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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Falllon Crossing Attach 7, Section 1 Stage 1 Development Plan Fallon Crossing Dublin, California Ji , ,'if',%i~:. -T'- .'" ~ ,., > 'r~"'~ " '''" ",,,,,,~I~,,,"" ",," '~',:, 'I, ',,,,," ,R~'\iJ7,>, . 0:;: '.", ' \\ April 7, 2006 Staudard Pacific Homes ATI.'1.CHMENT 7 Fallon Crossing & Fredrich Properties Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Stage 1 Development Plan April 7, 2006 Table of Contents Pal:e Vicinity Map ..",.............,.......,.....,........",................,.,., 1 Project Description. . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , , . , . . . . , , . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . , , , . . . , , . . . , , . . , . 2-7 Project Findings . . . . . , , , , , , , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . 8- I 0 Photo Location Key , . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . , , , . . , . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 11 Site Photos. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-16 Aerial Photo , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . , . . . . . 17 Stage 1 Site Plan .....",.."...",...,...,....."........."........,......,. 18 Stage I Conceptual Tassajara Road Streetscape ,...",........"...........,..,..,., 19 Linear Park Landscape Plans. . . , , . . . . . , , , . . . . . , . . . . . . , , , , , , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Creek Bank Restoration & Stabilization Plan ...,......".......,..........,..,.. 22-23 GIAdmin\Jobs-03\031006\Stage l\Slage 1 Development Planwpd PROJECT UN SITE UN ~ ~ -N-- ~ t <l: ~ ,c;,<<. ~ 91- i?j i:!: GLEASON DRIVE PKWY TRAL DUBLIN BLI,f} INlERSTAlE 580 r:i:J C> ~ 'f>,\t- ~'" ;p: ~'\~ u~ ",t' Gj VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE -1- April 7, 2006 Project Description Fallon Crossing Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Location The subject properties, known as Fallon Crossing (formerly Mission Peak property) and Fredrich are located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. The combined project area of Fallon Crossing (67.22 acres) and the Fredrich Property (6, I 7 acres) is approximately 75.18 acres, The Fallon Crossing site lies to the east ofTassajara Road between Silvera Ranch and the Moller property. The site is currently used for cattle grazing. No permanent structures exist on the site except for a well and well house. The surrounding land owners and uses include the Moller property to the north and the Lin property to the east which are primarily used as grazing land. The Silvera Ranch development to the south is currently under construction and features residential and open space uses per the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The western boundary is defined by Tassajara Road which serves as a connection between Alameda County and Contra Costa County. The Fredrich Property is located west of Tassajara Road and east of Tassajara Creek. The site currently has a rural residential home and ancillary buildings. Proposed Uses The properties lie within two subareas of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan: the Tassajara Village Subarea and the Foothill Residential Subarea. This application seeks PD prezoning of the Fallon Crossing site to allow for residential and open space land uses consistent with the Specific Plan. No development is currently proposed for the Fredrich Property, The PD prezoning and Stage I Development Plan are intended to reflect the Specific Plan policies and land use designations applicable to the project site. A schematic depiction of proposed land areas and densities is shown in the Stage I Site Plan on page 18 of this document. The land use boundaries and road alignments presented on the plan are approximate, The precise location of land uses, final unit count, and density will be determined as part of the Stage 2 Development Plan when a more detailed site plan will be reviewed, Permitted, conditional and accessary uses will be allowed per the requirements of the R-l Zoning District. The project applicant proposes 103 units on the Fallon Crossing site which is within the 36-172 dwelling unit range permitted by the Specific Plan, No additional units or change in use are currently proposed for the Fredrich Property. The table below presents the land uses and densities under the Stage I Development Plan for Fallon Crossing ( formerly the Mission Peak property) as presented in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. G:\Admin\Jobs-03\031006\Slage 1\Stage I Development Planwpd -2- Specific Plan Summary Table FALLON CROSSING Specific Plan Land Use Summary Acres", Density Units Medium High Density Residential l.l 14.1 - 25.0 15 - 27 Single Family Residential 24.2 .9 - 6.0 21 - 145 ~ural Residential 38.5 .01 1 Open Space 2.7 0 0 Tassajara RoadlFallon Road - R.O.W. 1.3 0 - SUBTOTAL 67.8 36 - 172 FREDRICH Rural Residential 7.9 1 I GRAND TOTAL! 75.7 I I 37-173 I The Specific Plan Land Use Map originally showed approximately 1.3 acres of Neighborhood Commercial use along the west side ofTassajara Road. This use was part of a larger Commercial area shown on the Silvera & Haight properties, This area was eliminated frorn the Stage 1 Site Plan because the final alignments ofTassajara Road and Fallon Road were moved farther to the west which utilized a majority of the Neighborhood Commercial use on the Mission Peak property. The schematic Single Family Residential development envelope rneets the hillside development policies contained in the Specific Plan. Note that remedial grading may extend beyond the development envelope shown on the plans, as allowed by Policy 6-34. Following is an explanation of the proposed plan's conformance with the hillside development policies set forth in the Specific Plan. 6-32: In order to reduce the visual impacts of grading, the Stage 2 site plan will use revegetation, contour grading with gradual transition to the natural slope and berming as necessary. 6-33: The proposed development area is situated to minimize visual impacts from Tassajara Road or Fallon Road. The Specific Plan does not permit development in the upper ridgeiands, Most of the development area is tucked behind the ridgeline that is visible from Fallon Road. 6-40 & 6-4 I : A preliminary geotechnical report has been prepared and the recommendations contained in the report will be incorporated into the Stage 2 site design. 