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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 FinancialRptApril2005 CITY CLERK File # D0ß][Q]-[5JØ] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 17 2005 SUBJECT: Financial Reports for the Month of April 2005 Report Prepared by: Carole A. Perry, Administrative Services Director and Fred w: Marsh, Finance Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison 2. YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison 3. Financial Statements lor April 2005 RECOMMRNDA nON: M Receive the reports. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See reports for detail of monthly financial activity. DESCRIPTION: This item provides the report on the preliminary financial statements for the month of April 2005. Consistent with prior reports, the focus will be on General Fund Revenues and Expenditures, which represent the most significant portion of the City's operations. Note that the City's revised budget has now accounted for all items alTccting the City as part of the State's adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Analvsis of April 2005 Revenue aud Expenditure Reports The April reports represent the reporting of revenues and expenditures for the ten months of the Fiscal Year, through April 30, 2005. It should also be noted that there is not an even distribution of revenues and expenditures on a monthly basis. There is also a lag with the reporting of expenditures due to the significant amount of services provided to the City by independent contractors, including Police and Fire Services. General Fund Revenues Total General Fund Revenues collected through April are higher than what occurred in the tenth month of the previous Fiscal Year. Through April 2005, the City had collected approximately 89% of the total budgeted General Fund Revenues, which was 7% more than the percentage collected in the prior Fiscal Year. A brief description is provided below to explain any material revenue variations. Property Taxes are lower than in the same period of tbe prior year due to lower prior secured and unsecured property taxes received to date in comparison with the prior year. Sales Tax revenues arc higher than in the same period of the prior year. The sales tax amount reported include actual sales taxes received through December 2004. The City experienced a good holiday season, with sales up in the Autos and Transportation, General Consumer Goods, Business and Industry, Building and Construction and Restaurant and Hotel categories. Real property transfer taxes are higher than in the same period of the prior year due to timing differences in the collection of these taxes and two large transfers of properties by residential and commercial ______________________________________________________~___w_______________~.______________________________~__ Document In FSCOLOR 04-200S.XLS COPIES TO: IffùØA ITEM NO. 4.8 tJ developers that occurred in previous months. Transient Occupancy Taxes arc higher than in the same period of the prior year due to higher occupancy rates and room rates at some of the City's hotels. Licenses and Permits are higher than in the same period of the prior year due to an increase in the valuation of building permits on new residential and commercial projects. Interest and Rentals received to date (in dollars) are higher than the prior year due to an increase in the rate of return on the City's investments. Initially all interest revenue is recorded in the General Fund and is then allocated quarterly to other funds on a pro rata basis. The quarterly allocation was accomplished, prior to the finalization of this month's financial report. Intergovernmental revenue, as a percent of the budget, is higher than in the prior year. However, the actual revenue dollars are lower than in the same period of the prior year due to the cuts to the VLF allocation that were implemented by the