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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 Tri-Val Trans Dev FeeG~~~ OF Dp~~~
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File # ^~~0-~~
DATE: June 22, 2010
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Rescinding Prior Tri-Valley Transportation Development
Fee Proposed Increases (Resolutions 167-08 and 187-08)
Prepared By: Jaimee Bourgeois, Senior Civil Engineer (Traffic)
In 2008, the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) completed a Fee Nexus Study Update
and developed new Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee amounts for member agency
consideration. The Dublin City Council adopted two resolutions in 2008 approving the proposed
new fees increases, which would have gone into effect on July 1, 2010, across all land use
categories. Because any change to the fees requires unanimous approval and because one of
the member agencies did not approve the new fee structure, the proposed fee increase was
never formally adopted by TVTC. As such, the City of Dublin adopted resolutions need to be
rescinded at this time.
No funds were collected based on the proposed fees as they would not be effective until July 1,
2010 and only after unanimous approval by all of the member agencies. The action will not
impact the provisions for automatic adjustments to the current fee which remain in effect.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution rescinding Resolutions 167-08 and
187-08 relating to the Tri-Valtey Transportation Development (MD) Fee.
• ~~
Submitted Revi e y
Senior Civil Engineer Assistant City Manager
Page 1 of 3 ITEM NO. I. ~
The Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) is composed of elected officials from Danville,
Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Alameda County and Contra Costa County. The
initial purpose of the TVTC was to develop and adopt the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action
Plan (TVTP/AP). In 1998 and 1999, the TVTC established a Tri-Valley Transportation
Development (TVTD) Fee, and adopted a Strategic Expenditure Plan that programmed
anticipated TVTD Fee revenue to 11 regional transportation projects that were identified in the
TVTP/AP. The governing documents provide for annual adjustments to the fee based upon the
annual change in the Construction Cost Index. Other changes to the fee require unanimous
approval by all of the member agencies. In 2004, the MC began the process of updating the
fee nexus study. A second list of 11 new projects was included in the updated study.
On January 30, 2008, the TVTC approved the updated Tri-Valley Nexus Study Report that
identified the maximum allowable development fees that could be applied to development to
fully fund the two lists of transportation improvement projects. To cover more of the unfunded
balance of project construction costs, the TVTC subsequently developed a proposed new fee
structure with phased increases, to be considered by each member agency. In this proposal
the first adjustment to the new fees was scheduled to take place July 1, 2010.
The City of Dublin adopted Resolutions approving the new fee structure in October 2008
(Attachments 1-4). Because unanimous approval of this increase was required of all seven
member agencies prior to modifying the TVTD Fee, and because one of the member agencies
(City of Pleasanton) did not approve the revised fee structure, the TVTC did not formally adopt
the fee increase. As such, it is necessary for the City of Dublin to rescind the associated 2008
resolutions prior to July 1, 2010, when the fees were slated to increase (Attachment 5).
The one member agency that did not approve the new fee structure does support the fee
increase but indicated that approval would not happen until an update to the Strategic
Expenditure Plan is complete. A~ub-committee of the TVTC has been formed to develop an
update to the Strategic Expenditure Plan, and efforts are underway. Consideration may be
given again in the future to a revised fee structure.
It should be noted that in early 2010 the TVTC elected to proceed with a fee increase for the
"Other Uses" land use category. This fee increase was approved by all seven member
agencies in late 2009 and ultimately adopted as part of an addendum to the TVTC Joint
Exercise of Powers Agreement in early 2010. This adopted increase to the "Other Uses" land
use category will remain in effect. In addition the provision for annual adjustments to the fee
remains in effect. This adjustment is based on changes in the Construction Cost Index and the
adjustment factor for July 1, 2010 is negative and will actually reduce the fee 0.50%.