6-42: Only 0.8 acres of the proposed Single Family development area has slopes in excess of30%, GlAdmill\Jobs-03\OJIOO6\Stage l\Slage I Development Planwpd -3- Policies 6-34, 6-35, 6-36, 6-37 and 6-38 of the Specific Plan address issues including the visual impact and extent of grading, architectural design, revegetation, and road alignment. These policies will be incorporated into the Stage 2 site design due to the lack of design specificity provided with the Stage 1 submittal. Neighborhood Park A 1.0-acre neighborhood park is proposed to be located adjacent to the creek corridor, west of the Single Family Residential area. This linear park will provide passive recreational opportunities for future residents. Proposed facilities include a pedestrian trail, sitting areas, small play areas, and native landscaping. A preliminary plan for the linear park is presented on page 20. Phasing Fallon Crossing will be developed in one phase, Project development is proposed to begin in April 2007. Topography and Site Development The site is located within a section of the Coast Ranges identified as the Tassajara Hills, The project site has slopes which range from less than 5% in the area directly east ofthe creek to more than 50% on the upper ridge along the northern and eastern boundaries. Site topography ranges from 450' at the creek bottom to about 700' at the top of the northern ridge. The majority of the proposed development area is located on the more level portions of the site east ofTassajara Road. The grading proposed for the project takes into consideration the hilly terrain, and wherever possible, development will be contoured to the hillsides in order to avoid excessive cuts and fills. The steeper slopes and ridgelands on the site are designated as open space uses. Circulation Tassajara Road is currently a two-lane road extending from Dublin Ranch northward to Contra Costa County. The East Dublin Specific Plan anticipates that Tassajara Road will eventually be expanded to six lanes, As shown in the East Dublin Specific Plan, Fallon Road is proposed as a through street and Tassajara Road from the south will "T-intersect" into Fallon Road. Fallon Road, south of the project site, is currently under construction within the Dublin Ranch property, The Silvera Ranch project will construct the extension of Fallon Road from Tassajara Road southward to the Silvera/Lin property line. Vehicular and pedestrian access to the project site is available from both Tassajara Road and Fallon Road. This Fallon Crossing project will construct its Tassajara Road frontage improvements and complete the Tassajara Road/Fallon Road intersection improvements, including modification of the traffic signal. The Specific Plan also shows a pedestrian trail along the east side of the creek. This trail is conceptually depicted on the Stage I Site Plan and illustrated on the Conceptual Landscape Plan (page 20), G\AdminVobs-OJ\031006\Slage [ISlage I Development Pla.nwpd -4- A separate Traffic Report prepared by TJKM has been submitted which addresses circulation and traffic impacts to the area, Water Supply The project will be served by the Zone 2 DSRSD water pressure zone. Zone 2 will provide water service up to an elevation of 580'. The development will be served by a westerly extension ofthe existing Zone 2 water line in Fallon Road that now terminates at Silvera Ranch. The line will be extended westward to the Fallon Road/Tassajara Road intersection. The development will also have a secondary service from the proposed street located within Phase 4 of Silvera Ranch Project. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer service for Fallon Crossing will be provided by a northerly extension of the existing sanitary sewer line in Tassajara Road which currently ends at the intersection with Silvera Ranch Drive. A 10" sanitary sewer line will be installed from this intersection to the Tassajara Rd.lFallon Rd. intersection as a part of this project. All sanitary sewer lines will gravity flow. Storm Drainage Project storm drainage will be conveyed to a detention pond located on-site within the creek setback area, The detention pond will either be connected to an existing culvert in Tassajara Rd. (just west of the project) through storm drain lines that will gravity flow, or connect to a proposed outfall in the creek. A water quality pond will be located adjacent to the detention basin in order to provide pretreatment of the storm water prior to entering the creek. Scenic Corridor Tassajara Road and Fallon Road are currently identified as Scenic Corridors by the City of Dublin, Tassajara Road forms the western boundary ofthe Fallon Crossing site. To guide development that may be visible from these designated scenic corridors, the City of Dublin has adopted the "Eastern Dublin Scenic Corridor-Policies & Standards." This document sets forth requirements and provisions for preserving views of scenic ridge lines and knolls from the scenic corridor. The Stage 2 Site Plan will be designed to conform to the scenic corridor Policies and Standards including preserving the backdrop views from Fallon Road and Tassajara Road. Additionally, any grading impacts on the lower hillsides will be offset by contouring of slopes, berming, and landscaping consistent with the surroundings, Open Space A large portion of the Fallon Crossing site, 41.2 acres, has been designated as open spacefrural residential. Any areas not proposed for a residential use are to remain undeveloped. The Specific Plan states that these areas are to be permanently preserved as a visual and natural resource area with little, orno development allowed, The open space designation provides an open space corridor as well as maintains the ridgelands on the site which will be preserved as a visual resource. These ridgelands are called out in the Specific Plan as "Visually Sensitive Ridgelands", This designation GIAdmin\Jobs-OJI031006\Slage J\Slage J Development Planwpd -5- severely restricts development. The open space areas will be owned and maintained by a homeowners maintenance association. Biological and Wildlife Resources Olberding Environmental has completed a biological resource analysis of the Fallon Crossing site, The analysis describes the site as consisting primarily of non-native annual grassland with smaller patches of native perennial grassland habitat found on the north facing slopes. The site is used for cattle grazing which leaves little or no vegetation in some high traffic areas. The eastern fork of Tassajara Creek flows in a northeast to southeast direction along the northern property boundary, adjacent to Tassajara Road. The creek area does contain some areas of dense trees and shrubs. The creek area supports sparse riparian vegetation which has been impacted by cattle grazing. The creek and associated trees and other vegetation will remain after development of the property. There are two constructed pond features within the site boundaries, The first pond, located approximately halfway up the largest intermittent drainage, was constructed as part of a recent mitigation measure. The second constructed pond is located to the east of the east fork creek channel. Both ponds are located outside of the proposed development