State, as part of the approved State Budget for Fiscal Year 2004- 2005. Since these changes were anticipated by Staff, they were included as part of the City's adopted budget plan. However, the robust auto sales to date, have had a positive impact on this revenue stream. Charges for Services are higher than in the sanle period of the previous year due to additional zoning and subdivision fees and plan check and inspection fees received due to new development. Fines and Forfeitures are higher than in the same period of the previous year due to higher collections of parking and court fines. Other revenues are higher than in the same period of the prior year dnc to developer reimbursements received for the costs of maintaining new stonn drains and reimbursements received from the City of Pleasant on for the design of improvements to the Fallon Road Interchange. General Fund Expenditures Overall, through the month of April, expenditures in the General Fund totaled about $26.7 million and represented approximately 58% of the total budgeted expenditures in the General Fund. Of this amount, a total of approximately $3.3 million was related to Capital Improvement Projects and the remainder was related to Operating Costs reported in the General Fund. Capital Project expenditures typically do not follow an even distribution due to differences in project timing. In looking only at General Fund Operating Expenditures, the activity through April 2005 was similar to the amounts expended fO"f the same period in the prior Fiscal Year. Through the end of April 2005, the City had expended 60% of the General Fund Operating Budget, which was I % more than the amount expended in the prior Fiscal Year. Police is lower (as a percentage) tban in the same period of the prior year due to lower than expected vehicle operating costs. Fire is higher than in the same period of the prior year due to timing differences in payment for contract fire services (two quarters paid thus far this fiscal year, as opposed to only one quarterly payment at this same time last year) and higher than anticipated overtime costs incurred for contract fire personnel (primarily due to the training of new personnel and costs incurred to maintain daily staffing requirements, as a result of recent retirements). Other Public Safety is lower (as a percentage) than in the same period of the prior year due to timing differences in the payment for Animal Control expenditures. Health and Welfare is higher than in the sanle period of the prior year due to expenditures incurred for the evaluation of contractor proposals submitted for waste management services. Community Development is lower (as a percentage) than in the same period in the prior year due to salary savings due to temporary staffing vacancies. Capital Improvement Project expenditures are higher (in dollars) than in the same period of the previous year due to expenditures incurred on the construction of the new senior center. All expenditures are within the authorized budget. It is recommended that the City Council receive these reports as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code. [), r1b~ lOèJI3 City of Dublin 2004-2005 YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison For the periO!!Em!ingAPl~:~;::200;; . ...._____: 82% , Total General Fund Revenues Property Taxes Sales Taxes Real Property Transfer Tax Transient Oceupancy Taxes Franehise Taxes Licenses and Permits Interest and Rentals Intergovernmental from State Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitnres Other Revenues 18% . FY 2004/05 III FY 2003/04 13% 13204 98% 0% 120% 150% 30% 60% 90% 83% of Year Complete FY 2004/05 FY 2004105 %of FY 2003/04 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2003/04 Property Taxes 13,661,980 12,667,434 93% 11,017,665 97% Sales Taxes 13,613,216 11,925,467 88% 10,465,881 75% Real Property Transfer Tax 520.000 614,608 118% 416,913 73% Transient Occupancy Tans 610,000 472,338 77% 470,185 71% Franchise Taxes 1,536,000 1,274,321 83% 1,230,975 82% Licenses and Permits 2,723,912 3,065,514 113% 2,683,537 87% Interest and Rentals 1,538,090 1,326,515 86% 821.265 132% Intergovernmental 449.100 463,146 103% 1,324,062 72% Charges for Services 5,177.916 4,086.346 79% 3,522,415 73% Fines and Forfeitures 112,900 110,206 98% 83,143 71% Other Revenues 954,087 590.903 62% 243,399 28% Total General Fund Revenues 40.897,201 36.596.798 89% 32,279,440 82% 5 - \Ì -05 +.