638,223 $653,228 $733,228 $5,388,600 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 55 w 0) Number — ST0713 CITYWIDE SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADE Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the continued upgrades of the traffic signal communications system and includes the replacement of signal controllers, conflict monitors, and battery backup units, as well as managing ongoing signal operations of coordinated corridors. In Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21, the project further expanded the traffic communication network, connecting traffic signals on Dublin Boulevard, San Ramon Road, Fallon Road and Tassajara Road. The project will provide for the installation of new conduits, removing the existing copper communication cables and installing new fiber optic cables on Dublin Boulevard. The project will also expand the adaptive traffic signal system along key corridors and will connect existing and new public safety infrastructure, such as situational awareness cameras and automated license plate recognition cameras, to the high-speed fiber optic communications system. A project is currently in construction to install a conduit pathway between Civic Center and San Ramon Road to accommodate the future fiber optic upgrade to city infrastructure. The project updated the City of Dublin Travel Demand Forecasting Model to provide traffic flow projections on the arterial and collector roadways as well as analyzed future land use development proposals and transportation network changes in the City. In April 2021, the project resulted in City Council adopting a resolution establishing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) transportation thresholds of significance for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). This project is partially funded with General Fund reserve designation for One Time Initiative - Capital. Potential other funding for this project may include Federal and State grants. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous 9600 — Equipment $38,637 $92,990 $8,320 $8,320 $612,021 $466,060 $135,000 $135,000 $729,509 $2,235,409 $91,720 $131,720 $4,900 $5,120 $148,267 $1,348,081 $3,188,358 $4,900 $5,120 TOTAL $1,385,067 $2,799,579 $235,040 $275,040 $4,694,726 Streets w w City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 56 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 - General Fund $79,853 $1,420,147 2201 - State Gas Tax $104,000 2204 - Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) $194,493 $54,147 2207 - TFCA/Transportation for Clean Air $54,426 $91,574 2212 - Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) $704,451 $53,335 $35,040 $35,040 2214 - Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2220 - Road Maint. & Rehab. Account (RMRA) 4301 - Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4304 - Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 6305 - Internal Service Fund Equipment $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $36,844 $617,476 $40,000 $198,248 $1,752 $27,278 $171,722 $89,474 $85,426 $1,500,000 $104,000 $248,640 $146,000 $827,866 $600,000 $694,320 $200,000 $199,000 $174,900 TOTAL $1,385,067 $2,799,579 $235,040 $275,040 $4,694,726 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 57 Number — STO 124 L CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS i Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for the planning, design, maintenance, and construction of various improvements to citywide storm drainage facilities that are not located within public street rights -of -way, such as v-ditches and culverts on City -owned properties or public easements, such as the large G-3 box culvert running parallel to I-580. The first phase of the project will include a storm drainage master plan and/or condition assessment report with recommendations for maintenance or improvements. Future phases will include design and maintenance and/or construction implementing the recommendations from the Master Plan. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9500 — Miscellaneous $4,992 $25,008 $4,992 $4,992 $25,008 $150,000 $2,508 $14,976 $200,016 $2,508 TOTAL $30,000 $30,000 $157,500 $217,500 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $30,000 $30,000 $157,500 $217,500 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w cc City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 58 Number — ST0221 DOWNTOWN DUBLIN STREET GRID NETWORK Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning of a new Street Grid Network, in accordance with the main principles of the Downtown Dublin Preferred Vision, which was approved by the City Council on November 5, 2019. The Street Grid Network will introduce new streets that will break down the large block format into smaller, walkable -sized blocks between 350 to 450 feet per side. The proposed extension of Golden Gate Drive north from Dublin Boulevard up to Amador Valley Boulevard will become a new main street with the classic Downtown street grid network within street rights -of -way varying between 60 and 90 feet wide. Street infrastructure may include storm drainage, sewer, water, recycled water, communications, gas, and electric utilities, as well as landscaping and irrigation. The planning phase began in 2020 with the update of the existing City Travel Demand Forecasting Model to provide traffic flow projections on the new roadways, analyze future land use development proposals, and transportation network changes in the Downtown. Staff is currently working on the Retail District Parking Study. Street rights -of -way are anticipated to be dedicated by developers. Possible funding sources are development impact fees, community facilities district or other assessment district. