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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Promenade KB Homes GPSTAFF REPORT
File #420-30
DATE: September 20, 2011
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJECT: Promenade KB Home/Charter Properties General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment Study initiation request PLPA-2011-00035
Prepared by Mike Porto, Consulting Planner
The City Council will consider a request to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan land use designation of 5.7 acres ("Study Area") from Public/Semi-Public and
Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-Density Residential. The proposed land use
amendment would allow a residential density of 14.1 to 25.0 dwelling units per acre. The Study
Area is located on the south side of Central Parkway between Chancery Lane and Grafton
Street and on the west side of Grafton Street, north of Finnian Way and the Devaney
Neighborhood Square within the area known as the Promenade.
No financial impact to the City. All costs associated with preparing the General Plan
Amendment/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study, if authorized by the City Council,
would be borne by the Project Proponent.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution approving the initiation of a General
Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the
land use designation of 5.7 acres on the south side of Central Parkway between Chancery Lane
and Grafton Street from Public/Semi-Public and Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-
Density Residential; OR adopt a Resolution denying the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use
designation of 5.7 acres on the south side of Central Parkway between Chancery Lane and
Grafton Street from Public/Semi-Public and Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-Density
Submitted By Reviewed By
Director of Community Development Assistant City Manager
Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. 8.3
The proposed Study Area is a 5.7-acre area within the area commonly referred to as the
Promenade. The Study Area is located along the south side of Central Parkway between
Chancery Lane and Grafton Street and along the west side of the Grafton Street between
Central Parkway and Finnian Way/Devaney Square. As shown on the vicinity map below, the
southerly boundary of the proposed Study Area abuts the Neighborhood Square and is adjacent
to neighborhoods developed as The Villas (289 units of High Density Residential) to the
southwest, and The Cottages (200 units of Medium/High-Density residential) west of the Study
Area. Properties north of the Study Area across Central Parkway are developed as Sorrento
West, a Medium Density residential community of 418 units. The 5.7-acre Study Area includes
a 3.1-acre area currently designated Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) and a 2.6-acre area currently
designated Neighborhood Commercial (NC).
The concept for the Promenade is to create a Main Street within Dublin Ranch. The intent and
purpose is to provide a pedestrian-oriented and neighborhood-serving commercial center
including retail, commercial, and entertainment, serving the daily needs of the surrounding
residential neighborhoods, and providing shopping, service, and entertainment opportunities for
a wider community base.
The Promenade includes a P/SP land use designation which allows a variety of uses including
facilities owned by a public agency or non-profit entity such as schools, libraries or City office
buildings. Additionally, quasi-public uses such as child care centers, youth centers, senior
centers, religious institutions or other facilities that provide cultural, educational or other similar
services that benefit the community also are allowed.
Page 2 of 4
The City received letters from Ray Panek of KB Home South Bay, Inc. and James Tong of
Charter Properties (Attachments 1 and 2) to consider of a General Plan and Specific Plan
Amendment to change the land use designation for the 5.7-acre area from its existing land uses
to Medium/High-Density Residential.
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The General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan land use designations for the Promenade were
approved by the City Council on March 7, 2000. As part of this approval, a 3.1 acre site within
the Promenade was given P/SP land use designation. The approved project documents stated
that the City Council consider an application to change the P/SP land use to Medium/High-
Density Residential if such P/SP use was not established within 10 years. The ten-year period
has since passed and a P/SP use has not been established on the site. Therefore, the
Applicant and property owner are now requesting a General Plan/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment to change the land use designation of this site to Medium/High-Density Residential
as well as to change the land use designation of an adjacent 2.6 acre Neighborhood
Commercial site.
The proposed Medium/High-Density Residential (MHR) land use designation would allow a
density of 14.1 to 25.0 dwelling units per acre. Based on this density, the 5.7-acre area could
be developed within a range of 80 to 143 units. It is anticipated that, if the land use is changed
to MHR, the development standards in terms of minimum lot size, setbacks, building height, and
coverage requirements would be similar to those adopted previously for The Cottages, the
existing residential neighborhood immediately west of the Study.