area and will not be disturbed by site development. A preliminary wetland delineation of the property has been completed, subject to approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, None of the identified wetlands are located within the proposed development area, No special status plant species were found during a reconnaissance survey conducted in January, 2003. The site has been disturbed to a great extent by the cattle grazing, which may preclude the potential for special status plant occurrence, Therefore, special status plants are presumed to be absent from the property. Special status animals that could potentially be found on the site include the following: San Joaquin Kit Fox: Low potential due to on-site soil conditions and urban development to the south which would preclude migration. Special Status Reptiles and Amphibians: The East side ofTassajara Creek is known to support the California red-legged frog, Additionally, the western pond turtle is known to occur on the main branch of Tassajara Creek and has been sighted on the property. Although not identified on the property, the California tiger salamander could find potential breeding habitat in the ponds. Preconstruction surveys will be conducted for these species following established protocol. Nesting Raptor Species: Habitat exists on the property to support a wide variety of foraging raptor species. Pre-construction surveys may be necessary due to the presence of suitable nesting trees on and adjacent to the property, G\Adrnin\)obs.03\OJIOOblSlage IISlage I Development Plan.wpd -6- Approximately 41.2 acres of the Fallon Crossing project have been designated as Open Space/Rural Residential in order to preserve the visual and natural resource value of the site. A large portion of the site is to remain undeveloped providing an open space corridor which connects to surrounding open space on adjacent properties. In order to mitigate any loss of habitat, stabilize the creek bank and enhance the creek corridor, a Creek Bank Restoration and Stabilization Plan presented on page 22, No biological resource analysis has been undertaken for the Fredrich Property. A biological study will be required for the property when a development application is received and reviewed by the City. Compliance with the IncIusionary Zoning Regulation This development is subject to the City of Dublin's Inclusionary Zoning regulations, These regulations require that new residential development projects construct 12,5% ofthe total number of dwelling units within the development as affordable units. However, the regulations allow for the City Council to permit the developer to pay a fee in-lieu of constructing up to 40% of the required affordable units. For Fallon Crossing, the applicant proposes to construct 8 affordable units, These 8 units account for 62% of the total number of affordable units required within the development. The remaining percentage of the affordable housing requirement will be met by payment of in-lieu fees. Hazardous Waste and Substances Site Determination Pursuant to Government Code 65962.5, the proposed development site is not located on a hazardous waste substances site. G\AdmiRVobs.OJ\031006\Slage l'eStage I Developmenl PlallWpd -7- Application Findinl!:s Statement for Fallon Crossin~ & Fredrich Properties a. The proposal will be harmonious and compatible with existinl!: and future development in the surroundinl!: area. The 67.22 acre Fallon Crossing site is located adjacent to the City of Dublin within the East Dublin Specific Plan area, The Specific Plan area comprises 3,300 acres ofIand planned as a mixed-use community that will be a vital, self-sustaining urban environment where people can live, work, play and interact in a manner that fosters a strong sense of community. The project site is bounded by Tassajara Road on the west; the Lin property to the east is currently being used for grazing and will ultimately will be used as open spacefmitigation lands for Dublin Ranch, although it is currently designated in the Specific Plan for single farnily and rural residential uses. The Moller/Richey property to the north is not within the Specific Plan boundary, but has General Plan land use designations of Low Density Residential and Rural Residential Agriculture. The Silvera Ranch property to the south, currently under construction, is a mixed-density residential project totaling 250 units. The residential and open space uses for the Fallon Crossing project are consistent with the planned development of the Specific Plan area and will be compatible with the surrounding properties as the area develops. The 6.17 acre Fredrich Property currently has a rural residential home. No additional development is currently proposed. b. The site is physicallY suitable for the type and intensity of the zoninl!: district beinl!: proposed. The Fallon Crossing project proposes single family residential, rural residential and open space uses. The site is located within a section of the Coast Ranges, identified as the Tassajara Hills. The project site has slopes which range from less than 5% in the area directly east ofthe creek to more than 50% on the upper rides along the north & east boundaries. The majority of the proposed development is located on the flatter portion of the site immediately east ofTassajara Road. The grading proposed for the project takes into consideration the hilly terrain, and wherever possible, development is contoured to the hillsides in order to avoid excessive cuts and fills, The steeper slopes and ridgeiands are designated as open space uses, The proposed Planned Development District Zoning for the site will provide maximum flexibility and diversification in the development of the project consistent with, and in furtherance of, the provisions of the Dublin General Plan and the Specific Plan in a manner which is consistent with the natural topography ofthe site. c. The proposal will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residinl!: or workinl!: in the vicinity. or be detrimental to the public health. safety and welfare. The proposal is consistent with the East Dublin Specific Plan policies and the City's zoning ordinances enacted for the public health, safety and welfare. The Specific Plan has designated those areas within the Specific Plan with the highest landslide potential and the least possibility of cost-effective remediation to be maintained as open space to minimize adverse impacts, Development in hillside areas is carefully regulated under the Specific Plan to ensure that hazardous hillside conditions are avoided or rernedied, A large portion of the Fallon Crossing site, 4 1.2 acres, has been designated as open spacefrural residential and, will remain undeveloped, therefore permanently preserving the area as a visual and natural G\AdminlJubs-OJI031006\Stage [IStage I Development