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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 McGrathSchlDonationReq CITY CLERK File # O[][ElQ]-[IJ[nJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 5. 2005 SUBJECT: Request for Donation by McGrath School ofIrish Dance Report Prepared by Fawn Holman, Depuly Cily Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Request from Valerie Deam, Owner/Instmctor of McGrath School of Irish Dance RECOMMENDATlON/J¡/ ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Consider request. SulTicient funds are available in the Council's Community Promotions Budget. DESCRIPTION: The McGrath School ofIrish Dance, a Dublin-based organization, is hosting their 1" Annual "California Oireachtas" (Irish Dance Competition) on July 17 & 18,2005, atthe Crowne Plaza in Concord, CA. Girls from the USA and Ireland will be competing in the dance competition. The McGrath School of Dance is requesting that the Dublin City Council consider sponsoring a perpetual trophy with a donation 01'$100. The dance school is also requesting that each donor place a small, permanently affixed plaque of sponsorship on their trophy. --------------------------------------------------------------------~¥~~-~~----------------------------~~.--- COPIES TO: G:\CC-MTCS\2005-qt.-.1\.July\01-05-05\as-mcgnth donation.doc \ðQ\ ITEM NO. 5.L C!-- \Ô'hl... ~ 1. 1,./ MCGRATH SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE .. , .. June 21, 2005 RECEIVED CITY OF DUBLIN JUN 2 1 2005 CITY MAi~t1LiER'S OFFICE Dear Mayor Lockhart, The McGrath School of Irish Dance is hosting their 1" Annual "California Oireachtas" (Irish Dance Competition). We are looking for businesses or persons to sponsor our Perpetual Trophies. The donation is $100.00 and we also ask that you put a little plaque on the trophies with your sponsorship on it. Girls from the USA and Ireland will be competing for these beautiful trophies. Our Competition will be held on July 17 & 18, 2005 at the Crowne Plaza in Concord, California. We are very excited and looking forward to our competition. Thank you for your support, we genuinely appreciate it. Your gracious sponsorship will help to make this a truly wonderful event. SinCerelY,. (:\ DiliíU-Q \/J VV-, Valerie Dearn ()wner, Instructor McGrath School ofIrish Dance Dublin, California valerieadeam@yahOO.eom , . 5.\ ]-5-05" 7528 Corrinne Street, SlIn Ramon, CA 94583 Phone: 925-828-0790, E-mail: Web site: ·1. ..'11'''.''.'.''.'.'.'''. -.·..·\îj·I'·'·¡·.·'.',···. ,. 'i ~~;'~,í""I:,~ . :¡'¡¡'~{¡:!M ','~,¡..i "\^,;~,!J,, ~ ~,~IYI~~.l\~'¡",/ """" ;':P;,\'\ ":;. \".v . '2 ~ -z... McGRatb Scbool of Irish dance CalifoRnfa OfReacbtas Jol(V 17.;,.18, !lOO~ at Tbe Cuomne Plaza, ConcoRð, Ca, USA -~.,'- ". .", .-----...... Contact: Valerieadealn«~yah()o.coln General adm,ission $5.00