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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 G&O Status and CIP Schedule CITY CLERK File # D[I][Q][Q]-[8][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 21,2006 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Goals & Objectives Status Report & CIP Schedule Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Goals & Objectives Status Report. Capital Improvement Program Schedule. RECOMMENDATION: ~Staffrecommends that the City Council receive the report: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None. DESCRIPTION: On June 13,2006, the City Council adopted the Goals & Objectives Program for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. In order to keep the City Council abreast of Staff progress towards the objectives assigned by the City Council, Staff has prepared a bi-monthly status report for the period ending October 31, 2006. Since adoption, five additional objectives have been included in the Goals & Objectives Program: Included in Previous Update · Undertake Voter Opinion Research to determine community support for tax increase for Recreation! Aquatic Complex and Dublin Historic Park (Finance Section - Additional G&O LB.I). . Update Historic Village Area Specific Plan by adding properties to the Specific Plan area (Planning Section - Additional G&O II.A.I). New Inclusion in This Update · In cooperation with the DUSD, update the existing agreement regarding use of facilities between the City and DUSD (Parks & Community Services Section - Additional G&O III.A.I). · Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the Parks projects for Dougherty Hills Dog Park (Heritage & Cultural Arts Section - Additional G&O IILB.I). . Facilitate inclusion of artworks in the Shannon Community Center Reconstruction project (Heritage & Cultural Arts Section - Additional G&O III.B.II). COPY TO: ITEM NO. 41- Page 1 of2 In the report, shaded items denote a status change since the last update. As of this update, a total of 11 of 99 objectives (11 %) have been completed. With respect to high priority objectives, a total of 11 out of83 (13%) have been completed. In June 2006, the City Council approved a Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2006-2011 and appropriated funds for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. The attached CIP schedule lists 49 projects that received funding in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. The schedule shows the status for each project and also identifies an estimated start and completion date. The schedule only includes a time frame for those projects that are funded in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Subsequent phases and future projects included in the Five Year CIP, but not funded in Fiscal Year 2006-2007, are not listed on the schedule. An additional schedule has been included in this update, which provides more detailed information for the Eastern Dublin Arterial Street Improvements project. Six (6) projects have been completed since the program was approved in June 2006. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report. COPY TO: Page 2 of2 ITEM NO. ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 MASTER # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADMINISTRATION 1. High Pattillo 2005 Conduct programming study for Civic Center. Sep 2005 Jan 2007 UNDERWAY; Staff reviewing documents associated with programming study. 2. High Pattillo/Silver 2006 Prepare and implement mandatory ethics training for legislative Oct 2006 Peb 2007 UNDER WAY; First training complete Oct 2006 bodies. and second will be in Peb 2007. 3. High Ambrose/Silver 2006 Conduct comprehensive update to City's Municipal Code Aug 2006 Jun 2008 UNDERWAY 4. High Rankin 2006 Develop Technology Master Plan for City of Dublin Sep 2006 Mar 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant Agreement to be Organization. awarded November 2006. Report to be completed Spring 2007. 5. High Pattillo 2006 Develop comprehensive community-wide diversity plan. Jul2006 Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Council to grantRFP approval for a consultant to develop community study Nov 2006. (See III A.3) ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ADMINISTRATION) B. FINANCE 1. High Rankin 2001 Evaluate the need to replace the City's accounting system. Sep 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; RFP released for Consultant in October; Award contract December; Report to be completed Spring 2007. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FINANCE) 1. Ambrose 2005 Undertake Voter Opinion Research to determine community Dec 2005 TBD NO PROGRESS; Project deferred due to support for tax increase for Recreation! Aquatic Complex and evaluation of other financing alternatives; See Dublin Historic Park. Objective III A. 2. C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 1. High Ram 2003 Work with cities in the Tri Valley Area to develop and maintain Jul 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Clearing House opened in affordable housing opportunities, and publicize and coordinate September 2005; Permanent executive director the regions housing needs. selected. 2. High Ram/Foss 2004 Participate in Tri Valley Vision Project. Jul 2003 Ongoing UNDERWAY; Staff continues to work with the Tri-Valley Business Council on the Preserving Prosperity Project as well as other issues of regional significance. Page 1 ATTACHMEl\lT ~! ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS) D. PUBLIC RELATIONS 1. High Carter 2006 Produce a City wide Newsletter. Aug 2006 Nov 2006 NEARLY COMPLETE; To be mailed to citizenry in Nov. 2. High Carter 2005 Plan and implement 25th Year Cityhood Celebration. Feb 2006 Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Council approved celebrations and commemorative items. 3. High Holman 2006 Evaluate the need to improve the Citizen and Organization of COMPLETE the Year Programs 4. High Carter 2006 Include City calendar in 25th Year Celebration Jul2006 Nov 2006 NEARLY COMPLETE; To be mailed to citizenry in Dec. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PUBLIC RELATIONS) E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1. High Thuman 2006 Crossing Guards Contract Evaluation. Feb 2007 May 2007 NO PROGRESS 2. High Ram 2006 Building & Safety Contract Evaluation. Feb 2007 May 2007 NO PROGRESS 3. High Pattillo 2006 Fire Service Contract Evaluation. Feb 2007 May 2007 NO PROGRESS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING 1. High Ram/Lowart 2002 Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon COMPLETE property and implement Specific Plan, if required. 2. High Ram 2004 Implement residential planned development and investigate Dec 2002 TBD UNDERWAY; Building permits issues for EAH, opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit DR Horton and Avalon Bay; Metropolitan in plan Center. check; Village Green in plan check. 3. High Ram 2003 Complete General Plan Amendment on Dimanto Property. TBD TBD UNDERWAY; No application submitted. 4. High Ram/Lowart 2003 Complete GP A Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of- Jan 2006 Mar 2007 UNDER WAY; Community meeting held on Way. October 18, 2006. 5. High Ram 2003 Complete Review of Moller annexation and General Plan Jul2004 Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; EIR in public review. Specific Plan Amendments. Page 2 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 6. High Ram 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) TBD TBD UNDERWAY; Waiting for Army to select Master General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Developer. 7. High Ram 2006 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan Aug 2006 Jul2007 UNDER WAY; Request for Proposals process closed with no selection; New Requests for Proposals being prepared; Scheduled for review at Dec 5, 2006 Council Meeting. 8. High Ram 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Dec 2006 Mar 2008 UNDERWAY; Request for Proposals being Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the prepared; Scheduled for review at Dec 5, 2006 entire Downtown Area. Council Meeting. 9. High Ram 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Sep 2006 Feb 2007 UNDERWAY; Contract awarded; Walking tours completed; Community meeting held on Oct 30, 2006. 10. High Ram 2006 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation of General Plan and TBD TBD NO PROGRESS; Developer is not ready to Specific Plan Amendments. submit proposal. 11. High Ram 2006 Hold study session with Planning Commission to discuss how Peb 2007 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS Dublin Blvd will look and feel from Schaefer Road to Fallon Road. 12. Medium Ram 1996 Update City's General Plan. NO PROGRESS 13. Medium Ram 1996 Develop City Comprehensive Telecommunications Policy. NO PROGRESS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PLANNING) 1. Ram 2006 Update Historic Village Area Specific Plan by adding properties UNDER WAY; City Council initiated process on to the Specific Plan area. September 5, 2006. B. HOUSING 1. High Ram/Rankin 2003 hnplement First Time Homeowner Program COMPLETE 2. High Ram/Pattillo 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment Jul 2004 Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Developer team selected for of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. redevelopment of site; Staff working with HUD for disposal of HUD property as well as securing Section 8 vouchers. 