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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Five Year CIP2004-2009 CITY CLERK File # D~~~Hil[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2005 Public Hcaring: 2005-2006 Update to the Five Ycar Capital Improvement Program fOf Fiscal Year 2004-2005 through Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ;1/' 1. 2, Dfaft Resolution Five Year Capital Improvement Program provided undef sepawte covef 1. 2. 3. 4_ 5. 6. Open Public Hearing Rcccivc Staff Presentation Receive Public Comments Close Public Hcaring Deliberate Adopt Resolution Appfoving the 2005-2006 Update to the Five-Yeaf Capital Improvement Program 2004-2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Proposed Five-Yea¡- Capital Improvemcnt Program (CTP) Update includes projects costing a total of $207,735,442 including costs incurred in prior years fOf thosc projects that aœ a paft of the CTP. Projected costs for the remaining four years of the CTP timeframe (Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through Fiscal Year 2008-2009) total $146,367,181. The CTP identifies projects that a¡-e wholly or partially unfunded during the CTP timeframc in the amount of$177,477,791, [or which $13,665,479 in rcstrictcd funds has been collected or obligated by the City Of othcr agcncies, leaving a net shortfall of $163,812,312. The æcommended CTP appropriations for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 total $51,590,638. DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City Council adopts Of updates the City's Five-Yea¡- Capital Improvement Program. This CTP addfesses the City's public infrastructure needs ovef a five-year period. Projects arc identified within four major categories: General, Community Improvcmcnts, Parks and Streets, Each capital project is described on a separate page, which includes information regafding thc project specifics, location and funding_ Last ycar the City Council adoptcd a Five Year CIP for Fiscal Yeaf 2004-2005 through Fiscal Yea¡- 2008- 2009. This CIP has been updated to address the following issues: ------------------~------_.~._---------------------------------------------------~._----_.------------------- IUCIP\Word D(>cument' for CIP\CJP agenda 'tmt_doc COPIES TO: ITEMNO.~ \ Db'- I. Existing projccts havc been reviewed and. where necessary, fevised to œflect the current project scope and the most fecent timing and cost estimates; 2. New projects have been added to address changing needs and priorities of the City. There are 18 new projects pfoposed in the CTP Update for thc remaining four years of the CIP tÎmefi-ame. The City Council has received the Proposed Five-Yeaf Capital Improvement Program Update. The City Manager's transmittal letter, which is included in the CTP, provides a summary overview of the CTP and highlights the majOf pmjects and issues within each CIP project category. Proposed Fiscal Year 2005-2006 CIP Appropriations For Fiscal Year 2005-2006. the CIP Update recommends Pfoject appropriations totaling $51.590,638. The All hogram Summary Table included in the CIP document identifies this total cost both by CIP project eatcgory and funding source. The Fiscal Year 2005-2006 appropriations are included in the Capital Budget of the Aimual City Budget and Financial Plan fOf Fiscal Ycar 2005-2006. Review Process Thc Planning Commission has reviewed the CIP Update and dete=ined that the pwjccts are in confo=ance with the City's Genefal Plan. Additionally, thc Hcritage and Cultural Arts Commission and Pafks and Community Scrvices Commission have reviewed those projects within theif œspcctive purview and have approved the project priorities as recommended by Staff. Envimnmental Review The proposed 2005-2006 Update to the Five-Yeaf Capital Impwvemcnt Program 2004-2009 has been œviewed undef the California Envimnmental Quality Act and has been determined to be exempt under Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies. Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council review the Proposed CTP by major project category, ask any questions œgarding the pmposed pmjects and œccivc public input. At the end of the œview, it would be appropriate for the City Council to make any modifications that it deems appropriate. Once the City Council has completed its œview of the pwjccts included in the CIP, it is recommended that thc City Council adopt the attached resolution appwving the 2005-2006 Update to .the Five-Yeaf Capital Impmvement Pmgram 2004-2009. 7J::V'- \~\ RESOLUTION NO. - 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ADOPTING THE 2005-2006 UPDATE TO TIlE 2004-2009 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, each yeaf, the City Council adopts or updates the Five-Year Capital Improvement Pwgram, which addresses the City's puhlic infTastructure anù facility nceds in the following areas: General, Community Improvements, Parks and SIreets; and WHEREAS, at this time. the City Council desires to update the 2004-2009 Five- Y eaf Capital Improvement Program to reflect changes and additions that have become necessary during the past year to ensure that the City's capital needs are met; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has presented the hoposed 2005-2006 Update to the 2004-2009 Five- Y eaf Capital Irnpwvernent Pwgram to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the pwposcd projects included in the 2005- 2006 CTP Upùate and has detefillined that the public works projects to be constmcted are in conformance with the City of Dublin Gencral Plan; and WHEREAS, The Cultural and Hcritage Arts Commission has revicwed the 2005-2006 CTP Update and provided input regarding the heritage and cultufal art related projects included therein; and WHEREAS, the Pafks and Community Scrvices Commission has œviewed the 2005-2006 CTP Update and provided input reg¡¡¡-ding the park and recreation facility relatcd projects included therein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thc City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby take the following actions: 1. The City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the 2005-2006 Updatc to the 2004"2009 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, which is attachcd to and made a pad hereof; and 2. The itcms scheduled for implementation in Fiscal Yeaf 2005-2006 shall be included in the Capital Budget of the Annual City Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Yeaf 2005-2006. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City CICfk '::t:ïEN\ ~,\ (0-2.0-05 ATTACHMENT 1