Planwpd -8- resource area. None of the residential lots in the project will have direct driveway access on the major arterials. The project provides for housing which is compatible with and supportive of the community needs identified in the Specific Plan, d, The DroDosed uses for the site are consistent with the elements of the City of Dublin General Plan and the East Dublin 8necific Plan. The Fallon Crossing site lies within two subareas described in the Specific Plan - the Tassajara Village subarea and the Foothill Residential subarea. Open Space and Single Family residential uses are proposed in the Foothill Residential subarea. Consistent with Policies 4-5 and 4-6 ofthe Specific Plan, the project concentrates residential development in the less environmentally constrained portions of the site area and provides for cluster development to reduce grading and preserve open space continuity, as well as providing an innovative approach to site planning, unit design, and construction to create housing products for all segments of the community. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan currently designates the Fredrich property for medium high density residential and neighborhood commercial uses, No development is currently proposed for the Fredrich property. e. This nroiect satisfies the nurnose and intent of Chanter 8.32 "Planned DeveloDment" of the MuniciDal Code as follows: (I) Development standards will be tailored to fit the site and will address such issues as building setbacks, architecture, landscaping and grading. These standards will be set forth in the Stage 2 Development Plan (8.32.01 O(A)); (2) The Fallon Crossing project provides maximum flexibility and diversification in the development of the property by clustering single-family housing to reduce necessary grading and preserve open space continuity. Affordable housing units will be created to provide housing for all segments ofthe community(8.32,010(B)(D)); (3) The Fallon Crossing project proposes residential densities which are consistent with the land use designations in the East Dublin Specific Plan and the provisions and regulations for development set forth therein, The Specific Plan allows for a density range of2 I to 145 residential units on the site, the project applicant proposes the construction of approximately 103 units (8.32,010(C)); (4) In conformance with the Specific Plan, the relatively level and moderate slopes on the Fallon Crossing site are designated for residential uses, The steep slopes and ridge lands are designated as Open Space (8.32.01O(E)); (5) The project developer will participate in the development of the necessary utility and circulation infrastructure for this development in conformance with the Specific Plan (8.32,010(F)); GIAdminlJobs-03\031006\$lage l\Slage 1 Development Planwpd -9- (6) Through the use of Planned Development District zoning, the project will be designed to address the uniqueness of the Specific Plan area, taking into account the proximity of the ridgelands. The clustering of residential units will allow for continuity of open space area and more effective utilization of property (8.32.010 (G)(H)), (7) By clustering single family residential units on the more level topography, the Fallon Crossing project will create a more desirable use ofland, a more coherent and coordinated development, and a better physical environment that would otherwise be possible under a single zoning district or combination of zoning districts, therefore maintaining large contiguous open space. GlAdminVobs-03\OJI006\Stage l\.'';tage I Development Plan.wpd -10- . I .) l . , . ! I , I I i I ! I ; ~ !l ~'fii.t' PROJECT .SITE ,I; MPl1):Rf, , , I I '.' I I, l I'\.-~'/~~/" . /' : ,>'-"'~"'-' '--, /, ,/><'- ,>..".-----,'..., '/ "/, ,/", . I '/~j~:.~:/ : //"j'j/ // /" -,;-,- // ,//:.:- " /: ~,",,' ~-', ;' I' --..,; I' ~-\... //' ) ;/ -.-.,,,;, " '~\:"\, ~,,_J 'r \" \ ,/, '/ ! <)~~//:(>>/ -".//", .: ~,;~';~ ,,/ / -... ," ~' VlCINITY MAP -.- "" /'- ,-,/. " / ( . ~ r. 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If;'" .I~ , , III ~ [ ---I I I I I UN }, ~i II FALLON CROSSING r .} . :..J, L. -:: ..., ~ " ~~ ,- 11I",_ I. ...., 1"1'.- ...olr. I ',I>.<~ ... f pt ti ~. ~ I \ ... .... r7 ~ " ,. , "'- ,J .,--.,.. - · "W - ~- 1 I C I NI~~~N~~ r .j , ~- - \\ r~ ~ I' I QUARRY LAN; I. SCHOOL "- ",,' ~ .. c: \\ ~ DUBLIN ~ r \;;;. r f' r' l"': ,. ..-.- r... 1 , ... r- ,.. .... I I I UN .JI / / / : ;,'-.r I J . J CC'J ... ~ ., ~ ". j ~ ~ , U 1/# ~ }"_ '--- ~, .. ~ - ~"F4' rlJo. Q~r"":rf~ . ..n--~-. DU86N".RANCH1..I~~. - ~.~. , r-' ",.~~ .-. ''1'. , ._~ . ,T ....._!. , ~~ ,...rr: I~" ~ ~ \ .~-~ - - .. - .. ~ 'f \ "-ro \ , ----.-----.------ L1N rt1\ ~ ;; .' ~ - --I I ;;:; ;;: C IllI / ~ ~ D (r '1 I I ~ ~: . .. + ~1..~T1 ",,?,",," f1lCDIOOl '" PROJECT SITE ",' if,. VICINITY MAP NOr 1OSCM.E ! -r GRAPHIC SCALE o 200 400 &00 1..-.... I (D1 rDT) ilDcll _ 200 t\. -~ I AERIAL PHOTO FALLON CROSSING &. FREDRICH PROPERTIES ~uggerl - 1'-Jensen - 'Azar &. Associates 4MO~QIIII\ot: Vlt200'~OM_CA"!lIII PtClr€. (1'2$) m-tloo. fU. (m) 777-1JOlI DArr, SEPlEUBER v, 2005 JOB NO, 031006 -(7- Stage 1 Site Pia ,Fallon Cross' n Dublin, CalifOrnia1ng & Fredrich if VARGAS \ \ \ !!...!':'C,) Specific Plan S ummary Tabl FALLON CROSSI~G e Medium High Oensit . S' y ReSidential !Ogle Family Residential Rural Residential Open Space Tassajara Road/Fallon R aad - R.O.W. 1.1 24.2 38.5 2.7 1.3 67,8 o 15.27 21.145 1 o 36.172 SU8TOTAL FREDRICH Rural Residential 1 37.173 GRAND TOTAL CaLC'; 4-7-06 1 T h . ru:11 ~ Ruggeri - Jensen - . o zar&.' Sao~ ".,00,100" 200" ~;:;.-:.::._~~:!::,~~;,~ JOo.031~lf2SIu"" 1Il.";';:::'::1 -11) ,.... I. Wllhw1 the limift 01 new plontlng oreos. lhe top - of emfing soil OIlO the extent 01 emmg topsoi, wt1Il:.h eve( IS less. shoI be stripped end Sfockpied on the site for nHJSe. 2. ConlfOClOI to cOOldinote 01 p60ntng with ufiity IocotIons nol shown on ttG pk:Jrt. Nry conllicts between Iocohons of proposed planting and sile uh!ille$ OIlghllng to be ccIed 10 the alfentiOn of lhe londscope Nchlecl. 3. AI pIonhng areas 10 be free of 01 ddetl!rious molenols and weeds prior 10 pIonbng. Use no Chemic""- .c. AI planting oreos to be IAed so that tho soi IS loose and not compacted. loosen SOi 10 0 mnmum depth alfr'. S. AI plonling beds 10 receive 0 mnnum of 6- of approved 1opsoI. To prepore planing beds and)awn aeos. clitivote If1to top 8" at 501. 6 cut>>c yads 01 rwtfOlized redwood sawdust and Osmocote Plus 16-3-121et1iMze1 at lhemle or 2S pQI..nds pet l,(Q)squoe leel. A SOi testshol be pel'fonned on The exnting WIl to delermne the I'If1oI amendment and ferttzer fcnTv.JkJ. 6 Excovcle pIontll"lQ pits 0$ lolows: Excovoted lor. T.... SIYutn &. Vnes Ground Cover Beds WidTh BoI + U' 801.17' .... .....ed Depth 8aI Depth 8aI Depth 6-11'WWnI..m 7. Prepare hole boctfil moferiol by uMg I port elIistng sol 101 approved 10pslX) to I port ntToized II" shovlngs 01 ntro&zed I rr fir bat.. lhoroughty mDf 1M combination before bocldiing. fertilize with Osmocote P\Js 16-3-12 ot the rete of 10 per cublc yards. Af1er planting. apply C1lT\I'T1Ol"lU sufphole 121..