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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 Willows at San Ramon Village CITY CLERK File # D~[S][Q].~6J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 18,2006 SUBJECT: PA 06-034 Amendment to an adopted Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-063) for Willows at San Ramon Village (formerly known as Baueor Alcosta). Report Prepared hy Mamie R. Nuccio, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance approVllJg amendments to Stagc I and Stagc 1 Planned Development Zoning Dcvelopment Plan (P A 02- 0(3) for the project known as Willows at San Ramon Village plaza (Braddock & Logan ServlCes, Inc.), with revised Stage 1 and Stage 1 Development Plan attached as Exhihlt A. Agenda Statement from June 20, 2006 City Council meeting, wIthout attachments. 2) RECOMMENDATION: ~ Waive the second reading and adopt the Ordmance approving amendments to Stage I and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (P A 02-0(3) for the prOject known as Willows at San Ramon Village plaza (Braddock & Logan Services, Inc.). FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On June 20, 2006, the City Council conducted a public heanng, waIVed the reading and introduced an Ordmance (Attachment 1) to' 1) approve an amendment to an adopted Phasing Plan for Plalmed Development Zoning District (PA 02-0(3) for Willows at San Ramon Village Plaza; and 2) approve mmor revIsions to the Development Plan for Planned Development Zoning Ordinallce (P A 02-0(3). The amendment is a request by Braddock & Logan to modIfy the Phasing Plan adopted as part of Platmed Development Zonmg Dlslnct (P A 02-0(3) for the San Ramon Village Plaza project. In 2004, a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning, Vesting TentatIve Map atld Site Development Review were approved lor the redevelopment of an existing retail commercial shoppmg center located at the southeast corner of Alcosta Boulevard and San Ramon Road, just north of Bellina COpy TO: Jeff Lawrence, Braddock & Logan Michael Banducci, Bancor Properties Rick Corhett, Baneor Properties Project Planner File ITEM NO. ~7 Page I of2 (]:\P A#\:200fl\Ofl-034 Willows PD Amcndmcnt\CC\CCSR 2nd Read 07-18-0(,.doc Street and adjacent to Interstate 680 The redevelopment of the shoppmg center in eluded the demolition of 34,000 square feet of eXlstmg commercial huildings for the construction of 56 residential units alld the remodeling of the remaining 14,377 square feet of existing commercial buildmgs. The Phasing Plan adopted as part of the Platmed Development Zoning required the commercial remodel and the construction of 42 residential units to be accomphshed as part of Phase 1 of the project alld the constructIon of the remaimng 14 reSIdentIal umts as part of Phase 2. Braddock & LOgalllS the developer of the 56 residentlalumts and has proposed a modified Phasing Plan. Braddock & Logan's modified Phasing Plall removes the commercial remodel from the Phusmg Plan and allows for the phasing of the residenl1al units as follows (see Table 1): _.!~l!'.!O..!' Pr!,{l()~_~lI}lraddC!~k & Lo an Phasin Plan Phase Buildin No. .1'haseJ__..._ .. },._4 and ~ Phase II 1,2 and 6 Phase III 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phase IV 11 *BMR = Below Market Rate Lot No. 3 2 2 2 No. of Units 14 2 BMB* Units) 17 2 BMR* Units) 21 3 BMR* Umts .."+.12 BMR* Ul!its) Staff presented Braddock & LOgall'S request to the Plannmg Commission on June 12, 2006 and the Planmng CQlnmlS~l\l1l adopted ResolutIOn 06-15 recommending City Council approval of Braddock & Logan's request. The Planning Commission also rceommended City Couucil approval of minor clean-up items to the Platmed Development Zoning for the San Ramon Village Plaza project. The minor elcall-Up Items would correct typographIcal errors and mmor inconsistencies between the adopted Development Plan (Ordinance 19-04), the City Council Staff Report dated May 18, 2004 and the approved ProJect Plans. Braddock & L(lgan's request was presented to the City Council on June 20, 2006 (Attachment 2). The City Council concurred with thc Planning Commission's recommendatIOn and mtrodueed an Ordmanee amending the adopted Phasing Plan for Planned Development Zomng Dlstnct (PA 02-0(3). As required by law, a second reading ofthe Ordinance is reqUired pnor to adoption. RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that the City Council waive the second reading and adopt the Ordinance approving amendments to Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning Development Plan (PA 02-(63) for the project known as Willows at San Ramon Village plaza (Braddock & Logan Services, Inc.). Page 2 of2 It, fl {) ORDINANCE NO. - 06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ<' DUBLIN APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PA 02-063) FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS WILLOWS AT SAN RAMON VILLAGE PLAZA (BRADDOCK & LOGAN SERVICES, INC.) P A 06-034 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SectIOn 1. RECITALS A. By Ordinance No.1 9-04 the City Council rezoned approximately 4.62 acres orland known as San Ramon Village Plaza commercial center ("Satl Ramon Village Plaza") to a Planned Developmenl Zoning Dislriet and adopted a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for Satl Ramon Village Plaza. B. This Ordinance amends portions of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for San Ramon Village Plaza. S_e.9Jign 2. I':H~tQ!NGS 6b')) D.pT,6){MINATIONS PurSLlantlo Sectmn R.120.050.B ofthe Duhhn Mumcipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: I The proposed amendments are consistent with the Dubhn General Plan and any applicable Specific PlatlS in that, 1) the project is consistent with the General Platlland use designation of Mixed-Use and 2) the proposed amendment to the phasing of the project is consistent with the General Plan Guiding Policy A under Section 2.2.3, Neighborhood Shopping Centers which is to strengthen eXIstmg nelghhorhood shoppmg centers, because a) the upgrading of surrounding properties would result m an economic incentive to redevelop the commercial center and h) the construction and occupancy of 56 townhouse units within walking distatlee of the commercial center w(JUld contribute to the economic viability of the commercial center by increasing the population in the area to help support existing and new businesses. The Planned development zoning District wlthlll which the amendments arc proposed docs not fall within any Specific Plan areas. Pnrsuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the City Council finds as follows: 2. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) a Mitigated Negative Deelaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program was adopted by City Council Resolution 80-04 for the San Ramon Village Plaza development proJect on May 18, 2004 Staff is recommending that the proposed amendment to the adopted Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-063) be found exempt from further CEQA revIew as It can be seen wIth certall1ty that this action would not have a significant effect on the environment. Section 3. AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 19-04 Ordinance No 19-04 is amended as follows: '-1-.7 r-,/!< ." /. I ?:: I !