HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Commissions Workshopti/ ~~ ~0~ ~~~ City of I~ublin Ci~y I~ariagep'~ Of~ice DATE: February 22, 2011 TO: City Council Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission Parks and Community Services Commission Planning Commission, and Executive Team FROM: Joni L. Pattiilo, City Manager SUBJECT• JOINT WORKSHOP DOCUMENTS - FEBRUARY 26, 2011 Attached you will find several documents provided as background information for the February 26, 2011 Joint Workshop: o Schedule o City of Dublin Strategic Plan: Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategies o Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Adopted - Status Update o Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary - Status Update o Resolution 234-05, Establishing a Policy Regarding Ex Parte Contacts in Quasi- Judicial Proceedings o Commissions Code of Conduct o Dublin Municipal Code §2.12, Planning Commission o Parks and Community Services Commission, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure o Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure o City Council / City Manager Form of Government Information o ICMA (lnternational City / County Management Association) Code of Ethics Please review and bring these documents with you to the Joint Workshop this Saturday, February 26, 2011. The workshop is scheduled from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the Community Room at the Dublin Library. A fight breakfast will be provided. • City Council Joint Workshop with Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Parks and Community Services Commission, and Planning Commission Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:00 - 11:30 A. M. Dublin Library Comonunity Room Schedule (Light breakfiast available beginning at 8:30 AM) 9:00 AM Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Public Comment ~ Introductions Agenda review and process Changes in Process and Schedule This Year Roles: City Council, Staff, and Commissions Scope of Commissions Break Review City Council's Vision, Strategies, and Values Review Strategic Initiatives Discussion with City CouncilfCommissioners Share Input 11:20 AM Closing and Evaluation • • Clty STRATEG City Of Dublin Ten Year Strategic Plan PRELIMINARY 2010-201 I UPDATE Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new opportunities, Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. AS Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, economically ~ balanced and diverse community. Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainability through the preservation of our natural surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and heatthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. . Ci Of Dublin Ten Year Strate ic Plan ~ ---~! ----- ----- ~._._.--- - VALUES Our Values in Building Community • Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together • Provide more venues for family-based activities. • Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Ensuring a Safe Community • Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the citizens living in the community, • Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development • Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. • Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. • Promote high quality design and architectural standards in development. Our Values in Governing ~ • Commit to openness and responsiveness to the public and community. • Operate at all times with honesty and integrity. • Exercise fairness in consideration of issues. • Provide a high level of customer service and responsiveness from City stafFto citizens. • Embrace technology to improve effectiveness and efficiency. • Strive to build an informed community through communication. Our Values in Relating to Other Communities and Entities • Encourage collaboration and communication with other communities on issues of mutual concern. -<.;.. ~r ~ . . ,. , ~ ~,,,~ ~ ~~,, a . _ '~ .~,'~ .. ~ ~~~~~IW~.:~~, ~~i m t:~-~- . ;. ' ~~' ~c' : ~ _~. AiW~ ~ "'_'_ .. ` ~ ' I ~; ~`\ ~p ,~ `~^ ,~ ^a , ~ ~ ~ ~\~ ~. sa "~'`'~`~,yi e.. '" .. ~ ~ .., ' . x ~ ' ; ~ ~ ~` - ~. _~ ~~~k+`~ ,i,;.~ ' . . ' g ~ ' ...,. .. ~a~~v ~..~ :."_ - ~~ ~ ~, : "..~ _ ~ .i~d' ` E~~ ..._..w.- ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ', ~~, ~ ~ '~ J ~~ ~~`~ M ~ . ' G~~~ ~ [ ~ f ~.; ~q. ; . ,. ~ ~~~ ~` ~ µ ~~~ ~ • o ~o 0 0 ~ ..e~~ -.. ~`.~w '~t ' / .. ~ ~,t".~'' ~~, . _..,~ . _ ._s..kr~c .. ,,._c.~;i . _ r ~ _ ~ r~ u ~~~ ~~~ CITY OF DUBLIN <~ ~ ~ $~ ~~~ ~~ TEN YF~R STRATEGIC PLAN Adopted 2010-201 I Update Status Update as o f 12-3 I- I 0 STRATEGIES • I • STRATEGY # I: Continue to strengthen the identity and aesthetic appeal of the downtown. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specifc Plans into one comprehensive I 3. 2010-201 I Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. COMPLETE 14. II-A-2 Com lete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecifc Plan Amendments. BD I 5. II-E-8 NEW Continue to develo economic incentives for retail, offce and industrial users. BD Work with Chabot/Las Positas to find location for District Office/Learning Center. I 6. 20 I 0-20 I I (UNDERWAY; com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 I) Develop a Downtown Business Attraction Plan. (UNDERWAY; completion anticipated by June I7: 20I0-20I I 30, 20I I . Explore beautification programs (i.e. fa~ade improvement~, design assistance, etc.) for commercial areas along Dublin Boulevardbetween Dougherty Road and San Ramon Road and 18. 2010-201 I Downtown Core area. (UNDERWAY; com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 I 8. 2006-2007 COMPLETE 9. 2007-2008 Work with Dublin Honda on develo ment o tions for Amador Plaza site. COMPLETE I 0. 2008-2009 Facilitate the selection of ublic art for three 3 Private Develo ment ro'ects. COMPLETE I I. 2008-2009 Pre are Communi Desi n Element for General Plan. COMPLETE ~ 12. 2009-2010 Develo Economic Incentive Pro ram. COMPLETE ' STRATEGIC GOAL # I A: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtc~wn Dubiin. ~ # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL I. 2005-2006 Com lete Senior Housin Pro'ect. COMPLETE 2. 2005-2006 Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility. COMPLETE 3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment o ortunities. COMPLETE 4. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. COMPLETE 5. 2005-2006 Install li htin at a roaches to the I-680 Freewa Under ass Art Pro'ects. COMPLETE 6. 2005-2006 Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight parking. COMPLETE 7. 2006-2007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement Specific Plan, if re uired. COMPLETE Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. STRATEGIC GOAL # I B: Continue to work with private property owners to renovate or update retail areas. , # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL . I. 2004-2005 Investi ate O tions for Shamrock Villa e. COMPLETE 2. 2004-2005 Work with Shamrock Villa e to facilitate im rovement to the Center, COMPLETE 3. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment o ortunities. COMPLETE 1 STRATEGY #2: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City. STRATEGiC GOAL #2A; Partner with neighboring communities to develop skrategies to mEitigate impacts of - regional traffic an local streets. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Work with Contra Costa Transportation Authority to develop a regional traffic model and seek concurrence from the NTC for the adoption of the model for use in regional tra~c planning. I. 2004-2005 COMPLETE Examine the feasibility of coordinating central communications for traffic signals in downtown 2. 2004-2005 Dublin. COMPLETE) Participate in Tri-Valley Triangle Analysis to prioritize I-580, I-680 and route 84 transportation 3. 2006-2007 im rovements. COMPLETE Utilize new CCTA traffic model to work with Livermore, Pleasanton, Alameda County and the Tri-Valley Transportation Council to examine confgurations of streets parallel to I-580 (i.e. Dublin Blvd./North Canyons Parkway, Stoneridge Drive/Jack London Blvd.) and make 4. 2006-2007 recommendations/advocac . COMPLETE Work with the Congestion Management Agency on the Development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to insure the City of Dublin's recommendations for needed regional 5. 2009-20 I 0 infrastructure are addressed in the RTP. COMPLETE) Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Strategic Expenditure Plan together with the other six (6) agencies in the TVTC. (UNDERWAY; completion anticipated by June 30, 6. 20 I 0-20 I I 20 I I Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley Cities to develop a strategy to 7. V-B-3 ursue ro ect fundin in the re ion. BD Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the I-580 Corridor that 8. V-B-4 will minimize im acts to the Civic Center Com lex and businesses. BD Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing agreement for the ultimate ~ 9. V-B-S im rovement of the I-580/Fallon Road Interchan e. (TBD) . ~~ .~ ~ ~J ~ STRATEGIC GOAL #28: 'Ensure a wiae range of transportation options for the community. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. I. 2005-2006 COMPLETE Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under I-580 to 2. 2006-2007 Pleasanton trails. COMPLETE ~ Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the 3. 2006-2007 Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dou he Road. COMPLETE Work with LAVTA and BART to improve connectivity between the City Park-and-Ride Lot and 4. 2006-2007 the BART Station. COMPLETE 5. 2006-2007 Pre are lobal trans ortation lan for Ci multi-modal . COMPLETE Develop a City-wide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. 6. 2007-2008 COMPLETE 7. I I-D- I Pre are an ali nment for Central Parkwa from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. BD As part of the General Plan Amendment for U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to 8. V-B-2 the lanned Scarle-~ Drive ~xtension. ;TBD) ~ STRATEGIC GOAL #2C: Plan and implerr~ent a street network that connects'the City's majortransportation ~ corridors # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL I. 2004-2005 Ado t a s ecific ali nment of Fallon Road from I-580 to Bent Tree Drive. COMPLETE Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners 2. 2005-2006 Annexation Area. COMPLETE Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the 3. 2006-2007 Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dou he Road. COMPLETE Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. 4. 2008-2009 COMPLETE Examine signal timings throughout the City to improve intersection effciency by coordinating 5. 