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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.2 AwardContrValleyCrest CITY CLERK
File # 600-30
SUBJECT: Award of Contact for Emerald Glen Park Phase II
Report Prepared by Rosemary Alex, Parks and Facilities
Development Coordinator
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bid Results
2) Resolution of Award - Base Bid
ha3) Resolution of Award - Base Bid with Alternates
RECOMMENDATION: ff~ .'~'-- Determine whether to award bid and any alternates
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Two bids were received with a low bid from Valley Crest Landscape
Development with a base bid of $2,070,000 and alternates that
increase it to a high of $2,112,850.
Source of Funding for Project
Public Facility Impact Fee Fund
Emerald Glen Park, Phase II $1,605,535
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center (utilities) $65,000
Transportation Impact Fee Fund $133,135
Measure D Fund $6,000
General Fund
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center (site work) $28,272
Total Available Construction Budget $1,837,942
Construction Proposal for Base Bid $2,070,000
Alternates 1-4 $42,850
Bid Total Bid Proposal $2,112,850
Difference between Budget and Bid Proposal ($274,908)
Funds required for 10% Contingency $211,285
Total Budget Shortfall ($486.193_.~_____)~
In order to award the bid additional funding from the Public Facility Impact Fee Fund is needed. It may
be necessary to increase the Community Park Improvement component of the fee in order to cover the
increased costs of park development associated with this park. It should be noted that if the Emerald Glen
Activity Center does not proceed (see discussion below) the funds associated with the project ($93,272)
would not be available.
DESCRIPTION: At its meeting of March 4, 2003 the City Council authorized Staff to
advertise for bids on the Emerald Glen Park, Phase II. The Phase II improvements include the following:
COPIES TO: Bidders
G:\COUNCIL~Agenda Statements\2003\6-3 Emerald Glen Phase II.doc
Water Feature including an arbor structure, entry plaza, lighting, landscaping, seating, picnic tables and
infrastructure to support public art.
Maintenance Yard with facilities for materials storage such as infield mix, bark and gravel; container
storage for equipment, electrical, lighting, paved parking for maintenance vehicles, decorative concrete
screen wall with stone pilasters, planting, irrigation and drainage.
Temporary Parking with gravel parking for 50 cars, two paved disabled spaces, access drive from the
signalized intersection at Central Parkway and Glynnis Rose Dr., and new concrete path from the drop off
area to the play ground.
Emerald Glen Park Activity Center Site Improvements including site grading and utility hook-ups.
Street Frontage Improvements including sidewalk, street trees, frontage landscaping, irrigation and
drainage along Central Parkway to the intersection at Glynnis Rose Dr.
As part of the bid package Staff included the following four alternates primarily to achieve some
flexibility in meeting the project intent and budget: 1) scoreboard for Baseball Field A; 2) replacement of
existing decomposed granite pathway with concrete; 3) asphalt paving for temporary parking lot; and 4)
decorative mermaid paving at water feature.
After a nearly five week bid period, on April 23, 2003 the City received bids from Valley Crest Landscape
Development and O.C. Jones and Sons, Inc. As discussed above in the financial statement, the low bid
exceeds the available budget by $486,193 (including all alternates and a 10% contingency). Without
alternates, the low bid exceeds the available budget by $439,058.
Subsequent to the bid opening, Staff has investigated the factors that limited the number of bids submitted
and to understand reasons for the higher than estimated costs. Factors that reduced the number of bids
submitted include:
1. The overall complexity of project, including the water feature's mechanical, electrical and
related infrastructure. In addition to the intricacy of the water feature, the range of
improvements that are occurring with this project increased the number of sub-contractors
performing the work and required greater coordination from the general contractor.
2. A number of smaller, less complex projects soliciting for bids at the same time Emerald
Glen Phase II was out to bid.
3. Contractor staffing availability to put together a bid proposal.
At this juncture the City Council can elect to proceed with one of the following options:
1. Reject all bids, revise plans and re-bid.
Disadvantage: a) Timing for construction is delayed a minimum of three months
pushing a portion of the work into the rainy season.
b) Costs for re-bidding.
Advantage: a) Although not guaranteed, a reduction in bid price.
2. Award project with or without alternates and authorize Staff to appropriate additional
funds to the project as part of the FY 03-04 Update to the Capital Improvement Program.
Disadvantage: a) Cost and impact on funding future projects.
b) Possible need to increase the Public Facility Impact Fees. At
present the Community Park Improvement component of the fee
is based on a per acre cost of $370,200. As the costs associated
with the Phase 1I improvements exceed $370,200 per acre, it will
be necessary to re-evaluate the improvement costs associated
with community park development and adjust the fee as
Advantage: a) Project starts on time.
3. Award project and authorize Staff to work with Contractor to determine options for value
engineering in which improvements may be eliminated or design details modified so that
the improvement is retained yet modified to achieve some cost reduction.
Disadvantage: a) Possible reduction in quality and quantity of improvements.
b) Possible need for additional funds.
Advantage: a) Project proceeds as scheduled.
b) Although full cost savings may not be realized, some cost
savings will occur.
Regarding Option 3, at this time the magnitude of cost savings that could be achieved through value
engineering are unknown. However, Staff believes that there could be savings in the range of $100,000 to
$200,000 depending on the areas chosen for value engineering. Potential areas to consider could include
1) elimination of the temporary parking lot; 2) elimination of a portion of the submerged lighting within
the water feature; and 3) reduction in tree sizes.
Probably the biggest area of permanent cost savings would be the elimination of the temporary parking
lot. There is a high cost associated with the temporary parking lot that will be lost when the parking lot is
abandoned in future years when the ultimate park master plan is built out. The purpose of the temporary
parking lot is two-fold. First is to provide parking on the south side of the park, easily accessible to the
play area and second is to provide a parking lot for the Emerald Glen Park Activity Center (if constructed)
currently identified in the Capital Improvement Program for next Fiscal Year. The Activity Center is a
portable modular building intended to provide office and activity space at Emerald Glen Park as well as
restrooms on the south side of the park. As there is not an urgent need for office space for Parks and
Community Services Department Staff and due to the cost associated with the installation and operation
of the Activity Center in light of a potential budget deficit, Staff is re-evaluating the need for the Center.
As the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget is not yet finalized, it is premature to determine if the Activity
Center will continue to be recommended for funding.
In reviewing the availability of funds in the Public Facility Fee Fund, it appears that there are sufficient
funds available to award the bid and proceed with the project; however, there will be an impact on the
timing of future capital projects funded by the Public Facility Fee Fund. The extent of this impact will not
be known until the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Update to the Capital Improvement Program is complete in
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council proceed with
one of the three options outlined above. If the Council is inclined to award the bid, Staff requests a
determination from the Council on whether any or all of the alternates should be included. Staff has
prepared two resolutions. The first resolution in Attachment 2 is for the base bid without alternates. The
second resolution in Attachment 3 is for the base bid in addition to alternates. It will be necessary to
determine the amount based on the alternates selected for inclusion. If the Council is interested in pursing
Option 3, it will be necessary to award the bid and value engineering will be accomplished through
deductive change orders negotiated by Staff. In order to award the bid, Staff does not anticipate the need
for a budget change for this fiscal year. The increased costs will be incurred in next fiscal year and Staff
will make the needed changes as part of the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget.
Emerald Glen Park - Phase II I ~'i';~
Bid Results
Alternate #1 Change existing D.G. path to concrete $9,000 $12,500 $16,400
Alternate #2 Add Tile mermaid per fountain plans $15,000 $3,500 $8,100
Alternate #3 Add Scoreboard at existing baseball field $18,650 $18,650 $18,800
Alternate #4 Add asphalt paving to park road and parking lot $8,020 $8,200 $7,000
TOTAL $1,929,959 $2,112,850 $2,190,300
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on April 23rd, 2003, publicly open, examine and declare all
sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans and Specifications for Contract No. 03-05,
which Plans and Specifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all
particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and
WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to
determine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby award Contract No. 03-05 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Valley Crest
Landscape Development, Inc., at a base bid of two million and seventy thousand dollars ($2,070,000) the
particulars of which bid are on file in the office of the City Engineer.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 3rd day of June, 2003.
City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on April 23rd, 2003, publicly open, examine and declare all
sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans and Specifications for Contract No. 03-05,
which Plans and Specifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all
particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and
WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to
determine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does
hereby award Contract No. 03-05 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Valley Crest
Landscape Development, Inc., at a base bid of two million and seventy thousand dollars ($2,070,000) and
alternate(s) at dollars ($. ) the particulars of
which bid are on file in the office of the City Engineer.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 3rd day of June, 2003.
City Clerk