-:- , - Attachment 1 J of};; I The paragraph m the middle of page 5 begllllllng wIth the phrase "Note' Uses ." is amended reads as foHows: "Note: Uses not specifically 8f'lllfo','ed listed through the Site Develol'lll'lol'lt RevIew fer the I'lrfljec;t shall require a Site D8'\'elopmel'lt Review Vi aiver appro';ul by CmmRlJllity Develef'lHleat Difeetor ~ minor amendment to the Planned Development Zonllll!: District in accordance with Section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 2. The table at the bottom of page 5 is replaced with the following table: PHASE NO LOTI MAXIMUM NO. ACRES DU'S PAR<:EL DWELLINGSI BUILDING lAC AREA I -Ie 3 ~ 14 units bU Wd& 2 '-2 .g 17 units .f-l- ~1 3 2 21 unit~ --~-,--,.- -,-,..~---=:::'=.,~.:",.. . 4 2 4 units SlTBTOT AL. 56 UNITS 2.94 18.02 ,.,,-------..- CaHlffieFl:)ial H 14377 s(]. fL of conmlt:rcial 1.68 0 rctail'effiee retail PD STAGE NO. I and 2 1 and 2 --- l.nd2 I and 2 I and 2 I and 2 TOTAL 1,2, 3 56 4.62 12.2 I and 2 'Conunercialand Residential components of the project will be phased independently of one another 3 Numbered paragraph 5, labeled "Phasing Plan," on page 7, IS amended (0 read as follows: "5. Residential Phasing Plan. The residential site will be developed in tip to two phases. Refer (0 SReet 1 ofEJlhilJlt /\. I (f'lrejeet f'llillls) as follows: Phase Phase I Phase 2 Phas\;..J. Phase 4 ..._,.....--.,-_._,-~_. Bui/din No. 3.4 and 5 1,2 and 6 7,8,9 and 10 11 Lot No. 3 2 ~ '* No. of Units 14 (2 BMR* Units) J 7 (2 BMR* Units) 21 (3 ~MR* Upits)", ~ ,(q,~~* l!.lll!S)m_. 'BMR ",,_BcJm'!,<; "The commercia] component of the pmiect will be constructed as one (1 ) phase. ~ 201'3 3" I'/J,;: 4 Numhered paragraph 9, labeled "Aerial Photo," on page ~, IS amended to read as follows: "9. Aerial Photo. See Sheet,;! J of Exhibit A-I (project plans)." Sedam 4. ST AGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The revised Stage I and Stage 2 Development Plan, as anlended by thiS Ordl1lance, IS attached as Exhibit A. SectJon 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effcct and bc in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of thc City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 18'" day of July 2006 hy the followlllg vote' AYES: NOES: ABSENT. ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Ci:\PA#\2006\()ft-fJ:;14 Willows P'f) AmcndmclltllT\CC Ora PD Amend Final-DOC 30f3 I-fol;;;' Revised per Ordinance _-06 by the City Council on July 18, 2006 Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan for San Ramou Village Plaza This is a Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan pursuant tu Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. ThIS Development Plan meets all the requlfements for a Stage I and 2 Dcvelopmcnt Plan and is adopted as part of the PD-Planned Development rezoning for the San Ramon Village Plaza, P A 02-063 The Stage I mId 2 Development Plan consists of the items and plans identified below, many of which are contained m the document entItled "Exhihlt A-I (proJect plans)", dated March, 2004 which is mcorporated herem hy reference. The PD-Planned Development District and this Stagc I and 2 Development Plan provide flexibility to encourage innovative development while ensunng that the goals, policies, and action progrmns of the General Plan, and provisions of Chapter 8.32 of the Zomng Ordinmlce arc satisfied. 1. Statement of proposed uses. The Development Plan for the San Ramon Village Plan pnJV1des for the development of a 4.62 acre site as a mixed use development in two development zones: MedIUm Density Residcntial and Commercial/Mixed Use (See Sheet 4 of Exhibit A-I (project plans)). a. Permitted Uses (Medium Density Residential): I Singlc-family dwellings 2. Multi-family dwellings 3 Animal Keeping - residential 4 Caretaker Residence 5 Commumtv Care Faclllty/Small 6. Duplex 7 Group Single-Family 8. Garage sales 9. Home Occllpal1ons 10. Off-street Parkmg Lots II Parking Lot- Residcntial 12. Second Unit 13 Small Family Day Care Home (1-8 children) 14 Vending Maclnnes Conditioual Uses: 1 Boarding and Roomlllg HOllses 2. Commumty Clubhouse 3 Community Facility 4 Bed and Breakfast Iml 5 Community Care Facility (Large) Accessory Uses: As provided Cor in the regulations and procedures of the Zoning Ordinance. b. Permitted Uses (CommcrciallMixed Use): I Bakenes 2. Banks and Financial Services 3 Bicycle Sales, Service and rentals 4 Buokstores, except adult hook stores 5 Catering establislnnents 6. Community Care Facility/Small 7 Eating and drinking establishment 8. Instmctional Facilitles 1016 Exhibit A r t7 f ~ ,;,) 9 Home Occupations 10 Of'l~street Parking Lots 11 Parklllg Lot/Garag" - Commercial 12. Office - Cuntractors Ino exterior storage) 13 ProfesslOnal/ Administrative/Business/Financial 14 Repair Shop (non-automohve) 15 Retail (General, neighborhood, service) 16. School - commercial 17 Shoppmg Center 18. Specialty schools 19 Studios/Photographcrs/ Artists 20. Vending Machines 21 Tcmpurary Mobi'" Home/Manufactured Home Conditional Uses (by Planning Commission): 1 Animal Sales and Services 2. Arcade 3. AutomohileNehlcle Brukerage, Rental, Sales, Repairs and Service 4. AutomobIleNehlCle Rental 5. Bed and Breakfast hill u. Community Care Facility (Large)13oarding and Roomlllg Houses 7 Health Services and Clinics 8. Community Care Facilities/ Large 9. Dance Fluurs 10 Day Care Centers 11 Drive-In/Drive-through Busllless 12. Nursing Homes 13 COlnmumty Cluhhouse 14 Community Facility 15 Hospital/Medical Center 16. Hotel/Motel 17 Laboratory 18. Massage Establishment 19 Plant Nursery 20 RecreatlOnal Facihty/Tndoor 21 Service StatIOn Couditionalllses (by Zouiug Administrator): I Outdoor Mohile Vendor 2. Outdoor Seating 3 Tcmporary outdoor sales not related to on-site estabhshed husmess (Sidewalk Sale) Accessory Uses: As prOVided for III the regulations and procedures ofthc Zoning Ordinance. Temporary Uses: The followin~ temporary uses arc allowed provided tbey meet the regulations and procedures of the Zouin~ Ordinance for Temporary Uses: I Traet and Sales Office/Model Home Complex 2. Arts and Crafts Fair 3. Fireworks Sale 4. Outdoor sale hy estabhshed business establishmcnt 2016 t J' FI IJ () , ;. ,? 5 Subdivision signs, office, sales and equipment yard 6 Temporary Construction trailer 7 Pumpkin, Chnstmas Sales Lots Note: Uses not specifically hsted shall require a mmor amendment to the Planned Development Zoning District in accordance with Scction ~.32.0~0 ofthe Dublm Zoning Ordmance. Under the proposed tenant mix, restaurant uses would account for 5,500 square feet of floor area. Pnor to approvmg a tenant llnprovement / City busmess hcense lor additional restaurant floor area San Ramon Village Plaza, the applicant shall provide evidence to the sahsfactJon of the Community Development Dircetor that parking available at the center is adequate to support additJonal restaurant uses. Dublin Zoniuf;: Ordinance - Applicable Requiremcnts; Except as specl ficall y modified by the provIsIOns of this PD District Rezone/Development Plan, all apphcahle general requirements and procedures ofthe Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be apphed to the land uses designated in this PD District Rezone. 2. Stage 1 and 2 Site Plan. See Sheet 4 of Exhibit A-I (project plans). 3. Site Area, Proposed Densities, Phasing and Development Regulations. - --... _n. '~ 'n _. PHASE NO. LOTI MAXIMllM NO. ACRES DU'S PD PARCEL DWELLINGSI BUILDING lAC ST>l.GE AREA NO. . ---.. J 3 14 units I and 2 .--.......".......- ....__.._~"'~.,--- ..".~~-, .~"_._,. 2 2 17 LLnits I and 2 -..-----.--.....- .-..-.-- J and 2 3 2 21 units 4 2 4 units I and 2 n_.. --- SUBTOTAL. 56 lTNTTS 2.94 18,02 l.nd2 I I 14,377 sq. ft. of co nun ercia I retail 1.6R 0 I anu2 .-- -"..-. ....-..--..--..- no. --...-....... TOTAL 1,2,3 56 Units and 14,377 sq, ft 4.62 12.2 J and 2 tiummel'c!al retail ..