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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.7 ACTIA #9 IronHorseBike CI'TY CLERK FILE # 600-40 & 1060-90
SIJBJECT: Approval of Master Project Funding Agreement with Alameda
County Transportation Improvement Authority for ACTIA Project
No. 9 - Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route Project
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public V~orks Director
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Approving Master Project Funding Agreement
2) Master Agreement
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Master Project Funding Agreement
]~with Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority
* (ACTIA) for ACTIA Project No. 9 Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian
and Transit Route Project'
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: This Master Project Funding Agreement covers general requirements
for ACTIA's funding of Tier 1 projects in Alameda County's 20-
Year Transportation Expenditure Plan. One of the Tier 1 projects
included in the Plan is the Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit
Route project, which is being sponsored by the City of Dublin. The
City will receive approximately $5.7 million (Fiscal Year 2002-2003
dollars) from ACTIA for the design and construction of the project
starting in Fiscal Year 2003-2004. Prior to preliminary engineering
of the Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route Project, a
project funding agreement will be entered into with ACTIA to cover
the specific requirements of this City-sponsored project.
DESCRIPTION: The reauthorization of Measure B, also called Measure B 2000, was
approved by the voters of Alameda County at the General Election held on November 7, 2000. This
Measure authorizes ACTIA to administer the proceeds from the continued one-half cent sales tax. The
original Measure B program expired on March 31, 2002, and the new program began immediately
thereafter on April 1, 2002. This extended the Program for a period of 20 years, to terminate on March
31, 2022. The proceeds of the one-half cent sales tax are being used to pay for the programs and projects
outlined in Alameda County's 20-Year Transportation Expenditure Plan.
COPIES TO: Christine Monsen, ACTIA
G:L~GENMISC\agst ACTIA Master Project Funding Agmt.doc
There are 24 Tier 1 projects included in the Plan and one of these projects is the Iron Horse Bicycle,
Pedestrian and Transit Route project being sponsored by the City of Dublin. This project will enhance a
bicycle/pedestrian trail and provide the extension of Scarlett Drive to accommodate transit buses within
the existing Alameda County/Union Pacific right-of-way between the BART station and Dougherty Road.
In order for Dublin to proceed with the project, a Master Project Funding Agreement between ACTIA and
the City of Dublin must be approved by both agencies. The agreement covers the general requirements for
ACTIA funding of Tier 1 projects included in the Alameda County's 20-Year Transportation Expenditure
Plan. The agreement describes ACTIA's policies and procedures in selecting consultants for various
phases of a project, including design and construction.
Staff recommends adopting the resolution approving the Master Project Funding Agreement with the
Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority for ACTIA Project No. 9 - Iron Horse Bicycle,
Pedestrian and Transit Route Project.
Page 2 ~-~ ,,4.-- .....
WHEREAS, the voters of Alameda County approved the reauthorization of Measure B at the
General Election held on November 7, 2000, thereby authorizing that the Alameda County Transportation
Improvement Authority (ACTIA) be given the responsibility to administer proceeds from the continued
one-half cent transaction and use tax; and
WHEREAS, the duration of the tax will be 20 years from the initial year of collection, which will
begin April 1, 2002, with said tax to terminate/expire on March 31, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the one-half cent transaction and use tax proceeds will be used to pay for programs
and projects outlined in Alameda County's 20-Year Transportation Expenditure Plan (Plan); and
WHEREAS, one of the projects included in the Plan is the Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and
Transit route project sponsored by the City of Dublin; and
WHEREAS, in order for the City of Dublin to receive funds for this project, a Master Project
Funding Agreement with ACTIA must be executed;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Dublin that the City
of Dublin, by adopting this resolution, hereby approves the Master Project Funding Agreement with
ACTIA for the Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route Project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the Master
Program Funding Agreement.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of September, 2002.
City Clerk
~:a~endmiscXreso Apcroval ACTIA Master A~reement.doc
ACTIA 2002-21
and the
for the
ACTIA 2002-21
, is.between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a local public agency, referred to herein as
AUTHORITY, a public entity, referred to herein as "ACTIA", covers the general requirements
for ACTIA funding of Tier 1 projects in the Alameda County's 20-Year Transportation
Expenditure Plan (PLAN) which was adopted in July 2000. A project specific funding
agreement (SPECIFIC AGREEMENT) will be entered into to cover the specific requirements of
each project.
(1) The voters of Alameda County, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Transportation
Authority and Improvement Act, California Public Utilities Code Section 180000 et seq.,
approved the reauthorization of Measure B at the General Election held on November 7, 2000,
thereby authorizing that ACTIA be given the responsibility to administer the proceeds from the
continued one-half cent transaction and use tax. The duration of the tax will be 20 years from
the initial year of collection that will begin April 1, 2002, with said tax to terminate/expire on
March 31, 2022.
(2) The PLAN, administered by ACTIA, includes environmental analysis, design, right-of-
way acquisition, utility relocation and construct/on of the projects located in the City of Dublin,
and referred to herein as "PROJECT". The PROJECT covered by this AGREEMENT is
described in .EXHIBIT "A", "Project'Description", attached hereto and incorporated herein by
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(3)' Sales tax funding shown for PROJECT in thePLAN is based on 1997/1998 (97/98) fiscal
year dollars.
(4) The PLAN was adopted in July 2000, and includes PROJECT for which SPONSOR is
named as the sponsor.
(5) This AGREEMENT is made in furtherance and in compliance with the Local
Transportation Authority and Improvement Act, California Public Utilities Code Section 180000
et seq. Measure B Sales Tax Funds spent pursuant to this AGREEMENT will not replace funds
previously provided by property tax revenues for public transportation services.
(6) For the purposes of this AGREEMENT, PHASE shall be any of the following elements of
· Scope
· Preliminary Engineering
· Environmental Studies
· Final Design (PS&E)
· Right, of-Way- Support
· Right-of-Way- Capital
· Utility Relocation/Protection
· Construction Contracts
· Construction Engineering
· Equipment Purchase
(7) To the extent that there is a difference between future SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS and this
AGREEMENT, including the EXHIBITS, the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT shall prevail.
It is agreed by and between the parties as follows:
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(1) Environmental, engineering, utility, right-of-way and construction work eligible under
the ACTIA "Policy on Eligible Costs" as shown in EXHIBIT "D" (attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference), Appendix A, will be invoiced on a reimbursable basis for
(2) .That all costs related to PROJECT in excess of the amount of ACTIA's contribution
indicated in .the PLAN, as escalated to the year of expenditure based on the California Highway
Construction Cost Index (CHCCI), will be the responsibility of the SPONSOR for PROJECT.
(3) That ACTIA funds programmed for PROJECT are subject to annual modification in the
ACTIA Strategic Plan and these funds are subject to availability.
(4) That funds expended for PROJECT work prior to this AGREEMENT will not be
reimbursed unless prior agreement has been reached with ACTIA regarding the use and
monitoring of these funds. In all cases, reimbursable costs will be limited to those costs included
in EXHIBIT "D", Appendix A, "Policy on Eligible Costs". In no case shall funds expended
prior to November 7, 2000 be reimbursed.
(5) To meet with ACTIA prior to ACTIA -funding any portion of the PROJECT and to assist
in the preparation of the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT, SPECIFIC AGREEMENT shall include but
not be limited to the following, information developed by SPONSOR:
· Detailed PROJECT description including a map.
· Detailed PROJECT schedule
· PROJECT cost estimate
· PROJECT PHASE cost breakdown
Preliminary Engineering
Environmental Studies
Final Design (PS&E)
Right of Way- Support
Right of Way - Capital
Utility Relocation/Protection
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Construction Contracts
Construction Engineering
Equipment Purchase
· PHASE cash flow requirements
· Outside funding sources
· Outside funding timing
· Permits required
· Agreements required
· COordinating agencies
· SPONSOR's role
Work performed by SPONSOR
Work performed by Consultants
· ACTIA's role
· Role of Others
(6) That SPONSOR will be given five years from the first year of revenue collection (which
begins in April 2002) to receive environmental approvals and to'have PROJECT fully funded. If
SPONSOR cannot meet this April 2007 requirement, SPONSOR may appeal to ACTIA for one
or more one-year extensions limited by the policy regarding time extensions as shown in
EXHIBIT "D", Appendix D, "Policy Regarding the Time Limitation on Environmental
Approval". Once time has expired, the SPONSOR will be deemed to have approved deletion of
that project, and the funds will be reallocated as Unused Funds as described in EXHIBIT "D",
-Appendix B, "Policy Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds".
(7) SPONSOR will be responsible for obtaining the Environmental Document Certification
from the appropriate agency or agencies as may be required.
(8) To advertise, award and administer any professional services contract for PROJECT
work not performed by SPONSOR's own forces.
(9) To invite ACTIA staff to participate as. a voting member in the selection of professional
consultants and to furnish copies of the professional services contracts to ACTIA prior to
approval by the SPONSOR on contracts utilizing ACTIA funds.
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(10) That in selecting all professional consultants on PHASES of PROJECT funded by
' ACTIA where no federal or state funds are used, SPONSOR will comply with the ACTIA Local
Business Enterprise (LBE) and Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) Program, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
(11) To advertise, award and administer the construction and utility relocation contracts for
PROJECT in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Local Agency Public
Construction Act and the California Labor Code, including its prevailing wage provisions.
SPONSOR shall obtain applicable wage rates from the State Department of Industrial Relations
and shall adhere to the applicable provisions of the State Labor Code. Violations shall be
reported to the State Department of Industrial RelatiOns.
(12) That in selecting all construction and utility relocation vendors on PHASES of PROJECT
where no federal or state funds are used, SPONSOR will meet the ACTIA Goals of 60% LBE
and 20% SLBE. In the event that LBE or SLBE goals are not met, SPONSOR will make a good
faith effort and require contractors and vendors to ,use good faith efforts using the criteria as set
forth in EXHIBIT "E".
(13) Local Business Enterprises (LBE) and Small Local Business Enterprises (SLBE) shall be
certified by ACTIA in accordance with the Local Business and Small Local Business Enterprise
Program included as EXHIBIT "E".
(14) That if federal or state federalized funds are used on any PHASE of the PROJECT,
SPONSOR of PROJECT will., utilize, SPONSOR's DBE goal, plan and policies.
(15) That in the event that SPONSOR is bound by other mandated contract participation
requirements, SPONSOR will work with ACTIA to achieve ACTIA objectives and clarify the
required participation goals in the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT.
