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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 G&O CITY CLERK 'File #100-80 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 3, 2002 SUBJECT: Stares Report on 2001-02 Goals & Objectives and Consideration of 2002-03 Goals & Objectives Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4 Memorandum from City Manager dated March 5, 2002 2001-02 Goals & Objectives Status Report (pink) 2001-02 Capital Improvement Project Update 2002-03 Preliminary Goals & Objectives and Additional Goals Rating Form (yellow) RECOMMENDATION: 1. Review 2001-02 Goals & Objectives and Capital Projects 1/31/02 Status Reports. Receive Staff Report on 2002-03 Preliminary Goals & Objectives. Receive Public Input. Deliberate, prioritize, and adopt 2002-03 Goals & Objectives Program; prioritize new Capital Projects proposed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See 2002-03 Goals & Objectives Report. DESCRIPTION: On March 5, 2002, the City Manager distributed the 2001-02 Goals & Objectives Status Report as of January 31, 2002 and the 2002-03 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Rating Form to the City Councilmembers in order that they might individually prioritize 2002-03 goals. The City's Annual Goals & Objectives Meeting will enable the City Council to collectively establish priorities for the City for the upcoming year. Staff initially identified a total of 92 objectives. Additionally, the Parks and Community Services Commission recommended consideration of one new objective.. Based upon the preliminary ranking of these objectives by individual Councilmembers, the priorities of these objectives would be as follows: Ranking # of Objectives High 66 Medium 15 Low 7 Delete 5 TOTAL 93 0 Approximately 71 ¼ of the objectives above are identified as high priority objectives. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. In addition to prioritizing the Preliminary Goals & ObjeCtives prepared by Staff and Commissions, individual Councilmembers identified a total of 11 additional goals for consideration by the entire City Council. These objectives are identified below: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 1. Work with cities in the Tri-Valley to establish a clearinghouse to develop and maintain affordable housing oppommities and publicize and coordinate the region's housing. PLANNING 2. Develop Specific Plan for San Ramon Village Shopping Center (southeast comer of San Ramon Road and Alcosta Boulevard). 3.. Investigate options for property on southeast comer of Village Parkway and Amador Valley Boulevard. BUILDING & SAFETY 4. Develop technology standards for all new residential units constructed. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / 5. Evaluate the need for specific area busines~ associations within Dublin. 6. Develop a plan to attract and retain indepehdently owned businesses in new projects, as well as the. downtown area of Dublin, and investigate Opportunity zones.. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES 7. Work actively to develop a regional park in the west hills open to the public. 8. Develop a community participation.process for "Day on the Glen" similar to St. Patrick's Day. POLICE 9. Develop Senior Academy to teach safety to senior citizens. 10. Provide at least two Police Academy programs for residents. 11. Provide "Don't Drink and Drive" program at High School/accident simulation in the spring. On March 22, 2002, the City's Management Team reviewed each additional objective and provided a preliminary indication as to whether additional resources would be required and the length of time estimated to complete the objective once additional resources ~are available. It is important to note that although an individual objective may not by itself require additional resources, when combined with other objectives, the cumulative impact may require additional resources. These situations will be better defined during the 2002-2003 Budget process. .-2- The Council should review each of these additional objectives added by individual Councilmembers and come prepared to provide their rating for these objectives at the Goals & Objectives meeting on April 3, 2002. Goals & Objectives and the Budget One of the primary purposes of the Goals & Objectives process is to define the Council's highest priority objectives in order that Staff can evaluate the cost of those objectives and include specific cost information in the Preliminary Budget for the upcoming year. Historically, only those objectives which receive a High Priori .ty are included in the Budget if additional resources are required. Recommendation It is Staff's recommendation that the City Council: 1) review the 2001-02 Goals & Objectives 1/31/02 Report and the Capital Improvement Project Update; 2) receive the Staff Report for the 2002-03 Preliminary Goals & Objectives Program; 3) receive public' input; and 4) deliberate, prioritize and preliminarily adopt the 2002-03 Goals & Objectives. The Final Goals & Objectives Program will be adopted as part of the 2002-03 Budget process in June. \'~DUBLINFS2\CMx, CC -MTGSL2001QTR 1WIARCI-B3 - 19-01 g&o'~S-G&O.doc -3- City Manager's Office MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENT 1 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 5, 2002 City Council City Manager 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT 2002-2003 PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES The City Council has established the City's Annual Goals & Objectives meeting for 2002-2003 on April 3, 2002. The purpose of the Goals & Objectives meeting is for the City Council to reach consensus on the work plan for the City for the coming year. The establishment of Council priorities should minimize diversion of Staff resources during the year from the Council's highest projects/issues. The goal setting process will also facilitate Staff's development of the Preliminary 2002-2003 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program. The process for accomplishing the City's Goals & Objectives is as follows: 1 The City Council prioritizes the City's objectives. Staff develops a preliminary budget, which provides sufficient resources to accomplish those objectives, which were given a hi,qh priority by the Council during the Goals & Objectives meeting. 3. The City Council adopts the budget making any adjustments deemed appropriate. It is important to recognize that major assignments initiated by the Council after the budget is adopted and Staff resources are set, can be accomplished only be deferring or delaying other high priority objectives previously adopted by the CounCil. Even if additional Staff resources are authorized during the year, it will often take several months before Staff can be recruited and hired. The reporting period for Goals & Objectives is the fiSca! Year so the period is aligned with additional resources provided for high priority objectives at the beginning of a new fiscal year. The' 2001-2002 Year-End Goals & Objectives Report will be presented to the City Council as part of the 2002-2003 Preliminary Budget. -1- In order to provide the Council with a sense of how much progress has been made on 2001- 2002 Objectives from July 2001 to the end of January 2002 (7 months), Staff has provided the Council with a summary of the Level of Accomplishments (see Table I). 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT The 2001-2002 Goals & Objectives Status Report (see attached pink report) describes the progress made toward those objectives finalized by the City Council in June 2001. The report also includes an update for those Capital Improvement Program projects authorized by the City Council as part of the Fiscal Year 2001-20'02 Budget. As illustrated in Table I, a total of 103 Objectives were:adopted by the Council in June 2001. The priority for those objectives established by the Council was as follows: 75 High Priority 21 Medium Priority 7 Low Priority 103 Total During 2001-2002, Staff undertook an additional 11 major assignments. The preponderance of these assignments were Council initiated. Staff has' nearly completed one of these assignments as of this date. TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF 200'1-2002 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACCOMPLISHMENT (7/tl2001 - 1/31/2002) TOTAL NEARLY NO COMPLETE PROGRESS Of the 75 High Priority objectives, 27 (36%) have been completed or nearly completed to date. There are 14 High Priority objectiVes for which there has been no progress made to date. These objectives are as follows: -2- · 1. Develop a Geographic Information System - Delayed due to lack of available Staff time. 2. Conduct Council/Commission Training on Brown Act and Political Reform Act -Will be completed on schedule, once new Councilmember is seated. 3. Update City's General Plan - Unable to start project due to staffing vacancies. 4, Complete Silvera Property Annexation - Delayed due to withdrawl of application by the Applicant, Evaluate the desirability of detaching lands west of Skyline Ridge (with the exception of Schaefer Ranch) from the City's Sphere of Influence - Pending outcome of Open Space Implementation Plan, o Develop a Master Plan and Phasing Plan for the Sports Park on Gleason Drive and Fallon Road including evaluation of BMX Track - Delayed by Army Corps of Engineers permit process for Dublin Ranch and resolution of Fallon Road alignment. 7. Complete Design of Senior Center- Pending outcome of Senior Housing.Study. Open Media Centers/Computer Labs and Libraries in the evening at Dublin Unified School District facilities through City's Park & Community Services Department - Delayed due to School District. 9. Increase day care by developing surplus land at schools for childcare facilities - School District evaluating childcare needsm ~' 10. Explore opportunity to use Dougherty Hills Open Space'on Amador Valley Boulevard at Stagecoach for Dog Park and Community Garden - Delayed due to staffing vacancies. 11. Develop a Public Art Master Plan - Delayed due to Staffing vacancy. 12. Investigate the feasibility of a Performing Arts Center- Delayed due to staffing vacancy. 13. Undertake Needs AssesSment for a new City Maintenance Yard facility - Should be completed on schedule. 