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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 WebsiteDesignCitilinks CITY CLERK AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 2002 SUBJECT: Award of Bid Website Design and Development Report Prepared by: Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1) ' Resolution of Award of Bid 2) Request for Proposal RECOMMENDATION: 1) City Council to adopt the resolution to accept the bid of ~-')~) ~'~'~.,//~tilinks and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with ~/~ ~ ~/"' "Citilinks. FINANCI~TATEMENT: Adequate Funds are Budgeted for Website Design and Development Bid Received Citilinks $26,350.00 DESCRIPTION: At the meeting of October 1, 2002 the City Council authorized the Request for Proposal for Website Design and Development. The deadline for bids was set for October 24, 2002. Twenty-five (25) bids were received, ranging in price from $10,990 to $138,000. Two bids were found to be unresponsive, proposing services other than website design and development, leaving twenty-three (23) responsive bids for staff to evaluate. Four responsive bids were from Dublin-based firms and two responsive bids were from other Tri-Valley area firms. In RFP section 7.1 it is stated that "staff will review and evaluate all proposals and select a firm based on a combination of factors that represent the best overall value for the services requested." The lowest priced proposal was from MyLocalGov of Fort Myers, Florida at $10,990. This proposal included website hosting at a server in Atlanta, Georgia. Staff felt that this proposal lacked the flexibility to relocate the website to a different hosting service at a later date. Additionally, staff believed that the technical support located on the East Coast could be problematic. Emergency updates to the website might not be made in a timely manner if East Coast support staff were not accessible due to the three hour time difference. The following RFP sections give staff the latitude to not consider the proposal of MyLocalGov: 7.1.9 Feasibility of the proposal based upon the proposed scope of service; COPIES TO: Citilinks ITEM NO. 7.1.10 Ability to provide technical support throughout the length of the contract. Futhermore, Section 2.36.040 of the Purchasing Ordinance supports staff's recommendation to not accept the low bid of MyLocalGov. Relevant purchasing award factors to be considered are indicated in bold type below. Purchases shall be awarded after consideration of the following factors: A. The amount of bid price; B. The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required; C. The ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference; D. The reputation and experience of the bidder; E. The previous experience of the city with the bidder; F. The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with the laws and ordinances; G. The sufficiency.of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service; II. The quality, availability, and adaptability of the supplies or contractual services to the particular use required; I. The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract; J. The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid; K. The purchase of products, whenever feasible, containing the highest amount of postconsumer and recovered materials practicable. In all cases, these products must meet reasonable performance standards, and be readily available at a competitive price. In addition, all equipment bought, leased or rented shall, wherever feasible, be compatible with the use of recycled products purchased by the city. (Ord. 4-00 § 2; Ord. 16-83 § 4) Staff determined that three bids best met the City's needs based on proposed design concept, proposed content features, on-going ease of maintenance, and value. The three finalists (two of which are Dublin- based Citilinks and ScapeVelocity) were invited to make presentations to staff on November 6 were: Citilinks $18,550.00 $600.00 $7,200.00 $26,350.00 ScapeVelocity $22,750.00 $1,200.00 $3,000.00 $26,950.00 E-Agency $25,000.00 $6,600.00 $2,400.00 $34,000.00 Staff asked questions during each one-hour presentation to clarify points from the finalist's proposal. Staff questions included ideas gathered from the public survey posted on the City website. Questions also focused on website design philosophy, website maintenance procedures, ADA compliance, content gathering and management, and ensuring a seamless transition from the current City website. Staff consensus was that the Citilinks proposal and presentation was the most thorough, offering key insight into how the City website can be improved to present a more robust source of information for the community. Citilinks' bid offers the best value to the City for comprehensive website design, development, hosting, and maintenance. Page 2 ~' L~ BID RESULTS A total of three bids (Citilinks, $26,350.00; ScapeVelocity, $26,950.00; E-Agency, $34,000.00) are under final consideration. Staff finds the bid of Citilinks to best meet the City's needs and recommends the bid offered by Citilinks at $26,350.00. CONCLUSION Staff has reviewed the bid results, checked references, and recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution in Attachment 1 accepting the bid of Citilinks and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Citilinks. Page 3 ( ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTING TI-gE BID OF CITILINKS FOR WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH CITILINKS. WHEREAS, the 2002-2003 operating and capital improvement program budgets include funding for website design and development; and WHEREAS, the City sent out a Request for ProPosals to qualified firms and received twenty- three responsive bids; and WHEREAS, Citilinks, prepared a bid which complies with all the requirements of the RFP, and Staff deems the proposed solution most appropriate to meet the City's needs; and WHEREAS, Cifilinks, was determined to be qualified to do the work; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby accepts the bid of Citilinks ($26,350), for website design and development, and authorizes the City Manager to execute a contract Citilinks. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 19th day of November, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Cler K2/G/11-19-02/reso-citilinks.doc (Item 7.2) ATTACHMENT City of Dublin, California Information Systems Division Request for Proposal for Website Design and Development October 1, 2002 ATTACHMENT 2 City of Dublin Website Design and Development Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, subject to the conditions named herein and in the specifications therefore, for the City of Dublin Website Design and Development addressed to the City of Dublin will be received at the City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor, Dublin, CA 94568, up to October 24, 2002 at 4:00pm, at which time they will be publicly opened and examined for completeness. For further information on this bid contact Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager, at 925-833-6604 or If you want an electronic copy of this RFP then send an e-mail request to It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded on November 19, 2002. The City will work with the suCCessful bidder to develop an implementation plan for the website to be in-place on February 17, 2003. Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WEBSITE RE-DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF PROJECT The City of Dublin is seeking the services of an experienced website design firm to redesign, develop, and implement a new City website utilizing posted information on the existing website as well as new information, products, and features as suggested by the City. The City's existing Internet website is, which contains general City information as well as separate pages for most City departments. The City has identified the types of information it would like to have on its new main page and individual department pages, w/th the intention of the successful firm incorporating all of this information in a manner utilizing consistent design and layout themes to provide a resourceful, informative website. The City of Dublin's current website () has been in existence since 1998. The site is hosted off-site. The City currently has a monthly maintenance agreement. City Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes are posted to the site twice monthly by the maintenance provider. Other periodic updates are done by the maintenance provider including the City Activity Guide (four times annually), annual budget, Goals & Objectives documents, and other miscellaneous additions and updates. Some website content is maintained remotely by City staff. The content includes employment opportunities, upcoming events, community links, recreation class offerings, requests for proposals, available industrial, retail, and office properties, and major Dublin employers. Several firms have offered products and services to the City in order to improve the website, yet no firm has explained in what way the website can be improved. This RFP process is an opportunity for responsible firms to express their vision for a new and improved version of the City of Dublin website, and to explain how the firm's offering surpasses the City's current website. There are approximately 400 pages on the City's website. A total about 875 html pages, pdf files, and graphic files make up the website. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide interested vendors with sufficient information in order to prepare and submit proposals relative to the selection of website design and development services to replace the City's current website ( On November 19, 2002, the City of Dublin will be awarding a contract for the design and develOpment ofa website. The website will go-live February 17, 2003. 2.0 OVERALL PROJECT GOALS 2.1 Recreate and greatly enhance the City's existing website to be a resourceful, informative, and marketing asset that provides a citizen/business friendly environment that emphasizes access to City services and departments and business opportunities. 2.2 Develop a highly beneficial, cost-effective, easy to use, interactive and architecturally sound website that is flexible enough to support the City's Intemet needs for a minimum of five years. 2.3 Create a standardized format and enhanced graphical look for all pages; thereby establishing a unified theme throughout the City's website. However, the established theme should also provide the flexibility to allow for different City functions and some level of individuality and/or functionality between City functions and departments. 2.3 The general website design and element will include accessibility, usability, appeal, functionality and ease of incorporating future features. Although the City has some specific requirements, the City is also interested in your ideas for content, and more specifically, your approach in re-designing the style of the City's website. Respondents are encouraged to consider and propose alternative solutions and recommendations. 3.0 SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 3.1 System operations and technical features: 3.1.1 The website must provide for high-speed upload/download response times for low-end to high-end computers that are used by the average citizen. 