2008-2009 si nalized intersections alon ma'or arterials and o timizin edestrian safe . COMPLETE 6. II-A-2 Com lete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. BD 7. I I-D- I Pre are an ali nment for Central Parkwa from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. BD /~s part of the General Plan Amendment for U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to 8. V-B-2 the lanned Scarlett Drive Extension. BD Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the I-580 Corridor that 9. V-B-4 will minimize im acts to the Civic Center Com lex and businesses. (TBD; u STRATEGY #3: Create a community that supports environmental sustainability and provides an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. • Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space 2. I I I-A- I 3 Area. BD Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, prepare an Open Space Master Plan 3. I II-A- I 4 and a ro riate CEQA documents. TBD STRATEGIC GOAL rt3B; Create open space connections and trails where appropriate. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners I. 2005-2006 Annexation Area. COMPLETE Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. 2. 2005-2006 COMPLETE Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under I-580 to 3. 2006-2007 Pleasanton trails. COMPLETE Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specifc Plan Amendments. 4. 2006-2007 COMPLETE . 5. 2007-2008 Com lete GPA Stud on the Trans ortation Corridor Ri ht-of-wa .(COMPLETE 6. II-A-2 Complete U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks General Plan and Specifc Plan Amendments. (TBD) STRATEGiC GOAL #3C: Implement open space palicies ofthe Eastern Dublin GPA/Soecifc Plan. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Genera) Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners I. 2005-2006 Annexation Area. COMPLETE Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. 2. 2005-2006 COMPLETE Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 3. 2006-2007 (COMPLETE) 4. II-A-2 Com lete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. TBD STRATEGY #4; Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. ~ STRATEGf~ GO~L #4 A: Develop a Master Plan for Camp Parks. # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL I. 2008-2009 Pre are Communi Desi n Element of General Plan. (COMPLETE 2. II-A-2 Com lete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. TBD 4 C~ ~ L J • STRATEGIC GOAL #48: Continue Implementation of Easiem Dublin Specific Plan. ' # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL I. 2004-2005 Develop a master plan & phasing plan for Sports Park on Gleason Drive & Fallon Road includin evaluation of BMX Track. COMPLETE 2. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. COMPLETE 3. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE 4. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE 5. 2008-2009 Create new Medium Densi Desi nations for s ecific ro erties in the EDSP. COMPLETE 6. 2009-2010 Complete Grafton Plaza General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment. COMPLETE 7. 2009-2010 Com lete General Plan Amendment on Nielsen ro e. COMPLETE 8. II-A- I Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new villa e in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. TBD 9. II-A-2 Com lete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. BD I 0. I I-E- I 0 Work with ro e owners in Santa Rita area to identi new office uses/users. BD) I I. II-E- I 3 Work with ro e owners of the Promenade on secu~ ~ ~- re~ ~I ~~r~c. ~ P ~_~.~~ ~ ~~~ ~nar~ ~'TBD) STRATEGIC Gt~AL #4C: 1mplement Housing Element. ,~~~ ' ~~~ ~ ` ' ; , v __ .a,~~~~~ ,~ ~ , # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL I. 2004-2005 Undertake Housin Needs Assessment. COMPLETE 2. 2005-2006 Com lete Senior Housin ro'ect. COMPLETE 3. 2006-2007 Work with cities in the Tri-Valley Area to develop and maintain affordable housing 0 ortunities, and ublicize and coordinate the re ion's housin needs. COMPLETE 4. 2006-2007 Im lement First Time Homeowner Pro ram. COMPLETE 5. 2006-2007 Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council. COMPLETE 6. 2006-2007 Revise Densi Bonus Ordinance. COMPLETE 7. 2007-2008 Process five 5 first time homebu er loans. COMPLETE 8. 2007-2008 Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing ro ram. COMPLETE 9. 2007-2008 Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable housing program to assist with em lo ee attraction and retention. COMPLETE 10. 2007-2008 Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code re uirements. COMPLETE I I. 2008-2009 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housin needs in an e uitable manner, COMPLETE I 2. 2008-2009 Review effectiveness of the Ci 's current Inclusiona Zonin Ordinance. COMPLETE I 3. 2008-2009 U date Housin Element of the General Plan. COMPLETE 14, 2009-2010 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. (COMPLETE) ~ I 5. 2009-20 I 0 Process I 5 f rst time homebu er loans. COMPLETE I 6. II-A- I Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new villa e in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. BD 17. 2010-201 I Process I 0 First Time HomebuyerLoan applications, (UNDERWAY; completion anticipated by June 30, 201 I) I 8. II-B-3 NEW Work with Dublin Housing Authority and development team on relocation of Arroyo Vista Tenants, rant a lications and develo ment of ro'ect site. BD STRATEGIC GOAL #4D: Work with property owners to optimize unde'rutilized properties outside of the -' down~own, i # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL ~ I. 2008-2009 Pre are Communi Desi n Element of General Plan. COMPLETE 2. 2009-20 I 0 Enhance ~ resence of automobile dealers in the Scarlett Court S ecific Plan area. COMPLETE 3. 2009-2010 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. COMPLETE 4. 2009-2010 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. COMPLETE 5. 2010-20J I Examine appropriate locations to permit automotive repair businesses within the City. (UNDERWAY; com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 1) 6. I I-E- I 6 Work with the owners of the Chevron pro e on new develo ment o ortunities. BD 7. II-A-4 Com lete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan. BD 8. II-B-3 (NEV~ Work with Dublin Housing Authority and development team on relocation of Arroyo Vista Tenants, rant a lications and develo ment of ro~ect site. BD 9. I I-E- I 2 ~1/ork with the owners of Nationai Food Lab on new develo ment o ortunities. (TBD I 0. II-E-8 NE Continue to develo economic incentives for retail, o~ce and industrial users. BD '~ i STRATEGIC GOAL #4E: Develop plans to assure that the provision af Gty services keeps pace wi~h service demands and available revenues. i # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Evaluate options for continuing the operation of the Emerald Glen Activity Center following the I. 2008-2009 o enin of the new Shannon Communi Center. COMPLETE Undertake voter opinion research to determine community support for a revenue measure 2. 2009-20 I 0 tar etin resident valued enhancements. COMPLETE 3. 2009-2010 Police Services Contract Evaluation. COMPLETE) Animal Services Contract Evaluation. (UNDERWAY; completion anticipated by June 30, 4. 20I0-20II 20II) 5. 2010-201 I Com le~e fve earfnancial forecast. COMPLETE Impiement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. (UNDERWAY; completion anticipated by June 30, 201 I for FY10- I I budgeted 6. 2010-201 I im rovements 7. 20 I 0-20 I I Partici ate in 2010 Census. (UNDERWAY; com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 I) 8. I-C- I Ex lore fundin o ortunities throu h the American Recove and Reinvestment Act. TBD 9. I-E- I N Conduct Fire Services Contract Evaluation. "C,3- '-Qv~t': ~ I 0. 2010-20 I I Conduct Waste Mana ement Contract Evaluation. COMPLETE I I. 20I0-20I I Pre are and ado t new Fire Codes. COMPLETE) . Evaluate options and costs associated with Disaster Recovery and continuity of operations for Information Systems, in the event of a Disaster (pursuant to Technology Master Plan). (2. 2010-20I I UNDERWAY; com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 I Explore the feasibility of establishing a Human Services Commission that would provide policy , I 3. 2010-201 I direction on housing, health and wellness, social services, etc. (COMPLETE) . ~ ~ 6 STRATEGY #5: Develop dynamic community recreational and cultura.l opportunities in the region. • ~ u # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OB,ECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will I. 2005-2006 o timall hi hli ht Dublin's histo . COMPLETE Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd./Donlon property and implement Specific 2. 2006-2007 Plan, if re uired. COMPLETE 3. 2006-2007 Pre are an u date to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. COMPLETE Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic 4. 2006-2007 Park inc4udin DHPA land/cemete feasibili stud . COMPLETE) Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the National 5. 2006-2007 Re ister of Historic Places. COMPLETE Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment grant for Dublin Historic Park 6. 2006-2007 ro~ect. COMPLETE 7. 2007-2008 Establish a Visitor Center at St. Ra mond's Church. (COMPLETE Pssess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develop a 8, 2007-2008 lan for relocation of the ro erties as a ro riate. COMPLETE Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and 9. 2008-2009 construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. COMPLETE Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase I I Museum Pssessment Program (MAP) - I 0. 2009-2010 Public Dimension Pssessment for the Dublin HeritaQe Center. (COMPLETE) Establish faality operations, policies and fees for public use of the Kolb properties at the Dublin I 2. III-B-2 Historic Park. '~~r C~ue`r~' Conduct apark/facility dedication event for the Dublin Historic Park; Phase I. (UNDERWAY; 13. 2010-201 I com letion antici ated b June 30, 201 1 Produce two small-cast theatrical productions in the fall and spring at new Sunday School Barn. 14. III-B-S NE App1y for a Museum Assessment Pro$ram (MAP) Phase ll I, as a step toward the long term goal I5. III-B-6 NEV~ of museum accreditation. ~~r ,°;~, e~'; ' I 6. III-B-7 NE Establish a Ceramic Studio ro ram in the old Kolb House. Car - C>ver Produce one exhibit and corresponding catalog each year that will focus on a si~nificant Dublin , # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the I. 2007-2008 Emerald Glen Recreation/A uatic Center. COMPLETE) Undertake development of d~si~n and construction documents for Emerald Glen Recreation 2. III-A-2 and A uatic Com lex ;Ca ~~ C?V~~r'j 7 ' ST~TCG(C GOr1L #5C: Identify oppc~tun;ties ;or aevelopment of a un~que passive parkirecreation facility. , # G&O Ref # PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FORACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners I. 2005-2006 Annexation Area. COMPLETE Conduct research on various unique passive parWrecreation facilities and identify preferred 2. 2005-2006 components and site re uirements. COMPLETE) Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique passive 3. 