14.Work with ACTA for the implementation of the Measure B TransportatiOn Project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road - Staff will not be available to work on this project until 2002-2003. Further progress on High Priority objectives has been impacted by 11 additional major assignments during the year; significant resources allocated to growth issues; and Staff vacancies in Community Development and Parks & CommUnity Services. CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS REPORT In June 2001, the City COuncil approved a total of 54 Capital Projects to be undertaken during 2001-2002. Since the adoption of the Budget, the Council has added six more projects and carried over 5 from the previous fiscal year fo[ a total of 65 capital projects. Nineteen (19) projects are behind schedule. The reasons for the delaYs are identified below. 1. Geographic Information Systems - Inadequate Staff time. 2. Telecommunications Plan - Inadequate staff time due to staffing vacancies. 3. Emerald Glen Fire station - Design delayed by negotiations with Developer. 4. Fallon Fire Station - Design delayed by negOtiationswith Developer. 5. Civic Center HVAC System - Late start in design phase. 6. Freeway Underpass Art -Delayed due to Caltrans reView. 7. Sidewalk Reconstruction - Delayed due to Caltrans flyoVer project. 8. Downtown Improvements Phase I - This project actuallY consists of 7 different projects. Five of the seven projects are on schedule; two of the projects are behind schedule, as indicated below: a. Gateway Monument @ Dublin Blvd/Village Pkwy- Staffing vacancies caused late start. b. Intersection Improvements @ Village Pkwy/Lewis Ave. - Staffing vacancies caused late start. 9. Murray Schoolhouse Improvements - Bell Tower must be completed before improvements can commence. 10. Dublin Ranch Area "G" Neighborhood Parks- Unavailable funding and Staff vacancy. 11. Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Phase II - staffing vacancy caused late start. 12. Sport Park- Developers delayed in obtaining Army Corps of Engineers permit. 13. Senor Center - Delayed pending senior housing study. 14. Community Theater- Delayed due to staffing vacancy. 15. Dublin Blvd. Underground Utilities - Delayed due to Caltrans and Bay Area Air Quality Management 16. 1-580/Fallon Interchange Improvements - Project delayed due to additional environmental/traffic analysis for proposed Staples Ranch project in Pleasanton. 17. Eastern Dublin Street ROW Acquisition - Land ~Cond~mned, waiting trial results on price of land. 18. Dougherty Road Improvements- Houston to 1-580- Awaiting resolution of Eastern Dublin Transit Center 19. Dublin Blvd. Improvements - Village Pkwy. To Sierra - Delayed due to Caltrans and Bay Area Air Quality Management. 2002-2003 GOALS & OBJECTIVES The City's Management Team has prepared a preliminary list of Goals & Objectives for 2002- 2003 for Council consideration. A total of 93 objectives in sixteen different program areas are identified in the Preliminary 2002-2003 Goals & Objectives Program (see attached blue report). Of this total, 46 objectives are new and 47 objectives, are recommended to be carried over from last year. -4- The Preliminary Objectives are identified in PrioritY order as viewed by City Staff (i.e., high, medium, Iow, delete). The Management Team reviewed the entire program and indicated that only those objectives given a high priority could be accomplished next year in' most program areas. If Councilmembers add high priority objectives, the'Management Team believes that some of the proposed high priority objectives by Staff may need to be given a lower priority. The Parks & Community Services Commission and Heritage& Cultural arts Commission reviewed those proposed objectives for 2002-2003 which, fall under their respective purview. The Commissions' priorities differ from Staff in the following areas: Parks & Community Services #10 "Open Media Centers/compU ter Labs and Libraries in the evening at Dublin Unified School District Facilities through City's Parks & Community Services Department." Staff gave this objective a medium priority and the Parks & Community Services Commission gave it Iow priority. Parks & Community Services #12 "Explore opportunity to use Dougherty Hills Open Space on Amador Valley Boulevard at Stagecoach for Dog Park and Community Garden." Staff gave this objective a medium priority. The Parks & Community services gave the portion of the objective related to investigation of a dog park a high priority and recommended deletion of the community garden portion of the objective° Parks & Community Services #15 "Implement a Community wildflower planting project along Dougherty Road." This was given a Iow priority by Staffand was recommended for deletion by the Parks & Community Services Commission. Parks & Community Services #19 ''Identify potential income generating activities using City facilities." Staff recommended deleting this item. Parks.& 'Community Services Commission assigned a Iow priority to this objective. Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission #5 "install plaques on all City-owned art work." Staff assigned a high ranking to this objective. The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission assigned a medium ranking. Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission #8 "Complete Public Art/Bus Shelter Project in downtown Dublin." Staff assigned a high ranking for this objective. The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission assigned a medium ranking. Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission #10 "Investigate the feasibility of a performing arts center." Staff assigned this as Iow priority and the Commission assigned a high ranking to this objective. Additionally, the Parks & Community Services Commission added one new objective, Which has been included in the Preliminary Goals & Objectives document Parks and Community Services #20 under the heading "Additional Objectives." The Commission's ranking of the added objective is shown with no Staff ranking. Included on the 2002-2003 Preliminary Goals & Objectives' fOrm (blue) is a column identified "Benefits/Need" to assist the City Council in assessing the importance of each objective. Also included is a column identified as "Additional Resources Required." This column identifies -5- what additional staffing or funding resources over-and-above the City's current service level capability is required to accomplish the objective within the next year. In accordance with Council direction, Staff has estimated the amount of time necessary to complete each objective commencing on July 1, 2002. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the Preliminary 2002-2003 Goals & Objectives Plan and prioritize each of the objectives within each program area (i.e., Administration, Finance, etc.) by giving a rating of "high", medium,, Iow", or "delete". In the past, the High Priority objective has been defined as an objective that significantly improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life. in the community, provides basic services, or is required by law. Objectives should receive "medium" or "low" priorities to the extent they affect the above criteria. If the Council believes that a particular objective is not necessary at this time, Staff would recommend deletion of the objective. At the end of each program area, space has been provided for the City Council to identify and prioritize any additional objectives, which individual Councilmembers would like to have a majority of the City Council include into the 2002-2003 Goals & Objective Plan. If you identify any additional objectives, I will contact you before sending'the packet to the entire Council, i_f any clarification is required. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT EACH COUNCILMEMBER COMPLETE HIS/HER REVIEW AND PRIORITIZATION OF THE 2002-2003 PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES RANKING FORM, INCLUDING ANY NEW OBJECTIVES THAT COUNCILMEMBERS WOULD LIKE TO ADD. THESE BLUE RANKING FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE NOT LATER THAN MARCH 19, 2002, IN ORDER FOR THE COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE ENTIRE GOALS & OBJECTIVES PROGRAM AT ITS MEETING OF APRIL 3, 2002. Once individual Councilmembers have submitted their ranking forms, Staff will compile the rankings of individual Councilmembers and distribute the results to the City Council prior to its meeting of April 3, 2002. Staff will assign a numerical ranking of "3" for high priority objectives, "2" for medium priority objectives, "1" for Iow priority objectives, and "0" for delete. These scores will be averaged in a composite rating for all Councilmembers and will be presented in the Council packet for the meeting of April 3, 2002. If you have any questions or would like further clarification- regarding the process or any of the materials included in this packet, please advise the City Manager not later than March 18, 2002, ,RCA:fh Attachments G:\Goals & Objectives~2002 g&o mtgk3-5-02 cc memo g&0.doe -6- 3/25/02 9:38 AM ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 1 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR I PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING I ESTIMATED I ESTIMATED STATUS "PRIORITY RESPONSIBLEIll GOAL . START COMPLETION 1. High Lichtenstein 2001 Construct Civic Center Libra~ April 2001 Jan. 2003 UNDERWAY 2. High CaAer 2001 Develop a Commission/CommiEee Recognition COMPLe I ~ Dinner & Program including Citizen/Organization of the Year Award with $250 cash prize for the winning organization and the favorite chari~ of the winning citizen 3 Hia~. Ambrose ~ 2001 ~ Negotiate Maintenance & OperMion Agreement :. JUl~ 2001 A~r. 2002 UNDERWAY; draft Agreement PrePared : : . :: With Alameda Count; and develop mowng plan~ :: :. ' by L~bra~ and under review by Cl~;..: .. '. ~.' for new Libra~ :'. · · :..:: :'= agreementtoCouncfl~nApr..2002.~='~:: 4. High · Ambrose/.' 1999 Develop a Geographic Informatioq System (GIS) Began study June 2003.:: ~: NO PROGRESS .:: :'~ · ~ Dept Heads including theinte~rati°n of existing Ci~ previous ': ': ~' ~: : =' '~" ". : . '; . . . ~ ~ :. ~.~ information syStems: FiScal year: ~... ~ = ~:::~ ~ . : ~ 5. High Foss/Pappa 2001 Implement Citizen Contact Tracking COMPLETE 6. High Silver = :.: 200~: Conduct Council/Commission Training on Brown j~n. 2002 ' ~ June 2002 NO PROGRESS : . .==. ~ .: ' Actand Fair PoliticalReform:A~ :::' :" ' ' '~:~ = :: :;.::' :~ 7. High Kec~Silver 2001 StaA Ci~ Council Meeting at 6 p.m. ~ COMPLE1 E 8... ~' High ' : Peabo~ 2001 Develop Task Force for Affordable Housing : . .... · ~ .. COMPLETE · .. 9. : Low ~ Peabody 2001 Develop Housing Commission ~' · DELETE pursuant to Council dire~ion : ~ :: : : · : ' :' ; : '.:: ~ .: : ~ ' ' (See ~S above). 