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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Sorrento East PD Rezone Attch 3j~~?~ ~~I SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN RANCH AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES 11990 Sen Vicente Blvd-, Sulte 200 Los Angeles, California 90049 Site Development Review Amendment (Book 1 of 2) City of Dublin, California December 18, 2009 PROJECT TEAM: OWNER/APPLICANT: REGENT PROPERTIES 11990 SAN VICENTE BLVD, SUITE 200 LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 CONTACT: PAT COSTANZO 408-888-4224 JIM KERN 925-570-3671 PROJECT ARCHITECTS: NEIGHBORHOODS 6, 7, & 8 ANGELENO ASSOCIATES, INC. 147 CITY PLACE DRIVE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 TEL: 714-285-1888 FAX: 714-285-1988 CONTACT: DAVID KOICHRISTINE LY NEIGHBORHOOD9 THE KTGY GROUP, WC. 17992 MITCHELL SOUTH IRVINE, CA 92614 TEL: 949-841-2133 FAX: 949-851-5156 CONTACT: CHRIS TEXTERlJESSICA MUSICK NEIGFBORHOODS 10 & 11 DAHLIN GROUP 5865 OWENS DRIVE PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: 925-251-7200 FAX: 925-251-7201 CONTACT: DON RUTHROFF Pd.19394\oEice;SubmiualsSDR`,Sorrenio EasI~SDRcovcaheet.doc CIVIL ENGINEERlLAND PLANNER: MACKAY & SOMPS 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE B PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: 925-225-0690 FAX: 925-225-0698 RICHARD CHEUNG/CONNIE GOLDADE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: BERLOGAR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 5587 SUNOL BLVD. PLEASANTON, CA 94566 TEL: 925-484-0220 FAX: 925-846-9645 CONTACT: FRANK BERLOGAR JOINT TRENCH UTILITY CONSULTANT: ROBERT GRAY & ASSOCIATES 4683 CHABOT DRIVE #150 PLEASANTON, CA. 94588 TEL: 925-463-8873 FAX: 925-734-0233 CONTACT: ROBERT GRAY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: R3 STUDIOS 57 MONTAGE COMMONS SUITE 201 LIVERMORE, CA 94551 TEL: 925-294-4190 FAX: 925-294-4059 CONTACT: ROMAN DE SOTA .~' i ,~. I-580 LOCATION MAP: .~ r ,i L~,t~ Cpl ..~''~~ r UtiBLlN RAVCH DRNE DUBLIN PLEAS~INTON Ii0[;1.F\ARD .~ ,~,,~ ~• ~v i'D -i"t ~. --- DUBLIN RANCfI .TD ,J ~ Air AREAF; YAYr~ w~sr ~coxara~ tusr STREET ~ rxo~cr neF.a Lac;;tfAxr CIREET Y q' z o <~ ~x REC~1VEp FEB 2 2 2QiD DUBLIN PLANNING SORRENTO EAST '~D~ `~~~ AT DUBLIN RANCH O AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (BOOK I OF 2) L0.0 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE STIE PLAN LL0 PLANT PALETTE AND LEGENDS L2.0 ENTRY MONUMENT LOCATION PLAN L3.0 SECONDARY ENTRY MONUMENTPLAN AND ELEVATION L4.0 SECONDARY ENTRY MONUMENT PLAN AND ELEVATION L5.0 CORNER MONUMENTS L6.0 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR L7.0 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IMAGES AND ELEVATIONS L8.0 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR IMAGES AND ELEVATIONS L9.0 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR SECTIONS L.9.1 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR SECTIONS L10.0 COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA LANDSCAPE PLAN L11.0 COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA IMAGES L12.0 COMMUNITY RECREATION AREA SECTIONS L13.0 MAII,BOX LOCATION PLAN L14.0 OVERALL COMMUNITY IDENTITY WALL AND FENCE PLAN L15.0 COMMUNITY IDENTITY WALL AND FENCE IMAGES L16.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 WALL INDEX PLAN L17.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L18.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L19.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L20.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 TYPICAL CLUSTER UNIT WALL/FENCE PLAN L21.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 FENCE, WALL AND WALL CAP IMAGES L22.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 FENCE, WALL AND WALL CAP IMAGES L23.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 SECTIONS L24.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 SECTIONS L25.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 WALL INDEX PLAN L26.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L27.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L28.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L29.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 TYPICAL CLUSTER UNIT WALL/FENCE PLAN L30.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 FENCE, WALL AND WALL CAP IMAGES L31.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 FENCE, WALL AND WALL CAP IMAGES L32.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 SECTIONS L33.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 SECTIONS L34.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 SECTIONS L35.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 WALL INDEX PLAN L36.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L37.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L38.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 TYPICAL CLUSTER UNIT WALL/FENCE PLAN L39.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 WALL AND CAP IMAGES L4D.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 FENCE, WALL AND CAP IMAGES L41.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SECTIONS L42.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SECTIONS L43.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SECTIONS L44.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SECTIONS L45.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L46.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 WALL VENEER A\ID CAP IMAGES L47.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 FENCE, STEPS, DECORATIVE METAL IMAGES L48.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 SECTIONS L49.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 SECTIONS L50.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 FENCE, WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION L51.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 FENCE, WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L52.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 FENCE, WALL VENEER AND CAP IMAGES L53.0 NEIGHBORHOOD IO FENCE, WALL VENEER AND CAP IMAGES L54.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SECTIONS L55.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SECTIONS L56.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SECTIONS L57.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SECTIONS L58.0 NEIGHBORHOOD I1 WALL VENEER AND CAP PLAN L59.0 NEIGHBORHOOD I I WALL VENEER AND CAP IMAGES L60.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 FENCE IMAGES L61.0 NEIGHBORHOOD ] 1 SECTIONS L62.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 SECTIONS L63.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 SECTIONS L64.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 SECTIONS L65.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE INDEX PLAN L66.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PRELIMINARY ENLARGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN L67.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PRELIMINARY ENLARGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN L68.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PRELIMINARY ENLARGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN L69.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT A L70.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT B L71.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT C L72.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE INDEX PLAN L73.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PRELIIvtINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L74.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L75.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L76.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT A L77.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 1 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT B L78.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPTC L79.0 NEIGHBORHOOD S PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE INDEX PLAN L80.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L81.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L82.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT A L83.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT B L84.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PASEO ENLARGEMENT CONCEPT C L85.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN L86.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L87.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN LB8.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN L89.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION L90.0 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L91.0 NEIGHBORHOOD ]0 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L91.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PRELIMINARY ENLARGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN L92.0 NEIGHBORHOOD I1 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN L93.0 NEIGHBORHOOD ] 1 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT PLAN L94.0 STREET FURNITURE L95.0 SITE MATERIALS L96.0 SITE ELEMENTS L97.0 PUBLIC ART COMPLIANCE PLAN L98.0 PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITIES PLANNING/CLV1L BOOR l OF 2) P.1.0 OVERALL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.L1 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 STIE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.1.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P.1.1.3 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 CLUSTER DETAII, PLAN P.1.2.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.2.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P. L2.3 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 CLUSTER DETAIL PLAN P.1.3.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 STIE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.3.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P.1.3.3 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 CLUSTER DETAIL PLAN P.1.4.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.4.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P.1.5.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.5.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P.1.6.1 NEIGHBORHOOD l l SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN P.1.6.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 1l PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN P.2.0 OVERALL PARKING PLAN P.2.1 NEIGHBORHOOD6PARKINGPLAN P.2.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PARKING PLAN P.2.3 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PARKING PLAN P.2.4 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PARKING PLAN P.2.5 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PARKING PLAN P.2.6 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 PARKING PLAN P.3.1 OVERALL FatE ACCESS PLAN P.4.1 ENTRY CROSS SECTIONS P.4.2 STREET CROSS SECTIONS P.4.3 STREET CROSS SECTIONS & DETAIL P.5.0 OVERALL TRASH SERVICES PLAN P.5.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 TRASH SERVICES PLAN P.5.2 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 TRASH SERVICES PLAN P.5.3 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 TRASH SERVICES PLAN P.6.1 MULTI-FAMILY ACCESSIBII.TTY PLAN FOR N9 P.7.1 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE - EXHIBTTFORNEIGHBORHOODS 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 P.72 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE - MATRD[ OF OPTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS P.8.1 UNIT PHASING PLAN PQD OVERALL ADDRESS PLAN P10.0 OVERALL HOA MAINTAINANCE PLAN SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 19394-0-SDRShccd~dcx-rcv2W 90921.doc JOINT TRENCH BOOK I OF 2) JT-I JOINT TRENCH DETAII,S JT-2 OVERALL JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT JT-3- SPINE RAODES -TRACT 7982 JT-0 SPINE ROADS -TRACT 7982 JT-5 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 -TRACT 7652 JT-6 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 -TRACT 7653 ]T-7 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 REC BUILDING JT-8 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 -TRACT 7654 ]T-9 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 -TRACT 7655 JT-10 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 -TRACT 7656 JT-I1 NEIGHBORHOOD ll -TRACT 7657 ARCHITECTURE (BOOR 2 OF 2) RECREATION BUH.DING A-REC.IN RECREATION BUILDING -INDEX OF DRAWINGS A-REC.OI RECREATION BUILDING -- SITE LAYOUT A-REC.I I RECREATION BUII,DING -ROOF PLAN A-REC.21 RECREATION BUILDING--ELEVATIONS A-REC.22 RECREATION BUILDING --ELEVATIONS A-REC.23 RECREATION BUILDING--ELEVATIONS NEIGHBORHOOD6 A.6.IN INDEX OF DRAWINGS A.6.0.00 STREET SCENE A.6.0.01 STREET ELEVATIONS A.6.0.11 UPHII,L CLUSTER - FIRST FLOOR A.6.0.12 UPHII.L CLUSTER - SECOND FLOOR A.6.0.13 UPHII.L CLUSTER - THIRD FLOOR A.6.0.14 DOWNHILL CLUSTER - FHtST FLOOR A.6.0.15 OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE EXHIDTTS A.6.1.11 PLAN 1-FLOOR PLANS A.6.1.12 PLAN IX-FLOOR PLANS A.6.L13 PLAN IX-FLOOR PLANS A.6.1.21 PLAN 1-FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1-DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT ELEVATIONS A 6.1.22 PLAN 1- "A"FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 1 - "A"ELEVATIONS A.6.1.23 PLAN 1- "B"FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN ] - "B"ELEVATIONS A.6.1.24 PLAN I - "C"FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1- "C"ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1- "C" ELEVATIONS W! OPT. STONE A.6.1.25 PLAN IX-FRONT ELEVATIONS A.6.1.26 PLAN 1X - "A"FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN IX - "A" ELEVATIONS A.6.1.27 PLAN lX - "B"FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 1X - "B"ELEVATIONS A.6.1.28 PLAN 1 X - "C"FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1X - "C"ELEVATIONS A. PLAN IX - "C" ELEVATIONS W/OPT. STONE A.6.2.12 PLAN 2 -FLOOR PLANS A,6.2.21 PLAN 2 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A6.2.21.1 PLAN 2-DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT ELEVATIONS A.6.2.22 PLAN 2 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 2 - `A' ELEVATIONS A.6.2.23 PLAN 2 - `B' FRONT ELEVATIONA.6.2.11 SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN RANCH AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SHEET INDEX PLAN2-FLOOR PLANS SHEET SHEET SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER DESCRIPTION A.7.1.11 PLAN I -FLOOR PLANS A7.4.21.1 PLAN 4 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A. PLAN 2 - `B' ELEVATIONS A.7.1.12 PLAN 1X-FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS A.8.3.22 PLAN 3 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.6.3.ll PLAN 3 -FLOOR PLANS A.7.1.13 PLAN 1X-FLOOR PLANS A.7.4.22 PLAN 4 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 3 -'A' ELEVATIONS A.6.3.12 PLAN 3X -FLOOR PLANS A.7.1.21 PLAN 1-FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 4 - `A' ELEVATIONS A.8.3.23 PLAN 3 -'B' FRONT ELEVATION A.6.3.21 PLAN 3 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.7.1.22 PLAN 1- `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.4.23 PLAN 4 - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 3 • 'B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION PRONT A. PLAN 1- `A' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 4 - `B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3 - `B' ELEVATIONS W/OPT. STONE ELEVATIONS A7.1.23 PLAN 1- `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.4.24 PLAN 4 - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.324 PLAN 3 - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.6.3.22 PLAN 3 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A7.1.23.1 PLAN 1- `B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 4 - `C' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3 - `C' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3 - `A' ELEVATIONS A7.1.24 PLAN 1- `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.4.25 PLAN 4X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.3.25 PLAN 3X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.6.3.23 PLAN 3 - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A7.1.24.1 PLAN 1- `C' ELEVATIONS A9.4.26 PLAN 4X - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.3.26 PLAN 3X -'A' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 3 - `B' ELEVATIONS A.7.2.25 PLAN 2X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 4X - `A' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3X - 'A' ELEVATIONS A.6.3.24 PLAN 3 - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A7.2.26 PLAN 2X -'A' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.4.27 PLAN 4X - `B' FRONT ELEVATOON A.8.3.27 PLAN 3X -'B' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 3 - `C' ELEVATIONS A7.2.26.1 PLAN 2X • 'A' ELEVATIONS A7.4.27.1 PLAN 4X - `B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3X - `B' ELEVATIONS A.6.3.25 PLAN 3X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.7.2.27 PLAN 2X - 'B' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.4.28 PLAN 4X - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A8.3.27.2 PLAN 3X - `B' ELEVATIONS W! OPT. STONE A.6.3.26 PLAN 3X - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A9.2.27.1 PLAN 2X -'B' ELEVATIONS A7.4.28.1 PLAN 4X - `C' ELEVATIONS A8.3.28 PLAN 3X -'C' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 3X - `A' ELEVATIONS A.7. L25 PLAN 1X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.7.C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 -COLOR SCHEMES A8.3.28.1 PLAN 3X- `C' ELEVATIONS A.6.3.27 PLAN 3X - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 1X -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A.7.G.1 BUILD IT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A.8.4.11 PLAN 4 -FLOOR PLANS A.6.3.27,1 PLAN 3X - `B' ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS A.7.G.2 BUILD IT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A8.4.12 PLAN 4X-FLOOR PLANS A.6.3.28 PLAN 3X - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.7. L26 PLAN 1X - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.UD0 UNIVERSAL DESIGN COMPLIANCE A8.4.13 PLAN 4X -FLOOR PLANS A. PLAN 3X - `C' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1X - `A' ELEVATIONS A.8.4.21 PLAN 4 • PRONT ELEVATIONS A.6.3.29 PLAN 3 -ENHANCED ELEVATIONS AT A.7.1.27 PLAN 1X - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 4 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT PALERMO A. PLAN 1X -'B' ELEVATIONS NEIGHBORHOODS ELEVATIONS A.6.3.30 PLAN 3X-ENHANCED ELEVATIONS AT A.7.1.28 PLAN 1X -'C' FRONT ELEVATION A.S.IN SHEET INDEX A.8.4.22 PLAN 4 • 'A' FRONT ELEVATION PALERMO A. PLAN 1X - `C' ELEVATIONS A.8.D.00 STREET SCENE A. PLAN 4 -'A' ELEVATIONS A6.3.30.1 PLAN 3X - "C" ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A.7.2.11 PLAN 2 -FLOOR PLANS A.8.0.01 STREET ELEVATIONS A.8.4.23 PLAN 4 - `B' FRONT ELEVATION W/OPT. STONE A.7.2.12 PLAN 2X -FLOOR PLANS A.8.0.02 STREET ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 4 - `B' ELEVATIONS A.6.4.11 PLAN 4 -FLOOR PLANS A.7.2.21 PLAN 2-FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.0.11 UPHILL CLUSTER -FIRST FLOOR A.8.4.24 PLAN 4 - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.6.4.12 PLAN 4X -FLOOR PLANS A.7.2.21. l PLAN 2 • DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A.8.0.12 UPHILL CLUSTER -SECOND FLOOR A. PLAN 4 - `C' ELEVATIONS A.6.4.21 PLAN 4 -FRONT ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS A.8.0.13 UPHILL CLUSTER - THIItD FLOOR A.8.4.25 PLAN 4X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A6.4.21.1 PLAN 4 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A.7.2.22 PLAN 2 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.0.14 DOWNHILL CLUSTER -FIRST FLOOR A.8.4.26 PLAN 4X - `A' FRONT ELEVATION ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 -'A' ELEVATIONS A.8.0.15 OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE EXHIBITS A. PLAN 4X - `A' ELEVATIONS A6.4.22 PLAN 4 - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.2.23 PLAN 2 - 'B' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.1.11 PLAN 1-FLOOR PLANS A.8.4.27 PLAN 4X - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A6.4.22.1 PLAN 4 - `A' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 - 'B' ELEVATIONS A.8.1.12 PLAN I -FLOOR PLANS A. PLAN 4X - `B' ELEVATIONS A6.4.23 PLAN 4 - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.2.24 PLAN 2 -' C' FRONT ELEVATION A8.1.21 PLAN I -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.4.28 PLAN 4X - `C' FRONT ELEVATION A6.4.23.] PLAN 4 - `B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 - `C' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 1-DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A. PLAN 4X - 'C' ELEVATIONS A6.4.24 PLAN 4 -'C' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.2.28 PLAN 2X - `C' ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS A.8.4.29 PLAN 4 -ENHANCED FRONT ELEVATIONS A6.4.24.1 PLAN 4 -'C' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2X - `C' ELEVATIONS A.8.1.22 PLAN 1- `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.4.30 PLAN 4X • ENHANCED FRONT ELEVATIONS A.6.4.25 PLAN 4X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.7.3.] l PLAN 3 -FLOOR PLANS A.8.L22.1 PLAN 1- `A' ELEVATIONS A.S.C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 -COLOR SCHEMES A.6.4.26 PLAN 4X - `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.3.12 PLAN 3X -FLOOR PLANS A.8.1.23 PLAN 1- `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.G.1 BUILD IT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A. PLAN 4X - `A' ELEVATIONS A.7.3.13 PLAN 3X • FLOOR PLANS A. PLAN 1 - `B' ELEVATIONS A8.G.2 BUILD FI GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A.6.4.27 PLAN 4X - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.7.3.21 PLAN 3 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.1.24 PLAN 1 • `C' FRONT ELEVATION A8.UD0 UNIVERSAL DESIGN COMPLIANCE A. PLAN 4X - `B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3-DEEPENED FOUNDATION A. PLAN L -'C' ELEVATIONS A.6.4.28 PLAN 4X - `C' FRONT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATIONS A.B. L24.2 PLAN 1- "C"ENHANCED FRONT ELEVATION A. PLAN 4X - `C' ELEVATIONS A.7.3.22 PLAN 3 - "A"FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.2.1 l PLAN 2 -FLOOR PLANS NEIGHBORHOOD 9 A.6.4.29 PLAN 4 -ELEVATIONS ATNON-PRIVATE YARDS A. PLAN 3 - "A" ELEVATIONS A.8.2.12 PLAN 2 -FLOOR PLANS A.9.0 TITLE SHEET A.6.4.30 PLAN 4X -ELEVATIONS ATNON-PRIVATE YARDS A.7.3.23 PLAN 3 - "B"FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.2.21 PLAN 2 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.9.1 DATA SEIEET A.6.C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 -COLOR SCHEMES A7.3.23.1 PLAN 3 - "B"ELEVATIONS A8.2.21.1 PLAN 2 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT A.9.2 BUII.D TT GREEN CHECKLIST A.6.G.1 BUILD-TL GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A7.3.24 PLAN 3 - "C"FRONT ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS A.9.3 BUILD TT GREEN CHECKLIST A.6.G2 BUILD-TT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A7.3.24.1 PLAN 3 - `C' ELEVATIONS A.8.2.22 PLAN 2 -'A' FRONT ELEVATION A.9.4 BUILD IT GREEN CHECKLIST A.6.UD0 UNIVERSAL DESIGN COMPLIANCE A7.3.25 PLAN 3X -FRONT ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 -'A' ELEVATIONS A.9.5 PERSEPECTIVE VIEW FROM CENTRAL AND LEE THOMPSON A.7.3.26 PLAN 3X- `A' FRONT ELEVATION A.82.23 PLAN 2 - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.9.6 STREET SCENES A. PLAN 3X- `A' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 - `B' ELEVATIONS A.9.7 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUILDING WI LOFT OPTION NEIGHBORHOOD 7 A.7.3.27 PLAN 3X - `B' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.2.24 PLAN 2 - `C' FRONT ELEVATION ELEVATION A.7.IN INDEX OF DRAWINGS A. PLAN 3X -'B' ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 2 - `C' ELEVATIONS A.9.8 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUILDING W(LOFT OPTION A.7.0.00 STREET SCENE A.7.3.28 PLAN 3X • `C' FRONT ELEVATION A.8.2:14.2 PLAN 2 -"C"ENHANCED FRONT ELEVATION COMPOSITE A.7.0.01 STREET ELEVATIONS A. PLAN 3X -' C' ELEVATIONS A.8.2.25 PLAN 2 -FRONT ELEVATION WI OPT DOOR A.9.9 6-PLEX FLAT PAD WI LOFT OPTION COMPOSITE & A.7.0.02 STREET ELEVATIONS A.7.3.29 PLAN 3 - `ENHANCED LEFT ELEVATIONS A.8.3.11 PLAN 3 -FLOOR PLANS ROOF PLAN A.7.0.11 UPHILL CLUSTER - FIRST FLOOR A.7.3.30 PLAN 3X -ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A.8.3.12 PLAN 3X -FLOOR PLANS A.9.10 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT A.7.0.12 UPHILL CLUSTER -SECOND FLOOR A.7.4.11 PLAN 4 -FLOOR PLANS A.8.3.13 PLAN 3X -FLOOR PLANS SIDES ELEVATION A.7.0.13 UPHILL CLUSTER - THIItD FLOOR A.7.4.12 PLAN 4X -FLOOR PLANS A.8.3.21 PLAN 3 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.9.1 l 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT A.7.0.14 DOWNHII,L CLUSTER -FIRST FLOOR A.7.4.21 PLAN 4 -FRONT ELEVATIONS A.8.3.21.] PLAN 3 -DEEPENED FOUNDATION FRONT SIDES COMPOSITE A.7.0.15 OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE EXHIBITS ELEVATIONS A.9.12 6-PLEX FLAT PAD W/LOFT OPTION AT SIDES 19794-0SDRShcctlndcx-rcv20090921.doc SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN RANCH O AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SHEET INDEX SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMPOSITE & ROOF PLAN A.9.13 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUII,DING W(LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE ELEVATION A.9.14 6-PLEX FLAT PAD BUILDING WI LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE COMPOSITE A.9.1 S 6-PLEX FLAT PAD WI LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE COMPOSITE & ROOF PLAN A.9.16 5-PLEXTUCK-UNDER BUII.DING W! LOFT OPTION ELEVATION A.9.17 5-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUQ.DING W/LOFT OPTION COMPOSITE A.9.18 5-PLEXTUCK-UNDER BUILDING WI LOFT OPTION COMPOSITE A9.19 5-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUII.DING W/LOFT OPTION ROOF PLAN A.9.20 5-PLEXTUCK-UNDER BUII,DLVG W! LOFT OPTION AT SIDES ELEVATION A.9.21 5-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT SIDES COMPOSITE A.922 5-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUII.DING W/LOFT OPTION AT SIDES COMPOSITE A.9.23 5-PLEXTUCK-UNDER BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT SIDES ROOF PLAN A.9.24 6-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUII,DING WI LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE ELEVATION A.9.25 6-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUQ.DING W/LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE COMPOSITE A.9.26 6-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE COMPOSITE A.9.27 6-PLEX TUCK-UNDER BUILDING W/LOFT OPTION AT MIDDLE ROOF PLAN A.9.28 PLANS ONE & TWO A.9.29 PLAN TWO LOFT A.9.30 PLAN THREE A.9.31 PLAN THREE LOFT A.9.32 PLAN FOUR SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION A.9.33 PLAN FIVE A.9.34 PLAN FIVE LOFT A.9.35 PLAN SIX A9.36 PLAN SIX LOFT A.9.37 SECTIONS A.9.38 COLOR & MATERIAL BOARD NEIGHBORHOOD 10 A.IO.T NEIGHBORHOOD 10 TITLE SHEET A.10.0.0 LIFESTYLE EXHIDIT A.10.0.1 SCHEMATIC S11'E PLAN A.10.02 SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN A.10.0.3 SCHEMATIC STREETSCAPE A.10.0.4 SCHEMATIC STREETSCAPE A.10.0.5 WINDOW PLACEMENT EXHIBIT A.10.0.6 WINDOW PLACEMENT EXHIBTf A10.1.0 PLAN 1-ELEVATIONS A 10.1.1 PLAN I -FLOOR PLAN A.10.1.2 PLAN 1-ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.1.3 PLAN 1- ELEVATION B, VILLAGE ITALIAN A.10.1.4 PLAN 1-ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.2.0 PLAN 2 & 2X -ELEVATIONS A.10.2.1 PLAN 2 & 2X -FLOOR PLAN A.10.22 PLAN 2 -ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.2.3 PLAN 2X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.2.4 PLAN 2 -ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.2.5 PLAN 2X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.2.6 PLAN 2 - ELEVATION D, COASTAL ITALIAN A.10.2.7 PLAN 2X- 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION D, COASTAL ITALIAN A.10.3.0 PLANS&3X-ELEVATIONS A.10.3.1 PLANS&3X-FLOOR PLAN A.10.3.2 PLAN 3 - ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.3.3 PLAN 3X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.103.4 PLAN 3 - ELEVATION B, VII.LAGE ITALIAN SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION A.10.3.5 PLAN 3X- 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION B, A.11.0.3 SCHEMATIC STREETSCAPE VILLAGE ITALIAN A.11.0.4 WINDOW PLACEMENT EXHIBIT A.10.3.6 PLAN 3 -ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.I 1.0.5 WINDOW PLACEMENT EXHIBIT A.10.3.7 PLAN 3X-3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION C, A.11.1.0 PLAN 1-ELEVATIONS RUSTIC ITALIAN A.11.1.1 PLAN 1-FLOOR PLAN A.10.4.0 PLAN 4 -ELEVATIONS A.11.1.2 PLAN 1-ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.4.1 PLAN 4 -FLOOR PLAN A.11.1.3 PLAN 1- ELEVATION B, VILLAGE ITALIAN A.10.4.2 PLAN 4 -ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.11.1.4 PLAN 1-ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.4.3 PLAN 4 - ELEVATION B, VB,LAGE ITALIAN A.11.2.0 PLAN 2 -ELEVATIONS A.10.4.4 PLAN 4 -ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A l 1.2.1 PLAN 2 -FLOOR PLAN A.10.5.0 PLAN 5 & SX -ELEVATIONS A.11.2.2 PLAN 2 -ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.5.1 PLAN 5 & SX -FLOOR PLAN A.11.2.3 PLAN 2 - ELEVATION B, VILLAGE ITALIAN A 10.5.2 PLAN 5 & SX -FLOOR PLAN OPTIONS A.11.2.4 PLAN 2 -ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.5.3 PLAN 5 -ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.I 1.3.0 PLAN 3 & 3X -ELEVATIONS A.10.5.4 PLAN SX - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION A, A.113.1 PLAN 3 & 3X -FLOOR PLAN COUNTRY ITALIAN A.] 1.32 PLAN 3 - ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.10.5.5 PLAN 5 - ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.11.3.3 PLAN X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION A, A.10.5.6 PLAN SX - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION C, COUNTRY ITALIAN RUSTIC ITALIAN A.11.3.4 PLAN 3 - ELEVATION B, VILLAGE ITALIAN A.10.5.7 PLAN 5 -ELEVATION D, COASTAL A.11.3.5 PLAN 3X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION B, ITALIAN VILLAGE ITALIAN A.10.5.8 PLAN SX - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION D, A 11.3.6 PLAN 3 - ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN COASTAL ITALIAN A.l 1.3.7 PLAN 3X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION C, A.10.6.0 PLAN 6 -ELEVATIONS RUSTIC ITALIAN A.10.6.1 PLAN 6 -FLOOR PLAN A.11.4.0 PLAN 4 & 4X-ELEVATIONS A 10.6.2 PLAN 6 - ELEVATION B, VII.LAGE ITALIAN A.11.4.1 PLAN 4 & 4X -FLOOR PLAN A 10.6.3 PLAN 6 - ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.I ].42 PLAN 4 -ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A 10.6.4 PLAN 6 -ELEVATION D, COASTAL ITALIAN A.11.4.3 PLAN 4X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION A, COUNTRY ITALIAN A.IO.AD.I ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL EXHIDTT A.I 1.4.4 PLAN 4 - ELEVATION B, VILLAGE ITALIAN A.lO.AD.2 ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL EXHIBIT A.11.4.5 PLAN 4X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION B, A.l0.C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 & 11 COLORS AND MATERIALS VII,LAGE ITALIAN A.lO.GN.1 BUILD IT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A.l 1.4.6 PLAN 4 - ELEVATION C, RUSTIC ITALIAN A.lO.GN.2 BUILD IT GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A.11.4.7 PLAN 4X - 3-STORY OPTION ELEVATION C, A.l0.UD0 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE MATRIX RUSTIC ITALIAN A.l I.AD.1 ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL EXHIBIT NEIGHBORHOOD it A.11.AD2 ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL EXHIBIT A.11.T NEIGHBORHOOD 11 TITLE SHEET A.11.C.1 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 & 11 COLORS AND MATERIALS A.11.0.0 LIFESTYLE EXHIDTT A.11.G.1 BUILD-TT-GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A.11.0.1 SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN A.11.G.2 BUILD-Tf GREEN PROGRAM CHECKLIST A 11.0.2 SCHEMATIC STREETSCAPE A11.UD0 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE MATRIX 1939)-0-SDRShcegndex-wv2W90921.doc ~. , ~, .. r. ~y 41 _ _. . ~ ,, ~. ~ s. N'~ ~ ~ 7 ~' ~ o~ o b (~ y ~ S `' l 'J ~~ v i y C 7 ~ ~ '~ ' O U~ mz~ r ~~,°~ m d > ~ ~ m ~ ~ z ` ~~ ~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;~ ~m m W N WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT PLANT MATERIAL HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR WATER CONSERVING AND REDUCED MAINTENANCE CHARACTERISTICS. A MAXIMUM OF 25%OF NON-TURF PLANS WILL HAVE A MODERATE IRRIGATION WATER REQUIREMENT AND AMINIMUM OF 50 % OF NON-TURF PLANTS WILL HAVE A LOW TO VERY LOW IRRIGATION WATER REQUIREMENT. MATERIALS LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 6"X12" CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS, NO BEVELED EDGES, 60mm FOR PEDESTRIAN PAVING AND 80mm FOR , VEHICULAR: SEE IMAGE SHEETL95.0 CONCRETE PAVING, WITH VARYING SCORELINE PATTERN AND FINISHES PER PLAN DECOMPOSED GRANITE- SEEIMAGESHEETL8.0 'S FLAGSTONE PAVING- ^,L SEE IMAGE SHEETL8.0 p.. I. f I I it BENCH -SEE STREET FURNITURE SHEET L94.0 -:- BIKERACKS-SEESTREETFURNITURESHEET L94.0 0 ILLUMINATEDBOLLARD•SEESTREET FURNITURE SHEET L94.0 WASTE RECEPTACLE -SEE STREET FURNITURE -- SHEET L60.0 POTTERY WITH PLANT MATERIAL- SEE CONCEPT SHEET L8.0 • ELECTROLIER- SEEIMAGE SHEET L94.0 I MAILBOXSTATION- I___' SEE IMAGE SHEETL13.0 ^Tln1-- 18"X18" PRECAST CONCRETE STEPPING PAVERS ^ STATUARY- SEE IMAGE SHEET L8.0 Proposed Plant Palette BOTANICAL MANE CGRMCN NAME STREETTREES PlatazM6 acBiClia Blntd/oDe' Iaam pmelrBe PNna talleryma New Brae6rd fioweerq pea Celti atNeentas CommmhacNaelry Ulmus paMAiia Tme peen' chinae aNn PlstuM chvmsis chinae pBluia SCREENTREES Cedes eeoeem Omeorteear Laanss rrobllis Yazaloge' Aredan hurN GueroDS epnWe coast lna~ P'ma larrea Italian sane dne MIN. CON. DIg IS palm IS palm IS palm IS palm ISgelm 15 gNm ISgNm 15 qN'm ,5q+lm SPACING N'A 25'oc. ]0'ot. 25' oc. 70'o.c. N'A NA NA NA SORRENT~ EAST AT I~/' D~L~ RaNCtl 'I -~ -r I ~ "^ ~;/~ ~~ l/ Dublin, California MNdeucesp 4ax ~ImlpBper aaa tree 15 gBtm WA AREA F FLOWERNGACCEMTREES lagemboenie kurei Lrepe nyrtle 15 palm N'A Males graeefire Bowearg creN apple 15 palm MA Pyres talleryana charticker Nonerirg pea 15 palm N'A • Pmmrs saym5 bdumnark' tdumranagmmcnerty IS palm N'A RE6ENi PROPERT/E8 Pmmzt sP WrDINBeI DWm IS palm N'A ,..........,~...