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined. MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $4,152 $55,888 $8,990 $8,990 $8,995 $141,005 $200,000 $1,000,000 $20,000,000 $278,020 $1,150,000 $20,000,000 TOTAL $13,147 $196,893 $8,990 $8,990 $21,200,000 $21,428,020 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 9998 — Unidentified $13,147 $196,893 $8,990 $8,990 $228,020 $21,200,000 $21,200,000 TOTAL $13,147 $196,893 $8,990 $8,990 $21,200,000 $21,428,020 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w 41. City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 59 Number — ST0216 DUBLIN BOULEVARD EXTENSION — FALLON ROAD TO NORTH CANYONS PARKWAY Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the environmental review, preliminary engineering, design and construction of the 1.5 mile extension of Dublin Boulevard from Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway in Livermore. The extension is planned to have four to six travel lanes, bike lanes, a Class 1 bike/multi-use path, sidewalk, curb and gutter, traffic signals, street lighting, landscaped medians, bus stops, and utilities. The preliminary engineering and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) cost allocation between the City of Dublin and City of Livermore is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding approved by the City Council on April 19, 2016. The project EIR and precise roadway alignment were completed in 2020. The NEPA Environmental Assessment was completed in early 2021 with a Finding of No Significant Impact. Alameda CTC has assumed the role of implementing agency for the final design phase of the project working in cooperation with the cities of Dublin and Livermore. The preliminary engineering level cost estimate for this project is currently at $153 6 million, which includes mitigation and is anticipated to be divided among the City of Dublin and the City of Livermore based on street City of Dublin share will be approximately $126.1 million, and the City of Livermore share will be $27.5 million be shared between the City of Dublin and City of Livermore with the final cost allocation to each jurisdiction to The $11.2 million identified as "Other" is from Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works ESTIMATED COSTS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9300 — Land/Right of Way 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous all project mitigation costs and indirect impacts length in each jurisdiction. It is expected that the The unincorporated Alameda County's costs will be defined by a Cooperative Agreement. 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 $69,827 $255,683 $99,944 $1,141,532 $15,852,380 $3,950 $23,515 TOTAL $1,215,309 $16,101,578 Streets w $24,552,389 2024-2025 $24,652,333 2025-2026 2026-2027 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update FUTURE YEARS TOTALS $200,000 $595,454 $9,549,891 $26,543,803 $24,552,389 $74,472,415 $74,472,415 $27,465 $84,222,306 $126,191,526 Page 60 PRIOR FUNDING SOURCE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 1001 — General Fund Designation 2217 — Measure BB Grants 2220 - Road Maint. & Rehab. Account (RMRA) 4301 — Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4302 — Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 9997 — Other 9998 — Unidentified TOTAL $123,000 $7,167,382 $13,742,559 $6,257,441 $439,824 $172,703 $67,302 $602,782 $431,133 $1,737,585 $1,215,309 $16,101,578 $11,227,510 $24,652,333 $84,222,306 $84,222,306 $7,290,382 $20,000,000 $439,824 $240,004 $1,033,914 $1,737,585 $11,227,510 $84,222,306 $126,191,526 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 61 w IV Number — STO 120 DUBLIN BOULEVARD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for pavement rehabilitation of Dublin Boulevard between Scarlett Drive and Hacienda Drive. Rehabilitation included removal and replacement of existing failed pavement, resurfacing with new asphalt concrete, and installation of new pavement striping. The project also included installation of new curb ramps or upgrade of existing curb ramps to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. On April 4, 2017, the City Council authorized the filing of an application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for federal funding through the One Bay Area Grant Local Streets and Roads (OBAG-LSR) program. In November 2017, MTC approved OBAG-LSR funding of $661,000 for the project. The OBAG-LSR funding requires 11.47% local funding, which is provided by Measure B Local Streets and Roads funds. This project represents the OBAG-LSR funded portions on the improvements along Dublin Boulevard. The balance of the improvements will be constructed in conjunction with that year's Annual Street Resurfacing Project, CIP No. ST0117. This project will protect the substantial investment the City has in the public street system. The project is anticipated to be completed in spring 2023. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9400 — Improvements $737,000 $737,000 TOTAL $737,000 $737,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2202 — Federal Transportation Grant 2204 — Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC) TOTAL $661,000 $76,000 $737,000 $661,000 $76,000 $737,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 62 Number — ST0417 DUBLIN RANCH STREETLIGHT IMPROVEMENTS LProgram — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and repainting of decorative streetlight poles. Repainting of the streetlight poles protects its integrity and improves aesthetics in the surrounding neighborhood. This project is funded by revenue collected through District assessments. The conversion of approximately 1,626 existing streetlights into energy efficient LED in the Dublin Ranch Street Light Assessment District (1999-1) is now included within the Citywide Energy Improvements Project, CIP No. GI0121. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 FUTURE 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9500 — Miscellaneous $6,555 $6,980 $61,987 $3,640 $6,760 $4,820 $420 $6,760 $34,820 $420 $27,055 $101,627 $4,480 TOTAL $6,555 $72,607 $12,000 $42,000 $133,162 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 2705 — Streetlight District East Dublin 1991-1 TOTAL $6,555 $6,555 $72,607 $12,000 $72,607 $12,000 $42,000 $42,000 $133,162 $133,162 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets CA) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 63 Number — ST0423 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - DUBLIN BLVD AND ST. PATRICK WAY Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of improvements at the intersections of Dublin Boulevard at Golden Gate Drive and St. Patrick Way at Golden Gate Drive. This is a Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Program project designed to relieve congestion, reduce greenhouse gases, and is an Active Transportation Solution. The project is identified in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The improvements may include a new traffic signal at the intersection of St. Patrick Way and Golden Gate Drive; traffic signal modifications at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard at Golden Gate Drive; conversion of signal interconnection from copper to fiber optic; signage, striping and markings; necessary utility, pavement, curb, gutter, ADA curb ramps, and sidewalk modifications or adjustments. Design is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $11,440 $22,880 $8,320 $10,000 $91,000 $99,000 $709,000 $42,640 $200,000 $709,000 TOTAL $21 440 $113 880 $816 320 $951 640 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 4304 — Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee $21,440 $113,880 $816,320 $951,640 TOTAL $21,440 $113,880 $816,320 $951,640 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets 41, cri City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 64 Number— STO 12I GREEN STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of various citywide projects that will improve water quality and provide other environmental benefits in accordance with the Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Plan, which was approved by the City Council on June 18, 2019. The GSI Plan and associated implementing projects, as well as trash load reduction requirements, are mandated by the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (MRP). Projects include: stormwater full trash capture device installation throughout the City, and construction of GSI along the Iron Horse Trail corridor, south of Amador Valley Boulevard. GSI planning and planning for the installation of trash capture devices began in Fiscal Year 2021-22. The installation of the trash capture devices is anticipated in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Construction of GSI along the Iron Horse Trail corridor, south of Amador Valley Boulevard, is anticipated in 2024. This project is funded by a General Fund Reserve set aside for this purpose. The City and Alameda CTC entered into a Cooperative Agreement on February 7, 2023 to partner on the design and environmental permitting phase for a bio-retention and hydromodification management facility along the Iron Horse Trail corridor, south of Amador Valley Boulevard, that satisfies a portion of the City's GSI requirement and Alameda CTC's project, SR84 Expressway Widening and SR84/I-680 Interchange Improvements. Alameda CTC's share of the costs is 75% of the total, which will be reimbursed to the City after expenditure. Both agencies will enter into a subsequent agreement for the construction phase. The "Other" funding is from Alameda County Transportation Commission. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined. Alameda CTC will enter into a long-term maintenance agreement with the City for the GSI along the Iron Horse Trail corridor, south of Amador Valley Boulevard, to account for the on -going maintenance costs of the portion of the facility that satisfies their project. MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $301 $96,039 $611,365 $235,688 $1,433,670 $900,000 $12,000 $96,340 $847,053 $2,333,670 $12,000 TOTAL $301 $2,153,074 $1,135,688 $3,289,063 Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 65 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1101 — General Fund Designation 9997 — Other TOTAL $301 $2,153,074 $1,135,688 $301 $2,153,074 $1,135,688 $2,153,375 $1,135,688 $3,289,063 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 66 Number — ST05 19 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM UPGRADE - CONNECTED/AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for improvements to the City's transportation system using emerging technologies, such as support for connected and autonomous vehicles, and is a collaborative effort between the City of Dublin, Livermore Amador Valley Transportation Authority (LAVTA), and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). System improvements will be completed both by the City. The funding source for the MTC/LAVTA led work is shown as "Other" because project costs will be funded directly by MTC. Transportation system improvements will include Connected Vehicle Software that will integrate with the City's central traffic management system to broadcast real- time traffic signal information to transit vehicles and other motorists; Shared Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) Communications that will provide for the integration of SAV with the City's traffic signal controllers. The project will also evaluate vulnerable road user protection systems at three to four signalized intersections on Dublin Boulevard in the vicinity of the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station to see if it can effectively detect pedestrians and bicyclists in or near the intersections. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $25,142 $41,265 $19,351 $10,518 $21,103 $682,503 $35,660 $62,368 $701,854 TOTAL $85 757 $714 125 $799 882 Streets w 00 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 67 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2201 — State Gas Tax 2212 — Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) 2217 — Measure BB Grants 9997 — Other $11,895 $213,105 $59,525 $51,675 $14,338 $64,344 $385,000 $225,000 $111,200 $78,682 $385,000 TOTAL $85,757 $714,125 $799,882 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 68 w 41. co Number — STO 118 IIIRON HORSE TRAIL BRIDGE AT DUBLIN BOULEVARD mi Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the Iron Horse Trail bridge for bicycles and pedestrians over Dublin Boulevard. The project will construct a 230-foot clear span truss arch bridge consistent with the Iron Horse Trail Feasibility Study and preliminary bridge design, approved by the City Council on November 7, 2017. The bridge will provide safer and easier trail access, including access to and from the Dublin -Pleasanton BART station. The Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) approved an allocation of $1,294,000 of Measure BB discretionary funds in Fiscal Year 2017-18 for the bridge design and environmental clearance. On June 17, 2019, ACTC approved additional funding in the amount of $4,751,000 of Measure BB and $856,419 of Transportation for Clean Air funds for the construction phase of the project. The project will also receive funding of $1,000,000 for construction from a Developer contribution from the Boulevard Project. Fall of 2020, BART approved $1,500,000 of Measure RR Safe Routes to BART Grant for the construction phase of the project. Construction of the project was awarded by the City Council on March 1, 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in fall 2023. The $600,000 identified as "Other" is from the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $100,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $124,389 $1,352,570 $1,014,640 $5,358 $31,071 $1,066,970 $10,402,339 $7,102 $155,460 $2,419,540 $11,416,979 $12,460 TOTAL $2,496,956 $11,507,483 $14,004,439 Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 69 w 0 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS FUTURE 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2201 — State Gas Tax 2204 — Measure B Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2205 — Measure B Sales Tax — Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) 2207 — TFCA/Transportation for Clean Air 2214 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2215 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC) 2217 — Measure BB Grants 2218 — Measure RR Safe Routes to BART 2220 — Road Maint. & Rehab. Account (RMRA) 4301 — Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4401 — Dublin Crossing Fund 9997 — Other $12,325 $832,715 $62,521 $525,459 $54,594 $345,406 $685,288 $171,131 $400,000 $300,000 $1,097,504 $4,947,496 $121,242 $1,378,758 $263,482 $706,518 $500,000 $200,000 $800,000 $600,000 $845,040 $587,980 $400,000 $856,419 $400,000 $300,000 $6,045,000 $1,500,000 $970,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $600,000 TOTAL $2,496,956 $11,507,483 $14,004,439 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 70 w Number — ST0218 SAN RAMON ROAD LANDSCAPE RENOVATION I. Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for design and construction to renovate the landscaping along San Ramon Road between Silvergate Drive and Alcosta Boulevard. Proposed renovation includes the removal of failing plants, soil amendment, and installation of new plants, with an emphasis on Bay Friendly and water conserving plant species. Much of the existing landscaping in this area was installed between 1993 and 1995, and some of the planting has reached the end of its life expectancy. The project has been delayed due to prior years' droughts and due to other adjacent projects, such as installation of a recycled water irrigation main by Dublin San Ramon Services District. The project design could commence in 2023 and construction is anticipated the following summer. However, this project may be delayed if severe drought restrictions are imposed to achieve water conservation limits. Potential funding for Bay Friendly landscaping may be available from Measure D. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $405 $12,459 $19,000 $206,201 $1,000 $12,864 $19,000 $206,201 $1,000 TOTAL $405 $238,660 $239,065 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $405 $238,660 $239,065 TOTAL $405 $238,660 $239,065 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 71 Number — ST0514 SAN RAMON ROAD TRAIL LIGHTING Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of improvements to the trail light fixtures between Silvergate Drive and Alcosta Boulevard. In prior years, the project included installation of tree root barriers and repair of portions of the asphalt concrete trail. Other CIP Projects (ST0514 - Storm Drain Bypass San Ramon Road, ST0117 - Annual Street Resurfacing, and ST0517 - Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements) replaced the existing asphalt trail surface. The trail lighting improvement portion of the project was completed in early 2022. The remaining pole painting portion of the project will be completed in conjunction with the Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements, CIP No. ST0417. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 i 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $20,098 $1,280 $25,026 $6,116 $119,891 $450 $600 $165,465 $7,996 $21,378 $31,142 $119,891 $1,050 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund $165,465 $7,996 $173,461 TOTAL $165,465 $7,996 $173,461 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 72 Number — ST0222 ST. PATRICK WAY EXTENSION Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of the final segment of St. Patrick Way from west of Golden Gate Drive to Regional Street. This is a Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Program project which will relieve congestion, reduce greenhouse gases, and is an Active Transportation Solution. The project is identified in the General Plan, Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Prior segments of St. Patrick Way were constructed by Caltrans in 1998 and Connelly Station in 2014. The developer of the St. Patrick Way, Avalon Bay project entered into an agreement with the City on June 18, 2018, which required dedication of right-of-way and construction of improvements to complete the St. Patrick Way Extension. The developer is responsible for all project costs to acquire right-of-way, design, and construction in exchange for credit toward Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fees. Construction began in 2021 and is anticipated to be completed at the end of 2024. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9400 — Improvements $3,742,556 $3,742,556 TOTAL $3 742 556 $3 742 556 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9999 — Developer Built $3,742,556 $3,742,556 TOTAL $3,742,556 $3,742,556 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 73 Number — STO 119 i TASSAJARA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - NORTH DUBLIN RANCH DRIVE TO QUARRY LANE SCHOOL Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for design and construction to complete the street improvements on Tassajara Road, from North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School. The scope of this project was previously included as part of Fiscal Years 2016-19 Capital Improvement Program project, ST0116 - Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening, which included the design and construction of Tassajara Road from North Dublin Ranch Drive to Dublin's northern limit. In Fiscal Year 2018-19, the scope of ST0116 was revised to only include the segment of Tassajara Road north of Fallon Road. The project will improve Tassajara Road to a four -lane arterial standard, with bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaped median, stormwater treatment areas, and other associated street improvements. Portions of the existing roadway have been improved by adjacent development projects and this project will complete the street improvements implementing the General Plan and the Complete Streets Policy. This roadway segment is a project within the Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee program. Preliminary engineering and environmental documentation were completed as part of ST0116. Design of the project began in early 2020. Construction is anticipated to start in Fiscal Year 2023-24; however, it is dependent upon utility relocation, right-of-way acquisition, and permitting by regulatory agencies. The $1,450,000 identified as "Other" is from Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9300 — Land/Right of Way 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous $26,570 $109,470 $414,250 $1,755,410 $50,596 $385,704 $9,840,000 $500,000 $227 $417,773 $136,040 $2,169,660 $436,300 $10,340,000 $418,000 TOTAL $491,643 $12,508,357 $500,000 $13,500,000 Streets !V cn cri City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 74 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2201 — State Gas Tax 4301 — Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee 4305 — Traffic Impact Fee — Dougherty Valley 4306 — Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee 9997 — Other TOTAL $1,201,980 $112 $3,347,908 $500,000 $1,500,000 $491,351 $5,008,469 $1,450,000 $491,643 $12,508,357 $1,201,980 $3,848,020 $1,500,000 $5,500,000 $1,450,000 $500,000 $13,500,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 75 w a) Number — STO 116 TASSAJARA ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING - FALLON ROAD TO NORTH CITY LIMIT Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project provides for the planning and preliminary engineering to define a new roadway alignment, design cross-section, right-of-way, and environmental clearance for Tassajara Road between North Dublin Ranch Drive and the City and Contra Costa County limits. The project also provides for the design and construction of a realigned Tassajara Road from Fallon Road to the northern city limit, which will be coordinated with Contra Costa County. Planning and preliminary engineering cost will be split in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, which was approved on September 16, 2014. Costs for the design and construction will be agreed upon and split proportionally with the work within each jurisdiction. The City and Contra Costa County executed a JEPA on September 23, 2020 for Contra Costa County to lead the project design, which started in January 2021. The design and construction of the southerly Tassajara Road segment is included in another Capital Improvement Program project, Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School (ST0119). This project will widen Tassajara Road to a four -lane arterial standard with bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaped median, stormwater treatment areas, and other associated street improvements. Segments of the existing roadway have been improved by adjacent development projects. This project will complete the street improvements and realign the remaining segments of the existing roadway to improve safety and achieve better circulation while adhering to the Complete Streets Policy. The roadway segment is a project within both the Tri-Valley Transportation Council Strategic Expenditure Plan (Project B-8) and the Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Program. The $1,000,000 in "Other" funding is from Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works ESTIMATED COSTS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9300 — Land/Right of Way 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 $79,244 $226,234 $284,736 $1,639,414 $1,980,000 $8,072,476 $489,641 $5,672 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS $305,478 $1,924,149 $1,980,000 $8,072,476 $495,313 TOTAL $369,651 $12,407,765 $12,777,416 Streets CTI City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 76 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2201 — State Gas Tax 2220 — Road Maint. & Rehab. Account (RMRA) 4301 — Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee $200,000 $142,066 $549,993 $200,374 $5,808,365 4303 — Traffic Impact Fee — Category 3 $27,211 $382,052 4305 — Traffic Impact Fee — Dougherty Valley $3,964,338 4306 — Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee $503,017 9997 — Other $1,000,000 $200,000 $692,059 $6,008,739 $409,263 $3,964,338 $503,017 $1,000,000 TOTAL $369,651 $12,407,765 $12,777,416 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 77 w 0o Number — STO 123 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND ROADWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide for feasibility, design, and construction and