--.-------.- Residential Mcdium Densitv Homes (Townhome-stvle Condomimiums) MimnlUIU Lot Size per d.u__ 2,000 sq. fl. MaxImum densIty' 56 umts Mimmum SIte Area. 2.24 acres Mimlllwn Building Setbacks: 10' nllll1111Um A. Public Street Frontage: Front Yard Setback: 10' minimum; SIde Yard Setback. 5' mmnuum Rear Yard Setback: 10' minimum Stair landings: 0' minimum, Porches: 5' minimum Elevated Decks: 5' minimum ArchItectural ProJections/ Details and Bump Outs: 5' minimlll11 3016 B Private Street Frontage: Front Yard Setback: Side Yard Sethaek: Rear Yard Setback. Stair landings: Porches: Elevated Decks: Archllectural Projections! Details and Bump Outs: C Non-Street Frontage: Front Yard Setback: SIde Yard Setback: Rear Yard Setback: Stair landings: Porchcs, Elevated Dceks: Archit<;ctural Projections! Details and Bump Outs: Mimmull1 Slte Width. MaxImum SIte Coverage' Minimum Building Separation. Maximum Height: Parkll1g!Garages; Commercial Retail/Office: Lot Area. A. Intcrior Lot: B. Comer Lot: Lot Width and Frontage: A. Interior Lot: B. Comer Lot: Lot Deplli: Setba"ks: A. Front. B SIde: 7' 0 r.:: :; 10' minimum, 5' minimum 0' minimum 4' mll1lmUm 3' minimum (from face of cur h) 0' minimum (from face of curb) 0' mllllnlUm (from face of cur h) 10' mmll11Um; 10'mll1lmum 10' mllllmum 4 ' m1l11m um 5' minimum 10' minimum 5' minimum (from assumed property line) o 100% 10' mll1lmUm Four or more dwelhngs: Three sturies or forty fivc fect Aeecssory Stmctures: Height limits shall he as slaled m the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Studio!1 hed. One eovcred and one guest space for each two units Two or more Bed: two covered per dwelling units; one guest for each two units Two-car tandem garages: Permitted Compact spaces: 35% of total required spaces, maxImum 5,000 sq. ft. minimum 6,000 sq. ft. minimum 50 ft. mll111nUm 60 ft. minimum 100 ft. 111mimum 20 ft. minimum o fl. mmimum, except shall be 10ft. where abutting residenhaJ 4016 '-f, 0 I):;; C Street Side, DRear 10 ft. minimum o ft. minimum Hcight: 36 ft. maxImum Coverage: N/A Parking/Garagcs: As req,ured by City of Dublin Off-street parkIng standards Compact Spaces: 35'1., oftotal required parklllg, maximum 4. Architectural Standards. See attached Floor Plans and Elevations by The Dahlin Group, Sheets A.l through A-IS, contained in Exhibit A-I (project plans). Any modifications to the project design shall be substantially consistent with these plans and of equal or superior matcrials and design quality 5. Residential Phasing Plan. Thc residcntial site will be developed III phases as follows: , ~ NO. OF UNITS 14 ~__~MR~Yl;;is) _!?1,2.BMR* Umts) 21 () BMR* Umts) -..- ...-.-- _~(OBMR* llnits) PHASR Phase I Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 'BMR ~ Below Market Rale "''''The I.::ommcrcial component of the project will be constmcted as one (I) phase. BUILDING NO. 3, 4 and 5 1,2 and 6_. -_.,..._."",'~ m7--,--~.9.aI!d 10 11 LOT NO. 3 2 2 >, ~~<' "(,;" ~\...; ..(~w ~I.u.;;, '!\~ i'>;(','. 6. Master Neighborhood Landscaping PIau/Preliminary Landscape Plan. Refer to Exhibit A-I (project plans), Sheets L-l through L-7, Preliminary Landscaping Plan hy The Guzzardo Partnership All Project monumentatlOn and entry signs shall conform to Sheets L-6 and L-7, Preliminary Landscaping Images and Details of the Project Plans. A Final Landscapwg Plan will be required to be submitted and approved pnor to building permit issuanec. 5of6 1 (J(,J;J- 7. Geueral Plan Consistency. San Ramon Village Plaza project lllcllldes a General Plan amendmcnt which modifies General Plan maps and text for the project. The project PD-zoning and this Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan shall not be effective until the above general plan amendmcnts are approved and efl'ective. 8. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. To satisfy the City's lncluslonary Zoning Ordinance (Dublin Mlmicipal Codc Chapter 8.68) and any amendments thereto, 12.5%, or 7 dwelhng llmts III the project must he TncluslOnary llmts in accordanec with the regulations of the Ordmance. The ApplIcant/Developer shall construct all 7 umts m Phases 1 and 2, and designate those units as for-sale ("ownership") lnclusionary units affordable to very low-, low-, and moderate-income households, and shall enter into an agreement with the City to Impose appropriatc rcsalc controls and rental restrictions on thc units, prior to recordation of final map 9. Aerial Photo. See Sheet 3 ol'Exhihit A-I (project plans). 10. Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this Stage I and 2 Development Plan, the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the Property shall be governed by the provisions of the Dllhhn Zoning Ordinance pursuant to section 8.32.060 C II. Statement of compatibility with Stage 1 Development Plan. The Stage 2 porhon of thIs Development Plan IS conSIstent wIth the Stage 1 porhon ol'this Development Plan. G:\J'Aif\2006\06-034 Willows rn Amcndment\CClStage I and Stage 2 Development Plan. doc 6016 10 0 f.2"!- CITY CLERK Fi Ie # Dffi[5][OJ-[!I[ll] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20, 2006 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARlNG: PA 06-034 Amendment to an adopted Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-063) for Willows at SlIn Ramon Village (formerly known as Bam:or Aleosta). Report Prepared by Mamie R. Nw,:t.:io AS,wciate Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1) Sheet 4 of the approved Project Plans titied "San Ramon Village Plw.a Planned Development Rezoning Stage ] & Stage 2 Development Plan, Vesting Tentative Tract Map and site Development Pennit, Tract 7437" dated received March 15, 2004 and stamped approved b) the City of Dublin. 2) Letter from Rancor Properties to the City of Dublin dated October 18,2004 3) Building Permit ~ubmittal history 4) Letter from Braddock & Logan to the City nf Dublin dated October 18, 2004 5) Letter from Braddock & T ,ngan to Bancor Propertics dated April 20, 2006. 6) Proposed Braddock &, Logan Phasing Plan. 7) Phased Occupal'cy Request Letter from Braddock & Logan to the City of Duhlln dated May 22,2006 K) Response Letter from the City of Dublin to Braddock & Logan regarding Braddock & Logan's Phased Occupancy Request dated May 22, 2006. 9) Response Letter frnm Rradd",;k & Logan to thc City of Dublin regarding Phased Occupancy Request dated Ma) 23, 2006 10) Sheet 2 of the approved Project Plans titled "San Ramon Village Plaza Planned Development Rezoning Stage I & Stage 2 Development Plan, Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Permit, Tract 7437" dated received March IS, 2004 and stamped approved by the City of Duhlln. ______________________________________________________.w__________~_____________p~______________6~~____~_~__~ COpy TO: Jeff Lavmnce, Braddock & Logan Michael Banducci, Bancor Properties RIck Corbett, BancoI' PropertIes Project Planner File Page I of 13 ......iI.:....j - G:IJlt\11\2flOft\O&.OJ4 Willows PD Amcndmcnt\CC\CCSR 0#1-2n~Oh doc Attachment 2 RECOMMENDATION: ~ I) ~i/ 2) \X 3) 4) S) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 11) .' Ilol";J..;L Page 3 of the CIty Councll Agenda Statement dated May Hi, 2004 Residential phasing exhibIt. San Ramon Village Plaza colored elevations. Condition #9 of City Council Resolutwn 81-04 approving the Vesting Tentahve Map and Site Dcvelopment Review for the San Ramon Village Plaza Development project, ReVIsed pages 5 and 7 to adopted Stage 1 & Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 19-04). Table 5 fi'om Ordinance 19-04 and Tablc 6 from City Council Staff Report datl:ld May 18,2004 Planmng Commission Meeting Minutes of June 12. 