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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-2021 MINUTES SUMMARY MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE ON EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION REGULAR MEETING – April 22, 2021 A regular meeting of the Community Task Force on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion was held on April 22nd, 2021, via Zoom telecommunications. The meeting commenced at 5:3 6 PM. Roll Call PRESENT: Natasha Tripplett, Rameet Kohli, Isabella Helene David, Eman Tai, Clifford Brown Jr., Matthew Aini, Beatriz Ballesteros-Kogan, Kathy Avanzino, Martha Orozco (alt.), Brittany Jacobs (alt.), John Stefanski, Paul Hudson, Rodas Hailu, ABSENT: Dyrell Foster 1. Call to Order Assistant to the City Manager, John Stefanski called the meeting to order at 5:36 PM. 2. Public Comment Mr. Stefanski called for Public Comments. No comments were made. 3. Action Items 3.1 Approval of Minutes from April 8, 2021, Community Task Force Meeting Motioned by Member Tripplett and Seconded Member Aini. The Task Force Members unanimously approved the minutes. 4. Reports 4.1 Presentation by Assistant to the City Manager Stefanski – Citywide DEI Initiatives (Inclusive, Equitable, and Accessible Programming and Events, and Community Agency Funding and Support) Member Kohli asked about the City’s initial review of the Policing recommendations. Mr. Stefanski reported that they would be on the agenda for the next meeting for review and discussion by the Task Force. Mr. Stefanski reported on Citywide DEI Initiatives beginning with Inclusive, Equitable, and Accessible Programming and Events . The presentation provided an overview of the City’s different types of programming, events and how the City manages programs and events. The presentation included a discussion on the use of contract instructors to provide recreational programming. Member David asked about information regarding community events and multicultural events in the City of Dublin. Member David indicated the Splatter Event was originally intended to be multicultural festival and wanted to know what changes have been made to address this. Mr. Stefanski shared that he would get more information on this event to report back at the next meeting. Member Tripplett shared that her daughter, Acacia Tripplett, and her had conversations with former Mayor Haubert on working together to rebrand Splatter and make it a more multi-cultural event to honor more people in the community. Member Tripplett then indicated that she wanted to work in this area (programming and events) in the community. Mr. Stefanski indicated that he would get more information on the Splatter event and report back to the group. Member Brown asked about how the recruiting of contract instructors is done and if there is a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Mr. Stefanski reported on the recruitment process of contract instructors in the community. Member Brown asked about recruiting with a diversity lens. Mr. Stefanski reported that the City will recruit diverse contract instructors for culturally specialized programming. He also reported that there is not a set RFP process for hiring contract instructors. Member Brown asked if there are diversity guidelines for recruiting. Mr. Stefanski reported that with culturally specific programming, staff will recruit folks with a track record in that specific area (e.g., Tai Chi). Member Jacobs requested an exhaustive list of the holiday related programs organized by the City that are not currently represented. Mr. Stefanski shared that he would pull the list of annual events, including holiday related programs, to report back at the next meeting. Member Kohli asked about the criteria utilized for selecting independent contractors, particularly, women, veteran, or minority owned businesses. Mr. Stefanski commented on this and reported that Parks staff looks to ensure that the City is providing safe and quality programming first and foremost. There is no specific DEI lens applied when selecting contractors. Member Tripplett asked about the number of programs offered and whether the City was at capacity or had room for additional programs. Mr. Stefanski commented on some enrollment data shared that he would report back at the next meeting from the Parks and Community Services department. Mr. Hudson commented on the DEI and the city’s interest in ensuring equitable participation in programming. Member Ballesteros-Kogan asked about the communication to residents in multiple languages. Mr. Stefanski reported on the information not being translated on physical documents, but online would be translatable. Member Kohli asked about a breakdown of contractors with a DEI lens. Mr. Stefanski reported that the city does not track demographic data on contractors outside of their names and basic contact information. Member Kohli asked if this has just not been done to date or if the City of Dublin is not allowed to. Mr. Stefanski commented that he would double check on this and provide an answer at the next meeting. Member Jacobs asked about demographic data on enrol led participants. Mr. Stefanski reported that age and gender of program participants is collected. Member Avanzino then commented on wanting to know the geographic information on the participants in the programs. Mr. Stefanski reported that he would speak to Parks staff to see what kind of reports they could run to show this information. Member Tripplett asked about how contract instructors were paid and if there was a DEI lens focused on that. Mr. Stefanski reported on the methodology based on the cost per person of each program. Member Brown asked about data on how instructors/contractors are paid. Mr. Stefanski reported that he would report back on this data. Member Tripplett asked about the demographic information on the parks and recreation employees. Mr. Stefanski reported that the City has this information but not for the meeting. Member Tai asked about the diversity of the offerings in the recreation programming. Is there a way to find out if there are different ways of asking the community w hat programming they would like to see offered. Mr. Stefanski reported on the Parks and Community Services Department surveys issued after each program/class and that there is an opportunity for individuals to provide feedback on potential programs there. Mr. Stefanski then reported on the Community Agency Funding and Support. Mr. Stefanski provided an overview of the City’s Human Services Grants program, reporting requirements, and available data. Member Avanzino asked about the process of determining funding for Human Service Grant applicants. Mr. Stefanski provided further detail in the process used by Human Services Staff and the Human Services Commission to determine funding amount s. Member David asked about if there were levels of prior ity for each category identified in the 2012 Tri-Valley Needs Assessment and if that was captured in the ranking by the Human Services Commission. Mr. Stefanski presented on the Human Services Grant Ranking Sheet and the criteria they use when reviewing and ranking applications. Mr. Stefanski reported that a new Tri-Valley Needs Assessment would likely be done in the near future. Mr. Hudson commented on the criteria and Tri-Valley Needs Assessment and that it would likely not change given the identified categories. Mr. Stefanski concurred but shared that the context and supporting information in the Assessment would be updated to capture changes from the last ten years. 