3.1.2 As per the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City must provide the same level of service to individuals with visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive disabilities that are provided to the general public. All proposals must include the utilization of W3C Content Accessibility Guidelines when designing and developing the City's website. The City expects respondents to offer suggestions regarding accessibility. 3.1.3 The site should be developed to minimize loading times for analog dial- up customers. 3.1.4 The site must be designed to function effectively with common versions of software and hardware, which must be identified in your proposal. In addition to other sof~are compatibilities, the site must also be compatible with Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP operating systems, and MacOS. 3.1.4 All documents, including maps and tables, should be in a Portable Document Format (PDF), HTML, or in a format approved by the City to provide ease of viewing, printing, and downloading, and in alternate ADA acceptable download formats. 3.1.5 Include links for citizens to download any browser supplement products, such as Acrobat Reader, that are necessary to view information on the site. 3.1.7 The site must be compatible with current versions of commonly used 4 Intemet browsers. Please identify any incompatible browsers in your response. 3.1.8 The site should take into consideration the City's furore desire to include e-commerce capabilities to enable secure on-line credit card purchases, verification, fulfillment, and acceptance. 3.1.9 The site should be designed to include future e-government transactions such as on-line permitting, park and facility reservations, class registrations, and other interactive forms. 3.1.10 The City requires the selected firm to work with City staff and the City's software application vendors to enable the City's website for e- commerce. 3.2 Other requirements and features: 3.2.1 Cross-referenced information should be hyper-linked from page to page within the website and the Home Page link always visible. 3.2.2 Graphical files should be relative to the site and provide for quickest loading. No use of cartoons or caricatures. 3.2.3 The site must be designed for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operation; except for scheduled maintenance downtime. 3.2.4 Capability to maintain an archive of existing and past records such as agendas, minutes, press releases, newsletters, etc. 3.2.5 City personnel may maintain the site. Therefore, a system needs to be in place for maintenance and updating capabilities by non-technical staff. 3.2.5 The proposal should include basic training for a minimum of 15 employees, the training plan and timeline. 3.3 Services required after selection 3.3.1 The selected firm's representatives may be required to attend a minimum of one City Council meeting. 3.3.2 The selected firm's representatives will be required to meet with the City's project manager and/or representatives to discuss and plan the project(s), and provide progress reports as needed. A minimum of three on-site meetings should be held during the duration of the project. 3.3.3 In conjunction with performance under the approved contract, the contractor may be required to attend additional progress meetings in the event contractor is not in conformance with the contract. These meetings will be at no additional cost to the City. 5 3.3.4 Initial draft website design templates will be provided to the City within six weeks from the date of the contract for review prior to implementation. 3.3.5 A joint beta testing period and a subsequent acceptance testing period shall be provided, during which the City may evaluate the website on City property, or at a to-be-determined remote hostingservice, to ensure satisfaction with the website functions and specificatiOns. 3.3.6 Provide the City with the source code for the website and any applications developed in conjunction with the website. 3.3.7 The selected firm will be responsible for coordinating and implementing the website with City personnel and the web hosting site. 3.3.8 All pages shall be copyright by the City of Dublin. The City of Dublin shall be the sole owner of all website content. 4.0 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 In order to receive consideration, all bid proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: 4.1.1 Proposals shall be made upon the forms provided therefore, properly executed and with all items completed; the signature of all persons signing shall be in long hand. 4.1.2 Blank spaces in the forms must be properly filled in, and the phraseology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to the items mentioned therein. Any unauthorized conditions, limitations or provisions attached to a proposal may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasures or interlineations must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the vendor. 4.1.3 Proposals submitted shall be treated as sealed bids. Clearly mark on the sealed envelope or package "SEALED BID - CITY OF DUBLIN WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" 4.1.4 Vendor may include in their proposal information related to the vendor and proposed solution additional to the bid form and other information specifically requested by this RFP. However, said additional information shall not substitute for the bid form and answers to specific information requests. 4.1.5 No faxed proposals will be considered. No proposal received after the time fixed for receiving them will be considered. Late proposals will be returned to the vendor unopened. 4.2 Proposal Format 6 4.2.1 Signature: Proposal shall be signed by an authorized corporate officer. 