~ ~ Magnoga sD. mapMa ISgelm N'A NARROW UPRIGHT TREES ANdus Mama' NCN 159a1m N'A Cupressus sempererens Nali+n Cypress 15 perm N'A Cerpmis retains Tahipia~a' nortdeam 15 Balm N'A FOCAL TREES Oka mmWm IN°less uaBryl dhe 159am NA cupressus SPonpergmns Ilellan Cypas 15~m NA LiWNlambersryremlue Yesfnel' ammc+n cw'eR gm 159am N'A BefNe pereua wropeen rh+e dmh 15 germ N'A SMALL FLOWERNG TREES Aromas unmo slrawopry ace IS palm NA JllnipeNS'dkaa CNrese judpBr IS gym NA Carrelfia cemelba IS Gator N'A R E V I$ I Q N 5; _ Pmrlus ca'dimana Caroline lTehy IS pain N'A DESCRIPTION DATE Maphiokpis Majestic Beaty' NCN IS palm N'A - - - BACKGROUNDrFOUNDATONSHRU6 ArDus UneeO 51reMmy bee N'A ArctaNphyks species mmzakla 4'o.L. Rosmanrns sp, rosenazy 3'oc. Feljw seamwara pineapple Auara 3'oc Grevlkacmaena hoNpp NCN 4bc laelere spec.a tree mellax N'0. - Iemaphyllumspetks texa rarper 4'o.t Osmaenus Frepmns sweet win 3PO c. Weslerp6 Nuacose NCN 7'o.c. Cdemema Wknnan areah of aeawx 7' o e. Camellia sp. camellia 3' o c. PROTECT NUIrIDER: 700-11 NTERMEDNATE SHRUB Azalea s0. Azaea 7'oc SCALE: AS NOTED dwacpeua fatrigmhk B'ec DATEISSOEO: 1711&r09 TalXles lanmorna Nexican nmgdtl /'o.c. ------ - h4manetlamatlcatampaaa' Qaal heasenly aambm 2'o.t. $alda sp. saga 3'o.t. Phormium sp. New lralme tar 3'oc Teuc^Dm htima gBrmarea '~°° Pl t P l tt Rhapredepa indta Indm Hewlhtm 1'o c. an a e e Rosapama ap_ ~~~' Rosa sD. mat '~°~` 7'o.t. and Legends Salvia leucamha me+ica dish sage 4'o.t. Asperwm ELDeerlm mother km NA Asks sp. mckrose 3'o.t. Callistemon Jminalis leee john' tlwalhoNle bush 30' oc. FOREGROUND SHRUB -- --_- AgBpalllhusap. Llly Df the NNe 21'ot Aloe sp. aloe N'A Henarocellis species Bmgreen tleylily 2b.c Lasieula specks IasentlH 3D.C. Penslemm YpectaNlis samey pm9lanm 7D.c PNlank specks Wkmi 30.c. Puniegrenaum non4neling panepmde 7o.L Sanldka apscla 19uaneN COtlm 3'o.c. MYhus LOfnmunis myelB 7o.t. Teurum thernredys gmnar4e' 1B'oc. Anigoz+npm sD ~ealkangaroo Dews 1a'o.c. Naape match dg afire lily IuA 1a' oc. VNES Camas ra5cans Mmbal' adLoa Sunset Tmmpel Vine 5 Galin N'A Dstiais species Immpe' Nne 5 Galin N'A Gasemiun sampmimns cerdka jamirce SGalm N'A Jasminumptlyantlum. pnN gsmne 5 Galin N'A PaAAmoassn lewspkela Ba~,m AY SGalm N'A Wiskne Specks vaskna SGRm NA Rosa sp. dlnldnA rose Sgakm NA _ GROUNDCWER Amkstaphyks specie prostre~e manzmita 1 Galin 24'o c Fragarie chilams6 Bile strewoerty IGalm ITOc LidanB mmewtlmsk amana 1Galm 24'OC Mywaum paMbllum ncn Igalm 18'cc. VBNmB specks NGN 1Gelm ISOL • Truhebspemaxn aietiwm famine 1 gafm 1S o c. Rosa sp. pwgcouor rose 2galm 2'o.t. • Copmsma kirku yostmus' ncn agxm 1C O.c. Rosmaemsap. panecoser wsmay igalm tCac Enpem Nanenskiahus s+nta oaraare eaisv I qYm 24'o c GRASSES Fatuca sparks ksoue 7Galm 1Toc FNANNINC uaeAN DeslcN M5C+11'hBS species eul9lia Bras 1 Gelm 3'oc IANDCG APE ARCHITECTURE ,p, PmnisMBm specie !Damon gross 7 GBIm 3'o L - Snpalmusresma mexics kacmrgass 7Galm 30'o c. .... - "~ CnmeropNN+msp. msh Sg&m 3V OC. juncos sD. caW nsn Ipalm 13'oc. HNakmcNor smpenems due oaf gas tgalm 2'oc Calempgmlis aD bather reetl arcs Cara Sp seep! helm 1,galm KneS IB'oc . . $FIEEPMIMBER PLANT MATERIAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED DUE TO AVAILABILITY. I L 1.0 ~,~ y . - ~ - ~1~~~ ~ CENTRAL PgR KWAY -. q x ~{'~ f .. ___ ' ~ _ V 1 4 ¢ (l ~ _ ~ :. _ i. ~ = < ~~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ V ~1 ~A ~ ~II it f II ~"[F~s ~ ~ "~ ~ U~ ~ ~NAGH ,~. ` "-l I ~ ~ ~I~ w ANSrn ~.~;. fl ? ~ ~ r... _ =~/ ~-~~ ~ }``~~ ~I d -- ~~~;~---- - -~ ~~`~ ~ i ~ ~ Iql i/,~~ ; ;,- ,~, j ii~!~%~, i i LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION • SECONDARY ENTRIES-SEE SECONDARY ENTRY MONUMENT PLAN SHEETS LB.O & L4.0 • CORNER MONUMENTS -SEE SHEET L5.0 PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR5EESHEETLfi.O • COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SEE SHEET L10.0 EXISTING PRIMARY ENTRY MONUMENTS O EXISTING TRAFFIC CIRCLE MONUMENTS N 6 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 N ~ NEIGHBORHOOD 7 N g NEIGHBORHOOD B N g NEIGHBORHOOD 9 N10 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 N11 NEIGHBORHOOD 71 I 0' S0' 100' Z00' ~ ~ SORRENTO EAST ~r D~L~ Rr,urN Dublin, California AREA F O RE6EN,TnIROIERTlEB R E V I S I O N S: o>scamnoN _ onTE ~PROJECTNUMBER: i00-u SCALE, hSVOTEU DATE ISSUFU: 1111&09 Entry Monument Location Plan SHEET NUMOER: L2.0 Concrete unit pavers wish split face paver band and 6" concrete control band to match Sorrento 1 Concrete unit pavers to match 5orrenio 1 PALERMO WAY ^ Cypress Allee ~~ 43 G~~~ . -~ .o.: ,. ~ s ~''~, r _ ~ ;~-~ ~ t ~~ r ~I -~ ~ ~~ _ r . , G ~~~~- u i ~ k• ~ I w U, /' ~ . „ Y U ~~i ~~ i Ae..~.,i e.,.,. ,.,.i,..+,. ~,.. RIW ~ ~ ~~~5~ Metal arbor to be 18"wide and painted dark brown onn u_~ _.°' .._____..._il SORRENTO EAST dr DUBLIN RdAfN Dublin, California AREA F O !Ni IRO-ER71E8 R E 6 ~..~...,..,.,.,, R E V I S I O N S: DESC'RIPI70N ~ DATE PRO1ECf NUMBER: JOUII SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 1111RI09 Secondary Entry Monument Plan & Elevation on Palermo Way a~~ © mnrtu>wr,w.. KEY MAP Elevation Scale: 114"=1'-0" Field grown olives Entry Columns and Metal Arbor 30"High stone veneer entry wall with 30"high pilasters -see image sheet L15.0 SHEET NDA~fR: L3.0 Concept: Decorative sconce, metal to be painted dark brown m m Concrete unit pavers with split face paver band and 6" concrete control band to match Sorrento 1 -- i 1. i Concrete unit pavers to match Sorrento 1 Stone Veneer Entry Columns with Metal Arbor 30" High Stone Veneer Entry Wall -see image sheet L15.0 Turf TRACT 7655 =;1 ~~` 1 i ., ~ ~ ;y. ~- ~ .. I_ ~~ r ~~~~, ~' I <~/ 9 ~-~~" ~;~ ~.- , ~55~ ~~I Tract 7656 ~~-~-~ --~--,_ ~_ ,~~,..:~_ and Elevation Scale: il4'=1'-D' ~~_ ~j~~~- ,,` ~ 1 h >~i ,` ~ :. ~: - Groundcover in Median and ~ I~L~ Parkway ~~" .` ___ Cypress Allee ~~~e. ), ~- TRACT ' ` , Field Grown Olives r : :~~i '' ~' 17 `;~ 16 y I`- I~ ~ - '- r ~ Plan View Scale: 1116"=1'-D' 0' 8' 16 32' ~~ SORRENTO EAST Ar DUBL~f RAace Dublin, California AREA F O REOENTxPROPERilE3 ' R E V I S I O N S: DESCRR'rIDN DATE PROIELT NUMBER: 30411 LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUBE ~~. i... c,,. ~,a u.a SHEET NUMBER L4.0 Concept: Decorative sconce metal to be painted dark brown Flowering drought tolerant shrubs and groundcover Gleason Drive street tree- Seeplant palette and legends sheet L1.0 Elevation state: va.,r-0• Corner Monument Lockhart street tree- See plant palette and legends sheet L1.0 Olives Large cascading shrubs at top of slope with low cascading groundcover understory 2'-6" high stucco veneer retaining wall wish precast cap -see image sheet L15.0 "' "" ` _` ` "' "" _ J- -`one veneer retaining wall. ith file backing file roof with rafters corner Monument structure with stucco veneer. Color to compliment architecture ;earth tone) 2' x 2'-6" recessed (1'-0"} window with stucco packing window on all four sides atone veneer with precast water table i5~~~~~ I ~~ stucco veneer staining wall with recast cap ow growing shrubs nd groundcover- ee plant palette and Igends sheet L1.0 ~orner Monument ypress entral Parkway street ee plant palette and Bends sheet L1.0 Note: - _ __ Corner Monument structure io be constructed using masonry blocks and shall be free standing or shall retain 3'-0" soil (maximum). Structure shall have a void in the center with a file roof. SORRENTO EAST AT ~UBLllV RdNfN Dublin, California AREA F O RE6ENi PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DFSCRR'NON DATE LANDSCAPE ASCHITECTUPE a sot roe^ ~.~. ~v~.....o sNEETNUSmER: L5.0 Plan view NORTHEAST CORNER Scale: ~•=10'-0" D' s m zD' Plan view SOUTHEAST CORNER 0' 5' 10' 20' Neighborhood 8 courtyard wall - seeimage sheet L40.0 5' high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled rap -see image sheet L7.0 8' wide concrete walkway (12' at 90 degree change in direction) with subscoring Stucco veneer wall with precast concrete cap -see image sheet L7.0. 5' wide concrete ramp with stucco veneer cheek wall and handrails Existing concrete steps to Grafton Street Existing pedestrian bridge I i i I ,~" I''/ ;~.:1 ' I j ,,,, I ~. .7a~:. I ~ `~ '~'f~ l '~,l' w ~ ~l, w ~' ~ -' Z - o ;; ._ ~ - ~. Precast statuarylpublic art with stucco veneer seatwall with precast cap -see concept image sheet L8.0 Olive Tree Grove -see concept image sheetL8.0 8' wide concrete steps Stucco veneer wall with precast - concrete cap. Top of wall to be level Bench -see image sheet U.0 Public art opportunity -see image - sheetL98.0 3'-0"wide decomposed granite path _ Keystone retaining wall orother -see _ image sheet L39.0 42" high guardrail adjacent to retaining wall attop ofwall -see image sheet L7.0 - Lavender and Rose garden -Illuminated bollard -see image sheet L80.0 ,,,. 18'x94' Yoga lawn ; ;; 1 f~~~jl - Cypress Allee - Flowering draught tolerant cascading shrubs and groundcover between walls -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 -Bike rack -see image sheet L94.0 -10'x20' pergola -see image sheet L7.0 - Waste receptacle -see image sheet U.0 ~y- Flagstone paving -see image sheet L8.0 L ~~ ~ 60 ~~ i-~- 941 I'-~T97 Plan View Scale: 1"=20'-0" 0' 10' ZD' 60' ~L.rr,'~ Public art opportunity -see image sheet L98.0 Bocce Ball Court -see image sheet L7.0 Specimen Olive Potterylurns -see image sheet L8.0 Note: See Vesting Tentative Map for retaining wall heights. SORRENTO EAST sr ~>1BIr1N RdYfN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPEATIEE R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPIgN - DATP PROIECIN_Uh1RER: _ 300-11_ SCALE' ASNOTEO DATEISSUID: i111Sg9 Pedestrian Corridor (Parcel 10) © ..~,,. KEY MAP 3 • PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE '~, SREEf Nt1MBER L6.0 0 ib Concept ~._~„ 5'-0" 10'-0" o.c. t.t 4x6 wood lattice (stained) 2"wide dark brown metal straps Side Elevation: wood to be stained dark brown with black metal straps Concept: Pergola Base: stone veneer ~" .'a t 9~ Concept Concept: stucco color to compliment architecture Bocce Ball Court Stucco Veneer Wall with Rolled Cap __ Decorative Metal Guardrail Bench: color to be dark brown a .t ~`~: _.~ Waste Receptacle. color to ne dark brown SORRENTO EAST At ~UBL~ RaNCe Dublin, California AREA F O REOENf PROIERilEB R E V I S 1 0 N S: DFSCPJPnON DA7E PRO1ECf NUMBER: 30U11 SCALE: ASNOTaI DATE ISSUED: IJ1&YH Pedestrian Corridor Images and Elevations Handrails Furniture sNeErNUetseR L7,0 Elevation: wood to be stained dark brown with black metal straps 42"high metal to be painted dark brown Between Units: concrete steps with conaete cheek wall, handrail, and light Concrete _Ste s with Cheekwall Handrail: color to be dark brown P ~ .' End Condition: "Lambs Tongue," color to be dark brown Statuary/Public Art Pet Station Flagstone Paving Decomposed Granite. Garden~_ Concept Concept Concept ~.~ 4 vb tip '~Af ° f i ~++` ~ ~ , ~~,~``.~ t' ~4~ .`,. ~, ~"i Site Amenities (Pottery and Landscape Lighting) Specimen Olive Plant Material ~.....1a ~'al _ ~ ~.y~ Concept: Cypress Allee . ~ ~ ,~• .; `: ~, F 6 4 ~ 1 I ~ 4 ~,, (~ ~; ~ n J, j, !t`f r~~ r r i7: `~x e I. }o.~ ~ ~I L~ ~ ; 1 ~d Garden: Roses i5a~~~~ SORRENTO EAST Al DU~L~1 RJNCN Dublin, California AREA F l o RE6EN„TpPROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP770N DATE PROJECT NUMBER: 300-11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 11/1881119 Pedestrian Corridor Images and Elevations sxEerml9men. I L8.0 Concept: to match Sortento t Concept: color to be dark brown Concept: irregular pattern, color to be varied (earth-tones) Concept: cclor to be earth-tone Concept: Olive Orchard Garden: Lavender Landscape Uptight: color to be dark brown Parcel 10 ~, House Lot 39 ~ Rearyard ~,~ 5'-0" ~~ 5'-0" ~~ 5'-0" ~, 8'-0" ~ 18'-0"Garden ~ 5'-0" ~ Rearyard ~ House Lot 67 ~- 3'-6"high metal fence over 2'-0" . high stucco veneer wall at i courtyard -see image sheet L40.0 5'-0" (max. height) stucco veneer ~ ;. wall with rolled top -see image ~~ ~ sheetL7.0 1. =. ...'-,~ ' r 3'-0" (max. height) stucco veneer wall with rolled top -see image ~~ i sheet L7.0 _ r Rose and Lavender Garden -see ~ "\ -± ~' ,concept image sheet L8.0 ~~?' ~ 'I _ ~ ~ 6'-0"high decorative metal ~I j guardrail -see image sheet L7.0 i ~~ ~~ ' ~ I 6'-0"high retaining wall -see ~ image sheet L39.0 "~.~~ t ^J ; j ~~ .~ x ~. ... ~ ~ ., .._ ...~~_ - ... .T. ..k. _ ~ a ~. h SECTION AA Scale: 114"=1'A' Parcel 10 10'-0"Wide House Lot 51 Rearyard S'-0" 5'-0" 19'-0"Garden 8'-0" Bocce Ball Court - _- - - ~,~~ } -- ~' I I -- 3'-6"high metal fence over 2'-0" high stucco veneer wall at ' ~ ~ courtyard -see image sheet L40.0 ' ,a. -~ - 5'-0" (max. height) stucco veneer wall with rolled top -see image sheet L7.0 i (3'-0" (max. height) stucco veneer wall with rolled top -see image ~ ~ sheet L7.0 ;R - ~ i ~ , ~~ ~!, ~ . , - _ r~ ~. LI r - - ~. . ~ 1 YTS . 4 ~" ~ SECTION BB Scale: 114"=1'-0' Rearyard ~_ House Lot 83 ~ --- __ _ ~' Woodlmetal pergola with stone base -see image sheetL7.0 ,~ 6'-0"high ,% decorative metal guardrail -see / image sheet L7.0 ,~ 5'-0"high retaining wall -see image C ~~ sheet L39.0 ~/ ~IA SORRENTO ~ EAST y Ar DUBLIN R.INr- Dublin, California AREA F ' RE6ENf IROPERiIff R E V I S I O N S: OPSCRIEf70N DATE I PRDJECTNUMBER: 30611 SCALE; ASNOTED DA7EISSUED: 11J18lD9 Pedestrian Corridor Sections 3 • • PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE AHCHITEGTU AE p"".~ iv s,.,... SF~ETNUhIBER: L9.0 SECTION CC Scale: U4"=1'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" ~~~~ ~~ i SORRENTO EAST ~I D~L~ Rahn Dublin, California AREA F EO O R EN7 PRO-ERf/E3 ~ ,...~., nx.,.. nn R E V I S I O N 5: DESCRIP170N DATE I -- ~ PROIEC! NUMBER; 3U0.1I SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: ~ylgpq Pedestrian Corridor Sections 3 PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHHEETNUMBER. L9.1 Stucco veneer planter wall with precast cap ~ Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled Scored concrete alto p Concrete ramp cap -see image sheet L7.0 ~ 18"high stone veneer wall per - ' --~ Courtyard wall -see N8 images sheet Screen tree i.e. Lauris Nobilis 'Saratoga' -see proposed plant - Stucco veneer planter wall with precast cap Planter wall to be level architect s drawings ~ L40.0 palette sheet L1.0 . I 8' wide concrete trail sloped per plan r - Turf Pottery with plant material -see Planter: 2'-D"high stucco veneer ~ wall with precast concrete cap. Wall Public art opportunity -see images - Illuminated bollard -see image sheet image sheet L1 t.0 to be level and plan sheets L97.0 and L98.0 L94.0 ~ Flagstone paving -see image sheet Formal planting i.e. Boxwood -see L11.0 ~ proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ~, ~ 'I -. ~- V ~ i ~ -- ' v~ ~ y ~ ~ -.., ~, T. ~ .r 1 0, I~ i i~, Y r 1 ' . ~_, - , ~. .. -. - T.. I ~ i , i ., ., ~ ~ -- ., Turf ,, i ~ ~~~ r ~ { V X11 /~ ~ ~~ ~ w Fireplace - see L11.0 - --~ ~~ Pottery with plant material -see images sheet L11.0 Flagstone paving -see images,,,..,. L11.0 Scored concrete pool deck - Fumiture -see image sheet L11.0 - 13'x25'toddler pool (18"deep) -- 6'-0"high decorative metal pool fence -see image sheet L11.0 I Built-in barbecues Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive Plan View ~ s~ia I•=ia-o• Bicyclerack -see image sheet L94.0 -~ °' S' 10' z°' h~ I~1~ L- Evergreen screen shrubs -see ~ ii proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Cypress 25'x64' swimming pool -see images for pool coping and tiles sheet L11.0 - Stucco veneer wall with cap to screen with spa beyond Raised Spa SORRENTO EAST et D>~~ Raere Dublin, California AREA F O RE6EN7xPR0IFR7/EF (~a ~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUMBER: 30611 SCALE: ASNOT® DATE ISSUED: ILIflID9 ~.1 ,~ y ~~ KEY MAP lAND9CAPE AgCMITECTUflE ~e~ ~.,,9..,,., a s~eTNUMSEa L1O.O ~ 6 ` vy 1~3~ ~-~l SORRENTO EAST di D~L~ R~NfN I Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT IRO-ERTIEd R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUMBER: ~aau ' SCALE: ASNDTED DATE ISSUED: 1711Rg9 Concept Concept Concept Typical Pool Area Furniture _____ Pottery and Plant Material _ _ Colors to compliment architecture Terra cotta pots in various sizes Concept Concept 6" High Pool Tile with Coping __ _ Concrete to be integral color with scoring per plan r i I r1JT ~' ~,~2<^ '°~,: fry ~~ Concept 6, High_ Pool fence Fountain Color to be dark brown -~ ~ '- ~, h y~ 3~~,., ; ; ,~ _4 ~=~~ _• Community Recreation Center Images LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ~o; ~..~ u,~z,..,,a SHEET NUMBER: I L11.0 Concept Fire Place Flagstone to be earth tone Flagstone Pavin~_ ~, Parcel 7 12'-0"Flagstone Recreation 60 ~ 14'-0" Pnvaie Rearyard ~~,3'-0"i/ Paved Courtyard ~ Building I Trail ~._ _/ 8'-0" Clear ~~~~ ~~ SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ RANfH Dublin, California AREA F 3'-6"high decorative metal fence over 2'-D" high stucco veneer wall ~ over 5'-0"high stucco veneer retaining wall with } rolled top -see image `r; ~ I sheetL40.0 4'-0"high stucco veneer ~ retaining wall with rolled top ~ -see image sheet L39.0 `~,,;' ~ `~~ ~ Pottery -see concept image sheet L96.D SECTION AA Scale: 114'=1'-0" Pool SECTION BB Scale: ila'=1'-0" Parcel 7 4'-0" Planting ___ 22'-6" Pool Deck Area 15'-0" Rearyard_ House Lot 97 ~- ---- Heavy screen landscape at pool deck 6'-0"high pool fence - ~~ P see image sheet L11.0 ~, 5'-0"high retaining wall - a r .:~~. ~ ~ I see image sheet L39.D to REOENT PROPERTIEB R E V I S I O N S: DEACRIPTIUN DATE PROIECI'NUMOER wau SCALE' AS NOTED DA7E133UED: 1T118~09 Community Recreation Area Sections 3 PL ANMNG URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHIIECTU AE s~erNU~EE. L12.0 ~, ;~~\~ \~ ~~ /' ~-~ ~_~~ \\ ll n ~\ ~ \ ~~~~\ ~~ ~\, , ~~ ~ ~ ~' '~~ II I 1~ I J rw-.Ili ~~ ~~ i' ~, , ~~Iii J~i, ~JI 71 /h Ir~III MAILBOX LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION . Typiceldustermailboxunitwithdecorativecapandfinial. Mailbox compartments range from 1&36 depending upon location. Final locations end quantities to be verified during next stage of projed. Cola to be dark brown. Locale all mailboxes adjacent to streetiyhts where possible. Front Elevation Side Elevation Typical Cluster Mailbox Unit / 3-6" / 2x stained wood IattlCe (4) 4x4 stained post Precast concrete cap Mailbox unit 18" sq. stucco veneer column Finish surface Front Elevation Typical Cluster Mailbox Unit - N9 PLAN VIEW NTS ~ ~~ SORRENTO EAST AT ~UBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O LL6EMT /LOPELTlES - ,......~~.-. ~~a~ i . / V f"S R E V I ;i l O N 3: DESCRIPTION ___ DATE... PROJECTMIMBER: -_ -- 70DII SCALE: A9 NOTED DATE ISSUED: 17/18109 Mailbox Location Plan SHFETNI16raER L13.0 Side Elevation (/II/^ ~ / \ \~ I~ j I n l 1 ~, t . s~1,~ 1 ~'~. ~~ ~` ~~ - ~ I -I~ L ~ :~~ ,~1 !j~ III {~ ~l' i4 li i j I ji ~' ~ u ;! I I ,~~ l~ I6 I , '-~ ~/. ~' l /i ,~~. i/ i~~~~~ LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 3'~6"Painted Metal Fence over 2'-0"high stucco wall over 2'-0" retaining wall. 6' high minimum from street side 6' high maximum. 6'-0"High painted metal fence. 30' High stone veneer wall Existing 30' high stone veneer wall (Pdmary Erl4y) Community Wall to match Sortenlo 1 30' high stucco veneer wall vrilh precast cap aM 36" high stone veneer pilasters with precestcap. - Colorand material tD match Sortenlo 1 ^ 6'-6" High stone veneer pilaster to match Sortento 1 Note: For images of fencing, walls and pilasters see sheet L16.0 PLAN VIEW N.T.S. ~ ~~ SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ R~NCN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PRO/ER7ll8 R E V I S I0 N S: ~ DESCRIPTION ~ DATE I PROJECf NUMBER, 30011 SCALE; AS NOTED DATE ISSUED; - IL18ro9 Overall Community Identity Wall and Fence Plan 3 ?CANNING VPBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCNITECTVRE sHEEtM1MBElt L14.0 ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ SORRENTO EAST ar ~UBLllV RdNCN Dublin, California AREA F O RE6ENi PROPERi/E8 Wall elevation: Color and finish to 6'-0" High stone veneer pilaster with concrete cap: Color and finish to match Sorrento 1 match Sorrento 1 (Gleason Drive, Lockhart Street, Grafton Street) 6'-0" Precast Concrete wall with stone veneer pilaster R E V I S I O N S: DFSCPJif10 I Elevation: Color of precast wall to be earth-tone, color of metal to be dark brown ~. r ~ ^ ~'' Elevation: Fence transition height at pilasters only 3'-0" High decorative metal fence over 3'-0"high stucco veneer wall 30" High stucco veneer wall with 36" along Central Parkway `' ~~ i h stone veneer pilasters PROIECI MIMBER~, 70UII SCALE: AS NO7PD DATE ISSUED: 17/18109 Commutity Identity Wall antl Fence Images PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Existing 30" high stone veneer wall at 36" high stone veneer pilaster Primary Entry SHEETNOMBER: L15.0 Wall height transition at pilaster only Wall Elevation: Color and finish to compliment Sorrento 1 Wall-Pilaster: Stone veneer and cap to match Sorrento 1 Elevation: Color metal to be dark brawn 6'-0" High painted metal fence 5 ~~~ SORRENTO EAST Ar DUBL~V RdNCN Dublin, California AREA F O EEOENT PR0PERT/E8 R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION '~, DATE PROIECTNUMBER: 70U11 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 1714109 Neighborhood 6 Wall Index Plan ~~ LEGEND La,~ SHEET NUMBER 1 ENLARGEMENT AREA ... r ~I C°""+Pr KEY MAP PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SI~PIIMIMBER L16.0 GLEASON DRIVE 1 iiiiiii ,;li- ~~F i ~~i I. ~- lG 11r ~'~ 18~ 1 L ~i_ i -- - i - --- - 'i - --- ii I - T a - -,~ _ BB ~'° ~'rJ 1-~ I •~ L23.0 I I I- lI I 1 I ~ I~ I -- ~I ~~~ ~ - _ ~ I. i io Iii ~ z.~ ' ~~ ~ ~~ ~,. --- /~, ~~~ ~ - a I ^ , - ~ ~ ~~ r, :s ~~ , f .~ 8 ~ , ~ _ , I - ~ I w ~ lI,' ' w Q: ' ~ ' ~ i j ~ I z ~ _ ~ I~ 0 i ;) li I ~ ,~ i ~° ~ I ° a ~, t~ ~i -- -, L I~ _ ~~ µ b _ ~~r ~ a lit - ~-1 ; ^ I l{ d 'y I li I l~ I - I I~ -- __li r ~,\"~ ~. // _ II ~~~_ - -I ~ -L~--- --- U- ~; ~~ ~~~~ ~~ .I I a --~I ~II - -- - ~~ J ~ / /~ a 0 J Q PALERMO WAY I `'1 wo uuoo Transition from community wall to metal fence at pilaster Plan View Scale: ,'=20'-0" 0' 1U 20' do' ~~ f ~~ ~ ~F5 ~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL OESCRIP110N ~_ - -.~ 2'E' high atone veneerwell wiN 3'-0"high DiMslas straddling wdkxay (yaseosl- See Image sheet 111 0 ~ Z'-0'hlgh aWac vanes nstahing weu wdh precast rep. eWCwwlasAn®tl and pmmst cep W match Sonentc 1 See image sheet L21.0 - 2'-0'Mgh sUOCC Veneer wallw8h pmmd oaiaete cap ntluding 3'-0' piledars wih ceD slmddling wdLway (peaeos~ sea inage shad 121,0 ~ 8'-0' high prated community wall W melds SareMC t - Seeimage shed L15.0 - 8'-0' higA decco veneerwdl weh coded wP a allemde 6-0' woad fence wIN IdBce - See linage sheet 121.0 aM L2T,0 - YB high duox vanes rdentilp wet with mAled mp- sWaa mlarta compliment eNdlecture - Seeimage shee1111.0 - Oerordhw metal ~ - Sea imege~heet L12.0 - - - 7-0' $WCW vanes retainiig weP with mYed rap - See image shed L21.0 SYMBOI DESCRIPTION - Rda'vangwal(KeyaWiroaotlar)- SeeimagesheetL21.0 - 6-0' hgh wood good neighCOr lance Bee Image sheet Lgg.O - Re+aining wall lKeyslae aolhe0,wM 6-0'melal lance on top. Sae image sheet 111.0 .... 3' 8-0' high decareda meld fence over T-0' high saxm vaeer weA - Seeimage dleet LA2.0 '-0' high wood A~ nelghborfence wdh ladlre Ftlutlhp 0'-0' wide gate See image eheetl2A.0 - B'E'highsWaoverreerwallwMDreradap- See image sheet Lg1.0 . 6'fi' hph alone veneer pilaster wiW precast rap. Matends b melts Saiaito 1 - Existing 30'edry wal 1 Gek See Image sheet U0.0 Note: All lop of wells to be stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of wall grade transidan concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. SORRENTO EAST er DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O NEOENTPoINOPFNT/E8I R E V I S I O N S: _ DFSCRN710N _ _ ~ DATE PRD12CiNUMBE&: 3g~ll SCALE: ASNOTED_ DATEISSIIED: Iv18AN Neighborhood 6 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan r~an4wawnr KEY MAP SNEETNUMBER. L17.0 SORRENTO EAST a, DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REQENT PROPERTIESI R E V I S I O N S: -FSCRIPTION ~ -ATP _ PROIECfM_1MBER: 76611 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: -. -IVIaroR Neighborhood 6 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan `l ~, WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION C 2'8' hgh sbne veneer wall wRh 3'-0' high pileriers s0addlhg walkweY Ipeseosl- Seelm~geeheelt21.0 ~ 4'S h~stuao veneerreahiq wal w#rprecesrcap- adxm arlorl6nieh end precast cap to match Sorterdo 1- Seeimepeshe9t121.0 - 7-0' hgh riuao venaerwall with prenesl oonaete cep Indming 3'-0' plasters whh aw stred9ing welkwaY Ipe~al Sae image sheet L41.0 ~ s-0' nqn precast mmmunMy wall to hatch Sarenb 1 See linage sheaf L16.0 - 8'-0' hi¢~ riuma veneer well wiN ruled cap a ettxnate 6'-0' wa>d knce with Iaeice -See image sheet L21.0 em l22 0 - rfi' hlgh sdKw veneer re+ahing wall wtth raletl cap - sluaocola M amplinrem amhRedure- See Image sheet L410 Oecorathre rtretal fence - See Image sheet 1248 - - - 3'6' $hICW verrear retainsg waR wiM mlm rep Sae image sheet L21.0 - Ree'nipwal(Keysroneaolhar)- Seaimage sheal121.0 ~ 6'-0'hiphwwdgomnelghbafence- Seeimage ahael L72.0 - Raphlrg wall IKeysima or mna6 wRh 6'-0' metal fence on toP - SeelmageatreetL21,0 •.._....•. 3'-0' Ngh demretNe metal fence over r-0" hqh sMOceveneawaX- See Imepe sheet 122.0 - 6'-0' high wood gam nephhafencewRh lattke Indming 3'-0' wide gate- See Image sheet 171.0 - 5'-fi'high sluao verex well wXh precast mp- Seeimegesheet121.0 e'6' hlgh stare veneer plWSter with preaGU cap - Materieh ro makh SorrerM 1 - Exiserrp 30'erNy wall ~b- See'rnege sheet L40.0 Note: All lop of walls to be stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of wall grade transition wncept. See grading plans for heights of walls. G~ ca""x^~vn.~r P IA NNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITEGTUflE $HEtTNUMBER'. L18.0 l,l~~~- SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN RANCN Dublin, California AREA F O REOEN.7w PROPER7IEJI R E V I S I O N $: DFSCRIYRON ~ DATE ~ _. PRO]ELTNUMBER: 7a4u $~; AS NOTED DATE ISSOED: IlllB!(19 Neighborhood 6 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan Plan View Sple: 1'=20'-0' D tD' m' <D >-~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - - i 2'-0' high atone veneerwall whh 3'-0' Idgh pilasters straddhngwaMsay(paseosf- See imegesheet L21.0 - 2'E" hlgh sN~ veneer retalnngwaX wiN precesl rep - sfucm mbrlrmish eM precest cap W melds SorrenW 1 - Seeimege6heetL21.0 - 2'8' high swceo veneer wall wXh precest mnaete cap iidudlnp 3'-0' pYeslers wXh cap ahaddling walkway (pesem} Seairege sheet t2t.0 ~ 8'-0'high prere&mmmunltywelllomelch5orrenlol- Sea knepe shawl L15.0 - 6'-0' high etuceo verxser wall wXN mXad cap a aaemate 8'-0' wood lean xMh laldce-See Image sheet L21,0 aM Lg2 0 - 7-0' high slUmo vetreer retalning wal wXh mlled cap- Aucm mhrtc mmpllmenl erdilecWm- Sea Image 6heN 121.0 - Oemralha meml kr~ce - See gnage sheet L72.0 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - Retaining wall (Keystone a otlwr) - SeelmageaheetL21,0 i• 0-0'hgh wc6d good neigMafence- See Image sheet Lr2.0 - RdaininA wall (Keydare or other), wXh 6'-0'metal Xa(IOBOlltdp- See Image wheel L21.0 .....---.-- 3'-0'hlgh denxetrve metal fence overt'-0'high Balpm Veneer WeX- Seeimage ahed172.0 _ 6'-0' hgh wood A6od neghbor fence wM latlim Intludinp 3'-0' wide gsle- Seeimage sheet L71.0 - 5'E' high storm veneer wall wXh premsl rap Bee usage sheet L21.0 B'-0'hlghstonevereerpassmrwahprecestcap- Matereh to match Sonenb 1 - Exarlirg 30'eney wall ~ Gate- See gnage wheel L40.0 Note: All lop of walls to be stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets Nrtop of wall grade transitbn concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. © cu'°xwmrr KEY MAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE $NEETNUMBER: L19.0 I I I ~ VITTORIA LOOP i l ~ li ~ GLEASON DRIVE Rear Yard 0' ~~ i ~ +1'-3' ~-I '~~ 1 Rear Yard Rearyartl retaining wall condition between upper and lower units in neighborhoods 6 and 7 Scale; V4"=1'-0" SORRENTO EAST ar ~UBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOEMT /ROiERTlE9 R E V I S I O N S: DFSCpIPT10N DATE 1 _ PRO]ECTNUMBER - - 7go11 - SCALE', ASNOTFD DATEISSIJED: mt8N9 Neighborhood 6 Typical Cluster Unit WaIllFence Plan ~~ VITTORIA LOOP Typical fence and wall layout - 6 -unit's Plan dew Scale: r=tD'-o• a s to m r- ~~ Lower retaining wall 6'-0"high painted metal fence Upper retaining wall Lower retaining wall to hold slope between lots Painted metal fence over retaining wall Good Neighbor fence WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - 2'6'high alone reiroerwall witl~3'-0'high Dilastere ~ s4addling walkway tpeaecai~ Sae image sheet L11,0 ~ 2'8'hiyiriuaov~ne~retahYgwalwithprecastcep- sNCm mlorMnlshend paced ceD m rts4h Sarenfo 1- Seeimage riser L27 0 - T-0' high riuox rwneerwell w8h preceri ronaete cep Indu0ing 3'-0' plWStws with cap str~dlllg wwlkway (peseosf see image dset 111.0 - 8'-0' high precestmmmunhy waM b rtahh Sanedo 1 See image sheet L15.0 _ 6'-0'Aph aWCm veneer wall with roled cep aenemate fi'-0' wrood knn with Ie10ce -See Image etwel 111.0 and L71.0 _ 2'E' high slucce veneer retambg wall with roodrap - sWCm ode b camplYrsnt ardidedure - SeeImage dset Lg10 Deweti+e mehei hrax- Sea krege dnri Lg2,0 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - RdalnYpwel(Keystoneaotlsr)- See Image deer L21.0 ~ 8'-0'high wood good rsighha lance- Seeimagesheril71.0 _ Ralanirg wall lKeyslare aotlsr), with 6'-0'metal fence ontop - Sae image stkel t11.0 3'-0' high demretlve metal hnce over?-0' high ........... slucmveneawall- Seeimage sheet L72.0 - 6'-0' high wvod goad neighbor fence w~h lattice nduding 3'-0' wua gate sea image sheet L71.0 - 5'E'highriuaowrserwallwiNprerericap- Seeimage dad Lg1.0 . 