Because the recommended action will not result in a fee increase, there is no required public
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ATTACHMENTS: 1. September 2, 2008, staff report (without attachments)
2. October 7, 2008, staff report (without attachments)
3. Resolution 167-08
4. Resolution 187-08
5. Resolution rescinding Resolutions 167-08 and 187-08 relating
to the Tri-Valley Transportation Development (TVTD) Fee
G:\TRANSPORTATION~Regional\TVTC\Staff Reports\staff rpt Rescission_TVTDF Increase_062210.doc
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File # ^~~~'a~
Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) Update
~Zeport Prepared by: Jaimee Bourgeois, Traff c Engineer
Resolution ~
Adopt the Resolution approving the updated Tri-Valley
Transportation Development Fee structure.
There is no cost associated with this item. If the revised fee
structure is unanimously approved by each Tri-Valley
Transportation Council member and subsequently by each member
jurisdiction's Council or Board, then the City of Dublin will likely
receive additional development revenues that will be allocated
toward high-priority transportation projects.
DESCRIPTION: In 1998 and 1999, the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC)
established a Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF), and adopted a Strategic Expenditure
Plan that programmed anticipated TVTDF revenue to 11 regional transportation projects that were
identified in the Tri-Valley Transportation Action Plan. In 2004, the TVTC directed Staff to begin the
process of updating the fee nexus study. A second list of 11 new projects was included in the updated
On January 30, 2008, the TVTC approved the updated Tri-Valley Nexus Study Report that identified the
maximum allowable development fees that could be applied to development to fully fund the two lists of
transportation improvement projects.
Table 1 on the following page presents the maxirrium allowable fees for each land use category in
comparison to the current fees.
COPY TO: ~, ~ ~ , a ~N ~
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Land Use Category "' . Unit of Measure Existing Fee
2008-20Q9 Maximum ''
A.llowable Fee
Sin le-Fami] Residential dwellin units $2,036 $12,238
Multi-Famil Residential dwellin units $1,295 $8,430
Office ],000 s uare feet oss floor area $3,653 $20,800
Retail 1,000 s uare feet oss floor area $1,365 $22,710
Industrial 1,000 s uare feet oss floor area $2,469 $12,100
Other Avera e AM/PM eak hour tri $815 $13,598
At its June 30th meeting, the TVTC developed the following guidelines:
• Charge no more than 35% of the maximum allowable
~ Phase the new fees in over a two-year period
• Cap the retail fee at 15% of the maximum allowable
• Affordable housing projects meeting specific criteria (publicly-funded, privately-funded non-
profit, and privately-funded for profit) would be exempt from paying fees
• Transit-oriented development would be charged the multi-family residential rate
Based on this specific set of guidelines, the fee structure can be summarized as presented in Table 2. This
fee stzucture would generate an estimated $391 million between 2009 and 2030.
Land Use Category Year ZOQ9-2D10 '
Current Fee Year2010-2011 '
25% Max2 Years 2Q~.1-2030
35% Max2
SFR er dwellin unit) $2,036 ~ $3,053 $4,275
~ $~ $0 $0
MFR er dwellin unit $1,295 $2,104 $2,945
Office er 1,000 s. ft. $3,653 $5,191 $~,26'7
Retail er 1,000 s. ft. $1,365 $3,400 $3,400
Industrial er 1,000 s. ft. $2,469 $3,020 $4,22~
Other ( er PH tri ) $2,2623 $3,393 $4,750
SFR = Single-Famil,y Residential
MFR = Multi-Family Residential
AH = Affordable Housing
Sq. ft. = square feet of gross floor area
PH = Peak Hour (average of AM and PM)
1. Affordable housing projects meeting specific criteria would be exempt from paying fees
2. Retail would be capped at 15% of the maximum
3. The fee for land use category "Other" does not match the current fee from Table 1 because the fee structure
currently in place reflects a reduction to the "Other" category fee that was approved by the TVTC after the fee
program was initialIy adopted. The reduction was later applied for retail development to help facilitate the
construction of retail projects in the Tri-Valley, as well as for the "other" category, so that fees in this category
would be more comparable to commercial uses rather than residential uses. This reduction was not carried forward
to the proposed fee structure. This puts the new fee more in line with vcFhere it would have been.