2006 (10 he sent under separate cover). Planning Commission Rcsolution recommending City ell unci I approval of an amendment to an adopted Phasing Plan for Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-0(3) for Willows at San Ramon Villagc. Ordinance approving an amendment to an adopted Phasing Plan for Plarmed Development Zoning District (I' A 02-063) for Willows at San Ramon Village and approving mlJlor reVIsions to the Development Plan for Planned Development Zoning Ordinance (PA 02-063). 12) \3) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Receive Staff presentation; Open the pubhc hearing; Take testimony from thc Applicant and the pubhc; Close the puhlic hearing and deliberate; and Waive the reading and introduce an Ordinance (Attachment 19) approving an amendment to an adopted Phasing Plan for Plarmcd Developmenl Zoning District (PA 02-063) for Willows at San Ramon Villagc and approving minor revisions to the Development Plan for Planned Development Zoning Ordinance (P A 02-063) or provide Staff direction on a different optlOn. None. In Novembcr of 2002, Bancor Properties submitted an apphcabon to amend the Gcncral Plan and Zoning Map to allow for the redevelopment of an eXlstmg shopping center, San Ramon Village Plaza, With a nux ed-use proJect. San Ranlon Village Plaza is :!:4.62 acres in size and is located east of San Ramon Road hetween Alcosla Boulevard to the north and Bellina Street to the south, I1le project consisted of the demolitIOn of appnlXlmately 34,000 squarc feet of existing commerCIal buildmgs and assocIated parking lot areas to provide for the construction of 56 neSldential units on the southern half of th" site and the remodeling of the remaining 14,377 square foot commercial building on the northern half of the site (Attaclnnents I and 13). Page 2 of13 1).0(.).;). In conJuncllOn With the request for amelldments to the Gcneral PIau and Zoning Map, Bancor Propertl\'s als,) soughl approvals for Stage 1 & Slage 2 Planned Dcvelopmcnt Laning, a Vestmg Tenla(Jve Map, and S,te Development Review in May 2004, the City Council approved Resolutlon RO-04 adopting a Mitigated Ncgative Deelaration and Mil1gatmn Momlonng Program, and Resolution 81-04 approving a Vesting Telllallve Map and Site Dcvelopmcnt Review lor thc San Ramon Village Plaza development project. These approvals wcre contingent upon the City Council adopting the followmg: I) a Resolution approving amcndlncnts to thc General Plan to add a new Mixed-Use land use classification in the Primary PhuUling Area and amending the Latld Use Map for the project site; 2) an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to the project site; and, 3) an Ordinance approving related Stage I and Stage 2 Plmmed Development Zoning. The City Council amcndcd the Zoning Map by Ordinance 19-04 on June I, 2004, and amend cd thc Gcncral Plan by ResolutIon 144-04 on July 20,2004 A Final Map was approved on September 20, 2005, by City Councll Rcsolution 179-05 The Planned Development zoning and Site Development Review approvals requIred that the project move forward as a whole with the commercial remodel bemg constructed at the same time as the re$ldenbal umts. In a letter dated October 18, 2004 from Bancor Properl1es to the then-current Community Dcvelopment Director, Mr Eddie Peabody, Buncor Properties expressed their commitment to facilitate the development of the San Ramon Village Plaza mixed-use project. At that time Baneor Properties was in the proccss of selling the resllientIal portlOn of the project to Braddock & Logan and the City cxpressed concern over the timely completion of both thc commercial and residential portIOns of the project. Bancor Propertics assured the City that the commercial remodel would pmceed III a timely fashion and provided the followillg retail remodel schedule (Attachment 2): . March 7, 2005 Secure building permits . April 15, 2005 Begin eonstmction . September 30, 2005 Complete conStructiOll Baucor Properties submitted an application for building permits to remodel the remaining 14,377 square foot commercIal huildlllg on February 10, 2005 and receivcd commcnts from Staff on March 29, 2005 (Attachment 3). The application is currently in third plan check review and Staff is reviewing the plans for consistency with thc project approvals. In a lettcr datcd Oelobcr 18, 2004 from Braddock & Logan to Mr. Peabody, Braddock & Logan expresscd their intent to purchase the rcsidential portIOn of the project !tom Bancor Properties and provided a timeline to begin site improvements for the rcsidential project (Attac1ullent 4). ThIS letter was. not locatcd in City files and was submitted by Jeff Lawrence of Bmddnck & L:lgan at thc June 12, 2006 Planning CommISSIOn meeting. In Novcmbcr 2004, Braddock & Logan purchased a ::1:2.':)4 acre portion of the i4.62 acre project site for thc construction of the 56 residential uniis. Bancor Properties retamed ownership of the remaining il.68 acre commercial portion of the project site. Braddock & Logan obtained a demolition pemut on February fl, 2005 to demolish approximately 34,000 square feet of the eXlstmg commerCIal buildmg on the project site. The soils in this area were known to he ctmtaminated hy a f\lrmer dry cleaner use which occupied a portion of tbe cnmmerelal hnilding; thereforc, environmental rcmediation work needed to be accomphshed pn<lf to the construction of the 14 Page 3 of 13 'd 'I . h' I I d" h' Th .. k /.2,od+-l;;t- rcsl entIa umts w Ie 1 were p annc lor t IS area. e envIronmental remediatIOn wor was compl!te on June 27,2005 On Septcmbcr 27, 2005, Braddock & Logan commenced construcl111n on the residential portion of the project. In April of 2006, the City dIscussed with Braddock & Logan the requirement that the commercml portion of the projcct nccdcd 10 bc completed prior to oecupallcy of any UOll un the residential portion of the project and recommended that Braddock & Logan suhmlt a Phased Occupancy Plan in accordance wIth the project approvals. In a letter dated April 20, 2006 Braddock & Logan reminded Bancor PropertIes of the requirements set forth in a Real Estatc Purchase Agreemellt and Jomt Escrow Inslruetion between the two parties that required the timely completion of all Improvements including thc development of the commercial project (Attachment 5). On May 19, 200t>, Braddock &. Logan submitted an apphcabon for a Temporary Usc Permit for the use of four (4) units as a model home complex. The City issucd Braddock & Logan a temporary certificate of occupancy for thc model home complex on June 9, 2006; Braddock & Logan is procceding with the sale of illdividual residential units at theIr own nsk pending City COlIDcil action on their request for an amendment to the Planned Developmcnt Zoning. The City agreed to grant temporary occupancy of the models subject to a requirement that Braddock & Logan nohfy prospective homebuyers that the City will not grant any occupancIes until the Planned Development Zoning has been changed. Also in May of 2006, Braddock & Logan submitted a Phased Occupancy Plan for approval by the Community Development Director. The Phascd Occupancy Plan sets forth Braddock & Logan's proposal for the complction and phasing of the 56 residential units (Attachment 6). The Phascd Occupancy Plan did not include the commercial remodel portion of the San Ramon Villagc Plaza development project. In other words, the proposed Pbased Occupancy Plan allowed thc occupancy of all