1. High Per~ ' 2001 'lmpleme~ new GASB Rules, including evaluation July 200~ · June 2003 UNDERWAY; GASB34 accounting fo~at ~' ~ : := of the Ci~'s infrastrU~U~e and reVising the City's ~ ~:~ (for CAFR) in a draft repoA from auditor.: ~ ~ ...... :.~ · =: ~' CAFR ~:~ ': .:. :. ":.":' .(re~ FY00/0~'a~dit data :: :.: .= ..... :: :. · :.~ ~PinfrastrUCturemeetingWjPUbiic= ...'.'. ': ~. ~ =: : · :' ~ ' : ::" works in i2i01; additional meetings as :. ~:: : · : :. ~ ~ =; ~ =:: ~ ~ : ::::' ::. : =: ' : ' · '~ ;: ': ' to valuation proceSS to occur prior to :~....; = ~ :':. ~' ~ : = . ': '~r = ..:': : ~: 6i30/2002: ~;'= ; ~:=' :: :": 1,: High ~ Peabody ~.: 2001 Pa~icipate in Tri-Valley Electrical Upgrade : .~:.' ': .': COMPLETE ~ :.~. :~:::' ; ~:~: :~ ~' ' ::'~ '. ~.~ :.1~.: .::L ; '. '1 ~ ..... ~ I Discu~si0nS ~. : '.="t:~: ~ : m Z ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 2 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ! ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION · 2. High Ambrose/ 2001 Work with Alameda County to relocate the proposed Jan. 2003 UNDERWAY; County has hired Peabody Juvenile Justice Facility from the Santa Rite Property environmental consultant; County site planning underway. 3. High AmbroSe 2001· I Work with City of Pleasanton to reach agreement 'i ~ ~ COMPLEYE ' ~ ' . : :.~ ~ .' r. :'~ = on use 0f AIt~mO~t fees for OPen Sp~ce l' .'~ - i I'~ i i :' .i 4. Medium Peabody/ 2001 Participate in Tri Valley Vision project Ongoing . UNDERWAY; Staff is attending 3 separate Foss · committee meetings. 1,.... High; Carter · · 2001. Coordinate20 years of Cityhood community · ~ :COMPLETE . · :. :.' '. ::i: = : ' · ~.=:.:~' celebration an~ Public Information Program 'i '.:. ,? :' .i~ :='~: i~i~i. .. 2. High Thompson 2001 Purchase "Spare the Air" banners for summer COMPLy- I ~- months & High Pollution months (August- September) 3. High ' Carter ·2001 Produce City Calendar :..' · '. ' COMPLI=TI= ' 4. High · Pappa/ 2001' Expand City Website (Registration, Job Jan. 2002 ' Dec 2002 UNDERWAY; Updates performed · All DeptS Apphcatlons) · ~ weekly; research on credIt card on h e · .- . : . . . : : :: i . : i . ' :: Usef0i'registrationproposed;job":i'~'..: :i. ::'.' = ': . ... ' · · . :. '. :: ' application Placed onWebsite. ~ :' : ' 5. Medium Carter 2001 Produce Video Newsletter NO PROGRESS; Not F~nded in FY 01-02. ~ High :' 2001 Perform Contract Evaluation onthe following , '. · ~ . :' . . :I :=: · :,, : . ,services ,.' : ~: ' ' :: :: ' ' ?.::!:.;:: '.;:. ' ; :' :" 1 ThompSon :: :' Street sWeePing .::; Feb. 2002 June2002: :;'~ UNDERWAY , : .., ~; peabody ': : ' Building&Safe~y :'' '" Feb. 2002 ,~une2002 "~:;~ ·UNDERWAY ; :' . 3. Carter Crossing GUards . , :: : ' ' Feb. 2002 : JUne 2002 UNDERWAY ' :.. '4. ·' Car{er ': Fire Services . i . : Feb. 2002: June 2002 UNDERWAY : · '~,dditional Objectives (Contract Administration) ' ~' . = :':':. ·. · ~ ~ ' ' · "::: · 5. :': t .' .'.: I : 1 2001 lMaintenance Services. · , :.,, ] Feb. 2002 I June 2002I UNDERWAY ~. High · Peabody 2001 · 'Process $250 millionin new building valuation .July 2001 : June 2002 UNDERWAY; SloWdown due to ':= .: . '~ : · ..... · ': ': ~ :::; : economic conditions; 6 month·Valuation: '. ~ : ~ :" ' : '. :~':' ': ,' : ~ ::. ': ':: .~ ~ $85.3 mill·ion.· 2, High Peabody 2001 Complete Specific Plan Study for West BART COMPL~ I E Specific Plan Area (Enea & Crown Prope~ies) ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECT/VES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 3 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY ~ESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 3. High Peabody 2001 COmplete rezoning of Downtov~n: SPeCific plan Feb. 2002 ~ : SePt. 2002 UNDERWAY · ~' ! :,,:~.. :' ~.eaS ~ ; i!.* - i . 4. High Peabody/ 2001 Incorporate Downtown Physical Improvements Plan COMPLY- ~ ~- Thompson into Five Ye.a,r CIP · 5. High peabody 1996 Update City s General Plan ' Beyond Fiscal :: NO PROGRESS . : · ~' , , , :" ' .' ' :':' : ' Year'200203 · ~'.'i:: ". ' · 6 High Thompson 200t Explore Trip Reduction Alternatives ' , :' : NEARLY COMPLETE; Report to Council: '~ · .: . ' : .. : ' .~pri12002 . ': ~:' '., 7. High Peabody 2001 Initiate Affordable Housing Program July 2001 June 2002 UNDERWAY 8. High Peabody 2001 : ~ :Finish Housing Element ~ ::' July 200t ; June 2002 UNDER, WAY :. ~ . 9. High Peabody 2000 Identify & Expand Alternative Funding Sources July 2001 Apr. 2002 :. UNDERWAY .': · · ~orPurchaseofoPenSPaceandlorDeveiopment: ; ; '~.':' : i' ' ' Rights · ~ : · 10. High Peabody 2001 Complete Silvera Property Annexation, ... ~ ' . : NO PROGRESS; Withdrawn by .; : · ' . . : : : . :: ::' ; , ; · Applicant; i~ut will be'resubmitted. 11. High Peabody 2000 Evaluate the desirability of detaching lands west of Nov. 2001 3 months NO PROGRESS Skyline Ridge (with the exception of Schaefer Ranch) following from the City's Sphere of Influence completion of #9 12. Medium Peabody 2001 Investigate parking and access alternatives fo~ Sept. 2002 Mat. 2003,: NO PROGRESS :.:... · ;: ' '. V!llage Parkway Specific Plan Area ,. ' · 13. Medium Peabody 2001 Complete Fallon Road East Annexation , July 2001 May 2002 UNDERWAY 14. Medium .: peabody ' 1996 · Develop City Telecommunications Policy beYond .. · Beyond Fiscal UNDERWAY' :: = . · .' : * ~" ~' , : : zoning OrdinanCe forWireiess Communications ' Year2002-3 :: :~ ;:': :i.. 15. Medium Peabody 2001: ·Complete General Plan/Specific Plan ~. ' July2001 Aug. 2002 ' ,. UNDERWAY . = . · · , .' : Amendments for eastern Dublin Transit Center i : ,., : i.i, ~ 16. Medium Peabody 2001 Ordinance to limit amount of square footage increase No Action NO PROGRESS. on remodel of existing houses Planned FY 2001-02 17.. Low Peabody 2000 View and Solar Access Ordinance No Action NO PROGRESS Planned FY 2001-02 ~8D. DITIOHi~/~~' OBJEC~eVaE~o(~LANN NG2)001 CO~Plete. lnclUsionary Zonin'~ Oi;dinanCe = Oct. 2001 ::' MaY 2002 UNDERWAY .: : ' '~':": i : ' : Amendment ' ""=::~ :: " . · : : = :' '" '::" ' 19. · · Peabody ' 2001 Valley Christian Center Master Plan General Plan ' Dec. 2001 - June 2002 ~ UNDERWAY . :. ' . Amendment: ': : .:: :': ' · · · ';' ' ' ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 4 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 20. Peab6dy ~ 2001 Camp Parks General Pian Amendment . :. Mar. 2002 Mar. 2003 UNDERWAy . .. 21. Peabod~ · ~00t Dublin Ranch West Annexation . · : ~ ~ "-, B~ ,~ ~, BUILDING .& SAFETY ~' ....... ~'~':~,,~,,'~,: ,?~:. ,~?,~:~':, ~.~ ,,,,,,'~-? ~ ............... ' ,-": ......... ' ........ ....... ..... ........... ' 1. High " ·Thompson 2000 Complete ADA evaluation of Dublin Swim Center, ' :: COMPL~ .. : · · , ·. Maintenance Yard, & Heritage Center ' i · ': , , : :'i'.i · ,.~ :i~: · : ' ' 2. High Peabody 2001 Implement Phase II of Building Permit Tracking July 2001 June 2002 UNDERWAY System (Building Inspection Module) 3. Medium Thompson 2001 Implement Curb Address Painting Program NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. 1. High ' Thompson 1996 Update & Expand Standard Street Improvement. COMPLETE · · · i : . i ' .Details (i.e. Street lights, decOrative paving,,: :'i '. ' .'. .... ':' ..~ . ~edian, landscaping) ' :'~ ~' : . i' ,i::. ~' .:'~ ?: :: ' ' ' . ~:,. ,~, ¢:~, ~D;~,~;~!' ~, ECONOMIC, DEVE LOPME N T?;:~ ~.~ ~,~;~ ~', ?'?: ?i~- ~,~ ~ ~,~:, 1. High Foss · .'' 2001 Make 400 business recruitment and retention · July 2001 June 2002 UNDERWAY; t85 business contacts · :':' ,. ' contaCts roi;the City of Dublin : ::,:. '=:' 2 High ,.': Foss 200t Target 200 mailings to attract businesses, to July 2001 June 2002.., , .,UNDERWAY; 160 letters have been sent ' .. : :' :'. Dublin :': :': : :=' ::::" ' : todate. ". 3. High Foss 2001 Provide financial support to SCORE (small business COMPL~ counseling) 4. High F0S~ 2001 Prepare and distribUte Space Available listings 3. JfJlY 2001' Jdne 2002 UNDERWA¥~ First report completed in · : : times: each year : ' October, 20~1. :second report · ' : . : :': · compJeted ~n January"30,2002. 5. Medium Foss 2001 Update the City's promotional marketing video NO PROGRESS - not funded in FY 01-02. 6. Medium Foss 2000 Participate in Selected Trade Shows to market NO PROGRESS - not funded in FY 01-02. properties in Dublin ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) 7. t ' IFoss ': t2002 t Municipal Elei:tric Utility Feasibility Study · 'l Feb. 2002 ::: I May 2002 I UNDERWAY ' '= ' t.: High Thompson 1992 =.: Complete development of Iron Horse Trail Began last County project COMPLr- [ ~- : := · ' ' :.: : =' =: .: =' Fiscal Year·: · comPlet~end: ~ : ' ': = ' : : . ::: ~:' ::: ,= of Apr.. 2002. :'.: ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 5 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMAI~-U STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE· GOAL START COMPLETION 2. Higfi ,' LowartJ =: 2001 Complete cost/benefi~ a~alysis on re-use of the Aug. 2001 May 2002 : UNDERWAY; report On re-rise: study to · : : Peabody Dublin LibrarY for a S~nior Center (including a. i . ~ Council in FebruarY; hoUsing feasibility : feasibilit~ studY of senior Housing on the LibrarY: ..; = . ii. SC.~C and PCSC in JanuarY and to l ' site) .~ :i~: ;.: i : .. study is contingent upon results of re. · : ~ ' ~ . · ' ~ · ~ i . ' .~.. use studY; if study is Warranted, · ' '=:.~ · . .i:' :: ' ~ ' '~.i ~:' ' ' : : estimated comPletion date is May 2002. 3. High Lowart 2001 Conduct new special event "Day on the Glen" at' COMPLI: I Emerald Glen Park. 4. High Lowart 2001 De~eloP a master pla~ ai~d Phasin~'g plan for th~ ..:., ':' · : ., NO PROGRESS; awaiting dec!slob ffor~ : : ii : ::~ i . :: Sports Park On Gleason Drive and Fallon Road ~ ' US Fish & Wildlife that erivirOnmental ir{cluding evaluation of BMX Track ~i ,.: i.~: . · : constraints on site canbe mitigated. 5. , High Lowart · 2001 Conduct a dedication/grand opening celebration Sept. 2001 Apr. 2002 UNDERWAY; dedication scheduled for : ·. for Ted Fairfield NeighborhOod Park'. . ~ : April 13; 2002~ 6, High Lowart 2001 Complete Design of Senior Center : May 2002 Apr. 2003 :: :NO PROGRESS; Design will commence ~.. ... : ... ' :., ~ '. ': .i .: ~ ":'; " after completion of Housing Study. · 7, High ' Lowart .... = 2001 Expand Afterschool Programs K-8; Coordinate Sept, 2001 Sept. 2002 UNDERWAY; conversational Spanish · . · ' ' with School. District; i.e. language, reading, math, ~ . ~ ; classes offere(J at D°Ugherty ElementarY · technology .. :...:' ':. · in fall and win{er; meeting with school : : .~ ~ =;: ~ . i: i' Principals to discuss additional Class. ~)pPortunities with goa , . :' ~ . .=. =: = ' :; ~' .'