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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 CuellarGarageCUP CITY CLERK File # D[~IJ[Z]~-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 3, 2005 G:\PA#\2004\04-036 Cuellar Garage COllversion\Appcal\CCSR 5-3-05.doc SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Public Hearing: P A 04-036, Appeal of the Planning Commission Approval of a Conditional Use Pennit for tbe Cuellar Garage Conversion for the property at 7697 Canterbury Lane (Report prepared by: JeffBa1ær, Associate Planner~ I. Draft Resolution Affirming Planning Commission Approval to Allow the Conversion of a Garage to Residential Living Space for the Property at 7697 Canterbury Lane Draft Resolution Reversing the Planning Commission decision of March 22, 2005, thereby denying the Conditional Use Permit. Letter of Appeal of Planning Commission Dccision (Dated March 25, 2005) Applicant's Written Statement Project Plans Planning Commission Staff Report Dated March 22, 2005 (Without attachments) Planning Commission Resolution 05-22 Approving the Cuellar Garage Conversion Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated March 22,2005 City Council Staff Report Dated March 18,2003 Ordinance 04-03 Approving Garage Conversions City Council Meeting Minutes Dated March 18, 2003 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10. II. I. 2. Open tbe Public Hcaring; Receive Staff Presentation and Take Testimony ITom the Applicant and tbe Public; Close the Public Hearing and Deliberate; and Either: A. Adopt thc resolution (Attachment I) denying thc appeal and affirming the Planning Commission's decision of March 22, 2005, approving the Conditional Use Permit to convert the garage to residential living space for property located at 7697 Canterbury Lane; or B. Adopt, with modifications or additional conditions of approval, the resolution (Attachment I) denying the appeal and affirming the Planning Commission's decision of March 22,2005, approving the Conditional use Permit; or C. Adopt the resolution (Attachment 2) reversing the Planning Commission's decision of March 22, 2005, thereby denying the Conditional Use Permit. 3. 4. This project wi1\ not have a financial impact. COPIES TO: ApplicantlProperty Owner PAFile k. , CJ lnbõ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: On April I, 2003, the City Council approved an ordinance (Ordinance 04-03) amending the OH~Street Parking and Loading Regulations (Section of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Attachment 10). The amendment eliminated the requiremcnt to provide two otl~street parking spaces in an enclosed garage and require only two unenclosed oft~street parking spaces for the purpose of converting a residential garage to living space with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The following Conditional Use Permit finding was added to the Zoning Ordinance (Scetion 8. I 00.060.H) to address thc dcsign of conversions. The Conditional Use Permit Findings allow the Planning Commission to review the design and aesthetics of each conversion. For the conversion of a single family residential garage to living space, architectural considerations, including the character, scak and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elemcnts have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the dcvelopment's design concept or theme and thc character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses. Four garage conversions have been approved by the Planning Commission, excluding the subject conversion, since the City Council adopted Ordinance 04-03. Of these four conversions, three convcrted a portion of the garage to living space and retained the existing garage door and driveway. Only one converted the entirc garagc to living space and removed the garage door and installed windows and a landscape planter area at the location of the former garage door. On March 22, 2005, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for a Conditional Usc Permit (CUP) application to allow the conversion of thc garage to residential Jiving spacc for the property located at 7697 Canterbury Lanc. The Applicant proposed to convert the entire garage into a bedroom and bathroom and replace the garage door with a window. The Planning Commission voted 4-1, adopting Resolution 05-22 approving the CUP subject to ten (10) conditions of approval (Attachment 7). A copy of the Plarming Commission Staff Report and Draft Planning Commission Minutes are included as Attachments 6 and 8 of this Staff Report. On March 25, 2005, Mayor Janet Lockhart filed an appeal of the Planning Conunission's dccision (Attachment 3). Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.136.040.B,2), when a City Council Member appeals a decision, there shall bc a presumption applied that the rcason for the appeal is because the appealed action has significant and materia1 effects on the quality of life within the City of Dublin. Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, no other reason need be or shall be statcd by the Council Member in his or her written appeal. The appeal letter filed by Mayor Lockhart states that the grounds for the appeal are "the presumption that the action of the Dublin Planning Commission will have a significant and material effect on the quality ofHfe within thc City of Dublin". CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Under the City Zoning Ordinance, the City Council may affmn, affirm in part, or reversc the action of the P1anning Commission, based upon findings of fact. Findings shaH identifY the reasons for the action on the appeal, and verifY thc compliance or non"compliance of the subject of the appeal with the provisions of the Appeals Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance. The City Council may adopt additional conditions of approval that address the specific subject of the appeal. The City Council may continue this matter, but must take action within 75 days of the date thc appeal was filed, pursuant to Secti.on 8.136,060.A of the Dublin Municipal Code, 75 days from March 25, 2005, is Page2~ June 8, 2005. Additionally, becausc a member of the City Council filed the appeal, the Council may consider any issue concerning the application. ANAL YSJS: Staffs analysis of the project is set forth in thc planning conunission staff report. (Attachment 6.) ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines list those projects that arc Categorically Exempt ITOll environmental review. Section 15301 (e)(2) exempts minor alterations of existing facilities. Therefore, the project is considercd catcgorically exempt ITorn the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Scction 15301(e)(2) of the State CEQA Guidelines, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommcnds that thc City Council (1) open the public hearing; (2) receivc Staff presentation and take testimony ITom the Applicant and the Public; (3) close the public hearing and deliberate; and (4) either; A. Adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) denying the appcal and affinning the Planning Commission's decision of March 22, 2005, approving the Conditional Use Permit to convert the garage to residential living space for property located at 7697 Canterbury Lane; or 8, Adopt, with modifications or additional conditions of approval, the resolution (Attachment I) denying the appeal and affirming the Planning Commission's decision of March 22, 2005, approving the Conditional use Permit; or C. Adopt the resolution (Attachment 2) reversing the Planning Commission's decision of March 22, 2005, thereby denying the Conditional Usc Permit. Page 3 D ;)3 I~q RESOLUTION NO. - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO RESIDENTIAL LIVING SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 7697 CANTERBURY LANE (APN 941-0176-019) P A 04-036 WHEREAS, Luis Cuellar, Property Owner and Applicant, has requested approvaJ of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the partial conversion of a garage to residential living space for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane in a Single Family Residential (R-I) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on file in the Community Development Departmcnt; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans dated received November I, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, under Section 15301(e)(2), Class I, as the project is an addition to an existing facility where the net increase in area is no more than 10,000 square feet and all services are available; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hcaring on March 22, 2005, and did adopt Resolution 05-22 approving P A 04-036 Cuellar Garage Conversion Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, City of Dublin Mayor Janet Lockhart has appealed the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing in consideration of the appeal on May 3, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council make a determination based on the provisions ofthe Appeal Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations, and tcstimony hereinabove set forth and used their independent j udgmcnt to make a decision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does hereby make the following findings and determinations. A, The site, as conditioned, will have two (2) full-size (20' x 20') unenclosed parking spaces located in the driveway that can be used for parking vehiclcs. e;~3" 0>' (ø. ATTACHMENT I ;;¡~&¡\ B. The proposed use and related structure, as conditioned, is compatible with other land uscs, transportation and scrvice facilities in the vicinity, as the conversion of garage space to living space does not changc the primary use of the structure as a singlc-family home, which is located in a neighborhood comprised of the same. C. The proposed use, as conditioned, wil1 not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in thc vicinity, or be detrimental to the public hcalth, safety and weltàre and wil1 not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. The Zoning Ordinance parking requirements aim to provide "safe, attractive, and convenient off-street parking." Whether vehicles are parked in thc garage or on the driveway, they are parkcd off-street, which meets the intent of the ordinance. B. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that thc proposcd use and related structures, as conditioned, would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. The conversion of garage spacc to living space does not change the need for public utilities and services to the site. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the typc, density and intensity of the use, as no new structurcs arc being proposed, and the conversion of thc garage space will not material1y change how this particular property is being used. Although the garage wil1 be converted into living space, which wil1 prohibit vehicles ITom being parked in the space, the property wil1 continue to bc used, as a single- family horne, so there is no change to the intensity ofthe usc at the site. F. The proposed use wil1 not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, dcvclopment regulations, or performance standards established for thc zoning district in which it is locatcd. The property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R-I). The purpose of the R-I Zoning District is to "provide land to accommodate housing units which meet the diverse economic and social needs of the rcsidcnts," and the intent of the R-I Zoning District is "to provide for and protect ncigbborhoods comprised of detached, single-family homes and residential use types compatible with a quiet, fiunily-living environment." If garage space is converted to living space, the property would continue to be used as a detached, single-family home and would continue to bc compatible with a quiet, family-living cnvirolUIlent. G. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan as it would not etrect or alter the usc of the property as a single-family residence. H. Architectural considerations, including thc character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the dcvelopment's design concept or theme and thc character of adjacent buildings, ncigbborhood and uses. Thc design of the converted garage incorporates materials and finishes such as a stucco exterior, wood trim and shutters painted to match thc cxisting and consistent with thc surrounding homes in the neighborhood. The project has been conditioned to integrate landscaping into the design by removing a portion of the driveway while maintaining a minimum driveway length of 20'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby atÌÌrm the Planning Commission decision and approves said application, P A 04-036, a request for a Conditional Use Permit to 2 3'b£-' \ allow the conversion of a garage to residential living space for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane, as depicted in Attachment 4, subject to the following conditions: The projcct approval shall be subject to compliance with the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or estabhshment of use. and shall be subject to Planning Dcvartment revicw and approval. The following codes rcvresent those dcvartments/agencics responsible for monitoring compliancc of the conditions of approval: rPLl Planning. rBl Building. rpOl Policc. rpWl Public Works [ADMl Administration/City Attornev. rFINl Finance. rFl Alamcda County Fire Dcvartment, roSRSDl Dublin San Ramon Services District. rCO] Alameda County Dcvartment of Environmental Health. GENERAI.,CONDITIONS.·i.··. l. Permit Validity. This Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for the remaining life of the approved structure so long as thc operators of the subject property comply with the project's conditions of approval. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within one (I) year of Permit approval or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. Commencement of construction or use means thc actual construction or usc pursuant to the Pennit approval or, demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. If thcrc is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the ¡natter. Such a deterllÙnation may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances, If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the re uirements of this Ordinance. Time Extension. The original approving decision-maker may, upon the Applicant's written reqllest for an extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the dctermination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continlle to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months, All time cxtcnsion requests shall be noticed and a public hearing or public meeting shall be held as re uired b the articular ermit. Parking. Two, full-size (20' x 20') parking spaces shall remain available and accessible on the existing driveway for the arkin of vehicles. Property Maintenance. The property shall be maintained in accordance with Section 5.64, Property Maintenance of the Dublin Munici al Code, Ongoing Standard PL 2. PL Ongoing Standard 3. PL Ongoing Standard 4. PL Ongoing Standard B Ongoing Standard 5. 3 L.\ub 'ì I 6. Permit Revocation. This Conditional Use Permit will be revocable for cause in accordance with Scction ofthc Dublin Zonin Ordinance. 7. Building Codes and Ordinances. AD project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of build in ermit. 8. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, the AppJicant shaD submit five (5) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shaD clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not bc accepted without the annotated resolutions atlachcd to cach set of lans. 9. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depi\..iing all existing and proposcd conditions on site. 10. Any change in the design or materials used for the windows shall first be subject to rcview and approval by the Communit Deve10 ment Director. II. Landscape. Install at grade, landscaping in ITout ofthe garage modification. This will consist of removing a portion of the driveway. Driveway to remain at least 20 feet in len PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3'd day of May 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\PA#\2004\04..Q36 Cuellat' Garage COllvcrsiQJ.1\Appcal\C'-C Re!i().d()c 4 PL B B B PL PL Ongoing Standard Through UBC Completion Prior to CUP issuance of Building Permits Prior to CUP issuancc of Building Permits On-going Planning Prior to Planning finalizing Permit S~Þ¡ I RESOLUTION NO. - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REVERSING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND DENYING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO RESIDENTIAL LIVING SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 7697 CANTERBURY LANE (APN 941-0176-019) P A 04-036 WHEREAS, Luis Cuellar, Property Owner and Applicant, has requested approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the partial conversion of a garage to residential living space for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane in a Single FamiJy Residential (R-1) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement request is available and on file in the Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans dated rcceived November I, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Project is Catcgorically Exempt ITOm the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines, under Section 15301(e)(2), Class I, as the project is an addition to an existing faciJity where the nct increase in area is no more than 10,000 square fect and all services are avaiJable; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on March 22, 2005, and did adopt Resolution 05-22 approving P A 04-036 Cuellar Garage Conversion Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, City of Dublin Mayor Janet Lockhart has appcaled the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City CounciJ did hold a public hearing in consideration of the appeal on May 3, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that thc City Council make a determination based on the provisions of the Appeal Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and used their independent judgment to make a decision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin City Council does hereby find that architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architcctural relationship with the site and othcr buildings have not been incorporatcd into the project in order to insure compatibility of this project with thc project's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhood and uses, The surrounding homes have a similar design to the subject property that includcs a garage. The proposed conversion of the garage to living space and removal of the garage door while maintaining the driveway will not be consistent with the design and architecture of the homes ATTACHMENT ~ ~"bq \ in the surrounding area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby deny said application, P A 04-036, a request for a Conditional Use Permit, rcversing the Planning Commission decision to allow the conversion of a garage to rcsidentialliving space for the property at 7697 Canterbury Lane. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3'd day of May 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor A TrEST: City Clerk G:\PA#\2004\04-036 Cuellar Garage COLlvcrsion \Appeal\CC Reso.ùúc 2 ..--- . 1n1 "'11 RECEIVED -ü CITY OF DUBLIN MAR a 5 2005 CITY MANAGER'S OFACE March 25,2005 Kay Keek, City Clerk City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 RE: Dublin Planning Commission Decision., PA 04-036 Cuellar Garage Conversion Conditional Use Permit I wish to appeal the action of the Dublin Planning Commission of March 22, 2005, in the matter of the Cuellar Garage Conversion CUP. My reason for the appeal is the presumption that the action of the Dublin Planning Commission will have a significant and material effect on the quality of life within the City of Dublin. anet Lockhart yor, City of Dublin cc: Richard Ambrose, City Manager Eddie Peabody, Community Development Director O:\MAYORILOCKHAR1\200S\3-2S-úS eu.lli<r gotOgo con" .ppeaLd"" ATTACHMENT 3 ~"b ~I Dublin, May 4th , 2004 City of Dublin Building Permit Division 100 Civiç Plaza Dublin, Ca. 94568 Re: Conditional USE Permit for Garal!e Conversion 7697 Canterbury 10 Dublin Ca 94568 Dear Sirs: We have been very proud & happy citizcru; of the great city of Dublin for the past two years. When we purchased our house here it was because of the peacefulness and clean environment Dublin continues to offer. Over th.e past two years our family has grown and we need more living space. We would like to convert our garage to an additional bedroom and full bath. Thank you for your assistance to this matter Sincerely, ~~Cç"~ 'Ill ,132004 PI o· .0 -,Bel'NPlil.......~ AilJ-(£Jp ATTACHMENT ,/ 'r ....... Z LI.I :æ: ..,-. ..-...','--" .nn_____n______._,. ~'"T-"-'.--'"=-·-~·, ---.-.--.-" X , . -c:.,.') '3N\1l ),¡Ir;¡ ¡ ]lNVJ lff.M. ! ~ I.... : ,- i i i "t ~ - ÐN3Œ,"3~ WlHftJ ¡ ~ : ~ ' 4: ¡! ~.z: __:..:....-=...;::.,.=;;~_,=::==:.'_.-=-:¡-"'..:_::;:..:.~_.:~',:_,..::: ______.:. _ -·0'.2 ~. <r ., ,- -. -_...- ",~,-~,,,.~. - ,-'~._." ,..~.:-~,~- ~~l2:···- ";:::¡~_._-_.. -.- :.:;-~--:. ': --,- . -".. ,..,,"-" -- . I ::q. l1~iIIj:·-U'¡¡;L 1111'01 ..... II00D-ill5</. IOJ(~~ 09~"'ß \1,) "¡1-UI''-,! :lX i:!~HO 6r.g9E lino._:} 'Qa~saa p....OIlIU1YH - , -3 ;ê J .j I : !!i-~.' ,I :z:: .'~:""'==::-:-C;:"" ,_ -- ¡=:~ "n...· .,-~:: _'==-"- '_~"'_ --- . - -- -- .'-¡:-==-::..::::..:: =::=.:..==-=--:-.::--::- --- ,. ----."'. .,. '''~ ~._': _____ __n . 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I I , I I I I .~--::.::..::..---:=:::----_..-: AGENDA STATEMENT ~Gb"'l' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MARCH 22, 2005 SUBJECT: A TT ACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PUBLIC HEARING - PA 04-()36, Cuellar Garage Conversion Conditional Use Permit for the property at 7697 Canterbury Lane rvf ~ (Report prepared by: Jeff Baker, Associate Planner)~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, Site Plan Floor Plan EJ evations Applicant's written statement Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a garage to residential living space for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, Open public hearing Receive Staff presentation Receive Public Testimony Close public hearing and deliberate. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 5) approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a garage to residential living space for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane. The Applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to convert the existing attached garage to residential living space, The converted space will be remodeled to include bedroom and bathroom to accommodate the applicant's growing family (Attachment 2). The proposed project will include two unenclosed parking spaces in the existing driveway (Attachment I). BACKGROUND: The project site is located at 7697 Canterbury Lane. The property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R- I) and ha.<¡ a General Plan Land Use Designation of Single-Family Residential. The 9,341 square foot (s.f.) lot has been improved with a 2,245 s.[ residence. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance contains off-street parking requirements by use type. A siogle- family residence is required to provide two parking spaces within an enclosed garage (Chapter 8.76,080.B). However, the Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.070.A.14.a.1) allows the conversion of an existing garage to residential living space by way of a Conditional Use Permit a.<¡ long as two unenclosed parking spaces can be provided elsewherc on the lot. The applicant has proposed to provide two unenclosed parking spaces in the existing driveway (Attachment I). Condition 4 has been provided to ensure that two parking spaces are provided in the driveway. If this Conditional Use Pernrit request is approved, the Applicant will be required to submit a building permit application for the work a.<¡socÎated with the garage conversion. The original request included a carport along the north side of the residence with concrete tire guides to provide vehicle access (Attachment I). Staff raised concern with the appearance ofthese elements and the compatibility with the surrounding residences. Based on these concerns, the Applicant has eliminated the proposed carport and tire guides from the project. GVA.#\;!0Il4IQ4-1J36 Cucl1", G"",g< Convors;on \PCSR 3-22-05.<1<>< COPIES TO: A P. ATTACHMENT (p r ANALYSIS: l:a~ "'II Consistency with Required Findings for a Conditional Use Permit Chapter 8.100,060 of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires that findings be made in order to approve a Conditional Use Pennit. The reqnired findings are listed below in italidzed bold Wet and are foHowed by an evaluation. 1. The proposed use and related structure is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity. The conversion of garage space to living space does not change the primary use of the structure as a single-family home, which is in a traditional neighborhood comprised of the same. 1. The propo.~ed use wi/I not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vidnity, or be detrimental to the public heølth, safety and welfare and will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. The Zoning Ordinance parking requirements aim to provide "safe, attractive, and convenient off- street parking." Whether vehicles are parked in the garage or on the driveway, they are parked off- street, which meets the intent of the ordinance. Whether cars parked outside of the garage is safe, attractive, and convenient is a matter of opinion. However, the Zoning Ordinance does not require vehicles to be parked in the garage, it only reqwres that the enclosed parking spaces exist, except in the case of a garagc conversion. In many instances where a garage is provided, ears are parked in the driveway and the garage is used for storage. 3. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and publk utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health, .wlfety, and welfure. The conversion of the garage to living space does not change the provision of public utilities and services to the site. 4. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use and related structUre~' being proposed. The conversion of the garage space will not materially change how this particular property is being used. Although the garage will be converted into living space, which will prohibit a vehicle from being parked in the space, there will still be two parking spaces in the driveway, and the property will still be used as a single-family home, 5. The proposed USe will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located. The property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R-I), The purpose of the R-I Zoning District is to "provide land to accommodate housing units which meet the diverse economic and social needs of the residents". The intent of the R-I Zoning District is "to provide for and protect neighborhoods comprised of detached, single-flllIlÍly homes and residential use types compatible with a quiet, family-living environment." If the garage space is converted to living space, the property would continue to be used as a detached, single-family home and would continue to be compatible with a quiet, family-living environment. The project site is not located within a specific plan area. Page 2 6. The propo$ed use is con.ristent with the Dublin Gene,al PÙln and with any applicable spe~i},î> ""¡ \ Plan.t. Stafffjnds that the approval of this Conditional Use Permit would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan as it would not effect or alter the use of the property as a single family residence. 7. Fo, the conversion of single-family residentüd garages to living space, architectural considerations, including the chørøcter, sCDle, and qualiry of the design, the ørchitecturøl relationship with the ~'ite ønd other buildings, building møteriøls ønd colors, screening of exterior øppurtenønces, exte,ior fighting, and similar elementç have /Jeen incorporated into the project and a,f condition,t of øpproval in order to en.çllre compøtibility of the development with the development's design concept or theme and the character of øtijacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses. The applicant has proposed to replace the existing garage door with double hung windows that are consistent with existing windows and with the architectural character of the surrounding residences, The Building Division has reviewed the proposed conversion for conformance with current building code requirements. The proposed windows do not appear to meet minimum egress standards. The size of these windows may need to be increased to meet egress standards. Thcrefore, Condition 10 has been included which requires review and approval of the revised window specifications by the Community Development Director to ensure that the windows are consistent with the architectural character of the residence. As previously stated, the plans sbow a Calport and dual concrete tire tracks on the north side of the residence. The applicant has withdrawn these elements ITom the project at Staffs request. The Zoning Ordinancc (Section 8. 76.070.A_14.a.l) states that no parking is permitted in the front yard of a single-family home. The concrete tire tracks would have facilitated parking vehicles in this area of the front yard. Additionally, Staff does not believe that the tire guides and carport are consistent with the character of the sUlTounding residences. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines list those projects that are CategoricalJy Exempt from environmental review. Section 15301(1')(2) exempts minor alterations of existing facilities. Therefore, the project is considered categorically exempt ITom the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section I 5301 (e)(2) of the State CEQA Guidelines. CONCLUSION Staff concludes that this application meets the minimum findings required to approve the Conditional Use Permit, as stated on the attached resolution (Attachment 5). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission (1) open public hearing, (2) receive Staffpresentation, (3) receive public testimony, (4) close public hearing and deliberate, and (5) adopt Resolution (Attachment 5) approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a garage to residential living space for the property at 7697 Canterbury Lane, subject to the ConditiOIlS of Approval. Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION: PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: LOCATION: ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: EXISTING ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW; 15Jb "1 \ Luis Cuellar 7697 Canterbury Lane 941-0176-019 Single Family Residential (R-I) Single Family Residential (0.9-6.0 units/acre) The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines list those proj eels which are Categorically Exempt ftom environmental review. Section 15301(e)(2) exempts minor alterations of existing facilities of 10,000 square feet or less. Therefore, the project is considered categoricaUy exempt :ITüm the provisions of CEQA pursuant to Section 15301(e)(2) of the State CEQA Guidelines. Page 4 I (Pac ." l RESOLUTION NO. 05 - 22 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO RESIDENTIAL LIVING SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 7697 CANTERBURY LANE (APN 941-0176-019) P A 04-036 WHEREAS, Luis Cucllar, Property Owner and Applicant, has rcqucstcd approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the partial convcrsion of a garage to residential living spacc for property at 7697 Canterbury Lane in a Single Family Residential (R-I) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted entitlement rcqucst is available and on file in the Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has submitted project plans dated received November 1,2004; and WHEREAS, the Project is Categorically Exempt ITom the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Dublin Enviromnental Guidelines, under SC\..iion 15301 (e)(2), Class 1, as thc project is an addition to an existing facility where the net increase in area is no more than 10,000 square feet and all services are available; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted outlining the issues surrounding the request; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said project application on March 22, 2005; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public heating was given in all rcspects as required by Jaw; and WHEREAS, th" Planning Commission did hear and use their independcnt judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and tcstimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Planning Commission of the City of Dublin docs hcrcby make the following findings and determinations: A. The site, as conditioned, will havc two (2) full-size (20' x 20') unenclosed parking spaces located in the driveway that can be used tor parking vehic1cs. B. The proposed use and related structure, as conditioncd, is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity, as the conversion of garage space to living space does not change thc primary use of the structure as a single-family home, which is located in a neighborhood comprised of the samc. C. The proposed use, as conditioned, will not adversely affect thc health or safety of persons rcsiding or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and wclfare and will not be injurious to property or improvements in the ncighborhood. The Zoning Ordinance parking requirements aim to provide "safe, attractive, and convCllient off-street parking." Whether ATTACHMENT 1- 11't Þ¡ I vehicles are parked in (he garage or on the driveway, thcy arc parked off-street, which meets the intent of the ordinance. D. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilitics and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures, as conditioned, would not be detrimcutal to the public health, safety, and welfare. The conversion of garage space to living space does not changc the need for public utilities and services to the site. E. The subject site is physica11y suitable for the type, dcnsity and intensity of the use, as no new structures are being proposed, and the conversion of the garage space will not matcrially change how this particular property is being used. Although the garage will be converted into living space, which will prohibit vchicles from bcing parkcd in the space, the property will continue to be used, as a single-family home, so there is no changc to the intensity of the use at the site. F. The proposed use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development rcgulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located. The property is zoncd Singlc-Family Residential (R-I). The purpose of the R-I Zoning District is to "providc land to accommodate housing units which meet thc diverse economic and social needs of the residents," and the intent of the R-I Zoning District is "to provide for and protcct neighborhoods compriscd of detached, single-family homes and residential use types compatible with a quiet, family-living environment." If garage space is converted to living space, the property would continuc to bc used as a dctached, singlc-family home and would continue to be compatible with a quiet, tàmily-living environment. G. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit would be consistent with thc Dublin General Plan as it would not effect or alter the use of the property as a single-family residence. H. The garage conversion relates architecturally to the site and is compatible with thc character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does hereby approve said application, PA 04-036, a rcqucst for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a garagc to residential living space for property at 7697 Cantcrbury Lane, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL: Unless stated otherwise. a11 Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use. and sha11 be subject to Planning Devartment review and approval. The fo11owing codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: rPLl Planning. rBl Building. rpOl Police. rrWl Public Works rADMl Administration/City Attomev. rFINl Finance. rFl Alameda County Fire Devartment. rDSRSDl Dublin San Ramon Services District. rCOl Alameda Countv Department of Environmcutal Health. 2 ~'BJb Þ¡ l GENERAL CONDITIONS I. Permit Validity. This Conditional Use Pennit shall be valid for the remaining life of the approved structure so long as the operators of the subject property comply with the project's conditions of approval. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commcuce within one (1) year of Permit approval or the Permit shall lapse and become null and void. Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the Permit approval or, demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing snch construction or use. If there is a dispute as to whether the Permit has expired, the City may ho1d a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings III appropriatc circumstances. If a Pennit expires, a new application must be made and proccsscd according to the re uirements of this Ordinance. Time Extension. The original approving decision-maker may, upon the Applicant's writtcu rcquest for an extension of approval prior to expiration, and upon the detennination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assurc that applicable findings of approva1 will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shaU be noticed and a public hearing or public mccting shaU be held as re uired b the articular enl1it, Parking. Two, tull-size (20' x 20') parking spaces shall remain available and accessible on the existing drivcway for the arkin of vehicles. Property Maintenance. The property shall be maintained in accordance with Section 5.64, Property Maintenance of the Dublin Munici al Code. Permit Revocation. This Conditiona1 Use Penl1it will be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8.96.020.I ofthc Dublin Zonin Ordinancc. Building Codes and Ordinances. AU project construction shall confonn to all building codes and ordinances in effect at thc time of build in ermit. PL Ongoing Standard 2. PL Ongoing Standard 3. PL Ongoing Standard 4. PL Ongoing Standard 5. B Ongoing Standard PL Ongoing Standard 6. B Through UBC Completion 7. 3 1"'00 '11 9. AYES: NOES: 8. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, the Applicant shall submit five (5) sets of construction plans to the Building Division for plan chcck. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or havc bccn complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of lans. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully dimensioned (including building elevations) accuratcly drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site). Any changc in thc dcsign or materials used for the windows shall first be subject to review and approval by the Comlllunit Develo ment Director. Landscape. Install at grade, landscaping in front of the garage modification. This will consist of rCllloving a portion of the driveway, Driveway to remain at least 20 feet in len rth. 10. 11. B Prior to CUP issuance of Building Pennits B Prior to CUP issuance of Building Permits On-going Planning PL PL Prior to Planning finalizing Permit PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2200 day of March 2005. Cm. Biddle, Fasulkey, King, and Wehrenberg Chair Schaub ABSENT: ABSTAIN: . ATTEST: Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Managcr (J:\PA#\1004\04-0:;ó Cuellar Garage Clmveniiùn \PC Rtsù.d.oc 4 · ~ J"!I "I~'2D q I CPfannin¡¡ Commission 9dinutes ~ CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, Marcil 22, 2005, in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza. Chair Schaub called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.rn. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Schaub, Commissioners Biddle, Fasulkey, King, and Wehrenberg; Kristi Bascom, Senior PJallner; Jeff Baker, Associate Planner and Maria Carrasco, Recording Secretary. ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - The February 22, 2005 minutes were approvcd as submitted. ORAL COMMUNICATION - At this time, members of the atidicnce arc permitted to address the Planning Commission on any item(s) of interest to the publiq however, no ACTION or DISCUSSION shall take place on any item, which is NOT on the PlalU1ing Commission Agenda. The Commission may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed, or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting concerning the mattcr. Furthermore, a member of the Planning Commission may direct Staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Any person may arrange with the Planning Manager (no later than 11:00 a.m., on the Tuesday preceding a regular meeting) to have an item of concern placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Bascom stated that a letter was submitted by the Brycesons regarding their application. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.1 PA04-036 Cuellar Garage Conversion Conditional Use Permit - The Applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to convert the garage to residential living space at 7697 Canterbury Lane, Chair Schaub opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Jeff Baker, Associate Planner presented the staff report. He explained that the applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to convert the existing attachcd garage to residential living space. 111e converted space will be remodeled to include bedroom and bathroom to accommodate the applicant's growing family. The proposed project will include two unenclosed parking spaces in the existing driveway. The project site is located at 7697 Canterbury Lane with a General Plan Land Use designation of single family residential. Required findings must be madc in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance contains off-strcct parking requirements by use type. A single- family residence is rcquired to provide two parking spaces within an enclosed garage. However, the Zooing Ordinance allows the conversion of an existing garage to residential living space by way of a <1!Wnllin(J CoMmiuimI <R¡l1ufu~ 39 ATTACHMENT )/J5 ~!;) 'r:;) '1{ðb ~ I Conditional Use Permit as long as two unenclosed parking spaces can be provided elsewhere on the lot. The applicant has proposed to provide two unenclosed parking spaces in the existing driveway. Condition 4 has been provided to ensure that two parking spaces are provided in the driveway. If this Conditional Use Permit request is approved, the Applicant will be required to submit a building permit application for the work associated with the garage conversion. The City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance requires that findings be made in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed use and related structure is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity. The conversion of garage space to living space does not change the primary use of the structure as a single-faIIÙly home, The proposed use will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and will not be injurious to propcrty or improvements in the neighborhood. The Zoning Ordinance parking requirements aim to provide "safe, attractive, and convenient off-street parking." Whethcr vehicles are parked in the garage or on the driveway, they are parked off-street, which mcets the intent of the ordinance.. However, the Zoning Ordinance does not require vehicles to be parked in the garage, it only requires that the enclosed parking spaces exist, except in the case of a garage conversion. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. The conversion of the garage to living space does not change the pruvision of public utilities and services to the site. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use and related structures being proposed. The conversion of the garage space will not materially change how this particular property is being used. Although the garage will be converted into living space, which will prohibit a vehicle from being parked in the space, there will still be two parking spaces in the driveway, and the property will still be used as a single-family home. The proposed use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards establishcd for the zoning district in which it is located, The property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R-l). The purpose of thc R-l Zoning District is to "provide land to accommoda!c housing units which meet the diverse economic and social needs of thc residents". The intent of the R-l Zoning District is "to provide for and protect neighborhoods comprised of detached, single-family homes and residential use types compatible with a quiet, family-living environment." If the garage space is converted to living space, the property would continue to be used as a detached, single-family home and would continue to bc compatible with a quiet, family- living environment. The project site is not located within a specific plan area. The proposed use is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans. Staff finds that the approval of this Conditional Use Permit would be consistent with the Dublin General Plan as it would not effect or alter the use of the property as a singlc family residence. For the conversion of single-family residential garages to living space, architectural considerations, including the character, scale, and quality of the design, the architcctural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to ensure compatibility of the development with the development's design concept or thcme and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses. The applicant has proposcd to replace the existing garage door with double hung windows that are consistent with existing Œ'limnmø CommiuUm 'ltf¡J1II#rWMIÎ"II 40 '1'ofinIary 22, 2oo! ~!J '1'~ "'I~ 22zt, '1 \ windows and with thc architectural character of the surrounding residences. The Building Division has reviewed the proposed conversion for conformance with current building code requirements. The proposed windows do not appear to meet minimum egress standards. The size of these windows may need to be increased to meet egress standards. Therefore, Condition 10 has been included which requires review and approval of thc revised window specifications by the Community Development Director to ensure that the windows are consistent with the architectural character of the residence. As previously stated, the plans show a carport and dual concrete tire tracks on the north side of the residence. The applicant has withdrawn these elements from the project at Staff's request. The Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.070.A.14.a.l) statcs that no parking is permitted in the front yard of a single-family home. The concrete tire tracks would havc facilitated parking vehicles in this area of the front yard. Additionally, Staff does not belicvc that the tire guides and carport are consistent with the character of the surrounding residcnces. Mr. Baker sk~ted that Staff concludcs that this application meets the minimum findings requircd to approvc thc Conditional Use Permit, as stated on the attached resolution. Staff recommcnds that the Planning Commission approvc thc Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a garagc to residential living space, He stated he was availablc for questions. Chair Schaub stated that 75% of homes in Dublin are covcred by CC&R's. There are only a small group of homes without CC&R's. Chair Schaub asked how many houses has the City approved the removal of a garage door and replaced with façade. Mr, Baker said Ù1e City has approved 4 garage conversions since 1982 and one has had the garage door removed and replaced with windows and façade Cm. Biddle stated that many cities do not allow garage conversions. He asked for clarification that the City of Dublin amended the Zoning Ordinance to allow conversions. Mr. Baker stated that is correct. 