8'fi' hph etas velser planar wdh Drefad cep Maledels W melrh Sonen101 - ExWYg 30' erlhy wet ~- sea lmagesheet L40.0 Note: AN top of walls to be stepped to accommodate g2de changes unless otherwise noted. See image shcets for top of wall grade lransRlon concept. See grading plans far heights of wells. ~~ © °x~waw.vcxsr - KEY MAP 3 PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE I SNEEfNUMBER: L20.0 Street grade (varies) 1~3~~51 SORRENTO EAST Al Du~L~ RaHra Dublin, California AREA F 2'-6" high stucco veneer wall with precast cap and 3'-0"high, 24" square stucco veneer pilaster with precast cap (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled ` ~ ~~ '` ~~;, ~ _ '~' •~ .~ _~. ~ ,~ ~, '~c J ~ -_ ``-~- ~~~~ ~. ~.~ ~ <. ~; ~, ,,: ,~,~.~ (Enlargement) 1 ~ . Concept Stucco veneer privacy wall with rolled cap between units Vii`'; ,: Concept ~~mm" ' kxt ,rw x ' 1+~ n;~.~t .a.. sz.teF,.J11«.~F as .. '1L-tsOt:f _ti _ . K ~ ~ A.a ~,_,~ i~~~y, 4~ f •P ~ . 7 ~ ,' _ 7 Keystone retaining walls Where wall heighi exceeds 3'-0" provide elevation transition for top of wall (step) to 2'-6" Detail: Wall 2'-6" high stone veneer paseo entry wall with 3'-0" high, 24" square stone Retaining wall elevation transition veneer pilaster (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) (Palermo Way) Stone veneer to be determined 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap along Palermo Way. See plan for location and this sheet for image street Concept YA.rL. ;;, .~ ~` `~l~ ~ ~~ O T IRO/ERTIES RE6EN„.. ..., R E V I S I O N S: DESCRR'fIDN DATE PROIECTNUMBER: 70x11 scAEE: AsNOreD DATE ISSUED, 17118109 Neighborhood 6 Wall and Wall Cap Images SIIEETNUM6ER L21.0 Color of stucco and cap to be earth-tone End Condition with 2" overhang Stucco color and finish to match adjacent house Stucco color to be earth-tone Concept: Wall return @ 90° where illustrated Detail: Wall and pilaster SORRENTO EAST ~r D~c~ RANCe Dublin, California AREA F Elevation: Elevation: Facing streeUpublic, 4' high opaque panel with 2' high lattice. Between units 6'-0" High Good Neighbor Fence -Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 (Rear side of units) Grade Transition ih i-- Decorative metal fence -see image this sheet Metal fence - color to be dark brown -see image this sheet 2„ ;Wood good neighbor fence -see image this sheet ve~''~' I >- Retaining walls / Vries -see plan. f~ House I,,I ~ - ~~I Concept 6'-0" High Wood Fence with 12" max. Retaining Kickerboard ~~ ~ Side yard fence condition Alternate 6'-0" high wood fence with (Units 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46, 51, 52, 57, 58, 74, 75, 80, 81, 86, lattice (within paseo areas) 87, 92, 93) Rolled cap - color to complimeni wall Metal panel with pickets and decorative knuckles - color to be black ~, -, Varies -See Plan _ f '~ f iii Elevation: 3'-6"High metal panel over 2'-0" high stucco veneer wall Stucco colodfinish to compliment architecture Stucco wall with rolled cap 5'-6"High stucco veneer wall with precast cap. Stuccc colorlfinish to compliment architecture. O RfO,f R.ixPR0IfR 71ESI R E V I S I O N S: DESCRImON DATE PROTECT NUMBER: 140-~ ~ SCALE, AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: i71ie109 Neighborhood 6 Wall and Wall Cap Images 3 PLANNING URBAN DCSIGN LANDSCAPE AACHITECTU AE sxEer NunmeP: L22.0 Fence condition for slopes 5:1 to level Elevation: Color metal to be dark brawn 6'-0" High painted metal fence Metal Panel Detail (Elevation) Metal color to be black Courtyard Walls (Neighborhoods 6, 7 & 81 Fence condition far slopes 4:1 and steeper Gleason Drive 6'-0" RIW 6'-0" 10'-0" Sidewalk andscape Parcel ~ 3'-6" 16 6'-6" stone veneer pilaster beyond -see image sheet L15.0 6'-0" precast wall -see image sheet L15.0 3'-6" high retaining wall -see image sheet L21.D Top of retaining wall footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade ~~~~~ ~5 ~ Grafton RNV Landscape Area 6'-0" 8'-0" 5'-0" to vary - Parkway Concrete Trail PSE see plan Lot 15 ____ , U ~I ~~ Existing 30"high stone i ~ veneer entry wall -see '\ `~ ~' ~ ~ ~ image sheet L15.0 ? ~ ~ ~e ~ ~^ ~~^ i ~4s~~,; ~~ 6'-0"high community wall -see image sheet ~/ L15.0 SORRENTO EAST Ar ~UBLIN R.4BfN i Dublin, California AREA F O REEEN7 IROPERiIEE R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPDON DATE SECTION AA Scale: 1/4'=7-0' SECTION BB Scale: 114"=7'-0" PROIECENUMBER: 70o-N SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSOED: IllId09 ~ 10'-0° Gleason Drive 6'-0" Sidewalk 8'-0" 8" 3'-0" 8'-0"Min. House Lot 21 6'-6" high stone veneer pilaster - seeimage sheet L15.0 6'-0"high painted metal fence - see image sheet L15.0 - X ~ ~ ~ 1 Retaining wall -see image sheet L21.0. Wall to step with grade Top of footing (as necessary) to be 18"minimum below finish grade SECTION CC Scale: 114'=1'-0" s'-o" RNV Landscape 5'-0" House Lot Area idewa SECTION DD Scale: 114'=1'-0' Vittoria Loop y No exposed foundation at low side of six-unit cluster (18" on high side) " 5'-0"landscape area to slope towards sidewalk at 3:1 max. at low side ofsix-unit cluster Neighborhood 6 Sections SIIEEf NUMAER L23.0 SECTION EE s~a~a: va•=r-o• RIW 3'-0" Landscape Area RNV -_ 6'-0" .andscape Area~~ ', Sidewalk ~ Palermo Way U 0 ;' 24" - 36"high max. stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap -see % image sheet L21.0 /~~ Top of retaining wall footing to be a % / minumim of 18" below finish grade i i n i i ~ SECTION FF ~~~~ >~~~ SORRENTO EAST ~r DUBI,IlV Ra>vra Dublin, California AREA F tD REOENT PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUMHER: 7W~11 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 17116109 SECTION GG Scale: 1/a'=1'-D" 6'-0" RIW 9'-D" 3:1 Landscape 6'-0" iscape Area Area Sidewalk Palermo Way -- 11 _ ______ 3-D ~ PSE t - !U X10 !~ ~,, . ~-~_- - - -~ 5'-6" high courtyard wall -see ~I image sheet L22.0 ~ ~ 2'-6"high stucco veneer wall ~ with precast cap. See fence wall and wall cap images - sheet L15.0. Top of footing to be a min. of 18"below finish ~ , grade ~ I ~~; RIW 10'-0" Landscape Parcel ~, 6'-0" 6'-D" 8'-0"Min. Gleason Drive parkway (turf. Sidewalk 8'-0" ~'-0'{, 3'-0~~ Rearyard ~ House Lot 57 r ~ ' 6'-0"high painted metal ~ i fence -see image sheet L15.D ~ j Metal fence -see image sheetL22.0 y ' ,~~~ ~: ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ li ;,- Retaining wall -see ~,~r~ ~ ~~« , ' ~ ~ ~ images sheet L21.0 ~ " Private rearyard 6'-0" high good neighbor fence • see image sheet L22.0 SECTION HH Scale: 114"=1'-0" Neighborhood 6 Sections LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUflE Mn.. ~... s~~ir..rv SHEET NUMBER: L24.0 .-~_ \ 1~1~ ~5 i SORRENTO EAST AT DUBL~i RhNCE Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERT/E8 1 I 1 I L27.0 I I I I I I I I J R E V I S I O N S: -DESCRIPTION - - OA7E EROIECTNUMBER ]0411 SCALE: ASNO'IED DATE ISSUED: -- - Ivlem~ Neighborhood 7 Wall Index Plan ,~ © ~.~,~ KEY MAP Plan View scale: r~o~-0° n 2D' on eo LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER 1 ENLARGEMEMAREA ---- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEEP NUt~ER: L25.0 I~$~~I SORRENTO EAST ~I DUBLIN RhNCN Dublin, California AREA F N O EO ENT /NO/ENT/E8 R E V I S I O N S: DFSCRA'TIDN ~ DATE EROIEC'I NUMBER: 30b1I SCALE ASNOTID DATE(9,SUED: I?lIBN9 Neighborhood 7 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan Scale: 1'=20'-0' o' 1a m' w' ~ ~~ WALL LEGEND SVM8OL DESCRIPTIDN ~ 2'-0'hlgh atone veneer wellwM 3'-0'hlgh pllaelers sl2ddling walkway (Paseosl- See image sMet L30.O _ 1'-0' high sNCao venaerwall wM plecasl cap - sWCa mWrlrnbh end pretest rep b mettlt Sortento 1- Saeimegeshee1L30.0 - 2'E'high sNOx roneerwell with Precast cancrele rep indudinA 3'-0' I>ilasters wiN cep shatldling wakway (paseosl See Image wheel L30.0 - 6-0' high precast omriundy wall to meth SomeMO 1 - See kne0e etwel L16.0 - 8'-0' high stuac veneer wall wdh mled caD or allemala B'-0' high wood Mnce vAtli lettlm-See Ynaga sheet L30.0 aM L31.O - 2'-0'hgh stu¢oveneerreplninpwalwAhrdledmp- aWOCO abr to wmghnent errhkeclure- SeeimegesheetL00.0 6-0'higA peiMed metal fexe- See kneAesheet L31.0 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - Retaining mall (Keystone or otlwr)- See lmegesheet L3O.O - 8'-0'Agh wood good neNhba lenw- See lmagesheet L31.O - RemMrg wall (Keystone arotlter),wM 6'-0'metal ferke on top abtp LoUDIertStreet mfy- See Imega sheet L30.O 6'-0•tkgh deoxe6ee metal fence overretainktg well- SaeimagesheetL31.0 - 6'-0' Ngh wood Aood nelghhorfence wM laltm hdudNg 3'-0' wide gete- Seeimage sheet L31.O - 5'G niph sluovwmeerwallwiNpremstrap- see anege elrset L30 0 •••••••••-- 3'.s'fyh demrellva meal ferKa osar2'-0'hlgh sluao wmeer wel- See Imagasheet L31.O ~w See image sheet L4o.0 Note: All top of walls to be stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of wall grade transition concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. u msmu^uuwer KEY MAMAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEETNUMBER: L26.0 ~~ ,v ~ OR G~~PSO ~ `,~ '1 it O° \~ p pry' J ~,, \ ~° ti 9 s `~ \ ~ F ~ ~ ~\ ~~~ ~ ~ A, i~~ ~ ~s ~ SORRENTO EAST ~T DUBL~f RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REBENTµIROPERT/E! R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROTECT NUMBER. 30011 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSDED: IL18109 Neighborhood 7 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan JN. ~~ ~~ i~ 1 L 1- I} LI ~ 1 T I ~ _; - c ~-A ~ E WALL LEGEND SYM00L DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 2'6'high alone veneer wall with 3'-0'high piasters Retainng vrell (Keystone aolherJ~ straddling v atkwaY (Paseos) ~ See image sheer L30.0 See snags sheer L30 0 ~ 6'-0'hiphwood goad neghharfenm- - 7E'high duaa veneer web wllh prerad cap ~sbcm Seaehed l31.0 cdalAnieh and prewd cap W nHltli Sonemo 1- Seeimage shed L30.0 Rdamiq well (Neysbne a other), wRh 6'-0' metal Y$'high duceo veneer wallxM prscad mrpaeaete cap - Nemean taDabrg Lndlart Street ~~ry. See Image sheaf L30.0 inducting 7-0' piasters wih mp streddlin wet A ~vlaeee~a} See image eheel 180.0 mod, e'-0' high tlemalNe eaal ferwe over relebing - 6'-0' high prated canmunityweN b mdch Sarrenb 1- wall - Sae baAe sheet L31.0 See Nnage shad L15.0 ' ' ' ' 6'-0' hlph wood good rielpMorfenm wIN latlke Intluding - 8 -0 hgh ehwco veneer waY with mled cap maNemata 6 -0 3'-0'widegele- hlghwood(enoe wM latlloe-See Image sliest L30.0 end L31.0 See image sheet L31,0 _ 2'$' hph dumb veneer Mdning wall with rdled cap ~ 5'-0' high stump veneer well w1N preoed rap - stuao mbrto compliment amAdepurs - See unege sheet L00.0 Sae image sheet L30D ........... 3'E' hgh decadrre metal fence over 2'-0' high - 6'-0'hiph paFted meW bnce- sNaovmeerwell- See Imago abed 131.0 See inege dae1131.0 ~ Gate see Image shed L40.0 Note: All top of walls to be stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of wall grade transition concept. See grading plans for helghls of walls. sl~erxuitBER: L27.0 ~~ ~'a' KEY MAP SORRENTO EAST ~I DUBLIN RANLH Dublin, California AREA F O REREMT PROPERT/E9 R E V I S I O N S:_ DPSCRIPIION ~ DATE PRO]ECT NUMBER: 7oa l l_ SCALE: AS NOIID DATE ISSUED, 1N11V09 Neighborhood 7 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan ~Il ~°~„ KEY MAP Note: All top of warts to be stepped to accommodate gale changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of well grade transition concept. See grading plans fa heights of walls. ~_. soeddlmA welkweY lPaseae).,.,.., a ~,„„o Sea iiuAe sheet 1.30.0 - 7-0i' high ducm reneer wet wiN precast ap - eWCm mldlhnish aM prewst cap b match SmaiM1a 1 - See Mage sheet L30.0 - 7-0' high shrrcD veirew war wih penst mnaele cap induding 3'-0' Diesteis wiN ceD etratldFng welkwaY Ip} Sea YneAe sheer L30 0 - 8'-0' higA pretest oommunih wall b rrekdl SDnmID 1 - See Image onset L15.0 - 6'-0' htyi shaca veneer war xRt rdkd cap oranemate S'-0' high resod rome with laltlce See Image sheet L30.0 end L31.0 - 2'9'hiphYUxoveinermtanigwelwshrdladwp- swmp mWr b canplimmt errh iledue - See megesneer L30.0 6'-0' high paFted metal fence - See image MeN L31.0 See Image sheet L30.0 - B'-0' high wood goof nelghhor lance - See knape sheet L31.0 - Retairinp w~IKeyatww Dreher), with 8'-0'matal ronce an top ~r9 Lodchert Saeel onh- See image shed L30.0 ~; . 8'-0' high demredve metal fence war mteining well- See srege sheet L31.0 - 6'-0'high wooO ADDd neiphhor ronro wiN letdce MUdig 3'-0'witlegate- Sea erege sheet L31.0 - e'-0'higheNcmveneerwallwMpxaslcap- See Image sheet L30.0 -------.... 3'S' hiph decaatNe metal fence wer7-0' high sNao veneer wap- See inage slwel L31.0 .~ Sea image dieet La0,0 L28.0 Wood Gates at Paseo end GLEASON DRIVE r I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~----- -~ t ~ ~, it I~ i - i II I ~~~ ~~ I ~~ ~J~ I~ I _~ - - r~~~~^ ~- ~, ~ ~(- r ___-,I w-, r=? 4 I ~~~ I ~ ~ i _' ~ __-J - -- _ -,_ ~_ _ ~_ ~__ VITTORIA LOOP Typical fence & wall layout - 6-8 unit's Plan View Scale: 1'=10'-0" 0' S' 10' 20' a. ~~ 6'-0"high painted metal fence Lower retaining wall Upper retaining wall Lower retaining wall to hold slope between lots Painted metal fence over retaining wall Good Neighbor fence ~g~~~i Rear Yard Rear Yard Rearyard retaining wall condition between upper and lower units in neighborhoods 6 and 7 Scale: 1!4"=1'-0" WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - T.8•hgh Blare veneer waX wltls 3'-0'hgh Dllasters straddling walkway lpeeeoa)- Seeimage Meel L30.0 - 2'E' hqA shsan veneawell wilt prewsl wp - eNaa wlat6niM ark prewsi wD k mmch Sarerdc 1- See Image eAeM L30.0 - 1'-0' hqh sWao veneawell with Dmwal wriiame wp indudmg 3'-0' pilaslem with wp slmtldkig wakwey (peaew} See Image sheet L30.0 - 8-0' hqh prewrt oamunlty wall to mekh SoneMO t - See knege eheM L15.0 - 6'-0' hqh stuao veneerwall wm toted wD or eRemale 6'-0' high wood Mies with lenia. Sea inege sheet 130 0 ark L310 - 2'-0'hgh ahkco vanes rtakirq wal wah rdled esp. shxco color to camp imenl 8rthite W R - SeelmageslreelL30.0 - 6'-0'hghpehledmelalfenw- see Image sheet L310 syMlSa DESCRIPTIaN - RetaningwalllKeystoreaolhal- See mega sheet 130,0 - B'-0'high woad good neghhorfenw~ See maAe Meet 131.0 _ Retaining welllKeyakneaoMer), with 8'-0'metel fence a ND akng Lockgd Street onty- SeeimeAeshee1t30.0 Rim.... 6'-0' hqh demraae maul lanes aver retaining Well see mega sheet L31.0 - e'-0'hgh wood good negtborfenw wRh ladice i~dutlig 3'-0' wide gate See mega Meet L31.D - 5'6'hgh sWOw venearwellwith prewar wp~ See image sheet L30,0 .....-....- 3'$'high decarelhw metal fence over 2'-0'hgh sWCm veneer wee See image sheet L31 0 ~ Gete- See imege~he~t L40.0 Note: All top of walls to be stepped to axommodate grade charges unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for tap of wall grade Transition concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN Reece Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT IROPENT/E8 R E V I S 1 0 N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECf NUABER: Taal I SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED'. ILIS%09 Neighborhood 7 Typical Cluster Unit WaIIlFence Plan ~~yy {~ DES c _. _..: ]~~~ rr a"v"v+o+emsr '~ KEY MAP LANDSCAPE AflCNITECTURE sxEEr NDkmeR. L29.0 SORRENTO EAST ~1 DUBL~i RANfN Dublin, California AREA F 2'-E" high stucco veneer wall with precast cap and 3'-0"high, 24" square stucco veneer pilaster Stucco veneer with precast cap (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled ~/~ x .~ !'s ;±4~ ~ ~. '- >~ `~~ z ? ~~ ~~~ (Enlargement) Concept 1 . Concept wall with rolled cap between units . ~ ~~ 1 ne retaining walls Street grade (varies) Where wall height exceeds 3'-0" provide elevation transition for top of wall (step) to 2'-6" Detail: Wall 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap along Palermo Way. See plan for location and this sheet for image 2'-6" high stone veneer paseo entry wall with 3'-0"high, 24" square stone Retaining wall elevation transition along street veneer pilaster (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) (Palermo Way) Stone veneerto be determined .1--~.....~..:..:~r~.~r .., *, ~._.. .. ~}:A.. k Ir. ~"'~: '~a. ~ x ~ ~. P - .. .~ ` - ~~ :: ; .,... ~: ,<; ~;:~~ Concept O REOEN7 PROPERTIES R fi V I S 1 0 N S: DESCRIPTION DATE _PROIECTNUMBER: wall SCALE' ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 11118109 Neighborhood 7 Wall and Wall Caplmages SHEEPNUMBER: L30,0 Stucco color to beearth-tone End Condition with 2" overhang Stucco color and fnish to match adjacent house Detail: Wall and pilaster Concept: Wall return (a~ 90° where illustrated Color of stucco and cap to be earth-tone a f ~ ~ 1 ' .F ~ tl f 1, A 'P ` •~ . ,._ Grade Transition Co Elevation: Elevation: Facing streetlpublic, 4' high opaque panel with 2' high Between units lattice. 6'-0"High Good Neighbor Fence -Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 (Rear side of units) -- Rolled rap-colorb compliment wall Metal panel with pickets and decorative knuckles - color to be black ~ Vanes -See Plan ~ W in - 5t~~~ iv ~~ collet o woo with cap Concept L~ 6'-0"High Wood Fence with 12" max. Retaining Kickerboard l~3 ~~5 Metal Panel Detail (Elevation) Elevation: Side wall Condition: Elevation: Metal color to be black 3'-6" High metal panel over 2'-0"high stucco veneer wall 5'-6" High stucco veneer wall with precast cap. Color metal to be dark brown Stucco color/finish to compliment architecture. Courtyard Walls (Neighborhoods 6, 7 & 8) 6'-0" High painted metal fence Alternate 6'-0"high wood fence 3'-s"High decorative metal over 2'-0"high stucco wall with lattice (within paseo areas) ~ Decorative metal fence -see i image this sheet / ~ ----- Metal fence - color to be dark brown -see image sheet L15.0 -Wood good neighbor fence ? ~ stucco veneer wall with rolled cap -see image this sheet see image sheet L28.1 Level ~` ~ Retaining walls 3'-0"wide wood gate to be stained - e • ;~ i .atches to be dark brown, `! I'' ~ I, self-closing latchingllocking ~~ l I. , y Varies -see plan, t_ ~: House 3"dear ~ 4 4 f 8 l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l I 4. I ll ~ ~ ~ SORRENTO EAST ai D~L~ RaNCe Dublin, California AREA F O R!6lNi PRO P!l TIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PRO]ECf NUMBER: 30D-Il SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 121IN49 Neighborhood 7 Wall and Wall Cap Images LANDSCAPE AaCHITECTUflE ~n~~.. ,... ,.~. .,,._ Entry Gate to Front Door Wood Gate at end of Paseo Side yard fence condition SIEiEENUMEER (Units 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46, 51, 52, 57, 58, 74, 75, 80, 81, 86, L31.0 87,92,93) .Varies to House~~ 3'-0" ~. Varies ~, 3'-0" ~~Varies to House_ Fence condition for slopes 4:1 and steeper Fence condition for slopes 5:1 to level ,o'-o~' Landscape Parcel Gleason Drive ~ Parkway ~ Sidewalk 8'-0" ~4'/3'-0" SECTION AA Scale: 114"=1'-0" 6'-6" high stone v eer pilaster- image sheet 6'-0" high painted metal fence -see image sheet L15.0 Metal fence -see image sheetL31.0 Retaining wall -see image sheet L30.0 6'-0" high wood good neighbor fence -see image sheet L31.0 Tnn nffnntinn rac nin. R~ fr ~~ ~5 3:18'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" House Lot 77 ~, Planter Area Sidewalk~Parkway~ Vittoria Loop 3'-0.. Level ~ Area 0 PSE a ~.. . - Exposed foundation ''~• (18" max.) at high side of six-unit cluster. ~,~'>> Exposed foundation to be screened heavily ~ with landscape SORRENTO EAST er Du~L~ R>1NCN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT OROPERTIE4 R E V I S I O N S: DFSCRIPIlON DATE PROIECf NUMBER: 70x11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: IY16109 RIW SECTION CC Scale: 1f4'=1'-0" ion t House 5'-0"high retaining wall -see image sheet L30.0 6'-0"high decorative metal fence on retaining wall -see image sheet L15.0 3'-0" high retaining wall -see images sheet L30.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a min. of 18" below finish grade SECTION DD Scale: 114"=1'-0" 12'-0" R/W 13'-0" ~~, Sidewalk aped Area Lockhart Street -_ __ 6'-0"high decorative metal fence -see image sheet L15.0 ~~-- Corner monument -see Neighborhood 7 Sections LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE :oi SNEFi NDMBER L32.0 4'-6" Landscape Area 4'-6" R1W 3'-6" 3'-6" Landscape Area 6'-0" 6'-0" 10'6" Landscape Concrete Gleason Drive ~ Parkway Sidewalk Landscape Parcel rea Walk House Lot 71 ~" i I ~.. yam. ~~ /18% II ~, 6'-0"high decorative metal fence (24" from ~~ front ofwall) -see image ,, ~ sheet L15.0 ~• ~ ~~ 6'-0"high retaining wall - _~ ,, ~~ } - `~ ~ ••~' "~ see image sheet L30.0 - 2:1 slope / / 3'-0"high retaining wall - ~ ~ see images sheet L30.0 .~Yt:. j ~ - Top of fooiing (as ~~ ~ necessary) to be a min. ~_ ~ ~- of 18" below finish grade SECTION EE Scale: 114"=1'-D" House Lot 52 11'-0" Rearyard 6'-0"high decorative _.._. ~.___.____ _________, metal fence on top of wall -see image sheet L15.0 !~ I T-0"high (max.) --- retaining wall -see image sheet L30.0 6'-0"high decorative --- - metal fence over 3'-0" \ high retaining wall -see images sheets L30.0 ~ and L15.0 1 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a min. I of 18" belowf~ish ~~ grade 5'-0" ~ T-0" 2:1 Landscap 8'-0" iscape Area., Area Sidewe I 8'-0" SECTION FF Scale: 114"=1'-0" SECTION GG Scale: 114"=1'-0' RNV ~~ ~, ~~ i eer age SORRENTO EAST Ir DUBI~V A.44fN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERf1ES R E V I S I O N S: DFSCRIPDON DATE eRO>ECrN~mmra wau SCALE: A9 NOTED DATEISSIIED, 1918109 Neighborhood 7 Sections SHEET NI,MBER. L33.0 i 5'-0" Level Landscape 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~j Area in front of Entry Wall ~ ~ 2:1 Landscape Area 6'-D' 9'-0" Landscape 6'-0"Sidewalk House ~ Landscape Area 4:1 Slope Behind. Wall Sidewalk ~, Landscape Area ~ Palermo Way House Lot 42 Landscape Area ~ Area ~ 5'-D" ~~ _ _ ___ - _ _ Palermo Way ,, ! __ I 3D"high stone veneer entry / wall -see image sheet L3.0 2'-6" high stone veneer entry wall -see image sheet L3.0 ~' ~ '` ~~ ~ Top of footing (as necessary) Olive grove background - __ "~ -•' to be a minimum of 18" below _ -- '• ,, ~ , / finish grade 6'-0"high decorative metal ,. ~ -_ +- ' s~ fence -see image sheet L15.0 ~, ~ ` ~ ~ ~T - ~7 ,~~s p 4'-0" retaining wall -see image ~ , L ~ ~ :... ' °~ . . ~>' sheet L30.0 '~ ,.~ :a 1~ a ~ ;r *~ ~~ y;~. ~. ~ g; Top of footing (as necessary) to - ~ ~` ~ - I ~" ~ be a min. of 16" below finish ~ s j~~ ,~~,-``` ' ~ rade ' SECTION HH SECTION II scale: va~=r~• scale: va•=r-o• ww Riw Patio 3'-D" 6'-0" 3'-D" 3'-0" 6'-0" ouse o aries E idewalk Palermo Wa House Lot 11 10'-0" Private Yard ~__ __ __ _ _ _ _ P A PSE Sidewalk Palermo Way --- ~1-- -- ~- Y _i ~1 ' -~'~ - --- UI ~ ~ p ~~ 3'-6"high metal fence with LL 2'-0" stucco veneer courtyard 3'-6" metal fence and 2'-0" ; wall below -see image sheet ` stucco veneer courtyard ! j~ L31.0 ~ wall over 2'-6" high stucco ~~ veneer retaining wall -see I ~ 2'-6"high stucco veneer wall ' image sheet L31.0 ~ ~~ with rolled cap i ~' / U O i ll IC ~ ~ ~ v - - _ ~;- - i - - -_ - 1, ': SECTION JJ Scala: 1/a"=1'-0" SECTION KK Scale: ila'=1'-0' SORRENTO EAST Al ~U6LIN R.4h'fH Dublin, California AREA F O REOEN7 PROPER71E8 R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP170N DATE PROJECTNUMBEA: 30QI1 SCALE: ASNOTED DAT9 LSSUED: 11118109 Neighborhood 7 Sections s~eTNUn~eR L34.0 CAPOTERRA WAY I' ~~ ~~ I I I I~ ~7, I ~ ~~y Iii I L ~~ I ~ ~~ '; I;~~ ~~ I i_ _.I ~ ~i 4i iii i .~ I I W ~~ ~~~ I~ I~ Z ~f ~' N~~', I d ~ ", _ `,~ I~ ~ ~~ IW~a~ IJ 1 ",;~~~ II '. {_'i Vii:, ~ .`~~j, 1 'r~" Plan View Scale: 1"=40'-D' U 20' 4V BP ~ ~ ~ i i~~~ ~~~ LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER ___~ ENLARGEMENT AREA ---~ SORRENTO EAST ar Du~L~ AaNCe Dublin, California AREA F O T PROPERT/E8I - REOEN.. 1111' R E V I S I O N S: DESQ07-ON DATE PROJECT NUMBER: 700.11 Neighborhood 8 Wall Index Plan ~ ~~.,~ KEY MAP 3 PEAHhiw~ uae<~: oescn LANDSCAPE AAGNITECTU RE sl~TxuMBER L35.0 - i$~s~~I SORRENTO EAST ~T D~c~ RdNCN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECTNIJMEER~, 30011 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: IllI8109 Neighborhood 8 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan Plan View Scale: t'=30'-0" a ia' 3a so ~~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - Stare veneer emry wall- SaeimagesheetL39.0 - 2'6 high sMm vanea mtainYg waA wtllt rolad cep- SWCrO WIaiO L01M9MI11 aRlMledam- See irege aheel L39,0 7A' high sawn veneawell wAh preceat rap end 3'-0' high - DAaMets with raDSiROOIFgwaWwaY(atpaseceMy)- See image ,twat L39.0 - 6'-0' high etuon vmeerwell wAh iakd pp a ahemate a-0' wood fence wiAt laroca (a<peseo Dory) - Sea Merge aheM L39.0 antl L40.0 Shan venecmtairiig wal with pteasl rap- See Image slleat 139A _ Saww verwermainig walwiM mlbd ceµ See inape sheet 139.0 ~ 8'E' high BoKm veneer give y well wAh pxa& canasta rap - See image sheet U0.0 SYM80L DESCRIPTION - Retaining well (Keystone arother)- See Image sheet L39.0 ~ 8'-0'tigh wood Aced neghbor fence Sea mega sheet L40.0 (Pence shall ua 8'fi' high haeMwen Ids 263 17620,23826, 29832 end 1066NOj ~, RetaNing wall lKeyslane aoNal, wAh B'-0'melal fence on mP - See Image street L79.0 - 3'~'high decorative metal knce aver 7-0'high sNCce veneawal with cap. See image sheet L40.0 - 5-0' Mgh wood good raighbor lance wiM letlbe Indudi~ 3'-0' wlde gate - See Image sheet L40.0 ~ ~ See image ,heel L40.0 Note: All top of walls to t>e stepped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise lmted. See image sheets for top cf wall grade transitbn concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. © ammwo+w,wr KEY MAP SHEET N[la1BER~ L36.0 i~~ ~ 1~ I SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ AaNCe Dublin, California AREA F O ,r ~NGrENrrEa REGEN R E V] S I O N S: DFSCWrDON ~ DATE )-_-- PROIEC'I NUMBER: 706U SCALE', AS NOT® DATE ISSUED 111ifll09 Neighborhood 8 Wall Veneer & Cap Plan rlan view Scale: 1"=30'•0' 0' 16' 30' 60' ~ ~~ SYMBOL DESCRIPTION _ StanavenaeraMy wal- sea inege sheet L38.0 - 7A' high ahxm veneer retammg wall whh rdletl mp sIKCO mdrte complinenl emAhecNre - See imegewheal L39.0 2'E' high eNCm verwer wall w6h Orecaet caD and 3'-0' hlgh _ Dpasten wM cap etratldling walkway (al peeeo ently)- SeelmageskeetL39.0 _ 8'-0' hgh 9tu¢0 vrereer well wiN Icled rap a ademete 6'-0' wind terms whh wince lal paseo onyl ~ see Image sheet Lag D and L400 StUCLe veneer refeNing wall with prewsl c6µ ' - see Image sheet L39,0 - Sturm veneer retainirg wall wMh raletl r6µ See inepe wheel L39.0 ~ s'E' hgh smcm veneer PhvacY well with premst mnvele cap - SeeimageaheetL10.0 sv6,eaL DlscalpnaN - Retaining wall (KeyelorieaoMer)- See irege 9h0e1 L39.0 ~ 6'-0'highwood good neighbor fence- Sea knege wheel L40.0 (Fence shall be 5-0' Ngh InbeMeen bls 28J 17820,23626, 29832 end 10661101 ~~;- RetalNng well (NeysMn arothar), wah 8'{r metal fence ontop- See ime9e sheet L39.0 - 3'8'high tlecaraeve matalhxe over Y-0'hgh eWCm veneer well wdh mp- See knag0 shoal L40.0 ~ S'L' hgh wood goad nelgMOr fence wIM Mace Nrdudhg 3'{Ywidegate- See Image sheet L40.0 ~ Gate sea image dwel LaD.D Note: AI I top of veal Is to be stepped to accomodate grade changes unless otherwise rated. See image sheets fa tap of wall grade iransitlon concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. ,~ © rsamkewww,r~~ KEY MAP _ _ - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SNEET NUMBER L37.0 PALERMO WA_Y ~~ ~~ / ~qo~ ~5 ~ SORRENTO EAST aT OUBL~ RaNCd Dublin, California AREA F O Rf GENT PROPER LIES R E V I S I O N S: D58CRIP770N DATE PROJEC_P_ NUh18ER: 300.1 I SCALE: - -~ AS NOTED DATELSSIIED: ILI&'09 Neighborhood 8 Typical Cluster Unit WaIllFence Plan Typical fence and wall layout - 6 -unit's Plan View Scale: 1"=10'-0" a' s' to zo' ~ ~ WALL LEGEND SYMSOI DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - SlanevewerwM1rywal- See Ynage sheet L39,0 _ YE'h~7h sM1xLro veneareanegwelwithraledwp- s0xm wbr to wmplimenl erdgledure- See imepe rhea L39.0 _ 2'-B'high rtuwo vawerxall with piewri wp enA 3'-0'hgh plasare wXh wD straddlFg weMweY (et paseo enhyl- See Image sheet L39.0 - 6'-0'hgh stuau veneer well wlM rolled wpa etlemata E-0' wood fenw w8h attiw 181 peseos wry) - See Ywge stwet L3a0 end L40.0 SIIIELO veneer reaming well wiN prewar wo- See brege shed L39 0 ~ S'S'hgh shKCO Venea pmrery wall whh prewri wnaea wp- See inage Sheri 1A0,0 - Relelningwall(Keystowao08~- SeaimagesheelLSB.O ~ 6'-0'hph woob good neighbor hnw- SeeimagesAeetL40,0 (Fenw ahel be 5'd' hlph InpeMwa ba 2&3 1T82D,23826, 29832 8M 108&110) Reaming wall (I(eyatareadhar), w8h 8'-0'meal feriw a tap- Sae inage rhea L39.0 - 3'8'high decaa8ve rtiealfanw overt'-0'high e81Cw veneer wall w8h wp- See inege sheer tAO.D - 5'b' high wood good neighbor lane wtlh lettlw iiduiq 3'-0' wide gaa - See Fage sheet L40.0 Note: All top of walls to be st~rped to accommodate grade changes unless otherwise noted. See image sheets for top of wall grade transition concept. See grading plans for heights of walls. © a«,w..w«w.. KEY MAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE L38.0 BRAMANTE LANE 2'-6" high stucco veneer wall with precast cap and 3'-0" high, 24" square stucco veneer pilaster with precast cap (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled ~~' ~,~ +~ ~~ ~~~` ~ ~ ~.~ti~ t ~ re~RC~ Detail: Wall and pilaster (Enlargement) Street grade (varies) Where wall height exceeds 3'- provideelevation transition for wall (step) to 2'-6" ~~ ~I~~yi W ~t ~ . Concept Stucco veneer privacy wall with rolled cap between units Concept ne retainina walls 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap or stucco veneer ~" ~~ retaining wall with precast top of ' 'i cap. See plan for location and this sheet for image Detail: Wall 2'-6"high stone veneer paseo entry wall with 3'-0" high, 24" square stone Retaining wall elevation transition along street veneer pilaster (potential public art location - arbor at paseo entry only) (Bramante Lane, Capoterra Way, Grafton Street) Stone veneer to be determined ry 4w'6q~u~~~ ~_, ~~~~ rL .ti; .. . _.. ,~oa ~~, ..~ ,,, k 2 r ,~: ~~ Concept SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ RdHfa Dublin, California AREA F REGENT „ O PRO/ERilEB R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIrnON DATE PROIECTMIAIBER', 30411 SCALE: AS NDTED DATE ISSUED Ill18109 Neighborhood 8 Wall and Cap Images SHEEP MIMBER. L39.0 Color of stucco and cap to beearth-tone End Condition with 2"overhang Stucco color and fnish to match adjacent house Stucco color to beearth-tone Concept: Wall return @ 90° where illustrated '~ .~ f 9 i s ' 1 , i` ,~ ~ / I~- ~ ,. - .p +-e' , . Elevation: Elevation: Facing street/public, 4' high opaque panel with 2' high lattice. Between units 5'-6"High and 6'-0" High Good Neighbor Fence -Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 (Rear side of units) Rolled cap - color to compliment wall ~% Metal panel with pickets and decoraliveknuckles - color to be black _ Varies • See Plan ~ ./ // N ~ stud roller Elevation: 3'-6"High metal panel over 2'-0"high stucco veneer wall a wau with cap A r~k t ~~ I,~~ &~+' j Grade Transition Conce ^ y ~ _ ,~ w. ' /r e :rt~T, Side wall Condition: 5'-6"High stucco veneer wall with precast cap. Stucco color/fnish to compliment architecture. Courtyard Walls (Neighborhoods 6, 7 & 8) 3'-6" High decorative metal aver 2'-0" high stucco wall ,~ 'i I I ;: i 1~t I 1 ~ "' i t ~qa ~ ~~ Alternate 6'-0"high wood fence with lattice (within paseo areas) - Stucco veneer wall with rolled cap -see image sheet L28.1 ~3'-0" wide wood gate to be stained - Latches to be dark brown, self-closing latchingllocking - 3" clear SORRENTO EAST Ar DUBL~1 RANCH Dublin, California AREA F _ REOEMi-" O PROIERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP170N DATE I PRO]ECC NUMBER: 3W-I I SCALE: ASNDTED DATE ISSUFA: IvIBID9 Neighborhood 8 Fence, Wall, and Cap Images 6'-0" Hi h Wood Fence with SaEETMIMBER g Entry Gate to Front Door Wood Gate at end of Paseo Retaining Kickerboard L40.0 Metal Panel Detail (Elevation) Metal color to be black Fence condition for slopes 4:1 and steeper Fence condition for slopes 5:1 io level .Varies to House~,~ 3'-0" ~ Varies ~, 3'-0" ~,/aries to House. Concept 6'-0" RIVV 8'-0" Concrete Landscaped 5'-0" 5'-0" Palermo Way _ Sidewalk Area -0"Front Yard House Lot 3 _ Bramante Lane Parkway Sidew~ 5'-0" PSE ~ I 5'-6"high privacy 2'-6" high stucco veneer -- --- ' ~ wall -see image wall with rolled cap - % sheet L40.0 see image sheet L39.0 U `L j~. , / ; j~ ,~-~ti ; i~ri: 1 SECTION AA sGaie: va"=r~" I;IW SECTION CC Scale: 1!a'=1'-0' t ", SECTION BB scale: va'=r-o' 3'-0" Landscape Area PSE 4'-0" 3:1 Landscaped Slope ~y ~ House Lot 31 1'-0" Level Area at Too of Slooe la3~b '~51 10'-0" Parcel A _ --- 3'-0" Level Densely 3'-6" 8'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 3:1 Landscaped Area Landscape Area 6'-0" Concrete Landscape Landscape 3'-6" Grafton Street .Parkway Sidewalk PSE ~~ Slope ~ ~ Wa~way ~ House Lot 35 2'-6"high stucco veneer ', retaining wall with rolled t I I cap -see image sheet ', L39.0 2'-6"high stucco veneer ~ wall with precast ' \ "` ' concrete cap -see ' \ ~ i image sheet L39.0 ~' ~ ~~ ` r - ~~ ~ ?:, Top of footing (as - ~ ~ ~ iA necessary) to be a ~..A ~ 4 ,~ ~ ,F. ~ - minimum of 18" below ~ ' '; ± . P I finish arose ~, 1 SECTION DD Scale: ila'=1'-0" SORRENTO EAST ~1 DUBL~ RASre Dublin, California AREA F REOENi O PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCPJP770N DATE I'ROJECTNIIMBER~ 30411 SCALE' AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: I2I18109 Neighborhood 8 Sections 3 PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEET M1MBfR. L41.0 3'-6" 3:1 Landscape Slope 8'-0" ~ 5'-0" 4'-0" Level 6'-0" Concrete Landscape Landscape Grafton Street Parkway Trail PSE Area - _ --~-- ~ - ~- - f ~ i 2'-6" high stucco veneer retaining ~ wall with rolled top -see image sheet L39.0 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with precast concrete cap - seeimage sheet L39.0 3'-6" Wide Concrete Pasea Walk 4'-0" ' Landscape Area , House Lot 103 (a~~ ~~- SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O ENi PROPERTIE8 R E 6. ~.