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(16) To require that the construction contractor furnish both a payment and performance bond,
with both bonds complying with the requirements set forth in Section 3-1.02 of Caltrans' July
1999 Standard Specifications (or more current version).
(17) To require that professional services consultants, construction contractors and any other
contractor or subcontractors name ACTIA, its officers, employees and consultants(and Caltrans,
BART and/or others if involved) as additional insured on all appropriate insurance required by
(18) To cooperate with Caltrans, BART or other agencies, when required, to manage
construction of PROJECT. SPONSOR may manage the construction of PROJECT with its own
staff, may elect to contract for professional services, or perform the work in cooperation with
Caltrans or other agency, or any combination thereof.
(19) To arrange for right-of-way engineering, appraisal, acquisition, clearance, and
certification. If right-of-way work is performed by others, a copy of the Agreement for right-Of-
way work will be submitted to ACTIA prior to approval by SPONSOR. On Caltrans facilities,
fight-of-way serv/ces will be performed under the direction of an agency or agent certified by
(20) To develop a detailed schedule for all PHASES of the PROJECT as outlined in EXHIBIT
"B", "Project Schedule", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Schedule shall be
reviewed and approved by ACTIA and shall be incorporated into a SPECIFIC AGREEMENT
prior to any reimbursement of costs.
(21) Except as provided in Section 1.22 or a SPECIFIC AGREEMENT, that on PROJECT
where SPONSOR hires a consultant to administer a PHASE of the work funded by ACTIA,
'SPONSOR will provide ACTIA with monthly Progress Reports by PHASE, by the last day of
each calendar month following the month in which the work was performed. These reports shall
describe the current status of the PROJECT, actions and eligible costs 'expended or incurred
during the prev/ous month, actions expected to be taken during the next month, an updated
schedule with estimated completion, scope changes, project-related issues, any unexpected legal,
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environmental, engineering or construction difficulties, notices of potential claim, DBE, SLBE
and LBE participation, where such participation is required, from prime and first tier
subconsultants/subcontractors, and any additional relevant information requested by ACTIA.
"ACTIA Expenditure Reporting Requirements for Capital Projects" are shown in EXHIBIT ,C",
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and shall be included with the report.
(22) That on the PHASES of PROJECT administered by SPONSOR staff, to provide the
Progress Report described in Section 1.21 on a quarterly basis. 'Said Progress Report shall be
fi,u-nished on the last day of the month following each quarter.
.(23) To Obtain all state, local and federal permits and approvals for work. SPONSOR will
comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
(24) To arrange for maintenance of PROJECT as constructed and to make no claim against
ACTIA for any portion of maintenance or operation costs.
(25) To provide signage fifteen (15) days prior to beginning of construction (i.e., SPONSOR
and ACTIA logos with "Your Measure B Sales Tax Dollars at Work") on PROJECT funded by
Measure B. Include a description of such signage, the number of signs and the actual or typical
locations thereof in a Progress Report submitted to ACTIA for the PROJECT at least three
months prior to construction.
(26) To participate, upon the request of ACTIA, in a Public Awareness Program, in
partnership with ACTIA, the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)and/or the Citizens Watchdog
Committee (CWC), as a means of informing the public of the benefits being derived from the use
of the Measure B funds.
(27) To provide updated and accurate Progress Report information on the SPONSOR's
website, or create one if none exists, and to provide a link to ACTIA's website, in order to
inform the public on how the Measure B funds are being used in the County.
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(28) To publish, at least annually, an article either in the SPONSOR's newsletter or in
ACTIA's quarterly newsletter, highlighting PROJECT in which funds received by SPONSOR
from ACTIA are being used.
(29) That upon request from ACTIA through SPONSOR's administrative officer or
designated staff, to render a report or answer any and all inquiries in regard to its receipt,
compliance audit findings, and usage of its funds before ACTIA's Governing Board, the Citizens
Watchdog Committee (CWC) and/or Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).
(30) That in the event PROJECT is not completed, to repay ACTIA any funds expended by
ACTIA above its proportionate share of eligible costs for the PROJECT as in 'EXHIBIT "D",
Appendix C, "PoliCy Regarding ACTIA Funds Spent or Allocated to Projects that are Later
Removed from the Plan". Payment to ACTIA shall be made'with interest based'~ on the current
County Investment Pool rate, and shall be made within five (5) years of the time a project is
deleted from the PLAN. In' the event that such payments are not made, ACTIA will withhold all
other funds due SPONSOR from ACTIA until such 'debt has been eliminated. In the event that a
project is not completed due solely to a shortfall in the ACTIA revenues proposed for that
project, this article (30) will not apply.
(1) That increased costs in individual PHASES of PROJECT will be eligible for
reimbursement if the SPONSOR provides a funding plan indicating that funds from other
PHASES or other sources are available to assure that the delivery of the PROJECT will not be
jeopardized due to the increase in .that PHASE.
(2) Allocated ACTIA funds may be expended in total prior to expenditure of SPONSOR
funds subject to the conditions included in this AGREEMENT.
(3) To program funds for reimbursement to SPONSOR in the ACTIA Annual Strategic Plan
as close as possible to the years detailed in the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT2
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(4) To provide an independent annual audit of ACTIA's program-wide revenues and.
expenditures including the allocation formula for distributing Measure B sales tax revenues to
SPONSOR and render an annual report to ACTIA's Governing Board and to the Citizens
Watchdog Committee (CWC) within 180 days following the close of the fiscal year.
(5) To provide notice to the SPONSOR of any and all expenditures made by SPONSOR,
which are not in compliance with the AGREEMENT, the PLAN or the Measure B ballot
measure, promptly after ACTIA becomes aware of any such expenditures.
(6) To assist SPONSOR in preparing a detailed schedule for PROJECT for inclusion in the
(7) To prepare contract language regarding Progress Reports suitable for inclusion in
SPONSOR's contracts for professional services.
(8) To prepare a contract specification/provision to be included in SPONSOR's construction
contracts to clarify ACTIA LBE/SLBE requirements, where such participation is required, and
monthly reporting requirements.
(1) It is the intent of ACTIA to commit Measure B Funds to fully funded PROJECT. It is the
.responsibility of SPONSOR to secure all other funds required to complete PROJECT. If in the
opinion of the ACTIA Executive Director, a project has lost required funding or has not
progressed according to the detailed schedule as either shown in EXHIBIT "B" or as later
modified in the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT, funds may be withheld and may require
reimbursement from the SPONSOR to ACTIA.
(2) All correspondence and communications will contain the ACTIA number and name for
PROJECT in a clearly identifiable location.
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(3) Should the SPONSOR fail to refund all moneys due ACTIA as provided herein or should
SPONSOR breach this AGREEMENT by failing to complete a project, then, within 30 days of
demand, or within such other period as may be agreed to in writing between the parties hereto,
ACTIA may withhold or demand a transfer of an amount equal to the amount owed to ACTIA
from future apportionment, or any other funds due SPONSOR from Measure B funds and/or may
withhold approval of future Measure B sponsored projects.
(4) ACTIA participation shall be limited to the sales tax funding amount indicated in the
PLAN, as escalated based on the California Highway Construction Cost Index (CHCCI) from
97/98 to the fiscal year funds are expended on PROJECT (ACTIA participation). Where more
than ACTIA funds are required to complete the PROJECT, SPONSOR shall secure additional
funding. In the event that SPONSOR cannot secure additional funding, and/or the scope of the
PROJECT cannot be reduced to meet the available funds and still conform to the PLAN
requirements, or where the SPONSOR does not meet the delivery schedule and a project is
removed from the PLAN, SPONSOR and ACTIA agree to share expenditures of eligible costs to
date as shown in EXHIBIT "D", Appendix C, "Policy Regarding ACTIA Funds Spent or
Allocated to Projects that are Later Removed from the Plan".
(5) That if a Scope PHASE is necessary, a Letter Agreement detailing the tasks necessary to
determine the scope and funding requirements of the PROJECT will be executed bY ACTIA and
SPONSOR. Eligible Costs expended on the Scope PHASE of the PROJECT shall be considered
reimbursable costs and may be paid for in total by ACTIA funds. Reimbursement of such funds
is generally limited to no more than 10% of the ACTIA participation.
(6) The'SPONSOR may invoice ACTIA monthly as eligible work proceeds. Invoices shall
include only eligible costs as described in EXHIBIT "D", Appendix A, "Policy on Eligible
Costs". Environmental, engineering, construction and right-of-way work will be invoiced on a
reimbursable basis for PROJECT. All funds advanced by SPONSOR shall be accounted for by
invoices detailing services performed and payments made, which shall conform to the invoice
format shown in EXHIBIT "C", Appendix A, "Request for Reimbursement". Approval of
invoices will be contingent on the submittal of Progress Reports herein detailed and shown in
EXHIBIT "C", Appendix B, "Project Progress Reports". In the event that said Proj ect'Progress
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Reports are not 'complete and current, approval of invoices shall be withheld until an acceptable
remedy has been implemented. In the event that SPONSOR invoices ACTIA prior to the year a
project receives ACTIA funding, invoice shall be held by ACTIA .until the year funding is
programmed. ACTIA agrees to escalate the payment of the invoice using the CHCCI from the
date of invoice approval to the date of payment, or from the invoice date to the date of payment,
whichever is less.
(7) Unanticipated reimbursable PROJECT costs up to 15% of the ACTIA participation will
be the first pr/ority use of Excess Revenues.
(8) There is no provision in the PLAN for PROJECT cost overruns beyond 15% and
escalation. If PROJECT costs exceed the available Measure B funds, ACTIA and the
SPONSOR will work _together to identify additional outside fund sources or to revise the scope
of a project to meet the available funds. Should a project become infeasible due to a funding
shortfall, then these funds will be considered "Unused Funds" as defined in EXHIBIT "D",
Appendix B, "Policy Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds".
(9) If additional funding is obtained beyond the non-ACTIA funds identified in the PLAN to
partially offset the ACTIA funds planned for the PROJECT, ACTIA funds will not be totally
transferred out of a project until after it is ensured that that project can .be delivered if there are
cost increases. If ACTIA funds are available after the PROJECT completion, they will be
declared Unused Funds and reprogrammed as EXHIBIT "D", Appendix B, "Policy
Regarding the Definition and Use of E~cess Revenues and Unused Funds".