It has been past practice for the City Council to initiate all General Plan and Specific Plan
Amendment Studies prior to accepting an official application and beginning work on such a
request. Any development of the site still would require a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned
Development Rezone, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Site Development Review.
If the City Council initiates a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study,
Staff wi I I:
1. Examine if the proposed land use designation and density are appropriate for the site;
2. Evaluate the proposal for consistency with the Housing Element;
3. Evaluate any associated environmental impacts from the land use change such as
traffic, noise, or view impacts, and prepare the appropriate environmental documents;
4. Perform any additional studies that may be required;
5. Evaluate the proposed land plan; and
Page 3 of 4
6. Prepare an analysis for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City
When the Study is complete, and if it results in a recommendation to amend the existing land
uses, Staff would then present the Planning Commission with the proposed General Plan and
Specific Plan land use amendments for recommendation to the City Council. The City Council
then could take action on the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment. Any related
application materials would be presented for consideration concurrently.
Staff has prepared draft resolutions approving (Attachment 3) and denying (Attachment 4) the
initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to change the
land use designation from Public/Semi-Public and Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-
Density Residential.
Although a public notice is not required to review a request to initiate a General Plan or Specific
Plan Amendment Study, the City mailed notices to all property owners and tenants within 300
feet of the proposed Study Area as well as all residents and tenants of the Villas, the Cottages,
the Courtyards and the Terraces (all properties in Area G). A public notice also was published
in the Valley Times and posted in the designated posting places. A copy of this Staff Report
was distributed to the Project Proponent.
The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study initiation request has
been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State
CEQA Guidelines (Information Collection).
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter dated July 21, 2011 from Ray Panek, Senior Vice President of
KB Home South Bay, Inc.
2. Letter dated July 25, 2011 from James Tong of Charter
Properties [representing the property owner Chang Suo-Lin,
3. Resolution approving the initiation of a General Plan and
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a
proposal to change the land use designation of 5.7 acres on the
south side of Central Parkway between Chancery Lane and
Grafton Street from Public/Semi-Public and Neighborhood
Commercial to Medium/High-Density Residential.
4. Resolution denying the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal
to change the land use designation of 5.7 acres on the south
side of Central Parkway between Chancery Lane and Grafton
Street from Public/Semi-Public and Neighborhood Commercial
to Medium/High-Density Residential.
Page 4 of 4
July 21, 241 i
Ms. Jeri Ram
Community Development Director
City of Dublin
140 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 945b$
Re: General P1an/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Request for The Villas at Tlye Promenade,
APN; 985-78-4
Dear• Ms. Ram,
We request an amendment to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Pian for the not•thwestern
corner of The Promenade site. The amendment would include re-designating a portion of the
approximately 11.4 gross-acre parcel. Under the amendment, the 3.1 gross-acre portion of the site now
designated "Public/Semi-Public," as well as 2.6 gross acres new designated "Neighborhood
Commercial," would be re-designated as "Medium/I-ligh-Density Residentia[ (14.1 -25 dlilac}."
These modifications to the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plapl are needed to accommodate
our proposal for• residential development within The Promenade mixed-use project. The project site is
located east of Chancery Lane, west of Grafton Street, south of Central Parkway, and north of Einnian
Way. The residential portion of the project will be known as The Villas at The Promenade.
This request is in keeping with language found under previous project appravals Resolution 35-04 and
Ordinance 5-04 far Dublin Ranch Area G from 2000, in which it is stated: "As part of the Village Center,
a 3.1 acre Public/Semi-Public `overlay' site has been designated at Central Parkway and Street E... If no
Public/Semi-Public uses are approved for• this site at the end of a ten year period from the date of approval
of PA 98-Ob9, it is proposed that the City consider applications for it to be used for PD Medium-High
Density Residential purposes..."
We will submit an initial application package for your use in beginning the amendment request process
shortly. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for considering our request.