3. High Ram 2006 Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Jun 2006 Jun 2008 UNDERWAY; Attending meetings on Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an development ofRHNA methodology. equitable manner 4. High Ram 2006 Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make Oct 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Application materials are now progress report to City CounciL available. Page 3 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 5. Medium Ram 2003 Revise Density Bonus Ordinance Jul 2003 Feb 2007 UNDER WAY; Study sessions are being held with Planning Commission. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (HOUSING) C. BUILDING & SAFETY 1. High Shreeve 2004 Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an Jut 2004 Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Meeting held by Housing amendment to Building Code Requirements. Committee; Reviewed by City Council; Joint Study Session with Housing Committee and City Council to be scheduled. 2. High Shreeve 2006 Conduct study to determine amount of construction taking place Sep 2006 Jun 2007 UNDER WAY; Survey in progress. without building permits to determine if an enhanced building permit compliance program is needed. 3. High Shreeve 2006 Implement real-time electronic field inspection system. Jun 2007 Jun 2008 NO PROGRESS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (BUILDING & SAFETY) D. ENGINEERING 1. High Morton 2006 Develop Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GRAD) Jul2006 Dec 2006 NEARLY COMPLETE standards for the formation of the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon Village GHADs. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ENGINEERING) E. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. High Foss 2003 Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify COMPLETE; New tenant to be 99 Ranch Market; replacement alternatives. Lease executed; 99 Ranch is preparing to take possession of the premises; Expected to open by May 2007. 2. High Foss 2006 Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Jul2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; City Council approved a request Plaza site. on September 19, 2006, to work with Custom Fireplace, Patio and BBQ to initiate a Downtown Core Specific Plan amendment study to allow additional development on site. Page 4 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 3. High Foss 2003 Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new Jul 2003 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Staff is processing building improvements to the Center. permits and is working with potential tenants for a new 17,500 s.f. retail building. 4. High Foss 2006 Work with Dublin Chamber of Commerce to create a program Sep 2006 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS to recognize Dublin businesses through events in local papers, City Newsletters, websites, etc. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) III. CULTURE & LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. High Lowart 2005 Undertake development of design and construction documents Apr 2005 Jan 2007 UNDERWAY; Design development complete; for new Community Center at Shannon Park. Construction documents in progress. 2. High Ambrose/Lowart 2005 Undertake development of design and construction documents TBD TBD NO PROGRESS; Pending evaluation of for new Recreation Center/Aquatic Center Complex at Emerald public/private partnership. Glen Park. 3. High Lowart 2006 Conduct in-depth community needs assessment and opinion Sep 2006 Dec 2007 UNDERWAY; Draft RFP to Council in Nov survey of Department programs and services, and develop a 2006. Agreement to Council in Jan 2007. Strategic Plan for Department programs and services. 4. High Lowart 2006 Prepare an update to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. COMPLETE 5. High Lowart 2006 Develop and implement four (4) family-oriented Jul2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; First event held in Sep 2006; programs/events. Remaining events will be during spring and early summer 2007. 6. Medium Lowart 2004 Work with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition Dec 2002 TBD NO PROGRESS; Property owner not interested in in the western hills for an Open Space Area. selling land at this time. 7. Medium Lowart 2004 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the Jul2004 TBD UNDERWAY; Although property owner not western hills for an Open Space Area. interested in selling land at this time; Altamont Open Space funding available. 8. Medium Lowart 2004 Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, TBD TBD NO PROGRESS complete an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. 