(10) In the event that new outside fund sources, such as federal or state funds, are leveraged
with Measure B funds' beyond the amounts identified in the PLAN and this causes Measure B
funds to be available at the completion ora project, the funds will be declared Unused Funds and
reallocated in accordance with ACTIA Policy as shown in EXHIBIT "D", Appendix B, "Policy
Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds".
(11) In the event that ACTIA funds are displaced by Other funds obtained by SPONSOR, the
savings shall be declared Unused Funds and be distributed in accordance with ACTIA policy as
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shown in EXHIBIT "D", Appendix B, "Policy Regarding the De£mition and Use of Excess
Revenues and Unused Funds".
(12) Should any portion of the PROJECT be financed with federal or state funds, all
applicable laws, rules and policies relating to the use of such funds shall apply notwithstanding
other provisions of this AGREEMENT.
(13) The laws of the State of California will. govern the validity of this AGREEMENT, its
interpretation and performance, and any other claims related to it.
(14) If SPONSOR materially breaches this AGREEMENT, including but not limited to failing
to meet schedule without compelling reason, failing to file required Progress Reports in the time
specified by this AGREEMENT, or failing to comply with applicable regulations, ACTIA may
either terminate this AGREEMENT or suspend payments to SPONSOR until such time as
SPONSOR makes reasonable efforts to comply with this AGREEMENT.
(15) Neither ACTIA nor any officer, consultant, or employee thereof shall be responsible for
any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by
SPONSOR in connection with the PROJECT. It is also understood and agreed, pursuant to
Government Code Section 895.4, SPONSOR shall fully defenct, indemnify and hold harmless
ACTIA, and all its officers and employees from any liability imposed on ACTIA for injury (as
defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to
be done by SPONSOR in connection With PROJECT.
(16) Neither SPONSOR nor any officer, consultant, or employee thereof shall be responsible
for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by
ACTIA under or in connection with any work, authority or juhsdiction delegated to ACTIA
under this AGREEMENT. It is also understood and agreed, pursuant to Government Code
Section 895.4, ACTIA shall fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless SPONSOR, and all its
officers and employees from any liability imposed on SPONSOR for injury (as defined in
Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by
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ACTIA under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to ACTIA
under this AGREEMENT.
(17) Nothing in the provisions of this AGREEMENT is intended to create duties or
obligations to or rights in third-parties not party,to this AGREEMENT or affect the legal liability
of either party to. the AGREEMENT by imposing any standard of care with respect to the
maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. This
AGREEMENT gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than ACTIA and SPONSOR and has
no third-party beneficiaries.
(18) All legal actions by either party against the other arising from this AGREEMENT, or for
the failure to perform in accordance with the applicable standard of care, or for any other cause
of action, will be subject to the statutes of limitations of the State of Califomia.
(19) Should it become necessary to enforce the terms of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing
party shall be entitled to recover reasonable expenses and attorney's fees from the other party.
(20) This AGREEMENT shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of PROJECT by
SPONSOR or ten years from the date of this- AGREEMENT, whichever is earlier in time. This
termination date may be modified through, the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT. Should
AGREEMENT terminate due to time, any eligible costs incurred or paid by ACTIA over and
above its proportionate share shall be due from SPONSOR to ACTIA. Payment of these eligible
costs is covered in Section 1.30.
(21) This AGREEMENT, including its RECITALS, EXHIBITS, and Appendices, constitutes
the entire AGREEMENT, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may be
changed only by a written amendment executed by both parties.
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(22) ACTIA will make a good faith effort to provide all funds set forth in this AGREEMENT.
By: By:
Shelia Young, Chairperson, ACTIA
Recommended for Approval: Recommended: ~
By: By:
Christine Monsen, Executive Director
Approved as to Legal Form: Approved as to L.egal Form:
By: By:~~~''~
Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean, LLP
ACTIA Counsel
Attest: Attest:
Trudye Johnson, Clerk of ACTIA
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ACTIA 2002-21
Project Description:
ACTIA PROJECT No. 9 - Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route project will
provide bicycle/pedestrian trail and the extension of Scarlett Drive that will accommodate
transit within the existing Alameda County/Union Pacific right-of-way between the
BART station and Dougherty Road. This PROJECT will also widen Dougherty Road Scarlett Drive to the northern City limit to accommodate transit. ACTIA funds are
eligible for preliminary engineering, environmental studies, final design, ' right-of-way
acquisition, advertisement, award and administration of construction contract,
construction, and design services during construction.
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Task 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08
Equipment Purchase
Note: List, advertise and award timeframes for construction are included in the Final Design schedule.
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With the extension of Measure B passed by the voters in November 2000, a higher level of
reporting and accountability by ACTIA is mandated in the voter approved Expenditure Plan.
ACTIA will track the expenditures of Measure B dollars to vendors, whether they are prime
consultants or contractors or subcontractors and whether expenditures are for professional
services, construction or construction management/inspection. Measure B expenditures are
provided through a funding agreement between ACTIA and a SPONSOR which in turn enters
into agreements with vendors. ACTIA-will maintain a database of vendors that receive Measure
B funds whether through an agreement with ACTIA or with a SPONSOR. ACTIA will require
that the same information be provided for all contracts to be funded with Measure B dollars and
tiffs requirement is incorporated into the funding agreement between ACTIA and the SPONSOR.
Request' for reimbursement requirements are shown in Appendix A and reporting requirements
are shown in Appendix B of this EXHIBIT.
Requests for reimbursement from SPONSORS or invoices from vendors will not be considered
for payment without the required information. Deficient submittals will be returned to the
SPONSOR for re-submittal.
Appendix A ACTIA Expenditure Reporting Requirements - Requests for Reimbursement from
Project Sponsors
Appendix B ACTIA Expenditure Reporting Requirements Project Progress Report
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ACTIA 2002-21
Contract Summary by Vendor
Original Contract Amount:
ACTIA Project No: Amount Billed Prior:
PHASE: Amount of this Invoice:
Report Mo/Yr.: Remaining Budget:
Date Submitted:
Vendor Level of Contract Percent of Previous Current Total ACTIA'Total %to-Date°f Invoiced-vs.
No., Vendor Subcontract** Certification Award Contract invoices Invoice Invoiced~to' Contract
Amount ($) Amount Date Date
. Record of Payment to Subs
' Vendor Date Last
Summary of Goal Participation*** No.* Paid Paid to
Vendor No.* Tier Goal (1) To Date (2) Goal (1) To Date (2) Goal (1) To Date (2)
*Furnished by ACTIA Proiect Manager's Assurance:
**Breakdown to Tier 1 subcontractors unless a lower tier is used in goal achievement I hereby certify that the information included in this
*** When applicable Request for Reimbursement is true and accurate.
Note I - Goals based on Current Contract Amount
Note 2 - Based upon payment to date Signature Date
ACTIA USE ONLY - Supporting documents review and approved for payment
Signature Date
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ACTIA 2002-21
Project Progress Report
[~] The project remains on its published schedule.
[] The revised project schedule is attached for review and confmnation.
['-] The project scope is unchanged.
['"] The scope of the project has been modified and is attached for review and confirmation (include CCO's over
$20,000 on construction and professional service contracts).
[] There are no Notices of Potential Claim on file.
[] We anticipate a claim regarding the following:
[~ There are presently Notice(s) of Potential Claim on file. Those not previously forwarded are attached for
~eview and comment.
[] At this time we anticipate no problems on the project.
[] We anticipate problems in the followhag area and would appreciate any assistance you could offer:
[] We anticipate problems in the following area but do not feel we need your assistance at this time:
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ACTIA 2002-21
Appendix A Policy on Eligible Costs
Appendix B Policy Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused
Appendix C Policy Regarding ACTIA Funds Spent or Allocated to Projects that are
Later Removed from the Plan
Appendix D Policy Regarding the Timing Limitation for Environmental Approval
Appendix E Policy Regarding Program Financing Costs
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ACTIA 2002-21
'Environmental Studies
ACTIA funds are eligible to reimburse expenses incurred by SPONSOR staff and consultant
staff for environmental study costs, including determination of the appropriate environmental
document, preparation of all preliminary engineering for each alternative, including geometric
layouts, determination of right-of-way needs, environmental technical studies (such as air, noise,
energy, cultural resources and hazardous w.aste), and all other studies or activities necessary to
prepare and to finalize the appropriate environmental document for approval.
Allocations for environmental studies are noted in SPECIFIC AGREEMENT. (Note: This is
generally the amount estimated in the original PLAN cost estimates or if no'estimate was
included then 9% of the construction cost to cover Environmental Analysis, Environmental
Document Preparation and the associated Preliminary Engineering.)
Design Costs
ACTIA funds are eligible for expenses incurred by SPONSOR staff and consultant staff for
design activities related to the PROJECT scope identified in the PLAN. These activities include
preparation of alternative design studies; materials and foundation reports; drainage, hydrology
and hydraulic reports; management oversight; surveying and mapping; preparation of the plans,
specifications and estimate; preparation of bid documents and files for PROJECT; preparation of
permit applications and maintenance agreements; coordination of agency reviews and any other
activities necessary to prepare final PS&E for bid advertisement and award.
If the SPONSOR wishes to include items of Work not covered under the description of
PROJECT, the cost for including the additional work shall be segregated.and the cost borne by
the SPONSOR from non-ACTIA fund source. Items of work that would fall into this area would
be the correction or betterment of pre-existing non-transportation related items such as drainage,
landscaping (beyond Caltrans standards) or pedestrian facilities, unless these were approved as
part of the original PROJECT. Annual expenses incurred for maintenance shall likewise be
borne by the SPONSOR from non-ACTIA fund sources~
Allocations for design are noted in SPECIFIC AGREEMENT. (Note: This is generally the
amount estimated in the original PLAN cost estimates or if no estimate was included then 10%
oft he construction cost).
Right-of-Way Acquisition
ACTIA funds are el.igible for expenses incurred by SPONSOR staff and consultant staff for all
activities related to right-of-way, advanced right-of-way, and hardship acquisitions, including
determination of right-of-way needs; title searches; parcel appraisals; hazardous materials
disposition; preparation of right-of-way acquisition documents; negotiation with property
owners; activities involved with acquiring rights-of-way including condemnation proceedings,
right-of-way capital costs, and cost-to-cure impacts related to the acquisition.
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ACTIA 2002-21
Services provided for right-of-way activities involved with property not necessary for the
Measure B PROJECT as defined in the scope of work shall be'at the expense of the SPONSOR
where these costs can be determined.