ß Dal.PrI~I.d: 61\ì120C15 j0:5'IIAM ATTACHMENT 1 9, City of Dublin 2004-2005 YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending April 30, 2005 Total General Fnnd Expenses General Government POlice , Fire ~31% , 1 Other Puhlic Safety T.ansportation Health and Welfa.e Cnlture & Commuuity Services Commnnlty Development Capitallmprav. Projects 52" . FY 2004/05 III FY 2003/04 9% 0% 40% 60% 80% 83% alYea. Complete 120% 100% 20% 2004/05 2004/05 %of FY 2003104 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2003/04 General Government 4,966,053 3,516,878 71% 3,426,626 74% Police 9,883,259 4,658.506 47% 4,563,208 53% Fire 8,270,645 4,313,269 52% 2,292,181 31% Other Publ ic Safety 421.502 159,853 38% 151,135 44% Transportation 1,690.651 1,125,673 67% 1,076,350 70% Health and Welfare 88,125 63,556 95% 36,393 44% Culture and Community Services 5,875,556 4,004,587 68% 3.687,108 72% Community Development 7,907,374 5,514,258 70% 4.753,282 75% Capital Improvement Projects 7,071,202 3,314,911 47% 2,192.683 47% Total General Fund Expenses 46.174,367 26,691,491 58% 22,178,966 57% General Fund Operating Expenses 39,103,165 23,376,580 60% 19,986,283 59% [\$PrI~toj:l\IEO'2OO~j2IJPM ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF DUBLIN'S PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2005 Prepared by The Finance Department May 9, 2005 ~~I~ ATTACHMENT 3 Lf-~ \~ CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Apr2005 GENERAL SPECIAL SPECIAL CAPITAl. TRUST/ TOT A L S REVENUE REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY ---MEMORANDUM ONLY--- FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND CURRENT PR lOR ASSETS CASH (52,466,055) 5,131. 596 706,982 38.516.785 169,39B (7.941.294) (21.359,066) CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 172 .779 172.779 172,779 AMOUNT HEl.O IN ESCROW INVESTMENTS AT COST 109.937,492 109.937.492 102.019.215 RECEIVABLES, TAXES ACCOUNTS 127.76B 52.884 lBO.651 176.761 INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE fROM OTHERS 1. 989,267 1. 989.267 308.720 INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 6,670 6.670 t3.178 FIXED ASSETS 4.500.000 4,500.000 AMDUNT TO BE PROVIDED 1. 334.500 1. 334.500 1. 447,500 TOTAL ASSETS 59.595.141 5,184.480 706.982 43.016,7B5 1.676.677 110, IBO. 064 82.779.087 LIABILITIES/FUND EOUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE OEVEL (1.397.073) (1,397.073) (599.132) DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 fEES ()!0.926) (23B,B65) (409.791) (35.391) OEPOSITS OTHERS (2.564.498) (2,564,498) (1.686.592) PAY ABLES; ACCOUNTS (258.7BB) (22,102) (32,840) (313.730) (1.109.948) INTEREST PAYROLL (544.525) (544,525) (454,915) DUE TO OTHERS (30,5Bl) (16D, D54) (1.829,213) (2.019,848) (328,124) DEFERRED REVENUE <12 7.7 68) <127.768) 027.768) DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYA8LE (1,452,DDO) (1.452,000) (1.565,000) TOTAL LIABILITIES (5,094,159) (182.156) (2.100.918) (1.452.000 ) (8.829,233) (5.906,870) FUND 8ALANCES (54.500,981) (5,002,324) (706,982) (40,915,867) (224,677)(101.350,831) (16.8/2,2171 TOTAL FUND E (54.500,9Bl) (5,002,324) (706,982) (40.915.8671 (224.677)(101.350,831) (76.872.217) TOTAL LIABILITIES1EQUITY (59.595,141) (5,184.480) (706,982) (43.016,785) (1,676,677)(110.180.064) (82,779.087) !? f1b 13; CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Apr2005 INTERNAL ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG TOTALS SERVICE FUND GROUP OF TERM DEBT --- MEMDRANDUM--- FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP CURRENT PRlOR ASSETS CASH 8.562,240 8.562.240 8.094.432 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES, TAXES ACCOUNTS INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAlD ITEMS FIXED ASSETS 46,5II.915 39,20B.244 85.720.159 66.732.089 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 66.753.945 66.753.945 68,676,545 TOTAL ASSETS 55.074.155 39,208,244 66.753.945 161.036.344 143,503.066 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLE5, ACCOUNTS (1.463) INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE TOTAL LIABILITIES (1,463) FUND BALANCES (55,072.692) TOTAL FUND E (55.072.692) (j ,463) <I7 .215) (66.753,945) (66.753.945) (66.753.945) (6B,676.545) (66,755,408) (6B.693,760) (94.280.936) (74.B09.306) (94.280.936) (74.B09.306) (39.20B.244) (39.208.244) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EOUITY (55.074,155) (39.208,244) (66.753,945) (161,036,344)(143.503,066) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING lPD'{) I ~ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD D7/01/2004 THROUGH 04/30/2005 G ENE R A L REVENUE FUN 0 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAl" YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE *******REVlNUES******* PROPERTY TAXES 13.661. 980 00 12.667.434.25 994.545.75 1l,316.703.32 11.017.664.77 299,038,55 SALES TAX 13,613,216,00 11.925,467,39 1.687,748,61 13.940,263.36 10.465.880./5 3.474,382,61 REAL PROPŒTY TRANSFER TAX 520.000,00 614.607,53 (94.607.53) 571.360.79 416.913.17 154,44762 HOTEL TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 610.00000 472.338.14 137.661.86 664.308.51 470.184.87 194,123 64 FRANCHISE TAXES 1. 536.000 00 1.274.320.82 261. 679 .18 1.505.434.53 1.230,975.49 274,459,04 LICENSES & PERMITS 2.723,912,00 3.065,514.20 (341.602,20) 3,090.992.17 2.683.536,91 407,455.26 FINES & FORFEITURES 112.900 00 1l0.206.90 ~.6941O 117 . 369 .48 83.143.44 34,226.04 USE/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 1. 369 ,725 00 135.670,49 492,971. 23 716,214,1l (223,242.88) USE/MONEY & PROP-RENTALS 168,365,00 92.460,68 75.904,32 130.741.40 105.05067 25,690.73 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 449. tOO 00 463.146.35 (14.04635) 1.828.992.93 1. 324.061. 91 504,931. 02 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5,177,916,00 4,086,345.53 1. 091. 570,47 4,798,644.24 3.522,414,70 1,276,229.54 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 954.087,00 590,903.47 363.183,53 860.434.13 243.398 97 617.035.16 TOTAL REVENUE 40.897.201.00 36.596,798.77 4.300.402 23 39.318.216.09 32.279.439,76 7,038,776.33 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES, CITY COUNCIL 262,910,00 196,225A7 66.684,53 209,858.23 176.377 .07 33.481.16 CITY MANAGER 929.55800 716,634.50 212.92350 817,034.42 637,401. 52 179.632,90 CENTRAL SERVICES 353 ,777 , 00 294,956,37 58,820,63 341.914,49 266,426.57 75.487.92 CITY ATTORNEY 689,7t3 00 476,989.44 212.723.56 700,797.95 499.45609 201.341.86 ADMIN SERVICES 1.557,095,00 1.132,624.87 424,470,13 1.244,537,07 986,427.4/ 268,109.60 8UILDING MANAGEMENT 641.134,00 464,992,25 176.141.75 757,522.96 567.515.53 190.007.43 INSURANCE COST CENTER 358,986.00 221. 589.30 137.396.70 420,061. 97 290.633.38 129,428.59 ELECTIONS COST CENTER 15,670.00 12.265.33 3.404.67 2,541.41 2,388.31 153,10 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 157,210.00 600.00 156,610.00 125,656.16 125.65616 ACTIVITY TOTAL 4.966,053.00 3,516.877.53 1.449.t75.47 4.619.924.66 3.426,625.94 1.193,298 .72 PUBLI C SAFETY POll CE 9.883,259.00 4,658.505.57 5.224,753.43 8,570.937.09 4.563,207.99 4,007.72910 CROSSING GUARDS 72,283.00 48.243.56 24,039.44 65.794,14 43,780,62 22.013,52 ANIMAL CONTROL 266,362.00 66.037.41 200,324.59 198.953.52 57,513.37 141. 