•~.....~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP170N DATE SECTION EE scale: 114"-,~-0" 5'-()" Planter Area 12'-0" Planter Concrete ~, Neighborhood 5 Amalfi Landscaped Slope ~, ~ ..Trail Wal Existing 2'-6"high stucco veneer partial -,I ,,,,,,,, ~~, retaining wall with precast concrete cap ~ SECTION FF sale: vs~r.o" 2'-6" high stucco veneer retaining wall with precast , concrete cap to match Sorrento 1 Neighborhood 5 `1 wall directly across street -see image sheet L39.0 1 8'•0" Concrete Trail 14'-0" `~ ~ Parkway ~, Grafton Street ~ .Parkway ~,___ 5'-0" Landscape Area j 3'-0" 3:1 Landscaped Slope ~ ~_ ' ~ 2'-9" Planter Area ~~ 4'-0"Walkway ~ ~ T-0" Landscape Area R1W ;~ , '~ /. ,'. House Lot 105 ' ; 3'-0" high stucco veneer it / retaining wall with rolled cap - seeimage sheet L39.0. Top of footing has necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below ~I ~ finish grade PROIECt NUMBER: 300-1 I SCALE: ASNOIED DATE ISSUED: 17/18109 Neighborhood 8 Sections SIDES NUI.®ER: L42,0 ~ 5'-0" 3'-0" 3:1 Landscape Slope 6'-0" Landscape 3'-0" 3:1 Landscape Slope Capoterra Way Sidewalk _ Area ; 18'-0" Privatt 3'-6" high decorative metal fence over 2'-0" stucco veneer wall (courtyard wall) over 3'-0" '~\ high stucco veneer wall -see ' ` image sheet L40.0 I i 4'-0"high stucco veneer wall - - - _- - ~ ~ \ _ with rolled top -see image ~ \ `' sheetL39.0 Ui 0' \ 2'-6" high stucco veneer wall - ~ ..~ ..- ~y with precast concrete cap - ~ ~ "• see image sheet L39.0 i ~ j it Top of fooling (as necessary) ~ to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade ~ 110 ~q~~~51 SORRENTO EAST AT ~UBIJ~V RANfH Dublin, California AREA F O REEENT PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCR1P170N DATE SECTION GG Scale: 114"=1'-0" 10'-0" Private House Lot 101 ~, Yard ~I 3'-6"high stucco veneer -- courtyard wall over 3'-0" retaining wall -see courtyard wall image concept sheet L39.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade 5'-0" ~ ndscape~ 6'-0" Area Sic SECTION HH SECTION II Scale: 114"=1'-D' Scale: 114"=1'-0' 3:1 ~ escape 5'-0" 5'-0" lrea Sidewalk Parkway _AraldiStreet 3'-0" PSE 18" hi h max. ex osed _ , 9 ( ) P / foundation to be heavily ~ screened with landscape _.. PROTECT NUMBER: 300.11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 1y18109 Neighborhood 8 Sections LANDSCAPE AaCHITECTUflE StDETMINBF.R. L43.0 ~ 3'-0" 3:1 6'-0" Landscape Capoterra Way ,Sidewalk '-0" PSE lope: 10'-0" I 3'-6" decorative metal over --- ~I I~ 2'-0" high stucco wall over \\ retaining wall- see image sheet \ L40.0 2'-6" high stucco veneer ----- retaining wall with rolled cap - see image sheet L39.D Top of footing (as necessary) \ to be a minimum of 18" below ' fnish grade ~' V ~ '~ LL ~~ ,,.... ~~ SECTION JJ Scale: 114"=1'-0" Lot 126 Araldi Lane ~Parkway~ UPI 0 2'-6"high stucco -- veneer retaining wall ~ with rolled cap -see image sheet L39.0 " • ,'~. 1 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a ~, ~,, minimum of 18" bel "' finish grade SECTION KK Scale: 114"=1'-0" 3'-0"Landscape Area PSE ' 3'-0" 3:1 Landscape Area RIVY 3'-6" 6'-6" Landscape k ,, Uyalkwati Area House Lot 109 ~~~~ ~~ SORRENTO EAST Al ~UBLIN RAere Dublin, California AREA F O RE6,ENTxPR 0PER TIES R B V I S I O N S: OESCRIPITON -ATE PRO]ECENUMBER~, JOO~u SCALE: AS NOTE- DATE ISSOED: IYI Bq3 Neighborhood g Sections oAND9CAPE AgCHITEti URE 5}IEETNUMBER L44.0 i~ Plan View scar: ~ ao-o° g' sg eg' eo' ~~~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SNao veneer reminmg wall weh idled caD ~ etaon mla b ~ wmplenentarthhedure- See tnape sheet LIS.O TA' hgh smaa veneer retaining wall with preps) pD and ~ 36' high eloiw veneer Blasters wdh Preps) pp m mamh Sonarna 1- See epgesheet U6.0 - 30'hiph smnaveneeremry wall with 3g'hi~pYariers~ See Ynege sheet L40.0 F~Istlng 30' hlgh sbne veneer entry well with 36' pieslws See inage sAeat L15.0 ~ $IUPA Veneer relvning well wim mlletl pp See mega sheet L46.0 SORRENTO EAST AT D~I1~ RdNCN Dublin, California AREA F O EE6ENT PROPEET/E8 - ,..,...,...,.. ~w~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION ~ DATE __ PROTECT NUMBER: 30011 SCALE: AS NOTED DATEISSUEU: IllIR~ Neighborhood 9 Wall Veneer and Cap Plan LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTURE sIE:ErxImmER L45.0 «g ~ ~ ~ SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN RaNfN Dublin, California AREA F REDEN O T PR DIERTIES Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap Concept R E V I S I O N 5: DESCPJP770N DATE 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with precast cap and 3'-0"high stone veneer pilasters with cap (wall to change elevation at pilasters only) (Along Central Parkway only) PROIECTNUMBER: iaall SCALE: ASNOTID DATEISSUED~ IyI8109 Neighborhood 9 Fence, Wall Veneer and Wall Cap Images 3 PLANNING UABAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SIIEETNUAIBER~ L46.0 Stucco veneer color to be earth-tone and compliment architecture. 36"high stone veneer pilasters. Stone to match Sorrento 1 Stucco veneer cabr to compliment architecture. Concrete cap to match Sorrento 1 Pilasters to occur at steps only ~~~~,~ o .,~ ., ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ i SORRENTO EAST ~T DUBL~ Rara~e Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES Guardrail: 42"high metal guardrail to be painted dark brown Handrail: cobr to be dark brown End Condition: "Lambs Tongue," Between Units: concrete steps with concrete color to be dark brown cheek wall and handrail. Light to be located in cheekwall Decorative Metal Concrete Steps with Cheekwall R E V I S f O N S: DESCRIP170N DATE PROIECI' NUMBER: 101E u SCALE: AS NO7LD DA7EISSUED: 12118109 Neighborhood 9 Fence, Steps, Decorative Metal Images lAND9CAPE ARCHITECTURE SHE£rNUMBER: L47.0 aoo ~ ~5 i SORRENTO EAST dT DUBI,~i R.4NCR Dublin, California AREA F REG O ENT PROVERilE3 R E V I S I O N S: DESORIPDON DATE SECTION AA Scale: 1I4"=1'-0' PROTECT NUMBER: 30PII SCALE: ASN07ED DATE ISSUED: 17/18109 .Central Parkway 2'-6"high stucco veneer - wallwith precast concrete cap -see image sheet L46.0 Top of fooling (as necessary) to be a minimum of 16" below top of f nish grade 4'-0" Landscape Area 6'-0" ~ 5'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" Parkway 8'-0" Planter Concrete Landscape T-0" ~2% Max. Sidewalk Area alkway Area Porch - -__~- 8 Private patio Neighborhood 9 Sections LANDSCAPE 0.aCHITECTUNE „~ ion HA". c. ~... sr,tc<a... SECTION BB Scale: 114'=1'-0" SH£Pi NUMBER: L48.0 2~~~ ~-~7 SORRENTO EAST ar ~UBIrIlV NANfA Dublin, California AREA F O REOlNT PR0PLRTIL3 R E V I S I O N S: DESCR~TION DATE Exis venE pilas sheE SECTION CC Scale: 114"=1'-0" SECTION DD Scale: 119"=1'-0' R/ W 10'-0"Sidewalk 12'-0" 10'-0" Grafton Street yat Corner Condition Landscape. Area Landscape Ar a Building 1 -_ - Cypress ---- --- Smallflowering accent -- - i ~ ~ tree ~ ~~ ~ ' Rosemary to cascade - -- ~ , over wall 6' high stucco veneer - -- -- ~ ' ; wall with rolled cap - ', see image sheet L46.0 ~ "~ . _ Top of footing (as K ,. necessary) to be a `~~`.' ;,;: minimum of 18" t~elow top of finish grade -a. ` ~ Rosemary +5' -- ~ ~. x< I ~ _ _. .. ~. ' , ~. _ ----- Lavender +24" ~ ~- , SECTION EE Scale: 114'=1'-0' PROIECTNUMBER: wau scAEE AseorBD DATE ISSUED: ILIBr'09 Neighborhood 9 Sections 3 • PLANNING URBAN DE91GN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEET NUMBER: L49.0 ~ - -- -- - ~ ___ y _~__ ._ __ __ _ -~ ,, ___ - - .o - ~ __ - ~~ ~ ~>~ ~% I I ""~ ~ ~ ', _ ~ ~ "s ~ '~ ~ , I __ ', ~~ T ~~I ~~ ~1 I~ ~0 49 18 A ~ .. ~ ~-: ~ ~ rl 'I __ ., i ., I II ~ ~ ~3 I /- ~ 1 t, ~ _, _ - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, r' ,~ _ ~ ~ I » ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ~ i ~ ~ 5G ,I w i i I ~ ~ ,( ~,- _ ~ _ o-~ ~ ;~ ', ~ i9 I I ~8 I _ I ~ ~ 4 I F~ ih~_ ~4 !li ~ j r iG ~ ~ -rr y ~ 61 60 ' ~ ~ ~ I i ~ ~L' I ~ ~ ~ I I I i I ~y~_ r~, ~~ ~^'*' ' I I ~~ ~ ~~ t ~ I I ~ tJ~ I~ i I I ~ ,_ 111NNN ,~ _ ~ ~ ~~ _~~ I V ' ' ~ -I ~ ~ II ,~ ~ I ~ I I ~;, ~ 1 1 I I ~ ~~ ~', lh'. t ~ ,.._~ it ~~' ~ ) , I I I C I I i i ,- ~ ,~~ ~ -.. r I,~ I I. 0 ES IROL'E ~ ~I ~I _~ - ~~ ? I i -- A ~. I I ~ I I ElL ,~ I ~ I_ I i_ R ~ ,3 _ ~ I - - _ I ~r I I ~ p, ~ ~' _' -~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ = I I ~~ ~ ~ I- ~~ Syr ~= - ~ ' I r0 71~ ~ ~- -~ ,' " ~ ' ~ I ~~ ~ ~ - r ~ ~ ~ ~~ I i ~ i i , i1 89 ~ ~ I I r ~ ~ y -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~ 88 I i _ n~ i%~, t ~ , ~ ~ I~ _ ~ ~ I ~ `' I `` ~ W I :, . ~ , ~ _ a ~ 4.3 uJ . .~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ I I ~ 1' ~ ~~ '`~ i ~, ) ~ ~ b ~ '~ ~'~ 63 ~~ ~ I ~~ i ~ ' r ~ I ~~ ~ ,Y L~1'~ a ':`y4'~iC~ I "`_~_'T Q < < I ~ /y, ~ ~ • ~i ~ _ a I ~ ~~ 4 I t~%%~S~~ (i ~~~ Ff _ __ _ _ 1_ `y,~ II ~ it ~ 2 ,' ~ I ti ~~ n _ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~`, ~ ~' Y ~ ~ ~ ' _' ~-~~ ~~ t - ~ ?1 _ _ _ y - ~ ~ ~ ~ -F ~ ~ ~, --- J p ~~ k -- ~~ H _ ~ - I >~ I '~ ~ ~ ?, ~~ ;= y ~ ~`~~'`, ~ ~ if i~ll~~ ', ~~ ~'~ I~~~ -~ ~'r'1 I` ~ ~I I ~~' ~' I ~~I „ ~ ~li ~ li ~ ~ 76 li_ I~ ~'~ I'' ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ i-_ ~ ~~--- - ~' ~ a to e~ ~ ~ \ ~ I i I~~ "I ~ it 80 " ~ ~I r8 ~ i~ „ ~~ l jl~ ~ I - . - _ -~ ~'~'~' . ~ ~~ F` a r ? E' ~ L'i ~~~ i ~ 7 r i - I I~ - I , ~~ •~ -~ ` ~ ~ I 1 '~ I ~ I ~ ' I r J I~~ 'I ~I , ~ ' 11~ "~ I I 40 ~ - I ~' 8 ~ ` t ~ ,i ' ~8 ~ I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ i 84 ~ ~~ ~ ~ v ~ ,~~~ ~- ~~ - 1, I ~ l_ ---~- II -~ ~ '; ~~ ~~ ~~ i _~I ~,_~ ~ -t --- _- tl I, -~',T l I ' ~~ ~ ~;> ~~, _ ~ ,n ~ ~, ~ ,~ I ~ , / I 1FAZID T2RI~AEE I ~~ ~ II ~ t !-_ ~ ~ ,~ I ~_L~ i I II ' ~ ~ ~ I ~~ t I I - ~(~ I ,~_ -, ,' 1, ~I I ~ I I ~ I ~~ I J I ~ ~ I ~ _- I _ -_ ' ,'' 1, ~ J I ~1 i I ' ' 'I 3B I ,, i I I- - ~~ i 9L I II I r 94 ~-' ~ I ' ~ ~ ' I ~ ~- I ~ ~----~ ~ ,~ _ i ~ I L 93 ~II r a I I ~ I t ~~ I I ~r i I t. ~ I I 188 I 90 , I ~ 9' i t L~H~ ' I t ~ I ~ _ '_ 1 i i ' ~~_-, iL_ -~ ~ _ ~ ~f T i I II t - r ll iI I ~I ~~41~ ~ ~ r~ L1 fT n ~ I I ~, G I ~ ~ GENTO~~~ ~ I ~~ ~~~ ~~I ~I ~ ~~~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tPR ApE ~I ~ I ~ I _ ~~~ il, t R ) I i R ~. I T E 1? ~ i ' ~ o ~ I ~ r~'~ ~, i ~i ' li - i I ~~ 96 I i ~q -~ tt ~ ~ ~~' ~~ ~ I ~~I l01 ~ 'i 100 li ~i ~~~I ~ S ~ ~~I 9 r ~~ I 195 r ~ 99 r I __ U ~~~ >os '~, ion I~ ~ _ o~ ~ ~'; ` }~ I I - _ ~ I , i~ 1 tl~.~~~~~~% x;~ ~' a~ I~~ I I I ~ 'Ir,', III I __ 1 r I ' ~ ' I ~ ~ 1;3 Plan View Scale: t"=30'A' 0 15 30' 60' a~ r_~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ~ 6'8'high alone veneer elNy walls wM pedeahian and rehlalar ~~ . See mesa Mad L52.0. 8'-0' high deoaetlre metal fence wdh gate Sea Ynage sheet L52.0 - 3'-0'high eNCavene9r patio well with Prarssl mfltlela np, palb wall opoonal wM opllonal metal gate, except on Carmel Parkway, pehowgtli verges B mF. fian face of hdNe See image Sheet L53.0 _ 3'-0'84-0'high sWaa vwneer nNaining wallwM mlkd cap, eee tlel anglreeVa Plana tar epedhc locatlana eM helgh~a. (rfi high Mwalls abng Lea Thompson arA Tamenro 7emxv) - see Image sheer L52.0 - 3'-0' Palmed Ma>al Fence aver 3'-0' high shraa war. 6'-0' hgh m n mum irons street sde 8 high maximum. - See megewheel L18 0 8'-0' high Ponoe ova reta'nirg was See mega sheet L18 0 fl L52.0 ~ 6'-0' high good nelghhor fence wXh Wtlke aM gale- See Mege sheet L53.0 - Slwre rehear retainng wah See Image Meet I52 0 - 8'-0'hlghgoodnelpNborfexe- See knegesheet LS0.0 2'E' hqh SUMCa veneer wall wiN precastmndete oeP and 3'-0' stone veneerpWeNere 91 walkways b nniGh N9 and Sorremo 1 See linage Masi L52.0 8'6' hlgh sWCm veneer Pdreq well w8h pmcaN mncMe cep- ~ See mageaMet LS2.0 ~ Re~ining wall lKeyshnaaother} See gnage Meet L82.0 _ 30' high stone veneer entry wet wNh 30' Algh pilasters (at army et Lea Thompson Sb9el -See Image strwet L48.0 SORRENTO EAST Al DUBLIl~ RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOfN i~Yi1ROPERT/E8 R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION -- - i DATE PROIECT_NUMBER: 3041 I SCALE. ASNOTFD DATE ISSUED; IL1H109 Neighborhood 10 Wall Veneer and Cap Plan ~"'a'+r+vmvar KEY MAP LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUflE SFIPETNUMBER L50.0 ., ~; ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1~L~~ r,~ I I , - ~ --, - ~ ~N~ ~ ~lo~, ~~ ,. ~- ~~l ',~ ~ ' ,~ ~' ~~ sa '' ~- / ~ ,,__ - ~ ~`I I 1 ~ r i ~~, ~ 191 ' ~I ~ I ~I 9T - ~ - 1 _ - ~~ ~ ~~~" ~~~11. ~~ ~88 ~ ~ 90 ~'~ 9'' 1 931' I ~- ~ i I ~ II I ~ 81 ~3y ~~ ~ I 1 - ~ i ~' ~ -~ r r -~ ~ r I ~ ~ r 1 1 ~ I 1 l' 1 I 11 0 a, ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ O ~ ,~K. _ 1 ~,, ~I ~ ~~.~~ -' '~' ~' ~ ~ ' G 1 _ ~CHERICO I ~ ~~ ~ _ '0 t ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 - ~ * ~ 5 ~ V _ _ 0 TERRAOE 0 I ~ 1• ~, ~ ~~ ~ tip - -r. I L-.. _ _ '_' -., - I ~' 1' 1 cA r ti ~ 1 r I { ~ ~ 1 1 i ~~~ r1- 1 ~ ~~ - ~~ 1 Z -_ ~ ~ _ ll. -11_--'r.. Z N ~ - I ~ -r y / O ~ ~ I r'>!'L ' li~ ~ 1 , ,_~ `r ~~ ~ ' - -. ~ = '' , ~ - ' ~- 1 -~ -'_ ~ 6~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ' ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , . ~ ~~ I I i ~ 111 1 ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ -i ' ~ !lt U r ~~ -~ ~ _ N ONCE _ ~ ,i - ~, 1 f ~UG ~-i l 1: ~._ ~1 I I ~ I i 98 ~ I, I t ~ _ _ - _ m ~: ~~ , 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~i~l -~ ~ ~ 1101 ~~ _ I, ~ ~ ~ ~ i 96 I~ 195 ~ ~ ~ , - fn / 100 I ~, 1-~ ~, ~ 9( W ~ L, ~ 36 ~ 1 ,;, ~ ~~I;1110;31 IU:,11 11 99 ~ I 1 ~ -I i ~ 1 I~-_- ~ ~ ~- o ~. 1 I t 1 ~ 1~~ ,~ ~ I- ~ L i ;' ~ ~# ~ ~ 1 1 , 5~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ I :I ~ 11 ~ "_ I 1 ~~ / ~`,',` ~ I ~~ _ ~ ~ _ I III ~ 1 - ~ ~,- - _ GI VANN1 _ -._- -, ~~~~ ~' I ~~~~ IL'~ -'-- _~~, ... - RACE 1 - w ~ `~~ 35 A ~ I ~, 0 I _ ~ ~ ~ m ~~ t ~ - r -, 111 ~ `~ 1 ; _ ,- _. ~ ` i ~ i , ~"_ ~ ~~ ~ ,1 1i 1 I ~ L, ~ }-3-- - = ~ J I 1 -rr _ -~ ~ 1 ~ ~ '1 t~fi~ 3~ I1 I Y~ I ~ ~ '`~~~~~ - 1 1 ~~ I ~ 1~ i 1 u.~ ~~ I I L~ 1 .- ~ ~101~ i ~1~ r f r i ~ - 105 b IIIOi~ 1';I LOBS il~ I1 I t ~`~ - ~ li 'I - 1 1 ~ 11 ~- i ~1 I1 I '`yam- ~ - I ~ --~ -- ,~ I ~I _ I ', ~ t ~ 1 ~~ II•~ t 1 33 _~ I I ll l ''' ~'~ 109'- ~I10~ i 1 1 ~_ E,i,Cr- .~ ~ ~ ,~ _ ~ I I I I ~~ I ~1 ~1~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~I, , ~~T ly _L j ~1 Erc _~ al I ~ ~ I k ~~ i 1 y -- I ~ i, ~ ~ 1 1, ~ ~1 ~l `, ~ '- I - ~ 4 ~ ~„ ~ i 11 I,I ~I(1 11 ~ h, i C ~ ~ III 1 T I -~ ~~ ,1 i I 1 ! 11 __.- t~ I _x'111 ~11 1 I '~, ,III ~~L _~. I I~ ~ _, I I ,1 I~~ 1 11 _ "- _ _- _ _______ ___ ~ e ~~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 ' 1 -(---I i I _ - _ fi ~ EE _ 1 I r--~---- 11 ' ' ~ I ~ __ 1 'y ~ ~: ~ r_ t I -----r-_ r- -T PCAOE I I ~I ~ r_1_ ~REVElU 1 1 `11 I1 ~ 1 I I II 1~ I ( ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ -~, I- I 1 1~ ~ I 1 ~i r L55.Q,~ ~~ ~ ~ '~I~' _ I ~ I~~~- _1 1 ~';~~ 'I~ ~ 11 ~,l ~ 1~ ~; 1t~ I ~ ~' i f~r~~ ~ - I ~ 1 , ~~ ~' ~I~ 30 ~ 1 ~ 3rr ~ I i ~' ~ ~C - -r~, s i i ~I I ~I ~ I ~~ ~' ~~ ~ 1~ 1 3l ~ t ~~ 1G 1~ l ~ i ~ I -~ i I i 'i ~ I -_ I - I i~ ~q ( '~ ~I~ 29 ~''~ 'yl ~ ~~ ~ -- 1 -~ ~ i ~1 i I l8 I-- i - ~0 _ I ~ i ~ ~i i ~ i'~ 11~ ?0 , ~ , ~ i '~, .-X _, I 11 I iI r ~ i (9 1 - i „I ~ i - I ,~ i ;'1 1~ I r I N6I _ _ ~ ~ ,, _E' _ ~ jl ~ it L i ~~1 ~? i ~3 1I j 111 X51__ I I-, II„ - ,I_ ~-~ 1 ~~ .-~ I I~ I ~ - ~ '~ I I I~T_ / _ - ~ 1 - _ ~ 1 ~~ - , 4 ~ ~-h ~ i - I s I -~-~~ ~I 1 1 f~ 0 _ T w f L , I 1 0~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ I' - ~ i ~i ~1 1' I~ ' a ~ _I - 1~ J - L h ~, I _ 0 _~~ ~~ ~i- ~ 1 I 11 ~- ~' ~- i ~ I L~ I I 1 i ~~~Y' ' - - _~ - L 'i I ~ _~_! _ - Plan View CENTRAL PARKWAY sDBIB: ~•=30'-0• r N T 0' 15' 3g 67 O - !• 1~~~~ 03 ~~ ~5 NN WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTIIXJ 0 8'6'high atone vaneeren0ywellsw6h pedestrian and vetkenr Antes, - See image sheet L52.0. 6'-0' high deowa6ve metal nnw wtlh gem- See mOga Sheet L52.0 _ 3'-0' hph sWao veneer Pallo wall whh praasl conaele wp, patio wall optional whh optional mewl gem, exwpt on Central PaMwaV, Patio wio'Br vades 6' min. hwn nw of house - SeelmagealreetL83.0 - 3'-0'84'-0'hgh aWan veneer remining wall whh rowed wp, see tlNl engFeeVS pans fw speGAC lowtlons and helghn. (2'-6' high M wells abrrg Lee Thampron entl Tamenm Tenaw) -See image sheet L52.0 - 3'-0' Painted Motel Fence over 3'-0' high sNao wet. 8'-0' hgh minimun han strael sde 8' hid ma imam. - ' Sae hwge sMel L16,0 ~~, 6'-0'higyt fenw ovar remining wall- See anage shoal 116.0 8152.0 ~ 8'-0'hgh gooO neighbor Mroe wiN nNw arM gele- Seemage6heetL53.0 - Stare veneer nYainhg wel- See BnOAe sheet LS2.0 - 8'-0'hph good neighbor/ence- See merge streM L53.0 2'8' high amcw veneer wtll wM prewat wnaete wp and 3'-0' stone verrea punsters at wetkwayam maid, N9 end Sorterdo 1- Sea'megestreetL52.0 5'-0' hlgh smcw veneer pdvagwal wRh Prac06t concrete wp- - Sea Rnege sheet L520 - Reminlnp wall (Keyslare aotlrer} See'mege sheet L52.0 - 30'hph dare veneereMry vrell wMh 30'high pesters (al envy at Lee Thompem Sbeet-Sea Ynage sheet L46,0 SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ RANCd Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROIERT/E9 ~ ..~ R E V I S I O N S:_ DESCRIPTION __. _ I GATE - PROTECT NUMBER: )0011 SCALE AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: _ IYI8169 Neighborhood 10 Wall Veneer and Cap Plan © rare"k^.wswav KEY MAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEEI'NDMBER L51.0 ~I~ J '~ ~ ~ - ,; Stucco veneer color to compliment architecture. Concrete cap to 36"high stone veneer pilasters. Stone to match Sorrento 1 Pilasters to occur at steps only match Sorrento 1 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall with precast cap and 3'-0"high stone veneer pilasters with cap (wall to change elevation at pilasters only) (Along Central Parkway only) zo~~~~ SORRENTO EAST Ar D~BLIlV RdNfN Dublin, California AREA F O REC E.NT~PRO PERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRNTION DATE Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled r Detail: Wall Stone veneer retaining wall (stone to be determined) ~~~ retaining walls Concept ~4 S* Concept `„'~c? :r3-. ~~, i ~-.r-w---_.-..~. ''„ ~~~~ _ ~,~ ~ 'r_ ~ya ~. l "x: .~ u~d Side wall Condition: 5'-6" High stucco veneer wall with precast rap. Stucco colorlf Wish to compliment architecture. Privacy Wall PRO7ECENUMBER, J00.n SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: IllIP109 Neighborhood 10 Fence, Wall Veneer and Cap Images SHEPTNUMAPR: L52.0 Stucco color to be earth-tone Concept: Wall return @ 90° at ends Elevation: Color metal to be dark brown 6'-0" high painted metal fence Steps to slope (private yards) ~~ d I ~~ ~ Y la p; 4R" l ~ '-- ~ 1 i I*' '. !.. ~ ~. Elevation: Elevation: Fence condition for slopes 4:1 and steeper Facing streeUpublic, 4' high opaque panel with 2' high lattice. Between units 6'-0" High Good Neighbor Fence -Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 (Rear side of units) Grade Transition Concept Patio Wall f fl R ' 9( 1 ~ . t:~ Concept 6'-0" High Wood Fence with 12" max. Retaining Kickerboartl SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN R.4flCN Dublin, California AREA F O REO,EN 7-PR OPERTIE8 X05 ~ ~~'~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCNPTION DATE PRO7ECTMIMEER: 10UII SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: @IIA~09 Neighborhood 10 Fence, Wall Veneer and Cap Images 3 PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUflE SHEETNUMBER: L53.0 Handrail: color to be dark brown Stucco color and concrete cap color to compliment architecture. Fence condition for slopes 5:1 to level End Condition: "Lambs Tongue," color to be dark brown 3:1 Slope PIL 35'-0" ± Landscape Area School Site School 3'-6" 12'-0" House Loi 55 School fence --~ , ,- .~ rte, ~ l -- 6'-0"high painted °. % metal fence -see ' t' < image sheet L15.0 ,,, ~, :~, "' ",t,~ %. / .w? '"s - ~ ,ra " ?~~ ~ 6'-0"high retaining wall - ?ti ~, ,, ~,. see image sheet L52.0 {, _ '~" ~ ' -s.,; ', - - 3'-0" high retaining wall - a*,r , see image sheet L52.0 ~ '~ ' Top of footing (as necessary) to be a j minimum of 18" below ~~ /, ,~ finish grade SECTION AA Scale: 114"=1'-0' R1W 5'-0" 6'-0" Landscape Lee Thompson Street Sidewalk Area ~,~ 17'-0" 3:1 Landscape Area ~ PSE ' 13'-0" Rearyard ~ House Loi 9 3'-6"high painted--~ ~ I, metal fence over 2'-0" I high stucco veneer ' ~ I retaining wall -see ~_ ~ 5~_0" image sheet L15.0 \ '~~.~ 10'-0" Landscape ' " Lee Thompson Street Sidewalk Area~,~ 12'-0" Landscape Area ~~ House Lot 12 2 -6 hi h stucco wall 9 , I Stone veneer wall ~ y' - with rolled cap -see i h t L52 0 ~ , ~~ Potential signage \\ - 3'-6" high painted mage s ee . tip. , ~ location -see image ~~ ~, ~ metal fence over ` xY ; ` ,, '' ''' ~ ~ ~ sheet L52.0 ~~ ` ,~; 2'-0"high precast Top of footing (as - -~, ~ s~. ~' V ' ~- wall -see image necessary) to be a ~ Top of foryj ng (as _ - ~ , sheet L15.0 \ minimum of 18"below a ~ necessa to be a $ finish grade ~ " minimum of 18 below ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ i ~ ~ J finish grade ~ A I ' ' ~"" ~ ~ ~~,~ u.~ ~~;.: ~F \ u: • ~ b •~ ~~ ~ r f~ n L - _ - SECTION BB SECTION CC Scale: 114'=1'-0' Sple: 114"=1'-0" SORRENTO EAST ar DUBL~ R.4NfB Dublin, California AREA F O EDEN SRO/ERf/EE R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUhfBER: )W~II SCALE' AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 1711Rg9 Neighborhood 10 Sections SHEET NUMBER: L54"0 RNV 5'-0" 3:1 10'-D" Landscape Landscape Lee Thompson Street Sidewalk Area ~, Area ~~ I~ ' 4'-0" + high stone veneer wall. Wrap stone over top of wall - seeimage sheet L52.0 2'-6"high stone veneer entry wall. Wrap stone over top of wall -see image sheet L4.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade U ~~1 LL0, SECTION DD scale: va"=r-0• 20'-0" House Lot 23 Landscape Area __ - _ ~_ _ - _ ~ 3:1 Max.. House Lot 16 Lee Thompson Stree~ 2'-6"high stone veneer - entry wall. Stone to be Tuscan blend with overgrout. Wrap stone ', I over top ofwall -see I image sheet L52.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below j finish grade SECTION EE Scale: 114"=1'-0" 5'-0" ww s'-o" andscape Concrete 8'-0" Area _ _ Sidewalk _ --- Parkway - - Central Parkway - --- - ----- --- Patio wall 2'-6"high stucco veneer wall with / ~~ precast cap to match Sorrento One -see image sheet L52.0 ' / -- ----- ~ Top of footing (as ~` ' necessary) to be a ~ ' / minimum of 18" below finish grade Turfin parkway 6'-0" RIW 5'-p" 5'-0" ~ ~ ~ ' 6'-0" Concrete Landscape 12'-D" 3:1 Landscape rrkwa Sidewalk PSE Landscaped Slope _ Area House Lot 16 --- --- - ~ - ____ _ ~ ~ ~~ 3'-0" Landscape Area 5-0 R/W Landscape Lot 32 ,, ,,, Area , Cypress Corner monument beyond -see sheet L5.0 - 3'-6"high stone veneer retaining wall -see elevation sheet L52.0 {- 2'-6" high stucco veneer I, wall with precast cap to match Sorrento One -see image sheet 52.0 - Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade SORRENTO EAST ~r DUBLIN flpAre Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES R E V I S 1 0 N S: -ESL7UPTION pATE PROTECT NUMBER: 100-t t SCALE: AS N07FL DATE ISSUED: ILiR09 Neighborhood 10 Sections ~AND9CAPE .flC~~7ECTUPE SECTION FF scale: va•=r-0" SECTION GG Scale: 114"=1'-0" SHEET NUMBER: L55.O 5'-0" 5'-0" R NV 8'-D" Landscape Landscape Concrete 8'-0" House Lot 32 / Rearyard ~~ Area ~~ Area Sidewalk Parkway Lockhart Street _ ~I ' i --- - --- - 5'-6"high privacy wall - ~ see image sheet L15.0 ~ -- - - 2'-0" high stucco veneer i ~ wall with cap to match ~ wall at Central Parkway ~ and Sorrento One -see image sheet L52.0 ~°. / ~.~~r ~ Landscaped parkway (surf) with street trees ~ U ~ Uz 0 • ~ ~~'', I ~ ti 'i SECTION HH sDeie: iw•=r-r~ 90 1 f - ',a 3'_6„ _andsca 3'-0" 3:1 36'-6" 5'-0" Landscape 4'-0" Area alkwl (varies) 42"high stucco veneer patio wall with precast ca -see image sheet L52.0 House Loi 35 13'-0" - ~--__ )" Landscape Area 10'-0" Patio (min.) House Lot 98 ~- 3'-6"high stucco ~eneer retaining walls with rolled caps - fee Image sheet L52.0. Top of footing on non-load bearing side to be a min. of 1'-6"below ~~ grade ~~ 42" high stucco veneer patio wall with precast cap - see image sheet L52.0 1 SECTION JJ sale: va•=r.o. -~ 0 o m o~ ~-_ 0 5'-0" RIVV 8'-0" Landscape ~ Concrete 6'-0" ao~~~5, Lockhart Street -- - -- 6'-0"high painted metal fence over 3'-0"high ~, retaining wall -see image ,, sheet L15.D Parkway landscape SORRENTO EAST Al DUBLIN RaNre Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT-PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCR@l10N DATE PROIECTNUMBER: i00-ll SCALE: ASNOIID DA7EISSUED: ILIPID9 Neighborhood 10 Sections PLANNING UPBAN DESIGN LANDBCAPE APCHITECTUPE SDEfT NUMBfR. L56.0 4'-6" Landscape Landscaped Street idewalk Area Slope _ _~-- _f _ ~f- --- 5'-6"high max. stucco - - veneer wall with rolled cap - see image sheet L46.1 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum ~~, of 18" below finish grade '~ ~. SECTION KK Scale: 114"=1'-0" 85 ` Private SECTION LL Scale. 114"=1'-0" 9'-~., 5'-0" Landscape Area Unit 106 z o~ ~ ~5 ~ SORRENTO EAST Ar DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIE8 R 0 V i S I 0 N S: DFSCRIPIION DATE PRO]ECf NUMBrIt: 30U11 SCAIE: AS NOTED DATEISSUHD: U16N9 Neighborhood 10 Sections 3 PLANNING UPBAN DESIGN .ANDSG APE ARCHITECTU NE SHEFf NUMBER L57.0 ~~--~ , ~i~? ~ ~w ~f ~ i -- i ~ I k I 2 2 ~ Y 4 ~ I - r Q .(~ I ~~._ _ ~ I ~~~ ,D ! ~ ~ ` ~~~ 6 ,y ~ ~ ~r~$ ,~ l ,. l ~ l ., m ~ L63.0 _, r U Q __ _ j- ti ~ ~ s W ~ f, ~_~_ o r , - z i~ _ -I 1 ~I ~ a ~ - 1D I ~, i +,~ ~~ i I ~ 11 ~ -- ~- I~~~ ~~ 1'~' 2~0~ X51 7; -~ CAPOTERRA WAY i ~~ ~`i _~'_ LTL _ _ I I J i ' I^ I ~i ~ll ~ _ _ ~- _ I~ T~ - _ ~l __ ~~~ ,~ ~ I r I I I- ~_ ~ i mil, ~ ~ ~~ i_ ~ , "; I~ . . ~' ly ~ __- ~ j r :~6 i ~61p __ ~l -~ ~ _ ;_, _ ~ w .~ ~ ~ _ _ a I r~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ l ~ C) -,_I I ~ __ Z - ~ ~. o , ;~ - ~ _ ,, m ~ 58 ~ ,1 ~ i ~~_ ~-~ . ~ .3~ a _ ,~ ti __ x ,! 3 9 r, _ -- -i ~ . _L ~ ~ _ ~ -i ~1- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - -_' _ ~ i ~ ~9 ~ '~- ~ ~ I ~ ~9 q i ~/ ._ ~ l J ~ ~ / N O _ ~= ~, =i ]g ~V ~ \~ `- T .~. ,` ;` .3 1 _, F~ ~~~ WALL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION _ $NCW veneer reuinirg wall wM mlhd top - Sae Fape shed L59,0 _ Reunpp wall (Neyetone a otlwrl - See hrge sheet L59.0 6'-0' high wootl good nelgMafence aver reuidng wal - See inege sheet L60 0 _ fi'-0' high wood good neghborfance wM fY (maz) wph waotl Mcker (a15'4i' hehea Id~34835)- See pnege sheet L60.0 ~ _ ~`-~ 'Y~ l ~ _ ~_ r ~ - ~ ~-- L6y0 ~ - i ~ ~y2~ m 9 ~1 ~ ~ !I ' ~. ~~ 9 ~ ~ 30 __ ~ 9 ~ ~, _ ~ s ' 3~ ~ ~3 Cl ' - ~ ~ i ~, __ I i ~ i ~.~ ~' F' ," -r L ~3 i ~ I _ t^ 6~ ~ ~~, ti -- _ ~ ~Y ~i ' k I - -~ w _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ r ~ , i " i ~ ~ Tlj~~~~ tv i ,~ I ~~L~~ _ / - ~ '~ / ~ , -_ _ ,o I ~ II ~ _ _, _ ~ ~ _ ' - ~ -~- j ~ ~:~ ~` ~~x~ 6 ~ , \ o U ti -e ' ~ ~~' i c ~ - ~" : % ~~,,~- '~ a . - - Y. > ~. ~~~ o gNNI W ~'o ~ -i I ~ ~ -~' - ~ 65 .~ ~; ~[/// i.. A y ~~ T p I ~(i i b ~ " -. '7~ Ian ~ ~ ~~ I --I _ -- ~I ~ Y' ~ ~ ~-, 7 ~ ~ ~ 1 - ~~ ~ r ~ ~1 z ~ ,~ ~ -- ~r =-~ r ~ ; ~~ ~ I J ~ ~ ~v . r, ~ v~ ,. ~ i , . 4 ~l _ ' ,, P~ I _ ` ~~ ~ ~ Plan View . scale: ~'~o'-o' NOTES: I ~ ~ T ~\~ I ~ ~Li In some roses, wood fence ma t>e located on t of retainin ~" '~~.~~ a is so' e9' Y ap 9 ~ ~~' ~,"~~-~ ~~ ~ ~~ wall. In these cases woad fence shall always be 6'-0"above ~ ~ ~' ~~ retaining wall aM finish grade on hgh side while heyhl varies r ~ on low side. r ~ I ~~~~~~ SYMBOL DESCRIPTION - 6'-0'hph wood good neighborface- SeaimegeeheetL80.0 _ 5'8'hlgh shoo veriea well- SeaimagesheatL59.0 - &G" hph decaatlve maul hots over 3'-0" shcm veneer wooers well (in some cases ova reuining walD- See Overall Canmunpy Medtty Well and Fence Fan sheet L14.0 erid Image sheet L15.0 - 8'-0'high wood good neighbor hone wipe la8ioo laluding 3'-0'witlegate- Sae Nnege sheet Lfi0.0 SORRENTO EAST AT DUBL~ RANCN Dublin, California AREA F O REOfNT PROPERT/FD _R E V I S I O N S: _ DESCRIPTION _ DATE © ~^^~P~aw,. KEY MAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ~c ~~ SHEETTNUMRER: L58.0 I ~~r \~~~ S I 1 ~ ~~ i7 . ~ -~~ ~, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~,d _ • i y'~, Steps to access private rearlsideyard slopes Keystone retaining walls ','~'f' Concept ~~,~.:'.. . •i k 7rq. ~~`~ '~ G9 ~ '~ . ~~ ~ _ ~ ~. T s ..f ~... ,~ K..: ' - . ~ y~. Concept 21, ~ ~~ i SORRENTO EAST Ar D~aL~ RANfA Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROYERTIE8 R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIDTION DATE PAWECINUMEER~ 7OUN SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: I1118IO9 Neighborhood 11 Wall Veneer and Caplmages LANDBCAPE APCHITECTUPE Mon. i"..9i~.9.«s SNEFENUMBER: L59.0 Stucco color to be earth•tone Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap Concept: Wall return @ 90° at ends Side wall condition. 5'-6"high stucco veneer wall. Stucco colorlfinish to compliment architecture Privacy Wall Mfa7r0! - ....~'~ __ . ~~z~ ~~ ~ SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN fldNffl Dublin, California AREA F REGENT O PROIERTIES Elevation: Elevation: Facing streeUpublic, 4' high opaque panel with 2' high lattice. Between units 6'-0"High Good Neighbor Fence - Neighbofioods 6, 7, 8,10 & 11 (Rear side of units) a "' .~=ti ( ~ ~ I " ~k .~ ~ ~ ~ ~,b~i ~ ~ .. J 4 '9 !•~ r f I k ,, .. 1 ~ Concept 6'-0"High Wood Fence with 12" max. Retaining Kickerboard R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECf NUMBER: 30GI I SCALE: A$NOTED DATE ISSUED: I7JI8109 Neighborhood 11 Fence Images LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEETNU.MRER. L60.0 Fence condition far slopes 4:1 and steeper Grade Transition Concept Fence condition for slopes 5:1 to level 5'-0" R/W Landscape 6'-0" Lee Thompson House Lot 57 ~, 12'-0' Rearyard ~~, Area Sidewalk Street 3'-6"high painted metal fence over 2'-0" high ~ i stucco veneer wall -see image sheet L15.0 .~ ~ 0 2'-0"high stucco veneer ~- retaining wall ~'~ ~_ 3'-0" fence venel street ~ l~~ ~/) SORRENTO EAST Al OUBLIlV Rrere Dublin, California AREA F O R NT PROI ER71E8 '~ R E V 1 S f O N S: DES(71171i0N DATE SECTION AA Scale: 11x'=1'-0" RIW 8'-0" 3:1 PIL 3'-I fen stu wa ste IinE SECTION CC scale: ila'=1'-0' SECTION BB Scale: 114'=1'-0" RIW Grafton Street ~ 14'-0" Sidewalk 13'-0" 6'-0" high stucco veneer wall - - - - ----- - see image sheet L15.0 Cypress at rear of planting area Um above 30"high precast concrete pilaster, um and pilaster color and finish to match existing Sorrento 1 at ', Grafton and Capoterra b ~1 SECTION DD Scale: 11x'=1'-0' 4'-0" House 1 Area P.A. Rearyard__ -f -~{ ~~~ I~ ~i PROIECiNUMBER: 70x11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 1211&03 Neighborhood 11 Sections 91EETTNUAIBER L61.0 6'-0" 2:1 Private Homeowner Maintained Slope (Lot 16) PIL use Lot 16 .. Sidev 6'-D"high wood fence (between units) -see image sheet L60.0 3'-0"high keystone-- retainingwall -see image sheet L59.