If any excess fight-of-way is sold, or Otherwise .disposed of, the value of such property shall be
returned to ACTIA based on the prorated percentage of funds ACTIA contributed to the
purchase of the property.
Allocations for right-of-way shall be limited in SPECIFIC AGREEMENT.
Construction Contract Item Work
ACTIA funds are available'to cover all construction expenditures for the PROJECT
(construction capital, management and inspection; surveys, public outreach, and others as
appropriate) that are part of the scope of work agreed to by ACTIA. ACTIA funds are eligible
for reimbursement of SPONSOR's management .oversight expenses associated with the
construction of the PROJECT. This would include activities such as construction management,
inspection, expenses associated with reviewing proposed change orders, and activities involved
with submitting final costs to the appropriate agencies to secure Other leveraged funds.
SPONSOR may include additi0na] work beyond the scope of work for the Measure B PROJECT
at their expense. These costs will be segregated from the other item work expenses and paid for
with non-ACTIA funds. Items of work could include correction or betterment of pre-existing
non-transportation facilities such as drainage, landscaping or pedestrian facilities, unless these
items were approved as part of the original PROJECT. Items of work within the scope, but
covering more expensive treatment for the facility such as specialized lighting standards and
signs, more elaborate landscaping or specialized, treatment on the face of soundwalls and
retaining walls, and specialized sidewalk/hardscape treatments will also be segregated from other
PROJECT work and paid with non-ACTIA funds
Proposed contract change orders that may arise once the contract has been awarded will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis by ACTIA for approval to be reimbursed with ACTIA funds.
ACTIA will require written approval of such change orders over $25,000 (unless the ACTIA
Board approves otherwise through the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT).
Allocations for construction are noted in SPECIFIC AGREEMENT.
The amount for which SPONSOR staffcan be reimbursed will be limite& Costs for SPONSOR
staff dedicated to the management of PROJECT or development' work of the Me~/sure B
PROJECT will be eligible for reimbursement. Costs for SPONSOR management and oversight
staff, such as City Managers, City Engineers, Public Works Directors, City Attorneys, and senior
management staff, will be Considered as part of the SPONSOR's overhead cost and will not be
eligible. Eligible costs for SPONSOR project managers, in an oversight role, will be limited to
0.5% of the estimated PROJECT cost. Costs for consultant or SPONSOR staff designers (as
well as right-of-way agents and construction administration staff) are eligible. Hourly wages and
fringe benefits for SPONSOR staff should not exceed a maximum mark-up rate of 50% of the
hourly wage (1.5 times hourly salary). If the rate and/or dollar limitations herein do not allow
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ACTIA 2002-21
the SPONSOR to recoup direct costs dedicated to PROJECT, the SPONSOR may submit
documentation to ACTIA to substantiate requested changes and ACTIA may agree to other rates
and/or dollar limitations to be set forth in the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT.
ACTIA PROJECT Support Costs requested by SPONSOR
If requested by SPONSOR, ACTIA will provide support staff and/or consultant support to
coordinate PROJECT. Costs for these services will be considered as ACTIA eligible costs and
reimbursed to ACTIA from funds for PROJECT. These services shall be included in the
Miscellaneous Costs
The costs of fees from other agencies, including permit fees, or reimbursement for review or
oversight costs needed for the PROJECT are eligible costs. However, the cost of permits or fees
from the SPONSOR will not be eligible. Utility relocation costs are eligible for reimbursement
according to previous agreements establishing rights for those utilities. The costs for specialized
equipment for testing, analysis or production of documents for project-related work are also
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ACTIA 2002-21
Excess Revenues
Excess Revenues are those funds that exceed the funding shown in Alameda County's 20-year
Transportation Expenditure Plan (PLAN). Excess revenues can come from higher than expected
receipts'or lower than expected project costs.
Excess revenues are programmed annually in the ACTIA Strategic Plan based on geographic
equity and the following priorities:
1. Meet the unanticipated needs of Tier 1 projects over the PLAN amount.
2. Ad&ess gaps in Special Transportation Service For Seniors And People With
3. Fund Tier 2 projects.
Unused Funds
Unused Funds are those funds that become available should a planned project become infeasible,
unfundable or funded by others due to circumstances unforeseen at the time of the PLAN
Unused Funds will be programmed to another project in the same planning area with the
approval of a majority of the cities (and County for unincorporated areas) representing a majority
of the population in the planning area.
Any project eligible for funding must be in the PLAN. The PLAN may be amended by a two-
thirds vote of the ACTIA Board. All jurisdictions within the County will be given a minimum of
45 days to comment on the proposed PLAN amendment.
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ACTIA 2002-21
It is the inter~t of ACTIA to fund projects shown in Alameda County's 20-year Transportation
Expenditure Plan (PLAN) in accordance with the limitations set forth in the PLAN. In the event
that PLAN projects cannot be delivered for any reason, the equitable close out of the project is
contained in this Policy.
Where more than ACTIA funds are.required to complete a project, SPONSOR shall secure
additional funding. In the event that SPONSOR cannot secure additional funding, and/or the
scope of a project cannot be reduced to meet the available funds and still conform to the PLAN
requirements, or where SPONSOR does not meet the delivery schedule and a project is removed
from the PLAN, SPONSOR and ACTIA ag-ree to,share expenditures on eligible costs to date on
the following basis:
1. Costs expended to Scope a project shall be cOnsidered reimbursable costs and shall
be paid,for in total by ACTIA.
a. The amount of these costs shall be limited by agreement prior to the expenditure
of such funds, and. are generally limited to no more than 10% of the ACTIA
b. Tasks under this PHASE shall be limited by agreement to those tasks necessary to
determine the scope and funding requirements of a project.
2. Costs expended for any PHASE beyond the Scope PHASE shall be shared on a
proportionate share basis. Each proportionate share shall be based on the proposed
PLAN capital expenditures. The ACTIA proportionate share of eligible costs shall
be calculated based on the percentage anticipated in the PLAN or that developed in
the Scope PHASE as discussed above. The formula shall be as follows:
Sales Tax Funding (97/98 dollars)
ACTIA Proportionate Share = X Eligible Costs
Total ProjectCost in
PLAN (97/98 dollars)
The remainder of the eligible costs shall be the SPONSOR's Proportionate Share.
In the case where "Other Funding Sources" amounts are shown in the PLAN as "tbd" (to be
determined) then the formula shall be altered in the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT with the
SPONSOR to reflect proportionate risk and the proposed size of the particular project.
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ACTIA 2002-21
In the event that funds have been expended prior to the removal of a project from.the PLAN, the
proportionate shares shall be calculated as indicated above. I£the ACTIA proportionate share is
less than the mount of ACTIA funds paid to SPONSOR, SPONSOR shall reimburse ACTIA the
mount paid to SPONSOR in excess of the ACTIA proportionate share. If the ACTIA
proportionate share is more than the amount of ACTIA funds paid to SPONSOR,.ACTIA shall
reimburse SPONSOR subject to the following limitations:
· In no case, shall the ACTIA proportionate share exceed the amount specified in the
PLAN as escalated by the terms o£the Master Project Funding Agreement.
· In no case, shall ACTIA reimburse SPONSOR,for more than SPONSOR's actual out of
pocket eligible costs.
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ACTIA 2002-21
The ACTIA adopted "Alameda County's 20-year Transportation Expenditure Plan" (PLAN)
contains provisions for geographic equity,. Projects ~vhich cannot clear the Environmental
Approval process or cannot do so in a timely manner are subject to deletion under the PLAN by
declaring the unencumbered funds as "unused funds". Unused funds are returned to the
geographic area thereby maintaining the geographic equity included in the PLAN.
The PLAN establishes a deadline for environmental approval for each PROJECT that receives
Measure B funding. Approval is defmed as the issuance of a Categorical Exclusion (CE), a
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or the filing of the Record.of Decision (ROD) for
NEPA documents and the Notice of Determination (NOD) or Notice of Exemption for CEQA
documents. That deadline is April 1, 2007, however the PLAN includes provisions for one-year
extensions to the deadline, if approved by the ACTIA Board.
The intent is to assure continued "due diligence" by the SPONSOR to secure environmental
This policy is to clarify the requirements for one-year extensions.
1. In the event that the Administrative Draft Environmental Document has not been
submitted for public review by April 2007, no time extension will be recommended,
and staffwill recommend that the project be deleted from the PLAN.
2. A time extension of one year may be recommended for projects where the
SPONSOR has started the environmental process, and has worked diligently on
critical items in an ACTIA-approved project schedule showing initial completion
before April 2007.
3. Projects meeting the criteria of requirement No. 2 needing additional extensions
shall be required to make application to the ACTIA Board to justify any additional
4. Projects with an original ACTIA-approved schedule starting the Environmental
Document prior to April 2003 and showing environmental approval after April 2007
shall automatically be recommended for extensions to the year of scheduled
approval. ACTIA will not approve any schedule under this cond/tion unless the
environmental document is started prior to April 2003.
Final 5/16/02 Page D-8
ACTIA 2002-21.
ACTIA wishes to implement all of the PLAN projects as soon as possible. In order to do this,
demands for funds may temporarily exceed income during the duration o£the Program., In order
to meet these demands, ACTIA may borrow against future income. Should'this become
necessary, the cost for such financing shall be attributed to Capital Projects included in the
PLAN and any PLAN programmatic expenditures requiring advanced funding.
It is difficult if not impossible to determine which projects are using borrowed funds and which
projects are~using accumulated income. In order to simplify and provide equity to ail
SPONSORS, the following policy shall be used.
If the ACTIA Board determines that it is in the best interest of the PLAN to sell bonds, or
otherwise incur financing costs to develop projects, the cost o£bonding and financing, InclUding
interest payments, shall be considered a PLAN cost and shall be identified in the ACTIA
Strategic Plan as the first priority repayment. The financing costs w/ll reduce the overall funding
level available to be distributed to all projects.
It' Programmatic Expenditures in the PLAN require the advancement of funds, funds shall be
repaid to ACTIA with interest. Interest shall cover the specific Programmatic Expenditure share
of financing costs and interest.
