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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.4 GPA EdenHousing&VCC CITY CLERK
File # 420-30
SUBJECT: Public Hearing - General Plan Amendments for Eden Housing and
Valley Christian Center - PA 03-003 and PA 00-017
Report Prepared by: Jeri Ram, Planning Manager ~
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Approving General Plan Amendment for Eden
}. Senior Housing Project and Valley Christian Center
RECOMMENDATION: 1 Open Public Hearing
· Receive Staff report and public testimony
3. Question Staff and public
4. Close Public Hearing and deliberate
5. Adopt the Resolution approving General Plan Amendments
for the Eden Senior Housing Project and Valley Christian
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No financial impact
Valley Christian Center and Eden Housing have requested approvals of General Plan Amendments to the
Land Use Element of the City of Dublin General Plan. State law allows four general plan amendments
per element per year (except in the event of changes to the Land Use Element as a result of modifications
to the Housing Element). Since January 2003; the City has approved one general plan amendment (Site
15A adjacent to the Transit Center). In order to avoid amendments in excess of the number permitted by
State law, General Plan Amendments for specific projects can be grouped together and adopted as
resolution. This method of approving general plan amendments enables cities to approve several projects
at the same time while only counting legally as one amendment. The City has done this in the past; a
recent example is that of the Sybase and Corrie Center Phase II. These projects both included general
plan amendments to the Land Use Element, adopted as one general plan amendment by one resolution.
General Plan Amendments:
1. The Eden Senior Housing Project:
The Eden Senior Housing Project includes the construction of 54 apartment units with 53 o£these units
targeted to low-income senior households in Dublin. An earlier item on the City Council agenda
describes the project in full. In summary, the project includes a General Plan Amendment, Downtown
Core Specific Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezoning Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan, and
COPIES TO: In-House Distribution
Eden Housing and Valley Christian Center
G:LAgendas~2003\CCSREden&VCCGPA5-20-03.doc ITEM NO. ~
Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed construction of an income-restricted senior housing
apartment project. Features of the project include:
· The construction of 53 one-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartment units in a four-story, 50-foot
tall building with ground level automobile parking. Occupancy of the apartment units would be
restricted to low and very low income households with a minimum age of 62 years old for the
head of household;
· The site will be subdivided into two smaller parcels; and
· Associated improvements such as, minor site grading, fencing to the rear of the project site,
landscaping adjacent to the building, utility connections and similar site improvements.
The Site has an existing General Plan Land Use designation of "Retail/Office". This designation allows
primarily shopping centers, retail stores, lodging facilities, professional offices and similar uses. Although
residential uses would be allowed in the Downtown Intensification Area (which this site is a part of),
High Density Residential appears a more appropriate General Plan Land Use designation to accommodate
the proposed senior affordable project. Under this designation, high density apartment and condominium
developments are appropriate with a density of 25 units and above per acre (Attachment 1)
The Land Use and Circulation Element of the General Plan contains the following goals, policies and
programs that are relevant to this proposal.
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Guiding Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, A: Encourage housing of
varied types, sizes and process to meet current and future needs of Dublin residents. Analysis: The
proposed project wouM provide a significant increase in the number of affordable rental
apartments and would be consistent with this goal.
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Implementing Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, B: Designate sites
for residential development where site capability and access are suitable and where the higher
density would be compatible with existing residential development nearby. Analysis: Based on the
Initial Study prepared for the project, there are no constraints to developing the site for high
density senior housing in terms of access, traffic or any other. The nearest residential development
to the project site consists of medium density apartment projects on the north side of Amador
l/alley Boulevard. The proposedproject would therefore be consistent with this General Plan
· 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 A: Avoid abrupt transitions between single-
family development and higher density development on adjoining sites. Analysis: The proposed
project is consistent with the policy since no single family residences exist near the project site.
· 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 C: Require a planned development zoning
process for all development proposals over 6.0 units per gross acre. Analysis: A Stage ! and Stage
PD-Planned Development rezoning has been requested Therefore, the proposed project would be
consistent with this policy.
In the Land Use Element, the General Plan is required to contain a Housing Element, which
identifies the City's efforts to provide adequate housing sites for all economic segments of the
community. The City has prepared a draft Housing Element and it is presently being reviewed by the
State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). The Housing Element contains a
required provision that lists the adequate sites to accommodate at least 796 very low-income household
dwelling units and 531 low income household dwelling units between the years 1999 and 2006. The
proposed Eden Senior Housing Project would provide a significant effort toward meeting this
The Draft Element also contains the following goals and programs relating to housing:
· Goal A, To provide adequate sites to meet the City housing needs. Analysis: The proposed project
is consistent with the policy since an underutilized commercial site would be converted to a
housing site.