4.2 Task Force Discussion on City-Wide DEI Presentations and Approach to Work Mr. Hudson led a discussion on how the Task Force would like to approach their work around Citywide DEI Initiatives. Mr. Hudson asked about upcoming meetings. Mr. Stefanski reported that the next meeting will be a special meeting on April 29 and then a meeting following May 27. Mr. Hudson recommended the Task Force frame questions as also recommendations. Since the Task Force only has a few more weeks to complete this work, they may not have enough time for all of their questions to be answered. Members Kohli, Tai, Tripplett, Avanzino, Aini, and David all commented and shared their desire to utilize ad-hoc groups to complete this work and that using the same groups as were used for the policing recommendations was preferred. Member Kohli also recommended Members conduct individual research and then coming up with recommendations individually as an alternative option but that he still prefers the ad-hoc group option. Member Tripplett commented on the agreement of holding the ad -hoc groups. Mr. Hudson asked if there was a topic preference of the Task Force Members. Following a discussion among the Members, the following was determined: Members Tripplett, David, Ballesteros-Kogan, and Foster would be responsible for Inclusive, Equitable, and Accessible Programming and Events. Members Aini, Tai, Orozco, and Jacobs would be responsible for Community Agency Funding and Support. Members Kohli, Avanzino, and Brown would be responsible for Boards and Commission Recruitment. Following further discussion among the members, it was determined that each group would also work on recommendations pertaining to Communications. This arrangement was unanimously agreed amongst the Members. Mr. Hudson recommended that the ad-hoc groups focus in on questions and provide them ahead of time to Mr. Stefanski. Mr. Hudson also recommended the ad-hoc groups separate the work by categories to target specific questions and recommendations. Mr. Stefanski recommended keeping the ad-hoc meetings at different times so that Mr. Hudson, Ms. Hailu, and Mr. Stefanski could support the groups. Member Kohli asked about Brown Act Requirements for email messages. Mr. Stefanski commented on the question about emailing ad-hoc group members stating that Ad Hoc members may communicate with themselves but may not discuss their work with the other Ad Hoc groups unless at a full meeting of the Task Force . Member Orozco asked about who the City hires for security at events. Mr. Hudson recommended all the Task Force members add their questions now. Mr. Stefanski shared that he would get an answer to Member Orozco’s question for the next meeting. Member David asked about the APAPA town hall video link not working on the Website. Mr. Stefanski stated that he would get the link fixed. Member Tripplett asked who decides City statements? (e.g., APAPA Town Hall meeting or press releases). Mr. Stefanski reported that this is done by Shari Jackman, Communications Manager and Mr. Hudson commented that the City Manager may also request to send out statements. Member Jacobs asked if the Communications Manager and the Social Media Manager are the same person. Mr. Stefanski reported that the Communications Manager oversees the Communications Analyst, who is more responsible for managing the City's Social Media channels. Member Tripplett asked to see additional information on the information distributed to the community and the job description for the Communications Manager. Mr. Stefanski reported that he would be able to get this information for the next meeting. Mr. Hudson commented on the lack of participation from the public at the Community Task Force meetings. Mr. Hudson recommended that there should be outreach to the community. Member David commented on the accessibility of the meeting recordings after the meetings and that it would be easier to share the link with folks to see what the Task Force is working on. Member Jacobs asked about the minutes and adding additional information to be more descriptive. Mr. Stefanski reported on providing more detail in the minutes moving forward. Member Avanzino commented on the lack of public comment even though there were 76 applicants who applied to be on the Task Force and asked if there was an opp ortunity to outreach to these applicants to get them involved. Mr. Hudson recommended that each ad-hoc include this in their Communications recommendations since all the ad-hoc committees can touch on this. Mr. Hudson asked Mr. Stefanski about the other commissions and committee meetings and if they had public comment at their meetings. Mr. Stefanski reported that most commission and committee meetings did not have much in terms of public comments, unless it is a controversial project. Mr. Hudson commented on governments functioning more smoothly when there is no public comment. Mr. Hudson recommended considering how the Task Force could help get the information out to the public to give comment on recommendations provided to City Council. Member Orozco commented on asked about promoting on social media platforms about meetings of commissions and committee meetings. Member Kohli commented on the planning commission and other commission meetings and asked about setting up notifications of Task Force meetings. Mr. Stefanski reported that this could be set up but that individuals would have to opt-in to receive the notifications. Member Kohli commented on the community reaction and then engagement once the recommendations are announced at City Council. Member Kohli asked about asked posting on social media the Task Force meetings. Mr. Stefanski commented on the liking of other Task Force members posts and sharing their posts would be a violation of Brown Act requirements. Member Avanzino commented on seeing this Task Force publicized on next door from Stephen Wright on the planning commission. Member Avanzino recommended using NextDoor to engage the community. Mr. Hudson recommended the Task Force agre e on the language and strategies to outreach to the community so that Mr. Stefanski could get this cleared from the City Council and the City Attorney. Mr. Stefanski shared that he would work to push more information out on the meetings of the Task Force. 4.3 Review and Comment on the Proposed Agenda Planning Calendar The Task Force reviewed the Proposed Agenda Planning Calendar, noting that the month of May will be utilized primarily for the work of the Ad Hoc Committees. Member Brown left the meeting at 6:37 PM. 5. Other Business Mr. Stefanski shared with the Task Force about the Volunteer Recognition Event on Wednesday, April 28 from 6 -8 PM. Mr. Stefanski shared information from Member Foster about an event at Las Positas Community College District. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:01PM.