Pa oa 7 nf d
To put the fee ro'ection into ers ective it is hel ful t ~~~~ ~`
P J p p , p o review the pro~ected construction costs fo~ the
projects identified in the Nexus Study Fee Update. The following lists of improvement projects have been
identified as those projects that are needed to help alleviate future congestion in the Tri-Valley.
List A- From the original fee program:
~ A-1 I-580/I-680 Interchange - southbound to eastbound coruiector (Complete)
• A-2a SR-84 Expressway - I-580-to I-680
• A-2b Isabel Route 84/I-580 Interchange
• A-3 I-680 Auxiliary Lanes Segment 2
~ A-4 West Dublin/Pleasanton BART S#ation (Under construction, funding complete)
• A-Sa I-580 Eastbound HOV Lane
• A-Sb I-580 Westbound HOV Lane
• A-6 I-b80 HOV Lanes (southbound Complete, northbound not considered for funding)
• A-7 I-580 / Foothill Road Interchange
• A-8 I-680 / Alcosta Interchange (complete)
• A-9a Crow Canyon Road Safety Phase I
• A-9b Crow Canyon Road Safety Phase II
• A-l0a Vasco Road Safety Phase I
~ A- I Ob Vasco Road Safety Phase II
• A-11 Express Bus / Bus Rapid Transit
List A total unfunded cost: $389,340,000
List B- Added to the fee program in the 2008 update:
• B-1 I-580 / I-680 - relieve WB to SB movement
• B-2 5`h Eastbound I-5801ane, Santa Rita to Vasco
• B-3 I-580 / First Street Interchange
• B-4 I-580 / Vasco Road Interchange
• B-5 I-580 / Greenville Road Interchange
• B-6 Jack London Boulevard Extension to El Charro
• B-7 El Charro Road Extension
• B-8 Camino Tassajara Widening - East Blackhawk Drive to County Line
• B-9 Danville Blvd / Stone Valley Rd I-680 Interchange Im
rovements *
• B-10 p
I-680 SB HOV Lanes Gap Closure - North Main to Livorna
• B-l la I-b80 Express Bus HOV On- and Off-Ramps
• B-l lb I-680 Transit Comdor Improvements
List B total unfunded cost: $1,094,830,400
* Removed from the project list, including the associated unfunded construction cost.
Funding for these projects ranges from sources at the local, regional, state and federal levels. Excluding
TVTDF funding that would be collected in the future if the current fee structure was maintained; the total
unfunded cost of both lists is about $1.48 billion. After payment of a 1% administrative fee, the proposed
fee structure would almost fund project List A.
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From commencement of the TVTDF through Fiscal Year 2007-2008, Dublin has genei~ated approxim~ately
23% of the total TVTDF. With the proposed fee structure, this would amount to Dublin generating $90
million through 2030, of which $18 million (20%) would be retained by the City of Dublin to allocate
toward high-priority projects and $72 million (80%) would be submitted to the TVTC for disbursement.
The TVTC developed a draft resolution for use by each member jurisdiction for Council or Board
approval. Dublin Staff has revised the resolution with respect to one issue. The draft supplied by TVTC
indicated that the fees would be used "to fund the unfunded cost of the projects in List A as 1 S` priority and
List B as 2nd priority." Staff amended this sentence to aiso say, "with the exception that funding for
improvements between I-680 and Pigeon Pass under Project A-2a would be lower priority than projects
B-1 and B-2 as identified in the Tri-Valley Triangle Study priority list." The Tri-Valley Triangle Study
project priority list ranks Project B-1 (I-580 / I-680 interchange) as #5, Project B-2 (5`h Eastbound I-580
lane) as #10, and the segment from I-680 to Pigeon Pass of Project A-2a (SR-84 Expressway - I-580 to
I-680) as # 12. The revision is proposed to maintain consistency with the established Triangle Study
If the revised fee structure is approved by each member jurisdiction's Gouncil or Board, the TVTC will
then hold a public hearing, tentatively set far October 29, 2008.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the resolution to update the Tri-Valley Transportation
Development Fee structure.