of the reSIdential umts hefore the commercial remodel was complcted. Bccause the Phased Occupancy Plan was inconsistent with the adopted Planned Dcvelopment Zoning for the project, the Community Development Director did not approve the Phased Occupancy Plan tAttaclnnents 7.9). Rather than revise their Phased Occupancy Plan, Braddock & Logan suhmltted an application on May 24th requesting an amendment to Planned Development ZoIllng District (PA 02-063) to modify the adopted Phasing Plan for the San Ramon Village Plaza dcvelopment project. The Phasmg Plan adopted by Ordinance 19-04 establishes the phasing of the San Ramon Village Plaza project. Phase I includes the construchon of 42 resldentlal umts and common open space (Lot 2) and the remodeling of 14,377 square feet of commercial retail spacc (Lot I); Phase 2 includes the constructIon of the remaining 14 residcntial units (Lot 3) (Attachment 10-11). Braddock & Logan IS proposing to amend the Phasing Plan to separate the commercial remodel from the PhaSlllg Plan and allow lor thc construction of the 56 resIdenl1al S III four (4) phases (Attachmcnt 121. ANALYSIS: Planned Development Zoning The Stage 1 & Stage 2 Development Plan lor San Ramon Village Plaza estabhshes the permitted, cunditHlnally pentllUed, and accessory uses for the projcct site; the site plan. site area and proposed densities; maximum number of rcsidential units and non-residentIal square footages; a phasing plan, master landscaping plan; development regulations; and archItectural standards, among other things. Page 4 of 13 ill conjtl11ctlon with the preparation of a Stage 1 DtlveJopment Plan, a Phasing Plan is a.lso req\lired/l!fe f) 8- Phasing Plan shows the boundarics, timing and scquencing, gross and net areas and densities, and non- residential square footages for development within the entIre Planned Development Zoning District. The Phasmg Plan also mcludes existing and proposed land uses; major features of the clfeulatlon system including any existing and proposed freeways, arterials, and collector ~treets; and other infrastructurc requircments sl1ch as watcr supply, wastewater collechon. treatment and disposal, and drainage systems. Staie I & Stage 2 PlaIllled DeveJollment Zomng Phasmg Plan (PA 02.063) The adopted Stage I and Stage 2 Planned Dcvelopment Zoning Phasmg Plan was established to ensure that both thc commcrcial and residential components of the San Ramon Village Plaza projcct were constructed concllrrently The Planned Development Zomng integrates thc commercial and residential development areas to create a pedestrian-oriented mixed-use village, The residential umts have been designed so that the frollt of Buildings 4, 10 and 11 face the remodeled commcrcial center and parking lot (See Attachment I). AddItIonally, the Cllmmercial component has been designed with an archItectural style and color palette that are compatiblc with thc architectural style and color palette of the residential development to provide a cohesive look to the mixed-use development (Attachmcnt 13), The adopted Phasing Plan for San Ramon Village Plaza includes two Phases: . Phase I remodel of a 14,377 square foot commercial building on Lot 1 and the construction of 42 residential units on Lot 2, . Phase IL construction of the remaining 14 residential units on Lot 3 The required environmental remediation on Lot 3 was the hasis for phasing thc project in two phases as it allowed for the remodelmg of the commercial building on Lot I and construction of 42 resIdentIal umts on Lot 2 to proeeed while thc environmcntal remediation was taking place on Lot 3. Braddock & Logan successfully completed thc environmenIaI remediation pnor to secunng huilding permits and commencing construction on the project. Currently, the construction of the 14 units on Lot 3 is nearing completion, Proposed Braddock & Logan Phasing Plan On May 9, 200t> Braddock & Logan submitted a Phased Occupancy Plan in accordanec with Site Development Review Condition of Approval No 9 con tamed in Resolution 81-04 which states: "If occupancy is requested to occur in phases, then all physical improvements within each phase shall he required to he completed prior to occuponcy of any buildings within that phase except for items specifically excluded in an approved Phased Oc<'upancy Plan or minor handwork items approved by the Department of Community Development... " (Attachment 14) Braddock and Logan's proposed Phased Occupancy Plan identifics rcsidential occupancies occumng In four (4) phases as follows (See Table I): Phase I Phase II .' --~.~._..,.,_._-,-_.- Phase m Phase I V . ORMrf-'ii;i;;;;'-Markei"Ra;e- Table 1. ProDosed Braddock & LOl!au Phasiul! Piau Phase ~uildin~~'..'",,_..__,._ 3, 4 and 5 1, 2 _ll!:,9 6 .___ ~..,.._.... 7 1\ Q and 10 ..U....., ....... Lot No. 3 2 1 2 No. Of Units 14 (2 BMR* Vmls) 17 (2 BMR* Units) 21 (3 BMR'i' Vmts) 4lO BMR* Units) Page 5 of 13 dd k' I ~ . f' I 'd !.I)O( JJ Bra oc & Logan s proposcd Phased Occupancy P an set 1011h the phased occllpanclcs 0 tIC resl entIal umts hut does not ldentlfy the phasmg of the commercial remodcl 011 Lot I 00 May Ill, 2000, the Community Dcvelopment Director dcnicd Braddock & Logan's Phased Occupancy Plan for the lollowing reasons: . Bascd on a rcvicw of the Staff Report dated May 18, 2004, m~]udm!: the exhibits and minutcs, the Phased Occupancy PJaIl request WaS found to he Inconsistent with thc intent and approvals for the proJect. The City Council's approval clearly intended that tho commercial project be completed in COl!Junchon WIth the residential portion of the project. The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning for the project indicated that the project would he completed 111 two phases. Phase 1 included the renovatIon of the commercial building and commcrcial parkmg area and 42 resIdential umts m BLJildings 1-2 and 6-.11 Phase 2 included 14 residential units in Buildings 3 5 Braddock & Logan's proposed Phased Occupancy Plan indicates Phase 2 would be completed before Phase 1 , and . Condition No.9 of the Site Development ReView approvlll states that prior to receiving any occupanCies, all physlca! ImprovemenU; are to be completcd prior to occupancy of any buildings within that phllSe, cxccpt for items specifically excluded In an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork Items, approved by the Department of Community Development. Braddock & Logan's proposed Phased Occupancy Plan failed to mclude the completion of the commercial remodel or parking area within Phalle 1 Bascd on the factors cited above, the Community Development Director found that the proposed Phased Occupancy Plan was inconsistent with the adopted Stage I and Stage 2 Planned Development Zoning Phasmg Plan and therefore could not grant approval of the proposed Phased Occupancy Plan. Rather than suhmit a revISed Phased Occupanc)' Plan, Braddock & Logan submitted an application requesting an amendment to thc Planned Dcvelopment Zoning Phasing Plan. Planning Commission Meeting oj JUlie 12, 2006 The Dublin Zoning Ordinance allows the Director of Commumty Development to grant an amendmcnt to an adopted PhUlI1lng Development ZOn1l1g District as an administrative action or the Plwming Commission by means of a Conditional Use Pennit upon finding that" the amendment substanhally eomplics with and docs uot materially change the provisions or intent of the adopted Planned Development Zoning Distnct... It was SlaWs opmlOn that this finding could not be met with respeet to Braddock & Logan's requcst to amend thc adopted Phasing Plan for Planned