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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Tri-Val Bus BannersG~~~ OF ~U~~ti #~ 19~~;~~~ STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ``~ ~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ~](~^^~O ~-~~ ~'~LIFpR~~ DATE: June 22, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Street Banners for Tri-Valley Bus Rapid Transit Service Prepared By: Paul McCreary, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) is requesting City Council approval to hang banners on nine street light poles along Dublin Boulevard from July through November 2010 to promote the new Tri-Valley Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Service. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for hanging the banners would be paid for directly by LAVTA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council approve the hanging of the Bus Rapid Transit banners from July through November 2010. ~l ~~~ Submitted by: Parks and Community Services Director Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~ DESCRIPTION: The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) has developed a marketing plan to increase awareness and use of the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service that will be launched in early 2011. Attachment 1 provides an overview of the service. The service will greatly decrease the time it takes commuters to get to their workplace, schools and shopping along a 15-mile corridor that extends from east Livermore to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station, the Stoneridge Mall and points in between. Utilizing the newest transit technologies such as signal prioritization, jump queue lanes and real-time transit information, LAVTA will provide this service with a fleet of 14 diesel-electric 40' hybrid buses. The Rapid has a distinct look and feel from the rest of the Wheels bus service. Everything about the Rapid will be unique including the buses (modern, sleek, diesel-electric hybrid buses) shelters and stops, technology (GPS and signal priority), schedules, brochures, and the website ( The marketing of the service includes the production of street banners to be placed along the on main thoroughfares in the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton as a way to introduce the service to Tri-Valley commuters. The banners will focus on the ease of accessing the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Stations. Attachment 2 is a sample of the banner concepts, which will be adjusted to fit on the existing banner hardware in Dublin. If the City Council approves the hanging of the banners, LAVTA would be responsible for the cost of fabricating the banners, as well as the cost to hang and to take down the banners. Therefore there would be no financial impact to the City. The banners would be hung during July and remain up through Thanksgiving 2010. In addition to the street banners, LAVTA will be conducting outreach to civic organizations, community open houses and employers via on-site presentations. Similar banners will be placed on the BART station platforms and in-station advertising. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A copy of the Staff Report was distributed to LAVTA. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Tri-Valley Rapid Service Overview 2. Conceptual Banner Design Page 2 of 2 /b~ ~c~ ~, ~~-~l AL i ~ A Service of the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority 1362 Rutan Court, Suite 100 Livermore, CA 94551 (925) 455-7555 ~.