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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 VPkwyLewisIntersection CITY CLERK
File #820-20
SUBJECT: Conceptual Altematives for Intersection Improvements at Village
Parkway and Lewis Avenue (Downtown Streetscape Improvement
Implementation Plan)
Report Prepared by: Janet Harbin, Senior Planner ~
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Conceptual AlternatiVe A with attached Cost Estimate
2. Conceptual Alternative B with attached Cost Estimate
3. Conceptual Alternative C (Preferred Alternative) with
attached Cost Estimate
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive Staff report
~ ._r~. Direct Staff on selected Conceptual Alternative (Preferred
Conceptual Alternative C in Attachment 3)
3. Authorize preparation of construction/bid documents for
improvement plans
FINANCIAL STATEMENT:. The funding for the improvement project and the related consultant
services is included in existing funds allocated in Capital
Improvement Program Project #94060 for FY 2002-2003 (for
detailed information on funding, see section of report addressing this
issue below).
In November 1999, the City Council directed staff to prepare three Specific Plans for various portions of
the downtown area of Dublin to guide the development and revitalization of the West Dublin BART,
Downtown Core and Village Parkway areas. The Specific Plans were adopted by the City Council on
December 19, 2000. As a part of the implementation of the three downtown Specific Plans adopted by the
City Council on December 19, 2000, streetscape improvements are necessary in the West Dublin BART,
Downtown Core and Village Parkway Specific Plan areas to provide continuity and unifying elements to
establish a positive image in the downtown area. Prior to construction of these improvements, the basic
designs for the streetscapes, plazas, monuments, gateways, and street furnishings associated with the
downtown planning area were to be determined, cost estimates obtained, and a phasing plan with
priorities developed based on direction from the City Council.
COPIES TO: In-House Distribution
Singer Fukushima Evans
G:\Downtown Streetscape Imp\CC-sr ConcptVP&LewisIntersection .doc
The City's consultant for this project, Dave Evans of Singer Fukushima Evans, Inc. presented this
information to the City Council at its meeting on May 1,2001. The City Council determined that the
initial priorities for improvement of the streetscape in the downtown area should be focused on
establishing a gateway monument at the northwest comer of Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard
which is an entryway to the downtown, a gateway arch at St. Patrick Way and Amador Plaza Road, and
intersection improvements at Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue.
This report addresses the conceptual design alternatives for the intersection improvements at Village
Parkway and Lewis Avenue. Staff is requesting direction from the City Council onthe preferred
Conceptual Alternative for the improvement project to begin preparation of construction and bid
Implementation of Village Parkway Specific Plan: The Village Parkway Specific Plan includes goals
and objectives for the Village Parkway planning area to provide direction for private and public
development to implement the overall vision for this portion of the downtown. The intent of the
streetscape improvement project for the intersection at Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue is to
implement the following goals and objectives of the Specific Plan by constructing physical improvements
such as bulb-outs or bump-outs, a raised crosswalk, and a plaza that create a more accessible and
pedestrian-friendly commercial environment:
Goal 4: Create Public spaces within the Specific Plan area for people to enjoy while using area
shops and services.
Objective 4. !: A village square and/or plaza should be developed within the Specific Plan
Goal 6: Traffic volumes and vehicular speed on Village Parkway shall be controlled to allow for
improved access to individual businesses and to encourage a friendlier envirOnment.
Objective 6. 2: Develop and implement measures to decrease vehicular speed using Village
Parkway. Appropriate traffic calming measures to be incorporated into the design of
Village Parkway include bump-outs and raised crossings.
Goal 7: Create a more pedestrian-friendly environment for Village Parkway to attract shoppers.
Objective 7. 4: Improved pedestrian connections should be considered between uses on
Village Parkway, including new pedestrian crosswalks along Village Parkway between
Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard, improved signs warning motorists of
pedestrian activity and improved sidewalks.