Final 5/16/02 Page D~9
ACTIA 2002-21
Alameda County TransportatiOn Improvement Authority
Local Business Enterprise and
Small Local Business Enterprise Program
Alameda County Transportation lmprovement Authority .Page E-J
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
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ACTIA 2002-21
It is the policy of the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority to
encourage businesses to locate and remain in Alameda County, to employ residents of Alameda
County and to spend Authority funds for goods and services within the County. The tax
collected by the Authority was imposed by Alameda County voters on themselves for retail sales
made within the County. The revenues are exclusively directed toward improving the transit and
transportation systems within the County. As a result, the Authority has established this Local
Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program ("LBE/SLBE Program")
which shall be applied to Contracts funded solely with local dollars.
The LBE/SLBE Program shall not be applied to Contracts funded with federal or State
funds. Pursuant to State and federal law, the Authority'.s separate Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) Program shall be applied to any Construction Contract or Professional Services
Contract administered by the Authority, if such Contract is funded in full or in part with federal
The participation of local and small local businesses in the Authority's Contracts is
consistent with the voter mandate, and generates other economic benefits for the residents of
Alameda County and adds to the sales tax revenues for the Authority. To qualify for inclusion in
the Authority's LBE/SLBE Program, an applicant must be a Local Business Enterprise or Small
Local Business Enterprise (as such terms are defined below) located within Alameda County.
This LBE/SLBE Program is neutral as to race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, religion and
sexual orientation.
The terms used throughout this LBE/SLBE Program are defined in the list below or in 49
CFR 26.5. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order.
A. Authority: the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority.
B. Bid: a quotation, proposal, solicitation, or offer by a bidder of contractor to
perform or provide labor, materials or equipment to the Authority or a Sponsoring Agency for a
C. Cattrans: the State of California Department of Transportation.
D. Commercially Useful Function: shall mean that a business is directly responsible
for providing the materials, equipment, supplies or services to the Authority as required by the
bid solicitation. To perform a Commercially Useful Function, the LBE or SLBE must also be
responsible, with respect to materials and supplies used on the contract, for negotiating price,
~4lameda Transportation Improvement Authority Page E-2
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
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ACTIA 2002-21
determining quality and quantity, ordering and installing the materials. To determine whether an
LBE or SLBE is performing a CommerciallY Useful Function, the Authority.will evaluate the
amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the firm is to be paid
under the contract is commensurate with the work it is actually performing and the LBE or SLBE
credit claimed for its performance of the work, and other relevant factors. An LBE or SLBE
does not perform a Commercially Useful Function if its role is limited to that of an extra
participant in a transaction, contract, or project through which funds are passed in order to obtain
the appearance of LBE or SLBE participation. In determining whether an LBE or SLBE is such
an extra participant, the Authority will examine similar transactions, particularly those in which
LBE or SLBEs do not participate. If an LBE or SLBE does not perform or exercise responsibility
for at least 30 percent of the total cost of its contract with its own work force, or the LBE or
SLBE subcontracts a greater portion of the work of a contract.than would be expected on the
basis of normal industry practice, it will be assumed that it is not performing a Commercially
Useful Function. When an LBE or SLBE is presumed not to be performing a Commercially
Useful Function as provided above, the LBE or SLBE may present evidence to rebut this
presumption. The Authority will determine whether the firm is performing a Commercially
Useful Function given the type of work involved and normal industry practices.
E. Construction Contract: any Contract between the Authority or a Sponsoring
Agency and a person or firm to provide labor, materials, of equipment for Construction Work.
F. Contract: a legally binding relationship obligating a seller to furnish supplies or
services (including, but not limited to, Construction and professional services) and the buyer to
pay for them.
G. Construction Work: all work to be performed by a person or firm to build or
construct structures, roadways, or roadway appurtenances for the Authority or the Sponsoring
H. Goals: see LBE Goals and/or SLBE Goals.
I. Good Faith Effort: the steps, set forth in Section XI of this LBE/SLBE Program,
undertaken to comply with the goals and requirements imposed by the Authority for participation
of LBEs and SLBEs as Subcontractors.
J. Joint Venture: an association of two or more businesses to carry out a single
business enterprise for profit for which purpose they combine their property, capital, efforts,
skills, and knowledge. Such a Joint Venture may be in the form of a partnership or other multi-
entity relationship.
K. LBE Goals: the targeted level of Participation for LBEs established by the
Authority for Contracts awarded by the Authority and Sponsoring Agencies funded solely by
local dollars.
L. LBE/SLBE Program: the Authority's Local Business Enterprise and Small Local
BuSiness Enterprise Program.
Alameda County Transportation Improvement/luthority Page E-3
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
M. Local Business Enterprise'or LBE: aneconomically independent and continuing
business performing a Commercially Useful Function (as defined above in paragraph (as defined
abOve in paragraph D).for profit, which is located within Alameda County and which can
establish each of the following criteria:
1. The business must be located at a fixed commercial or residential address
which constitutes a business location and where administrative, clerical, professional or
productive work is being performed, relative to its contracts, and not a temporary or movable
office, a post office box or a telephone answering service;
2. I£ the business has an office Outside of Alameda County as well as an
(3£fice within Alameda County, the office within Alameda County must be staffed on a fifll time,
permanent basis with someone in the employ o£the business;
3. The location of the business must have been within Alameda County for at
least one (1) year prior to the award date;
The business must have a valid business license or tax certificate from its
respective city or Alameda COunty dated at least one (1) year prior to the award date;
5. The business must have proof of one or more past contracts citing the
business address;
6. The businesS shill be considered bonafide i£the business' ownership
interests are real and continuing and not created merely for the purpose of meeting the objectives
of the Authority's LBE/SLBE Program; and
7. The business may not act as a passive conduit without Contributing an
added value or actual portion of the work awarded.
N. Measure B: the local initiative approved by the voters of Alameda County in 2000
to levy a one-half (1/2) cent sales and use tax on purchases within the County to finance certain
capital transportation and transit projects as set forth in the. Expenditure Plan attached and
incorporated by reference into Measure B. This measure authorized the creation of the Authority
to administer the implementation of Measure B. A Copy of'Measure B, including the
Expenditure Plan, is available at the Authority's office.
O. Participation: where a Prime Contractor utilizes one or more LBEs or SLBEs to
meet the Authority's LBE and SLBE subcontracting requirements, the Prime Contractor may
only count towards its subcontracting goals those expenditures to LBEs and SLBEs firms that
perform a Commercially Useful Function.
P. Prime Contractor: any person(s), firm, partnership, corporation, or Joint Venture
who submits a Bid to perform and/or enters into a Contract with a Sponsoring Agency or the
Authority to perform Construction Work or professional services. Prime Contractors shall
perform at least thirty percent (30%) of the Construction Work or professional services under the
Alameda County Transportation lmprove~nent Authority Page E-4
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
Q. Professional Services Contract: any Contract between the Authority and a person
or firm to provide labor, materials, or equipment For pro£essional services.
R. SLBE Goat: the targeted level of Participation for SLBEs established by the
· Authority £or Contracts awarded by the Authority and Sponsoring Agencies funded solely by
local dollars. There may be some Contracts where it is not possible to include SLBEs because o£
the nature of the Contract. The Authority staff shall determine £or each Contract whether it is
practical to apply the SLBE Goal.
S. Small Business: a business with less than a stated amount of average gross annual
revenue over the past three (3) years. For any business to qualify as a Small Business, it must
have an average annual gross revenue within the State small businesses standards, as they may
be adopted from time to time. (Cali£Ornia Code o£Regulations, Title 2, Division 2, Chapter 3,
Subchapter 8.) A copy o£ such standards currently in effect is attached hereto as Appendix A.
T. 'Small Local Business Enterprise or SLBE: an economically independent and
continuing Small Business (as defined above in paragraph S) performing a Commercially Useful
Function (as defined above in paragraph D) for profit, and which also qualifies as a Local
Business Enterprise (LBE) as shown by the criteria above in paragraph M.
U. Sponsoring Agency: any public entity receiving funds ~rom Measure B
designated £or capital highway and transit projects in the Authoritv's 2000 Alameda County 20-
year Transportation Expenditure Plan. The Expenditure Plan is available for review at the
Authority's office. This LBE/SLBE Program shall only be applied to Contracts awarded by the
Sponsoring Agency which are completely or partially funded, by the Authority.
V. Subcontractor: any individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity
entering into a contract with a Prime Contractor to perform a portion o£ the Construction Work
or pro£essional services under a Contract with. the Authority or a Sponsoring Agency, including
but not limited to truckers, manufacturers, suppliers and owner-operators of equipment.
The Authority's Deputy Director is primarily responsible £or implementing all aspects of
the LBE/SLBE Program. The Deputy Director has direct, independent access to the Executive
Director of the Authority concerning LBE/SLBE Program matters. The Deputy Director may be
assisted by outside consulting firms in acting as Deputy Director. A list o£the Deputy Director's
responsibilities with respect to this Program can be £ound in Appendix B.
The contact information £or the Deputy Director is as £oll0ws:
Alameda County TranspOrtation Improvement Authority
Deputy Director
1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612-4395
510-893-3347 x104
Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority Page E-5
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
In addition to the powers and duties enumerated elsewhere in this Program, the Authority
will do the following:
A. The Authority may mediate disputes relating to payment between Prime
Contractors and Subcontractors. When such a dispute arises, any party to the dispute may
contact the Authority and request assistance. The Authority will investigate each party's
contentions and work with both to resolve the dispute.
B. When the Authority determhnes that it has reason to believe that an organization
has committed fraudulent acts in representing that it is an LBE or SLBE the Authority may debar
the organization from participating in Measure B funded Contracts, enforce any of the penalties
set out in Section XVII below, and/or report such fraudulent organizations to the appropriate
government authorities.
Sponsoring Agencies are public entities receiving funds from the Authority for use on
Alameda Coun.vd projects designated in Measure B. A Sponsoring Agency may administer some
or all of the design and construction of a Measure B project under the oversight and fiscal control
of the Authority.
It shall be the responsibility of the Sponsoring Agency to ensure that Bids received by the
Agency adhere to the procedures and provisions set forth in this LBE/SLBE Program. On a
case-by-case basis, the Authority may decide that a given Contract awarded by a Sponsoring
Agency shall be subject to the Sponsoring Agency's own local preference program rather than
this LBE/SLBE Program.