2006-2007 ark/recreation facili . COMPLETE 4. 2007-2008 Com lete GPA Stud on the Trans ortation Corridor Ri ht-of-wa , COMPLETE 5. II-A-2 Complete U.S. Arm Reserve Cam Parks General Plan and S ecific Plan Amendments. (TBD) STRATEGY #6: Develop a City-wide communication program that provides two-way communication with our residents and businesses across several media platforms. ~ U • G~~C1 ~~fG ii~ '~ ~~~ CITY OF DUBLIN 19 ~~~ 8~ TEM YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN ~` ~ ~~/ ~~LIFOR~~~ Preliminary 2011-2012 Update Mission The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life which ensures a safe and secure environment that fosters new opportunities. Vision Dublin is a vibrant city committed to its citizens, natural resources and cultural heritage. As Dublin grows, it will balance history with progress, to sustain an enlightened, etonomicalfy balanced and diverse community. . Dublin is unified in its belief that an engaged and educated community encourages innovation in all aspects of City life, including programs to strengthen our economic vitality, and support environmental stewardship and sustainability through the preservation of our natural • surroundings. Dublin is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle through the creation of first-class recreational opportunities, facilities and programs. Values Our Values in Building Community . Promote locations and events that bring people of all ages together. . Provide more venues for family-based activities. . Foster heritage and cultural development. Our Values in Ensuring a Safe Community . Provide high quality police and fire services to insure the safety of the citizens living in the community. . Provide education and training to residents and businesses that would promote public safety. Our Values in Guiding Development . Assure that development contributes positively to the City's fiscal health. . Support pedestrian-friendly development, transit-oriented development, green building and environmental responsiveness. . Promote high quality design and architectural standards in private development and in all public facilities. . Develop transportation systems that facilitate ease of movement throughout the City. • ~~ ~ ~~~ CITY OF DU~~.IN ~~~ 8~ ~ ~ /~ TEIV YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN ~`1LIFOR~1~ Preliminary 2011-2012 Update STRATEGIES STRATEGY #1: Pursue economic development initiatives that attract new businesses while strengthening existing businesses. ~ ~ STRAT venue: p p 9 , . j EGIC COAL #1 A: Develo ro rams tha~ create and retaEn obs, as well as increase sales tax re ' ~ --- ---- # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTlVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL ~ Status Continue to develop economic incentives for retail, office, restaurants, and industrial New 1. 2011-2012 users. 2. 2011-2012 Develop an Economic Development Strategy. New ~dentify partnership opportunities with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to assist New 3. 2011-2012 small businesses. 4. 2011-2012 Explore a Shop Local Holiday Campaign. New 5. 2011-2012 Update the Fa~ade Improvement Program. New 6. 2090-2011 Execute Business Visitation Program. Underway 7. 2010-2011 Work with DSRSD to develop sewer incentive program. Complete ~ at~ sti~ali ~us~~~~~~ ~~~ttl~~[r~ ~~~ ~~ s~ STRATEG IC f OAL #1 B: Create pra~r~ ° ~ ~~~ h k n ~ _ ~.. , ._ . . . . # ~ Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBIECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGlC GOAL Status ~nstitute Design Awards Program to recognize new and remodeletl projects of special New 1. 2011-2012 quali . 2. 2011-2012 Develop an Economic Development Strategy. New Identify partnership opportunities with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce to assist New 3. 2011-2012 small businesses. 4. 2011-2012 Explore a Shop Local Holiday Campai n. New 5. 2011-2012 Update the Fa~ade Improvement Program. New Explore the feasibiliiy of an ordinance that would encourage existing and future 6. 2010-2011 commercial locations, which have adequate enclosure space, to provide recycling Underway services. Explore an environmental recognition program for targeted program practices for Underway 7. 2010-2011 Dublin businesses. 8, 2010-2011 Develop a Business Anniversary Awards Program. Underway 9. 2010-2011 Work with DSRSD to develop sewer incentive program. Complete Develop a template recycling plan to be shared with the commercial sector to Complete 10. 2010-2011 increase recycling. # 1, 2 Fiscal Year I PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 2011-2012 Create new Economic 2011-2012 Develop an Economic t of the Dublin General Plan Status New New STRATEGY #2: Continue to strengthen the identity and aesthetic appeal of the downtown. ~ ~ STRATEGIC GOAL #2A: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Qowntovu~Qubi n~~ ~~~ ~~ A ~ ,. , ; : ,.,,s . .: s.. ~ .. ~,~ ... _ # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1. 2011-2012 Prepare an update to the Downtown Traffic Improvement Fee Program. New 2. 2011-2012 Institute Design Awards Program to recognize new and remodeled projects of special quality. New 3. 2011-2012 Oversee construction of St. Patrick Way between Golden Gate Drive and Regional Street. New 4. 2011-2012 Continue to develop economic incentives for retail, office, restaurants, and industrial users. New 5. 2011-2012 Update the Fa~ade Improvement Program. ~ New 6. 2010-2011 Work with Chabot/Las Positas to find location for District Office/Learning Center. Underway 7. 2010-2011 Develop a Downtown Business Attraction Plan. Underway 8. 2010-2011 Explore beautification programs (i.e. fa~ade improvements, design assistance, etc.) for commercial areas along Dublin Boulevard between Dougheriy Road and San Ramon Road and Downtown Core area. Underway 9. 2010-2011 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Complete 10. 2009-2010 Develop Economic Incentive Program. Complete 11. 2008-2009 Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3) Private Development projects. Complete 12. 2008-2009 Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. Complete 13. 2007-Z008 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. Complete 14. 2006-Z007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement Specific Plan, if required. Complete 15. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. Complete 16. 2005-2006 Complete Senior Housing Project. Complete 17. 2005-2006 Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility. Complete 18. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development opportunities. Complete 19. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. Complete 20. 2005-2006 Install lighting at approaches to the I-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects. Complete 21. 2005-2006 Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight parking. Complete ~STRAT EGIC G~AL ~ 2B: Continue to work with rivat~ ~ e y~~~un~t` ~~€~~ ~r ~ e u~ ~ up t ~ ~~~ "~ a ~ m ~ ~~~ ---- p p~ ~ ~ , ; ? ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , - # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1 2011-2012 ~nstitute Design Awards Program to recognize new and remodeled projects of special . quality. New 2 2011-2012 Continue to develop economic incentives for retail, office, restaurants, and industrial . New users. 3. 2011-2012 Update the Fa~ade Improvement Program. New 4. 2010-2011 Work with Chabot/tas Positas to find location for District Office/Learning Center. Underway 5. 2010-2011 Develop a Downtown Business Attraction Plan. Underway • 6. 2010-2011 Explore beautification programs (i.e. fa~ade improvements, design assistance, etc.) for commercial areas along Dublin Boulevard between Dougherty Road and San Ramon Road and Downtown Core area. Underway 7. 2010-2011 Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Complete 8. 2009-2010 Develop Economic Incentive Program. Complete 9. 2009-2010 Examine parking requirements to streamline development review and erfcourage businesses to locate within the City of Dublin. Lomplete 10. 2008-2009 Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. Complete 11. 2007-2008 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. Complete 12. 2006-2007 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. Complete 13. 2005-2006 Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development opportunities. Complete 14. 2005-2006 Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. Complete 15. 2004-2005 InveStigate Options for Shamrock Village. Complete 16. 2004-2005 Work with Shamrock Village to facilitate improvement to the Center. Complete STRATEGY #3: Create a community that supports environmentai sustainability and provides an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. ~ STRATEGIC GQAL #3A: Establish Open Space Area in Western hilis. ~ # Fiscal Year PROPOSED 08)ECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISNING STRATEGIC GOAL Status Work with East Bay Regional Parks District to complete negotiations for land 1. 2004-2005 acquisition or obtain conservation easement to provide public access in the western Underway ~ hills for an Open Space Area. 2 2004-2005 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Underway . Open Space Area. 3 2004-2005 Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, prepare an Open Space No Progress . Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. :CTDATCGI(' (=lIAI -I-7~?R• ~ t"~rn-~tn r~nnn rr~-irn rnnnnrtinnc ~nr~ tr~i~c inf{-iarn ~~nnrnr~ri~~ta ~~ ~ i r,+~,J (~,~t 4~ C:4'Li~~/`~4 .~~'.~~~£ ,~k,.~..«~~i.~R~'~~ u~E~... ~.cJ~.~ 1-t.FxaY~, ~y4b ~ .~ (.+i~cr ~,E[f~L~ vMl~}S`+.k~KU~r ^<d~.r~i t ;~,~+~3sa+s` ~'r.....,_ ... .,, . ;. . . _T_., . ,,.~-~ ' ;= . .,~,:~~,. ~.c + .. ..", z^~ <„ „°: sa~,, ,.ror^,,, ...~. .~a~„ ,~ ~b ., ;-~?~~ v.., v_.. ~`k'z . # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1. 2011-2012 Oversee construction of the Alamo Canal Trail Under I-580. New 2 2001-2002 Complete U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks General Plan and Specific Plan Underway . Amendments. 3. 2007-2008 Complete GPA Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-Way. Complete Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasanton to conduct a preliminary engineering 4. 2006-2007 study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail Complete under I-580 to Pleasanton trails. 5 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller Annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Complete . Amendments. 2005 2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property lete Com 6. - Owners Annexation Area. p 2005 2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan lete Com 7. - Amendments. p • ~ ~ ~~STRAT E6IC GOAL # 3C: Implement open space policies of fihe Eastern IIub(in GPAISpe~~ft~P~a~~ f~~ ~~£., _ _, ~ ~_, # Fiscal Year ~ PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPtISH1NG STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1. 