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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 ChamberLightingImprvmt CITY CLERK
File # 200-30
SUBJECT: Council Chambers Lighting Improvements
Report Prepared By: Jason Behrmann, Administrative Analyst
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Track Lighting Design, Specifications and Cost Estimate
2) Recessed Fixture Design, Specifications and Cost Estimate
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Determine whether the City should install additional lighting
in the City Council Chambers to improve meeting
~ \/'~:~/~ broadcasts.
2) If the Council elects to install additional lighting, provide
direction to Staff regarding the preferred lighting option
(track lighting or recessed fixture).
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If the Council chooses to install additional lighting in the Council
Chambers, the cost would be added to the City Cablecast Capital Improvement Project that will be
completed in early Fiscal Year 2002-2003. It is estimated that the track lighting option would cost
approximately $25,750 and the recessed lighting option would cost approximately $33,053.
At its meeting of November 20, 2001, the City Council approved a budget change to install mounted
cameras and production equipment in the City Council Chambers. At the meeting, Staff noted that while
adequate, the existing lighting did not allow for an optimal broadcast environment. The City Council
agreed, and directed Staff to investigate options that would enhance the current lighting and provide
lighting design options appropriate for a Council Chamber broadcast setting. Based on this direction, Staff
hired Brian Kane and Associates (BRK) of Walnut Creek to provide the City with design options and cost
estimates that would accomplish these goals°
An initial assessment by BRK of the Council Chambers revealed that the vertical illuminance level at the
Council dais and podium was between 12 and 18 foot candles (FC). Vertical lighting is what is shown on
a person's face while sitting behind the dais or standing behind the podium. The existing ambient lighting
provides better horizontal lighting, which is the lighting on a horizontal surface such as a table for reading.
The recommended vertical illuminance level for this type of broadcast setting is approximately 75 FC. For
comparison, the level for a television studio or theatrical setting is approximately 150 FC.
H/cc-for ms/agdastmt.doc
Both lighting options provided by BRK produce approximately 60 FC. Combined with the existing
lighting, the proposed lighting would raise the' vertical illuminance level to approximately 75 FC. The
lighting would be controlled by programmable dimmers that would allow the lights to be returned to a
pre-programmed level at the touch of a button.
Track Lighting Ootion
The first lighting option presented by BRK is track lighting affixed to the ceiling. The proposal is for 12
fixtures directed at the Council dais and a separate track with two fixtures directed at the public podium.
The advantage of the track lighting is that it is a flexible, movable system that can be easily adjusted. The
most obvious drawback of the system is the' aesthetics of the track and fixtures. While the fixtures would
have a professional appearance, the lights would be very noticeable to both the Council and the public.
The total cost of the track lighting, including installation is approximately $25,750. Attachment 1 shows
· the cost estimate, track lighting specifications and placement on the ceiling.
Recessed Fixture Option
A second option for the Council to consider is recessed fixtures that would be inset in the ceiling. The
number of lights and the illuminance level produced by the recessed fixtures would be identical to the
track lighting. The primary advantage of the recessed fixtures is the aesthetics. The lighting would blend
'in with the existing lighting and Council Chamber d~cor and would not be as noticeable to the public. The
disadvantage of this system is that it would be much more permanent and would allow less flexibility due
to the modifications that would be made to the ceiling. The recessed fixtures would also cost
approximately $33,053 or $7,303 more than the track lighting option. Attachment 2 shows the cost
estimate, track lighting specifications and placement on the ceiling.
Staff recommends that the Council first determine whether the City should install additional lighting
in the City Council Chambers to improve meeting broadcasts. If the Council elects to install additional
lighting, Staff requests that thc Council provide direction regarding the preferred lighting option (track
lighting or recessed fixture).
TM ,....,....,,,.,oo.
(1) PAR-38,250w max. Accent Light
Applications: Ideal for accenting displays, mer-
chandise or artifacts, this track fixture provides
excellent color rendition in a simple profile.
Designed for line voltage sources; no transformer
is required. Utilizing the PAR-38 lamp, various
levels of illumination and wattage can be selected.
ORDERING NOTE: Fixture supplied as complete unit. Specify track adapter, finish and accessories.
· Fixture Series · Adapter · Finish · Accessories
900 ParStar I One Circuit Track WH White 191 BK, WH, TN Barn Door 196_ Color Filter
PAR-38 250w max. (1-C) BK Black 192 BK, WH, TN Snoot A = Amber R = Red
(Max. 150w for 3 Three Circuit Track TN Titan (Satin 195 BK, WH, TN Scoop MP = Med. Pink LP = Lt. Pink
Aluminum) 1904 1/4" Deep Cell Louver O = Orange S = Salmon
cool beam and (3-C) SP Specify 1902 1/2" Deep Cell Louver Y = Yellow MG = Med. Green
when used with 4 C-clamp* Color LG = Lt. Green MB = Med. Blue
accessories) (approved 1938 80% Transparent Scrim PB = Pale Blue L = Lavender
color chip 1937 70% Transparent Scrim UV = UV Lens SL = Spread Lens
required) 1936 60% Transparent Scrim
NOTE: Add snoot 192 when ordering louvers, scrims and color filters.