. classes for next school Year. 8. High Lowart 2001 Open Media Centers/Computer Labs and Libraries in NO PROGRESS; dependent on School the evening at Dublin Unified School District facilities District. through City's Parks & Community Services Department 9. High Lowart 2001 Increase day care by developing surplus land at NO PROGRESS; dependent on School schools for childcare facilities District. 10, High Lowart 2001. ExPlore oPPortunit~ to dse DoUgherty Hills OPen Mar. 2002 Aug, 2002 UNDERWAY; sUrvey of other .. ~ : : ~pace on Amad0~ ~alley Bl~d at Stagec°a~h ~r ' · ;=: =.:: ' communities comPlete; ~s~esSing site' ~ :, "! : .. ': : ' Dog Park& c°mn~unity Garden .... ~ .: i ~:: ~ ' ~:: '=' conditions&required imp~0Vements. 11, ' High Lowart ' 2001 Establish a community band class ' · Jan; 2002 June 2002 . UNDERWAY; class may be offered in .. ~,;..: :: .... ::: .; .:~: · : ~; · . summer2002.. 12. High · Lowart 2001 ' Review City Facility Rental Policy ' Nov~ 2001 May2002 :.:.. UNDERWAY; draft policies for review by. = .. :: ' ~ : ,' ; = ' ~ ,:, ::i'" PCSC in Apr. 2002 and COUnCil in May '::" : i'I. . ~ ' . ," ":.: ~ ' :; ' ~ =" 2002, ' ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 6 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 13. High Lowart 2001 Explore feasibility of expanding youth sports program COMPLETE. Funds included in FY 01-02 to include volleyball Budget; program scheduled for spring 2002. ~14.' Medium'. ~ L0wai-t 2000 U~dete Facili~ Use Agreement With Dublin NO PROGRESS; dependent upon SchOol i ', ~ i · i ~ : i Unified Schooi District : i ' District ' 15. Medium Lowart 2001 Conduct costJbeneflt analysis of installing artificial NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. turf at future City sports fields 16. Medium Lowart 2001 Investigate an all weather track & artificial NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. football/soccer field at Dublin High 17. Low Lowart 2001 Undertake a feasibility study of a stadium complex .NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. for both athletic & entertainment venues · 18. Low Lowart 2000 Identify potential income generating activities using NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. · City facilities 19. Low Lowart 2001 Expand the Senior. Center Computer Lab to include NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. two Macintosh Computer workstations 20. Low Lowart 2000 Implement a community wildflower planting project NO PROGRESS; not funded in FY 01-02. along Dougherfy Road ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES) 21. Lowart 2001 . CoOrdinate inclusion of ~ Time CapsiJle in th~ May 200t .~ Apr. 2002 ~: ;.. UNDERWAY; location aPproved by .. · ! == , · =': : ConStruction of the new Library. , : ' · : ' C°Uhci!; c°mmun~ty outreach program : ~ . ~ · ', :: :. : ' foritems in progress. 22. :: · · · Lowart :' : 2001 Expand Senior Center Trips &Tours Program Dec. 2001 June 2002 UNDERWAY · · 1. High Lowart 1999 Complete construction of a storage unit on the Dublin COMPLETE .Heritage Center grounds. 2. High Lowart 2000 Complete Freeway Underpass Art at Dublin Blvd & Sept. 2000 Dec. 2002 UNDERWAY; Dublin Blvd. Design complete Amador Valley Bird and submitted to Caltrans Jan 2002. AVB design to be completed July 2002. 3. High Lowart 2001 Expand the open hours at the Heritage Center to COMPLETE; Funds included in FY 01-02 Saturdays from 1:00-4:00pm Budget; additional hours began in September 2001. 4. Hig:~i LowarfJ 2000· CompletePublicArt/Bi~SheltetPrdjectin.~ ·Aug. 2001:.':i JUrie2003 ' UNDERWAY; Art const~ltant services = .' Peabody ' = ~': "{ downtown' Dublin. :: . :" .... ' '.'i' '=, ~"": agreement apProved; RFQ for artists ', distributed in DeC; 200i; Artist SelectiOn Mar. 2002. ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 7 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 5. High Lowart/ 2001 Develop new banner art working with Dublin youth. Feb. 2001 June 2002 UNDERWAY; Art consultant services Thompson agreement approved; program to begin in R.O.C. program Feb. 2002. 6. · H/g½ L0walt 200t Develop a'P[iblic Alt Ma~ter Plan July 2002. -: :. JUne 2003 NO PROGRESS. ProjeCt delayed unti! : . ' . · . . : ' ~' ~ ' Heritage and Cultural Arts SupervisOr is .: i ' i. '~ ~ :~ :' ' .~ :~ :, ' : ~. '. hired~ :?.. 7. High .' Peabody/ 2001 · Develop plans for Historical District designation: Mar. 2002 Mar. 2003 ': '.UNDERWAY; City Council directed Staff LoWart .. · of D0nlon Way making certain Alami!la SpHngs & · · . i: : : t° prePare a SPeCific Plan of the area. '.: · ':i:.. "~ ' . ' .~ Green· Store are included ':' ~ ,. :: , . :'' .' · :, :' : 8. High Lowart 2001 Investigate the feasibility of a Performing Arts Center Apr. 2002 Nov. 2002 NO PROGRESS 9. High Ambrose 2001 Provide City Support to the Classical Philharmonic COMPLr- I r-. Funds included in FY 01-02 Program at Dublin Unified School District Budget. 10. High :Lowad] 200! Investigate concept of restOring Bell TOWer : : COMPLy- i ~-. FUhds included in FY 01-02 :' :' : Ambrose ~ =:, ! :: . ' ';:. i' Budget; Scheduled for completion Fall : ' :.' : i. ~ .:: · : . · : . 2002... " 11. Med um Lowart/ : 2001 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to Jan. 2001 : Shannon- 9/01 UNDERWAY; Sirius moved from Civic . i Thbmpson complete Art in the Parks projects for shannon ~ : Fairfield - 8i02 center i~° shannOn Park; artist Selected ' Park; Emerald Glen Park and Ted Fairfield Park.: 'i Emerald Glen ~- for Emerald Glen Park; design COmplete · : · ':': i. ' 6/03 "~ :for Ted Fairfield Park. 12. Medium Lowart 2001: Establish a policy for acquisition/acceptance of Jan. 2002 , Oct. 2002 i UNDERWAY; Heritage Center committee · ' : .. ·' ' : ' '; 'museum artifacts ~. :': , . =" =' · : ' : :' .: . formed to develop policy format. ' : : :: 13. Medium Lowart 2001 Develop plans for, documentation, certification & Feb. 2002 June 2003 UNDERWAY; Cataloging software · · := ' · cataloging of City s collections (historical & art) ';' :: ' ~ identified and ordered;'' ;; ~:.: ' 1, High Thuman 2001 Evaluate need for a'new patrol beat in eastern Dublin COMPLF- I ~- to accommodate present and future growth for the area east of Tassajara Rd 2. High ' Thuman ' 2001 Consistent ~ith 'Meg~n's L~,", develoP a web JUly 2001 J0ne 2002 UNDERWAY; Consultant proposal is .:- ' : ' i::: : page on City s web ~it~ that provides citizens ' :. . · ~..: under revieW.. '. i ii '' :: ' : · · . with the general location of ~egistered offenders ~ .: :.. :':. ::. ' reslding ih their area ::..;: i ; ~ :: ' ". ', 3. High ' Thuman/ . 2001: Increase penalties for public art vandalism July200! ; ' Apr. 2002; UNDERWAY · ~ . ::' Silver , :. :.:: :" ' ,":'::" ~' ~ ::.': '~ ~';: , ' '': ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 8 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL . START COMPLETION 4. High Thuman :~ 2001 : Determine need and ViabilitY of the installati°n df July 2001 Unknown UNDERWAY; revieW of current legal i ' ' ' automated traffic deviCes (digital cameta~):at : . challenges t° this system have not been I ~ !.:. :~. ~: ::' 'i . :: major intersections to enhance traffic ' cOmpletely resolved at the'Judicial level. ' . : . :' ' enforcement of red light :violators · . · ' 5. Medium Thuman' 2001 Determine need and viability of instituting a teen July 2001 Apr. 2002 UNDERWAY ~ : · ~: = . : ::: ' :. court for yoUnger jUveniles (ages 10-15) with no i . ':. PriOr arrest'recOrdS=and those charged with less ' ' '" s~rious Iaw Violations (e.g., vandalism, '. ' · = . shoPlifting, etc) in lieu of formal handling bythe . :. = ' · : . : ': ~: ~ traditional juvenile justice system :: 6, ' Medium Thuman ' 2001 Investigate desirability of a trigger lock program July 2001 Apr. 2002 . UNDERWAY; Liability issues are being ~i .... ~ for handguns : ; : · . reviewed by the City Attorney. ~" ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) 7. I I Thuman I 200i I Undertake FaCility Security Assessments I Dec. 2001 I Mat. 2002 ' I NEARLY COMPLETE I I I I No Objectives for 2001 I I t · I' High Ambrose 1998 I Finalize Fire Station Location in Dublin Ranch I I COMPLETE High I Lichtenstein: ] 200t · I !Design & COnstruCt Emerald Glen Fire Station I Jal~ 2001 I E~11:2003:, : ~I UNDERWAY; Design i~ p~ogress: ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FIRE SERVICES) 3. ' 2001 Design & Construct Fallon Fire station · . july 2001 Fall 2003 I UNDERWAY; Design in progress .*.:;:~ ~i?~i~-- '~D:',~.: DISASTER.PREPAREDNESS ~"L; :-,,~ i~ ~ ~ .:~?~. ";:: ~:/i:~L~'~!~, ;:~:.::. i:~i'.'~'?:,i::~,?; ~:,,~ ~/~!~i:?~;::~':,~i~ ,~?~::'~i 1. High Carter 200t Undertake multi-functional disaster training Jan. 2001 Oct. 2002 .. · UNDERWAY; County-wide disaster: . = = : ' = .: ~' : : exercise : :' : · . exercise SchedUled fOr OctOber 2002 2. ~ High · Carter 2001 ' Initiate Neighborhood Emergency Training i .::.: COMPLETE · . '' : .... ' :. Program ' : :' :.: .': ,: . ~ ~i . 3. Medium Carter 2001 Work with the City's community based organizations NO PROGRESS; Not funded in FY 01-02. to develop a disaster plan for the City's "vulnerable" and "spedial needs" population. 4. Low Carter 1997 Develop a formal Disaster Service Worker Program NO PROGRESS; Not funded in FY 01-02. ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 9 3/25/02 9:38 AM # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS I P~IORI~ I RESPONSlBLEI I GOAL ~ IsTART I CO~PLETION I 1. High: ' . Carter 2001 Develop Green Building Guidelines & Incentives Aug. 2001 : Apr 2002 COMPLETE; Green Building Guidelines i ' : .~ : .Program to promote Green Building : : ~ . .... :. : made avaiiable to development'" ·. . : · .: i. ;. = community; City has app!ied for Green · ~' = ' .i ' ~: i. ~ '~ · Building Grants. Wast~e Management ~:' i :: = ' · i :i: ~': : : ~ ' Authority does not yet provide financial · : :: : ; ~ ' ' ;':: : ; : · . ;! incentives for residential&commercial .... : · ; :;. ~ =.:.~. :.; :. ~ . , build!ngs; .. 