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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.1 Approval of November 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting MinutesSTAFF REPORT Planning Commission Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 4.1 DATE:December 14,2021 TO:Planning Commission SUBJECT:Approval of the November 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting MinutesPrepared by:Cathy Wells, Senior Office Assistant EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:Draft Minutes of the November 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Approve the Minutes of the November 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting. DESCRIPTION:The Planning Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the November 23, 2021 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:None NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH:The Planning Commission Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS:1) Draft Minutes of November 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting 5 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN Regular Meeting: November 23, 2021 DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 2021 Attachment 1 A Regular Meeting of the Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, November 23, 2021, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Commission Chair Benson. 1. Call to Order Attendee Name Title Status Dawn Benson Planning Commission Chair Present Catheryn Grier Planning Commission Vice Chair Present Janine Thalblum Planning Commissioner Present Renata Tyler Planning Commissioner Present Stephen Wright Planning Commissioner Present Kashef Qaadri Alternate Planning Commissioner Present 2. Pledge of Allegiance The pledge of allegiance was recited by the Planning Commission and Staff. 3. Oral Communications 3.1. Public Comment – None. 4. Consent Calendar 4.1.Approve the Minutes of the November 9, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting RESULT:ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY:Janine Thalblum SECOND:Catheryn Grier AYES:Dawn Benson, Renata Tyler, Stephen Wright 4.2 Rules for Conducting Planning Commission Meetings Item 4.2 was pulled form the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Wright for discussion. 6 DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 2021 The Planning Commission asked questions about proposed changes to the Rules for Conducting Planning Commission Meetings. The Assistant City Attorney and Assistant Community Development Director responded to questions. On a motion by Commissioner Thalblum, seconded by Vice Chair Grier, and by a vote of 4-1, the Planning Commission approved staff’s recommendation and adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 21-09 ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES FOR CONDUCTING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS RESULT:ADOPTED [4-1] MOVED BY:Janine Thalblum SECOND:Catheryn Grier AYES:Dawn Benson, Renata Tyler NOES: Stephen Wright 5. Written Communication – None. 6.1 Public Hearing – Infiniti Automobile Dealership (PLPA-2021-00018) Kristie Wheeler, Assistant Community Development Director, introduced Amy Million, Principal Planner. Ms. Million provided a presentation on the Infiniti Automobile Dealership SDR Permit and responded to questions posed by the Commission. Commission Chairperson Benson opened and closed the public hearing as there were no public speakers. The Planning Commission provided comments on the Infiniti project. Commission Chairperson Benson reopened the public hearing to allow the Commission to ask the applicant questions. Applicant, T. Wayne Bogart, President of TMW & Associates Inc., responded to questions posed by the Commission. 7 DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 2021 Casey Case, Architect for TMW & Associates Inc., responded to questions posed by the Commission. Commission Chairperson closed the public hearing. On a motion by Vice Chair Grier, seconded by Commissioner Thalblum, the Planning Commission approved staff’s recommendation and adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 21-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR THE INFINITI AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP PLPA-2021-00018 (APN 985-0027-028-00) RESULT:ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY:Catheryn Grier SECOND: Janine Thalblum AYES: Dawn Benson, Renata Tyler, Stephen Wright NOES: 6.2 Regional Street Residential Project (PLPA-2021-00035) Kristie Wheeler, Assistant Community Development Director, introduced Carla Violet, Planning Consultant for the City of Dublin. Carla Violet, Planning Consultant, gave a presentation on the Regional Street Residential Project and responded to questions. Commission Chairperson Benson opened the public hearing. Tami Strauss, Associate Director of Real Estate Development for Eden Housing, gave a presentation and responded to questions. William Duncanson, Principal with BAR Architects, gave a presentation and responded to questions. Kimmy Chen, Landscape Architect with Gates & Associates, gave a presentation and responded to questions. Greg Bonato, provided public comment. Commission Chairperson Benson closed the public hearing. 8 DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 2021 On a motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Vice Chair Grier, the Planning Commission approved staff’s recommendation and adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 21-11 APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR THE REGIONAL STREET PROJECT AT 6541-6543 REGIONAL STREET IN DOWNTOWN DUBLIN APN: 941-1500-025 PLPA-2021-00035 RESULT:ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY:Stephen Wright SECOND: Catheryn Grier AYES: Dawn Benson, Janine Thalblum, Renata Tyler NOES: 7. Unfinished Business – None 8. New Business – None 9. Other Business Kristie Wheeler, Assistant Community Development Director, informed the Commissioners that the December meetings will be cancelled since there are no agenda items on the calendar. Ms. Wheeler stated that the next meeting will be January 25 and there are currently two items tentatively scheduled for that meeting. Also, during the January 25 meeting a new Chair and Vice Chair will be elected. Commissioner Chairperson Benson asked the Commissioners if there would be interest in having someone from DSRSD come to a future Planning Commission meeting to provide a presentation on water supply and the planning process. 9 DUBLIN PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 2021 10. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Commission Chairperson Benson at 8:30 p.m. Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Kristie Wheeler Assistant Community Development Director 10