modification of traffic signals and roadway safety improvements at locations prioritized and recommended by Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), which was approved in January 2023. Improvements include upgrading the signal equipment such as traffic signal poles/mast arms, vehicle and pedestrian signal heads, signal controllers, cabinet upgrades, streetlighting/safety lighting improvements, signal phasing and timing changes, signing and striping improvements, and other alternatives identified in the LRSP toolbox and under systemic and site recommendations. The project will also provide for evaluating the design and installation of protected intersection elements. Planning is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services $10,400 $10,400 $49,600 $99,600 $20,800 $149,200 TOTAL $60,000 $110,000 $170,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 2214 — Measure B Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2215 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Bike & Pedestrian (ACTC) $30,000 $55,000 $30,000 $55,000 $85,000 $85,000 TOTAL $60,000 $110,000 $170,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w cn cc City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 78 Number — ST0223 i TRAFFIC SIGNAL RE-LAMPING 1 • Program — STREETS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the replacement of the traffic signal and pedestrian signal LED lamps at approximately 78 signalized intersections. The City currently has 98 traffic signals, many of which were installed in 2008, and the LED lamps are reaching the end of their useful life, which is typically eight to ten years. The City has replaced 20 signalized intersection lamps through on -going maintenance efforts. New LED lamps will ensure proper visibility of vehicle and pedestrian signal heads, which is critical for maintaining safe traffic flow. Design is anticipated to begin in Fiscal Year 2023-24. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: None MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2022-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR FUTURE YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements $4,160 $35,000 $259,380 $4,160 $35,000 $174,380 $4,160 $130,840 $12,480 $70,000 $564,600 TOTAL $298 540 $213 540 $135 000 $647 080 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 2201 — State Gas Tax 2212 — Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC) 2214 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund (ACTC) 2215 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Bike & Ped Fund (ACTC) $118,540 $58,540 $130,000 $130,000 $50,000 $25,000 $60,000 $50,000 $25,000 $237,080 $260,000 $50,000 $100,000 TOTAL $298,540 $213,540 $135,000 $647,080 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w 0 0 City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 79 Number — ST0323 VILLAGE PARKWAY RECONSTRUCTION 1 Program — STREETilli PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the planning, design, and construction of the replacement of the existing streetscape elements on Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and the northern city limit (approximately 6,000 linear feet). The project will transform the segment of Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and Kimball Avenue to a pedestrian and bicycle friendly roadway, which will incorporate complete streets elements such as median islands, bulbouts, decorative or high visibility crosswalks, and street furniture. The work may include the reconstruction of the median island; reconstruction of the roadway base immediately adjacent to the median island; reconstruction necessary for sidewalks improvements, ADA upgrades to curb ramps, curb, and gutter, necessary utility work; landscaping; stormwater improvements; and new pavement for the roadway. The first item of work, which began in Fall 2022, consists of preliminary level planning and environmental assessment and the evaluation of potential outside funding sources to provide for the current funding shortfall. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: To be determined. MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2020-2027 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 FUTURE 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 YEARS TOTALS 9100 — Salaries & Benefits 9200 — Contract Services 9400 — Improvements 9500 — Miscellaneous TOTAL $45,032 $254,968 $49,920 $250,000 $1,000,080 $64,480 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 $85,520 $89,440 $510,560 $5,000,000 $300,000 $250,000 $1,050,000 $11,150,000 $5,600,000 $248,872 $3,015,608 $15,000,000 $85,520 $18,350,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 — General Fund 2201 — State Gas Tax 2214 — Measure BB Sales Tax — Local Streets Fund 9998 — Unidentified $300,000 $250,000 $1,000,000 $8,450,000 $50,000 $250,000 $100,000 $250,000 $2,200,000 $200,000 $5,300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $1,050,000 $11,150,000 $5,600,000 $10,000,000 $400,000 $450,000 $7,500,000 $18,350,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT Streets w 0) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 80 Future Projects w a) IV FUTURE PROJECTS City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 81 LOCATION MAP FUTURE PROJECTS CIP Number P-01 P-02 P-03 P-04 CIP Name Dublin Sports Grounds - Phase 5 Renovation Croak Neighborhood Park West Croak Neighborhood Park East Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex Phase 2 Future Projects w 0) CIP Number CIP Name S-01 City Entrance Sign Modifications 5-02 Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (Various locations) 5-03 Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (Various locations) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 82 Number — P-03 CROAK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK EAST Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of a 5.5-acre neighborhood park to serve new development. The park will be designed in accordance with the Neighborhood Park Standards contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Based