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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 HistoricParkMasterPlan í\"\. or' DlilJ. 6~~ r~@~~~~ ~~~ ÇfJ;IfOR¥'\~ CITY CLERK File # D0J[2d[Q]-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 18, 2005 SUBJECT: Dublin Historic Park Master Plan Alternatives Report by Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: I. Specific Plan Study Area 2. Preferred Alternative Plans Report Çv. 1ß'V .~ 1. Receive the presentation from Staff and Consultant Team and provide direction on the following: a) Which of the options should be developed further? b) Are there changes that should be made to the preferred oplion? c) If the Full Site Scheme is the preferred option, should the Cultural Arts Center be pursued? If so, should the Cultural Arts Center be a renovated building or ncw constmction'! d) Should the cemetery on the Dublin Historical Preservation Association land be pursued? 2. Schedule a City Council workshop to review funding options. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Preliminary acquisition and development costs would range ITom $9,466,000 to $25,444,000. Funding sources for these options are yet to be determined. DESCRIPTION: One of the City Council Strategic Goals for 2004-2005 is to "Expand and enhance Dublin Historic Park". In order to accomplish this goal, the City contracted with Royston Hanamoto Alley and Abey to develop a site master plan. The purpose of the Dublin Historic Park Masler Plan is twofold: (I) to assist thc City Council in determining the land uses for the Dublin Square Shopping Center as part of the Specific Plan process that is underway for the area; and (2) to assist the Council in detennining whether the Dublin Square Shopping Center is the appropriate location for a park to fill the existing park deficit. The master plan process, and the final master plan, is part of thesc planning proccsses the Council initiated. Once the _____________________________.~.________M__________________~~R__.~_~.~______~________________________________ COPY TO: RHAA/Parks & Community Services ('omml$!5kml H~fitagç &. C\lltu~1 Arts Commission/¡)\JbHn Hi!õtoric Pr~ervatìnn Association/Bcl'keley Land Page lof6 ITEM No.1. 2- (/ (i:\C(HJNCII.\Agcllda Statcmcnts\2005\10-] ¡{ hi!itori!è park a1temativ~!i.DOC Council has conducted appropriate environmental review and has adopted a specific plan, and related general plan amendments, designating all or any portion of the Dublin Square Shopping Center for park/public rccreation purposcs, the Jinal mastcr plan could bc adoptcd by thc Council. Unlcss and until such actions occur, the final master plan will be used only to assist the Council in deciding whether it is appropriatc to takc such actions. BACKGROUND: For several years, the City Council has been considering how to take a more proactive approach to building thc historic Dublin Village settlement area around Donlon Way into a cohesive district to bcttcr highlight Dublin's historic resources. In March 2001, the Council requested the staff to develop plans for a historical district designation for the Donlon Way area. In August 2001, the City Council authori7.ed Staff to prcparc a Spccific Plan for the area (see Attachment I), and work has been done ovcr thc past several years to achieve this goal. In 2004, the Council revised thc Parks and Rccrcation Mastcr Plan. The 2004 Parks and Recreation Mastcr Plan includcs Guiding Policy 1.13 ("Select sites for parkland acquisition in order to providc for thc anticipated deficit of 5.3f-/- acres.") and suggests lhat changes in land uses in the City's primary planning area may provide land that is suitable for park dcvelopmcnt. It also provides that thc City should dcsignatc sitcs for ncw parks to alleviate the 5.3 acre park acreage deficiency by amending the Park and Recreation Master Plan to show the location of future park sites. (Action Program 1 k.) It also indicates the City should pursuc opportunitics to cxpand its historic holdings in thc Donlon Way arca (Action Program Ij). (See pages 23-25 of Master Plan.) Finally, it includes standards for an historical park. (See page 56 of Master Plan.) The Dublin Square property was one of the six sites identified by the Council as a potential location for future parks in Dublin in order to correct thc City's anticipated 5.3+1- acre parkland dcficit as dctailcd in thc Parks and Rccreation Master Plan. In Fiscal Ycar 2004/2005 thc City commissioncd RBF Consultants to craft Design Guidelincs for thc Dublin Village Historic Area. The intent of the Design Guidelines is to ensure that future development in the area recaptures elements of the historic character and image that once deJined Duhlin Village_ The Design Guidelines wcrc adoptcd by thc City Council in January 2005. Lastly thc City Council adoptcd a Historic Ovcrlay Zoning District that will serve to implemcnt thc Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines. This was also done in 2005. DUBLIN HISTORIC PARK ALTERNATIVES: Work on the proposed Dublin Historic Park Master Plan began in June 2005 with a kick-off meeting of City Staff and the Consultant Team. This was followed hy the first of two puhlic meetings on June 28, 2005. Thc purposc of this mccting was to introducc thc projcct to thc community and to begin a public visioning process to gather commWlity ideas and feedback. The meeting began with a site walk of the Dublin Heritage Center and Donlon Way to the Dublin Sqllare property_ Background infomlation on the project and the public process, ineluding