HomeMy WebLinkAbout*01-25-2012 YAC Special MtgAGENDA C1TY OF DUBLIN YOUTH AllVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2012 7:001'M SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER, 11600 SHANNON AVENUE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 1'LF.DGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 PrtGlic Coranrent At this time, lire pttGlic is per-rtilterl to nddrers the Yarrlh Advisory Committee on non-rrgendized items. T/re Conrrnillee nrrrsi, however, cauply tvit/r nl/ Strrte Lrrws in regard to items not appem•i~rg ar the poster! «ge~rd«. 7/ie Conrnaitlee rrr«J} respond to strrfer>rcrris rn«de nr grrestiorrs asked, or nary request Slrrfr to report Gack «t « frrlure meeting concerning the rrr«tter. Any nremGer of l/re public mrr}~ conl«ct Nre I'rn•ks «rrd Contmuniiy Services Depru•trrrerrt rel«ted to l/re proper procedure to pl«ce mt item on n firtru•e Youth Advisory Conu~rillee ngend«. T/re e.~ceplions under rvhic/r the Yorrl/r Advisory Cotrmrittee MAY discass curt//or take «cl~an on items not apperu•ijtg on t/re agerulrr rue contained in GC 54954.2(6)(1)(2)(3). 4. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING - DecemUer 7, 2011 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE MINUTES 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -NONE 7, NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Youth Pee Assistance Prmdr«isirr~, Teen Special Events acrd 7extinx~ turd Driving EdrrcotionrrJ Crrrrrpai~~rr SrrGconrmittee RepnrLs The Si~beommittees will pro~~icEe a report to Committee Members on the progress of their projects. STAFF RECO1rIMENDA'I'ION: Receive reports, 7.2 l%rrll 2011 Teerr Qrrarterh~ Retort Staff will present to the Youth Advisory Committee the fall 20 ] 1 Teen Quarterly Program Report. STAFF 1ECOMMENDATION: Receive report. 8. OTHE12 BUSINESS A.I Brie/'Irrlor•-rr«lion«I Orrls~ Retorts fi•nm Comrrritlee Menrhers, SuGcornrrriltees, rrnd/nr St«f('and Reports hf~ Conrrnission rel«ted /n Mee(in~js Attended al City Lrpe~rse (A131234). 9. ADJOURNMEN'T' This \OTtCE is poslcd in acca•danee n•ith Gn~•ernmertf Cade Section Sd954.2(a) /f )•equested, perrsrrnnl to Gorerrune,rt Code Section 5~J953.2, this age,rda shall be nrnde nvallable in appropr•lnle aherrralive formals ro persons rt~irh n dlsubiJlty, as regrri,•ed by Secrlou 202 orrhe ~I nrer;ca„s ,rrlh Disabilities let or 1990 (~!2 tL.S.C. Sec•lion 12132)• acrd the fedora! rules cmd regrrlalions arloplerl Ar irnpleurenraliwr lhereo_J: ~o ntrrke a r•equesl for disrrbilifya•e/tired modlfrcalra,r or crccnunnodation, please c•anlacl the Cilp Clerk's Q/fire (925) 833-665 at least 72 lrnur•s in rrrlrcrnce of the meeting.