9. Medium Lowart 2004 Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify Jul 2004 TBD UNDERWAY I potential sites for a unique passive park/recreation facility. Page 5 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 10. Medium LowartlThuman 2006 Explore the feasibility of establishing a Police Activities League Dec 2006 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS (PAL) program in partnership with Dublin Police Services. If feasible, establish PAL non-profit organization and Board of Directors. 11. Medium Lowart 2004 Assess potential for joint project! facility improvements at TBD TBD NO PROGRESS; Dependent on School District. Dublin High School. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES) 1. Lowart 2006 In cooperation with the DUSD, update the existing agreement Oct 2006 Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Start~up meeting held with School regarding use of facilities between the City and DUSD. District. B. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS 1. High Lowart 2004 Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial COMPLETE feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park including DHP A land/cemetery feasibility study. 2. High Lowart 2005 Coordinate grand re-opening of Murray Schoolhouse to COMPLETE commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Schoolhouse upon completion of the exhibit restoration project. 3. High Lowart 2004 Work with Ulferts on the installation of public art as a condition COMPLETE of proj ect approval. 4. High Lowart 2002 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the Sep 2002 May 2007 UNDER WAY; Designed approved by City Parks projects for Bray Commons Neighborhood Park. Council; Installation by spring 2007. 5. High Lowart 2004 Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in Ju1 2004 TBD NO PROGRESS; Proposed artwork for Village two key places ofthe Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green Green deferred by Council until 25% occupancy Center and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. of Site B; No occupancy to date; Iron Horse Plaza timeline TBD. 6. High Lowart 2006 Facilitate the selection of public art as a condition of approval Ju1 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Two (2) projects complete to date. for five (5) private development projects which currently have land use entitlements. 7. High Lowart 2006 Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse Aug 2006 Dec 2006 UNDERWAY; New application to be submitted to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. by December 2006. Page 6 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 8. High Lowart 2006 Pursue accreditation for the Heritage Center through the Sep 2006 Mar 2008 UNDERWAY; Phase I Museum Assessment American Association of Museums. Program completed April 2006; Phase II application for Public Dimension assessment due by February 2007; (Process takes approximately one year to complete from application submittal date). 9. High Lowart 2006 Develop a Teen Apprentice Camp for the youth at the Heritage Mar 2007 Aug 2007 NO PROGRESS Center. 10. High Lowart 2006 Develop a year-round Children's Theatre program. Jun 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Two summer theatre camps completed in July/August 2006; Children's Musical Theatre program offered in Fall 2006 at Nielsen School. 11. High Lowart 2006 Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment Jan 2006 TBD NO PROGRESS; Application details have not grant for Dublin Historic Park Project. been released by the State. 12. High Lowart 2006 Coordinate one (1) new visual arts exhibit at the Civic Center, Jan 2006 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS Senior Center, or Library. 13. High Lowart 2006 Expand program activities and hours of Heritage Center. COMPLETE 14. Medium Lowart 2004 Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of Jul 2004 TBD UNDERWAY; Design will include area for the West Dublin BART Station Project. Public Art; Developer has no funding available to include Public Art in project. 15. Medium Lowart 2004 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Jul 2006 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS; Not funded in Fiscal Year Proj ect. 2006/2007. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS) 1. Lowart 2006 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the May 2006 Apr 2007 UNDERWAY; Recommended for approval by the Parks projects for Dougherty Hills Dog Park. Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission and Parks & Community Services Commission; Presentation to City Council Nov 2006. 