Development Zoning DIstnct (PA 02-0(3), It was the City Council's mtent, m adopting the Phasing Plan that the commercial remodel and residential cunstruction would occur concurrently Since Braddock & Logan's request did not include phasing of the commercial remodel. the request was found to be a material change to the intent of the Planned Development Zomng District and in accordancc with Section 8.32.080 of the Dublm Zoning Ordinance the amendment rcquest must be processed as a Zoning Ordmance Amendment pursuant to Chapter 8.120. When an amendment to the Zonmg Ordm3I1ce is proposed, the Planning Commission's role, following a public hearing, is to make a written recommendation to the City Council, WIth reasons for the recommendation wld the relationship of the wllendment to the Generoll Plan, on whethcr to approve, appnlVe WIth modificatIons, or disapprove the amendment At the Junc 12, 2006 Planning Commission mccting, Staff presented five (5) options for the Plannin!: Commission's consideration regarding Braddock & Logan's request for an amendment to the Planned Development Zoning: Page 6 of 13 / h 0/;2') 1 Approval of Flraddock & Lngan Requesl. this option would allow the resIdentIal unIts llll Lots 2 and 3 to bo occupied independent of the commercIal remodel. 2. Dcnial or Braddock & Logan Request: this option would requIre thallhe commercial remodel on Lot 1 and the 42 units on Lot 2 be complete" before the remaining 14 units on Lot 3 are completed. 3 Approval of Alternative Amendment "A" this option requires that the 14 units on Lot 3 and the commcreial remodel on Lot 1 be completed before the remaimng 42 units are completed. 4 Approval of AlternatIVe Amendment "B" this option would allow 14 umts to he occup,ed n<lW, occupancy of an additional 17 units when the commercIal remodel is under construction, and occupancy of the remllJnlng 25 umt~ when the commercial remodcl is completed, 5 Approval of an alternatIve amendment to be determined by the pllllUling Commission. While these options arc listed numerically, they are not ranked III any order ofpreJ'erence. Option #1. Approval of Braddock & Logan Reauest As mentioned above, Braddock & Logan's proposed amendment would removc the commercial remodel from the Phaslllg Plan and allow for the phasing of the residential units in four (4) distmct phases (Refer to Table I above). Under this option, Braddock & Logan could obtain occupancics for all 56 units, in accordance with theIr proposed Phasmg Plan, WIth no plan for thc completion of the COlmnerc18l remodeL Aflalv.<is/Generlll Plan Consistencv The '56 units have been under co~struetion since September of 2005 The model ho~e complex, which consists of 4 units, is nearing completion and the construction of 14 additional units in Buildings 3-5 on Lol3 is expected to be complete hy August of 2006. Currently, the commercial remodel IS m huilding plan check review, and it is tUlknown at this time when building permIts would be issued or when construction would commence or be completed. Amending the adopted Phasing Plan to allow for the removal of the commercial remodel would cnablc Braddock & Logan to obtain occupancy of all 56 UllltS regardless of the status of the commercial remodel. Allhough the adopted Pl1aslng Plan reqUIres that the commercial rcmodel and residentJal construcllon of 42 units be completed as part of Phase 1 of the project, Braddock &, Logan does not own the commercial portion of the prOject and thus has no control over the construction of the commercial remodel. Braddock & Logan contends that by not having any control over the commercial construction schedule, they should not be restflcted m obtaimng occupaocu:," of the residential units. However, amcnding thc adopted Phasing Plan as proposed by Braddock. & Logan may be inconsistent with the polieics ofthc General Plan in that Guiding Policy A under NeIghborhood Shopping Ccntcrs is to strengthen existing neighborhood shopping centers. As approved, the Planned Development Zoning was conslstent WIth thIS pollcy In that, the redevelopment ofthc San Ramon Village Plaza shoppmg center as a mixed-usc project would help enhance the economic viability of the retail component and the introduction of medium-density residential uses within the project sIte would increa.qe the population in the area to help support the eXlstmg and new husmesses. Without the commercial remodel, the exlstmg commercml center may remain underutiIized and in need of upgrading. The Mixed-Use land use category was approved by the City Council to achieve the General Plan goal of strengthening neighborhood shopping Page 7 of 13 centers Includmg San Ramon Village Plaza by redevelopmg the shopping centcr to cnhance the ecoh2f/.isJ ;J viability of the retail component and mtroducmg medium-denslly residcntial uses within the project site. Ooti!?1!.J!!~,.. DCllial of BraddocI,;.'ii,_J"ggJ!!l..R!;ill!!;'st Under tIllS opllon, the adopted Phasmg Plan would remain in effcct and the commercial remodel would necd to be completcd concurrcntly with thc 42 units located 011 Lot 2. llpon completion of the commcrcial remodel, these 42 units could be occupied. Following tho gran ling of occupancies for the 42 units on Lot 2, the rernainmg 14 umts on IAll3 could he occupied. Analvsis/General Plan Consiste'l':v' As mentioned above, Braddock & Logan has been under construction Sillee September of 2005 According to their construction schedule, the 14 Imits which make up Pbase 2 of the project will be the first units to be completed and ready for occupancy as early as August of this year. By denying Braddock and Logan's request to amend the adopted Phasing Plan, these 14 Ul11ts would remain vacant until such time that Phase 1, the commercial remodel alld the construction of 42 residential units, is completed. By not amending the adopted Phasing Plan, the prOject would remain consistent with the General Plan as approved by the City Council in June of2004 Oction #3. Acoroval of Alternative Amendment "A" to the Phasing Plan Under the first of the altemahves developed hy Staff, a modified Phasing Plan would allow for Braddock & Logan to obtain occupancies of 14 units in Buildings 3-5 on Lot 3 but would restrict further occupanCIes from bemg granted until such tIme tbat construction of the commercial remodel was complete and approved by all applicablc City departments and agencies. Upon complel1on and City approval of the commercial remodel, the remainmg 42 umts could obtain occupancies (Scc Table 2 below). 1'able 2. Modified Phasinl! Plan - Alternative Amendment "A" Phase No. of Units/Souare Footal!e BuildiuII No. 14 Residential Units Buildings 3-5 14377 so. ft. Commercial Building 42 Rcsiq,~!j.