().()j at the rote or Spound$ per 1.(0) SQUCI'e feel to aI p1anling orem. loosen subgrode in pIS 10 depth 013" 8. Use triongUor spocang ""Ihen pIoQ"lg pIontL 9. Place lop 01 roofbol 1- obove sooounding gode. 10 AI trees ore to be slok:ed. and trees and sIYUb'.I ore 10 hove waterng basins.. See dCtm. II. Allfees clOsef1hQn 8' to buikings. woIts. pavings. cubs 01 footings sholl be instated with 0 deep root baTier. 12 AI pIonhng oreas to rCCClYe ground cover and stvubs shoI have T shredded bark mulCh pIoced on them 13 WOlef 01 new pIontngs deeply and thoroughly. 14. The ConlroctOl sholl !T'IOIntoin the planIng and I'rigobon instalotlon for 6Odoys trom!he dote 01 finoI acceptance. 15 AI plant molenals ShaI be guaonleed lor a mimnum of one tuI yeotlrom dote 01 final acceptance lor trees and a mIntnum of 6 monlhs lrcm date 01 final acceptance '01 stw\..Ibs, ground coven and mes. 16. No plants shaI be acceptable thot show SIgns ot acing ot gwdiIng of roots, arany othefroof. bound condi1ion.. 17. Pbnls 5hoII be sufficientty rooted to the edge of the contQl(W!(ond 10 on extent sut1k:icnlto hOld the roolbollntacl When removed from the contOlner. 18 Plants shoI be free from at pests and dlSeOSe$. 19. PIonls shaI be undamaged and hove proper branch ,ITt,lClure 20. The trees specified 5001 meellhe loIoww'lg n"trlirTun standards. Form~ Standard with man scaf'oId branches estaD'shed end properly dislnbuted, preterobt;' l70wn with 0 tuI sk:I1 of bconches. 15 G.C. sue 111'.1.25' 7.a..aD 211-311 Mi{IIrnum trunk: caliper" at 6":: MinImum heighl: MInlmum conopy ,pread. U'bolliize 1..5O".IJS' IOD.12.O' -4.a-SD 21. AI pIontloCot\0n5 to be conrnned In the tieId by the landSCape Architect PLANTING LEGEND BOTANICAL NAME TREES Cerds ocddentois C""",ftorida logerstroemo ll"Idico 'Cherok:ee' MoM_. PnJnus CetO'Slfero Pyrus cOlleryana '~OCfCr SHRUBS COMMON NAME Weitem Redbud - Dogw<>Od Crepe Myrtle _00_ ~Pk.m Aowering Pear Abek:J x. gondifloro 'Edward Goucher' Edward Goucher Abele ,A,rCtostophy1os de/"lSlflOro 'Howard McMnn' HoY./ord MCMDl MOnzonlta Ostvs purpuea Rock:rose CoIeonemo pUchrvm Pri: Breath of Heaven EscoIorio lenf Terri EscoIcnia Muhlenbetgio rigens. Deer Gross Rhamrus colifomlco he Case' Colif()fl'jo CoffeebelT'( SoIya helerophylo AustroIion I!LIebelI GROUNDCOVERS Arctostaphylos 'Emetafd Caper Bocchori! plUons lwin Pealcs No. 7 (:istvs spp. Coprosmo pumiIa Verde VlSla' Cotoneosler spp. R05tTlOrir'uotfcinois'Prostrata' Trochelo>penrum .""...,.,., COlOR AREA Berberis thunbefgi "Rose Gow' HemerOCOlls sp. Nepeta It. Ioosser'll TUIbogNa vdacea LAWN [)wort 6OlERO PlUS T~ Fescue Sod VINES flcuo...- HaderOer~ vio6oceo Jc:rsrmum po/yonthl.m Moctadyena unguis-c:ah Parthenocasus Iricuspidota Emera6d Carpet MonzorVta 0w0r1' Coyote 8rvsh Capet Rose Vefde Vista Coprosmo Cotoneaster '''''''''''''' Star .Jmmine Japone>e - 00-. Cotminl Sooety Gale Creeping "" _vne .....- Cafsaa...,. Bostontv'( IRRIGATION NOm I. The IrigohOn system shoI be ~ on 0 ~nJbuid baSIs.. ConlrOctor shell provide ShOp Q'0'Mng! to be fB'Y1C\l'lIed by !he lond:scope Atchitect pr10r to nstolotkln. AI pIonllf1g areas q be wotered by on automatic spay Of ~ rrIgotlon system designed 10 the fOlowrog pertcrmonce specifications. A. The irrigation syslem shoR be capable of operomg from In hour to severa hCM..n petdO'y and pet'settng. B. Areas 01 slnWor sun exposure ond plant wotenng requi'emenft shaI be operated oft the some voIve or voNes to oIaw vmoble irrigohon roles durrIg rTlOIl"ltencnce. C. AI stations shCMJd be center-looded wtlereYer pos:5IbIe and 01 no Inle shoI the weier I'Iow in any pipe exceed speed at 5 teet per second. D. S)eeve under 01 paved oreos. E. PrOVIde Boctnaw Prevention Devices os required by loCal cOdes and ordInonces. and tide devices in strvb memes wt'lerever possible. F. 120 volt elecrricol power ou~t at !he automatic controlerlOCotkln ShOI be pn::Mded by Controclor. locotion of cantroler 10 be opptOved by l.onchcope Architec1. Use 0 Taro VlSionilserie:$controief H. Drip mgohOn G. Quick coupler votYes to be 1OS101ed in convenent Iocotions. I. From the f1'lClirjne, 0 IIf1Ch Oass 315 PVC pipeshol extend 10 lhevatve assembty. The 'lONe a:ssernl*y shoI conmt at a Netofim OFll>>l<I'- Disc Rter. 0 Harcje 700 series '''Beclric Remote Control Vctve ond 0 NelofemPlN-07S-HF-2S31C'Low PressLR Regulator. '2. From the votve assembly 0 I doss 315 PVC pipe shoI be brought to 0 I inch PVC Tee. 3. A 31~ AIR PVC hOse ShOI extend from each SIde of the PVC Tee. The I'Iow in each 01 these 3/~ Ines ShOll not el(Ceed 2.0 goIons per hour. A SoIco PCCZ-I Single 0vI1e1 EmIIter shaI be instoled rdo Ihts hose per these quantilies.: !'NO 1/2 gcIon per hCU SInQIe OUIIe:t erritterl shoI be pIoced at the base of each 1 gcIon container. two I golon pet hour single cullet efTItters shoI be ~ed at the base or each.s goIcn eontainer. ttYee 2 goIIon per hour single ounet emitteR shoI be pIoced at the base of each 15 gaIon contoinef and '-""e to nine 2 gallon per hour sngte outlet erritters shaI be ploced at the base of each specimen tree on either side ot the trunIc.. Cop allne ends with 0 boI'lf(:fve so they may be Ilushed. Use 0 1:.81 Check Vr;Jve where required for Iow-heod ctonoge whete elevation dirterential between heads may couse run on. I. Spray mgalion .. The ')'Stem shcUd be designed 101 0 worIdng pressue of 25 psi. I. The ')'Stem ShoI be outomolcOlly operotecl. and ShOI be designed to provide 0 rnrwnum 01 3/-4 inch of WOlflf pet week to the pIOt'lllng orem.. 2. AI spray and folary heod1 sholl be on pop-up risers . ~ pop-ups IOfIcwnl and 17' pop- ups for shrubs and gound coven. 3. System shel be laid oul so thot NO water she. be sprayed on !he buildings. walks. paths. ete. at any lime. -4. Use matched precipitotion rote nozzles. QUANTITY SIZE Isg.c. 15g.e. 15g.c. 15g.c. t5g.c. 15g.c. Sg.c. Sg.c. Sg.c. Sg.c. Sg.c 5g.c. 5g.c. 5g.c. I g.c. 1 g.c I g.c. 1 g.c. I g.c. I gc I g.c. I g.c. I g.c. I g.c. I g.c. Sg.c. Sg.c. Sg.c Sgc Sg.c REMARKS accent tree accent Iree accent tree accent tree accent tree street tree 3'-0' 0.cD,. spocng ,.'-0' 0.c6 5PQCing 3'-0' o.cD,. spocr.g .c.-o' 0.c6, spocng 3'-f1'o.cD,.spaong 3' -f1' 0.c6 spoc:ng ~-f1'0.c6spoc1f1Q 7.6- 0.c6 spoa'Ig ~ SEE NOTES fOR DEPTH AND WIDTH OF PtJHflNC PIT 3'.<J"0.c6spaong 'S-o' 0.c6 spocng 3'-0' 0.c6 spoa'lg ~-o'o'c6SPOC1"lQ ~ -0' 0.c6 spoer.g 18" o.c. ~spocing 18"0.c.t:::,.spoe.irrg I8"O.C~ UI'" o.c.t:::,.spoong 18" 0.c.6spodng 18" 0 c.