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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Peace Pole CITY CLERK File # Dr9lj¡J~·~ - AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AprilS, 2005 SUBJECT: Request from Dublin and Bray Sister City Associations to install Peace Pole at Bray Commons Report by Diane Lowan, Parks & CommWlity Services Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Dublin Sister City Association 2. Bray Commons Concept Plan RECOMMENDATION: ¥ Approve request; direct Staff to work with Dublin Sister City ~ . Association to identifY an appropriate location F1NANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated installation costs to be reimbursed by Dublin Sister City Association - $500 DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Sister City Association and the Bray Sister City Association have joined together to present a Peace Pole to the City of Dublin. As explained in the attached correspondence from President Carol Satterthwaite, it is the desire of the associations that the pole be installed in Bray Commons Park.. The specifications of the Peace Pole are included with the letter. The Peace Pole stands seven feet tall when planted and has four plates with the inscription "May Peace . Prevail on Earth" in a different language, one on each side. In addition to the Peace Pole, the Bray Sister City Association wishes to also contribute an identifYing plaque that would be made of Wicklow granite and engraved. The Bray Commons Concept Plan is Attachment 2. Staff has identified several general locations for the Peace Pole; the first would be in the vicinity of the entrance where Maguire Way and Finnian Way meet. The Peace Pole could be installed in the planted area adjacent to the park sign or on the hill adjacent to the picnic area. The second location would be in the vicinity of the entrance at Maguire and Keegan. Staff would recommend that the final location be detennined after a meeting at the park with representatives from the Dublin Sister City Association. The estimated cost to the City for installation of the Peace Pole and the dedication plaque is $250 and the Dublin Sister City has indicated that they would reimburse the City for these costs. In September 2004, the Council confinned the date of May 7, 2005 for the Bray Commons Dedication event. The event is to be from 10:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. Staff recommends that the Peace Pole be accepted by the City at this event. The Mayor of Bray has indicated that she intends to be present at the dedication. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the request from the Dublin Sister City Association and the Bray Sister City Association to install a Peace Pole at Bray Commons and direct Staff to work with the Dublin Sister City Association to identify an appropriate 4IIIÞ ~~~~~~~~--------------------------~~~-~------------------------~~------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: Dublin Sister City Association 19b1 ITEM NO. 7.L G:\COUNCILlAgenda Staternentsl2005\4·5 Sister City R\I< u..t.doe \ t:b $"' I SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION . P.O. Box 2534 . DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94568 March 17, 2005 Diane Lowart Director Parks and Community Services City of Dublin Dear Ms. Lowart: The Dublin Sister City Association and the Bray Sister City Association have joined together to present a Peace Pole to the city of Dublin. It is the desire of the associations that the pole be installed in Bray Commons park. The specific location within the park would be selected by the city. e I have enclosed infonnation about the Peace Pole and the specifications for installation. The Bray Sister City Association has indicated they would be pleased to contribute the identifYing plaque that would be made ofWicklow granite and engraved. We would work with the city on the size of the plaque and how it would be installed. We will have a representative from our organization available for the designated council meeting to comment further on the project. Thank you for your help with this matter. Sincerely, ~¿~i/~ Carol Satterthwaite President Dublin Sister City Association e I.\-G% >\ ATTACHMENTl '·V .....m...'.......................................