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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.7 - 1915 2018 Dublin Pride Week Activities
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DATE: April 3, 2018
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Christopher L. Foss, City Manager
Report on 2018 Dublin Pride Week Activities
Prepared by: Rebecca Parnes, Environmental Technician
The City Council will receive a report on the planned activities for the 2018 Dublin Pride
Week, scheduled for April 28 - May 5, 2018.
Receive the 2018 Dublin Pride Week activities report.
Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2017 -2018 Budget for Dublin Pride
Dublin Pride Week is an annual event that seeks to promote a positive image for the
City of Dublin. The primary objective for Dublin Pride Week is to se ek ways to engage
individuals and/or groups in action based activities to help improve the community and
our environment. This year Dublin Pride Week will start on Saturday, April 28 and will
conclude on Saturday, May 5, 2018. The 2018 Dublin Pride Committ ee is seeking to
build on the success of previous Dublin Pride Week events by engaging diverse
community groups and individuals in the planning process. The Committee is made up
of members representing the following groups:
City Council
City Staff
Amador Valley Industries
Children’s Emergency Food Bank
CityServe of the Tri-Valley
Dublin Unified School District
Dublin Lions Club
Dublin/San Ramon Women’s Club
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Dublin Senior Foundation
Parks Reserve Forces Training Area
Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley
This year’s tag line is “Every Action Counts.” The attached flyer (Attachment 1) includes
information on events happening during Dublin Pride Week.
The proposed 2018 Dublin Pride activities are as follows:
Poster and Essay Contest
The poster and essay contests are a Dublin Pride Week tradition. The poster theme for
this year is “Every Action Counts” and the essay question is: “Please explain how every
action you take to help in your community or to reduce your impact on the environ ment
The Dublin San Ramon Women’s Club oversees organizing and managing the poster
and essay contest. The Poster and Essay Contest are open to all Dublin students in
grades K through 12. Winning artwork and essays will be displayed at the Civic Center
in the month of May. Essay and poster contest awards will be handed out at a future
City Council meeting.
Volunteer Day
Volunteer Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2018 beginning at 8:00 am at the
Emerald Glen Park basketball courts. Coffee and a light breakfast will be provided to
volunteers. The event will conclude with a free barbecue starting at 11:30 am at
Emerald Glen Park hosted by the Dublin Lion’s Club and the City. The Senior
Foundation will assist in serving breakfast and lunch. The Emerald Glen parking lot off
of Gleason Drive will be available for volunteer parking. In addition, “No Parking” signs
along the south side of Gleason Drive will be covered to provide additional parking
spaces for the event, and Staff plans to reserve th e Alameda County maintenance yard
parking lot which is just west of Emerald Glen Park on Gleason Drive.
Volunteer Day projects and activities include the following:
Senior Assistance Projects
Volunteers will help elderly citizens take care of home mainte nance projects such
as cleaning and yard work.
School Improvement Projects
Volunteers will weed and prune at Dublin Elementary School and Kolb
Elementary School.
Non-Profit Assistance Projects
Volunteers will support Valor Crossing by painting and cleaning around the
property. Other volunteers will assist the School of Imagination with cleaning
City Parks and Facility Projects
Volunteers will have the opportunity to help with various maintenance projects
such as weeding, plantings, mulching, path restoration, and refilling sand in
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playgrounds. The following parks are included for maintenance projects: Dolan
Park, Emerald Glen Park, Mape Memorial Park, Piazza Sorrento Park, and
Shannon Park.
City Creek Cleanup Projects
Volunteers will have the opportunity to help clean at five of the City’s creeks and
waterways. Creek clean-up projects will occur at Alamo Canal, Alamo Creek,
South San Ramon Creek, the canal near Dublin Sport’s Park, and the canal
between Amador Valley Blvd and Dublin Blvd. Zone 7 will assist in leading one
of the cleanups.
Volunteer Day Fair
Everyone is invited to learn about year-round volunteer opportunities in the Tri-
Valley. Non-profits will be hosting a site from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm on the
basketball courts at Emerald Glen Park. This is a great opportunity for Volunteer
Day participants and others to learn how they can give back to the community all
year long.
Food Drive
The Food Drive will take place on Saturday, April 28, as part of Volunteer Day.
Collection bins will be set up at both Safeway stores in Dublin from 9:00 am -
12:00 noon. Collection bins will also be set up at Emerald Glen Park for
Volunteer Day with a request for volunteers to bring a canned food item to
donate. All food collected will be donated to the Dub lin Children’s Emergency
Food Bank, which serves the Tri-Valley area.