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade 10'-0" Rearyard 15'-0" Rearyard 15 y House Lot 22 House 22 Hausa 30 6'-0"high good neighbor- --- ~ ~I fence over 1'-6"high ~ keystone wall orequal - seeimage sheets L59.0 and L60.0 SECTION EE Scale: 114"=1'-0' 5'-0" R1W Planting 5'-0" _ House Lot 55 ~, Entry Area idewalk~ PSE Giovanni Way -- 3'-0"high stucco ~ veneer wall with steps beyond T f f ti op o oo ng (as necessary) to be a minimum of 1 B" ~, i ~ . r ~~ below finish grade O ~ w sr 4 n ,.. __ , SI .Sf 7~ bE nE SECTION GG Scale: 1/4"=1'-0' SECTION FF Scale: 114'=1'-0" SECTION HH Scale: 114'=1'-0" 2:1 Slope 2-~~~~ SORRENTO EAST er D~L~ NANfd Dublin, California AREA F RE6EN7"VROPER71lE R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPDON DATE PRO)ECr NUMBER: 30P11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: D/18109 Neighborhood 11 Sections 3 PLANNING UflBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTU AE ono. . i..~ sr,.s~ ~, a SHEETNUI~ER. L62.0 i 5'-D"high keystone- retaining wall or equal -see image sheet L59.0 Steps -see image sheet L59.0 (steps to be built into slope if needed) SECTION II Scale: t14'=1'-0' Hou SECTION JJ Scale: 1!4"=P-0' P!L 2:1 Slape 1 S'-0" Rearyard House 8 10'-0" Minimum 5'-0" RIW Landscape 5'-0" Sidewalk „ Capoterra Way U 0 E~ 2~5~ ~ 5 i SORRENTO EAST et DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOENi PROPERilE8 R E V I S I O N S: ~ DFSCRRTION DATE PROIECf NUMBER: 300.11 SCAIE AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: IllI8f09 Neighborhood 11 Sections i 3 PLANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SHEEENUhIBER L63.0 __ House6-N11 SECTION KK Scale: 114"=1'-0' 5'-0" RIW 6 Landscape 5'-0" yard_ ~~ea Sidewa PSE 28'_0" Giovanni Way 3'-6"high decorative metal fence over 2'-0"high stucco veneer wall over 6'-0" ', ~ high stucco veneer retaining wall. 0 Stucco color and fnish to be the same ~ for both walls -see image sheet L15.0 Top of footing (as necessary) to be a minimum of 18" below finish grade 42"high decorative metal guardrail over 6'-0"high stucco veneer retaining wall. For guardrail image see sheet L47.0 and L59.0 Flowering accent trees -see plant palette sheet L1.0 2'-0" Landscape Area RIW 5'-0" 2'-0" Lanc 5'-0" i Landscape ;' 4'-0" :ape Area 1-N9 2i1~~ t~.5 SORRENTO EAST Ar ~UBI,IN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O RE6EN7 PROIERTIEf R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUWBER: Soap SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: iylero9 Neighborhood 11 Sections SN[ET NUMBER. L64.0 a1~1c~~5~ SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN RdNfN Dublin, California AREA F Plan View 0' 20' 40' 80' I~~ LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER ~~~\ ENLARGEMENT AREA \~~~~ O PASEO CONCEPT REGENT O PRO PE R71E5 R E V I S I O N S: DFSCP,IpDON DATE PROIECTNU1dBER: 3aun SCALE: AS NOTID DATEISSUED: IYt6iD9 Neighborhood 6 Preliminary Landscape Index Plan © ~°~,~ KEY MAP SHEET NUMBER L65"0 Small flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Turf in parkway (typ.) Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia 'Bloodgood" -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ~ / ' I ~ ~'~:. li'r 10 10 Teucrium Chamaedrys in -~ landscape "pop-outs" along Palermo Way Courtyard wall -see wall veneer and wallcap- plan sheets L17.0 - L19.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Concrete steps and handrail (where necessary) wall to return on each side of steps (typ.) Stucco veneer wall with rolled cap -see wall - veneerand wall cap plans L17.0 - L19.0 Screen or flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings Foreground shrubs behind sidewalk (min. two - rows) -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Planting concept along Vittoria Lane to include foundation or intermediate shrubs adjacent to building with foreground shrubs and grasses adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ~~~,,~ ,~,~j Private yard (typ.) Plan View Scale: 1'=2D'-0" 0' 10' 20' 80' ~~ LEGEND O PASEO CONCEPT- SEE SHEET L69.0 - L71.0 SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ R.INfN Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIEB R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PRO]ECf NUMBER; JOhll SCALE: A$NOTED DATE ISSUED: 129Rg9 Neighborhood 6 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement 3 • P IANNIN6 UflBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCNIiECTUAE SItEETNUMBER, L66.0 © `~"'~,~ KEY MAP ~A~ -- - --- _ _ __ a - ~ 16 ~17 ~ 18 ~ ~`' 21 ~~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ' , z + i r . y _, ~~„ ~ ~ y, ( -- 27 ~ 28 I t~!-, 33 ~ ~~ ~. , '~~~ ~' 15 14 ~ 13 ~ - ~ - 23 ~ ~ ~ - --- i 29 ' ~ . ~ I . 20 126 ! ' , rv ~ ~ I ~: . _ - ~' J _--a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~,.~- ,~, 19 ~ 24 25 30 ~~ ~ ~ ', , A. _ ~~ : 0 l 2 i I-1 . : i ', X ~ - _ i sr ~ - ~' ~~_ _ „E` y ~ J _?~i~ ~ ;q \ d ~. ~. l'~ Y '~%f ~' _. ... ~ - ~- . ' `~Tr VITTORIA LOOP ~ ~ ,I. , ' 9 8 7 ~ . ';~ ; ~ Planting concept along Vittoria Circle to include ,~; ' ` ' backgroundlfoundation shnibs adjacent to building ~ W _ ~ I~ ~, with foreground shrubs, grasses and groundcover ~ I ~ adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette n ~ sheet L1 0 Z - ~- I -,- 4 . 0 '' • ' i __ Screen or focal tree -see proposed plant palette a ~ I - .~ ' '~' sheetL1.0 ___ 4 5 - 6 ~ ~ Stone veneer or stucco veneer paseo entry wall - _ ~ see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L17.0 - .' ~ L19.0 . , ' I; '' - - - - - Small flowering tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 -: ' -- Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress ,i I3 2 1 ,I ~ - -- Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia' Bloodgood' ., ~____.__ Private yard(typ.} E, ? ~ : ; ~, ~ ~ ~ - Turf in parkway (tYP•) ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ _. ,~`, '~ ; f ~ ;~ - Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive -see proposed plant -= _.~ -- ~ - ~~~ ;~ - _ r palette sheet L1.0 " J ~ ~ a ~ .J , ' " , r y __ ~~ , ~ 2 -6 high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled `=~ cap -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets PALERMO WAY L17.0-L19.0 Groundcover Rose to match Sorrento 1 -- Comer monument -see image sheet L96.0 34 39 ` -~_ I __~ 4'-0"wide concrete entry walk with concrete cheek walls (typ.} -Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Plan View Scale: 1"=20'-0' o ,o ~~ -~~ LEGEND O PASEO CONCEPT- SEE SHEET L69.0 - L71.0 SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN R~eeE Dublin, California AREA F O REOENT-IROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP710N DATE PROJECT NUMBER: troll SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: Ivlaro9 Neighborhood 6 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan © , KEY MAP 3 • ~A~N~~~ ,F.<.. ~ANDSCAPE AR 'o ~~, .. SHEET NUhfl1ER: L67.0 Turf in parkway (typ.) Street tree: Platanus E ~ao~ ~5 ( SORRENTO EAST ar DUBLIN Retire Dublin, California AREA F O RE6 E,N TP ROIERTIE8 4'-0"wide concrete en concrete cheek walls ( Stone veneer or stucG wall -see wall veneer sheets L17.0 - L19.0 Screen or focal tree -see proposed ply ' " sheetL1.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress -- Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 - Small flowering tree -see proposed ply sheetL1.0 Private yard (typ.) Courtyard wall -see wall veneer and w sheet L17.0 - L19.0 Planting concept along Palermo Way t~ backgroundlfoundationshrubs adjacer with intermediate shrubs between wall: cascading groundcoveradjacentto wa proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Planting concept behind sidewalk to ini foreground shrubs or grasses in massE proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings 18"x18" precast concrete pavers (typ.) Turf in parkway Plan View s~~: r=za~-o• a lo~ zo~ eo~ ~~ LEGEND O PASEO CONCEPT- wall with SEESHEETL69.0- 9 ui.o _ ....,, ,.,. .......,. wall cap plan sheets L17.0 - L19.0 R E V I S I O N S: DESQUP170N ~ DATE L68.0 KEY MAP 2'-6"high stucco or s wall with 3'-0"high pi and wall cap plan shE 4' wide concrete wales Foundation shrub - sE sheet L1.0 Narrow upright tree i.~ 3'-6"wide concrete p. 5'-6"high stucco vent wall veneer and wall L19.0 Vines on wood fence Groundcover - see pn sheetL1.0 Foundation shrub - se sheet L1.0 Courtyard wall -see v plan sheets L17.0 - L' Concrete sidewalk pe drawings Foreground shrub in f see proposed plant pa Public art opportunity If installed, replaces standard metal arbor VITTORIA LOOP Turf in parkway (typ.) Street tree: Platanus Acceripolia'Bloodgood' aal~~~ ~ 18"x18" precast concrete stepping pads imall flowering tree -see proposed plant lalette sheet L1.0 t'-0"wide concrete steps with cheek walls typ. high side) Metal arbors with lines to be located m all paseos which Irovide access from 'alermo Way to /ittoria Loop 'lowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 'rivate yard (typ.) Iucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap - eeimage sheets L17.0 - L19.0 ~eucrium Chamaedry's in Landscape pop-outs" SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ RdACN Dublin, California AREA F O NE6 ExN 7wIRO PERTIEd R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUMBER: JOai1 SCAEE~. AsnoTED DATE ISSUED: iIDRtg Neighborhood 6 Paseo Enlargem~ Concept A SHEET NUABER: L69.0 ~I i © ~"~~,"' KEY MAP Mailbox station - see m~~ir,~v I~~~+~,,,, nlen sheet L13.0 Groundcover at rear I proposed plant palette 2'-6" high stucco or s~ wall with 3'-0" high pi and wall cap plan she Intermediate shrub - s palette sheet L1.0 Narrow upright tree i.r VITTORIA LOOP r..1 ~~ parkway (h'P•) av~ a ~ ~5 tree: Platanus Acceripolia 'Bloodgood' flowering tree in auto court -see red plant palette sheet L1.0 S" precast concrete stepping pads igh stucco veneer privacy wall -see sneer and wall cap plan sheet L17.0 - SORRENTO EAST aT D~L~ RdBC9 Dublin, California AREA F O RE6ENi'/RO-ERfIEd R E V I S I O N S: DESCWPIJON DATE PROJECT NUMBER: l0al I SCALE', ASNOTED DATEISSU®: Iy18RN Vines on wood fence Flowering accent tree palette sheet L1.0 Stucco veneer retainii see image sheets L17 Courtyard wall -see v plan sheets L170. - L19.0 Plan View s~~E: ~~~o•-o• n s is m' ~I~~ ~ or flowering accent tree -see red plant palette sheet L1.0 side concrete paseo walk lide concrete walk with concrete steps ~ncrete paseo walk t tree as focal point I yard (typ.) .,..• •.,. ate sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings Neighborhood 6 Paseo Enlargement Concept B SI~ETNUh78ER: L70.0 KEY MAP 2'-6"high stucco c wall with 3'-0" higl and wall cap plan Groundcover at b~ 4' wide concrete H Narrow upright tre 3'-6" wide concrete VITTORIA LOOP in parkway (typ.) ~f ~a~ ~~ '~'~~ et tree: Platanus Acceripolia'Bloodg od' mediate or foreground shrub -see osed plant palette sheet L1.0 ill tloweringtree -see proposed plant tte sheet L1.0 mediate shrub -see proposed plant tte sheet L1.0 ate yard (typ.) Indcover wish intermediate shrubs in auto t -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Bering accent tree -see proposed plant tte sheet L1.0 wide concrete steps with cheek walls high side) SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ R~rr~s Dublin, California AREA F R T O EOER VRO-ERTIE R E V 15 1 0 N S: DESCRIP710N DATE ' PROIECENUMBER: 70x11 SCALE: AS NDTED Private yard (lyp.) Courtyard wall - sE plan sheets L170. Street tree: Platan Foreground shrub plant palette sheet Stucco veneer ret~......, .._ ........ .....__ _..r see image sheets L17.0 - L19.0 0' S f0' 27 ~~ 18" precast concrete stepping pads s on wood fence ant tree as focal point Crete sidewalk per civil engineer's rings DATE ISSUED: 17J1&09 Neighborhood 6 Paseo Enlargemet Concept C SHEETNIIMBER. L71.0 KEY MAP SORRENTO EAST a] DUBL~I R.~Nre Dublin, California AREA F RE®ENT „ O iR0-ERTIEB R E V I S I O N S: DRSCRIP170N DATE PROJECENUMBER: JObil SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: ianarov Neighborhood 7 Preliminary Landscapelndex Plan © .,~,,, KEY MAP SNEEf NIR~ER, L72.0 Privacy fencelwall -see sheets L26.0 - L28.0 Narrow upright trees i.e. Cypress Dietes Vegeta row adjacent to wall with vines at every 15' o.c. Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Planting concept along Vittoria Circle to include foundation or intermediate shrubs adjacent to wall, with foreground shrubs, grasses and groundcover adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Public art opportunity -arbor see sheet L84.0 Flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Turf in parkway (typ.) Small flowering accent tree -see - - proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 /"'\, j j "~ , ~ - , Street tree: Platanus Acerfolia - '" ~ `'~ - 'Bloodgood' , ; ~, . _ 1~ - "t I 1~ ,~( I ~~ --, ~x~ ~ _~ f ~~ ~ i ~, l L~_ ~ f. Screen or flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings - Foreground shrubs and grasses behind sidewalk see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive Public art opportunity -arbor see sheet L84.0 4' wide concrete walkway with steps to front door - wall to return on each side of steps (typ.) Planting concept along Palermo Way to include foundation or intermediate shrubs adjacent to building with intermediate shrubs adjacent to walls and foreground shrubs and grass adjacent to sidewalk (min. of 2 rows). Cascading groundcover to be located to "spill" over retaining walls -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 VI'RORIALO~ 11 18 .~~,~ ~~~ .i~ WAY 37 33 3~ 2' 31 2~ 9 ~~ 1 ~~, Teucrium Chamaedrys in landsacpe "pop-out" (tYP•) Courtyard wall -see sheets L26.0 - L28.0 ~4 a~5~ ~ ~ ~. ;~ s Plan View o' ia~ zo ao ~~~ LEGEND 0 PASE000NCEPT- SEESHEETL16.0- L78.0 SORRENTO EAST A 1 it Du~~~ RANCH Dublin, California ~ AREA F EOENT O PEOPERTIE8 ,....,. ~.,,.... ,o,.. ~ ~i R E V I S I O N S: DESCRB'710N DATE ' PR0IECT NUMBER: 300-1 I SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED 11118109 Neighborhood ~ 7 Preliminary ~ Landscape Enlargement Plan ~s~ ~~` , ~r~ F' ' " ~~ p 8 ~ 4~~ - ~ ~~~~I ~~ ~~~ ~- 11 ~3: ~ ~~~1~ KEY MAP 3 • PLANNING UflBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE AACHITECTU AE SHEET NUMBER. L73.0 Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia' Bloodgood' Gleason Drive planting concept to include background shrubs at wall or fence with a combination of lower growing intermediate shrubs and foreground shrubslgrasses in masses adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Gates at paseo end (Nl entry) -see detail sheetL31.0 ~~. Turf in parkway (typ.) GIFASON~ ~ 1 re, .' , ~ 75 l ~a~~ ~~ Flowering accent tree - seeproposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ~~ ~~~ 1 ` ~ ij '. SORRENTO EAST Ar ~UBLDV R~NfH Dublin, California AREA F O REBE,NT PROPERTIES R E V[ S 1 0 N S: DE4CAIP770N DATE PROIEC]'NUIHBER 30x11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 1218109 Neighborhood 7 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan 1 , I , I , , ORIA LOOP ail ~ _ v - i I ~ i/ ~,: __ _-_ ~- -~' I 2'-6"high stone veneer or stucco veneer paseo ', entry wall with 3' high pilasters -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L26.0 - L28.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress 4'-0"wide concrete entry walk i ~ Screen or flowering accent tree -see ~, proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Alternate paseo concept walk Plant material public art opportunity to be consistent with paseo concept A, B and C _- -- _......-- Turf in parkway (tyP•) Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Small flowering tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Planting concept along Vittoria Circle to include foundationlbackground shrubs at building with intermediate shrubs and foreground shrubs and grasses adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Plan View wale: r=zo~-o~ o' la~ ~~ eo~ 2'r-~ LEGEND PASE000NCEPT- SEESHEETL60.0- 62.0 KEY MAP Sf~Ef NUI~2A. L74,0 -- Turf in parkway (typ.) Corner monument -see image sheet L5.0 ~ Slope planting concept to include foundation ~~ ~ I , shrubs at top of slope with intermediate shrubs in LocK~ sTRE~ Concrete steps and planter walls with stucco veneer. Walls to step with grade Turf in parkway (typ.) ~~ Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress Gates at paseo ends (N7 only) -see detail sheet L31.0 Secondary entry monument -see sheet L3.0 ~ ~ Lk; l _ _ ~_ t ~ - J >` ~ -~~ t C~2 ..,~ u•? ~ ~. ~~ J • W~ " -~ .,~ yyy ~ ~ ~~~" - t ~~ ~ ~ b ~ i ~ ° 1 ~ ,: 7 / ,NI~Y ~,', ~~. r~ O Ian sheets L26.0 - L28.0 Plan View 4'-0" wide concrete walk P sD~~e r-zo~ o• _ ~ ;.. ~~, ~ ~ y i , , ~- ,~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ` i~ VITTORIALOOP ~~~~~ ~~~`~ ~~ : i~ ,~ ~ ,,, --- i ~. > ~ - i /. r. /~ --• l - ~ _ ~ 4-~ `Y, 1~ ~ i. .. ,.. s 4'-0" wide concrete walk to front door Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Stone veneer or stucco veneer paseo entry --Planting concept along Vittoria Circle to wall -see wall veneer and wall cap plan include foundationlbackground shrubs at sheet L28.0 - L28.0 building with intermediate shrubs and foreground shrubs and grasses adjacent to Screen or flowering accent tree -see sidewalk -see proposed plant palette proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 sheet L1.0 Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive 2'-8"high stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap -see wall veneer and wall cap Gleason Drive planting concept to include background shrubs at wall or fence with a combination of lower growing intermediate shrubs and foreground shrubslgrasses in masses adjacent tosidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Gleason Drive stree tree: Platanus Acerifolia 'Bloodgood' B' 10' 20' BU ~~ LEGEND O PASEO CONCEPT- SEE SHEET L60.0 - 62.0 SORRENTO EAST ~r DUBIJIN RANrH Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERT/Ei R E V I S I O N S: DFSC'WTIIDN DA1E PRDIECTNUMBER: woai SCALE', ASNO1'ED DATE ISSDED: ILIR109 ~' Neighborhood 7 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan I~fYT71s '~'-, ~. s~{ ~ LL` ~ 1~r~' ~'I~~ a t z i 1~~7i ~'t. ~,8q~„..^ i~ ~ "~:~ ~~ ~ -IU"t~, ~~ a~~ '~''-~.'II~ KEY MAP 3 PLANNING UABAN DESi6N '-ANDSC 4PE AACHITECTUflE 57IEETNL'MBER L75.0 3'-6"wide concrete Narrow upright trey Flowering accent t palette sheet L1.0 Private yard (typ.) Turf in parkway (ty Groundcover-see sheetL1.0 Concrete sidewalk drawings Street tree: Platani 2'-6"high stucco 0 wall with 3'-0"high and wall cap plan GLEASON DRIVE VITTORIA LOOP Plan View s~iB: r=ia-o~ o' s m' zo~ Foreground shrub or g~ss (2 rows min.) i.e. Juncus Pateus -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Foundation shrub i.e. Rosmarius'Tuscan Drive' -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Private front yard Good neighbor fence -see image sheet L31.0 5'-6" high stucco veneer wall with gates - seedetail sheet L31.0 4' wide concrete walklsteps with concrete cheek wall (typ. high side of paseo) 3'-0"high intermediate shrub -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Gate (typ.) Vines on fence Small flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 18"x18" precast concrete stepping pads Foundation shrub -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 4'-0" wide concrete walklsteps with cheek walls (as needed) SORRENTO EAST AT Du~L~ RrdrH Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT IROiERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE s>~erNUnmeR L76.0 Flowering accer++run _ goo nrnnnenrl nlen4 palette sheet L' 3'-8" wide cone 4' wide concreG cheek wall (typ. Vines on fence Foreground shr palette sheet L' 18"x18" precast Small flowering plant palette shl Focal tree i.e. F proposed plant ~ Concrete sidew drawings Turf in parkway 2'-8" high stuccl entry wall with 3 wall veneer and - L28.0 Street tree: Plat, Groundcover i.e Jasminoides - s~ sheet L1.0 Narrow upright t 4' wide concrete walls to step with grade SORRENTO EAST 4r D~L~ RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOENT PROPER11E8 ,......,.e.,..,.. R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP77ON DATE PROIECIMIMBER lOhll SCALE: AS NOTED GATE ISSUED: 1211&'09 Neighborhood 7 Paseo Enlargement Concept B KEY MAP LANDSCAPE ANCHITECTUflE 6. me~is~, :em+.r~ ewe f0i pAFm.~ 92419<a58: 1... a..i.3. c_a sxEerr~uMeER: L77.0 Street tree: Plai Turf in parkway Groundcover at Foreground shr plant palette shy 4' wide concrete Vines on fence 3'-6" vide cone Private yard (tyl Small flowering plant palette she Stucco veneer e sheets L26.0 - l Foreground shn see proposed p Concrete sidew drawings °' ~" "gh stucco or stone veneer paseo all -see wall veneer and wall cap eets L26.0 - L28.0. ~ -~ ,- err, ~~~~ <, 3h stucco or stone veneer paseo all with 3'-0"high pilasters -see Weer and wall cap plan sheets L25.0 ,Public art opportunity -arbor see 83.OIL84.0 ;station -see sheet L13.0 upright tree i.e. Cypress owering tree -see proposed plant sheetL1.0 ' precast concrete pavers concrete walklsteps with concrete vale (typ. high side of paseo) owering accent tree -see proposed ~lette sheet L1.0 In fence ~diate shrub i.e. Dietes -see ad plant palette sheet L1.0 yard (typ.) Icover in planter area ee i.e. Fruitless Olive SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ RdArH Dublin, California AREA F O ENT PROPER iI[8 R E 6..... •.....,,, R E V I S I O N S: DFSCAa170N DATE PROIECTNUMBER: 10611 SCALE; AS NOTED DATEISSIJ®: IL1fl109 Neighborhood 7 seo Enlargement Concept C SNEEfNUMBER. L78.0 Plan View PALERMO WAY scale: r=lo~-o• a s la zo ~~~~ © ~""`, KEY MAP L6.0 ~"tix ::- --. _ 11 -. 1.. - _ *b __. .___ i_. I i - _ _ i i I TS ~., it '. ~ , I . ~ A RMO WAY ~ ~ i . ~ .~ . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~ .~. ~ ~ ~ J ~ .~ ~ ~, : _ L. ~ !. ~, .. ~I i :_... ~ ~ I ~ 14 ~ 2 3 ~'. 1 20 23 2fi ~ 2 32 I I . ~ . `~ ~_~. 1 18 ~ I 2 I r _ -_ I 33 ~ ~ i _ _ _ I 5' J 6 19 ~ ~ 22 25 ~ ~ 28 3l ~ ~ 3 I I ,. F, ~ ~ ° 1 i t ~ I 1 ( l] 12 c ~ s _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ -i _ _ _ - BAAMA TE7 E - - - ~i - _ I I - ___ _ ___ _ ~ ~ ~„ 37 40 43 46 49 ~ 57 59 01~ I 35 i ~ - _ _ I _ o ._ - - _ _ _ ~i - _ 38 1 5 I ~ 58 58 60 fit '', ~ . 38 -. ~ ti , I I ._...- b -_-. . a ~~ o = -. v I~, a o a ~~~ =~ ~ ~, ~ w a ~ ~ ~ ~ , L10 I ~ o--s ~~ ~ ~ 1 a-> ~ . w W _ ~ ~' fi3 , i Z ~ ~ _ - - ' 1 ~ o - . - - - - - -- ~ a 8 4 ~ fi8 72 "0 80 9 80 91 94 97 10 I - = -- _, . - ~ I ~ ~ ~ I 6 5 I 69 3 7 1 8 g g g5 98 101 ~' ~ w E. ,, _ _ _ I I i 7D ~ 78 B2 86 I 90 93 I 96 99 10 2 rn . 6 8 ~ 74 , _ _ I ~ _ ~ ~I, _ _ _ ' I ~ . I 4 - ARALDI_LANE _ - - - - - _ ~ i I l03 - s IW I ! 107 _ - _- __ ® ~ -. 10 -' i .111 115 ~ 119 I l23 l27 131 13 ~. !0 ~ _. i I ~ 105 ~ ~ 116 1 4 2 32 ~ , 3 6 09 - ~ '- I ' ~ -- ~~ - - . _ - ~ 113 11 2 125 2 33 13 r ~ ~'' ~~ 108 110 - - _ _ I ~ _ _ ~ ,. ~ + _ ~ ` 11B 122 126 130 134 138 ~` TP ~ ~ l4 "~~ ,. ,. ,_ - ~ ~ , I _ .. . .. :.. ~ S 1 I - -- /~ I i. ~ it 7 t I i I 1 I I ~\ .... .1 ! ~ ~ ~\ ~V C A P O j~RIV~A ~A~ L81.0 ~~ ~~ e A ~ ,/ Plan View Sale: 1"=40'-0" 0' 2U 40' 60' ~r~^~ a31~ ~~~ LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER PASEO CONCEPT- O SEE SHEET L82.0 - L84.D _~~~ ~^ ~ ENLARGEMENT AREA \...r SORRENTO EAST ql DUBLIN AdHfN Dublin, California AREA F O RE6ENTxIR01ERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCIIPTION DATE PROJECT NUMBER: 30P11 SCALE' ASN07'ID DATEISSUED: 11118109 Neighborhood 8 Preliminary Landscape Index Plan ~~ ~ 7 ~' ~. ~. ~~~~ ~~ 11 ~~1a'~~ ~ ,~., ~ :,~ „ +~~ ~"~ 3.~L,,.,.r © c~,muoww,. KEY MAP 3 • PLANNING UflBAN DESIGN 1AN09CAPE APCHITECTUAE sBEETNU~EE L79.0 5'-6"high stucco veneer courtyard wall -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress - Groundcover Roses -color variety to match existing comers Existing concrete unit pavers Grafton Street comer ~- monument-see image sheet L96.0 18"x18" precast concrete pavers (typ.) Stone veneer ~I retaining wall with - precasicap to match Sorrento 1 across ~ 4 ~ f street Lagerstroemia Faurei: varietylflower color to match Sorrento 1 i Grafton Street tree: ' Pistache Chinensis ~ ~ (triangular spacing) 4' wide concrete k walklsteps with wall to step with grade Grafton Street " W `~ - - planting concept to ~ include shrubs and ; ''~_ grasses to match Z Sorrento 1 across street, including a ', cascading ~ ', groundcoverover walls -see proposed plant palette sheet y i; L1.0 ~ I-~~ Existing steps and walls from brill e 9 lip Groundcover in --- - parkway to match ~ Sorrento 1 across street Screen trees -see proposed plant palette sheetL1.0 Pedestrian condor -see sheet L6.0 Recreation area -see sheet L10.0 - - _ ~_.-- I ,'~j+: ,`' - `~ ~~ ,~ 9~ ~~ 1 ~i 1 Teucrium Chamaedrys in landscape "pop-outs" Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Courtyard wall (typ.) Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings LERMO 1`1 !~ Palermo Way street tree: Platanus Acerfolia ' Bloodgood' Palermo Way planting concept to include: 1 row of foundation or background shrubs adjacent to building with intermediate shrubs adjacent to walls and I foreground shrubs and grasses in masses adjacent to sidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Small flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheetL1.0 / __ --- 4' wide concrete walk _ to entry with entry gate ' ~ J -see image sheet - - - ,~ - , L40.0 - a I a - Planting concept along Lee Thom son shall I - P „y match planting concept along Palermo Way 'D W W ,, _ ~ N ~ .L ~- ,. 0 - ~ ~ h~°~~ , 4 ~ -' --- Street tree: Platanus ~ Acerifolia Y y ,~ , ~ 'Bloodgood' F 4' wide concrete stepslwalkway to front _ - door with wall return I ' ` ~~ on each side of steps - Turf in parkway (typ.) - I ~ Mailbox station -see ~;}, r- sheetL13.0 ,- .. , - -- Courtyard fencelwall - 60 ' see sheets L36.0 - 5& L37.0 ._ _ .' Teucrium Chamaedrys 'I - o 0 o c - in landscape "pop-outs" ~ 9 'd -~ u~-~ a ~: r'~~ \I a~. .. ~.~ . - 0 4 -0f~9 0 -- ~~ i ,JI ~ p_, , _ _ a~ Q3 4D m ~ LrL] , ~ - L.ri i..i , ~' ; Plan View Scale: 1'=30'-0" 0' 16' 3D' 60' ~~~~ LEGEND O PASE000NCEPT- SEE SHEET L82.0 - L84.D SORRENTO EAST AT ~UBLIN R~Nre Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PR0IERilE8 a 3a~ `~~ i R E V I S I O N 5: DESCRIPTION DATE LANDSCAPE AHCMITECT UPE SHEET NUMBER: L80.0 KEY MAP reuesuran wnluur -see sneer ~o.u Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Groundcover in ---~ parkway to match Sorrento 1 across street Small flowering 7- ~ I accent tree -see ', proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ~ - i 6;1 Grafton Street planting concept to ', j include shrubs and ' ~1 grasses to match ~' Sorrento 1 across ~ ~ ~ - - street, including ', W ~ w _ i;;; cascading ~ ~ ~ ~ ' groundcaverover ' i " walls -see proposed o ~~ ~ plant palette sheet ~ L1.0 LL a lift c~ 4' wide concrete -: walklsteps with wall to step with grade - recast ! 18"x18" f11~i~- p concrete stepping pads j; --~. .. rT --'- I- _ -^ ~ _ i ~ a i'"i Grafton Street tree: ~- , 10 Pistache Chinensis ~ ~ ~~ (triangular spacing) ` ~ ~~, ~~ I ~ ' lU"; ~- ~~- ;' _\ Grafton Street comer --- monument -see ~ ~ ! ~, image sheet L96.0 Existing concrete unit - ~-x ~ ~ - - -- pavers ~ ~ '~J Groundcover Roses- color variety to match existing comers Lagerstroemia Faurei: varietylflower color to match Sorrento 1 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress Stucco veneer wall with precast cap to match Sorrento 1 across street -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Stucco veneer wall with rolled cap -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Courtyard walllfence -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Slope planting to include intermediate shrubs at top of slope with cascading shrubs and groundcover adjacent to wall -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Stucco veneer retaining wall with precast cap -see wall veneer and wall cap plan- sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Foreground grasses between sidewalk and retaining wall -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 ` E a,i'~ .,~ f-, - CAPOTERRA WAY R~ ~=. ~~~ I ~. t_ee I nompson street plantng concept ro Incluae: ~ row of foundation or background shrubs adjacent to building with intermediate shrubs adjacent to walls and foreground shrubs and grasses in masses adjacent to sidewalk -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 a33~ ~- W W z O ~, a i W J _;~ PARK SITE Stone veneer or _ stucco veneer paseo entry wall -see wall ~ veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 - -- C Mailbox station -see ~ sheet L13.0 - Turf in parkway Slope planting to t;t ,; -' include background shrubs at top of slope ,, adjacent to walls with intermediate and ~I foreground shrubs and _I grassesin masses ~i below -see proposed 1-,plant palette sheet ~~L1.0 ~`~ ~ ~ ~, Teucrlum Chamaedrys in landscape "pop-outs" ~'r -- Recreation area -see sheet L10.0 -Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings - 4' wide concrete stepslwalkway to sidewalk with wall return on each side of steps (typ.) - Turf in parkway (typ.) Plan View -Screen trees -see proposed plant palette sheet Scale: 1'=30'-0' , , L1.0 o ,5 30 so n ~ --- Araldi Lane street tree: Platanus Acerifolia 'Bloodgood' LEGEND ® PASEO CONCEPT- SEE SHEET L82.0 - L84.0 SORRENTO EAST AT DUBL~ RdNrA Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP7'I0N DATE PROIECTNUMBER: 30QII ' SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUEO: IYIBPo9_ Neighborhood 8 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan SIDEf NUMBER: L81.0 © ~,,,, KEY MAP Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia' Bloodoood' Teucrium Chamaedrys in IandscE 2'-6"high stone or stucco veneer paseo wall with 3'-0"high pilasters -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 SORRENTO EAST Al ~UBLIN RANCN Dublin, California AREA F EO i O R ER PROIERTIES Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings Stucco veneer courtyard wall -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Private yard (typ.) 4' wide concrete walklsteps with concrete cheek wall to front door R E V I S I O N S: DESCRID170N DATE Vines on stucco wall - see propos sheet L1.0 4' wide concrete walklsteps with ~ shown Small flowering tree - see propose sheet L1.0 18"x18" precast concrete pavers (typ.) Intermediate shrubs -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress 3'-6"wide concrete paseo walk Metal arbors with vines to be located on paseos which provide access from Palermo Way to Bramante Lane PRO]ECENUMBER: aoaii SCALE: ASNOTEO DATE ISSUED, Iy18109 Neighborhood 8 Paseo A Enlargement Concept Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia ' B Plan View s~l~: r,iD~.D. ans ia~ sa Turf in parkway (typ.) SNEEfNDMBER, L82.0 © ~„"~."' KEY MAP Small flowering tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Stucco veneer retaining wall with precast cap to match Sorrento 1 across street 4' wide concrete walklsteps with wall return at 90 degrees. Wall to step with grade as necessary Metal arbors with vines to be located on paseos which provide access from Bramante Lane to Grafton Street Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings - 4' wide concrete walklsteps with concrete cheek wall to front door Intermediate shrubs -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 18"x18" precast concrete stepping pads Private yard (typ.) Stucco veneer courtyard wall -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 ~, ... ,~~~ X11 2'-6" high stone or stucco veneer paseo wall with 3'-0"high pilasters -see wall veneer antl wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 3'-6"wide concrete paseo walk Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress Street tree: Platanus Acerifolia' Bloodgood' Turf in parkway (iyp.) Groundcover to fill gaps in planting areas Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIN RANfH Dublin, California AREA F ~~ RE6EN7 IROPERTIEd R E V r S I 0 N S: DESLAIYDON DATE PROrECf NUMBER: 700.11 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: 127&ro9 Neighborhood 8 Paseo B Enlargement Concept sBEern~un,BER L83.0 © `~"". KEY MAP Street tree: Platan~~~ Arcrifnli~' Rlnnrlnnnrl~ Teucrium Chamae Background shrub sheet L1.0 Private yard (typ.) Groundcover-see L1.0 4' wide concrete w wall to front door Entry gate -see im 18"x18" precast coi 3'-6"wide concrete Sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings ~ ~~ ` Stucco veneer courtyard wall -see wall veneer and wall cap plan sheets L36.0 - L37.0 Groundcover to fill between shrubs Small flowering tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Vines on stucco wall -see proposed plant palette sheetL1.0 SORRENTO EAST er D~L~ R~r,[e Dublin, California AREA F O N1 -ROPEN TIES REO E,~:;:: .w ~~~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCRITRON DATE PROIECTNUMRER: 70PIi SCALE' AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 1711&'09 Neighborhood 8 Paseo C Enlargement Concept Stucco veneer reta wall veneer and wa L37.0 Turf in parkway (tyl BRAMANTE LANE Plan View Scale: T=10'-0' V 5' 1p 2tl ~~ Intermediate shrubs -see proposed plant palette sheetL1.0 4' wide concrete walk/steps with stucco wall return as shown LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE $1{EEETNUAiBER: L84.0 KEY MAP Flowering accent trees -see proposed plant palette - sheetLl.O Narrow upright tree: i.e. Cypress -see proposed - plantpalette sheet L1.0 Concrete steps with cheek wall and handrail (typ.