Ray Pa ek, Senior Vice President
KB Ho e South Bay .Inc. ,,
Cc: Jim Tong,. Stanfor•th Holding Company, LLC _
Connie Goldade and Tim Sullivan, Community Design +.Architechrre
TEL 925 750 1700 FAX 925 750 ISpO KSHOME.COM
July 25, 2011
Mr. Mike Porto
City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Re: Assessor's Parcel # 985-0078-004, commonly known as
Promenade in the City of Dublin
Dear Mike:
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Will you please accept this letter as authorization for KB Homes, located at 6700 Koll
Center Parkway, Suite 200, Pleasanton CA 94588, to sign the application for the
GPA/EDSPA for the Villas at Promenade and any other subsequent applications for the
Vesting Tentative Map, SDR S#age one and SDR Stage two P.D.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me any time. Thank you for your
4690 Chabot Drive, Ste 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588
Tel: {925)463-1666 Fax: (925)463-1861
(PORTION OF APN 985-0078-004)
WHEREAS, the City has received a request from KB Home South Bay, Inc. to initiate a
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to change the land use
designation fora 5.7 acre Study Area located on the south side of Central Parkway between
Chancery Lane and Grafton Street, north of Finnian Way; and
WHEREAS, said Study Area currently is designated with two land uses proportionately
as 3.1 acres of Public/Semi-Public adjacent to Chancery Lane and a 2.6 acre Neighborhood
Commercial; and
WHEREAS, the request for study would evaluate changing the existing land use
designations of the Study Area from its existing land use designations of Public/Semi-Public and
Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-Density Residential use; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study
initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section
15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the General
Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study initiation request; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations,
and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby approve the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment
Study to change the land use designation of a portion of parcel on Central Parkway between
Chancery Lane and Grafton Street, north of Finnian Way.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this
20th day of September 2011 by the following vote:
City Clerk
G:IPA#120111PLPA-2011-00035 KB Promenade GPA P-SPICC Reso-APPROVE Promenade GPAstudy 9.20.11.docx
(PORTION OF APN 985-0078-004)
WHEREAS, the City has received a request from KB Home South Bay, Inc. to initiate a
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to change the land use
designation fora 5.7 acre Study Area located on the south side of Central Parkway between
Chancery Lane and Grafton Street, north of Finnian Way; and
WHEREAS, said Study Area currently is designated with two land uses proportionately
as 3.1 acres of Public/Semi-Public adjacent to Chancery Lane and a 2.6 acres as Neighborhood
Commercial; and
WHEREAS, the request for study would evaluate changing the existing land use
designations of the Study Area from its existing land use designations of Public/Semi-Public and
Neighborhood Commercial to Medium/High-Density Residential use; and
WHEREAS, the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study
initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section
15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the General
Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study initiation request; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations,
and testimony hereinabove set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby deny the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study
to change the land use designation of a portion of parcel on Central Parkway between Chancery
Lane and Grafton Street, north of Finnian Way.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this
20th day of September 2011 by the following vote:
City Clerk
G:IPA#120111PLPA-2011-00035 KB Promenade GPA P-SPICC Reso-DENY Promenade GPAstudy 9.20.11.docx
Dora Ramirez
Sent: -Monday, September 12, 2011 10:47 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and. yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
John Zukoski
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 10:55 FNI
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-derisity condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have crafered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home., Even worse, the~loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
decade. ~= -.
Christina Grimes
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 10:56 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing. .
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at ~a worse time.- Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Duane Thompson
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _ _
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:09 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic."bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come of a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for-new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Johanna Bertini
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent:' Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:37 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Janet Harkness
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, .2011 12:50 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Christy Tempongko
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:07 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reducE
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Edward Chang
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:15 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping desfination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Everi worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Andrey & Alena Gusev
Dora Rarnirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:02 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Tara Magnuson
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:06 AM
To: ,. Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirety dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Karen Gustafson
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Joel Flory
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:42 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Elliott Edge.