on development projections, it is anticipated that design and construction will occur beyond the CIP time frame and will occur at or after development of the project area. ESTIMATED COSTS: $4,390,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Number — P-02 CROAK NEIGHBORHOOD PARK WEST Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of a 5.0-acre neighborhood park to serve new development. The park will be designed in accordance with the Neighborhood Park Standards contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Based on development projections, it is anticipated that design and construction will occur beyond the current CIP time frame and will occur at or after development of the project area. ESTIMATED COSTS: $3,995,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Future Projects w a) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 83 Number — P-0 I DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS — PHASE 5 RENOVATION Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROTECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction to renovate a portion of the Dublin Sports Grounds. The Phase 5 project encompasses approximately 180,000 square feet, west of Soccer Field #3, and includes installation of a sand channel drainage system, irrigation upgrades and new turf. ESTIMATED COSTS: $2,400,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Number — P-04 EMERALD GLEN RECREATION AND AQUATIC COMPLEX - PHASE 2 Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of the final phase of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex (known as The Wave). Amenities may include a community room and gymnasium space. This project may be modified as the City has entered into an agreement for a joint use gymnasium at the Dublin Crossing school site. Until such time, it will remain as a future project. ESTIMATED COSTS: $17,600,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Future Projects w a) cr City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 84 Number — S-0 I CITY ENTRANCE SIGNS Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction to install City entrance signs at the following two locations: Fallon Road at Dublin Boulevard and at Dublin Boulevard at the eastern city limit. Currently there are no medians at these locations on which to install the signs. The new signs will conform to the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan and will match the existing granite monument signs currently installed within the City. ESTIMATED COSTS: $200,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Number — S-02 EASTERN DUBLIN TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE Program — FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of 15 projects being partially funded by the Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (EDTIF) program. The City Council established the EDTIF program on January 9, 1995 and adopted the most recent update on December 21, 2021. This project does not include completed EDTIF projects, current projects that are individual CIP projects, or current projects to be constructed by developers. EDTIF projects within the five-year capital improvement program are: ST0116 Tassajara Road Realignment & Widening; ST0119 Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School; and ST0216 Dublin Boulevard Extension. ESTIMATED COSTS: $61,750,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Future Projects w a) a) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 85 Number - S-03 WESTERN DUBLIN TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE Program - FUTURE PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project provides for the design and construction of eight projects being partially funded by the Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (WDTIF) program. The City Council adopted an update to the WDTIF on September 6, 2016. The WDTIF program includes a total of nine projects, however the following three projects are within the five-year capital improvement program: ST0815 - Amador Plaza Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, ST0222 - St. Patrick Way Extension, and ST0423 - Golden Gate Drive Intersection Improvements - Dublin Blvd and St. Patrick Way. ESTIMATED COSTS: $8,750,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Future Projects w a) City of Dublin Capital Improvement Program 2022-2027 Update Page 86 2022-2027 Five -Year Capital Improvement Program Update May 16,2023 sxs DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Background and Schedule • A Capital Improvement Program CIP is a five-year planning document used by the City to identify and establish budgets for capital improvement projects. • CIP is drafted every two years to coincide with the City's two-year budget process. This year is the update. • CIP project budgets are funded from various funding sources, including General Fund, Impact Fees, Special Revenues, Assessment Districts, and Grants. • April 18 — draft CIP update was presented at City Council • May 16 — CIP presentation at City Council *T4 DUBLIN CA LI FO RNIA 2022-2027 CIP CATEGORY 2022-23 2023-2A 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year General Improvements Public Art Parks Streets $32,504,973 $1,445,860 $37,591,938 $70,743,887 $2,696,840 $500,000 $3,894,115 $30,214,580 $1,705,000 $300,000 $9,462,780 $5,225,459 $0 $300,000 $860,000 $13,888,961 $0 $250,000 $0 $8,331,461 $36,906,813 $2,795,860 $51,808,833 $128,404,348 TOTAL $142,286,658 $37,305,535 $16,693,239 $15,048,961 $8,581,461 $219,915,854 General 17% Streets 58% Public Art 1% Parks 24% DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 2022-2027 CIP General Improvements PROJECT NAME 2022-23 2023-24 024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year Audio Visual System Upgrade Citywide Energy Improvements Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement Civic Center Elevator Modernization Civic Center Exterior Sealing & Painting Civic Center Rehabilitation Cultural Arts Center Dublin Standard Plans and Details Update Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Exterior