4.2.2 Bid Forms. Each vendor shall fill out completely and accurately the proposal forms supplied with this invitation to respond to the bid. Failure to use the forms provided will invalidate the proposal. Failure to answer any of the questions or provide any of the information requested in the bid specifications may subject the entire proposal to rejection. The inability to meet a specific feature or item of equipment requested or any specific general condition will not invalidate your proposal, but will be weighed in the final selection of the successful vendor. It is the vendor's responsibility to point out those items and or conditions that can not be met. 4.2.3 Valid Period. Include a statement that the terms of the proposal will remain valid for 60 days. 4.2.4 Qualifications. State the firm's relevant experience; responsiveness; ability to perform; and anticipated manpower allocation. Provide three references of agencies where similar work has been performed in the past. Include screen prints of a sampling of pages from the three reference websites. In each case briefly describe the project scope and indicate a contact person and phone number, and when the work occurred. 4.2.5 Identify the personnel to be involved in the project and their background. Include information relative to any subcontractor. Identify the means by which the finn's support services are activated in the event of an incident. 4.3 Deadlines. 4.3.1 Due date for response: On or before October 24, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. 4.3.2 Fifteen (15) bound copies of the bid proposals should be submitted to City of Dublin City Clerks Office 100 Civic Plaza, 2na floor Dublin, CA 94568 4.4 Economy of preparation. The proposals should be prepared simply and economically, and provide a straight-forward, concise description of the bidder's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of these specification. The bidder shall be responsible for costs incurred in the proposal preparation and delivery. 4.5 City Right to Accept or Reject Proposals. The City of Dublin reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals, and all subsequent material, either verbal or written, exclusive of an executed written contract. This invitation to respond to 7 the bid in no way obligates the City of Dublin to any company, supplier, manufacturer, or respondent to the RFP. 4.6 Bid Clarification 4.6.1 Bid clarification upon receipt of the proposal may be required. Your firm may be contacted for additional information and/or detailed discussion of the proposal. An appropriate representative of the proposing firm with knowledge of the scope of work and the firm's proposal should be identified within the proposal. 4.7 Addenda or Bulletins 4.7.1 Addenda or bulletins. Any addenda or bulletins issued by the City during the time of the bidding performing a part of the documents provided to the bidder for the preparation of this bid shall be covered in the bid and shall be made a part of the contract. 4.8 Withdrawal of Bids 4.8. I Any bidder may withdraw a bid by written request, at any time prior to the scheduled deadline for submission of bids. 4.9 Errors and Omissions. Any errors, omissions, or oversights brought to the attention of the City of Dublin subsequent to the due date of this proposal, which alter or modify the information which form the basis for evaluation of the submitted bid response, shall remain the responsibility of the vendor. Additionally, any errors, omissions, or oversights of a material nature may constitute grounds for rejection of the submitted proposal. 5.0 REQUESTED INFORMATION 5.1 The proposal should contain a total cost of the project, as well as a detailed "line item" breakdown of costs for the project. In addition, please specify: 5.1.1 "Not to Exceed" Fees (for actual cost of time and materials needed to complete the project). 5.1.2 "Not to Exceed" Fee (for any reimbursables anticipated during the course of this project). 5.1.3 Hourly rate schedule for services. 5.1.4 Cost per page for additional pages. 5.1.5 Any additional costs/charges (such as traveling expenses) must be clearly defined in the proposal. Information and costs for the optional services should be submitted separately. 5.2 Proposal(s) should include any necessary software and hardware, any additional communication requirements, integration needs and potential costs necessary to host and maintain the website (i.e. hardware, software, installation, software licensing, mining, annual maintenance, etc.). 5.3 Proposal(s) should be all encompassing, with a single vendor identified as the "responsible lead vendor." Please include whatever subcontracting will be required to meet the needs of the proposal or clearly indicate what portion of the services are not included as part of your proposal. 5.4 The Proposal should not exceed 50 pages in total (optional service proposals are separate). 5.5 Fifteen (15) bound copies of the Proposal must be submitted. 5.5 The title page of the proposal should contain your firm's name, address, telephone number, principal contact, fax number, and e-mail address. 5.7 Years of experience related to website design. 5.8 Include resumes of all principals to be involved in the project and their roles and responsibilities for the proposed project. 5.9 The Proposal should contain a Table of Contents. 5.9 Enclose a section on relevant website development experience and information on the extent of your firrn's abilities to meet the needs of this project. 5.11 Provide an estimated summary timeline for completion of this project. 5.12 Provide a list of at least three (3) comparable websites, including municipalities and governmental agencies, designed by your firm. Include the website address, company/agency contact, address, telephone number, and hard copies of the Home Pages. These companies/agencies may be contacted for references. 5.13 All proposals must include a Proposal Form (Attachment 1) containing the firm's name and signed by a responsible office~? or employee. 