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:44 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemris Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
McKay Colovich
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:49 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved; this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead. of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Leah Fritz-Kirby
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:54 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised fo,r a
Patrick Layne
Dora Ramirez
From: ,
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:56 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Patricia Levitin
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:16 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Kevin E. Smith
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, eptember• 13, 2011 7:20 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Kevin Geraghty
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:29 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Linda Silva
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:32 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands, of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating `mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jamie Mahabir
Dora Ramirez
- __
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:34 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jennifer Situ
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, Septemoer 13, 2011 8:02 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land-use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Mark Vernon
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:13 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin. Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Anton Kosak
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:15 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Marisa Kosak
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:32 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Gabriel Birkus
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:50 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved,-this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Elisabeth Zimmermann
Dora Ramirez
Sent: ues ay, September 13, 2011 8:48 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high=density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Paul Blackburn
Dora Ramirez
From: - - - - - - --
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:06 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jennifer Rocha
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:10 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and insteac9
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Adrian de Guzman
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:10 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for riew students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Derek Ortiz
Dora Ramirez
From: -
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:15 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Erik Hofstede
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:30 A
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, #his land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Keith Beck
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:37 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swatwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dubliri Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The .Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:37 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jay Lessa
Dora Ramirez
From: ---
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:38 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Lisa Mendel
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:41 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value o~ my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Bryan selby
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:53 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Pramode Metre
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
.Erika Dillon
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:59 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Gerald D Lunsford
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:05 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that a41 of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Lauren Selby
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:32 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Sincerely, .
Megh Bhatt
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:37 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing 'half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Raymond Refuerzo
Dora Ramirez
Sent: i uesday, September 13, 2011 10:39 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Betty Rodriguez
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:48 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead ---
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Tim Hall
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:01 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
- - -,
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:03 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Zhenyi Huang
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _ _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:11 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
George Wu
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, Septem er 13, 2011 11:19 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Lisa Huang
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:21 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB, Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ivan Kim
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, September 13, 2011 11:22 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic bait and switch scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Rita Szollos
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:23 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Caroline Rhee
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, Septem er 13, 2011 11:27 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Michael Valentine
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, September 13, 2011 11:45 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Elizabeth Juson
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:23 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dominic D'Souza
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:32 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Andria Ballard
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:33 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destinatiori to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified Schoo- District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Regina Cunningham
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, Septemoer 7:i, 2011 12:51 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jong Yi
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:55 P
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Charles Duncan
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 12:5
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
eric shave
Dora Ramirez
Sent: I uesday, September 13, 2011 1:18 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
consuelo nausin
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:24 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages.-It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Srinivasa Vanukuri
Dora Ramirez
Sent: ues ay, ep em er 13, 2011 1:27 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, September 13, :31 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages' within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Tyler Moxley
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:38 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
John Acree
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:11 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the-value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Linda O'Connor
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:12 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Errc Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would bean upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Roger A. Clark
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:54 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Samir Lad
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 4:52 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jackson Wang
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 5:13 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Stephen and Cynthia Larson
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 5:53 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San .Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the toss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas a d Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB H me wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home c ndos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live
vision for Dublin instead of falli
against the request by KB Hon
Amendment Study to evaluate
urge you to stop KB Home anc
in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
~g prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
~e and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dan Hecker
. __ ._..
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:02 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Victor Abayan
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:53 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Joanna Ignacio
Dora Ramirez
From: - _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:30 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay, off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area.
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jane Ingram
Dora Ramirez
rom: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:48 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing. .
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Amelia Z
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 y:01 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dubliri Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Anne Yoon
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:09 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Setal Desai
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:14 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Kelly Demos
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:15 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Kristen Hofstede
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:26 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce.
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
eric zagof
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _ T
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:28 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Heidi Velayedam
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:34 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:22 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Alicia Williams
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: ues ay, eptember 13, 2011 10:00 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Han`; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Nathalie van Krimpen
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:07 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping de'stination~to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Laurie Smith
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:22 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin .instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jennifer Heddy
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:22 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high=density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Shane Heddy
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:25 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Phillip Ho
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:46 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Eric Stanley
Dora Ramirez
Sent: uesday, September 13, 2011 10:49 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin~Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Samira Stanley
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:06 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmembei-:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
John Jason Long
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:08 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Yun Kim
Dora Ramirez
Sent: ley, September 13, 2011 11:42 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos., Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wondertul city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:09 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of fife that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Agnes Lee
- --
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:12 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Paula holman
Dora Ramirez
From: - _ .~. _ -
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:26 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Richard Gilbert
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
' "
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin s vision of creating mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jordan jarosz
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:36 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been.