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File # ~~~~-~~
SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Tri-VaTley Transportation Development Fee
(TVTDF) Update
Report Prepared by.• Jaimee Bourgeois, Sr. Civil Engineer ('1'raffic)
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Draft Resolution
2) Resolution 167-08
3) September 2, 2008, Staff Report
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing
2) Receive Staff Presentation
3) Receive Public Testimony
4) Close Public Hearing and Deliberate
5) Adopt the resolution rescinding Resolution 167-08 and
adopting the updated Tri-Valley Transportation Development
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There is no cost associated with this item. If the revised fee structure
is unanimously approved by each Tri-Valley Transportation Council
member and subsequently by each member jurisdiction's Council or
Board, the City will then likely receive additional development
revenues that will be allocated toward high-priority transportation
DESCRIPTION: Resolution 167-08 was adopted on September 2, 2008, by the Dublin
City Council to approve an update to the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) program.
Because proper notification was not provided to "interested parties" 14 days in advance of the meeting and
a public hearing was not held, pursuant to Government Code Section 56016, this item is again being
brought before the City Council.
The Staff Report from the September 2, 2008, City Council meeting provides background information
regarding the fee program update (Attachment 3).
COPY TO: Scott Perkins, TVTC Chair
Page 1 of 2 ATTAC H M E NT ~-
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This opportumty is also being taken to include two revisions to Resolution 167-08 (Attachment 2) as
described below.
In response to a concern regarding the use of the following underlined language in the resolution that
specifically states the current priorities from the Tri-Valley Triangle Study priority list and the
appropriateness of this language should the priorities change:
WHEREAS, the TVTC, by Resolution No. 2008-05, directed each of the
signatories of the JEPA to collect the following development fees, which are less than
those determined by the Study to be necessary for the designated Fiscal Years and land
uses, which fees are less than those determined by the Study to be necessary to fund the
unfunded cost of the Projects in List A as ls` priority and List B as 2°d priority, with the
exception that fundin~ for improvements between I-680 and Pigeon Pass under Project A
2a would be lower prioritv than Projects B-1 and B-2 as identified in the Tri Vallev
Tnan l~e Study prioritv list;
the following action item was added to the resolution:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin recommends that the
TVTC project funding priorities be consistent with the regional priorities established by
the Congestion Management Agency's Tri-Valley Triangle Study.
The second change was the replacement of a recital, which was recommended by the City Attorney, to
clarify the role of the fee program and its designation as "Not a ProjecY' as defined by the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Change from:
WHEREAS, the subject application is considered "Not a Project" pursuant to
Section 15378 (Project) of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended;
and is therefore exempt from further environmental analysis.
Change to:
WHEREAS, for the purposes of CEQA, the Council finds that the adoption of the
TVTD fee is not a"project" under CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4). While tHe
TVTD fee is intended to offset development impacts on regional taraffic facilities by
funding improvements to those facilities, the proceeds of the TVTD fee are not, at this
time, being committed to any specific project which "may result in a potentially significant
physical impact on the environment"; and
If the revised fee structure is adopted by each member jurisdiction's Council or Board, the TVTC will then
hold a public hearing and proceed with preparing modifications to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement
(JEPA) held between each member jurisdiction. The modified JEPA will subsequently need to be
approved by each member jurisdiction prior to implementation of the revised fee program. .
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Councii 1) Open the Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff Presentation;
3) Receive Public Testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing and Deliberate; and 5) Adopt the resolution
rescinding Resolution 167-08 and adopting the updated Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee.