Policy 2, Increase units produced in Dublin; increase sites appropriate for affordable housing and
accessible to downtown. Analysis: The proposed project would increase the number of affordable
housing units immediately north of and accessible to the downtown core. Therefore, the proposed
· project would be consistent with this policy.
Goal B, To increase the availability of housing affordable to low and moderate income
households. Analysis: Implementation of the proposed project wouM increase housing availability
for low and very low-income households. It wouM therefore be consistent with Goal B.
· Policy 1, Promote development of affordable housing in Dublin. Analysis: The proposed project
wouM provide a new affordable housing project in the community and would be consistent with
this policy.
· Program B. 1.1, Cooperate with non-profit housing providers to develop units affordable to very
low and low- income households. The City will market housing opportunities and assist
developers with construction of affordable housing through entering into a ground lease by May
2003 for the former library facilitate the construction of a low-income senior housing
development. Analysis: Eden Housing, Inc, a non-profit housing builder is the applicant for this
project and the proposed project precisely follows the program outlined in the draft Housing
Approval of the General Plan Amendment to High Density Residential for the proposed Eden Housing
project would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan.
2. Valley Christian Center:
The Valley Christian Center Project includes a General Plan Amendment, Planned Development Rezoning Stage
1 & 2 Development Plan, and Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed expansion of the existing
Valley Christian Center, including a Master Plan for the religious and school facility, to:
· Expand the sanctuary, pre-school, fellowship hall and administration building 90,000 additional square
feet; add 1,000 square feet to the pre-school facility; construct a 45,000 square feet junior and senior high
school administration building; construct a new 15,000 sports building; construct a new 30,000 square
foot senior activity center; and, construct a 6,000 square foot chapel building. This development would
be constructed in several phases as funding becomes available, on approximately 53 acres.
· Designate 1.4 acres of the site Medium-High Density Residential on the General Plan for the potential
construction of dwelling units on the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. No
specific design has yet been proposed for the residential component of the project. The dwelling units are
anticipated to be sold at market-rate prices. The project, when an actual development is proposed, will be
required to conform to the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations.
The existing General Plan land use designation for the site is Public/Semi-Public Facility, which allows
limited residential uses with approval of a PD-Planned Development rezoning. Designation of the 1.4 acre
as Medium-High Density Residential would permit a density of residential development on the site within
a range of 14.1 to 25 dwelling units per acre. The maximum number of units that could be built on this
property with this density range is 30. The project contemplated by the Valley Christian Center would
consist of 22 dwelling units at a density of 15.71 units per gross acre, which is less than the mid-point
density (19.5 units/acre) of the range.
The Land Use and Circulation Element of the General Plan contains the following goals, policies and
programs that are relevant to the Valley Christian Center proposal:
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Guiding Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, A: Encourage housing of
varied types, sizes and process to meet current and future needs of Dublin residents. Analysis: The
proposed project would provide an increase in the number of affordable multi-family homes or
rental units and would be consistent with this goal.
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Implementing Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, B: Designate sites
for residential development where site capability and access are suitable and where the higher
density would be compatible with existing residential development nearby. Analysis: Based on the
Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project, there are no impacts that cannot be
mitigated to a less-than-significant level with the development of the site for medium-high or high-
density multi-family housing in terms of access or traffic. Certain traffic improvements are
incorporated in the Valley Christian Center project that will alleviate the potential for traffic
hazards at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Inspiration Drive. The adjacent residential
development, California Highlands, consists of medium-high density multi-family units with a
density range of 14.1-25. 0 dwelling units per acre, as proposed at this site. The proposedproject
would therefore be consistent with this General Plan goal.
· 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 A: Avoid abrupt transitions between single-
family development and higher density development on adjoining sites. Analysis: The proposed
project is consistent with the policy since the .adjacent site is developed at the same residential
density as proposed for the 1.4- acre site.
· 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 C: Require a planned development zoning
process for all development proposals over 6.0 units per gross acre. Analysis: A Stage 1 and Stage
PD-Planned Development rezoning has been requested Therefore, the proposed project wouM be
consistent with this policy.
The adjacent Kaufrnan and Broad California Highlands project is designated Medium-High Density
Residential and was developed at a density of 15.38 dwelling units per acre. As the Applicant is
proposing to develop 22 dwelling units at a density of 15.71 dwelling units per acre, the project will be
compatible with the adjacent California Highlands project. Additionally, it is appropriate for schools, both
public and private, to be located near residential neighborhoods in close proximity to the students they
serve. The proposed Valley Christian Center General Plan Amendment will, therefore, be consistent with
adjacent residential development.