¡..,.._ PEACE POLE DATA· ,.1~~9'li'·. ',:Pe:ace Poles around the world: Over 200,000 :Courttries with Peace Poles: '80 Some'world leaders who have dedicated Peace Poles: .. Political: U,S. President Jimmy Carter.; many govemors and m.a:yot'$ . Spiritual: Pope John paul II, Mother Teresa. XXIV Dalai Lama Social: John Denver, Marcel Marceau, Ken Keyes >·Ex!raordinary locations: . Magnetic North Pole, C,anada Confucius Burial Site, íàiwan Pyramids of EI Giza, Egypt Gorky Pari<, Russia Findhorn Foundatibn,Sc:¢tf$,fId' .. ' Robben Island, South At~: Jordan River, Israel ...,.. . Atomic 80mb Dome, Hirœf1imâ' ~6 ",Dh+ (B~~ PEACE POLE MAKRRS USA.ORDER FORM -~~. ..,oar Peace Poles -Eight. ;eetTall 4 Sided Western Red Cedar Peace Pole -lnc ud88 4 Plexiglas PlaqU98 Nøtural Pløn! Resin 011 Finish - OOriglnel OUp North OClaar o Gloss While Painted Finish 0 Gloss Black Painted Finish 4 Addttionøl Plaques for 4 Sided Peace Pale Qtv Hexagon Western Red Cedar Peace Pole -Includes 6 Plexiglas Plaques Natural Plant Resin Oil Finish· OOriginal OUp North Oclear OGloss \M111e Painted Finish 0 GloM Black Painted Finish 6 Additional Plaques for Hexagon Peace Pole octagon Wøstem Red Cedar '"-ice. Pole -Includes 8 Plexlgl1lS Plaques Natural Plant Resin 011 FJnIsh - OOriginal OUp North OClesr OGJoss \M1ite p\IiIúf d Finish OGloaa Black Painted Finish 8 AddItional Plaqu_ fof Hexagon Peace Pole 4 Sided Western Red Cedar Søndblaeted PRC" Pòle - Includ_ 4 LangU8gøs Natuml Plant Resin 011 Finish. 0 Original OUþ North 0 Claar 4 Addttionallanguages for 4 Sided Peaoe P¡')le Hexagon Western Red Cedar Peace Pole Sandblaated . Includes 6 Languages Natuml Plant Reain on Finish. OOrlglnal 0 Up North 0 Clear 6 Additional Languag88 for 6 Sided Peace Pole . . ~ Sided Aluminum Peace Pole Metallic powder oollled: Maintenance free Imd weather resistant With four languages 4 Additional Languages for aluminum peøœ pole gll8 9 Selections-"May peace prøvall on earth" or cloeest tnmølatlon Select a Language from the list below lor each Plaque that you have ordered. p_ indude 1m additional $28.00 lor each Special Language Request PI....e ClfCle Language Selections standard Language Choicøs Arabic Atamalc Danish Dutch Gaalic Garman Hmong Hopi Latin Lakota Sioux Polish Portuguese Somali. Spanish Ukminlan Urdu Leaf Prints Feet Prints Cherokee Chine... English Esperanto Greek Hawaiian Hungarian Italian Navajo Norwegian Russian Seneca Swahili SWedish Vietnamese Yiddish May peace be in our hOmes and Communities Price Total $175 ------.."~~ ..,S80 S660 $120 1:1300 1:160 $300 5100 S725 S160 _. noD $100 " Native American - Alaskan Creole Finnish Hebrew Japanese OdawalOJlbway Set't¡o.Croation ThaI Zulu Czech French Hindi Korean Plllplno Sign Language TIbetan Paw Prints . SpeelaI Language (_: Special Lang....ges a.. an additional $Z8.00 each) Albanian Azerbaidjanl Blßlama Cambodian FIJian Flemish Guarani Hausa Indonesian lkiribati Klnyarwanda Kirundi LaMan Ungala Uthuenian Lasotho Maltese Maori Marshallese Mayan Ndonga Patois Pidgin Putunjanjara Serbian Shone Shuar Slovak Tongan Tuvaluao 1\.Irkish Wall Alutilq- Arapaho" Blackfoot" Catawba" Chumash" Deleware (Le",,; Kiowa" Klamath" MI=ssukeð" Lenape)" Miwok* Mohawk" Porno" Mlkmak* potowaIomr Salish" Shoshone" Puma" Takelman' Ute" baSkan- Soquamish- llingen- Tsimshløn** Halda- If the.. Is a language you are looking for that's not IlsIød, ple8ae call 88 _ hav" many tranelatione that are not l"'lsd. .,,-,~,,',...,._,,~.~ PEACE POIJ!i __ USA. 7221 S WHEELER RD MAPI..E CITY....- _____n_______.-'_ ___ ................ ...................._ ..__. ChllUOda lbo Kru Lonkundo MoIdavtan Romanian Slovene Xhosa Central Pomo" Mesquakr Onondagu~ Seminole" Wampanoag" Yuplk** Estonia Icelandic Lao Malay Nauru Samoan Sotho Algonquin" Cheyenne" Mlamr Osage" Shawnee' Zuni* :l3113J.WKf Ff.X 231/334o.uzJ .Ël:.;-._.....-...~~==~-:E'::..... .J __ poÒoíh ...·""'......hI wI..........~ "M..~ _...-.0--" . I ,,~........ ,.... ha.-eo . ~ ... pri...... ntrIMIIUWIt .. -............ Ie. _ ........1_ .1 :0- _ pel<> ..._......._ 50........._.......___ ..._..____~..wld>- ...... .. ..... to ..1M ihb .~I Olt.t J. r HlL .... """7 partiripoo... Maldøg P_parati.oD.S The .Oeeaaion ~ I'oItw ....~ bM. pIaa14'!d te . ........ , JlllMlriaJ ..rr ..._~ M.ot'lu'Ir'\1 Da.T. thrlNt..... 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