~ ~~~ ~~
WHEREAS, the Association of Bay Governments (ABAG) projects an additional 157,000 new
residents, 58,000 new households and 121,000 new jobs in the geographical area comprising the
San Ramon Valley, Livermore Valley and Amador Valley by the year 2020; and
WHEREAS, unless the traffic impact of additional residents, households and jobs is timely and
adequately mitigated, the quality of life for the existing residents of the Cities and Counties within the
Tri-Valley area will be adversely affected; and
WHEREAS, the City entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) with the
Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa, the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of
Danville to collect Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fees on developments within their respective
jurisdictions requiring a Land Use Entitlement to fund infrastructure necessary to mitigate the
effects of the ABAG projected growth; and
WHEREAS, the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) identified and prioritized a list of
Projects necessary to provide for the mitigation of the ABAG growth projections; and
VVHEREAS, the TVTC commissioned a study entitled, "Tri-Valley Transportation Council
Nexus Study" (Study) to determine what fees should be collected for each land use to generate sufficient
revenue to fund the unfunded cost of the selected Projects,
A-2a Route 84 Expressway I-580 to I-680
A-2b Isabel Route 84/I-580 Interchange
A-3 I-680 Auxiliary Lanes
A-Sa I-580 HOV Lane Eastbound
A-Sb I-580 HOV Lane Westbound
A-7 I-580/FoothilUSan Ramon Road Interchange
A-9a Crow Canyon Road Improvements Phase 1
A-9b Crow Canyon Road Improvements Phase 2
A-l0a Vasco Road Safety Improvements Phase 1
A-lOb Vasco Road Safety Improvements Phase 2
A-11 Express BusBus Rapid Transit
and; Projects from E~chibit Table 4.2, Exhibit B of the Study;
I-580/I-680 interchange (westbound to southbound)
Sth eastbound lane on I-580 from Santa Rita to Vasco Road
I-580/First Street interchange modification
I-580/Vasco Road interchange modification
I-580/Greenville Road interchange modification
Jack London Boulevard extension
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B-7 El Charro Road Extension
B-8 Camino Tassajara widening: East Blackhawk Drive to County line
B-10 I-680 SB HOV lane Gap Closure, North Main to Livorna
B-11 I-680 Express Bus/HOV On- and Off-Ramps
B-l lb I-680 Transit Corridor Improvements
WHEREAS, the TVTC, by Resolution No. 2008-05, directed each of the signatories of the JEPA
to collect the following development fees, which are less than those determined by the Study to be
necessary for the designated Fiscal Years and land uses, which fees are less than those determined by the
Study to be necessary to fund the unfunded cost of the Projects in List A as lst priority and List B as 2°a
priority, with the exception that funding for improvements between I-680 and Pigeon Pass under Project
A-2a would be lower priority than Projects B-1 and B-2 as identified in the Tri-Valley Triangle Study
priority list;
FY 2009/2010 TVTC Development Fee Schedule Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes ~ $2,036 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $1,295 Du*
Retail $1,365 1000sf
Office $3,653 1000sf
Industrial $2,469 1000sf
Other $2,262 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
(FY 2008/2009 Fee Rate, including CCI)
FY 2010/2011 Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes $3,053 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $2,104 Du*
Retail* * * $3,400 1000sf
Office $5,191 l 000sf
Industrial $3,020 l 000sf
Other $3,393 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
FY 2011/2012 to FY 2029/2430 Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes $4,275 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $2,945 Du*
Retail* * * $3,400 1000sf
Office $7,267 1000sf
Industrial $4,227 l 000sf
Other $4,750 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
*Du - Dwelling Unit
**PHT - Peak Hour Trip
*** Retail set at 15% of maacimum for FY 2010/11 to FY 2029/30
WHEREAS, the TVTC acknowledges the need for the creation of additional housing in the
Tri-Valley affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households as defined respectively in the
State of California Health and Safety Codes Sections 50105, 5007.5, and 50093 or as amended; and
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WHEREAS, the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) encourages
affordable housing to remain deed restricted for 45 years for single family residences and 55 years or
longer for multi-family projects and by affordability covenants recorded on the property; and
WHEREAS, the TVTC waives the TVTD fee for all very low, low and moderate income
affordable housing units meeting the applicable State of California Health and Safety Code Sections
requirements and having a minimum affordability term of 55 years (multi-family) and 45 years (single
family) based on the percentage of affordable housing units to the total number of units in the project; and