- concept) -see image sheet L47.0 J ~ % ~ ~~ ~ j ~~ t„[I g L87.0 z „'.~ ~~ y 1 _ _. ~ 0 ~ I •~~-~ ~ - _. ~~i s ~~ i Q ~ ~ G 1 ~~/ I `TAO: - G ~.i ~,~\n r~ ,. I~ r ;~,,i i '/~ l ri! ~7 ` -.~ c~ ~/; •. i ' ~ ti / /? / ~`~ ~~ _ i ~_~~ ` t~ &I 1;/ \. , ~4 ~~ 1 \\ \ , `, \~~~ ~ ~~ 1 \ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ \ ~~'\ a ~~ ~ ~ ~. \~\4~ , ~ ` ,... ~. '~• ~~ ~., ~ •~ ,\\~ 2'-6"high stucco veneer - retaining wall with precast cap -see image sheet L46.0 Existing Primary Entry L86.0 Central Parkway street tree - Celtis Occidentalis @ 30'o.c. Central Parkway planting strip to be turf Flowering accent trees -see proposed plant - palettesheet L1.0 Low growing upright shrubs (+18") behind sidewalk and in front of wall shall match Sorrento -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Access from Central Parkway sidewalk to include stucco retaining wall, 6' wide concrete steps and stone veneer pilasters -see image sheet L48.0 4' wide concrete walkway _, CeNTRAI PgRKwq;y ' _1: ~: 3. Small flowering trees in carnage lanes with understory planting of shrubs and groundcover -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Neighborhood 11 ~(1 1i ~/ ~.. 1 U !~ S4 Concrete unit pavers with 12" wide concrete band - seeimage sheet L95.0 6'-7' wide turf area behind sidewalk Landscape planting concept beyond turf area to be a combination of taller shrubs adjacent to building (+4'-5' to screen building foundation) terracing to (+2'-3') intermediate shrubs to low growing grasses and groundcovers (+12"-18") Giovanni Way street tree: Platanus Acerifolia 'Bloodgood' 4' wide concrete walkway Screen Trees: see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Mailbox Station -see mailbox location plan sheet L13.0 for image J G;i 6C f ~~ S S _ i .~ r,i ~4 L~ ; ~ ~ ' 1 ~, Ah . - ~ ~ -~ ~ as x' 'n" . r ~y y ~ ~,`rrc ~~ m ~', ~- ~ ~ ~:!` - - ~y ~,k: ~~ ..n~rt i~ to J .9 ~~ t~ i 11 I ~r: ~~ -_ ~~ I ~ _'' l I d ~~ 1 1 1 1 . 1 - 1 i- ~ i~ __ , ~. __ i ~ - i Secondary Entry - -- See plan and elevation -Sheet L4.0 Low growing shrubslground cover (+18")above retaining wall and adjacent to walk similar to Sorrento 1 (see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0) Plan View scale: r=ao~-o° a 20' am ao LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER ~_.__- ; ENLARGEMENT AREA SORRENTO EAST ar D~L~ N~NCN Dublin, California AREA F O REOENT PROPERTIES _ w....... ~.m.. -,.. a3-~ ~ ~~ i R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPDON DATE SFIEE((NUAIBFA: L85.0 Small flowering trees in planter pockets i.e. Rhaphiolepis'Majestic Beauty,' Prunus Caroliniana Low-light adapted groundcover i.e. Liriope, Trachelospermum Jasminoides -. . see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Illuminated bollard -see street furniture sheet L94.0 Low-light adapted foundation shrub - i.e. Low Growing Carnellia (+4' high) 6'-0"wide concrete steps stradled by 3'-0" stone veneer pilasters and 2'-6"high stucco veneer wall -see image sheet L46.0 Patio wall per architect's drawings 4' wide concrete walk to patio and entry (typ.) 4' wide concrete walkway Low growing upright foreground shrubs and grasses to match Sorrento 1 i.e. Carex Spp., Phormium Sp. (dwarf Groundcover or grass (+18"high) -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Celtis Occidentalis street tree Turf in parkway Intermediate shrub adapted for partial shadelsun condition with low growing Evergreen groundcover in foreground -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Concrete unit pavers with 12"wide concrete band -see image sheet L95.0 ;~= M1~5i Background shrub (+4' high) i.e. Westringia Fruticosa -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress Sempervirens -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Intermediate shrub in front of patio wall (+3' typ.) i.e. Dietes Vegeta -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Low growingforegroundshrubs and/orgroundcover (+18" high) to cascade over wall. Match Sorrento 1 i.e. Groundcover Rose, Tuecrium Spp. Upright foreground shrub or grass (+18" high) i.e. Carex Spp. -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Enlargement A Scale: 1"=10'-0' 0' S 10' 20' ~~ SORRENTO EAST ~r DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOENTMPNOPERTIE4 R E V I S I O N S: DESCBP'fION DA7E SHF.Ei NUMBER: L86.0 KEY MAP Flowering a^^°^} }~°°° i.e. LavendE Rosemary'' Pyracantha to wall Lavender (a Existing stoi Focal Tree i.e. Fruitless C J) SORRENTO EAST 41 DUBL~' RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERilE3 R E V f S I 0 N S: DESCPJP170N DATE StUCCO VenE cap - see irr 42"high del image sheet Rose or For 4' wine rnnr u © "an+uwxmr KEY MAP r~c~anwiy wau - aw uuayc ancc~ wc.v nciaumiy wan - acc wau vcnaci anu rvau JIIIGII IIVWCIIIiy LICC - JCC ~11U~/VJCU ~11GIIl NaICLLC JIICCI L I.U JUCCII UI ~Jldlilllly UCC - JCC NIUFlUSCU for height see civil engineer's drawings cap plan sheet L52.0 plant palette sheet L1.0 Turf (typ.) 4' wide concrete walkway Private rearyard (typ.) 4' wide concrete walk Street tree: P rus Call ana' New Bradford' Y 5'-6" stucco veneer wall with rolled cap - Good neig~or fence -see image sheet a ~ ~~ ~ ~~ see image sheet L52.0 ~ ; X53.0 ~ ,~ i; V ~~ - ~ I ~ ,_~ .;~; "~ . ~ - , ,. ~Il. ~0 49 ~ ~ ~ --_ ~ `i3 ~~ ~ ~ `~ d7 ` - ~ 1 i b5 ~~ ~V ~ ~ ~~r X77 -', `~9 r h t fi(1 . I - ~. S 4 i ..~, i ,i ~ fi7 • µv = ~' 1 t ~1 t)1 ~ ~ ~ H~ n - i ~~ _, ~~ 1 k_.. .~A.: ~. i ~; , ~ ~ .,• ~ / - - ~.J c" a ~- ~ HIl 7 ~I I ~•\ ~~ ,~ ~ if , . A ~ ' ~ '~ I 7 8 „.. '~ H I L, '~~ ,~,k;~,a _ ~ - ~, ~. _ ,~, ~ ~ ~; ~1 ~ _ - - . _ ~- - _- _ .~'~,, ~~ ~ ~- _ _ ~ ii `ta la ~ 1 ~° ,,, ° .~~ 1 1 ' HH 90 y~, ~ 1 , H7 H9 ~` ` 1 1 ` l ~ ry7 J 1 ~ , fi ~ , '~. 1 ~ d1 y ~~ ~ 11 ~~ - i ~ - ~~~_ - ,' Terraced landscape on slope ' ` 1 ~"~' 1 1 1 _~" ~ , f ' - ,~ ~ ~~ ( 11~~'. `; 111 4' wide concrete walkw ~f ~ a ' 'Vy Y f 1 with concrete steps and 1 ~ 1 ` ~ " ~ ~IH ~ elf y5 cheekwall '~i~ ~, 1 1~ - 10 1(111 l ~ 1 1 ; ~ycJ 9i .. Stucco veneer retaining wall ~ ~ ' 1 ~~~~~ 1 1 t 0:1 10. - - - 1 ,. ~ 1~ with rolled cap -see image 1 , - - - sheet L52.0 1 ~ 1, i 1.. ~, ~ -~ ~ - -" - . - -- 1 _. _ ~ _ _ L90•0 1 ' ~ f 1 Benches and pergola- see image -..~ 1 , , ~ i i ~ 1~ ~ 2 '~ >~ i ll ~- ecorative metal - fence over stucco i t(I veneer retaining wall i see image sheet z .,`` L15.0 ^~ ~ ;Ig Steps and cheek ~ ~, wall within 4' wide 1 concrete walk ~ `~ ° . 1 '~ ~ .i 3H Turf in parkway Lockhart Street tree: Celtic Occidentalis r~ r ~ Stone veneer retaining wall with focal tree, Fruitless Olive, behind wall to be level -see image sheet L52.0 r ~~ r Flagstone paving ~ ,r ~t ~ 6'-0"wide steps to upper walk wall with ,i' ~ ., ~. r grade steps to include handrails ,f r Screen or flowering trees -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 - ~,, ~ ~~ ~ I Landscape area to include a combination i of full sun and partial sun tolerant shrubs and groundcover -see proposed plant '- ~~ palette sheet L1.0 4' wide concrete walk (tvo.l ~. 1 sheet L94.0 L91•0 Plan View 1 3'-6"high stucco veneer patio wall with s~aie ~°=ao~-0• precast cap -see image sheet L53.0 o s ,~~ ~ Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled ICI ~~ cap -see image sheet L52.0 u Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER r , ENLARGEMENT AREA L---J SORRENTO EAST Ai ~UBL-V R.dNCtl Dublin, California AREA F O EO f /RO iERT1E5 R,~....E ~~.....~.,~~ R E V I S I O N S: DASCRITDDN DATE PAOIECrNU117B8Po 70611 scA~E: ASNDTPD DATE ISSUED: 11118109 Neighborhood 10 Preliminary Landscape Plan 3 • P~An~ ~F ~ ~,, no eDSCA E ,RCNIT ECTU RE SHEEfNUMEER L88.0 KEY MAP L90.0 ~r ~, m \~`, 1~ ~ ~o ,, 9 ~ ~- 1 'r , \~ ~~ G:, r ~ ,< E T ~ ~» ~ ~ ~ ,. i i It(~~ i ~ ~- ~+' L4.0 Central Parkway street tree Celtis - Occidentalis @ 30' o.c. 4'-0" wide concrete walkway to front d~ including concrete steps and stucco veneer pilasters -see image sheet L1 Concrete sidewalk per civil engineer's drawings 2'-ti" stucco veneer retaining wall with precast concrete cap -see image sheet L15.0 ^ _, CENTRAL PARKWAY -Comer Monument -see sheet L5.0 Landscape area Screen trees i.e. Laurus Nobilis 'Saratoga' -see proposed plant 3'-6"high stucco veneer porch wall with palette sheet L1.0 precast concrete cap -see image sheet L53.0 Turf (typ.) Plan View Turf in parkway scale: r=ao~-o~ o' Is sa so' Landscape behind sidewalk to consist of 18"-24"high upright shrubs and grasses -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Focal tree: Fruitless Olive ~~~ Lockhart Street tree: Celtis Occidentalis @ 30' o.c. Turf in parkway ___ Vehicular entry gate - see concept elevation .18 '~ sheet L90.0 ~, ;,..~ ~ Concrete walkway - ~% ~ ~~ see civil engineer's '^ -~ ~ ! ~ drawings I 0 Decorative metal fence over stucco `• _ veneer retaining wall - ~ ~ ~ see plan sheet L14.0 ~~ "~ ` ' _ ~ ` and image sheet L15 0 . I ;7 ~ Private yard (typ.) ~, m Decorative metal ~ , ~ fence -see image i' 1t' ~_°~''- sheetL15.0 `Small flowerin tree - 9 ~~e proposed plant 3~ ~;alette sheet L1.0 ~ / , ucco veneer , r fining wall -see e sheet L53.0 1 .,- ~ `~ ~ - 1.r ~~ LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER r ~ ENLARGEMENT AREA L----~ SORRENTO EAST Rr Du~L~ R~h~re Dublin, California AREA F O RE6'ENT PROI ERT/ES R E V I S I O N S: DFSCRIPTION DATE exolECrn~ex wau SCALE: AsxoTCv DATE ISSUED: I»IRro9 Neighborhood 10 Premiminary Landscape Plan rte., ~~., ..~. ~~ NDSCAPE ARCNITECTUPE ~~~ ~o~ SHEETNIIMBER: L89.0 Stone veneer entry wall -see image sheet L52.0 Background/foundation shrub -see drawings Foreground shrubs -see propsed plant - palettesheet L1.0 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall - with rolled cap -see image sheet L52.0 Stone veneer wall -see image sheet - L52.0 Street tree: Platanus Acerfolia' Bloodgood' ENTRY ELEVATION Sple: 114"=1'-0' - 5' wide decorative metal pedestrian gate Vehicular gales -see below `: i7 y'~,' ~I I~ ~~ ; ~:,~.~ , ~,a _ . .. ~% - ~, I i~~ .", , Stucco veneer wall with rolled cap VIEW ~ ~r~('~ ~' ~; ;; x i ~>.< LEETHOMPS _- IEET -Telephone intercom entry system -Boxwood hedge with 18" wide annual color band in foreground -Concrete unit pavers with 18" wide concrete band -see images sheet L95.0 -Focal tree i.e. Olive Tree - 7'-0"high stone veneer retaining wall 7'-6" High Stone ;Weer Median Wall Decorative Metal Vehicular Gate House Lot 13 SORRENTO EAST rP ~UBIDV RaRre Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIEd ~ ,,~ J R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROIECTNUMEER wo-u SCALE: AS NOTED _ DATE ISSOII): 1711Si09 Neighborhood 10 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 3NEEfNUMBER'. L90.0 KEY MAP Small flowering tree -see proposed plant u -~- r ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~j ~ ,~, Priva d . ---- palette sheet L1.0 __- - i e yar - ---- "-` Vines on fences where adjacent to --`' - ' ' - , ` Screen trees -see proposed plant ~ ~-_ parking space . --~ . palette sheet L1.0 ._ Shrubs and groundcover in planter areas - ' . " ~ ' 1 n l s ,I ~ _ .. , at rear of houses ~ ,~-~~, ~ ~~ y rolled cap see ima ge heet L52.0 ~ I, .. ,.. .~;~ 91 9 ~1 - Enlargement -see sheet L91.1 L --~::. ,~. , ; ~ , ~~ 9 3 9 ~, , ; ~, E ~~ _ t3U , , nlargement -see sheet L91.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~~~~ , I ~~ Street tree: Pyrus Calleryana' New r ', - _ I Ii Bradford' '~ . _- : ~ v ~ ~ `,~„~y j ~ tk'`v', ' _ ~ ~ _ - . ~~ Concrete sidewalk per civil engineer's ~"~ ~ ~~;{~~ -,' I.~ ~ ~= ~ , ~ ~ - ~ ' ,~ . , ~ ~ _ , 9 ~ ~ drawin s _ ~ ~ __ r _ ~ ' , '~ ~ Focal trees: Fruitless Olive Y, ~. Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled - ~ .: . _ ' j °° ', Flagstone paving cap -see image sheet L52.0 ~ _~ " T I li Stone veneer retaining wall to mat f Focal tree: Fruitless Olive ,. __-~. , "~ _. -- .. - , - ' p, `" ~ J height of northern veneer wall at ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ _ . , '~ p-~- ~ x ';~ - } ~ ~ a n ry rr. seo e ~. ~ ~ ' - ~ r~, , _, , ~ _ _ Accessible walkway ~ ~, ~ , ~ -- ~ ~ '~ ` ~~ ° ;.'' I _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ , ~~ ~ - fi Stucco veneer courtyard wall with 1 ' ! - i 'i precast cap -see image sheet L52.0 ~ 1(1 10~~ i ~~ ~ ~J I ` c c c .17 ~ ~~ IU3 Q2 - Flagstone paving -see image sheet L95.0 Concrete steps Plant material in paseo to include shrubs and Stone veneer wall to match heigh of groundcover no taller than 3'-0"that meet partial to full northern wall at paseo entry sun contitions -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Screen or flowering tree -see proposed Terraced landscape concept to include: a combination of plant palette sheet L1,0 plant species in masses with taller shrubs (+4' high) at top 3'-li" meandering concrete walk (typ.), of slope and lower shrubs near bottom and cascading Walkway shall not be closer than 2' to groundcover to spill over wall -see proposed plant palette any walllhouse sheet L1.0 6' wide concrete walk with steps and 3'-li" high stucco veneer patio wall with precastcap -see handrails. Cheek walls to slope with sheet L52.0 grade Private patio area (typ.) Narrow upright tree i.e. Cypress Pergola -see image sheet L91.1 with Focal tree: Fruitless Olive Benches and waste receptacles -see sheet L94.0 Plan View V 10' ZO' dp' LEGEND ---~ t ~ ENLARGEMENT AREA ... r SORRENTO EAST AT DUBLIlV RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOERTpIROIERTIEB R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPRDN DATE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Men i..~-...t<se en,a SHEFT NM~ER: L91.0 © ~„~ KEY MAP Flowering accent tree - seeproposed plant palette t sheet L1.0 ~"~ ~~"n ~ ~ ' -~~.. Street tree: Platanus ~ ~" ~~r "~ Acerfolia -see proposed ~ ~ a ' ) plant palette sheet L1.0 ', '?; 1;: ~ ~ ,1 yr ) Stucco veneer retaining wall- - ~ with rolled cap -see image sheet L52.0 Cascading background and -'' intermediate shrubs and groundcover (typ, on slope) -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 `, 4' wide concrete walk ' , Foreground shrubs -see proposed plant " palette sheet 1.0 ', Intermediate shrubs -see proposed plant palette sheet 1.0 ~ ~ Speciman Olive Flagstone paving with 8' wide concrete i steps to match wall 18"high stone veneer retaining wall at flagstone paving. Top of wall to be level ' and not exceed 30"high above grade. Wall to terminate into slope -see image , ~~ sheet L52.0 ~~°~ Handrail -see image sheet L53.0 ~' ~ >, Stone veneer retaining wall.18" high at _ flagstone paving. Top of wall to be level -~~ Italian Cypress ~" 4' wide concrete paseo walk ~_ , Plan View Scale: 1'=1D'-0" Dn4 70' 20' It - : ;.. ~1'_ 103 ~ ! ~ PASEO ENTRY -WEST ENLARGEMENT 0 rb ~ 3'-0" ~ 4x6 wood lattice (stained) 2"wide dark brown metal straps ~I i Plan View o' s im ~a ~~~~ Side Elevation: wood to be stained dark brown with black metal straps -Stucco veneer retaining wall with rolled cap -see image sheet L52.0 Flowering accent tree -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Casrading background and intermediate shrubs and groundcover (typ. on slope) -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 4' wide concrete walk Foreground shrubs-see proposed plant palette sheet 1.0 Intermediate shrubs -see proposed plant palette sheet 1.0 Speciman Olive Flagstone paving with 8' wide concrete steps 18"high stone veneer retaining wall at flagstone paving. Top of wall to be level and not exceed 30"high above grade. Wall to terminate into slope -see image sheetL52.0 tone veneer retaining wall.l8" igh at flagstone paving. Top of all to be level ~andrail -see image sheet L53.0 Italian Cypress 4' wide concrete paseo walk SORRENTO EAST Ar ~UBLIN R~HfH I Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT IROPERTIE! R E V I S I O N S: DBSCP,IVIIDN DATE PLANNING URBAN DE91GN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mom c. ~.~~.... ,, a... S~NUNmr?~ L91.1 PASEO ENTRY -EAST ENLARGEMENT Elevation: wood to be stained dark brown with black metal straps - _-r~-rrrt-~---- - wi a concre a wa o ront oor Planter area to consist of terraced landscape with ° 0 ( ~ . walk to have concrete steps with cheek taller shrubs +30"high toward retaining wall and walls in some cases lower shrubslgroundcover in foreground Concrete unit avers with 12"wide ~ Plan View p Focal tree i.e. Fruitless Olive -see s~ie: ~~=aow~ concrete band -see image sheet L95.0 proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 0 ,s ~~ ~ ~~ Concrete sidewalk per Civil Engineer's I~ drawings Stucco veneer privacy wall with rolled cap -see wall veneer and cap plan L59.0 (LEGEND L8.1 SHEET NUMBER ~_----_I ENLARGEMENT AREA LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUflE . ao+ M ,,, sx>:er rvuMeex. L92.0 1, Mailbox station -see sheet L13.0 - Concreteunit pavers with 12"wide - concrete band -see image sheet L95.0 Focal tree: Fruitless Olive -see proposed plant palette sheet L1.0 Teucrium Chamaedris in parkway - 2'-6"high stucco veneer retaining wall - with rolled cap -see image sheet L59.0 4'-0" wide concrete walk (typical) Typical driveway scoring pattern ~~~ Turf , -I X51 -- ' --+-_ _J I t ~_ -- ,,: ... I ~~ -;~~ I ~ C • 'A I ..,. y ~_ .~,.__ I I t. •-` / L j Ill` ~_~. -- - I ~ , '• ~ _. ;i I ._.__-____L_ -.. °, ~ .; I - _ _ ,. Flowering accent tree -see - -- ~ proposed plant palette ^- ~~ sheet L1.0 f-, ~~ Groundcover-see proposed r plant palette sheet L1.0 ~~~ ~~~ ' I -~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ x ~ Foundation shrub -see r ?~ ~ ~ ~~~j ~ ~yi ; proposed plant palette ~-~ 1 _;~ ~ ~~ti j vI . , ~, sheet L1.0 ,~~, ~~ ~i f~ r ~ Flowering Accent Tree - _ _ ,_, - '~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ see proposed plant palette sheetL1.0 G'I ~ _, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~~ N Wq ~ °~. ~`~, ^: ~~ l ' ~~ -0. i~ ~ \ , ~~ a~ _. \ ~~ ~ ~r ~ ~ I _ . sc~ie r=lo~-0• 0' Y f0' 20' ~~~ SORRENTO EAST 41 ~U~LIN RpNfN Dublin, California AREA F O REEENi VROIERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCIUPIION DAIS PAOIECTNUhIBEk 300.11 '~, SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 1711U09 Neighborhood 11 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Plan MAP 3 ?LANNING URBAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE AACHIiECTUpE SI~ET NIIMBFA: L93.0 SORRENTO ~~~~~~, EAST ~a, ~ .~- ,,~ ~ ~ ~ ~UBLIN / RAhfR _~ . ~ ,"~ , 1 Dublin, California r, AREA F f: i i O REOENT PROPERTIES y.~, , i~1 11 Metal to be dark brown Metal to be dark brown Metal to be dark broe~n Waste receptacle Waste receptacle. Bicycle rack :~ ^ ~ . J ~~ ~~ Dublin, California AREA F Concrete unit pavers with 12" wide split face paver band and 6"wide concrete control band. Palermo Way and Lee Thomson entries (See Plan) i ' I i - ~ I ~ I r ~. ~I Concrete unit pavers with 12"wide split face paver band. Palermo Way and Lee Thomson entries (See Plan) Concrete unit pavers with concrete bands (public streets) ~_.T....~'1:: f. Concrete unit pavers Entries and Intersections (See Plan) 1 ~.~._ ._ 'y}~,r8* ~ ~ ~ , f ~~, R ;~f y7y i ~' ~ ~ ~ a 'lh,= 1 { ,, ~~~,. , ~ ~ r p~.~. ~, ,~,~~,•~~ ,' ~~ r ~ ? ,~' r ~ f ~ r t f .I ra' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l ~ , Concept ~ ~AN~~ ,y . ~~ ~ ~ '>4 nre ~:<. ~~.~ " r JC~IIt;,i ,fi r _.w,;~ ~~ _, i Concept Concept Concrete unit pavers at N10 entry (section per civil engineer's plans and soils engineer's recommendation) Color to compliment stone veneer columns "C ~ .. ri1r ~/ ~~, 1.- ,•' vl~ }. '\, . y~ 1 ~~~ ~~ '" ~' ' Mf ~ , I:, ~~_ ,. ~`~, ~ t -{' ~ ~ 1 SORRENTO EAST aI DUBL~1 RaNre O T /RO-ER TIFF R E 6,E N,.rr,., II,u~} ` R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPmON DATE PROJECTNIIMBER: wo-n SCALE. AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: mla~m Site Materials Concept Concrete unit pavers with 12"wide concrete band (section per civil engineer's plans and soils engineer's recommendation) N9 alleys and N11 auto court entries LANDSCAPE AflCHITECTUflE 5}~ETNUAIHER: L95.0 Concept Concept Concept At Grafton Street and Capoterra Way At Grafton Street and Palermo Way Site Potter r~__ _ Grafton Street Corner Monument ~: ~ 'c~'A` "n r ~ li Concrete steps with concrete cheek wall Handrail: color to be dark brown End Condition: "Lambs Tongue,' color to be dark brawn Typical Construction Methods (all neighborhoods and pedestrian corridors) ~~~ ~~~ SORRENTO EAST Br DUBL-~ R~NfH Dublin, California AREA F O REOENTYPROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPf(ON DARE PRO]ECf NUMBER: 30h11 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: illtelo9 Site Elements i 3 PLANNING UflRAN DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SIEiET NUMBER: L96.0 Specimen Olive at entries Promenent Pronject Trees Concept: Cypress Allee Concept: Hollywood Juniper Concept: Magnolia Crape Myrtle D Z m ~~ I~ A --- / ~ -tom I~I ~ II_ yy ~_ -z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~~ y~'~~ i n I F- I I ~__. h (_ N -~ t f .o ~~: ~ ~~~F~'~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~: ~ `~ ~, ll[~ p /„ \\ \~ ~~ I o ~~ ~ o ~ `~ I I m._ _ .., ~_~ ___:_ - ._~_ f21D6EHELD ' ~~; L\~r _ - ~~ _ _ __ ~n- - GLEAa ON~RIVE -~- - ~i~ ~~ - r ~. -_ r ~ i i - r ~ r., ~' t ~, ~. <, , I -~ J I ~ b = -. #fi - ~1 N VITiORIA IODP 11 r (l I i i ~~ - ~~~/_ I ~~ ~-`r~,ifl~ , ra - ~ T,~~ v"`I `S~ H~M~ I _- _ BRAMANiE LANE ~ j1. _'_ ~ _ ~~ _ C ~r iT"I~ ~~_ 1 t k I r -- ;~~ I ~ : I il; -1 n ~ `r '~~~ ~ ~ ARAl01 LANE ~r,.~ CAPOTERRA WAY L pI @y7~ i, r ~ °I~ ~` f I ~~ ~ '~ ~ I~, .'k2 ~N~WAY ~~. r ~~~T B `~~ ,~~~\~ ~, r~ \\\ ~~ ~; `~\ ~~ ~~~.r~ ~~I ~~ ~ _ ~ I I d~ ~!, ,~~ I I ~ ~--. ~ i I - Iii, III i F~ ~ ~~~,o,f~ 1;; ~l% li~ ~~ I i ryi ~I .r' 1'~~ ~ I ~/ / ~ ~,~ it ~ii I T -~_ 'I TI III- I! r'I --- I Iii it I ~ I i i ... III ! i i ~ V_ '' L. s 8 E HOOL' NEIGHBORHOOD qN W, r - PARK - -o "-< I, -~ 6~®!~~ a (' ~~` \~~ /' . ~ -- -- ~ ~ T I ~_: r~l ~~ / t #; ', ~~~ ~ - .~ _L_~__._ ~~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ r it m F ~ 7 A ~ 0 , ~q ~ t A .; ? i 4 3 a f f 1 ( I .r-u / ~ -~ ~-~~' 11 H ~TT,`` ~ C ~~ ~~ ~~ ' - - __- `-~~~ ;ii I ~°F ~~ ,~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ / 1 ~ _ ~ ~~ ~'~ ~~Il! ~.; a -, ~~ LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION • Paseo Entry Monuments: Neighborhoods 6 7, 6 and 10 Public ad to include ArborlPergola base and posts and arch. Base to match at each end of the paseo, ArborlPergola may be different. See corrcept images sheet L84.0 Stone Veneer entry wal Is with specimen Uees • PedesUian Coorida: 'Statuary Gallen Centerpiece Fountain • Paseo's: Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8 and 10 'Screen panels 'Mosaics Pergolas Arbors See concept images sheet L98.0 for Public Art Opportunity conceptimages. - - -- PLAN VIEW NTS _ _~ SORRENTO EAST di DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REOEMT PROPERT/ES R E V I S I O N S: DFSCAIPTION _ DATE _ PROIECTNUMBER: 7oau -SCALE: AS NOT® DATE ISSUED: 1818109 Public Art Opportunities (If required) LANDSCAPE AACHITECTU AE SIOsET N[7MBER: L97.0 Stone Mosaic on stucco wall Tile Mosaic on stucco walls or entry monument base Decorative Paving Paseo's Neigborhood's 6, 7, 8,10, &_11~ ,. . -~-- / /' t -. r... t ~ ~ T~; ~• ~ ~~ Concept Concept Concept Pedestrian Corridor, Neigborhood 10 ~.: Metal panels on base Concept Concept ~, _ ~ ~, ns metal scrolls Is Crete steps Ted wood post per bowl ~l) SORRENTO EAST Ar D~L~ BpAfE Dublin, California AREA F REOE O ,, e,Mi (ROPER TIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRDmON DATE PROTECT NUMBER: 30x11 SCALE: ASNOiID DAIS I85UED: I'll18109 Public Art Opportunities SNEEf NUMEER~. L98.0 Concept: Stucco veneer columns with file trim and metal arch with lantern Paseo Entry Monuments (to be designed by Artists) Stone veneer base with painted wood post and metal straps Stone veneer columns with decorative painted metal post arch and lantern '~ ~~, i ~,,~~ '' ~~ ,~ ~~~ J ~ ~.~r %~ ;/ SORRENTO EAST Atrr~~,ii ~Llll Raxca Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES R F. V I S IONS: D~NON DA19 PROJECT NUMBER: 193940 SCALE: ASNQIED DA7EiSSUBD: Dmmba(6,kA9 OVERALL SITE DEVELOPMENZ PLAN ARC r~ ~~R~~~rrt7 Y~EST ~ J ii ~ ,. i i i r` ~ ,, ,f f rr ~ 1t I ~ ! F1! \~ ~I_~,_~ LEGEND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Neighborhood Boundary d Neighborhood Number IIRItl n so~ ,oo~ zoa ~.~~~ «o~ c~ P.1.0 ~~>~ ~ UNIT SUMMARY BY NEIGHBORHOOD I I 1 ~,, o- i ~ ; I I Ii I I ~ b~; 4 \ !~ \, "C1 _l i ~, V ~ ~ ~ I Y 1 ~ I ( I !, I '` ! I I iIl j i ~ ~ 1, I ! ~ I~ ~, i ~ I i~~li~ I flwi I ti~~ I t~ I~ ~~~ ti ~ ~ fYl r~ Z I I ~ t_ _ L., ., E.. i' , .: LL I` I~Q I "la I ,~~ I I II I II I , I ;~ I E I ~~ I I ~ -! ra r ,~ ~ j `, __..~ __._ _ - - .._ _. -.- ______ --~ 1~-.~_------- -- -- -- __ r `~ _~_,~_____.r (,'LEASON DRIVE -- _ - - °' d ...--....--~_ ------~~ -- _ _. --- _ _. _ - I .__ I --_ •• _ _ ... -" - --- -- .. _._ _ _ _ _ _. _.. ~ I~~ _ 1C I __- -_ _" ~ t ._~.---_ r-, r--~ TI ~ .. ,a ~ 4 i. i ~;"IGHB~JRi ~CtG PARK. i ....;r ~.,.,r;.,.,_t LEGEND Lot Number Property Line '---'--- PSELine a 5~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ Neighborhood Boundary * See Sheet 1.1.2 for Plotting, Style Mix and Unit Information See Sheet 1..1.3 for Cluster Detail Plan ~~~ sa~ENTo EAST Al 1J UllL~ RANCA Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PRGPER7(ES R E V I S I O ti S: O~f10N DA18 rRO~RCrxu~>~: I939W sue: Asp DA7E6SU®: DamhalBy3E09 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ..~.. 0' 25' S0' 100' .~ PWINfi~VM sxeaxa PIF,KIMpI, a Pvee Isn) m-moo P.l.l.l n-n-aom ~~ w e~ P:\IP581\PUNM4~SOA MOCYA\91A 4Y. 70pp~5pl\P.I_9R3U11.D7C I i,,..~~. 1 ! ~ ~ ~ I 1~ ! ~: 1 I~ iz-o-zoos tasom a~~ke a,~u VITTORIA LOOP ' xCs fl/~~ "~ ~ ~ ~/ n~u~~~-- - ~ 4A ~a~~~n~~~~u~n~~i~~~~ _.__. ..._. 0 WAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I --- ~~~~~~~~~PALERM 14 „ ``''' 13 UNIT SUMMARY NOTES 2 P1anName Area (nets.f) No. Plan 1 2,275 17 Plan lx 2,920 17 Plan 2 2,285 35 Plan 3 2,345 9 Plan 3x 2,815 8 Plano 2,390 g Plan 4 2,920 8 102 'See Sheet P 1.0 for Unit Specifics ~~ 1. Applicant has the ability, where possible, to interchange Plan 1 and Plan lx, Plan 3 and Plan 3x, and Plan 4 and Plan 4x Symbol with each other. A minimum of 20% of Plans 1, 3 and 4 must be x's (3 story). 2. Individual floor plans may be placed next to or across a paseo or street from each other. The same architectural elevation on the same individual floor plan shall not be plotted C directly across a paseo from each other In no case will the same architectural elevation of color scheme be allowed next ~ to or across the street from each other, unless they are a xC different individual floor plan. x 3.Optional stone elevation on Plan 3xCs is only required to be s built on Lot 3 and Lot 81. Plan 1 xCs shall be built on Lot 1 and optional on other lots. 4. The applicant reserves the right to change the unit mix and plan locations illustrated on this plan in accordance with these notes if it is within substantial conformance with the approved SDR. v~i5ysa~vuux~c~sou a~nc~soA aEV. 2aosasoi~P.i~2sinl ua aux.ouc ----_ . ~----- -_ _ GLEASON D 5Z 46 -... 57 - ~ i~ :I ~~~ LEGEND Architectural Style Quantity Lombardy 41 Tuscan 39 Provence I 22 102 House Plan Number/Elevation Type 3-Story Home "Optional Stone" elevation plotted Enhanced Elevation ~~-. SORRENTO EAST Ai DUBLIl~ RANCB Dublin, California AREA F O ...,o ., NT PROPERTIES REGEI:: a`X-' R E V I S I O N S~, DFSCRiP170N DA1E PROJECT MIM8JN1: I9394A SCALE: ASNDIED DATEISSUID: Decrmbat8,2IXH NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN a' zs 50' i oa I~cK~r&5omps . ~~~~~EEa~ti~.~~o ~~~~.~~0 5~~,~v~ >L'WSANiCN.:A. 9<50A X335) 225-Cfi9G P.1.1.2 ---- cr fC aow N ~~ S RRENTO EAST AI Du~L~ RdACA Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES +~~ ~.,.~.., u~........ R F. V I S i 0 N S: DESCABIIOP! M78 PRQJECf NUMBHR: 1%940 SCAfE: A9NOtAD DAIEISSUED: i)ax~6a18,1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 CLUSTER DETAIL PLAN UPHILL CONDITION FROM STREET NOTES - Areas other than houses and private yard area to be maintained by HOA. -Actual yard sizes will vary due to lot sizes. -See Outdoor Life Style exhibit A.6.0.05 for typical detailed yard plans. LEGEND zow FG Private Yard Area -------- Public Service Easement ------- Property Line ROW Right of Way FC Face of Chub N.T.S. IIUWMTaS~PS CMS ENCWEFPoxC•lAW RNFmG.WrO SW.'E1s.G %FASWfCN, CA 9E86B (AYS} 2P6-0680 s~ernu~x: P.1.1.3 iz-n-mm ~:ta~ ~ aril a:~ia~vhruaaw7s~ aaacrt~ma a[v. Zaaosoi~aa_vr~nw.oWc DOWNHILL CONDITION FROM STREET } ,- ~~ ,~ ;% >, ~e /~j ,~ j / .t. r i , i~ ~~rr a~ V '' ~~ r r- r r r~ ~`~~~~~" ~H'~~~- -- - -- -, ""+~"~. PALERMO WAY ________---- - ---------------- ~~ rr~~i~-r~~r ~, 1,~. , ~'. , ~, . , ~`,,~ z ~~,~, ,, ., ~. ,, ,;,, ',, ., '~~ ~`~l ~ \ ~` \ \ i ` \\\\` \ ~\ll\ \\ ~~ V~'\\ ,, ~ \ ,, ~ `~ \ 4 ,,~ \ } \ > >, ~ 1 `\ 1•, ~ 1 ~ '' ~ v C, 1 ~~ , ~ 1 1 ~~~ J & ~ ~ '~, ,, \ , 111 ~ 0 1 11 it a. 5 1 ~~ l 1 \ 1 \ \ i 1 ~ 111 it 1~ E V ~ r~' 1a~ A ~ 1 l , , O/~1 \ ', \ ~,~ llt ~ {,1+111 tll\ 1 ,1 i ~ ~ t ,, 1 s 1 ~ 1, r~ 1 ~ 1F it it `.1 .itl ~ ~11 ,`1 , V h ,, `11 1 1 j,/l I t , h 15S ` t 1 1 1 t hl .' h '~1 i i ~ ~ i t 1! .1 '; t l h X11 9 ~ i S 1 1 li' i .t } b ~, h l ~1 ', = 1 ~ ~~ u i y ~ h h ` 1 y h 1 r y 1 1 ~ Y r ~ ^""' u`i 1 1 a 1 1 ~ I / q1 s, h ~ ~ 1 ~; -, 't' ~ ', ', ` I 1a4 ! '~ 1 h fq I 1W 15 w ~t I ~~ h i t II 1 i{ A6 ~ I h i t I I 1 1 Ih ~ yh hl R do' ~d pp I y ~ I I I h I N ~ ~ I 1~ !I II I h h~ I ~ t it kl az ~ 1, I~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ .o'. ~- I y r r,,,---- 1 h ~ h '~, ~ ~ i . I' h m,~~ ; 1 ' k. i ~ ~ i ~ ~i ~ i I ~'~~ ~ 1 ~ i j 1 fl 1 ~~ II ~ i i i I ~~------ ~\ ~ ,_ I \. i t ~! I t~ it Neighborhood Boundary a L2.2 for Plotting, Style Mix and Uiut ]nformation See Sheet 1.2.3 for Cluster Detail Plan ~~~5i SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ RANCN Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES R F, V I S 1 0 N S: 06(7tIPn@i OA78 i~om~creutimEts: ,~ SCALE: ASNOlED DA7EISSUBD: DxmEai6,M09 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 SITE )EVELOPMENZ PLAN Y~ 0' 10® ~C~g ~~ ~~ c~> s~erHU~x P.1.2.1 Iz-n-ms iaon uu 6A P.\IV]A!\PUWIN~SUR 110G2\mR IEY. SUOBUS01\P.1_91CRN1.[NC J -~' ~ .~'~`~ v ~~~ ~~ A - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ \ i ~ ~ ~ ~j ~_ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 3C ~ ~~ i ~ . rG 1~ DIY ~ ,1x ` \ ,~S ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ 5Q1'' ~ ~~ 2A ~ 3xB~~ \ ~~ \ ~~ P -~~~ CS 1A ~' lxC ~ \ ~ \ i -:., h - 1 ~~ ~ B'; 3 _ _ ~ ,4xB ~ lA ~tiC ~ ~ ~ ' A\ ~ ~ ~! , .~ ~ 1C ~ 1xB ~ ~. ~0 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~' lx ~+ 2xC ~ ~ 3xC'. ~ ~ ~ ~ e~ ~° 3B' a ~ \ ~ ~ ar 3 ~e a'1B ' 4B ~ ._ 1B ~ s2 1 ~ 3C. ~ ,~ ~2B ~ ~ ,'4B , ~ ~ ~~3B~' ~ ` ,~ a~. ~iC l ~~ 14xC ~ ~ 5n ~ ". 1C ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 - , `~ 1 9A -" ~.1XB. ~ 2C -, 55 2 ~ 51 1 - ,, ~\ ~< ` " ~ ;. 3 ~ ~ 1 1 A ° `-~ ~ ~ ~ •~. ~ : ' ~, ~' ~9 ~ '(~ ~ ~ 2x ~ ~ lA 2B ~ ~, ~1xB ~ ~ 1 -~ _. ' 4 ~ LQQQ zA ~ 3x ~ .- ~ ~ 4C . 1C a~ 1', ~ I • I ~ _ 2x ~ ` 4A 6 ~ 1xC lA o ~~ - ~ms'4C at 3A 1xC ~, ~ 2B ' ~ i ar - ~s ~' ~ - - 1C • ~" "xB ~ ~ z `~ I 2 s9 ~r - ~ 1 ~ Q ]xC ' ~4xC ~' az i B A' rd 1 xB ~ ~ ~ s , .~~ ~ lA , ~1xB - 3x ~ -. ~~ ~4x tis 1xC ` - i+ lA '~ - 1~ i a 1C_ , q1 lx ,. ~; ~2x .. - __ ~ ~ 5" ]x <, zX 1B ~ ~ 1xC ~ ~~ ~/1B 1 1B~ t e ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3B ~~~~~~~i~~i~~a~n~n~r ~ ,~ , __ I a 2xC ~0 3x "% N ,-~ 2x 18 i3C ~~~~~~~', xB ` _......._ _. i~'~j I~~~1' ~~~~~i~~ y ,~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~.PALERNIO WA NOTES 1. Applicant has the ability, where possible, to interchange Plan 1 and Plan lx, Plan 2 and Plan 2x, Plan 3 and Plan 3x, and Plan 4 and Plan 4x with each other. A minimum of 20% of Plans 1, 2, 3 and 4 must be x's (3 story). 