A. LBE Goals. It is the Authority's policy to encourage businesses to locate and
remain in.Alameda County, to employ residents of Alameda County and to spend Measure B
revenues within the County since Measure B funds are generated from Alameda County sales tax
receipts. To implement this policy, the Authority is establishing Program Goals for Participation
by LBEs. The LBE Goals are to award sixty percent (60%) of all Construction Contract dollars,
and seventy percent (70%) of all Professional Services Contract dollars, on an annual basis, to
firms who qualify as LBEs.
The LBE Goal for Construction Contracts shall be met by the Prime Contractor on each
Construction Contract awarded by the Authority or Sponsoring Agency where such Contract is
solely funded with local funds. The LBE Goal for Professional Services Contracts shall be met
by the Prime Contractor on each Professional Services Contract in excess of Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000) awarded by the Authority~or Sponsoring Agency, where such Contract is
solely funded with local funds.
No Contract will be awarded to a Prime Contractor who has failed to meet the applicable
LBE Goal in its Bid or other required submittal unless the Prime Contractor first proves it made
a Good Faith Effort to meet the LBE Goal but was not able to do so.
.4lameda County Transportation Improvement Authority Page E-6
'Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
B. SLBE Goals. The Authority recognizes the di£ficu]fies facing small businesses
when competing in the marketplace. Moreover, it is the policy of the Authority to encourage
businesses to locate and remain in Alameda County, to employ residents of Alameda County and
to spend Authority fiands £or goods and services within the County. Therefore,.the Authority
will implement a Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) program to assist in the utilization o£
small local businesses. The SLBE Goals are to award twenty percent (20%) o£ all Construction
Contract dollars, and.thirty percent (30%) of all Pro£essiOnal Services Contracts, on an annual
basis to firms who qualify as SLBEs. Subcontracts which are counted as part of meeting the
applicable SLBE Goal also count toward meeting the applicable LBE Goal.
There may be some Contracts where it is not possible to include SLBEs because of the
nature of the Contract. The Authority staff shall determine for each Contract whether it is
practical to apply the SLBE Goal.
Only the value of the work actually performed by LBEs and SLBEs will be counted
towards the applicable Goal. The Authority will count expenditures to LBEs and SLBEs when
the firm is performing a Commercially Useful Function on that Contract. The entire amount of
that portion of a Contract that is performed by the LBE's or SLBE's own work 'force will be
counted. This includes the cost of equipment, supplies and materials obtained by the LBE and
SLBE for work on the Contract. LBE and SLBE Prime Contractors should perform at least 30%
of the total cost of its Contract with its own work force.
If a Joint Venture, the Authority will count a portion of the total dollar value of the LBE
and SLBE Contract equal to the distinct, clearly defined portion of the work of the Contract that
the LBE and SLBE performs toward the LBE or SLBE Goal. When a LBE and SLBE
subcontracts part of the work on its Contract to another firm, the value of the subcontracted work
may be counted toward the LBE or SLBE goal if the Subcontractor is itself a LBE or SLBE.
Subcontracts to non-LBE and SLBE firms do not count toward the LBE and SLBE Goals. The
Authority will not count the dollar value of work performed under a Contract with a firm after it
has ceased to be certified toward the overall Goal. In addition, the Authority will not count the
participation of a LBE or SLBE Subcontractor toward the applicable LBE or SLBE Goal until
the LBE or SLBE has been paid.
The Authority will use the following means to increase LBE and SLBE participation:
·Scheduling times for the presentation of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery
schedules in ways that facilitate LBE and SLBE and other small business participation.
·To the extent practicable, unbundling large contracts to make them more accessible to
small businesses.
· Encouraging Prime Contractors to subcontract portions of work that they might otherwise
perform with their own forces.
· Providing assistance in overcoming limitations such as inability to obtain bonding or
financing by such means as simplifying the bonding process, reducing bonding
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requirements, and providing services to help LBEs and SLBEs, and other small
businesses, 'obtain bonding and financing.
· Establishing formal processes for informing and notifying Prime Contractors and
Subcontractors of Program requirements and of all contracting opportunities.
· Notifying all Subcontractors of change orders to ensure that the LBE and SLBE Goals are
met in amendments and change orders.
· Providing the following technical assistance:
· Access to a public plans room to review plans and specification prior to bid opening.
· Hands on assistance in identifying items of work for subcontracting opportunities.
· Assist in helping the Subcontractor put together a bid package.
· Conduct construction site walk-through to help the Subcontractor determine his/her
capacity before submitting a bid.
· Provide a list to Subcontractors of all plan holders.
· Assist in preparing bond and loan documents.
· Maintain a listing of bonding and financial institutions that have demonstrated a
willingness to work with LBEs and SLBEs, and provide a copy of this list to any
individual, firm or organization upon request.
· Maintain a list of insurance companies who have represented that they will provide
competitive pricing to small business enterprises for workers' compensation, liability
and other business insurance, and provide copies of this list to any person, firm or
organization upon request.
· Mobilize support, provide the Subcontractor with logistic information regarding
storing their equipment and supplies on the job site.
· Help the Subcontractor on the procedures and provide assistance in completing the
paperwork for submitting change orders.
· Hold periodic workshops providing informationon topics such as bonding and
underwriting standards and procedures for Subcontractors; business planning; record
keeping; capital formation; financial counseling; equipment utilization; technical
assistance on operating highway construction, material supply, engineering or other
transportation related businesses; plan interpretation; estimating; bidding; cost
accounting methods; understanding and preparing project/contract documentation
(i.e. required forms, work schedules, and productions schedules); safety regulations;
and networking and marketing.
· Monitoring the Subcontractor process by requiring proof of Subcontractor consent,
allowing sufficient time for contacting Subcontractors'and "demonstrations" of Good
Faith Efforts by Prime Contractors.
· Providing information and communications programs on contracting procedures and
specific contract opportunities (e.g., ensuring the inclusion of LBEs and SLBEs and other
small businesses on recipient mailing lists for bidders; ensuring the dissemination to
bidders on prime contracts of lists of potential Subcontractors; provision of information
in languages other than English, where appropriate).
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ACTIA 2002-21
· Providing services to help LBEs and SLBEs and other small businesses improve long-
term development, increase opportunities to participate in a variety of kinds of work,
handle increasingly significant projects, and achieve eventual self-sufficiency.
A. Certification. LBEs and SLBEs must be certified prior to Bid opening, except as
otherwise approved by the Authority on a case by case basis, to determine whether the Prime
Contractor has met the applicable LBE and SLBE Goals. A business seeking to be certified as
an LBE or an 'SLBE must submit an application to the Authority. Each business seeking
certification under this Program shall complete an application. The application shall be signed
by the authorized representative of the business entity. If deemed appropriate, the Authority may
conduct a site visit before certifying the firm.
B. Recertification. Authority certification of an LBE or SLBE is valid for one (1)
year from the month of certification and must be renewed annually. A certified LBE or SLBE
shall initiate a streamlined annual recertification by submitting a written request to the Authority
and stating, under penalty 'of perjury, that there has been no change in the ownership of the firm.
A certified LBE or SLBE need'not submit a new application for certification unless the firm does
not make such a request for the streamlined annual recertification or if the annual recertification
is den/ed.
C. Investigations and Challenges of LBE or SLBE Status. The Authority may
initiate an investigation of any firm's certification, if it has reason to believe there is some
question regarding the firm's eligibility as an LBE or an SLBE. While investigating a firm's
certification, the Authority will follow the guidelines and procedures used by Caltrans for
investigations and challenges of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs).
The Authority will investigate any protest or complaint made by a person, another fn-m,
or an organization regarding the certification of an LBE or SLBE. Any protest shall be in
writing to the Authority, must clearly delineate the character of the protest, and must state the
reasons, including any evidence, on which the protester questions the validity of a LBE or SLBE
D. Decertification. Firms intentionally falsifying their status as an LBE or SLBE
may be debarred from bidding on future Authority work for a period of up to three years. A list
of firms decertified within the last three years by the Authority or Sponsoring Agencies is
available upon request and will be sent to persons or businesses when the lists of certified LBE
or SLBE firms are mailed.
The Sponsoring Agency shall inform the Authority within five (5) working days of
making a determination that it has reason to believe an organization has committed fraud in
representing that it is an LBE or SLBE. The Sponsoring Agency shall report such organizations
to the appropriate government authorities.
Whenever a Joint Venture involves LBEs or SLBEs, the Prime Consultant shall provide
the Authority with a full account of the nature of the LBE or SLBE, the basis for creation of the
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Joint Venture, and the responsibilities of the interested parties. Such Joint venture shall ensure
that the participating LBEs or SLBEs have a commensurate share of the profit or loss to be
realized from the Joint Venture. The .agreement establishing the Joint Venture shall be in
writing. The Authority shall have the right to review same and determine if such arrangement is
proper within the requirements and intent of this LBE/SLBE Program.
The dollar amount of the Joint Venture, which is to apply towards the goals for' LBE and
SLBE participation, is calculated by the following formula:
Joint Percent LBE or SLBE Percent of Joint Venture
Venture X Joint Venture = Contract Applicable
Contract Financial Participation to LBE or SLBE Goal
It is the Authority's intent and policy to fulfill its goals for LBE and SLBE Participation.
If a bidder has failed to meet the LBE or SLBE Goals, the Authority must determine whether the
bidder actively and aggressively sought to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals. Efforts that are
merely pro forma shall not be deemed a Good Faith Effort by the Prime Contractor. Even if they
are sincerely motivated, efforts that could not reasonably be expected to produce a level of LBE
and SLBE Participation sufficient to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals are not Good Faith Efforts
as required by this Program.
i. Good Faith Effort Criteria. A Prime Contractor shall provide evidence'that it
took the following actions in order ro establish that it made a reasonable Good Faith Effort to
meet the Authority's LBE and SLBE Goals:
a. Attending pre-bid meetings scheduled by the Authority to inform all
bidders of the LBE/SLBE Program requirements for the project for which the Contract will be
b. Identifying specific items of work to be performed by LBEs and SLBEs in
order to increase the likelihood of meeting the LBE and SLBE Goals, including breaking down
contracts into constructible units. This includes, where appropriate, breaking out contract work
items into economically feasible units to facilitate LBE and SLBE participation.
c. Providing written notice of interest in soliciting bids on the Contract to
LBEs and SLBEs. Written notice shall specify which items of work the Prime Contractor has
identified pursuant to paragraph 2. This notice shall be provided to LBEs and SLBEs not less
than 10 calendar days prior to the opening of Bids, or pursuant to the notice period set forth in
the specifications for a given Contract. These solicitations shall include a description of the '
specific items of work to be performed by the LBEs and SLBEs and all related conditions of the
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4. Following up the written initial solicitations of interest by contacting the
owner or other manager of the LBEs and SLBEs to determine with certainty whether the
enterprises were interested in performing specific items of the project.