2. High · : ~ Carter 2001 Develop multi-family recycling pilot program in : ·: ~ : ~ : COMPLI= I I= : .:: = ~ ConjUnction with Waste Management AuthOritY : : i ' ' · · 3. Medium Carter 2000 Discuss a Project with Camp Parks· & Waste = · ' NO PROGRESS; Lack of interest from ~ ; ;' : i ~: Management Authority t° [r~piement ReCycling of ·: ' the; Private sector and the Army atthe: ~ :.. : : ~ . '.. Demolition Mate~ial~ at Camp parks~ · "~ :Present time;' ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) 4. : . Carter 2001 ~ Study feasibility of imPlementing cUrbside oil I Feb; 2002 May 2002 UNDERWAY ' ' : recycling, e-waste recycling, commercial food i ~'' , ~ · ' waste recycling, and hoUSehOld hazardOus waSte · ·. , ; ": : !:: : ' ; pick-up . ' ':': :. :~ 'i.. . : = ' 1. High :: :: Thompson 2001 .Undertake Needs Assessment for a new City : Mar. 2002 June 2002 NO PROGRESS : : :. :' Maintenance Yard facility ' : .... ' 2. Medium Thompson 2001 Implement 5 new community volunteer:, projects : .COMPLETE:B°yscout project sanded &' '" ' refinished · WOo~! eqUipment sUrfaces: DOlan park i - BoY S~0:ut project sanded &refinished wood Surfaces & Alamb Park' =': ' ; play structures ~Ko!b Park : : ,: - Boy Scout project refinished wooden -Boy Scout project added sand to · : ; playgrOunds:. Shannon~ DSG & Kolb ·" Parks~:; .: ~::": : : ' : "' : : · ~: ' ·' · ' :": ;' :' ' ' - BoY ScoUt project refinished gazebo- : · .:. :'' . i: i" i.:: ~ .': .... :. :~ :: .: : :=' ' Alamo Creek Park ADOPTED 2001-2002 GOALS & OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AS OF 01/31/02 PAGE 10 3/25/02 9:38 AM '# tCOUNCIL PERSONPRIORITY RESPONSIBLE YEAR ] PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATEDGoAL START COMPLETIoNESTIMATED I STATUS 1, High Thompson '1997= Work with Caltrans & ACTA to open downtown .. Begun June 2002 : UNDERWAY; Last southbound~ 1-680 . · '.= ': : : '.: hOOk ramps' . ' ' : · ramp sCheduled for ComPletioh at the ~: · : : : = :. :: = , :'; : end of June 2002: .':~ · : :: 2.: High Thompson · ·2001 Work with ACTA for the implementation of the Aug. 2001 : June 2004 : NO PROGRESS; Not s.,c_heduled for this . : ;' ~'~:- = = Measure B transPortation project along the · :': = . :' · ' Fiscal year in the City s 5-Year ClP, · · .:: Scarlett DriVelcorridor between Dublin Bird, and ' :: ": ' ' · : :. ~ Dougherty Road, ~ Dublin is the project sponsor, .. ' ' : ' 3, High Thompson 1995 Complete alignment studies for eastern Dublin major Begun Sept. 2002 UNDERWAY, Gleason Road alignment is arterials (Gleason Drive & Tassajara Road N/O City (assuming that a condition of the Dublin Ranch Area A Limits) private projects development, It has been delayed by go forward) Corps of Engineers permit, Tassajara Road alignment from existing City limit to Fallon Road was being processed as part of the Silvera development annexation, Alignment will now only be established through the Quarry Lane School project, Tassajara Road alignment from Quarry Lane School to Alameda County line to be processed with developments north of Quarry Lane School, F:\G&O\2002 G&O MtgWlain 2002-03 docskMain 2001 Status Report.doc 3/25/02 9:38 AM CITY Of DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 GENERAL 2002 Number Project Name Status Jun I Jul I Au9 I Sepl Oct I Nov I Dec Jan FebI Mar Apr /May! Jun I Jul 93130 City Cablecast System UNDERWAY: Developing specifications for building modifications and equipment. 93150 Network System Upgrade COMPLETE for this Fiscal Year 93157 ScannerEngineeringPrinter' Copier, COMPLETE ............................................ i ............. '"'""i ....................... i ....................................................................... i ........................ ! ..................... ' ........... i ............. i ....................... i ....................... i ....................... 93172 Fuel Tank Upgrade COMPLETE ........................................ i ....................... i ..................... i'''''I ........................................................................................... i ......................................... i ................... i""'i .......... i ..................... i ........................ 93190 Central Data Processing System UNDERWAY; Cash registers in PD, Sr .............................................. Upgrade Center by April 2002 93192 Geographic Information System UNDERWAY; CAD Software Upgrade purchased - working on Master Plan Study 93200 Automated Building Permit UNDERWAY System 93220, CommUupgradeniCations System CO MP LETEfor th is Fiscal Year ................... i' '"'": 93310 CompUters for our SchOols $100,000 budgeted for new Project computers; no expenditures to date 93320 Telecommunications Plan NO PROGRESS 93401 Senior Center Housing Evaluation UNDERWAY ............................................. 93450 Civic Center Library Construction UNDERWAY; Project C°mplete Jan' 2003 ii ii ii iii 93460 Civic Center Trailer Annex COMPLETE ...................... ~ ..................... ~ ...................... ~ ..................... ~ ...................... ~ ..................... ~ ....................... ~ ................. ~ ...................... ~ ........................ ~ ....................... ~ ........................ ~ ....................... ~ ....................... CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 GENERAL 2002 Number Project Name Status Jun I Jul I Aug ...... I ...... I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan I Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 93510 Emerald Glen Fire Station Design UNDERWAY; Project i i ~ · Complete Dec. 2003 93511 Fallen Fire Station Design UNDERWAY; Project ..................... ' ....................... i ......................... · Complete Dec, 2003 93916 ADA Building Conformance UNDERWAY; Project completed for Upgrades Civic Center and Shannon Center 93921 Civic Center Painting UNDERWAY i' i' ~ ~ ~! i,~~i~ i ~i ...................... ~i ....................... ~i ........................ 93933 Civic Center Generator UNDERWAY ...................... i ....................... i ....................... i ....................... i ........................ i ........................ i' i ...................... 93934 City Facility Lighting Retrofit COMPLETE 93935 Civic Center HVAC System !Design UNDERWAY { J · 93936 Civic Center Electrical Upgrade UNDERWAY 93970 Automated Document Storage & UNDERWAY Retrieval 94500 Public Facility Fee St. udy Update UNDERWAY; Consultant Services Agreement to City Council 3-5-02 CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 2002 Number Project Name Status Jun I Jul I Au~l !Sep ! Oct I Nov I Dec I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr !Ma)/ !Jun 94060 Downtown Improvement UNDERWAY: See Attached Schedule Implementation Phase I 94226 !Freeway UnderPass Art UNDERWAY; Completion of Dublin Boulevard on schedule; Amador Valley Boulevard FY 02-03 94230 Arroyo Vista Roof Repair IN PROGRESS - June 2002 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair UNDERWAY; Contract Awarded ....................... 94252 Bus Shelters Design UNDERWAY; 5 Shelters to be ...................... completed in FY 02-03 94255 Sidewalk Reconstruction Awaiting completion of Caltrans Flyover under 1-680 Project 94290 Audible Pedestrian Signals COMPLETE 94615 Village Pkwy Median Design UNDERWAY;. Complete FY Landscaping 2002-2003 94956 Street Banner Art Project UNDERWAY CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 DOWNTOWN' IMPROVEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PHASE I - 94060 2002 Project Name Status Oc~ I Nov I Dec ! Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul Proiects Funded in Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (Phase I) Gateway Monument @ Dublin Blvd/Village Pkwy UNDERWAY Intersection Improvements @ Village Pkwy/Lewis UNDERWAY Ave Arched Gateway Design fOr St. Patrick Way/ UNDERWAY Amador Plaza Rd. . Marker Design (Secondary Monument) NO PROGRESS; D,la¥od to 2002-03 ............................ ~ .................................. ~ ..................................... i .................................... ~ ................................. i ............................. ' ......................... ' ............... ~ ................................ i .................................. Bridge Feasibility Study for Dublin Blvd UNDERWAY Arborist Assessment of Tree Relocation on Village UNDERWAY Parkway CiTY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 PARKS 2002 Number Project Name Status Aug I Se. ! I Nov I Dec Jan J Feb J Mar J Apr J Ma)/ J Jun I Jul 95110 Community Gym at Valley High COMPLETE; Final payment made i i i 95405 Shannon Park & Community COMPLETE ....................... i ........................... ~ ........................... ~ ........................... ~ ............................. Center Parking Lot Paving 95451 Shannon Center Doors UNDERWAY 95501 Heritage Center Storage COMPLETE Building 95560 Murray School Bell Tower UNDERWAY ......................... i .......................... i'"-' ............... i ........................... i ............................. 95565 Murray Schoolhouse Defer to FY 2002-03; after Bell Tower is ................................. i ............... i' ........................... {'"- ................. { ; ...................... Improvements completed !- ~ ~ ~ ~ [ .................... i .... i ~ .............. ~ ............................. i ........................... i ............................ ......................... !~' .......................... ~ ............................ ~ ........................... P'~*~*~'='~; '"' '" '* ' *':' ¥~i'*'**-*'i'~:~ ....................... 95600 Emerald Glen Park Phase II i Phase II UNDERWAY;Estimated ~ ~ ~ completion 6-03 95640 Dublin Ranch Area "G" NO PROGRESS; Pending availability of ..................................................... i ............................ i ........................... i ........................ ii "'"'"'ii i' '?~/''' ........ i"!"'""'ii ............... i'i ................. i .................................................. ! ............................ Neighborhood Parks funding . 95830 Dublin Sports Ground UNDERWAY; Estimated completion Renovation Phase II Feb. 2003 95851 Sports Park NO PROGRESS; Pending clearance ! i i i from US Fish & Wildlife 95913 Dublin Swim Center Roof UNDERWAY; Estimated completion ~ ............. "" ~"~ '~,~ ......... Replacement 6-02 95930 Senior Center UNDERWAY; Feasibility Study ~ complete 2-02; Design pending i i outcome of housing study , ! i 95935 Community Theater NO PROGRESS ............................................. [ .......................... ] .......................... i .................................................................................... CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 ClP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 STREETS 2002 Number Project Name Status Jun I Jul I Aug I Sep I Oct I Nov I Dec ! Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul 06021 Bedford Court Subdrain COMPLETE 96023 Hansen Drive Drainage COMPLETE Improvements 96080 Dublin Blvd. Underground UNDERWAY; Design Complete 96380 1-580/San Ramon Interchange Design UNDERWAY; to be completed by Improvements September 2002; Construction Complete Summer 2003 96400 ImprovementsEastern Dublin Arterial Street _UNDERWAY; Developers making improvementSsee Attached Schedule i [ i i ...................................... i ....................... ii ..................... .................... 