440 15 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTIN 17.240.00 5.593.90 1l,646.10 6,54333 3,661. 76 2,881. 57 OISASTER PREPAREDNESS 65,617.00 39,977 84 25,639.16 70.993,74 46,178.77 24,814.97 FIRE SERVICES 8,270.645,00 4.313,268.70 3,957,376,30 7,440.483.12 5.148,301.95 ACTIVITY TOTAL 18,575.406,00 9.131,626,98 9.443,779.02 16,353.704.94 7.006.523.68 9.347,181.26 TRANSPORTATION PU8L1C WORKS 738.575.00 554.57664 183.998.36 686,881. 45 539.541. 43 147,340.02 STREET MAINTENANCE 14,802,00 12.510,61 2.291.39 3,703.99 3.703.99 STREET SWfEPING 149.207.00 94,894,39 54.312.61 130.351. 29 87.425.19 42,926.10 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 97.352.00 21. 642 67 75.709.33 117. 583.47 77,272,96 40,310.51 STREET LANDSCAPING MAINTENAN 690.715.00 442 . 048 54 248.666.46 593.488,01 368.405,95 226,082.06 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 1. 690,651. 00 1,125,672,85 564.978,15 1.532.008,21 1.076.349.52 455.658.69 HEAL HI & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 73,125,00 68,357,22 4./67,78 46.419.04 46.419.04 CHILD CARf 16,000.00 15.000,00 18.500 00 18.50000 5DCIAL SERVICES 1. 000 00 1.000,00 HOUSING PROGRAMS 199,15 (199,15) 16.89318 16.89318 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING 11J\~ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 04/30/2005 G ENE R A L REV E N U E FUN 0 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PR lOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T,O. VARIANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL 88,125,00 83,556,37 4,568.63 82.812,22 36,393.18 46.419.04 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES 582.73000 423,278.36 159.451.64 522.604.10 374.713.01 147,891.09 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 167.66800 85.881. 47 81. 786.53 110,249,30 98,214.34 12,034,96 HERITAGE CENTER 141. 775,00 97,080.82 44,694.18 99.628.11 76.877.92 22.750.19 OU8LIN CEMETERY 53.60200 24,505.87 29.096.13 53.533.B4 39.4B4.19 14,049,65 PARK MAINTENANCE 1. 532.409 00 946,321.21 5B6,087,79 1.403,774,51 851. 360 ,59 552,413,92 COMMUN ITY TV 62,999,00 59,169.00 3.830,00 62.020.72 58.816.22 3,204.50 RECREATION AOMIN 638.56400 467,109.54 171.454.46 518.312.54 417.478.58 100,833.96 PLAYGROUNDS 277.082,00 192,030.10 B5, 051. 90 237,599.33 179.062.08 58,537.25 SHANNON CENTER 389.176,00 275,299.13 113.876.87 294.742.36 220.078.55 74,663.81 PRESCHOOL 90.69900 64,671. 90 26.027.10 77.388.27 61. 416.36 15,971,91 TEENS PROGRAM 118.941.00 63,585.24 55,355,76 86,212.99 61.756.96 24,456.03 ADULT SPORTS 110.559,00 69,285.11 41.273 89 101. 640 .17 72.772.74 28,867.43 YOUTH SPORTS 138.824 00 92,965.07 45.85893 122.764.81 92,446.94 30,317,87 COMMUN ITY GYM 46,504,00 33.758.19 12.745,81 37,309.40 28.559.77 8.749.63 EMERALD GLEN ACTIVITY CENTER SPECIAL EVENTS 339.22000 306.790.68 32 .429 , 32 348,052,22 303.218,25 44.833.97 SENIOR CENTER 297.455,00 192,536,39 104.918,61 223,784.61 169.094.55 54.690.06 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 195.22000 133,302.69 61.91731 185,369,65 135.327,81 50.041.84 AOUA TI CS 407.136,00 272.463,81 134.672,19 366 , 568.40 249.677 .16 116.891.24 PARKS/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 284.99300 204,552.35 80 .440 65 246,546.42 196.751. 60 49.794.82 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 5.875.556,00 4.004,586.93 1.870,969,07 5,098,101.75 3.687.107,62 1.410.994.13 COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 2.731.30100 1.882,618.21 848.68279 2.271.403.13 1. 718 ,767 , 17 552.635.96 BUILDING SAFETY 2,680,214,00 1. 681. 530.31 998.683,69 1.907,211.35 1.361.56183 545.649.52 ENGINEERING 2,209.633,00 1.710,18/.83 499.44517 1.861.97185 1401091.79 460.880.06 ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT 286.22600 239.92142 46.304.5B 302.134,33 271.860,82 30.273,51 ACTIVITY TOTAL 7,907,374,00 5,514.257.77 2.393. Il6, 23 6,342.720,66 4.753.28161 1589.439 05 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 1.109,341.00 491. 