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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 Dwntwn SP Develop Rep CITY CLERK File # 0410-55 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 4, 2000 SUBJECT: Status Report on Downtown Specific Plans Development (including: Downtown Core, West Dublin BART Station, and Village Parkway) Report Prepared by: Janet Harbin, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RECOMMENDATION: 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: · Report on Specific Plans: Background Analysis, Objectives and Alternatives dated March 22, 2000 West Dublin BART Station Specific Plan Analysis West Dublin Specific Plan Short-term Concept Plan Downtown Core Area Specific Plan Analysis Downtown Core Area Specific Plan short-term Concept Plan Village Parkway Preliminary Issues Village Parkway Specific Plan Area Map o Review Attachment 1 regarding existing conditions in the three Specific Plan Areas. Review future short term concept land use ideas for the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plan Areas as shown in the attached issues and colored land use maps (Attachments 2, 3, 4 & 5) Given the fact that the detailed specific economic and traffic analysis may affect the appropriateness of specific ideas that have been presented here; give direction to Staff regarding the uses presented in the concept land plans as follows: · Are the concept uses and locations of possible roadways realistic in the short-term 5-year future period · Does the suggested directions, assumptions and issues give a clear picture of possible changes in the Downtown Core and West Dublin Specific Plan areas · Comments on the Village Parkway issues that have been generated by the committee to date A Fiscal Analysis on proposed specific plan change as yet to be completed. COPIES TO: Internal Distribution ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION: As part of the 1999-2000 budget, the City Council provided funding to prepare three Specific Plans for downtown planning areas including: Village Parkway, West Dublin BART area, and the Downtown Core area. The City Council directed Staff to prepare the Specific Plans and on January 18, 2000, authorized the hiring of three consultants to provide background information for the development of the plans and ask that Staff return with a progress report so that the Council could provide some comments regarding the development of the Specific Plans. PROGRESS ON SPECIFIC PLANS: Staff has developed two conceptual alternative land use scenarios for the Downtown Core Specific Plan and for the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area. The background analysis, objectives and a short description of the land use scenarios are contained in the attached report entitled Specific Plans: Background Analysis, Objectives and Alternatives. Additionally, a diagram of each of the conceptual two land use scenarios is attached to this report. The alternatives presented here were developed based on the 5-10 year time period that is anticipated it will take for the land use changes to actually occur. It is recognized that a detailed traffic analysis and specific economic analysis of both the financial implications to the City (Revenues, Costs, Infrastructure) and the feaSibility of specific land use recommendations has not been completed for these first concept ideas. Before any detailed and specific alternatives can be proposed for the three specific plans, a detailed traffic analysis and economic analysis of the proposed plans is essential. It is important to have some preliminary ideas so that discussions can be held with decision makers and appropriate land and businesses owners to give Staff specific feed back for direction of the specific plans. These concept plans are attempt to foster the necessary preliminary discussion. After any suggested changes recommended by the City Council are incorporated into the draft plans, a community meeting will be scheduled in late-April or early May to provide information and ideas for the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plan areas to businesses, property owners, and citizens for further input and comment. Staff has not developed conceptual alternative land use scenarios for the Village Parkway Specific Plan area as the Village Parkway Specific Plan Task Force, appointed by the Mayor and City Council in February, is still in the process of meeting to discuss and develop the plan. The Task Force meetings should be completed by early-June. Once the Task Force has developed a preliminary draft of the plan, the City Council will have an opportunity to review and comment on the plan. SCHEDULE: It is anticipated that the Design Standards and Guidelines for the Specific Plans will be completed for the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART in early June. The two draft Specific Plans (Downtown Core and West BART), along with goals, objectives and policies will be completed in early July. The environmental analysis and documentation will be prepared and distributed for public review during this period, also. The Planning Commission hearing date on the draft Specific Plans is expected to be in early September, with a recommendation to the City Council on the draft Specific Plans in late September. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Review Attachment 1 regarding existing conditions in the three Specific Plan Areas. 2) Review future short-term concept land use ideas for the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plan Areas as shown in the colored land use maps (Attachments 3 & 5). 3) Given the fact that the detailed specific economic and traffic analysis may affect the appropriateness of specific ideas that have been presented here; give direction to Staff regarding the uses presented in the concept land plans as follows: Are the concept uses and locations of possible roadways realistic in the short-term 5-year future period · Does the suggested directions, assumptions and issues give a clear picture of possible changes in the Downtown Core and West Dublin Specific Plan areas · Presentation of the Village Parkway issues that have been generated by the committee to date g: downtown specific plans/consultants/cc staff report status of plans SPECIFIC PLANS: BA CKGO UND ANAL YSIS, OBJECTIVES AND AL TERNA TIVES DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC PLANS AND OBJECTIVES The development of three specific plans for central Dublin is underway. These specific plans are for portions of the downtown district of the City and are designated as the Village Parkway Specific Plan, the Downtown Core Specific Plan, and the West Dublin BART Specific Plan. The main objectives of the specific plans are to provide a more unified downtown to serve residents, improve and enhance opportunities for existing businesses in the area, and to expand regional retail and business opportunities. It is anticipated that the specific plans will provide the policy and implementation framework and guidance for land use decisions, urban design continuity, public improvements, and revitalization efforts. The City has hired three consultants to prepare background information for development of the plans. Omni-Means will be providing traffic and circulation information, EPS will provide an economic market assessment, and RRM will provide urban design information and support. Preliminary data and analysis information have been received from the consultants, and staff has developed conceptual alternative land use scenarios for the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plan areas for comments and feedback from the management staff. SCHEDULE FOR DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLANS · Solicit City Council Direction · Complete Draft Development Program · Development Program Testing · Community Participation Meeting · Finalize Development Program · Complete Design Standards/Guidelines · Draft Specific Plans · Planning Commission Hearing on Draft · City Council Hearing on Draft April 4, 2000 Mid April Late April Late April/Early May Mid May Early June Early July Early September Late September Village Parkway Specific Plan Development A discussion of Village Parkway Specific Plan alternative land use scenarios is not included here as the Village Parkway Specific Plan Task Force is still in the process of meeting to discuss and develop the plan. The Village Parkway Specific Plan Task Force consists of thirteen business owners, property owners and residents of the City that have shown an interest in revitalization and enhancement of the Village Parkway Specific Plan area. The task force meets every other Thursday, and will hold a total of 6 to 8 meetings. Three task force meetings have been held to discuss issues and concerns related to the area. To date, the task force has brainstormed the issues and problems facing businesses and property owners in the area, and have discussed traffic and circulation relative to promoting increased economic growth in the area. In addition the task force has discussed economic opportunities and constraints. Future meetings will address the goals and objectives of the plan, existing land use and potential use changes, landscaping and streetscape improvements, design guidelines and signage standards, and financing options and incentives. Attachment 1 While task force meetings are continuing for the Village Parkway Specific Plan, a community meeting is being planned for late-April to early May to provide information to businesses, property owners, and citizens on the development of the Downtown Core and West Dublin BART Specific Plans and to receive feedback from the community. EXISTING CONDITIONS West BART This area contains 77 acres with a little under 1.0 million square feet of building space. The overall FAR (floor area ratio is overall square footage divided by land area) for the area is 0.36 (excluding vacant and public land). This area has the broadest mix of land uses of the three areas. The area consist of office, retail/restaurant, and industrial uses. The tax revenue which is generated by the BART area consists of 9% of the City's total sales tax base and is broken down as follows: Retail 3% Restaurant 