Budget/Capital Improvement Program Funding: The funding for the improvements and plaza at the
intersection of Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue is allocated in the fiscal year 2002-2003 Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) budget for the Downtown Streetscape Improvement Implementation Plan,
CIP Project #94060. The CIP contains $170,500 for the bulb-outs and pedestrian crossing improvements,
and $114,875 for the plaza improvements, including the necessary land acquisition at the northeast comer
of Village Parkway and Lewis Avenue. The total funding allocated in the CIP for this portion of the
Downtown project is $285,375. This amount also includes monies for completion of the design and
construction documents.
Concept Alternatives for Intersection Improvement Design: Over the past several months, Dave
Evans of Singer Fukushima Evans, Inc. has been working with the Community Development and Public
Works Staff to develop three alternative designs for the intersection improvements at Lewis Avenue at
Village Parkway. Each alternative consists of bulb-outs for a modified pedestrian crossing, new sidewalk,
curbs and gutters, a new easier to identify pedestrian crosswalk, a plaza on the northeasterly comer of the
intersection with paving and seating, and other related minor improvements. The concept alternatives that
have been developed vary in the extent of the proposed improvements to be constructed and other
amenities such as the amount of landscaping and lighting. Additionally, with the varying degree of
improvements, the estimated cost of each concept changes. The consultant will make a short presentation
of the design alternatives for the intersection improvements at the City Council meeting.
Summarized below are the differences between the three alternatives, Concept Alternatives A, B and C.
Concept Alternative A has the highest estimated cost of approximately $310,000 and would provide the
most physical amenities and features of all the alternatives, whereas Concept Alternative B is the lowest in
estimated cost at approximately $132,000 but provides the least amount of amenities and features (such as
no landscaping, irrigation and a smaller seatwall). The estimated cost of Concept Alternative C is
$204,000 which is at the midpoint of the cost range for all the design alternatives.
Alternative Amenities Land Acquisition Estimated Cost (Approx0
CONCEPTUAL · New concrete paving & sidewalk Requires acquisition $310,000
ALTERNATIVE A (4011 sq.ft) of 425 sq.ft, of
· New catch basins - 4 private property
· New bench
· New plaza w/concrete seatwall
(45 linear ft.)
· New arbor w/vines & shrubs
· New irrigation system
· Relocation of traffic signals &
business signage
CONCEPTUAL · New concrete paving & sidewalk No acquisition $132,000
ALTERNATIVE B (1975 sq.fL) required
· New catch basins - 2
· New plaza w/concrete seatwall
(20 linear ft.)
CONCEPTUAL · New concrete paving & sidewalk Requires acquisition $204,000
ALTERNATIVE C (1975 sq.ft.) of 425 sq.ft. Of
· New catch basins - 2 private property
· New plaza w/concrete seatwall
(60 linear ft.)
· New shade tree, groundcover,
· New irrigation system
· Relocation of traffic signals &
business signage
Preferred Concept Alternative C: Of the three Concept Alternatives developed by the consultant, the
preferred plan for the intersection improvements at Lewis Avenue and Village Parkway is Concept
Alternative C. The plan for this alternative is the most comprehensive in design and the most cost
effective alternative, providing both pedestrian crossing improvements and plaza design elements with
landscaping and irrigation. The conceptual design of this alternative will meet the goals of the Village
Parkway Specific Plan relative to creation of a more pedestrian-friendly environment and a public
space/plaZa at the intersection. As the CIP budget for FY 2002-2003 contains a total allocation of
$285,375 for both aspects of this particular project, Concept Alternative C is within the budget allocated
for the land acquisition and the planned improvements at approximately $204,000.
Based on the comprehensiveness of the design of the proposed improvements and the cost allocated for
the project in the CIP budget for the Downtown Streetscape Improvement Implementation Plan, Staff
recommends that the City Council select the Preferred Alternative, Concept Alternative C, for the basic
design for the Village Parkway/Lewis Avenue intersection improvements. Following Council direction
on the project, the consultant could then be directed to go forward with completion of the construction and
bid documents at this time. These documents would be brought back to the City Council in September for
authorization to commence the bid process.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive Staff report, select the Preferred Concept Alternative C,
and direct Staff to authorize the consultant to prepare construction and bid documents.