The Housing Element of the General Plan, as noted above, requires that the City provide adequate
housing sites for all economic segments of the community. Any housing development on this site would
be required to conform to the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and provide a minimum of 7.5
percent moderate, low and very low income housing. The Draft Housing Element also contains the
following goals and programs relating to housing:
· Goal A: To provide adequate sites to meet the City housing needs. Analysis: The proposed project
is consistent with the policy since an undeveloped site adjacent to existing housing would be
converted to a residential housing site.
· Policy 1: To ensure that adequate sites exist to accommodate future housing needs. Analysis: The
proposed project would provide an adequate site to accommodate 22-30 housing units to assist
the City in meeting its future projected housing needs.
· Policy 3: Require the development of lower-income housing. Analysis: With the development of
22-30 residential units on the site, the developer would be required to allocate approximately
three units as affordable units under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations.
· Program B.3.1: Implement the City's Inclusionary zoning ordinance, which requires that at least
12.5 percent of new housing units be affordable to very low-, low-, and moderate-income
households. Analysis: As discussed above, the developer of the property wouM be required to
allocate affordable units in conformance with the City's ]nclusionary Housing Regulations.
Depending on the type of development that is ultimately proposed with the PD rezoning and Stage
2 Development Plan, a greater amount of affordable units may be provided. This will require
further review when a proposal is submitted.
· Policy 11: Provide opportunities for first time homebuyers to purchase homes in Dublin. Analysis:
The proposed development at the density range of 14.1 to 25. 0 dwelling units per acre will provide
lower priced market-rate units than a lower density designation and will provide for construction
of affordable ownership housing options.
Approval of the General Plan Amendment to Medium High Density Residential for the proposed Valley
Christian Center project would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan.
Planning Commission Action:
Approval of General Plan Amendments requires action by the City Council based on a recommendation from the
Platming Commission.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Eden Senior Housing Project General Plan
Amendment at its meeting of May 13, 2003 with Commissioners Jennings and Nassar absent.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Valley Christian Center General Plan
Amendment at its meeting of April 20, 2003, with Commissioner King voting against the proposal and
Commissioner Fasulkey absent.
Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing, receive the Staff report and public
testimony, question Staff and public, close public hearing and deliberate and adopt the Resolution
(Attachment 1) approving General Plan Amendments for the Eden Senior Housing Project and Valley
Christian Center.
WHEREAS, the Valley Christian Center, has requested approval of a General Plan Amendment
to construct approximately 22 multi-family dwelling units; an additional 187,000 square feet to an
existing 118,300 square foot religious and related school facility; two new temporary modular units for
administrative office use; and the continued use of two temporary modular classroom units on an interim
basis until the permanent construction of buildings is completed.
WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment is being requested for an approximately 1.4 acre portion
oft he 51.7 acre Valley Christian Center site located at the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and
Inspiration Drive, to accommodate approximately 22 residential units. The site lies north of the 1-580
freeway and Dublin Boulevard and west of the terminus of Betlan Drive at 7500 Inspiration Drive in the
western hillside area. The proposed General Plan Amendment consists of revision of the General Plan
Land Use Map to change the land use designation on the property from Public/Semi-Public Facility to
Medium-High Density Residential (14.1 - 25.0 dwelling units per acre); and
WHEREAS, Eden Housing Inc, has also requested approval of a General Plan Amendment and
related applications to construct up to 54 multi-family senior apartment units with ground floor parking
and related site improvements on the subject property. Occupancy of the project would be limited to
qualified low and very-low income households with the exception of an on-site manager; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Eden Housing project area is located within downtown Dublin and
contains approximately 0.58 acres of land, located at the rear of the former Dublin Branch Library, 7606
Amador Valley Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment is being requested for the Eden Housing site to
accommodate the proposed affordable senior housing project. The proposed General Plan Amendment
consists of revision of the General Plan Land Use Map to change the land use designation on the property
from Retail/Office to High Density Residential (25.0 + dwelling units per acre); and
WHEREAS, a complete applications for these projects are on file with the Community
Development Department; and
WHEREAS, the proposed density for the Valley Christian Center application is consistent with
the Implementing Policy of Section 2.1.1, Housing Availability of the Land Use Element of the General
Plan. The Implementing Policy reads as follows: "Designate sites available for residential development in
the primary planning area for medium to medium-high density where site capability and access are
G:~PA#L2003\03-003\CC Reso GPA.doc AIIACH M[NI ~
suitable and where the higherdensity would be compatible with existing residential development nearby";
WI-IEREAS, the proposed density for the Valley Christian Center is also consistent with the land
uses in the surrounding area designated Medium-High Density Residential in the General Plan.
