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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Moller RanchCITY CLERK AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUgust t9, 2003 SUB. CT: PA 03-049 Request to Initiate an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study and to proceed with the annexation process for property at 6861 Tassajara Road (Assessor Parcel Number 985- OOOl-0Ol) Report prepared by: Jeri Ram, Planning Manager ~ 1. Letter from Applicant requesting to amend the Specific Plan 2. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map 3. Conceptual Site Plan 4. Resolution approving initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment Study 5. Resolution denying initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment Study RECOMMENDATION: _/-1. 4. Receive Staffpresemation and public te 'sttmony. Question Staff and the public. Adopt Resolution approving General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study request or Adopt Resolution denying General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Study request FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None at this time. DESCRIPTION: Jay Egy, on behalf of the DeSilva Group, has submitted a request to initiate an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study and to proceed with the annexation process for property at 6861 Tassajara Road, known as Moiler Ranch (ARachment 1). The whole ranch is 1074 acres, 226 acres of which are in the City of Dublin's Sphere of Influence area but outside of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area boundary (Attachment 2). In order to consider the project as proposed, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would need to be amended to include the project area and to develop land use designations for the property. The property also needs to be annexed tO the City. The proposal is for a 186-unit residential project that is consistent with the General Plan land use designations for the site of Stream Corridor, Rural Residential, and Low Density Residential (Attachment 3). If the City Council aUthorizes an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study for property at 6861 Tassajara ROad, Staff will: G:~P~003\03-049~loHer CC 8taffReport SPA cOpIES TO: Applicam Property Owner In-House Dism'bution Work with the Applicant to begin the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed project. Examine the proposed land uses and densities to determine if they are appropriate based on City policies and standards. Study the land use plan, circulation routes, and the interrelationship and compatibility of the proposed combination of uses. The City Council is considering the initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment and authorizing the initiation of annexation proceedings only at this point. The project will come before the City Council again for a Stage I and Stage II Planned Development Rezone, Annexation, Specific Plan Amendment, and other entitlements as needed. At this point, the City Council needs to determine whether a Specific Plan Amendment Study should be authorized for the Applicant's proposal and if annexation proceedings can commence. Both approval and denial resolutions have been included for City Council consideration. (Attachmems 4 and 5). If the City Council approves the initiation of this study, Staff will add the project to the Community Development Department work program. This project would follow those projects that were ranked by priority by the City Council in their annual Goals and Objectives session in March 2003. RECOMMENI)ATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the staff presentation and public testimony; question staff and the public, and adopt a Resolution either authorizing or denying the Specific Plan Amendment Study request and authorizing annexation proceedings to commence. The DeSilva Group April 8, 2003 Ms. Jeri Ram, AICP Planning Manager City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Re: The Moller Ranch, 6861 Tassajara Road, Dublin Dear Ms. Ram: Purpose and Location: This is a request to initiate a planning level entitlement project for the Ranch. The Ranch is located on the east side of Tassajara Road at the county line immediately adjacent to and just to the north of the Eastern Dublin Specific P1an. A Location Exhibit is attached for reference. The Ranch is located in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and has a total of 1,074 acres of which approximately 400 acres are in Alameda County. The City of Dublin's General Plan and Sphere of Influence includes about 226 acres of the Alameda County portion of the Ranch. Proposed Project Description: The General Plan shows "Stream Corridor", "Rural Residential", and "Single Family Residential" land use designations on the Ranch. The Conceptual Site Plan, a copy of which is attached, features a Creek Corridor with 100 foot setbacks from the top of bank on each side, 182 single family homes, 14 affordable duet units, and approximately 353 acres of open space. The locations of the uses coincide with those shown on the General Plan as the project is designed to be in conformance with the General Plan. Present Status of the Project: The Moller family and The DeSilva Group entered into a contract for the sale of the Ranch to DeSilva in August, 2002. Since then we have contacted and met with the City of Dublin planning and engineering staff, the Contra Costa County planning department, the Army Corps of Engineers (Interagency Meeting), US Fish and Wildlife Service and LAFCO. The biological consultants have completed the habitat and species surveys, plant surveys, wetland delineation, and a wildlife corridor study. An agreement has been signed with DSRSD for a planning level water study which is scheduled to be complete by August. The Geotechnical Report has been prepared, as has the Phase I Report along with various engineering studies and conceptual site plans. Project Approvals Sought: We understand that the project will require an EIR, an Army Corps of Engineers Permit, an Amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Pre-zoning, Annexation, Williamson ~RCEfVED ~Ui~/~IN pLANNiNGP.O. Box 2922 · Dublin, California 94568 ATTACHMENT. 