111ere was direction from the City Council in 2003 to review and evaluate the ordinance, 111e ordinance was modified to pcrmit garage conversions. Cm. King stated that the I'larming Commission spent a lot of time discussing the issue and came up with requirement that garage conversion come before the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission was very concerned about the aesthetics. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if the projects are reviewed by two different people. She state there was a difference with the conditions of approval for the Cuellar garage conversion and the Bryceson garage c()nVennon. Mr. Baker stated there are several people in the Building Deparhnent that review projccts and very possible that two different people reviewed these projects, These projects are required to mect building code regulations. Cm. Biddle asked what were the positives and the negatives on removing the garage door. Mr. Baker stated that in developing the ordinance, in review the minutes and staff reports, there was not a direct discussion on removing or keeping the door. Findings were added to rcquire architectural considerations. I/'f4nnln¡J Comm#WJn '%8""" ~utinø 41 'F.liru4ry Zl, 2005 !:þ'1!1 , ,,~~2~ 11 Cm. Fasulkey stated that they did not want to ¡;et into having the door or removing the door. The ordinance Was wet up to Icave it a little broad to allow new commissioners to apply their standards. Cm. King asked if neighbors were notified about the ¡;arage conversion. Mr. Baker stated public hearing notices were mailed out to residents within a 300 foot radius of the propcrty. Chair Schaub asked if there were anymore questions of Staff; hearing none, he called on the Applicant. Mr. Cueller stated he came in for gara!';e conversion bccause not everyone can afford a neW house. He explained that he is from So. America and his parents spend 6 months in America and 6 months in South Amcrica. IIc explained that his lot is very big and has the space to create a separate garage for parking and storage. He would really like to keep garage conversion as proposed with the window up front. Hc stated that hc plans to put in a landscaping design in front of thc window. He thanked the Commission and asked for their approval. Cm. King asked if he wanted to have windows where the garage door, Mr. Cueller said yes. He stated that in his opinion if you are going to do the job, do it wcll. He wants the front of his house to appear completed. Cm. King askcd Mr. Cuellar what he beJieves is better for the valuc of the house. Mr. Cuellar stated that he does not*,ow much about real estate. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if the room is for his parents. Mr. Cueller said yes, They are getting old and as the oldest son, it is his responsibility to take care of his parents. Cm. Wehrenberg asked if he will bc doing the work himself. Mr. Cueller statcd he will do some of the work and will have someone to help him. Cm. Biddle asked him if he understands the process Mr. Cueller stated ycs. He wants to work with the City and do everything right. Bob Wright, 7273 Bedford Way stated his concern is the parking and does not want to scc a 3 bedroom house turn into a 7 bedroom house. Chair Schaub closed the public hearing, He drove through all thc houses in the area from San Ramon to Stagecoach. Thcre is one house that has been approved with nO garage door. He stated the Commission is making a decision on behalf of 25% of the residents without CC&R's. There are othcr homes in this neighborhood that could uSe code eruorcement. Dublin's seems to be managing this area as a light industrial instead of residential area. He stated that it is bothersome to change the architectural design and change the look and feel of the neighborhood. It is not becausc of the conversion of the garage but the changing of architectural features, Cm. Biddle asked for clarification on what CC&R's are. «-nilt¡¡ CmnlAÙsion 'RItJIÚ4I'!M"'1/I¡¡ 42 'l'.6roary 22, 201/$ !)'1!:! 'I"~~ ~\ Ms. Bascom stated covenant, codcs and restrictions. Chair Schaub stated hoffiCS with CC&R's are much stricter and would not allow garage conversions. Cm. King asked if the concern is with the conversion or the garage door. Chair Schaub stated hc is concerned with the removal of the garage door and changing the architectural feature of the home. Cm. Biddle stated Ù1e Planning Commission has thc advantage now to control the conversions because they are reviewed on a case by case basis. Cm. Biddle asked if a conversion like this is done and thc doorframe is taken ou t could it be rcinstalled if thcy want to sell the house. Mr. Baker statcd that to his understanding the header of the garage door is kept in place. It is a considerable amount of money but the bones arc thcre so it could be done. Cm. Wehrenberg stated that shc lived on a similar lot and there were a lot of convcrsions going on without permits. She appreciates that Mr. Cuellar came in to do it the right way. There was extensive discussion between the Plarming Commission discussion on whether to leave the garage door or remove the garage door and the look of thc front of Ù1e house. Cm. FasuJkey explained that the previous garage conversion approval were due to a code enforcement issue and legalizing an existing conversion. em. Biddle stated that based on the prices of housing in the community a garage conversion is one option for a growing famiJy, Chair Schaub stated he does not have a problem with the conversions but has a problem with changing the archik'Cture. Cm. King asked Staff how a garage conversion will affect the value of the home. Ms. Bascom staled Staff did not look at how thc conversion would affect the value of the home. Cm. King asked Chair Schaub if his concerns are the aesthetics of the home. Chair Schaub stated that removing the door will change the look and feel of the neighborhood. Cm. Fasulkey stated it is really a matter of choice, He personally likes the look of the house without the garagc door. Hc stated that many of the new homes have garages in the rear of the property, Chair Schaub statcd he is referring to this project within this neighborhood. Cm. King stated he is inclined to approve it with the window but docs not want to set any type of precedence. Cm. Fasulkey stated there could be a requirement to cut the driveway. œ("....mø Çommissitm 'R.!gul4r !1d..1i1lfJ 43 '1'.6n=y 22, 2005 !J ':rZl '1!'1~256h "t\ Chair Schaub statcd one house that was approved for a conversion had the required of removing part of the driveway but it was not done. Mr. Baker statcd that it could be added as a conditional of approval and through the plan check process verify it is on thc plan and require Plalilling to check it. Cm. King asked Cm. Fasulkey if he was thinking of a planter or something at ground level. Cm. Fasulkey stated something that is consistent with the house. There was discussion on the landscaping in front of the window. Ms. Bascom stated that there needs to be 20 feet of pavement left which is a requirement of the City. Ms. Bascom reminded the Plarming Corrunission that garage conversions come to the Corrunission on a case by case basis. On motion by Cm. Fasulkey, adding a condition regarding the landscaping and removing a portion of the driveway, secondcd by Cm. Wehrenberg with Chair Schaub opposed, and by vote or 4-1-0 thc Planning Corrunission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 05-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO RESIDENTIAL LIVING SPACE }'OR TIlE PROPERTY AT 7697 CANTERBURY LANE (APN 941-0176-0(9) P A 04-036 8.2 P A 04-064 Bryceson Garage Conversion Conditional Use Pennit - The Applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to convert a portion of the garage to habita.ble floor area for the addition of a new 121 square-foot bedroom! den, pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Chapters 8.12, 8.76, and 8.100. Chair Schaub opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Pierce Macdonald, Associate Planner presented the staff rcport. She explained that The Applicants, Robert and Tonia Bryceson, arc rcquesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of a portion of their cncloscd garagc space for the addition of a new bedroom or study to their living arca, pursUlmt to Zoning Ordinance Chaptcrs 8.12, 8.76, and 8.100. According to the Applicants' Written Statement, the purpose of the project is to increasc thc habitable floor area of the home to accommodate the space needs of the Applicants' family (5 children and 2 adults) in the existing three-bedroom home. The new room would be approximately ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet with a three- (3) foot by seven- (7) foot closet for a total of approximately 121 square feet. A new window on the west elevation would provide natural Hght to the new living area. Staff reviewed issues of required parking, architectural design, health and safety, compatibility with adjacent uses and the California Environmental Quality Act. As proposed in the project application, two full-size (9 feet by 20 feet) parking spaces would be provided on the existing driveway of the home to satisfy the off -street parking requirement, "fthe Zoning Ordinance. In tJ.'(;mtrúr¡¡ Cømmúsitm ~"tårtMmí"ll 44 P,6nuJty 22, 2005 I!) ~l;aj''!~t 4\ addition, one full-size enclosed parking space would remain in the existing garage, The garage door would remain. Conditions of Approval have been recollUnended by the City's Building Division and Police Department to ensure that the project meets health and safety standards. These Conditions of Approval have been added to the draft Resolution. The proposed conversion of garage space to living spacc would not change the primary use ofthc structure as a single-family home, which is located in a rcsidcntial neighborhood consisting of other single-family homes. Approval ofthe garage conversion projcct would not have an adverse impact on thc surrounding ncighborhood, as there are no parking restrictions along the section of public right-ol~ way adjacent to the property (Amador Valley Boulevard) nor is there an existing parking deficiency in the neighborhood that may be made worse by the projcct. The findings that the proposed conversion of garagc area to habitable living area is compatible with the residential uscs in the vicinity can be made. Staffrecommcnds that thc Planning Commission approve the Conditional Usc Permit for a garage conversion at 7052 Amador Vallcy Boulevard. The Applicant cOllld not be at thc meeting but presented a letter stating why and asked for his approval. Chair Schaub stated the Commission should be making dccisions on land use not on whether someonc is a good citizen. The letter that was submitted is nice but it does not affect the Planning Commission's decision to make a change of land use. Cm. King stated that one of the findings the Corrunission is requircd to make is that the project is not detrimental to the health and safety, welfare, or injurious to the surround properties, He stated that he bclicvcs that as a Commission they should also be looking at whether people can be accommodated regarding thc sizc of their home. Cm. Fasulkey stated that he view thelett"r in a completely different way. This is a person who could not afford a house and has managed to recently purchase his home. It looks like he works for a Presbyterian Church m.t1ke vol1.Jnh~m· tyP'~ ,",3gL~~_ TI;i~ iQ the e::KaC'l: reason why the CoIl1.ll1.Î.ssion shou1d want to keep people like tIlis in the community, Cm. Wehrenberg stated it is a Conditional Use Permit and if he violates the permit, it could be revoked. Chair Schaub stated the approval will be changing the use of this house. Cm. Fasulkey stated that the Commission approves garage conversion on a case by case basis. If a conversion request comes in, there are two other convcrsions on that street and there is a parking issue the project can be denied, It is set up at the Planning Commission's discretion. Cm. King asked wha t the range of the Plamúng Commission's discrction is. Cm. Fasulkey asked Staff for clarification on the scopc of the findings. Ms. Bascom statcd the findings for a Conditional Use Permit for a garage conversion arc very broad. Findings are made that the project is not detrimental to the public welfare, and compatiblc to the neighborhood. The findings can be intcrpreted in different ways. Chair Schaub stated what about the resident that only has one car and has a garage conversion. They sell the house and the next person comes in with 7 cars. The neighborhood is now hit with 6 extra cars. The concern is thc Commission is looking at the individual and not the property. <l'fd.ftftiø¡J(.'rmtflrÍlSÍ01I 'R1øUÚlr MU1itlfl 45 P.6nl4ry ZZ, ZOOS ~!)'J"~J ,' M.e7~ "t1 ern. Wehrenberg stated that if the neighbor complains to the City, the Code Enforcement Officer can enforce the cades. ern. Fasulkey stated that the Planning Commission can "what if" !l1is ta death. The Planning Commission needs to use their best judgment for that particular conversian and whether it has a negativc impact on the neighborhood. He slated that if a resident has seven cars and parks all seven cars in a cul-de-sac, that adversely affects the neighborhood. Chair Schaub stated he still does not see what that has to do with the land use, Cm. Biddle stated it is good to have some .of these discussions. Hc stated that parking is always an issue whether it is residential or commercial. Cm. King stated lhat if enough garages are converted on the same strcct because of too many kids, at some point those kids are going to have cars. Cm. Fasulkey slated !lmt City Council approved thc ordinance. The Planning Commission was given direction to review the situation, Staff pulled data from many other cities and brought it before the PlaIming Commission and the City Council for review. There will be a time when the Commission will have to turn down a garage conversian based on advcrse affects to the neighborhood, Cm. Biddle stated this garage conversion is a little different than thc previous because the door is remaining. The ncw room will be ten feet by ten reet with no modifications to plumbing. He asked if a false flaar would be required. Ms. Macdonald stated that thc projcct will be subject to a building permit and will havc to build a floor ta be level with the rest of the house. Cm. Biddle asked if it will meet handicap rcquircments. Ms, Macdonald stated yes. On a motion by Cm. Wehrenberg, seconded by Chair Schaub, by a 5-0, the P1anning Commission unanimously adopted RESOLUTION NO. 05- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF A GARAGE TO RESIDENTIAL LIVING SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 7052 AMAODR VALLEY BOULEVARD, P A 04-064 (APN 941-0204-004) -~~ OTHER BUSINESS - None ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Il'f4ßm"l1 CØlß1lfÍlIÎmI 'R¡¡¡uf4r !lltutillg 46 P.6rudry 22, 2005 !J'1'Z! <I11'11~ 2~ q I Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager ' C"",milsúm 'RJ¡pJitr M..ting 47 <F.6rwary 22, 200J ~13b':; I CITY CLE~K File # nVl1~[ti]-[g][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Public Hearing, PA 03-002, City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance Amendment, First Reading - Amendment to Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. These amendments will allow for the conversion of garages to living space in R-l, Single Family Residential zoning districts by means of a Conditional Use Permit. Report Prepared by Jerf Ram, Plannfng Manager and Mamfe R Wajjle, Assfstant Planner W- I. Draft Planning Commission Minutes, February 25, 2003 2. Planning Commission Staff Report, Febmary 25, 2003 (includes Staff Report and Minutes ITOll the January 28, 2003 Planning Commission meeting) 3. Planning Commission Resolution 03-04 recommending City COlUlcil approval of an amendment to Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance 4, Ordinance Amending the Dublin Zoning Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: V~ L Open Public Hearing and receive Statfpresentation; 2. Question Staff; 3. Take testimony from the Public; 4. Close Public Hearing and deliberate; 5. Waive the reading and introduce the Ordinance to amend the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No financial impact. BACKGROUND: At the November 19, 2002 City Council meeting, the City Council directed Staff to review an amendment to the Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Dublin Zoning Ordinance currently requires that each residential dwelling provide two, off-street parking spaces in an enclosed garage. TIlls parking requirement prevents the conversion of garages to living spaces unless two, enclosed parking spaces can be provided elsewhere on the lot _w_____~___________~.~~~_________________~___~____________ø_~____________M__________________R~___________ COPIES TO: ATTACHMENT 1 ..--..--... 3Do1-.'9l At the City Council's direction, Staff proceeded with an amendment to the Dublin Zoning Ordi~anc~ to remove the word "enclosed" ITom the parking requirement. Staff prepared a report and presented the proposed amendment to the Planning Commission on January 28,2003. The Planning Commission received Staff's presentation, received public testimony, deliberated, and directed Staff to provide alternatives and studies to address the following concerns regarding the conversion of garages to living space: I) traffic and safety, 2) infrastructure/service impacts, 3) scope of conversions, 4) aesthetics and design standards, and 5) grand-fathering (Attachment 2, see February 25, 2003 Staff Report Attachment 2 for January 28, 2003 Planning Commission Minutes). At the February 25, 2003 Planning Commission meeting, Staff returned with a report that addressed the Planning Commission's con.cerns and presented a solution to address them (Attachment 2, see February 25, 2003 Staff Report). Staff recommended a Conditiorial Use Permit process, with the Planning Commission as the decision making body, to conditionally approve requests to convert garages into living space. In order for the Planning Commission to approve a Conditional Use Permit, certain findings would have to be madc to address issues such as, compatibility with adjacent properties; adverse impacts to health, safety and welfare; impacts on property or improvements in the neighborhood; whether the site is physically suitable for the changes being proposed; and, consistency with development regulations for the zoning district in which the project is located. Under the Conditional Use Permit findings, traffic and safety would be reviewed for adverse impacts to, the subject site; adjacent properties; neighborhood improvements; and, the public health, safety, and welfare. Impacts to inrrastructure or services, including street sweeping and waste receptacle placement, would be addressed by requiring that two, off-street parking spaces be provided. The scope of conversions would be bound by the development rcgulations for the R-I Single Family Residential Zoning District, including but not limited to, heights, setbacks, and lot coverage, The addition of a new finding, to the conditional use perinit findings for garage conversions, would address design and architecture, allowing the Planning Commission to review and approve the physical appearance of a proposed garage conversion. This new finding would read: H. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of cxterior appurtenanccs, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the proj ect and as conditions' of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses. The issue of grand-fathering is not applicable to the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments because the City of Dublin has never allowed the conversion of garages to living space. If the proposed amendments are adopted, illegal conversions could be legalized and pe¡miued through the Conditional Use Permit and Building Permit processes. On February 25,2003, the Planning Commission received Stafrs presentation, received public testimony, deliberated, and indicated its support of Staff's recommendation by adopting a Resolution (Attachment 3) recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance (Attachment 4) to amend Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Pennitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8,76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Con.ditional Use Permit of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. r' -' Following the Planning Commission's action, Staff noted that clarification to the text of the ne:J~~ 'for design and architecture was needed. The following phrase (in italics) was added to the new finding: H. For the conversion of single family residential garages tQ living spar:e, architectural considerations, including the character, scalc and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, ... By clarifYing that the new finding is for the conversion of single family residential garages only, other uses requiring a conditional usc permit, i.e. martial arts studios, churches, massage establishments, will not be subject to the finding on design and architecture. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed clarification to the new finding and determined that the change is minor in nature and does not need to go back to the Planning Commission for review. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On August 111, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution l03-97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance in this manner would have a significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3). Various changes to the Zoning Ordinance listed above are proposed which would not increase or create environmental impacts. These changes will havc no environmental impacts and are also exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a significant effect on the environment. CONCLUSION: The Zoning Ordinan.ce (Chapter 8.120) requircs that all zoning ordinance amendments be heard by the Planning Commission and following a public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a written recommendation to the City Council whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the amendment_ The Planning Commission reviewed the proposal to remove the word "enclosed" ITom the off-street parking regulations to allow for the conversion of garages to living space and dctermined that additional studies were necdcd in order to address concerns related to, traffic and safety; infrastructure/service impacts; the scope of conversions; aesthetic and design standards; and, grand-fathering. Staff presented the Planning Commission with an alternative that addressed their concerns by proposing a Conditional Use Permit process for reviewing and approving requests to convert garages to living space. The Planning Commission heard the proposal and recommended that the City Council approve an amendment to Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Pcrmit. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Council, open the public hearing and receive Staffpresentátion, close the public hearing, deliberate, waive the reading, introduce the Ordinance (Attachment 4) to amend the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, and continue the public hearing to the Aprill, 2003, City Council Meeting_ · DRAFT A 'regular meeting of the Oty of Dublin Plarillirlg Commtssion was held on Tuesday, Febru1'J~ '1 \ 2003, in the Dublin Civic Ce:n.ter City Council Chambers. Chairman Fasulkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1/1***" **..* ROLL CALL Prese:n.t: Commissioners, Fasulkey, Jennings, Nassar,King and Machtmes; Jeri Ram, Planning Manager; Mamie Waffle, Assistant Planner; and Autumn McGrath, Recording Secretary *" ... $; *" *" II ! * 4= *. '\; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG em. Fasulkey led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegj¡¡nce to the flag. *"'**:+ ....**** ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA The Minutes of February 11, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted. **** II * þJ l$ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None **** * .***~ WRITTEN COMMUNIC'A TIONS - None ÞI<**. lit **** PUBLIC HEARING 8.1 P A 02-041 - General Plan and Eastem Dublin Specific Plan Amendment for Site 15-A Emerald Park œfa:nnil'llJ Commission 'l?JßuCar ;Meeting 22 Pe6nmry 25, 2003 \J ~ ........ r, ¡/ DRAFT Staff reconunended that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and ron.tinue ~; p~~ ~ hearing to March 11, 2003. . Cro. Pasulkey opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to address the Commission; hearing none, he dosed the public hearing, and requested a motion to continue Item 8.1 to March 11, 2003. On motion by Cm. Machtmes, seconded by Cm. Jennings, and a vote of .5-0, the Planning Commission unanimously approved rontinu¡mce to the March 11, 2003 hearing. On motion by C~, Todd, seconded by Cm. King, and a vote of 5-0, the Planning Commission unanimously approved continuance to : 8.2 P A 03-002 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Pennit. These amendments will allow for the conversion of garages to living space in R-l, Single Family Residential zoning districts by meill1S of a Conditional Use Pennit. Ms. Waffle presented the StaH Report and Power point presentation of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments to the ZOIÙng Districts and Pennitted Uses of Land; Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Ms. Waffle referenced the January 28, 2003 hearing when this item was originally heard and continued, and reiterated the concerns expressed by the Commission at that hearing concerning aesthetic and design standards; impacts on traffic and safety; infrastructure/serviœ impacts; scope of garage ronversions; incorporation of design standards; and grandfathering. She noted that the Staff Report and amendments reflected Staff's recommendations for addressing and resolving the Commission's conœrns, proposing a CUP process to convert a garage mto living space in the R-l Single Family Residential Zonmg District. She also noted that a new Fmding would be added to the CUP (Design/Architech1re) to allow the Commission to consider design standards m the CUP process. Ms. Waffle distributed a revised copy of the proposed Ordinance (Attachment 5 of the Staff Report) to the Commissioners and citizens in the audience, noting that specific wording had been inadvertently omitted from the original version. Œ'fanning Cr.nnmi.ssion ~guúzr 'Mooting 23 'Fe6rum) 25, 2003 DRAFT .' -;.¡.fol ,~\ There was extensive discussion between Staff and the Commission regarding specifics of the 0 proposed amendments. em. King asked questions about the amendments, specifically the CUP; and expressed concern about the parking impacts that could arise from a garage conversion. Ms. Waffle responded that residents would still be required to maintain two enclosed off-street parking spaces, but that as part of the CUP application process, a resident could be allowed an exception to the "enclosed" garage requirement. However, for approval of the CUP, residents would be required to provide two full size off-street parking spaces. With off-street parking still required, the parking impacts from a conversion would be minimal or non-existent. Ms. Waffle noted that the Zoning Ordinance currently states that an enclosed garage must be "maintained". She stated that by amending the QrClinance, the Planrling Commission would be able to review the parking issues, and other concerns, for each conversion request and CUP. em. King asked about the architectural considerations and how an applicant would be required to provide design plans for the Commission's review. Ms. Ram stated that as part of the application material, submittal checklists are provided to all applicants who apply for a CUP. ' Cm. King asked if other cities had design standards or guidelines for garage conversions, and asked if more specific language should be used, noting Homeowner Associations established very specific guidelines. Cm. Machtmes recorrunended that the design standard language for the City of Dublir1 should remain less specific for pre-existing hom€s, as the home designs would be very different and would require case-by-case consideration, Both Staff and the Commissioners agreed that the City of Dublin's design standards have consistently improved over the years and that high quality design could be achieved without specific and bir1ding language to limit garage conversions. em. King asked how the CC&R's would be addressed if they conflict with City regulations, and expressed concern that without explicit language, there is confusion and misunderstandings. He noted that it would be beneficial to have disclaimer language to prevent miSUIlderstandings ir1 the íPÚtnning Commi<sion q¡¡guIar:Meeting 24 pe6ruary 25, 2003 DRAFT ~c. ;k ,- , ¡"".t t\ :¡;. ~ : interpretation of City regulations and Homeowner Association CC&R's, since often CC& 's h "- differing or additional regulations than those mandated by the City. Cm. Machtmes noted that often çÍtizens have other legal responsibilities that the City is not involved in, and stated that he believed it would not be the City's place to ad vise applicants of those responsibilities. He added that he was not adverse to a renûr1.derthatwould prompt the applicant to verify that there were no other legal factors and responsibilities affecting their application. Cm. King asked if the Planning Commission would hear all the CUP, reviews for garage conversions. Ms. Ram confirmed that the Planning Commission would review the applications. Cm. Machtmes asked for clarification on the required two fuil size off-street parking spaces, which was shown on the Power point presentation with a house with a single-car garage conversion. He asked if in that situation would a homeowner be allowed to convert the garage with only a single- car driveway. M¡¡, Ram answered that in that ¡¡ituation a homeowner would not be allowed to have a conversion, as two full size off-street parking spaces would be required. em., Machtmes also asked for clarification on whether or not new housing projects could be built without garages. Ms. Ram stated that the new housing projects are zoned Planned Development (PD) and would have to apply for a CUP as well as a Site Development Review (SDR). Cm. Fasulkey opened the public hearÍIlg, and asked if anyone from the public wished to address the Commission, There were three citizens who addressed the,Commission. They stated that they were against the recommendation as proposed with a CUP requirement and wanted to have the issue remain a "parking" issue and have the word "enclosed" removed from the Ordinance, as discussed by the City Council in November 2002. Mr. Ken Young spoke on behalf of himself and his wife Cindy, and stated that he believed that there ha.s been a misUIlderstaIlding regarding the CouncU's direction and intent on the parking <Pf.anning Cummission '/,fguCar'MeetifIiJ 25 'l'eGruary 25, 2003 DRAFT 3/P "6 .~ \ ordinance. He referenced the November 19, 2002 City Council meeting and noted that he believed I that the Council's intent' was to require ofi-stJ:'eet parking but not require that parking to be enclosed, thereby removing the word" enclosed" from the ordinance. He stated that he felt the issue at hand was not about garage conversions, but rather about parking. He added that he felt that the current parking ordinance was discriminatory and inconsistent because a resident could use the garage for storage (and not use it for parking), yet would be in compliance; but that once there is a permanent structure in the garage, it would not be legal or permitted. He stated that he was against the recommendation as proposed with a CUP requirement, and wanted to have the word "enclosed" removed from the parking ordinance. He asked if the Commission were to approve this recommendation, would there be a right of appeal on the CUP application following Commission action. Cm. Fasulkey stated that there would be a normal appeal process, and encouraged Mr. YOUTIg to contact the Planning Department for information on that process, Ms. Esther Vigil spoke and stated that she was discouraged following the previous Commission hearing of this issue, and felt that she was not going to be allowed to continue to use and maintain the dark room in her garage if thc parking ordinance was not changed to allow non-enclosed parking. She also noted that the presentations did not represent the City 6f Dublin's conversions, and that if canopies and the storage of trash in the front of homes was a concern, then she stated that it should be a separate issue from a parking regulation issue, Cm. F;'Isulkey explained that Staff had been directed to provide examples from cities where conversions were allowed, and obtain infonnation from those cities as to specifics of the process, He added that this information was necessary to enable them to make informed decisions on the issue to better serve the community. Ms. Linda Lamke spoke and stated that if the City was concerned about the parking issue, then the violators who do not use their garages (or other off-street spaces for parking) should be cited. She added that residents should not be required to have enclosed parking and should be able tp convert their living space. Cm. King advised Ms. Lamke that the Mayor of Dublin is very concerned about the issues under discussion and encouraged her to email or contact the Mayor about her concerns. Cm. Fasulkey also encouraged Ms. Lamke to contact the City's Staff if she had complaints or comments. il'liznning Commission ,%gufar'Meeting 26 <Fe6nlary 25, 2003 DRAFT . 3-' N:ì\ When the citizens had finished addressing the Commission, Cm. Fasulkey asked if anyone els\? wanted to address the Commission; hearing none, he closed the public hearing, and the Commission deliberated. Cm. Jennings stated that she wanted clarification regarding the City Council's intent of the item, whether it was a parking or garage conversion issue. Cm. FasuJkey summarized the issue and explained that as an attempt by the City Council to allow garage conversions, the word "enclosed" was proposed to be removed from the parking regulations. He noted that the City has never allowed garage conversions, and Councilman Sbranti had requested consideration to allow conversions. At the r anuary 28 hearing, the Commission had determined that unmanageable issues resulted from the removal of the word "enclosed", and expressed concerns about the ramifications, such as parking issues and the rippling effects to the neighborhoods, aesthetics, public safety, etc. They had asked Staff to address those resulting issues, and consequently, Staff undertook the task of addressing the concerns while considering the City Council's request to allow garage conversions. Therefore, Staff has submitted the recommendation to amend the Zoriing Ordinance and propose a CUP process to convert a garage into living space in the R-l Single Family Residential Zoning District. Cm. Jennings asked what the adjoining cities' policies were on garage conversions and there was additional discussion between Staff and the Commission about other cities that allow garage conversions. Upon deliberation, em. Fasulkey requested a motion. On motion by Cm. King, seconded by Cm. Machtmes, and a vote of 4-1, with Cm. Jenrúngs voting against the project, the Planning Conunission approved: . RESOLUTION 03-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE OTY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8.76 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS; AND,. CHAPTER 8.100 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP), OF THE DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE P A 03-002 rpÚ!nniTIß Commis.sion !JI,øguÚ!r :Mceti1!{J 27 Pe6rumy 25, 2003 Cm. Fasulkey asked if there was any other new or urtfinished business. DRAFl 3~~1 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Ram discUssed the Goals and Objectives Workshop scheduled for March 1, 2003, and gave specifics of the agenda. She also discussed future Oty COilllcil aI\d Planning Commission meeting items. ADTOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Chairperson A TrEST: Planning Manager C,\MINTJJ:ES\2003\Phmnlng- Commi",ion\2-25.(!3 pc min-do< Œ>Ca1! Commissirm 'RJ8u£ar :M.eeti"fj 28 'Fe6ruary 25, 2003 , 'AGENDA STATEMENT - PLANNING COlVlMlSSION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 2003 :¥ìtb ~ I " SUBJECT: PA 03-'002 City of Dubfuï, Zoning Ordiilillu::eAniel1dnielit - Amendment to Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and permitted USeE óf Lahd; Chapter 8.76, Off- Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Cbåpter 8.1 00, Conditional Use Permit of the Dublin Zoning OTdinance. These arnendmert1S will alloW for the conversion of gilttges to living spacë in R-l; Single Faßlily ResidentiaJ. zoning diStricts by meaIÌS of a ConditiolUll USë petm.itDtt-- Prepared by Mamie R. Waffte, Assistant Planner '"¡\' ATTACHMENTS: 1. January 28, 2003, Plát1l1Î1Jg COIllDÛssiQn Staff Report 2. Jiu1uatý 28, 2003, Plâ1Jriing CommisSion minutes on Zoning Ordinance Amendment 11 Cbapter 8.76, Off Street Parking and Loading Regulations 3. Chapter 8.100.060, Conditiônâl Use Required Findings 4. Resolution reconnJ:lei1ding the City Council adopt the ordinance amending the Dübiin .zônibg OrdinafiCe 5. Ordlnance amending Chapter 8.12 ZoningDistritts and Pennitted ' Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Penùit of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, OpeD, Public Hëarihg and receive Staff presentation; Take testii:iionY trom the Public. Question Staff anò the Publici; Close Public Hearing arid dëliberate; Adopt resohïtioh (AtttlChn1ent 4) recommending the City Council adopt the Ordinance (Attachment 5) to amend the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. BACKGROUND: At the January 28, 2003, Planning Commission meeting, Staff brou.ght forth 1m, item, at the request of the City Council, concerning 1m amehdment to the City'soff-stieðt parking requirement for single-family residential dwellings. The proposed amendment would eliminate the requirement for two, off-street parking spaces in 1m endosed garage, Imd require only two, off-street parking spaces for the purpose of converting residential garages to living space (Attachment I). Staff's report recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the \ZíÍy Council adopt 1m Ordinance to amend the City's Off.street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission received Stafi's presentation, received pnblic testinlony, deliberated and directed Staff to provide alternatives and studies regarding aesthetics and design standards; impacts on traffic and safety; inITastructure impacts such as, garbage collection; the scope of potential conversions; incorporating design standards; and how to address grand-fathering. (Attachment 2). _..........----_...............~----------------------------~--~y---- - ---------~~ COPIES TO: In House Distribution --. - -- G:\PA#\2003ì03-Oi;l2\F'L;.SR 2-25-03.DOC DESCRIPTION: '10% "1'" The Dublin Zoning Ordinance =ently requires that each residential dwelling provide two, off-street parking spaces in an enclosed garage. This parking teqJittement·prevents the conversion of gEU'ages to living spaces unless two, enclosed parking spaces can be pró:vi;dðd elsewhere en the lot. By removing tl).e word "enclosed" :ITüm the parking requirement, residellts wou]d be able to convert their garages to living spaces and new homes could be built without grmlges. Requests to convert garages would be reviewed upon application for a building peanit. The applicant would submit plans showing how they propose to convert their garage to living space. The BuildiDg Department would review the plans for conformance with the Unifonn Building Code. The Planning Department would also review the plans to ensure the proper setbacks, lot coverage and height limits were lPaintained, and that two off~street parking spaces eould be provided. However, Stafi"would not have the ability to review the design of the conversion or impose conditions of approval to mitigate potential impacts from the conversion, At the Planning Commission meeting on JIWuary 28, 2003, the Commission raised the following concerns regarding the con.version of garages to living spaces; 1) traffic and sô'IÍety, 2) inITastructurelservice impacts, 3) scope of cCJ!iversions, 4) aesthetics and ¿esigTI standards, and 5) grand-fathering. Staffbas reviewed those concerns and developed a solution to address thero. ANALYSIS: Staff recommends a Conditional Use Pennit process, with the Planning Commission as the decision making body, in order to conditionally approve requests to convert garages into living space. In order to approve a Conditional Use Pennit, certain findings mUst be. made to address issues such as, cómpatibility with adjacent properties; adverse impacts to health; safety 1I!Id welfare; irn.pacts on property or iroprovenlents in the neighborhood; whether the site is physically suitable for the changes being proposed; and, consistency with developrnentregulations for the zoning district in which the projeot is located. In addition to the findings for a Conditional Use Permit, Staff recommends adding a new fmding to address the design of garage conversions. This new finding would read: Architectural oonsiderations, including the oharacter, scal~ and quality of the design, the archite¢tural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been inoorporated into the projeèt and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept or theme and the chara.oter of adjacent buildings, neighborhøods, and uses. Traffic amI Stifety: Under the Conditional Use Permit fin.dings (Attachment 3), traffic and safety concerns would be reviewed for adverse impacts to, the subject site; adjacent properties; neighborhood lmprovernents; and, the public health, safety, and welfare. Upon receiving a Conditional Use Permit application, Staff would review the proposal and repórt to the Planning Commission on issues specific to the site such as, whether the subject site is suitable for the conversion of a garage to living space; whether adequate parking exits on-site to satisfY two off-street parking spaces; whether on-street parking is available; and, whether adequatc site-distance relationships exist. The Planning Commission would also be able to adopt Conditions of Approval to reduce any foreseeable impacts on traffic and safety. 2 LHoJ...~1J Inftìi!tti,icPÞ:e/Service ImpactS: . . . , ·U Im¡Ja.Ct$tØ'Ï11fraSt11,ICture or smices, includi.tJg street sweeping and waste recðptacle placen1<mt. woµid be !lddre$S~;ði$Y,,~1lirli1gili j,t two; óff"str/\êt paiking spiìces be proVided. In order f¢r Ii Conditional U sf P.¢®it : to be~t~d,a:n appli9Wlt wouJdhavetosh9w where on thl;:iI lotth!:ycoffid provide the t\vQ, off-stroot patJ.ciPß ijíá~. TbiS.r¢quirement wot\Jd þrfNeiltfhë diSpJ.aç;emwt ofvehiollô parking to the public str¢ei, Scope oJi;QnverlwftS: Development tëgillatio11.s have been established for every zoning dÎstrict throughout the City. Conditional Use Permit ¡¡pplications to convert garages to living space would be held to the development regWwons for the residel1:tW~g: district. in w!\¡i¿"þ the dwelling was located. These regulauons inclµg.ë, h¢ight,S, setba~, äntilöt µÒyetag:~. . Reqûests tò o®vert garages woµid not impact these l1Igii1ä.tions sinþe the'i)ii¡ eXisting and already meets the h¡rlght¡ setback, and lot coverage requiremen1S, Ae$t#etipsciiJ./il)(!$ign Stillid4rí.4: - The àdditiOli of Ii new :6J;I4jng, to thi: ÇQ!.iditiQi}al us¢ pf!t¡Iri~. f!:ritj.lp.,gs fptglimgeöQnyersions, wOll1d speqii;ieàllYadQ:rt:i¡s@$i~Wlti~obiw¢tUtë; 1!lid alloW tbëP~ C~ssiò\ll. to r¢'l'itiWarKtlipp1'6ve the physiþìû\IPpeln1lP-çe. of a prøp()seQ. ga:rnge,opn"tifsipn,.. ConditiQi1ßÄÎ apþtovål cöilld be adopted. to reduce adverse vii;iliil impa6ts and Improve the qUi\1ity df the design. While the conversíon of one-, two- or three-car garages to living spaces typically alters the exterior of a residential dwelling, this is not always the case. According to the Unifort1J. Building Code, a convf!lted garage can retaip the existing garage door allowing tM home. to maintain its' outward appearance and preserve tl;1ë unifotroity withbi the neighborhood. Retaicing the garage door is optional and is not required by the Building Code, / Othë:r jurisdictions which have allowed garage conversions provide examples of various designs used to incorpotate a· garage conversion into the overall design of a home and the neighborhood. Design elemènts COJDillowy include, urufonn colors and materials; architectural features such as, sty]e of windows, aVl11ings, stone or brick overlays; and, articulation of building walls. De'i¡jnE~'"~: UnllormGclors & Mä, A..,lngt, Windows, ROOf Piton Design . ".menls: Uniform 0010,..."; Mate'nala; Wall, Wlndo.... 3 Design Element.: None Desl¡ n'5Iemel'1t" 'Uniform Colors & Materiels, WindoWS Grant/:fathefing: Garage conversioris coIJŠtrIicted With pern:rits under Ahinieda CoMty woüld have beeu griind- fathered when the City oftJublin adopted the drdiniulce to eliminate the abiJity to convert a garage by requiring tWo, off- street patkihg spaces iu ail enclosed garage. The exact number of garage c6riversio11$ built IlÌldei: Alameda County, or prior to the City adopted ordinance to eliminate conversions, is not known. Tò the best ofEtaff's knowledge, only one garllge conversion has been permitted since the City incorpora.1t:d, While it is not known how many illi!ga.l oonversiotis exist, there are ourrently three under code enforcement actiou. If the proposed Z01ling'Ordinance amendments are adopted, illegal conveI'sio11$ can be legalized and per:mitted by going through the COnditional Use Permít and Building Pcrmit prooesses. Amendment: Attached is 11 draft Ordinance that would address the Plannihg Cotnmissions concerns anq itnplemeIit the, City Cpurlcii' s direction. In eSsence, the Zoning Ordinanç,c continues to require twc\, eni;ildsed, off-street parkirig späç:esper s.iiig1e-fanrily resideritia! unit,. However, if $OmeO!le wants to convë!t thèir garage to a living. BP. .