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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.5 Food Utensit Pkging PolicyL~~~ OF Dp~~~ ////~ ~ 19 (r•~= =il~~ 82 ~\77/1 1~~//~ ~`O~LIFOR~~~/ STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^®^3~-0© DATE: December 15, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC Environmentally Acceptable Food Utensils and Packaging Policy Prepared By: Jordan Figueiredo, Environmental Technician EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider adopting a resolution requiring the use of environmentally acceptable food utensils and packaging at large City events. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Adoption of the resolution may increase food utensils and packaging costs at large City events. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution requiring the use of environmentally acceptable food utensils and packaging at large City events. ,' Submitt By Administrative Analyst Review d B Assistant City anager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. (~1 . DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin is concerned with providing a sustainable community for its residents and reducing the waste generated in the City. As part of the waste stream, polystyrene foam is a common environmental pollutant and non-biodegradable substance that is used to create food utensils and packaging, which is used at City events by food vendors. Food utensils and packaging made from polystyrene foam (ex: Styrofoam ®) is not biodegradable, returnable, or practically recyclable. Due to the physical properties of polystyrene, the EPA states "that such materials can also have serious impacts on human health, wildlife, the aquatic environment and the economy." Importantly, biodegradable or compostable food service ware is an affordable, safe, and more ecologically sound alternative. Effective ways to reduce the negative environmental impacts of throw-away food utensils and packaging, such as polystyrene, include reusing food utensils and packaging or using compostable and biodegradable take-out materials made from renewable resources such as paper, bamboo, corn starch and sugarcane. It has been demonstrated that the use of biodegradable or compostable food utensils and packaging (i.e. utensils, straws, lids, cold cups, plates, bowls, hinge containers and trays) can reduce waste disposal costs when the products are taken to composting facilities as part of a food waste recycling program, rather than being disposed of in a landfill. Many businesses in Dublin currently engage in food waste recycling. Furthermore, some vendors at City events already use environmentally acceptable food utensils and packaging, and the City recently implemented food waste recycling or "organics" service at City events to compost food waste. Food waste collection was implemented as an additional step in obtaining the City Council's goal of 75% diversion of waste. One of the problems encountered during the initial implementation of food waste collection at Day on the Glen 2009 was the high percentage of contamination from non-compostable products found in the organics bins. In order to provide a solution to this problem, Staff is proposing the adoption of a policy that would require food service vendors to use compostable food service ware at all large City events (Attachment 1). A large City event is defined as one that services more than 2,000 persons per day. Currently, the proposed policy would affect only Day on the Glen and the St. Patrick's Day festival. Vendors will be notified of this policy within their large event vendor application and subsequently reminded with follow up correspondence. The Food Booth Manager will be the arbiter to determine if any vendors do not meet the requirements of this policy. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution to require the use of environmentally acceptable food utensils and packaging at large City events. Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. XX - 09 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *********** REQUIRING THE USE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE FOOD UTENSILS AND PACKAGING AT LARGE CITY EVENTS WHEREAS, the City of Dublin holds large City events throughout the course of the year on property owned or otherwise controlled by the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has a duty to protect the natural environment, the economy, and the health of its citizens; and WHEREAS, effective ways to reduce the negative environmental impacts of throw-away food utensils and packaging include reusing food utensils and packaging and using compostable and biodegradable take-out materials made from renewable resources such as paper, bamboo, corn starch and sugarcane; and WHEREAS, polystyrene foam is a common environmental pollutant as well as a non- biodegradable substance that is commonly used as food utensils and packaging by food vendors operating in the City of Dublin at City events; and WHEREAS, food utensils and packaging made from polystyrene foam are not biodegradable, returnable, or practically recyclable and biodegradable or compostable food utensils and packaging are an affordable, safe, and more ecologically sound alternative; and WHEREAS, affordable biodegradable or compostable food utensils and packaging products are increasingly available for several food service applications such as utensils, straws, lids, cold cups, plates, bowls, hinge containers and trays and these products are more ecologically sound than polystyrene foam materials and can be turned into a compostable product; and WHEREAS, many businesses in Dublin and neighboring cities engage in food waste recycling and it has been demonstrated that the use of biodegradable or compostable food utensils and packaging can reduce waste disposal costs when the products are taken to composting facilities as part of a food waste recycling program rather than disposed of in a landfill; and WHEREAS, disposable food utensils and packaging constitutes a large portion of the litter in the City of Dublin's storm drains, waterways, streets, parks and public places and the cost of managing this litter is significant and rising; and WHEREAS, replacing non-biodegradable food utensils and packaging with biodegradable food utensils and packaging products in Dublin will further protect the health and safety of the residents of Dublin, the City of Dublin's natural environment, waterways and wildlife, would advance the City's goal of 75% diversion of waste by 2010 and also advance the City's goal of supporting environmental stewardship. and sustainability through the. preservation of .its natural surroundings; ATTACHMENT 1 7h ~` ~°, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City. of Dublin does RESOLVE that vendors at all future Large City events, which serve more than 2,000 persons per day, will be prohibited from providing prepared food in any polystyrene or non-biodegradable food utensils and packaging unless they can show an affordable biodegradable or compostable product is not available for a specific application. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of December, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor ATTACHMENT 1