Making the project plans, specifications, and requirements for the selected
subcontracting or material supply work available for review by interested LBEs and SLBEs.
6. Where needed, advising and making efforts to assist interested LBEs and
SLBEs in obtaining lines of credit, or required insurance.
7. Negotiating in good faith with LBEs and SLBEs and, as determined by the
Authority, not unjustifiably rejecting as unsatisfactory bids prepared by any LBE or SLBE.
8. Not rejecting LBEs and SLBEs as being unqualified without sound
reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities. A potential Subcontractor's
standing within its industry, membership in specific .groups, organizations or associations, and
political or social affiliations (for example, union vs. non-union employee status) are not
legitimate causes for the rejection or non-solicitation of bids in the Prime Contractor's efforts to
meet the LBE and SLBE Goals.
9. Contacting the Authority, identifying the LBEs and SLBEs contacted and
explaining any problems securing LBE and SLBE bidders at least five (5) working days before
Bid opening.
10. Advertising, not less than ten (10) calendar days before the date the Bids
are opened, in one or more daily or weekly newspapers, trade association publications, trade
oriented publications, trade journals, or other media, that may be specified by the Authority to
solicit LBEs and SLBEs that are interested in participating in the project. This paragraph applies
only if the Authority gives public notice of the project not less than 15 calendar days prior to the
date the Bids are opened.
11. Requesting assistance from contractors' groups, or other organizations that
provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of LBEs and SLBEs, if any are available.
12. Making any other efforts to obtain LBE and SLBE Participation that the
Authority could reasonably expect would produce a level of participation sufficient to meet the
Authority's Goals and requirements.
Prime Contractors who have not met the LBE and SLBE Goals for participation will
demonstrate in their Bid documents that they have used Good Faith Efforts to utilize LBE and
SLBE subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, brokers, truckers or owner/operators of
equipment. Before noon of the first working day following the date the Bid was submitted,
contractors who have not met the goal will submit a Good Faith Effort Report. The Prime
Contractor will list on the report the names of all LBEs or SLBEs contacted by the Prime
Contractor to solicit their Bids; the name and title of the person contacted; the date contact was
made; and the dates of all follow-up contacts. The Prime Contractors will also identify
specifically the selected items of work that Bids from LBEs and SLBEs were requested for; the
dates plans and specifications were made available to the LBEs and SLBEs; what technical
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assistance was offered the LBEs-and SLBEs; and the reason that the bid was rejected. Prime
Contractors will attach all letters and other documents relating to their efforts to comply with the
Good Fa/th Effort requirements to solicit LBE and SLBE Participation.
The Authority recogaizes that a bidder using good business judgment would consider a
number of factors in negotiating with Subcontractors, including LBEs and SLBEs, and would
take a firm's price and capabilities as well as the Contract Goal into consideration. However, the
fact that there may be some ad.dit/onal costs involved in finding and using LBEs and SLBEs is
not in itself sufficient reason for a bidder's failure to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals, as long as.
such costs are reasonable. Also, the ability or desire of a Prime Contractor to perform the work
of a Contract with its own orgamzation does not relieve the bidder of the responsibility to make
Good Faith Efforts. Prime Contractors are not, however, required to accept higher quotes from
LBEs and SLBEs if the price difference is excessive or unreasonable.
B. Good Faith Effort Review. Ifa bidder has not met the goals for LBE and SLBE
Participation, the Sponsoring Agency shall investigate whether the Prime Contractor made a
Good Faith Effort to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals and shall recommend to the Authority's
Board whether the Bid should be accepted or rejected. In its investigation, the Sponsoring
Agency may c0ntact the LBEs and SLBEs listed on the Good Faith Effort Report to verify the
information provided by the bidder. The bidder will also provide further documentation
regarding its efforts to attain LBE and SLBE'Participation as requested by the Authority or
Sponsoring Agency.
Whenever the Authority or Sponsoring Agency recommends rejection of a Bid that has
not met the LBE or SLBE Goals, the Prime Contractor may appeal the rejection of its Bid to the
Good Faith Effort Review Committee ("Committee") assembled for this purpose by the
Authority. The Prime Contractor must notify the Authority of its intent to appeal within three (3)
days of the Authority's decision to reject the Prime Contractor's Bid. The Committee will
review the Authority or Sponsoring Agency's decision to award a Contract based on GOod Faith
Effort when the LBE and/or SLBE Goals are not met. The Committee shall consist of three (3)
members appointed by the Authority and shall include an Authority staff member, an Authority
Board representative, and a representative of the respective Sponsoring Agencyl if any.
The Committee shall hold a hearing in Alameda County. All Subcontractors listed on the
Good Faith Report will be given notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before it takes place.
The Committee will review evidence at the hearing to determine whether the Prime Contractor
made a Good Faith Effort to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals. The Committee shall review and
keep confidential any information revealing a Prime Contractor's proprietary interests and shall
exclude the public from the hearing for that limited purpose. The Committee shall give the
bidders and Subcontractors participating in bids on the project an opportunity to present evidence
relating to the Prime Contractor's Good Faith Effort to meet the LBE and SLBE Goals.
The Committee's decision on the Prime Contractor's Good Faith Effort shall'be final.
The Authority or Sponsoring Agency will rely on the decision of the Committee, and the
Authority will hold the Sponsoring Agency harmless for implementing the decision of the
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ACTIA 2002-21
A. Distribution of Certified Lists. The Authority will maintain a directory or list of
certified LBE and SLBE Prime Contractors and subcontractors conducting business in Alameda
County who are capable of performing types of subcontract work and providing materials
generally required during construction. Current copies of the list will be distributed by the
Authority or Sponsoring Agency at the same time requests for Bids are distributed. Additionally,
the list shall be provided to any individual, firm or organization upon request.
B. Pre-bid Conference. Not tess than'fifteen (15) days before Bids are due on each
Contract subject to this LBE/SLBE Program, the Authority shall hold a pre-bid conference in
Alameda County that invites all prospective Prime Contractors and Subcontractors including
LBEs and SLBEs. During the conference, the Authority will explain the be
performed, the provisions of this LBE/SLBE Program, and the process for bidding. Available
data on the LBEs and SLBEs interested and/or capable of engaging in the prospective Contract
shall be made available to prospective bidders, Prime Contractors and Subcontractors at the
C. Solicitation of LBE and SLBE Bids. Prime Contractors shall notify local
contractor associations and business development centers of their intention to solicit LBE and
SLBE Participation in a Contract at least ten (10) days, but preferably twenty (20) days, prior to
the Bid opening. Such notification shall be by registered or certified mail or other suitable
means such as facsimile copy.
D. Bid Opening. Prime Contractors must submit a LBE/SLBE Utilization Form as
applicable with their Bids. This form will identify the particular LBEs and SLBEs to be utilized
in performing the Construction Contract, specifying for each the dollar value of the Participation,
the type of work to be performed and such information as may reasonably be required to
determine the responsiveness of the Bid. This Form will be available for public review
immediately upon submission.
Prime Contractors must submit with their Bid an Affidavit of Non-Disciplinary or
Investigatory Action attesting that no adverse action has been taken against them by the Equal
Opportunity Commission, State of California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or
the U.S. Department of Labor Contract Compliance Program or provide an explanation for any
such actions, except where legal action is pending.
Prime Contractors shall submit with their Bids a letter of intent signed by the
Subcontractor or an executed contract for each Subcontractor who is included in the Bid.
Prime Contractors must submit a proposed draft copy of their contract with each
Subcontractor that will be working on a project to the Authority or Sponsoring Agency within
ten (10) days of being notified that they have been awarded the Construction Contract and a copy
of the executed contract with the Subcontractor prior to the commencement of Construction
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Consultants interested in Professional Services Contracts shall submit project specific
qualification statements and proposals as prescribed by the Authority's "Policy on Selection
Procedures for Procurement of Engineering and Related Professional Services" or as prescribed
by the Authority or the Sponsoring Agency, with the Authority's approval, for the particular
service required. Project Specific Qualification Statements shall include the manner in which a
firm or team plans to meet the requirements of this LBE/SLBE Program. Therefore, although
assignment of tasks is not required at this stage, firms wishing to be Considered further must
clearly establish that they will comply with this LBE/SLBE Program.
Firms invited to propose (Prime Contractors) shall complete the Project's Consultant
Team Form (see Appendix C). A Professional Services Questionnaire must also be completed
by the Prime Contractors and each Subcontractor (see Appendix D). The Project Consultant
Team Form, the Professional Services Questionnaire, and the Good Faith Effort information, if
applicable, must be submitted at the time the Prime Contractor submits the project proposal to
the Authority or the Sponsoring Agency.
Prime Contractors shall make their best efforts to maintain the LBE and SLBE Goal level
achieved at the time the Contract is awarded throughout the term o£the Contract. Such best
efforts shall include any increase in the amount or scope of the Contract implemented by change
No change order or substitution o£ a listed LBE or SLBE Subcontractor can be made
without the prior approval of the Sponsoring Agency and the concurrence o£the Authority. I£an
LBE or SLBE subcontractor is unable to perform successfully and will be replaced, the
Sponsoring Agency or the Prime Contractor shall notify the Authority, who shall have the right
to im, estigate the circumstances surrounding the request £or the substitution. The Prime
Contractor shall make its best efforts to replace the original LBE or SLBE with another LBE Or
In the event there is an increase in the Contract size or scope, Prime Contractors shall
make their best efforts to maintain the LBE and SLBE goals established at the time the Contract
was originally awarded.
The Authority shall monitor compliance with the requirements of this Program during the
term of the Contract. If the Authority determines that there is cause to believe that a Prime
Contractor or Subcontractor has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this Program or
the Contract provisions pertaining to LBE or SLBE utilization, the Authority shall so notify the
Contractor and the Sponsoring Agency, it' any. The Authority may require such reports,
information, and documentation from Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, bidders, and the
Sponsoring Agency, as are reasonably necessary to determine compliance with this Program.
The Authority's Board may hold a hearing to evaluate the Prime Contractor's progress~toward
meeting the applicable Goals o£ any Contract subject to this Program.
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Firms found to be in violation of these provisions will be subject to penalties described in
Section X¥II below.