·.ae. e.,..$.".·.. t):¡. .. a...t.·.th. ey.··.wo.... ul.,.d n. .ø. 10.J:i. ..g."!'tt. b...èable to.' . park vehit;je. 5 4w.ide, .th..e. Y.m. ay. b. e a....þl..'I:() d. 0..50.' .. .In. .. 0.' rc.ier to conVí\l'! a ga.nlgë tö HYî11.g SPace,thþ resident would be rèquirt;ð to 'sub¡I¡it áh <ìpþlication for a Coilditiôfuil Use Perri).it.With thePlä.iïW1g Cotfui:i.isslon as the decision ri1.øg body. All Conditional Use Pennit findings; inélU/lii1gthe adQ.it5òIlal :findiü:g for desjgw'atchitectlJr¡j1 cønsicieratioIlS, wQüld have to. be met itl1d any foreseeabfe ad"ersë irnþäcts addressed, prior to a,ppiovål Qr through COrti;!itiøIiS of Approval. Th~ applicaht would be regÜÎièd to show that two, full-size, off-street par1clng spaces oatJ. be provided; iü: art approved area on their lot, prior to converting their garage. For exwnple, if they can provide two, full-size parking spaces on the drivewa)', that would satisfy the regulations. In addition, garage conversions would have to comply With all other City regulations (building permit, etc.). Environmental Review: On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, inclnding Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulations is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It can be seen wíth certainty that there is nO possibility that revising the Zoning Ordinance in this :manner would have a significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3). Various changes to. the Zoning Ordinance listed above are proposoo 4 which would not increase or creare: environmental impacts, These cban¡.,_~ will have no en~~lJ, irnþâcts and are also exempt from the Cälifornia Environm~tal Quality Act (CEQA) b<::cauSei(Óäri. be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a significant ef;t~ct on the environment. CONCLUSION: The Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.120), requires that all zoning ordinance amendments (such as the proposed amendments to Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and pennitted Uses of Land.; Chapter 8,76, Off- Street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Pe=it) be heard by the Planning Conwission and following a public hearing, the PlanniD.g Commission shall make a written recommendation to the City Council whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the amendment. The proposed Ordinance (Attachment 5) implements City Council direction and addresses Planning Commission COIlCerns. RECOM1\1ENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and receive Staff presentation, take testimony ITOm the public, question Staff and the public, close the public hearing, deliberate and adopt resolution (Attachment 4) recomroending that the City Council adopt the Ordinance (Attachment 5) to amend the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 5 GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: LOCATION: ASSESSOR PARCELS: GENERAL PLANI SPECIFIC PLA."N DESIGNATION: EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 CityWide Various Various Various '-I'4t{) '9 , " 6 LI: . "0 "11 . >" AG$~i\S1:ATE~N'J' ....... ...... . . '"' PLANNÏN-GOQMMISS:tÖNM;F1ETINGDA'I'Jt: JÁNUARY 28.:m03. ., ,'" ·...:t,',/o,',. ,.:., ':," ' .' SUBJECT: PA. 03.002 CifYèJ~þ~~z,oiüßg Çrdirianœ ÁlIlendIDlllt ....f.m(:ndníenHO Cha:pter 8.76, Off.strecihrking and Loading Regullltions of the Dublin Municipal Code (Zoning OrdinaDce) . :...../..,. Prepared by Jeri Rmn,Planning Manager '-'<" 'y" 4. November 19;~OO;¡', Oity CciJi!lcil ~gç,nda SÙltëir!~ N()v6l1i_:l~;20ò2. City. GotijÌcil miì1irtes ön RmpbttoD, Residenti¡¡1 ó€f¡:s~pW..n· .,.' . ,,~,,!U'~ ..' '" .' ..... . . ....' ... ..~sOi~ónreço¡nnien~~ }io/C0Ul1c¡1 f!dopt tm.órd41!1J1ce '., åh!ì!~~Ii~:bubtinMQ!eÍl!åtCO(\è (Z¡juii1g0rdi~c¢) , ~ån~:ariìe.n¡ÜngCþ.vt~~i 76(Qff"Stteet PlIIkinS ~dJ..øading' Regulations of !hi: Dúblitl Municipàl Code. '. . ,"';ï'¡;! ATTACHMENTS; L. 2,,·' 3. -,'," 1. . 2. 3, 4. 5. Open Public Hearing and receive SUIff presentation; Takt testi¡1i(¡I\Y i.h:>m.:thI'.Eublié; Q1kstíonSt1!ff~d the PùQlic; " ClbSê-(PubIiÎf~eS.ringaß(1 deliberate) . 'Adop.t'resi:ilution (Auathµ¡ent)) r~ommendin¥;t,heCi1Y Council adopt the Ordinance tAttachment 4) to amend the Dublin Municipäl Code. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGR.OUND: . '.: ~ I . ' ", , " " ,": " ',',' ". ,",,",'" 'r" Atthe-Noy~ ~9, 20Ö2,êity Counçil,¡:neetüìg.SWfbrou.ghtf~ !!,I)itC:¡µ lit thereQ1!l"1itØf. . Councilroember Tim Sbranti to consider modification of the City's' enclosed parkiµg ~eI).tfor single- family residential dwelling units by eliminating the requirement for1WO enclosed off.-stréet pBÌ"kihg spaces and requiring only two off-street parking spaces (Attaclunent I). The pmpose of the modifications would be to allow conversation of garages to provide additional living space in residential dwelling units. Staff's r<":port recotIJIDended that if the City Council would like Staff to work on the amendment, additional studies and infonnmion wolÙd be provided In a further report, The City Council received Staff's presentation, deliberated and direCted Staff' to prepare the amendment without the additional studies (Attachment 2). Amendment: Attached is a draft Ordinance that would implem¥nt the City Council's direction. In essence, the Ordinance continues to require twO off-street parking spaces per single-family residential unit. However, it remove:; the requirement to enclose the spac~. Therefore, if someone wishes to modify their garage so that they would ---~~--------:------~-~-- COPIES TO: In HollSe Distribution ITEMNO.~ Q:\p¡>,;N! O~\I!O.OC:!\Pc "offrop""DOC ._, 4IoCb~ I I I . not be abl"to park vehicles in it, theymaý'6e abI7tcft!oso. In order to convert the garage, the applicant would have tó show thadheycan provide' the reqUited petldng elsewhere in an approved area Qn!h" lot. For example, if they can provide two full-size parking spaces on the driveway, that would satisfy the regulations. In addition, they would håvetocmnply with all other City I'egulatiom: (buildjng permit, etc.). EnvirOllml!JltlJI Revim: . On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 fwdingthat the Comprehemive Revision to the Zouing Ordinance, îµcludiJIg Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking And Loading Regulati~ns;isexem,pt from the Califomia ErtviroIlír\Mtal Qua1ity Act (CEQA). It can ,-be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that revisilÌg - the Zoning Ordinance in this manner would håve a significant effect on the environment (Section IS061(b)(3). Võlrious changes to the'MunicjpálCode listed above are proposed which would not inèh,as.. - (it create Mvirorm'lental im.pacts;.- These changes will have no environmental impacts and are also exeinptfuim th.. California E¡:\vÎ:tonmentB.1 Quality Act (CEQA) because it can be seen with certai~ that there is rlO' possibility that such -- amendment:; wo:tild have a significant effect On the envirownent. CONCLUSION: The Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.120), requires that all zoning ordinance amendments (such as this proposed amendment to the Off-Street Parkfug Regulations) - be he¡¡rd by the Planning Commission and following a publk: hearing, the Plannihg' COlllJI],ission shàll.make a written recommondatioIl to the City Council whether to- approve, approve with modifications 01' disapprove the amendment. RECOMMENDATION Staffrecomm~ that the Planning Coniìnission open the public hearing andrecei"" Staffprcscntat1o!\, tak;e testimony fÌ'om the public, question Staff and the public, close the pnbJic hearing, deliberate and adopt resolution (Attathmeht 3)-recottI1'D.ending that the City Council adopt the Ordinance (Attachment 4) to aintnd the Dûbllii Municipal Code. 2 ..f'-"-- 41lÞò'~ I . CI:T'Y.,C L E R K File #fl~f1~~~ AGeNj)A$r~rEM1;NT . .,... "..' CITVCOUNCILMEETING DATE: Nqvemþer19,.2PQ2 SUBJECT: Resid.emiIllOO·Street Parking - Dis<:ussÎonof Çîty~'ui=1cnts Reporrbe:pared by; Jøri Ram, e¡rmTlI1!g Mimrlger~ .... ATT ACHMEN'l': 1. 2. Section 8,'761070.14 ofZo¢ng 0J:¡;1in¡ul<;þ P'JA"n¡ngDivision WoikPlTØgr~ stwfReportd$ed ]0/15/02 RECoMMENDATION:L aqfY'f. . , Re(:ei",e sœttimscntation, . '. ,,' Give Staff direction .on wheth~ø.<ÎdJ;tjona1 ~ie$sboDi.d ..... done on this issue and if it shouJd be added to ,staff's workprogram... FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCluPTIO:N: . N¡ rioattbinime. cmmcihnember Tim Sbnûill has requested thM the-GÏty Cmmci1 consider !riodific!iÛOD of the City's cnclo$f:d parking requirement bY elimimlûng the requirement for tw9 enclosed off-street parking spaces end rëijùirÜ1ji hnlf twoóft·SûWt parmi! Spàces. . In May 1982 (afterincorporetion) the City of DubJjn adopted the Alameda CoUllty Zoning Ordinance as the City of Dublirl ZOmng'C'rdinona," Over time; the City gradually amended f.IIId modffiilji the ZoDing Qrdmance to address the City of Dublin's needs and issues. Under the Alsmeda County Zonmg QrdiJJànot IIIId the Clitly CItY ofDU1;ilirl Zciwng Ordinance, two off-stteetpaclcin¡¡ spaces were rccquired for singie-fìui:rlly reiidélrtiat d",'etlin~ úìíits; i'hëre was nota requimnc:nt for theparlfuig~HP 1:\\: enclosed or cov~ed; however, there was II reqllirement that the two off·sœ=tpsrkittg,~1IS co\Ùd DQt be parked in a reqlJired front yard or the street side yard óf a comer lot This had the effect of not allowing for gØtâgc conversi~ asthère wasgenerâlly Iiowhcrc,clse to park the çan ofit.slreet As the City deve1opod on the ~t side of Dougbtc:ry Road. all the smglc-fiunily rdiderrtial unit.. were built in a córivim1ional stjrlè With two car· gamges·zmd standard driv.eway lc:ng(bs, Lot siZC$ were lsrger, in general, than they ax today in the newly devc1opin¡ areas. These \arger lots enable more on.strcct parking as the distances between driveways where parking is allowed is longer \ban on the narrow=r Jots. When the Eastem Du'tilin'Specific Plan \'IIIS:approvedin 1987,:¡he P·lanca1)eq.Jor P1l\1Wcdþ,evelopmen~ Zoning Districts as part of its împlemenœ:t:Î(¡n strategy, This strategy allows fur variations in ;roning s!åíidáids (in¿hidirigöff-strcet parking) to acccnnmeðstc differ!=¡)t typç,s of dwelling writs.. Additionally, the plan's vision is for an urbEIII type ofenvironmen~. As aresnIt, this more urban plan <:reates sm.ä1Jer, nfII'rower aDlhienset lot configurations. ThCSCli narrower loubave leSH,n·strect parking, -..-- ..----.. --- -,¡,.._...-- O:\A¡!o!Ida>l:Zoœ.\CCS~atk!··,1-t9'( "COO COPIES TO; :rn,.Housc Dimib1\tion .. - --- -... ...,. . -- ...... ;...._.... ITEM NO. ~ -c ......, _u_. ..,~. ~ Lf'$IJb 41 \ v ~;. , " '",'''.'ì' .: ", .,", -:.1"- :is\bere i$1ei;ssþace QeWVeen drivewaY'>. Additionally, some of the streets are privam and have restricted O[i7~ti~t~~I.iim~.Some$.'eetS, in fact, do not allow on-street parking at all and special guest pâfldrigïírëas 'are providêd. "Som" of the residential desÎgDS wry the front yard $etbacks. This variation in front yard setbacks may also coeate soo~ pr\; fuan.,_~qc¡nventionaL These driveways do not enable the parkÌt1g of caq¡ off street,a,s 1i1ea¢9trloÞ-¡ies ""òÜ1d dtend on to the sidewalk.. In short, the design oftbe sübdiVÌ8ióUBJlcfsite dêVelopm=nt miieW'öfthehoii:ies did Î1DtaIîÛC:ipm oonnrsion of the garage to ¡mother use. In 1997, the city c:ìfQuNûi coJJW!eteCia c\>Inþrél1ensivere\i:i$ioi1 to the C:îty of Dublin Zoning'ordinance. The revised Ordináfu:¡' in6ludedáw.v rc4l1i1'èirient thatsingle-fan1ily residentîal units must two off· street paIking spaces in an enclosed garage. Although Pl=ed Dcvelopmcmt ZorJ.Û)g DiBlricts have the ability to Vary froDl,the pai'k.ingReq\1imnents,i11I:Planiu:dDeVelóþment 7"";na Districtsf:~~~gl..... fElIIlÍij' ~ Uhhs,th!lt íhè, City hás aþprÓ incluðé 'the réquifim1entfor two off-IItreet'pllrking sr-ces in an enclosed garage. DuriD,g the past yea¡, Staff has opened several code'cnforcement,çases-re1ating to ~ gat'llgC, convbrsiont '-Sfidfmswor¡œ¡ 'VÌJ1b thehÒIneownê\'s and'wmmød them ,of1:beiroptÏons under the Zoning Ordinancé. ' '!'hoiir op'tionS are: " 1. Applying for a variance and having it approvc<t ,-Oraming of a variance 9Y th;: Planniµg Commission or City Council is diffic:ult, lIS the decision-makers must máe all five findings required by State law. One ofthQSe fmdings is that there is swncrtbing physically un~ , about the lot thllt deprives the property ownctS ftom devoJoping their propel'ty æ others in their ióiling<iistrict. Very few tcSidentúï1siteS in Dublin f!tÏl¡:1o thisœ.t¡;gory. 2. Apply to chBnge the Zoning OrdiDance to allowfOt ga;:age~onvemons by removingthe requirement for two off-street enclosed spaces; and 3. RÌòtUrti the g¡ïnge to its requireduse.Tbis involve5 .removing S1rUC1,ures II!Id walls. ,',. . Ifthoi"Ciìý CóurièH wóuld like Stafi'to Mther explore the pouibility ,of wpending ,the off-street parking requirefuents'fur$ing:¡c-c:lìmrily residential dwelling units, wallow fa¡ gllff\ge,¡;pnve¡¡¡joris, iSsues that wói.ï1d need tbbe ·!Idd1-essedindude; · The ability to iillowfor garage conversions throughout t111' City when the development pa.ttcms in Eaotem Dublin were speeîally tal10red for a certain pllrking configuration: · Equity ia!itJéS iforie pórtion of the CÎ1ycan convert ~garages. while the otherportiOIl oíthe City cànriot· ( . · Ad,e911aCY óf_on-s1reet parking to accommodate those who wish to conven their garage as aûtòmobil..s have beoolrié'larger andm.any familicsbave more than two ems; " ' · Loss of sight iines along residential strèets whiçh may inctease vebicuJar and, pedestrian l\OOidents; and · Thè in the stieetsëàpe påttèm of residential areas as m= and more cars move on to 1he ' street and offprivate properties. Addj'60ntilly, tJ:Ìi's itëm would ni:edro be added to Staff's work program and other high priority projects maytâlce longOI' to accomplish (see Attachment 2). ~11'b~1 ...~ iif' , As ~~1iW'~~~iti~I~Ik a1.It49~ by the City ëouncil 00 this item, Staff v:.ou1d prep¡n-e a staff report.~the1\)~\if¡æiÛ!i~~iíœ1'ï:\e,P1:hll!ldÇQnduct BSurvey ofBa,y AteIIjuri~ctiQns tÇI see whichci1iesätlow sa#$e CoI:IY~9µS-lina vðü¢hdò not. . ,. ·r- '. REcoMMÊNDAT1ÖJ'\h Receive swi ¡ircsentatiÒ11 åndgWeStaff diriiciiònoíiViti6thèr additiOmÙ studies sllould be done on1his issuc.~ ~f it sbo1>lç1\;1e ad(1!:4 t~ s~s work ¡m>wam' . ~,' . . "'·1,' ".; -. ",' . ~~, " QFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS . . . ~',' . ... .. ·'º&~W.17,8.7C! Tree remÞValtJ'e""'ceDient. "I"-~ tIW··· .. . cŸ.fi:tÝiïftreèS'ijÎ'à ~¡'¡ilbt 'dr' ...- ... ,'''f''''L''.,. IIlI\I..... '. .... " ....-- ,'( proposed parldng lot) in a IlOD-rll9Ídmtial ==·~ptopö~iobtrêi:DOvëdror wos1hetic reasons or fur ihe,purpose of increasing visibUtty: tB;'1IÎ~e..tbat removal or replacemerrt shall be purlUllnt to Site Developmèïl1'llmew. RmiovaI of.1m$. in pbI¡¡Il!I!Bhall tIOt:re1i~ ~ ~t of this o~gation. ImpaC!tJ to lidew~~. ~Sþeci5s1Jä]1be~¿¡=6ted Whiêh .",inl"';"'" Iiftiitg of sidewalkll Or paVeJIlCllt, T= sJ:uùI be pllUlt>!d withm "root barrlen" and providøci'with proper irriga1:iœ to MaDre deep. root aystems and a m;"';""1Im of liftiDg of sidøwalks and pavement. Driveway buffers. Drlv~ay¡¡:in multiple residentilll projects located in the R· , M mIring district sha.Il be sepmæed úom living qU8Itm by a lanIIseap=<i bUfÎer to the sa1isfactlon ofw DiIector Of C(ltIttl1untty Development. 19. I.JsbfiD&. ParlclD.¡¡ ft4'e8$ shell have lighting cap!ble of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. The minimlIlIl requIrement is 1 foot candle. moint.aí,,"<i IICrOSS the m¡rfi¡co of the parking øtaS.. Lighting .;iandards shall be lIIJergy-efficient IU!d in scale with the h=ight end use offue s1r\1Cttlre, AJlyn;.""'¡n"riQll, inc1uding œcurlty lighting, shall be directed eway fro1n adj6ÌIriI1g and public rights-of-way. , ':~.,::~..'. 61)Db tIÞ>./ : 1,/ ,. L m. n. 14. Location of Requ1redParkiDg Spaees L.:_ It. Single faødly lot. 1. Principal rœidcmee. All perking spaoes shall 'be located on the s~ pøreel as the residance they serve, mIless provided as II Rœid=tíel P~ Lot by Ihe Zoning AdIniIImtator pursuant to a CondItional Use P==it. Thl> roost distant parid!)g spaoe in a Rœid=tíal Pm1dng Lot $ball be not more than .ISO feet bm tho residences they serve. Parking Sp8C1:I required by1his CIuqrter shall bl> located within an fœlo~ed garage. Other thBn. the two TCqulred pragod parkmg spaceS. a mmcimvm of two vehicles (which shall inclYrle, but not be iimiwd to, an automoblle, elII', I tmck, or Reerw1ionaJ Vehicle) may be patked in tbe follow:ing arl>ftS if scteenoo by a 6' foot high bee or wall .md if at least one sidø yard is unobstruoted to a widthof36 mcMs: Areas 1, 2.,3a, 3b and 4. AdditiOD81 parking may 0= m w:œ. Sa. Parking in area 5b shall be as reqoirI>d by Selrtion 8.76.060.E.2. No park:ing: shall Ooout:in area Sc =cept lIS pmnitted by Section 8.76.050 .E.4. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a tlriveway shall not =Pl>l1BatI> for mqlDred enclosed garB iI' pBtldng. No parldng sha.\l 0= in Area 6. ". '6-14 Revhed NlWBmber I, 2002 ~__ 1 Ci1J> of Dub1Jn. Zoning Ordituznce ._. '",,:~,. , ",'j' <,'" .,.....,..,,:': ,", ì 1 ' - _ _ _._ _ 'r J "'I 1",2 'I, _' " I ~ ~o :i<ESIPENCE 41 ",! ' ~. j3b I ï I . I I I 6 I - ..L. I . , ,-,-- ,-- "1 I 5c 50 i 5b I " "STi<ËET FigUre 7~2 'q' , 5 '111- "Î I VI OFF.sTREETPARKlNG AND LOADtNG REGULATIONS Chapter 8,76 ',\' 1. ReIu' Y ørè. , 2. At.¡;étW!iciÍl RoarYard and ni81' ofresid.=~ '-:j, Sidðyå!<d .', a:. šin!dtSidëYariI i¡, S(~ 'laid. ' 4. '~~ siðÍi yatd end siae afresidençe 5. Fronty&e\ s.. DriveWay b. A%ea.'b\$'l'œn 1110 driveway an9 nearest Sido LotlJJlo ' " , " c.ÞdrivØ#r~II1~n!Ójit 1listant Si40Lot L.i.nocn: s,~ sidë Lot une, 6. Aro,o:'botwcen Front ysrd. and~H)f roøidence, -, '- - 2. SeÇimd UIÛt1S~king. Parking for a s(¡>ÇOIl4 1J¡µtrJ~~X be located !n1l1!!Sidc;'~lfspeci¡:¡ca11y<permìtted,by a. QQII4!tioµs! Use, Pei:mit~'bÿtb=7".,¡.,gA~.,1heCo¡¡djt;iQIW U oe 1'cmüf,höifieq1Jlte1l1åt' ¡îè;iitb ùUt'¡".:providdi\Q.Çity -, StalJdarås m:Jd !bat 1m Bncroac:bJncrrt Pemrit be grmIted by the Dircclot c>fPublic W olks. The principe! resid=nce shaJl comply with ~ reqø!nmm'.iS of this ÇI¡¡¡pte<'. CIiy of»uÞtin Zont'W ~ 76-15 IUviHd Ntn'ellÙJ~ I, 2QQ2 "".... 52tr10 ~ I ., ~, èlTY F=lIa# , AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Octòber 15, 2002 , ' Ccmmimity Dovclcpment De.pllrtmcat,.P1mclngDivision Wori<: l'rogmm Status lI.epol1 Prepa~d by: Jeri Ram, PlanniTlg ManagBr' ATTACHMENT: 1. Worl¡; Program Status Chert iœ:COMMENDATION; ~ Recr::;;v" 8Ie.ffp=tation SUBJECT: - FINANCIAL STATEI\I1ENT:' None at t11Îs tiråe. DXSCÌqpnON; _ " Attachment 1 is, the Work Prognuj,. foT the PlamWlg Divimon of t!1e ccnmimnJty Development DeparbDl'I1t. This 1ist Wchld~ the CityÖO¡¡¡¡¢l's hïgh prlorltyprojeeis. as id=¡tifiedin tb!; Goats ami Qbjocrti,- 2OQ2:.¡2003.the-G=unl pltm, ~II!Idm!:l'ltand Sp=cifio PbIn AmeildtnlllÎtStudi!!S as an1horized. 6'y'the City COII!lciI. other l<:mg-l'llDg<: and~tpltm,cingprojects. and oQde cmi'or=nmu. Over the paGt fcW'months, the worK ptr,~",-,-\ ¡¡u¡ sigr¡i!i~ changed by the scWtion of two new Geoeral Plan , Amcridlnent Studies and the discussiO:nIlÜiJ~'.êityCouncll ofthll postpOncmicnt of the Scarlett Com Mora1oómn \it,the,City.Co¡moi1meetil\gof'ÔC1I>Wt I, 2OOZ. , Status, As the dty eoundi cai:1 see ftom the attaChed Wori: Program, StBffis malåDg progress on !be majoritYnf the pIQjeçt¡¡., 11IeCio/11II!I contracted willi 4nt.w planning ccnsultant who wilt assist with 1IODlO, of the . ~tr!.~;"!!prQj,,bts: At the Cifý Cöunc:i1moefu¡g of o=tobcr 1. 2002. the CityCouDeil postpcmed thb S(\-aiietiCouti''Moratoriun¡ fur: oIi,; yœr; ''1'!be City Counoil 111$0 jndiçat¡;d that they would considct' postpocing Stliffwórkon fuO, Scs:rle1t Court'Spcclfio Plan fur One year m order to give the: property owners 1m opportunity to undertake positive dumgc.. within the area. Aß Ii. 1WUlt ofmnoVing the &:arlett Court SpllcificPlan &om !hI' PlamJint¡Division'. WOIkPmgram this yeaI, Staff will hav" m_ tiDloto worlc on other high priority goats ofthll City Council. that Staff bas not II) ,dale begun. Sttiffing: The DiVi&!,m W1111ulVi:i plBIUU:i:- cn loave ftwn ()cto1:¡~ .18:; ~Plgtbrough February 18. 2003. In ødditI6I:i;óiLê p!a:OO.òriÁ-litilIonmlUwylel\ve. Whi1= thi,s is unf'QI :unate, Staffwlll be able to move, forWim1 atið ~Í8tð thdlighprlority prç>jects 011 sohll4ui=usiJ;1goonsuJtant =cure"". with ;w, cxc=¡>tion of 1M HiÌrto:ri;; Dil!l:rÎct5pecifiol'lBn and tIæ$~=' (juilfo:¡ inos project, wlUch will þe de1a.yed by ~mónths., ('>.. -. o,~~ COPŒS TO: In·Housð DisIn"bution ,",:- I!; '141' -_.. .~~ "--... .. 63"b~ \ . '-l " , , .' Ct',qm~rlÎ~ DevelCJpm~t Department :~J""'~fl1~ DivJiÖQ''Work Progr_mStBt11s,Oc:töb,er~200+ ". :::",0..1" .. ",'" " ..\",." ",.. ",' .";!:~"" ~ " ,', 'l!JjÞ/"rft;JJIJ¡/Ç/fyCoUMiI G.:,_tíèf,~ ," -;:'.' " "., , f!'r.äI8ct'.. _. :"':'.::':, ,.:' ,',' . .,>'.... statuS ". ..,,:,·QDMPtE11ON, 1. HoUSinril'EJiilri'lêm '" Ur\dllIWisVa:ntlI20öF ,2. QpÞn S~I$,I'T'~¡,p1Iffl1Ii'~pl!!i'leh"hBse 1 "Underway J.,.. 2003' MÔU wIIh .=ã$t' ,,' " -0:.. :'''-nâ!,,'R8ikSt:ÎlGirìot ' '," , 3: ' CoIl1Þ~'-!~~1t Çourt&peclll¡;'ptan !:I9_arlayed one JUM 2004 AmendMð1'iL",,,." ,,:,....,.:,:,,~:;;,~:. WB ,,, 4.. DeWl'll'pla"$~fQrlil~~C:;¡¡I[¡)I$tfk:r . Not started Slifl£ 2f 03 <!"'øbf.........iQ w-"Tìta·- ./i!I!\Q".,...,,,., ¡~,' n l!y,'II'@lq\D oe In A!EI~~~þrI.,'~d GtQti~;!ìl'9 iOCfud¡¡¡t,t',.: """,_". ...,....,:-.... '" ." . 5. CÓii1pl;¡té:.......l1iM of D-i\WiiSnecllic . _",__,,,t,~,'''. vm''''''''''.__''' l"IanArøe$, " 6: eøviiJõþ'lfþóll-nd/Ql' o1Æ¡¡iiiQØto UndenoWy act:Ofn' ' çp.IitA%.w oomrliiíRl:ftl,' cliities In th ·:.:::W",,,,.~~ """,':,,-,' , ð Gft\I'. .~>,;' :~., . ," '.., . ':;:;:.::.;;. '";:'" 7,øevetD!):8trüti'~Gul~¡¡II"es., NotSll!rltid. B. ~'flnllfo\BOl.1ndarie$-of'SpCrisPatk In Uhd~ý, '. . ,Ea$t9l11, DubllD. iii. Corn . "i@é Ma eilt PlaId .. Ar:;--' J,~ifp¡¡riY ~ . ,- Qt' 10:DUblhí ':Wêíit'Aï1M1!atlOn,:.~WIlI6ÐT 11. COn1pI~ ~lIVeflà ~!fi·...:_: 12. Evaluate JUY8lÍIIe.' HaJVCotirtl:iØ.~ proposel .. :',-.:''"¡,:,. ' , 1$. :~:,:'~?~WI~Ðnt ~~t~ .~_~'(2~~ CIb' CoII(ICI./ DJ/TiItIWd . .. ~ftI. _fMJJóntJ,(ftI.GoaJs ttiKt Obje(;tlvu 14.II<EAGI?lVSE'M¡¡!Ð,SCFf:, .....UJ'I!lIiIM IY 3.'AØi'I 20 )3", 1"5.1!Jüblk)\F¡œ.r,ø~~t~'a'F ,'".": :':r-(', ;" .LJn~Y. - '~'::'.',; . '':1:,':..:" ,"..-; 1$.VlÌHeyChrillillrï Center MaBtW:p an-PD UndØi:W¡!Y ïI.N..~1)II3 17. 5USI81nablltty Inventory underway Die. 2002 18. 6ancor AICOata Project Undarway April 20113 19. Bancor Pek & Save UndelWAY July 2003 20. ZO Am"""meht Residential Temp Slaoo UndervlllY Dec. 2003 OtD«' RM(uJrrd CommunltyDlilil&/opoI8IJt Prol~ Underway Dee. 2002 Und&IWIJyNoy.2002 .. . 21; Jaliaco SOR 22. Dublin Rlllld\ Area A Nalghbortmads SDRlCUF' 23. Legacy F'artnElIS PD Complete ",' ,..~'~.\~+~',.,."':' Unïlfi!:WlilY,: .:.... .'. . UnclaiiW/Iv . Nearly .Coif¡Õlete g:m,:bY Dðlayed by áDDlÍoant '.,J ". . co· . :,:.:;, ,. " .. ,Jd!y.~2' Nov. 20112 - ' ,." ",' ~" '.,'.. ,:::-,:::', .'. ..... .. .,;111&2003, .. tlliI;~ ....'. < ", "~,,,;2~ ", ,""<-::". ,. ., .. ..........,'.... ;îi6i£'il!Ot:· '. ':,'.' ,', NOV. 2002 TaD I .... n_ TaD '7../ ID/to/"o::z-.- " Prø ect I Status COMPLETION 24. Zoning Ordinance ArrnIndmenl$ complete ()cI. 21)02 25. Honda PC, SDR UndelWllY cae. 2002 . 