2001-2002 Complete U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks General Plan and Specific Plan Underway Amendments. 2. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Complete Owners Annexation Area. 3. 2005-2006 Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General P1an & Specific Plan Complete Amendments. 4. 2006-2007 Complete review of Moller Annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Complete Amendmen~s. >'~` ~"°?. .:,~R 7 jk yy d X STRATEGIC G_OAL #3D: Expiore and, implern~nt strategies,t~iat eniianc~ e~tvt~~~t~~~f~1 ~~~[~ t~~~+ ~~ ~'~ ~~~~ .~ ~,k "~~~,., # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1. 2011-2012 Partner with schools to do outreach related to waste management with the students New and teachers. 2. 2011-2012 Explore greater E-waste recycling/disposal opportunities within the City of Dublin. New 3. 2011-2012 Develop a tobacco retailer license system. New Develop zoning restrictions that would require a Conditional Use Permit for 4. 2011-2012 businesses to sell tobacco products within 1,000 feet of schools, residential New neighborhoods, libraries, etc. 5. 2011-2012 Create new Energy Conservation and Generation Element of Dublin General Plan. New 6. . 2011-2012 Create new Water Conservation and Management Element of Dublin General Plan. New Explore the feasibility of an ordinance that would encourage existing and future 7. 2010-2011 commercial locations, which have adequate enclosure space, to provide recyclinq Underway services. 8. 2010-2011 Conduct six (6) watershed awareness educational events. Underway 9. 2010-2011 Explore an environmental recognition program for targeted program practices for ~nderway Dublin businesses. 10. 2010-Z011 Explore the feasibility of a green fleet plan for the City. Underway 11. 2010-2011 Impfement recommended solutions for paperless City Council Meetings. Underway 12. 2010-2011 Explore the feasibility of a streetlight energy efficiency improvement program along Underway Dublin Boulevard. Explore the feasibility of a mandatory requirement for the installation of sustainable 13. 2010-2011 features, like solar power building infrastructure for future installation, for new Underway residential and non-residential development projects and {ook at possible incentives. 14. 2010-2011 Conduct a volunteer clean-up day in the fall. Complete 15. 2010-2011 Develop a template recycling plan to be shared with the commercial sector to Complete increase recycling. 16 2010-2011 Explore and present findings related to creation of food waste programs at City . facilities. Complete 17 2010-2011 Discontinue use of City supplied intlividual plastic beverage bottles (i.e. waters, sports . drinks, soda, etc.) at City hosted events. Complete 18 2010-2011 Implement a food-scrap, cash-incentive program for singfe family resitlential . customers. Complete 19. 2010-Z011 Create a Climate Action Plan. Complete • STRATEGY #4: Develop dynamic and unique community recreational and cultural opportunities in the region. STRA~ EGtC GOAL # 4A: Expand and enhance Dublrn Heritage Park and Museums. -- --_- -- - # ~ Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1. 2011-2012 Pursue a Museum Assessment Program Phase lil Application process. New 2. 2011-2012 Conduct monthly Saturday events at the Heritage Park and Museums. New 3 2011-201 Z Develop a Facility Use Policy for the Kolb Barn and Grounds and actively promote New . rentals of the facility. 4. 2011-2012 Establish an Art/Ceramic Studio in the Old Kolb House. New 5 2011-2012 Assume ownership of the Camp Parks Collection and conduct an annual exhibit of the New . Collection (pending approval by the US Arm Center of Military History). Upon re-location of the Kolb properties to the Dublin Historic Park, complete 6. 2010-2011 furnishing of buildings and catalogue/accessioning of the coliections of the Kolb Underway family. 7. 2010-2011 Conduct a park/facility dedication event for the Dublin Historic Park, Phase I. Underwa 8 2010-2011 Produce one exhibit and corresponding catalog each year that will focus on a Complete . significant Dublin family or theme. 9 2009-2010 ~mplement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program Complete . (MAP) - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. 10 2008-2QQ9 Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of Complete . design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. 11. 2007-2008 Establish a Visitor Center at St. Raymond's Church. Complete 12 2007-2008 Assess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and Complete . develop a plan for relocation of the properties as appropriate. 13 2006-2007 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd./Donlon properry and Complete . impiement Specific Plan, if required. 14. 2006-2007 Prepare an update to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Complete 15 Z00b-2007 Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial feasibility study for the Complete . Dublin Historic Park including DHPA land/cemetery feasibili study. 16 2006-2007 Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the Complete . National Register of Historic Places. 17 2006-2007 Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment grant for Dublin Complete . Historic Park project. 18 2005-2006 Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that Complete . will optimally highlight Dublin s history. ~ .J • ~>. ~ ~ - 5`~RATEGIC G~AL ~4B ~_; Qevelop a state-of-the-art recreation/aquatic''comp(ex. _ # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Status 1 2008-2009 Undertake development of design and construction documents for Emerald Glen On Hold . Recreation and Aquatic Complex. 2 2007-2008 Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan Complete . for the Emerald Glen Recreation/Aquatic Center. • ~ ~ • i STRATEGIC GQAL #4C. ----Identify oppartunitie5 for development ~f a uni~ue passive parklrecrea~ion faciiity. # Fiscal Year PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL " Status 1. 2001-2002 Complete U.S. Army Reserve Camp Parks General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Underway 2. 2007-2008 Compiete GPA Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-Way. Complete 3. 2006-2007 Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique passive park/recreation facility. Complete 4. 2005-2006 Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. Complete 5. 2005-2006 Conduct research on various unique passive park/recreation facilities antl identify preferred components and site requirements. Complete STRATEGY #5: Develop City-wide communication and outreach programs that provide connectivity with our residents and businesses across several media outlets. ~TRATEGfC GOAL'#5A: Identify new`andJor er~hanced op~ortunities far community promo~ion, rnarketing, ~ .,.. ~ ' engagemenfi and outreach. ------ ------ -- - -= # Fiscal Year -- - --- _---------- PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL -----~ Status I 1. 2011-2012 Develop and distribute an Annual Report on City Accomplishments. New Z. 2011-2012 Develop a Faith and Culture Based Network that will assist Dublin Police Services in New bridging the gaps between the Police and various faiths and cultures. 3. 2011-2012 lmplement five Volunteer Projetts. New 4. 2011-2012 Partner with schools to do outreach related to waste management with students and New teachers. 5. 2011-2012 Develop a Design Awards Program to recognize new and remodeletl projects of New special quality. 6. 2011-2012 Update Dublin General Plan to include new information, graphics and photos. New 7. 2011-2012 Develop Social Media Policies. New 8. 2010-2011 Implement City Communication Plan. Underway 9. 2010-2011 Develop and distribute quarterly e-newsletter by market segment to coincide with Underway publication of Activity Guide. 10. 2010-2011 Prepare and produce semi-annual Public Service Announcement via local radio (KKIQ) Underway for crime prevention/safety tips and upcoming Police Services events. 11. 2010-2011 Update the City's website and include an element of community involvement in the Complete process. 12. 2010-2011 Explore options for a listserv system to inform the community of City meetings, news, Complete and events. 13. 2009-2010 Produce a Citywide Newsletter. Complete Explore the feasibility of acquiring or producing a crime prevention video for 14. 2009-2010 distribution to targeted audiences within the community and determine the best Complete means of delivery. Primary focus would be on minimizing risk of being a victim of properiy crimes. 6 I~ES~LUTION NO. 234 - 05 • A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~ DDBLIN ,~~~~~,~,~*,~***,~**** ESTABI,ISHING A POLICY ~tEGARDING EX PARTE CONTACTS IN QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City Council, .the Planning Comrnission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Manager or designee, and other City officers conduct a number of quasi judicial hearings in the course of perfarming their duties; WHEREAS, the due process ciauses af the United States and California Constitutions impose certa.in requirements on local agencies that conduct such hearings, including a requirement that decision makers consider onty that evidence that is presented at the hearing; W~ER~AS, members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, and the City Manager or designee could potentially receive information pertinent to quasi judicial hearings outsid~ of the formal hearing, which information is known generally as "ex parte contacts"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it would be prudent to have a policy concerning ex parte contacts in quasi judicial proceedings that applies to the City Council, the Pianning Comrnission, the Zoning Administrator, the City Nlana.ger or designee, and other City Officials tha# make decisions in quasi- judicial proceedings; • NOW, ~~tEFURE the Cit Council of the Cit of Dublin does RESULVE as follows: ~ Y Y 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that decisions of the City of Dublin in quasi-judicial administrative proceedings are conducted in an impartiai manner and comply with the requirements of Due Process under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of California. 2. Policy. City Of~'icials shall not intentianaliy make or receive Contacts related to quasi judicial proceedings. 3. Disclosure. In the event that Contacts are nonetheless received, City Officials shall disclose such Contacts on the record of the quasi-judicial proceeding, thereby affording interested persons the opportunity to hear anc3 respond to the Contact. In preparing agendas for quasi judicial hearings, City staff shall include an item for disclosure of ex parte Contacts prior to the opening of the public hearing. 4. Application. The Ex parte Contacts Policy shall apply only fo quasi judicial proceedings and shall nof apply to quasi-legislative or mixed quasi judiciaVquasi-legislative proceedings. 