The Authority or Sponsoring Agency, if any, shall maintain accurate records for each
Contract awarded, including dollar value, the nature of the goods or services to be provided, the
name of the Prime Contractor awarded the Contract, the efforts the Prime Contractor employed
to solicit bids from LBEs and SLBEs, and all subcontracts awarded by the Prime Contractor,
identifying for each its dollar-value, the nature of the goods or services provided, and the name
of the Subcontractor.
Prime Contractors are required to maintain certain records and documents for three years
following the performance of a Contract. Such records shall include the following:
· The name and address of each first-tier Subcontractor.
· The name and business address, regardless of tier, of every LBE and SLBE
· The date of payment and the total dollar figure paid to each Subcontractor.
· A LBE or SLBE Prime Contractor shall also show the date of work performed by
their own forces along with the corresponding dollar value of the work claimed
toward the applicable Goal.
These records will be made available for inspection upon request by any authorized
representative of the' Authority.
Prime Contractors shall be paid within thirty (30) days of submitting a verified invoice.
Along with a request for payment, a Prime Contractor will submit a Progress Payment Form for
SubcOntractors. When it pays the Prime Contractor, the Authority will include a Progress
Payment Form that reflects all approved items. Prime Contractors will enclose a photocopy of
this Progress Payment Form with their payments to Subcontractors.
The Authority shall ensure that the following clauses or equivalent will be included in
each Contract subject to this Program:
The Prime Contractor agrees to pay each Subcontractor under this prime contract
for satisfactory performance of its contract no later than 10.days from the receipt
of each payment the Prime Contractor receives from Authority. Any delay or
postponement of payment from the above referenced time frame may,occur only
for good cause following written approval of the Authority. This clause applies to
both LBE/SLBE and non-LBE/SLBE Subcontractors.
The Prime Contractor agrees further to release retainage payments to each
Subcontractor within 30 days after the Subcontractor's work is satisfactorily'
completed. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above referenced
time frame may occur only for good cause following written approval of the
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Authority. This clause applies to both LBE/SLBE and non-LBE/SLBE
When the Authority or a Sponsoring Agency awards a Contract subject to this
LBE/SLBE Program and the AUthority and/or Sponsoring Agency has cause to believe that any
bidder, Prime Contractor or Subcontractor has willfully failed to comply with any of the
provisions of this LBE/SLBE Program, either may conduct an investigation. If, based on this
investigation the Authority or the Sponsoring Agency (with the advice and consent of the
Authority) finds non-compliance, the investigating entity will provide the Prime Contractor or
Subcontractor with notice and an opportunity to be heard, and the Authority and Sponsoring
Agency may impose the sanctions described below for each violation of this LBE/SLBE
In order to complete its investigation, the Authority may require such reports, information
and documentation from bidders, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and the. Sponsoring Agency
as are reasonably necessary to determine compliance with the requirements of this LBE/SLBE
Program. If the Authority investigates and finds willful non-compliance, the Authority shall
send a written notice to the Sponsoring Agency, if any, that a determination of a bad faith non-
compliance has been made.
The sanctions that may be imposed for each violation of this LBE/SLBE Program are as
1. imposing a fine;
2. suspending the Contract;
3. rescinding the Contract based upon a material breach of contract pertaining to
LBE and SLBE utilization;
4. disqualifying a bidder, Contractor, or other business from eligibility for providing
goods or services to the Authority for a period not to exceed two years.
Each Sponsoring Agency will provide a report on a quarterly basis to the Authority which
indicates (i) all Contracts and subcontracts awarded to LBEs and SLBEs, and (ii) all payments
made to LBE, SLBE and other firms, during the reporting period for all Measure B funded
Prior to awarding any Construction Contract or any Professional Services Contract with a.
fee of $50,000 or more, the Sponsoring Agency shall provide the Authority with a report of the
extent to which the proposed recipient has met the applicable Goals for LBE and SLBE
participation and/or documentation of Good Faith Efforts in accordance with Section XI of this
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ACTIA 2002-21.
This LBE/SLBE Program will be reviewed the Authority. The Authority
may make such changes in the Program which are required to implement its goals and objectives.
The Executive 'Director will prepare a quarterly report on all Contracts awarded for the period to
be reviewed by the Authority.
The provisions of this LBE/SLBE Program are declared to be separate and severable.
The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this program,
or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall not affect the
validity of the remainder of this Program, or the validity of its application to other persons or
The Authority will safeguard from disclosure to third parties information that may
reasonably be regarded as confidential business information, consistent with federal, state, and
local law.
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California Code of Regulations'
Definition of Small Businesses
(j) "Average Annual Gross Receipts" means all pecuniary.gross receipts (less returns,
allowances and interaffiliate transactions), the assignment of such receipts notwithstanding, of a
business concern from whatever source derived, as entered or to have been entered on its regular
books of account for its most recently completed fiscal year (whether on a cash, accrual,
completed contracts, percentage of completion or other commonly recognized and accepted
accounting method). Proof of average annual gross receipts must be provided in the form of
(1) A copy of completed tax returns (with all schedules), as filed with the United States
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, for Federal income tax purposes; or
(2) Audited financial statemems coverin, g the applicant business concern and all affiliates; or
(3) If. the documents required under I or 2 above are unavailable, an unaudited financial
statement covering the applicant business concern and all affiliates; and
(4) A duly sworn and notarized statement which attests to the truthfulness and accuracy of the
unaudited financial statement as well as the authority of the signatory to make such
representation regarding the applicant business concern and a promise to provide the information
required under 1 or 2 above within 90 days of the effective date of certification.
Average annual gross receipts will be determined by adding the gross receipts for the applicant
concern and any affiliates during the previous three tax years and dividing by three. Should a
sole proprietorship or partnership be in business for less than three tax years, additional prior
year(s) personal and affiliate gross receipts will be considered to complete the aggregate gross
receipts for the previous three years to be averaged. Should a corporation be in business for less
than three tax years, the average annual gross receipts will be determined by dividing the total
gross receipts by
If a concern which has been in business more than 12 months changes its tax year (fiscal year),
its annual receipts will be determined from its most recently completed 36 months period in
business. Once the new fiscal year has been completed, the Office of Small and Minority
Business, also known as the Office of Small Business Certification and Resources, may require a
new application which sets forth the applicant's annual receipts under the new fiscal year cycle.
If a concern has acquired an affiliate during the applicable tax year, it is necessary in computing
the applicant's annual receipts, to include the affiliate's receipts during the entire applicable tax
year, rather than only its receipts during the period in which it has been an affiliate during a
portion of the applicable tax year.
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(k) "Familial Relationship" means relationships between the folloWing family members:
Husband, wife, child, stepchild, mother, father, grandparent, brother, sister, grandchild,
stepbrother, stepsister, stepmother, stepfather, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law,
Sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and if related by blood, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew,
(1) "Small Business" as used with regard to a public works contract as deftned in Division 2,
Part t, Chapter 1, Section 1101 of the California Public Contract Code, means a business
concern which has been issued a currently valid Contractor's license by the State of California
andmeets the followin'g requirements.
(1) Has requested the status ora small business and has been approved as such by the Office of
Small and Minority Business, also known as the Office of Small Business Certification and
(2) Is not, together with any affiliate(s), dominant in its field of operation(s).
(3) Is independently owned and operated, the principal office of which is located in California,
and the officers, in the case of a corporation, or owners in all Other Cases, of such business
domiciled in California.
(4) Together with any affiliates, has 100 or fewer employees, and average annual gross receipts ·
of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or less over the previous three tax years.
The firm shall also set forth on the bid form the name and nature of any business which has
assisted it in obtaining bonding for submission of the bid with respect to which the firm seeks a
Small Business Preference, and if the finr~ which rendered bonding assistance is listed as a
subcontractor on such bid there shall be set forth on the bid form the percentage of the contract
price called for by the prime bid which will be performed by subcontractor.
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The specific duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Director under this LBE/SLBE Program shall include, but not
be limited to, the following:
A. Analyzing and assessing the available resources and evidence for
the establishment and achievement of overall annual Goals each year;
B. Developing, monitoring and evaluating the Program, and preparing
supplemental written procedures and guidelines to implement the Program;
C. Maintaining and updating the Bidders List;
D. Conducting measures to facilitate the participation of local and
small business concerns through outreach and other community programs,
training and business development programs, restructuring contracting
opportUnities, simplifying bonding, surety' and insurance requirements;
E. Participating in the Contract bid and award process, reviewing
Contract specifications, attending pre-bid conferences and participating in the
process of evaluating bids for contractor responsiveness, responsibility and Good
Faith Efforts;
F. Ensuring that bid notices and requests for proposals are available
to LBEs and SLBEs in a timely manner;
G. Monitoring specific Contract performance and actual participation
and Contract payments;
H. Monitoring overall participation, adjusting the overall Goals and
means of achievement, assessing areas of over-concentration of participation,
identifying ways to improve progress and reporting to the Authority as needed;
I. Providing LBEs and SLBEs with information and assistance in
preparing bids, obtaining bonding and insurance;
J. Planning and participating in LBE and SLBE training seminars;
K. Providing outreach to LBEs and SLBEs and community
organizations to advise them of opportUnities; and
L. Maintaining all appropriate records and documentation of the
Program, including gathering and reporting statistical data and other information
as required.
Alameda County Transportation Authority Page E-20
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
Names of all Firms
Participating on the
Project (incl. Prime Check if Firm is: Nature of Percent of Project
and Subconsultants) LBE SLBE Participation Work
Name - Authorized'Officer of Prime Consultant Firm (Print or Type)
SignatUre - Authorized Officer of Prime Consultant Firm
(Submit with Proposal)
Alameda County Transportation Authority Page E-2J
Local Business Enterprise and StnaH Local Business Enterprise Program
ACTIA 2002-21
Firm Name
Street Address City State Zip
Individual Name of Owner
Corporation State of Incorporation
Partnership Indicate General or Limited
Name of Parmers
Joint Venture Joint Venture Participants
Asian or lndian or
Pacific Alaskan
Black Hispanic Islander Native White Wamen
% Assets
Minority Non-Minor/W Worram
I certify that I am not an employee of the Alameda County Transportation Authority and that no member/partmr of this
firm is employed by the Alameda County Transportation Authority
Alameda County Transportation Authority ?agt E-22
Local Business Enterprise and Small Local Business Enterprise Program