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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 TrafSignalVillAVB02-10 CITY CLERK File # 600-35 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 21, 2003 SUBJECT: Authorization of Additional Improvements for Contract 02-10, Traffic Signal Upgrade-Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard Report Prepared by: Lee Thompson, Public kVorks Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 2) Budget Change Form 3) Intersection Map RECOMMENDATION: 1) Adopt Resolution authorizing implementation of additional improvements for Contract 02-10, Traffic Signal Upgrade-  ~/~"~ Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard 2) Approve budget change FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The current CIP project to upgrade the traffic signal at Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard has a budget of $158,020. Staff proposes that Council appropriate $55,000 from Gas Tax reserves to fund additional intersection improvements as part of this project. DESCRIPTION: The City Council, as part of the 2002-2003 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget, approved a project to upgrade the traffic signal at Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard to enhance the operation and safety at this intersection. This project will replace all signal poles with new standard poles and replace the underground wiring system for the traffic signal. The estimated cost to complete this project is $158,000, which is being funded, in part, by a Federal grant in the amount of $127,000 through the Hazard Elimination Safety (HES) program. The City has allocated approximately $31,000 in General Fund monies to cover the full cost of this project. The project design has been completed and construction is scheduled for Fall 2003. City Staff proposes to expand the scope of work of this CIP project to add the elimination of the free right turn island at the southeast comer of the intersection. The parcel adjacent to this comer (previously BP gas station) is currently vacant and available for future development, and this improvement would help create an economic incentive, making the property more developable by extending the comer area toward the street to allow for such amenities as landscaping, seating areas, etc. Based on a recent analysis conducted by City Staff at this intersection, the elimination of the free right turn at the southeast comer would allow the intersection to continue operating at an acceptable level of service during the peak traffic periods under existing and future traffic conditions. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ~_~ G : IMISCPR OJt VP W-A VB Traffic Signal Upgradelagst_vp-avb budget amend, doc The improvement can be constructed at a significantly lower cost if implemented as part of the CI~ project, rather than being built as a stand-along project. Staff proposes that Gas Tax reserves in the amotmt of $55,000 be appropriated to fund the additional improvements. The design plans for the current CIP project can be revised as necessary to incorporate these improvements without affecting the overall completion schedule of the project. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution authorizing implementation of additional improvements for Contract 02-10, Traffic Signal Upgrade - Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard, and approve the budget change to fund the additional improvements. RESOLUTION NO. - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR CONTRACT 02-10, TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE - VILLAGE PARKWAY/AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the City Council, as part of the 2002-2003 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), approved a project to upgrade the traffic signal at Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard to enhance the operation and safety at this intersection; and WHEREAS, said CIP project will replace all signal poles with new standard poles and replace the underground wiring system for the traffic signal at this intersection; and WHEREAS, project design has been completed and construction is scheduled for Fall 2003; and WHEREAS, the parcel occupying the southeast comer of the Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard intersection is currently vacant and available for future development; and WHEREAS, additional intersection improvements to eliminate the free right turn island at the southeast comer of the intersection can be constructed as part of the existing CF project to make the property at this comer more developable; and WHEREAS, the additional improvements to eliminate the free right turn island can be constructed at a significantly lo.wer cost if implemented as part of the CIP project; and ' WHEREAS, the additional improvements would not affect the construction schedule of the CIP project and would allow the intersection to continue operating at an acceptable level of service during the peak traffic periods under existing and future traffic conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby authorize the inclusion of additional improvements to eliminate the free right turn island to Contract No. 02-10, Traffic Signal Upgrade - Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of January, 2003. AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk CITY OF DUBLIN ,9 BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: X From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other ~' ~ :'Name: Name:~: :~'~'~ Trafficiiii [iii ...... Signal Upgrade~i~ iii. iiii ~..~ ii . -ii_ Village"' "" $5~i000 ..... .......... Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard (Expense) Account #: Account #: 206-96564-750-050 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: .Name: Account #: Account #: Fin Mgr/ASD: ,r_~"~~" *[/'x,x_~z,~x~-jP,,~ Date: Signature IREASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: To implement additional improvements at the intersection of Village Parkway/Amador Valley Boulevard as part of the current CIP project (Contract No. 0210) to upgrade the traffic signal at this intersection. City Manager: Date: Signature Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: ~: Signature : ~ G: 54 GENM1SCIB UDGCHNG_vp-avb budget amend. DOC ~ I O' ' ~ ~, ,,.,, , 0 30 60 120 ~ ,: ยท ~' ~, .~ ~ ~ , ~ ..... -~ '-~ ~AL~ -- I --~V AMADOR VALLEY / ~~X BOULEVARD / PROPOSED'' '~ X ' IMPROVEMENTS ~ / ~ INTERSECTION MAP