5 1/16"
k__ ,, 3/8" 'J I T'~ I C-Clamp
( ~ Track Catalog, Volume 2 of 6. Lamp/Socket - One PAR-38, 250 et housing and secondary yoke
Zumtobel Staff binder for additional watts max. (Max. 150w for cool assembly. Full support of lamp is
C US information), beam and when used with acces- provided by bracket.
LISTED 2. Rotation Stop - Insures rotation sories) Lamp supplied by others. 11. C-Clamp - Cast aluminum pipe
$#itable for dry locations of 362° in the horizontal. Ceramic medium base screw socket clamp. Provided with integral splice
with copper/nickel plated contacts, box and factory wired 3/18 gauge
3. Yoke - ,080" aluminum with Factory prewired to the fixture's AWG stranded, rated at 10A/175V-
*C-clamp is ETL/CETL listed baked enamel finish, Yoke is connector. S JO neoprene retractile cord.
secured to the secondary yoke at
IBEW Union Made the pivot points by means of one 7. Secondary Yoke - .080" alu- Practical extended length is 6'-0".
locking and one static aiming knob. minum, baked enamel finish. 12. Weight - 1.28 lbs. C-clamp:
Provides full support for socket 3.5 lbs.
Silver Flex® is a registered trademark 4. Aiming Lock Knob - Two aluminum housing independent of lamp ring.
of Essex Group, Inc. knurled knobs provide pivot points NOTE: Can also be used with
for yoke assembly. Continuous 8. Power Cable - Silver Flex® Zumtobel Staff's ZX or RTX linear
1. Track Adapter - Die-cast adapter adjustment from 0° to 90° vertical sleeved with two 18 gauge strand- fluorescent systems. For more
with spring-loaded, silver soldered is achieved with the right side knob ed, extra flex wire. information, consult Volume I of
contacts ensures rigid electrical and acting as a positive locking device. 9. Socket Housiog - .050" spun alu- your Zumtobel Staff binder, or call
mechanical connection. Three cir- minum housing with baked enamel 1-800-932-0633 to request a ZX or
cuit selector is concealed within the 5. Lamp Ring - .050" spun alu-
adapter's head with labeled snap- minum ring with spring clip retain- finish. Housing is ventilated to main- R'IX system catalog.
lock positions for positive circuit lng detail. Spring clip mount pro- tain lamp base within specified In a continuing effort to offer the best
selection (see Track Systems vides for the attachment of system operating parameter, product possible, we reserve the right to
Components spec sheets or the accessories, baked enamel finish. 10. Socket Bracket - 14 gauge change, without notice, specifications or
steel bracket is riveted through sock- materials that in our opinion will not alter
the function of the product.
Zumtobel Staff Lighting inc. ©2000
3300 Route 9W
Highland, NY 12528-2630 ZUMTOBEL STAFF
TEL (845) 691-6262 · (800) 932-0633 · FAX (845) 691-6289 PAR-5
89001569/00 THE LIGHT ®
APRIL t2, 2002
15 FT. ZUMTOBEL CURVED TRACK, SINGLE CIRCUIT $100.0 $1,500 0.600 9.0 $720
15 FT. ZUMTOBEL CURVED TRACK, SINGLE CIRCUIT $100.0 $1,500 0.600 9.0 $720
9 FT. ZUMTOBEL CURVED TRACK, SINGLE CIRCUIT $100.0 $900 0.600 5.4 $432
14 EA. ZUMTOBEL "PARSTAR" TRACK LAMPHOLDERS $75.0 $1,050 0.600 8.4 $672
14 EA. 250 PAR 38 LAMP $36.0 $504 0.125 1.8 $140
100 FT. 3/4" EMT $0.6 $60 0.120 12.0 $960
700 FT. #10 WIRE $0.2 $140 0.010 7.0 $560
1 LOT MISC. ELECT. (BOXES, FITTINGS, ETC.) $500.0 $500 2.000 2.0 $160
1 1 60A, 208V, 3P CIRCUIT BREAKER $200.0 $200 2.000 2.0 $160
I 1 REARRANGE CIRCUITS $100.0 $100 6.000 6.0 $480
1 EA. 208/120V 12 CIRUIT PANEL $600.0 $600 6.000 6.0 $480
2 EA. DIMMER POWER BOOSTERS $650.0 $1,300 3.000 6.0 $480
3 EA. DIMMER $175.0 $525 1.000 3.0 $240
1 EA. DIMMING MASTER CONTROLLER $175.0 $175 1.000 1.0 $80
1 LOT SCISSOR LIFT $600.0 $600 4.000 4.0 $320
1 LOT ENGINEERING $5,000.0 $5,000 0.000 0.0 $0
1 LOT PERMIT $200.0 $200 0.000 0.0 $0
$14,854 82.6 $6,604
SUBTOTAL: $21,458
Design Studios: 28 West 25th Street, New York, New York 10010. Tel 212 / 675-0400 · Fax 212 / 620-4687
Workshops: 160 Cornelison Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 · Tel 201 / 333-2525 · Fax 201 / 433-3355
7.5 foot minimum ceiling height 150W wire No. 14 AWG, SF-2 stranded
12.0 foot minimum ceiling height 250W wire to thermal protector rated
600V at 200~C.