~spocing train to geNt on woI tran 10 gr:NI on wall Iron 10 grOW' on WOI trar1 10 f7CNI on wall trointogror.otonwol 1 shrub and groundcover planting not to scale ROOTBAlL SIW.l BE 1- ABa\IE FINISHED GRADE 2" DEPTH IJUlCH FINISH GRADE BACKfIll t.IIx. SEE NOTES SCARIfY eonOLl Of ROOTBAU. UNDISTURBED SOIL / dublin. california tract#7617 standard pacific homes 3825 hopyard road, suite 195 pleasanton. ca 94588 I I conceptual tassajara road streetscape plan SEE NOTES F"OR DEPTH AND WIDTH OF" PlANTING PIT BlJoCl( RUeaER nrs J" , PT WOOD POlE 0 15 G C. 2- , PT WOOD POlE 0 1 CC All TREES/SHRUBS/G.C. TO BE PROTECTED BY TWO POLES &: wRAPPED WI WIRE l,iESH IN OIA. Of POlE SPACING rOR DEER PROTECTION ROOTBAU. ~2" O(PTH t.lULCH n"ISH GRADE DEEP ROOT CONTROl BARRIER WHEN PlANTING WITHIN 8' Of PAVING OR STUCTURE PlANTING U1X, SEE NOTES F1R1.ALY PACkED sou. UNDER ROOTBAU. DRIVE STAKE TO SUf"FICIENl ()(PTH TO SUPPORT TREE 2 shrub & tree staking detail (1, 5 & 15 g .c.) not to scale LF-' o TO JO -. 5 -1'1- 50 25 -- ~ ---- ---- -- ~ , \_' ~,. ?..........~J"r' / '-. J~ /' ~' .,~ ": f)~ / _,_~!/1( ;j ,~ , / .-' /~- "I'~/ '''i~' ,.,...."" ."' ,/," /./...../-' ..", .../ . I' /~~i; ,./ ..,f ,/'. '--"'L1/t' / /, ,",.... --='="'t / ,'//: .>:, ':/::. /.'<<, Ir / "/.'> , - / f) fI;If:j;:~ ,~/"/r'~/./' . ,," //, / '/1// '( / / REMARKS I. \WIin .. ImiII 01 new pImIt1g GJ'OOI". lhe top T or Ollkfng SOl Of eo the utant 01 Uding topg3I. ~h...... '-u. ~t. ~CI'\d 5tcdp1ad on IhesiJe 1or1'V-UMt. 2. ~rnc:kI' to coardroi. aI ~ with uli5ty1oco1ioN not~ on IN5p1cn. Arry conAc" betweGn IocofionI. or ~ p&ar,mg and sit. vli_ or 'Ghliro to be cc:*d 10 .... on.,eon 01 thO Landccop. Arctvtcct. 1 AI planSng 0I00l to be frea 01 01 dok:toricu molcric* CJr"d WIOCX1s prior to pIon(ng.. OW no chemic.... IQ. AI"_ dl::lc.or Ihon. to ~ \IIlIOCIltJ. pcI\ot'1gI. cubs 0I1oolt9 shed be nSolOd ",,",on AI plcn tocolots 10 be conllmed In !he flotd by lhlt l.onda:ape NChI8c1. devp roof boriet. 1 The"uoIlQf'l lyIl.-n ~ be provided on a ~ bodL Contnx:kIr ftJI poIlIde shopo~ to be ~ br Itw lardu::opft An:Ntecl pltor to~. AI pb\rng areas.... be wal:eted by an autanalc dip;"gallon """em ciI-Qgned to the ----... 2. from.". 'Idwe msemI::lty a I n:t'I drm 31.5 1VC prp.1haI be t:Jro.qlt to a IInd'l I'Ve Tee. 3. "3U' AIR PVC halo IhaI extend 110m 00d'\ SIde or the I"VC TN. ThO ftow In coch 01 "SO 31tf' ineI shoI nor escoocll 2<40 gaIlOtw pel r'IO.I'. A $Qk:o Peel swve 0110:1 EtniHar shOI be ftl~ rtlo rtW hoW por I'ICW quoJ1Mlotc; two In~pet'hou~ ClIAttemiltonshalbe~ot ltlotJc:seoleoch 1 ~ ca>~. to..o one gOIIDn p&' hcu' single outIst em"''' IN.. be pAocltd of Ihe base 01 eorh 5 gcb'l ~ ood ItRe 2 ~ pet" to. w.:.;. OJSet emltr.n sid be pbcedOllhebola 01 each 15go1otlconfar.oronOlherSded IhGIirunt. Coo cline 8ndl_1h a bel '#'CIYe so"'" rt'O'f be ilJshed. 1.M a llf ~ v".", -...t'IClrC roq..Rd Ia bw-heod clainor.:J8 WheN NwJIon dlforerttial bGfWoc!n hoodS may C~ rut 011. 21. AI pIonls to hove dI!'et protecliOn II. AI planting Oea5to recClive got.nd 0JYe0r and sh\.Ibs lh:II have T dYcdded bat nUch """'"" on !hem. 12. Waler oInaw p&onlOngl dHptyon::l~. 13. ThI conllocto' shaI maintain .. pbnfing and ~bt R"aIolon Ia <<> dov'S h:m... dole of h:JI CJCCeplance. 14. AI pIont moklriats IhoI be ~cad kif Q mftrrun 01 one U..-or &om do.. of I'n:Jt occoplonc;e rQl' hoes and Q rrwWn..m 01' monlhl tom den oIl1nd oc:<<ptonce Iet!h\lbs. gro.nd CCV'OR and w-.. A. Iho MgcKon syIIem thai be ~ of oporo~ tom 1/2 hou 10 wrvetaI houn; par aay O"IdpotSGlling.. I. Neat 01 s.rnb SU'l eJpOUft and pb'd wclerlng ~b std be opemeed on !he sane \IOMt QI'~ 10 dew vorioblomgation IOtas ~manlcnonc::.. C. AI stotionl shOu6d be conlGt-<<xJdQd ~ poui:lIe ond ot no &Orne sI'd .. water IoN in CJI"1f pipo OXC_d spood of $ ,"I ~ wconct D. SJeo.wo under at paved aeas. ". AI pIa1InQ a'SQS to be lied 10 fhof 1'0 sol illoose and not compocled. loosen saito 0 mirInun dopth of r. 5. ucavotoJ pb'lting pAs 01 ~ fllCOWJk:d Icr. 'Ilr'IdIh "-t IaI + 24" SM.Q & vre. 101 . 1'1" L.$pcry'Tigotton I. n... mtem shoI be outomolcoly aperalod. and shot bo ~ to t:l"OVide 0 rririmlIn of 3/4 nch of wator ~ .....ode to the pIont~ cmos.. 2. AI SP'OV ond rotary hOOdI shaI be on pop-vp riSclrS. ~ ~ lor IaIown5 and IT pap- ups lor Uvub 0"Id gourd c~ 3. System shell t. laid QUI so t1QlI N() waler shell be sprayed on the buIdngs. waIb. po.... ak:. at orry firM. ... Us. motchod proc:ipitab't role nonien.. 4. n. system IhoUd be designed lot 0 woRing pl'essue of 2S psi 00pIh ...-.. ....-.. I ~ No p&onts shJI be occ:eploble ItcI show sv- 01 eking 01 glrdrng of rook. QI' c:ITt olher rool. bound condilion. E. f"rOotido IocJdIotoo, I'r9vcntion OtYIces 01 req..titod by IOCOI coda and ~8S. CII"Id Ndo doYicl!l n IIwb I'I'IOCCt ~ pocsb:o, f. 1 XI voIl eIocfrical powcw autat ollhe aulcm:J'c conh'c*- location shall ~ p'ovIded by Controclor locotion of con~ 10 be approved by l..c:Jr1mcope Archloct. Use 0 Toro 'Ikionlsoriesconta:a. looc.c:n~inpiklodcplhat:r 14. PlmlsshQI be su"-'lyfQOled 10 It1e odgo oIlho containct end 10 on eJdont 5UllOonllo ho:d the roolballnloct """<<W'l romovo::t from IhO contonor 17. f"oonls shot be Iree !rom 01 pests and meoses .. Prepcyw, hole boddil material by U1hg I pat oJCi:I€ng wi for Q:IP'OYed top:ol) 10 I port riboIled Ii' thOW9 QI' In' nWtus. bat. ~ rilllil combinolon befae boc~ lorfiIM"""""OvnocoMPflA 16-a-1201IheroleolIOpoundsporabcyods. Ana ~ opptvOl'TVl"lClnl.w Uphale (2I-G-01 OIlhcI rakll of.s pounds pet l.cmsq.xn 'eef 10 "'-"""'" 18. P'tonts shaI be l.n:Iomogodond havo PI'(Iper I:lronch sltuc:ue. G. QUct ~ VCJo\Icf; 10 be INtaIOO in CClJlYer'4en11oca1lonL 19. Ihe !roes spod!'Iod shoI mcellhe Jc:lIowing minftun sIQndQfds. Form; Sta'ldm::l with main \COIb1 branches estat:llshed cn:i propertv tlslrbJled, preferably grownwfthoflAstrtolbronc:tl8l. 15G.c.w. .. PbcG top 01 ~ball" ~ ~ Q/'Odlt. Mnm..m In.rico'perol6"; 1/1'.I.'1S" Mnnun ho91t: 111-&a t. AlIreogs OIQ to bo daked. and ncx and sIY\bs ore 10 hOYV wolomg bOSInl. See dolOil. MnrTun COI'1OPY spread: 2.a-3.D ~- ( ~" \\_.// - , f'\.J I ,//"-.. / ----~--...-- 1. Uua ~ tpOCing when p!cJchg ponls. H. "'" "'9<>"'" I. From ha rnc:WV1e. 0 1!A:h00u315PYC pipe 1haI...kInd to lhevatve O'otembfy. The vraMt <ZSoM't:ty II'd CQI'\ otoNetafim OFI(J)..I-.tO Ie Disc filer. 0 Holde 100 sarin Ie BecIriC Romote Conlrol VotYe Ol'\do Nefo5rn PVV-olS4if.'.s3l~Law"",,.... Rogulolor. -- '- ., '\' ~ \~,j,/-- ''\ \~I ) /'~ ( --" ~ ~ ~ f:\ linear park o scola: I" ~ 31l'-(l" tfJ KEY BOTANlCAlNMIE LINEAR PARK Pl.AJl11NG fj) === ~- ~- -...- ...-.....- COllMON NMlE QUANTITY SIZE REMARKS KEY BOTANiCAl NMlE COMMON NAME QUANTITY SIZE POCKET PARK PLANTlNG ~ TREES :==\\ I :\f1~ ~ ~~~. I~ \. ~ ~~i...", \ ....\ IJIrri .. ,I '\ . ~I I,.....:'"J t~:~~A GROUNOCOVERS --,.., B.acc:b:aNpiIlRfta~PubNa..7 ~JMIFIIII'VWdeVbtl' - .....,. l!!il_cJl a-e. 15'4'oe. -- 15g.cJ1g.e. 15'-cro.e. c-t.....,.. 15gcJ1 g.c. 1,.-cro.c. v-."" 1!!it.cJ1 g.e. 1S'4'o.e. .............. 15t.eJ1 g.e. 15'-o"o.c. ~... 150.cJ1 t-C-. lS'-G"o.c. ~ Ltd..IaI Uanmn.ica t g.o. ....Q'"0.c:.6~ ~.... tg.o. 3"-O"o..c.6s~ "-...... to... 4'~o.~s~ ... """u.c to... ....Q"o.c:.l\.