thc history of Dublin and projcct opportunities were prcscntcd. Thcrc wcrc approximately 25 members from the community in attendance and a variety of comments and suggestions from the community were recorded. The second public meeting was held on July 26, 2005 with approximately 15 members from the community in attendance. The purpose of tllis meeting was to get COml11Wlity feedback on the six alternative concepts developed by the Consultant Team for a Dublin Historic Park. Additionally thc Consultant Team reviewed programming options for the site and outlined costs, revenue-generation Page 2 of6 potential and spatial requiremcnts. The meeting resulted in the community voting on their preferred design option and precedent images. As a result of the two public meetings the Consultant Team has dcveloped preferred alternative plans for consideration by the City Council in determining whcther the property is suitable for devclopment as an historic park. If the Council so concludes, it would need to amend the general plan designation for the property and includc that designation in the anticipated specific plan for the area. Each Option would include designating a portion or all of the Dublin Square Shopping Center for a park. Option I is for the full site; Option 2 is for half site; and Option 3 is for one-third sitc. Each option includes the expansion of thc cemetery on to the land owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. The attached Preferrcd Alternative Plans Report chronicles the process undertaken at the first two public meetings and introduces the three preferred alternative plans. Reductions of the display boards presented at each meeting are included. The Report also includes preliminary financial infonnation including acquisition and development costs. A brief descriplion of the plans as well as the acquisition and development costs follows. Option 1 - Full Site Scheme The fhll site sehcme maximizes the site opportunitics with a Cultural Arts Center that energizes and engages with the entire potential Historic Park. Historical concepts include a Timeline Walk, Portraits of Land, Landscapes of Memory and Reflections of Things Past. Program elements include an outdoor stage, picnic seating, Alamilla Spring interactive water feature, ranch playground area, orchard lawn and reception area and Amador Hotel pergola/entrance plaza. The Cultural Arts Center would include a Black Box Theater with seating for 220, classroom space, event space and gallery/lobby space. As proposed, the Cultural Arts Ccnter would utilize 19,720 s_f of the existing shopping center which would be renovated for this purpose. The estimated cost is $8,578,000. One reason to consider renovation of the existing building as opposed to ncw eonstmction is that there would be less dismption to the existing site. Although not confim1ed, it is likely that there arc Native American archaeological resources in the area. Consequently the best way to protect these resources is to leave the area relatively undisturbed. However, new construction would result in a more efficient building that would require less square footage to meet the needs of heritage and cultural arts programming. If the Council is in favor of pursuing a park that ineludes a Cultural Arts Center, a more detailed analysis on the cost of renovation versus new constmction would be donc as part of the next step in the planning process. The estimated cost to acquire the entire 4.2 acre Dublin Square Shopping Center in order to develop the full site scheme is $6,674,000. However it should be noted that this cost is based on an appraisal that is one year old and does not includc any costs for relocation or business goodwill. Given the escalation in land values over the last year, Staff believes that it is likely that the value of the Dublin Square Shopping Center has increased as well. The estimated cost to develop this scheme is $16,336,000. Thus, the total cost for acquisition and development would be $23,010,000. This option would reduce the park acreage deficit to l.l +/ - acres. Option 2 - HaIr Site Scheme The hal f site scheme responds to the park edge with an interpretive walk that would focus views to the Heritagc Centcrand would provide gathering spaces and access along Donlon Way. Historical concepts would ineludc a Timeline Thread, Portraits of Land and Reflections of Things Past. Program elements would inelude picnic seating, Alami1la Spring interactive water feature, ranch playground area, crescent Page 3 of6 lawn for passivc recreation, Amador Hotel pergola/cntrancc plaza and Heritage Center entrance pergola. A 1,300 square foot classroom, conccssion and restroom building is included in this schcmc to providc classroom space for cxpandcd heritage and cultural arts programs and rcstrooms for the park users. The estimated cost to acquirc 1.8 acres of the Dublin Square Shopping Ccntcr would be $2,860,000. As noted above, this cost is based on an appraisal that is one year old and does not include any costs for relocation or business goodwill. The estimated cost to develop this scheme is $5,458,000. Thus, the total cost for acquisition and development is $8,318,000. This option would reduce the park acreage deficit to 3.5+/- acres. Option 3 - One-Third Site Scheme The (me-third site schcmc would create a linear promenade from thc corncr of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard to the Heritage Center. Historical concepts would include a Timeline Thread, Portraits of Land, Landscapes of Mcmory and Reflections of Things Past. Program clcmcnts would include picnic seating, Alamilla Spring interactive water fcaturc, ranch playground area and Amador Hotel pcrgola/entrance plaza. A 1,300 squarc foot classroom, concession and restroom building is also included in this scheme to provide classroom space for expanded heritage and cultural arts programs and rcstrooms for the park users. The estimated cost to acquire 1.4 acrcs of the Dublin Square Shopping Center would bc $2,225,000. Again, this cost is bascd on an appraisal that is one year old and docs not include any costs for relocation or business goodwill. The estimatcd cost to develop this scheme is $4,807,000. Thus, thc total cost Ior acquisition and dcvclopment is $7,032,000. This option would rcducc thc park acreage deficit to 3.9+/~ acres. A summary of thc cstimated park development costs is includcd in thc Preferred Alternative Plans Report. At this time a full analysis of operating costs and potential revenues for the three options has not been completed. This will be providcd to the Council to use, along with the final master plan rcport, whcn thc Council considcrs whether the land use for the Dublin Squarc Shopping Center should be designated parks/public recreation in the spccific plan for the area. Expanded Cemetery Expansion of the Historical Park to encompass the Dublin Historical Preservation Association property may require a General Plan Amendment. The Consultant Tcam anticipates that the land owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association across the creek from the existing Heritage Centcr could support a cemetery with 115 grave sites and 2,100 columbarium niches. This assumes constmction of a sound wal1 along the Irccway frontage along thc south sidc of the site with access to the site via a foot bridgc over the creek. The sound wall would be augmented by eight to ten short walls of columbarium niches projecting perpendicularly out from thc sound wal1 into the site creating a series of courtyards surrounded by niches in the walls. The gravesites are assumed to be traditional simple holes dug in the earth_ A Financial Analysis of Cemetery Expansion is shown bclow (in constant 2005 dollars). Physical Capacities Potential Number of Grave Sites Potential Number of Columbarium Niches 115 2100 Page 4 of6 SOURCES OF .FUNOS Gross Revenue Potential Sale of Grave Sites at Sale ofNiehcs at TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS Estimation Factors $5,000 each $2,500 each $ 575,000 $ 5.250.000 $ 5,825,000 USES OF FUNDS Site Acquisition Costs TBD Development Costs Site/Infrastmcture Improvements $ 2,434,000 Sales and Staffing for 7 to 10 Years Maintenance During Sales Period Endowment Care Fund, to produce TOTAL USES OF FUNDS $65,000 per year $50,000 pcr ycar $50,000 per year $ 650,000 $ 500,000 $ 625.000 $ 4,209,000 Operating Costs NET POTENTIAL "PROFIT/(LOSS)" Profit as a Percent of Sales Revenues $ 1,616,000 28% The costs above do not ine1ude any City overhead charges nor do they includc the acquisition costs of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association property. To keep costs down and rcalize economies of scale, the Consultant Team recommends that a facility of this size would best be mn by an opcrator who already has one or more cemeteries in the Bay Arca. At least one operator of cxisting cemetery facilities contacted by the Consultant Team expressed interest in investigating the feasibility of this cemetery operation further. Fundin!! Thc master plan will include a detailed analysis of the costs associated with acquisition, development and operations of the preferred alternative, including phasing of development. Before the Consultant is directed to begin work on the next phase of the master plan project, Staff would recommend that the City Council schedule a workshop with Staff to discuss and evaluate various funding options. The Council will then have that information available when they consider possibly designating the properties discussed above for parks/public recreation in the contemplated specific plan (and related general plan amendment). RECOMMENDATION: Thc Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission and Parks and Community Services Commission held ajoint meeting on September 19, 2005 for the purpose of reviewing and making a rceommendation to the City Council on a preferred alternative. Each Commission voted separatcly on the preferred alternative and both thc Heritagc and Cultural Arts Commission and thc Parks and Community Services Commission unanimously recommend Option I " Full Site Scheme. lt is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council receive the presentation from Staff and Consultant Team and provide direction by "straw" vote on the following: I) Which of the options should be developed furthcr? 2) Are there changes that should be made to the preferred option? Page 5 of6 3) If the Full Site Scheme is the preferred option, should the Cultural Arts Ccntcr bc pursued? If so, should the Cultural Arts Ccntcr be a renovated building or ncw constmction? 4) Should the cemetery on the Dublin Historical Preservation Association land be pursued? It is also recommended that the City Council schedule a City Council workshop for the purposc of discussing and evaluating fhnding options. Following that workshop, Staff will bc able to finalize a recommendation for possible land use changes to bc made as part of the specific plan and for the location of a park to address thc park deficit. 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