925/828-7999 · Fax 925/803-4327 Act contract cancellation, Planned District approval, a Tentative Map and Design Review, and a Final Map with Improvement and Grading Plans. Justification for Proceeding with Processing: The proposed project is within the Dublin General Plan and in conformance with the uses shown in the Plan. Completion of the project will bring closure to the Northward expansion of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and provide protection to and enhancement of the natural resources and open space on the Ranch. It is expected that the project will contribute its fair share of improvements to Tassajara Road and utility and other infrastructure improvements in the Specific Plan area. Conclusion: We expect that the entitlement process of the Ranch will occur over a period of several months and respectfully request that authorization to initiate the project and begin the EIR process be granted. This would seem, in the next few months, to only require a minimum of planning staff involvement and wouldn't appear to cause a delay to the commitments the city is presently working to meet. We believe that we've demonstrated through the proactive approach taken to the project and the work products completed that we've taken the lead and proceeded as far as we can with a minimum involvement of City staff time. The project is currently at the point where the EIR is required in order to proceed with the development entitlements and complete the Army Corps Permit. Feel welcome to contact me if anything further would be helpful from us or if there are questions in regards to this request for initiation of the Moller Ranch project. Sincerely, 2 P.O. BOX 2922 · DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94568 . 925/828-7999 · FAX 925/803~4327 ...... "t..,:,'-'- ............... 2 i o ~ f./ RESOLUTION NO. - 03 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE INITIATION OF AN EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY AND AUTHORIZING THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR PROPERTY AT 6861 TASSAJARA ROAD (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 985-0001-001) PA 03-049 WHEREAS, Jay Egy, on behalf of the DeSilva Group, has submitted a request to initifi~, an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study and to proceed with the annexation process "for property at 6861 Tassajara Road, known as Moller Ranch; and WHEREAS, the a portion of the project area is in the City of Dublin's Sphere of Influence area but outside of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area boundary; and WHEREAS, in order to consider the project as proposed, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would need to be amended to include the project area and to develop land use designations for the property; and WHEREAS, the property needs to be annexed to the City of Dublin to receive land use entitlements by the City; and WHEREAS, the proposal is for a 184-unit residential project that is consistent with the General Plan land' use designations for the site of Stream Corridor, Rural Residential, and Low Density Residential; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including Stage I and Stage II Planned Development re- zoning, Site Development Review, and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a staffreport was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth, and supports the initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment and commencing annexation proceedings for the subject property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the Specific Plan Amendment Study request and authorizes annexation proceedings to commence. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Applicant shall pay for all processing costs involved with the Specific Plan Amendment Study and annexation procedures. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 19th day of August 2003, by the following votes: ATTACHMENT AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk G:~PA#L2003\03-049WIoller CC Resos SPA initiation.doc Mayor RESOLUTION NO. - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING THE INITIATION OF AN EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY AND DENYING THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR PROPERTY AT 6861 TASSAJARA ROAD (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 985-0001-001) PA 03-049 WHEREAS, Jay Egy, on behalf of the DeSilva Group, has submitted a request to initiate an Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study and to proceed with the annexation process for property at 6861 Tassajara Road, known as Moller Ranch; and WHEREAS, the a portion of the project area is in the City of Dublin's Sphere of Influence area but outside of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area boundary; and WHEREAS, in order to consider the project as proposed, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan would need to be amended to include the project area and to develop land use designations for the property; and WHEREAS, the property needs to be annexed to the City of Dublin to receive land use entitlements by the City; and WHEREAS, the proposal is for a 184-unit residential project that is consistent with the General Plan land use designations for the site of Stream Corhdor, Rural Residential, and Low Density Residential; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including Stage I and Stage II Planned Development re- zoning, Site Development Review, and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a staff report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the request; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth, and does not support the initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment and commencing annexation proceedings for the subject property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the Specific Plan Amendment Study request and authorizes annexation proceedings to commence. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 19th day of August 2003, by the following votes: ATTACHMENT AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk G:kPA#k2003\03-049kMoller CC Resos SPA initiation.doc Mayor