96410 1-580/Hacienda Road Freeway COMPLETE Interchange 96420 1-580/Tassajara Interchange Construction UNDERWAY; Project Complete .................. Improvements Fall 2003 96430 1-580/Fallon Interchange UNDERWAYi Project delayed dueto additional, · Improvements env./traffiCproject in Pleasanton.analysis for Proposed Staples Ranch 96560 Traffic Signals - Village: COMPLETE Parkway at Brighton, Tamarack and Davona 96563 WillowTraffic SigcreeknaI-DORd.Ug herty Rd& LateDesign COsummer MPLETE; Co2002 nstruction to Begin 96564 Traffic Signal Upgrade-Village UNDERWAY; To bid April 2002; Construction to Pkwy/Amador Valley Blvd begin Summer 2002 96575 Village Parkway U-Turn Lane Construction UNDERWAY at Davona Dr. 96580 Annual Street Overlay UNDERWAY CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 ClP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 STREETS 2002 Number Project Name Status Jun t Jul I Aug I Sap I Oct I Nov I Dec Jan t Feb I Mar I Apr~[~J Jun ! Jul 96585 Annual Slurry Seal Program UNDERWAY 96650 AcquisitionEastern Dublin Street ROW UNDERWAY; Awaiting trial on condemnation 96770 Alamo Canal Bike Path -AVB COMPLETE to Iron Horse 96772 Alamo Canal Bike Path UNDERWAY; To bid April 2002 Project - Iron Horee Trail to 1580 96852 Dougherty Rd Improvements- Awaiting resolution of Transit Center Houston to 1-580 96890 Dublin Blvd. Widening- COMPLETE Dougherty to Scarlett · ........... 96920 Dublin Blvdo Improvements- · UNDERWAY; Award of bid April 2002; Project Village Pkwy. to Sierra Complete Summer 2003 CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2001-2002 CIP STATUS AS OF 1/31/02 EASTERN DUBLIN ARTERIAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 96400 2002 Project Name Construction By MayI Jun I Jul Aug I Sap I oct I Nov Dec I Jan I Febl Mar Fallon Rd.- Anton to Clubhouse Dr. Toll Dublin Bivd.- Keegan St. to Fallon Rd* Lin Gleason Drive-Tassajara Rd to Fallon Rd.* Lin ............................................... Dublin Blvd.-East of SPRR to Hacienda Dr, (Median Opus ...... Landscaping) Gleason Dr, - Hacienda Dr. Traffic Signal Sybase .................... Central Pkwy. - Arnold Rd. Traffic Signal Sybase ...................... ! i i '~~ .................. Dublin Blvd.- Branagan Traffic Signal Toll Central Pkwy. o Branagan Traffic Signal Toll Tassajara Rd. - Central Pkwy. Traffic Signal Shea Central Pkwy. - Glynnis Rose Dr. Traffic Signal Shea Scarlett Dr.- Dougherty Rd. to Houston (2 Lanes) BlaCksmith Homes/Castle Dougherty Rd, Widening-Just North of Houston Archstone Dublin Blvd - Arnold Rd. Traffic Signal Opus ..................... Central Parkway- Sybase Driveway to Hacienda Dr. (2-3 Sybase ...................... ~""~'~'i~'[?¥i~"'"'"i ..................... Lanes) Dublin Blvd.- Tassajara Creek to Tassajara Rd. (Median Toll ~""~'~i'~'i~:i:~'""'i Landscaping) Fallon Rd.- Sports Park to Anton (2 Lanes) Toll ..................... i ............... ~'"'~'~¥~'"'""i ..................... i ..................... i' ..................... i ..................... i ................... i ...................... Dublin Blvd. - Sybase Driveway Traffic Signal Sybase .................. ~ ~i'i~'~:~"'"~"! 'i .... :"i ii'i Central Pkwy Hacienda Dr. Traffic Signal Sybase Central Pkwy-Hybernia Dr, Traffic Signal Sybase ............ *Construction period estimated based on receiving Army Corps of Engineers permit CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 1 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED [~i.,GENE~L, ~O~ERN~EI~T~.~.,~-~, ~, :~ ~ ~?. ~:~,-,~^ ,:?,,,~ ...... ~,, ....... ~, ...... .: : ........... . · A. ADMINISTRATION To ensure the smooth & efficient functioning of those services provided to the community. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2001 Open New Civic Center Library. Provide for the Capital funding will 6 months City's future be included in CIP Library needs, as planned, 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2002 Implementation and Installation of Provide a Equipment & 1 month new phOne system, reliable system; contract service able to address all City's phone/voice mail and equipment expansion needs, especially at remote facilities. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High ~' High 3. 2002 Coordinate a Commission/Committee Recognize Materials & 3 months Recognition, Mayor Award Dinner & individual & supplies Program including group Citizen/Organization of the Year contributions to Award with $250 cash prize for the the community. winning organization and the favorite chadty of the winning citizen. 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High 4. 1999 Develop a Geographic Information Improve Co,buct services 12 months System (GIS), including the coordination of , , integration of existing City information information systems, between City departments and improve ' customer service. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 2 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AY . 2 3 1 · 2 2 2.0 Medium Medium 5. 2002 Participate in City Council Team Enhance Funding for Retreat Less than 1 Building Retreat. working month relationship of ' City Council, ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) B. FINANCE To effectively manage the City's financial resources, maximize revenues, control expenditures & develop an adequate information reporting system. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2001 Implement new GASB Rules, Ensure having Consultant services. 12 months including evaluation of the City's an unqualified infrastructure and revising the City's audit opinion & a CAFR. better valuation of the City's infrastructure. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2002 Investigate feasibility of implementing Improve_ Bank/contract 12 months an e-commerce policy for citizen, use Customer costs for card of City. services. Service and processing increase revenue. 2 2 3 2 2 2.2 Medium Medium 3. 2002 Update Study for Indirect Charges for Current indirect Consultant services 12 months Development Services. charges for Development Services have not been reviewed for over 10 )/ears. 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 Medium Medium 4, 2002 Complete feasibility analysis for the Lower the Consultant services 3 months DBX Bond re-financing, annual assessment costs for property owners. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 3 INDIVIDUALCOUNClL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS IJL ICMITO IGZ IAV ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FINANCE) C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS To work with other agencies on problems of areawide concern; keep abreast of legislation which impact the City. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Work with Alameda County Open Priority list None 12 months Space Committee to establish open needed for use space acquisition priorities, of Altamont fees. 2 3 3 2 2 2.4 Medium Medium 2. 2001 Participate in Tri-Valley Vision Participate in None Meeting project, regional monthly discussion regarding ~ agriculture, economic vitality & housing. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) 2 3. 2002 Work with cities in the Tri-Valley to Unknown 6 months establish a clearinghouse to develop & maintain affordable housing opportunities & publicize & coordinate the region's housing D. PUBLIC RELATIONS To effectively communicate to & solicit input from the community regarding City services & activities 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Produce Annual City Newsletter. Enhance Printing costs 4 months information to the community,r 3 3 · 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2001 Modernize & Expand the City's Enhance Consultant services 6 months Website. information to the community & website users. 3 3 3 3 2 2.8 High High 3. 2002 Plan & Implement City Service Open Improve Materials & 3 months House at a Community Event. community's supplies knowledge. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 4 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF #' YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS IJ' ICMITO tGZ IAV ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PUBLIC RELATIONS) E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION To evaluate'the performance & cost effectiveness of the City's contract service providers 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2002 Perform contract evaluations on the Ensure contract None 12 months following Services: service levels 1. Alameda County (signals & are appropriate street light maintenance and continue to 2. Building & Safety be cost effective. 3. Crossing Guards ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) A. PLANNING To develop plans for future growth & development; administer the zoning, subdivision & sign ordinances; analyze environmental reports; & provide assistance to developers, merchants, & residents with planning issues. 3 3 3 .3 3 3,0 High High 1. 2002 Develop a 5 year Affordable Housing Provide more None 12 months Program. affordable housing. ' 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2002 Open Space Implementation Plan. Resolve Western Consultant 6 months Open Space services, capital issue, funding 3 3 3 . 3 3 3.0 High High 3. 2001 Complete Transit Center Complete land Consultant services 2 months Development General Plan use plan for Amendment. property which will enhance the use of transit. 3 3 2 3 3 2.8 High . High 4. 2002 Evaluate Juvenile Hall/Courthouse Evaluate County Consultant services 7 months proposal, proposal for major court/juvenile facility. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 5 INDIVIDUALCOUNClL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 5. 2002 Complete Scadett Court Specific Evaluate future. None 12 months Plan Amendment. land use for area in transition. 3 3 2 3 3 2.8 High High 6. 2001 Camp Parks General Plan Army is Consultant services 9 months Amendment. evaluating the desirability of 187 acre land exchange. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 7. 2002 Resolve Final Boundaries of Sports Necessary to Consultant services 24 months Park in Eastern Dublin. resolve so that middle school & private development within Dublin Ranch can proceed. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 8. 2002 Complete Resource Management Needed before Consultant services 24 months Plan for Eastern Dublin Property property can be Owners Annexation. zoned. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 9. 