Painting at Various City Facilities Financial System Replacement IT I nfrastructure I mprovements Library Tenant I mprovements $ 157,923 $ 314,000 $ 10,801,586 $ 30,000 $ 111,620 $ 1,307,892 $ 13,267,328 $ 142,500 $ 212,093 $ 665,000 $ 1,176,799 $ 254,277 $ 1,835,665 $ 900,000 _ $ 600,000 $ 687,840 $ 205,000 $ 120,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 471,923 $ 10,831,586 $ 111,620 $ 900,000 $ 600,000 $ 2,200,732 $ 13,267,328 $ 142,500 $ 212,093 $ 785,000 $ 1,176,799 $ 254,277 $ 2,835,665 2022-2027 CIP General Improvements (cont.) PROJECT NAME 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements Marquee Signs Municipal Fiber $ 140,000 Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building $ 87,201 Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Impr. $ 1,100,000 Roof Replacement at Various City Facilities $ 605,000 Situational Awareness Camera Program $ 585,000 $ 55,089 $ 495,000 $ 50,000 $ 55,089 $ 495,000 $ 140,000 $ 87,201 $ 1,100,000 $ 655,000 $ 585,000 TOTAL $32,504,973 $2,696,840 $1,705,000 $0 $0 $36,906,813 2022-2027 CIP Public Art PROJECT NAME 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year Camp Parks Sign Don Biddle Community Park Downtown Dublin Heritage Park Butterfly Knoll Park Dublin Sports Grounds Sean Diamond Park $ 483,316 $ 266,114 $ 150,000 $ 526,550 $ 4,104 $ 6,263 $ 9,513 $ 500,000 $ 483,316 $ 266,114 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 526,550 $ 4,104 6,263 9,513 TOTAL $1,445,860 $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $2,795,860 os DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 2022-2027 CIP PROJECT NAME Alamo Ck. Park & Ass. Dist. - Fence Rep. Don Biddle Community Park Downtown Dublin Town Square Park Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery I mpr. Dublin Sports Grounds Rehabilitation Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex Fallon Sports Park - Phase 3 Imagine Playground at Dublin Sports Grounds Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square 2022-23 $ 837,068 $ 18,601,115 $ 102,205 $ 21,748 $ 218,123 $ 2,669,898 $ 48,820 $ 3,426,889 $ 1,752,244 Parks 1 23-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 $ 4,680 $ 1,301,100 $ 1,028,775 $ 4,680 $ 150,000 $ 600,000 $ 6,733,100 $ 837,068 $ 18,601,115 $ 111,565 $ 21,748 $ 750,000 $ 218,123 $ 2,669,898 $ 48,820 $ 11,461,089 $ 2,781,019 2022-2027 CIP Parks (cont.) PROJECT NAME 2022-2 2024-2 2025-26 2026-27 Kolb Park Renovation Parks Playground Replacement Persimmon Drive Asphalt Path Rehabilitation $ 195,000 Restrooms Replacement $ 999,720 Sunday School Barn Improvements Wallis Ranch Community Park $ 8,719,108 $ 450,000 $ 1,109,560 $ 2,450,000 $ 125,000 $ 260,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 1,109,560 $ 195,000 $ 999,720 $ 385,000 $ 8,719,108 TOTAL $37,591,938 $3,894,115 $9,462,780 $860,000 $0 $51,808,833 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 2022-2027 CIP Streets PROJECT NAME 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year Amador Plaza Road Bicycle and Ped. I mp. Annual Street Resurfacing City Entrance Monument Signs Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian I mprovements Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade Citywide Storm Drain I mprovements Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway Dublin Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements Golden Gate Drive Intersection Improvements at Dublin Boulevard and St. Patrick Way Green Stormwater Infrastructure $ 860,498 $ 3,797,834 $ 485,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,638,223 2,799,579 196,893 16,101,578 737,000 72,607 21,440 2,153,074 $ 2,299,881 $ 653,228 $ 235,040 $ 30,000 $ 8,990 $ 24,652,333 $ 12,000 $ 113,880 $ 1,135,688 $ 860,498 $ 2,299,881 $ 2,573,961 $ 2,573,961 $ 13,545,518 $ 485,000 $ 733,228 $ 3,024,679 $ 275,040 $ 3,309,659 $ 30,000 $ 157,500 $ 217,500 $ 8,990 $ 214,873 $ 40,753,911 $ 737,000 $ 42,000 $ 126,607 $ 816,320 $ 951,640 $ 3,288,762 DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 2022-2027 CIP Streets (cont.) PROJECT NAME 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Five -Year I ntelligent Transportation System Upgrade - Connected/Autonomous Vehicle and Safety I mprovements I ron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Boulevard Local Road Safety Plan San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation San Ramon Road Trail Lighting St. Patrick Way Extension Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch to Quarry Lane School Tassajara Road Realignment and Widening - Fallon Road to North City Limit Traffic Signal Roadway Safety I mprovements Traffic Signal Re-Lamping Village Parkway Reconstruction $ 714,125 $ 11,507,483 $ 94,679 $ 238,660 $ 7,996 $ 3,742,556 $ 12,508,357 $ 12,407,765 $ 60,000 $ 298,540 $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 110,000 $ 213,540 $ 250,000 $ 714,125 $ 11,507,483 $ 94,679 $ 238,660 $ 7,996 $ 3,742,556 $ 13,008,357 $ 12,407,765 $ 170,000 $ 135,000 $ 647,080 $ 1,050,000 $ 11,150,000 $ 5,600,000 $ 18,350,000 TOTAL $70,743,887 $30,214,580 $5,225,459 $13,888,961 $8,331,461 $128,404,348 .T. DUBLIN CALIFORNIA 2022-2027 CIP Other/Developer, 15% ISF Funds, 3%_ Public Facility Fees, 15% Traffic Impact, 12% Funding Sources Unidentified, 4% Energy Improve. Lease Bond, 4% General Fund, 30% Special Revenues, 17% DUBLIN CALIFORNIA Future Projects & Costs Beyond 5-Year CIP Projects & Costs Beyond the CIPTimeframe ($209.3M) • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations (Future Phase) • Croak Neighborhood Park East &West* • Downtown Dublin Town Square Park • Dublin Sports Grounds — Phase 5 Renovation* • Emerald Glen Rec &Aquatic Complex - Phase 2* • City Entrance Signs* • Downtown Dublin Street Grid Network • Dublin Boulevard Extension • Eastern Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Projects* • Western Dublin Transportation Impact Fee Projects* * Future Projects Beyond 5-year Timeframe. Staff Recommendation . Conduct the Public Hearing and deliberate. 2. Adopt the Resolution Approving the Five - Year Capital Improvement Program 2022- 2027 Update.