· Catch Basin
Arbor w/Seating --~ ~ ~ IExist,, Catch Basin
Relocate Exist. Traffic Signal w/Mast A~
' ~ ~ ~. Village Parkway
. .
. , ~ ,~ ~p~ed Catch Basin
* ~. a ~ ~ Village Par~ay ~ Lewis Avenue
-'..~: ~ ' Concept A
. . On ~llage Parkway ~uth ApHI 29, 2002 otchltect~re
1 · Mobilization 1 Allow $3,093.00 $3,093.00
2 Land Acquisition ' 425 SF $35.00 $14,875.00
3 RemoVe Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter 169 LF $10.00 $I,690.00
4 Remove Existing Asphalt'Pavement 23~35 SF $4.00 $9,340.00
5 RemoVe Existing Concrete Sidewalk 825 SF $8.00 $6,600.00
6 Re-Grade Street & Sidewalk. 4011 SF $2.50 $10,027.50
7 Adjust Existing Utility Box to Grade 11 EA $225.00 $2,475.00 .
8 Relocate Existing Business Sign 1 EA $4,500.00 $4,500.00
9. Temporary Construction Area Signs 1 Allow $500.00 $500.00
10 Temporary Traffic Mitigation & Control 1 . Allow ' $3,165.00. $3,165.00
11 Relocate Existing Traffic Signals 3 EA $4,000.00 $12,000.00
12 iRelocate Existing Mast-Arm Traffic Signals 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000.00
13 New Catch Basins.& Pipe 4 EA $5,000.00 $20,000.00
14 INew Concrete Curb & Gutter 260 - LF $18.00 . $4,680.00
15 NewAsphalt Pavementw/AB ~. 500 SF $3.00 $1,500.00
16 New Concrete Pvmt. w/AB 40il. SF $9.00 $36,099.00
17 New Concrete Seatwatl .45 LF $200:00..' ..... $9~00~):0~) .....
18 New Arbor. 450 SF $30.00 $13,500.00
19 New Concrete Disabled Ramp 6 EA $2,500.00 $15,000.00
20 New Trash Receptacle 1 EA $1,200.00 $1,200.00
21 NewMetal Bollard 20 EA $950.00 $19,000.00
22 New Bench 3' EA $2,000.00 $6,000.00
23 New Thermoplastic Crosswalks 155 LF $30.00 $4,650.00
24 New Vines & Shrubs 30 5 Gal. $45.00 $1,350.00
25~.'New lrri ,.ga. ti(~n System 1 Allow $t2 500.00 $12,500.00
Subtotal $222,744.50
Contractor General Conditions (15%) $33,411.68.
Subtotal $256,156.t8
Contractor OVerhead & Profit (10%) I* $25,615,62
Subtotal . [ $28t,771.79
Construction Contingency (10%) . $28,177.18
Total Construction CoSt $309,948.97
Proposed Catch Basin ~ ;IExist. Catch Basin
/~ '~ Planter
' Exist. Sign
Exist. ~atch ~ ~ Proposed Catch .asin (T~-~'
~ _. ~oliard
Village Parkway .