5. Effect o,f'Violaiion. A violation of the Ex~arte Contacts Policy shall not constitute independent grounds to invalidate any decision by City Officials. 6. Definitions. The follo~ving defnitians shall apply to this policy: • "Contacts" means the receipt of any information outside a quasi judicial proceeding that is relevant in a quasi judicial proceeding before City Offcials. Contacts may include, but are not limited to,. Reso # 234-05, Adopted 12/20/US Pa,~e 1 of 2 conversations, written communications, electronic mails, telephone calls, and visits to sites that are the subject of a quasi judicial proceeding. "City Officials" means the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoniz~g Administrator, the ~ Manager vr designee, and any other city employee or officer that acts as a decision maker in a quasi- judicial proceeding. "Disciosure" means, at a minimum, the persons involved in the ex parte contact, the content of the ex parte contact (e.g., what information was provided, what was discussed, what was said), when the ex parte contact occurred and where the ex parte conta.ct occurred. "Quasi judiciai proceeding" means a City proceeding in which a City Official appiies existing legal standards to a particular set of facts that affects an individual or individuals. "Quasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding in which City Officials create a rule of general applicability for future guidance. Quasi-legislative proceedings in the City of Dublin include, but are not limited to, actions on general plan amendments, specific plan amendments, and zoning decisions. "Mixed quasi judicial/quasi-legislative proceeding" means a City proceeding involving bath adjudicative and legislative elements. Mixed quasi judiciaUquasi-legislative proceedings in the City of Dublin include, but are not limited to, site development permit agproval tliat is comingent upon a zoning ordinance amendment. 7. Effective ~ate. This Resolution shall take e$'ect immediately. 8. Severability Clause. The provisions of this Resolution are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any persvn or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inagplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or pa.rts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. PASSE~}, ~PPItOVED, AND ~DOPTED this 20~' day of December 2005, by the following vote: AYES: Councitmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick and Zika, and Mayor Pro Tem ~ravetz NO~S: None ABSENT: Mayor Lockhart ~BST~: None ATT ST: i y Clerk ~ , --... May(Sr Pro Tem i u Reso # 234-05, Adopted i2/20J~5 P~e 2 of 2 i - - : - - - ;. ~ -~ ; ;~o~e of ; Co . . uct;, ~ ~ • ~ ~, w . _ Coinnussioners have an obligation to represent the coxnmunity in an open and honest manner. In doing so; individuals must avoid placing themselves in a position which tends in any way to bring their private interests into conflict with their official duties: Commissioners should conduct themselves in a dignified and courteous manner. It is importarit that each member work to establish a good working relationship with other members of the group, and make every attempt to respect the other persori s viewpoint. In order to m;n;m;~e conflict of interest exposure and to maintain a high level of trust with the community, a Code of Ethics is established as follows: The Political Reform Act of 1974 (PRA), as arnended, establishes conflict of interest guidelines for elected officials and certain appointed officials (including P1aru1u1g Commissioners). In addition, the City Council has adopted a Conflict of Interest Code for designated City employees and certain consultants. The following guidelines are established to highlight and augment the PRA and the adopted Conflict of Interest Code. 1. No elected or appointed official (including Commission and Advisory Committee Members) or employees of the City of Dublin shall engage in . any business or transaction or shall have financial or other personal interest, direct or indirect, which ~ is incompatible with the proper discharge of hi.s/her official duties or which would tend to impair his/her independence or judgxnent or action. in the performance of such duties: Examples of such activities include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: a. Using the prestige or influence of the City office for private gain or advantage of hun/herself or another, unless so specified by contract. b. Using time, facilities, equipment or supplies of the City of Dublin for private gain or advantage of him/herself. c. Using official information not available to the general public for his/her private gain or advantage or that of another. d. Receiving or accepting money or other personal consideration from anyone other than the City of .Dublin for the performance of work done or ~actions taken in the regular course of duties for the City of Dublin. e. Receiving or accepting, directly or indirectly, any gift or favor from anyone doing business with the City of Dublin under eircumstances from which it ~ could reasonably be utferred that such was intended to influence him/her in his/her official duties, or as a reward for official action. f. Engaging iri or accepting private employment or rendering services for private interests that may inhibit the proper discharge of his/her official duties. ~ 2. Elected and appointed officials shall comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act and all applicable open meeting laws. Commissioner's Resouree Book 24 November 2010 3. Every elected official, officer, appointee, consultant or contract personnel of the City of Dublin shall disclose completely fihe nature and extent of any interest, direct or indirect, which conflicts with his/her responsibility or duty. In addition to the above, the PRA requires State and local agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The City's conflict of interest code is included in Section 2.24 of the Dublin Municipal Code. In general, the code requires certain City officials and employees to file statements of economic interests with the City Clerk. Once completed, the City Clerk will forward appropriate statements to the State Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The Planning Commission is the only Commission required by State law to file a statement of economic interest. The City Clerk will provide the necessary forms and any information required to complete this documentation. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 1234, if the City provides compensation, salary, stipend or reimbursement for actual and necessary experises to a member of a legislative bady, then all "local agency officiaLs" must receive ethics training in compliance with AB 1234. Therefore, all Commission and Cornmittee members will receive at least two hours of trauling in general ethics principals or ethics law relevant to his or her public service every two years. ~ City Officials, as well as City Staff, are also expected to adhere to certain standards and protocol as defined in the City's Administrative Policies (see Attachment 8) related to Drug Free Workplace Policy, Harassment Policy/Complaint Procedures, and Official Travel and Other Business and Reimbursement of Expenses Policy. Questions regarding these policies should be directed to your Staff liaison or the City Manager. • To be selected as an active member of a Commission provides an opportunity for genuine public service. Although the duties of each Commission vary widely, there are certain responsibilities that are common to all Commission members. The following is a sununary of the important responsibilities of Comuussion members: Llnderstand the Role and Responsibitities of the Commission: One of the first responsibilities of a new member is to understand the Commissiori s scope of responsibility and operating procedures. This information may be obtained by referring to your Commission Bylaws (attached herein). The Plannulg Commission should also be familiar with the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. City Staff will provide copies of this information to P1aiuling .Commissioners upon your appointmerit to that Commission. Other Commissions may receive this information upon request. The City Staff responsible for the programs within each Comtnissiori s scope of interest are available to assist new members in becoming fanvliar with their roles and their duties and will provide information about City policies, minutes of past meetings, and other helpful data. ~ Commissioner's Resource Book 25 November 2010 Be Careful to Represent the Entire Commission: Individual members should refrain from representing their views or recommendations as those of the Coinmission unless the Commission has officially voted to approve the recommendation. Conunission • members making recommendations or expressing views not approved by the majority of the Commission should indicate that they are representing only themselves as indivic~uals.. When making statements to the press, members should indicate wluch actions are only recommendations and indicate when final action will be taken by the City Council or the Commission. Represent the Whole City: Although Commission members may be selected, in part, because they represent clearly defined groups, once selected, each Commission member should represent the entire public interest of the City and not just his/her respective group or interest. The question, "What is best for the entire community?" should take precedence over "What is best for my interest group?" Keep the Lines of Communication Open: As an influential member of the community, a Commissioner is in the unique position of serving as a liaison between the City and the general public in helping to reconcile contradictory viewpoints and building a consensus around common goals and objectives. A Commissioner must serve as a link between the community, Staff, and . City by presenting City programs and recommendations and also providing a channel for citizen expression. A primary role of the Commission is to determine the attitudes of the citizens concerning City programs. Do Your Homework and Be Thorough in Your Recommendations: Commi.ssion members, in connection with their role, often spend many hours in research on a • particular problem. Comuzissioners should be fanvliar with the portions of the General Plan, Municipal Code, and Zoning Ordinance applicable to their area of responsibility and should thoroughly review staff reports, plans, and material submitted by the applicant in advance of ineetings. You may contact the Staff person assigned to your Commission to request this information. Be Conscious of Your Relationship to the City Council, Other Commissions and City Sta, f~ It is important to remember that City Staff works for the City Manager, and through hun, for the City Council and the community at large. Staff does not work for Commission members. It is, therefore, not appropriate for Commissioners to direct Staff or to become involved in the administrative or operational