~ 1_ t g.o. ..qo,~.padng .... "<'no to... 3"-4'"0. .pxing _<nu t... 3"q~spmng ~~ to'" ....(1" 0. .pxing CI8arnia Wid Fa. t.~ 3".(1"o.~.px::inQ .,..,.. -..... 1lT....... r..o-o. .pacing E......., .....-.., t.~ 3'-0- 0 c.[:)..padnlJ -"""'"'''''''''''' I.~ 3"qo.c.~spadng ",""""",,""""" t.~ 3"-f1'o.~1pacln'J --- "-'" t.~ :f.l:l'o_c.6apaang LAWN DW~!aaDfa P'- T" Pc/a:uel Sod ~fUtln.lm"rWsrwt --..... -- -- ~-'- ~- ~- Rod Sw-aR04 ~ "'-- -"'- ~- -- ~""Ook _0.. 15"e. 15~l:. llge lSf.C 11g, 159-Co 15g.c. 13 @] SHR1J8S -...-.-- .....-........ --~' .,.................""""" -- l...~.MloMa' --... ~~~_c... -~ ......- -- GROUNDCOVERS ---"""'" Baa1'IMa piIIAa1I""'" PQa No. or """"""".......--' ,. ~ .j ......... """'" ""'-'" """,,Co,do_ Vn. vtn Cccwama 10_c. t.~ 19.c;. ~"'o...c._ 3'.f1'o.c.A~ 741'oc.6.~ LAWN rNlARP e... PlIS Tal Fe::Ieut- Sod HYDROSEED fesMa Ntlaacw. I.tatAI -- F.... ........ "ZIlI'Ia' --- -_(S1;>a1 .-...- -- -- --- -- -- '-- a.tIa~.~ -- % BY WEIGHT .... .... t... t... t... t... ." ." ." ... t"'" O.7n. .- 0"... PURrTYlGERMINATION ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ''''''' """" S/!lO 70110 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... r-:\ pocket park ~'3O'-o" ~ Red FescuI -- ......- """"-... .......- - "*"""'.... - -- -,- ~- ""''''''' - -- ------ - 8 teak bench 3 ganl_ avalon 12312 dublin, california tract. 7617 standord pacific homes 3325 hopymd road. wile lU pleosonlon. co '4588 linear park/ pocket park landscape plans \...--" 3/18/05 os nol8d LP-' 2 sheets -Zo- ~ID1,ft~"~ ...;~--.:{ . ;~ -. -.. 1 - ~-=-l!:lP- ~.J.. All ll?fNOt(S TO fl( BACKf1..l[D wi 6' SAND COWPAC1[O 10 95:l1: ~nE1;'~::' {~~.~ ~:,> [WJ __\I~.. ~~:.:: ..;: I f~ ... -.. '. '. ~ ..---' ~.. AU 'oWN SUPPl'f lIN(S 10 Bf . INSTAlLED IN ACCORONlCE WITH '~I ) "tl 120 VOlT wRING lIIIANUfAC'ftJR(R"S WSlAUAOOH .....llUlT TO BE: NOTtSN';,H.l!O IN ACCCRO.vlCt AU. PlASTIC PIPIHC """ lClCAl COOl TAP[ AND Bl.IfoO..E TlJOlNC TO BE SNAKED IN II[ A tOO")(' X)" lOOP IN AU WIRING AT 2U n lNT[IN'Al S TR(NCHlS AS SHCt,..,.. "'T CJ-lA,."IC[S Of OIfl[CTlOH CRtAItR THNoIJO" UNTlfAlllOOf'S.\FlER All C{)NN[CT'(lHS HA'of BITN WD( 0.!r:~nch~g det~I___________ ~ not to scale Norcs , o\Ll THA(ADfO CCNNrCflOHS WRAPP(D "/ T(F'lON TAft 2 TO Bf IH"iTH,lEO PER Cflv ST.l.HOAAO IlROHl[ ru 2 backflow prevention device not to scale ELfCTR1r. VAlVf r---=:Xfl'lTHBOU --- n __ _"fRO!. W1RlS W1rJot 12"\'111'1 .. I"JlC[ COlL AND WATERPROOF ~~ sPt.o('[ CONNECTOR!. -.-~I(VAl.vt: f - rlNJSHlO CRAOl f"vC LATEIt\l. UHf COLtlJONWIRE ~ ~R ~L[R -.T .~.~ D""" '"""""1' NS RE"",,:rJ:r /;~ ' , F"v'CUNION(TYPI___~. SCH so NoI'PU.S L(HC1H AS RtOUftO - - --- - P\'CI,WNUNi: toIOTE5 1 AU WIRE TO 8( ~,lA.1UO PER LOCAl. COO( '} All ntRf.AOfO (l'N'f1 r;1lJNS TO BE CQoI.,T{D W/JUlOH TAP( J CC\lf'~' SOIl ARl,)-'oQ VAlli[ BOX TO '>AWE DENSITY "C; U~TUR8l.0 AD..oIrCE.NT SOIl 4 1"'1: AUO BU"O r ~. fW't't' 10 rm 5 PJ.:'.)lII(A LXPANS.iOH UlILS AT OCH WlR[ CONNECTION IN VAlVE BOll ~mote control valve ~oscale _ FlNIStl CRADl (.AO.JU'iT nu<;tt WHOl GRNXS AAf f'lNl5H[O ANO YlllfD) - fORO ~701 POP-lI' SPlftNt(lfR ~m: AU THR[A()(l) CONN(CT!OHS TO H,l,'o'[ TEFLON TAP( - -------1tISC1l ~' L_-__ ___ r:..~-.-- .-..LAllRAL -- - -- SCHEDl.U 40 SWVoIC ~T ~~I ~hrub po~up_ ~~s~~.!}' ~scale ~_a..' """'"",,[ ."H U",,,'" """R (lti',l.>U 2" A8:M" GRADE MO .lD.AJS1 F1 ~I TO f'troll ClW)( ONe( Pl.AHllNCS Aht.i:STA8.t.t<l) . - flNIStO CRAOE _._ ____f.'IIt: ~(eo ~PPlE (lEHCIH .as Rt:ClUlREO) ./ -12" M' !.H eo NIPPlE P'vCSHSOUl-/ P'.'C I^TtRAL-~- ~-P'VC In OR Ol (TYf") ~~~ !il1lli 1) COLIf'N:T SOIl. AR'OUHO 0UIC1< Cf)JPlER VAI..'-t. ASStwBl. Y TO SAM( DENSITY ASUNOlSTURtlEtlSQI. ~- J" ')H 90 NlPPU ---- ~ -""'" SO Hl --- -J"SHIlON1PPI.( ~ 2} ...uThIlEAO(O COhNECTlOWS TO Bl COA.T(O w/ TEFlOH T#Pl G}qUiCk coupling valve -. -- ---- ---------- not to scale ____ RAlt,~~r(R IbI (.Ollr......~.uR w/ "'"'5 ~'\,&.I1CRAlW5W1TCl1 lRe.t I~ --- IWNr.u.sTtR IPEO-1 - WSTAU CQt.lCRfrr BA.'>E .I.S P[1l IJANUF SPECS rJMSH CRA()( 120 'lOll '<'l;Rt --- IN COHOUlT urOlR(cr8tJRIAI.~.....: WlJlfsro~.s f;\ _ autor:!!.ati~. c:o!ltr_~I_e~pedestal V not to scale '1<'./:!. J I ~rrs fOil OU'TH .AHO ~fH OF P\..AHTlWC, PIT - -- ROOI8Al1 <;HAll Bf I" ABCM: (IHtSHro (..lW)[ --- 2" OCPfH UUlCH --- --l>>IOlSTU'lero SOlI. shrub and groundcover e!~~l!.~~____ not to scale SEt HOltS FOR DEPTH AHO W(JfH ('If" Pl..AHllNC PfT .. - - StACk ROOafIl 11[5 -- - J""PT WOOOPOl( 0 1~C.(, 1m ; 2" . PI .000 Pa.f. 0 1 Gt; Olff >~ --1(1 fllfL'5 10 BE J'f\'OI'[CTrO B'1 TWO POlf<; .t Wft.U-'P(O w/ .-.R( IoI('Stf IN OIA Of POl( SPoll.lNG rOR CUM PROrrc.11ON (If I-BAH IS NOT IHSTAlUO) ~- ROOIIl.Il.I ~---~lr:;~ i"~TBAU AA(A __, f'NIs,H..'-bE. our 1'1.)r 'lfROl [,liRIfR WHfN k.Jr,NI'.' WlIIiIH II Of P"v'\NC ON n,<:TUSlC PlANTlNCIII)l,S[(~T~ 8 shrub & tree staking detailJ1, 5 & 15 g.c.) not 10 scale 'b" 11>'000 POST 0 11'-0. oc 2... WOOO RM.S "-<l ,0,11 RAIl .lHCE TO lIE" f'lo/\ rA8RlCATrO PRODuCT, r"";.HNATlJIW.. f';\ split rail wood fence V not to scale HOI.O FINISH CRAClE. ." BEL()1\o Pt,)H VAAlfS, ~'-o" OR !r- 0" t --- - - ~~ _: _ ----IXCOUPOSlLl C-'WIlr- COlD COlU:!:, "iUBIUZro. OR CRU'>tllQ ~""10; t _____ _ n ___ _ _ COUPAC.ltO SoU9GRAl)( Q~~~O!.TPOSed ~!ani~_path _____ V not 10 scale 3d WOC'O LATTICE. 0 l:r OC -- - 3.6 WOOl) Jl"1ISf 4) 2'-0" OC - 1.10 WOOl) Rf.w<;. 2 A.T E.AOI ~T 'lllJI. Al.l'<<OOOT08(W"TE.R~D G~~~~.~ -- -- -. --- - - - /-=~~ ~'m1 ';i~.;i~.. ;~;!~ . )'.i.~!: .~, -~. ~T(~ :=~EO ~ Jr. 'I............. 5[[ CHAHT FOR WIOIH ;! ~-- 8('<O-A-BOAAO - ..'I~Pl"'';llC.""",R I" ' 8l"-"fJ se[ CH.tJlf lt~ f"" :>IlES ~(.~- '-PI.AS1ICSTAl<[ o3'OCllAJ:lhE PlAI'Gl IXCX SCR[W<; Fat AnAOe.t(NT < L.2!" ow<1-,,,!,_~ ~"'!'!"..'!~'H . H'''''' 1 ~ -=::t I. COlOl ..OWN 1. 00 NOT selfW lHlQUGH a.- JOCNI 1. USE COAUI' WOOO WOU.IMG JtlC)U fOI CUJTING .. 0I1llJNG 4. USE nAnD SClfWS 0I18'fG SKAHI. NAU TO J()IM aouo TO STAU 5. AllOW fOIl mrlMAl lXPAHSIOH.. COHTUcnoN n LlAVlNG GAt$ IN ntl Sl' JOem 01 ATlHfrHO Of nte ION (1l10lAfl) WAbl WlAflolOIUTAllMINGA' (:OlOWLlIt1I.lHSL\U.MAJl.G..... .. STAU""'I'OXrrrOCtMOllfOlSTlNGll'TIlUNS USS ""' CUOVU) lOOl CA 95'''0 ~plastic header ~ not to scale 11 ------ 6-0. TEN< afNCl\ CAROrNSI()(" AVAlOH 12JI2 STE[L /.NCU. ORU AND LA(. 8011 TO flnCH r- - _ :OP:KW:OC ." BELOW CONe "'tr.~8OtT Vr;R[l( Q.\S( 8(NfATH !.u"'. ENO OF BtNCtl .trL:'~:."'~ l"'<~'--'-D' "THWM ~ PlAN ~~b_e!1c:h on concrete footing V not to scale 03/18/05 as shown LP-2 _"7/_C3ir, PLANTING NOTES I. CClNKJeIor to cOOfdN:,.. aI pblIng with ullity kx:allonl noIlhown on.. pkn Any CCJl'A:tl. bGtweonIocOlilonla' prtlpCIR!Jd ~Iingand s1e ulli&es 01" lighting lobe coIed 10 Iho I'Jtten'ond "~ape AIcMoct. 2. .... pIan~ O'COI to be hac 01 aI doIIII'k:ricus motorIc* and woocz priot 10 pIol" no "-'ceO, .. AI h'es are k) be sk*od. and rtoes and ftub& ON 10 hay. wtItomg boW'L See d.foil 11 Am" ttd be toe Ifom 01 pee" and duIasas.. 