2. [ndividual floor plans may be placed next to or across a paseo or street from each other. The same architectural elevation on the same individual floor plan shall not be plotted directly across a paseo from each other In no case will the same architectural elevation of color scheme be allowed next to or across the street from each other, unless they are a different individual floor plan. 3. The applicant reserves the right to change the unit mix and plan locations illustrated on this plan in accordance with these notes if it is within substantial conformance with the approved SDR. UNIT SUMMARY Plan Name Area (net s.f.) No. Plan 1 1.695 20 Plan lx 2,255 23 Plan 2 2,020 ~ Plan 2x 2,450 8 Plan 3 1,995 10 Plan 3x 2,605 12 Plan 4 2,300 8 Plan 4 2,860 7 95 See Sheet P1.D for Unit Speciflcs LEGEND Symbol Architectural Style Quantity ® Lombardy 31 Tuscan 33 0 Provence 31 1xC 95 House Plan NumberBlevation Type x 3-Story Home Enhanced Elevation a~~ SORRENTO EAST Ar DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PROPERTIES ,.. R E V I S I O N S: oescllnnox nn7E eROmcrNUrABER: I~~ao SCALE: ASNOIEO DATEISSIIBD: Da®bal&~ NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN a za~ 40' ao m~dcAY~somps M~ eNeiNeemv,.urvn PuNwNe.~nNC suwEY~Ne P lFAS4Ni0N. C0. 94588 {925j 225-0690 P.1.2.2 ~z-n-mos xl5pm u~ edu e~ia.~a~PV~xr~c\soa aocne~gsoe Rw iaososai~a.i z_sn~ uiK vvw.ows F~ R 0 W - .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . a ~~ ~~~ S RRENTO EAST !i DUBL~i RA;tce Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES air ................... R E V I S I O N S: DK9CRVnON ~ArB 1ROIECI'Nl1MBER: Iri9W SCALE: Ase~ DA7ELSSUED: Dermhrl8,100! NEIGHBORHOOD 7 CLUSTER DETAIL PLAN ROW FC DOWNHILL CONDITION FROM STREET NOTES -Areas other than houses and private yard area to be maintained by HOA. - Actual yard sizes will vary due to lot sizes. -See Outdoor Life Style exhibit A.7.0.05 for typical detailed yard plans. LEGEND RDW FC Private Yard Area ------ -Public Service Easement - Property Line ROW Right of Way FC Face of Curb N.T.S. ICY ~ ~~i cmi ucxcc9lxc.uxo awnxc.lerm sua+mxc %GSw.`1W, G 9.588 (925} ]25690 ~erR: P.1.2.3 11-I1-20161:,10pn Yke &il V~,\1979/1PIAMIM,.~6A7 4K%M,E~YiA A[y. 6p7p501\P.1_SfLWLDYC M UPHILL CONDITION FROM STREET :, ,, r ,~=~,~ ~~~ 1~ ~~ . r I~ \ r i I ~P;' I I .I ~~l I ~ I I I ! ~.4 ~ ~ ~ .I '' `il I '~I I '~ '~ ~ ~~ ` IE ~~ ~'' ' i { ~ i! ~ ~ ii ~ 1 i ~~ I '~ ' ~ ii ~ ~ '~ I ^ ~ € (~ ~I ,~ it i. ~~ I ~ ii I ~~ ~ i ~~ ' I ~ I ~ I ~ I ii I I I I 4 I III ~I j I ' I I I I 111 ~! II ~ i I^ I ! ^ I ': I -,I . I ~ I ~;`~W I Ij I~ I I I ,I I,~ I I I II Iz t 'I ;I~ ~ ;IH II I I I ~ ,~ i I~ I I I I~ I ;, I ,I I ,i I ,I I ;I I II I ' I ;; li I `t it ,, I - ,,__--- LEGEND 1 I 1 - t 1 Lot Number Property Line t -------- PSE Line l ~n~n~ I t I I t # .: t `~ . ~ t I 1 1 I i`J' t I I I :~ f~ I 'I 1 I I i t t I ~~ Neighborhood Boundary See Sheet 1.3.2 for Ptotting, Style Mix and Unit Information See Sheet 1.3.3 for Cluster Detail Plan Pedestrian Condor & Rec Facility aze Common Space ~q X51 SO NTO EAST ~~e r LUULllI ~ANCA Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES R F. V[ S I Q N S: (I1~19W1 M78 PROIECr NUMBBR: 19794-0 SCALE: ASNerOD DATEISSU9D: Dx®bRIa2009 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SITE )EVELOPMEN'I PLAN ~.~,. a m® ti^T^ P.1.3. is-n-m[e u~M w. au o-.~i4Jw~nuwrG~sm \~ ~xv. i I, ~``~ ~I i l- ~~;~ricr~r~~_;;,i, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PALERMO WAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I i ^ I I'. 1 W (] z o ~ E~ ~ F" C7 W W I ~ ~ I \ I I I I I h-~ I ' ~~1 ~" - -- -__ _- ' 1j_~~~u~n~n~n~n~n~n _ i~~n~~~~n/~t~ • ~-~~ CAPOTERRA WAY SORRENTO EAST LEGEND ~ r ~U~LIN Symbol Architectural Style Quantity R a ~ c e A) Florentine 49 J Dublin, California ~, B) Veneto 45 AREA F (~~ Romagna 44 138 1xC House Plan NumberlElevationType O REGENT PROPERTIES x 3-Story Home -,•- - s "Optional Stone" elevation plotted Enhanced Elevation R E V I S I O N S, D~CA~[fON DATE UNIT SUMMARY Plan Name Area (net s.f.) No. ~~ Plan 1 1,770 28 -' Plan 2 1,860 27 ~~~ Plan 3 1,610 21 c, i Plan 3x 2,605 22 -~ Plan 4 2,300 19 L. PROIECr NUl~PR: 19394-0 i , Plan 4x 2,860 21 nsamED 138 nnrESSUru Daemba18,2009 *See Sheet P 1.0 for Unit Specifics NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PLOTTING & NOTES STYLE MIX PLAN 1. Optional stone elevation on Plans 3B/3Bx shall be built, at a minimum, on the Lots identified by an "S" (Lots 12,13,34,52,102,107, and 119) and optional on other lots. 2. Applicant has the ability, where possible, to interchange ~ o. Plan 1 and Plan 2 ,Plan 3 and Plan 3x, and Plan 4 and o za ao' eo Plan 4x with each other. A minimum of 20% of Plans 3 and 4 must be x's (3 story). 3. Individual floor plans may be placed next to or across a paseo or street from each other. The same architectural elevation on the same individual floor plan shall not be plotted directly across a paseo fmm each other. In no case will the same architectural elevation or color scheme be allowed next to or across the street from each other, unless they are a different individual floor plan. IIIACKAY~50110~5 4. The Applicant reserves the right to change the unit mix ~ ~ EN~~~E_a ~.aH~ P~N~~~.~o ~~~~ o~aswme, rq 9a~ae (9ss) us-0csa and plan locations illustrated on this plan in accordance with these notes if it is within substantial conformance ~' with the approved SDR. P.1.3.2 ie-v-~ os ~ ~vm u~~ e~~u a~ie~sa~auHei Osoa ae~~nc:~soa ew. iao~asoga.i.t siru uix vw+oue FC -j' PLAN 3 fr=r' a~1 PLAN 3X ~~ YARD 273E SF ..-...... - - ~ - - i --- ~ --- i --- ---- ~ ~ ~ i j PLAN2 j j j PLAN 1 -- ~~ TYPICAL ~~ TYPICAL I j __ ~ ~~ - - ---- - -- -- ---- - .., i i i I PLAN 1 ~ PLAN 2 TYPICAL ~ TYPICAL I E ~ 2A4t SE 241 3F --- - - - - ---- I j ~ I PLAN 4 --- ~ --- ~ I PLAN 4x TYPICAL TYPICAL Y 3 ' --I-- I Row -.._ L_ FC , I 2913 SF I 2918 3F w a M DOWNHILL CONDITION FROM STREET FC ,....... ROW i llrll.A1.- 1lr1ldlL~ I 334~34f SF 33~ ~,II PLAN 4 PLAN 4x ' '. ROW FC - : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I I i I -- --- ~ i ,-- I I ~ t ~jl ~ t - YPICAL ~. I ' ~ 7rt1t3F ~ F ~,I PLAN 2 ~~, PLAN 1 I _ _- i i i ~ ~ TYPICAL ~ TYPICAL- ........... ( YARD YARD 2441 SF 7Al t SF -_ PLAN 1 ~~~ PLAN 2 I ( _.. O I O ~: - -- - _ _. - ~, ( ~ YARD YARD / i 273E SF 2731 SA i l ........ ~ PLAN 3 PLAN 3X I I~' --- ROW - ! - ,_..- i i ~ f-- - -ROW FC a M UPHILL CONDITION FROM STREET NOTES -Areas other than houses and private yard area to be maintained by HOA. -Actual yard sizes will vary due to lot sizes. -See Outdoor Life Style exhibit A.8.0.05 for typical detailed yard plans. LEGEND FC Usable Yard Area -------- Public Service Easement ------- Property Line ROW Right of Way FC Face of Curb '~ - ~5 I SO NTO EAST ~~dpTt ~T LUllLllI Rdxca Dublin, California AREA F ® REGEH7 PROPERTIES R F. V I S I O N S: 0 DA78 PROJ&TNUMBAR: t9i94A SCAIE: A6R0dD DATEISSU®: Dxm6a16,2009 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 CLUSTER DETAIL PLAN N.T.S. IIIRY~RY a CML EIYCWRfi1L•LWD ftNdM1C•IWID SiXNE11HG REaW1~QV, G 9~5bB ~4T5} P25-C89~ sm~rRUl~x P.1.3.3 ~, n-roos ui~ ~'+~ ~~i r:~is!~\wuue+gso~ waux~sz+ a!v. zao3cso~!r.tsn[.ruW.oYc LEGEND ~ Building & Lot Number Lot Line -"'---- PSE Line ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Neighborhood Boundary * See Sheet 1.4.2 for Plotting, Style Mix and Unit infotmafion ~~z ~~ ~ SO NTO EAST ar DUBLllV R~BC9 Dublin, California AREA F ~~ n ( r, ( +, ~`~f ~11 ~rr~11 , f~ t^4 '.: ttt rj~?,' ~~ f Q ~ ~~~ ~/u.;. 11i I ~~~ a ® REGENT PROPERTIES R F, V I S I O N S: ~~ PRDIECf ND6~ffit: ,~,.~ V'd1F• ~~ DAT86511®: Aam6at6,1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 SITE DEVELOPMENZ PLAN ..... P ~~ 40~ ~ ~C~S ~~> P.1.4.1 R-v-mro i;uM W efi r.~ilxc~riuur~q~a wau¢~mrt rFV. IOOnwi~ri_srLw.waic NOTE LEGEND The buildings are designed to offer flexibility to the builder and consumer with optional loft spaces available on the third story on Plans 2, 3, 5, and 6. At least fifty percent (50%) of the buildings fronting Central Parkway will incorporate this three story massing to provide a variety in the roof lines, steps in the massing and to compliment the existing homes in Sorrento West fronting Central Pazkway ;1;, ,, i~~ , , f ,~, .~ ,;~ f ~., 1L House Plan Number L 3-Story Home *See Sheet P1.3.1 for Building Numbers UNIT SUMMARY Plan Name (Area (net s.f) No. Plan 1 2,039 12 Plant 1,480 4 Plan 2L 2,535 8 Plana 1,856 4 Plan 3L 2,483 8 Plan 4 2>326 12 Plans 1,934 4 Plan SL 2,514 g Plan6 2,182 2 Plan 6 2,858 6 68 *See Sheet P1.0 for Unit Specifics t~~~ ~ r ; ~ i~, ~, , rv` .„„~ ~~ -~_- -, _ - .; -,. ~~~ ~ ~ -_ ~~ ~. ~. _ _-_ -_: ~~~:: _ ~ CFATT„ . ~~ -_ ~ ~ //~t1,11, .~m' 'f, ~~ . 1 ,_._ ;: ~ . ~~ __ I ~ ~~~ Ii SL(~fSL; ~~1 ~~-- ; , - - _ ,-_ i r C:. -t 'x._ ~ ; i 12 1 T _: ~ - J '3L f 0~~.-~ i ! ~1)~ z~3~ ~5- SORRENTO EAST ~emr~~,ii 1IUDLll1 RANCH Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES ... ,..,,...,.,,..y. R !i V t S[ 0 'v S: oes~noe nara mo~ecraua~m: t~sso SCALE: nsra~ DAT86S11~ Dr~m6rrid,3W9 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN MO. ~x a' zu 40' w' Y~C rnu 6NGnE6PoNG.{ANB Puwi~wwo a~rnru P(fA$INfpi, G 91568 (915) i25-C89~ P.1.4.2 i~ .. wit ~ 6L r ~~s ~; ~ ~,,~~ , , ~~~ I ~~; ~µ r ®~ ` ~~~~ti ~G ~....~ ~~ ~` ~. `~~-- °~ ~~ ~~ t `~. ~e, o - ~~ 13-i7-2g19 1:1ipn YMs &A P;\1979/1PUNNNG~SLR P#YJff~SDA PFY. n.°3PSOf ~P.11_SMf MIX FINlDAC ;~~~` ---- ~~r~'~~c"1'1`tii' scl-~~~ r ~, ~ '; , r i ~ f%1 It z 1~ 1 ,`,~ ,. ~ ;' i '~ ;~ 'I `r :i ,i ;~ ~I I I I I i i i ,I I I I I I `~, II ~'~i1 t, II .i ', ~ :, I i t~ it, '~\ 4 1 ~'S ~~ t ,, ~~ ~ ' i 1~, '\ ,, ',1 t ~ `, ~ t i ,~ ',.`. ~ ~ ,'l ~,~ ,, ,~ ,\ ,~ \~ ~,~ ~. ,, ~~ ., 1 ,, ~~ ~. ,~ \ i.1 . ~ } ;i 11 \ r ~ , _ M ^ EN~~L p ARKw Aft LEGEND Lot Number Property Line ----'--- PSE Line ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Neighborhood Boundary - See Sheet 1.5.2 for Plotting, Style Mix and Unit Information -See Outdoor Life Style exhibit A.10.0.0 for typical detailed yard plans. 1 _ ~~ ~~ 112 m r ~'~ ~ ~ 4 ;. 1. ~ I~r 1 ', ~ ~~, [n I n I J ~ -~ PARCEL G ~j ~_J `~ 37 - - ~.. ~---~ 3' PYE I --~ 35 h~ ~ 3' Pff ~, 1 Y~ \ ,_ .. ~~ ]' yam: _ -:... 33 ~ ~-.~-,~ s SHADED AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED BY HOA N.T.S. 2~0~} ~5~ SO NTO EAST Al D~L~ RANCB Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERT/ES +r .... .............. R E V I S I O ti S: OlSCRL'ItON DA113 PRDJECI' NU61BHt: 19194-0 SCAIE: ABNWAD DA78D;SU®: Axrmbxt&7009 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 SITE DEVELOPMENZ PLAN .~~~. a la 20' a' II~SI~S C1.1 GlAIE9tlIC.UM P4VMG.IAM SMtA11q PtFA4Mlpy tl. 91999 (9Y9) 725-09AU P.1.5.1 ~; i t 1 ~ i i R i I ~k ! ~k I i i I 4, R-17-m9919>on IW &M P\199onPWINL\3F PAp'J99\59R IFV. 10000301\P.1_91C_{LWDF /, ~. ~ , 3 4 • • • '` ~~ 'C~ 1 1 ~ CEO 1 ~~ ~ • o ~~~ ~~~ • 73 _ ~ ~ ~~~ ,~a i~ ' ~~, T ' ~~ ' r_~ ~a l6~ 3e SC ~ ~ ~ t/~ CI~RICD ~ '' TER~CE ~ C ~ F 37 I SA ~'I, I ~6D . ~ 5 y ~ 6B s1 3 1 ~cnl ~~ ~~ I ~I II i ~~ 1 1 • 1 I_r I I = 1- I 1 ~" I I.1-~,- -~ I,--J'-~ ~~ _ ~_ J--- ~~I`' • - - -- _- WA ~~~''~ ~ 1 A~ Y -- -- ---- _ CENTgp'L P ~~~ ...1 ~„_,,,,,, ~,.. ~~~~~~~~ Il~n~nll~~~ll~flll~ll~~~~nl~n~~~-"--~/~~ ~~ LEGEND Symbol 0 IxC x Architectural Style Quantity Country Italian 31 Village Itahan 26 Rustic Italian 38 CoastalItahan 17 112 House Plan Number/ElevationType 3-Story Home Enhanced Elevation UNIT SUMMARY Plan Name (Area (net s.f.) No. Plan 1 2,320 13 Plan 2 2,469 10 Plan 2x 3,026 8 Plan 3 2,502 14 Plan 3x 3,104 9 Plan 4 2,566 23 Plan 5 2,384 11 Plan Sx 2,907 9 Plan 6 2,634 15 112 *See Sheet P1.0 for Unit Specifics NOTES 1. Applicant has the ability, where possible, to construct up to 40% of a single floor plan within the subdivision. Individual floor plans may be placed next to or across the paseo or street from each other. Only two of the same individual floorplans may be plotted next to each other on the same street or paseo without being interrupted by a different floor plan. If two of the same individual floor plans are plotted next to each other, the same individual floor plan may not be plotted across the street from the two. In no case will the same architectural elevation or color scheme be allowed next to or across the street or paseo from each other, unless they aze a different individual floor plan. 2.The Applicant shall provide a master plotting plan for the current and previous phases of development at the same time the individual plot plans for each (ot and/or phase are submitted to ensure compliance with the above referenced note. 3. A minimum of 10% of Plans 2, 3 and 5 must be three story(x's) and it is acceptable for all of them to be three story. 4. The applicant reserves the right to change the unit mix and plan locations illustrated on this plan in accordance with these notes if it is within substantial conformance with the approved SDR. ;~ 5 '~ SO~RENTO EAST ~r ~UBLIN R~ACA Dublin, California AREA F REGENT O ,,,, ...,.,..... PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: UPSCRIPfIDN oe3a PROIECI NUMBER: 19394-° SCALE: _ AS NOIED DATE [9SUED: Ikc®ba I8, Hq9 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN 0 2s' S0' ioo~ SCALE: Y=50' I~cl(ur~5on~s _„nrv~w,. ra sasae 13zs zzs-oss~ P.1.5.2 irn-zoos taevm u~~ eau v~ivna~PUeameAsoa Pa~Hn~~soe e[v. ~oososmVai2srne uix v~.mvo n ~~ ~- SO~~ENTO EAST ar DUBL-V Raxce Dublin, California AREA F fi t d 1 i t t i f 1~ ~r r ~~ ri n:. ® REG ENTrPRGPERTIES R E V I S f O N S: nIN7 DA18 rxo~crr~utim~: isa~.a SCALE: AsNOD'D DATEISSUED: Ramhrl8,1099 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 SITE DEVELOPMENZ PLAN ~:-n-mm ~:uq. rr &x a:~~s~1~+~+1ma waaa~ma ~v, a~owsoi~v.tvr~viuimc I've,{i.a`ri~'J4i-iJr~? `-,~ LEGEND ~ Lot Number ------- Property Line -------- PSE Line ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Neighborhood Boundary -See Sheet 1.6.2 for Plotting, Style Mix and Unit Information -See Outdoor Life Style exhibit A.11.0.0 for typical detailed yard plans. -All streets are private. ..... 7 20® IRR1111R1 ~.~ .~ ~~ ~~~ j sa4rnun~rx P.1.6.1 SORRENTO EAST i W rrT~T ~ ^~l ' (~ /5 ~16 ~~ / /, 1 ~~~ ~~~n~U~~~~u~i~~n~u~n~u~n~~i~ _ ,~--~~ CAPOTERRA WAY ,,,~. ~~ ~n~n~n~n~u~u~n~n~u/ ~ _ ~ W _ U 3a - ~ ss 3~ a 2A `_ 2C 35 , -ir QO' 57 ~ ~~~ '~~ ~,~,~ 3 ~, ~~._ ~~,~~/ CIpV A1~I u'AY UNIT SUMMARY Plan Name Area (net s.f.) No. Plan 1 2,303 16 Plan 2 2,31 I 14 Plan 3x 2,603 17 Plan 4x 2,g55 19 66 *See Sheet P1.0 for Unit Specifics ~~ _ ~w - ~ ; ,~ xC ~~~ _ ,n~n~~.~.._ LEGEND eJG~I~',~ i,4,~r~,_~i-~~ NOTES Symbol Architectural Style Quantity 1 • Applicant has the ability, where possible, to consteluct up to 40% of a single floor plan within the subdivision. Individual floor plans may be placed next to or across the paseo or street from ® Country Italian 22 each other. Only two of the same individual floor plans may be plotted next to each other on the same street or motorcourt without being interrupted by a different floor plan. If two of the same • Village Italian 1 g individual floor plans are plotted next to each other, the same individual floor plan may not be plotted across the street from the two. In no case will the same architectural elevation or color ® Rustic Italian 25 scheme be allowed next to or across the street or paseo from each other, unless they are a different individual floorplan. 66 lx U House Plan Number/ElevationType 2.The Applicant shall provide a master plotting plan for the current and previous phases of development at the same time the individual plot plans for each lot and/or phase are submitted to x 3 Story Home ensure compliance with the above referenced note. . , Enhanced Elevation 3. A minimum of 20% of Plans 3 and 4 must be x's (3 story) and it is acceptable for all of them to be x's. 4. The applicant reserves the right to change the unit mix and plan locations illushated on this plan in accordance with these notes if it is within substantial conforYnance with the approved SDR. AT ~UBL~ RaNCe Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT PRO-ERTIES s ......~.... ~.... ~u.a R E V I S I O N 5: DESCRIPI7DN M7'E PRO]ECT NUMBER: 19394A SCALE: ASNDIED DATE ISSUED: Dectmbai&~19 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 PLOTTING & STYLE MIX PLAN o m' 40' ao m~c~aY~~mps i•uao Pwwi~u.nrvo mrrvcnnc PlE45AN~QN.:A. 98588 (925) 22~069C P.1.6.2 irn-moa casPm rn~ e~m P~isasa~aurveiH~soe vxxnc[~soe ew. zmsosoi~ei.tsn¢ uir a~w.ows Legend ® Guest parking for Neighborhood # Q Additional Parking Spaces 0 Additional Private Parking in Individual Driveways Additional Private Parking in Lot ~ ^ ^ • Neighborhood Boundary ~(~~ ~~~ SO NTO EAST ~emr llUDLIN Ra>1ce Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES SUMMARY OF EXTRA PARKING Palermo Way in front of School Site 13 Palermo Wa ~ in front of Nei >borhood Park 11 Lee Thom son Street in front of Nei lborhood Pazk 15 Lockhart Street in front of School Site 32 Lockhart Street in front of Fallon S orts Park 86 TOTAL 157 R E V I S I O N S: DFS17ttF170.\` OA76 PRO1P.Cf NUI~t: 197948 SCALE: ASNOIPD DA1L+63UED: D99®6tr18,2?J9 NOTE; SEE INDIV[DUAL NEIGHBORHOOD SHEETS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PARKING COUNTS. OVERALL PARKING PLAN ~,~,. 0' 25' SU' 100' ~ ~~ PA ~ \ Ay ~,- nom. P:\18394\PIMNN[~\$OR PICI~MiE\SOR PEY. 20006501\P.ZPgtl(MC_PINLpWG ,~ ~~ n ~».~,.~ cow P.2.0 ~/ u GLEASON DR_ 1_~ ~~'~ ~ SORRENTO EAST er DUBL~i ReMCB Dublin, California AREA F ~" ~, I 1, `~ W '~ (~ 1 i t R ~ fi rn z ~,1cIG:~;~~ftN~OD ';~ n,< Legend ® Guest parking for Neighborhood # Additional Pazking ~ ^ ^ ~ Neighborhood Boundary t~l~ )G~-l~C?RrI~O`7 1 Reauired Parkin Covered Parking 2 Spaces/Unit (2) (102) = 204 spaces Guest Pazking 1.0 Space/Unit (1.0) (102) =102 Spaces Total Required Parking Spaces = 306 Parkin:? Plan Summa Required Proposed Resident Spaces (Garage) 204 204 Guest Spaces 102 102 Total Spaces 306 306 Parking Ratio 3:1 3:1 ® REGENT PROPERTIES a ~,,,.....~..,... ~,.. R E V I S I O N S: DB5CR@IION DA78 ?ROJECI'NOM89R: 190940 SCAB: ASNQIED DA7ED;SDBD: Der~bert&1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 6 PARKING PLAN a s® °i ° a o~wa°e n~+xwculo s.u~ruc (02~ > s1>Eerlnl~mrx P.2.1 12-17-200A I:IOPn IGm 9N P.\1Y39{\PLWNNC~SIXt PACI4~E\~R REV. 2Wi0501\P.2PNIXIiQPUJL~MC Legend Guest parking for Neighborhood # Additional Parking \ . ~, `,~ • ^ ^ • Neighborhood Boundary \ ~` , Required Parking ~',\ Covered Parking .,,lti~~\ 2 Spaces/CJnit (2) (95) =190 spaces ~ \ Guest Parkin ~~ \ 1.0 Space/Unit ,` ~ ~'~ (1.0) (95) = 95 Spaces l \ ` • \ Total Required Parking Spaces = 285 ,~ • `, ~~, ~ ` '\ Parking Plan Summary ~ \ f° w ~°~ ~ Required Proposed '~ ,.. ~'l ~ ~i \ ~ 0 ~~ Resident Spaces (Garage) 190 190 ~/ ~ ~ 7 ~ '~, Guest Spaces 95 95 ~. ,~ ~ ~ ~ Total Spaces 285 285 ,;~ ~, ~. \ i s ` ~. Parking Ratio 3:1 3:1 `~ ~yp, l \ p. y{ 7 Yl 5\ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ i `~ i x 7 ,I `:. l ty } t ~ l ~ ` 7 ` `t ' 1~ i . ~t ~, t a ~ ` , ~ `E ~, a-~o~ ~E SORRENTO EAST ~Amr UUDL~I RANCH Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PNOPERTIES ,~, ....,,,.......e~~ R F. V I S I O N S: D~SCA@fION DA18 exorecrNUnm~: (~sa.a SCAllw AsNOtID DATE 6SU®: lk9emb¢ I B, 3909 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 PARKING PLAN ..~,. ~~ ri rl~rNl"ARY SCHOCI ~.~~ RFaY1fUN, G 9158! (9P5) 7Y5-9049 P.2.2 12-17-2099 tvipn 4Fa BAI P,\19.79t\PINIMNC~509 PN](.1CE\SOR PEV. ZW90"dDt\P,2PNtl(Bq_PUNDM'0 r ~. ui i i i i iii i i I i ~..~ I I ~~~ r ^^.~...~^^~.^~.^^~••~PALERMOWAY ..~^^.~.^~^.~^^^ ~~ ' s s a a r i a s .~ , .._. Legend ~ Guest parking for Neighborhood # ~ Additional Parking Additional Private Parking in Individual Driveways ~ ^ ^ ~ Neighborhood Boundary Required Parkine Table Covered Parking 2 Spaces/Unit (2} (138) = 276 spaces Guest Parking 1.0 Space/Unit (1,0) (138) =138 Spaces Total Required Parking Spaces = 414 Parking Plan Summary Required Proposed Resident Spaces (Garage) 276 276 Guest Spaces 138 138 Sub-Total Spaces 414 414 Additional Private Parking -- 20 (In Driveways) Total Spaces 414 434 Parking Ratio 3:1 3:1 Parking Ratio 3:1 3.14:1 (w/ driveway parking) 2~ 1 ~~ SO NTO EAST er DUBLIN R~NCB Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES ..f ,,,............ ~,,., R E V I S I O N S: ~~ eRO~RCrrtu~>?R: ~msw V'.AIF• Asrrornn DATatSSUaU Ac®hRI8,1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 PARKING PLAN IXAtX ~~~ Yiu Bril 1 L t B f_ I~rICNb~JRrC~n i J as oimmewc.wo nN«waw,wo a+n~uc nc~swmx, a wsee (~ us-ae~o s~erriu~x P.2.3 rNryN ~"'I f ~ _ 10 ~' w ,' ;' Legend ® Guest parking for Neighborhood # • ^ ^ • Neighborhood Boundary i\i~~::€r~~fJ It rl~GJ t 1 Required Parking Table Covered Parkin 2 Spaces/Unit (2) (68) =136 spaces Guest Parking .5 Space/Unit (.50) (68) = 34 Spaces Total Required Parking Spaces =170 Parking Plan Summary Required Proposed Resident Spaces (Garage) 136 13b Guest Spaces 34 * 68 ** Total Spaces Parking Ratio 170 2.5:1 204 3:1 * Based on PD Zoning, .5 guest parking spaces required per unit ** 100% additional guest parking provided z~z U~51 sa NTo EAST Ar ~UBL~1 RANCB Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES ~, u.~,..,~.A.,°a„ R F. V I S I O\ S: oesca8nox nA~ ~RWl:l.l ~~: I~ SCAIE: ARNOIAD DAT865UlID: Dx®hall,1009 u-n-za9a o-u~ wu~ Sri P\18394\PIPHNNC\501! PALACE\$pq pLV, 200805°1\P.2PWKMG_PIANDWG ~~~ ^~1^~ ~~l ~ NEIGHBORHOOD 9 PARKING PLAN o ~ ao~ en ~C ~..~ grw.wrox, a 9wee ~~ s~ert+t~x P.2.4 ~;EIGHBCRI-IOGC~ :~~F'1C /----~-~ i ~~~ L t~ ~r~ m 7~ %+ ~: PAD~~o EE 1 ~ k,1 tI. ~ t,'~ i t i, ', ~ ~ 11 t , 1, 1 ~~ ,l '` ~ ~~~~, l'~, i '\ ~ , v ,~. Leeend Guest parking for Neighborhood # ~ Additional Parking Spaces Additional Private Parking in Individual Driveways ~ Additional Private Parking in Lot ^ ^ ~ Neighborhood Boundary .Required Parking Table Covered Parking 2 Spaces/Unit (2) (112) = 224 spaces Guest Parking 1.0 SpaceNnit (1.0) (112) =112 spaces Total Required Parking Spaces = 336 Parking Plan Summary Required Proposed Resident Spaces (Garage) 224 224 Guest Spaces 112 112 Sub-Total Spaces 336 336 Additional Private Parking -- 48 (In Driveways) Additional Private Parking -- 25 (In Lots) Total Spaces 336 409 Parking Ratio 3:1 3:1 Parking Ratio 3:1 3.4:1 (wJdriveway parking) Parking Ratio 3;1 3.7:1 (w/driveway parking and in lots) `\( z~13 ~' sa NTo EAST Ar ~UBLIlV RANCH Dublin, California AREA F ® REGERi PROPERTIES .~. ,.,..,....„,.ve. R F. V I S I O ti S: ~A~ rRO7sCrtlulmmt I~3wu ScAtTs: Aarrmeo DATB6Sfl9D: ne~balamov NEIGHBORHOOD 10 PARKING PLAN .~~,. P 5®00' SGY£: I'~50' ra [xcwmaw.wo Rwwr ~.vo smtnic nuw'law a 91fiB1 (9Y3) ns-oeao SflIR'f NUA~A: P.2.5 /v_,L-~~_~~r.~~;v sc iooL ~; CE R~' CgE~EL~1~E w i ~~ FP~I~~ ~' 12-17-XqA 1:Npm IDe &ii P:\19394\PLWNNC~SDR PMAIIGE\~It REY. ZOOW501\P.ZPIJtl{NC_PIFM~M'G rl~..rr~rrrirra~rrrr~rrrrnr^ CAPOTE~ 2~~ ~~i SO NTO EAST ~~dprT ~T LUllLll1 RANCH Dublin, California AREA F ~l~'3~HP~~NG~~~ In ® REGENT PROPERTIES +~. ~...q..,...,.....a~ R F, V I S I O ti S: DF5l1t~IlON DA18 PRO]ECl' NUMBBR: 193940 SCAIE: ABNQIED DAD3ISSUUI~:: lla®ha t 8,1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 PARKING PLAN ~~IEIGH~~ h'.rl£~i?~ ® Guest parking for Neighborhood # Legend ® Guest parking for Neighborhood # Additional Private Parking Spaces in Individual Driveways • ^ ^ ~ Neighborhood Boundary Required Parking Table Covered Parking 2 Spaces/[Jnit (2) (66) =132 spaces Guest Parking 1.0 SpaceNnit (1.0) (66) = 66 Spaces Total Required Parking Spaces =198 Parkint? Plan Summa Required Proposed Resident Spaces (Garage) 132 132 Guest Spaces 66 66 Sub-Total Spaces 198 198 Additional Private Parking -- 117 (In Driveways) Total Spaces 198 315 Parking Ratio 3:1 3:1 Parking Ratio 3:1 4.8:1 (w/driveway parking) „~„ ~~. fM FM1[plfiUM RNNNG.IM015Vf541ilC RF.1S1111041 W NSY (925) 725.0040 ~errrw,»ux: P.2.6 12-17-1000 1:4/Pn Yin &01 P.\19J9~\PLWNNC~Spi PILIGCE\SOR REV. 2W005p1\P2PNIXMC_PINLOMC . , ~ , ~ - r :.. ~~ _ -, ~ ~ ~... 1 .,,.,___ _ . _... _r....._.._ _. =.= :; ,_ ~~. :. :.= _.. ..~ - ~~- ~. ~. f ~ _ ~. ,~ ~~.~~ r j a..,.__..- __ _.a- _~---- ~~ .. -, n r h_t I u ~`~ E Iw ~ . , - ~;1 h w+ ~ j}~{ ~~..- ~ l r ~~~ 1 ~ W i W~ t 4 Q V ' ~\~~~~ ~ w w 4 4 ~~ ,! 1 a 4~ a j ~. r .+ w ~ wl ~} ~'.. r 1! ~~ ~ ~i ~ w .~ 2 ~ .; ', ~ l t~ ~„~,~ z ~ ~-~i ,-~......~~ .. ~ ~ '~ J'. ,~ ..~. ,. .~ .. - .. ~ 4~ ::~~ ~ ~~~ 1~ ~ ~ ~~ o F, ~;; G ~ IF` 1. i ~ ~ ~ {,, "LANE "~~` ~j~ W -550'. ~.4 ~~Z~MA~T~. ,{! ?~ ~"' C--+',a W 1 F+q I , ~y i ~ ~ c/~ ~ ~ , t a ~~ p~ NEIGHBORHOOD r1~ rt\~ r 1 ; ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ORFi~I~i-r('. ~'~ i '~-.-..--.~ tP PARK YYiS C , .~ r...._ '~~: . i,~ O i ~ ~I Itl t 1 I t ~1~ ~~ 11 11 4 1 y~ Il l iU C~') ~~f f~{+ tr '3 1 #ff t{`, ,~ i i; ff 1 r ~,~~ , 1'i ~t~~ 1 ~ f~ ~ 1 `~ ! it ~:~ ~ -,...~-t ~~` .. , t i R.-a r-. N .~ _ ..~.. ~" ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ ~r 111 f A~tAL1: C ~-., f ,: ~" ~ ~~ ~ 'w~ ~~? ~~ A~ ~.~~ ~~ P~ I N ~' ~~ r'~1' T ' ~~;. I ~~~ F~1: ~~ F . ~ 4 - F~~- R~` i ~_ .~ -, ;.~~I~ ..>~ _ ~ - 12-I7-2009 1:49pm 49u Brll P;\18384\PLWNNL'~SOR PICK4CE\SOR REY. 2WW501\P~FAE-ACCES[.QYEPNI.PN 1:, ,~ r -s , ~ ~~"' 'i ; i ~, ~ , u~' ~~~ `'Vi'i ~c~~ , ~ ; A'( rs~.~t r'~l ' ~ ~ v ~H ~F`fc' J T 1. ~$ ~( / `~~~ ~nt,~ _ ~~~ '~ ~~ _ ~~ m,.~,.,.,ruw .:~. f~ ~ _ lr ~lSry f F ~~ L .~H~ i 1 \~, i'' , t i ~ ~1 A ~b~ t ~ ~ ~ 4 , ~ ~ `i ~ ' ` if 12 ~.%~ ~ / 1 ~ - , 1r~ ~ f r ~ ~~%" ~ s W ±, ~ ~~` .~= ~ - ,~ . ~.~~--=--=- . -~w 1 1 f ~ ~, E 11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL f ~- ... ,,, ii~( ~ € ~ ',~-1111'' `' ~'tt`, ,~ %j' i? 1:; t'; ti ~ t; ~ 11;1 ~ f~~ j1,,t 1 fart ~, tt7~ 11, it - f J`f I J,f ~11~i lr t 1.1 ;~~ ;rJ ,; V ,t~ tff ~~! O ,~ i i% Jj,jJJ` 1, '' N i 11 1 J( Jt, ,t ! tf, !11 tt' i 1-' i i j' j l,~t i ~i~ t iii j ' „~ 11 riff, ` t %~ f ~t f 1f1 f, : ,( x'31 ~~ ff c{ f~ 1~ 'r ~ ~ s 1 3, f; ~` ~' i; ~~ ~i ~ f ~ ~ ~ f. i `I 1 ~ ,.v i a,;;, tl j ! 1 j ~ '1 ~ 1 it 1 t' t '1 NOTES 1. DSRSD Fire hydrant spacing requirements: - detached heusing - 400' max -attached housing -300' max 2. Maximum hose pull distance from fue truck:150' 3. Maximum distance firm fine truck to fire hydrant: 200' 4. No parking permitted in motorcourts except in designated spaces. k„.. ~3a~.~~1,~~~ L~ ~~ ~~~'~ ~ I~ ~~, ~, ~; LEGEND ~~~ 1 i ~ ~ ~'' ~'+ ~' 4 ~ ~, ,~-~ i ~ } ~ t ~ ~~ r ~` t + ? ; Fire Truck Access Route t 1 k t i4t It M i 1 ~t ~P~ ~(f ~~ ~r'g~ 1 F ~ ~ :-,-~ I, t t~~ I .il,~'` ,~~- '"' " CE ~ ' ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~ g g Fire Hose Pull Distance ./ ~ , r ,~ '~ '~1 ,~~ ~,~ ,~~~~ m~~ ~lr ~~\ ,~`,~-,,~~'-''..1 ; ~ ~~'~ '`~ ~, % ~ ~ Proposed FireHydrant t e ,~ 1 ~ t~ , 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ r r Existing Fire Hydrant S .,~ , , ~ 1 {~'~,r'`uY~~r< ,' ~ t1f31: ' ~'~~"~ Y?,119 ~~~t` ~ 1',~'f r; ~l ~ew~;.~"/ ~ I,, Z~~~~~51 SORRENTO EAST ~~Apir ~T LUDLIlI R~xce Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTIES xev~sron~s: ~~ r~omcrrNU~: I97Aw SCAIE: ASI~IFD DATEISSU®: rkamhr18,1009 OVERALL FIRE ACCESS PLAN YIR1M p® ~Ill~(AT&SI~S n°N1uswnaKa s4~fiBe n, sac c92~ > saEerl+u~m~x P.3.1 0 U ~ v7 5d 4 ~~ o'~ o N d o "~ S~ o o ~~ ~a ~ ~ J ~ ~ w ~ T O 0 o b ~~s,'Y~ 0 O lV ;~, O H t, ~ ~ O ~d ' a ~'"C~ ~ ~ ~ ~[5c 1~ ~ b t~, w C1 ° n ~ ~.dufl ~ ~ ~ ~ Qua ~ Qua ~ a ~ ? iu ~ ~ '~~ ~°' °s ;~ o z z p o P 4 ~ z 5' 6' 9' 24' 8' 16' 9' 6' 3' S' 6' 6' 24' 6' 14' 6' 6' S' SE TRAVEL TRAVEL PSE p~ TRAVEL TRAVEL PSl 48' 44' FC 78' FC FC 68, FC ROW ROW ROW ROW fisting Palermo Way Entrance Completed with Tract 7651 Lee Thompson Street Entrance k~~ ~~;~. ~ : ~.-~u.~~~ur.1>~ix~. ~::~ - .~.. ~~~~ `v~,,.~',_.r _,_.._ ~...~ ~ ~ ~'/ T ` fft i f ... ,,~ ~~ ~ t 10 ~ ~+' l1~ , ~ ~~. ~~ f~ , _ f { ~ ~ ' ~ f ~ ~ t ~ 'tee ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ s ~. r .~~ F~ru A~, .. _.., ..... ~,, L ~-,- ~~ 1 ~ LEGEND SECTION KEY N.T.S. ~ Entry Cross Section Neighborhood Designation SORRENTO EAST Al D~L~ RAACH Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPER7/ES '~, R F, V I S I O N S: D85C~f~1 DA18 I I'AQIECTNUMBRR: 19791-0 scaTE: AsnroTT~ nalESSlT1~ Dmrdtall,d)J9 b 0 a z • 3' PSE for north side of Palermo Way u-n-mm +:uM were %»1`a~ wcr~a~em eEV. sagv.~mrxmutdpsts¢mxsmc b S ;~ z Rr~, ROW e SIDEWALK FC ~ °" YELLOW CONCRETE ~ TRUNCATED DOMES (~) SIRFET C/L "~ 115' ~ a ~k- e° o ~6 ~N (hp) r FC m ~DEWALK ROW ~' Bumpout Detail N.T.S. ENTRY CROSS SECTIONS ...,. 0 S® ~9~s I ,~ """"`c~~, R~I'TIUtA~rA P.4.1 ROW ROW Palermo Way & Capoterra Way Entrance ROW ROW Entry Road (Cherico Lane) at Lockhart Street ;;, ~ ~k ..1. . ~~~.. ~• _ .~.~...,..a....m- 2~~ 45- SO NTO EAST Ai D~L~ RAS~e Dublin, California AREA F 5' 6' 8' 12' 12' 8' 6' S' PsE sw PARxn~ra 'rxnvPr. ~nvEl. PARIQNO sw eSE 40' c $2, c Row Row Palermo W_ay, Capoterra Way & Lee Thompson Street A ROW ROW Palermo Vijay, Capoterra Lee Thompson Street With Mid-Block Bump-t Way & B REGENT PROPERTIES ,.. ,......,,.,....u. RevlsroNS: uestxe'na+ a78 PROIECf NUMBEII: 1n94.o SCALE: AsNO® DA'IB fSSUED: 0.s®6a 1 & 3U09 STREET CROSS SECTIONS & DETAIL 5' S' 8' 10' 10' 8' S' S' SW L5 PARKIN T~~'EL TRAVEL PARKIN t/3 Sw ~ 36' ~ FC 56, FC ROW ROW Residential Street c D Typical Private Alleys/Driveways/Str~ For Neighborhoods 6, 7, 8, 9,10 & 11 .o® a s' 10' 2a &s~s ~.~ auwnaa a wee {sasl a2s-aeao P.4.2 l:-n-Raa i:u~ wee ry. iwoARaneulAa ~ Rv. xwow~v.~naru..m~ttanstacmxsn~c SECTION KEY LEGEND N.T.S. A Street Cross Section 0 Neighborhood Designation 5' 6' 6' 14' 14' 6' 6 5' PSE Sw ~ '[RAVEL 1RAVEL LS SW PSB 28' FC 52' FC 3, MIId 1 10' 10' 3' MIN APRON TRAVEL 7RAVEf. APRON ~ 20' PL Rc Row Row Giovanni Way at Mid-block Bumpouts and Intersections now Entry Road (Tarcento Lane) at T as Tl~mm~enn excexrxnceAxxwer sw' wiu~oN uxro~wAr ' ' ow Private Common Driveway ~lith ~irlPwalk r--- +~ _~~` ~~..: i ~ ~! NP z ~ ~~ '! N t ~ ~(~ .~. ~-~~ ~ i ~~. t ,w ~~:. ri . 11 ~, ,li~ ,. ~' ~ . ~ ~ ~ -~: ~' ~fi 3 ~~ 9 ~ '~ ~ i 41~ ~i+t It { .`~ ~$ SECTION KEY LEGEND ,, \~~ ?~ `s m~ ~~. _~ '~ . .~ - ~ -,; ~; ~ ,` i ~i 1 ;~. /s .,,A.:~ `t' Street Cross Section 0 Neighborhood Designation a~8 `~~ SORE T NO EAST A! D~L~ RANCH Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT PROPERTI ES ,~ ,......~. .u. R E V I S i Ll ~ S oescannon nA1B rxo~ECrxutit~: is~vaa SCALE: A9NOIID DATEfS~lED; ikr~6a16,7009 Central Parkway Frontage ~T~ n Existing Lockhart St. 2' STREET CROSS ''. SECTIONS & DETAIL ~...~ a s' ~o' m K ~.~ PIFASWIg1 a ~ cP~ sa~r P.4.3 u-n-iaae i+nr w. ea P:\1W9/\pNYN4\mR PNK~Q.\SUA IkY. 1003011P.lTWKMI_SIISEi_PN65-QCApISAYC C now now Existing Grafton Street ~~~ ,~ SO NTO EAST ~x C ~~ ~.. I ^ r ' ~j~ ~, . ~~~~~ s~:°, :~.a'1~! ~. ~~A i 1/UDLllI kANCH Dublin, California AREA F W Z o~ ~, Ar~~ SC7RRir1~lTC ~vr sr 1 ~„ -: ~. _-_ 6 ~~ _ .... ,. =ti ~ C ~, ~,~ i , ~ ~, a ~' ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ i_1~, _r _ ^ ~ z- ~, ~ - " p ERM ~` ~i ~~ ~_ - ~~ ~ ~ .riw •_R^_i .. ~ ~~ -, t - r ~ ~_li ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~i ~ H~'- W ~, ~ ; ~~ _ T ; ~ ~~ ~~NTE _ ~ ~~~' ~ ~' -~ `B "} cA ELEMENTARY ~ kb ~ '' "~ ~ ~ ~ ~(~ , ~~~ ~ j :tree Z SCHOOL ~ ~.: ~ ~. f I .. ~~ .+^ I = ~' O NEIGHBORHOOD ~ ' ~- ~' COMM~INi~'" U' PARK RECIZI;ATI(3~ {~ PED~TRIAN coRR~~~ FACILI`~'~ p o ~ ~ 1~ W `~ ~ ~3 ~~ ~„, ~a --'', ,~ ~ ~ ~~-~ `~- /~RALDI t 1NE>> l~ Q _ ~'~ V ~ ~~: ~ ~.!~r za~r' --~ ~ TERRA WAy .• ~ ~ ~ ............ ~ CAPO ,, - Zw f/ I V ~~~~ 10 $~ as •, ~ w a FA~p'L,~g~'CE ~ t h ~ z r~~ ~ .,`GIOVA Qa ~ ,,, , NNI WAY LEGEND Neighborhoods 6, 7 & 8 Chub Side Pick-up ` Neighborhood 9,10 & 1 l: Pickup Service In Front Of Garage ® REGENT PROPERTIES R E V I S I O N S: ~~ ~~ SCAIE: A9rm~o DA9EISSU®: Duxm6xl6,m09 OVERALL TRASH SERVICES PLAN Y a sa® ~C~S ~.~~ Auwrrox, a wee psa usaeso P.5.0 GLEASON DRIVE ~~p 451 SO NTO EAST At D~L~ RAACH Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES ~. ,...,.~...~....... u,., i i >vr~~~~~nl~uc~ ~ r,~:zx LEGEND yrt~r~~cl~l~c!r,~, r 1z & t3 Designated Weekly Trash Pickup Location. (Assumes Each Can Needs A 3' x 3' Area.) (Parking resMcted on collection days) O Designates Court Number R E V I S I O N S: -~flgV UATB PRO1HCf NUMBER: 19390.0 sue: Asp nA~tssu~ ia~ NEIGHBORHOOD 6 TRASH SERVICES PLAN ~' ..~~. n ~ ~~ ,on r~ 91960LFONG.WO 91.VIONGy/901 wmvnc gFASAV109L G 9.000 (043) 74!•0090 ~r9~)~.' P.5.1 ;~~ ~_.....