~i~est~an Grate . ' j ~ Pedest~an G~te
~ ~ Village Par~ay ~ Lewis Avenue
Concept B
I Mobilization I Allow $1,422.00 $1,422.00
2 Remove Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter 73 LF $10.00 $730.00
3 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 1665 SF $4.00 $6,660.00
4 RemOVe Existing Concrete Sidewalk 490 SF $8.00 $3,920.00
5 Re-Grade Street & Sidewalk 1975 SF $2.50 $4,813.00
6 Adjust Existing Utility Box to Grade 8 EA $225.00 $1,800.00
7 Temporary Construction Area Signs I Allow $500.00 $500.00
8 ;Temporary Traffic Mitigation & Control ' 1 Allow $3,165.00 $3,165.00
9 New Catch Basins & Pipe 2 EA $5,000.00 $10,000.00
10 iNew Concrete Curb & Gutter 145 LF $18.00 $2,610.00
11 iNew Asphalt Pavement W/AB 500 SF $3.00 $1,500.00
12 New Concrete Pvmt. w/AB 1975' SF $9.00 $17,775.00
13 New Pedestrian Grate ~- 35 LF $45.00 $1,575.00
14 New concrete seatwall 20 LF $200.00 $4,000.00
'15 New Concrete Disabled Ramp 6 'EA $2,500.00 $15,000.00
16 New Metal Bollard 14 EA $950.00 $13,300.00
17 ~lew Trash ReCeptacle I EA · $1,200,00 $1,200.00
18 New Thermoplastic Crosswalks 155 LF $30.00 $4,650100
Subtotal $94,620.00
Contractor General Conditions (15%) '$14,193.00
Subtotal ' $t08,813.00
I Contractor Overhead & Profit (10%) $10,881.30
Subtotal $t 1.9,694.30
I Construction Contingency (10%) $11,969.43
Total ConStruction Cost $131,663.73
Existing Catch Basin
~ ~ ~ P~st Concrete Ma~er (~p.)
~ ~ ' Flush ".di.o. ~ Edge. Bulb.ut
~ ~ ~ Village Pa~ay
asin ~ ~ P~an Grate
: ~ingCatchB ~ P~dan O~te ~ ~st ~nc~te Ma~er ~.)
~ ~ . Village Pa~ay ~ Lewis Avenue
.~ ~_ ~-~ ConcePt C
. ~ on ~l~ge Pa~ay ~ urban design
of L~s Av~ Ap~l 29, 2002
I Mobilization I Allow $2,742.00 $2,742~00
2 Land Acquisition 425 SF $35.00 $14,875.00
3 Remove Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter 73 LF $10.00 $730.00
4 Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement 1665 SF $4.00 $6,660.00
5 Remove Existing Concrete Sidewalk 490 SF $8.00 $3,920.00
6 Re-Grade Street & Sidewalk lg75 SF $2.50 $4,813.00
7 Adjust Existing Utility Box to Grade 8 EA $225.00 $1,800.00
8 Relocate Existing BuSiness Sign 1 EA $4,500.00 $4,500.00
9 Relocate Existing Traffic Signal 1 EA $4,000.00 $4,000.00
10 Temporary Construction Area Signs 1 Allow $500.00 $500.00
11 Temporary Traffic Mitigation & Control 1 Allow $3,165.00 $3,165.00
12 New Catch Basins & Pipe 2 EA $4,000.00 $8,000.00
13 New Concrete Gutter Band 145 LF $15.00 $2,175.00
14 New Asphalt Pavement w/AB . 500 SF $3.00 $1,500.00
15 New Concrete Pvmt. w/AB 2425 SF $9.00 $21,825.00
16 New Pedestrian Grate 35 LF $45.00 $1,575.00
17 New Concrete Seatwalt .I 35 LF $200.00 $7,000.00
18 New Metal Bollard 10 EA $950.00 $9,500.00
19 New Precast Concrete Markers 8 EA $2,500.00 $20,000.00
20 New 8' Bench.. .. ,... .. 2 . EA $1,500.00 $3,000.00
21 New Thermoplastic Crosswalks 155 LF $20.00 $3,100.00
22 New Shade Tree (36" BOX) 4 EA $1,200.00 $4,800.00
23 New Groundcover 264 SF $2.50 $660.00
24 New Perennial Flowers 95 SF $2.50 $240.00
25 New Irrigation System I Allow $15,000.00 $15,000.00
Subtotal $146,080.00
Contractor General Conditions (15%) $21,912.00
Subtotal $167,992.00
Contractor Overhead & Profit (t0%) $16,799.20
Subtotal $t84,791.20
Construction Contingency (10%) $18,479.12
Total Construction Cost $203,270.32