Additionally, it is appropriate for schools, both public and private to be located near residential
neighborhoods in close proximity to the students they serve. The proposed Valley Christian Center
General Plan Amendment will, therefore, be consistent with adjacent residential development; and
WItEREAS, no specific design has yet been proposed for the residential component of the Valley
Christian Center project. When an actual development is proposed, the Applicant will be required to
submit an application for a Planned Development Stage 2 Rezoning and Site Development Review, and
conform to the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment for the Eden Housing affordable housing
project are consistent with the following goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element of the
Dublin General Plan:
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Guiding Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, A: Encourage
housing of varied types, sizes and process to meet current and future needs of Dublin
residents, since the proposed project would provide housing opportunities for a special
housing needs population of the community, senior households.
· 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Implementing Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, B: Designate
sites for residential development where site capability and .access are suitable and where the
higher density would be compatible with existing residential development nearby, since the
proposed housing site would be compatible with the proposed Dublin Senior Center and
multi-family residential development to the north, on the north side ofAmador Valley
· 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 C: Require a planned development
zoning process for all development proposals over 6.0 units per gross acre, since such an-
application has been filed with the City.
WHEREAS, the proposed Amendments requested by Eden Housing are consistent with the
following goals, policies and objectives of the Draft Housing Element of the Dublin General Plan, as
· Goal A, to provide adequate sites to meet he City housing needs, since the project site
represents a new affordable housing site within the City.
· Policy 2, Increase units produced in Dublin; increase sites appropriate for affordable housing
and accessible to downtown, since the proposed project represents affordable housing sites
within downtown Dublin.
· Goal B, To increase the availability of housing affordable to low and moderate income
households, since the proposed project would add up to 53 very low and low income housing
units to the City's affordability housing stock.
· Policy 1, Promote development of affordable housing in Dublin, since the proposed project
would be a 100% affordable housing project.
· Program B. 1.1, Cooperate with non-profit housing providers to develop units affordable to
very low and low income households. The City will market housing opportunities and assist
developers with construction of affordable housing through entering into a ground lease by
May 2003 for the former library facilitate the construction of a low-income senior
housing development, since the proposed project would meet all of these criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Valley Christian Center project has been reviewed in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin
Environmental Guidelines. A Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in
accordance with the provisions of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin
Environmental Guidelines, under Section 15122 and Section 15132, and all potential significant impacts
will be mitigated through design of the project, and Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Parcel Map
and Site Development Review approved by the Planning Commission on April 22, 2003. Therefore, there
is no potential for significant environmental effects to occur as a result of the project; and
WHEREAS, the Eden Housing project has been reviewed in accordance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental
Guidelines. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of
CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, and all potential
significant impacts will be mitigated through design of the project and Conditions of Approval. Therefore,
there is no potential for significant environmental effects to occur as a result of the project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public heating to consider the entire Valley
Christian Center project on April 22, 2003 on the Environmental Impact Report General Plan
Amendment, Planned Development Rezoning, Tentative Parcel Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Site
Development Review, and recommended approval of the project and the General Plan Amendment to the
City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing to consider the entire Eden
Housing project on May 13, 2003, on the Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment,
Downtown Core Specific Plan Amendment, and Planned Development Rezoning, and recommended
approval of the project and the General Plan Amendment to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, City staff prepared individual staff reports describing and analyzing the proposed
General Plan Amendments for both projects, which reports were presented to the City Council at a duly
noticed public heating on May 20, 2003, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to
comment on the project; and
WltEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing to consider the General Plan
Amendments, an Amendment to the Downtown Core Specific Plan, and Planned Development
Rezonings, and did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, testimony and the respective
environmental documents hereinabove set forth,, and supports the General Plan Amendments and Specific
Plan Amendments.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does hereby
approve the following with exhibits as incorporated herein as follows:
A. Valley Christian Center: A change in the General Plan Land Use designation for a 1.4 acre
portion of Valley Christian Center Property from Public/Semi-Public land use to Medium-High
Density Residential (14.1 - 25.0 dwelling units per acre) land use to accommodate approximately
22 multi-family dwelling units; and
B. Eden Housing Affordable Housing Project: A change in the General Plan Land Use designation
for this property from Retail/Office to High Density Residential (25.0 + dwelling units per acre)
land use.
PASSED AND APPROVED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 20th day of May 2003, by
the following votes:
City Clerk