Drug Take Back, E-Waste Recycling, and Document Shredding Event
In partnership with Dublin Police Services, residents will be invited to drop off unwanted
or expired medications for safe disposal. Residents can also bring documents with
sensitive information for shredding. Residents will also be able to recycle electronic
waste including but not limited to computers, printers, smart phones, TVs, DVD players,
VCRs, batteries, and old gaming systems. The event will be held at the Civic Center
parking lot on Saturday April 28 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Items for recycling will be
unloaded by volunteers from residents’ cars. Dublin Police Services will be promoting
this event to their email subscribers and through neighborhood meetings. Additionally,
the Dublin Pride Week flyer, poster and City website include information about the
Fix-It Clinic
The fix-it clinic will be held on Sunday, April 29, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm in the Dublin Library
Community Room. Residents are encouraged to bring broken household items to the
clinic. Volunteer fix-it coaches will be on hand to coach resident through disassembly,
trouble- shooting, and repair of their broken items. Resident will learn new skills and fix-
it knowledge and hopefully go home with repaired items.
Home Energy Workshop
The workshop, hosted by StopWaste, will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 10:15 am -
11:15 am at the Dublin Senior Center in Room A. Residents will learn about the Home
Energy Score, a rating system which grades a home’s energy efficiency. Next, they will
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learn about the Home Upgrade Program which provides rebates for energy efficient
upgrades. Participants can reserve their spot at
Emergency Preparedness Workshop
The workshop, hosted in partnership with Alameda County Fire, will be held on
Thursday, May 3, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the Dublin Library Program Room. Residents
will learn best practices for disaster preparedness.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection & Compost Give-Away Day
Dublin residents will be encouraged to drop off household hazardous waste (HHW) free
of charge and also pick up free compost for their personal use. Residents must make a
reservation to drop off HHW and/or pick up free compost. The event will be held at
Micro Dental Laboratories, Inc., located at 5601 Arnold Road (corner of Arnold Road
and Central Parkway) on Saturday, May 5, 2018. An announcement with reservation
information will be mailed to all Dublin residents informing them of the event place and
time. The Dublin Pride Week Flyer (Attachment 2) and City website are also promoting
the HHW event.
Public Outreach
The success of Dublin Pride Week is largely dependent on the public outreach
campaign developed to increase the community’s awareness and participation in the
activities and volunteer opportunities.
This year’s public outreach efforts include the website that
provides up-to-date information on the various activities and volunteer opportunities
surrounding Dublin Pride Week; press releases to local media outlets; a public service
announcement on TV30; information posted to NextDoor and PeachJar; and Flyer and
promotional Poster that are distributed to community and faith-based organizations.
1. Dublin Pride Week 2018 Flyer
2. Dublin Pride Week 2018 Poster
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Sunday, April 29, 1 to 4 PM
Dublin Library Community Room, 200 Civic Plaza
Learn how to fix that broken item that sits in the corner of your
garage. The fix -it clinic will be staffed by volunteer coaches who
will help you actively participate in the disassembly, trouble-
shooting, and repair of your item so that you leave fully
empowered to share your newfound confidence and insight with
your friends, neighbors, and the community at Iarge.Tools provided.
All ages welcome.
Wednesday, May 2, 10:15 to 1 1:15 AM
Dublin Senior Center, Room A, 7600 Amador Valley Boulevard
Learn about the Home Energy Score, a rating system that rates
your home's energy efficiency on a scale of I -10 like a MPG rating
system for a car. Also learn about the Home Upgrade Program
that provides rebates to homeowners who want to act on energy
efficient upgrades. Register at dublinhomeenergy
Thursday, May 3, 7 to 8:30 PM
Dublin Library Program Room, 200 Civic Plaza
Learn information that will help guide you in your disaster
preparedness efforts. Your preparation will inform and empower
you to meet your own, as well as your family's needs during what
is normally an extremely chaotic period.
Saturday, May 5
A detailed flyer describing this event, including appointment
information will be mailed to all single - family dwelling residents in
Participants (K -12 students) receive a certificate, winners receive
gift cards and City Council recognition.Winning posters and essays
will be displayed in the Dublin Civic Center during the month of May.
Visit to volunteer or for more
information about Pride Week activities.
Volunteer for Schools, Seniors & Parks Creek Cleanups Volunteer Fair Food
Drive Fix-it Clinic Emergency Preparedness Workshop Poster & Essay Contest
Home Energy Workshop E-Waste Recycling Drug Take Back Document
Shredding Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Compost Give-Away
Fix-it Clinic | Stopwaste | UNICOR | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Dublin San Ramon Services District | Dublin United Soccer League | Frito-Lay | Peet’s Coffee & Tea | Robot Garden