HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 Farmers' Market~~~~ OF Dp~~~ ' ~ ~9~~;~f, STAFF REPORT C I T Y C~L E R K ~ ~c~~l~~ 1 D U B L I N C I T Y C O U N C I L F i l e # 0 C~] 0 0 0- ~~ , ~ `DATE: ~ . -May 3; 2011 ~ ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Cify Councilmembers - ~ FROM. oni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Update on the Dublin Farmers' Market - ~ Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Economic Development Director EXECUTNE SUMMARY: ' ~ Staff will provide the City Council with an update on the planned activities for the Farmers' . Market, beginning on May 12, 2011. r FINANCIAL IMPACT: ~ None. ~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report. ~ l/~ ` ' _ Submitted By Revie ed '~ Economic Development Director Assistant City Manager ~ ~ Page 1 of 3 ~TEM NO. ~' ~ DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Farrners' Market will be held on Thursday evenings, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Emerald Glen Fark. The Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association (PCFMA) will be opecating the fVlarket and the City will be planning a number of activities in conjunction with the Market to boost interest in attending the event. Theme Weeks With the City Council's direction, Staff created "theme weeks" around each week at the Markefi to encourage participation. The theme weeks are as follows: "First Thursdays": On the first Thursday of the month, community members will be able to come out and enjoy a wonderFul concert at Emerald Glen Park, in addition to tasting fine wines from some of our local vintners. Staff is also encouraging the involvement of local restaurants and food vendors to round out the offerings. ~ The concerts for First Thursdays have been booked. Following are the musical acts performing: • The Groove Kings - June 2, 2011 • Tom Rigney and Flambeau - July 7, 2011 ~ Papa's Garage - August 4, 2011 • The Department of Rock - September 1, 2011 • James Robinson - October 6, 2011 Staff has also received a positive response from the wine growers in the region and expects to have a least two to three~wineries at each of the First Thursday events. Staff will be producing "City of Dublin" wine glasses to purchase for tasting, featuring the new marketing identity for the City. "Comrnunitv Niqht" (Second and Fifth Thursday of Each Month): Community Night will be opportunity to celebrate some of Dublin's finest talent. Staff is working with local entertainment and performance groups to participate, such as local jazz bands, Irish dancers, etc. This evening will also give many local groups, service agencies, and organizations the opportunity to showcase their programs and events. On Thursday, June 30,. just before Independence Day, the City will host a"block. party"-style parade through the park where kids can bring their scooters, wagons, and bikes decorated in red, white, and blue. - "Familv Night" (Third Thursday of Each Month): . This night at the Farmers' Market will be fun for the whole family. Thece will be clowns, face painters, story time, pet adoptions by the SPCA, just to name a few. The Valley , Children's Mobile Museum will also be open each week near the preschool and playground area to engage children on the rich history of the Calif~rnia missions. : "Healthy Dublin Niqht" (Fourth Thursday of Each Month~): ~ From wellness prbgrams.and cooking demonstrations to different_exercise routines, this night will focus on promoting healthy living in. Dublin. Staff is wo"rking with many of our existing vendors through Parks and Community Services to ensure that there are a number of healthy activities happening at the park, such as guided walks, chair Page 2 of 3 massages, blood pressure checks, etc. Sponsorships . Given the sheer number of activities that Staff has planned in conjunction with the Market, Staff is soliciting sponsorships to help offset some of the costs associated the Thursday evening events. To date, Staff has secured two main sponsors - Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Koboda Dental. Sponsorship details can be found on the Farmers' Market page on the City's website, under "Special Events." - , Promotional Activities Staff has developed a multi-faceted communications effort to promote the Market. Staff has developed a webpage dedicated to the Market (www.dublin.ca.qovJfarmersmarket). _ Not only does the webpage provide detail on upcoming events and activities, it,also provides an easy-to-use application form for community groups and others to sign up to participate in an upcoming Market event. Staff will evaluate these requests for participation on a first come, first serve basis and will further evaluate them based on the applicability to the theme week requested. In addition to the City webpage, Staff added a newsflash for the Farmers' Market and will be putting out weekly "This Week at the Market" news .items on the City homepage. This newsflash will be sent to the press and will also be emailed to those who signed up subsaribers to the newsflash distribution list. A calendar listing for each of the events will also appear on the City's website. These updates will be "tweeted" to the City's followers as well. The PCFMA also plans to host a Facebook page for the Market. Dublin Farmers' Market posters (Attachment 1) will be distributed to local businesses to display in their windows to help generate interest and excitement in the event. Grand Opening Night Festivities - May 12tn Staff has planned a Grand Opening event to celebrate the launch of the Market. ~Beginning at 6 p.m., Mayor Sbranti will serve as emcee for the event, which will include a ribbon cutting ceremoriy at around 6:15 p.m. The Dublin High School Jazz Band will perform from 5:30 p.m. to about 7 p.m. The Dublin Boy Scout Troop 905 Color Guard will present the flag for the National Anthem, which will be sung by Dublin's own Gabby Gardella. ~ The Grand Opening Night is in conjunction with the Dublin Pride Week activities so Staff anticipates many of the local volunteers to be on hand at the event as well. The Dublin San Ramon Services District and Zone 7 will also have a booth that evening to ~promote their- involvement in Dublin Pride Week:- ~ NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: ~ None . - - ATTACHMENTS: 1. Dublin Farmers' Market posfer Page 3 of 3 7,1 ~ ~ ~-~~ ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF DUBLIN