2. Lowart 2006 Facilitate inclusion of artworks in the Shannon Community Jul 2006 Sep 2008 UNDERWAY; Council approved public art Center Reconstruction project. locations and type of art; solicitation of Selection Committee in progress. IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE 1. High Thuman 2004 Develop a teen driver safety/education program. Aug 2004 May 2007 UNDERWAY; Working with Dublin HS Dean of Curriculum and DPS Traffic Unit for instruction dates in spring 2007. Page 7 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 2. High Thuman 2006 Formalize volunteer program to enhance community/police Aug 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Awaiting space/facilities interaction and to support police operations. expansion evaluation prior to proceeding. 3. High Thuman 2006 Explore the feasibility of a multi-jurisdictional enforcement Aug 2006 Jun 2007 UNDER WAY; Meeting completed with ACSO, team to help reduce commercial burglaries in the Tri-Valley LPD and PPD concerning issues (Oct 2006); Joint with a focus on construction related theft. Task Force Operations to be scheduled by each agency. 4. High Thuman 2006 Partner with the Dublin Unified School District to provide a safe Sep 2006 May 2007 UNDERWAY; Curriculum review in progress. school environment by conducting classroom safety training for teachers. 5. High Thuman 2006 Increase DUI awareness and education through the performance Aug 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; OTS Grant was not awarded; DUI of three (3) DUI Checkpoints, pending the award of OTS grant Checkpoints will be completed with assistance of funding. other agencies. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (POLICE) B. ANIMAL CONTROL No Objectives for FY 2006-2007. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (ANIMAL CONTROL) C. FIRE SERVICES 1. High Pattillo 2006 Conduct open houses at each fire station with emphasis on self Sep 2006 Mar 2007 UNDERWAY; Open house for all Fire Stations preparedness for disasters. completed in Oct 2006; Open house scheduled for St. Patrick's Day pancake breakfast. 2. High Pattillo 2006 Conduct fire safety outreach for businesses relative to Sep 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Curriculum being reviewed. emergency preparedness. 3. High Pattillo 2005 Implement the Auto-Pulse Resuscitation System and present Jul 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Awaiting results from County data and recommendations on the effectiveness of the system. Medical Directors special study. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (FIRE SERVICES) Page 8 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION D. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 1. High Pattillo 2005 Identify and secure location for more adequate Emergency Nov 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant selected to conduct Operations Center. programming study for Maintenance/EOC facility. 2. High Carter 2006 Conduct City Council Disaster Training. Sep 2006 Ian 2007 Training to be scheduled in January 2007. 3. High Carter 2006 Conduct citywide disaster exercise. Sep 2006 Apr 2007 Exercise is scheduled in April 2007 in conjunction with other County disaster exercise. 4. High Pattillo 2004 Provide "Train the Trainer" course and materials to Dublin COMPLETE Unified School District for school disaster training. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) E. WASTE MANAGEMENT 1. High Carter 2006 Conduct audit of exclusive and non-exclusive solid waste Nov 2006 May 2007 UNDERWAY; Development ofRFP in progress. franchisees to ensure accurate diversion reporting and remittance of franchise fees. 2. High Morton!Lowart 2006 Install recycled water at Civic Center. Apr 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Working with DSRSD to discuss feasibility. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (WASTE MANAGEMENT) V. TRANSPORTATION A. MAINTENANCE 1. High Morton 2004 Examine potential funding sources for design and construction Nov 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant selected to conduct of a maintenance yard and secure a site if funding becomes programming study. available 2. High Morton/Rankin 2006 Complete Building Management Study Jul 2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant selection Oct 2006. 3. High Morton 2006 Implement five (5) new community volunteer projects. Jul2006 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; 4 projects complete, 2 pending. ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (MAINTENANCE) B. TRANSPORTATION 1. High Morton 2004 Participate in Tri- Valley Triangle Analysis to prioritize 1-580, 1- Jul 2005 Mar 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant experiencing 680 and Route 84 transportation improvements. significant delays in completing hybrid analysis. 