concerns of the City departments. While Staff can provide routine information on ongoing projects, a formal request to the City Council must be made for Staff involvement in major projects. If Commissioners have questions or are concerned with Staff services provided to the Commission, the City Manager should be contacted immediately to review the matter. City Staff is required by the City Council to make individual professional . recommendations which may, or may not, agree with those of the Commission. Staff is required to present fairly the Commission s recommendations arid explain them, but will not defend them if in disagreement. When appropriate, the Cominission Chair or delegated representatives should be present at the City Council meeting to report on the Commission s recommendations. ~ Commissioner's Resource Book 26 November 2010 Your Commission is not a substitute for regularly constituted government. The responsibility for allocating scarce public resources rests with the community's elected representatives, the City Council, and cannot be designated to an outside group, however capable and interested it might be. • Commissions should review City policies related to programs under their scope of interest and make recommendations for changes .to the City Council. However, Commissions must adhere to the policies approved by the City Council as expressed in the General Plan, Municipal Code, and other official documents. Establish a Good Working Relationship with Other Commission Members: On many occasions, the success or failure of the efforts of a Commission member is largely dependent on the degree of cooperation among the individual members of the Commission. To help build a consensus around common goals and objectives, Co~nsnission members will often have to reconcile contradictory viewpoints. Each Commission member should do his/her part to ensure that meetings proceed in an orderly and constructive manner. The Chair is primarily responsible for seeing that consideration of items on the agenda move along without delay, but with reasonable time allocated to each item. Each Commission member can assist the Chair by becoming familiar with the basic rules of parliamentary procedure and by adequately preparing any presentations he/she makes to fihe Coxrunission. POI1tlCG{I PGiI`tiCt~')Glt1011: No restriction is placed on Coinmissioners' participation in political activities at all levels of the government, whether local, state or federal. If Commissioners use the title of their appointed office when participating in . these ~ activities, they must make ~it clear that they are not representing or speaking for the Comm;csion, but rather using the title for identification. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO T'HE C01121VIl.~NITY! ~ Commissione~'s Resource Book 27 ~November 2010 ~~ Chapfer 2.12 PLANNING CO~AIVi1SSION ~ Sections: 2.12.010 ~ 2.12.020 2.12.030 2.12.040 2.12.050 2.12.060 Planning Agency established. Membership-Appointment-Term-Removal. Expenses and compensation: Chairman-Rules-Records-Meetings. Powers and duties-Generally. Term limits. 2.12.010 Planning Agency established. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65000 et seq., there is established a Planning Agency consisting of a Planning Commission. (Ord. 17-09 § 2(part): Ord. 5§ 1, 1982) 2.12.020 fl~ernbership-Appointment-Ter~n-Reov~oval. A. The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members. They shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years. Terms shall begin in December of even-numbered election years and end in December of even-numbered years (or until successors are appointed). If a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. B. Members shall be appointed to the Planning Commission by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council. The Mayor may, with the approval of a majority of the City Council, remove a Planning Commissioner at any time during the Commissioner's term of office. Removal and appointment of Planning Commission members shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting • of the City Council. Members of the Planning Commission shall be residents of the city. C. Planning Commissioners must attend at least seventy-five (75) percent of regular and special Planning Commission meetings in any twelve (12) month period. Any Planning Commissioner who is absent from twenty-five (25) percent or more meetings within a twelve (12) month period or is absent from three (3) consecutive Planning Commission meetings may be removed from the Planning Commission pursuant to subsection (B) of this section. (Ord. 17-09 § 2(part): Ord. 20-02 § 2(A, B); Ord. 16-92 § 1: Ord. 12-84 § 1: Ord. 5§§ 2, 3, 1982) 2.12.030 Expenses and compensation. Planning Commission members shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses as the City Council may approve. In addition, Planning Commission members shall be paid fifty dollars ($50) for each meeting attended, to a maximum of three (3) meetings in a calendar month; provided, that Commission members shall not be deemed to be city employees by virtue of such payment. (Ord. 17- 09 § 2(part}: Ord. 24-99 § 2(part): Ord. 11-89 § 1: Ord. 5§ 4, 1982) 2.~i2.040 Chairman-Rules-Records-Meetings. ~ ~ The Planning Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from its membership annually. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for two (2) consecutive years. In the absence. or disability of either the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the Commission may • designate a temporary Chairperson. The Commission shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting each month and such other meetings as may be necessary. The Commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of its business and shall keep a public record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations. The rules shall provide that not less than three (3) afFrmative votes shall be required to recommend matters to the City Council for adoption. The City Manager or City Manager's designee shall serve as the Secretary to the Planning Commission. (Ord. 17-09 § 2(part): Ord. 10-09 § 1: Ord. 16-92 § 2: Ord. 5§ 5, 1982) 2.12.050 Powers and cluties-Generally. The Planning Commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty: A. To recommend for adoption by the City Council a comprehensive long-term general plan for the • physical development of the city and of any land outside its boundaries which in the Planning Commission's judgment bears relation to its planning; ~ B. To recommend for adoption by the City Council specific plans based on the general plan and drafts of such regulations, programs and legislation as may in its judgment be required for the systematic execution of the general plan; C. To periodically review fhe capital improvement program of the city; . ~-~. D. To recommend for adoption by the City Council a zoning ordinance and to perform such other duties in reference to planning, zoning, Iand use and design review matters as may be required by the City Council. (Ord. 17-09 § 2(part): Ord. 10-9 § 2: Ord. 5§ 6, 1982) 2.'i2.060 Terrr~ lirnits. No person shall serve as a Planning Commissioner for more than finro (2) consecutive four (4) year terms. As used herein, a person shall be considered to have served a.term of office as a Planning Commissioner if such person has served as a Planning Commissioner for two (2) years plus one (1) day. (Ord. 17-09 § 2(part): Ord. 20-02 § 2(C)) This page of the Dublin P9unicipal Code is current through Or¢linance 20-10, passed October 5, 2010. Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Dublin Municipal Code. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. City Website: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/~ (http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/ City Telephone: (925) 833-8741 Code Publishing Company (http://www.codepublishing.com/) ~ CITY OF I) UBLIN . I'~4IZKS ~4ND C'OMNIUNITY SER VICES COMMISSION . BYLA ~'S ANI) Iz ULES OF PIZOCEI) URE I. II • III. ~ GENERAL PROVI~dONS A. These Rules of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Parks and Community Services Commission of the City of Dublin. A copy of these Rules and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. $. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. C'0114~16~ISSION C014dPOSITlON19.NN~ lll~T'HOD OF~POIN7'~IEN7' A. The Parks and Community Services Comrnission shall be composed of six (6) members, one of whom is a high school student residing in the City of Dublin. B. The Mayor sha11 make all appointments to the Commission, with the approval of the City Council. C. Commission members may resigri at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and City Clerk. ~ TER19T OF OF~'ICE AND ~'1VIOVAL A. Commission members sha11 be appointed for terms which run four (4) years beginning in December of even numbered election years and ending in December of an even numbered election year. At the end of a Commissioner member's term, the Commission member may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8) years with two (2) 4-year terms. B. The term of the student member shall be for one (1) year, commencing July lst and terminating on the following June 30th. C. Any member of the Commission may be removed from office by the Mayor, with the approval of. a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. D. Commission members must attend 75% of all regular and special meetings i.n a 12 month period. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with monthly attendance reports and a quarterly overview of attendance by Commission members. The Secretary to the Commission shall notify the Mayor if a Comrnission member is absent from three consecutive meetings. The . Commission member shall also be notified that they may be removed from the Commission. E. If a Commission member ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Commissioner's office shall be declared vacant. ~ Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 1 of 3 Parks and Community Services Commission September 1, 2009 IV. T~14C~4NCIES A. Vacancies on the Cominission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. V . O~FICEpZ.S` ~ A. Election and Term of Office. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting in January of each year or, if a quorum is not present, at the next meeting at which a quorum is present. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire, whichever is first. The Commission shall, unless no Coinrriissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no one should serve in the position for no .more than two consecutive years. The secretary to the Commission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. B. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the OfFice of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. . C. Duties of Officers. The Chauman performs the following duties: 1. Presides at all meetings of the Commission. 