26. General Plan Integration Ulldsrway Dee:. 2002 27. GPA forAIPlelllng General Plan M$ps Underway Dee. 2002 28. Tn Valley Autc SDR Comþtete Aug. 2002 29. Palace Auto SDR NearlY oot. 2002 Comrilete 30. Pistone SDR DEllsyedby TESD HOA 31. Tamarck Variance Nøoorty Nov.2ØQ2 ComñløtØ 32. Black MouI'!t8Jn Implementation Undarway April 2003 33. Black Mounteln lot 7 SDR Underway Pel¡, 2003 34. Quarry Lane SDR Underway Feb. 2003 35. Cottonwood MSP NellrIY . Nov. 2002 comñ"te . 36. Code E/1fQrœment On-golng " 37. Dublin Ranch Ame G Implementation Underway . .Ian. 200e 38. Duþlln Ranch AI9a A IrTlÞlementaUon Underway .Ian. 2004 3B. cutIe Companies' 1189' SQElri6tt Place Underway May 2003 , Duem. Imolernll1'ltatlon. . 40. lronho..... Trail Apartments Implementation Und9/Way May 2003 41. W..""rford Implemeotation I Underway April 20Qi . 42. GaJluccl Contalori Center SOR Underway Fêb. 2003 ~. Agorm. SDRlCUP . . OeIayed by' TSD . ¡';;¡Iiœnt 44. Shell MSP :'o~ by TilD lIœnt 45. GlMnl)rier Phase III. PD SDR, TM UndlillW8Y JII~ 2003 AS. EDPO Land UIiIØ Plan UpdatE> RMP required TaD . to be comolsted ,. .. 47. DSRSD water Counal On-golng , ~. '-. . ' ........~"', :"'" ~, 4S. American Tire $OR ' Underway Oc:t. 2002 49.00wntown Monument Program UndalWay Nov. 20112 ~- _u, __~~~~ ~--- S~Ob~ I v .-....... , ~.~, ~6 "l;=~ t ~ .. " Ms. Lowart stated we will mail 10 è;verfanewno came w1a$ lliptt s ~and will ask'foll"Bxothcrstomvitc aUnewpwp1e. c Mayor Lockhart requested that they also state the date the Parks kComntu.nity Serrices COnnniSSion vi.iII be discusOOg'this." Kasie Hildenbrand sugge5i:¡:d somethmg be included in the BOA ktter. Mayor Lockháxtstated one oftheoriteria;sJw wQU1d~ to. $ooinc1u#d is tile ..' JWighborhood makeu.p. We have quite an Asian :i1ú1uence and maybe we should take . this into.co11.Siderafion. Also.' inpUt iroIn the ~s. , Ms. I..owarI: stated the developers were represented at the meeti11g last night. They '. presented alterfu¡tives with differenteletiæntsandasked..i;he;peopletQ pick and chooae ÎrottI the alternatives. ,Mr. oAmbrosipoiDiedou:tthis itemdealswith~~park rather than design issues. ..., Ms. Lowa:rt stated,Deœntbcr 1611¡willbè the next~· . . ~,'i,""; ¡,~ ~', ConsenS11s,of1Q¡eCoui1cil was topUtt1Usoff¡ t~tbP~ this is ..,p.e~Jj~par.1Ç, it belot18s to the whole çommunity., Staff should. get feedP<>ck from the next ~th¡,g ,IInd 'then take it to the Parks k Community Services Commission and then 10 the City CoIutcn. ":',<' . RESJDFNTIAi'F.F.TPÂ1ì1CÌNG DISÖtJSSJÖN OP'crî'YlŒ0ilÎ1lP~~ "r< "',' ,.,". ". ,,', , ',' :', '''",',",''''.' ", :,..,. lo:4ßÞ.ni. 6.4 (450-~O)': '. L ~ MSiUtger Jen Riúfi pr'eSerttëdthè štåffRópórl ånd ga.w~irlfomtatio.ìL Cm.Sbra11.ti~~~ tba.t!;be Çity eounc,il consider modification of the City's enclosed ãrí,;;:;;,"'.·.. ·.···erit·¡.,".·.é1iliûria."''''''''.;,· the-""";-'. '.. ;'; .;'Wfot.··.····twöeÎlc!om.idoff'~strCêt·.··~1Ñ~'" p ...,....'ðreq~.. '''iT. ..... ..... ''''''.'.5 ~.......~....,". .... .'. P ~"O spaee.$lfud.~ûirittg~y:I;W(>.off;;CStreet~·sþiidS; ". . .' ,. .. .' ,. ... ." ' ;' ,,' " ' :.,>... ,:, : , ,,'" Ms. Ba,tn sþtted j'~ÇiÎy Cõ~cil W6U14.~' sþiif Iofiirther explore the posIlibility'of "_~,n....", thë ff..,~'t h'.Jr:..~ ... ..tû.i'eh:i.ê:hi:¡;¡ f& ';:";;"é~fariïi1y'" dWeI:liriguhit!! to·aI1dW "'"'"'.~. .8. ... p¡,¡r~!oõr<:q .' ." ,'~. . . for .." """VctSîò'" ,. "'.'''''' t "."".'.... n"eèd'þ""AåddrëS$ed includé:' gar~ ......,". "J: .IiI.~~ ...... W'l~" ", ~'" . . . , ' crrv'{X1\~~J;~ VOLlrtyrn 2.1 R£GULARM£~G NoveR'lber,19¡ 2002 P'AGE 5'87 "1 ' .'~_._.~,. .._- 57¡:) ctb &1. ( 1) Th~ Iiliilitytö.ll.1low Isr garage èOl1vetliions iliroughO\1t the City when the devclapmentpatterns in Eastern Dublin were specia.Uy'tailored for Acertairt,parkirí,g configura.tion; Z) Equity:issues if one portion of the City can convert their garageS while the other portion of the City cannot; 3) Adequacy of on ~street parking~ accommodate those who wish to convert their garage as .atttoinóbiIes'h.ave.:becfuïn.êIA~r aitdm.any fariiilies ha:renwre tM:rttw"ø ca1's; I} ". .,,; , , 4) Loss of sight lines a.kmg 1"e8idéfttial street5 Which may increaæve1Uou1ar,and, pedestria.J:¡ acciden~; and , .~~~ ~~ ' 5) Th6óhángëili the~pè:påMe±'ft'öf~sidœ as more ånd mD1'e cars move on to the slreet and off private properties. ' Mditiõri.illy, tb1Htèfu woû1d,rièCdw'bë add~d to StMfls worle prog:nUlnmdother hi@¡. priority projects may tak:e longer to accomplish. .Aß part of any additional wœk authorized by the City CouncUorì'thiB «em, Staffwoukl prepare a SmffReport ~ the ,above :issues in greater depth and conduct a $tI.t'Y'ey of Bay Area. jttri8dictj¢iiß to 'seewþ:iéhcltiesâl1öW§ìf4gécOl1V'ersi.ons and whiCh do,w:it;,and, , in"iþlicitti6#s:' ,,', "', , ' Mary Ross, Doreen Ccurt, stated this affoots people living in the community. She is a ' recent resident moving here from the Fenirtsula.. This is a c6mtnunity and she has gotten to know people who give Dublin its significance and its character. '!'here are a lot of cars on the,~/'fh~,isJ1~ ~¡e, lI~ge ,Ï1:\znosi;,oftM hom~s~ Sc!~y of the garages areñ11èdfu cápãdtyWith štíiff: ThiS mêa:sureseeh1B ~ inä pü.nitN'è measure which would affect IKJ many people not a.ble to park tbeit' cars m~jr, z.ar4ge~ It seems unenforo~le and if it is, it seems a. litf:1e bit too big~. It WbWd advêirsèly a#eçt, !"ßQP1e,'qon~nLemþe,l'S. :w,hoare 1ryins to JtYC p:od;" .uct:ive H\'es and ad4 to this community. ' , " ," ..' , '" ~. Sbl:'attti5k:ted'he~~ ~e~ "(Bp~"jp ~ iQi1VG:d ~s t~~!would oatisé more cóngestion in the slreets. He.d~Sij'-1~]iciw ~p.Ue,~j'mp1,¢~hl1Mng away "enclosed" Would take away anything: You stillniuSt pr6\fi.lieZ òffstieetparJdÌt& not fee1therewq#.þe: a ~:uIOV;.¡-O CO!lre!±.~;r:"'3es. . 'I1rls. cou1l:i~a situati<wwhe~~elder p(l1'e!1t~p~i~haV¢ a 1*I?¢1 ofp;i.~~;re M:'è legitimate scenarlQs where hçcoUlP $:c','ì:b$I, 8öiJ1£ipiwar4 YÒIi ~st;iJl ha~ 16 provide 2 spaces. Some of the meqw.nes are c'rI':ãteðb)" ä h~ ii.SSOCiatiótí.. \V.Itez;.,you ~i:r:I~I'j'Ai1:L:p~º(:toW!1,th~ ~ pluses and minuse$. Every CIWCO:(M'CIl/M{NUtts Rro=~G November'19,2002 PAGE,'S88 .-. 51 at, ~ l " ...) neighborhood takes on a åifferent character. This ordinance is overly punitive, as written. He did not feel this change is thai complicated. We have 10 only remove the word "enclosed". em. Zïka stated he lives in a neighborhood where ahnost every house has at one car :in the garage artd one car in the driveway. He has 10 put his garbage can out early in order to have a place to put it on the street. He gets cs.11s on a regula1" basis where people don't have room to put the3r garbage cans out. He pointed out that the new reqtùrem.ent for garbage bins requires 17 feet; Mayor Lockhart st.ated park:å1g on the street is not illegal. If we were really serious about 1:his., probably 95% of the City could be cited. em.. QravelZ stated he 1i1œs garage conversions for mother~in~law units; particularly if we could we some of these units tovnsrd our affordable housing goals. Most of the people on his street have 3 or 4 oars. Mr. Peabody stated some cities allow garage conversions and some do not. There are a varie1y of l"MSOfLS. Some have prohibited this due to aesthetic reasoN. It is a mixed Þa.g. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt people won't go out an do conversionS no matter what the City Council says. Mr. Ambro~ talked about code enforcement issues that staff doa1s with such as boat or KV storage. Cm. Sbranti statedhe did not feel f11.ere will be a large rush of people going out and doing: garage eonver5ions. Given the housing needs, there are a lot of reasons people may go forward with this type of thing. He did not feel this will have an impact one way or the other on street parking;. Cm. Oravetz asked if he oonverted his garage, could he get credit for an affordable unit. Mr. Peabody explained that it may be an illegal use. If it were a second unit, he would have to getpermit8 and pay fees and provide parking for that unit. em. McComtick stated she felt converted garages and parking are two different subjects. This has to do with wording: to remove. requirements for covered parking spaces. Mayorl.ookhart stated she felt if you just take the word "covered" out, this would fix it. em' COUNCILM.1NtrrES VÒLUME 21 REGULAR MEETING November 19, 2002 PAGE 589 5ß~~1 ~ em. or¡¡.yet; .~ if this wouidjust'open "Påndora's BtJx"? Mr. Peabody stated as a practical ma.tter, we advise people in the older þorlioh øfDublin topu~ ,,!!.rt ¡;¡¡;idj,tion CI1ttç:\:heir house. In ma1'Iy, the garage C011.versions are tAlked ál:iotl,t j¡,$J;lèþ;¡8 work spaces çr'l<I.rger fariiilYrOOmsratherthäIidWéllings for ro1.Iiü\l'es. This is Wti4'ffui: 'i18WI1' neSt Ms:(!5êiebáiied öhhis ., . .... iWe. . . ",_, . ..req.,.. tl, expene . ~";:' f .. . em. SbrmH sbtied the real iSsuë'i8 not äbout garägé cdiWëtsiOßS, bUt p,g.J:king spaCes, Cm. McCormick stated people have stuff and they can't get cars into their garage anyw-a.y. ",' .c': ,. stlJ,te41:l1-eycouJd take ~s to the P1anningComnûssion and then back to the City ~...JµSftd}:;'ofuWorii"'cÍ1Clos6dIrióVðreæ'/ ..... . ..' ,. n'· ,".' . ,; On motion of em. Sbranti,seconded by Mayor Lockhå.i't, and by' rtuiJorityvote, the Council dir¢ed. Su"f'f'tobring the issue to ta.lœ out of the Ordizumce the n:quirement for 2 ençI~öffst:rèet'.· ···tcth~P1iilitiil1gCô11ii:ttissiort andCityCounoil. CnLZika v~mòþþ6siliori~ riiliñôii; " .. FISCAL YEAR 2002-05 GOALS &; OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT ANJ);,GAm'AL IMRROVEMENT. .FRO.GRAM SCHEDULE 11:16p,m. 8.5 (100-80) City Managæ.Richard Iu11Þrose a4vi~ thatS~luld prepare4am-m¢tt1tly ØI4Ì'µg rCport of Staff's progress.iowards theoÞjeçfives assigpM Þy theC:i.tyCouncil asð'f October 51, 2002. As of' that date, a total of' 12 of 98 objec#Ye'Sha*, 1#11. ç9rti.e~ With respect to high priority objectives, a tot.ø.l of 12 out of 77 bee11. oornplêted. 'I'herehAve,Þeen¡10 majør additional assigmnents since Apri,1.Z002, CI1t~9f whiohltas been completed. . - The CIP includes 59 prQjects tha.t·arc: fundetiin IT ZQ{;i~63. Four proj~ h4ve been completed since the program was approved in]une of 2ÖOZ. . .. ":~; . 'W 'I11.e Council t; ;A"¡"c.dSta£fforthe TepOi't.. ." . ':,' " .:~",.,.",,'~'~"". C!TY cotJNdILMINi:.rtJ:s v¢t'QMÉ21 . REGÙlARMEtI'ING NOItertrbef "19;2002 ÞACES90 .~ -.-. -. RESOLUTION NO. 03-- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN 91D[)"Î ¡ RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN AME..1'\IDMENT CHAPTER 8.76, OFF· STREET PARKING AND LüADll'IG REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (ZONING ORDmANCE) P A 03-002 WHEREAS, the cOIIlprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 20-97) was adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1997: and WHEREAS, SwJf lws prepared a Staff repon dated January 28, 2003, analyzing the amendment to the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance); and WHEREAS, the Plamring Commission held a public hearing on said amendments to the . Municipal Code (Zoning OrdinIWce), on January 28, 2003, for which proper DDtice was given in accordance with California State Law; and WHEREAS, the Pl!UIDing Conunission at its January 28, 2003, meetiDg considered all written and oral testimony submitted at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the amendment is consistent with the City of Dublin Geneml Plan because it relates to residential uses in residential zones, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Coll1I1Jission does hereby recommend that the City Council find that the proposed amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations (PA 03-02), have no possibility for II significant effect on the environment (CEQA, Sei:tion 15061(b)(3)), that the amendn1ents are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan, and does recommend that the City Council amend said chapters of the Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) as shown in Atta.chment 4 to the; January 26,2003, Planning Commission Staff repon for PA 03-002. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 28'" Day Of January 2003. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson A TrEST: Planning Manager G:\I'All'a003\03-<J02\PC....0 ¡·2&-03.DOC IPCoboll\l ORDINANCE NO. AN ORÐINANCE·OF Í'HEcrr-v OF lliJ'ifLIN AMENDING CIli\l>'ttR8.76 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS (ZONING ORDINANCE) PA 03-002 WHÈÌŒAS;'th~èiry of Dublin has' detenmned that the Off.Street Parkirigánd Loading RegulatíÓn.. "fibl:! Dubiih Municipa.¡ " Cødó (Chapter 8.76) mUst be revised to more ,,ffectively rcgûlate development within the City; ana ; WHEREAS, On August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103·97 finding that the Comprérufuswè ReVision tò the ZOning Ordinärtce was exempt from OEQA. Various \lh.ài¡ges töfhe Municipal Code listed above would also not create envirònmental impacts. These changes are also exempt ITom CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a sigIlificant effect on the enviroi11nent (CEQA Guidelines; Section 15061 (b)(3));and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed pubic hearing on this project on Janumy:28, 2003, and did adopt Resolution 03-xx reconunenwng·thatthe.Çity Council approve amendments to Title 8 (Zoning Ordinance} "of the Murticipal Code; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on ; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted reconunendingthat the City Council approve .the Ordinance Amendment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8.120.050.B of the Dublin Municiplli Code, the City Council finds that the Ordll¡ance Amendment is consistent with the Dublin Genera] Plan; IUId WHEREAS, the "City Council didhea¡ and use its independent judgment and consideraJl said reports, recommendatiouslmd testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council ofthø City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 8.76.070.A.14.".1 oithe Dublin Municipal Code Is he¡:eby amonded t9 reaP "" follows; "14. Location of Requ;red Parking Spaces a. Single family lot. I. Principal residence. All parking spaces shalJ be located on -¡fu, same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning AdJninistratol: ." pursuant to a Conditional Use Pennit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking tot sha11Þei¡.otiliore tl¡iIfIJ"SO reetfi'om the ~..sidences they serve. PaÂ"~g 9pnsee re~eEi b,. $is Chapter 8R8:li ~e leaateel \/i$ill aJ1. eaelsseà garage. Other than the two required.,g~Ðà off-street parking spaces, a maximum óftwo vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile,eœ, trock or Recreational Vahic]e) may be parked in the following a¡eas if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side y~d is unobstructed to a width of ~6 inches; Areas 1,2. 30, 3b, 4. Additional parking may occur in area 5a i[the reauired two off-street oarkimrs'Daccs is movided in an enclosed garage, O:\PAI/\200J\OJ-002\ORJ:>..trtt<<>u,",,ndorlln'.DOC · . (PI ~b 'ì \ Parking in area5b shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No park1Jlg shall occur in . area 5c except as petroitted by Section 8.76.060E,R. See Figure 76-2," Section 2 Section 8.76.080 Parking Requirements by Use Type of the Dublin Municipal Code shall be amended as follows: 1 Bedroom 2+ Bedrooms Senjor Citizen Apartments Guest Parking Mobi1e Home I MobiJe Home Park Residentiat Use Secondary to Commercial Use Second Unit Small Famil "RESIDENTIAL USES ¡Small UIRED ius .5 ner ,sle in room 1 parking space, see Section _ relating to Second Units Not re lated " PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN on this _ day of ,2003, by the following votes: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: 2 Attest: / "2. 01::>'1 : Mayor City Clerk 3 > '} lø~ D' ..:: A regular meeting of the City of DublID. Plarming Commission was held on Tuesday, JanuR; 2 , 2003, in the Dublin Civic Center City Council Chambers. Chairperson 'Fasulkey called the meeting to order at 7;00 p.m. ***$" .~¥*. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners, Fasulkey, Jennings, Nassar, King and Machtmes; Jeri Ram, Planning Manager; Mamie Waffle, Assistant Planner; John Bakker, City Attorney; and Autumn McGrath, Reconnng Secretary *" * * * iii ~ * * .. PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Cm. Fasulkey led the Commission, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag, .***. ***$~ ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA The Minutes of December 10, 2002 were approved as submitted; the minutes of January 14,2003 meetings were approved with correction. **** *" **1 I1Ii; ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None *1/1: Ii" It: .. ***1\1* WRlTTENCOMMUNICATIONS -None, *1tI**.... ¡ ¡~*.. 9 Jrmuary 28, 2003 , cpfannin¡J CornrnÎssron 'R;gufar ;Meeti:n¡J ltI~~ P I v - - PUBLIC HEARING 8.1 P A 03-002 . Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-Street ParkUtg and Loading Regulations Ms. Ram gave a background of the item, noting that the City Council had clirected Staff to present to the Commission an item that would cOIlSider a modification of the City's endosed parking requirements for single-family residential dwelling units. She explained that by eliIninatirtg the requirement for twoendosed off-street parking spaces and requiring only two off-street parking spaces, garage conversions would be possible. Ms. Waffle presented a Power point presentation of the proposed ZOl1ÍIlg Ordinance amendment to the off-street parking and loading regulations, and discussed the reasons that the community may benefit from allowing garage conversions, as well some of the issues that may arise as a result of garage conversions. Ms. Ram renùnded the Commission that in order to implement an ordinance change, the Planning Commission would need to make a recommendation to the City Council, for approval or approval with changes or conditions. She added that the Commission could recommend to not approve the ordinance change. em. King asked if the amy change in the proposed Zoning Ordinance as presented was eliminatinb the word "enclosed" from the text. Ms, Ram stated that the change was also in the qualifier in the chart of the ordinance, explaining that the ordinance was changed in two places. em. Nassar asked questions about the off-street parking that would be required if the garage conversion was allowed, and how the on-street parking would be impacted. Ms. Ram explained that if a homeowner wanted to convert the garage, they would be required to . show that they had two full-size off-street parking spaces, which translates into using the driveway in most cases. She added that by eliminating the gro:age as a potential place for parking vehicles, a multi-car family could potentially use the street as well to park theiT vehicles. Cm. Nassar asked if there have been studies to predict use of the street for parking if the enclosed garage-parking requirement was eliminated. <Pfanni1l{J Commission 'R.#gufar 9rf.eeti1l{J 10 Ja1lUl1ry 28, 2003 .. ;, ,,~ ¡ t" I) Of.: I ' Ms. Ram answered that there have been no studies, and that it would be hard to predict s~œ \( , would vary from person to person. Cm. King asked if the regulations were changed, what the impact would be to the Homeowners' Association regulations that might apply. :Ms. Ram stated that the City does not enforce Homeowners' Association regulatiOns. em. Jenni.I\gs expressed concern that the issue at hand was removing the word" enclosed" from the parking regulations, but that the issue appeared to actually be an issue of garage conversions. She noted that these were separate issues and asked how these issues would come under the same ordinance. Ms. Ram answered that the Oty Council had recommended that Staff remove the word "enclosed" for the purpose of allowing garage conversions, and that the presentation by Staff was to provide a balanced view of the issue. Cm. Machtmes asked if there are currently any regulations or restrictions for on-street parking. such as how much time, how many cars, etc. Ms. Ram stated that there are no restrictions except in Eastern Dublin where some planned . : developments allow parking only on one side of the stTeet due to the narrow streets. em. Fasulkey asked if a poll had been conducted of other dties policies for garage conversion. Ms. Waffle noted that there had not been specific studies, but that based on the information she had received while irt contact with other cities in California, the majority do not allow garage conversion unless the parking requirement can be met. em. King asked if the dties that allow conversion (when the parking requirement was met) required design standards. Ms. Waffle stated that she did not have sufficient information to answer that question, but knew of one city that allowed garage conversions when the parking requirement was met that had design standard requirements as well. 11 January 28, 2003 Œ'lárr.nine Commission . <ß!gufar ;Meeti11fJ t...LI'Cb'\ : Ms. Ram stated that if design standards were a concem, the Commission could reçommend a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process that would allow all conversions to be heard by the PlaIU1ing- Commission. There were questions and discussion between Staff and the Commission regarding specifics of the parking ordiruµlce, the consequences of the proposed change, and the possible impact to the community. Cm. Fasulkey noted for the record that the City received 13 letters from citizens of Dublin who were in favor of the amendment andiequested that the parking ordinance be amended to allow garage conversion and non-enclosed parking. He then opened the public hearing and asked if anyone from the public wished to address the Commission, There were fOUT citizens who addressed the Commission in favor of amending the parking ordinance to allow garage conversion. Ms. Esther Vigil stated that she has been a homeowner in Dublin since 1979, and has converted a portion of her garage for a dark room. She noted that she did not obtain þermits at the time to save on costs, and had been advised that if the ordinance were not amended to allow garage conversions, she would be required to take down her dark room or apply for a variance. She added that she is still able to park in her garage, while other neighbors u¡¡e their garages for storage, thereby parking on the street or driveway, She stated that she was in favor of amending the parking ordinance. Mr. Fernando Carranza stated that he has been a resident of Dublin since 1987, andwanted to advise the Commi~sion that he was in favor of amending the parking ordinance to allow garage conversions. He noted that large families needed to convert their garages to provide additional housing area. Ms, Catherine Brown spoke and stated that she had understood the issue to be off-street parking, rather than garage conversion. She stated that she was in favor of eliminaiing the word "enclosed" from the parking regulaiions in order to allow homeowners to use their garages for storage or other uses. She noted that her fanUly needed to store items in the garage since they did not have a basement and had a small yard which could not contain a storage shed. She added that due to the high costs of housing in the Bay Area, homeowners are not always able to move into larger homes as their family sizes grow, and needed to be able to convert their garages to provide more living space. œúm,,:ing Commission '%euI:o.r Jrleeti1l{J 12 Jan114ry 28, 2003 , " '(¿-¡ ,,'" ~. ,¡.,). , "[I ': Mr. Glel1!