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Sanjay Parekh
Dora Ramirez
From: ~-
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:07 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Paul Cardoso
Dora Ramirez
From: --
Sent: ednesday, September 14, 2011 7:08 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ann-Marie Cardoso
~ ~
f -
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wed sne day, September 14, 2011 7:41 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jianjing Li
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:22 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:24 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: - Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ross Wilson
Dora Ramirez
From: -- ----
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:42 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Aimee Bull
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:44 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Alex Fok
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:51 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Daniel Mok
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:59 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Qublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Celeste Roehm-Wolpert
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:56 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Anchalee Kunnaragthai
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011x10:01 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already-saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Rashelle Redfern
Dora Ramirez
From: .__.__...
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ching K Lee
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:35 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dwight Lovelace
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:16 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
daniel b yee
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:13 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Timm Hannula
Dora Ramirez
From: - - _ -
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:52 AM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:21 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Frank Cort
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:56 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Diana Goad
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:32 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Joseph Fu
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:34 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school iri West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Sincerely, _
Amit Raman
Dora Ramirez
From: ~.. _ ......~..`„_..-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 5:35 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
ears, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ravi Chekuri
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:46 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Reginald Allison
Dora Ramirez
From: _ --
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:04 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Ana Dosaj
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:07 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Hyrum Ngim
Dora Ramirez
From: _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:44 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Reginald Allison
~~ - --
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:38 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Murray Whent
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:52 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Victor Martinez
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:43 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Kevin Leung
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:45 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Danielle Cooper
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:06 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Jason Burgos
Dora Ramirez
From: _>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:48 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail-space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana. Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for'new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Christy Tempongko
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:23 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around bublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Manpreet Dharni
Dora Ramirez
From: ~-
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:02 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Adrienne D Ocampo
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:03 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Alan Ocampo
Dora Ramirez
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:35 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember:
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City HaII. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to a Medium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Aumarie Benipayo
Dora Ramirez
From: _ _
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Tim Sbranti; Kevin Hart; Don Biddle; Kasie Hildenbrand; Eric Swalwell; crosecgrp;
Subject: Keep the Promenade's Promise
Dear City Councilmember.
I do not support the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to convert half of the retail space at the Promenade to
high-density condos.
If approved, this land use conversion will be a classic "bait and switch" scheme made possible by Dublin City Hall. For ten
years, new East Dublin residents in the tens of thousands have been told that the Promenade would be an upscale
shopping destination to rival San Jose's Santana Row. Now that everyone has already bought or rented homes in and
around Dublin Ranch Villages based on that promise, the City of Dublin is trying to shoehorn more condos into an area
already saturated with high-density housing.
The prospect of more high-density condos instead of the upscale shopping center promised to residents could not have
come at a worse time. Property values have cratered over the past few years. Scrapping the Promenade in favor of
additional high-density condos beyond the 1,400 units already built as part of the Dublin Ranch Villages will further reduce
the value of my home. Even worse, the loss of a shopping & dining district within easy walking distance of thousands of
residents will seriously degrade the quality of life that all of us were seeking when we purchased in the Dublin Ranch
Villages. It also completely contradicts Dublin's vision of creating "mixed-use walkable villages" within the city and instead
condemns Dublin Ranch Villages to be just another high-density residential neighborhood almost entirely dependent on
cars, and yet with seriously insufficient parking for those cars.
East Dublin schools are already overcrowded. The Dublin Unified School District will likely use the impact fees generated
by the new homes to pay off funds borrowed to build Kolb Elementary School instead of creating additional long-term
capacity for new students. As a result, students in the already oversubscribed schools in East Dublin could be diverted to
a school in West Dublin.
Residents living in the Villas and Cottages at Dublin Ranch Villages are so desperate for parking that they have been
parking on the dirt patch KB Home wants to rezone for more condos. Will there be enough parking once more residents
move into the new KB Home condos?