2. Appoints committee and chairpersons of committees as necessary. 3. Signs correspondence on behalf of the Commission. 4. Represents the Commission before the City Council. 5. Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inabiliiy to act, the Vice Chairperson~ presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the remauung members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. D. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but fewer than a quorum, to serve as a Committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particular kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, the Commission may appoint non-members to the Committee. Committee's make recommendations directly to the Commission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. VI. 11~E~TINGS A. The Commission shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place which shall be fixed and detern~ined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereof. Notice of any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. B. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings o~ Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 2 of 3 Parks and Community Services Commission September 1, 2009 the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. ~ • VII. G~NER~ ~SPONSI~ILITIES OF T'~IE COIVII~iISSd01~ A. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations as i~ deems necessary to the City Council _ and to City Staff in all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of an effective, efficient, and adequate program of parks, recreation and community services for the citizens of Dublin. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: ~. recommendations for the development, improvement andlor modification of recreation and community services and facilities; future recreation and community service needs; conduct of persons using park and recreation facilities; rules for the use of park and recreation facilities by the public; and annual review of the Parks and Community Services Strategic Plan. B. The Commission shall also accept and consider recommendations from the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee, and forward the recommendations to the City Council, as appropriate. VIII. I)UTIES O~' C01VI1VIISSION TO .~E ~VISOIiY ONLY A. It is intended that the Commission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Notking herein contained shall be construed as a linutation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over property or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. IX. STAFFA~'SIST~iNCE ~ A. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as the Commission may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. X. ~1~IENDI~EliTTS A. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. r~ LJ Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 3 of 3 Parks and Community Services Commission September 1, 2009 CITY OlG' d) U~~IN HEI~ITAGEANI~ CULTU~flL AIZT~` COIVnVIPSS'ION BYL~4~SAN1) IlUZ~'~' OFPROCEDU~ I. GENER~4L PROTIIIS'IO1~S A. These Ru1es of Procedure shall be known as the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Heritage ar~d Cultural Arts Commission of the Ciiy of Dublin. A copy of these Rules. and amendments thereto, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk for examination by the public. B. These Rules and any amendments hereto shall be effective on the date of the adoption hereof, and shall govern the meetings and activities of the Commission. II.. C01~16fIS.SIOIV C011IPO.SI7'ION~iNl)161~T~IOl) O~'APPOIN~III~~li~7' A. The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members. B. The Mayor shall make all appointments to the Corrunission, with the approval of the City Council. When making appointments to the Commission, consideration shall be given to members of the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and Dublin Historical Preservation Association (or similar groups) and to persons who are specifically qualtfied by reason of training, experience, interest or involvement in arts and/or heritage, particularly as related to artistic and cultural activities in the City. C. All members shall be residents of the City and shall be committed to furthering public art, and historical and cultural life in the community. ' ~ D. Commission members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Mayor and Cir;~ Clerk. III. TERM OF OFFICE AND REId~lOVAL A. Commission members shall be appointed for terms which run four (4) years beginning in " December of even numbered years and ending in December of an even numbered yeax. At the end of a Commissioner inember's term, the Commission member may be reappointed to the Commission in the same manner as the initial appointment. Commission members shall be eligible to serve a maximum of eight (8) years with two (2) 4-year terms. B. Any member of the Commission may be removed from office by the Mayor, with the approval of a majority of the City Council. Removal and appointment of Commissioners shall be made only at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. • C. Commission members must attend 75% of a11 regular and special meetings in a 12 month period. The Secretary to the Commission shall provide the Mayor with monthly attendance reports and a quarterly overview of attendance by Commission members. The Secretary to the Commission shall notify the Mayor if a Commission member is absent from three consecutive meetings. The Commission member shall also be notified that they may be removed from the Commission. D. If a Cominission member ceases to reside in the City of Dublin, said Corrunissioner's office shall be declared vacant. ~ Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 1 of 3 Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission September 1, 2009 IV. i~ACANClES A. Vacancies on the Commission occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the • unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment. V. OFFIC`EIZ,S' ` A. _ Election and Term of Office. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the majority _ of the Comrnission for a 1-year term and hold.office until their successors are elected, or until their terms as members of the Commission expire. The officers are elected at the first meetin~ of the Comrnission in January of each year. Elections, whether regular or to fill vacancies shall be held only if a simple majority of the Commission members are present. The Commission shall, unless no Commissioners meet the criteria, elect Commissioners to the positions that have not previously served in the position and that have not declined the appointment, with the intent that no on should serve in the position for two consecutive years. The secretary to the Co~sunission will be the City Manager or his/her designee. B. Vacancies. In case of any vacancy in the ~Office of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled by an election held at the first regular meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy. The person so elected shall serve the balance of the term. C. Duties of Officers. The Chairman performs the following duties: 1. Presides at all meetings of the Comxnission. 2. Appoints committee and chairpersons of committees as necessary. 3. Signs correspondence on behalf of the Comnussion. 4. Represents the Commission before the City Council. • 5. Performs other duties necessary or customary to the office. In the event of the absence of the Chairperson or his/her inability to act, the Vice-Chairperson presides in place of the Chairperson. In the event of the absence of or the inability to act of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the remaining members shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairperson. D. The Committees. The Commission or the Chairperson, upon direction of the Commission, may appoint several of its members, but less than a quorum, to serve as a Committee. On certain occasions, such as when a particulax kind of expertise or public representation is desirable, th~ Commission may appoint non-members to the Committee. Committees make recommendations directly to the Coirunission. A Committee may not represent the Commission before the Council or other bodies unless it has first received the authorization of the Commission to do so. VI. MEETINGS A. The Commission shall hold regular meetings at least once per month at a designated time and place, which shall be fixed and determined by the Commission and entered upon its minutes. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by a majority of the members thereof, or by the Chairperson thereo£ Notice of . any such special meeting shall be given as required by law. ~ B. A majority of the voting members of the Comnussion shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transactirig business. The secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 2 of 3 Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission ' September 1, 2009 the Commission, and these shall be sent to all members and administrative officers in advance of the meeting in which they are to be approved. VII. (p~1~I~~ ~,~PON~`I~ILITIES OF THE CO1t~1VlIS~`IO1V A. The Commission shall consider and make recommendations, as it deems necessary to the Ciiy• Council in a11 matters pertaining to: The restoration, maintenance and operation of the Heritage Center. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recoinmendations for ~the development, improvement and/or modification of Heritage Center facilities or programs; recommendations for policies on heritage preservation, artifact acquisition, conduct oi persons using the Heritage Center facilities; and ni~es for the use of the Heritage Center by the public. 