socket Approved medium base
housing cover Spun Aluminum,
removable for aiming and relamping
from above.
track Lampholder slides for 0% 60~
adjustment. Removable for relamp-
lng from above.
body Formed steel, offset for 60~
maximum aiming inclination.
Rotates for horizontal adjustment.
mounting frame twistqoc Spun
steel, 12 ~/~" diameter, with 6 ~/4"
diameter chamfered apeAure.
iiii~!;iiii! i ; ; ;; Sloping ramps on frame engage
~ lugs on lower body for fast installa-
~ aperture ~ tion from above or below.
twist-loc Reversible mounting frame; flange
up for wet construction, flange
down for dry cons~ucdon and exist-
ing ceilings.'
~is ~ries ofad~able-dir~onal minimum-trim baffle Die formed
r~e~d lumi~i~s has ~n d~ign~ steel mounting frame with remov-
to ~o¢de acc~t ligh~ by m~ns of / I / X able ceiling trim.**
PAR lamps of various ~ag~ a~ vo~-~ .' / ~~ finish Exterior and interior ba~e
ages,~isRotos~to~Oo_6OO~al~~ ~ section-baked black enamel. Face
a~ustme~ w~ 358° h¢iz~l rotation, ~ plate and trim baked white enamel.
, thermal protector In accordance
/ J with U.L. requirements, an outlet
T~ Rotospot series is li~ed by ~e minimum-trim baffle box with ~ermal cut-off is attached
Unde~¢'s Lab~tories for u~ in bo~ NOTE: notch ceiling material so that the minimum trim to each unE.
firep~fand non-fire~oofc~s~¢on ("B-PAN') will sit flush wi~ ceiling line, servicing Specially formed and
and is approv~ by CSA Te~ng tempered steel security devices to
~at~es. The ~e allow for easy relamping from
above. Minimum-trim must have
I.B,~-AFL la~l. access from above to install, t~st-
Igc unit may be installed from
below. For mounting details see
installation sheet.
lamp 150 PAR38 or Q250 PAR38
Recessed Rotospot 0°- 60° tilt
RA-60-PAR-150/250-PAR38-LC Minimum-Trim Baffle**
RA-60-PAR-200-PAR46-LC Recessed Rotospot 0% 60° tilt
plaster ring RA-60-PAR-150/250-PAR38-B
including flanges 14 3/8" RA-60-PAR-200-PAR46-B
face plate diameter 12 7/8" face plate diameter 6"
aperture diameter 6" aperture diameter 5"
height 10" height 12"
For use with iow voltage lamps add "LV' to catalog number and specify voltage and wattage desired.
For mounting details see installation sheet *Reversible mounting frame, add minimum of 1/2" to height of clear structure above ceiling. *' Access above ceiling required.
from the family of Rambusch® Rotospots Page 511
APRIL 12, 2002
14 FT. ZUMTOBEL "RML" FIXTURES $650.0 $9,100 4.000 56.0 $4,480
14 EA. 250 PAR 38 LAMP $36.0 $504 0.125 1.8 $140
100. FT. 3/4" EMT $0.6 $60 0.120 12.0 $960
700 FT. #10 WIRE $0.2 $140 0.010 7.0 $560
1 LOT MISC. ELECT. (BOXES, FITTINGS, ETC.) $500.0 $500 2.000 2.0 $160
1 1 60A, 208V, 3P CIRCUIT BREAKER $200.0 $200 2.000 2.0 $160
1 LOT REARRANGE CIRCUITS $100.0 $100 6.000 6.0 $480
1 EA. 208/120V 12 CIRUIT PANEL $600.0 $600 6.000 6.0 $480
2 EA. DIMMER POWER BOOSTERS $650.0 $1,300 3.000 6.0 $480
3 EA. DIMMER $175.0 $525 1.000 3.0 $240
1 EA. DIMMING MASTER CONTROLLER $175.0 $175 1.000 1.0 $80
1 LOT SCISSOR LIFT $600.0 $600 4.000 4.0 $320
1 LOT ENGINEERING $5,000.0 $5,000 0.000 0.0 $0
1 LOT PERMIT $200.0 $200 0.000 0.0 $0
$19,004 106.8 $8,540
SUBTOTAL: $27,544