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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 ShamrockFord 3Trucks CITY CLERK File # ~~~-~---][~---~ AGEN DA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 4, 2003 SI.IBJECT: Award of Bid for Purchase of Three City Trucks Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Bid Proposal RECOMMENDATION: _~Award Purchase Order in the amount of $57,123.54 to  ~~. ) Shamrock Ford for the purchase of three City trucks FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A total of $75,000 has been budgeted for the purchase of three City trucks in Fiscal Year 2002-2003 ($50,000 in the Internal Service Fund and $25,000 in the Engineering Operating Fund). Bids received: Reduction Total Base Bid (1%) for Local Bid for Per Truck Businesses Comparison Shamrock Ford $19,041.18 ($190.41) $18,850.77 Hayward Ford $19,370.95 $19,370.95 East Bay Ford Truck $ 20,146.40 $ 20,146.40 Downtown Toyota $ 25,964.25 $ 25,964.25 Dublin Toyota $ 27,998.28 ($ 280.00) $ 27,718.28 Toyota-Vallejo $ 29,062.94 $ 29,062.94 Walnut Creek Toyota $ 29,605.96 $ 29,605.96 Total Cost: 3 Trucks @ $19,041.18 each = $ 57,123.54 The low bid received (including sales tax, delivery and other associated fees), plus the estimated cost of installing City seal decals, safety kit and emergency road kit, is within funds budgeted for purchase of the three vehicles. The estimated annual expense per vehicle is approximately $5,800, including a 7-year amortization, repairs and fuel. This annual cost is expected to be partially offset by the reduction in payments to Staff for personal vehicle mileage reimbursement. Maintenance will be by contract to local vehicle dealers and service facilities. COPIES TO: Bidders ITEM NO. ~~ G:~VlISCPROJ\Trucks 2002-03\agstaward.doc j?~ ~, DESCRIPTION: For Fiscal Year 2002-2003, the City is currently operating two City- owned trucks and one rental truck for three Public Works Inspectors. The two City-owned trucks have been in service for the past 7 years and are scheduled for replacement. These trucks serve the City's Public Works Inspectors for inspection of private development and Capital Improvement Projects and for transportation for City-related work. On February 4, 2003, City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for the purchase of three City trucks. It was proposed to purchase 4-wheel drive vehicles due to the need to perform inspections on large grading operations in rough terrain and sometimes muddy conditions. It was also proposed to purchase the extended cab version of the trucks to accommodate multiple sets of large improvements plans in the cab that need to be kept out of the weather. Bid specifications subsequently distributed to Toyota, Chevrolet, and Ford dealerships within Dublin and nearby cities provided for a 1% discount to Dublin businesses for the purpose of comparing total cost for bid award. This 1% reduction for local businesses represents the 1% in sales tax that ~vould be returned to the City for a sale in Dublin. A total of seven bids were received, the results of which are shown in the Financial section of this Report. The amount of $19,041.18 per truck submitted by Shamrock Ford was the lowest bid, even prior to the 1% reduction allowed for a local dealership in cost comparison. Staff has reviewed the bid results and recommends that the City Council award the Purchase Order in the amount of $57,123.54 to Shamrock Ford for the purchase of three City trucks. Page 2 CITY OF DUBLIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MODEL YEAR 2003 - CITY TRUCKS BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY FORM I have received the documents relative to the City of Dublin Vehicle purchase. The bid package includes Vehicle Specifications.' Deadline for response: 2:00 p.m., on February 18~ 2003. In submitting this proposal, I agree: · To hold my bid open for final approval by the City Council, but not to exceed 30 days from the date of this proposal; , · To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, and Bid Specifications; and · To enter into a contract based upon a purchase order reflecting the terms found in the specifications, if a~varded on the basis of this proposal. The following costs relate to the total cost of the vehicle as defined in the specifications, including applicable delivery charges, dealer preparation, taxes and fees. Vehicle Cost (inc. dealer prep & standard warranty) ~ ~r[j~-~O..oc. Delivery N,/~ -"-- , _ Fees ~, ~~,~'~'7" ~' · .~ . .. ~ . . , ...., . , ~ (Must be before six .w_ eeks from City q~~~~~, 480o DUBLIn BkW. Submitted by: DUI~L~N, CA 94588-2489 Name~~ Business Nme Contact