2002 Complete Silveria Annexation. Fulfill policies of Consultant services 12 months Specific Plan; resolve connection of Fallon Road to Tassajara Road. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 10. 2001 Complete rezoning of Downtown Implement None. 3 months Specific Plan Areas. Adopted Downtown Specific Plans. 0 3 2 3 3 2.2 High High 11. 2000 Evaluate the desirability of detaching Determine None 1 month lands west of Skyline Ridge (with the ultimate western exception of Schaefer Ranch) from boundary of the the City's Sphere of Influence. City. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 6 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 12. 2001 Develop plans for Historical District Provide Consultant services 9 months designation of Donlon Way making development certain Alamilla Springs and Green guidelines and Store are included, protect historic resources, 3 3 3 2 3 2,8 High High 13. 2002 Develop Streetscape Guidelines, Coordinate · Consultant services 12 months landscaping and streamlining of development process, 3 3 1 3 2 2,4 High Medium 14, 2001 Dublin Ranch West Annexation. Evaluate Consultant services 12 months proposed annexation along Tassajara Rd, 3 2 2 3 2 2,4 Medium Medium 15, 2001 Investigate parking and access Implement None 9 months alternatives for Village Parkway . Village Parkway Specific Plan Area, Specific Plan, 2 2 3 2 2 2,2 Medium Medium 16, 1996 Update City's General Plan, Bring General Staff and consultant 18-24 months Plan into services conformance with changes in State law, 2 2 2 1 2 1,8 Medium Medium 17, 1996 Develop City Telecommunications Protect City None 12 months Policy beyond Zoning Ordinance for Streets, Wireless Communications, 1 0 2 1 2 1.2 Low Low 18, 2001 Develop Ordinance to limit amount of Preserve Additional Staff 6 months square footage increase on remodel neighborhood of existing houses, · character, 0 0 1 1 2 0,8 Low Low 19. 2000 View and Solar Access ordinance, Protect views, Additional Staff 6 months CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 7 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED Ts IJ' ICMITO IGZ IAV ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PLANNING) 2 20. 2002 Develop Specific Plan for San Additional Staff 6-9 months Ramon Village Shopping Center (southeast corner of San Ramon Rd · · & Alcosta Blvd.). 3 21. 2002 investigate options for property on None 4 months S.E. comer of Village Parkway & Amador Valley Blvd. B. BUILDING & SAFETY Administer & enforce the City's Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Housing & Zoning Codes to ensure the safe construction & maintenance of buildings & structures 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High· 1. 2002 Process $100 million in new building Expand the None 12 months valuation. City's ability to provide quality municipal services & facilities. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2001 Adopt 2002 State Codes (Building, Comply with None 3 months Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, State mandate. etc.). 2 1 1 1 2 1.4 Low Medium 3. 2001 Implement Curb Address Painting Improve public Supply costs & 12 months Program. safety response, contract services ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (BUILDING & SAFETY) 2 4. 2002 Develop technology standards for all Consultant services 12 months new residential units constructed. C. ENGINEERING To provide local review of subdivision & parcel maps; perform transportation planning & recommend solutions to traffic safety problems & design & inspect Capital Projects I I I I I I I I I I No OBJECTIVES IN THIS YEAR I I I ADDITIONALi OBJECTIVES (ENGiNEERIiG) I I CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 8 NDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED Ts IJL ICM ITO IGZ IAV D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT To ascertain & fulfill the economic needs of the City by attracting desired commercial, industrial & residential development while offering City support to existing businesses 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Negotiate Lease Agreement for the Necessary to Legal Services 2 months West Dublin BART Project. secure financing for the parking structure. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2002 Make recruitment and Attract business. None 12 months retention contacts for the City of Dublin.. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 3. 2002 Target 200 mailings to attract Attract business. None 12 months businesses to Dublin. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 4. 2002 Prepare and distribute Space Attract and retain None 12 months Available listing 3 times each year. business. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) 3 5. 2002 Evaluate the need for specific area Provide for Consultant services 12 months , business associations within Dublin mutual interests of neighboring businesses- i.e. main street program 3 6. 2002 Develop a plan to attract and retain Consultant services 12 months independently owned businesses in new projects as well as the downtown area of Dublin and investigate opportunity zones. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 9 NDIVlDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS IJL ICM ITC IGZ 'IAV A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES To enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing recreational & other special interest programs; improve the utili~a[ion of existing recreation facilities; & plan & develop new recreation facilities & opportunities 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High- Staff 1, 2002 Prepare an update to the 1994 Parks Master Plan Consultant services 6 months High-Comm and Recreation Master Plan. should be updated every 5- 10 years to . reflect changing conditions in · community. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 2. 2001 complete Design and Construction Provide Consultant services 10 months High-Comm Documents for Senior Center. additional space to expand the Senior Center programs and services. 3 3 2 3 3 2,8 High High-Staff 3. 2001 Develop a master plan and phasing Identify specific Consultant services 12-24 months High-Corem plan for the Sports Park on Gleason improvements Drive and Fallon Road including and phases for evaluation of BMX Track, construction of improvements. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 4, 2002 Expand "Day on the Glen Festival" to Provide Staff, increased None High-Comm two-day event, additional program costs opportunity for community to attend a family oriented activity. 3 3 3 3 3' 3.0 High High-Staff 5. 2001 Expand Afterschool Programs K-8; Provide Increased program 3 months High-Comm Coordinate with School District; i.e. additional costs language, reading, math, technology, afterschool activities for youth. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 10 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 6. 2002 Expand Preschool Program to Accommodate Increased program 3 months High-Comm include a new preschool class for 5 additional costs year-olds who will not be attending ' participants Kindergarten. (program currently has a waiting list). 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 7. 2002 Identify another location within the Accommodate Increased program 3 months High-Comm City for a full-day summer camp in additional costs order to expand the "Camp Shannon" participants program. (program currently has a waiting list). 3 3 2 3 3 2.8 High High-Staff 8. 2002 Pending successful expansion of the Improve and Capital costs 6 months High-Comm Senior Center Tdps and Tours expand program. Program, pursue the pumhase of a Senior Center Van. 3 3 3 3. 3 3.0 High High-Staff 9. 2002 Purchase and install scoreboards at Enhance youth Capital costs 4 months High-Comm the DSG softball fields and field "A" at and adult sports Emerald Glen Park. programs. 3 3 3 2 2 2.6 High Medium-Staff 10. 2001 Open'Media Centers/Computer Labs Make Distdct Staff, funding Dependent Low-Comm and Libraries in the evening at Dublin resources upon School' Unified School District facilities available to District through City's Parks & Community community. Services Department. 2 2 2 2 2 2.0 Medium Medium-Staff 11. 2001 Increase day care by developing Provide Staff, funding Dependent Medium- surplus land at schools for childcare convenient upon School Comm facilities, location for District before and afferschool day care, CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 11 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 2 3 1 3 2 2.2 Medium Medium-Staff 12. 2001 Explore opportunity to use Dougherty Evaluate Consultant services 2 months Dog Park Hills Open Space on Amador Valley potential for High-Comm BIvd at Stagecoach for Dog Park & recreational Community Community Garden. facilities not Garden- currently Delete- available in the Corem City. 2 3 1 2 2 2.0 Medium Medium-Staff 13. 2000 Update Facility Use Agreement with Improve City None Dependent Medium-Staff Dublin Unified School District. program access upon School to District District facilities. I 2 1 1 0 1.0 Low Low-Staff 14. 2001 Expand the Senior Center Computer Provide Capital costs, 2 months Low-Comm lab to include two Macintosh alternative training (IT staff Computer workstations, source of. currently not trained computer usage to maintain Mac for the senior Operating System) population with knowledge of "Macs". 0 2 3 I 0 1.2 Low Low-Staff 15. 2000 Implement a community wildflower ~Enhance Contract services & 6 months Delete- planting project along Dougherty aesthetics of supply costs Comm Road. Dougherty Road. 0 0 0 2 0 0.4 Delete Delete-Staff 16. 2001 Conduct cost/benefit analysis of Reduce None for analysis; 2 months Delete- installing artificial turf at future City maintenance could be done as I Comm sports fields, costs; increase part of Sports Park field availability. Master Plan. 2 1 0 2 0 1.0 Low Delete-Staff 17. 2001 Investigate an all weather track & Reduce Capital costs Dependent Delete- artificial football/soccer field at Dublin maintenance upon School Corem High. costs; increase District field and track availability. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 12 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 1 0 0 0. 0 0.2 Delete Delete-Staff 18. 2001 Undertake a feasibility study of a Determine need Consultant services 12 months Delete- stadium complex for both athletic & and cost for Comm entertainment venues, stadium complex. I 0' 0 0 0 0.2 Delete Delete-Staff 19. 2001 Identify potential income generating Increase Staff 12 months Low-Comm activities using City facilities, revenue. ~,ADDiTiONAL OBJECTi~/ES t From the Parks &community.serviCes CommiS~ion~,:~:~'::~¥~..'