624.37 617,716.63 1.163. 181.54 190,845.49 972.336 05 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 1.152.348,00 32.248.06 718.087 36 638,125.03 79.96233 PARKS 3.373.112.00 2,085.290.80 1287.821.20 1831. 348,20 1. 049 ,051. 26 782.296,94 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVEMENTS 1. 436,401. 00 705,748,15 730,652.85 938.789,96 314,660.96 624.129 00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 7.071 ,202,00 3,314.911.38 3.756.290.62 4,651.40706 2.192,682.74 2.458.724.32 TOTAL EXPENOITURES 46.174,367.00 26,691.489.81 19.482.877.19 38,680.67950 22.178,964.29 16,501.715,21 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) ( 9,905.308.96 (15.182.474.96) 637,536,59 10,100,475.47 (9,462,938.88) TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNOS 21. 885,10 6,600.00 15,285.10 TRANSFERS OUT FROM OTHER FUNOS <20 00) (20.00) REVENUES OVER(UNOER) EXPENOITURES (5.277,166.00) 9,905.308.96 (15.182.474.96) 659.40169 10,107.û75.47 (9.447,673.78) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING ~i5Q/;, REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 04/30/2005 SPECIAL REV E N U E FUN 0 S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE F1SCAL YEAR Y,T,D, VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** PROPERTY TAXES 111.049.00 10S.199.27 5.84973 105,605.41 9B,939,83 6.665.58 SALES TAX/OTHER TAXES 336,500.00 219,711.81 ll6 ,788,19 357,441.52 236.87455 120.566.97 F1NES & FORFEITURES 164,000.00 91.412.17 72.587,83 154,784.03 ll2. 043.36 42.740.67 USES/MONEY & PROPERTY 89,248.00 47.549.70 41. 698.30 29,822.10 41. 878,93 (l2,056.83) INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 2.365.ll0.00 1. 851. 426.05 513,683,95 2,590,885.16 2.287.215,30 303.669.86 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY 306,890.00 182.650.00 124.24000 269,149.00 148.407.00 120,742.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FFDERAL 109,717.00 37.726.24 71. 990. 76 253,139.22 60,550,36 192.588,86 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1.056,723.00 1.028,147.04 28,575,96 988,833.16 942.279.96 46.553.20 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 160,500,00 15.419.65 145.080,35 291,518.00 10.405.00 281.ll3.00 TOTAL REVENUE 4.699,737.00 3,579.241.93 1.120.495.07 3,938,594.29 1.102,583,31 *******EXPENDITURES******* PU8L! C SAFETY, POL! CE 133.559.00 105,639.67 27,919.33 161. 487.38 149,332.85 12.15453 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LTG 217,596.00 120.511.62 97.084.38 143.451. 04 99.081. 80 44,369,21 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 8,179.22 7,000.00 1.179 22 f'JRE SERVIŒS 287,626.00 85.228.83 202.397.17 2ll.13B .48 27,318.67 183,819,81 ACTIVITY TOTAL 638,781. 00 3ll.380.12 327.400.88 524,256,12 282,733.32 241.522 80 TRANSPORTATION: STREET MAINTENANCE 301. 750,00 137 .651.46 164.098.54 216.334.44 137,479.63 78.854,81 STREET SWEEPI NG ACTI V ITY TOTAL 301. 750,00 137,651.46 164.098.54 216.334.44 137,479.63 78.85481 HEALTH & WELFARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT 1.402.134.00 682.738.42 719.395.58 1.248,019.76 609,434.26 638,585.50 SOCIAL SERVICES 44,927.00 32.015,87 12,9ll.13 44.93S.00 32,145.ll 12,789,89 HOUSING PROGRAMS ACTIVITY TOTAL 1.447,061. 00 714.154,29 /32,306.71 1,292.954.76 641.579.37 651. 375.39 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING 6,000.00 6.000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 6,000.00 6,000,00 6.000.00 6.000.00 CAPITAl IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 100.000.00 tOO,OOO.OO COMMUNITY PROJECTS 44,928.00 44,928.00 63.670.75 63,670.75 PARKS 321,717.00 288.63524 33,081. 76 27,928.00 6.000.00 21. 928.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 729,071. 00 75.269,86 653,801.14 2,293,108.38 1.781.598.36 512,110.02 ACTI V ITY TOTAL I. 095,716.00 363,906,10 731. 810.90 2,485.307.13 1.787.598.36 697.708.77 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 3.489,308.00 1. 