-t PALERMO WAy ...-^ .~ ~, r~ 14-11-M09 9:53Pn Mike &il P:\19394\PIAN90NG~$pR PIfAGGE\SDR FEV. ZOO90S01\P521R0.SN-SER~ICLVB-6JMG - -- - -- -- - --- ,~, . ;' r r ,f ^~ ~ 1~ ' ~ , Y~~O~ / 1 r .,.,,. GL ,-' ~ ; ,- r .- .,- -- '~ 5 .. _' \ J~rai'~~~JRrfSJJL3 6 ~~ i ~ ii i I~ ~r^^ i~ ;, ~~ rI rPy1EJ`~li;~RY LEGEND `'C r' Q ~ ~ Designated Weekly Trash Pickup Location. t2 & t3 (Assumes Each Can Needs A 3' x 3' Area.) (Parking Restricted on Collection Days) O Designates Court Number 12-17-2008 t9tpn lNCe BAI P::\IBSB4\PU4WNC~SOR PPCKIliE\SBR HEY. 20080501\PS.ZIR45N-SEHUICE-VB-B.DNC L~p1' s vl~`~°/ 9 W Q ~o - ~~ ,~~ ~ ~.\~ ~, \ \ ` ~~',. \ ~ , \\ ` \~\ ~ ~ , ,~ ~ 1 11 .~ `\ \l ~ ~ ~~~ i\ \ ~ ~~~ ,3 1 \. ~~ , i ~ '\ ~ ' . \ ~ li ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ t~ ` 1 ~ ~,~ ~ ! ~, N ~~ ~ ~, ,1 `~ \ 1 ~~ ,~ 1 3 ~1~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~, 1 1 1 ~F ~`~~ 6~ SORRENTO EAST er DUBLIlV RARCH Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PRG-ERTIES ... ,,....„,<....,o..~ R R V I S 1 0 N S: OPS(FID[IRi M7B ~~ ,~ s~ ~~ DA7ELSSUHD: Dx®6aiB,Y109 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 TRASH SERVICES PLAN ...,, v za w' ar r~s~s .~ ~> I~ (G25) 21sBelB P.5.2 5 ~-. I ^ r ^ ^ W 1z & t3 Designated Weekly Trash Pickup Location. (Assumes Each Can Needs A 3' x 3' Area.) (Parking restricted on collection days) Designates Court Number i~l~.i~r-1~O;:1C7G P~~I4 a$ 2 ~ ~'' SO NTO EAST ~r DUBL~d @aNCB Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPER ilES R F, V I S I O N S: u~auma+ nnra exotecr xontamt: 191940 scAtE: Asrrm>?n DAni6SUBD Iku~m6at&1009 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 TRASH SERVICES PLAN YXX IX a 2u 4D' ra l~l~ll~i-I~(J:~iDIJ~ lIJ ~.~~ X~«~ a Y~XX cXn> , ~ .~~_ r^u^~^^ ! n^~^^a^^^^^~^^~^a^n^~^^~~ar~^~CAPOTER u-n-mos i3iPX wu a~i P:~iawgewwaa~snR P/a~\soa aEV. moaosoi~rszmaw-mMC~ve-aowc ~' '~"~...- ~ f#~ }"rte ~~ ._ P.5X3 lW ~ ~' f '~ i 1, ~ i t ~, t ~f l ': '~ ~( 'j~-)Jj1 f~ i ~ . ~ r LEGEND ........... Accessbile Routes Accessible Multi Story Unit Accessible multi-story units provided: Neighborhood 9 68 Multi-story townhouses ,,, i , 7 -10°/9 of multi-story units I+ r 1 ~ ~ ~ rr' ~'~ ~ ;.._..~ t ~ ivlr;GNS~rs~l~Ja~1 1.~ ~~r~l 1 ~_~. ~ ~ ~--, ( ~ , ~~~ t ~ 1 '~ ,, ( ~ = ... J a ( { ~..... ~ ~ r ~. - ~ ..~ [[ , ~ ~ ~~ r~r1'~ r ~ ~._~ k - ~ ~... ,t.~ r~ r I 7 f ~ i . rrt- .~ _ , _ i i _ rrr~t , .-~ ~. 1 ~ lj r,rrNt O~ '`~rf' ~C1 f " AI ~rr`!r , ,~ A 1 ( _ _ ~ „. ~Ir~llrr..._ MULTI-FAMILY ACCESSIBILITY CALCULATIONS For Multi-Family buildings with 4 units or greater, the following extract from SB 1025 applies: "Discrimination" includes, but is not limited to, a failure to design and construct 10 percent of the multistory dwelling units in buildings without an elevator that consist of at least four condominium dwelling units. To determine the total number of multistory dwelling units subject to this subdivision, all multistory dwelling units in the buildings subject to this subdivision on a site shall be considered collectively. Note: This calculation does not include flats as those are covered separately by code. Ground floor flats are to be on accessble routes and flats in elevator buildings are to be accessible. Accessible multi-story units required: Neighborhood 9 68 Multi-story townhouses 7 -10°/9 of multi-story units ~. ~, SOR~ENTO EAST ~~AT UUDLll1 RAAC9 Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT iROi ERTIES ,~ ..M-..~... M„ R E V I S 1 0 ;r S: 07 DA18 ~a,~t ~~ sue: ~~ DA1E13Sfl~: Ikc®ba l&1009 MULTI-FAMILY ACCESSIBILITY EXHIBIT NEIGHBORHOOD 9 ~~_„_z999 ,~ ~ ~~ ~r ~~. _.-_~- ; 'rl+r~rr~ ~, ~ - ._ "~_ P::\19394\PLW~mR P/GNA9E\59R fEY. 2fpB°591\P.ACOICEPfUPl-/CCESSIBA1fY PLW.DMG i'~ ~~f~ i .lull a 10' ID' ea a .~ ~ 9 «916M ~~ P.6.1 ~; ,ti ~ 1 ~ ! ~ ~-~ ~ s-' [ Cam, ~ ~ . - w-- ~ t : a ~ `" _. .. _ ~,1~ VifTORIACIR a+~ ., ~ t 1 ~ ~ _~ ~ a ] ~l i ~ ~ m F • ~ ~ 7 „, ..,.... m ~p'~. ~ ~ i M 1 { ~ ;~ r ~ `~ - • :` 1' •'i ~ PALERMOWAY ~ ~~ ~' ^ t ~ ' ~ ~. r rs~C ~ • ~ ~.~~ I g t = 1 i ~ ~M• r~». ~V.. `~ w t 1 3 ~, ~..C: r r i \~ I 1 H i ~ I g ~ r~ ~ . t I ~,..,.„.~1 1 A r t ) f ' ~ I {{~ 0jj Itt f 1~ t ~~ f t~ t i ~ '' , I ' ~ ~ • ~ : , • : .~li m NEIGHBORHOOD '! I ~"~ : ~ ~~ ,.,. c'.` PARK • • • ~~ x~ " ~ g ~ w ;~ . .. ~U ° ~ ~0. ~ ~ o ~ ~' c p~, G L ~ U c10y q ~ ~'AY A t'"_' o. o,t.. o ,. f LEGEND ••••••••••• Schematic Accessible Routes ~ Rear Loaded Units with Exterior Accessible Routes between Front Daor Entrances and Paseo Walkways * Rear Loaded Units with no Exterior Accessible Routes between Front Door Entrances and Paseo Walkways / Common Driveways *+ o Front Loaded Units with no Exterior Accessible Routes between Front Door Entrances and Common N6 Driveways *+ Neighborhood Designation a Steepness of Common Driveway Slope exceeds 5% * For Buyers' Optional Improvements for Exterior Accessible Routes, See Sheet P.7.2 NOTE: T'he City of Dublin's Universal Design Ordinance covers single family detached, duplex and triplex residential buildings. For accessibility of attached units in Neighborhood 9 see sheet P.6.0. * For Buyers' Optional Improvements for Exterior Accessible Routes, See Sheet P.7.2 + Front door is not primary route due to grade differences. UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE ACCESSIBILITY CALCULATIONS Accessible Units Required: Provided: Neighborhood 6 102 102 Neighborhood 7 95 95 Neighborhood 8 138 138 Neighborhood l0 112 112 Neighborhood l l 6b 66 513 513 100 % of units) (100 % of Units) z~ ~~b ° ' SORRENTO EAST Ar Du~L~ RANCH Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES ~ .,~...,., ., m,. R F. V 15 I 0 \ S: Dinar on2a aro~ecrxDA~: ,93949 scAr.E:: Asrrorro DAZE65UffiI: A+zmba142009 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE SITE EXHIBIT un~ ~~ ~P f~~ ~~ w ea®.aiRO nRNwro s>AtnR ate. a~ P.7.1 __ _~ ____.~ _ _ Universal Desi Ordina . _~_w_._.__._~ ____ nc __ e _. . _ _._ ______ __. tonal Architectural and Site Modifications fo r N on A ccessible Units __._- __ Optional Improvements Offered at Buyers' Expense at N a ~ a~ 6 `" a p k ~ ~ E a a a N7 N_S NIO i d ~ ' " a a ; "' ~ ~ " a a ~ ~ ~ a w a w a,a a~ya c. a _. ~ `° tw a " a N a i a ll '^ ~ a a a __.__..... _. _ .m ..........................._-................. ....... { + ~ ' ' F ~ For Unus hav~mg E#erior Access~k Routes to Front Doors as Primary Effirances, provide Secondary Effirance at tl~e Livng(Dinin~Ctteat Roam door connect®g to private yard. Provide a 40" Aceessibk Waflcway & 42" Gate m private yard ~ i ~ t € E + I ~ ~ ; 1 be ~ tween Seco~ary Fatraree and commn driveway along with nodifications to depress concrete curb at the coninnn ~ ~ ~ € i ~ i I drveway. 3 ' ~ For Units Not havirg Exterior Accessbk Routes to Froffi Doors as Primary Entrances, Great Roomtiiwrg Room door ~ ;~ ~ i i correctng to prnaCe yazd wnl be used as Primary Enharee. Garage door comleciing to Living Areas win be rued as Secondary . j i ~ ~ } III 1 i EI 2 Entrance. 40"Accessible Walkway & 42"Gate in private yard between the Unu and comrmn driveway w~ be requaed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ € ~ ~ Addibnal modifcatioru iachrdmg depressingconcreto curb at the commondtiveway, rebcatbgAC unit, std addingportable ~ [ ~ j [~ ( ~ I accessbk ramp in garage wit be re~uQed. j 1 . _ _._~_- - -- i ~ .,,,_,... For Unts Not having Exterior Accessirk Routes to Froffi Doors as Prunary Brtrarces, Dnmg Room door correcting to prnate , ~ ~ i ~ € 3 yard wd be used as Prunary Effirance. Add Livirg Roomdoor correcting to priate yard as Secondary Emraree. 40 " ~ ~ E ~ ( ~ € ~ ~ ~ ~Accessbk Walkway & 42 Gate m prnate yard between the Unu and commn driveway loll be regrured abng wuh depressing ' concrete curb at the comnnn drn~eway. ~ ~_ __._ _ v__ ~ 1 [ ~ ' [ l ~ ~ I _.. _ --- -~ __ ;For Unus Nathavng E~derior Aocessbk Route to Front Doom as PriuazyEnhareea, Garage door connecting to Foyer wfil be ~ € ~ 4 used as Primary &trance. Rear door rear Casia wnl fimction as Secondary Enhance. 40" Accessbk Wancway connectng 1 commn driveway wnl be required Adddional rmdifications unkrdir de ressin connate curb at connron drivewa and I € j ~ ( ~ ' [ ~ . g p g y ?~~ P°rtabk accessible ramp b gunge wdl be requned. ~ 1 , ~ ..... _ ;For Unus Not havvrg Exterior Accessdrk Routes to Froffi Doors as a Primary Entrarees, Add a door at Foyer correcting ro ... 1, _ _. .... _. ........ i , .._ [ ... S _ ~ as a Prue Enhance. D' ' Room garage racy ung door corwectug to garage wid fincdon as a Secondary Erne. Adding portable ~ l accessbkra~smgaaragew~bere~wed_ _ - . ____.__ __. ____ ,,.. m__.m. ...-__ ~ ~ ~ ... _ 1 ~ _- __ ~ _ .. ~ ~ ~ 1 j _ ' ~ E ~ - ~ ~ ~ + ~ __~i ~ For Unus Nat havvrg Exterior Accessbk Routes to Froffi Doors as Primary Entrances, Doing Room door to private yard wifl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ti be used as Primary Entraree. Garage door cormectarg to Dmbg Room vvil(be used as Secondary Entrmrce. 40"Accessrbk " ' . ~ # ~ i ; Walkway & 42 Gate in private yard between the Unu and co~ron driveway win be required Adddional modificatioru mchrdmg depressuig concrete curb at the common driveway and addingportabk accessdrle rarrgr n garage. ~ I _~ ~ ~ I ' ~ f ._ .__ _ € ...... ' , _......_. 7 ~ ' For Unrs Not having Exterior Access~k Routes to Froffi Doors as Prirsary Entrances, Dirurg Room door conrecdng to garage wR be used as Prirmry Erdrance. Add a door between 4th Bedroom & garage for Secondary Fnharce. Addngportabk ! ~ access8k sin a es vvIDbe re rared. 1 l ~ , € l ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ' , ~ For Unts Not havilrg Exterior Accessnrk Routes to Froffi Doors as Prirury Entrances, Foyer Door/0~ce Door to prrvate yard ~ ~ - e_ _ I t win be teed as Primary Faitrar>ce. Foyer Door ro the garage win be Secordary Entrance. 40" Accessdrk Wancway & 42' Cate ' l { i 8 ~ in private yard between the Unit and common driveway call be regrned. Adduioml modifications urchdng depressng concrete ~ 1 ~ ` ~ ~ ! 1 t ; curb at the commn driveway, reboating AC u~ and addarg portable access~bk ramps in garages w>D be euqured. ~ 33 s ~ i ~ j ; ~ ._ .~ __.._~-~ ______. ._._~___ ~ i t ~ _ ~ - 3 __ _ ~ For Unts Not havng Exterior Accessble Routes to Froffi Doors as Primry Enhances, Livir~Dirarg/Great Roomdoor ~ _ _ _. ~ ~ __. corarecta~g to private yard win be used as Primary Entrance. Garage Door cnru>ectarg to Living Areas wnl lrarctbn as Secondary ~ ~ € 9 Entrance. 40" Accessirk Walkway & 42"Gate in prnate yard between tbe Unu and conmron driveway win be required. ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ Addtanalmodificahons rxtding depressirgcorerete curb at the commndriveway, rebcatirgAC unit, arrd addngportabk ~ I 1 j ~ accessible rains m garages wdl be required. € _. __ __.....-.- ._._.... .. . _____....._._._. .... _......_ ..,_....__.,, . _ ._.a _. ~Front Loaded Units Not having Exterior Accessble Routes to Front Doors as Prurrary Enhances, an accessrbk ramp wrnbe , _. ~ .._. __. ~ (( ~ ; l - .. - - ... -- -- ; t0 ~ ~ required at dre Front Door as Prinaryy Pntrarlce LivirglDuri~IGreat Room door comrecrmg to private yard wdlprowde ~ Secorrdary Enhance. 40"Accessrbk Walkway & 42"Gate in private yard between the Unt and common driveway w>D be requQed. Additional modificatbru ircirding depressing wrerete curb at the corrmnn driveway, rebcatng AC rn& ar>d adding ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 l1 } ~ ~ '1 ~ I ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ Q ' portable accessbk rarrps n garage wit be regrured. 1 ~ ` _ .~___ Notes: 1.0 ' dal P ' and Secord Enhances shall meet the elements of the Universal Des' Ordinance ~ i ( ___ . ~ ...... 2. AppncaMSlensubr~conpbtedUniversalDesigrCbecklstsinilartoCityofDublurUmversalDesignChecklistbasedon j New HomeUnivursalDesignOptionCheck>ist(AB1400)&Cbapter7.90DubtinMrmicipalCodeatthetinnofsub~sionofl+ ~ I ~ j ( ~ I ~ __.. € Master Plan Check. Deveb ep r shad submit the corr~kted firm_ _s~rred ~ the buyerprior to final ffipection _~~ € . -- € Leger ~ _ I .__ g . ~.~ _.., } ~ -.. ..... __ i } ,L w1111 Exterior Accessble Routes between Front Door Effirarces and Paseo Waflcwa 99 ~ l 1 ~ ( ( 1 ~ € € 1 1 t ~ „ . . ~ Rear Loaded UndS wt . -. _..._.... h no Extemr Access~k Routes between Frort Door Effirarees and Paseo Wakways (Front door's rot - ~ --._..._ - ~_ ~ prim _. ary ro ute d ue to grade) I ' ~ t_........ i ~ ._T r __ f ..- i P ! ..... ...... i ~ _ ... ._4 ~ ~ Front Loaded Urits with m Exterior Accessible Routes between Front Door Erharces and Private Gammon Driveways (Froffi door is ni t prm nry route due ~ gl ade) [ E I j ~ z "sS t{51 s~~~~ EAST Ar DUBL~I )IAAf6 Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIES .ter ..w., <,....,,., R E V I S I O N S: rECCPIPnIBi DATO PRl11HCLNOMBHt: t9)91-0 SCALE: ASNOIED DATEISSUED; Da®ba1b2009 UNIVERSAL DESIGN ORDINANCE MATRIX OF OPTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS ~~ oa ccano-wo nRnanrro awe~o ndaMnac a gas prS mean P.7.2 1t-17-aoa lxpn rae. aril P\193P{~R/WId~50R P/CWWE\9lR IRV. IIOOAOSDt~P.72L000U9aM0 f '; I ~ ~ o '~ ..- - r Q t _ rx I 0 '': ~ 'i C7 W' --- ,~.z - -" --'~ l O O AREA F o wEST ~ W z I k ,~_„_~ ~^_ 1 6 v,~~~~n~~__ I' 5 ~9 3 -Y ,~ PALERMO WA I` ~-~ f ~' r ELEMENTARY SCHOOL r' -- , ,,. 1.9 ~ ,~------~ _9 ,~ ~~ 1 ~=~ OTERRA_ `...^ CAP ,._.... ..... .-~-_-:-~-~- _ ---~_e._-._ ti 1 p '1 3 gB „ 6 , 1 10 SB ~, .r--. 14, ~1 1~~' ll~ 2B EI I=1 I'~ ~ ~~ i~ 1 ~ t ~ t3 ~ 14 0 ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~, `, 7 y ~ ~ 4 5 li i r.~ ~~~ r NOTES I. Phasing to be approved by the City prior to construction of residential units or buildings. 2. Phasing exhibit does not address timing of school construction, recreation facility or park facilities development. 3. Other phasing scenarios may be pursued subject to the approvals of the Ciry Engineer and Community Development Director. 4. Model complex parking area will be developed as last phase. 5. Neighborhoods 6 & 7 may require a temporary EVA per fire department requirements. b. Infrastructure will likely be installed in phases with grading and portions of the spine infrastructure Tract 7982 (Palermo Way and Lee Thompson Street) being installed first and the remainder spine (Tract 7982) and individual neighborhood infrastructure following in different phases. Other phasing scenarios may be pursued subject to the approvals of the City Engineer and Community Development Director. KEY ® Model Complex ® Parking For Modet Complex O Order Of Unit Phasing By Neighborhood ~~~~i SORRENTO EAST AI DUBLIN RANCB Dublin, California AREA F ® REGENT P80PERTIES .~ ,....,.~.....~,..v. R E V I S I O N S: orscxena+ DA76 >'ROtecr riu~~: 19794-0 SCALE: nsnmrn DA786SUBD Do~bal&7009 UNIT PHASING PLAN ..... V 50® &SI~S ~.~~ nuvxta~ a wee (~ ~zs-aeeo 341PEf 1iUl.®FR P.8.1 ~ ~~ z' _ ~ 'y ~~. r % ~ ~~1 ~~ . ~' i~,~~~ j ~a y;~, , \~, ,!,i ~ ~.. ~~ ~.;~, , .~ /Ii ~, . C7 ~' ~ o ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cD ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ co ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~C ~ O ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ..• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d n ° '~ ~ ~ b ~ c~u ~ -.t ~ o b ~, ~ ~ ~ p~ b ~ ~ ~ O d ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~d o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri ~ ~ ~ o ~ '~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ C ~' r O ~ y ~ ~ vc ~ ~ ~ '~ Q > ~ ty ~ ' ~ T /~ r ~ O ~ ~ ~ m . ~ ~ VOA V C ~ ~ c _'m ~ ~ i:x ~~~~ ~ rd ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~tia ~, O ~? "~' o o ~7 0 ~ ~ r ~ a ~ O ~ ~ r ~~~ ~N T ~. __ =_ ~:- _ ~ i 1 ^" c ~\ ~/ ~ ~ Y ~~ \ ^ 10CATION C NEIGHBORHOOD 10 -PAD MOUNTED PMH-9 LOGtTION Scale: l"=ZO' LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH _ ~~ PAD LIOUNfFD FUSED SWfFCH ON BD.5' K BB' PAD (PGE) O - ,'• ~~ 8' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK 3' ON SIDES O _ m 4'6'"6'6' PRIIAARY SUBSURFACE SPt1CE BOX (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 5' ON EACH END O _ ® 3'X5' PRIIAARt' SUBSURFACE SPACE BOX (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END ®_ ~ 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORLIER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BOCK, 3' ON EACH END 5 = m 36'z 60' SUBSURFACE SPl1CE BOX (ATl) 6 = ® PTS-65 NANHOIE 4'6'x8'6' (Ali) O = ® PAD XIOUNfED 6'z6'6'z6' SA (ATT) ~E PROPOSED 51REET DGHT nn~ __ __----__-_ a~~~~}~i SORRENTO EAST AT D~L~ RArr~e Dublin, California AREA F NEBEN rYPNBPEN TIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP110N DATE PROIEC[ NUMBER: 91&4 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ]SSUED: 121171D3 OVERALL JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 Joint Trench Details JT-2 JT-3 JT-4 JT-5 JT-6 JT-7 JT-8 JT-9 JT-10 JT-11 ~I~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS 4683 Chabol pNe, Suk 150, Pleasaman, CA 945A8-0537 Tal (9tvI663A873 Fax 16061734-0033 DATE LAST WORKED ON: ILI6!Y19 SHEET NU6®ER: JT-1 ` I ,. :: 1.--~, -- - -_ r ~~. ~~ . GLEASON DRIVE - _ ~-~ -~ , ___ -- ~~. ~; n x: I! ,F ~~ ~ i e , `~a ;' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ,~. ~'` ~ ~ E x ~ E~ ~1 t ' ~ ,, , R'. w { ~ .~ n ~+',~' ~. ~ ~ II €y ~, d ` r qq i A H T,Y: ~~ r l "~' ~~; ~ . ,. r, ;~;~ ,'~' r;' + -~f rx: ;k ; y; ',~J,1 ~~ 1/' 1 'i~l; . -,~r; i~ , 8'Level Gear Space ~~~ ~~` SO NTO EAST Al DU~LIlV RANCH Dublin, California AREA F O RESENT PRO/ERTIES R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPIYDti DATE PROIECTNIJM68R 9194 SCALE; AS NOTED ~ J--r ~= ~Ar -- _'i \~\ ~~,, __ -: - - i9'Level Clear Space TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SCREEN FOR PAD MOUNTED EQUIPMENT See PG&E "Greenbook" section 063422 pages i-12 for exact standards for landsppe screening, & retaining walls (ff Required). Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-2 Overall Joint Trench Exhibit JT-3 :r:.e ., ass ".aek 'G JT-5 Ideight:e*:":,;~~ f - ~.! iu^ JT-6 `5~'icni,o,^eco .' . vv, i5 ,3 JT-9 A!?iahaorhe~^,' .. ww. ... JT-10 de~c^ ~....,~_ ._ Tray. "~:-r, JT 11 d~iyii 5? LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH 0 ..... ~..... QZ = m O ® ~ 5 6_ Q7 All shrubs are evergreen plantr not aver 5' at maturuty All shrubs should be planted at a min. 5 gallon size. PAD MOUNTED FUSED SWITCH ON 60.5'x88' PAD (POE) 8' CIFARANCE FRONT AND 84CI( 3' ON SIDES 4'6'x8'6' PRMINtY SUBSURFACE SPDCE BO% (PGE) 3' CIfAlfANCE FRONT AND BA(U(, 5' ON EACH END 3'%5' PPoMAItt SUBSURFACE SPLICE 80% (PGE) 3' CIFAl~ANCE FRONT AND 84q(, 3' ON FACH FND 3'%5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PCE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT ANO BAq(, 3' ON EACH END 36'z 60' ~18SURFACE SPUCE BO% (ATT) PTS-65 MANHOLE ~'6"z8'6' (Am PAD MOUNTED 6'z6'6'z6' SN (ATi) PROPOSED SIREET LIGHT SHEET MAP KEY DATE ISSUED: IYI7109 OVERALL JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT ..... o' loo' 2ao' i ''~ ~I~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS `~ 1~,7 CFe6UD,M,6uIb19J,RweMm,G9R~/ `~ Te119t511838813 Fa (sasl7SwiSS '~ { ~1 DALE LASTWORxPD ON:IYIN09 ' sIIEETIRRABER JT-2 _, ~rrT IT.4 Mp,~CH 1.IN ~~f SO NTO EAST Ar D~BLIlV AeKCE Dublin, California AREA F REREMi IROIERTIE! R E V I S I O N S: DPSCRIEC[ON DATE PROIECTNUMBER 9184 SCALE: aSNOTID LEGENI m [D 3'X5' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPUCE BOX (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END 36'z 60' SUBSURFACE SPLK~ BOX (ATT) PTS-65 MA.NH01~ 4'6'x6'6' (AT~ PROPOSED SDiFEi LIGHT MPI`'" '- Sheet Index t Description JT-1 Joint ._ _,.Ci', JT-2 >~ro''' JOrt ~rE.":CI', tXhib!1 JT-3 Spine Raads Tract 7982 JT-4 Spice ~.~~=Js Tr;c` ''~+~2 JT-6 ~ e~ L ~. t ~ ,,;;v JT-7 ~~ ~, c h F. ~ r 'q. JT-10 "~,.c~~,,~•aad .~ . ~,,, ?050 JT-11 !Ve ,hood .....,~. 'p5~ I~ ;1s SHEET MAP KEY DATE ISSUED: IL17A19 SPINE ROADS ', TRACT 7982 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT ~ ''~ ...,. o' ~~ eo~ ~I~ `, UTILITY CONSULTANTS +\ ~c~.naa:~.,s~a,m, ', Td NSSl~aaen Fa 192D>. ~`( ~ DATELISTWORRIDON:17116D9 ~ BNFE[NUtNBFR ~ JT-3 '' Q ~w ~Z >~ ~~2 X51 SO NTO EAST ~r D~L~ RANCN Dublin, California AREA F w z ~w z m J Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 ;r:' 'Tench ~e?ai!s JT-2 w„a'i ,,f;r;, , rcn Exfuo JT-3 ~c;rie ?aaas T'ac i9R2 JT-4 Spme Roads Tract 7982 JT-5 hbcrn~ d .Yoe` cg2 JT-6 4 DvtltC~d i qC; iC1;3„ JT-7 ~R r ~~nc~cd ,=c. UI,.Ig JT-8 r1.,t. d h Tracl ?o:}~ JT-9 i~r.h~orhe^~ ~ lra~i ~.,. JT-10 "~eahberit-rc~d i~ `~~ !&;;C, JT-11 td=or~orheaj 1' ..._, r'i^"r ,., , A,;r:=~i ~ ' ' `-5' PSE - ~'. ,! `~~ ' '~ ;I ' ~ ~ LEGEND :;y ~ ~ (•• W - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH -~r BRAMANTE ST. ~~ T -a ,' ~~` i~; ,-y. oU ARALDI LANE _.. _, '`~ ~ tY1 ~ ' ~ 4'6'x8'6' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPUCE BO% (PGE) ' ' ~ 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 5 ON EACH END ~ m 3'%5' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPUCE BO% (PGE) ' ' 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3 ON EACH ENO 3'%5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PGE) ~ ' ' 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3 ON EACH END m 36'z 6D' SUBSURFACE SPUCE BO% (ATT) ® PTS-65 MANHOLE 4'6'x8'6' (ATE ® 6'z6'6'x6' PAD fOR SN (ATT) • ~ PROPOSED SIRFff DGHT 5' PSE ~- 5' PSE [3- ,, ., .,;- ~~ ~\ j ~~tli t _ r- , ~ 1 ~,,, i - - +- "' ~ '1 ~ ' { ;..r ~ __~l+i _ j _~,-~'i- , Y ~ i i -• { .. --' - ~~ _ - _ i r„ri I ~ ~ l ~ ~ ;~~ I ,-y f --- ~,~~ .~-r--t',1, ~. ~ i /)~ ~ \ 1 , ~, ~_ 1 ~ ~` ~\ ~ ~ .' ~ ',sit '•~. ~.. ~~i _~C[NIRµ PN(gyAT ~ ` SHEET MAP KEY E~FEENi PEOPERTIE9 - ..w.,n...,~ R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP710N DATE PROIECINUMBER: 9184 SCALE: AS NOTED DATEfSSUFA: tv11m9 SPINE ROADS TRACT 7982 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT ~a~iw a~ ,a 80' ~_~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS /553CMEW aA& SY1e 150, PbrM, G&SBBK-7 TN (A251/0}0079 Fer(83517340273 DAZE LASTWOEt~ON: ]yIGe9 SEIEETNUMBFA: JT-4 s r GLEASON DRIVE .-, _, ~ , Zq3 ~' I SOLENT 0 EAST AI DUBLIN RANCH Dublin, California AREA F REGENT /AAPERTIEd 11T`r W W ~~ ,, y 10 ~~ iQ ,,~ w z ~w q~z m~ All shrubs are evergreen plantr not over S' at maturuty All shrubs should be planted at a min. 5 gallon size. / 8'Level Clear Space °~ hack " ~.: 80.5"x88" ///111 P9H front ~ .7.. Concrete Apron 8'Level Clear Space TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SCREEN FOR PAD MOUNTED EQUIPMENT See PG&E "Greenbook" section 063422 pages 1-12 far exact standards for landscape screening, & retaining walls (if Required). LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ..."" PAD MOUNTED FUSED SWITCH ON 80.5' z 88' PAD (PGE) ~~ ~ ................ 8' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK 3' ON SIDES ~ 4'6'x8'6' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPUCE BOX (PGE) ' ' 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 5 ON EACH END ® 3'X5' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPUCE BOX (PGE) ' 3 CLEARAWCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END ~ 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END m 36'z 60' SUBSURFACE SPUCE BOX (ATT) ® PTS-65 MANHOIf 4'6'x8'6' (ATT) PROPOSED STREET UGHT Z O r~ a O ~ =w ~' w w~ w i-- J (n :%, i _! I ~ Sheet Index Sh t Description JT-1 oio'~ irer:c7 ';7ekaas JT-2 'verel ~,ra -rerc. ~xhb.k JT-3 ., 'taus„ 'roc. 1982 JT-4 pre ~ceds "roc: '982 JT-5 Neighborhood 6 Tract 7652 JT-6 °re a~~ JT-7 ,.......... Ka1:. ,. JT-8 , oboes^c.~ 8 ~. '65~.. JT-10 ?4eg~~ac~r~_~ "roc! '656 JT-11 '~°!q'1~r:;ca; '1 root 65? SHEET MAP KEY R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPC[ON DATE PROIECf NUMBER: 916! SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 17117109 NEIGHBORHOOD 6' TRACT 7652 '~, JOINT TRENCH EXFIIBIT ...,. ,~ ~' ~~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS 18tl QnbolOme, Suie 191, n0tlefbry G91SA&653T Td IAZS)1A3aAi9 fm15z51 TJI-0733 DATELASrwORRW ON: tvtbrov SI~EEf NUMBER: JT-5 ~q ~ ~ i SOR~ENTO EAST er D~I,~ R~NCe Dublin, California AREA F LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ® 3'%5' PRINARY SUBSURFACE SPLICE 80% (PGE) ' ' 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND B4CI(, 3 ON EACH ENO ~ 3'%5' SUBSURFACE iRANSFORRIER (PGE) ' ' ON EACH ENO 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3 m 36"z 60" SUBSURFACE SPLICE BO% (ATT) ~ PROPOSED SIREEf LN~{f ' \~ ~~ X1'1 i' ~~ '•~ ~` X11 ~.` ~`\•. ~~ t '• r; p' `, ~ . 1 ~, ,, 1, ,, ,~ l `'' ~` ;. 1 i ~ ~ 7 . ~~, 1 1 1~1 Il l 1~~, 1 ,, ! ~,.. ~~ i', ,~ VI ~i~ ' ,~ i ~~~ ; I ~i ~`I ~ ~ ~j I ~1 ~ ' '. I~ !' '' 4~ i 'I ~I ii i' I ly ~y iy ~~_., m 'm .y ~; f i '+~ Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 r r: J .:,!Is JT-2 n _ ,..,. JT-5 coop ~. i i~~ JT-6 .,,. 7f s3 JT-1 Neighborhood 8 Rec. Bldg. JT-8 ~ ,o^ h .ork 'fi54 JT-11 ~ ; hOra `9 if(IC. 7x57 SHEET MAP KEY O RERENT /AO/ERi1E8 R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPT[DN DAtE PROJECTWUMBER: 9184 SCALE: AsNDTED DArEtssllEn: 1v1~ro9 NEIGHBORHOOD 7 TRACT 7653 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT o' "io" eo' ~~ ~ ~I~~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS ,~ IfiA3gebdOma,Siio~W.FkssM,CA915BBd537 ` TM (82~1&iBBT! Fu (977340237 ~ Dare usr woRxED oN:1 v1ao9 :l~'~('' sf~ETNUMBEA: JT-6 -= _ ~~, ,, ~~~ ~, ~' ~/` ,. `, A~, ~ 2q 5 i SOR~ENTO EAST ~~ DUBLIlV Resew Dublin, California AREA F REGENT PROPERTIEd R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP770N DATE PROIECTMIMEER: 9184 SCAIE: AS NOTED DATE f55UED: 17/17A19 LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ® 3'X5' PRIMARt' SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (PGE) 3' CIEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH ENO ~ 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORfdER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH ENO m 36'z 60~ SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (ATi) ~ PROrosm stRt>:r ucM Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 ciri '!each C!zai:> JT-2 v~VQ.'8~ ,J!fi; Trc""^'i %'Pu: JT-4 "" ny R~'zrs '. sct '9ht" JT-5 idec:~~ernord . I"~:....,.. JT-7 Neighborhood 8 Rec. Bldg. JT-8 Nrehoorh~4~ ~ ..~. ~4 JT-9 Fv'G,'k.hrf'7CC,~ a "C!"%, „i;. JT-~D itiE'f'ihOrhCCd .._Cf 'i;~ I~ SHEET MAP KEY ) NEIGHBORHOOD 8 RECREATTION BUII.DING JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT ...,. 0 10 20 ~ ~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS `\ 1b&3greEd Dme,9Re 150, PbouAm,cAwses$.v li Td (AZ51/81E873 iu 1975)736@33 DAreu,srwoRZmox:iulb~ -~ ` SHF}iNUMBFR: JT-7 ~~ 1 ~' jF f LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ® 3'X5' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPIKE BOX (PGE) ' ' CLEARANCE FRONT AND HACK, 3 3 ON EACH END ® 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PGE) ' ' 3 CLEARANCE FROM AND BACK, 3 ON EACH END m 36"z 60" SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (ATT) ~E PROPOSED SfREEf UGNT q ~S~R~ENT 0 EAST ar ~UBLIN RANCe Dublin, California AREA F pEOEpi IpOEERiIEE R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPCION DA1E PROJECT NUMBER: 9164 SCALE: AENOTED DATE ISSUED: IL171119 NEIGHBORHOOD 8 TRACT 7654 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT .."r" e~ ,~ ~~ ~~~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS ~ssr. ama una s~ i m, ern cA , Tal (B75)IBJd873 FuP>zs1ix02u DATE LASf WORD ON:ILIbg9 ~~4 ~. 1 ~~, ,, Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 .~c,,~t ' . " ~ ~~ JT-2 IJ~ r~ ~ _ c h ,~,' JT-3 ;ping .,~u)5 .......,.... JT-4 lit' i- ; it ) JT-6 ;~I .; JT-7 ,nchber'~.,,. ?3 (=~y~:. ~cc. JT-8 Neighborhood 8 Tract 7654 JT-10 P~;;^-~,rro;~ '.. `ice: 7~`~t~ JT-11 "~ ~n~roa... irr .~~' SHEEfNUMBF& JT-8 ~~~~~o EAST AT D~L~ NANC6 Dublin, California AREA F RERENT PROPERTIED R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIPTION DATE PROTECT NUMBER: 9184 SCALE: ASNOTED DATE ISSUED: tJ/11109 NEIGHBORHOOD 9 TRACT 7655 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT Sheet Index Sh t Description JT-1 ~!n '~e;tcF:At~ils JT-2 u~rerc'1 ~.., Trer:~h Ezn~'t JT-3 Jp~,s Roa.. . ~. %982 JT-4 ~ Pours ~ 1982 JT-5 P~echborha?+.1 6 lr~.c is^2 JT-6 pyr;C^.ber?tpod ,' (r:;~r`., crvt JT-8 hey'a-er'aood 8 Trec 554 JT-9 Neighborhood 9 Tract 7655 •a~~~ 0~ 40' g0' '~ ~I~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS /6A3 Chtlol pM, SiBe 150, Re~pn, G 81588ffi31 Td (825, 1874875 Fn (825)77W130 DALE IASf WOR-.FD ON: IYI6D9 SNFE[NUIdBER: JT-9 ~-~\. k, 1 _ . ,I~~k. ~ nl~ - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH ~~~~,,~~~~~ PAO MOUNTED FUSED SWITCH ON 80.5' z 88' PAD (PGE) ~~ 8' CIfARA1dCE FRONT AND BACK 3' ON SIDES ~ '6pz F S ( ED 3 CLEARANCE FROFRONT AND BACK, ON EACH EN ® 3'%5' PRIIJARY SUBSURFACE SPLICE BO% (PGE) ' 3 CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END ® 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORtJER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END m 36'z 60' SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (ATT) PROPOSED SIREET LIGHT RENT 0 EAST ar DUBL~ RAx~e Dublin, California AREA F O REGENT /ROIERTIEE All shrubs are evergreen plantr not over 5' at maturuty All shrubs should be planted at a min. 5 gallon size. ' 8 Level Clear Space ,y,., 0.5"x88" a PMH 9 2~ Concrete 8'Level Clear Space TYPICAL LANDSCAPE SCREEN FOR PAD MOUNTED EQUIPMENT See PG&E "Greenbook" section 063422 pages 1-12 far exact standards for landscape screening, & retaining walls (if Required). R E V I S I O N S: DESCfdPTfON DATE PRO]ECIMIMBER 9184 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 1y17N9 " ~ - „ _ -_.. --- ~~. a~. Sheet Index Sh et Description JT-1 Jon .... e!a''s JT 5 d,igh c ~ s .. JT 6 d.ig'r~ ~ ~~ ~`; JT-8 ti>riq~~~ _., u~. '654 JT-10 Neighborhood 10 Tract 1656 NEIGHBORHOOD 10 TRACT 7656 JOINT TRENCH EXFIIBIT ,..,. Q' ,o" 80' ~~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS esm a^oa oTe, sae Iso, eemeren, cn asenas9r Tw 19251 ream reR19E;IT~0E33 DATE usr wozzPn oN: m16g9 SHPEINUMEER JT-10 / cr~`t'y ~-~+ ~, i! C - - ~-,-- , *~ ~~ F ' I Ir ~; ~ ~;~ -~'~ ~~ ~~ ~ " ` t , ' ~ ~ (4 ~ \ , ~' ~~ w. \ 4 ~~ 9 ~ . ~ ~ _ f { , ~~R z: ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~ .'~ ~.y ~ ~~ ~ 7. it ~ I~~ __ , ~ ,,~ ~ A, P 4 ~, "'Y .,,, _~„s 4 - ~ ' .. ~ '. -~ 5' PSf Cp~P@~' RRA WAY...... ., _ ;~~,~ ,~~ ~ ~~t~ '' ~~,. y , , , ,. _ :~ ~~, ~~ ~{ .. .. o - r ~~ ~ fi rtr „~~ ~ ~ y , , ~ ,~" _ ~ u ~ ~ ,) _x ~' ~ ~ ; t ~ .~ y~ -. 7 I Ii k ~. _ ;?-X' it i+ ,.., ..,,._. : , :..~._ $I F ~ ~- C ~ ~, \ y~i' 1 ~ k :, ~ „~ \1 ~ ~~ "y. ~ ~ i ~: ,~"~ ~ -. nr 4 ~ t x ... .,... ~.. ~ 1' -' .. > + ~_~ l i __ i 79 '"~ .....mot; -. ( ,, --~2 ~ C~ ~ ~ ` r ~ : ~ k "j .. i ... ~ ~~ ~' ~~ ~~~ _. ~. ' I ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~~ T ._ d .~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ i r ~ ~~ ~ a ~ ~„ 1 ~ ~ "_` r ~~ i ~._ ~ 4 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ i ~~~ _ ', ~ r' ~~, ,~ i i .,~ .'. _ 4 f /~` ... '~_ ~ i A x l ~ ;~ ~.. ~T" ~i ~ ~'\ ~V ~. i . , rl a t .,~.~ ~ ~ ^~ •/ A I ~ p.Y' v ~~ H~' "~ ~ ~ ~`~ ~ ~' ~.~;~ f~q ~~ ~. m~ i ~ ,~ l= ,, p ~f+ ~~\',,,\ ~ /iFl.., ( r ~ ~„~ P P \.~' di ~~ '~,1' '. I I r . K ~ ~ ( » tfj ,~ ~ ~ "i= ~~ -_ ~ r LEGEND - - - - - PROPOSED JOINT 1RENCH ® 3'X5' PRIMARY SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT AND BACK, 3' ON EACH END ~ 3'X5' SUBSURFACE TRANSFORMER (PGE) 3' CLEARANCE FRONT MJD BACK, 3' ON EACH END [D 36"z 60" SUBSURFACE SPLICE BOX (AT~ ® PTS-65 MANHOLE 4'6'x6'6' (ATl) ~E PROPOSED SiREtT DGHT NOTE: ALL STREET LIGHTS ON THE PRIVATE STREET ARE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED Sheet Index s t Description JT-1 Je;r."t ?renc^ ~etcs JT-2 UoerO', J^ra Tr;:nch _~hibi; JT-3 Spire .cads bract 7SS~ JT-4 Sc'E,.= 'goads Tract 7982 JT-5 e4hu„rt,„~~. 6 rant 7!2 JT-6 xe',ch...hood -roc ,,^,3 JT-8 Via.""i"~?;;.,., k .."i;ta ir;:'Q JT-9 tieia^b.;rh,,, ~ 'rcct %r:i5 JT-10 tie~g^ a-ho.,d , Tmc, e56 JT-11 Neighborhood 11 Traci 7657 ~~ 1~ I ,~"~ . t ~i t I~ , ,~,, `~ ~f; , '' 2~~ ~! SOR~~'NTO EAST ar '~ Dt~L~ RANCH Dublin, California AREA F REyR[Ni IROIERiIEd R E V I S I O N S: DESCRIP770N DATE PROJECT NUMBER: 9184 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE ISSUED: 17/17109 NEIGHBORHOOD 11 TRACT 7657 JOINT TRENCH EXHIBIT ~ " ~" eo~ ~I~ UTILITY CONSULTANTS IBB1 ChNOtGAq SW 7W, PNesiM, Gd158dffi37 Td 1945~/fi.'i8873 Fa 1925177W7.13 DATE L4S'r WORKID ON:1711&99 siw>:rNU~mER JT-11 SHEET MAP KEY