Dublin is a wonderful city to live in, and I trust that you will do what is right for the community. Please maintain along-term
vision for Dublin instead of falling prey to short-sighted planning based on temporary economic conditions. Please vote
against the request by KB Home and Charter Properties to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Amendment Study to evaluate changing half of the Promenade to aMedium/High-Density Residential land use area. I
urge you to stop KB Home and Charter Properties from ruining our dream of the Promenade that has been promised for a
Marjan Naraghi
Dora Ramirez
From: Joni Pattitlo
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:20 PM
To: Linda Smith
Cc: Dora Ramirez
Subject: Please add Mary Warren to the distribution list on Concerned Citizens
Attachments: image001.png
Joni L. Pattitlo
City Manager
City of Dublin ~ ioo Civic Plaza ~ Dublin, CA 94568
(9z5) 833-6650 ~ (9z5) 833-665 FAX
V' ~~~ l~~ .,.
Follow us on Twitter: t~DublinPlO
Mission Statement: The City o f Dublin promotes and supports a high quality o f li fe which ensures a sa fe and secure
environment that fosters new opportunities.
Linda Smith
From: 1>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 11:55 AM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade Concerns
Hi again,
I just sent you and email, but since you emailed me twice I thought it appropriate to email you twice and make
sure you received it. Please see below:
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your email below. I think the issue of the proposed change has more to do with the pent-up
frustration of homeowners who have seen the value of their homes plummet in a terrible housing market, while
the "added value" of the Promenade has done nothing to add value to the community. This whole area was sold
by showcasing great Toll Brothers homes surrounding the community square. My partner and I live in an area
where, to get coffee in the morning, we walk from the Villas to Peets -- around that giant, vacant dirt lot --
where we were told we would be able to walk to the end of our community.
I think the mistakes of the City started with allowing development of Grafton Station before the development of
the Promenade, and in allowing Standard Pacific, Toll Brothers, KB, Braddock and Logan, and all the other
new-home developments to continue building without first requiring Charter Properties to uphold their promises
to the current residents. I think you all have done poorly by the community, and that is why the communit}~ is
rising against you on this issue. While it may be perceived as a small change to you -- if you don't live here, you
ca.n't understand the constant parking frustration and lack of community hubs.
I know that I intend to attend the September 20th meeting to allow my voice to be heard. I just hope that
someone is listening. It's time for the stop-start to end, for the "dancing around" to come to a close, and for the
City of Dublin to stand up to the interests of developers and begin standing up for the interests of residents.
Roger A. Clark
925.230.8375 (direct)
925.558.4449 (fax)
rc l ark [cJ dubl i n ran ch l i fe styl e. c o m
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Linda Smith wrote:
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from KB
Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a small, back portion of the
commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the cornerstone of the
Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact with the Blog and informed
them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area of the
project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City staff should
spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
<image002.png> I Linda Smith-Maurer
Economic Development Director & Public Information Officer
City of Dublin I goo Civic Plaza I Dublin, CA 9456$
(9z5) 45z-Z~S~ I ~9z5) $33-6651 FAX
linda.smithna I
Follow us on Twitter: ~DublinPlO
Mission Statement: The City o f Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of li fe which ensures a sa fe and secure
environment that fosters new opportunities.
Linda Smith
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:31 AM
To: Linda Smith
Cc: Steve larson
Subject: RE: Response to Promenade Concerns
Dear Ms. Smith,
Thank you for your response. However, in looking at the map, we still have a great concern regarding the rezoning of the
Public/Semi Public property which is at the corner of Chancery Lane and Central Parkway. As a current resident of
Chancery Lane, street parking is very difficult for us as well as for our guests. To have another middle/high
density residential property across from us is unacceptable. We are already in a very high density residential area with the
Cottage, Sorrento, Courtyard, Villas and the Terrace. Anyone will tell you that the parking in these areas are atrocious. I
hope that the Planning Committee would be more prudent in the decision of rezoning of this section and analyze
the impact this would have in our area.