2. The promotion and support of the arts within the community. Such recommendations would include, but are not limited to the following: recommendations on art in public places including City facilities and new developments within the City; e~ibits at the Civic Center, Heritage Center and Public Art Venue; and recomniendations for policies on art, cultural activities and facilities. VIII. I) iTTIES OF' C'O1VTI~IISSIOIV TO ~E ~V~SOR ~' 019TL ~' A. The Comrriission shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the Administrative Staff of the City or any other agency in their supervision, or authority over properly or personnel which are under their respective jurisdictions. IX. STAF~'14S,S'75`T~410rC'E A. The City Manager shall provide the Commission with such information and Staff assistance as~ the Comrnission may, from time to time request, subject to the limitations imposed by the City Council. X. AIVIEIi~14fENT'S A. These Bylaws and Rules of Procedure may be amended in the same manner as originally adopted. ~ ~ Bylaws and Rules of Procedure Page 3 of 3 Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission • September 1, 2009 r Historical Overview of a Council-Manager Form of Government The evolution to the Council-Manager form of government was an outcome of the progressive reform movement of the early 1900. Some of the key reforms included: • Instituting civil-service personnel systems • Promoting personnel on a merit basis • Mandating competitive tendering of purchasing of goods and supplies • Requiring perf_ormance budgeting and measurement • Ensuring open, transparent government that is fully accessible to citizens and the media s Implementing alternative service-delivery mechanisms, including contracting, volunteerism, franchising, and privatization s Developing the Council-Manager system of organizing and operating local government Of the reforms, the development of the Council-Manager system may have been the most significant step in improving the perFormance and credibility of local government. In 1908, Staunton, Virginia, instituted the first position legally defining, by ordinance, the authority and responsibility associated with position of the professional City Manager. Sumter, South Carolina, was the first city to adopt a charter incorporating the basic principles of Council-Manager government in 1912. ~ Since its establishment, the Council-Manager form of government has been the most popular form of government in the United States in communities with populations of 5,000 or greater. More than 3,400 cities operate under this form, and more than 371 counties operate under the council-administrator form, which translates to more than 89 million citizens that operate under the Council-Manager form of government. The form is also popular in Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Honduras, Chile, and Brazil. For more than 94 years, Council-Manager government has responded to the changing needs of citizens and their communities. In the Council-Manager form of government, the Council is the governing body of the city elected by the public, and the Manager is hired by Council to carry out the policies it establishes. The Council-Manager form establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected Council and where the Council hires ~ a professionally trained manager to oversee the delivery of public services. fillayor/City Council . The City of Dublin has a five=member City Council. The Mayor is a member of the City Council. Eacli member of the Council has a one vote. ~ . All members of the Council and the Mayor are elected at-large. Councilmembers are elected for a four-year term. The Mayor is elected for a two-year term. No 1 member of the Council, including the Mayor, may serve for more than eight consecutive years. , . Since 1992 the Mayor has been directly elected rather than appointed by the City Council. , . The City Council and Mayor are considered part-time positions and are compensated as such (although the Mayor and Councilmembers give many hours outside of a Council meeting on behalf of the community. . The City Council meets regularly twice a month. ~ a All decisions for the City can only be made by the Council at a City Council meeting. Councilmember's Role . Adopt legislation and regulations. . Develops and adopts a strategic plan. . Adopt land use plans, establish zoning and other land use regulations. . Approve contracts in excess of the City Manager's purchasing authority. . At a City Council meeting, provide direction to the City Manager on the affairs of the City. . Represent the City in the community with other levels of government, joint power of authorities, regional bodies, etc. . Adopts the budget and expenditure plan for the City. . Adopts fee schedules for various City services. e Appoints the City Manager and the City Attorney and supervises their perFormance ~ . Adopts the salary and benefit plan for City positions. . Work to understand the needs and wants of the community.- . Occasionally functions in a quasi-judicial role. . Advocate policy for the community. Mavor's Role . Same responsibilities as the Councilmembers. . Conduct and preside at City Council meetings. . Appoint representatives to all' City commissions and committees (with the consent of the Council) -. . As Chief Elected Official: o a: Sign legal documents, ordinances and resolutions. o Represent the City at ceremonial events and occasions. o Mayor is often the focal point for contact by community groups, outside groups, government interest, etc. o Serves as the City's key spokesperson. o Lead liaison efforts in meetings with other communities and local agencies. , ~ o Promoter and defender of the Community. o Assists the Council in setting goals and advocating policy decisions. 2 o Works to unify the Council by promoting cooperation and teamwork and builds consensus. o Facilitates communication between the Council and the City Manager. . Chair of the City's Disaster Council. C~ity Manager . The City Manager functions as a Chief Administrative Officer of the City. . Appointed by the City Council and serves at the pleasure of the City Council. . The City Manager's position is established by Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of State Law. ~ . Most City Managers throughout the world belong to ICMA and adhere to the ICMA Code of Ethics. (Attached) City Manaqer's Role . Responsible for the efficient administration of all affairs under the City Manager's control. . Serves as the Council's Chief Staff Adviser. . Enforcement of all City laws and ord'inances. . Enforcement of all City agreements/contracts and permits. . Responsible for control, supervision and direction of all City Department Heads and City employees. ~ o Appoints, removes and promotes City employees. . Negotiates service contracts and other agreements (i.e., Development Agreements) . Conducts organizational studies and implements re-organization of City functions when appropriate. . Recommends adoption of ordinances and other measures for City Council consideration. . Attends City Council meetings. . Keeps the City Council advised on the financial condition of the City. . Prepares and submits the annual budget to the City Council. ~ . Recommends all expenditures to City Council. . Designated as City's Purchasing Agent. . Prepares an annual salary plan and acts as the City's Chief Negotiator with employees. ~ ~ ~ Makes investigations into the affairs of the City and any department on contracts. Conducts investigations for all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the City or in regards to the services provided by public utilities in the City e Exercises general supervision over all public property under the control of the City. . • Functions as Director of Emergency Services. 3 ~ Works with the Council to develop a strategic plan including strategies toward achievement of the strategic plan. . . Through the office of the City Clerk, administers elections, prepares council agendas and maintains records. of the City. . Keeps the Council informed on a regular basis regarding City operations, developing issues, etc. ~ Supervises public information and public education activities of the City. . Translates and implements the direction of the majority of the Councilmembers over all areas for which Council has jurisdiction. . Advancement of broad and inclusive citizens' participation. Although the City Manager works for the City Council, those Cities, which are most effective in providing good services and high quality of life, have a strong partnership between the City Council and the City Manager. Forms of Communication between the City Council and Manaqer. . Staff Reports e Informal One-on-One with Councilmembers . Weekly Written Communications . Other communication as needed 4 Adopted in 1924, the ICMA Code of Ethics defined the principles that today serve as the foundation for the local government management profession and set the standard for excellence. Leadership in a management structure committed to equity, transparency, integrity, stewardship of public resources, political neutrality, and respect for the rights and responsibility of elected officials and residents strengthens democratic .local governance. ICMA members pledge to uphold these principles in their conduct and decisions in order to merit the trust of the public, elected officials, and staff they serve. As a condition of membership, ICMA members agree to submit to a peer-to-peer review under established enforcement procedures should there be an allegation of unethical conduet. The mission of ICMA is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional local government management worldwide. To further this mission, certain principles, as enforced by the Rules of Procedure, shall govern the conduct of every member of ICMA, who shall: Tenet 1 Be dedicated to the concepts of effective and democratic local government by responsible elected officials and believe that professional general management is essential to the achievement of this objective. Tenet 2 Affirm the dignity and worth of the services rendered by government and maintain a constructive, creative, and practical attitude toward local government affairs and a deep sense of social responsibility as a trusted public servant Tenet 3 Be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order that the member may merit the respect and confidence of the elected officials, of other officials and employees, and of the public. Tenet 4 Recognize that the chief function of local government at all times is to serve the best interests of all people.. ~ Tenet 5 ~ Submit policy proposals to elected officials; provide them with facts and advice~on matters of policy as a.basis for making decisions and setting community goals; and ~phold and implement local government policies adopted by elected officials. Tenet 6 Recognize that elected representatives of the people are entitled to the credit for the establishment of local government policies; responsibility for policy execution rests with the members. Tenet 7 ~ ~ Refrain from all political activities which undermine public confidence in professional administrators. Refrain from participation in the election of the members of the employing legislative body. , Tenet 8 - Make it a duty continually to improve the member's professionaf ability and to develop the competence of associates in the use of management techniques. Tenet 9 Keep the community informed on local government affairs; encourage communication between the citizens and all local government officers; emphasize friendly and courteous service to the public; and seek to improve the quality and image of public service. Tenet 10 ' Resist any encroachment on professional responsibilities, believing the member should be free to carry out official policies without interference, and handle each problem without discrimination on the basis of principle and justice. Tenet 11 Handle all matters of personnel on the basis of inerit so that fairness and impartiality govern a member's decisions, pertaining to appointments, pay adjustments, promotions, and discipline. Tenet 12 ~ Seek no favor; believe that personal aggrandizement or profit secured by confidential information or by misuse of public time is dishonest: