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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 Recog D Fay C MonsenG~~~ OF Dp~~~ ~ ~9~~~~~2 STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K `c~~,,~ ~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^~~0-0~ DATE: October 5, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Certificates of Recognition - Dennis Fay and Christine Monsen Prepared By: Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City will present Certificates of Recognition to Dennis Fay, former Executive Director of the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) and Christine Monsen, former Executive Director of the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) and the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA), for their contributions to Alameda County. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Present Certificates of Recognition to Dennis Fay and Christine Monsen ~ ~ Submitted By City Clerk DESCRIPTION: ~~ /tit~ ~ Reviewed By ~ Assistant City Manager The City will present Certificates of Recognition to Dennis Fay, former Executive Director of ACCMA and Christine Monsen, former Executive Director of ACTIA and ACTA to formalty recognize their contributions to Alameda County as they are both retiring this year. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Certificates of Recognition Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. ~• ~ A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY CO UNCIL CITY OF D UBLIN CALIFORNIA "Dennis Fay, Former ACCMA Executive Director" WHEREAS, Dennis Fay has serued as the Executiue Director of the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) for the last 2o years; and WHEREfLS, Dennis Fay has ouer 35 years of experience in the transportation field and has worked as a planning manager for Alameda County, project manager for the Metropolztan Transportation Commission and for various consulting firms including Kaiser Engineers; and WHEREAS, Dennis Fay oversaw the development of the firstAlameda County Congestion Management Program, the firstAlameda Countywide Transportation Plan and the firstAlameda Countywide Bicycle Plan in the capacity of Executtve Director; and WHEREAS, Dennis Fay pursued the vision adopted in the Plans and was responsible for programming over $iio million in State, Federal, and local funds for transportation projects in Alameda Couniy and secured over $500 million in statewide bond funding for corridor projects; and WHEREA.S, Dennis Fay has served in a number of community service roles and is currently a member of the Citizen's Infrastructure Ouersight Commission in the City of Orinda. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Tim Sbranti, Mayor of Dublin, on behalf of the entire City Council, do hereby recognize Dennis Fay for his dedicated and loyal service to ACCMA and Alameda County. ~~~~,, DATED: October,5, 2010 Mayor Sbranti Councilmember Scholz Councilmember Hart Vice Mayor Hildenbrand Councilmember Biddle i ~~\ 1 A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF D UBLIN CALIFORNIA "Christine Monsen, Former ACTIA and ACTA Executive Director" WHERFAS, Christine Monsen has served as the Executive Director of the Alameda County Transportation Improuement Authority (ACTIA) and the Alameda County Transportaizon Authority (ACTA) with an annual budget of approximately $io2 million; and WHEIZF.AS, Christine Monsen has worked with local government, county gouernment and regional government, in addition to her work with a private consulting firm; and WHERF,AS, Christine Monsen oversaw the development and implementation of the transportation sales tax program in Alameda County, which was approued with Si.,S% voter support; and WHEREAS, Christine Monsen is active with the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) and served at the local level as Scholarship Chair, Program Chair, Vice President and President of the San Francisco Chapter and served at the national leuel as Vice President of the National WTS Scholarship Board and on the National Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, Christine Monsen served on the Board of the California Transportation Foundation, a non profit organization supporting career development for transportation professionals, scholarships and annual recognition of significant transportation projects in California. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Tim Sbranti, Mayor of Dublin, on behalf of the entire Ciiy Council, do hereby recognize Christine Monsen for her dedicated and loyal service to ACTIA and ACTA and Alameda County. DATED: October 5, 2oio Councilmember Scholz Mayor Sbranti Vice Mayor Hildenbrand Councilmember Hart Councilmember Biddle ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ 1`~