Cindi Larson,
~....~-.,~- om
From: Steve Larson jmailto:sandclar313@yahoo.coml
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:24 PM
To: Larson Danielle; Larson Jon; Larson, Cindi
Subject: Fwd: Response to Promenade Concerns
Begin forwarded message:
From: Linda Smith <linda.smith(a,>
Date: September 14, 2011 17:19:42 PDT
To: Linda Smith <linda.smith~a,>
Subject: Response to Promenade Concerns
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received
a request from KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as
well as a small, back portion of the commercial property. The request does not remove or
affect the main street retail that is the cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was
reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact with the Blog and informed them
of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these
requests must first be presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices
to some 2,300 residents in the area of the project because we know that there is a heightened
interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether
or not City staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the
requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith-Maurer
~'' "' Economic Development Director & Public Information Officer
~UBLI s~
17uh;in City of Dublin ~ goo Civic Plaza I Dublin, CA 94568
(9z5) 452-z15~ I ~9Z5) 833-665 FAX
~?3 9
lin_d.a.,smith@dublinca,.go.v ~ www,,gov
Follow us on Twitter: ~a DublinPlO
Mission Statement: The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of li fe which ensures a sa fe and secure
environment that fosters new opportunities.
CONFIDENTIALITY: This communication, including attachments, is for exclusive use of the addressee(s) and
may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use,
copying, disclosure, or distribution or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete this
communication and destroy all copies.
Linda Smith
From: _ _ _ - - -
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 10:19 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Please tell me how this will improve parking for current residents in the townhomes?
When we bought a place here we realized parking might get stickier with a retail section, but now you want to
ADD more homes? How will this help anyone?
If you come here on a week night or weekend, you'll see every inch of Central Blvd is used for parking, in
addition to lawn space on side streets. Are you telling us you'll improve this for current residents so there will
be no competition with new residents?
Please shed some light on the parking solution.
On Sep 13, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Linda Smith <linda.smith(c~,> wrote:
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received
a request from KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as
well as a small, back portion of the commercial property. The request does not remove or
affect the main street retail that is the cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was
reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact with the Blog and informed them
of the discrepancy. (See map below)
When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these
requests must first be presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices
to some 2,300 residents in the area of the project because we know that there is a heightened
interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether
or not City staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the
requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith
From: - ---..-_____
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 7:03 AM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Hi Linda:
Thanks for you reply.
Regardless of anything that was incorrect in the "Around Dublin" blog, the bottom line is: I don't want
another house built in this area. We're up to our ears in homes already. I want The Promenade
to remain 100% commercial as was promised. Period.
McKay Colovich
From: Linda Smith <>
T'o: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Response to Promenade concerns
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from
KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property., as well as a small, back portion of
the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the
cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact
with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area
of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City
staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith
From: ~-~- -. _.. _-,.
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:50 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the info. We are really hopeful that one day we will be able to, stroll on over the the
From: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: Response to Promenade concerns
I Uelieve that the courtesy notices «~ere sent out to an area ti~-ithin 300 feet, not 300 yards. 'I'bis notice was sent to ?,300
~ttaehed is the Public 11~~1eeting Notice that ~~ as posted..
"[hanks again for expressing yoiu- concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Economic Development Director & Public Information Officer
~ y >~ City of Dublin ~ 100 Civic Plaza ~ Dublin, CA 94568
~UBLIi~ (925)452-2151 ~ (925)833-6651 FAX linda.smith( ~
Follow us on Twitter: @DublinPIO
+~ ax
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ rtfisseore Staternext: "!'ke C:iii~ of Dublin pr•ornoies and supports rt high quniity of lrft° which ensures cr safe m;d secrrr-e
enrironnteni Thai jnsier-s ntni~ opportunities.
s+ss ~
__ -~.
gent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:41 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the quick response on this matter. Looks like AD has updated their map, as well.
I live approximately 300 yards from the site (as the crow flies) and did not receive a courtesy notice for some reason?
Is it possible to get a copy of this notice and verify why I did not receive?
Thanks a bunch,
Jay Lessa
From: Linda Smith <linda.snuth cr,>
To: Linda Smith <linda.snuth a>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Response to Promenade concerns
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from
KB I-domes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a small, back portion of
the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the
cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact
with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area
of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City
staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Linda Smith
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:05 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Thank you Linda for your quick response and better clarification of the item at hand. We live in Dublin Ranch
and believe strongly in preserving The Promenade component as originally called for in the master plan for
Eastern Dublin. Glad to know that this potential rezone does not mean the end of the Promenade dream for
residences here. For the remaining land I would support higher density commercial or even mixed use like Bay
Street in Emeryville if the residential is found to be absolutely necessary to make the commercial part become a
reality. But in the future Charter come back and wants it all Residential we will certainly oppose.
