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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Volunteer Citizen/Organization Ad-Hoc Committee K."- Of Dll-1-Q, 6 ~ cjJ 111~1~~\~ 19~ ~82 ~~, C'itI,IFO'iJ.,'';'':\''::o CITY CLERK File # D[r(;l[]EiHElO X \ IO-3D AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 18, 2006 SUBJECT; Appmntment of Ad-Hoc Committee to Evaluate Citizen/Organization ofthe Year Program and City's Annual Volunteer Recognition Event Date Change ilL Report Prepared bY' Fawn Holman, Citv Clerk Er' ATTACHMENTS; 1) 2) Timeline for Citizen/Organization of the Year Activities General Criteria and Judging Guide RECOMMENDATION; _ ._r./" Confirm the appointment of Mayor Lockhart and Councilmember /il/If" Hildenbrand to the Ad-Hoc Committee to Evaluate the Cil1zen/ \ Organization of the Year Program, and 2) Determine the new permanent date for the V olunttler Recognition Event. }"INANCIAL STATEMENT; None DESCRIPTION; As part oCthe 2006-2007 Goals and Objectives program, the Council idenl1l1ed a high priority goal to "Evaluatc thc nccd to improve and expand the Citizen and Organization of the Year Program." Each year, the City oC Duhlin recognizes a citizen who has made a significant contribution toward enhancing the quality of life for residents of Dublin during the past year At the same time, the City also recognizes a Dublin-based non-profit organization that has provided servictls which have substantially benefited residents of Dublin. In December 2003, the Council established a Timcline for Activities (Attachment I), as well as General Criteria and Judging Guide to be used for judging nominations (Attachment 2). Although the Timclinc, which delineates various ways of advertising for nominations, has worked well over the past few years in garnering nominees lilr Organization ofthe Year, it has not been successful in obtaining a broad hase of nominees for Citizen of the Year At Mayor Lockhart's request, a goal to e"aluate the need to improve and expand the Citizen and Organization of the Year Program was added to the 2006-2007 Preliminary Goals & Objectives for Council consideration, and substlquently identiJied by the Coundl as a high priority In order to accomplish this goal, an Ad-Hoe Committee including Staff and two Couneilmembers is suggested. The timd'rame of this Ad Ho\; Committee would be from August - October 2006. Mayor Lockhart recommends the appointment ofhersclfand Cm. Hildenbrand to this Ad-Hoc Committee. The Committee's recommendations will be presented to the City Council for consideration in October 2006. _________________________________________________________~MM.~MW_____________________________________AW______ COpy TO: Page I of2 ITEM NO. R.~ G:\CC-MTGS\2u06 cc mtgs\20U6~qtr3\07.1LJIy\07.18.06\as.vohmtccr rccog dinner. doc C--- Additionally, in Septcmber 2005, the City Council set the last Thursday in Febmary as the permancnt date for the V olunteer Recognition Event, at whIch tIme the Citizen and OrganizatlOn of the Year arc announced. Due to sehcduling conflicts with other regIOnal meetmgs, that pem13nent date IS no longer convelllenL Tn order to not eonflict with other reoccurring meetings and events that Couneilmembers and/or Commissioners arc obligated to attend, as well as other programming at the Dublin Senwr Center, Staff is recommending that the Council wnsider one of the following for the ne", permanent date for the Volunteer Recoglllhon Event: The last Friday in Febmary (one day after the \;urrent permanent date). 2. The first Fnday m March_ 3 An alternative date as delem,med by Council. Staff recommends that the City Council 1) Confirm the appointment of Mayor Lockhart and Cm. Hildenbrand to the Ad-Hoc Committee to evaluate the Citizen/Orgalllzation of the Year Progranl; and 2) Dctermine the ncw permanent date for the Volunteer Recognition Event. 