~ :~?;~i ,~ "~ i~:~:'~-; ~:;.~ ~ ~! ~'~: , ,::~?~: :::~ ~ ... ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES) 3 21. 2002 Work actively to develop a regional Consultant se~ices 18-24 months park in the west hills open to the public. 3 22. 2002 Develop a communi~ paKicipation None 1-2 months; process for "Day on the Glen" similar can be to St. Patrick's Day. implemented for 2002 event B. HERITAGE & CULTU~L ARTS To prese~e the cultural heritage of the communi~; enhance the quali~ of life for all residen~ by providing cultural and historical programs; enrich the communi~ through the placement of public 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 1. 2000 Complete Freeway Unde~ass AK at Enhance Ci~ None 6 months High-Comm Dublin Blvd & Amador Valley through Boulevard. placement of fine 3 3 3 2 3 2.8 High High-Staff 2. 2001 Develop a Public A~ Master Plan. Identi~ sites for Consultant se~ices 12 months High-Comm public a~. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 13 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 3. 2002 Complete Murray School Bell Tower Recreate the None 4 months Added after Restoration Project. original bell Corem Mtg tower and complete the renovation of the school. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 4. 2002 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Enhance City ~ Capital. costs 14 months High-Corem Foundation to complete Art in the parks through Parks projects for Emerald Glen Park placement of fine and Ted Fairfield Park. art. 2 3 3 2 2 2.4 Medium High-Staff 5. 2002 Install plaques on all City-owned art Identi~ artwork Supply costs 3 months Medium- work. and artist for Comm public. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High-Staff 6. 2001 Establish a policy for Provide None 4 months High-Comm acquisition/acceptance of museum guidelines & artifacts, standards for artifact acquisition and/or acceptance. :~ 3 3 3 2 2.8 High High-Staff 7. 2002 Commission public art for the Senior Enhance facility Capital costs 24 months High-Corem Center. through placement of fine art. 2 3 3 3 2 2.6 High High-Staff 8. 2000 Complete Public Art/Bus Shelter Enhance the Capital costs 12 months Medium- Project in Downtown Dublin. Downtown Comm through the replacement of existing shelters with artist inspired shelters. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 14 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 2 2 3 2 2 2.2 Medium Medium-Staff 9. 2001 Develop plans for documentation, Provide a record None 12 months Medium- certification & cataloging of City's of City's Comm collections (historical & art). collection. 3 2 1 3 2 2.2 Medium Low-Staff 10. 2001 Investigate the feasibility of a Determine need Consultant services 12 months High-Comm Performing Arts Center. and cost for Performing Arts . ~, Center. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS) A. POLICE To deter crime, respond to calls, apprehend criminals, enforce traffic regulations & educate the public to enhance community safety & security 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Develop and implement a formal Enhance the None 12 months Community Oriented Policing training ability to form program for all patrol staff, crime problem solving partnerships with the citizenry. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2002 Increase the level of patrol officer Allow the None 12 months participation in community cdme community to prevention Neighborhood Watch interface with Program and activities by 10% in their patrol 2002-2003. officers to discuss problems and provide insight and develop new responses to target their needs. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 15 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED .. REQUIRED TS JL CM TO GZ AV 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 3. 2002 Enhance citizen education, Improve traffic Materials & 12 months understanding and satisfaction of safety through supplies police traffic services through the resource design and implementation of a traffic allocation, enforcement program to target the education and specific needs of the community~ enforcement. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 4. 2002 Increase abandoned vehicle Reduce Towing services 12 months abatement by 50%. community complaints for abandoned vehicles while improving neighborhood quality. 3 2 3 3 2 2.6 High High 5. 2001 Determine need and viability of the Reduce traffic None; vendor will Unknown installation of automated traffic collisions provide installation devices (digital cameras) at major thereby of automated traffic intersections to enhance traffic decreasing injury devices without enforcement of red light violators, accidents for cost to the City. .' Dublin motOrists. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) 3 6. 2002 Develop Senior Academy to teach Make anyone 55 Additional Staff, 6 months safety, and older more materials & aware 'of safety. Supplies. 3 7. 2002 Provide at least 2 police academy None 12 months, programs for residents. 3 8. 2002 Provide "Don't Drink & Drive" Additional staff 9 months program at High School/accident simulation in Spring. B. ANIMAL CONTROL To ensure public health & safety by providing animal licensing, enforcement & shelter services & vector control I I I I I I I I I I No Objectives for this year. I I I CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 16 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED Ts IJL ICM ITO IGZ tAV C. FIRE SERVICES To reduce the loss of life and property due to emergency incidents by providing effective fire Protection and emergency medical responses 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2001 Design & Construct Emerald Glen Necessary to Capital funding 18 months. Fire Station. maintain fire & emergency response time in eastern Dublin. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2001 Design & Construct Fallon Fire Necessary to None; funding will 18 months Station. maintain fire & be advanced by emergency Dublin Ranch. response time in eastern Dublin. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FIRE SERVICES) D. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS To plan, prepare, & train emergency personnel & the community to handle disasters in an effective & expeditious manner in order to protect' . persons & property 3 3 3 3 3 ' 3.0 High High 1. 2001 Undertake multi-functional disaster Keep Staff well None 4 months training exercise, trained in disaster response procedures~ 2 3 3 3 3 2.8 High High 2. 2001 Work with the City's community Meet the needs Consultant services 12 months based organizations to develop a of the City's disaster plan for'the City's vulnerable "vulnerable" and "special needs" population in population, times of disaster. 0 0 0 0 0 0.O Delete Delete 3. 1997 Develop a formal Disaster Service Supplement the Staff 12 months Worker Program. City's response efforts with community volunteers. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 17 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR 'PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED Ts IJL ICMITO IGZ IAV ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) E. WASTE MANAGEMENT To coordinate the provision of garbage collection & recycling activities including the implementation of new programs to meet the statutory requirements for waste reduction 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Implement New Recycling Programs Improve the Undetermined 6 months to increase diversion of waste. City's diversion rate. 0 0 3 0 0 0.6 Delete Delete 2. 2000 Discuss a Project with Camp Parks & This project None TBD by Army Waste management Authority to would improve · implement recycling of demolition the effectiveness materials at Camp Parks. of the City's ~ Construction & Demolition Recycling Program; however, Army is not interested. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) A. MAINTENANCE To maintain & improve the overall quality, condition & appearance of public facilities & property 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Develop a Street Light Pole' Identify older Undetermined 10 months Replacement Program. poles in need of replacement. 2 3 2 2 2 2.2 Medium i Medium 2. 2002 Implement 5 new community Increase citizen None 12 months volunteer projects, involvement & pride in community. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (MAINTENANCE) CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2002-2003 PAGE 18 INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL PRIORITY COUNCIL STAFF # YEAR PROPOSED oBJECTIVE FOR BENEFIT/NEED ADD'L TIME PRIORITY PRIORITY ACCOMPLISHING GOALS RESOURCES REQUIRED REQUIRED Ts IJ' ICMITO IGZ IAV B. TRANSPORTATION To plan for the City's future traffic circulation & public transportation needs 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 1. 2002 Complete alignment studyof Minimize conflict Consultant services 8 months Tassajara Road from existing City when new limit north to the Alameda County development is limit line. proposed. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 2. 2001 Work with ACTA for the Reduce traffic Consultant services 24 months implementation of the Measure B congestion on transportation project along the Dougherty Road. Scarlett Ddve corddor between (Also, mitigation Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. for E. Dublin Dublin is the project sponsor, development). 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 3. 2002 Work with the developers of the Lin Continue Consultant services 24 months property to adopta specific alignment processing of Fallon Road from 1-580 to Bent development in Tree Ddve. Dublin Ranch. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 4. 2002 Update the Eastern Dublin Traffic Ensure traffic Consultant services 8 months Impact Fee (TIF). mitigation improvements are funded. 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 High High 5. 2002 Update TH-Valley Transportation Ensure regional None' 12 months Council Spending Plan, together with traffic mitigation the other 6 agencies in the TVTC. improvements are completed. 3 2 2 2 1 2.0 Medium Medium 6. 2002 Work with Pleasanton and Livermore Ensure ultimate None 12 months to develop a cost shadng agreement improvement of for the ultimate improvement of the I- this needed 580/Fallon Road interchange, transportation improvement. Additional Objectives (Transportation) ":\G&O~2002 G&O Mtg\Main 2002-03 docs~2002-03 G&O cc rankings.doc 3/25/02 12:41 PM