2. High Morton 2004 Update Tri- Valley Transportation Development Fee Nexus Jul2005 Feb 2007 UNDERWAY Study together with the other (6) six agencies in the TVTC. Page 9 ADOPTED 2006-2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES BIMONTHLY REPORT AS OF 10-31-06 # COUNCIL PERSON YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STATUS PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE GOAL START COMPLETION 3. High Morton 2004 Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasant on to conduct a COMPLETE preliminary engineering study and identifY funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580 to Pleasanton trails. 4. High Morton 2001 Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B ] ul 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. 5. High Morton 2004 Utilize new CCT A traffic model to work with Livermore, Oct 2005 Jun 2007 UNDER WAY; Waiting for completion of the Tri- Pleasanton, Alameda County and the Tri-ValIey Transportation Valley Triangle Study and Pleasanton' s date Council to examine configurations of streets parallel to 1-580 regarding the Stoneridge Road extension. (Le., Dublin Blvd. /North Canyons Parkway, Stoneridge Drive/Jack London Blvd.) and make recommendations/advocacy. 6. High Morton 2002 Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing Sep 2005 Jun 2007 UNDERWAY; City Attorney drafting agreement. agreement for the ultimate improvement of the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange. 7. High Morton 2006 Work with LA VTA and BART to improve connectivity between Jul2006 Sep 2006 NEARLY COMPLETE; Shuttle service provided the City Park-and-Ride lot and the BART Station. by LA VT A and underway; Outreach conducted on 511, LA VT A, BART, and City websites; Signage still to be installed. 8. High Morton 2004 As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Feb 2006 TBD NO PROGRESS Central Parkway extension to Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. 9. High Morton 2004 Develop a City-wide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle Jul2005 Jan 2007 NEARLY COMPLETE access to parks and open space areas. 10 High Morton 2005 Prepare global transportation plan for City (multi-modal). Apr 2007 Jun 2007 NO PROGRESS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (TRANSPORTATION) Page 10 CITY OF DUI?L1N FY 2006-2007 CIP STATUS AS OF 10/31/2006 GENERAL ID 1 Number 93135 Project Name CTV Studio Remodel Status UNDERWAY; CTV is negotiating space needs with the Pleasanton Unified School District. (Behind schedule) UNDERWAY; Award Consultant Agreement by Nov 2006; 16-week project; Report complete by Mar. 2 93150 Network System Upgrade 3 Accounting System 93191 UNDERWAY; Phase 1-Consultant Assessment; RFP released in Oct and goal is to award by Dec; Phase 1 report by Mar. 4 93192 Geographic Information System NO PROGRESS; Scope of work for consultant will be (Phase III) developed. Work will occur after Jan 1,2007. 5 93200 Building Permit System UNDERWAY; RFP process closed with no consultant selected to go forward; New RFP under preparation. 6 93402 Maintenance Facility Study UNDERWAY; Staff reviewing draft design criteria. 7 93451 Library Repairs UNDERWAY; Construction to begin Nov 2006 with a one month duration. 8 93462 Inspector Trailers NO PROGRESS; Utility hook-ups Apr 2007 with trailer move Jun 2007. 9 93900 Building Management Study UNDERWAY 10 93910 Civic Center Mod. Design Svcs UNDERWAY; Report to City Council Dec 2006. & Construction 11 93917 ADA Transition Plan UNDERWAY; Field inventory and base map complete; Public outreach underway; Final report to council in early spring. 12 93923 Civic Center Window Sealing UNDERWAY; Project award to City Council Nov 2006; Weather permitting, work to begin thereafter. ~ 13 93970 Automated Document Storage & NO PROGRESS - Retrieval System Q) (') :T 14 94500 Public Facility Fee Study Update UNDERWAY; Appraisal complete. 3 Cl) ~ - N Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 1 ID Number Project Name 1 94250 Sidewalk Safety Repair 2 94601 San Ramon Road Concrete Sound Wall Maintenance 3 94942 Seasonal Street Banners Underline denotes changes since previous update CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2006-2007 CIP STATUS AS OF 10/31/2006 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Status Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov NO PROGRESS NO PROGRESS UNDERWAY; Council approved Red Ribbon Week & holiday banners; Summer and Dublin Pride Week to Council Dec 2006. Page 2 CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2006-2007 CIP STATUS AS OF 10/31/2006 PARKS 10 Number Project Name Status 1 95010 Community Needs Assessment UNDERWAY 2 95210 Stagecoach Park Assessment UNDERWAY; Meter purchased. District Water Meter 3 95465 Shannon Community Center UNDERWAY; Design development approved, Reconstruction construction documents in progress. 4 95555 Dublin Historic Park COMPLETE; Master Plan Complete. 5 95556 Dublin Historic Park Acquistition UNDERWAY 6 95566 Murray Schoolhouse Exhibit COMPLETE Restoration 7 95602 Emerald Glen Park Recreation & NO PROGRESS; Pending evaluation of public/private Aquatic Complex partnership. 