HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Recog Fallon Cheer TeamG~~~ OF Dp~~~ 19' ~- -~ `82 ~~~-~% ~ `~~Ll~R~`°I STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File #^~~~- 50^~ DATE: April 19, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Certificate of Recognition to Fallon Middle School Cheer Team Prepared By: Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will present a Certificate of Recognition to the Fallon Middle School Cheer Team for recent accomplishments. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Present Certificate of Recognition. `~ Submitted By City Clerk DESCRIPTION: Revi By Assistant City Manager The City Council will present a Certificate of Recognition to the Fallon Middle School Cheer Team for recent competition wins. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Certificate of Recognition Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. ~~'~ i C~~,~I 1 "C.~l~~ O R~CO ~1 ~2~.~~J~ ~ ~ ~ Given to. FALLON MIDDLE SCHOOL CHEER TEAlI/1 `~ ~~~~` ;~ In special recognition and appreciation for their outstanding accomplishmentsN ;1., r`IfTA~I E'`'°tir 1St Place at Great America Regional Competition . i; ~ .,,{ i , '+a a 41r Y~' ~St place at the UCA Gametime Championship in Sacramento . .- ~;j `°'r;;i':~ `~~~ Awarded 2011 USA Jr. Nationals Champions~Jr. High Show Cheer Novice ~'}~~ ~~ ~4` s~~~'` Presented by the : ~~:~. ~ , ,,, r'' ii~ ~r ~ity Council of the City of D blin ~~ ~ ~ _ ,;, ~s, ~,, v ~~ ^ ~_:~ .,l,;`=; Apri119, 2 011 `"',~..~' ,~~(~ ~. ~_ _~ W'`; Ma or : ranti Vice Mayor Hart ~° ' Y ~.r ~:;~ ~ ~~ . `,; ~ '` Co ncilmember Hildenbrand Counci member Bid e Council ber Swalwell \ ~3 - ~ ~ ~ii '~ - W ` ;;~, nununnnnnunnunnniWnnunnunnnuunniWIW~WW WWnnununuuuununui~nuunnunnnnuuuuunuunnuununnuunuununununnnunnununuunuuiWWWWWWW~WW,nuunnununnu ~ ~~ ~ y ~ ~ -:, p . - . - . ,.. ' . , _ : . '1~=5~ ~G , '~ ^ S~r.;; A : '. : ~~a ^~p ' ...; ~ 7 Fs~r ^ ~fM ;'f' ,/ . s,2 ...!¢ a~.. .•^ ~ ~,~y (~ n :. -,.. fh , ,c.3 ~ ia> ~ 4 ~ a7~ . i.. 1( ~i.~'` r,',fF , it~€ ; .~ rt ~ tailo . ;: • l ~ '~l ~M1 ~~~ ~1~ ~ -1-°~'..- l~ ~- . l~ ~ k~ ~ ~F' -- ~n~~ ~ .P-- ~~il~ aa5 . 7'~ -~ ~•lt C _ s ~1~1- ~ -~1 c ~1~ a .~, : : '?. \ ~ . ~ . . ~ ~ , ~.~ .._. z ~.:,- ~ ~'P -:rz.' 32 ~N ' ..,>.c.- "~ ~17 - ~-,t91~ .ft' , zS§~. ~ tf7n' CiK af iW~ ~- J~ ~~ ~~ ~ I ~.~. :' ~i ~ ' . 1 t a.' ~ .,.,.... , , 1 , ` . . .., '~, r1~ ~ ' "~. ,,,a... ,. ~f ,,,L . ....« ! . ~O .~-r.~. , ~ ;r . . y~ f / ~ . ~ ! r ! ~r~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 11i ~ `~^ie r i /f t ~i~~t~ ~~+,i, l, 1 ~)r~; ~~~ ~~ f ~' i . (~'~ 6i ~~tir t ~~' ~' ~,' , t~ l~`~ ~ dr f'~• `_ ~ . / i. 1~ j ~ { 1. 1 1 If' Y~ ~~ 1 1 ~~~~ ~ I ~~ V /~ ~ . ~ S~1 ~~ IV J i~~~ : . 7~~~ ~l~i ~. , i~~ tiffi' ./ \~A V ~' ~