~L.!dE.j):~ Buildings 1-2, 6~10 and 11 (Models) 1 2 Alla(vslslGclleral Plan Consistency' The adopted Phasing Plan requires the constructIOn of 42 units in Buildings 1-2,6-10 and lion Lot 2 as parI of Phase 1 and the remaining 14 units in Buildings 3-5 on Lot 3 as Phase 2. The modified PhaSing Plan essentially reverses the phasing of the residential units by 111l0Wll\g the 14 units on Lot 3 to bc constructed as part of Phase 1 and the remaining 42 units on Lot 2 to be constructed as Phase 2. ThIS coincides willI Braddock & Logan's construction schedule In that the 14 units on Lot 3 arc already under construction and are expected to be ready for occupancy in August of 2006. Occupancies of the residential units in Phase 2 would be granted following the completion of construction and final approval of thc commcrcial remodel by all applicable City departments and agencies. While occupancies for the rcmaining 42 units would not be granted until the completion of the commercIal remodel, Braddock & Logan could procccd with the construction of these units. This modified phasing plan would be consistcnt with the General Plan policy to strengthen neIghborhood shopping centers because it would ensure the eventual redevelopment of San Ramon VilIagc Plaza and therehy enhance the economlC vlahihly of the retail component. The introduction of medium-denSity rcsidcntial uses within the project site would incrcasc the population in the area to help support eXisting and new businesses. Page 8 of 13 Ootion #4_ Aooroval of AlternatIve Amendment "B" to the Phasing I>!,!I1 The sec<llld aHemative developed by Staff would allow the following: ,<<of)) I) Braddock & Logan could obtain occupancies now for 14 umts 111 Buildings 3-5 2) Braddock & Logan could obtain OCCupaJ1Cles for an add\lional17 units in Buildings 1,2 and 6 once the commercml remodel was under construction. 3) Braddock & Logan could obtain OCcupanCies for the remaming 25 units in Buildings 7.11 once the commercial remodel was completed (See Table 3 below). Table 3. Modified Phllsin!! Pllln - Alt~~!1.Rtlv~.~mendment "B" _I.'~ase__ '-_ No, of U nits/Souare Footal'e 1 14 Residcntial Units 2a 14,377 sq. ft. under constmction 2b 17 Residcntial Units -,,,....._"'.."".-- 3a 14,377 sq. ft.complctcd 3b 25 Residential Units BuiIdjnll}~~o. Buildinl!s 3-5 Commercial Building Buildinl!S I, 2 and 6 Commercial Building Buildings 7-10 and II (Models) ____ Analvsis/Geneml Plan Consistency' This modified Phasing Plan establishes milestones which must be reached 111 order for Braddock &, Logan to obtain residcntial occupancies. This alternative takes mto consideration Braddock & Logan's construction schedule and proposed phasmg of residenhal units while at the same time ensuring that the City Council's mtenhon of having the commcrcial remodel and residentlul construction occur simultaneously Similar to Option #3, Alternative Amendment "A", Braddock & Logan could immediately obtain occupancies of 14 units in Buildings 3-5 Once buildmg permIts are secured for the commercial remodel and construction commences on the fa9ade improvements, Braddock & Logan could then obtlllU occupancies for an addlhonal 17 units in Buildings I, 2 and 6. Upon completion of construchon and final approval of the commercIal remodel by all applicable City dcpllrtments and agencies, Braddock & Logan could then obtain occupancics for thc rcmaining 25 units. TIlls modified phasing plan would also remain consistent with the General Plan pohcies which were cited in thc original approvals in that it requires the commercial remodel to be complctcd concurrently with the conSlrUCl1On und occupancy oHhe residential units. Ootion #5. Another Amendment t<;J he determmed by lhe Planning Commission The Plal1llmg ComIDlssloll was also given the option to propose an alternative amendment by modifying the proposcd alternatives or c~cating a new alternative. Estimated Cunstruction Timelines A typical f~ade remodel proJect, such as is being proposed at San Ramon Village Plaza, could be constructed wllhm 8-10 months. Bancor Properties' original estimate proposed (hat It would take approximately 5 months to completc the commereial remodel (See Tahle 4) below. It is Imknown at this time when construction would commence as BuiIdmg Pennlts have not yet bccn issued. Staff is currently reviewing the plans for consistency With the ongmul approvals to detennine whether changes proposed by Bancor Properhes are slgmficant enough to warrant City Council rcview and approval. Page 9 of 13 ...-.-.-- /q IJJ;;'J_ Table 4. Estimated Construction Timelines* Construction Completed Commcrcial Remodel Unknown Unknown (possibly pnor to Octoher lOOt>) 5 months** (March ~007)_ Phas<: I Phase IT Residential Construction August 2006 October 200u Pemll(S Issued ConstructJon Commenced Phase III January 2007 ~-" Phase IV FebrualV 2007 .Alllimelilles are tSli'"1l1ed. UnC"reseell c"nstru'ti"n delays and market coilditions could alter these timclinc'_ "According tn ..tim.ted time frame prnvidod hy Bancnr Pr<>pcrtics in aletler dated October 18, 2004 (Attachment 2). Under Option #3, Alternative Amendment "A" it would be highly ulIlikely that the commercial remodel could be completed prior to the complehon nfBnlddock & Logan's proposed Phasc II (17 units) bccause Bancor PropertIes hllll yet 10 secure Building Permits and commence construction of the commercIal remodel and Braddock & Logan estimates that Phase II would be ready for occupancies by October 2006 (See Tllble 4 ahove). Under Option #4, Alternative Amendment "B", the commercial remodel could possibly be under construction by October 2006 at which time Braddock & Logan antieipates being ready to request occupancies of Phase II but it is unlikely that the commercial rcmodel would be completed by January 2007 when Braddock & Logan anticIpates being ready to request occupancies for Phase ill (See Table 4 ahove). As stated earher in this report, the Buildillg Pemnts for the 56 units have been issued and construction is in progress; however, no Permits have been issued for the commercial remodel (See Attachment 3 for timeIinc on Building Permit process). In order for Bancor to Ohlain Building Permits for the commercial remodel, their Building Permit application would need to be approved by all applicable City departments and agencles_ Per Section 7.28 of the Dublin Municipal Code, final landscape plans and grading and improvement plans would also need to be approved by the Planning Division and Public Works Department, respectively, before the Building DivisIOn could Issue Building Permits. Bancor Properties submitted the Final Landscape Plans to the Planning Division for third review on May 23, 2006 and suhmitted gradmg and improvement plans to the Public Works Department on May 24, 2006 for second review Staff Discussions with Applicant Staff discussed Option #3, Alternative Amendmcnt "A" and Option #4, Alternative Amendment "B" wlth Jeff Lawrence of Braddock & Logan. Me. Lawrence mdicated that their prefcrencc is to move forward wIth tbelr proposed Phasmg Plan which alloWS the residential units to be constructed in four (4) Phases and removcs the commercial rcmodcl from thc Phasing Plan. Braddock & Logan has mdicated that they do not have control ovcr the cOlTunercial remodel because they do not own the property on which it is located. Minor Clean-up Items to Stage I and Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance 19-04) As a part of this Planned Dcvclopmcnt Zoning amendment, the following changes are heing proposed to the adopted Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan m order to correct typographical erroTS and minor inconsistencies between the Development Plan (Ordinance. 19-04), the City Council Staff Report dated May 18, 2004 and the approved Project Plans. A total of four (4) changes arc being proposed. These changes would be made to pages Sand 7 of the adopted Stagc I and Stage 2 Development Plan (See Attachment 15). Page 10 of 13 Proposed Clean-up Tlem No.1 .70 IJ! } ). Scction 3 on pagc 5 titlcd "Sitc Area, Proposed Densities, Phasmg and Oevelopmcnt Rcgulations" Minor typographlcal erroTS were found m lhe chart (See Tablc 5 in Attachment 15) WhlCh are mconslSlent with the chart providcd in the City C0Ill1cil StatTRcport, dated May 18, 2004 (See Table 6 in Attachment 16). StalTis propoRing the lullowing changes (Scc Tablc 71: Tobie 7. Proposed Chanlles to DeveloD11.'ent!'lan Chart (Ordinance 19-04) PHASE NO. LOT/ MAXIMUM NO. ACRES DlI'S PD PARCEL DWELLINGS/ /AC STAGE BUILDING AREA NO. -... ".'