~ ~-a~-l~ ATTACHMENT 1 `~ A P ~ %` ~ i~ii~ The Next Generation Transit Service ~ Stote-of the-ArtTransit for the Future Faster travel, fewer stops and a frequent schedule--t~~e Rapid mai<es it easy to get wher-e you need to go. And thanl<s to innovative technologies lil~e bus signal pr-iority, the Rapid won't get held up at every light, so you can cross the T~~i-Valley in reco~°d time! villoge Parkway (we5rf,o~od ~~a~ Shops at Tmlee/ Hadenda Crossings/ John Monego (ourt/ Re ional Golden ~N1 Avenue ~ublin Court Hadenda Odve Glynn6 Rose Drive Sheet Gate Drive ~y ~--S (EastMund IV~O ~y V _ Only) / ~\.l ~ ~ ~~~~~~ Dubbn Blvd Tossajara Rd Dublin (iwc (h/Sierm (ourt ~ Conyon ~C3 West Dublin/ East Dublin/Pleasanton Way ~ O Neawnion BART Sto6on Stoneridge~ BART Stafion Foa~h~lled ~Mall ~ Koiser/SpringdaleAvenue Grafton Keegan Sheet Sheet • Bus Signal Priority - Sensors on the bus communicate with traffic signals to allow the Rapid to move through quickly. • Queue-jump Lanes - Special lanes allow the Rapid to bypass traffic at congested intersections. • New Buses -The Rapid uses brand new, ultra-low emission, low-floor buses with distinct styl i ng. • New, Unique Bus Shelter Design - Enhanced bus shelters and benches, along with electronic bus arrival signs, will make the Rapid stops comfortable and convenient. Eallon Bd 6580 NOTE: Infenm Rapld ioute w(II use Airway Blvd. - nd I-S80 until the pl~mned extenslon oI W. lack London Blvd. and the Fallan Road Imerchange are compleled. EI cho«~ Rd ~ ` ~ ~~~ A~~rw~y Blod Fu~ure Jack London cxfension S~oneridge Diive SP~.VA(~~y the Ra,oie~route AAP~O Key Features of the Rapid: • FasterTravel -The Rapid avoids congested freeway traffic by using parallel roads along Interstate 580. • Fewer Stops -There are fewer stops on the Rapid so you get to your destination faster. • Frequent Schedule - Rapid buses arrive every 10 minutes during the busy commute times to maximize convenience. • All Day Service -The Rapid runs from 5:30 a.m. to I 0:30 p.m. on weekdays. - Liveimore Tiansit (enter/ Downtown A Eing Gamge/ Sondia/lawrence ~ Lommunity Center/ (hadotte uvermae Murdell Valley Memonal Ro~l~oad A~e ~ Ma~le A~e Madison Avenue Wo N°hon°~ '~°be~'~°° ~o~e Medirol Center ~/ ~_ Y Laborutaies ~ 'Q~~~ L Sheet s~a~iey ~I~d ~vermae High eos~ a~e MUffIB~O SCh00~~ Boulevard Maple Sheet ~ FrequentlyAsked Questions Key Figures What is Bus Rapid Transit? How will LAVTA pay for this? Average Weekday Riders (Projec'red) Wirhouc BRT ........................... 3,500 people (Current Roii~e 10) Wich BRT ......................... ....... 6.400 people Peak Period Service HFadways Without BRT ............................... 15 minutes With BR7 ..................................... 10 ~niriutes Peak Period jri~ frorri Downzc~wn Liverrnore to C7u1~GrlPleasanzon BART Staticn Witho~rt BRT _ ............................37 t~iinutes Wich BRT .....................................26 rninutes Participating Agencies: //J -"~~M6R~.-.. ~~~...~_ ,~ ~ ~'~1 ,.".; _: ~~~ [~LEr~~.4~Ti>\ ~~,t ~ *.....%' ~~1 .~ M * ~ ~.~. FTA For more information about this project, please contact: Jeff Flynn, Planning Director Rapid Project Manager Phone: (925) 455-7555 Email: The FederalTransitAdministration has identified Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as a cost-effective way to dramatically improve traditional bus service. BRT uses advanced technology such as traffic signal prioritization that allows bus service to travel faster in specific corridors. BRT creates neighborhood-friendly transit stations to enhance the community, utilizes buses and passenger facilities to comfortably accomrnodate the growing number of bus passengers and uses technological innovations, like signal prioritization to improve the reliability of the bus system and dramatically reduce travel times. How much does it cost to ride? The Rapid has the same low fare as local bus service. Riders can pre-purchase discount tickets at all Tri-Valley Safeway supermarkets and other ticket outlets throughout theValley. What are the new buses like? The Rapid will operate using fourteen new ultra- low emission hybrid buses powered by a clean diesel hybrid electrical propulsion system that saves fuel and is smoother and much quieter than a conventional bus. Modern styling and improved ride quality further enhance the experience for passengers. The Rapid will also have a unique paint scheme to create a distinct, recognizable identity for the service. The Tri-Valley Rapid Project will cost approximately $14 million to design and construct. The project is currently fully