1% Services 1% Other 5% The category, 'other' includes industrial, offices, auto dealers, and other miscellaneous uses. Located within this project area includes the new joint development with BART and Jones, Lang La Salle which consists of a 240-room hotel, a 160-unit apartment, and a 600-stall parking garage. The project site is on two parcels totaling 10-acres owned by BART. With the addition of a major transit station and the infusion of residential and hotel uses, this project is anticipated to be the catalyst for additional development potential within the downtown area. BART currently estimates that the transit station will be open in the Fall of 2003. Downtown Core This area contains 535,000 square feet of buildings, 90% of which is retail or restaurant uses. The project area contains 54 acres of land and contains an FAR of 0.23. The project area is laid out in a square shape and transected with a Amador Plaza Road, bounded by Amador Valley Boulevard, Dublin Boulevard, and I680. The tax revenue which is generated in the area consists of 29% of the City's total sales tax base and is broken down as follows: Retail 8% Restaurant 1% Services 0% Other 20% The other category includes industrial, offices, auto dealers, and other miscellaneous uses. The majority of the project area was constructed in the 1960's with little enhancement having occurred since. Approximately 7.8 acres of the project area are currently vacant. Additionally the soon to be vacated Shamrock Ford site, and a few other uses in the northern part of the project area appear ripe for reuse. Attachment 1 DEMAND Retail The study area consists of neighborhood-serving retail, service commercial and several big box retailers. The two areas (W. BART and Core area) consists of 676,615 square feet of retail and restaurant space which is approximately 23% of the City's total (upon completion of Hacienda Crossings, the current retail space of the City is approximately 3.0 million square feet). Within the broader region there is an additional 4.2 million square feet, including 1.3 million in Stoneridge Mall. Every major national credit retailer is probably represented in Dublin or one of the surrounding cities, thus in its current form, attracting major amount of additional retail space to the study area is not envisioned. A significant amount of new residential development coupled with a new street grid would need to occur if more local serving retail is to be attracted. The total taxable sales for the study area for 1998 and 1999 was $273 million and 388 million, which equates to 38% and 42% of total sales within the City. The increase between 1998 and 1999 is largely attributable to the increase in new automobile sales occurring at the three auto dealers within the study area. Office The existing supply office supply within Dublin is approximately 1.0 million square feet. The total inventory within the study areas are about 26% of the existing total or 284,000 square feet. The majority of this space is located within the BART area while the remaining area is within the Village Parkway, with the exception of one office building located the Downtown Core Area. Office rents in the study area range from $1.60 to 2.00 a square foot while rents in the East Dublin area are $2.35. Currently there is approximately 6.8 million square feet of Office Space within the development pipeline, mostly geared toward campus-style Class A, space. (This square footage includes a proposal to be submitted by Alameda County Surplus Property Authority for the East Dublin BART Transit Center, which includes 3.5 million square feet of office space. A submittal is expected shortly.) Competing against this amount and type of office space will be difficult. There is some potential demand for Class B, typical of smaller office tenants such as small processional firms and start up companies, which require smaller floor plates. However a major constraint to attracting these type of users is the lack of a more refined, urban fabric, including a cluster of restaurants and specialty shops. Residential Currently there are 11,382 units within the surrounding market area (including Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon) with an additional 3,463 units in various stages in the development pipeline. Based on ABAG 2000 projections, from 2005 to 2020 about 12,000 new households are expected to require housing. This projection represents excess demand of 2,700 more multi-family units than are currently proposed within the market area. Additionally, developers have stated interest in redeveloping sites within the Core and West BART areas for residential uses. Density ranges average 23 units per acre for recently constructed projects, however density ranges of 35 to 40 units per acre are believed to be supportable near the BART station. Attachment 1 CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVE LAND USE SCENARIOS Staff has developed a conceptual land use plan for the Downtown Core Specific Plan area (as shown on attachment 5) and a conceptual land use plan for the West Dublin BART Specific Plan area (as shown on attachment 3). The graphic illustrations for the plans depict the potential land use modifications and elements for each scenario. Also included along with the graphic illustrations are the assumptions, issues and constraints, and the general direction or vision of the plans. Downtown Core Specific Plan Area: Short Term 5 to ! 