1&. PIon" sholl bel urdamogDd and hcMJprope'brcnch "rucbo. IRRIGATION NOTES , AI """ doWK than 8' ~ butings. wGU. povWlgl. curbs Of Ioolingl shat bo wlOk!d with 0 deep rool barief. I. The tngobl 'Y'1om1hal ~ pro\ltded ena ~ fxlS.iL Controclar IhaII ~ 5hop (..~ 10 be reviewed bv h l.c:JrCcape~, prior to RJdIoIon. AI r;*Jn1ing CIrefX.... ~ watarod b)' an oulomoJic ~ it6gollon 1--,'1NTI detigned to Ihe I_~-",-, 3. .... planting cnc::. to be tied so I'd !he set II ~ aid noI compacted. l.clo.en scilla Q rnirWnIn dOpe. cA r. 10. AI pIonlilg arnmlo recelvegClU"ld coYerond nubs shalhove T~eddlMi bat l'nlkh ploced on then\. 1'. tho het. rpociIod Vd mool tho foIoo,o.oing "'*-n.Jm stondads.. Fam; Standard _lh ffdn KOffokf bfclnche1 cstobMed and ptCIpe'fy d11r'h11cd. preferably ~CJIlM'\_lha"U:ttolbmr\chos. 15 G.c. me ID"-I'2S" 1_a~_a 2l1.J.O' .c. bcOYOkt ~ng pits 01 fOCowl: EM:avotedfa: Wdh lIcGI 1oI"2~ sm..aa.v.nes ~"IT """"' ""'Oopth "" ()oplh II.WO"'OII"l8W~~~crod~. 12.lhe contoctor sholl MoOnloin.... plartfing and "'iOO1ion nlalolion lor ~do'f" fn)m the dote oIlino1 occepIonce. 13. AI "'~ rnclerials shdIbe gJalJI"lleod faa rrnnunolO"ll! rvl't8Ol' lrom dele 01 FnaI occepkJnce lor trees and a rnirimum 01' monlhl from dote at fnaI occoplonce tor It'rubI. oo..-w::I coven and Wu. Z AI p/arl11oco1Oorw; 10 be conIirmcd In tho lIo.!d by !he londrcope Ncntecl. 21. AI pIonb 10 ~ d8e' protection E. Provide 8octRow I"fOYOI"lfion Clo<ricos CJI fOQl.ftd by IoeoI eodoI and ordnarH:at. and tide devices inVVub rnal5es....t\efovorpos:i)le. loocen SIJbgodII i"l pib to depth 01 ~ S. Pn!pae t'dl!I bcxtfiI matQrd by W1a I pert O't.CMg soi 10 oppmycd klpsoi) kJ I pa1 t'll/t]IjDd il'lhc:Jw'tgI 01 MOIIIwId Irr~~bcn. Thoro.~rrU: lhiIcombW1ofionoolao bocl~kJr1Atct\lrl4"Olmcx:oMPU 1.....12o'..rrotetJIIOpc::u'ldspefobic';'Clrds. AJIO' pIOfll"'O. apply orrvnonun~ (21.Q.()1 at ....lOteofSpoundl.pG' l.CQ]"QUOretllCllo aI PbnIing OtICA. '- l.M Irir:JroJla 1OCJC;ftg"""'" ~ing pIonn. 7, f'Ioctt lopofJOOfboIl.abava~gode. KEY BOT -'N1CAL NALlE H."",,_ .............,.......~.ot4": ..........."'9": Mri'run ccroopy sprooa. A..lhe inigo!Ion syslrern $haIbecopoble 01 operolhg /n)m InhcMs to several t\ol..nperday ond~s.alling. I. Ateosol sOrnbsun eJiPO&ftl and ~Iwotomg ~s shall b4toperated olf hi sane 'IOtve or 'o'Q/Ym to dlow vabbIe ftloakn tOle1 cilN'lg marnenol'JCe. I. from Iht marino, a 1 R:h CIau 315 PVC pip., d'"oI mend 10" vdv9 CIUC'mbIy. lhe~ Cl:SRlIrt:Jtv shalcc:nidol a Netof"m DfI(X).I40 I- [)g: RIar, Q HcJrdie 1OOsoriM I-BDcIl6c lon"lOte ConIfdVoIve and Q kakJl'"-m PItV""l~.2S 31rlDw Prvuuo .-. 'l. from Ihevo,.,.assorrC1Va 1 if'Ichdoss31oSPVCpipo$hal b4 ~ 100 I inch rvc Toe. I.... No ploob \hoIbe acceptable thot !tloN signs 01 cidng 01 Qlr<&Iaoll'OOk. OICYIY olherroot. bculdcondllon 15. Plants shol bo!ntlyrootod to Iha odge of lho conlGtlef and lOon QJ:lent lu"ICio"lfo hold lheroolbol inlocl-...henren"lO\'ed horn Ihe canlOner. COMMON NALlE QUNlTTTY SIZE REMARKS ~ rl1J UPLAND GRASSLANDS TREES (15% of IllI ftes shall be 15 g.c.. remaining treesshan be 1 g,c.) ...... caibNc.a ~ B~ ~taaIIInQQ w..n~ o...a.. ~ Caul '-'- 0. ~tcltoaIil V*'t0all ~.~ Blua~ ~~ Ceibnabt 15"-4"0,C, 1S-4"o.c. 15'-4"o..c. 15"-4"0c.. tS-4"o.c. Hi",q'o.e. SHRUBS ~""'~UI:Nim' -- -..-~ "-""'" .-."... -,- .................'- -- ~ 0IWDnCa "EwCa.W -- _...... --..- HYDROSEED neer. C'I .... -- FlMtuCI...-.. '2aN' -- - ____ (SIoa1 --- -- 1MdIa...~ -... - ..-.. - E~ ......... ......- o..a..,..... .AAoDmI' -- 15g.cJ1 g'c' 151iJ-c11 ge. 15g.cJ1 g.c.. 15g..cJ1 ;.c. 15g.cJ1 i-C 15gc.J1gc. ---- -.... -- __ UIK T__ .....~ -co- ~ c:.o..o..., ~-- ~-...., E__ 1~~ 19.c 19.c. 19_c.. 10.<- '..c. '0.<- 10.<- '0.<- 1crslOl_ 19_c.. 4'.Q"...~~ $qo.c..~~ 4'q o.c..f\ac:cnv 4'qo.c.6spa::ng ",q'o.c.6.~ 3'.Q"oc...6.1I(:lIlCmg 3'qo.c.6~ 4'qo.c:.l\~ 3'q..c.~~ 2'qo.~spoc:t\g 3'q..c.6.~ KEY BOTANiCAl NAME UNDERSTORVRP~ ~~E-__ t:sJ __ -- ~rMlt1ris -- LOWER RIPARIAN TREES -- --- ~'\:~ " . '.... .. ,;;':; . f(~ SHRUBS -- -- ~no..'~' ....- -- ---' -- -- -- ............. --... C. AI ilotlonl sho.JId be cenlef-b:Jded whe"e\" ~ oncI 01 no lime shaI he water Iorow h t:fty plpe occed spood 01 5 leel pef second. D. SI.Mvo undO' oJ pavod O'CIQL F l2Clvcll tlec:tricai power QUiet 01 the C1Itomoic conIroIet Iocoion SId be ~ by ControcJot. locullcn 01 controlot to be CJPP'O'WUd b;' Lc:n:iscOpe NChtec.1. Use Q Tom V&On H saiM c:onlnJllef. G. QuIck: COl,.lplec- \IOIlte1 to be ntolod in COl'NOricnt Iocobt! COMMON NAME QUANTITY SIZE REMARKS KEY BOTANiCAl NAME UPPER WETlAND. SEASONAL --- 2'qOc.6~ ~ TREES '''~ . ? SIll '-'9tI _ngc:...n 1~~ ~.Q"o~~ RedFbwlMgC~ I ge 4'.Q"0c.6~ WETlANO PLANTS F___ I..~ ,,'qo.c:..6.1iPCftQ . - . EIIoc:UtItKla.1l... E-..-"""'" '.~ 'r..r:rQ.~1PlIQ'I.Q ....,. -.. C<>mnon ......., 1 g.e 4'.Q"'o.e~~ L8II... QIIQrric:a ~F_ ,~~ ]".Q"o,~~ .....- ...........- -- -""'"' ta,q'Q.~1pIC2:1g .......- ....- '..c. .........."..., 1~~ ta4" 0 c..6~ LOWER WETLAHD - POND ~ TREES .....F. "~ ]".(I'DLl\'pacr.g .", ....- T.,.., '0.<- 4'..r:ro.c.A~ "..\'., WETlAND SHRUBS -........ "~ 7-a'DL~'~ ............ 19.c. ".(I"o..c.81~ c.r.._ -""""" '.~ "..Q"o.c.~~ c..._ 1,..... 4".(1' o.c..6"**'s1 --- --- '." 4".f1'oe...61flK*'D ...- E_...... 19c. rqOc.6~ ............... ~_.... t "C, ....(I'o.c.6~ "_"",", ~-.. ,...-. 'l-a'o.c.6"**'D -- '..c. :rqO'c'6.~ -_.. NOTE: All p1anllocationa In<! quanlille3lD be lIeId delermined by Landscape Architect. -............ -- ...,.,-- ~-- -- - ~.... - -- --.... ~- ....roo ao.-. V_ % BY WEIGHT "'" "'" '"" "'" '"" ,... ... ... ... '" ,...... O.lMft .- "... PURITY/GERMINATION ..... I&~ ..... ..,.. ..,.. ''''''' 2OISO .,.. 7Of7Q ... ... ... ... ... 3. A 11'- AIW NC hole shaI e.kInd rnm ooch l.ide of lhe P'w'C To.. IhG tOw n ooch 01 ....,....., 314" 1no1,.. noI ~eod 240 ~ per t>cu", A Sdco PCCl ~ OJnet &niI1er ~ bit r.kIhcI ~kJ 1hiI.... P8f these quon.tie&: t..o In QllIorI P!' ro.x"., oufk:l erriIlcn ~ be pk)ced of the IxBe cI eoctll gaIor'l ~. I'WO ow pln P<lf hou LngIe o..6tt Df'n11ors tho1I be pIacad' allho boM 01 eoct'I S O<*ln CO'"IIl:r<< Md lhee'2Q01onps toJr~ ouKet erniHwsstdbe plrX:edat "bo,..c1 0CLh l~golIoonCO'lllOh:ronflOlNwddaollht Inri. Capalllne ......whobol~!OhJyll'"OOf twlllrohod.lkeaI8lChedr. vOlIlO~req...edrOf Iow-hood ~ v.htf8 oIoYohon ciRorCW'lIial bel'wccn hcods tnO(ccutO IU\ 011 .... The syslem should bO designed for 0 'M:lIting Pes:suG of JO pd. COMMON NAME creek bank restoration & stabilization plan QUANT1TY SIZE REMARKS ....- 1 g.c, 1a.(f'Q.c..l:1~ NMcIre ~e RuM -"" 12Q1ac;2'qQ.c, -...... --"" 20..,. '5001&; 1'.0"' o-c. """""'" .... 2_ Tilly rc- .... .- _F_ .... >- Common__ .... 2_ .-a.... -....... 11W1c11001ac; t"oO"o.c, CoI(omIa _ -"" ~.'qo.c.. -- ,.... --- --- 2OMo; 7.(1' .C. 03118/05 -- -'"' 2OI-=;C".Q"oc. '".4(f.(f' --- .....'"' ~~.Q"o.o. w..-n "e RIg II"- -- 2Wac; 'l.Q" o_c. -- .... 20_ .- "'- ..... 7...,.. ~- -"" 2OOIAc:;,,'qo.c. LS-' . 2t .-- II . 2 shoolJ -22.-