WHEREAS, the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement specifies that the Fee amounts are to be
adjusted automatically on an annual basis to reflect changes in regional construction costs. The amount of
the adjustment is based on the changes in the "Construction Cost Index" (CCI) for the San Francisco Bay
Area, as reported annually in the Engineering News Record (ENR}; and
WHEREAS, the subject application is considered "Not a Project" pursuant to Section 15378
(Project) of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended; and is therefore exempt from
further environmental analysis.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the development fees directed by the TVTC to
be collected will be collected from any development within the jurisdiction of the City of Dublin that will
be granted a Land Use Entitlement.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 2008, by the following
AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti, and Scholz and Mayor Lockhart
NOES: None
Gt. ~ (~Y ~`
City Clerk
Reso 167-08, Adopted 9/2/08, Item 72
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WHEREAS, the Association of Bay Governments (ABAG) projects an additional 157,000 new
residents, 58,000 new households and 121,000 new jobs in the geographical area comprising the
San Ramon Valley, Livermore Valley and Amador Valley by the year 2020; and
WHEREAS, unless the traffic impact of additional residents, households and jobs is timely and
adequately mitigated, the quality of life for the existing residents of the Cities and Counties within the
Tri-Valley area will be adversely affected; and
WHEREAS, the City entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) with the
Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa, the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of
Danville to collect Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fees on developments within their respective
jurisdictions requiring a Land Use Entitlement to fund off-site infrastructure necessary to mitigate the
effects of the ABAG projected growth; and
WHEREAS, the Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC) identified and prioritized a list of
Projects necessary to provide for the mitigation of the ABAG growth projections; and
WHEREAS, the TVTC commissioned a study entitled, "Tri-Valley Transportation Council
Nexus Study" (Study) to determine what fees should be collected for each land use to generate sufficient
revenue to fund the unfunded cost of the selected Projects:
A-2a Route 84 Expressway I-580 to I-680
A-2b Isabel Route 84/I-580 Interchange
A-3 I-680 Auxiliary Lanes
A-Sa I-580 HOV Lane Eastbound
A-Sb I-580 HOV Lane Westbound
A-7 I-580/Foothill/San Ramon Road Interchange
A-9a Crow Canyon Road Improvements Phase 1
A-9b Crow Canyon Road Improvements Phase 2
A-l0a Vasco Road Safety Improvements Phase 1
A-l Ob Vasco Road Safety Improvements Phase 2
A-11 Express BusBus Rapid Transit
and Projects from Exhibit Table 4.2, Exhibit B of the Study;
B-1 I-580/I-680 interehange (westbound to southbound)
B-2 5`h eastbound lane on I-580 from Santa Rita to Vasco Road
B-3 I-SSU/First Street interchange modification
B-4 I-580Nasco Road interchange modification
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B-5 T-580/Greenville Road interchange modification
B-6 Jack London Boulevard extension
B-7 El Charro Road Extension
B-8 Camino Tassajara widening: East Blackhawk Drive to County line
B-10 I-680 SB HOV lane Gap Closure, North Main to Livorna
B-11 I-680 Express Bus/HOV On- and Off-Ramps
B-l lb I-680 Transit Corridor Improvements
WHEREAS, the TVTC, by Resolution No. 2008-05, directed each of the signatories of the JEPA
to collect the following development fees, which are less than those determined by the Study to be
necessary for the designated Fiscal Years and land uses, which fees are less than those determined by the
Study to be necessary to fund the unfunded cost of the Projects in List A as lst priority and List B as 2na
priority, with the exception that funding for improvements between I-680 and Pigeon Pass under Project
A-2a would be lower priority than Projects B-1 and B-2 as identified in the Tri-Valley Triangle Study
priority list:
FI' 2009/2010 TVTC Development Fee Schedule Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes $2,036 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $1,295 Du*
Retail $1,365 1000sf
Office $3,653 1000sf
Industrial $2,469 l 000sf
Other $2,262 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
(FY 2008/2009 Fee Rate, including CCI)
FY 2010/2011 Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes $3,053 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $2,104 Du*
Retail*** $3,400 1000sf
Office $5,191 1000sf
Industrial $3,020 1000sf
Other $3,393 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
FI' 2011/2012 to FY 2029/2030 Fee Per Unit
Single Family Homes $4,275 Du*
Multi-Family Homes $2,945 Du*
Retail*** $3,400 1000sf
Office $7,267 1000sf