5.14 Proposers are welcome to provide any other information deemed appropriate for this project. 5.15 Is your firm willing to provide liquidated damages for inability or unwillingness to deliver the proposed solution to meet the go-live date of February 17, 2003? Yes No 5.16 If yes on 5.15, what is the maximum liquidated damages available? 5.17 What is the warranty period of the proposed .system? The City assumes that the system will be covered by a warranty period during which errors will be fixed free of charge. 9 5.18 What are the terms and costs of system maintenance after the initial warranty period has expired? 5.19 What, if any, are the recurring licensing costs of the proposed system? 5.20 What system maintenance training is offered as part of the proposal? 5.21 What support is offered during the agreed-upon warranty period? 5.22 Provide one or more "mock-ups" for a new City of Dublin website. Provide hardcopies of a rudimentary design for a homepage and one or more content pages that display a common theme and scheme. Items worth including could be, but are not limited to, menUs, button, graphics, headers, footers, borders. The City will retain ownership of these mock-ups. The City wishes to get an understanding of the firm's creative vision regarding the City of Dublin website. Note, that you need not include the Dublin City Seal in your examples, but you may leave a space for its insertion. The City prohibits the use of the City Seal except by City staff while conducting official City business. 6.0 OPTIONAL SERVICES 6.1 The City is considering hosting and maintaining its website in-house, but is interested in receiving proposals on these services. Companies are not obligated to propose on these optional services, or likewise, may submit a proposal for these services only. If providing a proposal on these services, please provide separate proposal(s), with the appropriate titles and cost estimates thereof. Please indicate whether the costs reflect an annual, monthly, or hourly rate and the minimum number of hours available to the City during the designated time frame. Please also include information as it relates to these services as requested in Section 5.1.5. 6.2 Website Maintenance 6.2.1 The City has not yet determined whether it will be maintaining the website in-house with City personnel or contracting out this service. If 10 the service is contracted out, the following is the scope of services the City would like to have provided: Monthly inspections of the entire City website for accuracy of information, date timeliness, and grammatical and spelling accuracy. Designated department representatives should be contacted directly by the contractor regarding any outdated information and elimination thereof. Posting of City press releases and other information provided in an agreed upon standardized format within 4- hours of submittal by the City (weekends and holidays excepted). Minor test/date corrections within 24-hours of notification by the City (weekends and holidays excepted). Acceptable notification methods by the City are e-mail, facsimile, or telephone. Periodic posting of special reports such as the City's General Plan, Budget, Water Quality Report, etc. within 72 hours of submittal by the City (weekends and holidays excepted); unless otherwise approved by the City. Attendance of quarterly on-site meetings with the City's Project Manager and/or Website Committee. 7.0 SELECTION PROCESS City staff will review the proposals received and based on experience, scope of work, cost and other relevant issues, the most qualified firms may be asked to conduct a presentation and be interviewed for further consideration. After the interview process has been completed, staff will make a final determination regarding the selection of a firm and a contract. It is anticipated that interviews will be conducted on or about the week of October 28, 2002. 7.1 Proposal Evaluation and Review As indicated, staff will review and evaluate all proposals and select a firm based on a combination of factors that represent the best overall value for the services requested. In evaluating the proposals, the City will select proposals for further consideration based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: 7.1.1 Completeness and inclusion of requested information. Each proposer shall meet all of the specifications. Nonsubstantial deviations may be considered, provided that the proposer submits a full description and explanation of/and justification for the proposed deviations. Final determination of any proposal will be made by the City of Dublin. The City of Dublin reserves the right to purchase services 11 which in its opinion represent the best value to the City for the duty to be performed; 7.1.2 Ability and effectiveness of the firm to meet the needs of the City in given project areas; 7.1.3 Qualifications and experience of the firm and staff assigned to the project; 7.1.4 Past performance of the firm on completed projects; 7.1.5 Similar projects completed by the firm; 7.1.6 Professional standing and financial stability of the firm; 7.1.7 Availability of the firm to meet deadlines, responsiveness to changes, and staying within projected budgets; 7.1.8 Ability to present materials that can be understood by technical and non- technical staff; 7.1.9 Feasibility of the proposal based upon the proposed scope of service; 7.1.10 Ability to provide technical support throughout the length of the contract, 7.2 Presentation and Interview The most qualified firms will be selected to conduct a formal presentation to City staff/project team for further evaluation. Qualifying firms will be notified by the City to schedule a presentation and interview session within 14 days of receiving