533.690 97 1.955,617.03 4.524.852.45 2.855,390,68 1.669,461.77 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) 1.210,429.00 2.045.55096 (835.121.96) 516,325.15 (566,878.46) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 21. 885 .10 6,600,00 15.285,10 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1.210,429.00 2.045.550.96 (835.121.96) 494,440.05 1.076.603.61 (582.163.56) ?to[) \~ THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH D4/30/2005 S P E C ¡ A LAS S E SSM E N T FUN D S CURRE NT BUDGET CURRENT ACTUAL VARIANCE PRIOR FISCAL YEAR PR lOR Y,T,D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 639.589.0D 683.906.69 (44,317.69) 593,202,41 535.375,93 57,826,48 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 12,909,00 6,265,99 6,643,01 4,093,98 &.&69,63 (1.47&,6&) OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 5.000,00 5,000,00 144.29 144.29 TOTAL REVENUE 6&7.498.00 690.172.68 (32.674.68) &97.440.68 541. 089.85 56.35083 *******EXPENDITURES******* PUBLIC SAFETY, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIG 306.088.00 167.398.66 138.689.34 217,534,35 149.210,95 68,323,40 ACTIVITY TOTAL 306,088.00 167.398.66 138,689.34 217,534,35 149.210,% 68,323.40 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS 1.436.00 1,124.47 311. &3 I. 352 .46 1.143,85 208.61 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 27,099.00 12,666.03 14,432,97 26.752.22 16.178 99 10,5/3.23 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 344.474.00 201.070.56 143.403.44 296.360.83 178.939,78 117,42105 ACTIVITY TOTAL 373.009,00 214,861. 06 1.58,147,94 324,465.51 196.26262 128,202.89 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 12.750.00 6,669.94 6,080,06 15,007.20 10,405,50 4.601.10 ACTIVITY TOTAL 12,150.00 6,669.94 6,08006 t&, 007 .20 10.40550 4.601.70 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPRVMNT 53,982,26 53,818.94 103.32 ACTIVITY TOTAL 53,98226 53,878.94 103.32 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 691.84700 388.929.66 302.91734 610,98932 409.758.01 201. 231. 31 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (34.34900) 301. 243.02 (335.592,02) 03.548,64) 131. 331. 84 (144.880,48) REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (34.34900) 301. 243.02 (335.592.02) 03.548,64) 131. 331. 84 (144.880,48) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/Dl/2D04 THROUGH 04/30/2005 I 0o/)\~ CAP I TAL IMP R 0 V E MEN T FUN 0 S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUlX>¡r ACTUAl. VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D, VARIANCE ********REVENUE******** USES/MONEY & PROP· INTEREST 810.154.00 545.31412 264,839.88 330.842,99 480,573,82 049.730.83) OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 18.631. 900.00 11.820,63333 6.811,266,67 13,455.275,26 10.473.112.61 2,982.162.65 TOTAL REVENUE; 19,442,054,00 12.365,947,45 7,076,106.55 13,786.118.25 10.953.686.43 2.832.431.82 *******EXPéNDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY ATTORNEY 55,300,00 15.847,99 39,452.01 92.493.49 39,203.44 53.29005 ACTIVITY TOTAL 55.300.00 15.84799 39,452.01 92.493.49 39,203.44 53,290,05 PUBLI C SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION; HEALTH & WELFARE: HOUSING PRlX>RAMS 819.412.00 141. 689 22 677,722.78 2,252.493.88 1. 831.608.28 420,885.60 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES; RECREATION ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTlvrfY TOfAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 142,115.00 144,059,02 0.944,02) 1.007.728.90 1. 362.271. 92 (354,543.02) COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 36.771. 