Industrial $4,227 l 000sf
Other $4,750 PHT**
Affordable Housing $0 Du*
*Du - Dwelling Unit
**PHT - Peak Hour Trip
*** Retail set at 15% of maximum for FY 201 0/11 to FY 2029/30
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WHEREAS, the TVTC acknowledges the need for the creation of additional housing in the
Tri-Valley affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households as defined respectively in the
State of California Health and Safety Codes Sections 50105, 5007.5, and 50093 or as amended; and
WHEREAS, the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) encourages
affordable housing to remain deed restricted for 45 years for single family residences and 55 years or
longer for multi-family projects and by affordability covenants recorded on the property; and
WHEREAS, the TVTC waives the TVTD fee for all very low, low and moderate income
affordable housing units meeting the applicable State of California Health and Safety Code Sections
requirements and having a minimum affordability term of 55 years (multi-family) and 45 years (single
family) based on the percentage of affordable housing units to the total number of units in the project; and
WHEREAS, the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement specifies that the Fee amounts are to be
adjusted automatically on an annual basis to reflect changes in regional construction costs. The amount of
the adjustment is based on the changes in the "Construction Cost Index" (CCI) for the San Francisco Bay
Area, as reported annually in the Engineering News Record (ENR); and
WHEREAS, for the purposes of CEQA, the Council finds that the adoption of the TVTD fee is
not a"project" under CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4). While the TVTD fee is intended to offset
development impacts on regional traffic facilities by funding improvements to those facilities, the
proceeds of the TVTD fee are not, at this time, being committed to any specific project which "may result
in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment".
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the development fees directed by the TVTC to
be collected will be collected from any development within the jurisdiction of the City of Dublin that will
be granted a Land Use Entitlement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin recommends that the TVTC project
funding priorities be consistent with the regional priorities established by the Congestion Management
Agency's Tri-Valley Triangle Study.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of October, 2008, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti, and Scholz and Mayor Lockhart
NOES: None
~ ~~~`r/
City Clerk
Reso No. 188-08, Adopted ]0-7-OS, Item 6.2 Page 3 of 3
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WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has joined with the other TVTC jurisdictions to participate
in the development and adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan (TVTP/AP)
for Routes of Regional Significance; and
WHEREAS, the NTP/AP identified 11 high priority transportation improvements to the
regional transportation system necessary to accommodate traffic growth from ongoing
development in the Tri-Valley area and elsewhere; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement
("JEPA") in 1998 with other Tri-Valley jurisdictions to implement a Tri-Valley Transportation
Development Fee (TVTD Fee) to fund all or part of the $763 million cost of these 11 original
high priority projects in the MP/AP; and
WHEREAS; in 2008 the MC approved an updated Tri-Valley Nexus Study Report that
identified the maximum allowable development fees that could be applied to development to
fully fund the original list of high priority projects as well as a second list of projects; and
WHEREAS, in 2008 the City Council of the City of Dublin adopted Resolutions 167-08
and 187-08 ("the 2008 Resolutions"), which Resolutions established a phased increase in the
TVTD Fee, beginning in July, 2010 in order to address funding shortfalls on the two lists of
priority projects; and
WHEREAS, the increase in the TVTD Fee provided for in the 2008 Resolutions was not
adopted by all of the members of the JEPA; and
WHEREAS, the JEPA members subsequently agreed to modify the amount of the MD
Fee for the "Other Uses" category only; and
WHEREAS, in 2009 the City Council of the City of Dublin implemented the JEPA
members' agreement by adopting Resolution 146-09, increasing the amount of the MC fee for
the "Other Uses" category only; and
WHEREAS, the other members of the JEPA have all adopted similar resolutions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin desires to clarify that the phased fee
increase provided for in the 2008 Resolutions shall not take effect.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows:
1. City Council Resolutions 167-08 and 187-08 are hereby resc~
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PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of June, 2010, by the following
City Clerk