~--' -.. 1 + 2 ~ 42 CONOOMINfUMS 2.23 19.28 1 and 2 & COMMON OPEN SPACE 2 J H 14 CONDOMINIUMS 71 18.30 I and 2 SUBIOI AL. _.- 56 INIUMS 2.94 18.02 I and 2 _0'._. '.. CalHfflf,lreu,1 1 G 14.377 sq. ft. of 1.68 0 1 and 2 retail/sfHae I 0,- . rt':tail TOTAL 1, 2, 3 56 4.62 12.2 1 and 2 The changes proposed would correct minor inconsistencies and typographical errors and are not considered substantive changes. The changes outlined in Table 7 include the folIowmg: . Change the "Commercial retaiVoffice" text in the Phase No. column to a numerical "I" consistent Wlth the chart prov,ded m the May 18, 2004 City Council Staff Report and Sheet 2 of the approved Project Plans. . Change the "I" in the Lot/Parcel column to a "2" COnSIstent with the chart provided in the May 1!l, 2004 City CoulIcil StaffReporl and Sheet 4 ofthe approvcd Project Plans. . Change [he title orthe column "Maximum No Dwellings" to "MaJuffium No. DweI1ings/BuiIding Area" consistent with thc ehart provided in the May 18, 2004 City Council Staff Rcport. . Change "43" in tbe Maximum No. Dwellmgs column to "42" consistent with Sheet 4 of the Project Plans and add the word "Condominiums" . Change "13" in thc Maximum No. Dwellings column to "14" consistent with Sbeet 4 of the ProJect Plans and add the word "Condomininms" . Add thc word "Condominiums" following 56 in the Subtotal row under column Maximum No Dwelhngs/Building Area. . Changc thc "0" in thc Maximum No. Dwellings/Buildmg AIea column to "14,377 sq ft. of commcreial rctail" consistent with the chart provIded m the May 18,2004 City Council Staff Report. . Under the column PD Stage No add "and 2" to the commercial rctail row . Under the colunm PD Stage No. add "I and 2" to the Total row Proposed Clean,uD Item No.2 On page 5, the "Nute" following Temporary Uses stotcs, "Uscs not specifically approved throue:h the Sitc Developmcl1t Review for the project shall rcquirc a Site Development ReView Waiver approval by thc Community Development Director" Uses arc not approved through the Site Development Review process, they are a function of the zoning. Therefore, a Site Development Rcvicw Waiver to allow for uses nol speclfically approved thnmgh a SIte Development Rcvicw would be an maccurate statement. Page 11 of 13 This "Note" IS proposed to he revised to read as follows: "Uses not speci fically listcd shall requtr1: f). )- mmOf amendment to the P!UllllOd Development Zoning Distnct In accordancc with Section !U2.OfW ofthe Dublin Zoning Ordinance." Proposed Clean-up Hem No.3 Section 5 on pagc 7 titlcd "Phasing Plan" This sectIOn should refer to Sheet 2 ofExhihll A-I (pTClJecl plans) not Sheet 4 proposed Clean-up Item No.4 Section 9 on pagc 7 titlcd "Aerial Photo" This sechon should refcr to Sheet 3 of Exhibit A-I (pTClJecl plans) not Sheet 2. Planning C",,,missiolf Action The Planmng COmnllSSlOn dIscussed at length the four options Staff presented at thc Junc 12, Z006 Planning Commission mocting (Attachment 17). Dunng deliberations, the Planning Commission acknowledged the City Council's intent when approVing the San Ramon Village Plaza development project that the commcrcial remodel and construetion oC 56 resldenbal umts was to occur simultaneously and expressed concern over separating the two components ofthc project as proposed by Braddock & Logan. The Commission discussed the options and fell that the three alternatives which bed residential occupancies to any portion of the commercial remodel, did not aclneve the goal of ensuring that the commercial remodel would be completed simultaneously with the residential units. Because Braddock & Logan was ISsued Building Permits for the construction of the residential portion of the project and because Bancor Properties has not adhered to the construction schedule that they preVIOusly outlined to City Staff, the CommiSSIon felt that Braddock & Logan should be allowed to separate themselves from the eonunerclal remodel and obtain occupancies of their umts. Jeff Lawrence of Braddock & Logan was at the hearing; there wcre no representuhves from Bancor Properties at the Plallmng Commission meeting. On a vote 3-1-1, with onc Commissioner being absent, the Planning Commission approved Resolution 06- 15 recommending City Council approval of Braddock & Logan's request to amend the Planned Development Zomng Phasmg Plan to separatc the residential portion of the project from the commercial portion (Attachmcnt 18). The Planning CommISSion found that their recommendation to the City Council is consistent with the General Plan In that no changcs arc proposed to the land uses for the Zoning District theref\Jre the amendment remains consistent with the General Plan land llSe designation of Mixed,Use. Thc Commission also found that the amendment IS consistent with General Plan Gulding Policy A under Secbol1 2.2.3 Nelghhorhood Shopping Ccnters which is to strengthen existing neighborhood shopping centers. The Commission felt that the upgrading of surrounding commercial properties in the City of San Ramon and the upcoming proposed remodel of the Shell Gas Station adjacent to the San Ramon Village Pl"",a shoptlmg center would rcsult in an economic incentive for Bancor Propcrtics to redevelop the commcrcial portion of the project. The Planning Commission also felt that by allOWing Braddock & Logan to proceed with the occupuncy orthe residential portion of the project would result in an incrcase in the populal1on wlthm walking distance of the commercial center whIch would help support existing and new husinesses and thus contributc to the economic viabihty of thc shopping center With respect to the minor clean-up Items to the Planned Development Zoning, the Planning Commission voted 4-0-1, with one CommiSSIOner being absent, recommending City Council approval (Attachmcnt 18)_ Page 120fl3 CONCLUSION: J';) of);L Brddduck & Logan t~ seeking an amendment to the adopted Plmmed Development Zoning District (PA 02-0(3) to modify the Phasing Plan lor Willows at San Ramon Village Plaza projcct. Willows is part ofa mixed-use development project whICh mcludes the remodeling of a 14,377 square fool commerdal buildlOg and the construcllOn of 56 residential units, Braddock & Logan has pruposcd a modificd Phasing Plan which rcmovcs thc commercial remodel from the Phasing Plan and allows for the phasmg of lhe residential units in four (4) phases. Staff provided Ibur options for the PlwIDlT)g COmml$SlOn'S consideration and sought dlrectiun on which alternative the Plannmg Commission would Iikc to recommend to tbe City Council. Thc PllllUling CommissIOns recommendation to the City Council is to approve Bmddock & Logan's request to amend the adopted Phasing Plan to allow occupancies of the 56 re~idential units. Thc Planning Commission IS also recommending to thc City Council the approval of minor clean-up items to the Planned Development Zoning for thc San Ramon Village Plaza development prOJect. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Reeeive Staff presentatIon; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant mid the public; 4) Close !he public hearing and deliberate; and, 5) Waive the reading and introduce an Ordinance (Altacbment '19) approving an amendment to an adopted Phasing Plan for Planned Development Zoning District (PA 02-063) for Willows at San R.I.lmon Village and approving minor revisions to thc Development Plan fOf Planned Development Zoning Ordinance (P A 02-063) or provide Staff direction Oll a dJfferent option, Page 13 of 13