and reviewing the written proposals. The presentation and interview session shall take place at the City of Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza. Any firm not able to appear for this presentation and interview session will be eliminated further consideration for the award of this contract. In addition to the items contained in section 7.1.1 - 7.1.10, other areas to be considered during this session will be, but not limited to: 7.2.1 Demonstration of qualifications and fulfilling the needs of the project as outlined in the Request for Proposal; 7.2.2 .Demonstration of services provided to other companies, agencies, and municipalities; 7.3 Final Selection Following the review of the proposals, presentation, and interviews, the City may further invite a firm(s) to formally meet with City representatives/project team prior to making a final determination. Factors that will determine the final selection will include the finalization of terms in regards to service agreements and costs. However, the City of Dublin reserves the right to reject any or all 12 quotations, waive any informality in this RFP, and to accept or reject any items thereon. 7.4 Contract Commencement and Completion 7.4.1 The selected firm will be required to enter into an Agreement for the project with the City. A sample agreement is available for review upon request; 7.4.2 Any contract resulting from this RFP shall not be effective unless, and until, approved by the City Council. Upon approval, the contract shall start within 30 days after the award of the contract. The estimated completion date shall be defined in the proposal submitted by the selected firm, but shall be no later than 85 days from the award of the contract; 7.4.3 Before the City executes a contract, the selected firm shall furnish the City a certificate evidencing Workman's Compensation Insurance and Comprehensive Public Liability Insurance or General Liability Insurance. The insurance policies shall be issued by a carrier licensed in the State of California with a rating of B+ or better, as stated from time to time by Standard and Poors, Moody's, or Bests'. The City shall be named as an additional insured and the Certificates of Insurance must be accompanied by the applicable endorsements for the specific insurance policy. 8.0 OWNERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 8.1 All screens, graphics, domain names, content and the "look and feel" of thc site developed shall be owned solely by the City of Dublin, together with any and all underlying software, object code, digital programming, and source code. 8.2 The contractor does not retain any rights to use any materials or so~vare it gains from its creation of the website. 8.3 All intellectual property developed in connection with the website will be owned solely by the City of Dublin. 8.4 In developing thc wcbsite, the contractor will not infringe or violate the copyright and other intellectual property rights of third parties. 8.5 The contractor is responsible for securing various rights, licenses, clearances, and other permissions related to works, graphics or other copyrighted materials to be used or otherwise incorporated in the website. 8.6 All applicable copyright notices will be displayed on the website. 8.6 Contractors, will not, during the website development or thereafter, use the City's logos, except with the City's express written approval. 9.0 CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY 13 9.1 A City representative will be designated to monitor all technical aspects and assist in administering the contract. The types of actions within the City representative's authority are to assure that the contractor performs the technical requirements of the contract. The City representative will also perform or cause to be performed, inspections necessary in connection with performance of the contract; monitor the contractor's performance under the contract; and notify the contractor and the City of any deficiencies observed. 9.2 The City will be responsible for providing the contractor with the specific information on the content to be included on the City's website, including documents and images in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, and Adobe Illustrator within two weeks of the contractor's request; unless otherwise specified and approved. 9.3 The project team, made up of the City's project manager and representatives from the City's Website Committee, will be available as necessary to answer questions and provide resources. 9.4 The City representative will not be responsible for any failure on the part of the contractor to carry out work in accordance with the contract. 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 The contractor shall hold the City of Dublin, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, harmless from liability of any nature or kind on account of use of copyrighted or un-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or un- patcmed invention, article, or appliance furnished or used under the quotation. 14 'Attachment 1 PROPOSAL FORM PLEASE SUBMIT FIFTEEN (15) COPIES OF YOUR PROPOSAL. CLEARLY MARK ON THE SEALED ENVELOPE OR PACKAGE "SEALED BID - CITY OF DUBLIN WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" AND DELIVER TO: City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Attention: Kay Keck, City Clerk Firm name: Bid for proposed system (bid honored up to contract signing): This signature certifies that the prices listed in the response to this RFP document represent the "best price" offered by our company of the products and services offered to the City of Dublin. Authorized Official (Print) Firm Signature of Authorized Official Address Title City, State, Zip code Telephone number FAX number Date e-mail address 15