On Sep 13, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Linda Smith <linda.smith cr,> wrote:
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received
a request from KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as
well as a small, back portion of the commercial property. The request does not remove or
affect the main street retail that is the cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was
reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact with the Blog and informed them
of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these
requests must first be presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices
to some 2,300 residents in the area of the prof ect because we know that there is a heightened
interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether
or not City staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the
requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 4:19 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
We appreciate very much your response however would strongly urge you to reconsider this proposal. We live
directly across the street from that area and you should see how bad and congested the parking is already and
we were promised the rest would all be commercial and downtown when we bought here over 6 years ago.
We've watched our home values plummet and our neighbors are shot selling their homes right now.
If we had the downtown built and in operation there would be a lot less concern for our neighborhood but with
the current overcrowding I couldn't even imagine more condos in this area it is starting to really feel suffocated.
Please help us to maintain the type of vision we had for our community and not force us to get even more
overcrowded. This is definitely not what the community wants nor was shown when we purchased here.
Thank you for your consideration, we are really hoping our voices are heard in these matters.
J _.
--- On Tue, 9/13/11, Linda Smith <linda.smith(,~ov> wrote:
From: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
Subject: Response to Promenade concerns
To: "Linda Smith" <linda.smith~a,>
Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 2:48 PM
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from
KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a small, back portion of
the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the
cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact
with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area
of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City
staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith
Sent: ~ uesday, September 13, 2011 3:41 PM
To: Linda Smith
Cc: Lisa M
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the quick response on this matter. Looks like AD has updated their map, as well.
I live approximately 300 yards from the site (as the crow flies) and did not receive a courtesy notice for
some reason?
Is it possible to get a copy of this notice and verify why I did not receive?
Thanks a bunch,
Jay Lessa
From: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
To: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Response to Promenade concerns
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from
KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a small, back portion of
the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the
cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact
with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes- and Charter Properties
Linda Smith
From: _
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:38 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Thank you for your reply. My major concern is that this is just the first step toward eliminating the promenade
in a phased approach. I think everyone knows an outright cancellation of the project would be met with.
outrage. However, if it is done more quietly it wouldn't get noticed as much. Forgive the conspiracy theory,
but I hope this is not the case.
From: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
To: Linda Smith <linda.smith(>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: Response to Promenade concerns
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a request from
KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a small, back portion of
the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main street retail that is the
cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin Blog). We have made contact
with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area
of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City
staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
Linda Smith
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:18 PM
To: Linda Smith
Subject: Re: Response to Promenade concerns
Thank you for pointing out the discrepancy but we are still not in favor of rezoning
any commercial for residential. There is enough housing in ®ublin..........we need
the commercial to be developed as promised and another high school. We are one
of the highest tax payers in the city of Dublin and the city, builders and developers
have not delivered what was promised to us when we bought here.
Very disappointed and wouldn°t recommend Dublin as a place for any family to
move to compared to what the neighboring cities offer their residents.
Trish Levitin
In a message dated 9/13/2011 2:49:13 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, linda.smith(a) writes:
Dear Concerned Resident,
The City is in receipt of your email regarding concerns about the Promenade. The City received a
request from KB Homes and Charter Properties to rezone the Public/Semi Public property, as well as a
small, back portion of the commercial property. The request does not remove or affect the main
street retail that is the cornerstone of the Promenade project (as was reported on the Around Dublin
Blog). We have made contact with the Blog and informed them of the discrepancy. (See map below)
Proposal by KB Homes and Charter Properties
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests
must first be presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300
residents in the area of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not
City staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin
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When the City receives a request to change a General Plan or Specific Plan land use, these requests must first be
presented to the City Council for direction. City staff sent courtesy notices to some 2,300 residents in the area
of the project because we know that there is a heightened interest in the Promenade project.
At the September 20 City Council meeting, the City Council will provide direction to on whether or not City
staff should spend time working with KB Homes and Charter Properties on the requested amendments.
On behalf of the City, we thank you for submitting your concern to the City.
Linda Smith-Maurer
Public Information Officer
City of Dublin