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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.7 - 2326 Fiscal Year 2018-19 1st Quarter Financial R Page 1 of 2 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: December 4, 2018 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2018-19 1st Quarter Financial Review Prepared by: Jay Baksa, Financial Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a financial report through the first quarter for Fiscal Year 2018-19 and consider amendments to the Fiscal Year 2018 -19 Budget via a budget change. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and approve the budget change. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Approval of the budget change will result in the addition of $3,600,000 to the General Fund revenue budget. Total General Fund reserves are projected at $136,340,768 by June 30, 2019. DESCRIPTION: The focus of this report is the Fiscal Year 2018-19 General Fund Amended Budget. As a reminder, the Amended Budget includes budget amendments already approved by the City Council since July 1, as well as carry-over budgets from Fiscal Year 2017-18. The Budget Change Form (Attachment 1) lists all new amendments needing City Council approval. FY 2018-19: Projected Results General Fund revenues are projected to come in $3,600,000 higher than the Amended Budget due to the following: 1. Property tax revenue increased $3,200,000 over the budget, based on the most recent information provided by Alameda County and the City’s property tax consultant. This change reflects growth in overall assessed valuation (AV) by 9.57% ($1,417,122,832) over last year. This was the highest AV growth o f Page 2 of 2 in Alameda County. 2. Sales and Use Tax (Sales Tax) revenue increased $400,000 over budget. At the beginning of 2018, the State implemented a new software and reporting system, which resulted in the last two quarters of Fiscal Year 2017 -18 having multiple allocations not getting posted. This caused a delay in some receipts to Fiscal Year 2018-19. The overall trend for year-over-year Sales Tax revenue is flat, but given the delay of receiving revenue, the F iscal Year 2018-19 Sales Tax budget is being increased. After incorporating the changes, total reserves are projected to increase from $132,740,768 to $136,340,768, as illustrated in the table below. Total Reserves, FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 Amended Budget STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Change Form Attachmemt 1 Budget Change Reference #: From Un-Appropriated Reserves Budget Transfer Between Funds From Designated Reserves Other x Account Amount 1001.0000.41101 $3,200,000 1001.0000.42101 $400,000 12/4/2018 Posted By:Date: REVENUES Reason As Presented at the City Council Meeting **********Finance Use Only********** CITY OF DUBLIN FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 BUDGET CHANGE FORM General Fund - Property Tax General Fund - Sales and Use Tax City Council's Approval Required Updated number from Property Tax consultant Increase based on timing of receipt of revenue from State