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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.5 Historical Preserv GiftsG~~~ OF Dp~~2
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DATE: June 1, 2010
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager
SUBJE . Acceptance of Gifts from Dublin Historical Preservation Association
Prepared By: Elizabeth Isles, Heritage Center Director
The City Council will receive a report on the numerous donations the Dublin Historical
Preservation Association made in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 to support projects and programs at
the Dublin Heritage Center.
The total value of the gifts is $5,325.
As per Government Code Section 37354, it is recommended that all gifts and contributions be
formally accepted by the City Council. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Council
accept the gifts and direct Staff to prepare a formal acknowledgement to the Dublin Historical
Preservation Association.
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Submitted by:
Parks and Community Services Director
Reviewed by:
Assistant City Manager
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During Fiscal Year 2009/2010, the Dublin Historic Preservation Association (DHPA) provided
financial support for a variety of activities and projects that enhanced the operations of the
Dublin Heritage Center. These gifts included the following:
St. Patrick's Tea Room Gift Shoq
The DHPA underwrote costs totaling $750 for the Tea Room at the Dublin Library during the St.
Patrick's Day Celebration. The funds were used to purchase flower arrangements and start up
costs for items in the gift shop area. DHPA also covered costs to have a"harpist" and
"storyteller" during all the open hours. The decorative touches and live music helped to create a
cozy Irish atmosphere that transformed the Library Community Room into an Irish Cottage.
Eaqle Scout Proiects
Costume Closet: Last fiscal year Eagle Scout candidate Glenn Carros constructed a Costume
Closet for museum textiles in the Heritage Center storage building. The closet will safely store
delicate textiles and historical costumes. The project will help preserve and organize historical
collections. The DHPA covered all costs ($400) associated with the project and the Scouts
provided all labor.
Interpretive Siqns: The second Eagle Scout Project completed last year was the repair and
installation of new "Interpretative Signs" for the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. Eagle Scout
candidate Rahul Avasarala provided leadership to repair broken signs and create clearly
readable signs. The signs allow visitors to obtain key historical facts as they explore the
cemetery. The DHPA covered all costs ($600) associated with the project and the Scouts
provided all labor.
Video on the Kolb Familv Historv
The DHPA paid half of the costs ($1,250) associated with the production of a video that tells the
story of the Kolb family farm and documents the re-location of the buildings to the Heritage
Park. The video will be played throughout the day at the Grand Opening of the Dublin Heritage
Park and Museums, and will continue to be used for visitor orientation in the Welcome Center.
Kolb Familv Research
A volunteer is conducting genealogical research about the Kolb family and tracing their roots in
Germany. The DHPA is supporting this research by paying $150 for costs associated with
copies of documents such as birth records, photographs, etc. The results of this research will
be used for the Kolb book and video and be added to the permanent Kolb Archives.
Other Proiects and Proqrams
Throughout the fiscal year, DHPA made contributions to the City's Youth Fee Assistance
program, covered costs for receptions and parties at the Heritage Center and provided funds for
other miscellaneous items throughout the year, totaling $2,175.
A copy of the Staff Report was distributed to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission and
Eagle Scouts Glenn Carros and Rahul Avasarala.
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