\ Stapleton stated that he has been a resident at his current address in Dublin for Ù years and was in favor of amending the parking regulations ordimroce to enable use of the garage for other purposes than enclosed parking for vehicles. When the citizens had finished addressing the Commission, Cm. Fasulkey asked if anyone else wanted to address the Commission; hearing none, he closed the public hearing, and the Commission deliberated. em, King asked what the conversion requirements were for the City. Mr. Gregory Shreeve, Building Official, gave testimony regarding the permits required for garage conversions and information regarding requirements of different conversion uses. Cm. Machtmes expressed support for garage conversions, providing the normal building and business requirements were met. em. Jennings noted that as a general rule other cities do not allow garage conversions and that the City could have consequences that result from garage conversions, citing a situation where a conversion resulted in a massive fire. She also reiterated that she thought the parking regulations and garage conversioN should be separate issues. , Ms. Ram stated that if the Commission wanted more study on the issues of concern thatStaff could be directed to further investigate and report back to the Commi9sion with the findings. Upon deliberation, Cm. Fasulkey stated in summary that the Commission needed to provide Staff with direction on how to proceed, and needed to determine if there was concurrence with the Council's direction and intent of the ordinance change. He added that if the Commission could con= with the intent, Staff could be directed to provide alternatives and studies regarding aesthetics and design standards; impact on traffic and safety; infrastructure impact issues sudt as garbage collec jon; how broad the scope of potential conversions would be; how to incorporate design standards; and how to address" grandfathenng" ~ Cm. Fasulkey then asked for a straw poll, and Cm. Nassar, em. King and Machtrnes were agreeable to the intent of the Council's ordinance subject to further studies and further criteria for garage conversion. em. Jeru1Íngs stated that she did not have suHident information to con= with the in tent. Œf¡¡nni"fJ ComnUssion !lI¡gukr %eeti"fJ 13 JanUIJ1") 28, 2003 (it rP,)"' ! em. Fasulkey asked for a motion to conrinue'Item 8.1 to date uncertain; on motion by em. King, seconded by Cm. Machtmes, and a vote of 5-0, the Planning Conunission unanimously approved to continue the matter. NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESf;ì 9.1 Brown Act and Political Reform Act Requirements PreBentation and Outline Mr. Bakker presented the outline prepared by the City Attorney that discusses two of the State laws, the Brown Act and Political Reform Act Requirements, which he explained and defuted for the Commissioners. There was discussion betw'een Mr. Bakker and the Commissioners about specifics of the Brown Act, which requires that all meetings must be open, including Commissions, and prevents discussion of issues that are within the subject matter jurisdiction by a majority of the Commissioners outside of a meeting. He also discussed the Political Reform Act Requirements, which states that they may not take action on matters that would be a financial conflict of interest. Mr. Bakker informed the Commission about the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which is a body that can provide formal legal advice and also informal advice over the telephone. He encouraged the Commissioners to contact the City Attorney's office or the FPPC for questions regarding the Political Reform Act Requu'ernents. OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Ram rernillded the Commission of the League of Cities Conference on March 20-22, 2003, and acknowledged that all of the Commissioners except for Cm. Nassar are scheduled to attend. Ms Ram advised the Commission about the Commercial Linkage Study Committee that is investigating the impact on housing due to the business development. She noted that the findings of the study would mean a fair fee on new commercial construction and reported that the Commercial Linkage Study Committee needed a PlaruÜng Commission appointed member from the business community. She asked if any of the Commissioners were interested in serving on this . Committee. Cm. Nassar stated that he would be interested in serving on the Commercial Linkage Study Committee, and asked for details about the time required for serving on the Committee, . r:.PCanni"fJ Cornmissilm 'll"if'Údr 9rleeting 14 January 28, 2003 · ',: .... . ..'.. .. ..... '. 'i" . ~:hC' ·1 L ...., I Ms. Eawt¢!;'"e,l?j:ip,1¡!,te9,j;1:I!:'çeQ!\1:be çomDjJi~~~JP,be ~i;>; to"e~g ". t ~9~ ' possibly four hours a month. Cm. Fasulkey asked for a recommendation to appomtCm. Nassar to the Co::nmittee; on motion by em. King, seconded by Cm. Jerµrb:tgs, em. Nassar was appomted to the Commercial Linkage Shldy Col!1!l1Î1fee. ,Ms. Ram discussed.theGoals and Objectives meeting to be held ()nManm 1, 2003, and advised the Commissioners that she would forward the spedfics to them shortly. Ms. Ram discussed.'the fuhlrê city Council and riamùng COIYUlÛssi6n meeting items, ADTOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at9:00 p.m. / Respectftilly submitted, Plamling Commission Olairperson , A TIEST: Planning Manager G,\M1:NUI'ES\2003\FlalU'1ir1g Commwoion \ HS-03 pc mhLdoo ; I Œ'fiznnin¡¡ Commission <1WJufar ;Meeti"fJ 15 .7.tmWlry 28, 2003 .,J ,~ .. )' .;," · 101)'/'/: : CONDITIONAL USE PERII/IIT' Chaptet 8.10(1 CHAPTER 8.100 8.100.010 8.100.020 8.100.030 8.100.040 8.100.050 8.100.060 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a procedure for conditionally approving or denying land uses, including related structures, that are not clearly pe=itted or prohibited because of their unique nature, Such uses and related structures would only be approved if their effect on the su:rrounding environment can be roade acceptable through the application of conditions of approval. Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Pennit. The uses and related structures requiring a Conditional Use Permit shall be limited to those in Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts And Allowable Uses Of Land, for each zoning district, and elsewhere in this Ordinance. Application. The Applicant shall submit a complete appliCatiOD pursuant to Chapter 8.124, Applications, Fees and Deposits, accoropanied by a fee and/or deposit and such materials as are required by the Director of Coromunity Development. Notice and Hearings. Conditional Use Permit applications shall be considered at a public hearing with notice pursuant to Chapter 8,132, Notice and Hearings. Concurrent Consideration. When a Conditional Use Pe:rroit is required for a project which is also subject to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Specific Plan, Specific Pllm Amendment, or General Plan Amendment, it shall be approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the same decision-maker or body for those actions. Required Findings. The following findings shall all be made in order to approve a Conditional Use Pennit: A. The proposed use and related structures is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity. B. It will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. C. It will not be injurious to property or iroprovement~ in the n~ighborhood. D, There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and pu.blic utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use and related structures being proposed. 100-1 September, 1997 City of Dublin Zoning OrdinanC:6 ATTACHMENT 3 , CONL., lONAL USE PERMIT, 'd..11 Chapter 8.100 -u F, It will not be contrary to th~ specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located. G. It is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans, 8.100.070 8.100.080- Action. The decision-makers for Conditional Use Permits shall be the Zoning Administrator or the,P1anning Co)Dlll.ission. as specified in the Land Use Matrix in Chapter 8,12, Zoning Districts And Permitted Uses Of Land. The Planning Commission or the Zoning Administrator shall hold a public heating, and after the public hearing is dosed may, based on evidence in the public record, and the fmdings above, approve, conditionally approve, or deny a Conditional Use Permit by resolution. Amendments. A. MinoT Amendment. The Community Development Director or his/her designee shall d6terminethat a minor amendment to a Conditional Use Pemit is in substantial co1Ûormance with the Conditional Use Permit if it is a minor project as described below, is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quaiity Act, and is consistent with the conditions of approval for the permit, It is not the intent of this Chapter that a series of Minor Amendments be used to circumvent the need for a new Conditional Use Permit. A minor project shall include any of the following: 1. The cumulative physical expansion of any strtlcture approved in the original Conditional Use Permit by no more than 1,000 square feet, 2, The expansion or intensification of use by no more than 10% of the original use, 3. Relocation of a use within the same property or strUcture. 4, AmaxÎIDl,Im 25% increase or decrease in hours of operation. B. Other Amendments. The process for amending a Conditional Use Penuit shall be the same as the process for approving a Conditional Use Permit except that the decision- maker for sllch Conditional Use Permit shall be the same'decision·maker that ultimately approved the Conditional Use Perroit including any approval on appeal, or by referral. 8.100.090 , 8.100.100 Building Permits. BuildingPermits shall not be issued except in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Conditional Use Permit approval.' Proeedures. The procedures set forth in Chapter 8.96, Permit Procedl.lres, shall apply except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. , 00-2 September, 1997 City of Dubfin Zoning Ordinance RESOLUTION NO. 03- 12ft> t:; I .<"."." A RESOLUTION OF THEì¥I:ANNING COMMISSION OF TIm CITY OF DUBLIN **~******* RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCn.. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8.76 OFF-STREET PARKLlIolG AND LOADING REGULATIONS; AND, CHAPTER 8.100 CONDITONAL USE PERMIT, OF THE DUDLIN ZONING ORDINANCE, PA 03-002 WHEREAS, a comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinancé (Ordinance 20-97) was adopted by the City Council on September 2,1997; a:n.d WHEREAS, Councilmember Tim Sbranti requested that the City Council consider modification of the City's enclosed parking requirement by eliminating the requirement for two, off-street parking spaces in án enclosed garage to allow for the conversion of garages to living space; and . WHEREAS, on November 19, 2002, Staff presented II report to tbe City Council regarding thc City's ~urrent requirements for residential off-street parking; and WHEREAS, on November 19, 2002, the City Council directed Staff to prepare an Ordinance m1endment to remove the requirement for two, off, street parking. spaces in an enclosed garage to allow for the conversion of garages to living space; and . WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, Staff presented a report to the PI:mning Commission regarding an m1endment to Chapter 8,76, Off-street Parking-and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, the Planning Commission directed Staff to provide alternatives EUld nudies regarding the amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin 1:oning Ordinance and its impact on garage conversions; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8,12, Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-street "arking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit, must be revised to more ~ffectively regulate off-street parking and the conversion of garages in the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 fmding that the :::ompreheusive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and Pennitted Uses )f Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; ¡1Dd Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Permit 'egulations, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The various chßt1.ges to the ~olJing Ordinance listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are exempt ITom :::EQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a :ignificant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061 (b) (3»; aJ1d WHEREAS, Staff has prepared a Staff Report dated February 25, 2003 analyzing the amendment to the Jublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHJ<:REAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said amend¡nents to the Dublin Zoning Jrdirmnce on February 25,2003, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; llld ,,- -. . , ' . . '-.'. ~ -¡P I .,..,,; Wl{E:Q.J¡:AS, the Commission did hear and w;e their independent judgment and c~~te;edal] said reports, recommendations; 1ilid tesrimony hereinabove set forth. . ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council find that the proposed amendments to Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts ,and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.1 00, Conditional Use Permit, have no possibility for a significant effect on the environment (CEQA, Section] 5061 (b) (3)), that the amendments are consistent with the General Plan, and does recommend that the City Council amend said chapters of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance as shown in Attachment 5 to the February 25, 2003 Staff Report for P A 03-002. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN : Planning Commission ChaiIperson . TIEST: Planning Manager G:\PA#\2003\03-002\PC ReiO 2.25-03.doc · ORDINANCE NO. ." ',' ...\ ~,:.,,"' , : -J ,'"' AN ORDINANCE-QF TIlE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8.76 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS; A..1'IID, CHAPTER 8.100 CONDITONAL USE PERMIT, OF THE DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE, P A 03-002 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has det=ined that, the Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.12); Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.76); and Conditional Use Permit regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.100), must be revised to more effectively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-s1reet Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 ConclitionalUse Permit regulations, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The various changes to the Zoning Ordinance listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes axe ex:empt from CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061 (b) (3»; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on this project on February 25,2003, and did adopt Resolution 03-_ recoromending that the City Council approve amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on April I, 2003; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8.120.050.B of the Zoning Ordinance;the City Coum:il fmds that the Ordinanèe Amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, ~ecommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Cou:ncil of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: ~ection 1 . ~ection 8.11.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is unended to read as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES Õ{esidential Use e A R-1 I R-2 R-3 R-4 CoO C- N C-l C-2 M·P I M-l M-2 ! "esid..o¡j al Conversi on of I I Jar" 'e to Livin S ace ~ CIPC ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - Section 2 ""1 f ~ 1"11 "."'~ .' \·'''#··0 t: SeCtion 8.76.070.A.14, Location of Required Parking Spaces, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to ""\ad as follows: a. Single fawly lot. 1. Principal residence. All parking spaces shal1 be located on the same parœl as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zorring Administrator pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residontial Parking Lot shall be not more tha¡¡ 150 feet ITam the residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed garage, except if permitted elsewhere on a lot DUl'suant to II. Condiûona! Use Permit for the purposes of converting a residential garage to living SPace. Other tha¡¡ the two required garaged parking spaces, a maximum of two vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, tr1Ìck, or Recreational Vebicle) IDay be parked in the following areas if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1,2, 30, 3b a:nd 4. Additional parking may occur in area Sa.. Parking in area 5b shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area 5c except as permitted by Section 8.76,060.EA. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage parking unless permitted pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the pumoses of converting a residential garage to living space. No parking shall oeem: in Area 6. Section 3 lction 8.76.080, Parking Requirements by Use Type, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: '. B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows: RiEs1DENTIAL USE TYi'ES NUMBËRüF PÆRKING SPACESREQUlRED 2 in enclosed garage per dwel1in~ plus one on-street parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of that dwelling unit. Lots greater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garage per dwellin¡ê . Exccpt if permitted elsewhere on a lot pursuant to a Conditional U,e Permit for the DUtDoses of convcrtine a residential earaec to livine space. Section 4 Section 8.100.060, Required Findings, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: H. Architectural considerations. including the character. scale and aualitv of the design. tJ:¡e architectwal relationship with the site and other buildines. buildine materials and colors. screenine of exterior appurtenances. exterior li¡iliting. and 'similar elements have been incomorated into the project and as conditions of aoproval in order to insure compatibi1itv of this · :' . . '. .' . Î"~~\ development Wlth th" Je:velopme:nt's de:surn concept or theme and the chancier of adiacent buiJdings. neil1:hborhoods: and uses. _._,',n.','. Seetion 5 - Severabilitv The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, scmtence, word or part thereof is [leld ilJegal, invalid, unconstimtional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, ill1constitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, ¡emtencr;:s, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their IlPplicabilityto other persons or ~ircumstances. ;;¡",etion 6 - Effective Date and Posting: of Ordinance rhis ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The :ity Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at leBSt three (3) public places in the :ity of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code ofCiIlifornÎa. ¡> ASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this I" day of Apnl 2.003, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor <Ie !test: City Clerk :;:\P A#\2003\03-002\CC-ord.doc , " '. '11~ ~I / , Section 2 j -- Scetion 8.76.070.A.14, Location of Required Parking Spaces, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: a. Single family lot. 1. Principal residence. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking Lot shall be. not more than 150 feet ITom the residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed garage, except that two. full-size. unenclosed parkin!! spaces mav be permitted elsewhere on a lot pursuan.t to a Conditional Use Permit for the PUIDOSeS of convertin!! a residential gaTa!!e to living snace. Other than' the two required garaged parking spaces, a maximum. of two vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or Recreational Vel1icle) may be parked in the following areas if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1,2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area 59. Parking in area 5b shall bc as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area 5c except as permitted by Section 8.76.060.EA. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage parking unless two. full· size. unenclosed parking spaces are permittedpursunnt to a Conditional Use Permit for the PUl"POses of convertin!! a residentialll:araae to livinll: space. No parking shall occur in Area 6. Seetion 3 Section 8.76.080, Parking Requiremenb by Use Type, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-s!re:et parking spaces as follows: ., ~ml)ftMLUSE'Ï'\'i1\ES . r-roMBEIl QFP~GSP$CÊ)S8EÓunœD' Single FamilylDuplex/Mobile Home: Lots of 4,000 square feet or less 2 in enclosed'garage: per dwellin~ plus one on-street parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of that dwelling unit. Lots gre:ater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garage per dwellin~ . ExCCDI if two. full-size. unenclosed p'I1'kina sP~s are permitted elsewhero on a Jot tJnrnuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the purnoses of ConVertinlZ a re~îdential Slara.Œ~ 1:0 livinl! $nac:e. Section 4 Section 8.100.060, Reqnired Findings, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: H. Architectural cQnsideration$, includin¡¡ the characte:r, scale and c¡ualitv of the design. the architectural relationsl¡.iv with the site and other bui1din¡¡s. buildina materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances. exterior lil1:hting, and similar elements have been · d· h ;. d d" f aJ" d" t . 