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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 StLt MAD83-1EngrRpt AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 18, 2003 CITY CLERK File # D~[(J[Q]-~ 2-iJ SUBJECT: Authorization to Prepare Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-1 Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution directing Staff to prepare the Engineer's Annual Report for Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 83-1 RECOMMENDATION:/~ ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adopt resolution The cost of preparing the Engineer's Report is budgeted in the Engineering and Public Works Operating Budgets and is paid by the Assessment District. DESCRIPTION: This assessment district was established in 1983 to replace the County Service Area, which had paid maintenance and energy costs for public street lights within the City of Dublin. The boundary ofthis assessment district encompasses the entire City, with the exception of Dublin Ranch and Tract 7067, the Clifden Parc development in the western hills. This resolution authorizes the City Engineer to begin preparation of the required Engineer's Report for the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District for FY 2003-2004. The procedure for establishing annual maintenance assessments requires that the City Council first authorize preparation of the report. A preliminary report is then brought back to the City Council for approval later in the year, once the District budget has been formulated. Following the City Council's approval of the preliminary report, a public hearing will be scheduled as required. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution. -------------------------------------------------------------- e' COPIES TO: ~, ~o ITEM NO. ~ . g:\assessdist\83-1 \staffrptinit I ~ \ J RESOLUTION NO. -03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 WHEREAS, on August 2, 1983, by its Resolution No. 38-83, this City Council ordered the formation of' and levied the first assessment within the City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District ("the District") pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of' 1972 (commencing at Section 22500 of the California Streets and Highways Code) (hereinafter, "the Act"); and WHEREAS, Sections 22620 et seq of the Act provide for the levy of annual assessments after formation of the District; and WHEREAS, within said District, the existing and proposed improvements and any substantial changes proposed to be made to the existing improvements are generally described as energy and maintenance work for and to all street lights and acquisition of street lights within the City Limits of the City of Dublin, excepting the street lighting that is maintained through Street Light Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 (Dublin Ranch and Tract 7067);. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby designate the Dublin City Engineer as Engineer for purposes of preparing and filing with the Clerk a written report in accordance with Section 22565 et seq of the Act; said Engineer is hereby directed to apportion said assessments in accordance to the benefits received from said improvements by the lots, pieces and parcels of land within the District, and said Engineer is hereby directed to accomplish such preparation and filing forthwith. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this lSth day of February, 2003. AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g.qassessdist183-11initiatereso ~Tr,flC~,y~' q , (.0 ~ ( t ~ { ~0