funded through support from federal, state, and local sources. The service is projected to cost approximately $ I.4 million to operate per year. Operating revenues are projected to come from Regional Measure 2(bridge tolls), Measure B(Alameda County sales tax), and passenger fares. How will the Rapid benefit the community? The Rapid benefits commuters, which in turn benefits businesses by helping to increase productivity. It also helps improve the environment and contributes to the Tri-Valley's sustainability. Overall, the Rapid is good for commuters, good for businesses and good for the environment! • Improved travel times • Improved reliability • Increased mobility for all residents • Reduced congestion • Reduced pollution • Increased productivity • Better quality of life When will the Rapid start operating? Service is scheduled to begin in 201 I. Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority ~ I 362 Rutan Court, Suite I 00 i Livermore. CA 9455 I Shelter 12' Shelter i I ~ ...,~.. ~ .. ~~...~ STOP TRASH & DESIGNATION 2~' SHELTER 12' SHELTER BENCHES RECYCLING B~KE WAYFINDING LIGHTING FLAG SIGN (ouuide of shelter) RECEPTACLES PARKING SIGNAGE (ouuide of shelter) BASIC • • • • *see Note 2 STANDARD ~ • • • • • • *see Note I NOTES: I. Locations to be determined with City Staff. 2. Only in locations with significant destinations nearby. n i nc na .. ~ -..~-... ~~A ~ Amenities ~ Sta.ndard & Basic Stops ~ Dublin Blvd. c~tiT~~t~~~Tt~ DESI~~ AR~HI~~f-~:TU~~ ~ ~ R c H-~ T~'c T~ kei,,oi~.u~~ii.uinc Si~ NFM. SLWCUN~ CA 1N~t2 T 51l7~3/313 ~ ~ ~ ~ Shared Sevice Area: LAVTA Route 10 and Proposed Rapid Service Dublin Civic Center & Library Transit Oriented ~~ . Development Route 10 only operates between ~° East Dublin BARTand Stoneridge ~~ ~~ Mall in the late evening after the ,~ ° Rapid stops running for the day. r,, Interim Rapid Route will use ` ~ - Airway Blvd. and I-580 until the Gleason ~Ity Of " ~ planned extension of W. Jack London Bivd. and the Fallon 4 ~Dublin ~, ~ Rd.interchangearecompleted. N ~ D ~ LL P Ol N Ci0f1(2~ r~ ~ U ~ ~ = Du61i Ivd m ~ Martinelli ~ ° o ~ .~°i toneridge ~ p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U~ mrerim ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kitty Hawk ~i~~erim ~ ~ ~ ~~ Mall ~_ ni_ay _ ~ ~~ q - ~~ce~~m ~ ~ ~ ~ItY Of .~ - Future Jack London E~ctension $ Stonerid9e ~ ~ JackLondon Livermore ~~~q. ~ S~aS 5 i. ~ ° ~asQ~ , `'o d Center 3 ~O''r ~ {ie~~Oaa = m o ~ Mohr - 5 ~/a EasUve 3~ ~ i- 10 ~ Valle c , 5~~ ~~o > LLNUSandia Y .. anleY ~` ~~ e ~ TfenSit Hub E m City of ~ Black g~anle Nevis W College Pleasanton Regional Transport Vineyard .: ~~~ .. k~h~~9e 1~ .: Bernal r Entertainment N ~ 0 0.5 1 Miles •._._~~. ~ Shopping ~ y I 0 Legend ~ Transit Hubs Current Route 10 Proposed Rapid Route nr.~ara ~n~yon n con~~I~ing ~~oci~~c~ Downtown Livermore $ ,~ GIS Data Source: LAVTA, ESRI, Counry o(Alameda ~ O c~ ~s~ ,I ~ / , / ~ ~iee/s ,~~\-VAL~Fy l ~~ 'D ~:. ,: ~~ /~A F ~O Pro'ect Sch I edu e J Mon 11/16/09 fri 07/30/10 Mon 11/16/09 Fri 05/28/10 Mon 12/21J09 Fri 06/25/10 Mon 01/14/10 Fri 07/30/10 Mon 11/23/10 Fri 04/09/10 Mon 08/02/10 Fri 12/31/10 01/11 01l11 ~~ ~ PEDESTRIAN LIGHT FLAG SIGN ~ WAYFINDING SHELTER SIGN ~! ~ ~ ~I ~ ~~ /~ TRASH & RECYCLING BIKE RACKS ' i/ ~ ~ c, / FECEPTACLE ~ ~ -- ~ ~~~ ~~ 1 ~ i j 0 I 1 4 8 Scale: I/4" = I'-0" LAVTA ~ Elevation ~ Standard Stop ~ Dublin C<>~~~u~n~v Dt.ti~r,~v Akciirrr~.cruiz~. :s~~,~,~~,..~~~,~..~~~.~~~,~,k~~<,~,~,.~~~~~~,~.~~ 06-25-08 s~ ~4n~. sT. wcuu». cn T !St~_1L1:1313 ~. wiw ~Y.. v ~ `/ ' t V ~D BENCH AATCH BENCHESIN =ORMING ARTSPLAZA O METAL STANDING SEAM ROOFING BERRIDGE SIERRA TAN SIMILER TO GARAGE ROOF LAVTA ~ SHELTERS ZO PAINTED METAL FRAME KELLY- MOORE PAINT KM542-L TO MATCH GARAGE SIGNATURE ST4P O WIND SCREEN LAMINATED TEMPERED GLASS BRONZE TINTED LAVTA LOGO ON ~NNER LAYER lOGO T.B.D. LIVERMORE COLOR BOARD O BRICK FIELD O BRICKTRIM H.C. MUDDOX H.C. MUDDOX 1081 DUSTYROSE 8900LDTOWNRED TO MATCH GARAGE TO MATCH GARAGE 01_~~_zoo8 ~N ~ ~ _~ ~ 0 /~ !b Ra,oid Attachment 2 Banner Concepts Figure 2 ATTACHMENT 2 ~ i Figure 1