00 36.771.00 PARKS 13,756.957.00 772.342.39 12.984.614.61 3.543,135.97 2,800.611,91 742,524.06 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 20,606,949,00 2.597.771 ,39 18,009.177,61 5.377.070.50 2.836.886.56 2.540.183.94 ACTIVITY TOTAL 34,542.792.00 3.514.172.80 31.028,619,20 9.927.935.37 6.999.770.39 2,928.164.98 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 35,417.504.00 3.671.710.01 31.745.793 99 12.272,922,74 8.870,582,11 3,402.340.63 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (15,975.450,00 ) 8.694,237.44 (24,669,687,44) 1.513,195,51 (569.908.81) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES(15,975,450,00) 8,694,237.44 (24,669.687,44) 1.513,195.51 2.083.10432 (569.908.81) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING 110() I, REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2004 THROUGH 04/30/2005 T R U S T / AGE N C Y FUN 0 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.O. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 201.342.90 (201.342.90) 233.713.12 204.527.28 29.18584 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 868.65 (868.65) 1,467.95 1.574.51 (106.56) TOTAL REVENUE 202.2]] . 55 (202.211.55) 235.181. 07 206.101. 79 29.07928 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES; NON-DEPARTMENTAL 228.196.00 231.421.18 (3.225.18) 230.993.50 229.893.50 1.100.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 228,196.00 231, 421.18 (3.225.18) 230.993.50 229.893.50 1.100.00 PU8LI C SAFETY, TRANSPORTATION, HEALTH & WELFARE; CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJlCTS TOT A L EXPENDITURES 228,196.00 231, 421.18 (3,225.18) 230.993.50 229.89350 1.100.00 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (228.t96.00) (29.209.63) 098.986.37) 4.187.57 (23.791, 71) 27,979.28 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (228.196.00) (29.209.63) 098.986.37) 4.187.57 (23.79171) 27.979.28 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING 1'20[)1-:l;. REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD D71D112DD4 THROUGH D413DI2DD5 I N T ERN ^ L S E R V ICE FUN D S CURRE NT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y,T,O, VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP"INTEREST 226.186.00 11S.973.87 110.212.13 72.481. 36 102, 56D.75 (3D,079.39) CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1.733.474 00 1.292,299,95 441,174.05 1.690.762.96 1.393,154.62 297.608.34 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 21.122.00 9.993.55 11.128.45 991.BI7.1D 5,5BD.00 986,237,10 TOTAL REVENUE 1,9BO.7B2.00 1,41B,267,37 562,514,63 2,755.061.42 1.501. 295.37 1. 253.756 05 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NDN·DEPARTMENTAL 2.334.746.00 1. 059 .440 23 1.275,305.77 2,231. 661, 7B 394.544,57 1,B37.117,21 ACTIVITY TOTAL 2,334.746.00 1,059.440,23 1.275,305.77 2.231.661.78 394.544.57 1. 837 .ll7 21 PUBLIC SAFETY, FIRE 66.010.00 15.172,15 50,837.85 57.06873 26.587.31 30.481.42 ACTIVITY TOTAl. 66.010.00 15.17215 5D,837.85 57.D68,73 26,5B7.31 30.481,42 TRANSPORTATION; HEAL HI & WELFARE; CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS; TOT A L EXPENOITURES 2,400.756.00 1,074.612,38 1.326.143.62 2.288.73D51 421,131,88 1,867,598,63 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (419.974.00) 343.654.99 (763,628,99) 466,33D,91 1.080.163,49 (613,832.58) TRANSFER IN FROM OHlER FUNDS TRANSFERS DUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (419.974.00) 343.654.99 (763.628 99) 466,330.91 1. 080.163 ,49 (613,832.58) ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE ********EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES, NON-DEPARTMENTAL FINANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLI C SAFETY: HEALTH & WELFARE, CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CAPITAl IMPROVEMENT PRD,)ECTS: TOT A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES CURRE NT BU[X;ET THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07 /01/2004 THROUG~I 04/30/2005 E N T E R P R I S E FUN 0 CURRENT ACTUAL VARIANCE \~Dbl~ PRIOR FISCAL YEAR PRIOR U,D. VARIANCE 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 (20.00) (20.00) (20.00) (20,00) (20.00) 20.00