1ß~I~!c'fhi Jllcorporate mto t e DrOlCct an as con ¡!lons 0 aPDrOV m ,," er 0 msure COnlpatlu¡¡ty 0 t s develonment with the develonment's design con cent or theroe and !be character of adiacent buildings. nei~borhoods. and uses. S~ction 5 - Severability The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall Dot affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to othe.r persons or circumstances. Section 6 - Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days ITom and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at le2St three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in aceordance with Section 39633 of the Governroent Code of California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this I" day of April 2003, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor Attest: City Clerk G:\I:' A#\2003\03-002\CC-OTd.doc RESOLUTION NO. 03-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN 'êïÄFT RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8.76 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS; AND, CHAPTER 8.100 CONDITONAL liSE PERMIT, OF THE DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE PA 03-002 WHEREAS, a comprehensive revision to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 20-97) was adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1997; and WHEREAS, Council member Tim Sbranti requested that the City Council consider modification of the City's enclosed parking requirement by dinllnati.Dg the requirement for two, off-street parking spaces in an enclosed garage to allow for the conversion of garages to living space; and WIlEREAS, on November 19, 2002, Staffpresented a report to. the City Council regarding the City's cUITent requirements for residential off-street parking; and WHEREAS, on November 19, 2002, the City COllilCil directed Stafftc prepare an Ordinance amendment to remove the requirement for two, off.street parking spaces in an enclosed garage to allow for the conversion of garages to living space; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, Staff presented a report to the Planning Coxnmission regarding an amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, the Planning Commission directed Staff to provide altematives and studies regarding the amendment to Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance and its impact on garage conversions; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8.12, Zoning Districts and Pennitted Uses ofLand; Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Permit, must be revised to more effectively regulate off-street parking and the conversion of garages in the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, on August 18,1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103·97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.12 Zo:ning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Permit regulations, is exempt ITom the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The various changes to the Zoning Ordinance listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are exempt ITom CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061 (b) (3»; and WHEREAS, Staffhas prepared a Staff Report dated February 25, 2003 analyzing the amendment to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance; and . WHEREAS, the Plm.ming Commission held a public hearing on said amendments to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance on February 25, 2003, for which proper notice was given in accordance with California State Law; and . LIft. "",r I c-.. rJ.. .; '.. ~-'U ~¡ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and co )j id~~ aÌl said reports, recommendations, an4 testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOL VED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby . recommend that the City Council find that the proposed amendments to Chapter 8,12, Zoning Districts and permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76, Off-street Parmg and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100, Conditional Use Pennit, have no possibility for a significant effect on the enviromnent (CEQA, Section 15061 (b) (3»), that the amendments are consistent with the Genera.! Plan, and does recommend that the City Council amend said chapters of the Dublin ZoIrlng Ordinance as shown in Attachrnent 5 to the February 2:5, 2003 Staff Rq¡ort for P A 03-002. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February 2003, by the following vote: AYES: em. Fasulkey, Nassar, King and Machtrnes NOES: Cm. Jennings ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Planning Manager G:\P Aill:003,(]3~021J'Ç I!<oc 2-25-03.<100 -- . ORDINANCE NO. ~lctf'11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8. 76 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS; AND, CHAPTER 8.]00 CONDITONAL USE PERMIT, OF THE DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE, P A 03-002 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determincd that, the Zoning Districts and permitted Uses of Land of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.12); Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.76); and Conditional Use Permit regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.100), must be revised to more cffcctively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Permit regulations, is exempt ITom the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The various changes to the Zoning Ordinance listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are exempt nom CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would havc a significant effect on thc environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061 (b) (3); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on this project on February 25, 2003, and did adopt Resolution 03-_ recommending that the City Council approve amendments to thc Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on April ], 2003; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8.120. 050.B of the Zoning Ordinance, the City Council finds that the Ordinance ¡\mcndments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Oublin does ordain as follows; Section ] Section 8.12.050, Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES Rcsidential Use Tvpe A R-] R-Z R-3 R-4 C-O C-N C-l C-Z M-P M-l M-2 Residential Conversion of CfPC Garage to Livin!>" Snace - - : - - - - - : - - - - - - - -. - - . ¡ Section 2 ß"2!S'b~ I Section 8.76.070.A.14, Location of Required Parking Spaces, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: a. Single family lot. 1. Principal residence_ All parking spaccs shall be located on the same parcel as the residence they serve, unless providéd as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pUrsuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a ResidcntiaJ Parking Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from thc residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed garage, except that two. full-size. unenclosed parking spaces may be permitted elsewhere on a lot pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the purposes of converting a residential garage to livinR space. Other than the two required garaged parking spaces, a maximWll of two vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side yard 'is unohstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1,2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area Sa. Parking in area Sb shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area 5c except as permitted by Section 8,76.060.EA. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage parking unless two. full-size. unenclosed parking spaces are permitted Pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the PUllJOSeS of convertinR a residential garage to living space. No parking shall occur in Area 6. Section 3 Section 8.76.080, Parking Requirements by Use Type, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Single Family/Duplex/Mobile Home Lots of 4,000 square feet or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwellin~ plus onc on-street parking space per dwelling unit ",ithin 150 feet of that dwelling unit. . Lots greater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garage per dwellin~ . Exceot i[two. full-size. unenclosed narkini! spaces are oermined elsewhere on a Jot pursuant to a Conditionat Use Permit for the of converting a residential e-arae-c to livin2: soace. Section 4 Section 8.100.060, Required Findings, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: H. For the conversion of simde familv residential garages to living space. architectural considerations. including the character. scale and Qualitv of the design. the architectural relationship with the site and other buildim!5. building materials and colors. screening of exterior t'~t(jb -'\1. appurtenances. exterior lightinJ<. and similar elements have been incorporated into the proiect and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibilitv of this develoPl!}~.!J.t with the development's design concept or theme and the character of adiacent buildings. neighborhoods. and uses. Section 5 - Severability The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any pcrson or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaicing provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Section 6 - Effeetive Date and Posting of Ordinance This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk ofthe City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code ofCalifomia. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 1st day of April 2003, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor Attest: City Clerk G:\P A#\2003\03 -002\CC-ord.doc 'Bt.t~~ I ORDINANCE NO.4 - 03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AMENDING CHAPTER 8.12 ZONING DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES OF LAND; CHAPTER 8. 7{, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS; AND CHAPTER 8.100 CONDITONAL USE PERMIT, OF THE DUBLIN WNING ORDINANCE, P A 03-002 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has determined that, the Zoning Districts and Pennitted Uses of Land of tile Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.12); Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.76); and Conditional Use Permit regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.100), must be revised to more effectively regulate development within the City; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution 103-97 finding that the Comprehensive Revision to the Zoning Ordinance, including Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Permit regulations, is exempt ITom the California EnvÎrolllIlental Quality Act (CEQA). Thc various changes to the Zoning Ordinance listed above would also not create environmental impacts. These changes are exempt from CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that such amendments would have a significant effect on the environment (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061 (b) (3»; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a properly noticed public hearing on this project on February 25, 2003, and did adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on April I, 2003; and WHEREAS, a Staff Rcport was submitted recommcnding that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendments; and I WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8. I 20.050,B of the Zoning Ordinance, the City COlll1cil finds that the Ordinance Amendments are consistent with the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and consider all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows: Section 1 Section 8.12.050, Permitted and ConditionaÜy Permitted Land Uses, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES Residential Use Type A R·t R-2 R-3 R-4 C- CoN C-l C-2 M- M-I M-2 0 P .".. Residential Co»version of - C/PC - - - - . - - - - Gara"e to Livm" Snace - - : - - - - - - - -- -. ATTACHMENT /0 '35~ 4IJ I Secti()n 2 S~tion 8.76.070.A.14, Location of Required Parking Spaces, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows; a. Single family lot. 1. Principal residence. All parking spaces shall be located on thc same parcel as the residencc they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuanl to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from the residences they serve. Parking spaccs required by this Chaptcr shall be located within an enclosed garage, except that two. fiùl~size. unenclosed parking spaces mav be permittcd_t:lsewhere on a lot pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit tor the pUl"P<.}ses of convertinl!: a residential garal!:C to living space. Other than the two rcquired garaged parking spaces, a maximum of two vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas if scrccned by a 6 foot high fcnce or wall and if at least one side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36 inches; Areas 1,2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area Sa. Parking in area 5b shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2. No parking shall occur in area 5c exœpt as permitted by Section 8.76.060.E.4. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage parking unless two. full-sizc. unenclQsed parking spaces are uennitted pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the purvoses of converting a residentiall!:arage to livinl! space. No parking shall occur in Area 6. Section 3 Section 8.76.080, Parking Requirements by Use Type, of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: B. Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows; RESIDENTIAl, USE TYPES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Single Familv/Duplex/Mobile Home Lots of 4,000 square fce! or less 2 in enclosed garage per dwel1in~ plus one on-street parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of that dwelling unit. Lots greater than 4,000 square feet 2 in enclosed garag<: per dwel1in~ . Exc~ if two full-size. unenclosed oarkinl!: snaces are ncnnitted elsewhere on a lot Dursuant to a Conditional Use Permit for the numQ(jes of convertin2 a residential !!9fage to lìY(1)g spaqe. tlð ISb 'f 1 Scction 4 Section 8.100.060, Required l<ÏndinWi. of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: H. For the conversion of single family residential garages to living space, architectural considerations. includinf? the character. scale and aualitv of the desÜm. the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, buildjp,g materials and colors, screeninll of exterior appurtenances, exterior liI/htin". and similar elements have been incoIDorated into the proiect and as conditions .of atJDroval in order to insure compatibilitv of this development with the development's degj ;([l concept or theme and the character of adjacent buildings. neÎ!1:hborhoods. and uses. Section 5 - Severabilitv The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or cirçumstanecs, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. Section 6 - Effective Date and Postiol! of Ordinance This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 39633 of the Government Code of California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of tile City of Dublin on this 1st day of April 2003, by the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McCormick, Sbranti and Mayor Lockhart NOES: Councilmembers Oravetz and Zika ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None A::~I City Clerk' ~ K' /G/4- -03/ord-garage-conv.doc (Item 6.1) G :\P A#\2003\03·002\CG-ord.doc ß1!!b4ft Approved (4.12 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $2,176,318.52. .. PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF DUBLIN ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - GARAGE CONVERSIONS 7:07 p.m. 6.1 (450-20) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Plan11Íng Manager Jeri Ram introduced Associate Planner Mamie Waffle, who presented the Staff Report and did a PowerFoinf presentation. This is the firsf reading of an Ordinance proposing amendments to the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 8.12 - Zoning Districts and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76- Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulafions; and Chapfer 8.100 - Conditional Use Permit of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. These amendments will allow for the conversion of garages to living space in R-l, Single Family Residential Zoning Districts by means of a Conditional Use Fermit. The Dublin Zon:i11g Ordinance currently requires that each residential dwelling provide two, off-street parking spaces in an enclosed garage. This parking requirement prevents the conversion of zarages to living spaces unless two, enclosed parking spaces can be provided elsewhere on the lot. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposal to remove the word "enclosed" from the off-street parking regulations to allow for the conversion of garages fo living space and determined that additional studies were needed in order to address concerns related to traffic and safety; infrastructure/ service impacts; the scope of conversions; aesthetic and design standards; and grand-fathering. Staff presented the Planning Commission with an alternative fhaf addressed their concerns by proposing a Conditional Use Fermif process for reviewing and approving requests to convert garages to living space. The Planning Commission heard the proposal and recommended that the City Council approve an amendment to Chapter 8.12 Zoning Districfs and Permitted Uses of Land; Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Farking and Loading Regulations; and Chapter 8.100 Conditional Use Permit. CITY COUNCIL fvUNUTES VOLUME 22 REGULAR MEETING March 18,2003 PAGE 143 ATTACHMENT II lß<61Jb ~ I Bob Fasulkey, Chainuan of the Planning Commission thanked Staff for doirtz a wonderful job on this. They understood fhe mtent. Ms. Waffle articulated their list of concerns. Conversions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Cm. Oravetz asked if they considered anything other than living space for garage conversions. Mr. Fasulkey replied no, they only considered living space. Cm. Zika asked about a situation whereby two houses created limited parking they would say no to a third. He stated he felt this would be unfair treatment. Cm. Sbranti asked abouf defining living space - den, home office, etc. Ms. Ram stated it is defined by fhe Building Code. Cm. Oravetz asked if hc wanted to put a woodworking facility in his converted garage, would this be okay? Ms. Ram explained that if you wanted to convert your garage to a workshop and you did not have permanent parking, fhey would not allow it. Cm. Sbranti stated he felt if is highly unlikely we could end up wifh three of these in one cuI de sac. The Planning Commission could approve it if they could show fhat off street parking is available. It is looked af on a case-by-case basis. Cm. McCormick stated she was still unclear about the parking, and asked if the garage conversion could be a rental? Ms. Ram stated if could conceivably be a rental unit. We are currently re-evaluatirtg and revising our second residential urtit ordinance as the laws have changed. Cm. Sbranti talked about a second unif that was recently approved on Via Zapata. They had to provide an additional parking space. Ms. Ram advised that Staff will take a close look at parking requirements. The second unit ordinance stands on its own. A second unit would be considered a full unit with kitchen and separate entrance. Cm. McCormick stated she felt this was too bad as this makes City streets look bad. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 REGllLAR MEETING March 18,2003 PAG~144 'ß~ fib &j I Esther Vigil, Tamarack Drive, asked about punitive damages. She stated this was brought up at an earlier meeting. Building Official Gregory Shreeve stated an exisfing garage conversion that may be under code enforcement. The Code requires a minimum double, possible triple of fees. If someone has converted on their own or it was done by a previous owner, and we f01llid it today, we could back up two years. The City would have the authority to waive the fees in this case. We have cases on the books that are more than a year old. City Manager Ambrose clarified they were using punitive damages as the wrong word. This is additional fees. If someone comes in with plans, our fees are set based on the cost to review the plans. If someone does someWng illegally, we have fa spend fime to get if corrected. Someone misused the ferm punitive damage; it is an actual cost. Mr. Shreeve stated under today's Code, they would have to remove it. Ms. Vigil asked who would enforce fhe additional fees. Mr. Shreeve replied if would be the Building Division. Mayor Loc:khart closed the public hearing. Cm. Sbranti conunended Staff and the Planning Commission who had two very thorough detailed public hearings. He originally thought we could remove the word enclosed if they have parking. They made several additional findinss. Traffic and safety issues are addressed and the Planning Commission can hear it and consider all the options. The City Council will have an opportunity to appeal. Under limited circumstances, people will be able to convert. He stated he did not anticipate we will have more than one a year. Cm. Oravetz discussed a potential situation where he converts a garage to two additional bedrooms and rents them out. Later, he may decide to move and rent out all the bedrooms. He asked if fms would be legal. Mayor Locldutrt stated he could also have a situation where they have 4 kids, all with cars, or an elderly parent living with them. A neighbor could park in front of your house and there is nothing you can do abouf if. CITY CmJNClL MI,NUTES VOLUME 22 REGULAR MEETING March 18,2003 PAGE :1.45 Ø Dðb'" Cm. Sbranti stated he felt if you look citywide, very few people actually park two cars in their garage. Cm. Zika talked about streefs in town that are packed. Once you allow a garage conversion, you can't unconvert it. Parking will be made worse. Cm. McCormick asked about a home office situation with clients. Is this permitted'? Ms. Ram stated you are allowed to have a limited number of dienfs; one or two a week. We don't regulate parking with home occupation. . Cm. McConnick stated her real concern is with new constru.cti<m. A Þuyer may opt to use the space as actual living space. The Plarming Commission would have to take a look at it. Ms. Ram stated a developer would have to get a SDR and CUP approved in order to have no garage fo start out with. Mayor Lockharf stated this started ouf with an older part of town and people saying they would like to convert their garage to an additional bedroom fortheir family. This is why it would be a caseNby-case issue. Cm. Sbranti stated in November there was a loophole thaf would allow developers to come forward with a proposal to build units without garages. We need flexibility and the CUP process allows this. Cm. Oravetz asked if the Plannil1g Commission could legally ask questions about why he is converting his garage. City Attorney Silver stated the Zoning Ordinance requires certain findings for a CUP. It must be compatible with other land uses and transportation within the community. The use will be dictated by whaf you convcrt it to. Cm. Oravetz stated if you are the first on your street or second, you can get it approved. Does the third guy have any legal rights to say we're discrinrinat:ing against him? Cm. Zika stated it is nof a legal playing field for everyone. If yo¡;¡ have a homeowners association, fhey won'f allow it. The people that live in San Ramon Village could do it if thcy got a CUP and the rest of the community can'f, for the most: part. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 REGULAR MEETING MarchH!, 2003 PAGE 146 orl~ O¡ \ Cm. Sbranti pointed ouf the fact that different homeowner associations have different guidelines. Cm. Zika stated he felt if we change our ordinance, we may be devaluing a house because there are foo many cars on the street. Cm. Sbranti stated he did not believe this will put more cars on the street. How many people will rush to convert their garage? He felt it will be rare to actually see tlùs. This process has enough checks and balances built in and he again stafed he will be surprised to see more than one a year. Ms. Ram addressed the home occupation parking question and advised that the Code says you could have up to 5 cars a day visit your house. You have to have additional parking to the 2 required by residents. Ms. Silver looked af the Variance provision. A Variance can be grated for specific reasons, but she did nof feel fhis faUs into this. The City Council could specify if they did not want a Variance considered. Cm. McCormick clarified that an unenclosed. parking space is a concrete slab? Staff responded this was COITect. Cm. McCormick asked if they could limit this ordinance to apply west of Dougherty Road? Ms. Ram stated there are some lots in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area where you could have additional unifs, in addition to a garage. There are some lots where garage conversions could work. Cm. McCormick stated she sometimes hates the way our streefs look and she felt this will only increase the number and add cars. On motion of Cm. $branti, seconded by Mayor Lockhart, and by majority vofe, the Council waived the reading and INTRODUCED the Ordinance to amend the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Cm. Zika and Cm. Oravefz voted in opposition to fhe motion. .. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 REGULAR MEETING March 18,2003 PAGE ~47