0 year period. This area presently contains a mix of "big box" retail such as Target, Montgomery Wards and Circuit City, along with a movie theater, restaurants, various commercial and retail type businesses, and two auto dealerships. Alternative 1 for this specific plan area provides a more defined access way from Dublin Boulevard in to the site with a roadway connection to Amador Plaza Road to serve retail sites. Office/auto uses are shown at the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Amador Plaza Road. Office use could replace the Shamrock Ford auto dealership if the market demonstrates a need for this type of use with the establishment of the new west BART station. Senior residential uses would take the place of some retail and commercial uses along Amador Valley Boulevard adjacent to the location of the new senior center. West Dublin BART Specific Plan Area: Short Term 5 to 10 year period The West Dublin BART Specific Plan is a short-term plan. The area will soon contain the new West Dublin BART station, in conjunction with a 4-story parking structure, a 240 room hotel, and a 3-story 160 unit high density residential development. The completion of the station and related development would create a transit-oriented setting. This would stimulate further office development near the BART station. With an extension of St. Patrick's Way, it is anticipated that additional opportunities for retail uses, possibly including "big box" retail, will exist in this area as shown on the plan. Attachment 1 WEST DUBLIN BART AREA: SHORT TERM DIRECTION Move from industrial uses toward more retail and office · Provides retail uses along St. Patrick's Way for transit users · Concentration of office and retail near Transit Center · Mix of retail, hotel, office uses near 1-580 and 1-680 corridors ASSUMPTIONS · Short term 5-10 year plan · Cor-o-van will relocate and open site for new development · Opportunity for Office Development near BART Station (Office Park) · Crown Chevrolet remains · Majority of Retail remains · Office uses expand next to Corrie building site · BART Develops Plan with 3-story building · Market for 2 hotels in area near transit, apartment building & 6-8 story hotel, 4-story parking · Extension of St. Patrick's Way to Regional ISS UES/CONS TRA INTS · Is there a market for substantial office development in this area? · Is there a market for "Big Box" retail and change from industrial (predominant) use here? · Increased traffic in area with St. Patrick's Way extension and retail/office use ATTACHMENT West Dublin BART Specific Plan - Alternative 1 RESTAURANT OFF3:¢E' WEST bUB~N BART SPE¢~FZ¢ PLaN ~.__~ SHORT TERM DUBLIN BOULEVARO OFFzcE' 80UL£VA~O PARK'tN& ATTACHMENT DOWNTOWN CORE: SHORT TERM DIRECTION Toward locating more office type uses near services, retail Maximize retail use New access way to open up area to further development of retail sites Auto uses could change to other commercial uses as they move out ASSUMPTIONS · · · · · Short term 5-10 year plan Retail uses remain the same Shamrock Ford moves to AutoNation Need for Senior Housing near new Senior Center New access way through existing parking area provides opportunity for intensification of uses on-site IS S UES/C O NS TRA IN TS Transition from auto use to possible office use with Shamrock Ford site With new access way, can adequate parking be provided for "Big Box" retailers? Introduction of residential use in traditional retail area - need more pedestrian orientation Can new "Big Box" retailers be attracted to area? Need for public places for vitality ATTACHMENT Downtown Core Specific Plan - Alternative 1 kRWARD AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD RESZDENTZAL RETA'rL/~B'r~ BOX RETAZL ,RETAZL/ BOULEVARD bOWNTOWN CORE 5PE~FI;C PLAN SHORT TERM i AUTO/ '.OFFZCE DUBLIN BOULEVARD DUBLIN VILLA GE PARKWA Y SPECIFIC PLAN ASS UMPTIONS/OPPOR TUNITIES Auto service uses will remain in the short term · Small businesses viable, won't be leaving · Major improvements/change apply to new businesses ISSUES · Phasing out of auto related uses as buildings are vacated · Lack of foot traffic · Fast moving traffic, few stops · How to revitalize area to bring in new businesses · New financing/incentives · Need improved parking near businesses · Need buy-in by property business owners · Need improvements in streetscape, signage · Landscaping improvements CONSTRAINTS · Where will auto-related uses relocate as uses change? · Freeway on & off-ramps lead to Village Parkway · Present traffic volume high · Small business owners can't afford major improvements · Median & power lines affect visibility of businesses ATTACHMENT g:/downtown specific plans/village pkwy/specific plan issues Village Parkway Specific Plan VILLAGE pARKWAY SPECIFIC PLAN pRoPOSED PLANNING AREA -\