10f2 ..J D o o o D D o D o o o D D o u U D D o o o lJ o o D o u DATE November 1-9 November 10 December I Febmary 1 February 2 Febmary 2-10 February 13 February IS F ebmary 21 February 23 March I March 15 March 18 TIMELINE FOR CITIZEN/ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR ACTIVITIES lofd ACTIVITY Begin update address list of non-profit groups (utilize P&CS Mgr as resource), Prepare letters for signature by Committee members. Prepare press release and newspaper advertisements [also put on website and post at all posting locations] Update Nomination Fonns (incorporating guidelines and criteria for nomination/selection. Give copy of press release to Chamber of Commerce for inclusion in their December newsletter Photocopy nomination forms (color coded): . Letters to non-profits - City letterhead . Citizen Nomination Form - blue w/ criteria on reverse . Organization Nomination Fonn - green w/ criteria on reverse Mailletters/fonns to mailing list (approx:, 120) Fax Press Release/Publish Newspaper advertisements (also website, KKlQ and Mayors Report on CTY) Deadline for nominations (3'00 p_m.) Make copies of all nomination forms for Committee members_ Notify nominees of their nomination and advise re: Council mtg and Volunteer Recognition Event dates/times. Make certain all nominees are on invitation list for Volunteer Recognition Event. Arrange for judging and selection of winners Notify City Clerk of winners. Coordinate preparation of certificates for all nominees and begins working on proclamations for winners. List all nominees on City Council agenda for Febmary 21't Council meeting. Mail copies of agenda for Febmary 21 " Council meeting to nominees with a letter inviting them to attend the meeting. Nominees recognized at Council meeting and certificates presented. Citizen of Year nominees polled as to which non-profit organization they would like to receive a $250 donation in event that they win. Make certain all nominees (especially winners) have RSVP'd to Recognition Event. Winners announced at Volunteer Recognition Event. Proclamations and check for $250 presented to winners. Arrange for preparation of plaques (?) and inserts for perpetual plaque in Council Chambers. Contact Nominees re: their availability to attend Chamber luncheon. Make two (2) reservations for each winner to attend St. Patrick's Day Chamber of Commence luncheon as City's guests_ Coordinate arrangements with Lion's Club and P&CS Dept re: logistics to winners to participate in St. Patrick's Day parade and celebration. Mayor presents plaques to Winners at Chamber ofCornmerce Luncheon, Participate in St. Patrick's Day Parade and Celebration STAFF OAII City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk OAII City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk Committee Committee City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk/May City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk Committee City Clerk/May Winners '3 :0. 7/ff,!Ofo 1 ATTACHMJ~NT rJ of;L APPLICATIONS WILL BE JUDGED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: A&bl.."..,....,m The nominAtion must reflect the actual aocompli"hnvlnts achieved through voluntary service during the past oalendlt year. C'nmmnnl\V Needs _ Tbe volunteer community service must address unmet hU1Dllll, educatiODll1. health, environmettta1. quality of1ife or publio safety needs. Tn"nv~nn _ Activities should reflect innovative or unique approaches to identifying and solving problems in the community. Mob;Il9tinn Activities should include oppottunitics for mobill7:ing other JIIOUPIl or vol\ll11lllefS. Onomlna InvoJ""""..m The voluntary community service must be bBDds-on and ongoing rather than a one-time activity, with the exception of o\ltSta'l'dlllg service for short.t<<m crisis situlltions. or speci8l projects. T ....Mnhln _ The nomination should demonstrate inspiration and l~p in the pllflIIlit of action wiiliin an orgtml...mOll or one who ""l"-_Bent5 a positive image of volunteer senrice to the community. Individual nominations &ml restricted to Dublin residents 18 years of. or older. The Jndglng Guide for each nominee will be: PIIir (1 - 3) Good. (4-7) Bxce1lent (8-10) 1. Tune and effort spent on project 2. 0venl1I relev8110e and importance of dvity to the community 3. Originality and uniqueness ofeffort 4. 0ve1'C0ming a difficulty in accompllAhing the project 5. ReaoUl'\le ntm'7Ation, b. volwrteerS, funds. public intereSt, etC. NnmlttAiPrl organizations must be besed in Dublin and at least 50% of membership must be Dublin resicJents. A'fTACIIMENT 2..