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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.6 All Amer Cities Accept GiftG~~~ OF Dp~~JG /// ~ 1`~~~%z STAFF REPORT C i T Y C L E R K `\c~ ~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^0~~-[~]~ ~LI~R~ _ DATE: June 1, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC . Acceptance of Donations for All-America City Awards Competition and Approval of Budget Change Prepared By: Linda Maurer, Assistant to the City Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On April 6, 2010, the City of Dublin was named a finalist by the National Civic League for the 2010 All-America City Award Competition. In order to be selected as an All-America City Award winner, a delegation from the City of Dublin must travel to Kansas City, Missouri in June 2010 to compete for the prestigious award. Private funding has been raised to send a delegation. Staff is recommending that the City Council accept the donations received to attend the competition this month, approve a Budget Change which will recognize the additional costs and offsetting revenue from contributions, and authorize out of state travel at City expense. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A budget change will be required to recognize both the contributions which were not part of the City Budget and the offsetting expenditures. The additional contributions to date total $27,900 which will be expended on costs associated with the All-America City Awards competition. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: accept the donations for the All-America City Awards competition; authorize City travel out of state by Staff and City Council to represent the City of Dublin at the All-America City Awards; approve the budget change; and direct Staff to prepare a formal acknowledgement to the donors. ~• Submitted by: Assistant to the City Manager Reviewed by: Administrative Services Director Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~.~j ~/ Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: On April 6, 2010, the National Civic League announced that the City of Dublin was selected as a finalist for the 2010 All-America City Awards. To be considered for the honor, Dublin documented three community projects (Dublin 101, the Parks Strategic Plan and Arroyr~ Vista) that addressed two of the City's most pressing challenges: 1) the integration of diversity; and 2) creating community unification following a period of significant growth. The City has been invited to join 26 other communities from across the nation in Kansas City, Missouri on June 16-18, 2010 to compete for the prestigious award, telling the City's story of positive community change to a jury of civic experts. Ten All-America Cities will be announced on June 18, 2010. On April 20, 2010, the City Council appointed Mayor Tim Sbranti and Vice Mayor Kasie Hildenbrand to serve as the Delegation Committee and to help raise the needed private funding to send a delegation to Kansas City, Missouri in June. The Committee, through its outreach efforts, has raised $27,900 to date. This amount will enable the City of Dublin to send approximately 15 attendees to the event, including elected officials, City staff and members of the community that were involved with the three projects being recognized by the National Civic League for this award. Since the contributions and expenditures were not a part of the adopted Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget, a Budget Change (Attachment 1) has been prepared for City Council approval. Staff will publicly acknowledge the generosity of the donors at an upcoming City Council meeting once all donations have been received. Further, Staff will prepare a formal acknowledgement to each of the donors thanking them for their contribution. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Change Form Page 2 of 2 l ~ ' CITY OF DUBLIN ~ BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # _ New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1001.1901-81101) Within Same Department Activity X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Reqd) Other s... ~.. ,~~. ~ ~. ~ ` : DECREASE:BUQGET ACCOEINT , .;~AM;QUNT ' . ; .. ,,: INCREp-S.E.BUpGE~q,CGt~I~NT ,`: ~„ r.AMC1UNT ~ ;,~ Name: Name: REVENUE: General Fund - Other Revenue - Donation / Sponsorship $ 27,g00 Account #: Account #: 1001.0000.49121 Name: Account #: ~ Name: Account #: Name: Name: EXPENDITURE: General Fund - City Council - Travel & Conferences $ 27,900 Account #: Account #: 1001.1101.61503 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: ~ ~ r ASD/Fin Mgr ~~~ ~ _ ~~~~:_...J Date 5`2 `t ~ ( o Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: This budget change will recognize as revenue a contributions based on commitments to date, to offset the cost of participating in the All America City which was not included in the adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010. As described in the Staff Report, an offsetting additional appropriation of $27,900 is proposed to underwrite the cost of representing the City at the final competition for All America City recognition by the National Civic League. City Manager: ~~~v... • ' Date~ ~~~~ \~ Signature As approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date 6/1/2010 Mayor: Date Signature Posted By: Date Signature G:IBudgetChangesl2_2009_10122 6_1_i0_AIIAmencaCity.doc ~f ~ ~ w~~~ ~~ ATTACHMENT 'i