8 95625 Dougherty Hill Park - Dog Park UNDERWAY; Constructing Began in Sep 2006. 9 95631 Park Furniture Replacement COMPLETE 10 95635 Park Play Area Renovations NO PROGRESS; Project to begin Nov 2006. 11 95640 Dublin Ranch Neighborhood UNDERWAY; Area F Neighborhood Square. Parks 12 95640 Dublin Ranch Neighborhood UNDERWAY; Area G Neighborhood Square; Parks Consultant under contract; Design process underway. 13 95640 Dublin Ranch Neighborhood NO PROGRESS; Area F Neighborhood Park. Parks 14 95830 Dublin Sports Ground Renovation NO PROGRESS; To begin after the fields close in December. 15 95851 Fallon Sports Park (Water Meter) COMPLETE; Water meter purchased. Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 3 CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2006-2007 CIP STATUS AS OF 10/31/2006 STREETS 12007 ID Number Project Name Status Jul I Auq I SeD I Oct I Nov I Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb I Mar I Apr 1 May I Jun 1 94520 Tri-Valley Triangle Study UNDERWAY .m,~~.~.~ "" ",_'w, ~ 2 96001 Tri-Valley Transportation COMPLETE Development Fee Regional Transportation Projects 3 96011 West Dublin BART Station UNDERWAY; Building permit for Avalon Bay issued Ii' ...... . Corridor Enhancement - Dublin Aug 30, 2006; MTC to allocate funds and Caltrans Boulevard - Hansen Drive to field review to follow. Clark Avenue 4 96012 East Dublin BART Station UNDERWAY; Requested MTC to add $300K earmark I ",,"': . Corridor Enhancement - Dublin to project for Dublin/Dougherty gateway feature; Boulevard - Tassajara Road to Scope of work for design underway. Clark Avenue 5 96022 Dublin Boulevard Bridge NO PROGRESS [ ::",V: . ....,',,',;;i: Resurfacing at Alamo Canal 6 96082 Underground Utilities - Dublin UNDERWAY; City contract work completed; Utility I ~ Blvd./Dougherty Rd. intersection companies to mobilize and complete their respective and Vicinity improvements by Dec2006. 7 96400 Eastern Dublin Arterial Street UNDERWAY .i:" -. Improvements 8 96430 1-580/Fallon Interchange UNDERWAY; Awaiting Caltrans approval. I"'~ .':'" .. ~ Improvements 9 96452 Downtown Traffic Signal UNDERWAY .>'.: ~ Equipment Replacement 10 96580 Annual Street Overlay Program UNDERWAY; Pavement management program [_._-~~ ' '''e' "", update being conducted. ' '" , 11 96585 Annual Slurry Seal Program NO PROGRESS I ~ ,-'M',.'''",.,' 12 96773 Alamo Canal Trail Under 1-580 COMPLETE; Study complete. 13 96775 Citywide Bicycle / Pedestrian UNDERWAY; Plan is nearing completion. I~':";""""ii:': ..:,:..",,~ Plan ".":.':': 14 96840 Scarlett Dr / Iron Horse trail UNDERWAY; Preliminary engineering to be ,.:.> . .:". ":i: ., ,,~:i;i '" ....i::;;' ;;:;':::':,..:~~',' . Extension completed Jun 2007. 15 96852 Dougherty Rd Improvements- UNDERWAY; Building demolition contract to Council II'F',1';1:E',"," '",:.:: i,;; ~ Houston to 1-580 Nov 2006; Final design for project nearly complete. 16 96870 St. Patrick Way - Regional UNDERWAY I '/ ':.",:".,: . 'L::i~;f:~;"::~;'. '::'!1;;' ".'"'''''' ........'. Street to Golden Gate Drive ; 17 96920 Dublin Boulevard Improvements UNDERWAY .::.:::.....:..: ,. -.,,,,,,,,," ":"'''''':'::.:, .:. :"", ".:"i:.. ~ - Village Parkway to Sierra Court Underline denotes changes since previous update Page 4 10 1 Number 96400 CITY OF DUBLIN FY 2006-2007 CIP STATUS AS OF 10/31/2006 EASTERN DUBLIN ARTERIAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 96400 Project Name Tassajara Road from Dublin Ranch Phase I north to Fallon Road. Four lanes total. Two to be constructed by Pinn, two by Un. Status UNDERWAY; Pinn section under construction; Un portion pending approval and development of Wallis Ranch. Median on Dublin Blvd. between UNDERWAY; Under construction. Scarlett Dr. and DeMarcus Blvd. Fallon Rd. from Tassajara Rd southeasterly to the end of Dublin Ranch improvements. Installation of a westbound right-turn from Dublin Boulevard to northbound Hacienda Drive Pavement overlay on Central Parkway just east of Tassajara Road Dedications and improvements along Tassajara Road south of the proposed intersection with Fallon Road Improvements to Fallon Road between Dublin Boulevard and 1-580. Underline denotes changes since previous update 2 96400 3 96400 4 96400 5 96400 6 96400 7 96400 NO PROGRESS; Design complete; Construction on hold until 2007 pending resource agency permit being issued. NO PROGRESS; Project is not currently scheduled for construction. NO PROGRESS; Project is not currently scheduled for construction; Pending development of DiManto property. NO PROGRESS; Project is not currently scheduled; Dependant on timing of DiManto, Wallis Ranch, and Quarry Lane School. UNDERWAY; Under Construction; Completion expected Dee 2006. Page 5 Mar Apr May Jun F..'.,.i1'.'.'...'...iJlIIIo.....'.....'.. ~ ..